Pfizer’s Covid vaccine causes intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into human DNA in vitro, renewing concerns that vaccines may introduce spike protein into the nuclei of cells. TrialSite News has the story.
The findings emerged Friday in a peer-reviewed article entitled “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line” in the Current Issues in Molecular Biology Journal, an imprint of MDPI, the largest open-access publisher in the world and the fifth-largest publisher overall in terms of journal paper output.
Researchers Warn: Pfizer Vaccine May Affect Integrity of Genomic DNA
“Our study shows that BNT162b2 can be reverse transcribed to DNA in liver cell line Huh7, and this may give rise to the concern if BNT162b2-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects,” the authors warn.
The study, authored by a team of Swedish researchers at Lund University, concluded that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine entered the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro and BNT162b2 mRNA was subsequently transcribed intracellularly into DNA within six hours of exposure. …
The authors conclude that BNT162b2 transfects into human liver cell line huh7 in vitro, altering LINE-1 expression and distribution. The authors also find that “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as six hours upon BNT162b2 exposure.”
BNT162b2 is a lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-encapsulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine (modRNA) which resembles gene therapy platforms. Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine encodes the full-length of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. That spike protein is modified by two proline mutations to ensure antigenically optimal pre-fusion conformation, mimicking the intact virus to elicit virus-neutralizing antibodies.
A recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells, which the authors said led them to investigate whether spike transfected by mRNA vaccines might have comparable effects.

mRNA Vaccines Effect on “Genomic Integrity” Should Be Studied
“At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome,” the authors wrote. “Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of BNT162b2 on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to BNT162b2, as well as tissues from human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination.”
Worth reading in full.
Postscript: It has been pointed out to the Daily Sceptic that while the paper we refer to in this article did conclude that by using the Huh7 cell line the Pfizer vaccine was able to enter liver cells as soon as six hours after injection, and that cells subsequently showed the presence of DNA that had been converted from the vaccine’s own genetic material, nevertheless two of the paper’s authors stated in a March 2022 Q&A on the Lund University website addressing misrepresentations of the work that the study’s objective was not to determine whether the Pfizer vaccine alters the human genome. “These findings were observed in petri dishes under experimental conditions, but we do not yet know if the converted DNA is integrated into the cells’ DNA in the genome – and if so, if it has any consequences,” co-author Magnus Rasmussen, a professor at Lund University, said.
Additionally, Rhys Parry, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland, told the fact-checking website Health Feedback that the study does not present evidence that genetic material from the Pfizer vaccine actually enters the nucleus of the liver cells, where the cells’ own genetic material lives. In fact, the study itself stated in its conclusion that “at this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome” and called for “further studies”.
In our defence, we do not consider it reasonable to criticise Will Jones for failing to mention caveats made by two of the paper’s authors after our article was published. It is correct to say that “the study itself stated in its conclusion that ‘at this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome’ and called for ‘further studies’”. Will Jones’s article includes precisely that quote from the study.
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I don’t think its original meaning was respectable either – it was always essentially abusive. My letter to BMJ 27 August 2020:
Regarding the Use of the Term “Anti-Vaxxer”
Dear Editor
Thank you Karyse Day [1] for drawing attention to the problem of the bias and intimidation inherent in the term “anti-vaxxer”. The term has been around perhaps since the 19th century but has evolved a new context. Three years ago I drew attention to the remarks of Seth Berkley, director of the vaccine lobby organisation GAVI, in the Spectator proposing that “anti-vaxxers” be excluded from social media, which meant in effect not only that certain people should not be allowed on social media but that criticism of vaccines should not be allowed on a generic basis – an extremely serious matter[2].
Unfortunately, this has also been a hobby-horse of the present Prime Minister. In August last year Reuter’s recorded Boris Johnson as saying [3]:
“I’m afraid people have just been listening to that superstitious mumbo-jumbo on the internet, all that anti-vax stuff…”
On 24 September 2020 he told the UN [4]:
“There are today people who are still actually anti-science, a whole movement called ‘the anti-vaxxers’ who refuse to acknowledge the evidence that vaccinations have eradicated smallpox and who by their prejudices are actually endangering the very children they want to protect.”
