- “Over 60s face ban from Europe unless NHS app shows Covid booster jab” – “People over 60 years-old could find it hard to go on holiday to parts of Europe at Christmas unless the Government urgently changes the setting of the NHS app to show a record of booster jabs, experts say,” reports the Times.
- “Is this really about Covid? Pro-lockdown group demands ‘Plan B’ now” – “Independent SAGE, a pressure group of eminent experts who’ve pushed for an Australian-style virus elimination strategy, said compulsory masks and widespread working from home were ‘urgently’ needed to ‘save the NHS and Christmas’,” reports the MailOnline.
- “‘Four of us are now losing our jobs over mandatory vaccination’” – “Now I have to think more carefully, since they made this law, and I’m now losing my job over this vaccine,” says Daniela Bell, who speaks to Christian Concern.
- “It’s time to put Covid behind us” – England’s ‘dangerous and unethical experiment’ of lifting all restrictions has been a resounding success, argues Christopher Snowden in Spiked.
- “Covid deaths in Scotland ‘should halve by the start of December’” – An updated model for the Scottish Government cites increasing vaccination levels as the reason for the predicted drop in Covid deaths, reports the Times.
- “Our economy is still feeling the zero-Covid effect” – The very least the Government can do to encourage economic growth is guarantee that our freedoms will be protected, argues Telegraph View.
- “Instagram censorship will only help the conspiracies” – The Cochrane organisation, considered by many as a reputable source on scientific and health matters, has been banned from Instagram due to the site’s aim of tackling ‘false content about Covid or vaccines’, which will only help fuel the spread of conspiracy theories, writes Amy Jones in UnHerd.
- “A sea of staring eyes” – “Mandatory masking will be so damaging to the social benefits of a lecture (these being the only benefits) that I question the value of reintroducing face-to-face lectures,” writes Anonymous Academic in the Critic.
- “Latest UKHSA report shows the Covid Vaccines have negative effectiveness as low as minus 126% as infections in the fully vaccinated soar” – The latest report available from the U.K. Health Security Agency shows that the Covid vaccines are now proving to have negative effectiveness in everyone over 30 years-old in the U.K., reports the Exposé
- “New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about” – They missed hundreds of serious adverse events that are more elevated than myocarditis. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides blows the doors off the ‘safe and effective’ narrative, writes Steve Kirsch in his latest Substack update.
- “Scott Atlas: ‘irrational’ lockdowns caused thousands of Covid deaths” – In his new book, former Trump adviser Scott Atlas offers an unsparing account of dysfunction and political paralysis that allowed Fauci and Birx to publicly contradict the President, reports the Mail.
- “Bill Gates acknowledges Covid vaccines not stopping viral transmission: fundamental premises questioned?” – “Gates declared, ‘we didn’t have vaccines that block transmission’ which seemingly refutes previous comments by the billionaire,” reports Trialsite.
- “Illinois opioid deaths increased 50% during early months of Covid” – Researchers from Northwestern University found that opioid deaths in the state of Illinois increased by nearly 50% during the early months of the Covid pandemic, reports the Mail.
- “Taiwan blocks second Pfizer doses for teens” – The Taiwanese Government is stopping the allocation of the second Pfizer dose to teenagers due to concerns about myocarditis, writes Alex Berenson in his latest Substack update.
- “California and Colorado say all adults can get Covid booster shots” – Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed an executive order on Thursday allowing all adults aged 18 years-old and older to get a booster dose and California health officials are now urging their state to follow suit, reports the Mail.
- “‘SOS from Australia’: freedom activists plead for political asylum from Covid regime” – Reignite Democracy Australia is begging international leaders to back a campaign to pressure the Government into relaxing Covid restrictions by offering asylum to Australians who have been affected by Covid tyranny, reports LifeSite News.
