This is the 17th of the round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 16th one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with the Daily Sceptic‘s other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr Tess Lawrie in June wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been ‘fact checked’ here.) Boris Johnson said in October that the vaccine “doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on”. We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- PEG (polyethylene glycol) in the Pfizer vaccine has been identified as one cause of anaphylaxis.
- The vaccine-injured spoke at a U.S. Senate discussion, where also Dr Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, asked questions around the use of Covid injection medical mandates.
- The New England Journal of Medicine has published an update on the adverse events following the Pfizer vaccine by age and sex.
- The Defender summarises six studies which show children don’t need the vaccine. Steve Kirsch summarises a new risk-benefit analysis by Dr Toby Rogers, which indicates that for every child saved, 117 would die. He notes this is consistent with the estimates of Ronald Kostoff and Harald Walach (which he notes has now been published again in a peer-reviewed journal after being withdrawn from the first). Nonetheless, the CDC approved the Pfizer vaccine for 5-11 year-olds in the U.S.
- The U.K.’s HART group reported on the fraudulent modelling used to justify this decision by the CDC.
- In the BMJ, a whistleblower exposes data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial.
- A Swedish study has shown that vaccine effectiveness drops to zero after around 200 days and a U.S. study also shows falling effectiveness in all age groups.
- A systematic review has shown that natural immunity is at least as effective as any protection provided by vaccination. UKHSA data has shown that infection rates are more than twice as high in the vaccinated in many age groups, but the agency has been criticised for not publishing any update to its vaccine effectiveness estimates with data since May.
- A study in the Lancet discusses viral load in vaccinated and unvaccinated and shows the vaccinated are just as likely to pass Covid on to people in their households.
- Reports of a sudden death from myocarditis following Pfizer vaccine in Korea, a report of a brain death in a vaccinated, immunocompromised person and three more teen deaths in the U.S.
- Adverse events continue to be reported, including:
- Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage; study here)
- Brain blood clots in women post J&J vaccine (study here)
- Myocarditis in adolescents
- Neurological complications after the first dose
- Injuries and deaths in children
- Florian Dagoury, the world’s top static breath-hold free diver, has been diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis 40 days following his second dose with the Pfizer vaccine, resulting in a significant decrease in his breath-hold ability.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data on October 29th bringing the total to 856,919 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 18,078 deaths and 131,027 serious injuries.
- Eudravigilance – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system in the EU – has logged (up to October 30th) 2,706,830 adverse reactions, from 1,115,895 reports, including 29,183 deaths.
- DAEN Australia – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system – has logged (up to October 23rd) 71,531 reports of adverse events, including 620 deaths.
- Children (Under 18) Adverse Events U.K. – Up to October 27th, MHRA report a total of 1,569 adverse event reports, comprising 1,325 Pfizer, 234 AstraZeneca (with a reporting rate of 1 yellow card per 49 doses), 5 Moderna and 5 unspecified. Myocarditis reports are 9 in a million doses for this age group (suggesting approximately 20 cases to date from the 2,164,620 doses administered so far). No information is provided on fatalities by the MHRH. However, following a Freedom of Information request, the ONS reports 9 deaths of under 17 year-olds related to COVID-19 vaccine ICD codes. These deaths are those recorded up to the end of September.
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report published on November 4th, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,252,679 events based on 380,850 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,739.
- Pfizer (23.5 million first doses, 20.3 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 187 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 40,728 people vaccinated (577).
- AstraZeneca (24.9 million first doses, 24.1 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 106 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 22,392 people vaccinated (1,112).
- Moderna (1.5 million first doses, 1.3 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 87 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 83,333 people vaccinated (18).
Overall, one in every 131 people vaccinated (0.76%) have experienced a Yellow Card adverse event. The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures.
Note that sometimes in Yellow Card reporting, the numbers of adverse events (including fatalities) will be lower than the previous week. The Yellow Card system is a passive reporting system, so in theory this should not happen as all reports should be cumulative. However, the MHRA say they analyse the data prior to publication, with deaths and pregnancy conditions being notably investigated. They do not state criteria by which reports would be removed and to date have not clarified why this data varies. It is therefore unclear how many reported adverse events have been removed from the reports since reporting began in February 2021.
- Pulmonary Embolism & Deep Vein Thrombosis = 3,557
- Anaphylaxis = 1,393
- Acute Cardiac = 16,936
- Pericarditis/Myocarditis (Heart inflammation) = 1,132
- Blindness = 432
- Spontaneous Abortions = 617 miscarriages + 15 foetal deaths
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 576
- Seizures = 2,950
- Paralysis = 1,205
- Tremor = 11,617
- Reproductive/Breast Disorders = 45,543
Further analysis can be found via the U.K. Freedom Project.

