Past the Peak?!? That Was Weeks Ago

Chief Medical Adviser Professor Chris Whitty told the Downing Street coronavirus press conference yesterday that the UK is “past the peak” of the current wave. The BBC has the details.
The UK is “past the peak” of the current wave of the pandemic but infection rates are still high, England’s Chief Medical Officer says.
Prof Chris Whitty said the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths were on a “downward slope” but that did not mean there would not be another peak.
Boris Johnson praised the “colossal” effort to vaccinate 10 million people, including 90% of those aged over 75. But he said the NHS was still under “huge pressure”.
Speaking at a Downing Street briefing, Prof Whitty said while the number of people in hospital with COVID-19 had reduced “quite noticeably”, it was still above that of the first peak in April 2020. “So this is still a very major problem, but it is one that is heading the right way,” he said.
Prof Whitty said infection rates were “coming down but they are still incredibly high”. If the rate was to increase again “from the very high levels we are at the moment the NHS will get back into trouble extraordinarily fast”, he added.
Chris Whitty seems a little late to the party here. Data from the ZOE Covid Symptom App show infections in the UK peaked over three weeks ago, on January 12th, and are now well on the way down.

New daily infections peaked in the first few days of January.

In London, it was the end of December.

The decline continues apace, headed down towards levels not seen since September.
111 Covid triage data agrees.

The peak in the triage data is December 28th. As of February 4th, then, we’re a long way “past the peak”.
Yet despite this clear evidence that the peak and decline in infections kicked in well before the start of the January lockdown, the Government and its advisers continue to assert that it is only the restrictions keeping infections down. This explains why Boris continues to take the go-slow approach to opening up, despite the immense and permanent harm restrictions cause to children, jobs, mental health and so on.
Despite coming under pressure to join Scotland and Wales in opening schools sooner than March, the Prime Minister yesterday reiterated his original schedule, saying he “hoped” schools in England would be able to “begin” reopening from March 8th, and that the Government would outline a “route map” out of lockdown on February 22nd.
Yet the idea that it is Government restrictions that are keeping the virus at bay grows more implausible by the day.
Take a look at the graph below, which shows that the decline in infections from around January 12th kicked in not just in the UK but right across the world, regardless of what non-pharmaceutical interventions governments made or the stage of their vaccination programmes.

While not every country in the world conforms to this pattern, enough do for it to be seen as a global phenomenon. There is no indication here that the UK and South African variants are prolonging the crisis in those countries.
Why the winter (and in some places like South Africa, summer) epidemic went into decline around the same point in mid-January in countries all round the world is not entirely clear, though is likely to be linked to the progress of immunity in the population.
Yet more evidence that it is not primarily human interventions that drive the ebb and flow of this virus.
Stop Press: The Mail has picked up on the global drop, asking “Why ARE coronavirus cases plummeting? New infections have fallen 44% in the US and 30% globally in the past three weeks and experts say vaccine is NOT the main driver because only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose“. The main explanation offered by “officials” is population immunity. Another suggestion is the end of the so-called Christmas surge – though even the BBC has pointed out there is no evidence for this idea.
Why Hand Sanitisers Do More Harm Than Good

We’re publishing today a new piece by regular contributor and medical historian Dr Irina Metzler questioning the public health wisdom of all this obsessive germ blitzing. Here’s a taster.
Hand sanitisers, or hand satanisers as I prefer to dyslexise, are as ubiquitous a part of the pandemic as the masks. Unlike the masks, which will cause mainly individual problems (if you wear a mask, you’re restricting your own breathing, not someone else’s), hand sanitiser use at the level we’ve been seeing for the past 10 months is going to become one helluva headache in the none too distant future. That’s because apart from destroying your own, personal microbiome we’ve got a bigger picture to consider.
Antimicrobial resistance across the board had been getting worse already before the pandemic hit. Already in 2018 it was noted that alcohol-based hand sanitisers in particular were turning bacteria into the next level of ‘superbug’, namely VRE (vancomycin resistant enterococci), one of the leading causes of infections in hospitals.
“We have to be careful about this new trend towards heavy reliance on alcohol-based hand sanitisers. Soap and water should be our number-one protection” – both in hospitals and for personal use. The next question is whether the bacteria will continue to evolve and tolerate higher and higher doses of alcohol – or even stop responding entirely. “Is it possible for these organisms to develop complete resistance to alcohol?” These questions were also raised by researchers years before the advent of SARS-CoV-2 and the ubiquitous little bottles of hand gels.
It has a permanent place on our right-hand menu. Worth reading in full.
The Government is Gambling With People’s Lives

In a new piece that we’re publishing today, philosopher Ben Hawkins takes a look at lockdown through the lens of the “trolley problem”. What should you do when faced with a peril for which you are not personally responsible – what is it acceptable for you to sacrifice to try to avert it? Ben explains:
Imagine you are walking across a bridge over a rail line. Suddenly you hear screams coming from under the bridge. You look down and see that four people are tied to the tracks. What’s worse, you look up and see what looks like a runaway train carriage hurtling towards them. The carriage doesn’t look that big – if you could push a large object over the bridge in front of the carriage, you figure that it would be enough to stop the carriage and save the four people tied to the line. Looking around for such an object, you see an incredibly fat man stood at the edge of the bridge. He looks big enough to stop the carriage. Do you push him, knowing that falling from such a height and being hit by the carriage will almost certainly kill him? Do you sacrifice one life, to save four others?
This is an example of a trolley problem, a hypothetical scenario designed by ethicists to examine how we should behave in different situations. The above example is tricky, because whilst we would usually agree that four lives are more important than one life, the positive act of killing someone goes against many of our moral intuitions. Most people, when asked what they would do in this scenario, say they wouldn’t push the fat man.
Such abstract scenarios may seem irrelevant to real life. We certainly never expect to find ourselves in situations like the one described above – we don’t live in a world where people are frequently tied to train tracks, or where runaway train carriages can be stopped by pushing fat men off bridges. But the point isn’t to understand how we would behave in this particular situation, but to understand how we should behave when analogous situations arise in real life. And, in fact, we have such a real life situation to which such considerations can be applied. Lockdown.
Worth reading in full.
Why Face Masks Don’t Protect the Wearer

“Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review of Their Inadequacies” is the title, not as you might think of a recent article by a lockdown sceptic, but a piece written in 2016 by dentist John Hardie in Oral Health magazine. He begins:
For at least three decades a face mask has been deemed an essential component of the personal protective equipment worn by dental personnel. A current article, “Face Mask Performance: Are You Protected” gives the impression that masks are capable of providing an acceptable level of protection from airborne pathogens. Studies of recent diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the Ebola Crisis combined with those of seasonal influenza and drug resistant tuberculosis have promoted a better understanding of how respiratory diseases are transmitted. Concurrently, with this appreciation, there have been a number of clinical investigations into the efficacy of protective devices such as face masks. This article will describe how the findings of such studies lead to a rethinking of the benefits of wearing a mask during the practice of dentistry. It will begin by describing new concepts relating to infection control especially personal protective equipment (PPE).
Hardie concludes:
The primary reason for mandating the wearing of face masks is to protect dental personnel from airborne pathogens. This review has established that face masks are incapable of providing such a level of protection. Unless the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, national and provincial dental associations and regulatory agencies publicly admit this fact, they will be guilty of perpetuating a myth which will be a disservice to the dental profession and its patients.
It would be beneficial if, as a consequence of the review, all present infection control recommendations were subjected to the same rigorous testing as any new clinical intervention. Professional associations and governing bodies must ensure the clinical efficacy of quality improvement procedures prior to them being mandated. It is heartening to know that such a trend is gaining a momentum which might reveal the inadequacies of other long held dental infection control assumptions.
Prescient, you might think, and depressing that these lessons, of the need for rigorous testing of infection control measures and of the ineffectiveness of masks, were not learned.
Too prescient, it seems. For this article has been taken down from the publisher’s website, with just a note left in its place.
If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.
Please note that the content from Oral Health Group is primarily intended to educate and inform dental professionals.
Censorship and erasure of the past to try to shore up the flimsy case for face masks. Not exactly a sign of confidence in the evidence.
Lockdown Sceptics is pleased to make the article available to the public again. You can find it here.
SAGE Admits Masks Do Little to Help

SAGE quietly released a document on January 13th which admits that masks are no protection for the wearer, and though intended to protect others aren’t even very good at that. An independent researcher has taken a closer look for Lockdown Sceptics and explains further.
SAGE released a document in January prepared by a sub-committee, which it endorsed, saying that masks were primarily a source control (cloth and surgical masks are thought to offer the wearer little protection) and citing an estimate for their typical impact on transmission of 6-15% (possibly as high as 45%).
That document says in relation to source control: “Analysis of regional level data in several countries suggest this impact is typically around 6 – 15% (Cowling and Leung, 2020, Public Health England 2021) but could be as high as 45% (Mitze et al., 2020).”
A 6 – 15% reduction seems to be a lot lower than NERVTAG, SAGE and the Government have previously suggested – barely relevant. Moreover, the Cowling & Leung paper says: “While most research on face masks has involved surgical type face masks, it should be presumed that reusable cloth masks could provide similar benefits if they have a sufficient number of layers and preferably a filter.” So the 6 – 15% estimate seems to be for surgical masks. Cloth masks in reality usually have few layers (maybe only one) and no filter. So their effect is likely smaller still.
The Cowling & Leung paper is here. It is an editorial not a research paper in its own right.
The 6 – 15% estimate actually comes from a December 2020 review paper by Brainard et al.
They say: “Conclusion: Wearing face masks may reduce primary respiratory infection risk, probably by 6-15%. It is important to balance evidence from RCTs and observational studies when their conclusions widely differ and both are at risk of significant bias. COVID-19-specific studies are required.” They also say “The environmental and economic costs of regularly using face masks are notable, and only partly abated by reuse.”
Not exactly strong support for wearing masks!
- “Capt Tom donations: What was the £33m spent on?” – BBC report explaining it went on snacks, tea breaks and a “well-being wing” for hospital staff. Perhaps some more ICU nurses might have been a better buy…
- “What the latest vaccine news means for lifting lockdown” – Kate Andrews in the Spectator writes that Government worries over ICU occupancy among the under-65s are keeping the brakes on the lockdown easing
- “Rishi Sunak concerned scientists are ‘moving goalposts’ on Covid lockdown” – Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph on the battle within Government to prioritise opening up over eliminating all risk
- “COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning?” – Nature feature by Dyani Lewis querying another Covid myth
- “No Hugging, No Kissing” – Latest episode of the GoodFellows podcast from the Hoover Institute where GBD co-author Professor Jay Bhattacharya joins John H. Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, H.R. McMaster and Bill Whalen to talk Covid and the future
- “Immunity & COVID-19” – New briefing note from the British Society for Immunology that is worth bookmarking
- “The Pandemic That Changed Nothing” – Left wing criticism of lockdown policy by Leila Mechoui and Alexander Davidson on the Bellows for how it penalises workers and benefits the wealthy
- “Move over, Dictator Dan: Marshal Mark is the new laughable Lord of the Lockdown” – Rocco Loiacono in Spectator Australia on the new tyrant in town
- “Coronavirus: no going back to normal” – Disturbing report from the Institute for Government by Bronwen Maddox arguing that “life after coronavirus will not feel like life before. It is best that Governments acknowledge that and start planning now… while not raising expectations that life will suddenly snap back to an almost forgotten normal”
- “Gab Lockdown Sceptics” – Join the new group here
- “Covid-19 pandemic causes a global democracy slump” – The 2020 edition of the Economist‘s Democracy Index finds the average global score fell from 5.44 to 5.37 – the worst score since the index began in 2006. And still pretty generous I would say
- “HS2 contractors to use social distancing hard hats” – Report from Construction Enquirer that a contractor on the project is to issue workers with hard hats that sound an alarm if they get too near each other
- “Understanding the drivers of transmission of SARS-CoV-2” – Comment piece in the Lancet by Laura Cornelissen and Emmanuel André expounding a study that confirms infectiousness is predicted by viral load and thus asymptomatic infection is not a major driver of transmission. They also note (with a hint of embarrassment) that mask-wearing has no relationship to risk of transmission
- “Californians Disapprove of Gov. Lockdown” – James Freeman in the Wall Street Journal on a new survey that indicates why Governor Gavin Newsom is now trying to reopen fast
- “Northern Ireland NHS cancels 4,000+ red flag cancer patients” – BBC reports on yet more collateral damage from the anti-Covid measures
- “No evidence of change in symptoms from new coronavirus variant” – Report from King’s College London drawing on ZOE app data confirming there are no significant differences in symptoms, severity or duration of disease from the Kentish variant
- “Dear Captain Tom: Rest in peace – not applause” – Emily Hill says he deserves more respect than this virtue signalling festival
- “UK seeing a ‘lack of appetite’ for regaining freedoms” – Brendan O’Neill tells Sky News Australia host Chris Kenny he’s worried about the “unwillingness of society to say ‘listen freedom is important and we need an actual date for when it’s going to be returned to us’”
Theme Tunes Suggested by Readers
Eight today: “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow” by Fleetwood Mac, “Strange Days” by the Doors, “Strange Town” by the Jam, “Ghost Town” by The Specials, “Enough is enough” by Donna Summer/Barbara Streisand, “What a fool believes” by Doobie brothers, “Know Your Rights” by The Clash and “Where Did All The Good Times Go” by Donnie Osmond.
Love in the Time of Covid

We have created some Lockdown Sceptics Forums, including a dating forum called “Love in a Covid Climate” that has attracted a bit of attention. We have a team of moderators in place to remove spam and deal with the trolls, but sometimes it takes a little while so please bear with us. You have to register to use the Forums as well as post comments below the line, but that should just be a one-time thing. Any problems, email Lockdown Sceptics here.
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Some of you have asked how to link to particular stories on Lockdown Sceptics so you can share it. To do that, click on the headline of a particular story and a link symbol will appear on the right-hand side of the headline. Click on the link and the URL of your page will switch to the URL of that particular story. You can then copy that URL and either email it to your friends or post it on social media. Please do share the stories.
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You can follow Lockdown Sceptics on our social media accounts which are updated throughout the day. To follow us on Facebook, click here; to follow us on Twitter, click here; to follow us on Instagram, click here; to follow us on Parler, click here; and to follow us on MeWe, click here.
“Mask Exempt” Lanyards

We’ve created a one-stop shop down here for people who want to obtain a “Mask Exempt” lanyard/card – because wearing a mask causes them “severe distress”, for instance. You can print out and laminate a fairly standard one for free here and the Government has instructions on how to download an official “Mask Exempt” notice to put on your phone here. And if you feel obliged to wear a mask but want to signal your disapproval of having to do so, you can get a “sexy world” mask with the Swedish flag on it here.
A reader has started a website that contains some useful guidance about how you can claim legal exemption. Another reader has created an Android app which displays “I am exempt from wearing a face mask” on your phone. Only 99p.
If you’re a shop owner and you want to let your customers know you will not be insisting on face masks or asking them what their reasons for exemption are, you can download a friendly sign to stick in your window here.
And here’s an excellent piece about the ineffectiveness of masks by a Roger W. Koops, who has a doctorate in organic chemistry. See also the Swiss Doctor’s thorough review of the scientific evidence here and Prof Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson’s Spectator article about the Danish mask study here.
Stop Press: The US Federal Government is stepping up its mask requirements with new, stricter rules on public transport – which in America includes giving someone a lift. Breitbart News has the details.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest order, requiring individuals to wear masks when using public transportation or residing in transportation hubs, will be “further enforced by other federal authorities”, the agency announced in its order, which went into effect this week.
Under the order, individuals are required to wear masks while using public transportation, which includes “awaiting, boarding, disembarking, or traveling on airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, and ride-shares as they are traveling into, within, or out of the United States and U.S. territories”, per the CDC.
There are exemptions, but they are not generous, and notably children of three and up do not escape.
The order exempts those under the age of two, as well as individuals with certain disabilities. Individuals are also not required to wear a mask while eating or drinking “for brief periods of time” or communicating “for brief periods of time” with someone who is hearing impaired.
The CDC also specifies that individuals do not have to wear a mask if unconscious “for reasons other than sleeping”, or if they are “incapacitated, unable to be awakened, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance”.
The order also permits those who are “experiencing difficulty breathing or shortness of breath or are feeling winded” to remove the mask “temporarily until able to resume normal breathing with the mask”.
“Persons who are vomiting should remove the mask until vomiting ceases,” the order states.
The Great Barrington Declaration

The Great Barrington Declaration, a petition started by Professor Martin Kulldorff, Professor Sunetra Gupta and Professor Jay Bhattacharya calling for a strategy of “Focused Protection” (protect the elderly and the vulnerable and let everyone else get on with life), was launched in October and the lockdown zealots have been doing their best to discredit it ever since. If you googled it a week after launch, the top hits were three smear pieces from the Guardian, including: “Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including ‘Dr Johnny Bananas’.” (Freddie Sayers at UnHerd warned us about this the day before it appeared.) On the bright side, Google UK has stopped shadow banning it, so the actual Declaration now tops the search results – and Toby’s Spectator piece about the attempt to suppress it is among the top hits – although discussion of it has been censored by Reddit. The reason the zealots hate it, of course, is that it gives the lie to their claim that “the science” only supports their strategy. These three scientists are every bit as eminent – more eminent – than the pro-lockdown fanatics so expect no let up in the attacks. (Wikipedia has also done a smear job.)
You can find it here. Please sign it. Now over three quarters of a million signatures.
Update: The authors of the GBD have expanded the FAQs to deal with some of the arguments and smears that have been made against their proposal. Worth reading in full.
Update 2: Many of the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration are involved with new UK anti-lockdown campaign Recovery. Find out more and join here.
Update 3: You can watch Sunetra Gupta set out the case for “Focused Protection” here and Jay Bhattacharya make it here.
Update 4: The three GBD authors plus Prof Carl Heneghan of CEBM have launched a new website, “a global repository for research into the collateral effects of the COVID-19 lockdown measures”. Follow Collateral Global on Twitter here. Sign up to the newsletter here.
Judicial Reviews Against the Government

There are now so many legal cases being brought against the Government and its ministers we thought we’d include them all in one place down here.
The Simon Dolan case has now reached the end of the road. The current lead case is the Robin Tilbrook case which challenges whether the Lockdown Regulations are constitutional. You can read about that and contribute here.
Then there’s John’s Campaign which is focused specifically on care homes. Find out more about that here.
There’s the GoodLawProject and Runnymede Trust’s Judicial Review of the Government’s award of lucrative PPE contracts to various private companies. You can find out more about that here and contribute to the crowdfunder here.
Scottish Church leaders from a range of Christian denominations have launched legal action, supported by the Christian Legal Centre against the Scottish Government’s attempt to close churches in Scotland for the first time since the the Stuart kings in the 17th century. The church leaders emphasised it is a disproportionate step, and one which has serious implications for freedom of religion.” Further information available here.
There’s the class action lawsuit being brought by Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team in various countries against “the manufacturers and sellers of the defective product, PCR tests”. Dr Fuellmich explains the lawsuit in this video. Dr Fuellmich has also served cease and desist papers on Professor Christian Drosten, co-author of the Corman-Drosten paper which was the first and WHO-recommended PCR protocol for detection of SARS-CoV-2. That paper, which was pivotal to the roll out of mass PCR testing, was submitted to the journal Eurosurveillance on January 21st and accepted following peer review on January 22nd. The paper has been critically reviewed here by Pieter Borger and colleagues, who have also submitted a retraction request.
And last but not least there was the Free Speech Union‘s challenge to Ofcom over its ‘coronavirus guidance’. A High Court judge refused permission for the FSU’s judicial review on December 9th and the FSU has decided not to appeal the decision because Ofcom has conceded most of the points it was making. Check here for details.

If you are struggling to cope, please call Samaritans for free on 116 123 (UK and ROI), email or visit the Samaritans website to find details of your nearest branch. Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year, providing a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them.
Shameless Begging Bit
Thanks as always to those of you who made a donation in the past 24 hours to pay for the upkeep of this site. Doing these daily updates is hard work (although we have help from lots of people, mainly in the form of readers sending us stories and links). If you feel like donating, please click here. And if you want to flag up any stories or links we should include in future updates, email us here. (Don’t assume we’ll pick them up in the comments.)
And Finally…

