Chris Whitty has said that his “greatest worry at the moment” is whether, should new restrictions be implemented to fight Covid variants, the Government can “still take people with us” and ensure public compliance with tightening Covid laws. The Chief Medical Officer further stated that it will now be harder to gain public acceptance for more restrictions given that the “people put up with two years of their lives being interfered with”. BBC News has the story.
England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has said his “greatest worry” is whether people will accept fresh curbs on activities to tackle Covid variants.
His comments came after the Government announced quarantines on travellers from some African countries following the emergence of a new strain.
Whitty said he questioned whether “we could take people with us” if restrictions had to be imposed.
But he added that “my overall view is, I think we will”.
England has been through three national lockdowns since Covid first struck. There have also been many local restrictions imposed at various points during the past 20 months.
Whitty told a panel discussion hosted by the Local Government Association: “My greatest worry at the moment is that people… if we need to do something more muscular at some point, whether it’s for the current new variant or at some later stage, can we still take people with us?”
He admitted that some of the changes the public has had to make have been “very destructive” to society and the economy. However, despite his worries, Whitty struck a positive note, saying he believed the Government will be able to maintain public support for Covid measures.
“I think the extraordinary thing has been the ability of the U.K. population, with very, very small exceptions, to just accept that there are things we collectively have to do to protect one another and do collectively, including things that have been very destructive to social and economic situations for individuals and families,” he said.
“Obviously, we want to avoid having to do those at all if we can, and to do the minimum ones necessary, but will we be able to maintain public support?
I think my overall view is, I think we will.”
There have been a further 50,091 Covid cases in the U.K. and another 160 deaths within 28 days of a positive test, the latest Government figures show.
Both deaths and the number of people admitted to hospital continue to trend lower despite the rise in cases. It is likely we’re seeing the impact of the booster campaign protecting the most vulnerable people and keeping them out of hospital.
Worth reading in full.
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What they are now saying is that granny’s the disease vector? At least the kids get a day off from being the bad guys.
So getting this straight, the experimental gene therapy turns you into a potential killer. How’re those vaxx passports working out under this scenario Mr Gove?
They really need to just jog on (that’s the polite version).
Very good point. Granny will be required to have the vaccine so that she can get a Vax Passport to go to the Bingo.
If she scoops the big £25.00 prize she can’t take home a KFC Bonus Bucket to share with the grandchildren and hugs all around in case she gives them the Covid ?
Who the hell do they think they are?
They think they are our masters.
And so many Britons are happy for them to be our masters.
Just what I asked my pathetic Montgomeryshire MP last week plus “how dare you, this is not what we employ you for”.
Funny, I haven’t had a reply yet!
So now it isn’t the grandkids killing granny.
It’s vaxxed gran infecting her grandkids – who don’t get covid anyway.
Get jabbed and we’ll “allow” you to go out.
Ah, now you’ve been jabbed we’re urging you to stay home.
I’m beginning to think the podium gang need some serious psychiatric help to get them out of their doom spiral, I wouldn’t be opposed to a padded cell scenario…
… along with some experimental medicines, perhaps?
Full frontal lobotomies and electroshock therapy with a truck battery sound about right.
… with spikes instead of pads?
Just ignore the idiots. We visited, hugged and stayed 2 nights with our grandchildren last week and the month before that.
We’re both 64 and miraculously still alive. I would say our immune systems have done that but, according to sociologist Hancock, there’s no such thing as immunity. Must be because we were a mask in Lidls….oh, and ignore the BBC.
Zero covid all the way then!!! Unless folks have had enough and just get on with their lives as best they can.
Absolutely despicable. Yesterday, in the park, I congratulated a multi-generational family arriving in separate vehicles for their hugging. It made me smile and I know it certainly made them happy to hug. The older man’s viewpoint was all the adults had been vaccinated and the death rate from anything at all was at a very low value. I urged them to keep it up (the hugging that is) but I’m under no illusion that they needing my suggestion! I think everybody is soon going to be telling the doomsters to Foxtrot Oscar. We have had enough.
Just checked the figures at Current rate of infection for over 70s 1:50,000. Assuming that most of these people will be symptomatic and only the 10% asymptomatics would consider hugging anybody that’s 1:500,000. Chance of infecting someone by hugging them is 10% at the most. So chance of vaccinated over 70 year old infecting someone by hugging them 1:5,000,000. Probably a bit risky.
Apart from your overestimate of asymptomatic infection, and the value of the minor risk reduction by vaccination :-), your calculations compute as indicative of reality.
As a granny and a grandpa we have continued to hug throughout and are still alive. We won’t be told what to do or how to behave by a bunch of fools. We have managed quite well without the help of government.
At the beginning of this crap I asked my elderly neighbour who is 84 if he still wanted me and Mr Gum to come round, or if he felt happier being alone and ‘safe’?
He went with the former and frankly I can’t imagine having left him to be alone for a year! We have hugged throughout and guess what we’re all ok!
Great stuff. You could teach my mother a thing or two. She hasn’t hugged me or her grand-daughter for over a year and won’t until ‘Boris says we can’ (her words). FFS!
That’s really sad. Some just can’t not obey a rule. Sort of Stockholm syndrome.
