This is the fourth of the weekly round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the third one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with Lockdown Sceptics‘ other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At Lockdown Sceptics we report all news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as to report the facts, not advocate for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- A new study from the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice on adverse events among Japanese women receiving the Pfizer vaccine (known in the study as tozinameran), in particular cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and intracranial haemorrhage (ICH), finds a “disproportionately high incidence of death by ICH in Japanese women who received tozinameran, suggesting a potential association of ICH with the vaccine”.
- Dr Andreas Greinacher, Head of the Institute of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine at University Hospital Greifswald in Germany, has proposed a mechanism to explain the blood clotting adverse events connected with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Scottish physician Dr Malcolm Kendrick has published an article exploring the connection between the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 and blood clotting. The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has produced a document looking into the relationship between the spike protein, cellular fusion and tissue damage.
- The Sun highlights the emerging link between the Pfizer vaccine and heart condition symptoms, advising people on five key symptoms to look out for post-vaccination.
- The journal Paediatrics has an article entitled “Symptomatic Acute Myocarditis in Seven Adolescents Following Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination“.
- The MHRA has cleared the use of the Pfizer vaccine for 12-15 year-olds in the UK. The regulator says the benefits outweigh the risks, though its analysis supporting this is awaited. In the U.S., the FDA has released its guidance on using the Pfizer vaccine in this age group. There is a petition on the Parliament website asking the U.K. Government to stop Covid vaccination in children for reasons discussed by HART’s Dr Ros Jones on the TalkRadio Mark Dolan Show (1hr 10 mins). Further petitions started this week: “Reform the VDPA 1979 to improve support for those harmed by COVID-19 vaccines“; “Do not mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for British soldiers under 25“.
- Dr Byram Bridle, a Viral Immunologist and Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, Ontario has drawn attention to the findings of a Japanese study on the biodistribution of the Pfizer vaccine in the body, highlighting the presence of the spike protein in several organs, including the brain, liver and ovaries. (More information on this here.)
- International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day was marked on June 3rd with a peaceful vigil in London (close to BBC Broadcasting House) remembering the victims of all vaccine injury, including those damaged by COVID-19 vaccinations.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data on June 4th bringing the total to 294,801 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 5,165 deaths and 25,359 serious injuries between December 14th 2020 and May 28th 2021.
- Suspected adverse events in the U.K. as reported in the media: Tanya Smith (43).
Summary of Adverse Events UK
According to an updated report published on June 3rd (covering the period up to May 26th), the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 888,196 events, based on 256,224 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,253.
- Pfizer (14 million first doses, 10.6 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 382 doses, 2.9 adverse reactions (i.e., symptoms) per card, one fatal reaction in 62,121 doses.
- AstraZeneca (24.3 million first doses, 13.4 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 200 doses, 3.7 adverse reactions per card, one fatal reaction in 45,637 doses.
- Moderna (0.4 million first doses) has one Yellow Card in 162 doses, 2.8 adverse reactions per card, one fatal reaction in 100,000 doses.
Key events analysis:
- Acute Cardiac Events = 9,582
- Anaphylaxis = 1,044
- Blood Disorders = 12,684
- Headaches = 90,738
- Migraine = 8,200
- Blind = 250
- Spontaneous Abortions = 149 + 11 still birth
- Vomiting = 12,478
- Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,035
- Face Swelling = 1,322
- Disturbances in Consciousness = 11,801
- Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 1,774
- Guillain Barre Syndrome = 308
- Tremor = 9,827
- Thrombosis & Embolism = 4,663
- Nosebleeds = 2,196
- Seizures = 1,996
- Paralysis = 722
- Haemorrhage (All types) = 3,438

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So AZ has one adverse event per 200 doses (of which we are advised to take several per year). And if we assume that, as claimed, some ten per cent of adverse events are reported by the yellow card system (and lower percentages have been suggested), that suggests rather a lot of adverse events. I have enough problems already – do you mind if I pass on that “vaccine”? (Or have I got it all wrong?).
(PS just to be clear, which “vaccines” are gene therapy drugs, and are the rest genuine vaccines or something else? I assume all are experimental)
And might I politely suggest that the update may be improved by being divided into sources with links to pharmaceutical companies and their proxies, and those that are genuinely independent? (Of course there may be no discernible difference, but somehow I doubt it).
