‘Second Wave’ Has Claimed Lives of Just 17 People Under 40

Good story in the Mail. Official figures reveal fewer than 20 deaths in people under 40 in the supposedly even-more-deadly ‘second wave’.
The latest NHS update published yesterday showed that just one person under the age of 20, and another 13 under 40, have died with coronavirus in English hospitals since the start of September.
By contrast, 1,425 patients over 80 have died over the same period, along with another 1,093 aged between 60 and 79.
It means the elderly account for a staggering 94 per cent of hospital deaths this time round.
Wider figures from the Office for National Statistics covering all deaths across the UK tell the same story, with just 247 deaths among working-age people since the end of summer compared with 2,026 among pensioners.
They cover a slightly shorter period than the NHS figures.
It will put fresh pressure on ministers to avoid a new nationwide lockdown that could lead to other deadly diseases such as cancer and heart disease going untreated, and further damage young people’s mental health and job prospects.
Last night cancer consultant Prof Karol Sikora said: “On the whole, it is not a young person’s illness, healthy young people especially.
“But they are playing the societal price in terms of education, university and social activities, and they will be paying the bill one day because the old people won’t be there.
It’s a matter of balance and we’ve not got it right. It’s really important we don’t throw all the resources at Covid.”
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: There’s an excellent comment piece by Professor Angus Dalgleish below this story that’s also worth reading. It begins:
We are at a pivotal moment in this pandemic and for our Prime Minister – and indeed the country – the stakes could not be higher.
With rumours rampant about a new national lockdown and talk about the so-called ‘second wave’ of Covid-19 infections being deadlier than the first, there has never been a more important time for Boris Johnson to go with his instincts and stand firm against the doom-mongers at Sage.
That organisation’s full name – the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies – suggests a reassuringly well-informed and authoritative body whose guidance can be followed unquestioningly.
Yet their recommendations are often based on flawed evidence which is far from scientific, and that makes it all the more alarming to learn that they are attempting to bully the Prime Minister into imposing a second national lockdown.
This pressure is apparently based on projections showing that, while the number of Covid deaths will peak at a lower level than in the spring, they will remain at that level for weeks or even months, resulting in more deaths overall.
But I would urge the PM and his most senior advisers to take a closer look at the evidence on which their arguments are based – and the potentially disastrous consequences.
And Prof Carl Heneghan has very little time for the case for a second national lockdown. “What happened to learning to live with the virus?” he tells MailOnline. “People calling for lockdown need to realise that it is a blunt tool that will just kick the can down road, we need to get the message out now that this is not going away, it’s about managing COVID-19’s impact.”
Ross Clark is also on the money, as per, pointing out that if we’re heading for a ‘second wave’ that’s even deadlier than the first, that’s surely definitive proof that lockdowns are completely ineffective?
Flu-Like Illnesses Falling in the North-West and London

Some good news. A reader has been in touch to point out that the latest data from the Royal College of General Practitioners’ Research and Surveillance Centre shows that influenza-like illnesses, e.g. Covid, are falling in the North-West and London.
The latest, weekly updated RCGP RSC data has been released (unbeknown to almost all health journalists – well, when has even one ever questioned Whitty or Vallance about them? Never to my knowledge). The sample size is a massive seven million+. Are there any larger? I doubt it. The primary purpose of this data-collection exercise is to track the prevalence of respiratory illnesses (ILIs – influenza-like illnesses) in case they become so widespread that further measures need to be considered to counter them.
As you can read from the charts below, the last complete week’s figures (October 19th – 25th) show large falls in confirmed cases for both the locked-down North West (including Merseyside, Lancashire and Greater Manchester) AND relatively unlocked London. The percentage differences are minimal:
North West: 19.66/10,000 down to 9.89/10,000 (-49.7%)
London: 5.69/10,000 down to 3.30/10,000 (-47.3%)So it would seem people are behaving more cautiously whether forced to do so or not – the lesson being that we don’t need to be compelled to.

Stop Press: A new study from Exeter University and published in Critical Care Magazine shows that death rates from COVID-19 are less than half what they were at the peak of the pandemic. The researchers found that death rates were highest in late March, at 26% among people admitted to high dependency units, and 41% among people admitted to intensive care. For June admissions, death rates had dropped to 7% among high dependency unit admissions, and to 21% among intensive care admissions.
Launch of Recovery

Recovery, a new anti-lockdown group, is launching today. (Website here.) It brings together a broad-based coalition of people from all walks of life, many different backgrounds and the spectrum of mainstream political views who are concerned about the effect the response to COVID-19 is having on all our lives. I’m a member of the Advisory Council. Here is the press release.
Recovery calls for balance and moderation in our response to COVID-19, backed by a proper public debate, and a comprehensive public inquiry which looks at the impact Government policies have had on: Covid-19 mortality; other killer diseases like cancer; mental health; the economy; and the future for children and young people.
The campaign is backed by a wide range of high profile people, including senior Doctors and NHS staff, leading authorities in epidemiology and infectious diseases, mental health experts, entrepreneurs and leaders of business, sporting stars and world champions, TV celebrities and chefs, stars of the performing arts, bands and musicians.
- It has specialist groups led by leading experts and household names looking at specific areas of concern, including:
- Health – members include concerned NHS and other health workers;
- Mental health – psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, youth and charity workers, and leaders in education
- Arts and hospitality – performers, business owners, chefs, and others whose lives are directly affected by current policies.
- Sports and fitness – sports stars, players, athletes, coaches, club staff, and fitness businesses.
- Small and medium size enterprises – entrepreneurs, business leaders, founders, and managers.
Speakers at the launch include:
- Lord Sumption
- Professor Karol Sikora
- Harvey Goldsmith CBE
- Emma Kenny MBPsS, MBACP
The launch will also hear messages from prominent supporters and its Advisory Council, which draws on perspectives from leaders from many different backgrounds and walks of life – people as diverse as Professor Sunetra Gupta, Sir Rocco Forte, Luke Johnson, Saira Khan, David Gower, Sue Cook, Trupti Patel (President of the Hindu Forum of Britain), Lady MC (Kerry O’Brien, CEO of the Youth Urban Arts Foundation), MC Creed, and DJ Danny Rampling.
The organisation is led by a group of co-founders from health, academia, business, youth work, sports, and the arts, who created it in response to the huge damage that the current policies are doing to our lives, jobs, culture, and the future of our young people.
Amongst the Recovery team, there are people who see the issues on a daily basis in their working lives. We hear the tragic stories of suicides from young people who couldn’t cope with lockdown. We wonder whether our own loved ones are amongst the thousands who should have been screened for cancer this year and now won’t find out they have it until it’s too late. Countless people are living a hell of fear and isolation that is destroying their mental health. Problem drinking has leapt from 4.3m people before lockdown to 8.4m million after it – and it’s still rising. Millions may now face an uncertain future of debt, struggle, unemployment and poverty.
It is becoming clear that the consequences of hysteria and rushed legislation can be worse than the virus itself. Recovery has set out Five Reasonable Demands to ensure good Government during Covid-19 and protect the lives and livelihoods of the people of the UK. These are the basis for the Recovery campaign.
Recovery is launching to argue for hope, for balance, in the fight against COVID-19. It will make the case for a more realistic assessment of the risk, an end to fearmongering, and a rational response to the threat.
Jon Dobinson, Co-Founder of Recovery, commented:
What raised the alarm bells for me was hearing world-leading experts on epidemiology like Professor Sunetra Gupta smeared as extremists when they questioned the idea of lockdowns. I had faced this kind of attack years ago when I was Secretary-General of the International Society of Human Rights in the UK and was receiving daily reports of terrible atrocities in the former Yugoslav Republics. No one else was talking about them, so I wrote a series of reports that made world headlines and were a catalyst for the deployment of UN Peacekeepers in Kosovo – subsequently described as saving countless lives. It’s forgotten now, but the Serbs had strong supporters in the UK and along with ISHR itself, I was vilified by them in a national newspaper. Today, it’s obvious to everyone that the smears weren’t true, but it was a deeply traumatic experience. I now see it as the most important campaign I’ve run in my life.
My mum survived COVID-19, so did my colleagues at work. It’s not fun. But when someone close to me died, it was because of the mental stress of lockdown rather than COVID-19: I saw in the most tragic way that harsh restrictions carry their own threat to life.”
Once again, lives are threatened by a mistaken belief and people want to silence those who speak up for a better approach by marginalising and smearing them. I know how that feels and how important it is to make sure they’re heard. This time, millions of lives in my own country are at stake. The future for all of us depends on a balanced response to COVID-19 and a proper public debate that ensures we pursue the best policies. That’s why I started Recovery.
Alan D. Miller, Honorary Trustee of the Night Time Industries Association, and Co-Founder of Recovery, commented:
It is an honour to be a Co-Founder of Recovery where we aim to engage with the public as well as transform both the narrative and the direction of current government policy to one of reasonable sensible measures. Joining forces for a broad alliance means we can draw upon a strong array of business leaders from many vital industry sectors beyond hospitality as well as prominent scientists, artists and citizens who want to see a full Recovery for all in Britain. This is an important moment for us all and I encourage everyone who has concerns with the current response to join us.
Recovery’s website is here, you can follow Recovery on Twitter here and donate to the GoFundMe page here.
Stop Press: UsForThem, the lobby group for children and parents, has launched an open letter from health professionals and scientists to the Prime Minister, reminding him that ‘First do no harm’ is a basic tenet of medical ethics and that a cure must never be worse than the disease. If you’re a scientist, a doctor or a nurse, please sign it.
Reasons Why Civil Servants Are All Covidarians

A dissident civil servant has been in touch to explain why civil servants and public sector employees more generally are all full-on lockdown fanatics. Rings true.
- They have to follow the direction of the government. It is their duty as civil serpents. The civil service code requires loyalty to the elected government. However, that also provides an in built system to either support a dictatorship or a good democratic government.
- Senior Civil Serpents cannot speak out otherwise they break rule 1. Junior civil serpents are under the line management of the seniors, and will be punished for speaking out of turn, unless they are union reps, but then, trades unions are full-on Covidarians.
- 90% of civil serpents are socialists or collectivist thinkers. They grew up being trained by an education system that has been in the grip of Marxists since the 1970s and so only have that world view. The public sector also attracts weaker types; those who have limited entrepreneurial leanings and who are not risk takers. So the civil serpent scientists are unlikely to consider and advise any risky decisions at all regarding covidnonsense policy.
- Most civil serpents have never worked outside of the public sector. Money and funding appears by magic every year. Most joined the public sector directly from university so may have only worked in bars and restaurants part time, at best. There exposure to real world economics is limited.
- They are on full pay regardless of consequences. The public sector leeches off the productive sector and many public serpents don’t realise the consequences of that. If the productive sector goes under, or suffers a massive contraction, many of the leeches will die when the money machine runs low on readies. This has not sunk in yet. Their Keynesian economic brains think that government can keep printing money and all will be well.
- That said, there are public sector contrarians, me being one. And there are those who roll their eyes at the latest madness, but they work in what is, essentially, a Soviet system, so cannot speak out openly against the great leaders decisions. The public sector is also unable to accept alternative views and never engages in Red Team exercises on any policy. There are no teams set up to dismantle any idea being proposed.
The solution is for the tories to keep winkling out the obvious socialists and high levels and start compulsory economics and private sector awareness training on the lines of the bullshine Marxist-led equality and diversity training that we are forced to do.
They should also send civil serpents on exchanges with private companies, but those in the medium enterprise sector, not the big financial and computer companies because they are just Big Corporate Socialism.
Macron Bottles It
France is due to go into a second lockdown on Friday – bad news for the French, and bad news for us, too, given that one of the reasons Boris panicked and placed the UK under a full lockdown back in March is because he saw other European leaders putting their countries under lockdown and thought, “Cripes! If Mackers is doing it, maybe I should too.” Monkey see, monkey do. Indeed, the OECD published a paper on this, pointing out that 80% of developed countries imposed lockdowns in a two-week period in March despite having outbreaks at different stages. They didn’t have time to carry out cost benefit analyses – they just copied each other. It wasn’t “the science” that prompted Boris to do a U-turn on March 23rd. It was peer pressure.
The Telegraph has the story on its front page today.
The French president ordered the closure of non-essential shops, along with bars and restaurants, and people must stay at home unless they have documentation showing why they need to go to work or make other journeys.
Britons will be banned from entering the country unless they have a signed certificate saying why they need to travel.
“The virus is circulating at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts had anticipated,” Mr Macron said. “Like all our neighbours, we are submerged by the sudden acceleration of the virus. We are all in the same position.”
Germany also announced a new national lockdown despite both it and France recording fewer daily Covid deaths than Britain.
The FTSE 100 Index plunged 2.6% on Wednesday amid news of the new lockdowns, wiping £37.3 billion off the value of Britain’s biggest companies, as European stock markets slumped to their lowest levels since May.
Stop Press: Macron claims that 400,000 people will die in the ‘do nothing’ scenario. Has Neil Ferguson been moonlighting for the French Government?
Simon Dolan’s Appeal Hearing Starts Today

Simon Dolan, who is trying to get permission to hold a Judicial Review of the Government’s lockdown measures, is appealing the decision by the High Court to deny permission in the Court of Appeal today. The appeal is expected to last two days. If he’s successful, the Judicial Review will go ahead.
The key challenge from Dolan’s lawyers is that the original lockdown measures were ‘ultra vires’ – that is, outside the scope of the 1984 Public Health act which was used to implement them.
Dolan’s legal team are arguing that the Government misused legislation to bring in the new regulations and, in that way, avoided proper Parliamentary scrutiny of those regulations. The Government introduced the new measures through the Public Health (Control of Infectious Disease) Act 1984 by certifying the legislation as ‘urgent’. That loophole allows Ministers to make the laws effective immediately without having to secure prior approval in Parliament.
Simon Dolan says:
We are continuing our legal fight in the High Court against these absurd lockdown restrictions ruining the British public’s daily lives. We are asking the Court of Appeal to rule on whether the initial lockdown measures were brought in ‘ultra vires’ – outside the scope of the law they relied on in the Public Health Act.
Hopefully a High Court judge will hear all our arguments in court and determine that we do have a strong case
When we started there was criticism of our initiative but as the government has taken more and more control over our lives and personal freedoms, the public support has been overwhelming.
Since we started the legal fight against the Government’s lockdown in May people have listened to our arguments and determined they have merit. It is now widely accepted that the harm from lockdown is greater than the risk to public health from COVID-19.
The answer to coronavirus is not a circuit breaker or a three-tier system. It is to let people get on with their lives and their livelihoods.
To date, Dolan’s fundraiser has raised more than £381,725, with over 12,000 pledges made, many of them from Lockdown Sceptics readers. If anyone would like to watch the proceedings via a live link, there are instructions on how to do that here.
An Unconscious Conspiracy

I often get emails from readers telling me I’ve been too quick to dismiss various conspiracy theories about the apparent mishandling of the coronavirus crisis by governments around the world. But I got a particularly good one yesterday from Dr Sinéad Murphy, a Lecturer in Philosophy at Newcastle University. She and a Newcastle colleague of hers, Michael Lewis, have written for Lockdown Sceptics once before – a piece about why it wasn’t a good idea to insist on university students wearing masks in face-to-face meetings with their teachers. Here is the kernel of her argument.
Until the events of this year, I have allied myself, for the most part, with the political Left; I have been a member of the Labour Party, and a Guardian watcher, if not quite reader. I have no compunction now in expressing my total abhorrence at the near-orgasmic enthusiasm for authoritarian control that has come to dominate the Left, and my gratitude for the reason and humanity that have, by contrast, characterised many on the political Right.
But there is a blind spot on the Right, which threatens the reason if not the humanity of its analyses of the Covid-response. It is the insistence that there is no ‘conspiracy’ afoot and that this whole unfortunate affair is attributable to the blunders of those in power.
It seems to me that there is something in this repeated denial of ‘conspiracy theory’ that is akin to our Government’s repeated refusal to ‘let the virus rip.’ It mischaracterises as silly that which it rejects, and then rejects it because it is silly. Those who argue for the acknowledgement of herd immunity are not, for that reason, arguing for ‘letting the virus rip’ – they suggest many and nuanced possibilities for the management of the virus as it tracks through the population. Similarly, those who suggest that there is more to the Covid restrictions than mountains of blunders by politicians and their advisers are not, for that reason, ‘conspiracy theorists’ – they do not, if they are at all rational, imagine that some bunker somewhere is filled with evil geniuses conducting the whole sorry affair.
I am moved to write this now because I have been listening to the excellent podcast featuring James Delingpole and Mike Yeadon, who, in their discussion, actually admit and articulate well the very thing that almost all so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ are trying to point out. Yeadon contributes the phrase ‘convergent opportunism,’ and argues that, while there are no bunkered geniuses inventing all of this, there are plenty who have availed themselves of the opportunities it has presented and whose doing so has contributed to the escalation and continuation of the mess. Delingpole responds by contributing his own phrase – ‘the concatenation of interests’ – to describe what he too sees as a contingent but coherent coming together of opportunities for interested parties, whose actions then, we presume, exacerbate and extend the conditions which have emerged as so beneficial to them.
‘Convergent opportunism’ and ‘the concatenation of interests’ are sufficiently abstract descriptors that I am emboldened to contribute another – it is not of my inventing, being one of the most important insights of a philosopher who seems unfortunately and erroneously to be regarded as entirely the property of the Left: Michel Foucault.
In the first volume of his The History of Sexuality, Foucault sets out the way in which events can, and mostly do, unfold as ‘intentional but not subjective.’ That is, we are able, if we look carefully, to discern a design or a pattern in events, even if, as is almost always the case, there is no one person or group at the helm. There is no ‘headquarters,’ as Foucault says – no bunker of geniuses. In fact, as with many of those who reject ‘conspiracy theories,’ Foucault is of the view that those who insist on finding the subject of intentional developments will inevitably misunderstand the meaning of events.
This is an excellent article and one that’s forced me to reconsider my position.
Cui Bono?

In keeping with my conversion (see above), I’m going to ask the question that’s beloved of all conspiracy theorists, “Who benefits?” The answer is simple: the manufacturers and distributors of testing kits. See graph.
And the Chinese, obviously.
Stop Press: The Guardian has a front page story today saying plans are afoot to test 10% of the population of England every week. Apparently, Government officials have asked local health chiefs to deploy 30-minute saliva kits in an acceleration of Boris Johnson’s controversial “Operation Moonshot” mass screening plan. Operation Moonshot? More like Operation Line-The-Pockets-of-Testing-Manufacturers-and-Distributors. Somebody’s getting rich…
Dear Mr Kwarteng…

