Scientists in India have upgraded the ‘Nepal’ variant to a variant of concern which they’re calling ‘Delta-plus’, having detected nearly two dozen cases in three states. The Telegraph has more.
On Tuesday, the variant was found in 16 cases in the state of Maharashtra, according to the Federal Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan.
The Ministry said Delta plus showed increased transmissibility and advised states to increase testing.
India vaccinated a record 8.6 million people on Monday as it began offering free shots to all adults, but experts doubted it could maintain that pace.
“This is clearly not sustainable,” said Chandrakant Lahariya, an expert in public policy and health systems.
“With such one-day drives, many states have consumed most of their current vaccine stocks, which will affect the vaccination in days to follow.”
Under the projected vaccine supply for the next few months, the maximum daily achievable rate is four to five million doses, it is estimated. The effort has so far covered about 5.5 per cent of the 950 million people eligible, even though India is the world’s largest vaccine producer.
However, according to the MailOnline British scientists think ‘Delta plus’ is nothing to worry about.
Scientists today called for calm over the emergence of the potentially vaccine-resistant ‘Delta plus’ variant, claiming that there are no signs it will take off in the UK.
India upgraded the strain – sometimes known as AY.1, or the Nepal variant – to a “variant of concern” amid fears it is better at escaping jabs than the original Delta version.
But one of the UK’s top genetics experts said the development was not a “particular cause of concern” because the mutant strain has been in Britain for months and has shown no signs of outcompeting other strains.
Professor Francois Balloux, director of University College London’s Genetics Institute, said: “Cases of Delta+ in the UK remain at a very low level.
“The first case was observed on April 28th 2021. The lineage has remained at very low frequency since with no sign of expansion.
“It has been found in several countries but has remained at extremely low frequency, with the exception of Nepal.”
He admitted that “nothing” is known about how transmissible, vaccine-resistant or deadly the new strain is.
Worth reading in full.
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TBF, I think the pic shows Toby is taking the piss.
I suppose so. I kind of stopped looking at the illustrations because of the danger of inadvertently seeing Matt Hancock, and also my Richard Baker tolerance is surprisingly low. But even so. Blaring on about how ridiculous the talk of a Nepal variant is, merely adds wind to the gigantic fart balloon of the Nepal variant. We need to stop following their script.
It is the dominant myth that is being pushed currently, so – to examine it is fair enough.
Will the media ever just stfu ? Even I’m embarrassed for them at this stage!
How much longer can they cry wolf? Maybe it’ll help people turn off their TV and ignore the MSM if they keep it up?
The answer to your initial question is simple : ‘No’. Why would they give up on the gift that keeps giving.
They will only when the GBP (Great British Public) gives them the bums’ rush.
Because their job isn’t to inform us- it’s to sell advertising, sponsorship, etc. Once you realize this, the rest falls into place. I don’t actually have a problem with it as such- it’s just business- I’m amazed at how many people, (including my own family), don’t get this simple truth.
It’s a bit like someone standing in Hyde Park on a November day with a leaf blower shouting “There’s another leaf!”
But the wrong sort of leaf. The one that derails trains run by people who are too stupid to realise that leaves fall from trees at regular and predictable, seasonal intervals.
its just a cold – couldn’t are how many variants it has. they are variants of a cold
I don’t know how you can say that. I hear the Delta-plus variant is nepalling!
I don’t get how they can sequence these variants in the number of cases when the majority of tests are LFTs and done at home and presumably thrown in the bin? I don’t know I haven’t done one, but one would have to assume that every positive test is sequenced now for them to make the assertions about the numbers who are “dying” from each strain…
Maybe it’s just the erroneous output from a computer model badly written in Fortran 77 by a failed Physics professor. They like those.
If you are referring to that twat Ferguson, I suspect its more likely an etch-a-sketch
Hey don’t you diss Fortran 77!! A great language. The problem is always with the nut on the keyboard.
It was, and is, a great language. I remember writing some as an undergraduate. Also PASCAL.
My personal favourite was always COBOL
“So how many Scariant cases have we got, Witless?”
“How many do you want, Wankok?”
‘On Tuesday, the variant was found in 16 cases in the state of Maharashtra’
This may Help
Headline in Maharashtra Times 23/6/21
‘Sixteen door to door Delta Plus salesmen report theft of their suitcases and contents whilst attending the Maharashtra World Trade Fair’
Problem solved I think
Professor Bollox?
They are making it up now
making it up now ? – they’ve been making it up since the start
& what’s more they’ve always been professing Bolloux
Did they ever isolate the original one? I can’t be asked to keep up these days.
nope, and Samuel Eckerts 2Million Euros are still available!
A dozen cases eh?
That’s a bit of a worry in a population of 67 million.
Right – everything must shut.
Oh for fuck’s sake, here we go again. Just piss off and screw yourselves with your speculative, unjustified, alarmist twaddle. Lord give me strength. Delta+, right from the brilliant PR marketing team that brought you “1 Meter Plus”.
Perfectly timed to ‘rip’ through the UK next month. This fictional phantom virus and its multiple mutants are the gift that keep on giving to the UK tyrants.
Goebbels said: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
‘It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’
Always worth repeating.
OK Toby , let me see I’ve got this straight,
an expert called Frank Bollox says that nothing is known, and this is sufficient for continuing restrictions by the govt.
Yesterday it was “…masks won’t be necessary “ , today it’s “…masks will be necessary “ oh and special people don’t need to be checked, quarantined or prove vax status, ie, some pigs are more equal than others.
Er still think there’s nothing wrong here ?
Only 3 weeks to the EUFA variant…………
So they have decided to use the Greek alphabet to name the variants, so the next version will be the Epsilon variant. How fantastically ironic is that? I mean you now seriously could not make this stuff up
I want to know what happened to the Triple Mutant Yorkshire variant. At least that had an interesting name.