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Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban.
This is outrageous…
Nigel Farage
I have been drawing attention to Napier Barracks and other such camps for some time. You won’t believe what’s happened now…
Write to Priti Patel, the Home Secretary here:
when the whole ship is sinking and going under, I think we hardly need to worry that a few deluded morons have decided to climb aboard…..that is so yesterday’s news
They may well be used as useful morons, in some specific role….
Could be tomorrow’s news.
Beware the media distraction
The Hydroxychloroquine coverup
As far as I’m concerned everyone that helped cover up the hydroxychloroquine story is guilty of murder. Thousands of people could have been cured and instead died
Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals
In recent months, Dr Coleman’s videos have been targeted by trolls spreading lies, libels and misinformation and because of this, Dr Coleman has had to disable comments. We hope you understand.
In an emotional video, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals.
For more unbiased information about other important matters, please visit
„I was only following orders“
“I was only following profit”.
Oh sorry, that’s the faceless crooks in big pharma who have been pushing all this.
The poor man has spent the best part of 50 years trying to bring the corrupt medical establishment to account. He is visibly distraught in this video but a comment made elsewhere was ‘why take any notice of what he says as he is a fruitcake!’ Is he, is he really? Maybe, just maybe there is a grain of truth in what he says.
More than a grain I venture.
“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” George Orwell – “1984″
No medals for 1st here, we’re all winners at st lockdown sceptics.
Hear hear! But the Race to the Top always makes me smile.
Well, sort-of, actually of course we are all (except the politicians and super-rich) losers in the UK (and most of the West)!
Speak for yourself, guy.
Excellent edition today. Great articles. Thanks to the team.
TESCO “Leave 2 Kids Outside” @ Single Mother
231K subscribers
This is breathtaking!
Katie Hopkins: Beware the media distraction
Remember the good old days when social services would take your kids away for that. Now actively instructed by a supermarket
Just shows how poorly trained and poorly paid staff are more hazardous to one’s health more than a virus.
They are in-fucking-sane and this just needs to stop, and now.
I can’t believe people still buy this crap and support lockdowns, with some idiots wanting more stricter lockdowns
Global Warming Is a Lie, Scientist Reveals (See Proof)
Hmmm well no “global warming” is a fact, it has been warming for the last 15,000yrs. Anthropogenic global warming is a much more contentious argument. I’m halfway between the 2. We may be adding a tiny fraction to it but doesn’t justify the alarmism of the speculative modellers.
As I said last night you get the research & conclusions you pay for.
My 11 year old is of the same view, despite the attempted brainwashing of the education system and the bbc. He’s of a scientific bent, and knows when something doesn’t stack up.
Your comment about your son has cheered me up enormously!
nullius in verba. An enquiring mind, the way science should be practised.
Lockdowns mate, not global warming, wokes, whatever they are, or any other right/left tosh. Lockdown scepticism!!! Got it?
The Greenhouse Effect is nonsense because higher levels in the atmosphere cannot re-radiate thermal energy back to earth as they are colder than the earth’s surface. This would contradict the second law of thermodynamics.
‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap’ by George Chilingar (Author), Derek Alker (Author), John O’Sullivan (Editor)
Yes indeed, a robust approach and good material, far better than the recent tosh.
Here are some interesting recent links on global warming:
The latest pause in global warming has lasted for 5 years and 6 months:
The failure of climate models to predict global temperatures – they substantially overestimate by a factor of almost 3x:
How the temperature data is manipulated – almost a perfect correlation between adjustments to the surface temperature record made and the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Yes, much better but still on about cases and covid symptoms which are the same as flu symptoms
Hear, hear!
The ability to believe what it is in one’s interests to believe and call it science has been starkly revealed by the responses to the coronavirus. For months Chris Whitty, the UK government’s senior medical advisor, expressed the view that there was no benefit from wearing face masks by general population. In June the government changed its policy and mandated face masks on public transport. It subsequently extended this to indoor public spaces generally. Whitty was asked by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee for the evidence for this reversal. He told the Committee: “The data have not changed. What changed was our interpretation.” This one example is illustrative of how “the science” has been exploited as a rhetorical device. The responses to the virus are pseudoscience. The status of science is invoked to provide policy decisions with a specious authority that is beyond challenge. Of course should anyone present a serious credible critique that might influence a significant audience, they are immediately simply censored and denounced. No one is allowed to challenge the narrative. Anyone who does challenge the narrative is labelled as mad, bad and dangerous. This demonising of critical voices allows the supporters of the narrative to represent themselves as morally and intellectually superior, creating a vested interest in continuing to believe in the narrative, creating belief that is impervious to evidence and reason.
Sounds remarkably like the Catholic Church’s historical response to heresy, particularly the Lollards and the Protestant Reformers. OK, dear sceptic, I know that if you are godless then the entire Reformation upheaval will appear to be eggs in moonshine, but that only makes the parallel with the present bollox even closer. The persecutors of today have no more backing from hard, objective truth than the persecutors of the sixteenth century.
One consolation emerges. The Protestant view eventually triumphed in Britain, and the erstwhile persecutors, with a few exceptions, immediately espoused it, though ready to swing back the instant it became unprofitable. There’s a story, in Foxe I think, of an interrogator who asked a heretic who had taught him such damnable doctrine. ‘Why, my Lord, you did,’ replied the heretic, with perfect truth.
Give Whitless and Co. a bit of time and they will be proclaiming the exact opposite of what they are proclaiming now, because to them it’s not science, and it’s not religion: it’s what keeps their skins whole, their influence on the powers-that-be irresistible, their pockets full, and their foul faces on TV.
There’s an old song “The Vicar of Bray” in which the vicar changes his views in accordance with the prevailing orthodoxy through its various phases.
And whatsoever ‘science’ may reign,
SAGE will continue to bray, Sir.
Watch this, Annie… says EXACTLY that
that particular Church, I understand, is now very cautious about making such pronouncements, and declaring an opinion on scientific matters whilst it is a matter of debate among scientists – it has still not condemned (neo) Darwinism, for example. And now, of course they are instead accused of moving very slowly.
just because they stick the label ‘science’ on it does not make it any less tosh. Tosh called by any other name doth stink as foul…
We should always remember that when asked if there was any scientific basis for the muzzling, Wancock himself admitted that the mandate was more to convince the scared to go out and about. So no concern about the side effects of wearing masks but simply trying to carry on with the scaremongering.
From day one in the sage meetings minutes they talk about keeping fear levels high to ensure compliance. You don’t have to convince everyone. Just the gobby know nothing twitter brigade and the mumsnet granny savers. They will keep everything in order because if you disagree you “dissappear”. In the good old days of oppressed regimes this was literally, now its only virtually. Whatever way you look at it you are silenced and it stops others expressing their opinion.
When the shit does eventually hit the fan and we are pointing fingers these people will play the I was only doing what the government said. Its really, really important we never let this happen. Otherwise this will be happening every year.
It was also the start of active persecution of the non-compliant. Remember Fetida Dick encouraging the zombies to set upon people with faces?
The evidence was fixed around the policy. – Some UK Govt dude regarding the premeditated war of aggression against Iraq.
John Scarlett head of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) was charged with providing the evidence for justifying the invasion of Iraq. In this role Scarlett worked closely with Blair’s right hand conman Alastair Campbell, who made sure that the JIC chief actually came up with ‘the goods’.
Excellent post.
‘Anyone who does challenge the narrative is labelled as mad, bad and dangerous.’
Indeed. And of course, they’re addressing a mirror. It’s a self-appraisal at this point.
‘This demonising of critical voices allows the supporters of the narrative to represent themselves as morally and intellectually superior, creating a vested interest in continuing to believe in the narrative, creating belief that is impervious to evidence and reason.’
Exactly, and the muddled masses strut around parroting this absurd pseudoscience, pointing the finger and shouting down calm, rational unbelievers and calling for them to be burned at the stake. We are experiencing a New Inquisition.
Fantastic post. You’ve nailed it down.
Thinking I might just title the book: The Madness of Whitty
Didn’t some people in Germany’s National Socialist regime of 1933-1945 claim to be following the science? Didn’t the likes of dr Mengele claim to ber doing serious medical research?
Didn’t these types used to try and persuade psychiatrists to define people who disagreed with them as mad (or words to that effect)?
And didn’t the pharmaceutical industry (I. G. Farben?) play a disreputable part in that regime?
I suppose its an improvement on yesterday, still had a picture of an irritating old man that made me want to put my fist through the screen.
I’m both reluctant & saddened to say the graphs at least upon first glance do seem to show lockdown having an affect (if you believe the stats aren’t manipulated, i don’t). A more infectious variant surely isn’t the reason for the bactrian double hump? Do seasonal infectious diseases behave like this. Surely if its “highly” infectious then it would sweep through the country quicker & be all over, unless something prevents its spread? The only reason its likely to reappear is because of the delaying factor of lockdown & no one can seriously be suggesting we stay in lockdown forever. No i’m NOT advocating or defending lockdowns, life should be measured in quality not quantity.
Never used hand sanitiser I actually think its more harmful than masks & its pretty bloody obvious inhibiting your the intake of oxygen isn’t beneficial to an air breathing mammal! I’m all for nature, shock horror, I don’t even use shampoo, your body has evolved to coexist quite healthily without man made chemicals. No your hair doesn’t smell or become greasy if you wash it with just water every other day. Germs are good for your health contrary to popular belief.
I’d push the fat man off if it meant saving a beautiful damsel in distress, no qualms, second thoughts or regrets, simples.
If masks prevented infection we would have evolved with a cover over our breathing holes. Masks have nothing to do with physical virus suppression. Its a psychological mind f*ck, to infect the populous with fear & keep everyone
scaredmindful of the lurgy, sage know masks don’t work they’ve all openly said so at some time.Round-up
killedslumped democracy, it was socialism.Can’t believe there’s no woke gobbledygook, its more virulent than covid19.
Told ya there was plenty of woke gobbledygook about Church of England clergyman apologises after saying clapping for
Capt Sir Tom Mooreold propagandist was ‘cult of white British nationalism’ No it was just covidian worship.That is indeed a beauty. Gobbledygook squared. And exactly what one would expect from the Zombie Pseudochurch.
If the CofE had saints, Captain Dupe would now be undergoing the fastest canonisation in ecclesiastical history. Maybe, in his holy shrine, they would paint his face white, black, brown and yellow, in stripes.
He’s already a secular saint. I walk past a 25-foot mural of the man every time I go to Sainsburys.
He could even beat the record of Catholics under JP 2 canonising saints as if they were off a conveyor belt. A practise that Benedict put a stop to.
Tell yer wot. Instead of horrible zombie leaders, let’s all send in a Consoling Picture to head a day’s issue. We could even feature a photo competition. Let’s have some fun. Or let’s choose beautiful and inspiring landscapes. Somebody, I forget who (sorry) posted some beauties BTL a while back..
Good idea. They should reveal the horror of the msm slowly to us, this time of day.
No unessential sitting!
There is usually a bactrian double hump in winter: one for Influenza A then other for Influenza B. There will also be ones for Beta-coronaviruses and Alpha-coronaviruses. Flu has of course been reclassified as a Beta-coronavirus infection now. If we ignore Covid then it looks fairly normal if a little earlier than normal.
No, the graphs don’t show lockdown working. Cases and deaths are falling almost everywhere, including in no-lockdown Sweden. Cases of an infectious disease don’t just rise forever in the absence of human intervention. There are many natural causes that have far more of an impact.
Did you know there are people out there who actually believe that the government are doing the right thing?
Did you know that there are people out there who have done no independent research and believe everything the government says?
I think that is one of the worst things about this. We have to live in a society with people who think this is all a reasonable response.
How can we trust anyone again?
I very much doubt this as the majority of people who apparently believe the government line know very little of what government ministers and their experts have actually said. Rather than believing everything the government says, it seems they believe the headlines/soundbites of the corporate media.
A fair correction.
But a distinction without a difference just now.
Yes indeed.
Very true, the headlines are what stick in people’s minds, even when they’re not an accurate summary of the story below.
‘If you’re doing nothing wrong then you’ve nothing to worry about.’
Everything I do is wrong according to them because I support the many little people not the rich few!
It makes no sense. I have a friend who’s always hated the tories because of his grandfathers views even though he’s benefitted immensely from Tory policies since Thatcherism. He’s never believed a word they’ve said in the past, but for the last year he’s been hung on every diktat and stat.
The odd thing is many of the most rabid lockdownistas I know have a hatred of Johnson & the Tories that’s verging on the pathological and deranged.
You would have thought they would be fighting all this tooth & nail. Instead they’re the biggest cheerleaders.
What other position can they take when their Great White Hope, the Kneeler is even more rabid than Fat Boy and his chums/controllers.
Shared statist mindset. A low opinion of the plebs and a belief that central levers can be pulled from the control room and these will somehow translate the wish into fact via some mass cattle prod.
Yep. It’s the inner authoritarian showing – it’s for their own good and I know best.
Also that anyone would think there is actually a tracking device in it. When we voice concerns that the vaccine is a control mechanism, people take it literally.
While not suggesting there are tracking devices in the current round of unnecessary “vaccines”, there are no sensible grounds for ruling them out. If not now, they will nevertheless be here before too long.
An in body in tracking device is not at all outlandish, when we consider the overall enormity of the current corona scam and the tracking of our every move is certainly one of the globalists aims. Also it makes the headlong rush to roll out the dangerous and unneeded 5G much more understandable.
And yet government ministers and advisers have repeatedly asserted that even when vaccinated one has to follow all the rules.
Indeed, people are just conveniently not hearing this. Why?
I suspect it is because they are not paying attention, and just hear the headlines/soundbites and the emotional tone and have a tendency to make stuff up to fill in the gaps. Apparently, the general public know almost nothing about the virus. For example, on average people believe that seven percent of the population have died of Covid 19. Another example is that bookings for holidays in the UK are at record levels even though going on holiday is currently illegal and listening to ministers and their experts there is no reason to assume the law will be repealed anytime soon.
I agree, and I most certainly don’t understand the enthusiasm people have for booking holidays under the current circumstances. If 2020 was anything to go by, there are going to be an awful lot of people fighting to recover their deposits from the airlines and tour operators in a few months time. (I wonder how many of this year’s bookings are actually people who were encouraged to accept vouchers after last year’s cancellations, and were told in January that they had to use them or lose them?)
Why the hell should we take experimental ‘vaccines’ which only ease symptoms when instead we could take ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine which are proven to be safe, cheap and effective in protecting against and treating early stage Covid? Maybe the reason is that word ‘cheap.’
Though maybe the reason is depopulation.
Well there’s provably about 10 million of them in this country – minus those blackmailed into the vax by their employers (there’s doubtless some of them already) and those not mentally competent to make the decision for themselves (eg through dementia) and someone has made that decision for them and differently to the one they themselves would have made all else being equal.
I don’t suppose someone like that would even care if it was known what they were thinking and feeling even – and so not even any privacy within their own head.
they might start to care when they find they can’t go on holiday this summer.
It will be our fault! I have just met someone in town who asked us if we’d had our vaccines yet. I said I would never have one. She said it there were a lot of people who thought like me we will all be killed (by covid). FFS this is how they think. They can’t even think that they have had the ‘vaccine ‘ so they will be saved allejulah and leave us alone.
I think my answer would be if this was true, why are we not all dead? We have lived with this for over a year. Why is everyone who works in a supermarket not dead. From Feb to July. Height of the pandemic, no masks, no plastic screens, all sneezing and coughing over the goods. How can they still be able to carry on working and more to the point why did none of them die. Hardly the zombie apocalypse is it?
It’s the same poison propaganda as applies to face knickers. I can force you to comply because you’re doing it for ME ME ME, not for yourself.
“are you saved”?
now where have i heard that before?
Did you know there are governments out there who trust that their people will not (can not) independently research?
Infantilism demands and parental prison provides.
This arrested development has deeper causes that rational thinking in either its fearful ‘children’ or controlling ‘parents’. Fear and control are two sides of one coin or false currency.
That you cant join with lies is an honesty of being that is made clear to your awareness of such in others as a deeply disturbing experience.
Fear – if not faced and lived through – splits the mind.
I regard this observation as spiritual or integrative awareness – because it is not merely thinking about, but directly present as the willingness to be with what is to the recognition of what is true, rather than mask in ‘protections’ from what is truly going on under narrative illusion seeking reinforcement.
I hold that learning to trust ourselves, rather than think ourselves into narrative identity, is what spirituality is and does, and nothing to do with ‘spouting beliefs’ or wearing our heart on our sleeve as signalling for social virtue or indeed for anti-anything virtue.
The capacity to accept our self where we are now with what is here – is the natural extension of a like quality to another, regardless the mask of their appearances. For it does not demand or manipulate or seek for itself.
The world – our relationships – can be read as faithful feedback to where I am coming from. But not from a set of terms and conditions that demand it be something else. If others are not ready or willing to look where a mind set over fear denies, then there is no forcing of another that can do anything but set equal and opposite reaction.
But whatever willingness is here can be given freedom to be itself, if we are present, aware and open to the prompt of a recognition of a shared appreciation instead of a world set in grievance. For why should the fearful trust you or anyone but as fear dictates? You can witness to another basis for choice than as fear dictates without making it a matter of ‘telling them they are wrong’ or confirming them in their sense of self-lack.
Rationality divorced from the heart – by whatever name – is a dissociated machine thinking that trusts its own modelling above empirical facts revealed. Trust cannot be or become a set of rules, algorithm, or system. That is ‘control’ set as structure in place of trust in ongoing relational communication. Within the structure, whatever it determines can seem reasonable if the function of such a system is to keep you safe from overwhelm. But the word is ‘seem’ and the fear is operating as if FACT.
“Nothing to hide, nothing to fear” was a phrase launched into the public’s minced-up minds by that slimy evil bastard Michael Howard when he was Home Secretary under that other slimy bastard John Major.
This bit of brainwashing was used to persuade the sheeple that we needed CCTV camera’s EVERYWHERE in the UK.
The sheeple lapped it up.
I always explain that I have heaps to hide. Not because I’m doing anything illicit, just naturally furtive.
Have you tried counting all the spy cameras in your town centre?
Take forever.
are those the ones that have had no discernible effect on crime?
I considered sending a bunch of links to the very nice lady from Waitrose customer services who listened to my (polite) rant about sanitizers and how it affects people with allergies yesterday.
We now know so much more, but big businesses, I guess because govt has not changed their message, has not moved on.
Big business is a big part of government.
The above article uses Office for National Statistics data to effectively demonstrate the falsity of the reported Covid 19 death figures. The analysis clearly shows:
Great link thanks
Thanks — so 5 yr Dec average of flu-resp-pneum dead is over 11K. But in Dec 2020 only 1.1 K died from these causes…..and the fake news and covidiots say what? Flu was cured from the diapers? But the other categories are the same. 5 yr Dec month avg for Dementia – 28K dead. But only 5 K in Dec 2020….did the diapers cure Dementia?
Actually I did similar analysis. The ONS data for Dementia+Alz is wrong….28 K do not die in December from Dem+Alz it is more like 5.000. So you need to understand that some of their data sets are inaccurate. Heart disease all varieties, as well is inaccurate. So some of the numbers in this article are incorrect. I had the same issue. Flu +resp dead are accurate. But the other categories are not – if you add up their table for Dec 2020 you come to 120 K dead that month which is 40K above normal figures, so does not add up.
So if the Office for National Statistics death figures (which are collated from death certificates) what source do you prefer?
Yes. The argument is starkly clear: most ‘covid’ deaths are mis-attributed illnesses from other cause of known prevalence that just ‘vanished’ in the 2020 death numbers. ‘Known prevalence’ is the proof. The absence of evidence is…. the ‘evidence of absence [of true covid deaths]’: death numbers are the one thing that cannot be hidden (or inflated) in this exercise. The authorities know this.. they know we [a rump] know this.. they know that we know that they know… It’s the general public that they are relying on to not pick this up.
…. it is indeed the ‘Crime of the Century’
Excellent. Just sent link to Sir Graham Brady.
This from the BBC’s report on Tom Dupe’s misspent millions.
“For Cath [ a nurse] the hardest part of the pandemic has been caring for patients cut off from their families. Initially staff used their own mobile phones so patients – especially the elderly ones – could, in some cases, say their final goodbyes. Now the wards have iPads, bought with the appeal money.”
You can say good-bye to a dying relative via an iPad.
Thank you soooooo much, Captain Dupe.
Did you say good-bye via an iPad, Captain Dupe?
Sorry just the thought of this BS makes me steam.
Yes, I started reading the BBC report too. First 2 examples of spending of money raised was on pop up cafes and shops to allow nurses to get snacks and coke (the picture showed the results of this diet)! No wonder the NHS is struggling if this is thought the best use of the money.
At the hospital where my wife works, there was a similar initiative to provide IPads to enable relatives to keep in touch with Covid patients during the Spring 2020 initial Covid crisis. During the summer, when the virus seemed to have gone away, so had all the IPads. Apparently, no-one had bothered to record who had received them, and sure as hell, no-one was keen to bring them back! (This is Yorkshire, after all.)
Some place local to me where nurses hang out (may be a vaccination centre or a testing centre, I don’t know and don’t care) put out an appeal on a local community facebook page for ‘sandwiches and snacks to be donated to them on a daily basis as there were no canteen facilities and there wasn’t enough food provided when management ordered supplies from outside caterers’. Diddums.
I’m sorry and call me old-fashioned but is there some problem in suggesting that NHS staff might like to consider bringing in their own food. I worked for the civil service for nearly 25 years and, apart from the occasional conference catering, staff were responsible for supplying their own sustenance however they saw fit.
Sooooo. ‘cases’ deaths and infections are pretty much all down in the same fashion all over the world.
Perhaps because it isn’t a ‘natural’ virus after all?
When a virus can spread as fast in hot countries as it does in cold ones then something is a bit amiss.
I doubt it’s even a virus, natural or otherwise. it’s pure propaganda: a Big Fat Lie, the Biggest Fattest Lie the world has ever seen
It didn’t do that
In response to the objective Swedish success some people are saying Anders Tegnell (the greatest public health leader in the world) was fired. Does anybody know if this is true?
As far as I know he is alive and well! And continuing to do a great job. This man deserves a Nobel prize for sticking to his guns despite the enormous pressures put upon him.
Think that was just msm wishful thinking.
As noted above, it appears that the reductions in the levels of COVID 19 are now becoming so apparent that even Chris Whitty has noticed. Of course they claim credit for this due to lockdowns, and the latest one was so effective that the virus clearly got scared as it started to disappear in London and the South East a few days before the lockdown even started !
Even Boris may soon see the blindingly obvious and possibly let schools back before 8 March, but let’s not set ourselves unrealistic expectations, after all 17 people of school age (5-19) died of COVID last year.
Looking back, the hysteria over a virus that’s raised the death rate by under 0.1% of the population and 85% of the dead were over 75 is stunning. My guess is that, over the coming months, we will find many people who agree with what we have been saying for the past year and believe they always did – the capacity for self delusion is always surprising.
Which brings me on to an article in the FT magazine this weekend: ‘How we fool ourselves’. The article covers an ‘emperor has no clothes’ type hysteria in the 1930s involving a fake Vermeer which fooled the art establishment including the leading expert at the time. But it doesn’t take long to launch into an attack on those who take a proportionate view of COVID. From forgeries to Covid-denial, Tim Harford on how we fool ourselves | Financial Times (
It’s part of the standard pro-lockdown line and starts off by talking about false positives and that there was a moment when people realised that PCR tests had ‘a false positive rate’. Now let’s examine this level of understatement. To take a couple of examples, an article in the New York Times from August shows a rare display of rationality and balance on this subject (especially for the NYT): Your Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. – The New York Times ( . If you do the numbers false or very weak positives account for 90% of the positive results on the day they analyse. Secondly, from Haringey, my home borough, which is one of the few sources comparing PCR positivity rates for the last week (20.5%) with lateral flow positivity (1.6%). Now I’m sure the believers will come up with many reasons this is not good evidence: too small a sample (it’s not), lateral flows taken for different purposes (can explain a little), false negatives in lateral flows (no more than 50% of asymptomatic cases only – nowhere near enough) etc
The quote that haunts me from the above article is from Abraham Bredius, the leading expert on Vermeer at the time: “quite different from all his other paintings, but every inch a Vermeer”
It evokes the ‘second wave’ where the official deathcount from COVID (week 38-53) was 28,913, but excess deaths according to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries were 10,500. Over the whole year, the headline death rate from COVID was 80,830 but excess deaths (from 14 March to 31 December) were 54,000, and that includes those who died because of lockdown as well.
Now 54,000 is 0.09% of the population and the vast majority (85%) were over 70, so why did the lockdown apply to younger people? Secondly, even for the very old (take the over 90s) the chance of dying increased from around 1 in 4.5 to 1 in 4.1 because of the excess deaths, basically a 1 in 46 additional chance of dying for a group that has a 1 in 4 chance of dying anyway. And if you want to look at the human cost, the over 90s have lost nearly all meaning in at least a quarter of their remaining lives in exchange for a tiny improvement in their mortality – for younger people the comparison is increasingly extreme and for the under 50s I think it is no stretch to say the policy of lockdown is revolting.
And then the question is “ does lockdown even work?” Well it is quite clear ours didn’t. There were some European countries e.g Germany, Poland, Switzerland that avoided the worst of the first wave by locking up sooner, but as was so predictable they ‘caught up’ or are catching up in terms of deaths. A few low density Scandinavian countries avoided the worst of COVID but Sweden which has remarkably similar demographics to the UK excluding London performed almost identically to UK ex London. In fact the graphs of Sweden deaths per million compared to the UK, France, Spain and Italy virtually track each other despite the Swede’s well publicised policies of no lockdown. And if you compare the famously no lockdown Brazil, to its equally famously lockdown mad neighbour Peru, their graphs of deaths per million are frighteningly close. And so on and so on – no, there is no evidence that our lockdowns have achieved anything.
Dear Lawrence, you are talking sense.It’s a dangerous thing to do in Zombie Britain.
There are still such things as gridirons, you know.
A tremendously clear summation. You cannot control truth anymore than a virus. Time will out. The tide is certainly turning.
Tide turning? I’ve lost count of the times we have said that. The tide of stupid is still flowing strongly, alas.
Just stick it out.
The tide comes in and out everyday.Thats how I have felt about this whole manufactured crisis.Some days up and some days when I cannot see a way out.
The governments own dodgy figures are falling so they are reduced to going door to door to try to generate some more like a desperate double glazing salesman.
That is a cause for optimism but they have a lot more variants to go through.
A fair point but a chancellor leaking concerns of economy over CV is a new frontier. However small the progress it is progress. Suggests there is burgeoning mass of MPs beneath to give requisite confidence. Maybe. Maybe
Maybe King Boris can control the tide…
The trouble is most people lead by the frighteningly deranged Hancock have their fingers in their ears and are chanting ‘vaccine, vaccine vaccine’. To my mind SARS-Cov2 is not really much better or worse than the range of human respiratory disease viruses.
What it does seem to have done is in this age of social media and celebrity it has managed to establish itself as the ‘Kim Kardashian’ of the virus world. vacuous and of little more real consequence than anything else but with a tremendous PR ability, doing very little but managing to scare the bejeezus out of a public whose points of reference are Strictly Come Dancing and the Kim Kardashian show. And we have been ‘lead’ into this by a P.M. who came to public fame by appearing on a TV comedy panel show. No wonder our response to all this has been conducted like the script for an over the top TV soap opera.
But where do we go from here? what can we do? I am afraid at this point I run out of ideas?
My inclination is to stuff the zombies full of snake oil and hope they start to act like something approximating to human beings, because lots of them still believe that the snake oil will enable them to do just that.
I’m beginning to WANT the zombies to take the vaccine simply to shut them up because I now feel such contempt for their stupidity, if it made them dissolve before my eyes I would almost cheer. Not very Christian, I admit.
The masses are kept happy by bribe money and Netflix. The former isn’t going to last any longer and there’s only so much Bridgerton crap they can take.
Don’t forget too that the largest cheerleaders for this lockdown are those still on cushy well paid jobs and those with generous pension schemes. When redundancy & bankruptcy catches up with them they will have no choice but to wake up.
Precisely! Beer and circuses. You are a poster that always talks sense imo.
The greatest supporters of continued school lockdowns are those sufficiently well paid to be able to afford to pay moonlighting teachers for personal tuition for their own brats.
Indeed and even teachers have been paid all through out this shit show.
The trolley problem article suggests that the government cannot lift restrictions or stop inflating the numbers until many more people have sadlidied than their predictions show will die due to lockdown.
Yes we knew that 105000 people would die due to lockdown but 200000(more?) people died of the virus.
My blood ran cold reading that article. The author was arguing for the release of lockdown but if the Government releases it now then the “colateral” damage is too high.
Excellently put. I don’t know how anyone with a reasonable IQ could read that and not at least start to doubt what they have been told.
“if you compare the famously no lockdown Brazil”
Where does this come from? With the exception of Rondonia and Roraima every other Brazilian state has seen lockdowns. Our famously gobshite president might be vocally anti-lockdown but the supreme court passed the decisions on Covid measures to the individual state governors, much like the USA. Bolsonaro can say whatever he wants, he has NO power to do anything.
Here in São Paulo we went into lockdown a week before the UK, to flatten the curve and protect the health service (sound familiar?). We haven’t been out of lockdown since. Schools might reopen next week, but the teachers union is in court trying to block that, sitting at home on full salary is so much easier. Yesterday our governor decreed that shopping centres can open at weekends with capacity limits and other measures in place. Masks are mandatory, no exemptions.
It’s in Portuguese but it’s pretty self explanatory.
We have suffered the same problems with lockdowns as the UK, mass unemployment, bankrupt businesses, and more families living on the streets. The auxiliary Covid payments and the local version of the furlough ended in December, and our unemployment benefit is for a maximum of six months.
At the beginning people generally observed the restrictions but as time has passed more folk are ignoring them, in some cases because they don’t think the rules apply to them (we have our Piers Morgans too) or out of the necessity to put food on the table. Fortunately our police haven’t gone full STASI so the fines for non-compliance aren’t being handed out.
Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant, but I see this no lockdowns in Brazil idea floated so often that it gets my goat.
Great post. Just one small quibble, don’t expect Boris to see the light, ever.
of course there were also people who should have known better who believed in the Cottingley fairies. And the Piltdown fraud.
It is, of course, the same today.
One phrase jumped out at me from the Beeb’s report about cancelled cancer ops. ‘Colonic cancer’. I react to that because my mother died of colonic csncer. She was 61, with a happy marriage, a host of hobbies and interests, and was looking forward keenly to a productive retirement.
Colonic cancer kills and it kills fast. Two months from diagnosis to death, in my mother’s case. Only the fastest possible intervention can offer the slightest hope.
To refuse such intervention, when it might save a life, is murder.
Whose life is more valuable, eh? My mother’s, or that of some stooge who just MIGHT get ill from Covid?
We have been used to being treated as children these last 10 months,now we are being treated as infants.
“Being coughed over can increase your chances of catching infections!!!”
Now let me think?
When I want to walk, now do I put my left leg first or would it be my right leg?, Difficult decision??
Ah, but can you tell the difference between an arm and a leg?
Left or right??
Don’t confuse an old man, Annie.
At the bottom of my back, I’ve got an elbow
Don’t worry Annie. At the end of this we’ll all be so poor we’ll not have an arm or leg to stand on.
Miss, miss, Billy keeps doing the okey cokey!
Next we’ll be treated as pets, then just livestock, theres no denying many have been well & truly domesticated.
Any chance of a bonio?
We’ve been treated like children for years now… creeping infantilisation has come from America, where people have been in linguistic arrested development for most of my life.
American English is full of infantile euphemisms, and we know that our lexicon circumscribes our higher order thoughts.
I’ve come to the conclusion over recent years that USA has poisoned the well of the Anglosphere irreversibly.
Anyone on here following the progress of Michael O’Bernicias PCP against the Gov? I did notice yesterday on his main post that ‘apparently’ Sky actually filmed Captain Tom Moore having his ‘vaccination’ a few days before he died and it is now being denied. I would find this complete ‘cover up’ hard to believe as many people would have been present from cameramen to Sir Toms family. But then again there is a complete media blackout on anything adverse reaction related. And more and people are picking up on the correlation between the vaccine roll-out and the near 50% spike in all cause mortality of the over 50s. Interesting to see how this plays out.
Family denies that Tom took the magic vaxx. Apparently he was too old and frail.
It makes sense politically as well. Don’t you think that the Tomster would have been right up there with the 91 going on 61 yr old Irishwoman and the Bard of Warks getting his jab pour encourager les autres?
Yes. I find it hard to believe that he went to Barbados, whilst as fit and healthy as a 100 year old can expect to be, a couple of days before Christmas and two weeks after the fanfare of the first jabs, and we are supposed to believe that he hadn’t been given the jab. Doesn’t ring true to me, unless he himself had the sense to refuse it.
During the miners’ strike in 1984 the corporate media reported that the miners had attacked the police at Orgreave. The broadcast media showed film of it as the lead news item. The representation was completely false. Yet it took a decade before the corporate media was prepared to present the true story.
A comment here a few days ago suggested Moore was given the jab, but when searching recently no news can be found. The same as your post suggests.
Philosophy Phursday
Big Think: Camus on why accepting absurdity is the start of a fruitful life.
I’m instinctively resistant to Camus, but I cannot honestly say I think he’s wrong.
News from the BBC.Pic and mix vaccines on the way.Its being trialled to see if a mixture of different vaccines for each dose work.As the science bends to fit government policy then we can expect it to happen soon.
The news yesterday was that the vaccine second dose is just as effective after 3 months which exactly mirrors government policy on that too.
“As the science bends to fit government policy” – it stops being science, is the new voodoo!
Science ceased on March 23 2020
A valid point, although I would suggest James Hansen’s testimony to congress in June 1988 as a contender.
Reminds me of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead:
Ros. Consistency is all I ask.
Guil. Give us this day our daily mask.
‘and forgive us our asymptomatic spreading, as we forgive those who spread and murder against us….and lead us not to rational thought….but deliver us from freedom’
There was an article in the Torygraph this morning which said they were going to trial these mix-and-match vaccines on young people. Unfortunately it has been removed from the site. Possibly because of comments saying pointless as virus barely affects young and other issues.
Did it give a reason for this approach? Can’t fathom why you would mess around with treatments like this if you think the existing protocols ‘work’. Surely it is just another waste of time and money to add to the pile?
Doesn’t AIDS treatment mix and match different anti-virals to increase the effect? I have no medical knowledge whatsoever and not sure if this works for “vaccines” as opposed to treatments but maybe they are hoping for a similar effect, I recall that many amateur cyclists I knew used to mix aspirin, caffeine and decongestants for a barely legal and pretty crazy pre competition boost, each working to enhance the other.
I heard on Planet Rock news about pick and mix jabs. I think they said 800 people. Did not hear very well as I was swearing at the previous item. Sorry.
They don’t need to do trials. They just do what they like anyway.
Exactly so.
Slightly harder hitting update today, though it’s a shame that the lead article uses the word “wave”, mirroring Whitty. Isn’t it settled science that in general viruses don’t do waves?
Love the Daily Mail being puzzled over how come covid “cases” are dropping in many places, and their desperation to find explanations that fit the narrative
I’d wondered why they’d softened us up over ‘asymptomatic’ spread … because isn’t that what the ‘vaccines’ will do? Suppress symptoms, but not suppress – or, rather, encourage – spread?
A glimmer of hope?
The Mail reports that Rishi Sunak is stirring into action and accusing SAGE etc of moving the goalposts………… it’s the economy stupid.
I also notice the Carl Heneghan has started to be a bit more active lately. It is as if the hysterical febrile atmosphere since Christmas has meant that many have kept their heads down. But a bit like the army commander who waits until the enemy has run out of petrol before launching an attack, these people have now recognised that the tide is starting to turn………….we live in hope?
Carl Heneghan did that great interview in Talk Radio where he did challenge that O’Brien loser to a debate. He’s still waiting for a response.
Bizarrely, O’Brien responded in a tweet to Julia Hartley Brewer, saying that he “didn’t believe that CH needed any more publicity”. Everything I have read about Neil O’Brien makes it obvious he comes from the most loathsome part of the Tory Party; Oxford Educated, former SPAD (to Theresa May, of all people) and now a grandstanding coward. He’ll obviously go far in politics!
He’s like Uriah Heep. Possibly angling for a promotion but he deserves a P45.
Mate, you’ll love our Carl Henghan/NOBrien top trumps in the latest episode:
That was so funny. Next up Piss Morgan and Dr Hilary vs Mike Yeadon.
If last year is anything to go by, they’ve now got a solid 8 month window to dislodge those in situ before nature causes another uptick in cases.
I think it’s because the vaccinations will see a sudden drop in hospitalisations in the next few weeks. This will create space for a fresh debate about re-opening again. Sunak is trying to ensure that the aim does not creep from save the NHS to Zero-Covid. Boris will try to thread the needle by setting an ultra-slow normalisation pathway. The opposite of boiling frogs if you like.
Needless to say my household never locked down since we have to protect our sanity – not doing so is well known to literally take years off your life. But we can only live as normal a life as others around us are prepared to. Perfectly rational friends of mine have been reduced to quivering jellies with this latest lockdown and are no longer prepared to ignore the ‘rules’ in the way they were previously. So I would welcome official re-opening that stops them being so fearful.
Fishi’s everlasting furlough shows how much he cares about the economy.
If Rishi can find the goalposts do you think he could tell us where they are?
i heard the vaxx minister with JHB just now on Talkradio and they were on about vaccines and he was saying needed the ‘whole world’ to be vaccinated before get back to normal.
So I think they are setting the scene that they will reduce restrictions nationally in coming months, but internationally I think they will continue to crack down. I saw somewhere about extending the countries needing hotel imprisonment being extended, so you can see where this is going that all international travel will require imprisonment on return like NZ and Australia.
Or the introduction of the main aim of the show – a ”covid passport” which will allow miraculous passage through the quarantine portals. So bleedin’obvious what the game is.
What a fucking moron. How many people died of flu last year? How many people did you vaccinate? How many did not die? Why would you want to vaccinate the under 40’s? You do understand we can still spread and catch the disease after i am jabbed? You do know i have fuck all chance of dying of it? Like over 99% chance of not dying. I am sorry I do not consent to be part of your experimental vaccine and I hope you burn in hell for the deaths your jab and lockdowns have caused.
Sunak is a bit like Albert Speer, the Nazi who gave the most convincing impression that his heart wasn’t quite in it.
Morning all! Excellent update as usual Will.
If you’ve not listened yet, here the latest episode from our podcast:
Ep 18. Politics, Science, Europe and Hope
Should politicians persecute scientists? We explore the European Unions response to COVID and the vaccine rollout. We keep an eye on the UK’s excellent progress whilst exploring 1984 themes today.
We finish with a brief essay on the history of Soviet Russia and how we could be repeating the repressive mistakes of the past.
Dr Claire Craig on aysomptomatic.
Oh my using science and common sense. The Twaturd and Farcebook mobs will be baying for her blood.
Why are cases suddenly dropping around the world? Perhaps because the WHO recently recommended reducing the PCR cycle threshold. Smoke and mirrors, but most will swallow it.
Undoubtedly. There has to be a strategic reason for their recommendation…the challenge is to work out what the tactic is intended to achieve at this stage! It has to be something underhand.
Reiner Fuellmich’s lawsuit complaining about the (mis)use of PCR tests
Yes, you’re most likely right. I’ve been following events on that front quite closely. Here’s hoping it achieves something significant.
The legacy: £33m for sweets and fizzy drinks.
Wonder how many cokes tested positive.
Makes you wish that Captain Tom shouldn’t have bothered. Or just stuck to his £100 target.
Should have set it up as a bursary to train new ICU nurses.
That would have been better and there’s a specific purpose. So they can’t touch the money other than for training ICU nurses.
Damn fine idea – too late now. (Saddest words in the English language)
I tend to avoid tv nowadays, but as Peston was talking to Anders Tegnell (my hero) I felt compelled to watch.
Tegnell was good! Calm and measured.
Two points really struck me though.
As you know Sweden kept schools open and infection amongst teachers is no different from the general population. Anders made that point and a minute or so later Peston asked David Davies, if schools were going to open on March 8th. Davies said that this was still to be seen…..
So in my opinion any journalist worth their soul would have asked ‘why not? Look at Sweden’. But Peston didn’t …
Secondly there was a Labour MP advocating zero Covid. It was clear from several comments she made she is not a scientist and clearly does not understand the concept of an endemic virus. My bood started to boil!
Unfortunately it meant another sleepless night…..
Journalists have souls?
Try audio books for the sleepless night, they divert your thoughts. Just put a sleep timer on them, or let them run their course.
Virus 101 facts
1) it is impossible to eradicate a virus
2) all viruses mutate
3) if asymptomatic you cannot infect others
an ‘asymptomatic illness’ – it’s Orwellian doublespeak. ‘a living death’ – now that’s an oxymoron, and we can all recognise how real that is
Can cancer not be asymptomatic?
Not for long
I have Morgellons disease and cannot wear a a mask
You’d be surprised how often that works
I would love to know who started this zero covid cobblers? We carry it around with us. Are they going to start culling us?
The trolley thought experiment that is used ATL as a way of thinking about the government’s response to the coronavirus is rather misleading. It suggests that the government has decided to sacrifice one life to save four. However, what the government has done is decide to sacrifice an unknown number of actual lives in order to save an unknown number of hypothetical lives. In terms of the trolley thought experiment, the four people on the line are merely figments of imagination, but the fat man is a real flesh and blood human being, and the government has thrown him under the trolley and is now desperately pretending that the four imaginary people are real and there are sixteen of them, no two hundred and fifty-six, no… (everything is exponential in this narrative).
The complete article makes pretty much the same point.
Yes & the pragmatic decision was to sacrfice the fat man for the healthy young ones (i’m assuming they were healthier). This shit-show is what happens when you let emotive nonsense get in the way of common sense.
I’d argue they pulled the lever to save their own careers
yep, they’d chuck anyone on the line just as long as it isn’t one of them
On the behalf of fat men everywhere, I just want to note rather pedantically that the value of his weight is in its ability to halt an on-coming train, not in its intersection with COVID susceptibility.
But with reference to this idea, I would moot that in fact we have been running over 4 healthy people to save the fat man. Possibly because it’s harder to hide the remains of one fat man than it is 4 healthy people especially once he’s derailed the train and there’s too many witnesses. In fact I’d go so far as to say, the government and SAGE have shoved 4 healthy children on the tracks and rescued the fat man.
it was never about saving lives, or any moral dilemma
How can anyone take these people seriously?
Guessing that’s from the confidence interval. E.g. I think danmask study was plus 46% to minus 23% effective, with a 95% confidence.
Try that at the bookies. Score prediction 0-0 possibly 9-9. And all points in between.
Run as many hares as you can
Morning children. Today we will be looking through the round window
Today smiling Ted is going to tell us a fairytale about mixing magic potions. His potions have always been magic, but if you mix them together they become super dooper magic
Ted decided to do this when the evil Swiss Gnomes started saying one of his potions wasn’t magic anymore
Anyway I’ll let Ted tell it
Izzy whizzy let’s get busy,
Snake oil mixes make me dizzy.
There are continuing announcements that the latest Oxford team report states that the AZ vaccine prevents 66% of transmission. Zahawi just made this statement to Talk Radio. I cannot find this data in the preprint. Can anybody else?
Ask him to bend over. Then you’ll find it.
It reduces instance of positive PCR swabs in those vaccinated by 67%, suggesting it will reduce transmission – they didn’t test for actual transmission.
Only 2% for asymptomatics though. That’s a messed up head scratcher for the Covid zealots now. So if 1 in 3 have Covid without symptoms, as Hancock wants us to believe, this vaccine is pointless. Something has to give, but no media are calling them on this contradiction
Well, let’s assume that’s true – and to me it seems plausible – let’s think about this. We know the “vaccine” doesn’t make you “immune” necessarily, just reduces symptoms. At least that is what the makers claim. If this is the case, how on earth does it prevent transmission. Could it be that aymptomatic transmission is not actually a thing at all? Like to see at least one journalist ask how both these things could be true at once.
I’m afraid that level of thinking is beyond them.
Therein lies the answer.
Even those ‘experts’ who claim it has happened in a few cases are basing their conclusions on people who may have had false positive results at their initial PCR test or at their subsequent one.
Ooooh shocking no!! Oh no I’m melting, melting, what a world!
Wonderful snow up here in Scotland – the best for a decade. But we are forbidden to travel to enjoy it!
Quite apart from any ‘risk of virus transmission’, were I skiing today or any day, other skiers would be well advised to stay well more than 2m away from me!
This was the argument I tried to use about golf.
My ball was quite good at ensuring that I self distance from every other golfer, particularly on fairways and greens.
‘Covid – little impact on the death rate, but a big impact on the birth rate:
“Research has concluded that the US will experience 500,000 fewer births in 2021, as couples choose not to have children because of the coronavirus fallout.
The findings by the Brookings Institute were published last week in the Wall Street Journal, which noted that there will be “between 300,000 to 500,000 fewer births in the U.S. next year, compared with a drop of 44,172 last year.”
The numbers equate to a 13% drop from the 3.8 million babies born in 2019.”
Read in full:
so the plan is working a treat.
In fairness, if the options are population control by bumping people off or population control by reducing new arrivals, I’d opt for the latter.
The only breeding going on was by government advisors.
A much better update than the last few ones. Thanks to the team!
The article about hand sanitiser is so spot on and should be circulated more widely. Even when they were first introduced, I remember an acquaintance who was a medical student then warning us that they’re not good for the immune system long term and advised us that they should be used sparingly and only if there are no proper handwashing facilities.
More than 20 years later, her advice is still one that should be heeded.
We’ve seen photos of children’s hands on social media showing the effects of too much sanitiser. It’s criminal what they’re doing to kids – not only are they messing up with their mental health but also with their immune system. No wonder they catch every cold and bug going.
When my workplace was open I was amazed at the number of people who would sanitise their hands every time they saw a sanitising point. Or even after they’ve gone to the toilet where they’ve presumably washed their hands.
Jesus wept. How people have regressed quickly.
I went to a Catholic Church a few months ago for a funeral. The holy water had been replaced with hand sanitizer.
Holy hand sanitizer
Yes it can be blessed too
“Holy hand sanitiser, Batman!”.
Just shows that Covid has become the new religion.
Well said. The only time I ever use hand sanitsier is when I’m on trains and the toilet facilities have no soap available. Sanitiser should not be a substitute for ordinary soap and water and should not be forced on us as often as it has been this past year. Not only that, but it feels and smells vile.
Ditto. I haven’t used the gunk since this shit show happened and only used it when the toilet facilities either have no soap (like in Japan believe it or not) or they’ve ran out of soap.
I remember nearly gagging when I was in a supermarket and the couple before me have slathered industrial quantities of the gunk in their hands.
Had that as well. One sanitising point was empty so I radioed for refills to be brought. A visitor was waiting so I directed her to the toilets so she can wash her hands but she refused and said that she would rather wait for the refill to arrive.
Jesus wept.
I’ve been a long term user of sanitiser, way before this all started, but ONLY carried it for situations where I couldn’t wash my hands, particularly if eating or drinking straight after being on public transport. Have you seen what your fellow passengers do? Yuk. But, one tiny bottle would last a very long time.
I’ve always carried one as well but one bottle can last me years since I would rather use soap and water.
Just before Christmas I was refused entry to the swimming pool where I have an annual membership because I refused to use the hand gel at the entrance and said I would use soap and water instead. That wasn’t good enough, so after an argument I turned around and went home.
By the time I’d had it out with the manager and established that soap and water was indeed acceptable, the current lockdown was upon us so I still can’t swim.
Oh well, by about April it will be warm enough to get back in the sea …
Crazy world.
I think some people like to use it because the slight burning sensation it causes makes them ‘believe’ that it is more effective than hand washing.
Agree. I wonder if they will change their tune if they’re told that the “burning” sensation is actually bad for them.
Perhaps if they tried it on their faces they might realise that?
Or on their arses. Don’t ask how I know.
no, their tune will only change if they’re told it can give them covid
We’re supposed to use hand sanitiser on entering any of the buildings at work.
I won’t use it unless there is someone actually standing by the hand sanitiser bottle. And yes we have had this policed by senior management.
Personally I’d rather have a few germs to protect my immune system.
I’ve heard of anecdotal evidence where school kids have found a way of dodging the hand sanitiser at the school gates. One is where they would make vigorous hand rubbing movements as they enter to say they’ve sanitised on the way in. Two is where they carry their own bottle and say they’re allergic to the one the school uses so they have their own.
I’ve done that too at work, pretend to use the sanitiser. Rebel that I am.
Sadly the 7 year old did not yet get it ….
I do that all the time at shops!
My county’s website for attending the registry office says you MUST sanitise your hands on entry AND EXIT.
A few weeks ago I had to sit for about half an hour in a veterinary practice’s waiting room where they had a sanitiser dispensing machine. One of the nursing staff must have come out of one of the consultation rooms literally every five minutes to get a squirt of the concoction. It was clear that he was loving the whole drama. He may well live to regret it.
I have avoided using any hand sanitiser, and at the vets I was going to pretend to use it when they asked me to, but it was automated and came out as soon as you placed your hand underneath so I was thwarted!
‘A safe space where bullshitters can ask questions of other bullshitters’
A bullshit support group if you will..