A reader has sent me an email he sent to his MP, Kwasi Kwarteng, at 4.33am yesterday, being unable to sleep because he was so angry about the lockdown and the ongoing restrictions and all the damage they have wrought – particularly to his own family.
Dear Mr Kwarteng,
You politicians think that you can distil power from fear.
You will find that all you will gain is a bitter harvest of contempt and deep, enduring hatred.
Read the Great Barrington Declaration. And then do all in your power to make the implementation of the Great Barrington Declaration the central aim of Government. End the cruel pantomime of lockdowns. They don’t work to ‘control the virus’. They destroy people’s lives.
On Monday 9 March 2020, my eldest sister was admitted (finally) to the Royal United Hospital, Bath, after being failed repeatedly since late January 2020 by the NHS (her GP and paramedics) who did nothing to investigate the cause of her excruciating back pain. On admission to the RUH, X-rays showed that she had 2 fractured vertebrae. Subsequent MRI scans led to the diagnosis of the cause – cancer – on Friday March 13th. On Saturday March 28th she, along with many other patients, was swept out of the Royal United Hospital to make way for the expected tsunami of Covid patients. Which never arrived. My eldest sister was discharged before she was ready, when she had clear medical needs, to make way for an anticipated problem that didn’t occur. The ‘support’ that she received from the NHS after discharge was appalling. It has fallen to another sister, who is a retired nurse, to administer her chemotherapy injections.
On Thursday March 12th, the care home in which my 99 year-old mother, who is very deaf and virtually blind, was ‘locked down’ by PHE. Since then she has been kept in what is effectively solitary confinement. The family has been allowed a total of THREE visits. If we kept prisoners in such conditions the Government would be taken to court for breach of human rights. Yes, of course, I get it. We have to protect those most at risk. And initially it made sense to ‘lock down’ the care homes to protect the most vulnerable. Sadly, it seems that this was not fully understood by the medical-political establishment, which proceeded to discharge elderly patients from NHS hospitals (‘Protect the NHS, Save Lives’) directly to care homes, without testing them for Covid.
Last night, I took a phone call from my youngest sister, who is now in the Green Lane Hospital in Devizes. She sounded like a frightened, lost child, although she is a 53 year-old woman. She has suffered for many years from mental health issues. Her life revolved around my mother. They lived together until my mother became too frail to live at home, and was admitted to her current care home in 2016. Since then, my sister’s life has revolved around visiting my mother. All of which stopped abruptly on Thursday March 12th. My sister’s life has become increasingly hard as Government policy has done its deadly work. First, all contact with her work colleagues ceased – she was told to work at home. So no social contact with work colleagues.
We rallied around as a family, and did all that we could to help her. Then the rules about household mixing kicked in.
My brother broke the rules by going to visit my vulnerable, isolated, mentally ill sister, often staying overnight to support her. Read that sentence again.
We thought that my sister was going to make it. The dark clouds lifted (a bit) and she was able to visit my mother twice. But the visits took place under conditions that would shame a high security prison. Then – because of the increase in ‘cases’ during the dreaded (and much hyped) ‘second wave’ – all visits halted. It was the final straw for my sister. The day after I sent you the email below, she went into Green Lane Hospital, on Thursday October 22nd.
Do you and your fellow politicians still not get it?
The Covid virus is not greatly more dangerous than the seasonal flu. The average age of death from Covid is 82.3. Lockdowns don’t work. At least, they don’t work to control the virus. Lockdowns work very well at destroying lives and liberties.
I can’t believe that you are stupid. And I know that you are not ill-informed, because I have sent you quite a lot of scientifically sound information that makes the case for ending these stupid, cruel lockdowns.
So what is going on here?
Why is the entire establishment – you politicians, the medical establishment, the judicial system, the media – so dead set against listening to knowledgeable critics? Why was the very existence of the Great Barrington Declaration censored and suppressed by the tech companies? Why are the usual remedies being so ruthlessly blocked? Why are so many legal challenges being delayed and then refused? Simon Dolan’s challenge was delayed because one of the NINE Government barristers was on holiday. Last week the Speaker of the House of Commons intervened to halt the challenge – citing Article 9 of the Bill of Rights, of all things. Toby Young’s case, challenging Ofcom’s very sinister ruling that prevents broadcasters from criticising Government advice, was stopped dead without any examination of the fundamental right of free speech.
The establishment has so far been doing well to distil power from fear.
But history has shown that when you oppress people with manifest cruelty and injustice, when you take away their liberties and then turn a deaf eye and a blind eye to their legitimate and well-founded grievances, and frustrate all attempts at relief – the people will eventually speak in ways that you will find difficult to control.
Yours in despair,
Transcript of Professor Gupta’s Interview on talkRADIO
Yesterday, Will asked if a reader would transcribe Professor Sunetra Gupta’s interview with Ian Collins on talkRADIO on Tuesday – and, lo and behold, a very kind person has done that for us. Thank you.
Ian Collins: [Excerpt played from interview with Dr Gurdsani from Queen Mary University three weeks ago stating that there is no evidence that herd immunity exists.] Professor Gupta, could you just respond to one of your peers there on that point?
Sunetra Gupta: Well, the main thing to address is this issue of immunity declining over time. We’ve known for a while now that antibodies decline quite rapidly with time but it’s misleading to say that it implies that immune protection is lost with time. It is also nonsensical to say that there is no herd immunity, or that it is not possible to build up herd immunity, to this virus. All other coronaviruses build up herd immunity by which we mean a level of immunity in the population that ensures that the risks to the vulnerable are low. So that’s endemic equilibrium, herd immunity, that’s how we’re using it. I think Miss Gurdasani (Queen Mary University) may well have been using it in a different context but that’s not really what it means. Herd immunity is just a level of community immunity that protects the vulnerable and keeps the risk of infection low. There’s no reason to believe that won’t happen.
Ian Collins: I understand that but the point that, I think, this group of scientists were making from this study was that, yes, it might be true, but you have to have 60-70% of people in that place for it to work and that would be unachievable.
Sunetra Gupta: Well first, that is not true. There are several studies now showing that the level of infection that is necessary in the population may well be below that. It’s impossible to say what the level, threshold, equilibrium threshold of herd immunity is because we simply don’t know how many people are already protected by virtue of exposure to other corona viruses or due to their immune systems being able to deal with the virus without developing antibodies. So, this idea that the herd immunity threshold as it were has to be 60/70% is not something that is set in stone. Furthermore the seroprevalence, the level of anti-bodies you measure in a community doesn’t give you a very good idea of what the true exposure is for the very reasons, as I said which are already all known (although it’s nice to have it confirmed by this bigger study) that anti-bodies decay very rapidly upon establishment. It’s also known that a lot of people don’t make antibodies at all upon exposure because there are other arms of the immune system that deal with this virus, such as T-Cell immunity. So the picture is more complex: we have anti-bodies, we have immunity that is derived from antibodies, the loss of anti-body in the blood does not mean that we have lost this anti-body mediated protection because that is really stored as memory – that’s how it operates.
Ian Collins: [Interrupting]: And it re-manifests when under attack again?
Sunetra Gupta: That doesn’t imply that protection is being lost. But furthermore there are all these other arms of the immune system which we know now, through careful studies, to be very important in conferring immunity, I would say, as a baseline, we could assume that this virus behaves like any other coronavirus where you do get herd immunity, that is to say, a level of protection in the population that allows us to resume a normal life. It is true, I think that the baseline assumption for the duration of immunity to this coronavirus will the same as to other coronaviruses, which is not lifelong like measles, but it does not impact upon the building up and maintenance of a level of immunity that allows us to function normally.
Ian Collins: Give us an example if you would, to explain further when you say we have herd immunity to other corona viruses, explain where that has happened and how we know that we have?
Sunetra Gupta: So we know that that these other four seasonal coronaviruses co-circulate. We have data on that. And we know from certain studies that 1-2% of the population will typically be carrying one of these corona viruses. We also know that people are not dying of these corona viruses to the, I mean they are dying but we don’t see the kind of levels of death that we’ve just seen with this novel corona virus. So taken together what we expect; we know that by the time a child is aged 5 they have had exposure to all of these corona viruses, so if you look at the epidemiology of these other corona viruses, what best fits this data is the idea that each of these corona viruses gives you immunity for about, you know, five years shall we say. You get reinfected but you are now immune to severe disease and this process continues through life until you hit a point of immune senescence at which point you again become vulnerable to severe disease and death from these corona viruses. Because overall through this process of becoming immune, losing protection, becoming re-infected you maintain, in the population, a level of immunity that keeps the risk low. The risk of infection depends, not surprisingly, on how many people in the population are immune to the virus and that can be kept at the requisite level even if you lose immunity because, I keep saying, it’s a bit like a cistern… you have a level that is maintained, and even if the cistern leaks you have an in-pouring of water which maintains the level that you need so you can maintain a level of population immunity even though there is a leakage which, as I said you’d expect, the baseline expectation would be that it would be like any other coronavirus.
Ian Collins: So you stand by, despite this study…
Sunetra Gupta: The study has got no new, I mean we’ve known this for a very long time
Ian Collins: So you know about this study, you don’t think it tells the full story perhaps, but you stand by everything you’ve previously said in the Great Barrington Declaration that herd immunity, shielding the elderly, is the way. This hasn’t changed your mind at all?
Sunetra Gupta: No.
Ian Collins: So what do you say to your peers then and, the world of science, like any other profession does divide. When we’ve spoken to some of those others, we played a clip of one, I’m sure you wouldn’t want it to get personal, but she was absolutely incandescent when we spoke to her before that anyone would have the kind of view that you have. She questioned people’s politics, she questioned whether people were being funded, and fundamentally she wanted to know where the peer-reviewed evidence was on the kind of contention that you are putting forward here?
Sunetra Gupta: So it is very unfortunate indeed that people have been resorting to ad hominem attacks on us for having the view that herd immunity can develop to this virus. It’s an unusual state of affairs and I do think that universities should actually come up with a set of regulations and recommendations for how people should behave on platforms such as twitter or indeed in shows like this. So I think that ad hominem attacks are very unfortunate. I do think that there is sufficient scientific evidence that herd immunity builds up against coronaviruses. There have been statements saying that herd immunity never builds up at all which can be easily contradicted, for example, by the Zika virus experience. So, Zika virus: immunity was very low in Brazil when it came in, it caused an epidemic, saw a spate of encephalies and then the epidemic settled down to an endemic state as epidemics typically do, through the build up of natural immunity and now we don’t see the same problem because there is herd immunity in the population. There is this idea that herd immunity is a level of immunity that actually causes the virus or any other pathogen to be eradicated but that’s not what we’re talking about here, that’s something that only one vaccine has ever been able to do.
Ian Collins: Sure. It seems to be, Professor, that this business of the peer-reviewed element, it’s that missing component from the argument that you and other colleagues are putting forward that seems to have upset many people in the world of science. I’m sure you’ve had a torrid time on social media, how do you specifically respond to the lack of peer-reviewed evidence?
Sunetra Gupta: Well, first of all, Miss Gurdasani is incorrect in saying that we have no peer-reviewed papers. We have two peer-reviewed papers on actually the methodology because our lab, Craig Thompson from my lab, was the first to get the neutralising antibody assay up and running and he has had a very busy year really, hardly slept I think, and has had many demands to test samples, so we’ve got two peer-reviewed papers which have been, are out there. We have another paper which is in the process of peer review. As to some of out other very basic papers, like the one in March, we haven’t even tried to publish that because it’s out there. It’s a very simple model, it’s already been replicated. It’s really straight-forward. It’s just a set of simple epidemiological principles which show that a variety of scenarios can fit these data including one where a substantial number of people would have been infected in February or even in January, which ties in also quite nicely with the findings of this ‘React’ study, for example, you’d see anti-body levels of 20% in London in May could well be the result of a decay from 60% in February to 20% in May. So essentially we have some papers that are already peer-reviewed, some that are in the process of peer review, some which have been rejected by journals but on the basis that they are not of sufficient general interest…
Ian Collins: You’re confident that you could stand up for your findings and that of your colleagues in this respect?
Sunetra Gupta: They are in the public domain, they are on MedArchive, they are available for scrutiny. They are very simple models that anybody who has any kind of training in that area can replicate and we would welcome criticism of those results.
Ian Collins: Professor Gupta, it’s great to have you on again
And here’s a graph which suggests Professor Gupta knows what she’s talking about. One of these countries is not like the other…

Stop Press: The marvellous Ms Hartley-Brewer had a bit of a dust up with Professor Paul Elliott, he of the REACT survey report showing antibodies fading, on her talkRADIO show yesterday. This was then followed by an interview with occasional Lockdown Sceptics contributor Professor Anthony Brooks. A reader describes the fun and games.
Julia got into a heated debate with Prof. Elliott in which he kept on refusing to answer her question with regards to falling antibody levels and if he were right why the Swedes aren’t dying on a large scale at the moment. What it is all about can be listened to here.
But the best moment comes when Prof. Brooks reads a passage from Prof. Elliott’s own research report, two lines of which are actually the answer to Julia’s question to Prof. Elliott (the one he refused to answer)! This is the start of that particular segment.
And then it gets even better! She then wonders aloud the one question we all have: “Why would he [Prof. Elliott] not make that point to me? Why are people so intent on telling us this is, uh, that we’re all going to die, basically?” Prof. Brooks gives a start of an answer to it, using terms such as “groupthink” and “hysteria” and researchers being too deep into the subject to be able to step out of it and look at it from a distance.
Really worth your time this stuff, if only for the faces she pulled while she got all this information from Prof. Brooks!

A Massage Postponed…
A reader has emailed us to let us know about a massage she hoped to get, but has had to postpone due to the masseur being a bit of a chin-wobbler.
A while ago, I decided a Close Contact Service (a massage in old money) would not go amiss – all that tension induced by our Dear Leaders required some sorting out. But the person recommended to me was closed due to Covid. Imagine my delight when yesterday I received an email telling me she was opening up again next week. I really should know by now not to get so excited about the prospect of doing Something New.
Her Covid T&Cs have made it impossible for me to go and see her. Perhaps I was an idiot to expect a relaxing, pampering session. These T&Cs are dictated by the rules for Close Contact Services. The conditions are:
* I must wait outside and can only be allowed into the building when she collects me (there is no shelter outside this building)
* I must wear a mask throughout my time with her and can only take it off again when I leave the building
* She will be in full PPE and will do the massage wearing plastic gloves (not my idea of fun)
* I must not touch any surfaces and will be given a plastic container to put my possessions into but it would be best if I brought nothing with me
* I must wash my hands (why is this necessary as I’m not allowed to touch anything?)
* A window will be kept open throughout the treatment (to make sure I freeze to death if Covid doesn’t get me first)
* I must scan the NHS Test and Trace QR code when I enter the room (fat chance, as the app is not on my phone, nor will it ever be)
* All stair bannisters, door handles and bathroom surfaces will be disinfected before I arrive (no light switches? Oh dear)
* A 30-minute gap is left between appointments to clean and ventilate the room (marvellous – more people Following The Science)So, there you go. Another treat which will have to wait. And this might be a while, as I see that the Sodom And Gomorrah Enterprises (SAGE) are threatening again that the Second Wave will kill me. One good thing about this is that it will make a massage superfluous to requirements.
- “We can’t let dodgy accounting lead us into a disastrous second lockdown” – Great column by Allister Heath in the Telegraph arguing that we cannot just focus on preventing people dying from Covid and to hell with all the costs
- “We need Ministers’ estimate of the cost of the lockdown to lives and livelihoods” – Dan Hannan argues for a proper audit to be done by the Government of the cost of the lockdown and the continuing restrictions and for it to be made public and regularly updated
- “Vitamin D Reduces Mortality Risk by -89%” – Dr Chris Martenson boils down all the research showing Vitamin D reduces Covid mortality in a YouTube video. Watch it before it’s taken down
- “South Africa’s COVID lockdown may have created ‘herd immunity’” – Misleading headline on Sky News story. In fact what happened is that the lockdown forced starving people to queue for food, thereby increasing transmission of the virus and bringing about herd immunity
- “Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline” – Big Tech has stopped pretending it isn’t biased to the left
- “More children in England missing school over Covid-19” – On October 22nd, according to the latest figures, almost half a million English schoolchildren were self-isolating at home because someone in their bubble had tested positive
- “SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy” – Great speech by Dr Lee Merritt on the authoritarian power grab in the name of protecting our health that’s happening all over the world
- “Blood on hands, yes” – The always readable Prof Ramesh Thakur in the Spectator Australia
- “Welcome to Covidworld” – Great cover story in the November issue of the Critic on our strange new reality and why people are reluctant to challenge Covid orthodoxy by two philosophers, Ian Kidd and Matthew Ratcliffe. Ratcliffe was the author of this piece for Lockdown Sceptics
- “Artistic freedom is at death’s door” – Good piece by Jonny Best about the cowardice of artistic institutions when faced with censorious woke mobs
- “This is how freedom dies’: The folly of Britain’s coercive Covid strategy” – Let’s hear it again for Lord Sumption’s lecture on the Government’s constitutional vandalism, this time reprinted in the Spectator
- “Britain’s death toll ‘could hit 85,000 in second Covid wave” – Leaked SAGE modelling from July. Usual doom-mongering balls
- “COVID-19 Social Study” – Survey being carried out by UCL into the psychological and social impact of the
lockdownpandemic. Readers can fill in the form themselves… - “Dissent is not a personality disorder” – Paddy Hannam in Spiked says not wanting to wear a mast does not mean you have an anti-social personality
- “Where can I go skiing this winter?” – The Telegraph has produced a handy guide to Europe’s ski resorts, detailing current travel restrictions. Seems a tad optimistic…
- “Select committee MPs call for football to sever ties with Black Lives Matter movement” – The pressure comes after an application was lodged to register a political party under the BLM banner
- “Nearly 200 European airports at risk of insolvency due to COVID-19 impact, warns a new report” – Sad but predictable. Is this why “progressives” supported lockdowns? So the only people that can fly in future are owners of private jets?
- “Private Criminal Prosecution of MPs” – Update on the Bernician’s lawsuit against all 650 MPs
- “German COVID-19 test lab produces slew of false positives” – The Labor Augsburg MVZ laboratory in Bavaria has blamed a high number of tests and time pressure after recording 58 out of 60 false positives in a week
- “How much longer will the British people tolerate oppressive Covid measures?” – Patrick O’Flynn in the Telegraph thinks not for much longer
- “COVID-19 outpatients – early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study” – New paper confirms the Holy Trinity of HCQ + AZT + Zinc is an effective treatment
- “How publicans can channel a Prohibition dodge to serve booze” – Russell David on his Mad World blog has a cunning plan for publicans
- “1% of Test and Trace Contacts From Pubs” – As many as that?
- “Lockdown sceptics must stick to their guns” – Michael Curzon in Bournbrook magazine is disappointed with Victoria Derbyshire for not sticking to her guns about breaking the rule of six over Christmas
- Tomorrow the Equality and Human Rights Commission will finally publish its report on anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. Milk Media have produced a little preview on Twitter
Theme Tunes Suggested by Readers
Two today: “Madness” by Madness and “History Repeating” by Shirley Bassey.
Love in the Time of Covid

We have created some Lockdown Sceptics Forums, including a dating forum called “Love in a Covid Climate” that has attracted a bit of attention. We have a team of moderators in place to remove spam and deal with the trolls, but sometimes it takes a little while so please bear with us. You have to register to use the Forums, but that should just be a one-time thing. Any problems, email the Lockdown Sceptics webmaster Ian Rons here.
Sharing stories: Some of you have asked how to link to particular stories on Lockdown Sceptics. The answer used to be to first click on “Latest News”, then click on the links that came up beside the headline of each story. But we’ve changed that so the link now comes up beside the headline whether you’ve clicked on “Latest News” or you’re just on the Lockdown Sceptics home page. Please do share the stories with your friends and on social media.
Woke Gobbledegook

We’ve decided to create a permanent slot down here for woke gobbledegook. Today it’s the turn of the Labour Party, which has just published it’s “review” of why Covid deaths include a disproportionately large number of BAME people. Apparently, it’s because children aren’t taught enough black history in schools. Odd, because I thought October was Black History Month. H
ere is Recommendation 19 in the report:
The Government, working with the Devolved Administrations, should launch a review into the diversity of the school curriculum to ensure it includes Black British history, colonialism and Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade. The school curriculum should include and inspire all young people.
Needless to say, children are taught about little else in schools these days. Not sure being taught even more about “Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade” will “inspire all young people”.
Rabik Ehsan has written a scathing review of Labour’s “Review” in Spiked.
Stop Press: A bunch of privileged woke students at Clare College, Cambridge, have turned their ire on a college porter for being insufficiently enthusiastic about the proposition that “transwomen are women”. Sounds like a job for the Free Speech Union…
“Mask Exempt” Lanyards

We’ve created a one-stop shop down here for people who want to buy (or make) a “Mask Exempt” lanyard/card. You can print out and laminate a fairly standard one for free here and it has the advantage of not explicitly claiming you have a disability. But if you have no qualms about that (or you are disabled), you can buy a lanyard from Amazon saying you do have a disability/medical exemption here (takes a while to arrive). The Government has instructions on how to download an official “Mask Exempt” notice to put on your phone here. You can get a “Hidden Disability” tag from ebay here and an “exempt” card with lanyard for just £1.99 from Etsy here. And, finally, if you feel obliged to wear a mask but want to signal your disapproval of having to do so, you can get a “sexy world” mask with the Swedish flag on it here.
Don’t forget to sign the petition on the UK Government’s petitions website calling for an end to mandatory face masks in shops here.
A reader has started a website that contains some useful guidance about how you can claim legal exemption.
And here’s an excellent piece about the ineffectiveness of masks by a Roger W. Koops, who has a doctorate in organic chemistry.
Stop Press: The Swiss Doctor has translated the article in a Danish newspaper about the suppressed Danish mask study. Largest RCT on the effectiveness of masks ever carried out. Rejected by three top scientific journals so far. And how about this – “New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks“.
The Great Barrington Declaration

The Great Barrington Declaration, a petition started by Professor Martin Kulldorff, Professor Sunetra Gupta and Professor Jay Bhattacharya calling for a strategy of “Focused Protection” (protect the elderly and the vulnerable and let everyone else get on with life), was launched last week and the lockdown zealots have been doing their best to discredit it. If you Googled it last week, the top hits were three smear pieces from the Guardian, including: “Herd immunity letter signed by fake experts including ‘Dr Johnny Bananas’.” (Freddie Sayers at UnHerd warned us about this hit job the day before it appeared.) On the bright side, Google UK has stopped shadow banning it, so the actual Declaration now tops the search results – and my Spectator piece about the attempt to suppress it is among the top hits – although discussion of it has been censored by Reddit. The reason the zealots hate it, of course, is that it gives the lie to their claim that “the science” only supports their strategy. These three scientists are every bit as eminent – more eminent – than the pro-lockdown fanatics so expect no let up in the attacks. (Wikipedia has also done a smear job.)
You can find it here. Please sign it. Now well over 600,000 signatures.
Stop Press: The authors of the GDB have expanded the FAQs to deal with some of the arguments and smears that have been made against their proposal. Worth reading in full.
Judicial Reviews Against the Government

There are now so many JRs being brought against the Government and its ministers, we thought we’d include them all in one place down here.
First, there’s the Simon Dolan case. You can see all the latest updates and contribute to that cause here.
Then there’s the Robin Tilbrook case. You can read about that and contribute here.
Then there’s John’s Campaign which is focused specifically on care homes. Find out more about that here.
There’s the GoodLawProject’s Judicial Review of the Government’s award of lucrative PPE contracts to various private companies. You can find out more about that here and contribute to the crowdfunder here.
The Night Time Industries Association has instructed lawyers to JR any further restrictions on restaurants, pubs and bars.
Christian Concern is JR-ing the Welsh Government over its insistence on closing churches during the “circuit breaker”. See its letter-before-action here and an article about it here.
And last but not least there’s the Free Speech Union‘s challenge to Ofcom over its ‘coronavirus guidance’. You can read about that and make a donation here.

