The National University of Ireland in Galway has pledged to locate unmasked students on campus by using CCTV. Any students caught not wearing a face covering will be subjected to disciplinary action. Connacht Tribune has the story.
Management at National University Ireland Galway (NUIG) have said they will use CCTV to track down students who refuse to wear face masks and can take disciplinary action against them.
Staff at the university were told this week to approach students who do not wear masks and if they refuse to wear one, CCTV will be used to “pick up on the individuals”.
NUIG’s Chief Operating Officer, John Gill, said the college’s adherence to Covid guidelines has been largely excellent.
“However, in recent weeks, we’ve had some reports of isolated incidents of non-compliance, particularly in public areas like corridors etc, and particularly relating to the wearing of face masks. We want to encourage everyone, staff and students, to return to full compliance.
“Our experience has been that if people are challenged, if somebody asks them to replace their face covering, they do so. If you find that you get a response that is now what you’d expect or people don’t return to wearing the face covering, please report it.
“If we have CCTV coverage, then we can pick up on the individuals and approach them directly, or if you know the identity of the individual, let us know and we can act on that,” said Gill.
He asked staff to provide the time, date and place so authorities could identify them through CCTV footage.
Worth reading in full.
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Why does all this happen on a Friday, now I’ll feel sick all weekend.
Although that won’t differ much from the last 700 days tbh.
Feel your pain. It’s got very dark recently. Hold hard. Stay strong. We are many, they are few…and they know it.
Um it’s a nice thought but it’s the other way round.
Why the down votes? Show me the mass revolt.
Hard to show the revolts when no MSM outlet ever publicises them. My neighbour is totally unaware of any protests anywhere in the world because her news comes via BBC etc., and a daily newspaper. Her sons are just as ignorant. It’s depressing how many are like them, not really knowing that the (slightly inconvenienced) way of life they take for granted is coming to an end.
One day they’ll look round at their much-reduced circumstances and human rights in shock, and wonder “when did all this happen?” And we’ll say “when other people were fighting to save our society but you were watching the BBC and getting excited about ‘Strictly’.
Spot on. Well said. My world is identical to yours unfortunately.
Join the friendly resistance **** It might make you feel better
Sunday 21st November 1pm to 2pm – Bracknell
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Saturday 27th November 11am – Bracknell
Stand by the Road Yellow Board MEGA event
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(Also Wednesdays from 2pm – in terrace/café if cold)
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Join our Telegram Group and have some fun
A two week holiday in Bracknell is what everybody needs to cheer themselves up!
Is there anything going on in Plymouth??
But on the bright side, a jury in Wisconsin ignored the mob and found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty.
That’s me, not wearing a mask. Come pick me up.
Me either, and I will punch anyone who challenges me hard in the face.
Yeah I’m becoming more focused on that idea.I chased a man out if my local Co-op who had the front to pick me up on my bare face.If you see man chases man out of Co-op Caldicot in that rag the Argus that was me!
Use the law to protect yourself. Shops have a legal obligation to stop a customer harrassing another.
Contact the manager and use this to politely explain the situation.
Thanks for that but I’ve moved on into survival mode.The rule of law currently means nothing to me.Im developing and cultivating controlled aggression when required.
Have worn a mask hardly at all since July 19th. Am looking forward to throwing them on the bonfire, together with images of Johnson, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson.
You’ve “hardly” worn one since July 19th? Why would you wear one at all now there is no legal mandate?
No need to ask, yes I’ve added this super jerk to the list
It really is a fascist dump. I’m glad my ancestors left.
What a snivelling set of snitch- enablers.
The trouble is, most will do it.
John Gill wants to track down students who refuse to wear face masks and take disciplinary action against them.
What a tosser.
Smug looking bar-steward..
Why isn’t he wearing a mask?
He just infected the photographer or the photographer infected him.