Plus the 2 minutes hate section where Piers Morgan will wheel out some unfortunate who has pointed out the emperor is naked and in true Roland Freisler fashion lambast and demonise them with invective pour les encourager les autres.
A good set of articles today so well done the team. But do I have to be greeted by a picture of Witless over my breakfast cereal?
The Ceaușescuian silence of the clap
It’s funny, not watching the telly news, has also made me go deaf.
Birmingham City Council said the two people tested positive in early January, but it was not until Friday when random tests picked up the variant.
So if as we suspected the variant is only found in samples which have had extra sequencing on them and this doesn’t take place for several weeks, why on earth are we panicking on door to door tests when anybody who had this new virus at the start of the year will have long since passed it to all and sundry and maybe even suffered and recovered from it? Just as much out of date news as Whitless saying cases are now dropping. The trio hasn’t a clue, why doesn’t everybody realise we are being taken for a ride?
See: Running as many hares as you can
I’m getting tired of hearing that Boris Johnson ‘hopes’ schools will open on March 8th, or that he is ‘pushing’ for it.
He doesn’t need to ‘hope’ or ‘push’ for anything. He is the elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He is the one running the country and it is literally his job to make important decisions. The buck stops with him.
This really goes to show how sorely our government is lacking in leadership and how in thrall Johnson is to the unelected control-freaks in SAGE.
Indeed! If he was a proper leader he would just get it done
Yes and he had nearly a full term (5 years) at the start of this and a huge majority
Johnson is no leader and never has been.
He’s a complete and utter disappointment. No leadership skills whatsoever.
I’m only shocked that it appears some public opinion is behind him. That will change and he’ll go down in history as a sort of “anti Churchill”. The very opposite of how he sees himself.
Agree. Why does he need to “push” or “hope”? Just get on with it especially as there’s more than enough studies to show that it’s safe to open schools and that the closure has done more harm than good.
Of course the teachers’ union will fight back and strike. Let them go on strike.
While they do that, line up replacements and hand the striking teachers their P45s!
That’s what Trudeau (Pere not Fils) did when the underground drivers went on strike. He just brought forward the introduction of driverless trains and handed the striking drivers their P45s. Which brought an end to the strike.
I’ve said before, I’ll do a few terms of Science GCSE if the “professionals” are still scared. Sitting with my boys as they did past papers in the 2007 and 2009 cohort it was pretty Micky mouse stuff as I recall.
I know what would happen though; it would take a year to get my degree authenticated and to make sure I’m not a paedophile. Look what happened to all those doctors and nurses who tried to return.
Or why not fast track those currently doing their education degree or teacher training diplomas?
I have a teaching qualification overseas but the bureaucratic way to convert them is a farce. Not as bad as a few years ago when I was told I had to do another teacher training but I will never enter the profession now especially after seeing the sort of people one has to put up with.
Yep good idea. We fully support and understand your rights to stay at home and not teach. We hope you also support and understand our position to not pay you! See you on Monday.
Yep, they have shown, spectacularly, that they can DO whatever they want. If it suits them.
Sorry Poppy, a little correction. The PM doesn’t run the country, the Civil Service does. The ‘Deep State’ is running Boris Johnson.
As testing continues to dog the US response to Covid-19, Harvard epidemiologist
has a plan: mass-produce faster (but less-accurate) saliva-based tests that don’t require lab processing, & make them a ubiquitous part of life.
Our conversation, from today’s GPS:
Another one wanting to cash in!!
“Persons who are vomiting should remove the mask”
…truly, we are living on Clown World.
Yes, but think of the likely spread of the virus: best to just swallow!
yes, vomiting is a very powerful aerosol. i think it should be made illegal, lock ’em up!
This calls for well funded research into “the splash factor”
Remember when people were flooded out, they were told that it would be quite alright to break lockdown rules and leave their homes.
Latest from Andrew Lawrence
Always on the money
Just watched that. It’s funny cos its true!
Is it just me, or is the graph above, possible evidence that the decline is man made? Not talking about vaccines, but the way testing is operating across the western world. It was predicted here months ago that the plan might be to wait until maximum testing had created the second wave and then alter testing criteria. Bingo, we’ve beaten Covid, the great leaders would shout.
The fact that everywhere is declining at roughly the same time can’t be just down to herd immunity. It can’t be explained by vaccinations, that have only just begun in some locations. In SA the seasonality is arse about face!
So what else happened mid January that could have caused this?
Shhh, don’t mention Trump (oooops!).
Well the WHO changed the PCR testing criteria at the same time. So the question remains, were these two things related?
Not to mention that Pfizer happened to announce the first available vaccine the day after the election, but not until after there had been a massive swing in the votes cast in every one of swing states over a period of four hours away from Trump to Biden
Pure coincindence of course.
“So what else happened mid January that could have caused this?”
Just going back to Melbourne where there has been one positive test at the tennis – apparently a quarantine hotel worker. Somebody mentioned yesterday about false positives. How does that work in Australia? with all the testing you would expect quite a lot more false positive results and how would they distinguish between a false positive and a real positive? It seems pointless to ask but I will!
Maybe they subtract several % to adjust for false positives?
Some countries don’t count cases as positive test results alone. Some use the proper definition of a case which is a full diagnosis (examination + test).
They’ll still get false positives. It’s an inevitability. What they do is double test and look for anomolies in the data. Maybe they even sequence the samples. Use practical CTs.
Australia does have a more robust assessment process, I’ve seen some of their official guidance. They don’t want to ruin their zero Covid certification
Yep the difference between keeping cases low to show we are effective as opposed to keeping cases high to keep everyone terrified. Anybody like to guess which one is us?
Congratulations to Will. Proper sceptical headline. Well done, keep it coming.
Mike Yeadon on mutant variants and the narrative of ‘stamping down’ on them as Hancock would say.
Once again it is plain to see this narrative is a distraction. A psychological operation to distract the populace from thoughts of freedom, and keep them in perpetual fear.
And the lack of backbone and self censorship continues to astound. I like that Yeadon is there to act as a voice for these people but they are only perpetuating this for everyone by not speaking up.
exactly, we can’t put all the burden on one man: one man is weak, in the end he can be crushed like an insect underfoot. EVERYBODY needs to speak up: it really is a matter of where we go one we go all
Nadhim Zahawi was interviewed by Julia Hartley Brewer this morning, and was asked about the constantly moving goalposts from the government. He slathered on about how many had been vaccina, who was going to be vaccinated next, etc etc, but totally failed to answer the question, as she and Tom Slater noted after the interview.
Run the hares
Talk of the vaccine is just reinforcing the lie that it means this is over. Again, people will take time to catch up on that and the narrative will have moved on. Maybe to something about us all needing boosters before we open up due to vaccine evading mutants.
Not having heard of Zahawi before a few months ago I looked him up on Wiki and was surprised to see this banner above the profile:
This article may lend undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies
Never seen that before on anyone’s profile , then reading further a possible reason emerged .
Picking some of (IMO) less savoury aspects of his highly successful and profitable career:
In October 2013, he became a member of the Number 10 Policy Unit.[9] Later in October, Zahawi and fellow member of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee interviewed Lazard, the Government’s independent adviser on the sale of Royal Mail. Shares quickly rose to £5 following flotation at £3.30 and the Financial Times claimed that two investment banks had warned that it was underpriced.[10]
Zahawi is vice-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Kurdistan Region in Iraq,[11] which receives secretarial support from Gulf Keystone Petroleum International, an oil company of which Zahawi is Chief Strategy Officer.[12] Concerns have been raised about how MPs’ independence might be compromised by such links between APPGs and private companies, and specifically about how Zahawi’s connections with the oil industry affect his role as MP.[
In January 2016 and as one of 72 MPs who were themselves landlords who derived an income from a property, Zahawai voted down an amendment in Parliament requiring rental homes be “fit for human habitation”.[19]
Zahawi claimed for 2012/13 a total of £170,234 in expenses, ranking him the 130th highest out of 650 MPs.[24] He explained in his local newspaper Stratford Herald that the “vast bulk” of his expenses was on staffing costs.[25]
In November 2013 Zahawi “apologised unreservedly” after The Sunday Mirror reported that he had claimed £5,822 expenses for electricity for his riding school stables and a yard manager’s mobile home.[26] Zahawi said the mistake arose because he received a single bill covering both a meter in the stables and one in his house. He would repay the money though the actual overcharge was £4,000.[27] An article in The Independent also drew attention to the large number of legitimate but trivial items on Zahawi’s expenses.[28]
In late January 2018, it was reported in the media that Zahawi was one of the attendees at a men-only dinner event organised by the Presidents Club at the Dorchester Hotel in London.[39] Media reports have alleged that female hostesses were subjected to sexual harassment and incidents of groping and inappropriate touch.
I now understand the warning on the Wiki bannerhead .
And this man is in charge of vaccination program of experimental , basically untested , gene therapy on millions of people .
God help us , although a lifetime experience suggests that His preferences lie elsewhere.
Any idea of the false positive rate for Covid tests. I understood it to be 5%
0.8 to 4.3%
thanks for that. Looking at the Covid Dashboard there have been 156k positive tests in the last seven days out of roughly 4.4 million tests. So a 3.5% positive rate. Allowing for false positives it would appear there are not many people testing positive. It’s too soon for the vaccinated population to make a difference. Is it possible the CT has been changed?
Depends on which test. They all have their various configurations that can lead to higher or lower FPs. The easy way to monitor them, and tbe process of testing which can also elad to contamination, is to send non-covid swabs blind through these labs and independently confirm the results. If you do this on a scale representative of the testing industry we have, you can put to bed concerns on False Positives, not cold positives (related to CTs) however.
Are they doing this blind validation of testing regimes? If they are why not be open about it and put this to bed?
One of my favourite quotes with relation to micribiota:
“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities.
Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely.
Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua – Glenda Green)
I may add that the ‘Jeshua’ parts of the book offer a condensed wisdom and integrity of being that speak to the heart of our human condition but particularly to the underlying conditioning that plagues and bedevils our current sense of life, self and world. Regardless of the contextual framing of the author of the book. Whoever and whatever the messenger may be, coherence and integrity resonate. But will ‘intellectual’ snobbery ever allow looking where its sense of self-specialness over life is not supported?
Fantastic. I love those who write in such a way as to bring together scientific knowledge and discuss the spiritual implications. The best can do this.
General relativity is bollocks. Einstein will burn in Hell.
I theng yaw !
Looking at the graph of numbers of cases on this site today, the UK is so out-there that it beggars belief the numbers are real. Why should the UK, alone in the whole world, have such fantastic numbers?
(1) the mysterious near-disappearance of flu this winter. It must be that many flu deaths are being classed as covid. (2) the ridiculous approach of counting everyone who dies within 28 days of a positive test is a double whammy, not just adding more deaths that have nothing to do with covid but just coincidental, but also further amplifying the impact of false positives from these tests.
It is incredible that the BBC and so many others are going along with this nonsense.
Portugal has had it bad in this period.
However, it really is stark when you look at the experience of England over Northern Ireland or Scotland. Northern Ireland has the worst health service in Western Europe and still saw zero excess death this winter.
the only thing those numbers show us is that our government are the biggest liars and frauds on the planet
I do not know about other countries, but I believe that Britain has made it VERY easy to access tests.
As we all know, they are pushing them onto us.
In Germany, for example, there are not mail to your house tests. As a private person you have to go to a testing place or the doctor.
Does anyone know the total number of ‘vaccine’ doses these lunatics have ordered?
Enough to jab everyone several times over. Whilst the over 70s have been quite keen to be vaccinated and the problem soi far has been a shortage of vaccines, when they start vaccinating the under 50s they might find less enthusiasm. In my wilder thoughts I imagine them roaming the streets like the old press gangs dragging people off to be injected!
More than 300 millions … 400 millions?
They’ve even bought and sent a load to the Republic of Ireland
The UK hundredds of millions is to be sent out as aid to other countries. So the strange thing your brain does by immediately and reasonably calculating against UK population misses the scandal. UK tax payers are being put into huge dept for generatiins to come inorder to vaccinate parts of the world where for example 300 people have croaked out of 30 million.
The funny thing your brain does is what happens when the scale of scandal is bigger than it can handle. This is often refered to as being off the charts, but that doesn’t cover it.
What do you expect when you have an oaf from Imperial College with a bad model in charge of an organisation whose goals are:
Accelerate equitable uptake and coverage of vaccines.
Increase effectiveness and efficiency of immunisation delivery as an integrated part of strengthened health systems.
Improve sustainability of national immunisation programmes.
Shape markets for vaccines and other immunisation products
Largely funded by you know who to the tune of $4.2 billion so far.
No doubt he has been putting a good word in for his boss to get as many doses bought as possible, lining their posckets while reassuring the government that, don’t worry, what you don’t use won’t go to waste. Besides, you aren’t paying for it, just add it to the bill.
Starbucks to deliver vaccines in the US
Not a joke
Starbucks in places link Portland are already familiar with injections..
Druggies shooting up in the toilets.
Never understand what starbusks is, as a brand experience. A multinational serving a faux local faux authentic coffee experience now in a paper cup. I just don’t get it. Ditto neros. Isn’t coffee about time, flavour, company and enjoyment? Not routine, brand slavery, mediocre coffee that always leave you thinking – is this it? on first sip.
Now with added gene therapy. Great. Consent and cpr as optional very expensive sides I presume.
I understand better coffee is available in Essex (Uttlesford district).
I’ve had *one* Starpiss coffee in my life, one to many.
I have had coffee in a coffee shop chain perhaps twice. I just don’t get it. People’s love of coffee shops. Boring pub replacements IMHO.
Friends has a lot to answer for.
I once had the misfortune to use a Costa Coffee Machine at a petrol station. Really expensive for a really awful drink that they said was coffee.
Tip. In the days when we were allowed to go somewhere involving motorway travel I learnt from experience to use any available ‘cheap’ coffee machine, usually located in the foyer, rather than any Costa Coffee option. Cost about a third of the price and relatively palatable.
A sickening read. Apparently, there will be a vaccine center at the Microsoft campus, too.
“So let’s go back to an updated version of the scenario. You are walking across a bridge, when a bystander shouts from below that he can see someone tied to the tracks, and thinks he can see more. You see a runaway carriage approaching, which you think might be stopped by a large object. You see a fat man next to the edge of the bridge. You have a friend next to you who says that if you push him, it might stop the carriage. However, you have no evidence to support this. Do you push the fat man off the bridge? “
I have a lot of problems with “trolley problems” in general, one of them being the fact that it is the murder of an inherently unsympathetic “fat man” that is usually proposed to stop the train (and no, I’m not personally overweight – this isn’t a personal sensitivity issue). It’s particularly inappropriate in this case. Closer would be:
You are told by someone notoriously unreliable that there are some mostly very elderly and terminally ill hospital patients on the train track up ahead, and they are going to die if the train isn’t stopped. Fortunately, there’s a button you can push that the aforementioned unreliable character and his posh, authoritative mates claim would drop a classroom full of children on the track, and “possibly” slow down the train enough so that fewer of the first group would probably die.
I’ll take it a step further. You think there’s a train coming but you’re not sure. You don’t know how fast it’s going, how big it is, whether it would stop anyway before getting to the people, how likely it would be to kill them or even if it’s on the same track as these people. Also there are other normal trains on other tracks you can’t stop that are just as likely to kill these people. In fact many or these people would likely die before any train got to them. How many of your kids will you throw in front of the train?
If the unsympathetic fat man had blonde hair, I know which lever most people would pull.
This was posted on the comments from the latest UK Column News.
12 hours ago
Officially its the flu. “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples. “We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with. “We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway. “So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included massive election fraud.”
They posted a few links, but this seem the most relevant
I’ve seen this. It used to have a name with MD attached to it as the author. He was a University professor in the US and came out to sy it was not his work.
Will check the links, although I believe this is fake.
Update. Checked the video. This is different. So I was wrong. Although why does this guy not show his face?
You believe it is fake? Oh well in that case we should believe you instead!
As I said, Bella, I was wrong. There was a similar claim doing the rounds earlier this year. You believe the man with no face though.
yes, this is exactly what I think has happened. with the addition of the biggest and most audacious genocide the world has ever seen (that part has barely got started yet, but we will begin to really see it in 2021)
Presumably, this is the 1500 tests that Delores Cahill was referring to. She did indicate thar the work took place in the US and the CDC had been notified.
Her discussion with Dr Reiner Fuelmich discussing the vaccine dangers, falsifying death certificates and the 1500 tests showing absence of covid and presence of influenza A+B
Amazing information – maybe TOBY & team can look into this
This is the exact same text that was previously attributed to Dr. Rob Oswald and which he absolutely denied authoring. Multiple fact-checking sites (of course with caveats for their objectivity) have debunked this particular message and its attribution. I would love to know if Dolores Cahill has a different documented source for these claims….
I saw a bit of yesterdays briefing by the Muppets responsible for this shit show.
Twatty claimed the covid Non Pharmaceutical Interventions is the reason influenza has not appeared this winter. This claim alone, from our CMO, demonstrates the lies and propaganda we are constantly being assaulted with.
While hand washing may have reduced flu a bit this year, it hasn’t been the cause of reduced deaths from the other usual suspects at ‘end of life’, – heart disease, pneumonia, dementia, etc.
What is surely obvious to even the most gormless scientist, with mass testing and searching for any hint of anything that could be called covid, nothing else gets a look in.
What we more likely have is an epidemic, even pandemic, of misdiagnosis.
Whitty, like all those other agenda driven government ‘scientists’, are cherry picking bits of data, and mystical modelling, to spin into proof that they are right about all of this bullshit – this is not science – this is big egos covering their incompetent arses
and killing people in the process!
If all those NPIs have eliminated flu and colds, why hasn’t it eliminated CV19 at the same time? Why are we still seeing high hospital bed occupancy?
They’ve reduced the numbers of hospital beds and thereby caused the problem!! This has all been stage managed to produce maximum effect!
This is classic 101 from the idiots guide to conspiracy theory. Using pseudo science, woven with a various unconnected yarns, to fabricate a scenario.
Snowdon doubles down. Clearly the ripostes to his Quillette article got under his skin.
Just found this on a Twitter thread: see attached image.
I’m not commenting, but you can read it for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.×900
I saw this a few days ago. Did some searching and nothing came up – not even a blog post about this letter. The thing which I find concerning is that the letterhead fades out – the address at the top right hand side. I think it’s fake – although the font looks right. Could it be a 77th Brigade bit of disinformation?
A fact checking website claims that its fake. It says it couldn’t find the FOI number, but I did, but it was related to property and business rates, or some such.
The FOI number appeared to have been typed separately to the rest of the text, as ig it had been superimposed.
If it is fake, it still describes pretty much what’s been done to the country.
If it’s been a mistake to impose lockdown for this long, then those responsible should be relegated to picking up litter for the rest of their working lives, as they’re too incompetent to be allowed to do anything else.
If it’s not incompetence but deliberate, then they should be prosecuted, and incarcerated in the same conditions as Assange, i.e. solitary confinement in Belmarsh, also for the rest of their lives.
I looked for the FOI number too, but didn’t find it. I agree it sums up what’s been done to the country.
oh, I hope I live to see justice done! – either way, although I find it hard to believe it’s just stupidity; I do them the credit of believing that they are not less intelligent than I am
The language in it is all wrong too. Poorly written fake imo.
Morning all!
Although it pains me to say it I suspect the EU will have the last laugh in the ‘vaccine’ story
I can see pallets of out of date monkey gunk sitting in warehouses
Doesn’t matter, fortunately. The damage (to the eminently deserving target) is done and the story has moved on.
By the time any questions are being asked in the mainstream media about the vaccine waste, the wider underlying economic and political crises in the EU will most likely be manifesting and they’ll be moving to the superstate end game choice of dissolution or authoritarian repression.
We need to tightened our game up when the main headline of the website and the data posed as counter argument were completely of track to what Whitty said.
He said, “cases, hospitalisation and DEATHS” had now fallen.
Deaths are the last to fall in that sequence and were the marker, not cases…
To then post graph after graph looking solely at case numbers in an attempt to make him look out of touch, makes us all look a little bit stupid, not Whitty.
It won’t be long before that awful, “fits the narrative” line comes out…
This is interesting (disappearance of COVID in India):
I gave up halfway. Basically they say the main driver is masks and beating people for not wearing them. Jesus christ.
I suspect the reason is immunity. A government study in New Delhi found that more than half the population has antibodies.
I await with interest NPR’s visit to Tanzania.
I suspect that the sheer crowdedness of India, especially its cities, and the relatively early abandonment of lockdown, played a role, ensuring that herd immunity was reached relatively quickly.
It can’t be masks.
How do we know that?
Because a number of antibody studies in India show that a very large perventage of Indians have them.
Antibodies that is.
Which means of course that masks stop nothing..
Although I certainly don’t rule out climate playing a role, I expect that the very impossibility of anti-social distancing in India was an extremely important factor.
How deliciously ironic.
Of course NPR don’t go into that.
As you would expect in the country famous for packed trains
Not a surprise to many who comment on these pages..
Haha …
That was always the aim. Depopulation, one way or another.
‘covid’ will certainly affect the birth rate due to the economic uncertainty and the general social unpleasantness prevailing as a result of the response.
The article linked to here, links in turn to another article predicting 13% fewer births in the US in 2021, compared to this year.
Covid – minimal impact on the death rate, big impact on the birth rate.
I couldn’t give a monkeys what scientists say now an industry forever tainted. I am not living in fear again because someone in authority told me I should.
science is a very fine thing, but the point is, which we forget at our peril, that scientists are human beings, and therefore flawed and fallible. just because someone’s a scientist does not mean he should be regarded with awe and deep, unquestioning respect. at the end of the day, he’s just a human being, and therefore just as capable of being a complete asshole as the next guy
Science became corrupted over global warming “predictions” since 1975
why on earth would anyone believe a word they say now
So we now find out uncle Tom shuffled round his back garden to raise cash for what amounts to a 33 million quid tuck shop, plus a few thousand I pads thrown in for good measure… The poor fucker would be turning in his grave I would imagine he believed the cash was going to the so called front line, not to refresh the tiktok legends.. complete waste of time and effort ..
Not so much a back garden Bruce, more like a small county.
Makes a good point about the lack of oversight and review within the Scottish realm. Nothing more than police state with open corruption at the Crown Office and Government.
One sad element of this collapse of tge snp is that it is being widely uses/sighted to reinforce the vaccine is good thinking.
Throughout the scamdemic the devolved administrations and UK government have bounced off each other to raise fear.
Now we have most people in Scotland sour at krankie for her poor vaccine performance – England are at 10 million doses the cry, Scotland at not even a quarter (or whatever the number is).
How convenient this is for the vaccine roll out. To garner yet more clamour for non consentual participation in a medical trial.
However this will not stop or change the collapse of the snp government now noosed and snared by calculated deeds taken over the years.
Support for the snp in he media is complete, edinburghlive had no mention of the various snp scandals breaking yesterda, but did cover a line about Labour favouring one gender over another in selection. A story of pitiful insignificance compared to the hair-on-fire gender, BAME manipulatiin wars at the snp.
It feels that sturgeon is required to play her roll in the globalists vaccination plan. She is their weakest link and is sunk. Only question is when she will go under.
I cannot wait for the day to see her go under.
The same propaganda rag you mention today has a story saying that this lockdown will continue “at least until March” which, knowing the little dictator, means that it will continue until well beyond March.
I am truly sick of the SNP & El Presidente.
The sooner more people here wake up to her shit, the better. Although, that also seems unlikely.
If they think Scotland is a dictatorship, look to Northern Ireland. During Covid, all decisions have been made behind closed doors. Stormont get zero say, and so the people are locked out.
They could literally do anything right now.
To be fair though, having been closed for 2 years and then Covid hitting a month into their return, we haven’t had local democracy functioning in any way for quite some time.
I actually don’t know why we have them at all. They are utterly pathetic
Point taken re NI. Absolutely a closed off cabal.
What about that twat doctor that Ivor C is always talking about? Looks like a Dr Hilary, zero covid moron.
What i don’t understand is the numbers of cases and hospitalisation in Scotland is tiny. Why are you even locked down?
Sherelle Jacobs is good in the Telegraph today.
I take issue with a core strand of her conclusion but worth a look nevertheless.
I am not a DT subscriber so could not get down to her conclusion but the headline is enough. Protecting the NHS seems to be the main plank of the official argument for all this nonsense. Witless Witty was on the news saying that we could not relax too quickly as the NHS would be in trouble again, as if the NHS was some old pet dog or horse that was only just keeping going. Well I am afraid that in the end old dogs and horses have to be put out of their misery and if it cannot sort itself out the same might be true for the NHS.
We cannot allow the tail to wag the dog as is currently happening with lockdowns being enacted to protect the NHS. But the NHS has an almost religious status with many people and so it is going to be a tough political challenge to tackle.
This will be paywalled for many and Toby doesn’t like whole articles being pasted but the conclusion is
“The bottom line is that the NHS has broken under the weight of our expectations. Thus, further winter lockdowns remain a serious possibility. In this scenario, the choice is simple and devastating: either society accepts the lower life expectancy of a world with endemic coronavirus, or we suffer limitless ruin to our quality of life, in the pursuit of Zero Covid.”
I assume that you are challenging the “society accepts the lower life expectancy” bit. I’m not sure that the lower life expectancy part follows given that the vaccines are supposed to prevent the elderly deaths.
I take issue with “NHS has broken under the weight of our expectations”
I think the NHS has broken under the weight of bureaucracy and ideology, the fallacies of socialism and the tyranny of public health.
Are our expectations really any different from dozens of other first world countries whose healthcare systems give better outcomes?
I do not think the NHS in its current format can answer the health needs of the UK, I do not know the answer but can give some pointers. For a start it is too big, too inflexible and too slow to respond to sudden changes in demand. The funding model might now benefit from radical reform.
We need to reconsider the way we live with advanced old age, social care and health care.
I do not have all the answers but we cannot continue as at present.
Likewise I don’t have answers, but there are people out there who do… there are all those European countries that have better outcomes than we do here.
I don’t mind paying more if we actually get something that is meaningfully better, but I object to pouring endless money into the current death-cult.
I suspect that, like with coronapanic, as much of the problem lies with the public and with the media who manipulate their emotions for profit.
Two points: Many coronaviruses are already endemic; Covid-19 kills at or above the average life expectancy – its victims are mainly dying of old age.
Full text is in here:
It does seem the NHS is now in an accelerating decline, population increased while hospital space went down, now hospitals are operating a reduced service with a backlog building. The country’s outlook is very grim.
Elsewhere on the net some are pretty certain about Scam-19 just being part of cover up, here’s an example:
“The available energy supply from wind and solar (net or otherwise) is tiny relative to the total energy required to operate the world economy. This issue, alone, would disqualify a Great Reset using wind and solar from truly being a solution for today’s problems. Instead, plans for a Great Reset tend to act as a temporary cover-up for collapse.
Which would explain oil shares being in the toilet.
I’ve been telling people for ages that wind and solar cannot sustain a power grid. Eventually, the government will make it law that everyone must have a solar panel on their roof. They will subsidize some of the cost (and by “they” i mean “we”), and we will pay the rest, and a lot of people will get very rich on taxpayer money installing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, and disposing of these panels.
And eventually they will say that the country is using up too much energy, and no, it’s too late to go back to fossil fuels, and there’s no option, stop talking about nuclear, and as such they’ll impose power caps on every household, and people will freeze in winter, and we’ll be back in the middle ages, where everyone was a good, obedient peasant working as a serf for the royalty.
The oil industry isn’t dying because of the climate. It’s dying because they found a better scam
It’s a great tale but lacks any structure and rigour particularly towards the end where it breaks up in to a standard hell in a handcart story.
One can make solar panels, of state-of-the-art efficiency, by buying a load of individual cells from China, and connecting them up between two sheets of polyacrylate stuff.
The pinch-point/blocker is that they need to be certified if connected to the national grid.
Fascinating and powerful essay by Ben Hawkins, The Government is Gambling With People’s Lives, as published with today’s post. It goes through the ‘logic’ of the government’s decisions, and points out:
The Government has chosen to gamble those 105,000 thousand lives [collateral lockdown deaths], in the hope that that doing so will prevent an unknown number of deaths. It is gambling on predicted Covid deaths being accurate. It is gambling on the as yet unverified assertion that lockdowns work. It is gambling that the number of lives saved by its actions will be more than those killed.
Well this might be what the government would like us to think they are doing. In fact, I honestly don’t think they give a stuff about any of this. This is just politics – base, cowardly politics. If someone dies of covid then politicians get a hammering – the more so if they’ve over-ruled monomaniacal, covid-obsessed, ego-driven scientists who are supposed to be advising them, and if they’ve failed to follow the ‘example’ of almost every other Western country. In contrast, if someone dies of cancer owing to cancelled treatment, or heart attack or stroke; or loneliness or neglect, or suicide, or whatever … the government isn’t held politically responsible. Same for all the MPs who vote for this shit. And no one’s being held responsible for the economic devastation, largely because it’s not fully apparent yet. And the Great British Public – credulous, compliant, lazy-minded and complacent as they are – doesn’t appear to have the brains or gumption, or courage, to grasp this.
We talked a lot on here about why the Lockdown Sceptic case hasn’t yet prevailed. After all, the scientific arguments were won months ago. (Back in about May I suggested here that we rename the site ‘We were right’.) The answers aren’t hard to find. We are a post-rational, post-Enlightenment society. And as such, unless we – or at least a sufficient proportion of us – can break out of this we are in deep trouble.
Yes indeed – pure politics
Somewhat post-rational probably, but the other reason we’ve not prevailed is we’ve been outspent by some huge ratio – thousands or millions to one
It’s not money as such it is control.
The group of sceptical scientists in Germany around Dr. Bhakdi, wanted to take out a full-page ad in the FAZ – the leading German newspaper. They had the money to pay for it.
The paper refused.
They’re going to need to grassroots it. I’m afraid to say that they’re going to need to talk to ER about how they do the little things. You don’t need a full page ad. You need people with nothing to lose sticking notes to various public spaces, (bus stops, buttons on pedestrian crossings, internet junction boxes). You need old women on board because they are powerful, have launched children and nothing left to lose.
You need all the grannies and granddads to stand up and say “fuck this”. You need to tell Piers Corbyn to take a back seat.
I see the value in all of that, but the two do not exclude each other.
Addendum to my own post (too late to edit): Nothing much original in this post I know. But I’m in a really shit mood with all this today.
You are so right. Let’s not also forget the complicity of the MSM which has driven public opinion so aggressively to support the Government. No forgiveness, ever for these fuckers.
Oh yes, the MSM …. was going to include them in my post, but it was already getting a bit long …
One good point to note is that the MSM is dying on its feet.
Yes, quite. We’re getting dragged down into the same shit as them, whether we like it or not. But we’re not getting dragged down as far, and we’re all the time scrabbling out. Doubtless some of the shit will remain, but we’ll be climbing free of it while the others are drowning.
My little girl is at school five days a week … boy’s in nursery as normal. No way are any of us having jabs … Still got a brain.
agree, but I think the only thing we can do is leave the country (while we still can) – of course this is global in its reach, but I think there are some places in the third world that still have a bit more time
In a minute I’m going to go off to do some proper adulting. This will include but not be limited to taking a walk past an empty testing centre, playing with my child who has no access to the company of other children, paying my bills and cancelling my National Trust subscription. Even after they closed the adventure playground on week days, we used to meet up with other children there, but now can’t, because of the vile old gits that have made our local site their home, and walk their dogs there with impunity, whilst meeting up with ONE member of another household, (because unlike children they don’t need another adult to bring them), have made it their business to be unpleasant and abusive to us and our children.
But in the mean time, I leave you with this thought, that has been rolling round in my head like a lonely marble. When confronted over refusing to vaccinate my child after the disaster that was her 16 week vaccines, by pro-vaccine parents, I have always been careful to paise them for their sacrifice. And to say, “I couldn’t do it”. I just couldn’t watch my daughter suffer reactions to things that I had the power to stop her experiencing in the name of protecting a practice which I find dubious. Moreover as a graduate in Law, it would be a betrayal of my education and the sacrifices made to get it if I didn’t use it well, and operate my finely-tuned and well-informed judgement, which tells me that the game is rigged. The presence of indemnification for multi-billion dollar companies who also gave us mesh and the opioid crisis is the top of a very corrupt iceberg.
It takes a special kind of psychological type to willingly inflict pain on your own people, (children, healthcare workers, grannies). All for the sake of conformity, which is really what’s being demanded in these confrontations, (because the vaccine confident are not insecure enough to yield to being manipulative or bullying). I respect others who make those choices because they’re sacrificing to keep the sleeping dragons of the pharmaceutical companies and all the other psychologically disordered sociopaths in our midst, quiet. It’s quite heroic when you look at how much damage vaccination can do, and the absence of research into how to identify those for whom it is damaging. And when you consider the amount of gaslighting and psychological abuse they’ll experience when they start raising the alarm about their child’s health, all you can do it hope they’re the lucky few. But it’s Russian roulette, as pathogenic priming is starting to show.
The same applies to lockdown, and masks.
It’s like going for a cuppa with your nice new neighbour only to discover that their partner is a domestic abuser and you’re being recruited into the social support group that enables the cycle of abuse to continue. Sorry. I don’t do that. I’m just not made that way. But if others want to, (turning a blind eye to the suffering that causes the neighbour, themselves and often their children), I can’t stop them. But honestly, “I couldn’t do that”.
I would gather up all the Mums and dads and confront the vile old gits. Or I would tell the police they were pedo’s leering at the children.
Safe vaccinations are fine, but I need to have proof that its safe. Don’t see this as being safe.
I think that’s a great post. Philosophical objections are quite high on my list, as well as the health worries.
These companies should be held to account for deaths their products cause. Vernon Coleman latest video is a must watch on that front.
of course they have secured civil indemnity, but that doesn’t mean to say they are exempt from criminal charges, involving punitive damages, and when the time comes yes definitely that path should be taken. let’s bankrupt the bastards.
Plot twist to the trolley problem:
Imagine you are walking across a bridge over a rail line. Suddenly you hear screams coming from under the bridge. You look down and see that four people are tied to the tracks. What’s worse, you look up and see what looks like a runaway train carriage hurtling towards them. The carriage doesn’t look that big – if you could push a large object over the bridge in front of the carriage, you figure that it would be enough to stop the carriage and save the four people tied to the line. Looking around for such an object, you suddenly see someone running towards you, grabbing you, and throwing you over the side onto the rails below, using you as a meaty roadblock to save the other 4 people.
How do you feel about this outcome?
I wonder what the answer would be if the fat object you chucked down was the fat pig dictator? Would the answer be different?
I’d prefer to see him sitting in jail for a very, very long time.
Easy “It’s not about protecting yourself, it’s about protecting others” so you have to accept your fate.
How is a fatty going to stop a runaway train? Probably quite a good analogy as the governments of the world have been sacrificing their populations in equally ineffective ways. However, if the Pig Dictator was available I think it would be worth the experiment.
It’s the thought experiment that matters. Like i said, this has a plot twist, so read it through.
Abused. Should have been my choice to make not someone else’s.
11am today BBC R4 From Our Own Correspondent.
‘Why are Swedish people losing faith with their authorities?’.
I can hardly wait.
Maybe they read this article based on official numbers?
The deliberate misrepresentation of Sweden in the media has been plain evil
It was just s load of nonsense about some in authority breaking non-binding covid advice.
So the award for stating the bleeding obvious goes to the Institute for Government and Bronwen Maddox. Er! it might take a little while for the economy to recover. Also it might take us a while for the nhs to catch up on missed appointments. Wow no shit Sherlock! I am so glad we have this twat telling the government things we have been saying since March.
Who knew shutting down a country for a year would have consequences. Wonder what his pay packet has been like since March? I bet you really understand what life is like for us eh?
Maddox is another PPE graduate.
Have all the scientists got it wrong over lockdown the sceptics said covid would burn itself out. The supporters said the same thing but we could avoid the infections and deaths if we only lockdown harder and for longer. The reality is millions infected and over 100,000 deaths and people must now ask themselves how did the scientists get it so wrong. My belief is their looked at the historical record of corona viruses saw after a few months they died out and then took up their respective positions.
I believe sceptical scientists underestimated the consequences of lockdown on covid, while supporters overestimated consequences of not locking down. To try and explain what I mean imagine a virus like covid it either burns out or mutates. So the question now is how does a virus burn out or mutate? Now I am no expert but in the past when sars and mers appeared they were no worldwide lockdown and these viruses died out with minimal interventions. So by locking down are we not only prolonging the pandemic but encouraging the virus to mutate?
I believe sceptical scientists should not make predictions about when this pandemic will end but point out when you lockdown you not only prolong the pandemic but also encourage the virus to mutate. I now believe because of lockdown the human race will be in a race to develop vaccines to keep ahead of covid for ever. My personal view is governments around the world should look at countries that didn’t lockdown and accept that their did no worse than countries that did.
A couple if things. Viruses don’t burn out. The human body develops immunity and it no longer has the same impact. Viruses mutate to try and get a hold on you but the immune system is so smart it just deals with the mutation and its no problem.
Sceptical scientists never said it would burn out. What happens is this virus has a particular trait. It attacks old and vulnerable people. If (like Sweden), we had not locked down, the virus would be passed around the fit and healthy and our immune system would recognise the sars bit and dealt with it and enough people would have caught the bug and we would have achieved herd immunity. a few people would have got sick but by now we would have kicked its ass and life would have gone on.
But the idiocy of lockdowns is this stopped this and we now get the seasonal reoccurrence that we had this winter. Every year we have dealt with the flu virus, thousands die and we deal with this every year. The WHO has guidelines how to deal with this. So the question you have to ask is why did they abandon decades of research and data and do something that was being done in communist CHINA?
Lockdowns have been scientifically proven to not work and do nothing to stop the spread of a virus. There are 30 scientific papers proving this there are countries that did not lockdown proving it is not necessary. But STILL they are being used. WHY? Well that’s the question isn’t it?
If the money “raised” by Captain Tom went on snacks, shouldn’t the owner of a local coffee shop providing free refreshments to NHS staff also receive a knighthood?
I wonder if he would have been so keen to give them the money had he known it would be pissed up the wall on Kit-kats and sandwiches, probably contracted to WHSmith at the standard extortionate hospital pricing.
The hero status is mostly in the eyes of the MSM. A frontline doc told me back in July that the public’s view of him was already tarnishing. Not that he’d needed to be a hero, he just loves his job which is why you should go into medicine in the first place, not to be a “hero”.
“What still puzzles me is why they needed to be given anything ‘free’.”
I agree – in fact, it should be illegal and policed by a licensed private company that gets paid on conviction.
Many years ago, I worked in a golf club and we had a reduced greenfee rate for police, solely because we were told that if we didn’t, our bar would be raided.
So now we have:
Minutes silence
State Funeral
Special edition 50p
Cptn Tom Moore Statue to be placed at Cenotaph. Post modern in the form of a white chess pawn piece . BLM mob to later make outraged feelings known.
You forgot picture on £20 note (only kidding, but nothing would surprise me)
I’d settle for that – at least it would mean cash is still going !
The British Society for Immunologists briefing document is quite interesting provided that you realise it is written from a “vaccine good, natural infection bad” perspective and you read between the lines and spot the huge contradictions and omissions and unsupported assertions.
What seems to me to be apparent is that those with
a) very weak immune systems, who
b) encounter a high viral load of SARS-C0V-2, and
c) have never previously encountered the virus and/or or have less protection from exposure from previous coronaviruses,
are likely to be those who have been badly affected by the virus. Pretty much everyone where a), b) and c) don’t all apply will have no issues at all apart from in some cases feeling a bit rough for a bit.
Targeting a public health response to SARS-C0V-2 would involve tackling these 3 areas
In relation to a) we could have improved the metabolic health of the population through good nutrition, eating real foods and cutting out the sugars and reducing the starches. The cardiologist Aseem Malhotra has had a lot to say about this. Vitamin D supplementation at reasonable doses (2000 IU over the autumn/winter) should have been recommended, and encouraging people to get out in the sun (without burning) is a no-brainer also.
In relation to b) and c) the British Society of Immunologists document suggests to me that encountering a high viral load on first encounter with the virus makes it more difficult for the immune system to react and requires a greater response. I think that is what the real experts have been saying, but it’s nice to hear that confirmed.
It seems to me better for an individual to first encounter a small viral load. The body then has a response, perhaps a T cell response with no measurable antibodies, and then when a higher viral load comes along later, the body is much better prepared to deal with that high viral load. The person may have some mild symptoms and they might still test positive under PCR second time round, and they potentially may be infectious but possibly less so than someone who first encounters a high viral load.
If we avoid the interventions that cause high viral load encounters, it not only protects the person encountering a high viral load, but those people they pass infection onto also experience a lower viral load. There was a lot of talk about covid being less deadly after April despite the viral genomics not having changed, but surely it is these low viral load encounters that have provided the extra protection.
If you then consider the interventions that have been made such as lockdowns, it seems likely that what those interventions do is to increase the possibility that a vulnerable person first encounters the virus at a high viral load, because it is encountered in hospitals and care homes where viral loads are likely to be higher.
The document states the “amount of virus you are exposed to during a natural infection, however, is not controlled and may be too little to induce an optimal immune response”. They claim a vaccine gives you something like that optimal immune response. This is despite at the beginning of the document saying ‘Immune responses can vary hugely between different individuals’. So how can there be a single dose of vaccine that is optimal? But this is all just silly. I think they can make the point that a vaccine might protect against a high viral load but in this nonsense about low viral loads they are essentially rubbishing the immune system’s ability to make good decisions on what resources it allocates to detect viruses so that it can tackle further encounters with those viruses.
Natural infection is always going to provide a much more wide ranging level of protection than a vaccine, because the body’s immune system is part of a very complex adaptive system, honed to near perfection by evolution, in the process of protecting the body against these sort of viruses amongst other things. It would only be if SARS-CoV-2 was massively more deadly that you might ever prefer a vaccine.
Their complacency in the document in ignoring potential harms of the vaccines is staggering. Here they go for the assertion without evidence or discussion approach in saying “Vaccine-mediated immunity is preferable and safer than naturally acquired immunity” and “The obvious advantage of a vaccine is that any side effects (e.g. fever, headache, muscle aches, arm pain), if present at all, are relatively mild and short-lived (usually resolved within 72 hours). With very rare exceptions, these are insignificant in comparison to the much more serious consequences for individuals of any age who develop COVID-19 disease following natural infection”. So the short term affects are glossed over and the possibility of long term issues is not addressed anywhere in the document.
BAME and elderly folk in care homes were hit hardest. Why? Its so simple really because they have the lowest levels of Vitamin D! Why didn’t the government and NHS speak up? Now that is the real Crime Against Humanity!
They wanted them gone
That’s why
No other reason for the same play book all over the world
And that strategy wasn’t quite effective enough, so the ”vaccine” should finish them off.
Good post. Low viral load, like the one we could have passed round in summer? You know, when they mandated masks. I saw Delores Cahil saying vitamin D and zinc for old folk back in April in her chat with computing forever. Why have the cheap and effective means to help the ill been ignored and only expensive and destructive measures been used to destroy the country and condemn thousands to death and misery?
”Cheap and effective”? Big Pharma doesn’t like those words.
I saw the document you refer to and felt it was a bit pro-vaccine and anti-natural immunity. As for the AZ vaccine it does have side effects. I work for the nhs and all my colleagues who had the vaccine said it was like been hit by a bus. One colleague who had covid last year said the vaccine was ten times worse, and another had side effects for more than a week. I believe I got covid last February a cough for a couple of weeks unlike my wife who recently got covid which was more like flu. Neither me or my kids got infected which I believe was because we all got colds in September. Again good post.
Thanks. So interesting to hear your direct experience of covid vaccination.
“Why Hand Sanitisers Do More Harm Than Good”
Should be generalised to ‘why indiscriminate use of X does more harm than good’
We know that indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to significant harm – the rise of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics, to the extent that there is now only one antibiotic used as a last resort.
Will the same happen with indiscriminate use of antiviral drugs – aka ‘vaccines’? Will there different but equivalent consequences eg the ADE outcome?
There are two antibiotics left. One is ancient, and not used in hospitals any more, but it’s very cheap, very effective and excellent against lung infections. It has saved three people’s (my mother’s aquaintances) legs from amputation for diabetic ulcers.
Those words ”cheap” and ”effective” are the ones that Big Pharma hate.
Here as elsewhere: Way to many eager to say something, very few engaging in conversation …
You must have only just arrived.
There’s plenty of conversation here.
Lurk moar
there is plenty of conversation in here, surprised its called the COMMENTS section
Oh, that’ll be me, putting something an hour or 2 before I go to bed at 5 or 6 in the morning, plenty of replies, but after I’ve gone to bed – hardly any replies in the hour or half hour I might stay up after posting. And I might not see the thread again until very late in the day. I dare say other people have their own reasons. Plenty of conversation on here as well though.
Similar thing happened in the UK…..
How they inflated Covid-19 deaths by 16.7 times using this trick…
Comparison of total Covid-19 fatalities based upon different reporting guidelines
If our government is doing similar then that tells you everything you need to know about why Britain has such “terrible” figures and “needs to stay in lockdown”.
All based on a lie, and for an agenda.
Look at and see the population forecasts for 2025.
It’s worth going back to John Lee’s original Spectator articles to note how long this has been realised. And ignored.
Hmmmm….this is interesting
Yahoo reporting on a BMJ article which states that Boris & Co, should be tried for their crimes….
Is the worm starting to turn here?
If you read the article it says the government should have locked down sooner and harder.
True. That part’s bollocks. However, I would settle for any reason to get him into a dock in the Old Bailey, provided the other three of The Unholy Four accompany him.
To be honest, this report – if a true reflection of the editorial – seems rather confused, and not a reflection of the central sceptics’ analysis that the over-reaction to Covid was an event of provoked mass hysteria :
“Dr Abbasi condemns how ministers in the UK appear to interact with the media through “sanitised interviews, stage-managed press conferences” that, he claims, have “allowed COVID denial to flourish”.
Anyone who unironically uses the term “covid denial” should be tarred and feathered.
Agree, but would be good if any enquiry looked into why there was no initial support for vitamin D, HCQ and Ivermectin, leaving the government to bet the farm (which it has done) on lockdowns and vaccines.
Because then we would learn Covid was nothing more than a money making exercise for the rich.
I think that most of us already know that
Another brainless down vote – or, to be charitable – could be finger palsy. There’s nothing there to argue about.
It’s proposing that they could be tried for not locking down early/hard enough. They wouldn’t be my charges!
Bunter will address the nation at 5pm tonight, to say that restrictions will be completely lifted on the 31st of October – “do or die”.
Another one I will not be watching.
It’s amazing how much lower my stress levels are, since I stopped watching the programe which they laughably refer to as “the early evening news”.
Do they give out medals to those who haven’t watched a single one?
Gimme, gimme, gimme………
ohh god not him again! wish he’d get off our tv screens – not that i watch any tv at all these days as the propoganda is relentless as well as just shite programmes!
what’s it this time – more dodgy made up numbers, another mutant strain – give me strength!
Except for hand sanitising, masks, social distancing, testing, vaccinations and future lockdowns. Otherwise completely back to normal.
Pull the other one fat fuck. No one believes a word you vomit out of your asshole any more.
I’m going to ask the DHSC why they are calling the covid shots “vaccines” when they are not as per the accepted definition:
They certainly don’t meet it.
The tetanus jab is a vaccine, the yellow fever jab is a vaccine.
Covid shots are not.
They misuse all the key terms.
Just skimming through the British Society for Immunology’s report (LS link) confirms this on page 7.
Every morning I wake up feeling OK for a while and then things start to slide back
No sliding back my friend, you’ve come this far hang in there, better times are coming and besides you owe me a Guinness..
I’ll happily buy you your own pub if it means getting out of this hell!
Let’s all club together and buy our very own pub: The Sceptic’s Arms.
No muzzles, no antisocial tripe, lots of singing.
Even as a teetotaler, I would raise a glass to that cause!