If you are struggling to cope, please call Samaritans for free on 116 123 (UK and ROI), email jo@samaritans.org or visit the Samaritans website to find details of your nearest branch. Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year, providing a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them.
Shameless Begging Bit
Thanks as always to those of you who made a donation in the past 24 hours to pay for the upkeep of this site. Doing these daily updates is hard work (although we have help from lots of people, mainly in the form of readers sending us stories and links). If you feel like donating, please click here. And if you want to flag up any stories or links we should include in future updates, email us here. (Don’t assume we’ll pick them up in the comments.)
And Finally…
JP’s latest video is another must-watch. One of the few rays of light in the gloom.
To join in with the discussion please make a donation to The Daily Sceptic.
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Good morning world!
Dear Toby
Suicides on the Rise due to Lockdown
The launch of Recovery For Hope For Balance – Emma Kenny ITV This Morning Psychologist & Presenter
It’s heartbreaking isn’t it?
Dr Mike Yeadon Former CSO & VP Allergy Respiratory Research Pfizer Global R&D 29th Oct 2020
explain there are not excess deaths – the pandemic is over
must watch
‘We no longer have the flu’
But the trouble is, the “died with coronavirus” in the Mail article is horse crap. In fact, so is the assertion that Covid-19 is not a young person’s disease. Young people can get respiratory illnessess, Covid-19 amongst them – but Covid-19, or SARS as I might as well call it, is very rare, and I doubt even less than twenty have died from it in the “second wave” (look at how we affirm that piece of nonsense); what young people don’t usually suffer from is the general death of old people, now labelled “Covid-19” via an utterly discredited test.
“Covid-19” is a hoax. Unless lots of people are brought to understand it as such, it will never end.
Covid-19 in a nutshell
Good morning to you!
Good morning, All.
Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus every day
More Imperial bollocks from their favourite BBC shill, James Gallagher.
Current 7 day death rate (by date of death) is around 160-170.
I would have thought that, with 100,000 a day catching it, the streets would be strewn with bodies.
All those who heard JHB on TalkRadio talking to Paul Elliott will know this is just more Bill Gates funded bullshit by Imperial.
Top of the class, Mr Nomad!
There’s a lag between infections and deaths, which is important when numbers are rising (or falling, come to that). We’re currently seeing about 300 deaths a day (PHE figure) and infections three weeks ago were about 17,000 per day (ONS data). On that basis we’re seeing IFR of 2%. I realise that these are the PHE numbers, of course. The ONS figures take longer, so looking back two week we had roughly 100 deaths a day and the infection rate three weeks prior to that was about 6,000 per day. That’s an IFR of about 1.6%.
On that basis, 100,000 infections a day today suggests a death rate in the range 1,500 to 2,000 in three weeks time. Not so reassuring.
Try looking at Sweden.
I’m talking about the UK/England figures. I don’t have easy access to the corresponding figures for Sweden but if you do, please present them.
Trouble is the 17k/day is the positive tests in the general population (at peak return to colleges point) and the counted deaths are in a narrower population at risk from a seasonal respiratory disease largely in care or hospital settings (with questions about counting criteria). It is wrong to merge these data and link these populations sequentially. There is no case for saying the IFR has increased.
I’m aware of the difference between the PHE and the ONS figures, which is exactly why I went to the trouble of giving both sets. You’ll also notice that I didn’t the IFR has increased, I simply presented two alternative calculations on the basis of the figures immediately available to me. If I had intended to say it had increased I would have done so explicitly and given some indication of statistical significance and confidence intervals.
You put too much faith in stats RP, consider that the stats themselves are flawed owing to the dodgy way in which “cases” are recorded.
It’s more about knowing some of the people at ONS and having some confidence that they are honestly doing their best.
Deliberately mixing the numbers, aren’t you Richard Pinch? I went to the Imperial College site and checked the latest and the previous reports.
Per swab tests taken between 18th September and 5th October: estimated 60 people per 10,000 of England’s population has the virus, i.e. infecting around 45,000 people each day.
Per swab tests taken between 16th and 25th October: estimated 128 people per 10,000 has the virus, i.e. infecting around 96,000 people each day.
Comparing like for like, this is an increase of 2.13 times for the infection. Maybe the daily deaths would also increase proportionally, but doesn’t support your numbers.
I gave PHE and ONS sets of numbers, and, I think, carefully distinguished them. Perhaps you found that confusing.
Whatever the Government or the press say is complete Horseshit, time and time the Press have spectacularly failed to hold Government and the useless opposition accountable
Deaths of who? Over 85s? With underlying symptoms? Or young previously healthy under 60s? The lies told about the death rates and infection rates are infinite.
All I can do at this point is to point you to the ONS page
Do you think that’s even remotely likely though?
I’m not sure what “that” is in this question?
This: On that basis, 100,000 infections a day today suggests a death rate in the range 1,500 to 2,000 in three weeks time. Not so reassuring.
is that likely?
We shall see.
Let me fix a couple of things for you.
“We’re currently seeing about 300 deaths a day…”
of people who died within 28 days of a positive test, not necessarily of Covid.
infections”positive tests!
This is why I was careful to distinguish between the PHE figures, which are for deaths in hospital with a postivie test in the previous 28 days, as you say, and ONS figures which are for deaths with Covid as a cause on the death certificate. The ONS infection figures are based on follow-up studies of positive tests, not just the tests themselves.
Dear Richard,
please don’t take these replies too personal people are just sick of the media putting out predictions as if this is what’s going to happen if the government don’t lockdown. It Is the media that panicked the government into lockdown in March. What you must remember excess deaths as published by the ONS haven’t increased and are normal for this time of year. The 300 plus deaths from so called covid-19 are respiratory deaths,again normal for this time of year. Where there’s been an increase in deaths which isn’t been reported is in the 40-60 age group from strokes and heart attacks. These deaths are a direct result of lockdown obviously not as interesting to the media as covid-19 but they someone’s other half. Lastly the test for covid-19 is at least 50% inaccurate and most of the infections are in those under 30 so the death rate will be 1 in 500 of those infected.
The IFR denominator is ALL infections not just those detected by e.g. ONS
One million every ten days…
Which means community immunity* is around the corner.
*: Hat tip Dr Yeadon. Let’s use positive framing to counter the coronanists negative framing of everything.
And the IFR continues to drop
Thanks, that’s answered the question I just asked.
Where is the government getting these figures from? Testing centres around where I live are empty as are a number around the country that have featured on YouTube. I find it hard to believe that this figure is accurate.
Diane Abbot is advising the Government of chaos and arrogance Neil ferguson needs prosecuting for his appalling miscalculations
Can someone do the maths and tell me when we’ll all have it?
If we started from scratch today, at a constant rate, within less than two years
But loads of us had pre-existing cross immunity and tens of millions would have been infected in the Spring. If it’s 100k per day, that would continue to rise…so maybe we would get to 300k per day – 9 million per month. Herd immunity reached in a couple of months.
Doubling every nine days is 8% increase a day. For an geometric progression with factor 1.08 to reach a total 50million from 100,000 takes about 49 steps. So: seven weeks (home by Christmas!). NB: this is not a prediction, just the answer to an arithmetical question.
Or 39 steps to Armageddon?
Come back, Richard Hannah, all is forgiven.
Talk Radio’s Julia (not even an O level in biology) Hartley-Brewer makes mincemeat of the dissembling Prof Paul Elliot, who hails from the Bill Gates funded Imperial College. If it comes out of Imperial it’s a lot more than dodgy.
Anything on the subject from them should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Shame they are wrecking historically a good institution so shame on them for taking Gates money.
Imperial College is the commercial arm of the Gates Foundation.
Assume 30-100k/day catch it, about 1-3% seek hospital attention and about 1/6 of those will die. That would give about 300-1000 admissions per day a week later, and about 50-167 deaths per day a week after that. How to the stats look at the moment? It’s not an unreasonable number. That gives an IFR of about 0.17% to 0.55%. Influenza is 0.14% for reference.
Who’s going to tell Hancock, Vallance, Whitty and the PM? Or is that the kind of evidence they choose to ignore because they’d lose their control over the minutest details of our daily lives? Have any of those idiots ever run so much as a whelk stall?
Telegraph (paywall): Britain’s death toll ‘could hit 85,000 in second Covid wave’
Leaked Sage documents suggest ‘reasonable worst case scenario’ could see number of fatalities stay high for at least three months.
At which point I realised it is just more scaremongering bollocks to force Boris into another huge national lockdown like he did when he said to act on Ferguson’s ‘reasonable worst case scenario’.
66 million Britons will die. Sometime. Guaranteed.
It’s just that they don’t know it yet.
Apart from us sceptics.
Take one pace forward all those who are dead and and haven’t fallen over yet.
Anyone found to be dead and still standing will be fined £10,000!
Exactly. When and how we don’t know but death is a guarantee.
Definitely by 2130.
Probably of high blood pressure caused by frustration at yet more lying “statistics” from SAGE. By the way, if Ferguson isn’t a member, how come he’s all over the media like a rash?
Remember the odious Hamiltons? Their disgrace facilitated their ubiquitousness – and, I suspect, earned them a lot more dosh than those brown envelopes.
I hope that will be over the next 75 years or so, not the next decade as seems to be envisioned in Agenda 21.
And when he finally does it, people will say that he did it “too late” again.
Leaked Sage documents inevitably suggest a load of bollox.
From Canada, more evidence of the collateral damage from the lockdown…
Thanks for the link, John.
That’s a really terrible headline to have to read.
It the justin the dope still in charge Canadians are more intelligent than Americans
Growing ip all I knew about Canada was a TV series called the Forest Rangers, they would not have put up with this.
I remember The Forest Rangers, and you’re right. They wouldn’t.
“Confirming what has been well-documented already, PHAC found that long-term care (LTC) homes have been the epicentre of COVID-19-related deaths because “pandemic preparedness did not extend into these settings.” The report said LTC facilities’ limited supplies of personal protective equipment, old infrastructure, poor ventilation and chronic understaffing led to more infections.
People of colour in Canada also have been far more likely to contract the virus, PHAC found. The report says Arab, Black, Middle Eastern, Latin American, South Asian and Southeast Asian Canadians accounted for more than 80 per cent of the cases in Toronto, despite collectively making up slightly more than half of the city’s population.”
I’m guessing people of colour are more likely to catch the virus because they are more likely to live in overcrowded housing and/or flats, to depend on public transport, or to have public-facing jobs which cannot be done remotely?
My mother lives in Canada and is coming to the same realisation. She lost her partner to cancer, left undiagnosed and untreated by the British Columbia health system for two months until his death in May. Why? Cos Covid’s the only show in town. He’s one of many the world over. She also points out the opioid crisis in Canada as well as the death toll amongst homeless and very often mentally ill people on the streets of Vancouver. All of which outstrip Covid deaths by some margin.
We are running with the same playbook here. The care homes had most of the deaths back in spring, mirroring the UK and US medical ‘incompetence’, even though we had ample time to learn from Europe’s suffering.
Now we’re in a Second Wave of course and the amount of people driving alone with masks on has skyrocketed. We’re just as gullible as you folks and we have the same kind of media fear machine doing its thing 24/7
The West is going down. Every country on the list has the same approach and running the same scam. Now our hero in Sweden has pushed herd immunity off the cliff so it feels like we’re in injury time…not long before the final whistle now.
Last one before I get some sleep; then I’ll let you guys talk among yourselves for a bit.
Re. Toby’s main piece above: image (of a small pivot table I’ve made) below gives a nice monthly summary of the total deaths recorded in English hospitals since March.
The month by month increases, and that in the Total Column, do look bad, but, as we all know, that’s just the normal increase in deaths from respiratory diseases expected at this time of year.
Another thing to note: not all these deaths are from Covid-19, merely people who have died after testing positive. From the document:
Source: https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/10/COVID-19-total-announced-deaths-28-October-2020.xlsx
Thanks, not doubting your accuracy but the last total I saw in MSM was 43,000 (down from the 55,000 previously concocted), does Wales account for the difference?
“total deaths recorded in English hospitals”, K
Walesonline is claiming that the death toll in Wales is the highest for six months. That publication has been the biggest driver of panic -a side from the BBC – west of Offa’s Dyke.
True, but comments are now regularly sceptical.
Of course, Wales Online never tells us the ages and co-morbidities of the Covvidead. Or reminds us that Welsh hospitals clock you as Covvie on mere suspicion
Rural Wales js almost completely unaffected. They managed to scrape up four new positives in Pembrokeshire yesterday. I tremble. Not.
Common tactic of the MSM, especially the BBC. I’ve commented on this many times.
Weekly deaths start to go down… start comparing fornightly.
Fornightly deaths start to go down… start comparing monthly.
Monthly deaths start to go down… start comparing bi-monthly.
Etc, etc, etc…
I brought this forward from the end of yesterday’s comments because I would like to hear more peoples reactions……
In the opening para it states ‘The operational aim is to expand critical care capacity to the maximum; free up 30,000 (or more) of the English NHS’s 100,000 general and acute beds’
According to their own figures, the NHS excelled themselves and kicked out 60,000 patients within a few days reducing their occupancy to 50%. It took until August to increase occupancy to the normal levels of 110,000. This resulted in a reduction of hospital healthcare in the period amounting to nearly 2 million bed-days.
There were 28,186 more deaths in care homes during this period than the normal in previous years. (Amnesty International)
There were 10,000 more deaths in private homes than normal (ONS).
There are / will be an estimated 60,000 years of life lost due to lack of screening / diagnosis for Cancer. (The Lancet)
There were twice the normal number of heart attack deaths at home than usual (The Lancet)
(Note that I have purposefully not mentioned any statistics which are tainted by Covid PCR test numbers).
These numbers account for most if not all the excess deaths above what would be normally expected to be seen during this period.
Clearly it was not Covid that killed these people it was the removal of normal healthcare services (a human right).
Shockingly, it is rumoured that they are planning to empty the hospitals again!
Will the signatories of that letter or those who instructed it ever be held accountable?
Bob, the letter is dated 17th March.
You posted your brilliant ‘bed-emptying’ graph on the 14th of October here: https://dailysceptic.org/2020/10/14/latest-news-162/#comment-187165
Toby posted it front page on the 15th.
Can you put your graph back up? (I would, but it’s your work) I’m pretty sure people will be interested to see that the bed emptying started LONG BEFORE the date of the letter from Stevens.
Great find and added to your graph, is more strong evidence of the manslaughter dished out by our government.
The media hysteria in March is easy to prove, but are there reliable figures for the drastic drop in care staff around the time?
As a selfish request, can you do a similar analysis for Northern Ireland hospitals? I have written to Toby already about the situation here. One hospital is so under resourced it has had to build a temporary tent on the lawn outside A and E. This has led to mass hysteria among those who take that as the plague has finally arrived.
What we suffer from here is a total lack of any real astute analysts or journalists to cut through the bull shit. And with 40%+ of jobs here tied to the public sector, the compliance with lockdown is pathetic.
It’s a wasteland where no critical thought will be found.
They are going to launder the deaths caused by lockdown as covid deaths. The PCR test is the “detergent”.
‘detergent’ – I like that! MW
If Simon Dolan wins the case what are the spanners going to do?
The virus is deadly because the dictator told me so
The virus is not deadly because a judge told me so
I can see some brains exploding
Plus, following France & Germany’s lockdown latest, could the timing be any worse. The Government knew exactly what they were doing when they sought this delay.
They may have been nobbled, but equally they may fear the consequences, personally and for the stability of government, of finding against the government. They would be accused of having blood on their hands. They are human and therefore weak and flawed. Of course they ought to fear the consequences of finding FOR the government more, but the trouble is at the moment I think they think they are going to get away with it.
Good. Maybe if Vallance, Whitless, Hancock Johnson’ and Ferguson’s brains exploded we could get some practical scientists and politicians to start putting the country back to some kind of sense.
It’s a pretty foregone conclusion. They have to pretend that they’ve really listened though.
Good morning
Is the pig dictator still wallowing in his own shit?
If he hasn’t got enough he can have some if mine.
i was about to have breakfast, think I’ll just have a coffee
Oops, sorry!
on his back, trotters akimbo
Royal British Legion
‘Owing to the Covid19 pandemic and in light of the risks posed the annual Remembrance Sunday March Past the Cenotaph will not take place this year.
We recognize that this will be deeply disappointing for those due to take part . . .’
Contact us 0808 802 8080
Oh yes it will
Is this their decision, or an order from on-high?
Either way, it’s shameful. Their colleagues did not die for this.
I think we’ll see a lot of veterans march anyway.
Woe betide any copper who tries to stop them.
I don’t know. It is currently the front page of their website.
Perhaps they should have another look at the first Remembrance Sunday in 1919-no social distancing and no masks.
How many Parish War Memorials are there ?
Just do it anyway. All of us who want to go to our local monument can do so.
It’s official!
94% of people who die are old people
I’m gobsmacked. I always thought it was the young who died and the old lived for ever
What next? 100% of people who die are people?
No. About 95% are zombies who don’t really die, but enter a permanent state of living death. They’re all around you right now. Be afraid.
Absolutely – also, the deceased are 90% more likely than the living to (re-)contract Covid, which makes them rise up from their tombs and wander the streets masked in a brain-dead state. Three quarters of our dead are at risk of rising again as Covid zombies if cemeteries aren’t placed under strict curfew NOW…
Where do I join?
From the Spiked article:
One psychiatrist no doubt spoke for many lockdown enthusiasts when she suggestedthat ‘impotent personalities’ and ‘magical thinking’ are some of the reasons people don’t wear face masks.
So we are guilty of magical thinking? Not the morons who think that wearing a filthy rag over their faces while driving their own car will protect them from a virus?
This ‘psychiatrist’ obviously practises voodoo. Go to her and she’ll cure you of scepticism by anointing you with the blood of a white cockerel.
I’ve decided to wrap pigeon entrails around my left arm to protect me – and, more importantly, others – from this deadly virus.
Remember to face the sun when you put them on. Need to pay homage for it to work
Do pig entrails work?
Try Boris’s.
Drake entrails are a cert.
I wouldn’t even want Ferguson’s entrails for garters. They’d probably be as lousy as his “science”
OK, yes, pigeon entrails around the left arm for you, but to protect others you need the bile ducts of a Syrian hamster behind your right ear.
Actually it just struck me that uneducated Brazilians may indeed have been using what they considered to be an alternative bit of black magic to ward off the lurgy.
So there’s magic, and then there’s magic that is led by the Science.
And, of course, sceptics the world over all behave like uneducated Brazilians. Stands to reason.
Probably not even a real psychiatrist. Or received their degree from some Mickey Mouse university.
Ooh, a new word ! Thanks NN.
And, like all such stuff, it works in direct correspondence to the will, ability, intent, and desire of the practitioner.
Yes – had to look it up!
I’m planning a trio of masked dolls – BoJo the Clown, Matt Handoncock and MacFishface – to burn on the fire on bonfire night. Neighbours are invited. Does that count as magical thinking?
Only if you’re trying to cause harm. Are you any good at it ?
Could always stick pins in them. Obviously, Hancock gets it in the cock.
Wankock deserves several – in various parts of his anatomy.
Mine didn’t work against dePiffle and Poppycock!
The Fascist Junta have responded to the Gym. petition. Now hear this:
Sports and physical activity are incredibly important for our physical and mental health, and are a vital weapon against coronavirus. That’s why we made sure that people could exercise at least once a day even during the height of lockdown – and why we opened up grassroots sport and leisure facilities as soon as it was safe to do so.
Just to add:
So we’ve all been enjoying our favourite sports, have we? And your children have been getting all that vital physical activity?
And do you remember that poisonous little worm Wancock, a few days into the first incarceration, threatening to lock us up 24/7 if wicked people didn’t stop going outside for longer than half an hour a day?
Quarantine convicts, of course, are deprived of healthy physical activity as a punishment for having been near somebody with a positive test result. And serve them jolly well right.
Oh, and get this, from the Sports Minister. Who no doubt heroically backed the successful campaign ( not):
I welcome the news that gyms and leisure centres that were previously closed in Liverpool due to its very high alert level are now allowed to re-open from Friday 23 October.
76% of 49 women agreed.
Are you telling me it won’t stop my skin from ageing, or make happy and keep me safe?! Bum! That’s more money down the drain…..
Yup, you killed it. It has sadlidied.
Not happilidied?
Total bollocks. They couldn’t give a Castlemain xxxx. That’s why the Stasi were out in the Peak District during April
Appreciate the Private Eye reference there…
Ever wonder what Dido is spending that 12 billion quid on?
DHSC has got one, or more, employees working full-time on answering reviews on the Google Play reviews page for the
SercoNHS T&T app. Apples ITunes page for the app has the same.Level it to the ground, plough it in, salt the ruins.
Can we bury the Fantastic Four (Johnson, Hancock, Whitty and Vallance) under them?
It is interesting that very many of the five star reviews are very short and bland, of the; ‘Works fine’ variety. Should I be suspicious?
Very good, BJ will enjoy that one.
May my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me, remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
Remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
The horrible irony of not hearing that from the Cenotaph this year will no doubt be lost on BJ.
Whenever I hear it, particularly sung by Kathleen Ferrier (that dates me!) it always gives me a shiver.
Mirror Online: Trump controversially urges Americans to shun lockdown restrictions and mocks face masks.
Legal blog about the Dolan case. Gives good background and surroundings.
Dobinson, Co-Founder of Recovery, commented: “now see it as the most important campaign I’ve run in my life. My mum survived COVID-19, so did my colleagues at work”
Mr Dobinson here is your homework for today
From PHE
Understanding cycle threshold (Ct) in SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR: a guide for health protection teams
Documentary evidence of criminal fraud. Essential reading for leaders of the resistance.
This thread is going to examine & dissect the very specific behavioral-patterns, underlying market-architecture, fraudulent scientific methods, orthodox rituals of the vast pharma-wasp nest set around the queen wasp Christian Drosten/
Bobby Rajesh Malhotra@Bobby_Network
Helen, better unrolled
It seems like a wonder that any kind of amplification occures with Drosten’s qPCR-protocol, submitted to WHO (13th Jan) and officially released there as recommendation on 21st January 2020:
You could do 45 cycles, but then you also have to define a reasonable CT-value, an analytical result at up to 45 cycles is a no-go and scientifically meaningless.
44/124 You could also do 100 cycles, does not matter, a reasonable CT-value would always define the scientific significance of the amplification-results beforehand. In all the #Drosten–#paper-submissions and official releases no reasonable CT-value is anywhere to be found.
Besides ZERO scientific evidence / no valid #GoldStandard, CONFLICTS OF INTERST everywhere, lets peek into CT-standardisation:Quote: Kary Mullis: Ct >30 is wrong.>33 definitely is.
Helen, unrolled :
Thanks .. I am slowly learning to be a twit
We have all been confined to zero covid purgatory.
We are all trapped in one of two types of zero covid purgatory: there is en route to zero covid purgatory (e.g Britain, the EU) and arrived in zero covid purgatory (e.g. China, Australia, Malaysia).
En route to zero covid purgatory means constantly chasing an R-rate below 1. Local lockdowns, arbitrary business closures, masks, quarantines, testing, social distancing, more testing and the slow but relentless crushing of the pleasures of life. You no longer choose if you can work, who you can visit, what you can buy, where you can go. These decisions are now dictated by the state.
If you are “fortunate” and arrive in zero covid purgatory, like in China, Malaysia or Australia, you are then forced to report your every movement to the authorities by scanning in and out of every public place with your phone. You live in fear of a single positive test that might result in your entire community being locked away and isolated. If you’re in New Zealand you might be taken away to a confinement centre simply for testing positive. You might not be sick or infectious.
When you arrive in zero covid purgatory, you can only travel abroad in very special cases and by permission of the authorities. Like in the most repressive communist regimes that have existed. Masks don’t disappear when you arrive in zero covid purgatory, you still wear them in many places.
In zero covid purgatory, Sweden ceases to exist.
Zero covid purgatory is actually just a waystation on the way to zero covid hell. We don’t quite know what zero covid hell will look like, but it definitely involves taking an unproven vaccine. Whether you want to or not. It will almost certainly also involve permanent health surveillance by state of every individual in the form of an immunity passport. And let’s not kid ourselves; zero covid hell will still have masks. On planes, public transportation etc.
Thanks to a virus with a mortality rate of about 0.2% we are all trapped in a zero covid purgatory on the way to zero covid hell where we will remain until we die.
Indeed zero-covid is the road to hell, if you do ever get there and have any sort of society left you are then in a constant state of angst and anxiety and restrictions lest it re-appears.
There is only one road to freedom and that is to live with this virus. Fortunately it is not that difficult to do, protection of the elderly and vulnerable by voluntary and community action is quite possible with Government support and guidance.
The NHS are now much better at treating Covid and we should be re-directing this silly vaccine money at developing better treatments for the few people who do get serious Covid.
So far we have no politicians with the imagination, vision and courage to push this approach.
You’ve hit the nail right on the head. I’m over 70, in good health, not overweight , exercise regularly, eat fairly healthily, and am sick and tired of being told to isolate, protect myself, think that I’m vulnerable etc. My granddaughters need a life and I’m sure as hell not going to be used by this shower of xxxx as a reason to lock them down. What part of the word live do those idiots like Hancock not understand?.
I thought China was more or less back to normal, covid-wise – of course their normal is pretty awful…
This is fast becoming like Dante’s circles of hell.
You get a false positvei test. You get locked in an isolation centre where you catch covid. Hmmm . . .
While chillaxing in my glorious Austrian lair, nestled in the Bohemian Forest, I often like to slip into my Blake 7 gown, pour myself a long, cold Peach Schnapps, before making a Zoom call to the UN to demand one hundred million dollars.
Ha, the man is a joke, we should be pointing and laughing at how absurd he is not bowing to him
When is the mystery machine going to bust in with scooby, shaggy, fred, Daphne and Velma, Fred will rip off his rubber mask….
Jimminies, it was the creepy janitor all along
If it wasn’t for you pesky kids I would of gotten away with it.
Rooby Doo…….
Jeremy Beadle
Neil Ferguson
Yeah – where’s the cat?
Nearly 100,000 people catching Covid everyday!!
Anybody would think that the “authorities” are afraid of herd immunity.
Everyday about 1000 covid hospital admissions, that, by my definition of immunity, leaves 99,000 people everyday proving to be immune to serious Covid and not being admitted to hospital despite ‘supposedly’ having the virus.
Which rather begs the question why is this virus causing so much hoo-haa.