Yeah we dont want kids learning and stuff do we Get them sent home so they can miss even more education than they did last year good to see everything going stright down the shit pan instead of a sensible much needed recovery Hmmm no mask or no exams oh i hate these dilemas
Welcome to the Irish Free State.
They threw the Brits out for this! Utter madness.
Thye have been weakened by too much sexual depravity.
Just listen to the language: “track them down”, allow “the authorities” to “identify them”. You’d think they were suspected terrorists or paedophiles.
Will face recognition software be used?
All part of the demonistation of those who don’t “follow the rules” (no matter how pointless the rules are).
so dont folow them …. no torture.. no gun.s shut up whinging people what do you think the police/army security etc will do to you go on what do you think you know they cant do nothing so just fucking say no they need us more than we need them that will always be a fact regardless
“Face recognition software” LOL!
Just spot the ones that have faces.
What they need to do, is get a bunch of masks made up with photos of their faces on them. Confuse the system so much it breaks.
Just wear a balaclava or a niqab. Can you see the headlines if they try to make someone with that show their face? and it’s not a mask.
You’d have thought those clever people at university would be able to see that masks obviously don’t reduce transmission of viruses.
There again, perhaps not!
It’s not about what they say it’s about
Show them this:
Having eventually become free of the all-encompassing control of the Church in the Republic, it seems that they now have a fine replacement in the form of a State which expects a similar, if not greater amount of rigorous obedience. The mealy-mouthed platitudes and unveiled threats are now supported by yet more vile “technology”, and it looks as if the supposedly rebellious Irish temperament is about as dead as that of the “Anzac” countries.
Welcome to the USSR.
It’s precisely because the Irish abandoned the Faith that now they fall prey.
Having eventually become free of the all-encompassing control of the Church in the Republic, it seems that they now have a fine replacement
Exactly. They’ve simply replaced one form of institutional hypocrisy with another.
When the Irish adhered to the Church, they are fierce, independent and brave.
Based on that picture, they might find it ideologically problematical for the Old Irish to try and crack the whip over the New Irish.
Simple solution: wear a batman mask. Then they can’t identify you and you can still breathe freely.
I stick to my 1956 Mk. 6 gas mask, which, with a suitable filter, also protects against the noxious exhalations of others, whilst allowing me to breathe and operate incognito. The concept is exactly the opposite of the “I wear my mask to keep others safe” fatuity.
…”isolated incidents of NON COMPLIANCE…” shock horror.
That’s what this is all about. Such an instruction when I was a student would have brought the place to a standstill. If the young ‘uns don’t stand against this they are toast.
Students are mostly very compliant these day – other than about really important things like statues of someone who might have had some slight, tangential link to the slave trade.
My 13-year-old daughter was told she would have detention this week if she was seen again without her mask. They have to wear them at all times in doors (on average 5 hours a day). She is too afraid she will be picked on if she doesn’t wear one. Yet, our leader here is wales is filmed dancing about like a muppet in a crowd of strangers with no mask on!
Sorry to hear about your situation. Is it “lawful” to punish children for non-mask wearing where you are?
This 8 year old girl from Florida was suspended from school 36 times (for 3 days per suspension) and was told she will fail 2nd grade due to missing so much schooling. In response, she told her school board they should all be in jail.
Alternative source:
Even if it turns out to be contrived – which currently I don’t think it is – well, it’s the thought that counts!
Especially when you get reaffirmation of the background of mendacious idiocy in government and the medical apparat, here reported ex rel. a Spectator article (closed to non-subscribers):
Take her out of school and never send her back
I instructed the teenage Eagle never to wear a mask, cited hypoxia and hypercapnia leading to headaches. No-one has uttered a word of a challenge. If you masked any other animal you would be done for cruelty.
This is what it’s all about – the Mask of Obedience.
Boris Johnson does not wear a mask in Parliament, he did not wear one at the G7 meeting, he did not wear one at the COP26 party. So where is this highly contagious and deadly virus?