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You cannot “vaccinate” your way out of a “pandemic”:
“There should be no doubt that non-transmission-blocking vaccines (i.e., so-called ‘leaky’ or ‘imperfect’ vaccines) can never ever control a pandemic, even though they may temporarily protect against disease. Only temporarily? Yes, indeed.”
What makes this so easy for the Government is everybody is waiting for somebody else to do something …. join the peaceful friendly resistance ….
Tuesday 9th November Very special and important event
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You cannot “vaccinate” your way out of a “pandemic”:
They can certainly try though, if i’m honest I don’t think they want the pay-demic to end
Thank you very much, Will and The Daily Sceptic, for this regular report/summary.
It’s my favourite feature. I always laugh at “At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative….” and look in vain for any ‘good news’. Never seen any at all: even (the entirely made-up, it seems) “97 per cent effective” means three in every hundred are likely to peg it.
I’m vaccinated for polio. I don’t expect to get it. THAT’S what a vaccine does.
These jabs, not so much.
Local Live online (mirror group news) has this to offer today
“Vaccines Q&A who needs a Covid booster ‘- and are there any side effects?”.
Links straight to its parent Mirror site initially to a listing of all their recent Covid horror stories. Presumably Local Live all over the country lead to the article which is not location specific
A second attempt brings me to the article itself which is like a paid promotion for vaccines. Starting off with quick ‘cases running high this winter’.
Who needs a booster?
What about the kids?
Where can I get mine?
and various other ‘questions’ with ‘answers’ all very pro vaccine.
Right at the very bottom of the lengthy Q&A
Are there any side effects?
A.”Serious side effects are very rare, the nasal vaccine may lead to a runny or blocked nose.
Headaches,tiredness, some loss of appetite.
The injection might give you a sore arm, a low grade fever and aching muscles for a day or two”
That’s it.
Two thirds of the Q&A are about the ordinary flu which the article routinely conflates with Covid before a closing statement from the deputy head of the vaccination programme, Dr Nikki Kanani, who boldly claims that it has protected millions of people
“and saved 130,000 lives”
we are certainly learning more about thee vaccines as we go
Vaccine Safety Update
It’s not safe! & they don’t care.
Boosters are a business model.
The Jabs (as they fail to qualify as Vaccines (before they changed the definition because of this) are not about health.
This site persists in repetitively using governments’ propaganda words.
Their post is about jabs, zilch else.
Tests are tests, zilch else.
There is no reason to be tested.
Tests are not 100% safe.
Tests are not infectious.
Jabs do not protect from tests.
Therefore, there is no need to risk the adverse effects of jabs.
“The majority experience only mild or moderate symptoms” when they catch a coronavirus (a cold)
Yep corporate science a.k.a scientism, not even a question mark, should vaccines even be used for covid mitigation, just debating the
liesstats asking if they are efficacious, so much for scepticism.So they’re not effective and they’re not safe.
So why are almost the entirety of Western Governments suppressing information, lying to their people and making them compulsory to keep their jobs or applying coercion to the rest of us?
No wonder “Conspiracy Theories” are circulating. It doesn’t look like cock-up to me.
Exactly, I dare say if the virus was as bad as they claimed it was, and it actually needed a vaccine to combat it, and the vaccine was actually safe and effective, then there would be no need for all the propaganda and coercion.
The vast majority of people would be in agreement, and there certainly wouldn’t have been any of this one sided bitterness going on, where the compliant lose their shit whenever the narrative is questioned, which has been spurred on by the likes of government and the press.
It still baffles me that pre covid it was clear to the majority, governments lie, the press twists the truth, and big corporations play dirty to make money, but suddenly they are all upstanding pillars of integrity. Faith in Western democracy, the press and the money men were on the slide to ruin just before this occurred, coincidence?
It’s time Daily Sceptic stopped putting that ridiculous lengthy hand-wringing disclaimer at the beginning of each of these vaccine safety updates. They are becoming increasingly absurd as the list of disasters around this shitshow get longer and longer each week. If you’re not against the vaccines, you’re just not paying attention. I don’t know who Toby and the gang are trying to stay onside with, but it’s time to drop the elaborate dance of ‘by no means’. Get off the fence Toby. Team James all the way.