By February this year the Sunday Telegraph was reporting [5]:
“Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become criminal offence, Law Commissioner says
New Law Commissioner Penney Lewis is leading wide-ranging review into whether UK’s offence and abuse laws are fit for the Social Media age…”
And once again the Prime Minister was quoted last month [6]:
“There’s all these anti-vaxxers now,” Johnson told medical workers at a doctor’s surgery in London. “They are nuts, they are nuts.”
While there are a lot of very fed up people I am extremely dubious there is a movement called “the anti-vaxxers” or that they are posting propaganda: at the very best this is a simplistic claim [7,8]. At a time when the government is supposedly trying to earn trust for a range of potential SAR-CoV-2 vaccines the continued disparagement and repression of people who raise questions about a class of products – which after all cannot be inherently safe – speaks for itself. It creates an atmosphere of prejudice and intimidation – such as described in the Cumberlege review [9] and should be seen and understood for what it is.
[1] Karyse Day, ‘Re: Cumberlege review exposes stubborn and dangerous flaws in healthcare’, 25 August 2020,
[2] John Stone, ‘ The Shadow War on Disease: Arbitrary, Oppressive and Unaccountable Medicine’, 9 July 2017,
[3] ‘UK’s Johnson slams ‘mumbo-jumbo’ about vaccines after measles rates rise’, Reuter’s 19 August 2020,…
[4] United Kingdom – Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 74th Session (UN 24 September 2019) @ 8.30
[5] Mike Wright, ‘Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become criminal offence, Law Commissioner says’, 1 February 2020,…
[6] ‘Johnson says anti-vaxxers ‘are nuts”, Reuter’s 24 July 2020,…
[7] John Stone, ‘An appeal to authority is not the same as an appeal to knowledge’, 15 May 2019,
[8] John Stone, ‘Brave new World’, 17 May 2019,
[9] Helen Haskell, ‘Cumberlege review exposes stubborn and dangerous flaws in healthcare’
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 06 August 2020)
Professor Gherardi and Authier did some excellent research between 1998 and 2018 which revealed a mechanism for the toxicity of the alum adjuvant in vaccines.
Their research has been shut down, as has Professor Exleys research on the neurotoxicity of aluminium. Any scientist risks his career to venture into this forbidden territory.
Perhaps we need another label. Antiscience? antihuman? to describe what is really going on..
This is just authoritarian institutional bullying designed to shut down any real tolerant scientific discourse. If you think it was any more respectable with Wakefield I do not believe it was.
Wakefield ….they were clearly warming up to this.
Autism and other vaccine induced injury….if you plan a population wide rollout of a vaccine pass/social credit system…you cannot allow free investigation into these medical issues.
I wonder for how long this has been planned?
And why it was so incredibly important to them to discredit A) Wakefield and B) the results his research revealed
With Wakefield we go back to the 1998 debacle – of course, he broke the medical taboo already very strong in this country of criticising vaccines in any respect, but in those days you could pick and choose your products. Wakefield recognised that actually parents were able in that epoch under the NHS to choose which components separately over time, but of course this was against government/industry plans to expand the schedule indefinitely. If people continued to pick and choose, as in fact they did a lot, it would sabotage business. In fact in the years since the cost of vaccinating a single child according to the schedule has gone up more than a hundred times.
I think eugenicist autocrats have been revising their plans for more than a century (Rockefeller and IBM were up to their ears in Nazi atrocities)
The blueprint for Covid was published by the Rockefeller institute in 2010 following the 2009 swine flu fiasco. Next time they would not fail. This document is beyond belief
I never believed that the MMR caused autism. But so many parents reported children who were later diagnosed having very bad reactions to the jabs that it seemed to me probable that they triggered some crisis short of causation. But there were no shades of grey allowed in that debate.
Pleased to see Wakefield has ended up with a supermodel and is presumably rich and happy.