It’s difficult isn’t it, sometimes I get a few minutes before I remember. Hope you’re feeling a bit better than the other day.
Same here. I have a few seconds on waking, then the realisation sets in again.
Try to be strong and do something to distract yourself to escape from this madness.
Don’t allow these fuckers to poison your state of mind. I know it’s hard, but we all have your back.
Walks in the country. Re-reading favourite books. Music. Old movies. These are good things that they can’t take away from me. I also enjoy visiting this site and reminding myself that not absolutely everyone has lost the plot. (Plus I sometimes derive a certain bleak amusement from the madness – I’ve have always found there to be something absurd about the human condition and the peculiar things we do to distract ourselves from staring into the void: the last ten months have just turned the dial up to 11… )
Yep – plus enough sleep, good diet, etc. Plus meetings friends and family, socialising as much as possible, and trying to break at least one law every day.
Emily Bronte knew it too (as do we nearly all). It’s just that she said it better.
“Oh I dreadful is the check – intense the agony –
When the ear begins to hear, and the eye begins to see;
When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again;
The soul to feel the flesh, and the flesh to feel the chain.”
I daresay Johnson and his cohort have never experienced it.
(Sorry – an extra ‘I’ there. Copied without checking.)
My wife and I were discussing cockup vs. conspiracy last night. She takes what I call the “First World War” view, after a post on this site a while back. On this view, what’s going on is that we’re being led by politicians and scientists who really are maniacal enough to think that they can “defeat” a virus if we all just throw enough lockdowns, forced business and school closures, travel bans, masks and vaccines at it – and this goals of “victory” outweighs all other considerations. I think this is plausible, but am a bit more willing to credit a conspiracy with a different agenda.
What struck me, though, is that the her view of what’s going is every bit as nightmarish as mine. Since we obviously never will “defeat” SARS-CoV-2, the justification is there for all these restrictions to remain indefinitely. There are still American troops in Afghanistan nearly 20 years after the invasion, and whenever anyone – even the US President – suggests that it’s past time for them to GTFO they’re met by resistance from military top brass who assure them that victory is in sight if we only make one big push. Remember David Petraeus’ “surge” in Iraq? When these massive operations don’t deliver on the promises, we’re then told that it’s because they weren’t massive enough, a bit like how the Branch Covidians are blaming *us* for the abject and obvious failure of the suppression “strategy”.
Branch Covidians – love it
Corona’s Witnesses
Conspiracy vs Cockup
Why did France on January 13th 2020 make hydroxychloroquine a prescription-only drug, after sixty years or more of it being freely available over the counter?
But then ship a big load of it to the military?
Oh yes, absolutely. I mean, I didn’t know about that particular fact (so thanks), but in general there is a huge number of “but why?” questions for cockup advocates to answer.
Same reason South Africa made Ivermectin illegal. (Though they’ve moved on a bit now.) Same reason the positive effects of good vitamin D levels weren’t highlighted by our bunch.
”No money in it, guv.”
And, perhaps:
90% of the South African drug regulator’s income is sponsored by the Gates Foundation –> Ban Ivermectin
When the US went into Afghanistan there was a US general being interviewed who said the outcome would be different this time as it was the American Army going in not the USSR one that had just got chucked out or the British one that had got chucked out decades earlier.
20 years later they have learned nothing – see Fingerache Philip’s comment above about learning from history.
Sadly, what they learned from history is that one needs to control the opium fields.
I like to think conspiracy till I see the absolute incompetent behaviour and stupidity from sage and the fat pig dictator and his government. I then look at what is supposed to be the opposition party. Fuck me!
To get out this mess we need clear thinking, leadership, bravery and excellent scientific understanding. So all in all we are fucked!!
You can only judge whether a person or a government is incompetent or not, once you know which goals they are pusuing.
Yep. If the goal is tyranny, this lot are very skilled.
I don’t think your wife is right, but if she were, then the madness would continues until we were no longer capable, socially or economically of continuing – ie the complete ruin of our economy and society.
On the plus side I get to hunt collaborators in the street
With spears
You don’t create a police state by accident.The virus is the pretext for the control not the reason.
The destruction of the economy on the basis of a virus that you have to knock on doors to find.
I think it is the enormity of what has happened,so we look at incompetence as a theory because it gives us hope this is only temporary.
Good answer, but I would add that the main reason people don’t accept extreme conspiracies as a theory, is because normal, kind people simply cannot get their heads around the level of evil these people are willing to enact upon the population, or cope with the mental consequences such evil entails..
I reckon this is multi-layered – and confused. Personally, I try to stay away from all-embracing motivational explanations, since they just lead off at a tangent when we’re having little luck in just communicating basic data and factual information.
I’m not always successful, but all-embracing Blofeld-type conspiracies are a waste of time and space in argument, even if you believe them. I tend to believe in Mike Yeadon’s ‘convergent opportunism’, with a definite role for the ‘Follow the Money/Cui Bono?’ motivations spiced with a significant role for cock-ups and herd behaviour.
I think the cock up vs conspiracy is really a two part answer.
From the Government perspective it started as a monumental cock-up and very rapidly highlighted an across the board absence of competence from the entire cabinet, which has led to endless restrictions as it is easier to hide an inability to run a country when the entire population is locked in their homes. The Govts position moved from cock-up to conspiracy, laced with further cock-ups.
From the SAGE comittee it has been a conspiracy and worse since day 1. They were handed a blank canvas to perform a social science experiment on the entire population of the UK without any liabilty for the outcome. The members of SAGE are, almost universally hard-left, puritanical prohabationists and this situation is an endless wet dream to them. They are all evil beyond belief and it is staggering that so many people still defend them and think that they are acting with the best interests of the British people at the front of their minds.
This is a plausible analysis. The biggest doubt I have about it concerns Hancock. He, like the SAGE sociopaths I think you’re right about, seems to be loving all this way too much. I’m just not sure whether that’s because he’s a true believer in Schwab’s 4IR, or whether he sees himself as some kind of vaccine-delivering hero (or both).
I don’t think Hancock has the intelligence to tie his own shoelaces in the morning, let alone be part of some grand conspiracy to turn everyone in to teetotal vegans who holiday in their own gardens. More likely he genuinely thinks he is doing the right thing for health reasons and is the messiah to the British people.
Am I correct in saying that above Jim Jones’s chair/throne in Jonestown were the words: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed (or condemned) to repeat it”?
No comment necessary.
Deleted, my reply wasn’t really relevant.
I don’t care who said what, what’s being done is what matters.
Was that saying from the bible?
The mainstream version of anything is not the only account.
The generation of a false history is itself a history that repeats.
Mind control is the means, and the end.
But I recall Dubya Bush fluffing the quote:
“Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!”
But he got it backwards for the mainstreaming of a President everyone could feel superior to. Mind control, narrative control, take the ride while the music plays.
But every time it stops, there are less and less chairs to sit on.
Ooh, a double !
‘… fewer and fewer …’.
Just been rung by GP surgery. Asked me if we could get to “vaccine” place. I said that we have not decided yet as to whether to have the “vaccine” as we had independently come to the conclusion that there were a number of concerns that needed answering and we were following developments.
Was told to ring the surgery if we changed our minds but she would put us down as refusing for the moment. I said we would bear this in mind. Perfectly pleasant conversation.
We have now had 2 calls and 1 letter about getting done. The call must have gone out for them to chase up the non-compliers.
We are not anti-vaccination as we have had annual flu jabs plus a number of others.
I am not anti vax either but I will be declining it also. I am way down the list being in my 30s although I do have mild asthma. I just worry it will leave a big red dot beside my name for medical purposes. I will be telling them there is not enough evidence on how it impacts fertility and I may wish to have another child in the next few years (which is unlikely as my head is fried with 2).
You don’t need to explain, it’s your life and you should ensure these genetic chemicals will cause no harm. Pharmaceutical companies are given exemption from prosecution and that is a big problem for me.
Where did this ‘anti-vax’ vocabulary come from?
From the same people who gave us ‘cases’ and ‘infections’.
I am not ‘anti-vax’. I am not ‘pro-vax’
I am pro-health.
The steps which are needed to maintain and restore health are to be decided empirically in each situation on the basis of knowledge and experience – not ideologically on a ‘pro-vax’ or ‘anti-vax’ basis.
There’s no shame in non compliance for a gene modifying experiment. I refuse to be treated as a lab rat too, join the Club!
One of my rellies was told not to have it for at least six weeks after a medical procedure, which takes him to mid February. He’s already had three telephone calls (from different people IN HIS OWN GP SURGERY) since mid January, and an NHS letter inviting him to go immediately. No reference to his medical records, obviously.
Interesting use of words. ‘Refusal’ rather than, say, ‘decline’ or even ‘considering’. I bet that gets recorded on a central file on you somewhere.
They’ve opened a mass-experimental human guinea-pig experiment in our town now.
If (when) they call for me, I will be “refusing” the experimental injection. I will tell them that I may reconsider in 5 years time when it has been tested properly. Given that they skipped animal testing, it’s probably a wise move…
I will also ask if they are making people aware that this is an experiment as part of their full disclosure procedure and also that there is currently no way of knowing what the long term effects might be.
My husband had his call for the death elixir. As he’s deaf as a post I took the call for him and politely refused. They asked if I would be having it and I said ‘No’. I then said ‘Thank you’ and hung up. I would have liked to say ‘What vaccine’ as this is most definitely NOT a vaccine. No point in even debating with these idiots. Why would I risk side effects, including death, for no discernable reason? Doesn’t stop you catching it or passing it on and has killed and damaged many. Are people really this dim?
Quote from the Institute For Government report linked above the line:
“One of the most difficult questions for government to address will be about permitted travel….the panoply of outright bans, quarantine rules, demands for tests before and after flying – may stay. It is hard to see how it will not, given the perpetual chance of new variants with the potential to spread and the cost if that did happen. A web of rules on quarantine, vaccination, negative test certificates – different between countries and localities, and often being tweaked – is likely to remain.”
They are laughing at us. Welcome to the rest of your life under medical martial law.
Perhaps it’d be interesting to watch how travel insurance companies handle this. They’re always a good barometer.
Superb comment; it is amazing how many issues in the public sphere could be resolved by simply asking for an insurance quotation, or otherwise by watching how that industry views the problem.
There is very little that doesn’t get illuminated by such observation. Even with no experience in that industry, just viewing the issue as if you were an insurer can help.
I wouldn’t even bother answering the phone if I knew it was the GPs surgery phoning. Not sure if Im still on my GPs books anyway as I returned the flu vaccine invitation unopened and marked ‘ no longer at this address ‘. I’ve taken the precaution of blocking the surgery number on my phone.
yes, I’ve been considering taking myself out of the NHS altogether. If I get sick, I’ll just go to bed, and then either get better and get up, or die there.
The belief and perception that pushing the fat man to save others from the ‘collective’ or lesser evil, will operate as IF a quantitative easement of moral dilemma.
So abstracted ‘what if’ modelling can always generate scenarios where NOT doing as the framing of the model suggests can be itself framed as weak, wrong, impractical, ineffective and dangerous even heretical!
Mind-framing is something that ‘normality’ runs unaware of.
Beliefs and perceptions can run as if they are actually true.
Vicarious gratifications and mitigations or compensations can run as overlayering social masking realities that never were true – but for being mainstreamed as acceptable currency of exchange.
Nice illusions can mask over nightmare illusions. Seeking to save our self from our nightmares can sacrifice anything and everything in the framing of a refusal to see and know. In this sense a false sense of ‘individuality’ is asserted as a false context from which to relate to anyone and everyone.
That this false sense of self then develops a society of collective sacrifice is hardly surprising – and under the frame of sacrificing true individuality to a collective ‘safety’.
The false sense of safety under a collectivism of cognitive dissonance is desperate to maintain the ‘system’ by which its persona-reinforcement is ‘made safe’ and delivers itself unto evil under the belief that the only life is within its protection.
For the reliving of the terror or pain of loss from which it flees is unthinkable, and always the greater evil. Until the willingness to question reality – our own thinking, moves within us and finds allowance instead of rejection and denial.
The fear of something can destroy us without ever actually finding out what it was or whether it was so, And fears can be set about us as fences against which change is denied to a locked down or petrified defence.The systemic operation of fear as control can hardly live! But will seem to have all the life we give it as our chosen way to limit, conflict and die.
The word individual was once like to indivisible. ‘What If’…is the capacity to select out and give focus to a modelling of ideas based on rules established as past experience, running invisibly and operating as a matrix for virtual experience through which to persist the identity of the modelling or cultural parameters.
A true currency is truly current – not ‘as if’ or merely symbolic representation. When cultural constructs disintegrate, it reveals a loss of integrity in functional terms. to double down in further masking of derivatives of derivatives is the sacrifice of life known and lived for an illusion of control over it. What else is that but death?
If you think you are what you think – I cannot help you.
If you think the world is as you think, I cannot help you.
That you are not really asking or offering anything is your own reaction for your own reasons.
Do you seek pardon?
Waiter, Waiter!
There’s a dictionary in my tumble dryer!
Confucius was asked what he would do if in the reins of power.
He replied that he would redeem the dictionary.
Definitions are the underpinning to all that follow.
Now you enjoy your viral RNA definitions too.
And all that follows.
The mainstreamed mind is captive to an incapacity for conscious relationship.
Jack up! Get your fix! Immunise against Communication itself – be the bubble and froth to wit.
Sweden going for health passports then. Oh well, I guess we saw this coming.
The legacy media stated there would be no such thing
I’m shocked
Sorry I missed this – do you have a link for it?
Translate this from Swedens state broadcaster:
“A digital certificate showing that you have been vaccinated against covid-19 must be in place by 1 June. That is the government’s goal, according to Minister for Digitalisation Anders Ygeman.
– When Sweden and countries around us start to open up, there will probably be requirements for vaccination certificates to travel and participate in other activities.
In order for the certificate to fulfill its function, Sweden works both nationally and internationally.
– Such a certificate must be recognized by the countries of the world. For that reason, Sweden is actively working with the WHO and the EU to ensure that the certificates maintain an international standard, says Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S).
Today, there are no formal certificates that are accepted globally by either Sweden or other countries. Part of the work to be able to produce such a certificate is to gain more knowledge about the spread of infection, said Hallengren.
Goal: Ready for the summerMinister for Digitalisation Anders Ygeman (S) explained in more detail how it will work.
– Everyone who is vaccinated has the right to receive a certificate from the vaccinator. We are now developing a digital infrastructure for vaccination passes and verification of these. It will make vaccination certificates safer, easier and internationally valid, says Ygeman.
The government instructs three authorities to continue the work of producing such a vaccination certificate. At the same time, Sweden wants to be an active party in shaping the international vaccination certificates and be involved in the WHO’s work.
– The goal is for the digital infrastructure to be in place by the summer, said Anders Ygeman.
More specifically, the set date is June 1, 2021.
Like the Danish example To date, at least 264,000 people in Sweden have received a first dose of vaccine. The vaccination certificate that will be drawn up will have the same focus as the Danish one. In Denmark, the acting Minister of Finance Morten Bødskov described it as an extra passport, which you can have in your mobile phone.
To Dagens Nyheter , Ygeman says that for the elderly it will be possible to get the certificate on paper and then verify it against a digital register. At present, it is possible to print out your medical record to prove vaccination.
In Denmark, it has also been discussed that the digital vaccination certificates can be used on other occasions, such as restaurant visits, sports and cultural events and conferences. That such a thing would also be relevant in Sweden is not ruled out by Ygeman.”
Oh my God, what an awful awful world they have planned for us.
“So now we move toward a global socialism.”
Oh dear! A new name for Hayek-driven deregulated global capitalism.
Delusion on either side! That’s why things are so grim.
“…infection rates were “coming down but they are still incredibly high”
Once again , we have a lead article that quotes Whitty, and, indeed, disputes issues of timing, but fails to question the whole notion of ‘infection rates’ – i.e. ; PCR+ results, even though there is criticism of the government position on the basis of numbers ;
“… the idea that it is Government restrictions that are keeping the virus at bay grows more implausible by the day.”
All through this history of quoting of unstable test results, we have never had necessary data that (a) clearly relates PCR+ results to illness or (b) provides comparative baselines for the historical relationship of PCR results for other viruses where we know the outcome in terms of real infection.
Meanwhile Whitty is allowed by the supine profession of journalism to get away with turning RNA detection into ‘infection rates’ – and this site constantly endorses the
I think LS has covered the issue of the difference between positive test results, infections and “cases” many times over the months. They just probably think it’s an unproductive use of space to restate the argument in every edition particularly as we are all fully aware of the arguments by now.
I get your drift.
However, each repetition of an official term with its official meaning helps to cement that term in the unconscious mind.
It should be avoided.
We are in a struggle. We cede psychological ground every time we use the words of those we are struggling against with the meanings assigned to them by those we struggle against.
Agree 100%
It’s understandable that someone trying to write about this finds it hard falling into the trap of using the official distortions, but important to avoid them
Yep. The biggest two for me are
LockdownHouse arrest.VaccineExperimental treatment.We need more mention of the fact (if my memory doesn’t serve me falsely) that it was stated back in September that flu ”cases” numbers would be lumped together with ”covid”. Hence the ”disappearance” of flu. How convenient.
This seems like the biggest heist ever, trying to get all over 50’s vaxed now to fill the quota, for a virus which has only affected 2million out of 7.7 billion and a vax which won’t make you immune or stop you getting it and how they can say it will reduce your symptoms when they don’t know what your symptoms may have been is beyond me. Getting enough cash in for their new Gene Therapy Labs is a big incentive, plus enough willing victims to try out the experimental gene therapy.
Yes, I’ve just been skimming through the British Society for Immunology report (LS link) which confirms this. Everything that’s said points to the vaxes being experimental. ”It is not known,,,,”, ”we don’t yet know”, ”it has to be seen…” etc.
They are harvesting DNA and of course records of who has it to use in these labs when they open, Gene Therapy is experimental but the direction they are going.
Remember when “skoolz n ‘ospitals” was all anyone talked about as priorities for public spending? It appears skoolz weren’t too important to them after all.
skoolz, don’t make money, pharma does
Schools make compliant tax cattle.
Or ‘ospitals – when one looks at the massive reduction in NHS capacity, particularly since 2010.
They get more and more money and offer fewer and fewer beds. Quite a feat.
An don’t forget lookin after penson, pennsinor, old folk.
yes – – remember Bliar and his “Education education education”.
Now it is “covid covid covid”
I think by now we all know of more people who have had the vaccine than the feckin virus. And it’s getting larger by the day. One of my friends told me last night he got it on Monday, said he begged for it as he cares for and lives with his Mum. He is a perfectly fit male in his 30s, not even a key worker. Idiot.
Did you tell him that it doesn’t stop transmission?
Yes I told him this, although it went over his head. He is afraid of getting Covid himself and said he wanted the jab so that there was les of a chance he would die if he caught it. I mean, FFS!
So in twelve months of the virus being around you have not caught it. But now we are in a lesser endemic phase you want a jab to stop you dying? Eer what? Wow the power of government propaganda is something innit. If old Adolf had this we would all be having this conversation in German!
Mmmm … he won’t be on his own in not understanding that absolute risk reduction is less than half a percent.
Due to the possibility of ADE, he may actually have increased his chance of death if he gets it.
I just do not get it. Surely he gets his mum vaxxed then therego she is protected due to the magic potion. When did this immutable fact become so difficult to understand?
He doesn’t give a shit about his Mum, has a warped idea the jab will prevent him dying if he gets Covid.
The ostentatious mask wearers who just want to protect you are lying scum as well. They’re just frightened.
How true, Jo.
Hence the best, nastiest put-down you can make to one of the maskoids ever seen on this site.
(Hand-wringing voice) “You’re selfish for not wearing a mask.”
“No. I’m not selfish; you’re scared!”
Said with a laugh for added vigour.
I was in a Zoom meeting yesterday 15 participants, 14 had had the “vaccine” 1 (me) hadn’t. I know of only 1 person who has tested “positive” and that is my mother in her care home. By the way – mother had no symptoms and has remained well.
Q: How dumb are you if you fear Scam-19 when in you 30s?!
A: Dumb overload, aborting …
By this time next year we will all know more people IRL that have died with vaccine than with bat cold
true – with the proviso that the true cause of death will be covered up and masked with the bat flu
I am 100% certain that more than one person in my RL will be dead by this time next year; I have known nobody who died of bat flu, not even a friend of a friend of a friend
“…he begged for it as he cares for and lives with his Mum…”
The irony is that they are shying away from making any clams that it reduces transmission.
Orwell was wrong. . it’s not . “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.” …it’s “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a vaccine jabbing a human arm – for ever.”
I think there will be some idiots who will be queuing up for the next vaccine before the refuseniks for the first one have been rounded up and dealt with.
Just wait for the vax tourists who brag about having multiple shots from multiple brands of jab.
It was good while it lasted
Very good piece on JHB this morning about 09.08 -09.20 with Anthony J Brookes of Leicester University . He makes the point that lockdowns have weakened us.
Physically and mentally of course they have! More of the population have become so sedentary being locked in, there will be an increase in obesity and all sorts of health issues. More alcohol consumed, plus the fear porn instilling people with stress levels on a daily basis. The list is endless as we all know.
economically, socially, emotionally, too. Is a long list.
Not to mention the general lowering of immunity.
The awful costs of lockdown are going to be hard and long lasting but they will forever be blamed on the virus and not the disproportional responses to it. It will NEVER be acknowladged we have overreacted; at least not in my lifetime.
Yes good point.
Underrated post
“Those who have been given so much of it, yet squandered the gift have only themselves to blame.”
I think that’s virtue-signalling – not wisdom
yes, but i feel sorry for those who are in solitary confinement; those who are stuck with small children; or those who are stuck with partners or family members they do not get on with, or who are completely brainwashed
Anyone have information they can link to on the novovax. I have heard it is a more of a traditional vax?
No, it’s another genetic therapy, from what I can see.
Quote from their site:
“Our recombinant nanoparticle vaccine technology combines the power and speed of genetic engineering to efficiently produce a new class of highly immunogenic particles that target a variety of viral pathogens. Our recombinant vaccine engineering takes a new approach to provide robust and functional immunity, which may be more efficacious than naturally occurring immunity or traditional vaccines. Using innovative proprietary recombinant nanoparticle vaccine technology, we produce vaccine candidates to efficiently and effectively respond to both known and emerging disease threats.”
All the vaccines are gene “therapy” one way or another. Avoid at all costs.
even the Russian one? I think they said it was a traditional one, so I was hoping it was just saline solution
I’m no scientist but just the sound of that shit is terrifying. The traditional “we are an old dead bit of virus” i’m totally cool with. This shit though.
They have an adjuvant called “Matrix-M™” – I don’t like the sound of that either.
I will say here I am anti-vax, because all vaccines are biblically unclean, but these mRNA vaccines are scary. I am reminded of Revelation 9:6 “In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.”
The people promoting these genetic therapies have no idea what they will do, how harmful they might be.
Boris Johnson and his father Stanley have written a lot about overpopulation. A UK government presided over an NHS which was killing 130,000 elderly a year on the Liverpool “Care” Pathway, and we are supposed to believe that these leaders want our good health and wellbeing?
Even more disturbing is the thought that ‘they’ know all too well what they will do – and the ones who are harmed are just collateral damage.
More and more it’s looking like the Final Solution.
Everyone will be harmed because this will make them not human anymore. Having a side effect isn’t the point. The long term result will be seen on the Judgement Day. This could be the Mark of the beast.
Boris writing about over population? He’s hardly doing his bit is he, do as I say not as I do.
yes, why do they use these fucking stupid names? it’s so infantile, what the hell is wrong with them? like didn’t Gates choose the number ‘666’ for one of his patents, and there is ‘Luciferase’ which I think is some kind of technology for barcoding you with your vaccine records?
The British Lung Foundation says:
”They will have met strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness set by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). You will not be able to choose which vaccine you have, but you can be assured the vaccine you get will be highly effective and will protect you from coronavirus.”
Oh yeah. Not much point doing research then, is there?
“you can be assured the vaccine you get will be highly effective and will protect you from coronavirus.”
That is a very strong assertion that is not backed up by evidence.
the British Lung Foundation can kiss my ass
Please, can those who write the ATL not put pictures of that cunt Whitty on this site (without a black strip across his eyes, if you must have the picture at all).
Pictures of The Gang of Four (Witless, Unbalanced, The Pig Dictator and above all, Ferguson of the Pantsdown) make my blood pressure seriously increase.
At first seeing that psy-op street video of the freak whitty being heckled by young fool I thought it was a fakereal?realfake video production.
Freak whitty was like a robot walking in street then stopped….. dead absolutely dead, no blinks nothing. He is really peculiar and not in the way alan turning wasn’t.
Didn’t his biggest fan Madge Hancock describe him as ”one of our greatest living scientists”?
(Not sure about the word ”living”. Perhaps it was a typo and the word should be ”lying”.)
I only got around to reading this last night, so forgive me if you’ve already been through it. For those who haven’t seen it, please read it, digest it, and perhaps pass it on to anyone you know who’s thinking of having the vaccine:
If after reading this any vaccine enthusiast wants to call me an ‘anti-vaxxer’ for having concerns about these vaccines, then they either a) are acting deceitfully and irresponsibly or b) have reading comprehension issues.
Here are some key points:
14. Claims of up to 95% effectiveness of the vaccines were based on evidence of effectiveness in preventing mild symptoms. The concerns caused by this pandemic and the justification for all imposed measures and restrictions have never [been about] mild symptoms. Outcomes of concern, such as severe disease, hospitalisation and death were not assessed in the trials. Therefore, we are unaware of any evidence that any vaccine against Covid-19 will benefit public or individual health in terms of reducing serious illness or deaths.
15. Published claims of effectiveness were based on interim analyses of trial data, assessing an extremely small number of trial participants. This numbered only 94 out of 40,000 participants in the Pfizer trial (0.2% of the total cohort) who were the first participants to develop mild symptoms and who tested PCR positive for SARS-CoV-2. The efficacy claim is based on the fact that 95% of this small group were in the placebo arm. Due to the small numbers, we consider that this has limited statistical significance and , in any case, is only a measure of Relative Risk Reduction. Closer scrutiny of the figures reveals that the Absolute Risk Reduction to an individual inferred by the vaccine is only about 0.4%. In addition, the full raw trial data is yet to be published and multiple cases of clinical disease, including two cases of serious disease in the vaccine group, were not included in the analysis, as they were not confirmed with a positive test.
16. There is no evidence of the long-term safety of Covid-19 vaccines as the existing Phase 3 trials have only been running for about 6 months. Indeed, only about 2 months of short-term safety data is available. It is therefore unknown whether there will be serious late-onset side effects resulting from the vaccines e.g., cancers, autoimmune diseases, infertility, neurological disease etc. These conditions can take months or years to become apparent. . . .
21. Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are based on a completely new biotechnology. mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines have never previously received full regulatory approval for mass public use and are more akin to genetic manipulation/modification than traditional vaccination. Current trials have only been in progress for a few months and therefore do not allow any conclusions regarding possible medium and long-term effects of this novel approach. Multiple concerns have been raised by scientists regarding possible adverse effects, which at this stage remain unrefuted owing to lack of data. It is important to be aware that all the Covid-19 vaccine trials are ongoing and not due to finish until the end of 2022/beginning of 2023. In the circumstances, it is our opinion that the vaccines remain experimental, and anyone vaccinated is effectively taking part in the trials looking at long term effects, despite the emergency approval.
22. mRNA and DNA vaccines are designed to induce an immune response against a protein that the body has been prompted to produce itself, by incorporation of the synthetic viral gene present in the vaccine (in the form of mRNA or DNA) into the cell internal machinery or genome. It is currently hypothesised that this immune response will be limited to the target protein and not be directed to any innate human proteins, but there is no current data that can rule out the possibility that this technology may trigger autoimmune diseases, which could take several months or years to manifest.
Thank you, I shall be saving this. Point 16 is all I need to know.
Looking at point 16 recalls words from the NHS own webpage on this ”vaccine”:
”No long-term complications have been reported.”
Makes you want to weep.
It’s not about being anti-vaccination.
It’s about being pro-science and rationality.
But I’ve learned over the past nine months of why so many engage in transparent telephone and e-mail scams. You can fool a hell a lot of the people a hell of a lot of the time.
Tried to view but can’t load documents . Anyone else having problems?
Try this:
Unfortunately, anyone who’s convinced themselves they want to have the ”vaccine” and are awaiting the call, won’t want to be dissuaded by common sense argument, or even to hear another point of view. Fingers in ears, ”la la la” will be the response.
If anyone’s having trouble loading the document go here and scroll down an inch to the first open letter titled Open Letter to Employers re Proposed Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. You can download the PDF there:
Ironic that this is the BBC website – but, given that this is about NI only the figures re. cancelled procedures relating to cancer are appalling.
I don’t have the data to estimate the overall deaths related to these delays – but it would be a reasonable supposition they will now be making a significant impact on the all-cause mortality figures, whilst Whitty is wittering about Covid :
“It’s BEHIND you!!!!”
I work for a cancer charity and live in N.I. I could write essays of stories from patients as to what has happened to them in the past year. Check ups delayed for months then finding they have cancer spread that far that it’s too late for treatment and/or surgery so they are on deaths door. It’s diabolical.
I think ‘diabolical’ is a good word, in its root sense and implication of evil-doing.
No excuses, and a virtue-signalling outburst of clapping won’t cure it.
It’s criminal is what it is. People need to be held to account for what has happened.
Please do exactly that and send it to the admin of this page. We have to get these stories out NOW
and that, if nothing else, proves that this has never been about saving lives or public health
So “infections” are still “incredibly high.”
It’s good that they employ such precision and clarity in these scientific briefings.
Tomorrow it’ll be “Fuck man there’s like, loads of this shit around, you get me blud?”
And like, I’ve just been to a hospital man, and there’s like a shit load of sick people there man!! Like eeew!
Oh for the calm and rational leadership of a President Camacho!
The only thing that is incredible (unbelievable) is their statements.
It’s just another example of their INCREDIBLY patronising way of addressing the populace. Scruffy oik Johnson especially.
(Perhaps, though – just a thought – this is a bluff and they are using the word ”incredibly” in its truest sense: dubious, questionable, far-fetched, fictitious. Et cetera.)
So Piers Corbyn is now arrested for a cartoon:
It might be considered as being in bad taste by some, but is it really illegal?
A good opportunity to present an argument in an emotion free court setting
Germans did not believe it was happening either. Everyone in the modern world is wise about Nazis but the fact is that most of them would have gone along with Hitler’s programme. if they had been born a century earlier.
Yep, and nothing bad has ever happened in “the good part of the world” …
You noticed too.
yes I think if you go along with the covid death cult it’s a pretty good indicator that you probably would have been up for Nazism (they’re pretty much the same thing, after all) – so that means nearly the entire population, with exceptions you could count on one hand. so no surprises there then
Robert Green was arrested for carrying leaflets.
All that talk about freedom of speech you know was of course just talk …
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa
Just complained- as a dentist- to the magazine which has censored John Hardie’s article. If anybody else wishes to do so, their feedback form is easily-findable.
I complained only about the act of censorship, not the content of the article.
Yes – it’s a despicable illustration of where misinformation is actually coming from.
Easily postable too.
Thanks, John. Did you pick up on my LFC post yesterday?
I did. And replied too.
Sooooooo fucked off after last night. Almost as if LFC are part of the plan to depress and discourage us all.
And Citeh are going through the gears….I can just about deal with BLM, but it’s VAR that’s the serious problem for me…’s okay for sports like Rugby (which essentially moves from one set play to the next) or cricket (which is largely played at walking pace), but it’s just not appropriate for football, and it’s rapidly ruining the game….this time last year, like I’ve done since ’64/’65, I was watching every match I possibly could… I just watch our games, and that’s more out of a sense of tradition than anything else…..I read somewhere last night that Infantino has said that individual countries can scrap VAR if they wish- but I can’t see it happening.
Brighton deserved their win- they were the better team by a fair margin. And Klopp is sounding tired and ratty.
Another excellent essay regarding the trolly dilemma can be found at I highly recommend it.
I read that the other day. Deeply humane and moving.
I feel hope… finally!
Sounds like HM Treasury has HAD ENOUGH!
Boris and Matt are spouting such desperate nonsense, they will surely soon be deserted and politics will follow its natural course of throwing them under the bus.
People are working around the clock to lift the Imperius Curse that Labour is under.
Vaccine deaths are undeniable. Expect mass backlash imminently…
Ivermectin is the buzz word of the week.
Everyone’s talking about Vernon Coleman’s emotional video.
“Vaccinate the entire world” is being called out for its lunacy.
I’m trying to trend the phrases:
“Novel vaccine”
“No Vax Propaganda”
“Vaccine Choice”
“Population Immunity First”
Please help!
No one in Holland and Barrett questioned my maskless face yesterday. I also high fived a baby, shook a stranger’s hand and hugged a friend in public. (Lead by example, everyone!)
FINALLY someone speaking truth about the MADNESS of hand sanitiser. Let’s get this out everywhere.
The wheels are coming off. Let’s take this juggernaut to the scrap yard where it belongs.
We are most certainly DONE with SARS-CoV-2 in countries where it became endemic. Yay! Good old human immune system!
Pity Australia and New Zealand. Winter is coming…
Final word: there is NO vaccine for truth. Truth will always spread. Truth gets stronger and stronger the more you try to exterminate it.
Lies always fail.
Truth always wins.
In the end.
If we’re still existing in the lie… we’re not at the end.
Fight on, truth! Fight on!
The scorched earth policies currently being implemented worldwide will necessarily mean unfathomable levels of suffering and death before it is finally defeated. Every war has casualties, and this is no exception.
Sadly, yes. And most of them self-inflicted.
I … admire your optimism …
Someone should do a “Downfall” video on the SAGEites in the bunker listening to the leader’s delusional rants about how sticking fanatically to lockdown will lead to final victory. The problem is that Whity & Co. are just too bland, although that doesn’t make them any less of a menace.
A lot of Adolf’s crew were men you wouldn’t look twice at if you passed them in the street, same with my namesake, the Georgian fellow and his entourage.
There’s always this one, from the second lockdown.
Rat smelling
The Pig Dictators cycle around the Olympic Park
Ted’s rugby game in a park amongst all the yummy mummy’s
Whitty’s shirtsleeve food trip…. hey, we even allow dissent
The message; look at us we are not living in bunkers. We can go out without bodyguards. We move freely amongst the people because they love us so much
The Rapist’s Dad’s only outdoor trip was to a village where he posed like Kim.
What they didn’t tell you was that they had evacuated all the villagers before his arrival (no I’m not making that bit up)
Hail our glorious leaders
The free movement thing needs to….uh…. change…. drastically.
I have been reading and assessing the various vaccines in case a person of the hand-wringer persuasion is ever unwise enough to ask me which is the safest vaccine to have, if you are forced to do so.
Efficacy is an irrelevancy, as the disease itself is so useless at causing serious injury or death. So we are left with safety, but with the acknowledgement that the absolute safety of all of the vaccines is very much guesswork at the moment.
It was a cause of considerable irony that I found the most old-fashioned and well-made vaccines to be the Sinopharm ones, made in China!
It is quite remarkable when my consideration for a covid vaccine would be what is the safest not the most effective.
Safest “vaccine” is human immunity. Go play in the mud, have lots of sex, eat fresh fruit and veg, and walk in the fresh air as often as you can.
I like the second bit activity
That’s a “vaccine” that I support 100%, but it does need to be continuous to be really effective.
EXACTLY! Lockdowns, masking, distancing and DIRECT threats to the human immune system. Reject this attack NOW!
Over here in São Paulo we have Coronavac/Sinovac with an amazing 50.38% efficiency……
This piece from Israel, the vax capital of the world, is worth a read. It shows how the variants will now be used to: a) mean a slower return to the “new normal” b) Require a higher percentage of people to be vaxxed (including kids) – because somehow the herd immunity threshold has been raised due to the variants???
In summary, the promised release from lockdown hell due to mass vaccination is evaporating day by day. I have no idea when the general population will wake up to this…
Vaccinated! Now what? An expert offers answers for Israel’s dosed and confused
Thanks – well worth reading.
Recommend to any others who can bear MSM for a minute or two.
This is one of the biggest lies of all. The “vaccine” is not going to lead to a relaxation of restrictions, and will itself become a key tool in making them tighter than ever, and permanent.
One hopes that the obvious expectancy amongst so many people that the ‘vaccine’ is the way back to normal, will result in some kind of awakening when those hopes are inevitably dashed.
The jabs are just another herd management tool for the controllers.
Anyone know what’s going on the Netherlands? Did the rebellion against curfew peter out or is it ongoing but being ignored by the legacy media?
Unless you actually know someone in individual countries it’s become almost impossible to get a true picture of what’s going on out there, due to media distortion.
I checked the webcam for a supposedly popular area of Amsterdam , dam Sq ,
A few people about , noone seems to be sitting outside cafes (mind you probably rather cold) . However , unlike that now nationally famous bench in Essex , people seem to be allowed to sit on the benches around the square . Not a picture of a bustling metropolis.
Difficult to understand the low C-19 serology findings in the UK reported earlier. This must be disputable. In week 4 2021 Sweden 40% serology pos in the whole country.In Stockholm 45 %. Even in some far away Northern regions up to 50% pos. London must have roughly the same as Stockholm.
Here is the latest UK
15% England 21% London.
Here’s my graph from yesterday for UK regions
I think it is difficult to compare English and Swedish antibody prevalence figures, because it’s hard to compare methodology, for example who are they testing and where are they setting the antibody titres for a positive result, and what account is taken of waning antibodies etc.
If you compared the covid+ death curves for say London and Sweden, I think they might look quite similar. Single peak and sharp almost identical decline in Spring 2020, and gradual single rise and sharp fall in the winter resurgence in Sweden and London
Note in England as a whole where there were 2 humps in the winter resurgence death graph but London is a single hump.
So my guess is that underlying immunity in Sweden and London is at comparable levels. But hard to say for sure. And I haven’t looked at in detail.
And here’s the London death graph for comparison
We need inquests
No, we need heads to go down! Like in French revolution!
P.S. Appreciate the TOTAL 180 on ATL content today, after drifting in the wrong direction for a few weeks. Thank you LS Editors… happy days!
Much better isn’t it.
Shows they do pay attention to BTLers. We ALL complained en masse yesterday. This forum is a shining beacon of democracy in an increasingly authoritarian world!
i bet you also owe thanks to the rabble rousers btl.
Vernon Coleman mentioned his friend Dr Colin Barron in the latest video. His videos are available here if any one is interested:
Starting to see various reports that “we have to vaccinate the kids now”.
This was the plan all along i think. Utter scum.
ANYONE vaccinating a child when the human trials do not end until January 2023 is committing a heinous crime. Children CANNOT give informed consent to be included in a human trial of an experimental drug. END OF!
Also, as we know from International Data and WHO that children and young people are at no risk at all of contracting this virus, flu or similar unless they have underlying conditions. I don’t have children but like Ganjan21 says, if they tried the would be vaxxers would be in hospital for a very long time.
I will fight it every step of the way
Anyone who tried to come near my children with the damn vaccine will have the needle shoved up their sphincter.
The target is, and always has been, to vaccinate the entire global population with multiple mandatory shots every year in perpetuity. The ultimate goal is Human 2.0.
Human 1.0 will survive this
A global control matrix seems to be goal 1A, hence all the screeching about vax passes.
Any decent parent should say absolutely not.
Nothing new on the vaccine front:
“An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases”
Angela Merkel speakibg at Davos 2020:
In her speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced “transformations of gigantic, historic proportions”. “The entire way of doing business and life, as we have got used to it, we will leave in the next 30 years”,
via Google Tranlate
Putin thinks this is all rubbish and will end in tears.
I never thought I’d be a fan of someone like Putin, but he’s more rational than most of the Western leaders.
Yes – I agree with Putin, I think it will.
In my opinion the whole thing is designed to try and control the implosion of the financial system – it will fail at that too.
Russia is relatively insulated, with little debt and lots of gold.
Grandiose programs fail to account of the real world, and always end in tears.
Limits are here; limits to debt and limits to cheap fossil fuel and many natural resources. Scam-19 is part of the cover up, as you say many are trying to halt the car on it’s way over the cliff. Russia won’t be spared but they do have more oil than most and a lot of land to grow food.
you seem to think then that this whole affair has to with declining energy return on energy invested.
Am I right?
Care to expand?
The thought has flitted through my mind occasionally.
I believe oil extraction is the best example of declining energy return on energy invested (EROEI).
Look at the earliest days of oil extraction versus today’s fracking and tar sands extraction techniques.
Yes – this line of discussin certainly explains a great deal.
you seem to think then that this whole affair has to with declining energy return on energy invested.
Am I right?
Care to expand?”
Instead of me explaining, take a look at “Our Finite World”, the brilliant blog of Gail Tverberg:
End in tears for the masses, end in profit the one at the top! Never forget!
The West is fast becoming a new Soviet Union.
As someone born in the USSR I am beginning to see some similarities. What I am really frightened of is a 1990’s Russian style economic collapse, except most Russians were just given their flats and houses in 1992. 40% of Britons have a mortgage (30% own outright and 30% rent) – the coming repossessions spike would be horrific, together with mass unemployment and loss of hope.
I think that the UK is now sleepwalking into disaster, cushioned by the eiderdown of furlough . When that ends the manure will really hit the air conditioning system
Not really sleepwalking, more like charging towards on purpose.
The rip in the fabric of society here in Ireland reminds me of early 1990s former USSR as well – I was living/working there from 1990 to 1994.
Big time!
believe me, it’s going to be far worse than that.
Which Western leader? Name one – all of them are just full of carp!
I have always been a huge fan of Putin he talks the utmost sense and is a rational, sane human being. The CIA apparently hate him as he is incorruptible (they have done extensive digging apparently and found nothing to use as leverage against him). I agree with Putin it’s all pie in the sky thinking which will collapse and here, in the UK, with a seriously incompetent, wannabee Totatalitarian Dictatorship Government, we will simply end up with a bankrupt nation, a 2nd world country, extreme poverty and the most expensive standard of living in the world. He took Davos by surprise with his speech. He used it well!
Angela Merkel can get fucked
Don’t worry about the coming economic collapse, us self-employed people will just pay for everything.
Please carry on flicking yourselves off to the Jeremy Vine show.
I kinda like this! Lead by example. Show people they STILL have choice. Empower them. It’s “your choice” to be locked up… choose freedom!
Interesting statement.
This is good to hear!
If party politics still exists at least we have an alternative.
Same old shit. Different colour.
That’s the choice.
Glad a political party is challenging this concept
“China’s strategy, from the start, was to have no infections at all… Still in Beijing, where we have hardly any cases, every time you step outside your door you have to use a smartphone to scan a QR code — every shop, every taxi, every bus, every metro station. You have no privacy at all — it’s all built around this electronic system of contact tracing. To leave Beijing you have to have a Covid test, to come back in you have to have a Covid test…. We basically don’t have the virus here, but the flip side is that they are keeping this place locked down as tight as a drum… It’s very hard to know where Covid containment starts and a Communist police state with an obsession with control kicks in.”
Surely that is the most powerful objection to the approach: that in reality it would require a long-term illiberal regime to achieve and maintain it. ZeroCovid is a totalitarian aim, best delivered by a totalitarian state.
Seems obvious, doesn’t it?
Forget the intrusive surveillance. Natural herd immunity and HCQ-type interventions should the the modus operandi.
ZeroCovid is a totalitarian aim, best delivered by a totalitarian state.
That … might be the point.
If Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott think something is a good idea, it isn’t. Nothing more or less needs to be said about Zero Covid.
Your list highlights your biased petticoat is showing. This crosses traditional left/right boundaries, and a parallel list of Starmerites and Johnsonites (much the same thing) would be easy to come up with.
dont think it is a party political thing.. Abbot is an idiot as she proves all the time and i would also go the other way if she said something was good . Corbyn slightly less so.. But i agree there are idiots on all sides.
and “biased petticoat” is a change from “hobby horse”
Diane Abacus couldn’t quantify zero if she wanted
Neither could Witty Valance Hancock and others in this Government. The errant dictator knight Stalin Starmer and most of his right wing labour MPs believe in zero covid. Why single out Corbyn and Abbot?
Because they were referenced in the article Swedenborg posted….
Rather chilling, that Unherd piece.
Husband is a solicitor and just spoke to a client currently in Italy. The country is divided into zones, red (substantial restrictions), orange (some), green (everything open but takeaway after 6pm). There are NO red zones and only two orange in the entire country. Everything else green, bars, restaurants all open, drinking outside after 6pm. Masks and SD all on a very casual basis.
Just a bit of intel, make of it what you will
Well it’s more open than here but I think there are still many restrictions, nothing like normal, and they have outdoor masking, and mask exemptions indoors not really accepted
Seems like they will be more pragmatic as they are more broke than we are, but outdoor masking will likely continue forever, as it will wherever it has been brought in
I think masks will be with us forever, after all other restrictions are lifted. Ditto track & trace, testing
More freedom is better than less freedom …
Personally outdoor masking with no exemptions is worse than pubs being shut
I guess we all have our priorities
Please don’t spend time interpreting what you read the worst way …
Outdoor masking? No way ever, ever, ever.
Never in any circumstances. They can just fuck off.
Quite different from the island diktatur known as the UK …
Quick question for the scientists, could the “proof” of a lack of transmission actually be the virus burning itself out because it has run out of hosts because of herd immunity? If that isn’t the case how would they prove it?
I said this yesterday, are things like less transmission and less ‘infections’ (less positive PCR tests maybe) amongst the newly vaccinated not also true of the un vaccinated. are the vaccines taking credit for the natural decline in the desease?
Since the decline seems to be going at the same rate in countries regardless of vaccine status, it seems clear that the virus is doing what viruses do, and the unproven vaccines as well as the lockdown measures in general have little to do with it – except of course you can increase your fatality rate by deliberately exposing the most vulnerable in care homes to infected people.
Come on Will, you really shouldn’t be stating the “Bleedin obvious”.
They’d prove it by comparing with current age-adjusted figures for transmission in a control group (i.e. non vaccinated people), so this shouldn’t be an issue (unless people are abusing the data of course).
Come come Will, that would be proper science wouldn’t it and the truth. Can’t have that now an we?
Lockdown disaster (US)
Where is this?
It appears that those who clapped for Capt Tom last night were White Supremacists.
Please expand …
Some vicar with a high melanin count said that people who clapped were British Nationalists.
Not 100% sure I have understood the point but yes the lockdown we have is clearly not doing much if anything to contain spread, because by necessity lots are people are going out and doing stuff – as someone pointed out here a while back, Wuhan had a “proper” lockdown because it was one region in a huge country and they brought people in from outside to keep stuff going and deliver food. A national lockdown isn’t really a lockdown in disease prevention terms, all it does is fuck the country up, and people’s lives
Worst of both worlds – well done SAGE and Govt!
What is the point of vaccine passport if the vaccine does not stop transmission?
Absolutely none at all. Perhaps it’s being put out there as an idea to try and increase the uptake and many are falling for it thinking if they don’t have it they can’t go to a football match or to Spain for 2 weeks etc. I am not saying that it won’t happen, for a while at least, but personally I would rather stay as healthy as I can than take the chance of being too sick or worse to even travel or do anything.
The EU produced a paper (available on the internet) about vaccine passports, discussed on here many times previously to be implemented starting 2021. Whether any vaccine is useful is irrelevant. Someone correct me if I am wrong but the paper was dated 2018?
I can see the UK from being blocked for any travel in EU, so we must have a vaccine passport who maybe the EU would drop in the little quote of “rejoin the EU and we will open up for travelling”.
The EU is toast anyway, so who cares
Belated reply from SAGA to my e-mail asking about about the legality of their policy under the European Convention on Human Rights or other legal bans on forced medical intervention:
‘With the start of the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine, we have once more reviewed our health and safety procedures to ensure we are providing the safest possible holiday experience.
I am sorry to note your concern and would like to assure you that we have made this decision having spoken with our guests, the majority of whom fall into the governments at risk age group. The health and safety of our guests is of the utmost importance to us and we will continue to review and update our protocols as needed to ensure this.’
Translation I think: we only want deluded guests who believe that the magic jab immunises you. Others can f*** off.
Change to another insurer, as I did anyway in 2020 because they were penalising existing customers.
It’s not legal. I find it incredible that these companies are considering this move!
Understood and yes I agree – a good argument
People are going out to be in again, either a shop or other setting. That is why the winter shutdowns are far more stupid than what was done last spring. Much of the transmission is not person to person but lingering virus in indoor settings. Maybe even a majority, nobody will tell us.
My 84 year old Aunty has been taken to A&E this morning.
I am convince she had the Rona about this time last year. Felt a bit crap but she got better.
Well she is post jab (Pfizer) for 2.5 weeks now. She has been fine all year and now as my mum put it:
“she has been ill since Monday evening with diarrhoea and sickness which seems to have stopped but she also has a severe pain just below her rib and above her hip bone”
This is a worry and I am particularly concerned that my folks have been jabbed 4 days ago so I hope they don’t go INTO a hospital to see her or have any contact with her.
Worrying times.
Sorry about your aunt but why on earth did you get the vaccine?!
He doesn’t say he has. Just his aunt and parents.
Sorry, my bad.
Meeeee? The Vaccine!