That disclaimer is how they continue to get away with providing us with the information without being fact-checked out of existence. And have you read the disclaimer, in full, and particularly recently? It’s almost funny how it manages to include, without breaking stride, devastating fundamental criticisms of the vax while taking an ostensibly neutral stance.
Yeah, the disclaimer is turning out to be a brilliant troll
So if you have effects (a case) from the Jab, it has a CFR of 0.4% which is double COVID.
The Fact Checkers
All you need to know about Science Feedback which merely confirms what one already knows
I looked at the ONS FOI link in this article…my reading of the response is that for August and September, all cause mortality for children aged 16 to 17 was 33. Deaths linked to the vaccine were 9, 5 of these where the vaccine was the underlying cause. Have I read this right?!
That’s how I read it. How is this not being discussed?? What would Devi “100% safe” Sridhar say to this?
There has been no scientific discussion about anything to do with this, just government/industry backed men in white coats telling the great unwashed that they “follow science”
That’s not how science works unfortunately, but it impresses the masses.
Total across all 3 months was 144 12-15 + 16-17 year old
That still means 6% of child deaths were related to the vaccine. How the fuck can this not be a massive red flag!?
I saw that, but the way I read it is that they only have numbers for vaccine related deaths for ages 16 to 17 and only for months of August and September… which in their table of all cause mortality is 17 plus 16. That’s a pretty high percentage if I have read it right?
Yeah, I think you’re reading it better than me! As it only runs to the end of September, it’s unlikely to include the under 16s
Roll up, roll up (your sleeve), the jab jab circus is in town.
X14 increase in covid patients compared to this time last year, vaccine is working well then, and we most certainly need that vax passport ASAP. Arseholes.
But still get your booster!
The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures.
This needs to taken in context. All that it says is:
It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported
It is part of an exhortation to medical professionals to report more adverse reactions to vaccines in general. There is no reference so we don’t know who did the estimate or how they did it. However, given the campaigning nature of the item it seems likely they cherry picked an estimate that highlighted the extent of underreporting. Also the situation is completely different with Covid-19 where there is huge awareness of the vaccines and reporting of suspected reactions.
But there’s also anecdotal evidence ( which alone means little ) that backs up this under reporting. There are similar situations in other countries, with different reporting systems. It gets to a point where the accumulation of evidence is pointing in one direction.
Do these anecdotes and similar situations apply to Covid vaccinations? The point being that the extraordinary profile of Covid vaccinations makes it an exception.
The exception could work the other way – people are so desperate to have it and think it will save them that they don’t bother reporting anything, and the same goes for the “medical” and “public health” bodies. Friends of mine have had side effects and I am quite sure none of them have reported anything nor did they have a clue where to report anything had they wanted to.
Yes it does make it an exception, but that doesn’t mean you should therefore ignore all other evidence. I think I agree that this 10% figure is probably skewed because of this ( could work both ways though, as in Julians response ). All the accumulated evidence still points towards a possible under reporting of adverse reactions.
The thing is to recognise our ignorance and stop guessing based on anecdotes.
Yes agreed, we shouldn’t be guessing, but asking more questions. I did say that anecdotes alone mean little
If only you panickers had taken that attitude before you plunged our society into radical, coercive and immensely costly panic measures, on the basis of arrogant and misplaced assertions of supposed knowledge by so called experts.
Nearly 50,000 Reproductive/Breast Disorders. We’re going to need more prisons.
That’s about 2.5% of women.
Nothing to see here….
Is Astra Zeneca still being given? And if not, why not?
Another funeral director tells his story.
The murderous regime of Boris Johnson must be brought to justice. They cannot hide these outrages from the public forever.
Molecular mimicry is a strategy employed by parasites that express proteins, or mRNA molecules that induce the expression of such proteins, that resemble host proteins in order to facilitate immune evasion.
The immune molecules with the specificity to react with the parasite also cross-react with the host’s own proteins. Molecular mimicry is partly the reason why the immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues – autoimmunity. The similarities between the amino acid sequences of proteins of a parasitic virus and human proteins confuses the immune system, causing it to attack its own cells, tissues and organs, continuing even after the true viral-infected cells have been destroyed.
The particular virus which produces this mRNA and resultant protein is the Deep State Hyper-Parasite. Just as the parasitoid wasps inject viral mRNAs that compel the caterpillar to express proteins that modify the host’s defences, physiology and behaviour, now the Pharmaceutical parasitoids are injecting actual viral mRNAs that compel unwitting dupes to express proteins that modify the host’s defences, physiology and behaviour.