(Say, do you think all these adverse events will overwhelm the NHS if they inject people all year every year? And we don’t even know about long term effects yet.)
They may already have overwhelmed some, Derriford in Plymouth was on high alert last week. It was confirmed to not be Covid related, I have heard of others in the same state.
With the appaling mess our hospitals are in it does not take much.
Don’t worry, it won’t overwhelm the NHS if you die, become sterile or go blind – no need to feel guilty.
Children don’t die of Covid.
Children might die of the snake oil.
To ‘vaccinate’ children is criminal.
Just going by the Yellow Card figures, it’s around 1 in 1500-2000 chance of serious injury. That’s high. Looking at the data Swedenborg posted from Norway, it even get’s worse as the age groups drop.
The behavioural insights team are busy on one of the parenting websites, where it appears many posters want to have their children jabbed as many times as possible. Any reasonable questions are rebutted by personal attack and accusations of stupidity.
The level of brainwashing achieved by the propaganda campaign is astounding.
I’ve seen examples on mumsnet and gransnet. Anyone querying the ‘official narrative’ is hounded and belittled.
If Mumsnet had been around in the 17th century, there would have been a lot more hangings and swimming of witches.
And banned. I’ve been banned a few times. I’m running out of email addresses to use.
Yep, CW is one of the few genuinely Conservative (and sane) sites around – and also very rare in its honesty!
The criminal charge sheet grows longer by the day.
Nuremberg Trials 2.0
Would like to add two things:
1) Update from Izrael on heart inflammation in the young (~< 30y) and healthy following Pfizer vaccine. From leaked health ministry it was reported it was 1 in 20,000 vaccines link (April, 2021). Now the estimate is between 1 in 3000 and 1 in 6000 vaccines link (May/June, 2021). That is the only relevant information in the 2nd link since the entire article is written to downplay this issue. From both articles there were 2 deaths among young and healthy from heart inflammation (2nd article downplay those as well). So the deaths are about 1 in 10-20 vaccine-induced heart inflammations in the young and healthy (that we know of).
People who survive this vaccine-induced heart inflammation might have problems for their long term health. Btw, covid19 doesn’t do that specifically: there is no covid19 induced heart inflamation link. It was just fear-mongering.
2) No new info, just a straightforward headline in ScienceNorway portal citing statement from Norway medical agency:
Norwegian Medicines Agency about Johnson & Johnson:“We usually don’t use vaccines with lethal side effects”
‘The Norwegian Medicines Agency is working with the health authorities to find out how to offer the vaccine. One survey done for a newspaper, found that one in five were positive to taking the vaccine.’ So 4 in 5 were negative to not taking the vaccine……
I do not know how effective Israel’s medical treatment system is. I presume that heart inflammation requires recognition and some form of treatment or observation. Given the difficulty with actually accessing a knowledgeable doctor in the UK, something that might be survivable elsewhere could be a death sentence in the UK.
Any other vaccine and this, alone, would be enough to get the vaccine banned. Just where are the medics with ethics?
The thing is, this government is in so deep now that it cannot possibly turn back and it must plough ahead regardless – it is never going to own-up to making such a catstophic mistake as this – it would be political suicide – and not just for the Tory Party .. the whole political establishment would fall like a house of cards. Meanwhile the public behaviour and response has been like that of a battered housewife who no matter how many times her abusive husband beats her and treats her mean she thinks he does it because he loves and cares about her – Stockholm Syndrome syndrome springs to mind when I see mask-wearers now.
I think Stepford Wives. The level of unquestioning compliance is truly chilling.
Yes, I agree. The Johnson (Kemal) regime cannot possibly turn back now and admit an error of judgement. This will carry on to the planned conclusion (2023), or until the intervention of the Reiner Fuellmich legal case.
Unfortunately for some of those who have fallen for the fear-based propaganda there will be a very unhappy outcome. All you can do is prepare for the fallout and maintain your honesty, integrity and human dignity.
What is underway clearly breaches all codes of ethics and morality, and those responsible should pay the ultimate price for breaching the Nuremburg Code.