So where is this highly contagious and deadly virus?
Good question.
She doesn’t have to give a reason. Under law, the only people who can challenge are police officers, transport police, PCSOs and persons specifically authorised by the SoS(*) for Health. Anyone else is open to civil action for harassment, disability discrimination, etc.
(*) Secretary of State not Sack of Shit. That would be very insulting
Unfortunately it is hard for teenagers to debate these things with teachers, they are starting from a low status position. Therefore it seemed wise to have a position statement to put the school on the back foot in trying to come up with a counter argument.
Secretary of State not Sack of Shit. That would be very insulting
Insulting to a bag of decent, respectable excrement, you obviously mean.
Support your own daughter and fight her establishment indoctrination creche.
“Yet, our leader here is wales is filmed dancing about like a muppet in a crowd of strangers with no mask on!”
The Indians at that Diwali Disco obviously approved. They let him out alive, didn’t they?
Has she claimed exemption?
Yougov – topic of the day – email chat invitation:
Do you support or oppose a lockdown for the unvaccinated?
As Covid-19 cases surge across Europe, some countries have imposed restrictions on the population’s unvaccinated, including barring them from public transport, cinemas and gyms. Today we want to know, what do you think the UK should do?
70-85% against restrictions on most of the questions in my version of the chat, for what it’s worth.
For Yougrovel, that’s good going.
About 10 days ago I started to get invited to take part every day. No idea why. One more little voice added to the good side I hope.
This happened to me too. I got suspicious and unsubscribed (having not known I’d subscribed in the first place). I think they are tracking potential dissidents.
Tracking potential dissidents!!!
That would be good as I live in Thailand
If you still think it’s about “health”, you haven’t really been paying attention.
Well I now know where placing “It’s OKAY to be White” posters will cause most fun.
No, but the zombies think it is, and that keeps the immense shitshow on the road.
The horrific truth is, only we care about forcible masking. Those who are masked do not see a problem here. The rag has short-circuited the few remaining brain-cells and maimed the consciences of millions. And it’s not even doing anything remotely useful.
How to get through to them?
“How to get through to them?”
Top tips here:
The young have been the biggest disappointment throughout this corona lunacy.
You expect government to be abusive, oligarchs to manipulate, the usual corporate suspects to take advantage.
You even expect the old to be more fearful about their health.
But the way the young have not only failed to rebel but have been the biggest cheerleaders for social control and the unwitting supporters of big corp agendas is really stunning. When this generation of young people failed to rebel, we knew were in serious trouble.
Watching a video of a student in Canada being handcuffed and escorted out of a lecture hall for not wearing a mask while the rest of the packed hall looked on was perhaps one of the most chilling sights of the whole crisis for me. It was the moment that it became clear that the young have become zombies.
Yes, this. Each of my three children, all jabbed. One of them won’t even discuss it with me, love her dearly, she lives in Victoria, fully supports Dan Andrews and thinks the protestors are ‘dumb’. The second listened intently to my endless diatribes about the vaccine, agreed with everything I presented, then got jabbed because to not be jabbed would be to be ostracised. Meanwhile, her best friend has gone permanently deaf in one ear and has tinnitus from the jab. I have no doubt that both of them will still get the second jab. Third child, my son, listens, then ‘did his own research’, and got jabbed. I love them all dearly but even the loopDloop indoctrination program could not sway them from the power of fitting in with their herd. Two words: smart phones. What can you do? This generation is completely lost.
“even the loopDloop indoctrination program could not sway them”
Almost spat my tea out reading that!
You are right. Maybe because the young have grown up on Internet and Phones, with propaganda replacing critical thinking, and any and all ‘life challenges’ spawning a narcissistic mentality. They’ve had it too easy, and been fed on lies by the Powers.
I think they have grown up within a system that has been too kind and far less authoritarian and arbitrary than what we encountered. And so they have grown up with no suspicion of authority. They think people in authority are really there to help them.