Sorry, I will go out and harass people who have succumbed to the needle as punishment.
Well, following the 28-day criterion, it’s obviously a vaccine illness.
That does not sound vaccine related.
The guy that called shitty a liar on video should be made a national hero, now if I came across shitty in the street I’m afraid being called a liar would be the least of his worries…
He was 15. I think Whitty’s rebuke last night at the press conference was highly inappropriate.
Was 15? Has he been executed?
The plot thickens.
What did he say?
What did he say?
Oh dear. I am going to get rebuked too.
DM moderating not quite up to scratch this time.
Nice to see so many likes for your comment too!
out of the mouths of babes…..
Why on earth should any teenager give a dingos kidney about a Granny killing virus?
Give that lad a medal
And a knighthood .
Pan galactic gargleblaster cheer!
Why has no-one else in the past year been able to corner one of these ministers and asked them a sincere, thoughtful and insightful question?
No instead, we get this.
Am calling bullshit on that video.
Dumb grown ups don’t ask sincere, thoughtful and insightful questions …
Noted, but to have some chav kid be “the one” that gets all the attention does that not ring bells for you?
One bell: Not politically correct.
I don’t belive in much these days so don’t worry …
Im really trying, but agree its hard to right now
Get him a statue!
The devastating effects of lockdown on children – Depression – Self Harm – Suicide…
Whitty is whining on about the virus being here for years, “this will not disappear”, what will not disappear, elderly people dying from something they now call covid and not pneumonia. It really is disgraceful what the ‘scientists’ with mega money backing are getting away with now.
Let’s start living with the virus from today!
Indeed. Only 9 months late.
Well, they have such an iron grip on the media megaphone that they can simply make things up and have them accepted as gospel.
So, good for Rishi Sunak to have leaked his concerns!
Yeah, it’s a virus – even us non-scientists know that they don’t just disappear and were telling them that last March. Why the fuck has he only just realised?
I have some news for Whitty and Co…. Every day, more than 800 million viruses are deposited per square meter above the planetary boundary layer — that’s 25 viruses for each person in Canada,” study co-author Curtis Suttle, a virologist and professor with the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries at the University of British Columbia.
Luckily, a lot of these end up in the Oceans, but what about the food chain you ask..
Well, I guess it will be just like the flu and common cold then, it will be here intermittently in the winter season and spells of cold weather. Nothing to panic about there then.
And he doesn’t want it to disappear. Fuck off, Fuck Whitty.
There might be over 4,000 mutant strains.
Only 4000?
Well, that was 10 minutes ago.
70 million?……..we are all ‘mutated’
I’ve just read that the human body contains over 380 trillion viruses but none of them give us any trouble- boggled my mind!
According to the Bullshit Broadcasting Cabal on Radio four’s bullshit at One propaganda broadcast….
“The UK has passed the peak of the pandemic” The leading story. Pressure from back benchers is pushing for schools to be open sooner.
This makes a change.
Blah blah blah blah vaccine vaccine vaccine vaccine.
Lying mother fuckers. Don’t trust a word.
I hope your mum is feeling better
Thanks, she was discharged yesterday having made a very good recovery and avoiding pretty much all the Covid bullshit. Massive relief.
Wow, I had no idea we were past the peak, couldn’t see it in any of the data before now could you, I’m so grateful that they’ve let us know.
Keir Starmer: ‘Make sure that this lockdown is the last’ – He means make it last forever. Like Nicola Sturgeon, he’s trilateral commission, anti democratic and wants to end our freedom – don’t trust him!
Apart from a 3 week break in December here in Essex we have had lockdown since November
Do FS’s think that the sheep who queue in the cold and wet weather to be tested get their IQ’s tested at the same time?
They will have to use a pretty cycle count to detect any intelligence amongst the sheeple in their tests.45+ cycles should yield results.
If they keep testing they might find a bit here and there.
During the past year we have become all too aware how many ‘intelligent people’ turned out to be false positives.
Am I missing something? They are still, very openly, fucking about with doses, timings, mix-and-match. And the vast majority still retain overwhelming faith in what is being administered. Very, very odd goings on.
Ah, yes, the vast majority – what a dispiriting lot!
Yep, dumb overdose.
Come all ye numskulls …
they are maybe worried about how many more of the over 80s the 2nd Pfizer jab will kill off
You’ll find that evidence will soon be invented to show that two different doses are more effective than two of the same type .
I know you are right on this because it’s been part of the narrative since the vaccine propaganda started. We must have the most corrupt, evil, arrogant, self-serving Government in the world. It goes to show they don’t give a damn about vaccine related deaths and the disturbing numbers of them or the thousands of ADRs being report, serious ones at that. They care nothing, absolutely nothing about the citizens of this country, whether they live or die or end up with serious long term disabilities. As long as they get their money and millions it’s o.k. A responsible Government would be seriously looking at all this and making decisions as to whether these human trials should actually be suspended. Whether people on here agree or disagree with the EU, what they said was right that they are concerned the British Government are rushing through disregarding all the risk factors and evidence. It needs someone to take this to court such as the Good Law Project.
Yes,just like they found the evidence that waiting for 3 months for the second dose works a treat too
I’ve just been told that very thing by someone who heard it on the news.
Some doctor who is ‘organising’ the mix and match trials was on Jeremy Vine R2 show today. I have to say she seemed very uncertain about the basic details of vaccines in general. But she was putting out a plea for volunteers to participate. Her tactic was to say that ‘we are confident that mixing and matching won’t present any problems but we want to confirm the effectiveness by trying different combinations and some with three weeks delay between doses, some with 12 weeks delay’. It struck me immediately as out of order to seed in the minds of potential participants (ie guinea pigs) the idea that it was all expected to be fine but we are just going through the motions. ‘Jeremy’, of course, didn’t ask her why this wasn’t being trialed on animals first.
There’s a Youtube video by ZDoggMD on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in which he’s fairly complimentary:
one dose only
doesn’t need -70 degC
resistance to infection seems to improve over time
fewer side-effects than the mRNA ones.
He said it finishes its first phase of testing this month. I didn’t follow all the nuances; I’m a mere scientist, not a medic. His comments might be useful to those who do want a vaccine, just a less risky one.
This is insanity. All ethics out the window
This really is human experiments Mengele style isn’t it. That Vine wasn’t even appalled just at the thought of what this Dr was saying says it all. The narrative must go on, the human trials must go on and the British citizens can go f**k themselves dead or alive.
These broadcasters and MSM journalists are a disgrace to humanity.
Got to use up all those doses Wancock purchased somehow.
Yep. Where I live I have just come back in from a long walk and seen one of the Tenants wheeled off to hospital. They had the jab at 3.30pm yesterday afternoon. Says quite a lot I think!
I guess it is at least consistent – given that the vaccine rollout is the biggest vaccine trial in history, you might as well check out whatever takes your fancy by messing around with all sorts of variables
It’s fucking unreal. We’re more or less being told in the news every day that this massive rollout is part of the clinical trials and people still can’t put 2 and 2 together.
Very odd indeed. If I could draw I would produce a picture of a man/woman in front of a pick and mix counter saying ” I’ll have 2 pfizers, 1 Zeneca, a sputnik and a sherbert dab please”
Sorry BBC and Captain Tom – where the money was put to good use Back in May, I spoke to NHS staff about how the money was helping.
This article was originally run on 25 May 2020.
Quite so, free grub for the already mostly over-weight and often obese NHS staff!
This is a factual coment not conjecture. The NHS workforce have a huge weight problem – connected to mental health and working conditions?
Absolutely nothing to do with working conditions. When I worked in the NHS I ate healthy food I cooked at home and ignored the copious amounts of chocolates and biscuits which were available each shift. I also engaged in activities and still do which helped me keep fit.
You don’t think team meetings stuffed full of middle managers and clerks in a peking order is good for mental health do you.
Lace that bureaucracy with politics and common purpose. You have one sick environment – even more so if you are a good soul wanting good patient care.
Biscuits and chocolates available on every shift. Yeah like i said working conditions.
You made wise choices. Take a negative mental health pattern into that same space apply workload pressure. Outcome?
and cake
Yes obesity among NHS staff is an overlooked and mostly ignored problem. The money would have been better spent on gym membership and advice about weight management.
Free grub for people with a job and income for life.
No grub for people who have lost their jobs and income under the guise of saving the NHS.
In LD1 my local vaping shop had discounts for NHS staff. Because yeah, right, it’s ESSENTIAL for doctors and nurses to get a good vape in after a hard day’s work, and they can’t possibly be expected to pay full price for it.
Personally I think working for the NHS would be sh*t, so I do have a modicum of sympathy, but that’s exactly why I didn’t choose to do it.
Besides of course, being completely underwhelmed.
Criminal use of funds, foot massages, free coke and microwave meals!
It is truly scandalous not just criminal.
Indeed, WuFlu is quite a racket.
Maybe it’s me, but that “wellbeing wing” looks like my idea of Hell.
How do they have space for a wellbeing wing? I thought patients were literally exploding out of hospital wards, there are so many of them?
A number of people here posted a link to the deeply moving video by Dr Vernon Coleman regarding vaccine deaths yesterday. I sent the link to a couple of neighbours who are mostly on board lockdown scepticism, but naturally enough, one of them did a web search of the doctor’s name and the first thing he read was an article in The Sun saying that he was an “AIDS denier” a number of years ago during that crisis. I told his wife this was probably a typical attempt to blacken his name by the MSM, but I wonder if anyone here can confirm that – or otherwise?
A lot of people dispute the hysteria around AIDS. Without reading the article I suspect the media are conflating scepticism with denial.
If that’s enough to discredit his opinion in your neighbours mind I wouldn’t bother worrying about them.
Thanks – but I think it’s important to track down the truth of the matter in the interest of educating others.
Find out for yourself. VC has a whole website detailing his views. If your friend is citing a Sun article, knowing they regularly run smear campaigns, what does he know exactly about VCs views on aids.
If they want to focus on defaming a man based on his views unrelated to the topic being discussed, surely they know what he actually says about Aids? Place the burden of proof on them. Is he saying it doesn’t exist? Is he saying it was hyped up and the common understanding of the syndrome is flawed perhaps? I don’t know the answer but why are you having yo do all this side work anyway?
Character assassination is a logical fallacy.
I am not sure exactly but I think Coleman disputes the assertion that the HIV virus causes AIDS, as do many others.
Amongst them was PCR inventor and Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis.
There’s a video where Mullis recounts buttonholing Luc Montagnier about this, but Montagnier basically just refused to answer.
There are Doctors who affirm that AIDS (not HIV) is a lifestyle disease brought on by immune system shattering recreation drugs (the gays) and severe malnutrition (3rd world)
I have no idea if it is true or not but it kind of makes sense when you stop and think about how bizarre the HIV virus acts
I am not remotely qualified to comment on the subject but it has always struck me as bizarre that AIDS almost exclusively affected gay men and intravenous drug users in the West as against the general population, male and female, in Africa.
He is not an “AIDS denier” – he and many other doctors questioned the existence and prevalence of the HIV virus and asked if there were any other possible causes of the immune system shutting down (which is what AIDS basically is)… it is EXACTLY what is going on here. Anyone questioning the narrative is a “vile covid denier”! Interested parties (power-seeking governments, multinationals, tech, pharma) shut down critical thought and debate to feed their own aims. They are a powerful force and can instantly squash trouble makers like Vernon and Judy and the doctor who found a very plausible link between autism and the MMR jab. These organisations have HUGE propaganda machines. Always have. Why do you think “anti-vaxxers” have been vilified? The closer someone starts to get to the truth, the more they slam them. Also see when the words “conspiracy theorist” were first coined in a NEGATIVE context. When people started to question whether JFK’s murder was an inside job. People who question are a nuisance for powers who want control. Go look up ALL the harrowing stories of parents who say, “my child was never the same after their MMR jab.” SILENCED.
The human heart always recognises truth. How did Wancock’s TV tears affect you? They made me feel VERY uncomfortable. Whereas, when Vernon broke down, I couldn’t contain my grief… I sobbed and sobbed. He’s telling the absolute truth… he’s been doing it for years. He doesn’t care. He has nothing more to lose. He just wants people to be treated with honesty and respect. A good man. A humble soul. I hope humanity remembers HIM as the true hero of our time.
Interesting the way this ‘denier’ suffix has spread as a means of denoting somebody who questions established opinion. It is quasi-religious in seeking to mark someone as a heretic.
On or two of these might work::
“Freedom Denier”
“Childhood Denier”
“Livelihood Denier”
“Future Denier”
“Reality Denier”
“Ethics Denier”
“Empathy Denier”
Yes… I heard “Lockdown Death Denier” and “Vaccine Death Denier” recently!
Spot on. Exactly the same story; HIV causing AIDS: SARS2 causing covid19. AIDS was breakdown of immune system and affected entirely different groups of people wordwide with varying symptoms. To this day HIV has not been isolated.
Covid19 a ‘disease’ with symptoms that now cover the entire range of possible symptoms of any respiratory disease, that basically causes immune system to kill the host. SARS2 has not been isolated.
We have a computer generated sequence ‘tested’ by a technique that is not fit for purpose for a non isolated virus which is supposed to cause a respiratory disease with such wide symptoms that cover influenza completely. And influenza has fallen to zero at the same time. You can join the dots.
A huge thank you for that post.
AIDS denier? What does that mean now? If this debacle has sent you down the rabbit hole on the whole AIDS saga (including about three or four articles on *this* site) then you’ll know that there are a lot of problems with the AIDS narrative, including if the virus causes AIDS or is a symptom of AIDS and how humans were used as experiments when they ran around looking for “cures” (money making opportunities).
See this open letter to Dr. Fauci for all the greed, corruption, disgusting opportunism in the Aids pandemic. Not only the same playbook as now, but the same players!
Coleman doesn’t hav to be your cup of tea, but we should not dismiss people on the grounds of them spoken other unorthodoxies and been smeared as quacks. Those are pernicious silencing tactics fit for a totalitarian regime.
See Judy Mikovits for the original dirt on the HIV/Aids travesty.
I believe even wikipedia have branded him an anti-vax, aids denying conspiracy theorist.
“Even Wikipedia” LOL – Wikipedia is a bastion of a certain strand of thinking – check out the page of any vaguely right-wing/conservative person and you’ll find every single piece of “dirt” about them
I suppose someone’s views on something related are vaguely relevant but it’s part of a general trend whereby if someone expresses views you don’t like/think are wrong/dangerous, rather than engage in argument to refute those views you attack the person holding them with whatever “dirt” you can find on them
It’s an indication of them knowing their argument is weak
If he was sceptical that HIV would become airborne and kill a large majority of the population within a decade or two, as I believe the 1980s equivalent of SAGE wanted people to believe, then he was right to be a “denier”.
Yes, Dr Mikovits I believe also has experience in this field going back to the 1980’s, and pointed out that in the 80’s-90’s, the WHO were proclaiming that a large chunk of the entire planet would be afflicted with the HIV virus before the year 2000..
Thanks everyone for input on this subject. I went to Coleman’s website and he makes a good case for his views on AIDS that differ from the mainstream narrative: Really interesting stuff which will be forwarded to my friend and neighbour. Won’t post any of it here as off-piste.
Glad you’re asking questions!
Yes, I continually question governmental pronouncements and always have done. Just looking for evidence to pass on in this case.
There was a new and brilliant film released recently on the life of the world’s greatest-ever figure skater, our own John Curry. Curry died, as is well known, of AIDS. There is no doubt that AIDS existed and exists. The idea however that it is caused by a virus (HIV) is laughable. Questioning the causative nature of the HIV does not make you an “AIDS denier” – it makes you a very intelligent person indeed.
He’s not an AIDS denier. He simply pointed out that the idea everyone was going to get AIDS was absurd as it could only be spread by direct transfer of bodily fluids. (that is you needed a direct transfer of infected fluid into an open wound or similar on the transferee) Sadly sexual intercourse quite often creates tiny wounds that facilitate the process. Of course a blood transfusion was an excellent way to kill people under the circumstances, as practiced by ‘our NHS’.
There is evidence that while HIV undoubtedly existed the treatment in the 80s was what led to the horrific deaths as it was toxic. I can’t give a link but it isn’t hard to find. And just to add the people who say uptake refusal of the covid vaccines is based on a conspiracy should look at the massive payout for adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine which resulted in paralysis and narcolepsy in children – so caution seems prudent before we roll up our sleeves for anything.
Anyone know if we still have representative in Parliament, mine doesn’t reply, are they just ignoring everyone now?
Parliament was effectively neutered on 23rd March 2020
We’re in the middle of a coup and have been taken over but the MSM don’t think it’s worth mentioning.
That is because the MSM are part of the coup.Ofcom took care of the broadcast media.
Same here in Canada. My MPP (member of provincial parliament) is MIA. He’s a member of the party who has perpetrated this “state of emergency” on us…not that I think the opposition party would be any better. Same as the UK — lockdowns not hard enough, school ventilation systems should magically be replaced, more people should be paid to not work, etc.
Sent mine a heartfelt plea to start speaking up citing the harm that this shit is causing in my own family. Ignored.
And who voted the anti-democratic member of the trilateral commission Keir Starmer to be leader of the non-opposition thereby ensuring we will have no democracy for decades (being optimistic)?
Cars queuing all morning at Longbridge, Birmingham after 2 cases of SA Covid.
Am I missing something here?
2 whole cases of an unremarkable variant of an unremarkable virus… I’m shaking in my boots, here!
The govt will have to admit that the SA variant is everywhere soon enough, with no noticeable impact on case numbers, illness or death.
They will just invent a new one to scare everyone.American news use the English variant to spread alarm.
That would be one of the 4000 + variants so far. and this is why there is no vaccine for the common cold (a mixture of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses).
There is more pressure on the government to open up.This will get harder and harder for them as more and more people get the jab.
Whitty and his pals are playing hardball.Now they are saying case numbers have to decline rather than hospialisations .
They are all monomanics. Not interested in anything else apart from covid.
The real aim is “vaccinations“.
No it’s the accompanying passport.
Probably already been mentioned but the study linked to in today’s round-up is truly extraordinary. Check this out on masks:
“Although the effectiveness of masks is well established,4, 5 in the analysis of Marks and colleagues, self-reported mask use surprisingly did not affect the risk of transmission. Similarly, Ng and colleagues did not find an effect of self-reported mask use on risk of COVID-19 transmission in their analysis of contact tracing data from Singapore.6 Rather than questioning the usefulness of mask-wearing policies, these results underscore the necessity of a multi-layered comprehensive approach to infection prevention and control.7 Factors such as consistent and correct use and quality of the mask could not be accounted for in the analysis.”
They quite literally are saying that even though they found that masks don’t work, they are going to disregard this because apparently “the effectiveness of masks is well established”.
Except for when your own research confirms that they are not effective you surely have a responsibility to at least recommend further work on the matter. Instead they kowtow to the current status quo, one which is far from “well established”. They are going with an ideological attachment to masks over the results of their own study. It’s astonishing.
Do the “follow the science” brigade every actually read the studies by the scientists they so love?
“Do the “follow the science” brigade every actually read the studies by the scientists they so love?”
Doubt it. Maybe the summaries, or just read Tweets about them.
““Although the effectiveness of masks is well established”
Indeed – it is well established they are not effective. It’s a neat illustration of how low some “scientists” have fallen that they repeat as gospel things that are simply untrue, EVEN WHEN THOSE THINGS ARE CONTRADICTED BY THEIR OWN FINDINGS
This is simply the religious liturgy of the cult known as, “scientism.”
Dr Schmidt-Krueger, who did a very long video reviewing the paper work BionTech supplied to the EMA, criticised that a very important graph ws in the supporting document.
She said most scientists will not look at the supporting documents, as they are “supporting”/not v. important, and it would take longer to read everything.
I think to get out of it will depend on the rest of the world to a certain extent.
India , is opening up , sweden also, italy as well states in america unrest is growing in other parts of the world which is good.
Sweden never had a lockdown, just some restrictions.
A couple of surprises today.
Received a letter from the council informing me that voting in local elections in may will be safe. I’d assumed they’d be cancelled.
Secondly my elderly neighbor went into hospital after a fall three weeks ago and I feared the worst. Turns out yep he contracted Covid in hospital but was moved somewhere else (unsure where) was given Hydroxychloroquine and should be home soon .
They’re using Hydorxychloroquine in the UK?
They were all using it on the downlow while the orange man was still a problem
It seems there are quite a few dupes in the West who thought getting rid of Dorito Hitler would send things back to normal.
Joke’s on them.
I was surprised too, that’s what I was told by his nephew.
If the doctor wants to do it and the patient consents or it’s judged ‘experimental/last resort’ you can use anything you like whether or not it’s approved. Need to be able to justify decision to court or GMC. At least that used to be how it worked.
Happy to report that I successfully performed surgery on a poor snowman who had somehow (how?) gotten a big giant piece of disposable fabric lodged over his bottom half of his face. It almost looked like the poor snowfellow had no face! Anyhew, like a Good Samaritan I got down to saving him and now he is sporting a happy smile from button eye to button eye. Good things.
Nice work. You may well win the Good Samaritan Sceptic of the Day medal.
UK Can’t Close Its Border Because It’s An Island ‘Unlike Australia’, Says Grant Shapps
With morons like this in our government, is it really a surprise that we are in the situation we are in?
You have to laugh, only part of the government apparently running the country!
Why – have they shot the others? (Nothing would surprise me at this point).
David Kurten asking about Vaccine safety in London assembly and is rubbished.
The grotty little no-marks hand waving and interupting are complicit in the non consentual medical trials ongoing until 2023. See how fast they were to deride – this is briefed response.
Who is going to do it?
What a bunk of poisonous evil lying bastards. Leave some comments on there somebody for goodness sake.
My comment:
“Opps the wrong question, what about deaths in care homes after the jab…no no shut it down!! Look at these fools waving their hands about, “don’t give a platform to scaremongering” PAH!..Scare mongering! That’s a bit rich coming from these psychopaths who have spent the last year scaring everybody witless. Shame on you all! What about all those post jab deaths? OFF THE CHARTS AREN’T THEY! You bunch of evil lying gits. You people have BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!!!!!”
That was the Green one, no doubt they’d secretly love a bit of depopulation.
Don’t fall into the trap of opposite exaggeration.
The situation is that we just don’t know, and have no way of knowing about the efficacy or safety of vaccines.
Everything else is just supposition and confirmation bias.
Did you see the 2 women in that losing their shot about it? Who is David Kurten? Can we send him some support?
A former member of UKIP.He has founded the Heritage party.He has been brilliant at taking Khan apart in the London Assembly and is fully against the Covid rubbish.
PW interviewed DK on his New Culture Forum podcast a while back. They are screwed by the London demographics aren’t they?
I’ve been impressed with him generally thus far. Sent him a quick email via his site. Peter Whittle also has taken Khan to task, specifically re: his visible support for BLM, considering their stated aims (on their own site), inc. to take down the police and disrupt the family structure..
You would do well to keep an eye on David if have a vote in London. Fast serch him now and see how he does going forward. A guy who will speak up.
Public opinion might be shifting at long last!
Now ministers and scientists say all OVER-50s must get vaccines before lockdown begins ‘significantly’ to ease and shops, restaurants and pubs can reopen but refuse to give a target date as Tory anger mounts over ‘goalpost-shifting’
Top rated (over 4000 upticks) comment from readers is:
“Yeah then when all the over 50s have been vaccinated we will no doubt be hearing that all the over 40s need to be vaccinated then the over 30s and by then there will obviously be a new “super mutant strain” and we will have to start again with the over 80s. Just get the country open while we still have one”
can I have my yellow star now?………..
Join the queue!
“Asked by presenter Sarah Montague if the vaccine news means the world can anticipate a return to normality by spring, Sir [John] Bell happily replied: “Yes, yes, yes, yes…”
this was from a SAGE member, who sits on the Gov advisory vaccine committee taskforce too, I believe.
Will probably get his SAGE p45 soon!
Quite why the Tory MPs couldn’t see this coming from several thousand miles off is beyond me.
Beyond me too. But bear in mind that O’Brien has almost certainly been doing a lot of behind the scenes briefings. Even so, the fact that, apart from some notable and brave exceptions, they have supported the imposition of a ‘Police State’ they are, well in my mind anyway, beyond redemption. Same for Starmer and gang, to try and score political points by advocating harder lockdowns is frankly obscene bearing in mind the collateral damage.
Saying that ‘all X age group must get vaccine before lockdown lifts’ also sets the stage for revolting emotional blackmail and yet more division.
‘We’re only still in lockdown because people aren’t following the rules!!’ will become ‘We’re only still in lockdown because people aren’t taking the vaccine!’
Agree; the guilt card will likely be played very hard. I can see it now, “Look into their eyes, have you refused to have the vaccine? “
Yes, it’s all so predictable, isn’t it.
When Vallance and others donate all their shares in the Pharma industry, plus any gains accrued from past ownership, to charitable causes, I will take them seriously. (Their salaries are perfectly adequate)
Yes, they are, pardon the phrase, immunised against the personal financial fallout from all of this.
COVID’s Deadly Toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides
Young people may be the least likely to get sick from COVID, but the impact of lockdowns and school closures has created an alarming spike in suicides among children and teens.
Do you think Boris or Wankok or Pantsdown or any of them gives a toss?
That’s an easy question – NO
Munchausen syndrome by the government is bringing with it lots of new jobs, along with the new Minister for children’s mental health, since they caused said mental health issues and now news that Sir Kevan Collins has been appointed by @BorisJohnson as the government’s new ‘education recovery commissioner’ to oversee the Covid catch-up programme.
“Sir” this and that, why didn’t you get rid of that shite a long time ago?
Helps us spot the reptiles we shouldn’t trust, mind.
He’s probably been appointed because he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing and needs to get rich qjuick.
Is anyone else starting to wonder precisely who these people slept with to get their job?
The way I see it Covid-19 and global lockdowns are part of the “Controlled Demolition” of the International Monetary and Financial system.
The metaphorical building has been crumbling for 13+ years and “they” know it’s going to collapse so best get the riches out of the way fast. Bill Gates chose farmland.
They’ve propped up the structure with ever more QE but that mass is going to push the building over on its own, so “they” have little choice left.
So, ring-fence the inhabitants with lockdowns so that they don’t block the exits in the panic and leave with their cash.
And then, give the thing a nudge.
Which part of the structure will “they” blow to bring it down on cue? The US stock market? I thought silver might be the trigger.
How do you build back bloody better when everything is in ashes.
Interesting times ahead.
“The way I see it Covid-19 and global lockdowns are part of the “Controlled Demolition” of the International Monetary and Financial system.”
Except it isn’t a demolition, the whole charade is falling down due to lack of stuff (cheap oil, debt etc) to maintain it.
Care to expand?
Instead of me writing a longer piece here take a look at Gail Tverbergs blog Our Finite World:
Thanks much!
Here’s an interesting take: basically a crash was about to hit and they pulled this c19 bullshit off the shelf to cover their dollar propping activities with Chinese and Russian acquiescence.
Hard to swallow maybe (sorry) but hey, a good read.
I read that article twice. And I feel like in order for me to really be able to process it and make sense of it, I need to understand how these economic dealers usually work, how they think and how this fits in with the greater schema of their work. Oftentimes when we read things that feel conspiratorial, we are missing a lot of the context that helps explain it.
But oil is cheaper than in a long time I hear some say. Yes, because the buyer can’t afford to pay more … and how long can that last before oil production stops?
See I think that oil is being artificially suppressed in some sort of new war against the Saudis etc. It seemed very anti-oligarch out there to me. I mean, all the office blocks abs financial districts with tumbleweed blowing through? Who’s that sticking it to?
To look at behaviour, it’s not that no one is buying. I’m reliably informed that heating oil is going through the roof. The price at the pump isn’t super-depressed. The airlines are still flying some of their stuff, it’s just empty. Freight is still moving..
I have been thinking oil will probably rebound this year as house prices slump and interest rates start to surge. But I might be wrong.
Abs has anyone seen the Queen?
We certainly are in a war. I’ve heard that Buckingham Palace is being ‘renovated’ and is now boarded up – can anyone confirm? The royal family have been notably absent in commenting on anything that’s happened in the last year ..
The last I heard of the Queen and the Duke was MSM crowing about them having the jab.
I agree that we have seen a controlled demolition , bur despite their evil intentions things are not going to plan.
The gyrations in stock markets last week ( retail vs hedge funds) may have exposed the fragilities in the financial system which can derail their controlled demolition.
I would expect a tactical retreat and what will look like a rush to reopen.
Rising commodity prices will be what brings it down. Too much money, not enough stuff. Maybe it’s kicking off:
This week:
“Arrow Research has published “scale-busting” charts detailing Chinese purchases of American corn over the past week.
Over the past week a record breaking 5.8m tonnes of US corn has been purchased by China for the current marketing year adding fuel to the US corn rally.”
A report from November:
“China is stockpiling every kind of commodity at a “mind-blowing” rate, with the country’s imports propping up an overall fall in trade volumes globally, bulk terminal operators and shippers were told last week at a virtual conference organised by the Association of Bulk Terminal Operators (ABTO).”
Terrifying and unfortunately probably true.
Quite, and a month or so ago, we were all DISOBEYING the rules and it was not TOUGH ENOUGH and would not DEFEAT THE VIRUS especially with the appalling new Kent variant… until suddenly, magically, they’ve decided that lockdown has in fact caused the recent fall in cases.
Jackie Baillie MSP writes in complaint about sturgeons continued silence in not answering her questions
“Feb 3
It’s getting harder and harder to get straight answers from
on vaccines. Still waiting for an answer to this two weeks later.
“Quote Tweet Jackie Baillie @jackiebmsp · Jan 20
Following my exchange with the FM today, I have written seeking clarity on a number of issues. Vaccinators cannot be left in the dark when it comes to the rollout of the vaccine. Huge thanks for the vital work that they are doing to protect us and save lives. Read my letter below” [on link]
This is cooperation in times of national challenge the like of which we have never seen in our lifetime, it is not a time to play politics. Unless, of course, she says/does otherwise.
Again it is sad to see political games obscuring the safety concerns such a mass roll has. We deserve much much better.
Nice pic for you.
To hell with humans, the sooner the better!
A lot if thrm are booked for hell already, of that you may be sure.
Look if you’re going to wear it, wear it properly!
I bet a lot of those mask discarders were banging on about plastic straws endangering wildlife a couple of years ago.
Virtue signallers do not remember. They just move onto the next virtue signal
I was approached by a concerned lady in the park this morning, who happened to see my puppy rushing about the place with a glove in her mouth (she’s obsessed with them). She wanted to warn me that yesterday a friend’s puppy had been rushed to the vets with a bowel obstruction caused by eating a discarded mask. My puppy is certainly obsessed with masks too, and will happily carry one along the street dangling from her mouth. People truly are disgusting.
Will we be seeing a new “duck variant” of covid soon?
Where is Attenborough when you need him?
He’s a fullblown Covidian. Stay at home. Who cares about wildlife?
The flying squad will be after that duck for incorrect mass wearing.
Just a bit of wishful thinking. If somebody who due to lockdowns became mentally ill and shot Johnson, Handjob, Shitty & co dead. Would their deaths be recorded as covid or lead poisoning?
Whitty himself would say that they would be “on the side of Covid”.
Oh please please. Can I be an observer of this momentus act of self preservation and courage?
I love it – “not guilty m’lord, as it was within 28 days of a positive PCR test”.
Personally I’d give him a medal!
Careful… That puts me in mind of a tart remark by Ken Livingstone [during Blair] “It’s been a ‘long time’ since a British Prime was assassinated “[Spencer Percival, 1812]
(I thought: “You really don’t want to be saying ‘that’, Kev!”)
A sensible assessment from an expert writing in a prestigious medical journal, March 26th 2020:
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to Spanish flu, SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9% to 10% and 36%, respectively.”
A demented hysteric on television, March 27th 2020:
“The mortality of [Covid-19] is about 10 times that of the flu”.
Bizarre coincidence them sharing an uncommon name like “Anthony Fauci.”
I mean simply put they can’t have it both ways. Either there is loads of asymptomatic transmission and Covid is not that serious, or there is very little and it is serious. At the moment they’re trying to convince everyone it is both.
You missed the third option :
“… or there is very little, and it isn’t particularly serious, either”
So, my daughter’s IGCSE exams have now been cancelled, unlike GCSEs we were told that they would be going ahead. There is a possibility that she might not be able to get a predicted grade (it’s a bit complicated – we’ve always homeschooled and exams have been taken at a specific centre unconnected to the body she studies with), but if push comes to shove I wondered if there is any legal advice that I can take if this is not allowed? Thanks.
I am very sorry to hear that. My daughter has been in the same position and had her exams cancelled last summer but got them done last autumn and this january.
On what basis are they cancelling them , as if they held them in january( under full uk lockdown) , why would they not be held this summer?
She took her maths (cancelled in May) in January. They don’t give a basis for the decision (sounds a bit like the government doesn’t it). You’re absolutely right, and I hadn’t thought of it, but if the exams could go ahead in full lockdown why can’t they in the summer?
I have just read announcement from pearson. Complete bull. I just hope all private candidates complain to their private exam centres and they back track.
We Home Ed too, and I’ve just read this. It’s gutting! My child is younger, but I’m just gutted for everyone’s children. I cannot fathom the rationale.
It’s beyond idiotic. Children in so called third world countries are getting on with their education. Even europeans seem to have managed better than the UK. Our children are bearing the brunt of this bullshit.
I really hope they let their mask wearing moronic parents know about it at some point.
Can your daughter have papers marked in an overseas IGCSE exam Centre? The exam is taken in a lot of English speaking international schools.
Usforthem is a group of parents with legal aspects. Better look them up yourself, i think I am giving you the right name. Ask here again in future the right people might not see one post. Good luck.
I’ve only recently discovered this chap in Ireland, but my word he’s a good speaker…
Some mainstream media coverage of #COVID19 in #Ireland is adding to the high levels of stress and anxiety amongst the population.
He is the only member of our parliament that I am aware of that is in any way sceptical about what is happening.
Global cases of covid are collapsing and it can’t be vaccines as evidenced by israel and UAE. How do the mad scientists explain this?
Fewer cycles when doing the PCR test?
I am sure that this is what was planned by uk authorities to claim victory and success for mass vaccination. But if cases are collapsing in low vaccinated countries the they look to be snookered.
“I am sure that this is what was planned by uk authorities to claim victory and success for mass vaccination.”
I wish it were so, but the signs are that SAGE at least want this to carry on forever, and the govt are going along with it. No indication there is any desire to declare victory and many indications to the contrary
As long as PCR test is not exposed as a fraud in MSM , I think they will dial it down from time to time just to give the masses some false hope.
Julian, I was just going to write exactly this in reply to the mini-thread below re. the Daily Mail article about the ‘shifting goalposts’.
You’ve hit the nail on the head; SAGE are like a dog with a bone.
Then it’s up to the people to take the power away from them.
Sturgeon is opening the schools on the 22nd and has barely got the vaccines going so I expect they will just look at the swabs ( give negatives) and not mess about with PCR.
That’d be the Post Trump WHO Memo then: “drop the cycles”
PCR test amplification down to 25; ‘orange man’ removed. Job done.
Absolutely, my thoughts entirely!
They haven’t destroyed the economy just to get rid of Trump. Trump is one of them, you don’t get into these positions without being so.
Did the way CV19 was played by the US media and Dems contribute to Trump’s downfall? Probably
Does it explain the same pattern in a hundred other countries? No.
They’ll say masks and social distancing made the difference which is why they want them to become part of our lives and the very reason why we must resist. We do not need them.
Good to see the “above the line” team is paying attention to news posted by the “below the line” team.
Posted last night:
I’m only kidding, by the way.
Well done, Will & toby. Better stuff ATL today.
When it’s Will editing the quality improves immeasurably.
Yes; I prefer the ATL content when Will writes it. He also writes some stonking stuff for the Conservative Woman blog.
My apologies if already posted some time ago, but I just saw this on Dr Kulvinder Kaur’s feed as she had tweeted it again as part of World Cancer Day.
The original article is Oct 2020, but one can only imagine how much bigger that number is now…
Three million missed out on cancer checks after coronavirus put screening on hold
Every unnecessary death from lockdown cries for vengeance.
And will get it.
God, with some honourable exceptions, the UK is a nation of hypocritical, bitter, sad people. Was it always like this, or has increasing materialism and loss of ‘belief’ in anything remotely worthwhile made it this way?
I think the UK like many other countries were never “the nice place”, it’s you and me and many others that has awakened …
Totalitarianism brings out the very worst in people, and that’s what we are seeing.
Hear hear!
I was talking the Missus last night about trying to explain the behaviour of some people and why if they are given an inch they will go to extremes.
I was reminded of this experiment
which basically says that for a lot of people if they are given (or self-appoint themselves) a little bit of power they will take it to dangerous and totalitarian extremes
And this one
which says that a large number of people if they are given ‘permission’ to do unspeakable things even if it goes against their moral code and common sense, will do those unspeakable things with impunity
I think both explain a lot of whats going on and in particular how certain people are reacting….from the self-appointed Covid ‘guards’ in the shops berating other people for not following the ‘rules’ to the senior members of PHE who have vastly over-reached on their authority and ability.
And even if our senior ‘scientists’ have never heard of these incredibly famous experiments, Derren Brown repeated the second one on TV and Peter Gabriel wrote a song about the first one!
Surely they are aware of them!
And the best – so many people seem to be more empathetic and less judgmental- they’re scared for themselves and their families but the average person in this country is not evil – it’s the people in charge, many of whom are aiming to destroy us, who are evil – pick your enemies (and they’re probably not the people you meet in the supermarket or on the street)
For what it’s worth I think it’s been growing over the past 12 years and you are right, we have turned into a nation of hypocritical, bitter, sad people. Firstly, our MSM shames us in the eyes of the world. They are owned by less than a handful of billionnaires and want power, greedy for power in fact. For at least 15 years now the nation has been drip fed increasing levels of hatred, propaganda, fake news, the wilful destruction of people in the public eye just for the sake of selling papers on minor, pathetic issues blown up out of all proportion. This has had a far more significant effect than is realised. The MSM single out people, institutions and ordinary members of the public to feed their own profits. Whatever people think of Jeremy Corbyn on this site, it has to be acknowledged that he was the subject of the most vicious, malicious, vitriolic, sustained hate campaign by the MSM, supported by the Integrity Initiative (paid £1m by Johnson as Foreign Secretary to run such a campaign), the Security Services, the CIA and other organisations. It took all these efforts to prevent him from being elected. Now we are stuck with the two faced, liar Starmer who hasn’t got a clue about anything. I mean he believes that they will win red wall labour voters by wearing a suit at the Cenotaph ceremony and adopting ‘family values’ when what people need of course are jobs, affordable housing, affordable transport, a top quality health service run and managed by clinicians, a good education system etc etc. They are doing the same with Toby only to a much lesser scale and anyone who questions the MSM propaganda, narrative or fake news. They create hatred and division. It’s a major causative factor.
People are subjugated to reality TV so they can point a finger at those who are worse off than themselves, are vulnerable and cannot articulate their circumstances properly or impartially. They are treated like freaks. More division more hatred more vitriol. So it goes on and on and on. There are other causative factors but I am in no doubt these are the major ones.
That and of course, an elite Government who are obsessed with power and greed and protecting the billionaires and millionaires and making themselves super rich. They want a divided, nasty, malicious nation. After this is over, God knows how anyone is going to be able to heal and forgive because they will, in the majority, still be brainwashed.
Nah. It’s just the same as always – open to snake oil salesmen if the price is right, and if the checks and balances fail.
It has never taken much to tip the balance of civility and civilization. The raw material is the same.
There was always a sense of it in post-war Britain, IMO.
The ‘bad things’ have all been accelerated by boundless social media and general godlessness though IMO.
Why just ‘post-war’?
Actually, this god thing is the basic model for totalitarian behaviour (know your Old Testament to see the prototype of Hitler.
‘Godlessness’ per se is actually quite welcome.
Because I can’t speak of pre-war… I don’t know anyone who was there.
Fair enough. I’m of the generation that has been in touch with some of those whose births went back to the late 1800s. Obviously two world wars and a very different social scene shaped them – but any fundamental individual differences are hard to see.
The problem with godlessness is that, since we seemingly evolved to be religious creatures, when you take God out of the equation, the vacuum will inevitably be filled by other nonsense.
Religion is very much a case of better the devil you know IMO.
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
― G.K. Chesterton
Chesterton was a member of the RC faith that ritualises ancient cannibal ceremonies, so was a bit biased
He was demonstrably wrong in that self-serving statement. Religious belief is totally irrelevant to questions of both truth and individual character.
So where does morality come from (and how is it perpetuated) if not from religion?
I mean, sure you can argue it from first principles in a humanist way, but it’s based of axioms we cannot agree on so it’s worthless.
I first came to Britain in1989 as an au-pair (from Germany) to the outskirts of Birmingham. I found the British to be lovely, helpful people, especially out of the big cities.
I moved here again in 96, moved to Germany in 2002, and back in 2003. I have always lived in smaller towns since then, and yes, British people have changed.
I blame a lot on social media. Germany did not seem to be in such a grip of FB, hardly any of my school mates or my sisters are on it.
Having worked a lot of time in hospitality, I certainly notice that younger people are very busy and only care about themselves.
Funnily, I was thinking about this last night, and I think the British as well are very materialistic, everyone needs to own a house, the bigger the better.
Young people all want to work in “easy” jobs in offices, although that’s the same in Germany, no-one wants to work in “dirty” trade jobs.
Phones have contributed to everyone being in their own space, and PC. I used to love being addressed as “dear” or “love” in shops.
Well, I still do that.
I’ll also hold a door for you, Silke; I’m quite happy to screw the feminists… if you know what I mean.
I have fond memories of a Cornish taxi driver, many years ago, addressing me as ‘me ‘aaaaaandsome’ in the most delightful accent.
Could that still happen?
Alright moi luvverrrr I have had that once or twice down Dorset way.
Also, I never fail to be thrilled when I hear somebody say “Gurt Lush”
Yes, my ansum, my lover, my bird, my darlin, my beauty. Less common than they were but still going.
I think since the early 80’s there has been a very gradual shift in British culture, slow tiny incremental steps. This is what I can only describe as “An Americanisation” of UK culture. I called it that back then and I have been very aware of it. A slow drip drip drip drip. This incorporates all the cultural programming, the propaganda, the brainwashing..Years of drip drip drip. This took a turn and accelerated in the late 90’s and hasn’t stopped. Full throttle full spectrum psychological warfare on humanity.
An example of Americanisation which I noticed coming in, starting around the 1990s, is the virtual disappearance of the phrase “showing off”. When I was young, if you were considered to be showing off your friends would quickly take you down a peg or two. But then the cult of “celebrity” took off in a big way, and showing off was no longer considered to be a bad thing and became normal behaviour in some contexts. It’s seen in ludicrous forms such as pink limousines which people hire for hen nights etc.
No it never used to be like this, this nonsense started creeping in from the 80s but now it’s full throttle!
From the time of Thatcher, obviously
Forbes and U.K.-based Center for Countering Digital Hate attacks Mercola, Children’s Health Defense and others re questioning vaccine safety
noticed that ITV this evening have a Tonight episode- “Covid Testing – Whats the truth” “investigating the mass testing plan in light of the doubts about the accuracy of the instant tests.”
Not seen the MSM investigating the accuracy of the PCR tests.
As the LFTs pick up far fewer “cases” is this now a plot to discredit them ?
Bloody hell, what’s going on? I read below that HCQ has been used on a british patient and sturgeon can’t wait to open schools.
“As the LFTs pick up far fewer “cases” is this now a plot to discredit them ?”
Seems likely
The truth is PCR tests pick up viral fragments (which could have been there for months) and lateral flow tests pick up infections.
I’m surprised they haven’t tried to seriously discredit LFT before. As soon as Slovakia started their mass antigen testing, it was clear that their improved accuracy was a threat to the narrative. In a normal universe, the 36 positive lorry drivers would have been used to annihilate the government and their psuedo-scientists’ position.
I suspect governments snookered themselves by ordering huge quantities of LFT kits before realising they were too accurate. They couldn’t discredit them immediately when they spent so much on them, and promised so much (AKA operation moonshit).
Teachers now have stocks of LFTs at home, so when schools reopen, the school outbreaks will vaporise. So this could be an attempt to sabotage school reopening by undermining LFT. It could also be positive news but that seems unlikely given the ITV track record.
Looks a lot less intrusive too – no throat swab and just rolling the swab inside the nostrils not scraping the brain pan. Results in 15 mins, fewer false positives than the lead standard PCR Test. Wonder if those two advantages are linked (less time/opportunity for cross-sample contamination?)
It tells a tale : PCR tests – known to be wildly inaccurate and fraudulently unsuited to sole diagnostic purposes; condemned by the inventor for such usage – are allowed to form the main basis of SARS-CoV-2 data for 9 months.
LFTs – unknown accuracy, but probably closer to the truth – jumped on immediately because of the lack of hysterical findings.
Covid testing: how can we distort, suppress and/or cover up the truth?
Once again, Witless on the NHS “It could become overwhelmed very quickly). Well Mr f****g Witless (liar, liar, liar) I suggest you deal in actual evidence and facts and not on your pathetic, worthless projections. The NHS isn’t and hasn’t been overwhelmed throughout any of this. In fact, they were closed from March 2020 to July 2020 and are still refusing to restore elective surgery, life saving treatments, diagnostic services. They have been decided underwhelmed during this period. Witless, Unbalanced, the Pig Dictator and Wancock are the ones with very serious blood on their hands.
Johnson is not someone who has led a worthwhile life, he has no interest in responsibility or decency or the good of the Nation, he can’t be bothered to take the reins because he simply cannot be bothered with the responsibility and to take the resultant tough decisions that are required which means, seriously questioning Witless and Unbalanced’s manipulated and falsified graphs. So, in his ‘don’t bother me with this now’ attitude (while he no doubt sinks a bottle of gin) Witless and Unbalanced only have to say “PM, this is our view and what you need to do” and that is what he does, problem solved, decision making delegated to two deranged scientists. Back to the gin, shagging and quoting the classics. Job done.
So, Sunak, great that he leaked his legitimate and truthful concerns. He must have quite a lot of back bench support in order to do that. Keep going I say to him, speak louder, forcefully and more frequently, he will be far more respected for it. I also think it is time for him to act decisively now whilst Johnson dithers, prevaricates, moves the goal posts and lets the Scientists rule this country. So, Sunak needs to: (i) end furlough in March when its due date is up (ii) refuse any further quantitative easing (iii) refuse any further support for large corporations and businesses and other businesses (iv) keep the £20 uplift in Universal Credit in place to ease the burden on the millions of people that are suddenly going to find themselves on the Dole Queue and increase the minimum wage giving low paid people a bit more spending power (v) set out a legitimate programme of Government investment in jobs, the economy, business development and societal infrastructure which will increase the nation’s GDP, lead to growth may be slow at first but will increase over time (vi) set out a programme of rationalising the NHS monumental management structure, removing money from them if necessary until they achieve this, tackle the gross inefficiency in the organisation and return said money from massive efficiency gains into the public coffer to invest in a better health service along the lines of Germany or France for example. There would be billions of savings in this alone (vii) Increase the tax rate of the excessively rich and reinstate the tax rate on Inheritance Tax (vijii) Reinstate the one off ‘WIndfall’ Tax on excessive Banking and financial industry bonuses initiated by Gordon Brown which added £2bn per year to the Treasury.
This is not exhaustive. He needs to break from Johnson and the Scientists and focus on the economy, economy, economy. He’s already made a small break by leaking his concerns. Give it large I say to Sunak.
“Witless on the NHS “It could become overwhelmed very quickly).”
Pigs might fly. For scientists, these top SAGE boys are very good at vague waffle. They talk more like politicians that the actual politicians.
And they are handsomely paid!
The excellent Jamie made the crucial point in an Irreverend podcast weeks ago: The miseries being inflicted on us are all a response to something that is NOT REAL. Models, predictions, guesswork, apocalyptic jabberings, Nostradamus on steroids. Never what is, or more likely isn’t, happening to real people in the real world.
Too many people believe it is real though.
As we all know ( and there have been so many images of all the past years newspaper headlines about NHS overwhelming) the actual words mean nothing.
it is a mere rallying cry now. It cracks the whip. In fact we could add ‘overwhelm’ to the list of misused words someone suggested recently.
‘Exponential’ (ie ‘a lot’) has been quiet lately, hasn’t it?
It would be better to take the low paid out of the tax system. It must cost more in administration to tax them and it often penalises those who want to do overtime.
That causes other issues such as acting as a barrier to moving up the career ladder/getting a better paid job. It is also believed that those that don’t contribute to society financially don’t have any interest in its preservation (you could argue that the existence of the 1% proves this point!)
Thresholded windfall tax on megamega-commerce platforms?
So the cost of everything you buy from Amazon goes up? Huh… how will that help?
Speaking as an accountant, that one would be easily avoidable, unless you made it a turnover tax. The problem with a turnover tax is that it is generally just added to the cost of the product. The poorer in society end up paying more, as a percentage of their income, for the product being sold as a result.
I agree with your sentiments Jo. I personally see Sunak’s statement as the most positive development of the past 12 months. Sure, I know he is a politician and therefore about as trustworthy as a hungry anaconda, but he is at least making the right noises and he has the power to make people listen and maybe even follow. You can rant and rave all you want on forums such as this, nobody is going to listen to you, but get cabinet ministers questioning the agenda and that is a totally different matter.