The first line immune system is effectively shut down and antibodies are produced that render the body susceptible to later iterations of the virus, itself engineered as a viral vector vaccine, according to Luc Montagnier. The true severity of the ADE response is only now becoming clear as we head into a truly dark winter.
Not sure if Jacob Rees Mogg likes to tune into the Daily Sceptic or not, so this is a real long shot, but I was wondering Jacob, how you feel about supporting and endorsing a government whose policies are killing massive numbers of new born babies via vaccine-induced miscarriages and stillbirths? What with your strong religious convictions, and all.
When I’m chatting with ordinary people it is obvious that the vast majority of them are completely unaware of the Yellow Card system. In the last week two people I have talked to have said they will now put in a yellow card, one a 40 year old who has had disrupted menstruation for the first time in her life, and for the last six months, and another whose mother has had Bells Palsy, a month after her second dose.
The Government themselves have said that between 2017 and 2018 there was a 46% drop in Yellow Card reporting from GP’s…So whatever the percentage of reports are, we know they are severely under-reported.
Before he was removed from Twitter, Joel Smalley had several graphs showing comparisons of adverse reaction to the flu vaxx versus the Covid vaxx…these showed that per million doses administered, for the flu vaxx… 2018…73 adverse reactions, 2019…55, 2020…44……2021 Covid vaxx….3,988.
(Per million people as opposed to doses that 2021 number is 7,213.)
who is talking about it…who is monitoring it to any effect? Does anybody even think they care?
There’s a great interview with Joel on the Pandemic Podcast on October the 28th.
Sums up all his work to date. Curious that he was removed from Twitter shortly after….
It is becoming so blatant now.
As he states, this only ends when enough people become aware and overcome the cognitive dissonance so that the penny drops on mass.
Thanks, I’m hoping he’ll pop up in the future on Telegram or Sub-stack.
Along with Claire Craig he was one of the first people I started ‘following’..
He was also the first person, way back in January, who was talking about the anomalies in the stats around the spike in deaths with the roll-out of vaccinations. He will be missed.
Most doctors as well. Close friend who is an acupuncturist gets each years British Pharmaceuticals Book from her doctor. At the end are the yellow pages for reporting adverse reactions. Not once in 20 years have ANY of these been removed and sent to MHRA or whoever.
Incorrect link to the Israeli mother setting up vaccine injury platform…
This thread is probably a good place to re-post my summary of adverse effects from UK, Europe and USA. I have been collecting all three on spreadsheets since the start.
Worthy of note from the UK Yellow Card Reports, either through ineptitude or design, MHRA add and remove miscarriages to the deaths. Last week, the death total went up 16, but they removed all the accumulated miscarriages in one go – 15 of them. So the increase appears to be just 1.
They have a history of this: adding them in and taking them away since June. In my view, miscarriages are an adverse event and not a death with respect to the jab recipient. They should not be included as a fatality. But the flip-flopping of MHRA on this tends to confound any analysis of trends. I for one have now removed this category of deaths from my analysis and will not be including it in future.
An ongoing observation of deaths is the mystery subcategories from ‘General disorders’ called ‘Death’, ‘Sudden death’. These are still undescribed, unexplained and uninvestigated. In my view, this is gross dereliction of duty. They currently amount to 479 and 67 respectively – a total of 546 out of 1,739 deaths.
Lack of investigation of serious adverse reactions and fatalities and coercion of the whole population into these jabs shows that the-powers-that-be do not have the health of the public at heart. So, whatever conspiracy (if any) one wishes to project onto this situation, that should be abundantly evident to everyone.
Is there a link to the EudraVigilance figures that is updated weekly, such as the UK Yellow Card & US Vaers? Thanks Mike.
Not as far as I know. It is a convoluted process to extract and collate the figures. I can explain how to do it if you like.
At least the Yellow Card Reports only require locating 4 Acrobat files, reading the bottom lines and summing them to get total deaths and total adverse events.
Thanks Mike, yes please explain it when you have time.
I’ve had a good read of this and yeah, I’m gonna pass.
Something missing from Wills adverse reaction updates are the growing numbers of suspicious younger “sudden” and “unexpected “ deaths all over the place but especially suspicious in sportsmen.
An intrepid journalist should be finding out how many of these people and when they took the jabs. It’s becoming an epidemic of the vaccinated.
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
It would be interesting to see the figures if they also recorded all deaths within 28 days of a vaccination. As that is the way they decide how many people have died with/of Covid, surely it would be equally suitable to show death by vaccination too.