Mass hysteria driven by more and more desperate clueless governments from all over the world.
I don’t believe they are clueless, there is an Agenda.
How do I join Recovery? Is there a website?
I couldn’t find a website either
They sound moderate – probably the right approach but hopefully not too moderate
It has to be positive for us, hope they are ambitious and well funded
It won’t matter what they name the party, Google will ensure that it ends up in the memory hole.
Here it is https://timeforrecovery.org
Put it up as a new post please, not everyone has the time to backtrack.
What they say: Here is the GGC* News. The percentage of elderly victims of the coronavirus continues to skyrocket as leading scientists now show that 94% victims are elderly.
What people hear: 94% of elderly people will die of coronavirus.
*: Global Gaslighting Corporation
The misuse and misrepresentation of statistics has been an appalling hallmark of this virus hoo-haa, when you present statistics you need to put them into context alongside figures of normal rates, total populations and comparisons with previous years etc.
I teach statistics to medics, and include a big health warning on this in my lectures – you can always present the numbers in a way that is favourable to your position.*
It’s so transparent you can now predict this. As Covid displaces old-fashioned influenza this winter the next one will be along the lines of “covid eclipses ‘flu and now causes 80% of respiratory deaths”. There will be no acknowledgement that (1) respiratory deaths are not much higher than usual (2) non-covid respiratory deaths are much lower than usual so it is largely a competing risks scenario (3) in past years we never tested many people dying of respiratory diseases but now we are testing all of them, so in the past we did not know exactly what virus was responsible and didn’t care.
*: Of course the media should have a neutral position on this, but none of them do.
Here we go again. BBC and other media in full flow fear mongering mode. Another study from our infamous Imperial College saying we must lock down further. France already doing so in a big big way. Police state. Second wave far worse than first when in whatever way you look at it is blatantly untrue.
I have spent most of my work as an engineer doing loads of things that make our world a better place to live and have felt proud of seeing the results of my efforts. Now I see the very world I have worked so hard on being destroyed before my very eyes. You cannot kill the virus and you most certainly do not do so by destroying the world.
Angry is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel this morning.
I work in engineering too. What gets me is that measures are being taken on vague evidence and supposition, all of which would get you in jail if applied to engineering.
The politicians sitting with lights on, driving in cars, using their phones, eating food not realising that a whole bunch of people made it possible for these thing NOT to kill you by being precise with measurements and testing.
Brilliant comment.
Send that message to your MP.
Yes, Would you trust a bridge or a car designed by Imperial?
Ahaha when I was there their swimming pool had allegedly been self-designed by the engineering department. There was meant to be a hall of residence above it but instead there was an empty plot with a subterranean pool. Because they’d forgotten to include the weight of the water when doing the calculations for the foundations.
Time to do some serious engineering.
it was a depressing listen until some scientist was confronted with the comment by Rocco Forte that more people died of flu/pneumonia than covid. The scientist’s answer was enough to undermine his own credibility!
Could Imperial College’s stance be explained in part by the fact that the Chinese dictator visited them personally in 2015?
Did he present them with a brown envelope?
Received photographs of our younger granddaughter and her friends in their prom dresses (in hope of their school’s prom,next year)
Now I believe I talk for many,many parents and grandparents from all over the country in asking people who still go along with the present madness: ARE YOU PREPARED TO DENY YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN FROM ONE OF THEIR MOST MEMORABLE EXPERIENCES OF THEIR LIVES?
Stop believing that destroying lives,futures,businesses,jobs and mental health is worth it!
Get off your knees, open your eyes and see the truth.
Many thanks.
I’ve still got my fingers crossed I can get to South Africa in January and just came across this article basically saying that because they locked down harshly with non-medical interventions that everyone got it. Really? So lockdown and masks work by infecting everyone? But I thought not locking down will cause hundreds of thousands of deaths of infected people? They really do make it up as they go along don’t they?
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/coronavirus-south-africa-herd-immunity-covid-cases-latest-b1400549.html%3famp b
Yes, our government helpfully locked down the populace, made them queue and huddle for their social grants and food parcels, illicit cigarettes and illegal liquor. Nightingale hospitals were barely used and millions lost their jobs, but kept their lives. There’s no-one left for the virus to infect and our “2nd wave” refuses to materialize. We do have mandatory masks, but 75% just ignore it as there are no fines associated with uncovered jowls.
Please come visit in January – we certainly need your Pounds!!
I don’t usually do remembrance day parades. I prefer a quiet moment of reflection
This year I will pin on my medals, my late father and mothers medals, my grandfathers medals, and the medals of my great uncle killed in Flanders in 1917
I will be on the parade
Let’s find out who really meant it last year when they said ‘ We will remember them’
Talk is cheap
Agree, my great uncle was killed along with thousands of others on the first day of the battle of the Somme.
Thank you for that,NN.
My mother’s father lied about his age to join up (he was 15)
Absolutely, my great grandfather killed July 1917 battle of Vimey ridge , his body never recovered, I do think the chaps who fought for freedom will be turning over in their graves
My Mum’s Dad’s brother was drowned in a troop ship that was torpedoed as he was coming home. My granddad’s life was destroyed because of the loss of his brother. He never got over it.
They found a bible that belonged to him somehow, it was water damaged.
My Dad’s Mum’s brother died trying to bailout of a Halifax bomber over Lincolnshire. For her whole life she and the whole family thought he burned to death in the plane. Obviously this was very hard to bear for everybody concerned.
However some great research for a book revealed that Uncle Willie did jump out the aircraft but unfortunately his parachute didn’t open. The plane wasn’t on fire but had suffered engine failure after takeoff which was typical for these aircraft.
They killed hundreds of airmen due to their engines being totally crap. They were also very under-powered. The plane crashed in a field and most of the crew did manage to bail out successfully except for the pilot who tried to safely crash the aircraft. He died too.
I’m not sure I’ll be attending the Remembrance Day service in my village this year. The sight of people masked up while honouring those who died for our freedom would turn my stomach.
I don’t believe it: A sceptic being given airtime on BBC R4.
Maybe it’s dawned on the BBC that the more people on the dole the less TV license revenue they collect. Then they end up on the dole. I wonder how many of the BBC and Guardian staff made redundant in the summer cuts are still lockdown enthusiasts?
Yep. And the Defund the BBC campaign has been gaining momentum – that must have them running scared too.
Ive done my own defunding, everyone should too, just stop the DD.
My best friend is coming back from USA next week for 3 weeks on a whistle-stop tour of all his family and friends. He’s a U.K. passport holder and will have a hire car for the duration.
We’re trying to formulate a plan to avoid the long arm of the law. I said to just put his old U.K. address into the quarantine form and use a burner SIM number I have lying around. Anyone have any better ideas?
He also wants to go and visit some family in Newcastle, which I’ve heard can be difficult, I said jokingly to wear a hi-viz vest at all times there, but I’d be happy to hear what it’s like on the ground up there.
Thanks in advance!
Are you referring to the ‘ person locator form’?, which is submitted electronically 48 hours before travel
First thing, don’t tell any lies you can only get into trouble if you lie
As regards the mobile I said I didn’t have one, which is true
The form will then ask for a ‘ next of kin’ number, fine, give them a genuine number. There is no obligation on the nok to answer the phone
As regards address I entered ‘ No fixed abode’
The form will then ask you to explain, I wrote
‘The government has made it illegal to enter the county that I usually reside in. On exiting the terminal I intend to seek legal advice as to where I can reside’
As long as all the fields are completed it will submit
Be creative but not dishonest
The Border Agency don’t check them it’s not their job
Great tips, thanks!
Use cash at all times.
And don’t have the crapapp on any phone you may acquire after your arrival in the UK
Bakery and cake shop in Ludlow that refuses card payments and only accepts cash.
Newcastle local here, beyond most people wearing masks, town is feels fairly the same as pre-covid.
I’m curious as to why you think it can be difficult for him to visit here?
I’m not sure, it just came up in conversation that his brother said is that he’s ‘extremely pessimistic’ that it’ll be possible. He’s a Dr in a hospital and wife a midwife – I wonder if its more likely the optics.
Lie. I’ve had several family members visit me from the U.S., all lying on the form. It’s quite easy to enter using the e-gates. Change the address and phone number, no one checks.
Great article but you just get the feeling that the buffoon and chums will just follow France to stay in the stupid club. Unless some very important people get involved and the media stop the scaremongering we are going to be knackered for another six months.
One way that I think public opinion could turn is if the elites are seen to be flouting the rules .We’ve already seen the anger when Cummings was thought to have disobeyed (although that was partly because he is a Tory and therefore some wanted to make capital out of it). But eventually, the elites will want to go back to normal and a few leaked photos of MPs flouting rules could have a big effect. I’ve always said that official policy only changes when the elites are affected – an example is when London’s sewage system was built because the smell was so bad in Parliament that they had no choice.
Just to say that while I’m a fully paid-up sceptic, and know that the facts are the facts, even I’m beginning to feel that the tone and also substance in some of what’s now being said and written where the old v young stats are concerned is becoming a bit ‘throwaway’, and . . . mildly offensive.
By paragraph 4, the D-M copy is talking in terms of “working-age people” as opposed to “pensioners”. There is a value judgement in that, i.e. the lives of those who are not economically-productive units don’t matter so much as the lives of those who are. It’s not only ‘pensioners’ who are affected by that attitude (as I’m sure many of you will already know from experience), and I think it an ugly one. (And what exactly does the word ‘pensioner’ mean these days, anyway? Certainly not what it meant pre-2011, that’s for sure, and certainly not what it signified in the latter half of the 20th century.)
Even Karl Sikora is beginning to sound a bit ‘incautious’, in my opinion. “It’s a matter of balance and we’ve not got it right.” Yes, quite so, Karl.
I don’t think that the intention is to dismiss the deaths of those of pensionable age as irrelevant, just to point out that the harm being done falls disproportionately on the shoulders of the young, while the supposed benefit from controlling the spread of the virus accrues disproportionately to the old. I say ‘supposed’ because I’ve yet to see anything other than assertion that suggests that anything that has been done has in fact done anything to control anything other than the citizenry.
A focussed protection strategy relies on being able to work out who most needs protection. Numbers like the ones you’re referring to help to illustrate the fact that people who claim that the virus strikes indiscriminately don’t know what they’re talking about (or they do know, and they lie).
Worth remembering out that these are deaths ‘with’ rather than from Covid. After all many people die within 28 days of contracting a common cold. The heavy bias towards older victims suggests that Covid is simply a convenient patsy for more complex conditions.
And yep.
In the wrong again, for agreeing?! Doesn’t do to dissent in the slightest here (without going all round the houses). I think I’m beginning to feel like a pea who can’t join the Birdseye Country Club.
They grow peas for freezing around here. The farmers are told when to sow, theoretically to get a wave of ripening peas to keep the factory loaded but not overloaded.
Despite the cost of the harvesters and the wages they will tjhink nothing of harvesting half a field then standing down for half a day while the rest ripens.
This sort of tight control works for peas but they are trying to apply the same sort of logic to people. That doesn’t work so well.
I’m sure you’re right — that it’s not intentionally dismissive. But there was nevertheless something vaguely unsettling to me in what I read – some of the language being used. In earlier days, I suggested that the term ‘bedwetters’ should be abandoned, as I thought it ‘unhelpful’. It wasn’t a suggestion that met with much approval on here initially, but I saw a few weeks ago that eventually it must have caught on. All I think I’m saying is that people — experts included — should choose their words carefully, moreso now, that we’re 8-9 months into this horrific shambles, than ever.
Good to see you back Hoppity in the sense that is any of this good – better if none of this was going on at all. I hope to read future comments from you as and when. Thanks you in advance!
I can’t remember the last time I commented on here — been too busy trying to keep myself in one piece, and head-above-water (against what I think might accurately be described as extraordinary odds) at work. I usually take a quick look here in the mornings, as well as at a few other sites, but don’t normally have the time or emotional energy to comment. I’m off work for a few days at the mo (and dreading going back).
I guess people are looking for a shorthand way of describing ‘the vulnerable by virtue of age or existing health condition’. On the age issue the point is that your chance of dying from anything increases enormously once you pass 70, between the ages of 75 – 84 you stand a 1 in 19 chance of dying in the next 12 months for teenagers it is about 1 in 9000. Covid mortality seems to mirror standard mortality curves and so clearly it is the elderly that are vulnerable.
To my mind the point is that the Government are actually making things worse by general blunderbuss lock-downs that leave the elderly/vulnerable much more at risk. It would be quite easy to set up a voluntary, community based system of protection for the elderly/vulnerable, the Government just needs to give guidelines, strategy and provide resources. Many elderly/vulnerable would be keen to voluntarily take up such a scheme. Other elderly/vulnerable (like me) would decide they would rather take their chances, fair enough that is their decision.
The glaring point as set out in today’s newsletter is that the statistics clearly show that this virus is mostly affecting some clearly and easily identified groups and the Government are ignoring this fact.
Why am I thinking of the “Womble taxis” graffiti on the buses in Southampton in the mid 70s? (Almost died laughing? A memorable moment. I was 19.)
Minus 2 again? Oh dear. It must be me.
I’m 67, my life is of less value to me than those of my children and grandchildren.
Yes, I understand all that (I’m not far behind you), and all the rest, which seems to have been lost on lots of people here. I stand by what I said, i.e. that the language sometimes being used now to argue the case against the Covid roadshow is careless.
I understand what you are saying, but I do feel the criticism is a bit overblown. I’m just not as sensitive as you are to language used, I suppose.
But there is a legitimate point that should not be hidden from here. There is a sense in which every life has the same notional value, which is similar to the principle that men are born equal. It has meaning, but equally if it is taken too literally or over-applied, it becomes dangerous nonsense.
From government’s point of view, there absolutely is a sense in which it is more important to defend younger lives than older, and while the working age has certainly extended considerably for many, with generally lighter work and better health, nevertheless retirement is still a fact for the vast majority. Yes, older people are entitled to proper medical treatment, but on the other hand there comes a point where putting more resources in to try to extend a life is no longer defensible, and this point is correctly sooner reached than for a younger person. This is inherent in the QALY calculations used daily.
And too there is the point that Nigel Sherratt makes, that I would apply to myself as well – a parent who does not regard his children’s and grandchildren’s lives as more important than his own has gone badly wrong somewhere.
Philosophically speaking, the reality is that one of our goals in life should be to reconcile ourselves to the inevitability of death, to come to terms with it, and to prepare ourselves for it. I once read the suggestion (from a religious character in a novel) that the pains and discomforts of age were his God’s way of loosening him in his body, like a cook loosening something in the pan so it will slide out more easily. There’s wisdom there, I think.
I’d agree that I am acutely ‘sensitive to language’. That sensitivity has served me well at other times, in other places.
P.S. Thanks for mentioning that you understood what I was getting at, at least. You seem to be the only person who has.
The term ‘pensioner’ is bandied about patronisingly by the media to include ,mountaineers ,adventurers of all stripes, as well as artists, writers etc. The one that enraged me was describing a round the world sailor aged 80 odd as a bloody pensioner!
The median age at ITU admission is 61. A quarter of all patients are under 50. Very few are over 85 – and that number is decreasing further as beds fill). Even discounting the extreme elderly in Nursing Homes who accounted for s significant proportion of deaths, there is a reason for much higher mortality in the 85+ in hospitals – they do not routinely receive aggressive treatment (which is also the true for other respiratory diseases). Once the ITUs are full of fifty-year olds (only 1/10 of which have severe comorbidities), what then? What do you think will happen to the age-adjusted mortality when there are no available beds in HDU/ITU for the “working-age people”. Forget routine surgery, cancer surgery… without HDU/ITU capacity these will not be possible.
Naive death statistics only tell a part of the story, and the headline – “Average age was greater than 80” sounds OK, but is too simplistic (like most things).
Meanwhile straight from the ‘horse’s mouth’ (London Ambulance Service). Where are the drastic measures to flatten this curve?
“Sadly, the number of suicide and attempted suicide incidents we attend are increasing.
Our crews now attend an average of 37 suicides or attempted suicides per day, compared to 22 in 2019 and 17 five years ago.”
That’s 13,505 a year, and the Covid deaths for London are?
But there is no expensive vaccine to be sold. Wake up at the back.
For Them it doesn’t even matter! Those deaths are just a bonus.
That is a horrible number and for just London alone. We won’t know statistics I believe until next March officially. These need to be published as a matter of urgency.
Just for comparison London deaths (either tested positive for COVID-19 or where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate). Average 9.2 per day
21st 9
22nd 14
23rd 11
24th 2
25th 2
26th 8
27th 19
ALL deaths are welcome!
Even though OPERATION COVID main goals is not to terminate modern moron slaves, that will be the goal of the OPERATION GREAT REST (reset for the distracted!), all extra goodies that happen, like these deaths, are welcomed by the SRF & Billionaires.
A good update today. I agree with the conspiracy letter: there are some people who are looking to take advantage of the situation to maximise their interests. Also, I put nothing past humanity – the most evil and depraved acts have been enacted or attempted to enact. So I definitely think it is reasonable and probably likely that there are people acting maliciously in all this. I just don’t see the ‘big conspiracy’ of people in a room plotting.
The letter to the MP was scathing too.
I note the BBC running with a new study from Imperial College. I wonder what it says. Oh, we’re at a critical point and need to lockdown? What a surprise. We’ve been at a critical point every day for the last seven months according to that lot of maniacs.
Best form of protest I can think of right now are the physical protests (is there one in London on Saturday? I am free for the first time in ages this weekend, is there somewhere I can get details?) – write to the MP – and looking at the requirements and restrictions in place, doing what Lord Sumption said and considering the wider context when looking what you do in relation to those restrictions.
Thanks. Genuinely want to know about protests in London this weekened if I could get info?
Could the March visit Imperial College?
Maybe they should and have placards saying “DEFUND IMPERIAL COLLEGE”
Found this on Twitter re a march in London. I don’t know what Stand Up X are like as an organisation but this seems to be the only one being advertised currently.
StandUpX on Twitter: “Unite for freedom march on Saturday
join us on our next March starting at Crystal Palace station 31.10.2020 12pm! #londonprotest #london #WeDoNotConsent #pandemic #fakenews #lockdowns #StandUpX #boris #COVID19 https://t.co/2kEszFiJyI” / Twitter
Thanks. I assume there will be a march this weekend, might be a case of waiting to hear more info, I would have thought this weekend would be the biggest yet.
We are Stand Up X. We are the people! We are the power! We are the 99%!
Will we have to rely on the Russians again for coverage
I enjoyed Dr. Murphy’s post too. As someone who always leaned left, I’d always thought it was about economic redistribution and protecting disadvantaged societal groups. It’s come as a bracing slap in the face to realise far too many on the left are also in favour of authoritarian micro-managing of our lives. I think the old left/right binary may be finally obsolete.
I also appreciated her words on Michel Foucault, whose ideas underpinned my own PhD and feature in much of my own research. I too was bemused to see his ideas being mischaracterised as only of value to the left. It seems to me that his technique of laying out the procedures by which power and knowledge are mutually reinforcing, finding expression in institutions which find a common interest in constructing certain regimes of truth are not particularly left or right wing but rather an often disturbing manual for how human beings can be oppressed by means other than top down state power. Like her, I listened with appalled fascination to Dr. Mike Yeadon’s excellent Delingpod interview and saw immediate parallels between his notion of convergent opportunism and the very things that Foucault wrote about from the 60s until his death.
With ‘cases’ and Covid death data a tissue of lies and with excess deaths largely made up of lockdown victims perishing at home, I think respiratory illness deaths are what should be tracked.
Has anyone got a link to an updating graph that also shows previous years? I’m convinced that from June onwards 2020 will not diverge much from previous years.
Such a graph will be a great tool for making some cultists realise things are actually pretty normal right now and put the inevitable scare mongering of rising hospital admissions throughout Winter in perspective.
Main stories on the Telegraph website page. Is there no end to this doom-laden, fear mongering.
I’ve cancelled our DT subscription.
is 11/11 not the perfect day to go out and protest? It would be the best way to honour those who died defending liberty.
It is disgraceful.
They died so that their zombie descendants could turn themselves into cringing muzzled morons.
Wear your face nappy with shame.
Enough is enough get rid of this government now I can no longer tolerate the incompetent ass Johnson no longer https://www.remove-the-tory+government.org
AZT is used in this LS issue to stand for Azithromycin. Surely it is much more commonly used to stand for highly toxic Zidovudine used in AIDS treatment with often fatal results?
In Round-up New paper confirms the Holy Trinity of HCQ + AZT + Zinc is an effective treatment.
I had a very bad bronchial infection 18 months ago.
Temperature 39.6 C.
GP prescribed Azithromycin
Has it occurred to you that the nearer we get to the US Election and Brexit the more hysterical SAGE and MSM get?
Yes. Things will settle once Trump is re-elected and after 31 December. Calmer days in January.
Really hope so…but I have a sneaking suspicion that we’re in for a bumpy ride over the next few months
I’ve thought for a long time that this would be the case Bella and Gillian.
I think Sage in particular are getting more and more desperate. They know that they are going to be hoist with their own petard very soon. They are desperate for a lockdown so that they can give that as the reason when their projections don’t materialise.
“ Look what could have happened”
Speaking of following the money segment:
Those hoping for the return of sanity in a post-lockdown world should put not their faith in Jackanape Johnners the Poundland Churchill.
Poundland Churchill.. that’s a keeper!
Disgustingly disrespectful
Agree, never understood the clapping. A 2 minute clap for the fallen, no thanks
Akin to clapping a funeral cortege.
IIRC, the “minutes’s applause” was introduced at football grounds due to there always being a few idiots not respecting the silences if a rival ex-player had died. No justification for it anywhere else but that seems totally forgotten.
Absolutely! Crass beyond words.
We will Remember our Fallen without the need to clap. This is the first year we have not seen any poppies for sale. I have now ordered a poppy flag which will be displayed on the front of our house.
i bought some at a local m&s/BP petrol station, and did so without wearing a mask; then smiled at the very helpful cashier and thanked the establishment for ‘carrying’ the item.
Wasn’t it less than a fortnight ago that a certain Mike Yeadon predicted that London rates would not follow the same rise as the north, and that the northern “second waves” would start dropping too. Don’t you just love a scientist who makes a testable prediction, and even better, don’t you love it when he seems to be right.
Oh deep joy.
Thankfully I will be working that day so will not have to put up with this nonsense. Will remember in my own way.
Yesterday US made 4.700.000 PCR tests.That is more than 1% of US population in one day.Only 1.69% were positive resulting in 81000 “cases”.Deaths around 1000 but US has had stable death the since several months. This is testing madness.
Morning all!!!!
Is the Cenotaph ceremony at Whitehall not happening? It’s one of the few BBC things I still always tune into. It is very dignified with the wreath-laying and then the march past by veterans. Always thought-provoking. My mother, who is 92, lost her older brother on active service in Burma in December 1944. She was 17 and he was 21. I only know him from black and white photos. He left no family. Once my mother passes, he will continue to live as a person in my mind, the only person alive who will still think of him.
The Big Reset means eradicating all British values and customs.
It’s looking like yet another one of the ‘convergent opportunist’ interests are indeed at work.
Gillian, (and others) please remember that there are only 28 MPs who now have the right to lay a wreath at ANY war memorial. Any MP outside those 28 who nobly voted against these coronavirus restrictions who lays a wreath at ANY war memorial monument is a hypocrite of the first degree.
Johnson, Hancock and all the rest of the disgusting evil crew ought not even to be there.
Our parent and grandparents did not prosecute two world wars to a successful and victorious conclusion in order that we should be bossed about by yellow-jacketed jobsworths.
While it is heartening to learn that another anit-lockdown group has been started AND it is supported by numerous high-level and highly qualified people, there is one group that is absent from all of this, unless I am very mistaken.
Where is the Church? Where is the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt. Rev Justin Welby? Where is the Archbishop of York? Where are ANY of the Bishops?
As I remarked yesterday in these columns I went to church last Sunday, maskless and NOT observing anti-social distancing, and I challenged one clergyman on the callous indifference of the clergy to the very real sufferings experienced by the ordinary people of this country; apart from a rather weak agreement (how could they disagree?) I received little response. Yes, there are individual Christians helping out where they can but where, o where, is the prophetic voice of the Church? Where are the Isaiahs, Jeremiahs, Hoseas and so forth?
I too have written to my MP and pointed that he has had THREE opportunities to vote against these Coronavirus regulations and has used NONE of them. My emails have frequently been very blunt and I have called him a ‘party apparatchik’. To his credit he has often responded.
With few exceptions (28 to be precise, and I must mention the Rt Hon. Sir Desmond Swayne in despatches) our MPs have shown that they do not care about the people of this country at all. And nor do our clergy. The Church of England has failed the people but none of the other denominations are any better.
The callousness of the Church is utterly shocking, equalled only by its nauseating hypocrisy.
Our rector made no protest when a member of our congregation, a wife of fifty years, was forcibly kept away from her dying husband’s bedside, but wrote a long message denouncing racism when BLM started their nonsense.
I told him what I thought of him.
He hates me.
I don’t care.
I love you Annie x
Agree. Had a chat with a vicar and it was like trying to get blood out of a stone – it was platitude after platitude after platitude with no effort to try to engage with logic or common sense.
The Church of England has been nothing but a mouthpiece of the state. Even from the word go. And none of the other denominations are any better, they should all be ashamed of themselves.
Time to take back control. I say Christians should channel the spirit of those from the first century AD!