Yes. Since 9/11 the whole culture has been a propaganda advert for ‘covert agencies’ and ‘sexy state defenders’ (NCIS, Spooks, etc. etc.), legitimising ACTUAL such agencies. This generation has sleep-walked into a post-Cold War mind-bending exercise dressed up as entertainment. Authority/State = good; ‘rebels/insurgents’ = bad. Oh dear, we are the latter…
You’ve hit the nail on its head. The trouble with democracy is that as time goes it becomes increasingly easier to become subverted by its own means. Just let everyone of those who have never experienced dictatorship vote in the next dictator because what he says sounds so enticing. Or threaten the spoiled brats to take away their toys, which they have never worked or fought for. It does not help that liberty has been increasingly erased as a topic from education, replaced by “social justice”. A whole generation of victims has been raised – but of course it is the parents who are to blame for that.
They haven’t grown up in the real world at all. They have grown up inside a smartphone.
When I was a student it would have led to a riot or sit-in. Dealing with students 30 odd years ago was like herding cats, they each did their own thing.
Students 40 years ago had a huge measure of confidence about their own intelligence – the mere fact that you’d got to a university ensured that. You had to be in a tiny top echelon to be accepted, and once you were there you almost felt obliged to be contrarian, simply to justify how special you were.
Now, with the median pupil being able to get into a uni, all it proves is that you’re bang average, so proving you’re worthy of that accolade involves doing what everyone else is doing. If you don’t, then people might think you were really in the bottom half, rather than the top one.
Excellent analysis.
These protests still happen, but the energies have been cleverly funneled by the authorities to where they want them to be. You will have sit-ins for climate or to defend a leftist professor and other such. It has essentially become a state-sanctioned caricature of real civil disobedience.
For once I agree with you
Smartphones are the key to coercion…
This is a major reason the young are so docile..
This is the reason..
Someone obviously didn’t like the above picture.. it was disappeared earlier..
The picture nicely demonstrates a fact of modern life and it bears repeating.
No one under say 35 has seen the real mendacity of the UK government eg the 2003 War of Aggression against Iraq. The pre-911 War of Terror world – well that really was another world.
Vote with your feet.
What is killing those babies in Scotland?
What are the numbers for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and where can they be found?
Why has it taken 7 weeks to publicly acknowledge there is a problem?
I suspect a lot of emails are getting deleted at the moment
Starting an ‘investigation’ kicks it into the long grass
If they know it’s not being caused by the ‘vaccine’ they would be shouting it from the rooftops
The graph is interesting
The people posting comments seem to have a good idea about whats causing it
Investigation launched into abnormal spike in newborn baby deaths in Scotland | HeraldScotland
This follows the big increase in admissions & deaths for cardiac events in the W of Scotland that had medics completely baffled a couple of weeks ago.
It’s a mystery innit.
Always making sure that they ignore the bleedin’ obvious.
One of those comments:
“The Covid “vaccine” certainly looks like the most obvious cause for this. After all, no pregnant women took part in the trials and Pfizer has never said it is safe for pregnant women. In fact they point out on their website that there is simply not enough data to say that it is safe. Yet our government did and does say that, and urges pregnant women to get jabbed. I’ll be following this one with interest.”
Nine months of mum failing to breathe properly didn’t help either, I bet.
It’s climate change, don’t you know.
So despite masks being utterly ineffective at preventing transmission of a an aerosol-spread virus, not wearing one might actually be pretty effective in terms of avoiding large debts from shit universities.
Yup – reading the article, I forgot they’re all paying for this insult to life.
What the fuck’s wrong with them? All it takes is for all students not to obey.
Email address:
Done, thanks
Another day, another WTF moment.
so sad to see this in Galway, which is a special city and area.
you would think they would know better.
Why do these people desperately want masks to work so much?
So much time wasted chasing something so completely ineffective.