It’s a complex picture: any vaccine can cause encephalopathy and consequent brain impairment
Last year I asked famous vaccine researcher Christine Benn whether she had any data for neurological impairment for her decades of study in Guinea Bissau and got a frank admission that she’d never looked at it (and she may be now)
There is no question of the real gut issues of the patients that Wakefield was looking at and his co-author Prof Walker-Smith, who was the leading pioneer in paediatric gastro-enterology of the period was completely exonerated. Many autistic people have gut issues too,
One day a thirteen month-old girl is happily crawling at great speed across the carpet and taking baby steps holding on to the furniture, the next morning she is paralysed, unable even to lift her head up. What happened in between was the MMR. My niece was seven before she could walk, and that was after years of intense physiotherapy and NHS-provided stiff leather calipers. She is autistic,of course.
The Rockefeller doc is pure Ubermesnch BS.
“We are at a moment in history that is full of opportunity. Technology is poised to transform the lives of millions of people throughout the world, especially those who have had little or no access to the tools that can deliver sustainable improvements for their families and communities.”
Note they talk of ‘millions’ not ‘billions’ – ie them and their willing servants.
Not to mention western proxy forces such as ISIS being unleashed on resource-rich countries to destabilise them and make them easier prey for globalist corporations. Western goodies such as mobile phones and electric vehicles are reliant cheap extraction of rare earths and minerals using slave and child labour in such countries. I’m sure BLM will be right on this … any time now …. just hold on a bit longer.
Andrew Wakefield was a brave man when he took on the medical establishment in the UK. A result of which they demonised him and ruined his career. He’s never backed down though, and has been proved right over the fullness of time. Not that its ever been broadcast on the MSM..
Here’s a chart showing the growth of Autism since 1970 in the USA. Its staggeringly frightening, and the link with the children.. ???
Aluminium has no place in human physiology, we don’t need it even in trace amounts and it is a known neurotoxin. Yet somehow we are supposed to believe it causes no harm.
They need it as an “adjuvant” – to make the desired immune response last longer. But they haven’t got a bloody clue as to precisely how and why adjuvants work- not to mention their long term effects – permeation of the gut, blood brain barrier etc..
Not for nothing are adjuvants known as immunologists dirty little secret
Aluminium compounds are used as flocculants to clear water supplies of suspended small particles. So, blood is also a complex fluid suspension, so has anyone ever bothered thinking what happens in the blood after injection of aluminium? Micro clots?
If they haven’t been paid to think about it then no, I almost guarantee no one with the money wants to find out.
You would rightfully expect ANY substance that goes into a vaccine to have been fully researched for any potential toxicity, wouldn’t you?
The likes of iSage and the extremists working for pharma interests have done more harm to vaccination programs and public health trust, than any anti vaxxers could ever have.
I know a very few people who wear “anti-vaxxer” as a title, but we cannot have real science if you gaslight people. If there is an ideology it belongs to those people who believe a product is safe and effective by virtue of belonging to the class of things called “vaccines”, a belief which is certainly unscientific and unsafe. While others might take the view that if there is a taboo on talking about something there is a problem. Even Toby gets tight lipped when confronting this.
“Even Toby gets tight lipped when confronting this”
He won’t confront it though, like so many he stays well clear of the fray..
I had high hopes when Independent SAGE first appeared, little knowing that they would be lockdown/vaccine Ultras.
Yes I had high hopes: Sir David King had at least opposed the Avian Flu hoax being promoted in the noughties – as Chief Government Scientist he was anything but shoulder with Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer. But his approval rating went down with me when he started to argue that all school children should be drugged to improve their concentration. Obviously they are attempting to bring the population to its knees
He was a nightmare during the Foot and Mouth debacle, into which there was never a public inquiry, despite one being promised.
I guess iSage is one of those self-appointed watch-dog organisations (like Hacked-Off with Leveson) pretending to be there for the public. We are still living with this idiot fantasy of Zero Covid, and vaccines as the magical solution, which means the world can never get back to normal. They should be investigated for conflicts.
“Following the science”
My mind would boggle at this if it hadn’t got beyond boggling at the antics in the monkey cage.
By Wayne Allyn Root
Hello Mr. Root,
I am a media reporter with The New York Times. My colleague and I are working on a story about false or misleading vaccine misinformation in the audio space…You have said on Facebook that the vaccine “doesn’t work” and is “a complete failure.” Do you have any comment?