Remember that ‘the church’ is the body of people who, throughout the ages, have chosen Christ as their exemplar and guide. It is not an institution nor an organisation.
I have stopped going to church. I am – or rather was – a chorister and my main reason for going was a love of traditional Anglican choral music. I have no desire to sit in a socially distanced church with masked people who are not allowed to sing. It would be like attending a Quaker meeting in an operating theatre. As Trollope so rightly put it in ‘Barchester Towers’ – ‘if there is no music, there is no mystery; if there is no mystery, there is no God.’
Recovery – sounds promising but where’s the website – hopefully to come once launched
A good group of names, broad church, people harder to attack
Mass tracking and testing if it involves any coercion or persuasion is a form of lockdown. We know this, but most people don’t think of it like that. Make the point to them, whenever you can.
The melancholy of an empty car park, on a Thursday morning in late October. Where are all the people, why is the coffee shop now gone. It feels like mid December without the cheer.
I suppose i should be grateful that i still have a job, though it feels like a temporary delay of execution.
Surely now is the time for a “pants down – come out ” direct action rally at Imperial College London. They can afford the bad press they have strong financial backing..
Piers Corbyn had a rally there a few weeks ago. Only a handful of people bothered to turn up.
Pessimistic this morning. Government going in wrong direction entirely. The pressure on them is building but it needs to be way higher to make a difference. We need all of the Tory press to be slaughtering the govt daily in editorials and for them to stop publishing doom laden headlines (left-leaning press as well, if they want). I think it’s going to be a few more months
I can’t find anything
Great, thanks for this. You will find you can join and there is also a form where you can state your opinions on Covid.
I have just joined.
Me too
Kate Bingham, Berserker Rapture Bunnie extraordinaire, has a screed in the Lancet.
Scribble, scribble, scribble until the Berserkers can prick, prick, prick.
As she proclaims in an immortal phrase, “No-one is safe until we are all safe.”
Safe from whom, or what?
Rat on your neighbours, friends and family, say one of the Police chiefs. Lockdown the country, say SAGE. Who would that help when the West is devoid of Business. Swathes of Europe are being locked down, are they still producing food or will we need to get it from elsewhere when the shortages begin? And from where. People still think one life is worth it.!!
I had fun answering this. Telegraph survey on the government response to pandemic.
Please fill out!
News of all of that wouldn’t have reached them and never likely to. National disgrace swept under the rug
I am done!
It doesn’t matter what we discuss here in our echo chamber of skepticism
It doesn’t matter about the facts of false positives, actual IFR, age or health of the unfortunates that have actually died or the negative effects of lockdown
It doesn’t matter if 1000s of eminent scientists and doctors write papers that the reaction to the pandemic is wrong and completely overblown
It does not matter if economists warn of millions of unemployed, millions of people plunged into poverty
It simply does not matter!
Every country in Europe is plunging it’s citizens into further lockdowns, they are further restricting their peoples rights and destroying hard won freedoms
There will be no end to this until the vaccine, I will not be able to travel to see my family, my kids will not be able to see their grandparents and all the other little joys that make life worth living will be curtailed until big pharma get their thirty pieces of silver and the politicians can wash their hands of the mess they have created
So here is my arm, put the bloody needle in it now, give me the vaccine stamp in my passport or bar code tattooed on my arm if you like because whatever the vaccine does to me cannot be worse than this crap
Stop it! It’s the same for all of us. Everyones lives are affected. Those responsible should be hanging from lampposts, you should feel bloody angry not defeatist!
I am bloody angry but I don’t see any other way out of this, I had hope that the that a better understanding of the disease that we have now and the number of experts coming out as sceptics would prevent the stupidity we are seeing across the continent but we are back to square one
There are only 2 ways out of this now, massive revolt of the people and removal of governments or the vaccine with or without health passport
I do not see any real revolt so vaccine it is
Vaccine with health passport is not a way out of this.
Compliance with any of this – including taking the vaccine and using the health passport is only going to leave us in a deeper hole. If we take this ‘solution’ there will be no way out and frankly all those who are compliant will deserve it.
Deeper hole indeed! Firstly, the vaccine is only designed to lessen symptoms. So we must live with this virus (a taboo suggestion). Although the vaccine will be administered it will be of little consequence anyway as thousands will not take it. Boosters are required and people won’t take them either.
Health passports will be the tip of the iceberg as biometric surveillance of our movements will bring further rules in their wake. There is no salvation that I can see. It really is as bad as many people on here predict. Winter respiratory illnesses will make the fear become entrenched and safetyism normalised.
It all calls for a winter of discontent on the streets!
We have got to hope that when the furlough scheme ends on Saturday to be replaced by a “mish mash”of “pick and lose” payments, it will dawn on people that they haven’t got enough money to pay the bills and put food on the table and at last a much delayed backlash will begin.
Remember the establishment can print endless amounts of their money to bribe people with – that will never be a problem.
Problems will start when supply chains fall apart and goods become scarce. Also society will eventually start to fracture if people can’t see their relatives.
They will be hanging from lampposts. It’s just a question of when, not if.
I have times feeling like that. For me it sometimes come down to a choice of suicide, or fight. Why should I ‘run away’, even if the tide is against me? I don’t want to live like this, so I will fight, because I don’t want to run away (suicide/threatening to move to another country/whatever). Don’t care about how much is stacked against me. It’s either run, or fight, and I currently choose the latter. Fuck ’em.
I went to a protest a few weeks ago in Bucherest against masking of children in schools
Here in Romania children over five must mask up, even in the classroom while at school and also on the street in certain areas
To me this is obvious child abuse and should be fought against
There was around 100 people there on a weekend day, it was pathetic, that was when it started to dawn on me that the people were not going to end this stupidity and we were lost
There was a report on masking children and the terrible effects it has on their brain development. Perhaps this is their intention to deliberately impair their intelligence. The sooner Dr Fuellmich begins his Crimes Against Humanity Charges the better.
And so say all of us.
If we bow out, they win. That just can’t happen. We all have to stay the distance, or we let everyone else here down. Now that would be selfish wouldn’t it.
That is exactly what ‘they’ want you to think. No, No, No!
Come on… don’t vote him down. The poor fellow is having the same horrible day lots of us have had at some point. It would require some form of supernatural power not to feel this way from time to time.
He needs support, not condemnation.
So, the plan is working?
It all matters. It’s a shitty situation and many of us feel exhausted and low on optimism to some extent at different times. I certainly didn’t understand in the beginning that we would still be up to our necks at this point, but we are only 7 months in. Imagine if our predecessors had given up every fight (intellectual or military) for freedom and rationality after a matter of months.
The vaccine won’t be the end. At least not the first few versions of it and if eventually an effective one is found it will be far too late for our freedoms and society. Give up if you must, but don’t imagine that you will be allowed the life that you value as a reward for rolling over. Stick with us- there is still everything to fight for.
History will vindicate us.
Vaccines. Once you pop you can’t just stop.
The MSM are still portraying The Vaccines as the only way out but it won’t be the end, just the beginning of something else. Health passports. Have you taken your statin today? Do you eat meat? Or do you “base every meal on starchy carbohydrates”?
Just go and see your family, it really is that simple.
Unfortunately if I want to see my family i would need to quarantine for 2 weeks in the UK and then quarantine for 2 weeks in Romania when I return, basically I need a month to spend one day at home.
Na, my grandfathers didn’t fight in two world wars just for our generation to throw in the towel because they don’t want to cause a scene in Tesco!
My father’s father didn’t survive a Japanese POW camp to defend the freedoms of British citizens just for those frightened civilians to abjectly surrender my children’s civil liberties over a phantom menace.
Man up and get a grip. British people have overcome far worse than this and we will do so again!
All of those things you mentioned will count once public opinion decisively turns, which it will do.
It has already been made clear that any vaccine will not bring current measures to an end.
I know how you feel but we have to stand our ground and fight. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world is against us.
I’m the only one in my work who doesn’t wear a muzzle (due to exemptions) and I’m possibly the only one who is a sceptic but I’m not going to let it get to me. I try to use whatever limited platform I have to let people know that they’re alone and that they have the power to say no.
We also hold the power in various ways – voting with our feet and wallets to boycott businesses and institutions who have swallowed the propaganda whole and treat their customers and visitors appallingly in the name of “safety.”
Also furlough is ending and there are more than enough signs that the economic and social fallout will be far, far worse than deaths due to the virus. We can only hope then that people will soon wake up.
Thing is, as tiring as it is resisting this, there’s no point in capitulating.
I don’t believe the powers that be have any intention of returning to ‘normal’ or ‘allowing’ us to do the things that make life worth living. They’re either covid obsessed or up to something more sinister, who knows.
We might as well resist and try to do the things that make life worth living anyway, and if we bring as many people along with us as we can, a return to normal will be forced in the end.
That’s what they want, to break your spirit and turn you into a slave.If you think a vaccine will end this then you are very much mistaken.Digital I.D comes with the vaccine and that combined with digital money is the end of freedom as we know it.
I understand the sentiment, but a one-off vaccine won’t end this crap.
The ‘until we have a vaccine’ part of the narrative was parroted everywhere right from the start, to persuade and convince the populace that it was the only route out.
But it is really only the start.
Sorry to say…
It’s good to see that Michael O’Bernicia, and his Private Criminal Prosecution, was given a mention in the round-up today.
Follow development here. Also some interesting advice on masks in the workplace:
This has apparently appeared on his facebook page. I will update when confirmed on his blog as I don’t have access to FB:
COVID-1984 PCP UPDATE | The office of the secretary of state for mandatory vaccinations has now admitted in a Freedom of Information Request [FOI] that the government lurgy has never been proven to exist. Yes, you did read that correctly.
To put this in perspective, this is akin to the UK banks admitting that they never lend any money, when we started alleging that against them more than a decade ago.
It therefore doesn’t take much effort to work out that the pressure the Private Criminal Prosecution has placed upon every MP has catalysed the beginning of the end for this treacherous Parliament.
When Wankock’s office has already confessed that COVID-1984 policies are entirely founded upon that which they cannot prove to exist, no MP is capable of successfully pleading not guilty to our allegations of fraud.
After receiving more evidence from witnesses to government crimes, the initial drafting of the court papers will now be completed by close of business tomorrow.
The final drafting will be done over the weekend and Monday has been set aside by our legal team for the information to be laid in a criminal court, with summonses to follow without delay.
The People will also seek an order placing the accused under indefinite house arrest, until a jury finds them guilty as charged and relocates them to Belmarsh and Durham jails.
If such an order for house arrest takes effect on or by the 5th of November, that would give us all a Guy Fawkes night to remember, in celebration of the metaphorical blowing up of a criminal Parliament and the end of COVID-1984.
I find it cringing that even the royals are having to kowtow to the Church of the NHS.
Lionel Shriver is right, the UK must be the only country in the world that worships and sanctifies its health service. Other countries don’t see the need to and they have far superior systems than ours.
And of course this obsession with a virus has meant that all other conditions have not got a look in and we’re now paying the price.
This worship has got to stop. Of course the royals can’t break ranks but we the people should stand up, say enough is enough and stop this worship of the No Health Service.
Agree and this should be a wake up call to carry out long overdue root and branch reform.
You’re far from alone.
I know far more people who were treated like crap, including the dead ones, than who actually received decent treatment
France.Macron stated that all persons entering France will be screened at the border, airports to stop importing this deadly disease. He must be aware of that at least 100000 per day is infected in France and that the virus is already endemic. How can a few passengers from abroad really contribute to their epidemic? Entry screening is not even safe. All shouting for effective passenger screening should think about the recent Moscow airport fiasco. 270 Russian fishermen were screened before a flight to NZ. Two were positive and denied flight all others negative boarded the plane. Landing in NZ and in the 2 weeks isolation about 30 became pos.
I’m sure he is well aware, but this policy will be popular with people who don’t think.
Funny isn’t it, back in June Macron said he would never lockdown France again. Here we are four months later and he is locking France down again for a virus 99.98% people survive! Who knew politicians lie!!
The French population seem to be some of the least rebellious when it comes to Covid restrictions. What is wrong with them? the only time they seem to protest is when they want more state handouts, are they happy living under a dictatorship again? Has there actually been any mass anti lockdown protest in Paris?
Where are the Gilets Jaunes when they need them?
The answer, unfortunately, is “it depends”. The false positive rate for the test itself is around 2%: that is, 2% of people who are truly negative get a false positive result. But your relative’s hairdresser is interested, very naturally, in the chance that he or she personally truly has the disease after a positive test. And that depends on the prevalence. There are two possible scenarios.
If they have reason to believe they have, or might have been exposed to the disease in a social or work context, then something like 10% of such people probably actually are positive. So roughly 12% of tests results for those people are positive, of which 10% are true and 2% are false. So the chances of someone in that situation with a positive result being truly positive are roughly 10/12, say 80%.
On the other hand, if they are taken from the population at random, say taking the test in order to travel, that’s a group where about 0.1% of such people probably actually are positive. So roughly 2.1% of tests results for those people are positive, of which 0.1% are true and 2% are false. So the chances of someone in that situation with a positive result being truly positive are roughly 0.1/2.1, say 5%.
But that 2% is presumably based on reasonably well conducted sampling and testing procedures. The quality of the operation could affect it dramatically.
And of course a true positive does not necessarily mean having active disease or being infectious, either, though that is subsumed in your point about prevalence, I suppose.
Quite so.
I never thought I’d say this but after the Queen dies I cannot see any point in continuing with the Monarchy.
Agree completely.
Have to agree with that. What follows her isn’t too appetising.
I have been coming to this conclusion. I have always been pro-monarchy, but it seems it may have been just pro-Elizabeth ll. The others all put together will never match her.
Queenie didn’t wear a muzzle when she visited Dstl Porton Down a short time ago.
That can’t have been an oversight, and if it wasn’t an oversight it was a massive statement. She gets a bow from me for that one.
The trouble with her descendants is that they are not very bright, and even less worldly wise.
I’ve always been a Royalist but I now agree with you ,leave the Queen to see out her reign then abolish the Monarchy take back all lands and house owned by them ,or at the very least we keep a monarch but get rid of the rest of them and under no circumstances allow that crank Prince Charles to be king
Listening to “In our time” on BBC R4 and 1 of the contributors mentioned that the black death wiped out a third of the population in the 14th century.
The experts would have us believe that Covid is worse than that.
If you google “Great Famine 1315-1317” you’ll find that famine due to CLIMATE CHANGE wiped out between 10% and 25% of Europe’s population.
And yet we’re told that a continuation of the modest warming over the past century or so is likely to cause an unprecedented global climate catastrophe.
That letter to his local MP is very, very spot on. If anything that should be circulated far and wide because I can imagine that the letter writer’s experience is far from unique.
We are staring at the edge of the Abyss with two days to go before furlough ends and with more jobs and businesses scheduled to be lost and go bust.
Meanwhile in my workplace, the Unions have rejected the plan for my workplace to reduce its pensions contribution and so individual consent was sought. I replied back to say that I was agreeing to the reduction as at the moment I’m more concerned with keeping my job rather than the off chance of getting more worthless loose change in the future.
Nothing yet about compulsory redundancies but it will come.
It angers me that so many people are still asleep and that they’re still asking for another lockdown.
What part of lockdowns don’t work do they not understand?
Agree. They’re not of this world and don’t care about the damage they’ve caused.
Winge winge winge…
Imagine how he’d moan if he had a real illness like long covid.
The video above about intelligence says it all doesn’t it?
Around half of the UK population have an IQ less than 100. Think that’s bad? In Africa around half the population have an IQ less than 70. The cut off for the UK forces is or was 80. Northern Italy perhaps has the highest IQ in Europe and the far east has the highest in the world, yet China seemingly has an inability to innovate or design. This is likely cultural. Ashkenazi (European) Jews perhaps the highest IQ possibly partly or wholly due to a genetic trait amplified by inbreeding.. a trait attenuated for other ethic groups who interbreed.
Men have a flatter wider bell curve generally so we produce more geniuses, artists, scientists,… and more thickos. Women have a higher narrower bell curve so are more concentrated around the mean, thus fewer thickos and geniuses. Women are interesting enough that we can take them to the cinema etc and pretend to listen to them warble on before giving them an ugly baby or two before divorcing when they go off (women age like bread not wine).
Today I am mostly offensive. And my sprit animal is the skunk.
Having spent a great deal of time with Africans in Africa, including haggling with market traders, I can assure you that those IQ stats for Africa are nonsense.
It’s just more theory, more modelling.
As for lack of Chinese ability to innovate, you should take a look at Prof Joseph Needham’s multi-volume history of Chinese science if you get the time.
Indeed – there’s a tendency to view today as if it were all of history.
The Chinese don’t innovate for two reasons: 1 they don’t need to as their manufacturing industry makes a fortune from IP theft and 2 a society built on conformity will never be innovative.
But historically they are one of the world’s great innovators, certainly up until the late Middle Ages, so nothing “genetic” going on.
I’m of Chinese ancestry and this is true.Their traditional education system is built around rote learning and this stifles all initiative and critical thought. Add in family pressure to keep people on the straight and narrow and hence why even their young are afraid to think for themselves and step out of line.
People can perform well in an IQ test but have no life skills, common sense or compassion. Or integrity or courage. I know which characteristics I value most. None of them could be encapsulated by a two or three digit number.
There are many women here who stand by you and contribute more to the sceptic effort (and indeed countless other worthwhile endeavours) than a thousand men combined. Strange that you should want to put them down, even if you are channelling your spirit skunk today.
Good choice on the skunk!
This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s a socialist revolution.
it’s the left wing ideology of collectivism coming back in a new form.
It’s the same group of people driving it: elites who know what’s best for others, university intellectuals, clergy, technocrats all supported by the unwashed masses.
Plenty of clever, well-educated people supported communism 60 years ago. Did they know about the gulags, the purges, the repression? Of course they did. They just justified it.
This is the same. The silicon valley elites genuinely believe this is all good because it will lead to a more perfect world driven by technology. The university intellectuals think capitalism has run amok, believe it causes evil like global warming and are happy to see it pushed back. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, right?
The media is full of lefties. Politicians will just jump on whichever bandwagon takes them to the top. And the dumb braying masses will just follow whoever appears to be strongest.
Confinement, masks, endless rules and diktats – these aren’t means these are ends. It is the perfect manifestation of collectivist ideology.
They aren’t winning. They have already won.
Not yet they haven’t.
Nor can they win long-term, because we know their bankrupt ideology has been proven not to work so many times.
They haven’t won yet, but once the financial system moves fully digital and is linked to facial recognition and social credits, mankind will effectively be slaves to the elite.
People need to make a stand and get on with their lives now – not be bribed with Christmas – this is simply another psychological trick.
The preacher for Sunday’s service will be nailed to the notice board outside.
I notice that the “R”rse rate has stabilized here in the North East, amazing – hospitals are still empty and tumbleweed blows over barely used “testing” sites. Meanwhile “flu” has almost vanished as an autumnal illness and people still are unable to see a doctor or dentist.
The “Sage” group of highly paid and internationally sponsored boffins continue, with evermore ferocity, to lobby for further draconian measures on the private sector.
A year after Event 201 we really do have to look at Karl Schwab, the World Economic Forum etc. Boris Johnson was mouthing Great Reset platitudes in his conference speech: it was trailed by Prince Charles in June. I don’t really know whether those two gentleman understand what are they are talking about, but to their own devices these people are not going to make it alright, they are going enslave humanty in a Thousand Year Reich.
The Great Reset is clearly underway – just don’t expect any resistance from the controlled media and journalists who rely on them to make a living.
If there are any journalists who don’t want to be tracked and chipped slaves they will have to speak out soon – sadly I think most are in on the scam – they haven’t exactly been critical on the brutal crackdown on lockdown sceptics around the world.
Obviously the FEAR FACTOR, worked in the beginning, but its dangerous to still be thinking its about a virus.
Me and Mr TT have become increasingly anti-Monarchy over the last year or so. Pretty sick of the ‘fragrant’ Kate, in her pretty floral Boden-esque attire and perfectly styled hair playing happy families with her mental health/green new deal activist husband (he with a D notice on his extra-curricular activities). That’s before we even mention the two grifters in California.
Ditto. She was ahead of the game on that one.
Wasps(White Anglo Saxon protestants) oh and”medically examined” virgins as well.
Have to say I agree 100% with the dislike of the younger Royals expressed here.
Like you, I’ve always supported the institution of the Monarchy, and I still do, just about, based on the Ultimate Argument for the Monarchy (see below). But watching all the Royals younger than the Queen herself, and noting Her own refusal (understandable though it is) to take any stand over the key foreign policy and constitutional issues of our time – Iraq, Brexit, panic lockdown, it is with ever decreasing enthusiasm and ever-increasing holding of my nose.
The Ultimate Argument for the Monarchy is: President Blair.
The existence of the Monarchy, for all its negative aspects, at least prevents the most loathsome individuals around from ever achieving the post of Head of State. There will always be Someone at least to whom they have to defer, even if it is only in formal settings. That’s not nothing.
Are you sure there would be enough people mad enough to vote for a President Blair? I get the broader point, but currently we have a government which is nominally answerable to a head of state who doesn’t get involved. At least a directly elected head of state would have to have an eye to the electorate.
Having lived through the Blair era I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that he would have won a Presidential election in the late 1990s/early 2000s.
Remember this is the man who lied us into a catastrophic war of aggression, was generally recognised as having done that, and yet was voted back into office two years afterwards by nine and a half million Labour-voting hypocrites and apologists for war crime.
Now granted, many of those aforementioned hypocrites and apologists for war crime probably would have balked at actually voting for him personally, rather than hiding behind the fact they were voting for his party, but before 2003 he would have won a presidential election in this country absolutely hands down against any plausible opponent.
I write that as someone who absolutely loathes him and almost everything he did and stood for.
It is (or should be) a refutation of any inclination to maintain illusions about democracy, which is itself mostly illusory, and at best a useful tool and perhaps the least worst form of governance that is in practice available. Though that last can of course be reasonably contested.
I think there is a difference between voting for a party and voting for a person. People may have continued to vote Labour in their constituencies after the Iraq war, but a lot of that vote was about party or about the local MP. Presidential elections are different, which is why in the US you don’t always get a result where Congress and the Senate go the same way as the presidency.
There is of course a distinction between voting for a party and voting for a person, which I drew attention to myself. But it is, in our increasingly presidential politics, a distinction with less and less difference.
And in 2005 the fact is that anybody who voted Labour was voting to put a war criminal into office as Prime Minister. They knew full well that that was what they were doing.
The thing is, under our current system, it is incredibly difficult to get rid of the head of government. We can’t get rid of the head of state at all, of course, but if most of the actual power vests in government then that doesn’t really matter. Because of the presumed prestige of having the PM in your local seat, no sitting prime minister has ever been voted out (and only one – Balfour – has been voted out after their party left office). This also applies to a lesser extent to ministers, which means that the cabinet as a whole can function in defiance of public opinion because their own seats are safe. When a government does something contentious, as with Iraq, or with our present situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all MPs of the party are tarnished. The reasons for this are sometimes local, sometimes about other policy areas, but even if you reduce the vote to being about the one issue it’s still not that simple. After all, would you consider someone who voted for Claire Short in 2005 to be tacitly supporting the Iraq War? What about if they voted for one of the many Conservative MPs who voted with the Blair government on the matter? The only real alternative for people for whom the Iraq war was a primary issue in 2005 was the Lib Dems and most people correctly felt this was a wasted vote and would not change the Government (and I speak as someone who voted Lib Dem in 2005).
A president is, by contrast, a much easier target. If we had a president and we gave them the final say on matters of foreign policy then the public could readily vote them out whilst keeping the underlying government intact. We’d still have the same problem in areas where the Government dominated policy – witness the perennial problem with the US healthcare system – but they would be accountable in the areas where they had impact.
That said, I don’t think we’d want to adopt the US system here. When people think of an elected head of state they tend to assume the American model, but if we looked round the world I’m sure we could find a better one somewhere. Maybe we could even make it illegal for someone to stand for the presidency if they’d ever been part of the Government, although I’m not sure whether that would be a good or bad thing. One thing is certain, however, I’m not looking forward to King Charles III.
My view too. As my father used to call him – Princess Tony (make of that what you will!) – is/was the only thing that kept me being pro-Monarchy. However, the Queen’s offspring do make you now wonder whether it could be any worse? If only we could nominate the Princess Royal – she gets my vote ahead of her brothers and nephews.