It is a deep evil at work, and no mistake. One aspect is that they erroneously believe they’re at total war with a virus, when they’ve just got PTSD from self-harming.
Masks are 100% effective – at showing who is subservient.
Their sole function.
Masks were the first grand mistake and the key to open the floodgates to all the corona-related corrupt deals. The myth of them being a sensible measure is crucial to cover up the foundational lie on which all the subsequent measures have built up. By now faith in masks symbolically equals to faith in the authorities. Removing the mask is the first step to questioning other useless measures and also the first step to demanding those who implemented them to answer for what they have done. Avoidance of personal responsibility is the driving force which enables the politicians to function and rake in money.
Agree with you 100%, rayc!
(This is a first!)
“Galway University to Use CCTV to Locate Unmasked Students”
And powerful laser beam to blast their brains out.
Feel free to make your feelings about this known to them:
I bet that’s a fun place to be!
What a vile dump.
Mask mandates and their ‘It’s just a mask’ acceptance opened the box of the Pandora of abolishing ones bodily autonomy, as we noticed and said right away, and as all the world is now witnessing.
Great broadcast from Joe Imbriano:
Joe Imbriano Mid October 2021 Update
Horrendous. What sort of reptile would impose this?
A valueless, vain, scruffy, shag-a-minute twat like Boris Johnson probably
Well here it is. It’s happened. The Daily Telegraph, under a headline which actually gives voice to criticism of the Austrian government, nonetheless says that Austria is “the first (European country) to make Covid vaccination compulsory”. (Emphasis added.)
Between the lines, that means “this is inevitable across the whole of Europe, or at least across most of it”.
If a development occurs that an editor wants to be critical of, they don’t say it’s the “first” time it has happened. They say it’s “extraordinary” or “unexpected” or something like that. “First” gives you the messages “this is right” and “this should and will spread, and any country that lags is no more than a party pooper or run by nasties or loonies”.
According to Forbes, the other countries with compulsory spiking “against Covid” are Micronesia, Indonesia, and Turkmenistan. (They also mention Costa Rica, where spiking is compulsory for children but not adults.)
So step forward and take a bow, the Filthy Fascist Four: MITA.
Aye, AMIT lad
Honestly, it’s starting to get so absurd that it might only mean a close end of all that… It’s like someone is at the end of their wits.
It was a very short journey, then.
I’d have thought someone could be doing a roaring trade in balaclavas
Wearing uniform for political purposes appears to be lawful in the Republic of Ireland too, subject to only a few restrictions.
There must be a way that resisters among students, lecturers, and others at the National University of Ireland, Galway, can MOCK this contemptible policy.
By the way I said that with tongue firmly in cheek
Would it help if they carried a cardboard cutout Armalite?
Universities have become cathedrals of craziness.
They are places where the correct answer is regarded more highly than the true answer.
And they are headed fro their own destruction.
For a while now, once the academic year has started and the banks are licking their lips after herding another batch of 18 year olds into decades-long debt, and the universities have got another year’s fees guaranteed, the esteemed halls of learning are mostly interested in continuing to collect rent. Well OK, maybe some laundry and catering and booze money too.
Sick, perverted, warped, twisted ……….
the word im looking for is WANKERS !!!
This is a balanced comment on masking by staunch opponents of it on the basis of and translating the Boretti study from Saudi Arabia.
The link to the study in English is embedded.
The point is, this is not as much against it as we are, but coming pretty close AND from a pretty mainstream uni.
This is an article about better ventilation being a much better option than indoor masking, but just as masking has negative side effects, so will ventilation likely have.
Probably best to do nothing in that regard in most places then, as us folk here with an IQ above room temperature figured out and practiced from the start…
This is straight out of Nineteen Eighty Four. Until recently such obnoxious control freaks would have been too ashamed to publicly admit their bullying inclination. Now they are shameless. They are becoming more dangerous.