Propaganda/psyops straight out of the Behavioural Psychologists playbook, and who checks the behaviour of those bar stewards?.
When you learn that most of the “SAGE” office consists mainly of behavioural psychologists, “Nudging” the public into “new” and permanent behaviours you realise how evil this all is. And they’re all just contolled, useful idiots doing their master’s bidding.
It’s beyond mental illness with these fanatics now. They’re diseased in the soul, morally deformed. They obviously view all human life as disgusting and insanitary. I’d be happy enough to leave them in their joyless, soulless hell, but they insist on locking us all in the room with them. I hate them.
Too right. And their great triumph is to convince the zombies that everybody else is disgusting and insanitary.You got to admit it: as a psy-op the idea is brilliant, because even zombies would resist thinking of themselves as disgusting and insanitary.
I know that everybody on this site, and our Reddit home, is a huggable human being, though hugs are voluntary! But huggazombie would be beyond me, I think.
They are indeed the evil ones because they knowingly and willingly obey the psychopaths at the top. The psychopaths are deluded and broken but their enablers give them power because they’ve been promised big rewards on the way. Oh, it’s very dark…
#SAGE is the new STUPID
Far too generous an assessment.
Of course it has, everything this globalist government have ruled this past year has inhibited our immune system!!
I concluded many months ago that the government were doing everything they could to stop people getting naturally immune and the population from reaching herd immunity.
This was especially so when they tried, but mercifully failed, to stop students from mingling at the beginning of the academic year.
Just follow the money.
Pretty nasty and evil, so something people have done since they evolved is now, because of a low mortality virus, being made out to be a killer. Those advocating this really need to be locked away on a island where they cannot mingle with the real humans
I’ll answer this insane idea in kind with a 3-word response
1st word: sounds like “duck”
2nd word: opposite of “left”
3rd word: opposite of “on”.
Actually that’s probably a bit too challenging for the evil idiots who come up with ideas like this to grasp.
It is not illogical. The inoculated with the pathogen are likely to become the infection spreaders. The elderly were specifically targeted by the inoculation campaign. Ergo, they are the spreaders now.
Have these advisers realised how stupid they sound. We are being told that the vaccine is working. How is it working? Am I missing something?
You are, of course, absolutely right.
But how many fellow citizens will recognize the shit in their feeding bowl as shit?
If it was a vaccine it would stop people catching it or spreading it.
Since it does neither it is NOT a vaccine which they are now admitting
Well, having just returned home after mixing households indoors, ignoring the rule of six (let alone 2) and hugging my grandchildren (and the rest of the family), my only response is :
“F. off you incredibly, brainless, maniacal sociopaths. Go isolate your pathetic selves until you are cured and fit to mix in decent society instead of contaminating it. You’ve got everything wrong up until now – are you going for the Japan Olympics in the Stupidity Class?”
…. or something like that …..
well said
Perhaps its time for the editors of this site to reflect on doing anything but support the enforced vaccination policy. They do not work, they do not confer immunity, they do not confer protection against transmission.
Like masks they are an outward sign of conformity to a totalitarian regime.
A respiratory illness given a name covid19, which may develop from a coronavirus, given a name SARS2 ( but is really just SARS) has an IFR of 0.15% and falling.
Health services are seasonally under pressure as they are each and every year, especially since economic decisions made to close wards, units a reduce beds.
Time for heads above the parapet, stop the injections.
Does Covid stand for Certificate of Vaccination ID and are we following the Lockstep plan the blueprint for Covid 2020?
Yes to both. Time to revolt.
I read this as a nudge unit move to vaccinate children. “Granny can infect you, ask mummy and daddy to get you jabbed”. Pretty horrendous, but there we are.
But on the other hand, the loons are screaming we must vaccinate the kids to stop them spreading it and killing Granny, even though they aren’t at risk.
So either the vaccine stops spread, or it doesn’t. It’s pretty obvious to me it’s the latter and so vaccination with a trial drug, should only be administered to those clinically vulnerable.
I have hugged, both family and friends and in public. I will continue to do so for those who wish to and are willing. I think a better campaign for everyone might be a resurrection of the 1980’s U.S. anti-drug slogan, but now aim it at our idiotic Government, ‘Just say No!’.
-Klaus Schwab
“The Government fears that people who have received the vaccine believe they are safe from Covid.”
Should the Government also be afraid that people who have received the MMR vaccine or indeed any other vaccine believe they are safe from MMR etcetera?
This is ridiculous. Are they deliberately pushing opposing messages? In a Tower Hamlets vaccine propoganda video, I noted these quotes:
“This is about protecting your loved ones and making a safe Tower Hamlets for us all.” Dr Somen Banerjee.
“The sooner you take the vaccine you are protected, others are protected, you’re helping your NHS, you’re helping your country. I don’t think really there is a choice (of vaccine), just take the vaccine.” Dr Anwar Ali.
So you must take the vaccine to protect others, but once you’ve taken this vaccine that protects others, you still need to stay away from others in order to protect them.
When will they stop?
As with all their childish social control adverts, they can go swivel.
Love Moran’s cartoons.
This unvaccinated granny will be welcoming her baby granddaughters next week for an overnight stay and cuddles galore, so ner!