Yes, Princess Anne would be the least worst imo as well.
I agree that it’s hard to imagine a politician much worse as an individual than the Royals currently in the US, and the others aren’t much better, but we are likely to get a t***er either way, so we might as well keep the cap on political slimeballs’ ambitions in place, I think
“‘Second Wave’ Has Claimed Lives of Just 17 People Under 40″
I have to say I don’t think this should be the headline.
It is wrong in so many ways.
It gives credence to the idea of a ‘second wave’
It gives credence to the idea of a continuing pandemic, whereas I think that the current covid death figures are those dying who have tested positive in the last 28 days. This is supported by the Euromomo data, which shows nothing unusual.
I actually think 17 people under 40 could be construed as quite a large figure, given what we know about the age distribution of this, Somebody might say :
” Well if 17 people have died, then how many over-75s are dying?”
Sorry for what may seem like nitpicking, but I mean to be constructive.
Having made those points, my great thanks to Toby and Will for all that you are doing in fighting the good fight, and to all of my fellow commenters at LS.
Friends, we will win this,
I agree. Each time we use these terms we tacitly validate them. This isn’t a second wave, 17 people died having tested positive for the Covid but that may not be the cause of death and I expect it is a perfectly normal number of deaths in that age range for that period.
Just had the first batch of papers “The Light” arrive to start delivering to local area.
Let’s see if they open a few eyes.
Wonderful, should get mine soon
I would like to get involved. Are you delivering to residences or cafes etc?
Delivering to both. Only got a few this time because that’s all that was left on the print run. We will be getting more soon.
My wife was contacted by Facebook group “power to the people UK”.
According to the paper distribution enquiries – lightdistribution@mailbox.org
Who are the people behind this paper? I’m interested in reading and distributing it around Stalag Wales (when people are allowed to crawl out of their burrows again) but want to be sure it’s from a reputable source.
Try this….
Gulag please, not Stalag.
England has the Fascist junta.
Wales has the Stalinist Politburo.
Granted, totalitarianism always lands its victims in the same hell, whether they start from the left or the right.
But for the sake of accuracy…
Thought that Toby Young was finally moving away from the “it’s all a giant cock-up” explanation with his acknowledgement of Yeadon’s and Delingpole’s arguments but he then asks the question “who benefits” and all he can come up with is the makers of test kits and China?! Really? That’s it? No mention of Klaus Schwab and the WEF who have actually stated that they see Covid as an “opportunity”? No mention of the vaccine king, Bill Gates, whose donations are scattered far and wide to many of the players in this farce (WHO, Imperial College, BBC, etc…)? No mention of Big Parma who can turn their billion dollar industry into a trillion dollar industry with the prospect of the entire world’s population “needing” to be vaccinated at least annually?
Two possibilities
I like to think it’s option 1.
I also think it really doesn’t matter much at this stage
You forgot our friend sir Patrick, £800k of shares…..a conflict of interest…nah…ppffttt.
Even if people do not want to step off the ledge and join all of the dots at the very least sir Patrick and his soon to be bulging wallet needs to be shouted from the rooftops!!!
I took it to be a joke.
Those who believe it’s all down to incompetence need to explain why we are facing the implementation of a police state as the policy to cover up a panicked response to go into lockdown.
Gates is involved that much is obvious but this is beyond one man.I also feel it goes beyond the WEF as well.Why would well run nation States like Germany destroy themselves?
Want to DO something? Answer this Telegraph poll and send a message.
Come on, let’s load the survey with sceptics.
Everyone: CHARGE!!!!
Just had a quick look and will come back to it later. Unfortunately it is heavily loaded against sceptical responses.
there’s lots of free-text boxes though. Although be aware that they won’t accept many characters, even though it doesn’t tell you the limit, and the i’m not a robot at the end appeared half way up the screen for me, had to scroll about to find it.
I spent time filling it it but it wouldn’t submit, so wasted my time.
It’s got one of those “I am not a robot” things – I had to scroll half way up again to find this…
(Telegraph: crap GUI alert!)
If on a mobile, once you click enter, you have to scroll up to the middle of the page to click ‘i am not a robot’ for it to submit.
I doubt they’ll print any of my responses but it felt good to rant!
I enjoyed filling in the text boxes – it was cathartic. Questions were crap generally though.
Wancock got both barrels!
I told them I wanted to give Matt Hancock minus numbers but their scoring system didn’t allow it.
What examples of Wanksock’s idiocy did you cite for your reasons? I picked his claim that as malaria still existed, herd immunity wasn’t a thing
On 27 October 2020 Lord Sumption delivered the 2020 Cambridge Freshfields Lecture entitled “Government by decree – Covid-19 and the Constitution”. I hope many of you will have already seen this. https://youtu.be/amDv2gk8aa0
Stomach churning cap doffing and boot licking.
Here is some Covid news which probably won’t get much coverage on Radio 4. Covid ‘cases’ and Covid deaths declined in Ireland last week
It was the first dip in case numbers since early July – more than 25% down – i.e from 8,231 to 6,061.
Deaths were down by 22%. Down from 36 to 28.
This is by my count so don’t take what I say as gospel – I’d like my figures “peer reviewed”. I tot up weekly figures each Wednesday.
Ireland went into almost full blown lockdown I believe on the 21st. I don’t know if that could have impacted so soon on cases? – but I don’t see how it could curbed the numbers dying.
Should we take much note of one week’s figures? Sin é an ceist.
Add to that the fact hospitals are over 30% down on capacity over this time LAST YEAR
So PCR casedemic is even falling and hospitals are not overrun in any way.
It’s a scam. Has to be.
Can you give a link for that table please?
Go to Leo Varadkars twitter. He tweeted it. They basically have to have a campaign to get people to still come to hospital. You couldn’t make it up.
I don’t think this is about a vaccine primarily.It never was.
A successful vaccine, assuming one is possible or needed, would render unnecessary the instituted measures of social control.
These measure sare needed for the financial reset.
This financial reset seems to not include China.. directly.
China already has the necessary social control over its people.
China as the largest sovereign international creditor and largest holder of gold (including its people), is of course intimately concerned.
The vaccine is key because it leads to the digital/health passport.The spin is already out there that we will need regular shots.Gates talks about your vaccine history so implying more than one.
With the digital/heath passport comes the end of freedom.Already trialled in China and its the same ,only China’s gives you your social credit score
The shadowy Vaccine Centre based at the London School of H&TM (Imperial College’s usual suspects are enthusiastic members) wants the whole world population to be vaccinated for all diseases – maybe 500 vaccines plus in a lifetime if some are annual. They’re mad! Or very greedy.
It was always about the vaccines; it just didn’t need to be an effective or safe vaccine. It’s the same playbook as endlessly repeating lockdowns. If your first and second jab don’t work, it just means you surely require constant annual booster vaccines. A captured populace and constant repeat business for Big Pharma.
And if you don’t keep your immunity passport up to date, it becomes a passport to nowhere.
There is method in their madness.
Tracey Emin ravaged by cancer. Imagine if she had covid. People with cancer these days don’t know they were born. I’m sick of their selfishness and their tumors. There are cold cases, rising cold infections out there, people who mostly have no symptoms at all. Lifting weights. Working. Having sex twice in an hour. Stacking shelves. Shooting bolts through cows in abbatoirs. People with cancer – stop being so selfish!
We are being bribed with Christmas and conditioned to accept the new normal ‘or else’. If it wasn’t so detestably sinister it would be worth applauding for the brazen audacity of these cretins….Carrot or stick on a national scale!
And yet, the extent to which people care about Christmas gatherings shows how much we crave social contact. That is our ultimate hope, that at some point, human nature will impose itself and we will not stand for this madness any longer.
They don’t care about it very much if they can be bought off with one day a year.
My turkey is already on order, and it’s large.
I have ordered my box of two crackers.
Got ours and I don’t like Christmas.
Things have gone way beyond any question of our actual personal feelings about Christmas. Christmas is now a symbol and action of the resistance.
In fact we should maybe start Christmas tomorrow and keep it up, remorselessly, until all lockdown measures are officially lifted.
Will your butcher be expected to report people ordering suspiciously large turkeys?
Don’t give them ideas
Will vegetarians and vegans be exempt?
Quite possibly, although luckily we always get our turkey from my mother in law’s local turkey farm which is about 150 miles from us. Hopefully it’ll be enough to throw track and trace off the scent!
Unless they implant some form of tracking device into it
Yes but what about the Turkey liberation front?
Government expects to launch a turkey vaccine any day. This will prevent turkeys from serving more than six people. This has been confirmed by The Science ™
Turkey for Christmas? How modern! It’s goose for us!
Pheasant over here (I have a friend who shoots). Pheasants and partridges make a good second crop for the farmers, and they put out grains and grow seed crops which also benefit the wild birds.
I noticed one local farmer who usually does Norfolk Bronze turkeys didn’t have any this year. More income lost.
I think it was mentioned here in the earlier comments, but a young man aged 19 has died of/with (we will never know) Covid here in N Ireland. They haven’t disclosed if he had any underlying health conditions, although I would be certain he would have had.
I dont want to undermine his death but I fear that that one statistic will be used through the media to scaremonger even more.
Do you remember Jimmy who went to get his frisbee from the power sub-station? We don’t seem to warn kids about those anymore. Maybe cos they are all too fat to climb the railings or welded to their playstations. Hula Hoops and breaksdancing arrived in Northern Ireland about the same time as covid so maybe the lad was trying to retrieve his frisbee?
Edit – he was actually 17 and they have released an image and more information…..he had a condition called Cushing Syndrome…..quote ‘he had tested positive for Covid-19 last month and last week received a negative test result but had taken ill on Monday night’.
So it wasnt because of Covid!!! Fucking bastard media twisting headlines!
Where did you read that? Any links?
Releasing an image makes him a poster. I would come back and haunt any civil servant who made my image a poster for their cause. I am sorry for him.
Fully agree
I live in the town he was from and yes, it’s almost immediately being held up as you would a martyr. All the attention must be horrendous for the family. “Where are all the tin foilers now, thoughts and prayers” on social media. That sort of thing.
He was, it has been suggested, suffering from a condition that is more behavioural than physical I will say. So it’s unclear. He was a shielder as well, as they’ve been called.
So could well be a genuine case of death due to a respiratory virus. The other thing I’d been told was that he was waiting on a ventilator.
90% of people who have died in the NHS Trust are over 65 and 65% over 80. He was the first person under 40 to die. 1 person under 40 in an NHS ward covering 305,000 people.
Remember the headlines when a 9 year old “died of covid”? Turns out it was a 109 year old, some software couldn’t take a 3 digit input
Great news about Recovery – a heavyweight team. This is a test case for the BBC:
1. Will they report on it? I mean now, not in two months under some obscure heading.
2. Will they report on it positively as they do with BLM, XR and Rashford’s campaign?
3. Will they remain ideologically committed to Lockdownism and seek to destroy the campaign using all the ideological tools at their disposal: Reality Check, Disinformation Unit, collaborations with leftist media outlets like Buzzfeed and sneering “news” reports from non-journalists such as Mark Easton?
I think we can dismiss 2 out of hand but Recovery should put BBC, Sky and ITV on notice that they expect fair and reasonable treatment.
Just joined up – thank you for the link.
ONS slipped in a little correction to the percentage increase of deaths that MSM salivated over:
28 October 2020 09:50
A correction has been made to the percentage change of deaths involving COVID-19. This has changed from 761 deaths involved the coronavirus (COVID-19), 287 deaths higher than in Week 41 (a 68.5% increase) to a 60.5% increase. We apologise for any inconvenience caused
So, the Office for National STATISTICS struggles with STATISTICS. Good to know.
Greetings from house arrest in south west France.
The expected news from Micron last night has not gone down well , especially with Mrs Peyrole, however a trip this morning to stock up the wine cellar has revived spirits a little. This afternoon its to Le Clerc to get the vitals before our new sentance begins.
Those face masks really did the job!
Out of interest, why is there so little fight back from the French? is it because so many are employed by the state? they seem to take to the streets quickly and in large numbers for a pay increase.
Can’t speak for Paris ( in particular) or large cities. In our area , which is quite rural with small towns and two small cities , in the first incarceration, people gradually started acting as normally as possibly quite quickly without making much noise about it. France , outside Paris, tends to act like France with the EU, it takes the good bits and tries hard to ignore the rest.Bars and restaurants closing is the worst aspect for most French. Schools will generally stay open, people tend to stay around their department anyway, working from home isn’t really applicable as most are farmers, local authority ( which covers all utilities), small retailers ( somehow most seem to be ‘necessary’), and a lot of self-employed or micro business operators, who tend to just keep going.
The problem the authorities/police have is that the rule of law prohibiting groups etc cannot enter people’s homes. Which is the main driver for the worst of the prohibitions regarding movements, like an hour at a time from your home etc. Given the number of vehicles parked outside houses in an evening in the first incarceration, I think many ignored it knowing that no-one could legally enter the home.I assume after the first week or so, the same will happen.
So its a passive fightback, until something happens that disturbs the important thing for a Frenchman; food, drink and sex. Then he will be on the streets, and that won’t be pretty.
Thanks for the update.
Have to be honest I find it pretty amazing how passive the French have been. On the plus side I have met several French people at anti-lockdown protests in London, so a few still value individual freedom over statism.
Bobby Ball: RIP.
died of complications of a chest infection but OF COURSE, HE WAS TESTED AND WAS POSITIVE FOR, ETC.
Just saw that story on the Independent too. No mention of comorbidities. So another that died with but not of covid.
Same old same old.
Bobby who?…. another celeb I have never heard of.
You would if you were old enough. Massive in the 1980s.
And very, very funny in “Not going out” as Lee Mack’s feckless father.
Cannon and Ball? Definitely of the 80s.
He had breathing difficulties and was rushed to hospital. All that has been released was a positive Covid test.
But the MO is Covid-19 whether you like it or not.
This virus is nasty and it does kill people in the BB age bracket.
This is what we are up against.
Crimes against comedy???
I thought he was very funny in “Not going out” as Lee Mack’s father.
If Klaus wants no ownership.. I can see how the banks could confisacate homes not yet paid for. But what about those who own their homes?
Down the line they will just take them anyway, after taking all the savings of anyone has has them. people probably “allowed” to remain in their own homes but will have to pay rent
We’ll said, CM! If we get mired in thoughts about the worst case scenarios we won’t be alert to opportunities to pre-empt them.
They still give up their ownership in return for being allowed out into the world.
And if they don’t, they get thrown into “quarantine facilities” and their property confiscated anyway.
I can’t see the majority of people going along with this, but if you’re meaningless, and the military and police are involved, it won’t matter.
Sign them over to your friendly government official in return for your freedom
The following article discusses aerosol transmission of the virus.
It starts with the following:
I’m happy to be corrected but this sounds like nonsense to me. This is the kind of analysis that results in half a person in the results so they round up or down to include or remove them. How does everyone wearing masks stop 1 person from getting infected? It’s like saying 5 people standing in the rain will get soaked to the skin but if they all wear raincoats their chances of getting soaked to the skin are reduced so only 4 of them will get wet.
You’re right that as stated it doesn’t make sense. What might have been said would be something like “on average five people … on average four people …” or “we would expect five people … four people …” or “it is most likely that five people … four people …” (these are not quite the same thing, but convey the sense).
Probably what it meant is something like “the chances for each of the other people of getting infected in this situation are close to 100% … 80% …”.
I don’t say that any of those are true, of course.
It’s another model that assumes an effect of masks.
What it won’t do is factor in the touching of masks, or the waving of them around when they are taken off – which will release whatever was on the inside.
Or that the one who is infected will be breathing back in their viral shedding caught in the mask into other areas of the respiratory system – increasing their viral load.
They never model the network effect of having actual humans operating these things.
I don’t know what, if any, the scientific basis of this article was supposed to be. But we need to distinguish between “modelling” and “observation”.
Additionally, the water from a virus-laden droplet caught by a mask will soon evaporate.
Given that masks are supposedly quite a congenial medium for viruses, the virus will just sit there waiting to either be inhaled deeply into the mask wearer’s lungs or projected into the room.
I would think that a handkerchief or disposable tissues might be a better approach to source control.
If you look at Carl Henegens piece from July it mentions the Norwegian Study. It basically makes the point that while studies suggest the masks are effective, unless you have everyone wearing them all the time everywhere (without mentioning risks) you may save 1 infection among 200,000 assuming 30% effectiveness. That’s at low prevelance levels.
There is an effect but its always just a ridiculous leap to then such a small effect will lead to the kind of lives saved some governments are claiming.
What if that one person who may have been protected from infection in the study you mention had taken it off at any point. Like to eat? Does that invalidate the claim if we are dealing with an infected environment?
The reason they have introduced them, save for control and compliance, is because its a low cost intervention in their eyes and sure it might work. No mass distribution scheme needed, make people buy their own. They fail to see the lunacy of such policymaking rigour and the trap it now has them in. Cases go up, it would have been worse.
That’s why I consider these kind of observations overly simplistic and not really illustrative of how things actually work in reality.
More footage of tumbleweed blowing through a test centre, flo-vested goon hyper angry at being the nothing filmed. All wrapped up in a short clip.
This does rather beg the question as to where all these cases/test results are coming from?
It does rather look like something fishy is going on. Are they doing re-tests and counting that as an extra infection.
If there actually were/are 100000 +ve cases/tests per day but only 1000 going to hospital that would mean they have identified 99000 people who are so immune to Covid that they were asymptomtic or mild.
Am I being too simple with my maths? but that looks to me like they are saying that 90% of the population are immune to serious Covid, if so hurrah what are we worried about? keep calm and carry on!
Imperial College London
Date: May 2020
Purpose: to develop a biodegradable contraceptive implant
Amount: $2,699,443
Term: 31
Topic: Family Planning
Program: Global Development
Grantee Location: London
Grantee Website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial College London
Date: July 2020
Purpose: to evaluate the potential efficacy of a Ribonucleic acid (RNA) vaccine against COVID-19
Amount: $1,080,771
Term: 6
Topic: Discovery and Translational Sciences
Program: Global Health
Grantee Location: London
Grantee Website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial College London
Date: June 2020
Purpose: to design and test population replacement integral gene drives in containment
Amount: $3,375,098
Term: 36
Topic: Malaria
Program: Global Health
Grantee Location: London
Grantee Website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial College London gets a lot of research grant money from the Gates Foundation…
RNA vaccines are a new technology, which hasn’t been used before as far as I’m aware.
Imperial College are very good at pumping out Covid scare stories to keep the fear mongering going in the population and to put pressure on Boris. Today’s press release is that around 100,000 people a day are being infected. Does anyone know anyone who’s had it recently, or at all??
I wouldn’t now trust anything they come out with.
We haven’t had the virus and we don’t personally know of anyone who has had it.
Today’s read is excellent (well, it’s excellent every day) with much more in they way of hopeful articles. I too, am interested in joining Recovery. I’ll have a dig around for a website/more info.
My post, with links to the B&M G foundation, and grants to Imperial is “awaiting approval…”
A first post, or a post with lots of links always needs approval
Too many links in one post.
Happened to me as well.
Articles today. Same as a month or three ago. Same old same old on TalkRadio.. same old points here and everywhere.. The Groundhog Great Greta Davos Reset continues..
What else can we do?
At least with the current restrictions Greta has been grounded for the time being.
I’m sure she’d be given an exemption if she wanted one. Strange that we don’t hear from her much these days, almost as though the mission has been accomplished.
Can anyone tell me when the next protest will be in London? Or how I would find out?
Thanks in advance
I periodically check these websites:
It looks like there’ll be something in Camden on 30 October and in Battersea Park on 17 November.
That’s brilliant, thank you mattghg
You’re welcome!
The latest NHS update published yesterday showed that just one person under the age of 20, and another 13 under 40, have died with coronavirus in English hospitals since the start of September.
And of course the crucial word here is WITH and not OF. And again, knowing what we know about the sheer inaccuracy of Covid testing even these figures are subject to the ‘rubbish’ factor.
We can see this, but others are completely blindsided by that fact.
Mark Drakeford interviewed on Wales Online.
Interviewer: “Vietnam, a country of 93 million, has had 35 deaths in 2020. Wales has had 37 deaths announced just today. Why have some countries performed so much better than us?”
Drakeford: “Well, I think in some incidences it is culture isn’t it? It is the extent to which people are prepared to follow to the letter rules that government lay down. I have a feeling that there is a very different reaction in Wales to the non-sale of non-essential goods than there would have been in Vietnam. Because Vietnam is a society in which the government sets the rules and people stick by them. It is a different sort of society with a good deal more freedom and we expect, I think quite rightly, to live our lives without interference as much as possible and that brings risks with it but that also brings huge rewards.”
So Drakeford would prefer it if Wales was more like Vietnam, does he?
From Wikipedia:
[Vietnam] nevertheless faces challenges including corruption, pollution, poverty, inadequate social welfare and a poor human rights record, including increasing persecution of religious groups and human rights advocates and intensifying restrictions on civil liberties.
shooting fish in a barrel… increasingly these totalitarians actually shoot themselves in the barrel
“Because Vietnam is a society in which the government sets the rules and people stick by them”
That’s because it is a brutal communist dictatorship and not a Free Society like ours.
Presumably we’d like to keep the Free Society bit.
But then you have those awful laws like Human Rights that the Government (pre Covid) is bound by.
Dungford wouldn’t.
That has to be one of the most scandalous and uneducated statements a politician could make. That is legitimate cancelling material if there ever was such a thing.
When it comes to scandalous comments, there’s some tough competition at the moment
In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index, Vietnam is 136th out of 167 countries and falls into their ‘Authoritarian’ category.
Barminess all round : Interviewer here assuming that you can make simplistic comparisons between countries with different population, climate and other variables.
That’s possibly the most asinine comment I’ve heard from a politician and it betrays what he really wants and thinks of the populace.
This should be circulated widely to expose this man for what he truly is just as “Bigot-gate” exposed Gordon Brown and Labour what they truly thought of their voters. And I won’t be surprised that once this shit show is over there will be a campaign to abolish the Assembly.
Please do. That’s why I’m posting it here. I don’t do social media, but everyone – please circulate, circulate, circulate.
There already is a campaign to abolish the assembly.
They love it, don’t they, the thought of all the little people obeying, without question.
Politicians talk about “following the science” and then come out with these unevidenced just-so stories on the hoof SMH.
What an idiot. Vietnam is not doing well because of government saving people. Jesus.
Exactly like Dungford’s Wales, then.
“If the productive sector goes under, or suffers a massive contraction, many of the leeches will die when the money machine runs low on readies. This has not sunk in yet. “
It won’t sink in, because it simply isn’t true. Regrettably the “sound money” brigade haven’t yet come to terms with how a modern money economy works – despite decades of evidence that their beliefs do not conform to reality.
If the private sector shrinks, that means *more* capacity available to the public sector not less – as there are more people who can be hired to work on public projects (including replacing failed private output if required). All without touching taxes one bit. They then spend in the shops which keeps the actual productive sector going. Tesco’s cash registers don’t differentiate between money earned in the public sector, or money earned in the private sector. They take both and consider them equal.That then gets paid to Tesco employees, who get to keep their jobs.
And as we have seen throughout this crisis, we can keep the shops stocked quite happily with an awful lot of the so-called “productive sector” at home on furlough – which shows they weren’t actually that productive in the first place. Nobody is going to go hungry because we have less advertising, PR and marketing in the world. None of that activity is vital to feeding, clothing and housing the nation.
The trick is to manage the transition in such a way that when the private sector gets its mojo back (or is allowed to get its mojo back) it can hire the labour it needs away from the public sector at a reasonable price. And the way to do that is to make sure that the default wage is the living wage.
No 80% of pay – £10 per hour flat.
I would dispute your claim that workers being furloughed demonstrates that they were not very productive at all.
They were not productive in directly feeding and clothing the nation, but human life is not merely the pursuit of feeding and clothing oneself. That is just an existence, and a poor one at that.
The claim is that the productive sector props up the public sector and without it the public sector cannot operate. That isn’t the case. The productive sector is what we need to live.
The rest of the private sector is what we *want*, but we can do without for short periods if we need to. Those are the ones that were furloughed. That private sector can come and go as required. And should do to improve productivity.
The private sector is doing more going than coming at the moment, and may take decades to come back. I really cannot see how that can be considered helpful, on balance.
You’ll be surprised how fast the private sector can come back. Have faith in the entrepreneurship of this country.
It took decades after WW2
Tell that to people who have lost their jobs, businesses and who will lose their benefits and services when spending cuts come in, and tell that to people who have to pay more tax, and to sectors like public transport that will suffer from decades of underinvestment.
People who have lost their jobs would get a £10 per hour one immediately. Benefits and spending need not be cut because there is no reason to. More tax is unnecessary as there is no competition for resources. Investment can increase as there are more people spare to do the work.
See how you have the mantra backwards. Clearly the limit is what is available for sale in sterling, nothing else.
Try looking at things that way.
Exactly. Who chooses what people should spend their time doing, what is “productive” and what is not?
We can do without nail bars and survive, but people who work in nail bars and people who use them obviously find the interaction beneficial. Who are we to tell them how to spend their time?
Nobody is telling them how to spend their time, they are very welcome to do so. And they will close if nobody turns up to buy their output – as is the case at the moment.