- “Vaccine effectiveness and the Test Negative Case Control” – “I’d suggest that any estimates of Covid vaccine effectiveness using the Test Negative Case Control method should be treated with caution,” says Bartram, who argues that this way of assessing the success of the vaccine should not be considered the only proof in his latest Substack update.
- “What fact checkers get wrong” – They pretend to be objective while peddling progressive politics, writes Gavin Haynes in UnHerd.
- “COP26 climate change summit sets unexpected ecological record” – “A report commissioned for the U.K. Government has shown that the COP26 meeting held in Glasgow has been twice as polluting as the previous climate summit, COP25, which was staged in Madrid,” reports RT.
- “How Greta serves the elites” – Climate activists are an insult to democracy, argues Jennie Bristow in UnHerd.
- “Keep burning those fossil fuels” – “The hostility to fossil fuels seems increasingly to be driven by misanthropy rather than reason; by an elitist feeling of revulsion for the gains of modernity rather than by a rational assessment of the undoubted problems humankind still faces,” argues Brendan O’Neill in Spiked.
- “Canadian war memorial vandalised” – A Canadian war memorial has been graffitied with the message ‘the real heroes are the vaccinated!’
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“Downing Street […] scrambles to get it signed before Donald Trump takes office”.
Yes, that’s going to go down well with the new US President. /sarc
That goes beyond incompetence – it is literally mind boggling.
Freedom, EVs and the future;
This is a good practical summary of the situation with regard to Electric Cars (EVs) and our future;
The final conclusion is pertinent to the politics and the scam of EVs, the end aim is not for us all to switch from petrol/diesel (ICE) cars to EVs but to switch most of us to having no car at all.The effect on life in the UK will be huge, the loss of travel freedom, the restrictions on our lives and activities will be profound. Maybe this idea;
“It’s time to become the 51st state of the U.S.”
Is worth some consideration?
Yes, the intention is to remove all private transport except for the elites.
Once the majority of the population have their personal transport taken from them society will grind to a halt, in effect all but collapse because the few millions still employed in the private sector will be unable to get to work. The public sector will simply mess about at home.
Chinese stealth jet is ‘super weapon’ that could control the skies
‘According to Justin Bronk, Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), while the aircraft’s design is “fascinating,” it is likely part of China’s ongoing regional bomber/strike fighter development, rather than their sixth-generation fighter programme.’
Britain first flew a flying wing prototype in 1949
The Chinese are no doubt keen to encourage the U.S. and so European countries to spend more on defence in order to achieve conventional deterrence and peace once more in Europe, making the world a safer place.
China has a long border with Russia…and Russia still occupies large territories that were part of historical China.
As I was reading about the ‘Stealth Super-plane’, I did wonder how it managed to get itself ‘spotted in the skies’. If you can see it by looking upwards, it doesn’t sound too stealthy to me.
You do realise that lack of a tail is not what makes it stealthy.And Britain flew its first successful tailless aircraft in 1910 with the Dunne D5.
“Hospital wards ‘full to bursting’, leading doctor warns”
A sharp increase in winter illnesses..? What shockingly rotten bad luck. I thought after having a sharp rise in winter illnesses for every one of the last 70 years, we might just escape it this time.
I did notice flu stayed conveniently out of the way to make room for covid! That was puzzling, or maybe it was just counted as covid instead? Kept the scary covid numbers up
Surely we could have expected some relief from the “sharp increase in Winter illnesses” after the jabathon of the last three years. Are we to conclude that les jabs have not worked?
I’m having trouble logging in using Firefox. The problem seemed to start yesterday – it keeps telling me I have entered the wrong password. Chromium is working so it’s not my password that’s wrong.
I’m checking to see if FF updated itself again.
I was logged out three times yesterday.
Try Brave, great browser.
I use Firefox; this is the current version. Just occasionally, this site doesn’t remember my login details – not every day.
I very much doubt Russia sends its shadow fleet to circumnavigate the world. I think they’re trying to circumvent sanctions instead.
English as she is spoke.