I wanted to share my response to the New York Times…
Sure, I have a comment. Every word I say is based on science and facts.
The VAERS reporting system is the only present scientific way of measuring deaths and injuries from any vaccine – including the Covid-19 vaccine. It’s not my system. It’s not based on politics. It has nothing to do with conservative or liberal opinions.
It is a science-based medical reporting system provided by the government and the CDC.
It is the only way of keeping track of the deaths, crippling injuries and adverse reactions from any vaccine. It has been used for many decades.
No one in the medical community, or media has EVER in history ignored, or disparaged the VAERS Report before. Until now.
Here are the VAERS numbers: Over 17,000 Americans are reported dead directly from this vaccine – mostly from strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. Over 800,000 are reported injured, many of them hospitalized (over 83,000); many with life-threatening illness (over 18,000); many others permanently disabled (over 26,000).
This information is all publicly available and provided by the CDC. This cannot be called “misleading” by anyone in the media. The very definition of “misleading” would be to either disparage VAERS, or ignore it, and not report it daily to your readers.
The amount of deaths and significant injuries reported at VAERS is now dramatically higher than all vaccines in the past 30+ years combined. This has happened in only ten months.
That’s a fact. Facts cannot be “misleading.”
Several times in America’s recent history, the medical community has suspended or cancelled a vaccine program over a small number of deaths. The first rule of medicine is “physician do no harm.” At any sign of harm, a vaccine should and must be questioned, and/or suspended.
Never before have we even imagined a vaccine with over 17,000 deaths and over 800,000 adverse reactions.
Yet, the official VAERS numbers have been blacked out from the mainstream media and social media – including your New York Times. Anytime something is not discussed, or debated, or disparaged as “misleading” because it is different than the official government narrative, I’d call that the very definition of “intolerance” at best, and tyranny at worst.
Even more facts and SCIENCE…
Studies are in from many countries, but in particular UK and Israel, report the vaccine…
A) Is in fact failing miserably- a huge majority of recent cases, hospitalizations and deaths are double vaxxed. FACT.
B) Cases are slightly higher in countries with higher vaccination rates, and slightly lower in countries with lower vaccination rates.
These are factual, credible, scientific studies from multiple countries.
So yes, I question this vaccine, and yes, I am seriously worried about the proven deaths and injuries directly from this vaccine in the short term (as seen on the VAERS reporting system), and I’m especially worried about the long-term effects of this vaccine.
If the NY Times believe anything I’ve said is “misleading,” then you clearly don’t understand the definition of SCIENCE. I’m quoting only government, CDC and scientific studies from multiple countries.
More importantly, the very definition of “science” is asking questions and debate.
To not ask questions, especially in the face of so many Americans sick with Covid who are double vaxxed, and so many dead or injured directly from the vaccine as reported by VAERS, would make someone either naive, gullible, blind, deaf or very dumb.
I’m proud that my time at Columbia University taught me to think critically, ask questions, never accept as fact what any government agency, or any authority figure says, and always be a fearless debater.
By the way, I urge the New York Times to set up a debate on this topic. I’ll be thrilled to debate any “expert” about this particular Covid-19 vaccine and the facts reported by VAERS and studies around the world. Let’s do it.
Wayne Allyn Root
P.S. After I sent this response, it was reported 77.7% of Covid deaths in Illinois last week were vaccinated. It was also reported Ireland has a massive Covid outbreak, despite the country being 91% vaccinated. And an exhaustive year-long study in the UK was released proving vaccinated people are just as likely to spread Covid as the unvaccinated.
The debate is over. The vaccine is a failure. The vaccine mandates must end now.
Great response!
Absolutely excellent.
(PS When I up-ticked it clocked up a well earned 10).
Very well said. Did they come back? Start a debate? No? Theres the answer then. How to make the general population aware what is being done to them is the biggest problem we face. In the words of the Van Morrison song “They own the Media”. We’re screwed.
More nudge. This is all about painting the JCVI as outliers to ramp up the pressure on them for when they are soon to be asked to approve jabs for ages 5+
Nobody should be under any illusion that this isn’t all being stage managed.