They have become dangerous to us, yes. They must understand it’s time to back down or they will made to go.
The global communist putsch continues apace. In all communist jurisdictions (Scotland, Wales in the UK, Vic, NT, QLD in Australia, NZ, blue states in the US, all of Canada) we see brutal, human-hating regulations and laws as the state crushes freedom and liberty wherever it finds it. In conservative areas (England, SA and Tasmania in Australia), red states in the US, we see small glimmers of hope, but good people are surrounded by this leftist vermin. In Austria, all citizens will be injected with an experimental drug, against their will, and this will kill thousands of people, including pregnant women and children, and communist rags like the Guardian gleefully report it as “the first country to do so:, willing it on for everywhere else.
Should the governors of an English-speaking country decide to force this murder on its citizens, we are going to have to start getting physical, seriously so, and constantly until they back down. There are hundreds of thousands of us to every one of them.
Once you let a political regime decide what goes in your body, you have crossed the final line of tyranny. It only gets worse and more abusive from that point.
They’re rioting in the Netherlands tonight. Fire bombs in the street, police everywhere. Let’s hope the pushback gathers momentum. The traitorous pigs who govern the West need to know their place. They are temporary stewards of ancient freedoms and nothing more. If they need to be put back in their place, then that is the ethical and lawful thing to do.
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
—Thomas Jefferson
May the rioters riot on.
I can’t believe I just said that.
I hate noise and disorder and destruction.
But needs must when the Devil drives, and by God he is driving now.
I have spent my life supporting law and order and criticising the leftist rabble when they go out on the rampage. If someone like me is supporting the riots, the government are in trouble.
I fully support them but watch… if and it’s a big if the media report this they will be labelled as fringe anti vaxxers. As oppose to normal people trying to get their lives back.
And how pathetic are Austrian men? I know they were turned into tree-huggers after WWII during an expansive and long-running propaganda campaign by the allies, but to allow the state to force your women and your children to play Russian roulette with their health and lives. They are a disgrace. At least the Dutch are out rioting.
I can’t edit my previous post, but if I could, I would remove the term “leftist vermin”. It’s too strong. There are many good people on the left, honest people. It comes from an observation that the most abusive governments on the SARS-2 issue are on the left, and are showing their usual disregard for the individual. That is all.
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
Well, there’s one institution that seems to be concerned that the myth/joke of the ‘Thick Mick’ is waning.
Acts of “non-compliance”.
Says it all eh
Dunno about Covid, but they’ve certainly caught the Totalitarian Bug over in Galway.
Orwell was right. Big Brother IS watching.
…. I wonder if any professors at this college teach that book. Interesting time to have it on the syllabus.
Sounds like the CCP has arrived in Ireland. What beats me is why the going are all so compliant – probably the education dished out by the very same institutions now acting out these communistic measures.
It’s a shame, universities used to be places of learning. Now they are staffed by mask obsessive idiots that ignore evidence, or rather, lack of evidence that their mask fetish achieves anything .
Big brother and his snitches are watching you
When will it dawn on the idiots that MOST MASKS DON’T WORK.? They are unhealthy, restrictive, uncomfortable, particularly with glasses, and do not protect either yourself or others. It is merely an example of State and mind control of the sort we have had since March 2020. I hope the students will resist en masse and tell the authorities to shove their masks wherever.
Ireland in the 30’s…
We are now beginning to move into the end game in Europe. CCTV supervision, 100% compulsory vaccination, it’s all coming together at last for Chinese-style social control. Things that even six months ago were unthinkable.
All the dystopian nightmare movies you ever saw (usually starring Will Smith) are becoming reality.
It’ll be easy for these voyeuristic government delinquents to track and save recordings of women they find appealing. Will the women’s rights advocates protest this policy, or will they shrug off this new invasion of women’s privacy?
How ridiculous. Surely even this uni knows mask do not work

Another educational establishment where the establishment needs educating!