May God have mercy on their souls.
Thanks Will for these updates. I’m guessing that you only “get away with it” on this site because you agree to preface any update with the disclaimer about not trying to dissuade anyone from having the “vaccine”. But given what we already know about the serious side effects and deaths being reported in droves, and the minuscule risk of covid to children’s health (statistical zero when it comes to child deaths), I would like to see LS take a stand on the issue of rolling out injecting children with an experimental gene therapy, which is arguably much more important than even our freedom from lockdown. There are no reasons or excuses for harming our children. It’s called abuse (murder, if the child dies).
Child killer Colin Pitchfork is to be released from prison. Do you think SAGE will offer him a job?
Dr Reiner Feullmich in his video False rumours about the trials-light on conspiricies-Revealing the Agenda says that this situation is so bad, no one should take the vaccine let alone children.
Will – here’s an idea. Why don’t you reframe your stance as pro-vaccine transparency, rather than just neutral? I think we can all agree on that. Or pro-informed consent (which would require transparency, and honesty).
I don’t believe there is necessarily no benefit from the vaccines: they may protect the very elderly and/or morbidly obese from the more severe thrombotic events that they may get from the infection. This comes at great risk, because the vaccines themselves are clearly prothrombotic, given they share the spike protein with the virus. It’s a very tough call and only all cause mortality data will give us a clearer picture of the situation. We should demand transparency here.
For those at no risk of thrombotic events (younger, slimmer, healthier people), the vaccines look like a very grave risk indeed to me. You are bypassing the protective immunity found in the respiratory system (which for most people will see the virus off) and heading straight to the bloodstream, where it can wreak havoc. I’d point out children have very few ACE2 receptors in the respiratory system, but do have them in other parts of the body, which may be why they don’t catch the virus as readily as adults, but do suffer harms from the vaccine.
The MSM are being untruthful in their depiction of AEs and the level of studies that have been conducted. This morning I heard Nick Ferrari on LBC state that the vaccines had undergone “every test known to man”. This is patently untrue.
And yet people seem to believe this narrative that testing is complete and the vaccines are “safe”.
Drug companies have not shared all the data they have (as was clear by the FOI request to Japan that revealed the Pfizer ACL-0351 distribution). They have not addressed concerns such as the magnetic effects people have noted (there are real reasons why this could happen, not related to microchips etc, that require investigation), and the studies released in certain populations such as children are far too small to give a definitive view on safety. Why is nobody pushing for more clarity on these matters?
MHRA has not shared its logic for saying vaccine benefits outweigh risks in children. I find it hard to reconcile this stance with the data we are seeing in terms of paediatric deaths from COVID (close to zero), and the very real harms we are seeing from myocarditis among other symptoms.
This may all be acceptable in an emergency situation where humanity itself is under threat. But we are emphatically not in that situation. The mortality associated with COVID is less threatening to society than is a regular influenza season, given its skew to the extreme elderly.
“they may protect the very elderly and/or morbidly obese”
Observational data of the sharp rise in deaths after the introduction of the snake oil suggests that the very opposite is likely.
Hence my “may”. I am prepared to keep an open mind until ACM data is shared.
Can anyone locate comparative ‘adverse effects’ (Yellow Card) data for other ‘normal’ vaccines?
It would be useful to have a baseline.
Not sure about uk, but you can look at adverse reactions for other vaccines in US on VAERS
The reported deaths following Covid vaccination in the US, (reported on VAERS) is currently running at thirty times the normal rate.
93 Israeli doctors who on stage 4 of trials say No to child vaccination, Dr June Raine says YES CW
This is a very quick back of the envelope calculation but I’m trying to make a comparison of the reported number of Pfizer/Moderna deaths between the UK and USA. It’s a bit rough and ready so I could have the dose numbers wrong but here goes.
The US has recorded 5125 fatalities from ~300 million doses
The UK has recorded 397 fatalities from ~25 million doses.
UK has recorded 1 death per ~63k doses ; US has recorded 1 in ~59k
So while US might be over-reporting a bit or the UK under-reporting slightly the numbers are pretty consistent. I doubt there is much ‘inappropriate’ reporting is taking place.