Damn right it is..
Could be worse
Independent SAGE…..always been madder than a box of frogs.
And who is backing iSage and giving them airtime? Often presenting them as experts in a field they’re unqualified to comment on.
If you check out their website you will find that their funding seems to come from ‘Citizens’ which receive funding from the Ford Foundation.
No surprise to find that along with David ‘Deisel’ King, Susan ‘masks forever’ Michie is one of the main protagonists’
Surely if very old people need to die to relieve pressure on the NHS and reduce climate change through population reduction, Sir David could step forward and top himself to give a lead?
I seem to recall him urging old people to die quietly at home in spring last year.
It is clear that those in power do not envisage us ever returning to a “democratic” system of distributed and balanced powers.
They have destroyed any illusion of scientific independence, no-one can trust the state vaccine programme ever again, parliament is a total sham, the judiciary is clearly bought or terrified, free speech no longer exists ….where can we go from here?
The only route will be dictatorship….for ever….otherwise those who have committed these crimes will be at risk.
Yep : “a boot tramping on a human face – forever”!
If, at the end of the COP conf, the world leaders announced some decision involving the transference of sovereignty to the UN to create a ‘one world government’ to tackle the climate crisis etc – creating conditions where the elite prosper and the rest of us are turned into serfs [ably facilitated by the worldwide pandemic restrictions and unified determination they all seem to have to ‘build back better’] I wouldn’t be at all surprised – possibly too soon?? Who knows, but that is where it seems to be headed.
As long as we have a good quality of lif, I honestly don’t care how the world is governed
That was how many felt when Pol Pot got going.
None of the terms used by anyone on Team Zero Mankind (All we care for is COVID!) mean anything. They’re just labels to stick to the enemy in the usual (for wokesters) guilt-by-association scheme. These are really all just names which need to be put on some list of people with zero intellectual or any other kind of integrity who’ll literally stop at nothing if it furthers their political goals.
I used to consider myself politically disinterested but generally left-leaning not that long ago. These people have thoroughly cured me from that. They may not really be shape-shifting repitilians but they’re exactly as human as if they were.
Himmler vs. Goering.
Promoted by Goebbels and directed by Mengele.
I’m anti-vaccine. I favour the human immune system over artificially induced immunity. I think vaccines should be used sparingly and only when the risk of death is incredibly high, such as rabies or tetanus.
I’m also generally anti most drugs. I think they should be used sparingly and only when there is really no other option.
To my mind, both those are perfectly rational positions and I’m quite happy to state my position and defend it.
Basically, I don’t take being labelled as anti-vax is any sort of insult. Quite on the contrary.
Spot on.
I’ve been “anti vax” since being an unwilling recipient of the Polio jab donkey’s years ago!
My career has only served to confirm how right I was at that time, albeit aged 5 or 6.
One of my worst nightmares now looms, effectively compulsory jabs/ gene therapy for kids, at the behest of these fuckers. My apologies for the language but needs must.
If only I could meet them in a dark alley…..
Cultists will invariably portray their ‘opponents’ (real and imagined (the latter applying in this instance)), as participating in the very act(s) in which they are participating. It’s truly fascinating. This phenomenon is so widespread in contemporary discourse that future (even current) academics will have a field day with this anti-intellectual, anti-rational bullshit.
I mean, it’s not even sort of clever. It’s transparent projection.
Given that, statistically speaking, this disease poses no risk to children, and thus the risk from inaction with regard to children is zero, and any risk from intervention is utterly unacceptable, then, of course, the ones using children as ‘human shields’ are the vaccinators, and their ‘anti-vax’ label is an epithet, a mere prop to disguise their own anti-scientific rhetoric/stance.
Anti mandatory vaccines, anti vaccine passports.
Both smack of totalitarianism.
As far as I am concerned we have reached the point – possibly quite some time ago – where the term now means “a person with sufficient common sense to make a sensible choice for their own body”
I am now a Nazi and anti-vaxxer.
Needless to say that I am ‘fully vaccinated’ with real vaccines against diseases it makes sense for, just not in favour of the experimental gene therapy, any coercion, any discrimination and the vaxx passport in conjunction with it.