What we don’t do is use public money to prop them up because “what about the jobs”. Businesses should right size at the moment, bide their time and come back stronger when this nonsense is over. Assuming we want an operational capitalist system, rather than a pretend one.
Ah but the government is doing exactly that – deciding what is essential and what is not. Whole sectors are going west.
I don’t believe, generally, in bailouts. But given that the government has screwed these businesses, I guess they ought to be helped. The correct solution is to end the restrictions and get back to normal, with extra help for those businesses most directly screwed by this.
Government is doing what the population apparently wants doing. Business has to conform to that.
And when we get back to normal business will bounce back. Business is a risky game. Don’t get into it if you can’t take the rough with the smooth.
It isn’t simply the case that people aren’t turning up to buy their output through free choice though. They aren’t free to spend their time how they wish at all.
Governments are placing heavy burdens and restrictions on these businesses, and on the public. They are not able to operate due to government interference which is the very opposite to capitalism.
The government is doing what the people want doing – as the polls show.
Business is servant not master, and has to adapt to this situation. As it will rebound when, hopefully, the insanity passes.
The government cannot do what ‘the people’ want, as ‘the people’ do not exist. Society is a collection of individuals and families, each with different wants and needs.
If we actually had a capitalist system, free from this overbearing government interference, it would determine more accurately what ‘the people’ want. You would not see the complete decimation of certain sectors as we see now, downturns perhaps.
Well – simple-minded economics sure ain’t going to solve any problems, any more than lock-ups.
Don’t engage in simple minded economics then. Learn how monetary operations actually work in the real world.
Then you’ll understand why what I say is the case – as Japan has been demonstrating for 30 years or more.
Otherwise “the other side” will run rings around you.
Anybody who says “we can’t afford X” will now be laughed at – and rightly so. Instead say “where are you going to get the people to do X”.
Japan has only managed to that because until relatively recently it could export to the rest of the world which was not doing that.
Japan is of course literally a dying society, with so few children being born.
And the US for the last ten years – a net importer. And us for the last ten years – a net importer.
What I say explains all three. What you say doesn’t. What’s Occam’s razor?
Of course fuloughed workers were productive.
It is the buyer of a good or service who decides whether a seller was productive or not by choosing to buy or not to buy.
My decision to buy means that from my point of view the seller was productive.
Correct. And the decision of lots of people not to buy causes them to close.
But we stopped that by paying 80% of wages. Why?
If the alternative job was available business could have resized their workforce to that required by the new normal – until things changed back again.
How about the evidence that printing money leads first to inflation then at the rate we will have to,to hyper inflation.Inter war Germany and Zimbabwe spring to mind.
Monetary policy somewhere along the line must keep in check with reality.
Germany owed in Gold. Zimbabwe gave their land to people who can’t farm.
Is either of that the case in the UK?
In which case you may have misunderstood what causes hyperinflation.
Bad pilots crashing planes does not mean heavier than air flight is impossible.
Hyperinflation in Germany was directly a result of the Reichsbank printing money to pay people who weren’t working – the striking workers protesting French and Belgian occupation of the Ruhr -ie subsidising consumption, although production had been reduced.
That should sound familiar, because it is exactly what has been happening this year.
It was because they lost their productive capacity and had to pay reparations in Gold.
In other words they had debt in a foreign currency. The UK doesn’t.
You’re comparing apples and pears I’m afraid. In the UK sterling can’t go anywhere else.
We’re not seeing that because, funnily enough, the high level of saving in sterling is more than offsetting the loss of output. In fact the two are congruent.
It is precisely because the UK has its debts in its own currency that hyperinflation is the line of least resistance.
If your debt is in gold or in foreign currency then hyperinflation brings you no debt relief
Sure,Weimar Germany had its external debts in gold, which made hyperinflation exactly useless in reducing the real value of that debt.
Your point about German productive capacity is exactly the point I was making.That productive capacity had been lost in the Ruhr as a result of the strike action of the workers which had been called for by the Berlin government. The central bank then printed money to subsidise the the consumption of the workers.
Net result: production greatly reduced + subsidised consumption = hyperinflation
The UK’s debts are in Sterling. the US has its debt in dollars, the Eurozone countries have their debt in Euros.Japan has its debt in Yen.
Hyperinflation or an equivalent currency reform suits them all.
Hyperinflation, or a currency reform with the same effect, is the inevitable outcome of all this -and it will be global.
The total value of all claims on capital plus the total value of all the claims on the goods and services produced by the capital, far exceeds the ability of the physical plane to produce.
The monetary plane and the physical plane must be reconciled.
Why now?
Because yields on investments are at all-time lows (negative interest rates), just as tens of millions of boomers are retiring or about to retire. If those boomers cannot live off the yields, then principal will have to be liquidated.
The bond markets of the developed world have been nationalized by the central banks to buy time and delay the inevitable.They are not real markets any more.The central banks are the bond market. The interest rate thermometer – the most important price signal in capitalism- has been disabled.
The central planners could attempt to head off hyperinflation by introducing price controls or perhaps controls on how much people can spend per day.The result of that would be a Soviet style collapse of production.
In my opinion, current events have given the central planners the beginnings of the social controls they will need to attempt to deal with the situation.
They will of course fail.
Did you ever get around to answering the question here the other day from the treasury accountancy chap about how your magic money tree economics would interact with exchange?
So we won’t go hungry at least. Is that what the promise is here?
Just incase anyone is unsure about the restrictions in Scotland i’ve provided a helpful naming convention:-
Tier 0 – shit
Tier 1 – shitty
Tier 2 – shitter
Tier 3 – Shittier
Tier 4 – Shittest
Maybe you should send that to the idiots in Holyrood as they seem not to have a clue about their own insane policies.
Tier 5 – Most Shittiest
Tier 6 – Wall to wall shit
Tier 7 – Total Shit
I really hope we don’t get to tier 7 but wouldn’t put anything past them at his rate.
Piers Morgan:”I’ve been threatened by covidiots because I’m calling for a national lockdown”
Nothing stopping him doing a personal lockdown is there?
He loves the limelight just a bit too much.
It would be for the good of the nation if this odious man locked himself away for ever. The only good thing he ever did was produce a sceptic son.
Was talking about him to my bf earlier. I really think he’s one of the most despicable actors in this crisis. There’s something very cynical about the way he’s gone about it – I feel as if he’s sensed that the UK is now just a health service with a country attached to it and he’s buying into the NHS false idol rubbish for popularity. I don’t think he’s an unintelligent man so I refuse to believe that he cannot understand the context behind the alarmist figures he retweets, or the fact that lockdown policies require a cost-benefit analysis.
The one crumb of comfort I have is that because he airs his views online, the internet will bear witness to how he has been complicit and even contributed to the deaths and misery of millions with his misinformation and scaremongering.
He’ll have been given a script, which will include the usual inconsistencies, u-turns, and self-contradictions.
Seems fair. You call for people to be put under house arrest, they threaten you back. What do you expect to happen when you try to have people incarcerated against their will and without having done anything wrong?
I thought he said he was fed up with being hated. He’s not helping himself is he!!
Well Piers, by calling for a national lockdown you’re threatening the livelihoods of millions of people, you fucking prick.
Not quite sure this is what he meant ..
I know repetition can get boring. But, in connection with the lead item (about the non-catastrophe), it really does need saying again that the classification of deaths by attribution to Covid is totally shot, and is still based as much on surmise as diagnosis.
This is a result of three mis-attribution factors :
We know something significant happened in April to cause the unusual mortality spike. It is now fairly clear that the ‘dry tinder’ effect was a major factor influencing the figures and showing a marked age bias. But how much might be attributed to SARS is still pure speculation. Since then, the speculation has increased as we see a pretty normal autumn rise.
I can only wonder if the mortality spike was falsified death certificates. My neighbours friend got kicked in the head with her horse and sadly died in April and she said the family were outraged they put Covid on the death cert even though she had not been tested. I’ve heard other stories like this…….how and when will this all come out??
“I know repetition can get boring. “
Boring, but sadly necessary, when the essence of the panicker communication is heavy, endlessly repetitive propaganda.
See BobT’s post from earlier re. the clearing of hospitals in March. It’s clear to me this was at least a major contributor.
Clearing of hospitals + Lockdown + (something we are calling ‘covid-19’) = rise in death rate.
Precise contributions of each factor yet to be determined.
I doubt there is total reliance on PCR tests. It’s possible to use other means to cross reference numbers – if not individual deaths.
For example, the Male:Female Covid death ratio differs significantly from ‘normal’ death ratio. I’ve actually used this to show that it is possible that in some recent Covid recorded death cases, a PCR positive test was simply coincidental. .
Yes deplorable abhorramce. Using guilt and national rememberance to once again solder group think into the nation. Viscious bastards promote such things.
My GP surgery rang me yesterday telling me that there was a delay in them getting the flu vaccines for under 65 year olds and wanted to make an appointment for me for the end of November when they hope to have them in. I haven’t had the flu vaccine in a few years because my asthma was so mild and was told I didn’t need it anymore. Now they say I need it in case I get Covid and the flu together.
I normally wouldn’t mind getting the flu vaccine, I am not entirely anti-vaccine (although wouldn’t take the Covid one if they paid me). I can’t help but be paranoid about getting the regular flu jab this year. Has anyone else here had it?
My wide had to have it as part of her job (NHS). She hasn’t died…yet.
I don’t have the flu vaccine as I don’t get the flu. I certainly will not be having the Covid vaccine either, but they are my opinions and shouldn’t deter you from making up your own mind. As you suffer with asthma you need to speak with other asthma sufferers to help you decide.
You are extremely lucky not to have the flu, believe me, BD.
Had it twice and that’s 3 times too many.
I have had flu jabs for 11 years now and yes, sometimes I have had a slight bad reaction but on the whole I and my wife have been fine.
So far this year I haven’t even had a cold and the weird thing is my annual hay-fever was hardly noticeable! I spoke to a friend whose husband usually suffers with hay-fever and she said he hadn’t suffered much either!
Yes, I know I’m tempting fate, but both myself and my wife have gone several months without a cold.
The recorded message that you have to listen to every time we ring our doctors which drones on and on as if we were 5 years old says “if you don’t hear about your flu jab by the middle of October, please contact us”
We have decided to leave it to the end of the month to ask what the situation is?
Perhaps our jab like yours will be at the end of November.
Try a Pharmacy, they can do it on the ONHS.
Both had flu jab a month ago (at Pharmacy) no problems other than feeling a bit off colour for about 24 hours three days later. I have seasonal asthma which is the reason for having it, like you not anti vax but definitely anti rushed vax.
I have asthma and COPD but don’t take the annual offer of a flu vaccine and have never had flu but everyone has to make their own decision.
My work colleagues, who get the jab, seem to get more colds and coughs through the winter than I do. They also report everything from sore arms to flu-like symptoms immediately afterwards.
So I always ignore the blaring corporate propaganda (they even wheel a nurse into the office!) and decline it. I just cant see the benefit – apart from to the people who make it.
I have found that vitamins C,D and zinc serve me well. Even my Covid infection over Xmas cleared up after a couple of days and I was back at work again on the 27th
Ditto. My colleagues line up every yer to get jabbed then proceed to cough and splutter around the office on and off for the next couple of weeks. Regardless of a high flu shot uptake the office is always full of illness at this time of year. Strangely I rarely get cold/flu and never have the jab!
That being said my farther had the jab last year and had severe problems with his arm (into which he had the shot); muscle weakness, loss of grip strength etc. That lasted until April this year. Unfortunately he is so indoctrinated he will likely get it again this year…I have long since given up trying to dissuade him.
My mum (91) still has pain in her arm following her flu vax. 10 days now and counting.
Thank you for replies everyone x
Yes, I had it I am 56 but the carer for my elderly mother who has dementia. Having had the flu shot for the last 10 years, I also got a text from my GP saying due to Covid, under 65’s wouldn’t be getting one until November at the earliest.
On that basis, I went to Tesco, booked one, told them I usually get one as am my Mum’s carer. Was given the shot in mid September no problem. Ironically,the day I had it done, I got another text from my GP saying that I should now book a flu shot!
Had no reaction to it, not even a sore arm and neither did my Mother.
I’ve had it. I’m a 22 year old female. I had it last year as well and both times I’ve never had any problems or side effects.
Asthma: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Support Strategies
The Lockdown Sceptics blog continues to risk its credibility by ‘jumping the gun’, i.e. it uses single point ‘evidence’ in a fast evolving situation. Two items make this same mistake.
A few weeks ago, LS was convinced there would be no second wave. Now it seems to grudgingly accept that there is a ‘second wave’ but it has only caused 17 deaths in the under 40s. This is the number – to date. The 7 day rolling average of deaths is increasing at around 40%. Hospital Covid admissions (and I mean ADMISSIONS) are increasing at a similar rate. We don’t know if this will continue but it it’s unlikely to slow down much for a couple of months at least. That could result in a 20-fold increase in hospital & fatality numbers.
LS makes a similar mistake with the Sweden v Rest of Europe comparison. Sweden has tended to lag behind other countries in Europe. Sweden may seem fine at the moment but cases are increasing – and that’s how it starts. If hospitals admissions and deaths follow case numbers in a few weeks they could have problems.
LS needs ditch the ‘head in the sand’ denials and start making the case that lockdowns are not the way forward – regardless of the rate of infections.
No-one (apart from, perhaps, Mike Yeadon) is buying into the “no need to worry – we’re close to herd immunity” BS. We’re not. Even Sunetra Gupta has shifted from that position and is now focusing on a strategy which might achieve herd immunity with minimal damage. All credit to her.
Our friend from the 77th is back
People seem to think they should feed it.
Mayo – you talk utter nonsense. See the journalism above, there are still 10 causes of death greater than COVID. Sweden is currently seeing no significant variation in death rate from previous years. COVID isn’t that big of a deal, however much you want to believe that it is.
Ok – you don’t get it. The situation at the moment may be different in 3 or 4 weeks time in the UK – and in Sweden. Assume it could happen and be prepared.
If no herd immunity, then how did Covid fizzle out in the spring?
And how many of the “cases” now are actually ill and not false +ve’s?
Just asking.
See how confusing it is when you refuse to set up your own identity here?
SUMMER came along.
Fair points, but there is a problem with always reserving judgement, which is that the alarmists get to make their propaganda points, achieve their policy goals and move on to the next point while the sensible types are still withholding judgement. By the time the evidence is in, it’s moot, the damage is done.
To some extent, you can only fight alarmism with similarly quick-fire responses.
As so often in life, the bad coin drives out the good.
Credibility is important.
I can hear somebody shouting the word ADMISSIONS. Does that mean somebody is almost ready to admit they were wrong?
Wrong about what? I acknowledge some cases who test positive are already in hospital. It’s common knowledge.
Would there be a second wave without PCR tests being abused the way they are?
Hospital ADMISSIONS any different to previous years? How many have Covid on arrival? How many actually catch the virus in hospital itself? If hospitals are in the red, to what extent is that driven by resource issues? In Northern Ireland we have 2700 NHS staff isolating.
How many deaths are of Covid and not just with Covid in the last 28 days?
Sorry, but the sceptics view is punching holes in the official narrative but with the understanding that this is a travesty of data analysis. Even then, there is a lot to counter the government’s fear machine on. Especially when it comes to hospital data and the casedemic.
Euromomo shows no evidence of a second wave.
Well it’s easy to call something a second wave when you haven’t given any criteria by which something would qualify as such e.g. volume of deaths, rate of infection, recovery rates, excess deaths, virus mutation. Simple question. What is the clear factual distinction which determines the difference between a second wave and simple virus seasonality or even an extended first wave?
Total weekly deaths from all causes at this time of year seems to be on par with previous years – unfortunately the elderly and frail will always die and fortunately lots of babies will be born – such is the circle of life.
Its only PCR testing that is creating the flap…
This “Second wave” nonsense has been promoted almost from the very beginning to terrify the plebs by suggesting Covid was going to cause a similar amount of deaths to the Spanish Flu. For some reason (perhaps since we had no lockdowns, masks or other tomfoolery) the far comparable Asian Flu of 1957 or Hong Kong Flu of 1968 seem to have been completely forgotten. All we are seeing is the normal seasonal resurgence of a respiratory illness.
You are completely wrong about Sweden. They have got caught up a bit in the increased testing lark. But that is all. No increasing deaths. Look at Belarus. No increase in deaths.
Look at Serbia; increased testing leading to increased ‘cases’. But no spike in deaths.
Look at Japan; it never was a high consequence illness and still isn’t.
S Korea; negligible deaths throughout (though a hypermanic T and T). All countries who never had or then eschewed lockdowns. This is the real world evidence.
UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the US etc etc, simply have an intentional testdemic.
The ultimate folly (except it isn’t unintentional folly) is Moonshot.
If we had transparency regarding primary cause of death, we would see just how few Covid deaths were actually Covid deaths.
Look at the illness stages:-
I don’t believe that Stage 3 is happening at all and Stage 2 is rare.
If their were droves of patients experiencing the hyperinflammatory stage, we would be constantly be regaled by lurid accounts of it.
I’m not completely wrong. I said it’s too early to make a call. on Sweden.
I agree with you somewhat. My main point of view has not been to deny the severity of the virus or the fact that there are people suffering and dying from it, but that lockdowns are not a suitable strategy for dealing with the virus, given how much collateral damage they cause and how they don’t actually make it go away, they just kick the can down the road.
We had a big spike back in March/April, and the scientists must surely have known that winter + a novel virus = possible trouble. They’ve had 6 months to scale up hospital capacity and come up with pragmatic solutions that aim to minimise destruction from the virus while trying to keep everything else as normal as possible. We should not keep having to go into lockdown because it’s damaging, causes more non-Covid deaths, and doesn’t actually make the virus go away. Our leaders are also giving us no hope, no exit strategy, no evidence or rationale for their decisions. It’s just house arrest by diktat. It’s doing something just to be seeing to doing something. That’s my issue.
I do take your point, Mayo, that if we focus on the argument that lockdown will never lead us out of this (whatever our views about what is driving the situation) then the statistics become irrelevant, unless we suddenly find ourselves with an CFR of 25% across all age-groups, for instance.
Complete and utter BOLLOCKS! Admissions figures are fiddled, just like all the others!
That eagle-eyed reader was me. My post: https://dailysceptic.org/2020/10/14/latest-news-162/#comment-186272
The doctor continues:
“Monkey see, monkey do.”
That just about sums up Johnson and his globalist-shill regime.
And we thought the UK had dodged a bullet by avoiding Corbyn…
As usual with your posts, I tend to find myself mostly in agreement with them anyway, so I don’t bother commenting. You tend a little more to the conspiracist than I do, but often it seems a matter of nuance rather than substance. Though I would tend to avoid the term “shill”, as a bit naff. (Bit of an autology, naff, I know).
Are you still determined not to bother creating your own identity, here?
I think Corbyn has principles Bozo doesn’t.
Plymouth you are Going Down
Local Live
‘Plymouth Council Bosses send message to Coronovirus deniers that city faces Tier 2 prospect.
‘While most people are sensible and do favour effective measures to control the virus some seem to deny the existence of the virus at all.
Our Public Health team is made up of people who have expertise and understanding. We trust them absolutely and so should you.
‘Coronovirus misinformation has been rife in our comments sections. . . we try to hide the most misleading comments. However the last few days it’s been hard to keep up.
‘We’ve had people expressing that our rate per 100,000 is lower than other places going into Tier 2 . . . but this figure is rapidly growing and we expect to go into Tier 2 within days.’
I believe its profitable to be in the higher tiers, do you know if its true?
Tier 2 seems to be the worst place to be, economy partly closed but not much, if any, subsidy from HMG.
Same threat for Bournemouth too.
Is it? Idiots. The homeless here seemed to get on fine with Covid.
Openly admitting to censorship I see
So many Sceptics they can’t keep them all down it seems.
Home of UK column I think
Our county council actually asked to go into Tier 2 … and the central government said no! (Thank God).
Probably see it as the route to Tier 3 with all that compo for new cycle lanes.
Old joke:
The –ukcity–live group are a fully paid up member of propaganda r us. Across the nation local news is being written that not only diseminates government information – from story conception, they also are more than happy to leader the name calling and smearing of anyone who questions sensibly.
They have been briefed.
Have a few moments look into some of the ——live writers, click their names pull up their google search results. In edinburghlive we have a 27 years food critic writing about so called covid deniers such asthe extremely reasonable and well qualified Delores Cahill. This 27 year old was jobless in winter this year – stress and mental health issues. She has horrible blogs elsewhere talking about masturbation or sex toys or similar – she goes in for queer theory and men with periods -seems to see herself as a latter-day sex in the city type.
Really useful to look into who the names are. Aside from the being loaded with bbc embeds Local Decocracy Reporters – bbc funded staff in offices across tge nation of —-live.
I think most of us realise that, I’m just repeating what is being reported; it’s easy to read between the lines.
I got bored with adding
(mirror group news) because everyone knows including my predictive text.
Dr Mike Yeadon has categorically stated and explained why viruses to do not behave as waves. He has stated clearly that there is no ‘second wave’. So have other eminent scientists. But SAGE, in particular, Patrick Valance continue to talk up the ‘second wave’. So do all the MSM, all of them helpfully parroting the government and scientists lingo of ‘second wave more dangerous than the first etc.
Yeadon and Ivor Cummins say the pandemic is over. Yeadon says that he and Valance had similar education and training worked together while studying and if he (Yeadon) knows it’s a scam, then Valance definitely does too.
So why is Valance lying? And why does Johnson not know or even suspect this or what Valance’s motives could be? (Hint: Valance was a director of GSK and still holds approx £600K of shares and if GSK succeed in making a vaccine, they and Valance would make a fortune).
This is where my ‘conspiracy theory’ mind has been since the beginning, and even before. The longer this goes on, and people like Yeadon and Cummins cotton on to the scam, the more those ‘theories’ are fast becoming a reality.
I assume that Vallance has accepted Yeadon’s accusation that he’s a liar. He was invited to sue if he was wrong and has not done so.
An investigative journalist might have sought to interview people from vallance’s past to gain sense of what is the measure of the ‘man’. We don’t do that in Britain any more.
Vallance clearly knows this isn’t a second wave but he’s quite happy for the term to be used. They all know it’s not the right term but make no effort to challenge it’s use presumably because it serves their purposes.
Why is Vallance lying? Cross his palm with silver!
Just had a depressing trip to my zombie town. It’s market day. 85% of people outside are masked. I tried talking loudly to a few people I knew (the ones that I recognised from their walk, body shape, clothes etc) about how bad the masks are for them ie teflon, plastic microparticles, and other carcinogenic chemicals, not to mention fungal and bacterial proliferation in the hot damp microclimate of the mask. Also about the economy the NOT UNUSUALLY overwhelmed NHS and false Covid death figures. I left some leaflets around. I tried but came away feeling despondant. Thinking I might try harder next week and get some banners and a soapbox!
Do that. There’s be an A5 leaflet soon ready in PDF form to take to a local printers.
Seeing people masked outside boggles the mind!
I’ve noticed it more happening here too. And people wearing them in their own cars. Ludicrous.
People in town mostly gone totally barmy thanks to the Johnson-Behavioural Insights mental assault.
Old people huffing about in rain-soaked, dirty muzzles. Mum tried to give some books to a charity shop but they rejected them due to the “Covid risk”.
Don’t remember them ever being worried about flu, colds, pneumonia, anthrax, ebola, diphtheria, cholera, TB or anything else.
This fear campaign must be the most effective UK government project ever. Too bad it is purely destructive.
Been out too. Talk about zombie land!
B&Q. Challenged at the door by some 12 year old oik. He got short shrift from me.
Everyone masked to some degree. Totally depressed.
Went on to Halfords. Got into “debate” with till assistant who said her daughter says the hospitals are filling up (didn’t want to recognise that this happens at this time of year, didn’t want to hear about everything that is wrong with PCR tests), knew 3 people that died of Covid in summer (it’s always 3 people!) and just shrugged when I asked her is this how she wants to live the rest of her life.
How are we ever going to convince these arseholes? This is only happening because people want this to happen. If more people like us were to just say no, this would be over tomorrow. My fellow countrymen (& women) make me despair….
It’s how everything seems to go these days. Some people choose their position on an issue, and then rigidly stick to it no matter what. They then only listen to ideas which reinforce their position, and have no interest in an open discussion about the other side.
Discussion of any issue is useless with this type of person. Their minds are closed. I think social media echo chambers and PC culture making many innocuous subjects taboo are partly to blame for the overall problem. Nobody wants to discuss ideas anymore.
I think you know the same people I do, Alan.
In fact, I know 3 people, each of whom knew 3 people who died; I wonder if those 3 people who died knew 3 people who died before they did.
Damn, got a headache now.
Received a mail from my MP (Dom Drab) a couple of days ago, attaching a (borderline illiterate) letter that Dom has written to Wancock with a promise to be back in touch when a reply is received. Letter says this:
Dear Secretary of State
I am writing to you on behalf of three constituents (THREE????? Is that all) who have both (sic) raised a number of questions regarding the governments (sic) approach towards tackling Covid-19.
In particular my constituents believe there are a number of significant gaps, errors and contradictions in the governments (sic) approach which they believe should be better targeted in order to properly minimise the impact of Covic-19 (sic).
I enclose a copy of the correspondence I have received from my constituents and would appreciate your comments on the points they have raised.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Not sure which of my late night rant e-mails he is referring to and it is disappointing that only 3 constituents have questioned the Covid policies. I am expecting a knock on the door any time soon from the Stasi who will no doubt drag me off to the Gulag.
I suppose it’s because it’s such a waste of time – but people need to be encouraged to do so, as Lord Sumption says.