A couple of US researchers have analysed the data by date of death relative to vaccination date and found the death or the effect that led to death (e.g. clot) occurred on days 1, 2 and 3 after the vaccine far more frequently (10 times more) than on subsequent days.
AZ death rate is 1 in ~45k – or about 22 per million. There’s a pretty good chance, therefore, that several perfectly healthy young kids are going to die unnecessarily in the next few months.
And if you look at the Norwegian data, the risks are higher in younger people – so it would seem likely. These deaths may be more obvious than in a 75 year old too, given that 15 year olds die less frequently from strokes and other thrombotic events.
There are 3.7m children aged 15-19 in the UK and a further 4 million aged 10-14. So one can assume at least 5 million in the 12-18 age range. Which points to a potential >80 deaths following vaccination, based on UK/US death rates. Maybe children can pull through post stroke a bit better than adults, but morbidity is going to be high nonetheless.
Never forget that death is just the end-point on a range of adverse effects. Many more healthy youngsters will suffer life-changing side-effects.
I have read that VAERS has a significant recording backlog, so may be under-recording serious side-effects in the young as the vaccines move down the age range.
“one fatal reaction in 45,637 doses”. Reaction is a political way of describing it. All we have is a report that someone died shortly after taking the vaccine. (Bear in mind that in the case of Eudravigilance 75% of AZ reports are by non-healthcare professionals. The MHRA doesn’t break it down that way, as far as I know, but there is no reason to suppose it is different.)
With an intervention sponsored by Johnson, Blair and Starmer, what could possibly go wrong???
Well at least it’s reassuring to know they are conducting drug trials on guinea pigs before getting approval to inject this poison into the global human population.
I feel like its all a wierd sci-fi horror movie, only we are all the unpaid and involuntary actors who haven’t read the script.
I realy am starting to get angry with both the elected and unelected decision making elite.
only starting to get angry?
“its all a wierd sci-fi horror movie”
Well – for some time, I’ve felt as if I’m in the cast of the original “Night of the Living Dead”
Please keep up.
I’m looking forward to that risk benefit analysis of the vaccination in children. I see all risk, no benefit.
If they dare to suggest I should put my children at risk to benefit bedridden nonagenarians who have already had their vaccine, I will not be responsible for my actions.
5 Doctors discuss the vaccine side effects including shedding.
Am I getting the following right?
I used the Oxford QCovid risk calculator ( to calculate my risk of dying from Covid-19 in the next 90 days. Apparently, it is 1 in 333,333 (29 years old male, no underlying health conditions).
The article here lists the following stats from the MHRA figures:
Pfizer: one fatal reaction in 62,121 doses
AstraZeneca: one fatal reaction in 45,637 doses
Moderna: one fatal reaction in 100,000 doses
So, even if I take the safest vaccine here (Moderna) – I’m still more than 3 times more likely to die from that vaccine than I am Covid-19! (I suppose the comparison is somewhat skewed because the QCovid calculator estimates your chance of dying within 90 days – what I need is an absolute figure throughout my entire life)
But even so, if you need two doses of a vaccine, you can double your chance of a fatal reaction to the vaccine. For example, my chance of dying from being fully vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine is something like 1 in 22,500 – that seems quite high.
Given that the fatality of Covid-19 is highly dependent on age, but adverse effects from vaccines are not (e.g. here it says: “The nature of reported suspected ADRs across all ages is broadly similar, although, as seen in the clinical trials and as is usually seen with other vaccines, they may be reported more frequently in younger adults”) is it the case that some young age groups might have a higher chance of dying from the vaccine than dying from Covid-19?
I’m asking this question in good faith.
Relating to this post – I hope that someone might have some information…I want to know about what happens if an unvaccinated person receives a blood transfusion from a vaccinated person. Does this mean a transference of vaccine-generated spike proteins – how might this cause problems in the unvaccinated person – especially if they’ve had a mild form of the virus and developed adequate natural immunity. I’ve not been able to find any info as yet but feel it’s a very important question for the unvaccinated – yet another possible can of worms to open. I assume one can’t choose whose blood to take or indeed if the records will show that the donor has been vaccinated or not. From what I’ve read and understand so far, I’d be worried…