And kind of a strange Nazi, one being for freedom of speech, scientific discussion and dissent and the supremacy if inalienable individual rights (in particular bodily autonomy).
I probably wouldn’have lasted long in 30s Germany, in contrast to those who now call me one, but so be it.
Both terms are now a badge of honour coming from these people, and their inflated use is an indication that those labels aren’t even being bought by the public any more, only by the most zealous Covidians in the chattering class.
Don’t forget you’re probably a racist transphobe too
It is not a cult.
It is not a cult.
It is not a cult.
Doesn’t look like it was a panic attack then?
Has Joel Smalley been suspended from Twitter?
Looks like it, his account was working earlier this evening
Very powerful cartoon by Bob Moran:
If an anti-vaxxer is defined as a person who trusts their own immune system rather than pharmaceutical companies, career politicians and the corporate media, then I have to put my hand up
Entries in TGA DAEN Australia Database :-
11th Oct – 17th Oct, 2021 for #Pfizervaccine
– 12 yrs old
– 13 yrs old
– 14 yrs old
– 15 yrs old
– 16 yrs old
– 13 yrs old
– 16 yrs old
This is NOT normal!!
Independent Sage really are a bunch of Death-Eaters, aren’t they. Very sorry to see Carol Cadwalladr signed up to them.
Whenever something new comes out regarding Covid you can pretty much predict how iSage will react. They’re just so obvious.
Imagine being “upset” about finding out people tasked with discussing the pros and cons of certain scenarios actually discussed the pros and cons.
Independent Sage should be looked into for any connections to the Chinese Communist Party.
“If members of the JCVI can be accused of being “anti-vaxxers”, the phrase has clearly lost any connection with its original meaning and now means “anyone who raises the slightest concern about the Covid vaccines, regardless of their medical or scientific expertise”.”
Yes, quite. What we witness here is the intrusion into medical science by totalitarian power politics, and an elite with a revolting subversive agenda who will go to any lengths to avoid paying for the crimes against humanity they have meted out over the last 18 months.
I wonder what could possibly cause a super fit 33 year old professional footballer to suddenly develop chest pains and cardiological issues that are serious enough to need immediately hospitalisation and at least 3 months rest and recuperation? Asking for a friend…………..
Photo at top of article looks like a kid is going to inject another kid
Is there a money trail leading to these ‘independent’ SAGE people I wonder?
That was always the reason for creation of the term. Same as using the word ‘denier’ which is now the most obvious see through propaganda word ever.
Is that Alice Roberts, the BBC celebrity health official?
“Members of Independent Sage, a vocal group of experts”! Can we PLEASE stop calling them ‘experts’, they are political activists pushing their own agenda.
‘Ex’ – a has been
‘Spurt’ – a drip under pressure
Why do we have so many actual commies advising government?
To balance out the thieving money grabbing capitalist bastards that suck all the cash from the public sector.
These are the same health fascists who published this paper in the Lancet in July, when they called for increased lockdown. No re-opening until we had had total vaccination, including all children of course, universal masking, even if vaccinated, Border quarantine and more test trace and isolate. The only pandemic they’re suffering from is a pandemic of hubris.
Zero Covid?
I thought Ferguson was barking (most generous explanation) but this lot – holy moly.
Are they unaware that the virus has evolved in line with Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection to coexist with its host so that it is endemic and essentially harmless (to the great majority of people – vaxxinated zombies excluded)? Maybe Darwin was cancelled while no one was looking.
Are they only interested in Zero One Specific Coronavirus Infection? Would they consider aiming for Zero Common Cold as an easier starting point?
All of the Big Pharma drugs being pushed are very expensive – well beyond the means of the great majority of people in the world. There are countries where the GDP (I know but it is a starting point) is a few hundred dollars. That is not far off the cost of a set of jabs and boosters for one person. The rest of the family then has nothing for the rest of the year – that’s gonna work, right
The vaxxine promoters are nothing less than true #WhiteSupremacists and #MedicalImperialists (and that is being kind). Fsck ’em all.