The time has long passed when Sunak should have said “no” to the current PM and by extension, SAGE. He would have been up against it and then he should have resigned and delivered a blistering resignation speech. That he has allowed all this damage to the economy makes him as guilty as everyone else in cabinet whatever he does now. Still like him to refuse any further aid though.
Exactly. Spot on.
Thanks for your thoughts WasSteph. I think his timing is actually impeccable – a blistering resignation speech would have some effect at the time but, at a time when the industrial levels of propaganda, fake news and manufactured hysteria was at its peak it wouldn’t have really had any impact. However, now, the British public are breaching lockdown quite significantly, people are totally and utterly fed up and our children are suffering. Sunak’s timing couldn’t be better because he knows that the Scientists want this to continue way into the year and thus, has picked a great time to leak, it will have much more effect now and the Tory backbenchers are getting really restless now. He now needs to double down on the message and broadcast it louder, clearer and more forcefully. It will mobilise the backbenchers.
I think he has done what he can with a highly toxic chalice and is now saying enough is enough.
I disagree with your socialist programme, which would sink the economy further into recession. Government investment has always failed and destroyed value in the past, and there is no reason to believe this time would be different. And as for higher taxes, Britain is already taxed more than at any time in the last 70 years. Tax policy must not be driven by spite and envy. The richest people are already paying such a large proportion of tax that the effective tax base is dangerously narrow. Another way of looking at it is that it is undemocratic for the many to burden the few with higher and higher taxes. It’s time for another look at the Laffer curve. We are well to the right of its peak; lower taxes would result in higher tax receipts.
Thanks for your response but I cannot agree with you. Government investment is essential here to kick start an economic revival. The rich are paying no more than 50% tax now, corporation tax has been slashed and huge companies are paying virtually no tax. The few and the vulnerable and the unemployed are living on UC which is, I can tell you, unlivable on whilst the millionaires and billionaires are paying 50% tax with millions of loopholes they can use. Millionaires, as a result of this shitshow have made £3.9tn. People who work (i.e. the majority of the public) has lost £3.7tn in salaries. I believe that says everything we need to know.
The EU data for the Pfizer vaccine ‘adverse effects’ is collected on the site linked below.
The UK appears to be included if/when someone inputs a record, no idea how often this is done. Up to 31 Jan 26k recorded in total with what appears to be over 600 deaths in that number and about 40% of total classified as ‘serious’, mostly unresolved.
Worth keeping an eye on. The other vaccines will be having their own reports through this system . CDC runs similar in US.
I’m not getting anything from this link. Just a blank page.
I got an Oracle BI splash screen. I clicked Edit then it let me open up the Dashbaord.
Weirdly there are 1.5k males with Pregnancy, perinatal and puerperum conditions arising from the vaccine reaction. Are these womxn?
Younger people worrying about the long-term effects of new, untried, experimental vaccines are “ignorant,” chuckles 94-Year Old
Sir David Attenborough blasts ‘ignorant’ anti-vaxxers | Daily Mail Online
Another “sir”, full of shit like the rest of them!
Told you he was a Covidian. Bought (cheap) and sold (bad bargain).
He’s also reached ‘National Hero ‘ status, there will probably be a petition for a state funeral as well or at least a few moments silence when he goes. John Snow in particular on Ch 4 news adopts that obsequious tone and look when interviewing him about how he was coping with lockdown a few nights ago. His main solution was watching the birds in his garden.
And a Remainer!
Well – he’s been right on something, then?
And let’s not forget a eugenicist judging by some articles dating back to 2013.
Untried and experimental is one thing, vaccines of the past haven’t much cred either, how about reading up Mr Attenprick?
I wonder if he felt able to impugn anyone who refused thalidomide or Factor 8 at the time.
Wow!! They really are all falling off their pedestals aren’t they? In fairness he’s probably just started to worry about that family he’s thinking of starting abs whether his sperm quality is going to be negatively affected.
WTAF? Most vaccine sceptics I know are highly educated but also hugely respectful of Attenborough and his legacy. He has no idea what damage this is going to do to his reputation.
His rep will be as before, remember most people agree with him …
“Sir David Attenborough has hit out at coronavirus anti-vaxxers, branding their views ‘an ignorance of medical fact’.
The natural history broadcaster, 94, said he thought it could be borne from people mistrusting what they did not understand.
But he admitted he could see why some people were worried about having something new injected into their bodies
Sir David said: ‘It is an ignorance of medical fact and if you don’t understand it, it’s very easy to mistrust it.”
So the aged natural history broadcaster is the latest expert who fully understands vaccines and anyone who asks questions is just plain ignorant. These people just need to stop this right now. If he survives long enough he’ll be in the dock with all the other celebrity “experts”
The problem with celebs is they become far too arrogant. For some reason their celebrity status gives them a god complex and they forget their more humble beginnings. Once again it’s MSM who puts them on pedestals they don’t deserve.
Just as Vernon Coleman said to David Lammy F**k you Lammy F**k same to David Attenborough.
So, ‘caution’ is now “ignorance”. Silly old fool!
Well at your age you don’t need to be worrying about the long term side-effects do you you patronising, old scrote.
Still, we can always hope he will discover about short-term side effects!
Another sanctimonious shit that I used to like in another life.
Fuck off Dave. Zero respect now for him as well.
He is an ignorant entitled prick. Who the fuck does he think he is to be labelling anyone ignorant with the globally amplified voice he has?
What a cunt. Guess his nose it out of joint since Tom gets a clap and he wasntt even a bbc saville enabler.
Seems pretty clear to me that the green lobby aren’t too fussed about human collateral as long as the planet is “saved”.
My comment on that article was “Sir David is very keen to keep the natural world as natural as possible, yet supports the idea of a genetic therapy being given to millions of humans as part of a massive (and illegal, in international law) experiment. We don’t know the harms, and he doesn’t seem to care what they might be.”
Well being 94 I don’t suppose he worries about long term effects.
What an irresponsible man. He is also hanging out with the XR crowd. Yet he is a likable fellow
Loved his programmes when growing up.
Had the chance to meet him a couple of years back staying in the same hotel. He was at breakfast with a large entourage who were mainly family I think.
But after all his propagandising on the AGW issue at the BBC passed that up. Haven’t regretted it.
Another unqualified celebrity endorsement for the “vaccines” throwing in defamation of an entire generation for good measure. Every time such announcements are made, I suspect they are having the exact opposite of their intended effect.
This man is not a national treasure. He is a national disgrace.
They are having to wheel all these peops out I guess just to get anyone vaccinated! That will stop.
I’d like to send this story to my pro lockdown friends who have yet to wake up from being sheep, but as soon as they see “lockdown sceptics” I know they will not even click on the link or read it. Haved any of you managed to get the blinkers off anyone you know?
No, they disregard what I say and even that which is taken in is soon overwritten by their daily dose of MSM fear porn. If I wore a lab coat I suspect I would have more success.
Anyone who is still pro-lockdown now is beyond saving, until there’s a preponderance of doubt in the MSM.
Personally, I wouldn’t even be in contact now with anyone who is still pro-lockdown. I’d rather put wasps up my arse.
I think you will find that dear old piffle and friends are already considering something similar.
From the Guardian:
The vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi has declined to say whether the government is recording data on who has refused a coronavirus vaccine.
Zahawi said uptake was “incredibly high” in the UK, with 85% of adults accepting the vaccine, according to the Office for National Statistics, and the 15% skewing heavily towards black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.
PA Media reports:
What is it with politicians (especially ministers) and the word ‘absolutely’?
And starting a sentence with “So”
Better that than “I feel that…”
Have to admit to doing that on occassion.
Worse than just “so” is, what I call, the ‘Cathy Newman’ – “So, what you are saying is…”
And yet the man has turned out to be a total tran-wreck and Cathy Newman is still standing.
Honestly how can you write that? I hope you never suffer such difficult family and health issues.
Is it true or isn’t it?
If a man is telling millions of young people how to live and improve their lives, isn’t it pertinent to ask whether this man practices what he preaches? Or indeed if what he preaches is actually specific to containing his own mental frailties?
If he was minding his own business, his mental health would be no-one else’s business.
Never underestimate the capacity of highly intelligent people to be feckin eejits.
He’s got a neck like a jockey’s bollocks, as my gran would say.
How did you know what I was thinking when made my post, GS?
It was a classic, yes. Did you know that she claims that she won that ‘debate’?
Rather that than starting it with “The Science”
It’s the use of the word ‘must’ as in ‘people in Kent must get tested’ that I object to. ‘Must’ implies an obligation and enforceability- the word they are looking for is ‘please’
Going to need a big wall, GS. 650 politicians, 101+ SAGE dorks, thousands of local and county councillors, and that’s just England.
Oh, and that little shit Khan!
Yes,I only mentioned to my wife the other day that we are going to need a lot of bullets.
Couldn’t we just run ’em through with pitchforks?
Maybe Trump would let us use his Mexican one?
Then again there is always Hadrian’s, trouble with that is a lot of it missing so some of the crims might escape – nobody will want that.
The takeup so far is by the low-hanging fruit of over 75yr olds and semi-coerced health care workers. The steep upwards curve will surely slow if not plateau when they hit the lower age groups. Maybe.
Well, HE certainly should be amongst the ‘collateral’ damage to politicians.
And there’s that word ”incredibly” again. Perhaps they’re using it in its true sense: implausibly, fictitiously, questionably, improbably……
(No doubt he’ll be able to engineer a ”poll” on people’s concerns – having his fingers well and truly stuck in the Yougov pie.)
“He confirmed that everybody who had had the vaccine went into the national immunisation vaccination system.”
From what I was told yesterday, that is an awful lot of bits of paper. I wonder how many will go missing when they finally get the system up and running fully.
@ Will Jones
“New daily infections peaked in the first few days of January.”
I know you implicitly acknowledge this in the subsequent comments, but that statement is wrong.
“New daily symptoms (on the Zoe site) peaked in the first few days of January”, not infections. Infections precede those symptoms by at least say 5-7 days, hence infections peaked perhaps circa the last week of December, and probably before Christmas in London.
Which, as you suggest, is clear from the triage calls. 111 calls (people being ill) will take place quite a bit of time after any original infection.
And when it comes to any sort of lockdown, it is infections that such lockdowns are alleging to stop.
Good point.
19-year-old hospitalized in ICU days after receiving second Pfizer vaccine
Just another coincidence of course. There’s a great ad on that page – a mask that kills a disease! Amazing!
Look how ‘dead’ those people look.
I see this look in a lot of people I see wearing masks; that and misery.
They remind me of people in Victorian family photos who, becuase of the long exposure time had to pose statue-like for ages and always looked a bit dead.
And often did pose for photographs with the dead.
Why the hell don’t people who can’t do without muzzles on their faces wear see-through ones? Why can’t teachers wear see-through ones if they must, because they’re so afraid?
Is this a spoof or serious?
Bloody madness
1) why the hell is a 19 year old getting a vaccine??
2) if they can liberally say there is “no proof” a sudden swelling of the heart was caused by a shot of vaccine, why can’t we say there is NO PROOF that COVID is caused by SARS-CoV-2? BONKERS!!
What the blazes is happening when a 19yr old takes a jab he doesn’t even need and will probably never need?
US: 271 deaths, nearly 10,000 serious adverse reactions from coronavirus vaccines (so far)
If 25 million American have been vaccinated, and 271 have died, is that a 1 in 10,000 of dying from a COVID vaccine?
271 out of 25 millions isn’t much to shout wolf over …
No I was just trying to work out if my maths was right.
Closer to 1 in 100,000.
But remember that the CDC estimate that only 1% of adverse reactions and deaths are reported through the system so the reality is always higher than the reported numbers.
Read this while browsing through something the other day.
We must also remember that we don’t know what the long term affects are from this. I saw a comment yesterday from a Doctor and shocking though it was he said he expected 50% of the people vaccinated would be dead in 5 years! How scarey is that?
Yes but so far they are all elderly so it’s not particularly surprising. Life expectancy normally in a care home is about 1 year.
But that’s the figure so far…there’s still plenty of time (years in fact) for many of those already vaccinated to develop side effects. No one can know what the final fatality rate might be.
No, that would be 1 in (just under) 100,000.
Anecdotal evidence about reactions to vaccine on Gab. Perhaps they are all made up, but doesn’t look like it to me.
I fear too many sceptics are seizing on anecdotal evidence, and thus mirroring the enthusiasts.
The reactions described tie in with the VAERS data from the U.S.. which I’ve posted here.
Natural News is not a reputable source
Not saying they are incorrect but they come under the Infowars umbrella which is poor optics
Say what ?
Natural News has been going for a long time. They are first class in all things health-related.
On USA-internal politics, Mike is pro-Trump and constitution.
On USA_external politics, batshit crazy.
9,844 Reports Through January 22, 2021*
jump to browse reports
Feb 2021; We seem to be in a position whereby the Governments’ response to a ‘national emergency’ is not based on actual medical and scientific data, (despite what they say) but is instead founded on reasonable worst case scenario theory predictive modelling, a 21st century equivalent of medieval auguries and omen theory, interpretation of the signs, Hepatoscopy.
Also, before I go.. if so many people are having SAEs, should they be driving after vaccination?
Only if checking their eyesight.
Can ANYONE here give me the rational argument why a healthy person should take a completely novel “vaccine” when the vast majority of people have very mild symptoms? I just want to know the RATIONALE… I am asking for real, not on a personal basis, just what is the RATIONAL argument.
Rational has been erased from the dictionary. It’s no longer a term recognised by media, politicians, scientists or medical people. Most ordinary people also fail to accept it. There are exceptions to this, mostly found on sites like this, so your question is valid, but may not necessarily get an answer!
I would say that all the people I know who have had it, or who are younger and plan to have it, cite the fact that they want their lives to go back to normal. Older people are also having it because they have received an “invitation” to have it, and they trust their doctors and the medical profession. Lots of people have trusted and continue to trust their doctors. That is why they are having it.
That’s a sane appraisal of the framework.
Clamouring to return to normal is a pathetic justification for submitting to an experimental medical treatment. It is the product of fatally diseased and enfeebled mind.
Whichever way this shitshow plays out, there will never be a return to a way of life remotely recognisable by comparison with what used to be classified as normal. Hence the vaccinated will lose on all counts, as they totally deserve to.
“Clamouring to return to normal”
That’s why there’s been so much propaganda and fear mongering, plus the never-ending lockdowns, all to push people towards the vaccine.
Exactly… the only reason friends who’ve taken it (front line key workers) give me are:
1) I’d lose my job if I refuse it.
2) It’s the “right” thing to do.
3) I want to be able to go on holiday.
When I reply:
1) It is illegal to sack you for refusing the vaccine, no matter what you’ve read on Twitter.
2) It’s undoubtedly the wrong thing to do to your body, even if Twitter tells you it’s the right thing to do to keep your friends.
3) See 1)
Then they stop speaking to me.
What they’ll say is
Obviously there are flaws to all these arguments but I think I’ve fairly represented what the other side thinks.
… except the evidence is next to non-existent, and the absolute risk reduction is minimal at best.
That would sound reasonably rational if we had 2+ years of data on their relative effectiveness. Until then, shouldn’t a healthy person stick to their natural human immunity that we KNOW is pretty effective at kicking upper respiratory viruses?
Well yeah. What I’m planning to say when they come round to me is “I’ll consider it when the phase III trials are complete and these vaccines have been licensed in the usual way”.
Doctors are book smart and life stupid. I say this as the daughter of a doctor.
Here is a rational argument:
Because it’s the path of least resistance.
You don’t have to explain anything to anyone, you don’t have to lose trust in your precious trusted authorities (trust is a good feeling), you can feel like you are “normal” and you are respectable and you are sane. You can say things to friends and Facebook without second guessing yourself and sweating as the responses come in. You don’t have to worry that your family or coworkers will hear you say that and look at you like you’re a traitor. You don’t have to worry about travel passports.
This is because the vaccine has been proven to be 85% effective (okay, I’m taking liberties here) at inoculating you against social punishment for wrong thing.
It is a very effective vaccine at keeping you in the in-group.
And as a social species, being in the in-group is vital. Being in the outgroup has terrible psychological and physical implications and can cause terrible loneliness, trauma, pain, isolation and the physical impacts of that.
So why take the poison?
To fit in with the poisoned.
This is a rational response. It is not ideologically neutral, for sure. It puts self-preservation and comfort about truth, honesty, bravery. But it is still rational. It makes sense for people to choose this. But those who make this choice are SELFISH. They choose themselves and don’t care if they are COMPLICIT in great public harm, because on an individual basis, this is easier. They are awful people. I know many such people – they shame me and mock me and dismiss me in order to be able to stay in the clique. They are cowards and I know that when the day comes and the tide turns, they will pretend they were always on this side. They will claim to have been victims of the vaccine. They will lose nothing.
It might not be medically rational, but it is in line with human nature. The worst kind.
This is spot on Jane.
Moral cowardice is just something, that I personally (and I’m certain all the members of this website) find more shameful that standing out from the crowd.
Naively I assumed that more people (not the majority but a decent %) felt that way, sadly it’s clear that they generally don’t.
Very well put
Profound answer, Jane. Thank you! And I totally agree. And I think that’s the narrative shift we HAVE to make. “Are you sure you are doing this for the right reasons?” “What if it turns out to be harmful in the future? Will you be able to forgive yourself for encouraging others to take the risk? I know I couldn’t.”
I’ve tried to make people aware of the temptation and dangers of conformity for a while now.
I left the Hasidic community, which is conformist. From this saga I know that most people are cowards.
Not surprisingly, calling out conformity is not popular. The part that I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive is that ex-Hasidim have declared me a defender/apologist of the Hasidic community and public enemy number one. They should know better. They know they are using the same bullying/smearing tactics that were used on them by Hasidim. But they don’t think. They busy themselves with cheering each other on to make sure that their conscience doesn’t start to niggle.
No matter how friendly they will ever pretend to be, I’ll never be able to unsee the utter bullshit they are made of.
As an atheist Jew, I hear you and have never had any patience for these religious zealots. However, I have found myself cheering them on as they ignore government diktats and burn masks. In that sense they are very much non-conformist. These are very strange times when I have even a modicum of respect for people like the Hasidim! Utter conformists within the faith but total non-conformists when it comes to their healthy mistrust of government.
Some very salient points there. Thankfully I’ve never felt the need to follow the herd.
I also pass on the argument for vulnerable people.
It’s even more evil to offer these experimental drugs to vulnerable people!
Well, it says on the telly we should take it, dunnit?
I mean even Sir David Attenborough says it.
He made all those lovely nature programs dinny?
So, it’s bound to be ok innit?
I mean, I don’t want to have to go on them ventilators.
I wanna get back to normal and if we al get the vaccine then we can, can’t we.
that’s one thing but now they are suggesting mix and matching different vaccines
Am just over 70. Talking to my private GP this afternoon and explained why I would not be taking the vaccine particularly as I have no underlying health conditions and am not on any medication. She is quite happy with my decision and people must make decisions that are right for them. Local pharmacist also agrees that this is the right course of action. Think it is difficult for professionals to raise their heads above parapet.
Also had a long chat with GP about masks. Agrees they provide no benefit and are germ ridden.
Does your pharmacist allow you in without a muzzle?
Yes. The regulations don’t apply to pharmacies or doctor’s surgeries. Many do not know that. It also does not apply to going into a restaurant and sitting down and having your meal and then going to the loo. People are stupid enough to rely on heresay.
You just don’t know how happy this information makes me! Is this the answer? Private GP? I’ve deregistered from my NHS since practice and not given them a forwarding address. I don’t answer the phone. Where do I find these GPs?
Our private GP service was at the local Nuffield hospital but it is shut because of COVID. Same for Nuffield in next town. My NHS GP is also effectively shut.
If you look online there are GPs who will do consultations via FaceTime etc and can get prescriptions sent out to you if necessary.
If the Goverment said everything opens up with no muzzles/social restrictions once 25m have been stabbed, I’d take one for the team.
….but whe we got to 25m they would change it to 30m
Is there a single target which has been kept to throughout this whole episode?
The one on our backs
The rational argument a friend gave me last week was to reduce symptoms and thereby lower the risk of hospitalisations and thus strain on the NHS.
I can pick plenty of holes in that argument though but at least it was one.
Covid (Moderns) jab arm
Plus some data from VAERS (vaccine adverse effects register, according to which at least a couple of people died within a few hours or a day of being given the vaccine)
Covid data OpenVaers
9,844 Reports Through January 22, 2021*
Not just Moderna but Pfizer as well, and more adverse reactions with Pfizer, but haven’t found how many jabs given for each.
I think my old Dad has flipped. Went round an hour ago and something has tipped him into full on zealot mode. My learning disabled brother lives with my parents and Dad is suddenly freaking out that when they drove past the park earlier “hardly anyone was wearing masks, if your brother gets it that’s the end of his life” (my brother is as fit as a butcher’s dog and as strong as a horse, and would be massively distressed if someone put a mask on him).
Don’t know where this has come from as he’s thought the whole thing was overblown from the off. Sad to say, he may just be going a bit doolally.
Can you ask him why he thinks your brother is brown bread if he gets it?
I didn’t really know what to say, so just suggested he drives somewhere quieter to take his walk with my brother for now. My Mum was shaking her head and telling me he’s been all over the place lately on the issue. Let’s face it we’re all going a bit crackers in this hell.
Edit: Thinking about it, the old fella’s always had a pathological hatred and fear of hospitals, might be projecting that onto my brother.
Your father’s fear and loathing of hospitals is a healthy thing. I think it’s what is at the heart of this panic for a lot of people. No-one wants to end up depending on the NHS to save their lives, because they know they’ve a strong chance of ending their days in a Kafkaesque gulag, locked away from all comforts.
Yes, that part of what he said today is certainly rational.
Obviously, you are more susceptible if you have learning disabilities, I mean, well, err… because covid, obviously…
It’s just come out of nowhere, I was really shocked.
It might be a good idea to talk about it with him. Ask questions, rather than tell him facts and figures, i.e. get him to articulate what’s worrying him and why. Try to reassure, e.g. that wearing masks outside would make zero difference. The virus would be dispersed by the wind. Etc.
That’s one of the worse things about masks – it causes people to become irrational.
Lack of a full oxygen supply to the brain can do that to you.
Plus the sheer frustration of not being able to breathe freely.
He’s not alone. The government fear campaign has been so powerful (aided and abetted by MSM) that many have succumbed to the ‘we are all going to die’ rhetoric. I’m not sure how this is going to be undone if indeed it can be. It was painful enough last summer when the restrictions were never really lifted in any meaningful fashion. It will be even slower and even worse this summer coming and then we’ll reach autumn and the whole thing will start again. We are in a loop.
I keep telling him to turn the bloody news off, he just suddenly seems to have succumbed to it all.
Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on things and work around it.
The evil fuckers have exploited people’s fear of death. Tell your dad to stop worrying and start living. He and your brother have more statistical chance of being killed in a car crash. Or from choking. Make whatever days we have on this earth worth living for. We are all going to die one day. Why spend every day in a form of death… a hysterical tortured state about the fact you’re gonna DIE ONE DAY!
Strange thing is Dad has been completely sane about it all, literally until today.
It is interesting how they have done that. I am (relatively) unafraid of death. Not heroism but it is often life that scares me more and I feel there is no point being scared of something you cannot escape, whether it is tomorrow or in 40 years. I wonder if this is an attitude underlying my scepticism? Attitudes to death and Covid might be a useful subject to discuss.
Every person I know who has managed to stay sane is completely unfair as of death. Either total atheist or totally religious. ALL the covidians have no belief/faith at all (atheist is total faith in there being no god) – I think it’s a solid theory. Anyone on here afraid of death? I don’t wish it but I’m not scared of it.
The people I interact with need constant sceptical boosters to counter the state propaganda. Leave it for more than a couple of weeks and they can become overwhelmed by exposure to MSM brainwashing. I suspect there are millions in this country whose psychology will be permanently damaged by this onslaught, and will be mentally ill for the rest of their lives.
I’m not sure how doing motorcycle compulsory basic training is supposed to help him, but I suppose it’s worth a try.
Unfortunately, he’s probably been watching TV.
When professor Whitty said in a press conference yesterday:
Some journlist should have asked him to state when the peak was in the case of “cases”.
Would he have owned to it being the 1st January as shown on a government website graph ( ?
I.e. before a lockdown was announced to bring down what appears to have already been coming down. Though, of course, who was to know that?
915 die of Covid (All but 30 had underlying health conditions).
So the truth is that 30 died of Covid.
Adverse effects won’t in the main be reported. Two elderly people of my acquaintance (one 80+ and the other 90+) say they have severe pain in their arms, and ”just felt ill” – but of course, they won’t report these symptoms to their doctor unless they’re too ill to cope. They’re stoic, as many of that age are.
And if either of them died, then their deaths would be put attributed to any of their other problems. Nothing to do with ‘covid’. How convenient.
The government is evil
New York for Valentine’s Day.
Govenor Cuomo(?) has decreed it will be safe if all restaurants open on the day at 25% capacity. Clearly idiotic and not in any way about the virus.
Restaurants have been prevented from having customers inside for many months. As a result streets are now festooned with a shanty town of shed built adhoc in the gutter – in which restaurants serve diners.
Covid is agreeing that it will make no mover towards dining couples so long as the restaurants are 75% empty. But only for Valentine’s Day. The virus has a heart.
Buy stock for a 1/4 full restaurant for one day. That’s going to work out well.
Eat out to help out?
Shouldn’t that be ‘Eat your heart out to help out’?
Meaningless because most restaurants have such thin margins they can’t even cover costs at 25% capacity.
And his response to such questions – “25% is better than nothing”.
He is now talking like a mafia don in his press conferences, his intonation is extraordinary.
he has no effing clue how businesses operate obviously!
The expected response from someone that’s never done an honest day’s work.
Well not to worry because with us being all locked up and swiping at phones no one will have dates to go out with anyhow. The New York Times has “great” ideas for virtual celebrations; IDK, watch your lover eat a salad and look on passionately or something.
The New York Slimes is the house journal of the criminally insane.
Yesterday the New York Times called for a, “reality czar.”
Total insanity confirmed.
Yes read that in American Spectator. Demented.
Well Obama had a ‘pay czar’ supposedly working for zero pay, to oversee a reduction in pay in big private sector companies.
Pay czar lived up to his name by being paid alright, to the tune of a 6-figure salary. After the press finally cottoned on (not before several enterprising folks pursued the issue via FOIA requests) the Administration claimed Pay Czar was being paid but he was paying back his pay every couple of weeks.
Maybe not spaghetti though
news .. Hancock says that restaurants in England will open for valentines day. However people will only be able to go by themselves and sit at a table alone (to ensure antisocial distancing), and not talk , and wear a mask. Flowers will also be banned as they are covered in the rona. Semaphore flags will be supplied to communicate with their loved one who must be sitting in another restaurant across the street
Anyway as the vaccine will sterilise any female under 40 what’s the point of trying to get into a relationship
No guidance on making sure to double-bag before having a wank alone in bed so we don’t catch Beer Flu?
These guys are totally asleep at the wheel!
apologies if posted elsewhere -some perspective on mutant variants
Great thread from Yeadon. Essentially he is saying that the furore around variants is completely unnecessary. He ends by saying “But you’ll notice lots of things that are being said simply don’t fit & that’s because the tale they’re telling isn’t true. There’s a pattern. Lots of things that don’t make any sense. Why, I’ve no idea.”
Obviously he does have an idea why this is happening but would rather not say.
Trying to cover up their lies.
Good faith? GOOD FAITH?
But they won’t admit it is an experiment, so none of the above applies in their view.
Am I right that “peak of deaths by date” was 17th January.
From the numbers:
Maximum Deaths (by date reported): 1,820 on 20/01/21
Maximum Deaths (by date of death): 1,335 on 19/01/21
Date reported is of zero value. If the office was only open on say a Monday & they reported on a Monday you wouldn’t claim all deaths happened on Mondays. It’s just a bureaucratic quirk.
Not disagreeing with you, Nick.
It’s worth thinking about how it’s ‘used’, though.
Because we know it’s not a ‘real’ number, but it’s a great propaganda tool in the hands of the goverment and the MSM.
No, I wouldn’t, and you wouldn’t, but they do, and they have; Patel and Hancock have both done it at the presser, regularly using the ‘reported’ figure, as in “the number who died yesterday was ‘reported figure'”.
Whitty and Vallance use it to calculate their 7 day average numbers on their slides, for both ‘deaths’ and ‘cases’ (or infections, as Whitty calls them).
The MSM use it all the time in a similar fashion, the BBC, especially..
I find the gov. Uk graphs unintelligible on a phone as I am.
It’s world cancer day,apparently.
All hail to Wankok and his attendant fiends for doing more to promote cancer than any other people in history.
Coming hot on the heels of children’s mental health week. It’s the end of satire.
Reminds me of a William story. It’s Rat Week. William naïvely assumes this means it’s a week in which we should be nice to rats, When he is told that it’s a week when we all do our level best to exterminate rats, he is horrified.
Wow, wasn’t he wrong! If we had rat week now, I would want to exterminate the whole effing cabal of them.
Agreed. What I find staggering is that Northern Ireland Health Service has announced it will be postponing 4,000+ people with Red Alert Cancer and not a peep from MSM, BBC anyone in fact. I feel for those people and their relatives. It’s a death sentence no more no less.
Heard this Paul Hunter on the World at One putting a robust case for lifting the lockdown
On the Beeb?
Lord save us.
Hmmm, not so sure. Whenever I’ve seen him in the press previously he’s been an absolute advocate of the most draconian lockdown. I think it’s a case of ‘good cop, bad cop’. And he clearly loves being in the limelight.
He is a useful tool for giving the readers hope by saying what should happen i.e. if case numbers and death statistics carry on improving. But those of us who are aware of how these things work in reality should be all too prepared for a change in the narrative that will disrupt any such expectations.
thinking back to what I heard he made a case that Christmas was responsible for the current drop in cases and deaths rather than triggering an increase.
Any idea what the difference between and ‘expert’ and a ‘leading expert’ is?
they missed the b off
You ever just step back and realise how absolutely insane this whole expeirence has been. From where we were in February to where we are today is staggering, terrifying, baffling….
The most insane part is I feel like the only guy in the room (outside here) who truly gets it, or, alternatively I am a nutter and this is all entirely benevolent.
If you’re a nutter then we all are.
Safety in numbers.
yup it’s madness! sometimes i think i’m the one who has gone bonkers as everyone else just seems to suck it all up and cannot see what’s going on.
Must be some kind of filter on how people view the world. It would make an interesting psychology topic on people’s different perspective on the virus and their worldview.
Highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others. (Socrates)
That’s why they won’t let us go to the pub. They let us out in the summer and we all stared comparing notes about how utterly insane it all is. Very risky. Now we are shut in our houses, never to mix with the human race again. People who are not supported by this community are only exposed to MSM propaganda. DT readers seem to be getting the message though… I look at their comments and they seem to be fairly with it. Actually twitter is also full of the informed masses. Actually, I think the nefarious actors in this might just fail in their masterplan. Let’s see…
I hope your right that people are waking up they are certainly not in my work, and my family whilst sceptical are no where near my levels of cynicism.
Personally I have never been so sane. I am positive that just everybody else is totally insane. The idea that anybody who supports corona bollocks is sane is…laughable.
I know exactly what you mean. When will the sheeple wake up?
I don’t know if they ever will at this stage…
When the money runs out. They will have to be more afraid of something else before they’ll let go of their fear of the virus. Notice how developing countries’ lockdowns lasted only a few weeks. If those people don’t work, they starve. You don’t have to be very good at math to figure out that death is a 100% certainty if you have no food, but Covid has a 99+% recovery rate.
Yes, I have noted elsewhere Covid seems to be a First World problem – if malaria or even starvation is a bigger killer Covid is not much of a threat at all.
Totally with you JH, but don’t worry there is worse to come. Imagine for a moment a world where covid has been accepted for what it is, a bad flu season. Suddenly, from all around the world will come a chorus from previous covidiot fanatics of proclomations like ” I knew all along it was a hoax” “Masks, what rubbish they were”, “Social Distancing? Me?”, “Wankcock, Shitty, Vaccine and Piffle? told you they were useless”. Worst of all will be the volte-face from the media and the Facebook warriors, the ‘fact checkers’ that suddenly see the real facts and attempt to hide their previous wilful ignorance.
If you feel murderous now, wait until that day comes. I don’t know how to cope with that.
Maybe I will never have to cope with it, because maybe that day will never come.
I don’t know if I could either that would be nauseating. I can see a time though when the majority of the population will pretend they were always against lockdown. Once the shit hits the fan so to speak.
There were about eight million Nazi Party members in Germany in early 1945. After the war ended, Nazi Party members were strangely hard to find. Not exactly the same thing, but a sign of how things can turn suddenly.
BS scientism from Germany about dogs being able to”smell” WuFlu 19:
1) They state the dogs can’t smell WuFlu, just metabolic changes it causes.
2) Then they claim to train the dogs by having them smell boxes with WuFlu samples and placebos.
Uh, guys…. you’re doing it wrong.
Heard a programme by a woman who trained her dogs to detect covid with her dogs, back in April last year. One had previously detected her own cancer and as a result her oncologist apparently got on board and they were going to get the ball rolling (sorry dogs). Of course, it never really got off the ground because the dogs wouldn’t have detected false positives. It was of no use, therefore.
Actually, (and here I must state that I’m not really a dog person), it seems plausible to me. When I had COVID back in Autumn 2019, it kicked the shit out of my pancreas. I’m in my youngish and fat, (please don’t shove me in front of a runaway train), but serendipitously was exercising regularly at the time. So my insulin resistance was under control better than it might otherwise have been. But I gained a stone and a half in just over a month. I bet a dog can smell the glucose fluctuations.
Seems the hotel
quarantineimprisonment plans are not progressing very well – quelle surprise!Seems one of the blocking points is how passengers who are all mixed in at passport control get rounded up and herded to their cell block H(otel). You can imagine flights from multiple destinations, how they filter the paxs out who are to be quarantined to the cattle truck. I think border force saying not their responsibility, and probably everyone sloping their shoulders of responsibility.
Another issue is if passengers have car in carparking and how retrieve them – extra charges – returning people back to airport/parking etc which they should be obliged to.
Link below in DT paywalled
How does our government manage to make such an unholy cockup of absolutely everything – it’s truly embarrassing to be British. I hope this stupid policy goes the same way as T&T and quietly disappear .
Its pointless while dinghies are rolling up and the inhabitants running off into the night.
And thousands of lorries enter through the channel ports.
Never mind the dinghies. All the media have concentrated on the airports. We do still have a number of international ferry services operating I believe. Some that have very few hotels in the immediate area of the ports.
Quarantine absolutely pointless. Look at what’s happened in NZ and Aus. They have the so called South African variant so quarantining in hotels has made zilch difference. Viruses mutate and they are just delaying the inevitable.
This is so true. Toothy lady is in for a massive shock, at some point.
She’s piled all her chips on the Vaccine marker. Only they are all fairly useless and even if there were a real vaccine for it the next season’s strain would render it worthless.
A Wellington Variant could give her the boot.
I see what you did there.
agree – it’s nature and whatever these dumb politicians do ain’t going to beat mother nature!
I have a really bad feeling about this that they will just imprison everyone entering the country (except their ‘elites’ of course!) like in NZ/Aus and we’ll become an island prison for a considerable time.
Don’t knock cockups – holy or otherwise – they might be our saviour.
Dildo Hardon yesterday (day before?) told the Select Committee that T&T are doing a stonking job and that it’s a massive success, believe it, or not.
For her laaaarge pockets!
really… wow – that Dildo has an over inflated sense of her own competence.
I’ve never done the t&t as avoid these places like the plague so haven’t a clue tbh but seems to have gone very, quiet on the propaganda machine – maybe because everything is shut, but what’s the betting that when they lift restrictions it will be back on the agenda “no tracking, no entry” like the mask psych-ops!
It is a curiously British trait. The state is absolutely brilliant at psychological operations but worse than useless at physical operations. A strange combination of pure evil and total incompetence.
Part of me thinks that many of the people in “authority” in this country simply do not have the guts or the will to go full-on totalitarian. This is why we have ended up with a kaleidoscope of regulations that in all honesty are far more lax than most other countries in the world.
yes you’re probably right – i am thus far grateful that we (as yet) don’t have masks outside, curfews, and having to complete a form to leave the house like they did in france. So although i don’t agree with any restrictions except sensible wash hands and don’t snog strangers, we have comparatively had more lenient restrictions than other countries.
I agree. The Greek authorities, drawing on a good deal of historical experience of right-wing authoritarianism, have made it illegal not to wear a mask outdoors and the police enforce it (the lockdown itself was only partially enforced, though, judging from the traffic). I came to Britain and despite a lot of fear propaganda many people do not bother wearing masks.
Mr Bean does Quarantine,
The whole thing is pointless as well as inhumane. Don’t have a problem with saying must have negative test because you get that before you leave so have choice whether to get on plane or not. This policy is to placate Labour Party and media not for infection control. Mutations are not related to a location but happen constantly and randomly everywhere.
Bit late to keep out the South African and the South American versions. They are here already – that is if they actually exist.
I do suspect it is far harder to pull off something like that than governments make it sound.
Unfortunately they are making it work here in Canada. There are only 4 airports that accept international flights and now every arriving person — despite being forced to pay for a Covid test before getting on the plane — is hustled off into a “quarantine facility” (re-purposed hotels) for 3 days at a cost of $2000 per person. Another forced Covid test is administered and only then are they released from jail if it’s negative and STILL must quarantine at home for the next 10 days. If the traveler ends up with a positive PCR, they are kept in the facility for the full 14 days, but at the government’s expense after the initial 3 days. Our government has contracted private guards to man these quarantine prisons. I’ve read stories of Canadians being hustled off and their families not even being told where they are being kept. It’s insane and I don’t even recognize my country any longer.
Ahh, those “nice” people at Imperial College, their financial backer and indeed the financial backer of the detested GHST at the Telegraph- pushing a world of medical change on all of us
Excerpt: “The more goodies we have in the cupboard, the better,” said Professor Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College, London.
“For example, I am asked every day – every hour – if a particular vaccine is good for people with allergies, or a certain type of cancer. And the answer is I don’t know yet, because nobody knows. But more goodies will better resolve these issues.”
Mutants bloody mutants. Jesus, is this guy running a research team or sweetshop?
Christmas has come early for Mengele, control freak, megalomaniac, egomaniac scientists, politicians, pundits, advisory board members everywhere
They have discovered the magic trick that means they will always be important – take some mild health threat and pretend it’s a disaster waiting to happen and scare the living daylights out of people
There is a conspiracy – it’s between all those whose careers and power are boosted by this, and of course those that profit from it (Big tech, Pharma, outsourcing companies)
I think it’s a mixture of planning, payoffs, true believers, and some level of instinctual herding behavior that have blended into this utterly toxic global hysteria.
I presume this has already been posted but anyway.
I’m pleased to hear that Sunak is concerned about the “scientists” moving the goalposts, but the fact is that SAGE effectively seized control of the government months ago. If Sunak is really concerned about the way things are going, he would be better off resigning and mounting a leadership challenge. Johnson is a weak man and people can see he is out of his depth – I wouldn’t bank on him surviving a well-organized challenge.
I think it’s clear now they took control on the 16th of March.
Please don’t fall into the Sage running the country narrative.They didn’t even talk about lockdown up to that date according to the released minutes.
Also Johnson made his loved ones will die speech on March 13.The decision to lockdown had been taken by then.
It was and is a political decision and the science has made to fit the political narrative not the other way around.
Look at the vaccine rollout.Again science bending to political decisions.
It’s sub-sets of SAGE plus selected members of the cabinet. The SPI-B psycho unit plus the Gove/Hancock axis of evil.
Lot of info leaks to a willing and malevolent media is driving this too.
Boris has to stick around and soak up all the blame for this yet… no-one in their right mind would want to take over from him right now.
I think the Gove‘olem might, he’s been after that particular ‘precious’ for a long time.
… and you’re right in terms of practical politics. Nobody will rush into this pile of shit – except the similarly deranged
Son predicts April 21st in the day Boris resigns.
Not sure why.
The bookies don’t share his view.
I too used to let wishful thinking guide my predictions.
I think Rishi is positioning himself as replacement for Johnson, but he’s just as culpable in my view because he too has moved the goalposts, allowing furlough to be extended when really all it’s doing is making people comfortable while the economy is dismantled around them
He’ll need to make his move soon then cause surely once the economy goes to shit his career is as good as over?
I know I’m not overly sympathetic – but even our local town drunk looks good in comparison with Johnson.
Sunak is just another tosser.
Yep, and Starmer is even worse. We’d never get out of lockdown with that prat in charge
Any positive news is welcome of course but Sunak is as much to blame for all of this, he has had so many chances to say “no” but has chosen not to. In addition he initially decided the self employed were not to be offered any financial assistance. When he finally gave in, he commented in his speech announcing it that (I paraphrase) when this is finished the self employed need to pay tax the same as the employed. He is a left of centre chancellor married to a very rich wife, of course he will understand about the problems in the UK. He is also very pro the “green” agenda. Not leadership or chancellor material in my opinion.
That’s a fair point, but someone needs to seize back control from SAGE.
I totally agree and if Sunak starts the ball rolling that is fine by me, I think there are better candidates as PM and chancellor. However at the moment any action which questions the narrative from within the government has to be a positive!
Graham Brady for Prime Minister.
Charles Walker Chancellor
Desmond Swayne Foreign Minister
Esther McVey Home Office
Is Esther McVey the one who’s JK Rowling’s stunt double?
I agree BJJ, any of Graham Brady, Desmond Swayne or Charles Walker as PM would be very good not just for the current narrative, but for the country and I would expect good for the Conservative party.
I’ll be very surprised if the Conservative party wins another election within the next decade or two.
Just sent him an e-mail asking him why is this shit continuing.
Get him here ta :
He should have resigned months ago instead of extending furlough
Engkand has clearly had a lot of excess deaths, but as I pointed out yesterday, add 2019 to 2020 & the death rate is only 0.5% higher than 2015/16!
But look at the other nations. Don’t you just feel they wanted to get in on the party with their self-flagellating lockdowns?
It’s a shame the other nations have went full fascist aswell. At least in America they have alternative states we have absolutely no alternative option.
I was most disappointed with N. Ireland. Thought Arlene Foster would have bucked the trend.
You are referring to the well-known fraudster???
They’re all fraudsters now.
Avoid the use of the term ‘excess deaths’ – it’s another imprecise term to put in he junk bin with ‘cases’. Having followed the data for some time, Euromomo graphing in terms of relative levels of ‘excess’ is highly suspect – both because their model is weak (it’s a ‘modeling’ product) and they’re dependent on country data.
But your conclusions are valid, Nick, both in terms of some countries’ responses to totally normal levels of mortality and the interaction between successive years.
Agree, Euromomo is not sound. Why can´t you go further back than 2015? But still it seems that in most countries this is nothing at all.
Sacred bond between patients and medical professionals broken.
A lot of individual articles from the AIER appear in the round up, and of course the Great Barrington Declaration was sponsored by them, but I’d like to recommend visiting their home site regularly. It’s a treasure trove of article after article, seriously, thoroughly and eruditely demolishing the criminal insanity we are trapped in.
Here’s the homepage and a particularly good piece published today:
I second that. They have been amazing and I check in there ever few days.
Question: Who gets to have the Oxford poison and who gets the Pzizer poison, is it random? I ask becasue my mum (Non English) was given the pzizer poison (Despite pleads not to take it). Other non english people I know have all had the Pzizer one. All English people I know have all had the Oxford one. Maybe just a coincidence of a limited circle of people I know. So what’s other peoples experience on this?
For the record I don’t believe any of these “Vaccines” are anything to do with the virus.
My Dad had the Pfizer, Mum the Astra Zenecca, about three weeks apart, same GP practice. Seems completely random. Also, my Mum was told she didn’t need to worry about sitting down for 15 minutes after hers, while my Dad was.
My mum, Welsh (English accent) lives in England had Pfizer.
Sister and husband had the Pfizer one today. For some reason they thought they would be having the AZ one so had done some reading on it and knew more or less nothing about the P one. Daft if you ask me.
My mother had the Pfizer before Christmas (totally adhoc – offered it in passing whilst at the hospital for something else.) Second jab will be in a couple of weeks – hopefully not a mix and match but who knows. She had no ill effects from the first one. Aunt had AZ and had a stinking headache.
I’ve heard Pfizer is the worst one and causing most deaths and adverse reactions. It’s the mRNA one that’s never been used on human beings before 2020. The AZ is traditional “dead virus” one. Hearing there are fewer adverse reactions. This is ALL rumour. I have not seen official data.
There is no official data yet as far as I am aware. Supposed to being collected but hasn’t been fiddled enough to be released yet.
AZ is not dead virus. It’s as novel as mRNA, but in a different way
The AstraZeneca is a virus vector vaccine, it’s not a traditional atennuated or killed virus vaccine. It’s using the SARS-CoV2 spike protein RNA inserted into a chimpanzee adenovirus. The Janssen virus is, I think, a killed virus vaccine (albeit I’ve read a number of articles saying that the SARS-CoV2 vrus has never been isolated in toto)
There are around 280 (!) vaccines in development.
I know of a mum friend who is a carer who had the jab and it was the Pfizer one.
@AdrianR made a post yesterday about people getting different vaccines from their GP:
I asked Adrian did he know which conditions; he mentioned Lupus, which is an auto-immune disease. It’s possible GPs have been told not to give the Pfizer to people with such conditions.
I haven’t seen anything in the MSM about this, though.
Beg your pardon, folks; that should be AidanR, not AdrianR. Sorry, mate.
See above the graph of decline in infections. The decline in infections from the virus started around January 16th around the world. How does this even work? Why is more not being made of this? We do not understand the first thing about how they behave.
There is an “Emperor’s New Clothes” element to this. They simply cannot admit that virus transmission – and susceptibility to them – remain a complete mystery.
Don’t respiratory infections normally start to decline at this point in the winter?
Well yes generally they do but see the various flu strains in previous winters that have different timings. And of course Covid struck in March. As I say, we don’t know the first thing about these things. How did they circulate the world before air travel?.
“The pattern of the SARS-CoV-2 incidence concentrated in the 30-50N latitude zone suggests dust carrying the virus is spread by a circum-global jet-stream, specifically the northern subtropical jet-stream that blows in the high-altitude troposphere over northern China in early springtime. It is known that the agent of the Kawasaki disease is carried by long-range winds to Japan and California from northeast China. We hypothesize that dust carrying the virus SARS-CoV-2 was similarly transported from the huge virus reservoir generated in Wuhan province to southern USA, thence across the Atlantic to Portugal and further states to the east. On this model the primary in fall of the dust/virus-carrier depends on the jet-stream interaction with regional weather systems, causing incidence of SARS-CoV-2 cases in various countries/ states along this latitude belt. The notable case of Brazil on 31 March 2020-exceptionally outside the 30-50N belt-is proposed to be due to the Azores cyclonic system entraining part of the jet-stream west of Portugal into the south-westerly trade winds, when these winds penetrate to Brazil during springtime .”
Crikey must try and understand that link. Thanks
This is 100% consistent with the spread of viral agents on aerosol particles, which explains also why masks, SD and lockdowns are completely irrelevant.
It explains also why deaths have continued in care homes, despite isolation PPE etc.
Interesting! I haven’t read the link but if carried on global jetstreams then all interventions and lockdowns etc are just “pissing in the wind” against stopping this/any virus.
These areosols are then able to remain stable in the air at low humidity and cooler temperatures, making eople who stay indoors most of the time particlarly vulnerable.
I think Ivor Cummins mentioned this in one of his videos.
The reference to the extremely rare Kawasaki disease punts this into the ‘fantasy’ class.
Typical ‘caveat emptor’ stuff.
No – it just refers to an example of an infection where viral infection is already known to travel this way.
Hit the south of the UK on April 8th – the pm2.5 pollution levels were ten times higher than usual and the pollution peak is an exact copy of the peak in deaths from covid.
What were the deaths from respiratory diseases at in December 18-Jan 19 before they started counting everything as covid where they like this year?
Why did we even have such a viral spike in March and April. This is really unusual isn’t it? Don’t most winter nasties fizzle out by March?
Ivor Cummins videos and others show the waves of flu deaths in earlier years. yes the March thing is unusual as is the absence of flu this winter. As I say, I don’t think we really know anything about it.
THat spike in March/April was jurisdiction dependent, occuring just after lockdowns were introduced.
Dnnis Rancourt credibly says that most deaths were due to lockdown measures. This is also indicated by the ‘spike’ shape in mortality. An epidemic typically produces a ‘hump’ in mortality a it moves through the population, rather than a ‘spike’, which is more consistent with human intervention – ie lockdown measures.
“Dennis Rancourt credibly says that most deaths were due to lockdown measures.”
Which, unfortunately, is a statement as stupid as many coming out of the opposite camp.
The timescales don’t work – unless the return of infected patients to Care Homes is counted in as a ‘lockdown measure’
There was clearly an ‘event’ back in April.
Yes, the clearing out of the hospitals counts as a lockdown measure.
Cohen has shown that psycholgical stress and social isolation are the two most important factors affecting mortality in respiratory diseases.
I am sure you can understand how these two increased considerably within that time frame.
The shape of the mortality curves, conclusively shows, in my opinion, that the larest part of the so-called covid deaths were due to lockdown measures.
The most extreme examples were fom northern Italy where we know that many of the care home personnel, who were from Romania, literally abandoned their positions, as they rushed to get home before borders closed.
Residents were then transferred to hospitals in some cases, where they were then also faced with a shortage of personnel, as some medical staff had to remain at home to look after kds who could no longer go to school because lockdown had closed them.
“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.”
Dr. Donald Henderson (leader of smallpox eradication campaign)
I don’t dispute that there was an epidemic – but the main ‘Event’ was lockdown.
Pollution peak as mentioned above
So where are we going to go, folks? Florida? Tanzania? Sweden? Any other suggestions? Commune in Cornwall with a wind farm and generator? Build a floating city like in Waterworld? Find the secret entrance out of The Matrix? Civilian coup of the Isle of Wight? Taking any and all suggestions…
Zansibar (Tanzania) and we will use an oil generator.
Take over the IOW. Red Funnel/Wightlink running 24/7 ferrying Covidians to the mainland and Sceptics the other way. No masks on our ferries.
Nope! Can’t use the Isle of Wight; Bill Gates has got that earmarked for his super-computer to run the planet.
Oops! Sorry, that was Colossus in the D.F. Jones novel. Could never happen in real life.
I wouldn’t bother, I was in a zoom meeting today with an islander who works on the mainland, ranting about how their tier 1 paradise was ruined by people from Portsmouth coming over and going to the pub. I don’t think we’ll get a warm welcome.
We’d have to force out the Covidians – pretend we all carry a new killer variant or something and they will flee for their lives leaving anything they can’t carry. They will rename it the Isle of Blight, treat it like Gruinard and frighten small children with tales about strange subhumans who expose their faces and touch each other without gloves. For us we’d have the Festival and great fun on the beaches. And benches.
Commercial property prices there are rock bottom, how about a 70 bedroom hotel for £1.6M. Swap a few houses of the mainland for one of those?
We have to make this happen!!
I favour IoW if we can deport Covidians. I also like to call us “Civilians”. I’m not sceptical about lockdowns, masks and “vaccines”, I’m more opposed to them than anything I’ve ever opposed in my life… even Love Island!
Ha hence your name! Works for me. Or just Normals.
I grew up there. It’s a very strange place.
Isle of Man! Lockdown was lifted on 1st Feb, everything is open and they’ve ditched social distancing.
Gets my vote. Miles and miles of roads with no speed limits, and a resort that oozes faded glory.
Douglas reminds me of Weymouth in a way that I find very comforting.
That’ll do nicely!
But non-residents cannot get in so what’s the point.
Token three week lockdown for the bbc then back to the old normal. I bet the chief medical officer is a retired GP that knows enough of the locals to not want to ruin their lives. Maybe in twenty years it will be a pocket of civilisation, as exotic to outsiders as ancient Persia.
Dunno but it’s going to end up like Mad Max at this rate. Just hope Mel Gibson is still in the picture!
… and he’s off the wagon.
Certainly would be entertaining times.
Floating city gets my vote, so we can chase the sun!
So… errr… a residential supertanker that can do 1100mph on the ocean?
I was thinking more along the lines of this. A floating community following the seasons around the world.
Oh I love this!! My Australian friend suggested exactly this when we zoomed at Xmas
Think of the norovirus.
A big cruise ship.
Vaccinated not welcome
good idea – we could charter an entire ship and go round the med!
The Hydroxychloroquine coverup
Must watch. An enquiry around that single issue would bring this whole shitshow down
This morning as I prepared myself for another day of online teaching I saw a middle-aged woman walking along my quiet street in a mask. At a certain point she stopped. Then she pointed at someone who was just out of my sight but apparently walking towards her on the other side of the road and shouted “Stay. There!” It was loud enough to be audible through my double-glazing. I thought, how grateful we must all be that we have these self-appointed covid-police keeping us safe in dangerous situations like encountering other human beings, at a distance, outside. On the assumption that it’s only a matter of time before I suffer such indignity, I have been trying, and failing, to think of a suitable reply.
Two words would do it.
Other than the obvious!
‘You muppet’? as per Two Six yesterday?
If anyone tries that on with me I will cross the road to confront them.
Just think of her as someone suffering from a disability – like incontinence – but more life-limiting.
It makes irritation and anger more controllable.
When faced with rudeness, I usually revert to “I BEG your pardon?!”
Probably the ideal thing to do would be to hopefully spot her first, size her up and get ready to pretend you are deaf and looking your phone, then make a direct path towards her at a brisk pace. Ignoring her bullshit. If she crosses the road, you cross…grrrrrr. Maniacs.
Yes, I like that idea. Thank you.
I am now evaluating everybody I see for levels of covidianism. I do this anyway and I am generally mindfully aware of what’s going on around me. I do tend to really look. I feel it’s important to pay attention. However now I really do play the covidian/non covian game with people. Sad really that I have to do this.
Yes, I’m not very good at assessing people’s state of sanity at first glance. I’ve completely lost the ability to keep my opinions to myself, however, so I soon find out.
There is of course only one adequate reply is ‘ you feck off and the horse you rode in on can feck off as well’
I’m not sure you captured the essence of that expression, Pete.
I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t make out what you are trying to say. There seems to be something over your face. If you remove that I might be able to understand you.
Thank you. I almost want it to happen now, just so I can try that out.
Say you can’t hear what is being said and walk towards the person.
Fuck off!!!
My favourite
She could do with it on a sandwich board.
Mrs Awkward now says “I’ve nothing catching you know” in a narky voice and gives them “the look” – I think most married men know this “look”.
Me – I just say “fuck off” or “dickhead” or something similar
I favour your response. More succinct. Less ambiguous.
(“Where’s the ambiguity? Over there, in a box.”
Python fans will know what I mean.)
Yes – I normally say ‘I’m not a biohazard’
‘If you think it’s that bad, why are you outside?’ is my prepared answer, though I haven’t had occasion to use it yet.
That was almost my response to a friend who wrote this on Facebook. “Driving this afternoon to deliver resources to some of my students because they cannot print worksheets at home, I was appalled to see how many people were out and about. The traffic was queuing in the town centre and there were groups of people together without masks on (not families, but groups of friends). Words just fail me. We need more police presence, and we don’t need the public whinging on the BBC news when they’re caught. Absolute morons.”
Your friend needs to see a psychiatrist, oddly enough I can recommend one.
Thank you! I just don’t understand a lot of people I thought I knew any more. In their universe, everybody is in constant danger of death and we’re living in an apocalypse. I suppose it’s what comes of too much BBC. In my universe, we’re living through a man-made catastrophe in the form of enormous infringements on our liberties.
In LD1 I got told off for continuing to cross the road with my 5 year old. Apparently we should have stood like sitting ducks in the face of oncoming traffic to allow this lady and her two kids safe passage along the pavement at the other side. All this because she actually “cares about my children, unlike you!”. Probably one of the most horrible experiences I’ve had during this sorry affair.
Yes, I know what you mean. I’ve a lot of admiration for people, who can publicly not go along with this rubbish. But one conflict like that just ruins my day. Still haven’t worn a mask but I also haven’t been in a single shop since December.
You had the ill luck to encounter a totally horrible person. Believe me, the nasty taste soon goes, because the nastiness is in her, not you.
Pity her poor kids, they have to endure her 24/7.
Shout “COVID wanker!” at them?
Was it one of those small, squat, malevolent, beady-eyed little ladizombies?They are proliferating everywhere, like the little beetle-like men who throve best under the dominion of the Party,
Yes, that’s actually a very good description!
This is superb. You must watch it:
Thank God for the Swedes and their sanity in the face of malicious criticisms and misrepresentations from the swivel-eyed lunatics and sociopaths so pathologically obsessed with inflicting unfathomable suffering on their citizens.
One wonders if future historians and commentators will write about the sanity of the Swedes during a period of utter darkness and insanity. I believe they will.
This is pure gold …
Watched it. marvellous.
Bank of England announced that due to the success of the vaccine rollout the economy will have recovered to pre Covid levels in a year.
Whatever they are on at the Bank I want some ,to forget this nightmare.
Kool-Aid with some added hallucinogens by the sound of it. If this is the quality of thinking at the Bank of England, then I’m afraid our society is even more irreparably damaged than I thought.
I had another ping saying the housing market will recover strongly after lockdown.What is going on with this good news propaganda?
Good news. Good news. Good news. Herd. Herd. Herd. Sheep. Sheep. Sheep. Bad News. Economy fucked. How did our models get it so wrong.
“ after lockdown” = Never
all the wonderful economic uplifts are being talked about by the Bank as being dependent on the fast adoption of the vaccines. Caught the BBC headlines before i realised the tv was tuned to Big brother .
So it is just more vaccination nudging.
In other news the chocolate ration has been increased.
And it still tastes like the smoke from a rubbish fire.
Yes, clearly the inference here is that economic recovery is impossible without all 67 million citizens being vaccinated. At this rate it won’t be long before we are told that all life on earth will be dependent on this.
This is taking monomania to the next level. We need to come up with a new word.
How does that work?
It was explained on the BBC News that, because people haven’t been spending money in the past year, it has been accumulating in their bank accounts. So when the high streets open again (the BBC clearly overlooked a major problem there) we’ll all be rushing out, in the words of Vivien Nicholson, to ‘Spend, spend, spend’ boosting the economy no end. Not sure that the millions facing bankruptcy, unemployment and homelessness would agree.
How’s that even remotely likely, given that unemployment should go through the roof when furlough ends.
Are Sunak and the Treasury putting the pressure on them as part of Richi’s push for the big job?
Dr Strangelove thought the GDP would recover to pre-nuclear attack levels in about 20 years, if my memory of the film serves me right… It sounds a bit like that…
‘Pre-Covid’ however does not specify a particular date. Perhaps the economy’s going back to where it was in August 1945.
Not sure if something already posted about the boy who accused CW of being a liar has now been punished by his mother by means of confiscating his playstation? Poor kid has little enough to do without her taking his main means of passing the time away from him. Shame we don’t know his name and address, we could fund a nice new top of the range one for him. Still, she was right in one respect, said he son was an intelligent boy.
If the lad can find his way around the internet, he’ll have crowdfunded a PS5 by now, which should be delivered any day now.
Can we teach him to be more literate and loquacious so he can really go to town on Whitty the fuckwit?
Better to teach him how to use a katana.
I wonder why nobody joined that young man – wouldn’t it be great if everyone started chanting “liar, liar”? Apparently, Whitty is a regular visitor at the food stall in Strutton Ground market, so maybe there’s another chance?
Regularly visiting a food stall sounds dangerous and non essential to me…
Hancock said, in yesterday’s DT:
“Chris Whitty is one of our greatest living scientists and his advice to the Government all the way through this, and his advice to all of us in the population, has been incredibly smart and thoughtful, and he is a great asset to this nation… Chris Whitty is a scientist of great repute and, frankly, he should be respected by everybody.”
Is there a bucket big enough?
No. Not if it were as big as the Ritz.
Volume of LFD Tests now overtaking volume PCR in England this week. PCR volumes in slow declining trend since around 29th Dec.
Data from here – hopefully graph will be visible.
This is good news. Trend line is quite shallow still on the PCR but moving in the right direction. Employers have cottoned onto the many benefits of the LFT in not forcing their staff to self-isolate for weeks, instant results usually negative, and the less invasive swabbing. Next step will be to stop the stupid testing completely.
I’ve delivered about 10 000 of the 10 000 000 that arrived in the past shipment.
Any GP, dentist or optician wants to test staff use a lateral flow so they get a negative result, to get numbers up they use the RT-PCR.
And it demonstrates just how arbitrary the whole feckin thing is. Not about a virus
In March 2020 the Pig Dictator Ted, Whitty and Vallance called the first exercise in house arrest (I refuse to use the term lockdown as the word is an invention of theirs)
They said the decision was based on the ‘science’ of Ferguson and SAGE. We now know Ferguson was wrong on this as he had also been wrong in all his other predictions/models
I suspect that none of those involved in the decision knew about or understood the ‘science’ of the PCR test. The issue of false positives only emerged later after the intervention of Yeadon and others.
I doubt if any of those involved in the decision had ever heard of Drosten and the ‘peer reviewed paper’ that started the whole PCR test ball rolling
When Ted was interviewed on Talk Radio some months later it was obvious he was lying and knew there was an issue with false positive PCR tests. His response that the false positives were ‘very low’ was a cleverly constructed obfuscation
Yes 1% to 4% is low in percentage terms, but would also mean that nearly all the positives were false positives
What did they know? and when did they know it?
‘Lockdown ‘came from the TV quiz show ‘Pointless’.
Once we’re out of ‘lockdown’, the economy will be ‘playing catch-up’ – as coined by Henry Kelly on TV quiz show ‘Going for Gold’.
You may have noticed a theme developing.
More like ‘The Chase’ in perpetuity for anyone who dares leave their house ever again.
If it was Takeshi’s Castle, I’d be right onboard.
There is something definetly fishy about timings etc..
The first piece of “coronavirus” legislation was introduced at 2.30 pm on the 10th February 2020 without Parliamentary oversight or debate and is now revoked. This was The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 Statutory Instrument and it was subsequently amended on the 25th February 2020.
This piece of legislation required a statement of “serious and imminent threat” by the Chief Medical Officer to justify any measures to be taken.
Rather prophetically there was an unannounced and totally unpublicised release of a statement on the 30th January 2020 by the 4 Chief Medical Officers of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland on this very subject. It stated:
“the 4 UK Chief Medical Officers consider it prudent for our governments to escalate planning and preparation in case of a more widespread outbreak.
For that reason, we are advising an increase of the UK risk level from low to moderate. This does not mean we think the risk to individuals in the UK has changed at this stage, but that government should plan for all eventualities.””
This statement was made 11 days before the piece of legislation it was required for was written and laid before Parliament and came into force the very same afternoon.
What no-one has answered me so far:
How did the 4 CMOs know 11 days in advance of a Statutory Instrument being written that “medical advice” would be required?
Why was this “advice” basically hidden on a webpage on a different department’s section and not on the DHSC webpages and why was it not linked to the Serious and Imminent Threat Declaration?
As this was part of a FOI request answer then either the above is the only advice given by the CMOs or the DHSC have withheld more detailed advice.
You’re amazing. Just that.
AG will be worth his weight in gold to the prosecution at Nuremberg 2.
I have this weird feeling that the average IQ of the people in this country is in fact significantly below average.
Yeah, all the smart ones have gone to live in Lake Wobegone
nah,,, it’s just difficult to conceptualise the idea that half of all people are sub-100 once you’ve had to deal with someone with a 100 IQ.
Wasn’t that proved a few years ago due to immigration?
I remeber something about it as we are letting in the dregs into this country instead of the intelligent ones so the country’s average IQ was dropping.
No – quite the opposite. It’s the in-bred natives that show themselves lacking. Far behind immigrants who have the nous to get off their arses and do something positive.
Moreover we have the dysgenic effect of a welfare system that pays the feckless to breed while the strivers are taxed to pay for it and thus unable to afford to start their own families in a timely manner.
On a global basis though, Ethiopia’s population has trebled since Live Aid, and has an average IQ of 61-69 (depending on which dataset you refer to)
If mean national IQ is what you want to improve all those offers of passports to Hong Kongers is a very shrewd move.
A bit like the movie idiocracy then?
More than a bit like it..
That has nothing to do with IQ, and is also very dismissive.
Look at average IQs for nations around the world and cross-reference that with the countries we’re getting immigration from.
If you believe that junk, you have an intelligence deficit!
(Clue : spot the correlation)
Go on then, what’s the correlation, and how does that square with e.g. China or Macao.
When people respond this way, it usually implies to me that this is information they don’t want to accept because it undermines their comforting worldview.
I think many white collar professionals are emigrating for better life in Aus, NZ, Canada etc – can’t say i blame them and I suspect after this shitshow this will escalate
A better life? In a cultural desert, a sub-zero hellscape or Mordor?
You’re ‘avin a giraffe.
Agree. I’ve lived in one and visited the other two extensively. All three are vastly overrated and their governments have been even more authoritarian than ours when it comes to dealing with the Rona – and most people have gone along with it enthusiastically. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
Oh, and all three are incredibly expensive. When I hear British people complaining about what things cost here, I point out that groceries can be twice as expensive Down Under and Canada is no bargain, either.
Not sure how open these three countries will be to immigration anytime in the near future, either.
Depends what immigration you mean.. Aus is pretty much owned by China now.
Yes, Australia is in a bad position, having tried to get answers from China about the Rona, but getting nothing apart from grief. The attempt showed the big divisions over China within the country: Premier (‘Chairman’) Dan Andrews of Victoria actually joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative (which got the federal government to change the law to require federal approval of states doing things like this with foreign countries); some big business interests (especially mining and food exporters) opposed Australia’s moves; some universities were not happy, relying on Chinese students and research money. They can’t get their act together and some sectors have been totally compromised. New Zealand is probably worse and Canada has nothing to be proud of. An excellent recent book on this is Hidden Hand, by Hamilton and Ohlberg.
“for better life in Aus ……”
If you’d said that a year ago I night have agreed, but now .. Well …
owing to the absence of opportunities in Sweden, despite family connections there, I am considering Switzerland and the US. Do you think either are better than here? The economic fall out cannot be worse, surely?
Yeah, head for Hellbourne and a better unlife.
Which, odd though it may seem, is easily possible (cf. the old canard about 80% of drivers thinking they are better drivers than average). All that such a result would need is, for instance, a bimodal distribution with, say, 90% very thick and 10% quite bright – the average would be between these two types and hence 90% would be thicker than average!
I think they have the same innate IQ they always have done, but it’s no longer used now that government assess all the risks and make all our choices for us, so perhaps it’s rusted or atrophied.
nothing to do with IQ.. its all about common sense and unfortunately that has disappeared
We have Covidians. At some time in the future will we have Branch Covidians and will they head for Waco?
The American ones will… the British ones will be in Wacofield.
They will have burned out before then (sorry)
Unless their movement tanks.
They’re already there. Root and branch.
The second wave in the ICU modelling was huge. But then, they’re making it up as they go along.
A coronavirus peak nears (ahead of time), the modelling is clearly wrong, and lockdown unjustified
The vaccines, and not to forget the down shifting in the WHO-recommended cycle count threshold for the PCR test, are devices so that government can be seen to be ending this wholly invented illness (for now). UK Government seems to want to drag it out some more, and while you have your lockdown scepticism to keep you passive and hopeless, folks, it could take its sweet time.
No UK Government Vaccine Triumph Suggests No Culling Of The Over-80s, Actually
“while you have your lockdown scepticism to keep you passive and hopeless”
I think most of us are neither passive nor hopeless
As for the scepticism, it comes naturally – once you’ve seen something is a load of old nonsense it is hard to unsee that
Probably it will take a long time to get out of this, more years than I have left
Any helpful suggestions as to how the process can be accelerated gratefully received
Still posting here, then.
Didn’t you once say:
Oh, yeah, you did; in this article:
Talk Radio – JHB
“Nadhim Zahawi says some coronavirus restrictions will remain in place “until you vaccinate the whole of the world.”
Speaking to talkRADIO’s Julia Hartley-Brewer, the Covid Vaccine Deployment minister said “we will absolutely protect the entire population of the United Kingdom, but no one is safe until the whole world is safe.
“Until you vaccinate the whole of the world you’re not going to be able to completely get rid of restrictions from countries that may not have any vaccine.”
So folks we’re locked in HMP United Kingdom for evermore! All the dots are being joined up – they don’t want us to be free citizens!
These assertions – like saying that there’s been 85% uptake, or that all adults can have a jab by summer or whatever, are there to make you go along with their narrative.
These vaccines must be incredibly valuable for what they will do to the population – nothing to do with freedom, nothing to do with your health, but to do with control, to do with beginning transhumanism in a way which they intend to “update” every year.
These people are very concerning. We must resist!
I know I totally agree. Never before have they pushed vaccines like this. It’s all very fishy!
They did a similar campaign in the 1980s about an invented measles epidemic. Awful black and white scenes shot in old Victorian hospitals. Parents wringing their hands in fear for their bemeasled child’s life. Doom and gloom music. You get the picture.
My youngest was under pressure to be jabbed at school. I refused consent because he’d already had a measles jab (pre-MMR) when he was little and it had made him quite ill. He said the nurses made him feel uncomfortable about not having it. He was only about 9 years old.
We found out out later that there was a stock of measles vax that was going out of date and needed using up!
The plan is depopulation, that’s what Reiner Fuellmich is saying and I can’t argue with that. The vaccines are clearly a vital part of the plan.
If they managed to cause pathogenic priming in enough people with the vaccine we will see unprecedented deaths in a short time. estimates the population of the UK will be 14 million in 2025.
Again it is the Microsoft business model transposed to health.Our operating system will be updated every year with anti virus software (vaccine) making Gates even richer.
I wonder how much Orifice 365 subscriptions will cost.
He can fuck off as well as the rest.
What his statement boils down to is that vaccination does not porotect the person who is vaccinated.
If every single person in the UK were vaccinated, then if the vaccine is effective at protecting each person, then surely it must be irrelevant what the rest of the world does.
Not everyone can have the vax – those with allergies, compromised immune systems etc. Entire population indeed!
Complete and utter bollocks, of course!
And there’s that “absolutely” adverb again.
Watch for that slogan to be everywhere within 48 hours.
He’ll not be there forever
That makes absolutely no sense, non-logical crap.
Just like we’ve still got restrictions in place from the Great Plague, Spanish flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu… It’s the only thing that’s kept them at bay, didn’t you know?
The government following the Bill Gates agenda.
‘No one is safe until the whole world is safe.’
There speaks a raving lunatic.
The logical conclusion of that statement is that every baby must be vaccinated at the moment of birth.
Already happening in the US. Not with covidvax – yet.
If we weren’t witnessing the effects of the media propaganda, we’d just dismiss this guy as a complete nutjob – which of course he is, but that’s not the point.
I’ve been thinking about the media here playing the same game as hedge funds doing naked shorting. Naked shorting is when you don’t own a contract to borrow or have borrowed shares to short. It means you can take out a contract to short 1000 shares even if only 500 are available.
It’s pure vulture capitalism and is illegal but goes on. When some people caught onto this (wallstreetbets guys) they realised they could force these contract prices up by simply holding onto more and more real shares.
The bubble has burst on this for now. But a lot of these guys are still holding because the mechanism for naked shorting is still there.
The strategy of naked short is often accompanied with bad news, driving a company’s stock down and then forcing them to re-finance or do some other deal with the very funds doing the short.
And this got me thinking about the media. They have created a bubble for Covid and are constantly priming it. But in the background I bet they already have their counter stories and spin ready for when they decide to crash this.
It’s because we have media whores in the government who are being played every day. I think the BBC especially are going to bring the government down with them so that they don’t have to face the retraction of the licence fee.
Basically like The World Is Not Enough.
Interesting theory, but it does assume a considerable degree of circumspection and foresight in the media. My limited experience as a hack taught me not many in the trade have that! Assuming we are coming out of lockdown (which is by no means definite), I think the media narrative may flip, herd-like, into a witch-hunt.
I don’t think they started off with this. Just that it is an obvious contingency for them.
Well Bond needs to stop fucking about and get a move on.
The government have bought the media through millions of pounds of advertising.When the money stops then they will turn.Not until then.
Uncle Bill funds them too remember.
Driven past a couple of large vaccination centres in Birmingham and the Black Country today.
All empty.
No further comment.
Great intel as ever AG. I would not be surprised to discover that the uptake of the vaccine is way lower than is being reported in MSM. If so, they can’t go on pretending forever.
Yes. There was an anecdote about low uptake in Israel a few days ago here. It’s very interesting and I suspect the reports of unfortunate side effects (like death!) will make the situation worse for ‘vaccination’ programmes. I think this is one reason why MSM is going after ‘misinformation’ online with such intensity.
I walked past one in London yesterday. Two people in front but the joint was not exactly jumping.
Are GP surgeries doing them? They would be less obvious.
Most of the early ones will have been done in care homes and hospitals, again out of sight.
They’ve lied about everything else so why not vaccine numbers? Personally I think they are simply too incompetant to have managed the number they are trumpeting about.
I drove past the one in Wolverhampton earlier this week. Empty too, save for a few bored testers, slouched in their seats outside.
My latest FOi to the DHSC, NHS and PHE:
Under FOI legislation I request the following information:
As much as this is an excellent Q and I’d very much like to know their answer, it’ll almost certainly fall outside of the scope of FOIA, and you’ll be rebuffed.
I know but I’m enjoying annoying the fuckers.
Helps my mental health so purely medical.
Gets my vote
And mine
As Dick Emery used to say, you are awful – but I like you!
I work for a company that makes both vaccines and medicines. One of my team once asked me to define each and I really struggled.
The definition in the dictionary is out of date, as many vaccines have recombinant antigens in place of inactivated viruses.
The conferring immunity part is surely not outdated? Anything that does not do that is not a vaccine.
This fine lady has pissed off piers morgan and the 77th :
Skeletor’s mum has guts. Props to her!
How dare she not obey the nutters
Clap for Tom? How fucking nauseating. Not because of Mr. Moore, good on him, but because these fuckers reduce everything to a pantomime. Starmer in that article looks embarrassingly pathetic. Does no-one in power stand up to this bulshit?
If mix and match of vaccines isn’t a sign of making it up as they go I don’t know what is.
They have probably worked it out that they can get more jabs into arms that way.No concern for health
The doctor leading the ‘pick and mix’ trial was today asked by Jeremy Vine what purpose it would serve and she said that it would mean more people could get their first jab quicker and if they happened to run out of that particular ‘vaccine’ before the second jab they could simply pick another one off the shelf (I paraphrase but that’s essentially what she said).
And, let’s face it, the NHS are not good at organising anything so it avoids having to plan the logistics of vaccinating people twice with the same ‘vaccine’.
This was before it’s even been trialled in this way.
Python oil, krait oil, cobra oil, puff adder oil… same difference.
They’re probably safer combinations.
Half dose works better, accidentally discovered.
Later second dose works better, accidentally discovered.
A very British, aka botched, ‘vaccine’- and that’s before the data manipulation and the nationalistic sales pitch.
Completely illogical.
I stick with: none of it works best.
Just heard of a family friend age 65 has a history of liver problems, gone into hospital for a kidney complaint. Now on a ventilator after catching Covid whilst in hospital.
Time after time I keep hearing of this happening, yet no one calls out the NHS as the prime vector for the transmission of this bloody virus!
When are people like Hancock, Whitty , Stevens, going to admit their complicity in all the cases, deaths, etc. to which they are responsible for?
They aren’t…
Is there a dataset that compares proportion of noseycomical covid cases across different countries… that would be the killer stat if it showed that there are far more hospital infections here than in Europe or America.
noseycomical – that’s a keeper!
In the interests of balance, my Mum was admitted to hospital last Friday with intestinal problems and was discharged yesterday fully recovered after having received exemplary treatment throughout. Ambulance transit there and back. No Covid bullshit whatsoever other than one negative test on admission.
I’m glad to hear this – good to hear some good news from the NHS for a change!
So glad to hear she had a good experience and that all is well.
It does make me wonder though – why any test at all? Why not just treat all admissions as though they are contagious with something – anything – and take all precautions possible? Don’t just test someone for the sake of it – test them if they have ”covid” symptoms, okay – but otherwise just take the usual steps to keep everything clean and sanitised. Or is that too difficult?
Far too difficult – and much too sensible!
Good to hear. Your mum can count herself lucky to have not been one of the unlucky false positives.
Whilst I well know about the risk of ‘noseycomical infection’ (hope I’m not infringing copyright laws!) from experiences with my mother some years ago, we mustn’t lose sight of the high possibility that many patients may not actually be carrying SARS CoV2 at all when tested after admission, but are just FPs who end up in Covid wards being treated for covid and the original reason for admittance is completely neglected leading to deterioration/death. My belief is that many deaths are iatrogenic and completely avoidable.
My mentally and physically healthy 89 year old mother was admitted to hospital with sepsis but after three ward moves, neglect and over-medication we discovered that ‘ward 3’ were treating her for complications relating to dementia as they thought that was the reason for her hospital admission. Communication internally and with relatives is not a strong point in the NHS.
I’ve experienced their internal communications fiasco. Luckily I wasn’t in a life-threatening situation but my condition did deteriorate while I waited for them to sort themselves out.
This will all be much worse now that relatives aren’t allowed in to monitor and advocate for their vulnerable relatives. It’s disgraceful!
Honestly, having to go into hospital for any reason is one of my biggest fears at the moment, especially for my elderly parents.
The NHS will never get the blame. Just us plebs for daring to leave our houses and perhaps infecting an NHS hero or future inpatient who then takes it into the hospital (not their fault that they were infected whilst out – obviously their excuse for being out was reasonable, but yours can’t possibly have been).
Given that in rich countries medical error is the third leading cause of death, behind cardiovascular events and cacer, it is good to stay away from these institutions as much as possible anyway.
Medical error is estimated to cause over 400 000 deaths annually in the US..
The 1/3rd figure is scary, but I wonder what it was 50 years ago.
Or in the days of leeches, blood-letting and trepanning.
Yes, They overmedicated my DH and almost killed him. Unsurprisingly, his underlying condition deteriorated a lot after that.
Sorry to hear that, but … is it known that this family friend has covid?
PCR perhaps?
How is it known that it is not a different respiratory ailment?
How does one differentiate covid from these others on the basis of symptoms?
Fair point, but ventilation is usually a result of the Covid. I think PCR testing in hospital is probably more reliable (pillar 1) than community settings (pillar 2), just that the lighthouse labs are not run with clinical professionals, whereas the labs in pillar 1 are. My opinion. No proof.
”Ventilation is usually a result of the covid…”
So – before ”the covid” what were ventilators used for? Or have they just been invented to cope with ”the covid”?
I meant currently the response is to go to ventilators. Yes, they have been used long before to treat respiratory illness, just that as Covid is the only game in town that’s the most likely go to scenario.
But if the PCR is set to magnify at an excessive cycle rate, which we know it has been, then ‘reliability’ is not an issue, Pillar 1 or Pillar 2. The inappropriately set PCR parameters alone are producing a significant proportion of the FPs, alongside a separate category of FPs which occur as a result of unavoidable contamination of samples or laboratory equipment or, presumably less frequently, inexperienced or careless staff.
With regard to the use of ventilators, my opinion is that it is precisely the undue eagerness and haste with which these have been deployed, and still are, that have unnecessarily cost many people their lives or, for those who have survived the experience, left them with lifelong disability.
High testing cycles are certainly causing large false positives. But I think this along with shoddy lab practices in pillar 2 environments, is what is giving the high case levels that are reported. I think that PCR results in hospitals are more likely to be accurate, albeit with a fair degree of false positives, because they are carried out by personnel more likely to be clinically trained.
Admit? Never. Be judged, found guilty and jailed? Very soon.
Zoom conversation with great pal, once a documentary film maker with a fierce intelligence, now a freelance university lecturer. Not however a sceptic. He was waxing lyrical about how wonderful it was that influenza had all but disappeared and it just went to show that people mixing in confined spaces is what helped it spread and now we’re no longer doing that the flu goes. Just goes to show what lockdown can achieve. Hang on mate, what about the spread of Covid then? We may not be mingling but that’s still spreading. Do different viruses do different infectious dances? No chance that half the Covid deaths could be flu? No, course not. Needless to say, no point in arguing. The logic is unimpeachable as far as he’s concerned. Sheesh. I changed the subject to wine.
So what’s his point? He wants humans never to mix again?
Won’t be any humans to mix!
Don’t think he’d thought it through. I did point out the anomaly but the bait wasn’t taken.
Indeed, but you should have pointed out that influenza has all but vanished in countries and US states that haven’t had lockdowns etc. So it isn’t the lockdowns that have caused it to reduce. Something else has……..
It’s been renamed, perhaps? Let’s think of a good alternative name…… coercid, perhaps?
It’s impossible to comprehend how they have got this far in life. How can any sane person think that we got rid of flu?? Where do they think it went??
So, why is the flu also way down in Sweden and Belarus?
Probably they are not testing for it there either, same as here
The CDC did testing some years ago which showed that only 16% of people with flu actually had it (even though they had the symptoms)
What did the other 84% have?
Man flu?
covid of course…
Bad cold?
They didn’t know.
And why is it NOT down in Cambodia?
Because they still call it ”flu”.
Cambodia figured it out. They got their heads together right at the start of all this.
Orwell was a genius.You can not argue with doublethink
I thought his journalism was better than his novels. A Russia writer named Zamyatin anticipated many features of 1984 in one of his novels, My (“We”). It was first published in English and Orwell certainly read it.
I’ve read that as well and there are similarities but 1984 is brilliant.Orwell sets out his understanding of society through the ages and it is a guide on how totalitarianism works in practice.Through language and propaganda.
And censorship.
I never cease to be amazed at how intelligent people can also be completely thick. How can anyone with a mental age of more than 6 honestly believe that all it took to see off flu, a disease which has presumably been on the planet for at least as long as we have, was to cover the airways with a bit of dirty cloth or paper, douse your hands in filthy gunk every 2 minutes, and then hide under the bed? who knew? if only our ancestors had been as clever as we are!
If only they’d had masks in 1918…..oh wait
There must be some Serious reason Johnson won’t pull the plug on this nonsense, the trainwreck of Ferguson modelling is there for all to see, from years ago, when he said 200 million could die from bird flu and the global total was 292 and then the rest
I think he is shit scared of going against SAGE and easily bullied by them and by Gove and Hancock
Yeah, Johnson in reality is weak and insecure.
And scruffy. And greedy. And arrogant, ignorant and self-serving.
And thoroughly incompetent. Worst PM ever.
Agreed on all counts.
Indeed he seems completely out of his depth, he is like an ‘ infant, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.’. With live in an age which values vacuous shallow celebrity and we have a Prime Minister to suit the times with no confidence and no management ability.
He came across as confident before March 2020, but the pandemic was too big a challenge for him
That said, he’s not alone. Most other world leaders have been pretty dreadful, some (like Merkel) with much less excuse (Germany had very few excess deaths)
Even Trump, who often DGAF, was wobbly. And Putin.
He and Starmer constantly look like deers staring into headlights. It is like they are in the Twilight Zone and have taken everyone else along for the ride.
Indeed. He may have testicles, as demonstrated by his numerous offspring, but he has no ‘balls’.
Nah. He’s playing his role as the good cop. He’s a sociopath remember.
Too much to lose? Someone knows where the bodies are buried? This isn’t about a virus – this is about a ”vaccine”.
Look at it from their viewpoint . They have spent a fortune of the taxpayer’s money on vaccines. It seems that these do not prevent infection or transmission, give everyone terrible after effects and in some case premature death. How can they just say “sorry – my bad lets forget all about the waste of lives and money.”. They have to drag it out until the mountain of vaccines has been used up , or they look positively criminal as well as financially incompetent.
They don’t HAVE to be used. They could just be disposed of – didn’t that happen with a flu vaccine?
But I suppose having brainwashed most of the population into thinking they’re a Good Thing, they’d have some explaining to do. So they’d rather kill us than admit they’re wrong.
They’d rather kill us – the rest of the sentence is redundant.
Their primary goal is to bankrupt the country. It is happening everywhere, blown on vaccines, PPE, computer systems, T&T, furlough, business loans, etc. In the background they are also pressuring councils to spend like mad, giving them funding for emergency projects with spending deadlines. It is not just covid related. My council is “emergency” building an expensive new cycle path, bulldozing mature trees, with zero consultation – ignoring the fact that there is a newly surfaced national cycle path that follows the entire route on an adjacent canal. They will not feel sorry about wasting money, they will be quite chuffed about it.
Reminds me of the film Brewster’s Millions.
“vaccine” and beyond!
It’s all here:
Very , very unfortunate that he got it so bad -clearly affected his judgement. In a parallel universe where he had a bad weekend, he’d be doing something different.
Report on a vaccination centre on BBC Midlands today about a Tourette’s syndrome sufferer who obviously could not wear a face nappy and was wearing a exemption lanyard and was refused entry to the centre, if this is the standard of intelligence of medical staff giving the injections; God help us!
There’s some logic in this: if you are exempt from mask wearing, you are exempt from vaccination as well…
Good point.
Yes. Especially since they make you wear one to get the often pointless jab!
No mask: No jab.
Suits me!
You could really upset an Ulsterman saying things like that.
FUCK!!!…SHIT!!!…FUCK!!!!….(that’s my Tourettes response…)
I got my cats from a bloke with tourettes… Spamjavelin and Soapytitwank are delightful little chaps.
They may have saved his life. Not their intention of course – this is the NHS after all.
Tourette’s syndrome?
Wonder what he said when they kicked him out,
James Delingpole in Conservative Woman:
“If you think I’m being heartless or unduly argumentative on this point, consider the bigger picture: for nigh on a year now, millions of people have had their lives devastated, their businesses crushed, their jobs destroyed, their freedoms stolen, their mental and physical and health jeopardised, their education denied as a result of wantonly bad government policy. The job of any responsible, intelligent, critical thinker is to expose and oppose this outrage at every turn, not tacitly to endorse it by playing into the bully state’s mendacious, devious propaganda narrative.”
That boy sure is having a good war… quite the turnaround after the pathetic simpering welcome he offered to our new PM in 2018/19.
Red pilled doesn’t do his transformation justice. Very nearly black pilled. Dropping veils is good for you.
Sums it up for me.He is a much better writer than interviewer.
Well, yes. Writing is his profession. I think he knows interviewing isn’t exactly his forte.
How many of us, I wonder, feel driven to put the boot through the TV screen when the ads come on – showing those sodding acTORs in muzzles, with sad eyes, and the message ”save lives”.
It’s such overt manipulation that it’s hard to believe ANYONE thinks these are real people. (But I know they do, because my cousin is one of the coerced fearful.)
what is a ‘TV’?……..
I never watch TV so am spared all that nonsense.
. Nothing has changed since we last watched it in the eighties!!
Watching Yes Prime Minister series now- bought on eBay recently, wonderful, so clever & funny
Yes, indeed! I have all the box sets – brilliant prescient stuff. And I watch TV sparingly – but it’s enough to affect my blood pressure, obviously!
Dump your TV licence. Haven’t seen (or heard) any of that shit for five months. It’s really refreshing.
Yes, indeed. Here’s my latest slogan: Dump the TV licence – save time, save money, save your sanity!
Definitely recommend.
I don’t watch BBC, ITV, C4 or C5 or Sky – most other channels don’t show govt propaganda or virtue signalling ads with muzzled people
Sadly Jazz FM is marred by coronabollocks, have to ready with remote
Even Class FM has been spoiled by the covi-preaching at every available moment.
”Classic” of course. Though it WOULD be class without that patronising drivel they play every five minutes telling us to obey the roolz, etc.
Yes I have now given up Classic FM altogether. Ironically Radio 3 is a better bet. No adverts and very little unnecessary corona drivel.
My son has commandeered ours to play Xbox (how he plays with school friends these days). Consequently, I have not seen live TV for nearly 12 months, which is hugely to my benefit I believe.
But you’ve survived 812 tours in Call of Duty?
Call me heartless but whenever those ads come on I find myself exclaiming in a Tourette’s sort of way (and I live on my own!) “Oh f*ck off, you f*ckin’ w*nkers”.
Not heartless. That’s the only appropriate response.
My standard and possibly overused phrase when seeing or hearing such shite is ” Oh shut-up, you cunt”.
Easy don’t watch TV. Been free since may. Unfortunately bezoz now get 10 quid out of me for prime and motor trend. Plus Netflix but hey I’m sane,well ish
My former tv is now merely a monitor for my firestick. Therefore I’m completely unaffected by adverts and the monitor and sanity are safe!
Those adverts are part of the reason I’ve now turned off my tv and cancelled the licence.
Without wanting to go too deep, I can think of three main reasons you could give to people when you’re trying to explain to them why this won’t end until enough of us demand that it does:-
1) Once power is acquired, it is not readily given up. Why else is it so hard to get most Prime Ministers to leave office? Look also at how long ID cards were ‘needed’ after WW2, the Russian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution etc etc.
2) Most of our political leaders are selfish morons who will probably genuinely believe in some cases that this thing really is the plague. They won’t want to be blamed if there’s a seventh wave or whatever and they lack the conviction to stand up for anything that may jeopardise their future careers at Westminster.
3) As soon as restrictions are definitively lifted, the consequences of lockdown will surely be laid bare. Millions will realise that they no longer have jobs or businesses. And many will be Tory voters. I’m thinking particularly of publicans and numerous small businesses owners here. The political ramifications ought to be huge and so they will want to continue to kick that can down the road.
“Millions will realise that they no longer have jobs or businesses.”
They will know this already but are in denial. So much has been invested in the Covid narrative that they defend this at the expense of even their own individual wellbeing, let alone that of society as a whole. This is completely unsustainable of course, and when the dam breaks it will be spectacular.
Just watched Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video where he talks about all those administering the covid ‘vaccines’ being war criminals. I don’t disagree. Saddened and angered to see this fine gentleman break down under the weight of all this cruelty and nonsense. I shall be sending him a supportive message asap. If you too appreciate his work, admire his courage and have been comforted by his passion, please message him your support. I feel he needs it.
The vast majority getting the jab are doing so voluntarily and in wilful ignorance. They are being taken advantage of by a criminal government, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the people, not the state. Governments by their very nature always lie, cheat, exploit, extort, bribe and coerce. It is the compliance of the people that is the existential threat to all our freedoms. This is a cause for righteous anger, which Coleman has consistently demonstrated. I sensed his emotional response here was out of exhaustion and frustration more than anything else.
Yes we wanted to send him love and messages of support but not sure how to contact him?
From his website:
We are enormously grateful for all the support we have received from readers over the years. We very much feel a close bond with readers, and know that many have been reading Vernon’s books and following the material on this website for a number of years. Regrettably, we cannot offer direct contact details. There are several reasons for this. First, we simply couldn’t cope with the enormous amount of mail coming through. In the distant past (when most mail came in envelopes and had stamps affixed to the top right hand corner) Vernon always tried to answer letters as soon as possible but eventually there just wasn’t enough time in the day – and no time left to research or to write anything. Second, we both found the occasional, pointless, abusive mail that inevitably comes from hate-filled trolls to be deeply depressing. And we can’t think of a way to filter out the nasty stuff. It’s sad that some people feel the need to threaten, to abuse or to try to suppress when they come across a point of view with which they disagree. But that’s the way it is these days. Even though we know that the nasty stuff would only make up a small proportion of the total it is stressful to worry that the next email might contain a threat or a nasty virus. Websites are always vulnerable and has been taken down more times than we can remember. We find this frustrating and disappointing and we hope you will forgive us and remember that we think of our readers as our very real extended family.
And from Brandnewtube: In recent months, Dr Coleman’s videos have been targeted by trolls spreading lies, libels and misinformation and because of this, Dr Coleman has had to disable comments.
I wanted to contact him too, perhaps we could message via the Richie Allen show website, as he’s on there quite often and Richie seems to be a good friend of his.
Yes I felt the same upon watching the video last night, had a little rant and swear on here afterwards, was so upset and angered by it.
I’m watching Paul Merton in China. China has to create 24 million jobs per year, if the Chinese economy goes into recession there will be massive unemployment. The west is buggered.
IIRC a few days ago someone wrote up a summary of the UK’s pandemic preparedness plan, showing how far we’ve deviated from pre-2020 orthodoxy. I think it was ATL. Is that right? If so, can anyone find it (the summary) and link to it?
Was ATL on the 22nd
Spotted this. Private group. You have to have been jabbed to join and provide pic of your jab certificate.
Fair enough, otherwise would be rather voyeuristic!
Anyone here been jabbed fancy joining up ………. ?
Yuck may they all become sterile and extinct asap.
This kind of thing might be worth checking every six months to track medium and long term side effects.
Side Effects?
OMG you’re going back a few years now with that pic! ;-D lolz
Really is a cult isn’t it.
i don’t think need to have the jab to join this group – looks like an open forum and more sceptical / non vaxx commenters from what i see.
I viewed for a few seconds of Professor being none too impressively barracked by youth.
Did he slip a mask out of his pocket put it back in his pocket and then put it on again? Wouldn’t that be using a mask in a highly non professional way if he did?
More importantly I would like to have seen him challenged to hold that mask up to the light. Because the two black masks I’ve picked up off the ground I can see through!
Of course this chance has gone now. There’s only got to be the suggestion on the twittersphere of his being challenged to do so and he’ll be lining his mask with lead.
You picked up two black masks off the ground? Did you put them in your shopping trolley of treasures?
How else am I going to find out what they are constituted of? I’m not going to buy one.
Sharing this:
The Wizard of Oz = the Crown Temple.
This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum.
What symbol does “Oz” stand for? Ounces…Gold, what is the yellow brick road? Bricks or ingot bars of gold.
The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a PERSON – the Federal U.S. Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name.
Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz? A brain! No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life! What did he get in place of a brain? A Certificate. A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation. He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted. Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense.
What about the Tin Man?
Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you? The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning. He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul. He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead. He’s the ox pulling the plow and the mule toiling under the yoke. His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.
The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself. Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was. They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all. All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up. When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition. Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority. He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.
What about the trip through the field of poppies? They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them. The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged? The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries. Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars. The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?
Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was? Toto, the ugly (or cute, depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog. Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him. The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded. Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain – the court – (see the definition for curtain above), saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about. Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority. The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts was removed. The Wizard’s game was up. It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is. How about your bark? Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal master gives you?
Let’s not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What a perfect mythical creature to symbolize the Bar Association Attorners who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz – Gold. What is it going to take to expose the Wizard and tear down the court veil for what they really are? Each of us needs only a brain, a heart and soul, and courage. Then, and most importantly, we all need to learn how to work together. Only “in toto,” working together as one Body of the King of Kings, can we ever be free or have the freedom given under God’s Law.
Source: Kali Spell
The Wizard of Oz is what some in the alternative refer to as a “truth drop”. The arts, and especially cinema, are replete with similar examples. These are not visible to the popcorn crunchers who will only ever perceive the superficial. We have been told in plain sight time and time again the true nature of ourselves and this reality. Sometimes I think Covid is the biggest truth drop of them all. How fucked up and absurd do things have to get before people finally get the message?
It’s a previous generation’s ‘The Matrix’.
If the current fucked up and absurd nonsense being spewed out by the HMG and the Beeb is anything to go by, we ain’t seen nothin yet.
Nice comment.
Bugaboo word salad.
The whole environmental movement is anti human.The government is pressing on with zero carbon policies that if enacted will destroy life on these islands.
We are only able to sustain 70 million people through industrial processes powered by fossil fuels.
Take away these energy sources you will cause death,that is undeniable fact so what are the government planning?
It’ll be amusing when the very same people who clothe themselves in these Malthusian values have to launch the 2030 Live Aid World Tour to raise money for all the countries with massive starvation.
american docuseries by the vacc revealed team this time specifically about the c vax. their publicity is being censored.
Papua New Guinea has only had nine deaths in a population of over eight million.
It’s apparent to any sane person that cannibalism cures Covid, and we should mandate it immediately.
but gives you kuru (CJD) if you eat the brains as an appetiser . Isnt the associate Mad cow disease something that Ferguson modelled with his usual accuracy?
Ah Papua New Guinea… they don’t really have a concept of privacy as such, but they don’t like prion on each other
i bet you’ve been waiting 25 years for the opportunity to use that joke.!! quite a good one though

Do not be foolish comrade. Only Covid causes death now, only Covid…. There are no other “diseases”…..
Yes let’s start by serving up all the doctors and political scum who have imprisoned us. First to all those demanding greater lockdowns.
The real reason why all proper research into the cheap and effective treatments was boycotted: if it had shown a modicum of efficiency, the experimental gene therapies called ‘vaccines’ could not have been granted their emergency approval, and as such the Giga Profits and Great Reset Cybernetic Control House’s of Cards could never have been erected.
Crimes against humanity.
Thanks JayBee. This is exactly on point. Key. Like I read somewhere today – If masks worked, they would have been banned or ignored, like Invermectin, like Vitamin D, and like the other existing treatments that have materialized and would have saved lives and protected the NHS. Definite crimes against humanity. Masks are just a distraction from their crimes. Lets not let them get away with it.
It’s taken you until now to work that out?
No need for that my friend.
We need to work against this outrage.
There are plenty out there who need to be defeated.
There are two different views what is happening in Israel. It had one of the most extensive vaccination in the world, early on and now with 90% over 70 vaccinated with two doses.
The positive view is that finally after 7 weeks vaccination, there is a reduction in hospitalisations in elderly etc see the following link (which does not go into deaths). This tweet also refers to a non peer reviewed publication.
The negative view is the below twitterthread.7 weeks into the epidemic deaths are high, cases are high and ICU still overfilled. And that Israel, UAE and Seychelles have extensive vaccinations and all have cases going up compared to most of the world is also an argument
Whatever one’s opinion of the two different versions the comments etc seem to unite on one point. If there is any effect, it is after two doses and 10-15 days afterwards.
This is very bad news for the UK’s one dose campaign almost unique in the world
So I had an eye test in Specsavers today – they are the ones who have been open and looking like an ITU since March 2020. Never shut down as far as I am aware but they do go in for the full PPE – Gloves/Mask/Apron etc. for all staff. Had to go as I need new glasses.
Once past the rope at the entrance the Optician was a great bloke. Told me he had ‘it’ back March last year, (like most of us) and just wanted it all to end.
The other staff were all remarkably human and despite their attire seemed completely normal. No social distancing, which was a breath of fresh air and a bit of a surprise.
The chilled young optician was keen to meet my wife without masks and gloves/ apron after I explained she had two previous stints in a real ICU which saved her live (years ago – pneumonia and cancer) and explained further that their barmy ICU attire within the shop was putting her off getting an appointment. My wife also needs new glasses but has been putting it off. Optician said she should just phone ahead and ask for him personally and it would all be cool for her.
So that was my trip to Specsavers.
PS. Had to go in through the shopping center trade entrance as the other local shops are banned from trading by the UK regime leader Boris, who is helping out his mates in Amazon. Boris is a tw*t.
No such nonsense at my local opticians (Cecil Amey)… it wasn’t quite normal (eyetest while wearing a mask is fuggin ridiculous) but it wasn’t anything like that.
Good work!
I got a letter from Specsavers saying I was due an eye test. Rang up and said I would come if I didn’t have to be muzzled. No problem -arrived and checked in with not a murmur (must have been noted on the computer). Optician said she’d seen the full spectrum from scared to leave the house to it’s all utter nonsense.
Sturgeon attacks children’s minds. Sturgeon has said today that schooling ay continue through the summer holiday period. Placing children with uncertainty about their summer.
If this sounds petty and insignificant relative to people dying and childrens lost schooling consider how much school holidays (freedom) meant to you.
It will take 12 years to work out the lockdown from the education system. By placing uncertainty into minds of children sturgeon has made an attack on children imo.
I think you underestimate how much children live in the moment and for most of them, anything is better than being at school.
I also think you overestimate the benefit that being at school gives them.
The truth is, the kids need to be in the day-prison so that mummy and daddy can go to work like good little tax cattle – especially given the credit card bill Nic has just had for last year.
“for most of them, anything is better than being at school.”
For a while, maybe. For most of a year? I don’t think so. Especially as the alternative to school is: Not going anywhere, not seeing your mates, parents tetchy, stuck indoors.
In any case, school is about socialisation as much as it is about education, and they are not getting socialised anywhere else either because everything is illegal.
And even if they think being at home is better than school, that doesn’t mean that it is
I do wish you wouldn’t temper my hyperbolic rants with your criminally reasonable points, Julian. It messes with my rhythm.
Ah sorry; nothing personal
I cannot see why nobody is suggesting extending the school leaving age to 17 to compensate for all the lost time of the past year.
It would certainly save a few million additional dole claimers each year, since those leaving in the next three to four years willl struggle to catch up.
Isn’t the school-leaving age 18 now anyway?
Yes, of course school is vitally important – I am surprised it is taken i am arguing for no school. I am not. If you recall back to your own childhood having a holiday was a highlight. The pay off, something to look forward to. Exploring local areas with friends doing things that were different, things in the family.
These are not arbitrary things that pale next to double maths and history. These freedoms give purpose to learning, they are hugely educational and give each of us experiences that we treasure.
Putting a doubt on that light at the end of the tunnel is no different to the attack of continuously extending lockdown without identifying when it will be released.
It is inhuman, the cruelty of maybe taking away children’s summer. Come with the plan, how it will be. Not a maybe.
You make a very good point about the importance of structure and certainty, but it’s a matter of guidance rather than a cast iron rule. Adverse events can toughen kids up. Burst some of that bubblewrap, so to speak.
When I started at secondary school, there were massive teachers strikes on… we lost getting on for half a year of lessons… during the same period, my family was homeless for about 4 months. The whole family lived in one room of a relative’s house. We kids bounced back damned quickly in the grand scheme of things.
A couple of years later, having changed schools, one of the lads who was always top of the class was absent half the time due to his cerebral palsy, but he did extremely well.
I’m with you here! I don’t even use schools as my child is Home Ed, but fit those children not enduring bullying, violence, grooming, or various other less savoury aspects of schooling, it is the one guaranteed place they can see others around the same age as themselves.
I’m going spare having to keep my child socialised remotely. I feel like a Pioneer, with just the one child, crossing the prairie of lockdown. And the visible degeneration in the welfare of the younger kids that walk past my windows every day on their way to wherever with their parents, is marked. They have very little emotion left in them at all. I don’t miss the screaming tantrums. But I do miss the joyous laughter.
I don’t think I under estimate anything here.
“for most of them, anything is better than being at school“
Not at all for most.
… which doesn’t mean that they love it unreservedly all the time – but not being at school is … well … a psychological lockup.
Extending schooling over the summer holiday period has the advantage (for the lockdownistas) of making it impossible for families to have a summer holiday and preventing any return to ‘normality’ in that sense.
Carl Vernon. Interesting short video which encompasses several aspects of lockdown. Britain is having a lie in.
Deviating slightly off topic here – Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer, who is leading the lockdown calls in Ireland, has scandal in his past in relation to a failed cervical smear scandal in Ireland, for which he refuses to apologise.
What strikes me is the cognitive dissonance that people cannot see the arrogance and fuck up of Cervical Check (the name of the failed program) and figure out that what he is currently doing in relation to COVID is also a failure.
Potater O’Whereareyer is a gifted politician indeed.
Bad news for the McKernan group wanting Eurosurveillance to withdraw the Drosten PCR paper(the one peer reviewed in 30 hours). After 2 months considerations with five unnamed experts they haved decided not to retract it. The original PCR test have been modified and rectified over the world.
Perhaps this is not bad news. It serves to demonstrate more clearly than ever that much of what masquerades as “science” is nothing more than a corporate circle jerk.
All of our institutions are rotten to the core and irredeemably corrupted. If we build a new society on these foundations it will fail spectacularly and horribly.
is there a possibility that all of our politicians , doctors, scientists are being set up and exposed as lying corrupted criminals by an unknown power but the masses are still too thick to see it?
I have been pondering this possibility for some time. The unknown power you refer to could be beyond anything that we can comprehend. Maybe we are not meant to. But its message is getting through loud and clear to many on here. No attempt at a cover up is being made. Everything is being revealed. Judging by the response of the masses, it will take many more levels of absurdity before critical mass is reached.
Recommend “That Hideous Strength” by C.S. Lewis.
I’m not very religious, but to me it really feels as though there is a cosmic evil force at work in the world, something far larger than just mankind.
Massive astrological stuff is ongoing right now. Not evil but certainly revealing uncomfortable truths and forcing people to evaluate their priorities.
The planets have all been clustered together at one side of the chart. A unique phenomenon.
A shift is underway and a reset can clearly be seen in the charts. What kind of reset will depend on our level of consciousness. Fear of course lowers consciousness dramatically. That’s partly what the merciless propaganda campaign is about.
Yep this is what I’ve heard too. ‘Revealing uncomfortable truths.’ Yep, the light is illuminating some hitherto very dark corners where shit has lurked for centuries. All the metaphysics points to this being the last ‘hurrah’ of the dark energy. When it turns itcould happen very quickly.
“Revealing uncomfortable truths.”
Love him or not, this may be the Donald’s number one achievement during his time as President of the United States.
I know what you mean. In early 2016 I had this overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen, though I couldn’t tell if it was going to be good or bad. This feeling has been with me ever since. It truly seems like the Devil is out in the world.
Not so sure it’ll take that long. .I think it’s speeding up. People are tiring of ‘variants’ and other bulshit. I really don’t think TPTB are going to be able to sustain this through the summer. Without inventing another ‘challenge’ and then more people will see through it. I think we have the momentum now.
It really is about waking up.
Vox Day has been on the case of scientism for years now. The peer review process is broken, the funding streams and incentives preclude any efforts to reproduce sketchy results or challenge a null hypothesis.
If Vox isn’t to your tastes, perhaps you can tolerate Tom Chivers from a year ago:
Science corrupts.
And absolute science corrupts absolutely.
Why is it that in the late evening utter bollocks gains traction?
Voices in your head again?
Lawyers wrote that short yet distracting response – I’m in with McKernan for the long haul.
Email your disapproval here. You have to think that some legal redress is an option and they will have to defend their decision. However, such a process will be dragged out to very long grass.
This is extremely disappointing. I felt like it needed something like this for some pushback. A big blow.
I would like to gauge the feeling in the scientific community as it looks like a gaping would in the whole process. This site will report on it so I’ll be interested to see the responses.
Retraction Watch – Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process
Francis Hoar has an article in the Telegraph:
I haven’t read it (paywall), but the subject seems interesting.
Thank you very much! It doesn’t sound very encouraging – “there are no clear answers”…
Not at all.
I bit and commented
A cry from the heart from Dave Cullen …. like many of us, he can see the darkness falling.
He’s been great throughout. I particularly enjoyed his angle on the “opening up” of the Isle of Man. Not organic at all, but egregious propaganda to stigmatise rule breakers and reinforce never ending lockdowns – unless we shut the UK border in perpetuity.
I used to travel regularly, but have detached from society to such an extent that overseas travel is now inconceivable. No threats or coercion to do anything will work, because there is nothing to be rewarded with for obeying. Society has literally ceased to exist.
Couldn’t agree with you more. I was so upset at the idea of never going overseas again, but now I couldn’t care less. No desire to travel to places that are as bad or worse than here, and I will never wear a mask on a plane. My only hope for travel is if the Canada/US border opens up to car travel and I can escape to Florida or one of the other open states. This latest piece from Dave Cullen is very powerful. My Covid terrified friends have a daughter in medical school in Dublin and I’m not sure they know yet that they may not see her again until 2022. She was here visiting over the holidays but things have changed dramatically since she returned to Ireland. From the sounds of Dave’s video, she’s probably stuck in Ireland indefinitely.
Even the so-called “open” states will be chock full of mask wearers, regardless of whether it is mandated or not. If I see one person wearing that hideous symbol of the fall of humanity, the place is instantly invalidated, and not worth being in.
My standards have sunk so low I’d be satisfied if the zombification becomes voluntary again. I find it disturbing to see as well, so high compliance may be a non-starter for me as well. You’re right that mask compliance is high even in states like Florida, but at least there are no fines associated with non-compliance. I’m hoping by the time the border re-opens, if it ever does, mask compliance in those states will have declined dramatically. A girl can dream…
I feel that way too, Richard. Our holiday to Japan was cancelled in March last year; I’m desperate to go there again, as well as other places too. But, I’m not willing to visit anywhere under these current dire circumstances. I want to be free when I travel.
Regrettably i agree with you. I love travel and have travelled widely for work and leisure and I’m now almost a recluse working at home, living on my own. Travel this year isn’t going to happen regardless of the snippets of hope/optimism the politburo throw to the masses. I hope they will wake up but lacking any backbone in society i doubt it.
Great as usual but has depressed me immensely.i can’t see what will wake enough people up
Just wondering if there’s any other country in the world worried about the totalitarian state we’re currently living under or has the same thing happened everywhere? Is it worse here than other developed countries? Do other countries think we’re stupid for just putting up with it?
It has been spoken of on Sky News Australia and they’ve been quite scathing of Johnson and his policies.
But of course he’s selling us as the plague pit of the world.
That’s because he has sold his own country down the river!
As far as I can tell the whole planet is an insane asylum, with a handful of islands of sanity that will in time be swallowed up. I have friends and colleagues in various other countries who have been subjected to all manner of indignities far in excess of anything we’ve experienced here.
The US MSM have ramped up their Soviet smear campaign against Governor Noem in South Dakota.
They probably figure it’s good practice for when they go after DeSantis in Florida.
If politics was real, she should be positioning herself to run as the Republican candidate for President in 2024. But it isn’t, so she won’t. I have a mate who lives in Iowa right on the border with South Dakota. He often drives there just to experience a bit of old fashioned American freedom. According to him the difference in atmosphere is palpable, even between two rural Midwest states, as far as he can tell almost singlehandedly due to the heroic resistance of Kristi Noem.
I am quite jealous of your mate.
I am looking at property in SD to escape my gulag state.
Gov. Noem is a gem. Expect the MSM to run the Palin playbook on her x100.
For a variety of reasons, Iowa has become extremely Soviet in recent years.
From what he’s told me Iowa varies wildly from county to county depending on whether local officials are Democrats or Republicans. State wide mask mandates were resisted by its Republican governor for longer than most, but eventually she was pressured into compliance. There have not yet been any shelter in place and very few closure orders.
The nightmare scenario of course would be to move to South Dakota only to have Noem deposed and replaced by a liberal (in the narrow American political sense) creature of hell preaching Covid Cult totalitarianism.
I can tell you that it’s just as bad here in Canada. There are groups pushing back and lawsuits waiting to be heard, but we are still very much in the minority. I don’t know if or when the masses will wake up. We are living in a police state and most citizens are begging for more. Some days I really do despair.
Ridiculous story of an old lady being literally held hostage in a Vancouver hospital because she wouldn’t have a covid test. Fortunately they did treat her UTI but they wouldn’t let her be discharged without having a test, even though her doctor said there was no medical reason she couldn’t go home. The whole family turned out to try to rescue her and about ten cops were guarding the doors and refusing them entry. They released her after 24 hours, a sort of quarantine period I suppose.
Truly disturbing stuff.
Hadn’t heard that story, but I’m sorry to say it doesn’t surprise me. My one goal in life now is to stay healthy and avoid doctors and hospitals at all costs.
Check out this video of a woman at Calgary airport in tears after being separated from her son by the Covid police state:
She comes across as a really nice person, but hopelessly naïve. This is her wake up call to the evil of the system that she has believed in all her life. We desperately need, and will be getting, much more of this kind of thing in order to open up more minds.
I see a global bifurcation.
On the one hand we have the heavily indebted and highly taxed welfare states of the Anglosphere and the EU and a few dependent fiefdoms elsewhere. This is where the measures are most authoritarian and getting more so. In these countries lockdowns are being maintained with SD and masks. Treatments such as HCQ are difficult to access or even banned and the emphasis is on mRNA vaccines.
Outside of this in the developing and non-western world there are increasingly few if any lockdowns and no SD, although symbolic masl-wearing remains.
In these countries the emphasis is on traditional Russian or Chinese vaccines and the use of HCQ and invermectin is common.
In this second group I’m thinking particularly of Eurasia, including Russia, Belarus and so on – even China, but also India and Brazil.
For me this strengthens the idea that there is a Financial Reset coming, during which welfare states collapse, savings in the West are destroyed and living standards in the West have to be managed downwards.
This would neatly explain why in these countries restrictions are being consolidated. To my mind the restrictions on movement in time and space, as well as freedom of association, can only be explained on this basis.
Basically the Algeria model.
The oligarchs there have a very fine sense of giving their people just enough to be content while keeping them mostly in penury.
I don’t think it will work, mind you.
You can only game these scenarios so far, before unintended cascades of events begin to kick in. Eventually sometthing really big will happen which nobody had any idea was coming.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
In my opinion we are still very much in the preparation stage,
Agreed. This could still turn very quickly in a cascade of unexpected events. Or it could take generations. I hope for the former, although the result could be chaotic rather than a restoration.
I do wonder how long it will be before this site takes the plunge and looks at adverse effects. It’s a line in the sand fast approaching I feel.
I am finding it increasingly disturbing how those who respond to these incidents with “it doesn’t mean they died because of the vaccine”. Sure, but as a starting position these are adverse reaction database and so what is their purpose if not to take it that they are related, then investigate.
Otherwise this could be actually leading to abortions
Whether such incidents/deaths are coincidences or not is merely a matter of probability theory, once one has a certain amount of data.
The government have reported no deaths due to the vaccine so far.That is impossible.If a site like this doesn’t raise it then who will.
One death in a care home soon after being treated us a coincidence, five within a short space of time should raise concerns. Two dozen dead, and the plod should be round there in a flash to investigate whether foul play is afoot, not dishing out bits of paper to friends sharing a cup of tea.
I stumbled on some on twitter earlier but I can’t relocate them. If I do, I’ll post them here. (Don’t have a twitter account, so not sure where I found the link, presumably from another link, internet rabbit hole scenario!)
Significant number of miscarriages. High number of women reported averse effects, suggesting this is health and care workers.
For anyone who sees this, that’s 8 miscarriages (I ciuhh oh for make it out). . In the US. I don’t know if they’re vaccinating pregnant women in the UK. But wow!
“Fear of long-term consequences – many healthcare workers do not want to be vaccinated against Corona”
Only between 40 and 60 percent of healthcare workers in nursing homes want to be vaccinated. One reason: the uncertainty of the long-term consequences. Many employees in retirement and nursing homes do not want to be vaccinated against Corona. Although the vaccination would protect them, many are hesitant.
According to a survey by “10v10”, the willingness of nursing staff in retirement and nursing homes to be vaccinated varies between 40 and 60 percent nationwide, in some homes it is only 10 percent.
Stephanie Wiederkehr, head of nursing at the Solina retirement and nursing home in Steffisburg (BE), was also very reluctant about the Corona vaccination for a long time: “I was skeptical about the vaccine, because you always talk about long-term consequences that you don’t know yet..“
Translated with (free version)
And of course, they don’t know that the vaccine will protect them. Many of them already know that the vaccines will kill some people in the short term. For others the effects will take a while longer, but the second shots and boosters for the so called new variants will be a daunting prospect for care home staff. Similar problems arise for those working in hospitals.
Staff in these mandated vaccine hell holes need to get out, nothing good will come from their staying on.
The rate they’re culling the residents, the staff will soon be redundant anyway.
I don’t think I’m being overly dramatic when I say people like this are a danger to the human race. This virus is about the level of an unvaccinated flu. That is the benchmark that is being set for this kind of talk (my emphasis):
Dr Gabriel Scally
This scally is a particularly vile piece of work.
High on the list
A right fucking scallywag
Unless the bodies arrive at 2 AM in a dinghy or rubber raft, which is just dandy.
A very strange man. Does he have no happiness in his own life? If not, no need to take it out on the rest of us.
Scally is the peak of the club of insanity.
It’s a highly overpopulated club right now.
Now is about 15 months too late – and he must know that!
Besides, we can’t afford to self-isolate as an island. We’re not exactly self-sufficient.
I have escaped to my cabin in the woods of northern Scotland.
From here, it looks a far off, merry dance.
The trees, the birds, could not care less.
I feel that I am among my friends
The nonsense will end.
Yes it’s good to connect with nature and gain perspective. But will this end? Bill Gates is talking enthusiastically about “the next pandemic”. If Covid and flu vaccines are successful we will be paying the ground for more novel pathogens to get a hold in old people’s lungs.
You talk as if Bill Gates is invincible. He’s not.
It’s not just Gates, the UK government is clearly up to its armpits in the corona scam. It is the government which is the main enemy.
A vision of hell painted by the israeli Whitty :
Are Dr Lee Merrit and others correct – is it possible that mRNA jabs may bring the risk of Antibody Dependent Enhanced Infections? We need to know
That risk is not confined to mRNA vaccines; it could be associated with any of the vaccines for this virus. It’s too soon to say. Because the trials prior to authorisation were so short we just don’t know. Most people are unaware of this risk and most of those who are aware don’t seem to care.
Big Pharma has been trying to produce vaccines for coronavirus infections for many years. In the animal trials all goes quite well, until the wild virus strain is introduced to the animal. The vaccinated animals then become badly afflicted with an enhanced infection reaction, as Dr Merritt outlines. Subsequently a large proportion of the animals will die.
Hard to believe that this huge drawback has now been solved and so perhaps the globalist depopulators have instead decided to turn it to their own advantage. Maybe in a year or so, when the Covid vaccine programmes are complete they will introduce an appropriate wild virus strain, which will mean that vaccinated persons will be in desperate trouble. Notice how the animal trials were dispensed with for these new vaccines.
The corollary to the above scenario, is that immense pressure will be placed on those who initially refuse vaccination. Too many unvaccinated people would obviously give the game away.
yes see here for more:
This Q&A addressed to the Israeli Whitty speaks volumes (my emphasis):
What about family gatherings?
We need to avoid mass gatherings as much as we can, especially in closed places. Outdoor meetings for family are still best, though if all people are vaccinated and can meet together in a house with windows open, that could be okay.
FFS! Are these people for real? What in the name of fuck is the purpose of the vaccine if you still have to do this!?
These people are pure fucking evil.
He even says that only a very small number of people – he says the vaccine is likely to be 92% effective, so he means something much smaller than 8% – won’t get any protection from the vaccine at all. The rest will either be fully protected against symptoms or will at least be protected against severe illness and hospitalisation. What the hell is required for some kind of normal life?
Yes. Reads like a nightmare!
Thoroughly depressing and frustrating to be so blatantly lied to.
Anyone who has taken the “vaccine,” especially in the last month or so, has been told masks and social distancing will still be required even for the “vaccinated.” They weren’t really lied to; they went along even after being told there will be no normal.
exactly! they heard what they wanted to hear, rather than listened to what was actually said [or not said]
Completely depressing.
Youtube memory holed my comment.
“Oops the wrong question, what about deaths in care homes after the jab…no no shut it down!! Look at these fools waving their hands about, “don’t give a platform to scaremongering” PAH!..Scare mongering! That’s a bit rich coming from these psychopaths who have spent the last year scaring everybody witless. Shame on you all! What about all those post jab deaths? OFF THE CHARTS AREN’T THEY! You bunch of evil lying gits. You people have BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!!!!!”
Looking for something in Amazon Prime video, my eye was caught by a documentary made in 2005 called The Coming Pandemic.
Check out the trailer, 1.5 minutes. You won’t need Prime for that.
The documentary itself starts with the Spanish Flu in 1919, so I won’t probably won’t bother watching the rest. The trailer is very relevant to today though!
Did I imagine it, or has there been something mentioned about the wearing of surgical muzzles? I hope I just misheard.
That idiot Kahn, pushing for surgical nappies in transport in London.
What a complete cunt. It seems he has lost his battle (for now at least) to secure outdoor mask mandates, so now has to proselytise for yet another Covid Cult imposition.
He might be Mayor of London indefinitely once the May 2021 elections are postponed (again). London will never recover from this. It is now officially a dead city, having been an empty, soulless corporate globalist shithole for years.
Germany is mandating N95 masks, and there have been Covid Extremists clamouring for a similar mandate here.
My mother’s recent hospitalisation (she is now back home and well thank fuck) forced me to consider what I might have to do in extreme circumstances. At a push I would have to consider wearing a bandana in order to do something absolutely necessary e.g. identify a relative’s dead body, although there have been commenters on here who have completed hospital appointments without wearing a mask at all.
But as soon as I have as much as touched one of those evil surgical masks, let alone put one on my face, my soul is destroyed, and I can never comment here again without being a fraud.
I never wear one. Sometimes in our small village shop I pull up a light cotton scarf over my mouth, because otherwise some elderly cringers try to climb the fixtures.
If ever there is a mandate that I can’t avoid I intend to punch large holes all over the muzzle around my mouth.
I can never comment here again without being a fraud.
Richard, sometimes we have to do what we have to do. It’s not a fraud if you value family and need to so something for your mom. If my husband or one of my kids were in hospital and needed me to advocate I would, under protest and great duress, be there for them. You could do as I have done — buy a “protest” mask so that if you do need to comply for a higher purpose you can do so while making it very clear you are not on board. I have a mask that says I Am Being Forced to Wear This and one that says This Sucks. I don’t remember the last time I had to pull one of them out of my purse since I never go anywhere anymore, but they are there in an emergency. Many on this site have had to decide between wearing the mask and feeding their families and I don’t judge if they choose the former and nobody would judge you.
I’m confused about how Capt. Tom died. Did he die of or with corona or of pneumonia? It sounds like he had pneumonia, went to hospital, then tested “positive” for corona then passed away. However, all the media, and even Johnson, are saying he died of corona.
Nearly all my relatives and friends are going merrily like sheep to the slaughter. I wouldn’t mind if I thought they’d given it some consideration and actually THOUGHT about it and what it might mean.
As you say – they seem to believe that it’ll bring freedom (”when this is all over”) when they have been TOLD that it doesn’t give protection in any way.
Like you, I am thoroughly depressed about it.
Those words, “when this is all over”. Ha bloody ha.
if only they knew – it hasn’t even got started yet. we’ve only seen the overture.
Do we pay Danegeld to the pharmaceutical industry these days?
We are living through dark times. Why the sheer relentless propaganda? It’s so blatant.
I feel that over the past two weeks things have gotten even more sinister. Something is in the air.
We are in darkness yes – but the spring is coming. Here’s a genuine invite – come over to my place when the light returns – we are lucky to have space, the birds and trees. Bottom of Co Sligo – you are welcome and your family.
Indeed – my father in law has the same – I hope he hangs on a bit longer because, right now, there’s no way I will travel to the UK.
Families will be irrelevant in the new society. In time the vaccinated will not remember that they ever had any relatives or friends, or that they were organic biological beings with a natural birth and death.
Your view is too bleak to take on board. If you are right then there isn’t much left to hang onto is there?
On the contrary, there is everything to hang onto. Namely, our humanity and (if you believe in the metaphysical) our souls and a connection to a way out of here.
I am dissolving all attachments to this temporary place. If you zoom out far enough there’s really nothing substantial worth clinging onto. What we learn from this experience is more important than anything else.
This does not mean that I will shirk my moral obligation to fight the diabolical evil that has descended upon us. If anything this viewpoint energises me to be as combative and disruptive as I possibly can in all my interactions. I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by doing so.
You are not
a troubled guest
on this earth,
you are not
an accident
amidst other accidents
you were invited
from another and greater
than the one
from which
you have just emerged.
~ David Whyte ~
Oh come on Richard, sometimes you steer way too far off the rational path.
I readily admit that I occasionally indulge myself, particularly on the night shift. But is it really so strange given how far from the rational path our society has strayed?
I hear you, sir. Things are so crazy that the temptation to go all in is very strong…. but I’ve read your posts since last April and I know you’re not off the deep end, even if now and again you’re tempted to swim out into the endless deep.
This has revealed a lot about ourselves, to ourselves. I had no idea that recourse to metaphysical interpretations of the world was so prominent in my mind. I know it makes many on here seriously twitchy, because it sticks two fingers up at all the advances we have made since The Enlightenment. Faced with chaos, irrationality and insanity, the human mind grasps for extra-rational, extra-sensory explanations beyond that which can be physically observed. Pre-historic cave paintings in France – which would sell for millions as surrealist classics in any art gallery today by the way – show that little has changed in this regard since antiquity.
I’d love to have a drink with you one day and shoot the shit!
Well I am drinking right now so we’re half way there. If we ever get out of this, I think a gathering under a clear rural Canadian summer night sky round your gaff would be a ceremony of great importance.
We’ve got the fire pit and I’ll supply the food and booze!
The controllers are trying to breakdown and atomize the current society so the can recollectivize it to their ideal.
Don’t internalise the propaganda. That’s how it works. Do whatever you want.
wtf are you paying any attention to their stupid rules? Go where you want. The only barriers are in your mind.
Sligo is beautiful!
Less than 40 seconds in and the ‘lead nurse’ is pawing her mask, while it’s on her face.
I was struck by how “large” many of them are. Even the “slim” ones are actually quite chunky.
It may be painful for us to observe this obscene pantomime, but it will be far more painful for these idiots when they realise the following:
a) The restrictions are never going to be lifted, and will instead be progressively tightened.
b) They will be required to have multiple vaccinations every year for the rest of their lives.
c) Their health will steeply decline with each successive pharmaceutical intervention.
d) They will be living in crushing poverty for the rest of their lives.
On the upside, once the software and hardware updates are fully installed, they will no longer be human and will only have thoughts implanted by the A.I. hive mind. Human 2.0 is permanently happy, because this is its inserted algorithm.
Their pain will only be short lived. The post-human world awaits them. We will all be long gone by the time this manifests.
Technically masks may work if they prevent you from putting your infected finger up your nose.
“If you’re healthy, then there is no need to wear a mask” – Prof John Nicholls, Hong Kong University – YouTube
You want to avoid an infected finger if you can ideally. Get a spike in your finger – take it out immediately. That’s what they tell me anyway.
Reminds me of the fable about the girl who was killed by a tiger. It seems a seer prophesied when she was born that she would die from a tiger. So her parents in a panic “wrapped her in cotton wool”, kept her away from any possible threat of tigers. They would not let her ever go outside her house where she might be attacked by a tiger, but t tried to make things as pleasant as possible at home, with lots of nice toys to play with, and lots of nice pictures on the wall.
Now one of those pictures was of a tiger. And one day, the picture fell from the wall, shattering glass, on which the girl cut herself. The wound thus caused got infected and eventually killed her. And thus she “died from a tiger”.
Such is life sometimes. And remember, keep that finger uninfected (but not with alcohol based sanitisers).
Excuse my ignorance but lately I’m seeing lots of comments refering to ATL and BTL but as of yet I’ve yet to work out what those Acronyms are?
Above the line, below the line
Thanks, bugging me for days that!
You are not alone, it took me a while to work this one out. BTL is better than ATL, but would not exist without it, so we owe TY a debt of gratitude for creating this space in the first place.
“This is the most fun we’ve had in weeks”
Really is a big killer:
That’s out of 135 who died within 28 days of a positive PCR test for the same period.
Or 148 whose death was ‘associated with Covid19’ since the start of the outbreak.
Astonishing – or maybe not. Where did you get this? I’m in the area so have an especial interest.
A friend sent it to me.
Ok, many thanks. I’ll put in my own FoI request so I can cite it independently.
There has never been much covid around here, but that figure is still surprisingly low.
Well, Friday has arrived and tonight I shall be going on a killing spree (as the government would have us believe). My favourite speakeasy is open for business, so naturally, I shall be putting on my glad rags & gathering with a few chums to have a drink or two. I shall raise a glass to my comrades here. Cheers, everyone. .
Oh, and before I forget: “FUCK YOU, BORIS!”
Have one for me!
I will
Have a good time, cheers. I just hope you don’t kill too many people in the process, I’m sure though that it won’t be any more than the vaccine has already done!.
Friday is the evening when I tend to leave my flat door accidentally unlocked and some local friends bust their way in with wine in hand to eat all the steak that I’ve prepared.
This is totally unacceptable! I wish I could get this to stop – it can’t be COVID secure and I’m sure we’ll all be dead soon.
I’ll be sure to have a Covid Marshal come round to seal up your door against those pesky visitors!
So selfish. I for one follow ALL the rules as they keep us safe. Currently I am in a supermarket alternating between screaming in terror, coughing at people, and laying very still on the floor…. Remember, act like you’ve got it.
Have fun and have a drink for me! I’m jealous…nothing here is open for business.
we live in a time when meeting a friend for a drink is a revolutionary act, an act of resistance, dealing a blow to tyranny
Stable and exponential are diametrically opposed. I can only assume this is the product of the kind of shoddy journalism we have come to expect from such not-so-venerable institutions as RTE (Ireland’s BBC). Shame on the writers, and the credulous readers, of such unutterable garbage.
This is encouraging
Just had a guard at my usually friendly Sainsbury’s tell me I should wear the badge I flashed him around my neck.
Suffice to say he won’t now be doing that again.