What we need are small clusters of activists who focus their efforts on one particular action. Why don’t you consider taking this on, the task of writing to MPs, collating replies, and encouraging others to do the same -?
If you can gather as well someone with legal knowledge (or research yourself) knowledge of an individual MPs personal duties and responsibilities, so much the better.
Is your MP our esteemed foreign secretary? If so I am really very unimpressed with the standard of writing. However, let’s assume the intern did it.
I am more concerned by it only being 3 constituents. That tells us a great deal about the lack of engagement and I’m alright Jackism going on. Assume leafy Surrey is still in tier 1 whereas leafy Essex volunteered for the naughty step.
I bet he’s received many more. Lying by omission is bread and butter to many MPs.
You’re probably right. How do most of us know who has written to any MP?
One thing that has come out if this is that trust in politicians which was always in very short supply is never likely to be regained at all.
At last a song to sing along to.
We need to move beyond quibbling about ‘the virus’.
Fucking excellent. (Caution, may offend.
One thing I’ve not been able to understand is why more businesses are not suing the gov for damages, following the example of the gyms and forcing their hand.
As you probably know by now, lawyers in Germany are preparing a case for crimes against humanity. In the mean time they encourage people to sue.
This site is trying to keep track of what’s happening https://www.europereloaded.com/how-to-become-part-of-dr-reiner-fuellmichs-class-action-suit/
8 October: “We got in touch with the German law firm of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich via his website http://www.fuellmich.com / Kontakt (contact) and left a message in English.
On his site, you’ll see this German announcement: Wir beraten und unterstutzen aktiv die Aktivitaten zu der Corona Schadensersatzklage. Which translates as: We actively advise and support the activities regarding the Corona claim for damages. https://www.corona-schadensersatzklage.de/ Which translates as ‘Corona action for damages’.
They replied that they themselves are only representing German clients, but plan to publish names of lawyers and law firms internationally who will be taking part in legal action for redress against the corona measures.”
There is no way they can absolutely destroy small businesses based on pseudoscience without serious backlash whether that’s in the courts or protests.
Reading that chap’ s (non) massage experience, I am amazed that business is still operating. I was a massage therapist for many years until I developed RA and had to stop. The whole point of massage is hands-on, non-invasive, human contact. It can treat many physical ills but also help on a mental and spiritual level. Many of my clients were elderly and living on their own, many were very stressed through work or were dealing with other health problems. A lot of my job was to listen to clients, let them unfurl, and to garner trust so that they would be completely relaxed during their treatment. Physical human touch is lacking for many people, but now it is being openly denied. That’s seem to be the point. Massaging with PPE and especially gloves DEFEATS the whole object! How can any massage therapist be happy to do this? How on earth is massage even possible through disgusting plastic gloves? And as for the other diktats…! It would be completely possible to treat people if SENSIBLE precautions were in place ie doing back massages only, which is what people mostly want anyway, using paper towel to completely cover the couch and ensure cleanliness of towels and equipment at all times, which a given anyway. Let the therapist decide their own risk factor. But of course this is all by design, to make sure human beings are distanced and kept apart, and as for physical contact…that’s not the way of the Great Reset, where we are being trained as faceless drones to eventually accept AI interference in our bodies, to destroy our very humanity.
London ‘Metro’ newspaper of 28 October reported that no virus found to date on London Underground. TFL (= Transport for London) test the London Underground all year and find NO corona virus.
Yet we are supposed not have massage and wear gloves and to use hand gel, and touch nothing, clean like crazy, and objects such as library books and clothes in shops have to go into ‘quarantine’ for 48 hours/whatever.
The virus is fading away after doing what viruses do.
It all such a nonsense, my hairdresser sometimes works in a care home and she was angry to learn that the elderly were being denied hugs or touch by their families yet she a complete stranger had access to them !
I had one a couple of months back – she came to my house. I was unmasked, no problems with that. She started with mask and visor, lost the mask when I told her not to bother on my account, and then lost the visor after the massage was finished and chatted to us bare faced.
That’s good to hear. Most independent therapists just use their common sense and judgement. I still have massages and my therapist, whilst outwardly has to obey the rules, does her own thing in her treatment room.
Get outta here.
What’s old dolly chops got in store for us this week.
Zut alors Emmanuel, what’s that you say, the fallen Madonna with the big boobies has fallen into enemy hands. Lock down.
There seems to be a sense they are loading the oppression and confusion onto weekends. I haven’t kept a diary but I would think weekends are a planning factor in how they are loading unrelenting stress onto people.
some SAGE thinking?
Got a survey from British Athletics today about attending future events. There were some good questions including what would put you off attending such as mandatory masks, distancing, etc. It was nice in that it was a question pitched about how Covid restrictions might put you off rather than encourage you to attend. Needless to say I ticked every new normal measure as putting me off going. Probably sailing against the wind but hey ho.
Here’s a good slogan to use, thanks to
ACU2020 https://acu2020.org/ (composed of medical doctors and scientists including Schöning, Schiffmann, Haditsch)
“Better Normal, not New Normal”
A bit close to ‘build back better’ for me.
Good point. They’ve pinched all the best words and slogans
Good that they asked though, many institutions assume that everyone wants the COVID safe nonsense.
I teach 7th graders. One of the rare times they are allowed to go mask free is while they are eating lunch. A girl had taken off her mask and laid it next to her on the table. It was so filthy that I thought she had taken out her shoe insert and laid it next to her! I can’t that she is breathing that in for hours a day. 7th graders as a whole consider it all a big joke.
Come on. Take a picture of that soiled rag and send that to the head. Child welfare anyone?
You don’t need to be the anti mask person. Just point out that there is a clear lack of hygiene with use
The response would be to come up with rules about washing face masks. The fear of the adults is real.
It’s happening on school premises. I presume the head has a general duty of care. You might like to look into it. The more individuals realise that they have a responsibility and can’t say that they were merely following government guidance, the more these people, who have local power and influence, will start to (a) ask questions and (b) take responsibility
That’s at least a start. Because either way, that’s so dangerous to be having that on your face all day in such a state. Masker or no masker, ignoring it is not the thing to do.
I have 2 tradesmen in the house at the moment installing an attic ladder for me – both unmasked!
I’m ringing the police!
I’m in Ireland (the Republic) and tradesmen/women are allowed operate under all levels of lockdown
Yes, almost all the tradesmen we’ve had have had no truck with any of this. Only a couple, from larger firms, turned up masked and couldn’t wait to take them off when we told them not to bother on our account.
That lecture by Lord Sumption really is a tour de force. He not only lays into the government but also lets the police have it over their brutality at Trafalgar Square, and there’s even a swipe at (I think) Trish Greenhalgh.
It’s absolutely chock full of punishing quotable extracts.
I’ve quoted a few here previously, Here’s another:
“Fear was deliberately stoked up by the government: the language of impending doom; the daily press conferences; the alarmist projections of the mathematical modellers; the manipulative use of selected statistics; the presentation of exceptional tragedies as if they were the normal effects of Covid-19; above all the attempt to suggest that that Covid-19 was an indiscriminate killer, when the truth was that it killed identifiable groups, notably those with serious underlying conditions and the old, who could and arguably should have been sheltered without coercing the entire population.“
Hi Mark – please will you give me a list of all the best ones – then I can use them to compile another leaflet.
These are my current favourites (the last one is from the q&a afterwards:
“During the Covid-19 pandemic the British state has exercised coercive powers over its citizens on a scale never previously attempted. …. It has been the most significant interference with personal freedom in the history of our country. We have never sought to do such a thing before, even in war-time and even when faced with health crises far more serious than this one.”
“The most draconian of the government’s interventions, with the most far reaching economic and social effects, have been imposed under an act which does not appear to authorise them”
“When I ventured to criticise [Derbyshire police] in a BBC interview for acting beyond their powers, I received a letter from the Derbyshire Police Commissioner objecting to my remarks on the ground that in a crisis such things were necessary. The implication was that in a crisis the police were entitled to do whatever they thought fit, without being unduly concerned about their legal powers. That is my definition of a police state”
“When societies lose their liberty it isn’t usually because some despot has crushed it under his boot, it is because people voluntarily surrender their liberty out of fear of some external threat. Historically fear has always been the most potent instrument of the authoritarian state. That is what we are witnessing today.But the fault is not just in our government. It is in ourselves. Fear provokes strident demands for abrasive action, much of which is unhelpful or damaging. It promotes intolerant conformism. It encourages abuse directed against any one who steps out of line, including many responsible opponents of this government’s measures and some notable scientists who have questioned their empirical basis. These are the authentic ingredients of a totalitarian society.
So, I regret to say, is the propaganda by which the government has to some extent been able to create its own public opinion. Fear was deliberately stoked up by the government: the language of impending doom; the daily press conferences; the alarmist projections of the mathematical modellers; the manipulative use of selected statistics; the presentation of exceptional tragedies as if they were the normal effects of Covid-19; above all the attempt to suggest that that Covid-19 was an indiscriminate killer, when the truth was that it killed identifiable groups, notably those with serious underlying conditions and the old, who could and arguably should have been sheltered without coercing the entire population. These exaggerations followed naturally from the logic of the measures themselves. They were necessary in order to justify the extreme steps which the government had taken, and to promote compliance. As a strategy, this was completely successful. ”
“The British public has not even begun to understand the seriousness of what is happening in our country. Many, perhaps most of them, don’t care, and won’t care until it’s too late.”
“I personally do not believe…that there is a moral obligation to comply with the law simply because it is the law. It seems to me that there are circumstances in which there are more powerful considerations the other way. It seems to me that when you hear ministers for example discussing the question whether people should spend Christmas with their families as if the right to spend Christmas with your family was a kind of boon or gift or favour conferred by ministers out of the kindness of their hearts, you have to ask yourself, what are the moral limits of the government’s power, even by lawful regulations, let alone unlawful ones, to control the private lives of individuals? Personally I think that some of these regulations go well beyond the moral rights of government and I would not be at all surprised if they were widely ignored.”
There is a transcript
Thanks Julian & Mark
Testing centres are being reported empty.
Pop-up test centre popped up behind our local leisure centre 2 days ago. Huge queue of healthy looking people sat in cars with masks on. Who are these people?
Moronic idiots.
Paid lackeys who, now that the government knows we know the centres are empty, drive from one to the other pretending to get tested.
Damn! Just slipped into conspiracy theory land for a minute. But, what if it were true?
I took a drive around the city yesterday, the covid testing station was quiet as usual as was the office campus trading estate and University.
Rail Station car park less than one third full but hotel car parks busy.
The (6th form) College area was teeming with non complying teenagers, the working bloke trading estate bustling as in the old normal.
At the hospital the only thing of note is that maternity (where the cafe has been closed throughout) has suddenly been blessed with a number of very new tables and chairs outside for you to enjoy a beverage as the temperature plummets.
Things change fast.Now this newly published article says antibody response effective and last at least 5 mths.
Robust neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 infection persist for months
“Here we report that the vast majority of infected individuals with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 experience robust IgG antibody responses against the viral spike protein, based on a dataset of 30,082 individuals screened at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. We also show that titers are relatively stable for at least a period approximating 5 months and that anti-spike binding titers significantly correlate with neutralization of authentic SARS-CoV-2. Our data suggests that more than 90% of seroconverters make detectible neutralizing antibody responses. These titers remain relatively stable for several months after infection.”
“Eric Blair” comments on an article about Klaus Schwab, the monster crouching at the heart of all this:
This is the article:
Schwab is an ugly little man.
‘Eric Blair’ seems a bit of a dismissive ill-informed twat.
All of the conspiracy theorists in internet land I know, and those of the real world as well, are pretty much fully focused on the reset shite.
Simply untrue bollocks.
The author of this piece is also the editor of the Irish Catholic. Notwhithstanding the fact that I am an atheist and no fan of the Catholic Church in Ireland, I do agree with his sentiments that those of a religious nature should be allowed to congregate.
It’s beyond propaganda now when you get out and out lies allowed on TV from scum like this. Thank goodness for Ivor
(3 mins) I
I thought I might be able to make some easy money by referring people for Covid vaccine trials – you can earn £100 for referring someone to take part. Then I saw the bit about I could only refer someone if I took part, no thanks. https://off-guardian.org/2020/10/29/incentivised-vaccine-trials-kill-or-maim-a-friend-and-get-100/
I’ll do it if I can refer all of the MPs who voted for this shit show, I’m willing to sacrifice myself for “the cause” if they will.
Then I can get paid about £66,000 (twenty times the raise that MPs got) and risk suffering about 369 unknown side-effects
EDIT: I missed a zero – luckily I’m not writing the latest version of “Sim Virus” because missing out the odd zero here and there can dramatically effect the gameplay…
MPs deserve to be amongst the first to take a rushed vaccine, and it should be done publicly – not like the fake photo shoots which Khan and Sunak have been doing multiple times for the flu vaccine with the needle cover still on.
Still can’t trust that – how could anyone tell that it is actually “the” vaccine and not a fake?
“Look! None of us dropped dead”
We are talking about some of the most untrustworthy scumbags that have ever walked the face of the earth
A wonderful message from Robert F Kennedy Jr.
A voice of decency and quiet determination.
Perfect timing. I was just about to look for this and couldn’t remember his name, Thanks
He is very moving, his struggle to speak, becomes more and more powerful, controlled fury.
I do recommend it whenever anyone needs encouragement.
He has spasmodic dysphonia. That’s why he struggles to speak.
This is absolutely brilliant – thank you so much for posting!!! I have passed on the link to my friends in the US. I wish we had an orator of this calibre in the UK…I mean Lord Gumption is brilliant but won’t appeal to the (wo)man on the street like Kennedy.
Not so long ago there was a report that nearly every handrail in public places had traces of cocaine.
I don’t hear any member of the authorities arguing that there should be a national lockdown to eliminate cocaine which arguably causes more misery and probably deaths than Covid.
“A number of private locations within the Houses of Parliament have tested positive for cocaine”
Thanks for that.
What a surprise!
Obviously false positives… ahem.
The illegality causes the misery, Phil, not the substance itself.
Which is not to say there are not health issues with narcotics.
There are a lot of health issues with narcotics. Ask George Floyd’s family.
The police officer didn’t kill him. Fentanyl killed him.
Don’t see how this bears on substance prohibition, and the harm that causes though.
Initial verdict on Recovery: https://timeforrecovery.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4Recovery
Website looks professional if a bit sparse
Core message and demands are sound if somewhat vague
They seem like they are a bit underfunded and under powered – hope this changes:
“We desperately need funds so we influence the C19 debate. We aim to provide a balanced view that can better inform the media, public and of course Government. We work closely with opinion formers to ensure that the true facts are being publicised for all to see. To do this we need your financial support.
Most of our work is carried out by volunteers, concerned individuals like you, who want to see a fair and open debate. However we urgently need funds to pay for campaign media, some full time staff, non-biased polling and wide ranging communications to get Britain back on track and save countless lives. Please give what you can.”
I like the aims about polling and opinion formers.
This is pinned to the front door of our local pub which is closed under he current restrictions
To whom it may concern
When we reopen the following are banned from entering these premises or being served with intoxicating liquor
All Members of Parliament, The Scottish Parliament, The Welsh Assembly and all of the staff of these institutions
All councillors
All employees of any Local Authority within the UK
All persons employed in the media
All police officers, and anyone employed by a police force anywhere in the UK
This ban also includes all of the above’s families and their extended families
If you ignore this ban you commit an offence and the police will be called’
It appears that collaboration does have consequences
They missed out the Northern Ireland Assembly!
Buy the landlord a pint for me!
Hope they’re rammed to the gills when they open!
Unlikely, when you consider the number of people likely to be related to media, local council, and police workers.
Well maybe they’ll do an exemption for the good ones?
There will be a subtle “Pardon in advance” for the very few good ones.
Need to add in SAGE and Imperial College
Yeah but the police are banned ?!
Off duty, the on duty ones are Ok to turn up to arrest the miscreants
I would add just one (or rather 28) exceptions to this. The 28 who voted against the extension to the CV legislation should be welcome, especially the Rt Hon. Sir Desmond Swayne.
Probably difficult to enforce that. Otherwise approve 100000000000000000000000%.
Individuals can apply for exemption certificates. Mr Swayne and the other 27 would qualify
I think they’re is an opportunity for people to take fliers into pubs/ resteraunts as they will be the most likely to support educating the population.
Unfortunately, where I am in the central belt nothing is open.
Excellent – he should exclude TalkRadio and some others from the media bracket though
Some more templates for the notice son conditional acceptance:
masks Notice of Conditional Acceptance
A video of London streets.
London Has Fallen | Financial Collapse.
It would be good to hear if this is an accurate reflection of daily life in London now.
I haven’t watched to the end.
Pretty much – except Saturdays when there is an anti lockdown protest march on.
Here is a handy website with live video of London streets:
Pretty much, with pockets of life. Driving in through the East End yesterday at rush hour, was more like a Sunday morning.
Reminds me of the film The Big Short
It’s 2007 and the protagonists were laughed at for suggesting the mortgage market could collapse
They decided to fly down to Florida and saw all the ‘For Sale’ signs, which was completely at odds with the official narrative
Then they interviewed a stripper who owned seven houses all mortgaged to the hilt
The stripper said that if interest rates went up 1% she would just hand the keys back
The rest is history as they say
Unfortunately, all those people who laughed are still in place. They never went away, and they never learned.
Yes it is all true.If you wanted to quibble,some of the streets shown would normally be quiet during the day as they are nighttime areas.
It doesn’t actually show the true extent.Central London defined by the congestion zone is a ghost town and going into tier 2 has compounded it.
This is a massive area and it won’t be long.No shops no rent landlords in trouble feeding into banks and pension funds.Systematic collapse.
The London Underground was packed at all times of the day, the Central Line in particular. It could be packed at 11pm. There was no longer a discernible rush hour, and it was carrying numbers that it had never been designed for.
To see the Tube empty like that didn’t even happen the day after the bombings, when a lot of people stayed at home, or had been stuck in London.
The only time London would be that quiet would be 5am on a Sunday morning.
Crossrail (Basically another central line) is going to be embarassing if it’s still like this when it finally opens.
Secret Santa sorted – https://firebox.com/products/wheres-dom
So I had an email conversation with a colleague in Slovakia. I miss visiting, Bratislava is a great city.
The general gist is, as you might expect, panic, fear, hysteria, mass testing of the entire population. This is perhaps the most telling line was this:
“Currently there are 176 deads with Covid in the Slovak republic.”
176 – total. The whole year. Population 5.5million. Proportionality?
Cuba only had 123 deaths out of a population of 11.34 million.
Their PM’s plan makes Boris’s bat-flu strategy seem like a masterpiece. Matovič seems to actually see himself as a hero, selflessly sacrificing his popularity to save the plebs. He regularly makes announcements without even telling the president or the health authorities, then he has to apologise to them, and then he will sling shit at them about it. He quotes Shakespeare as though he is playing a hero role. He ordered millions of cheap plastic tests to test the entire populous on a single day, without checking the logistics and with no strategic aim. He has designed a curfew system where you can only go out between 1AM and 5AM (not a typo). He has tried to illegally force testing by saying that if you don’t have a test, you have to be quarantined. He is yet another thicko, absent of morals or decency, totally out of his depth.
He has moved the entire country to night shift, madness!!
I asked about that too. He said:
A Slovak health expert spoke out yesterday. He was immediately and comprehensively smeared. He did another press conference today to refute the smears and got quite emotional. A veteran expert who was viciously attacked for speaking the truth.
Now the scumbag PM is on TV calling the expert a traitor. He is also now waving flashcards with monetary amounts on them – bribes for healthcare workers. This is how he refutes scientific expertise – with blatant bribes for other healthcare workers to comply. He hasn’t had the bribes approved by parliament, but apparently that is just a formality because they will “agree to anything he asks”. He has to rush off soon because he is so important and valued at the EU that they moved him to the number 1 speaker slot. He says they are desperate to learn from him. Deluded, dangerous, fascist pig!
And we think Boris is evil!
Johnson & co must go now
Just heard the most disgraceful Government ad re Covid on Talk Radio being read by a woman calling herself Dr Gupta. This is not the world renowned epidemiologist Dr Sunetra Gupta. How low will this Government sink with their propaganda? Contemptible is an understatement.
Ours is Professor Gupta. Beware cheap imitations!
This is not the world renowned epidemiologist Dr Sunetra Gupta.
Would this be “the world renowned epidemiologist” who told Freddie Sayers (Unherd) that we were close to herd immunity back in March. Thankfully, she’s backtracked on that and adopted a far more sensible approach.
London, the South East and parts of the West Midlands almost certainly were. The problem was, the North was not allowed to get close to it as the whole country was locked down, and is now paying the price for that error.
Has she backtracked or is she just being diplomatic?
She knows the UK does not currently have herd immunity – as do most of us.
Tweetedseveral hours ago by the London Ambulance Service:
“Sadly, the number of suicide and attempted suicide incidents we attend are increasing. Our crews now attend an average of 37 suicides or attempted suicides per day, compared to 22 in 2019 and 17 five years ago.”
First suicide data I’ve seen. Good for the LAS in releasing it.
It will be framed as people not receiving enough government financial support, not a rejection of lockdown due to societal breakdown.
For Cumbria (at 10th September)
‘So far this year, 45 people in the county have thought to have taken their own life – almost double the number this time last year.’
An earlier Cumbria Police press release said 39% increase in suicide attempts, this suggested it’s higher than that, so I’m not sure which is correct.
This was the origin of the 39% figure mentioned, but it’s suicides not suicide attempts
Nuance, context, proportionality, individual thought, reasoned discussion. In the age of Twitter these things no longer exist and this is the result.
I think they still do, but they face serious headwinds from the Twitterati.
Only a small minority are on Twitter and of them a tiny minority produce the vast majority of the content.
If anyone had forecast the events of 2020 one year ago, then would they have been called a ‘conspiracy theorist’?
Of course. We still are, despite the mounting evidence in front of everyone’s eyes.
Except nobody did. Amazing how the conspiracy theories always miss the ball even as it’s bouncing down the road. Nuff said really.
A lot of people have predicted the future technocracy. They did not predict the means that it would be done.
Off topic, but is there a secret sign by which we Sceptics can recognise each other when out and about? So we know we are not alone. No mask obviously but that might be for (ahem) “genuine” reasons and sometimes you have to, to get a job done. Should we wear a button hole, a badge or a V sign? Suggestions welcome!
A smile works for me!
A visible sign of dissident thought would be very useful.
Just as those who thought of it were entirely correct about a visible sign of conformity.
Mahyar Tousi is selling some excellent sweatshirts/tops on his Youtube channel. They have ”I believe in Britain” on them.
We should NOT wear muzzles, but just a blue silk scarf/bandana (or any other colour, it’s just that mine is blue!) and only pull it up if near a Terminally Terrified person or avoiding confrontation. Have it ready and be recognised as a non-muzzler!
Just saying things like “I dunno, it’s all a load of bollocks isn’t it?” to people (mask or no mask) and if they run away screaming, or start reacting violently (or if you see cogs turning in their head and it looks like their brain might explode) – then they’re not sceptical.
I say this sort of thing to receptive (i.e, not brain dead) ppl at bus queues and the like. I drop in an ‘appetizer’ like ‘its ruddy stupid, isn’t it?’ and see what their reaction is and go from there.
An air of confidence
Anti lockdown badges.
Carry a root vegetable
I’ve always been fond of root crops but I only started to grow last summer.
I just harvested some great carrots yesterday. Massive things. If I carry one, I’d be prepared the next time a mask wearer harasses me.
Slip Fact Bombs ( careful how you type that ) into the conversation, see who responds
When I was in Egypts several years ago, I noticed that most of the Christian Copts had a cross tattooed on their wrist. Let’s do something similar, and at the same time support those tattooists about to go out of business.
Sorry, that’s too close to an Auschwitz number for me.
I’m only joking about us doing it, of course… but the bit about the Copts is true.
Well worth a listen. Muzzles in Victoria, and some words of wisdom from another REAL expert:
Alan Jones is doing great work on Sky News Australia – why is Sky News UK such garbage?
Two separate organisations
Sad, every major television ‘news’ organisation in the UK is far left and pro-big government tyranny in response to the largely government caused crisis.
Also they are very pro-Great Reset and Davos elite can’t imaging a piece in the UK news like the excellent Sky News Australia segment calling out the whole New World Order scam.
Alan Jones and Dr Amin nail it! Why can’t we have such excoriating commentary on UK TV or newspapers?
I’ll be at my local memorial.
A number of comments continue to raise the ‘With’ or ‘Of’ Covid issue.
I’ve taken a quick look at this and tried to develop an approach which might be able to tease out an estimate of the ‘With’ Covid proportion. I’m not going to go into the details now but I think it’s possible that the virus played no part in around 30% of Covid recorded deaths since the end of April.
I would prefer to check out other data before coming to a more definite conclusion. But, I am reasonably confident that the true proportion is unlikely to be in excess of 30% – and it may well be quite a bit lower.
But if 96% of deaths with c19 mentioned on the death certificate have other serious illnesses and the average age is 82.4 years – is it not reasonable to assume that a draft could also send these frail alderly ill people on their way? Are other viruses being tested for?
Does it remain the case that deaths with nothing whatever to do with covid are still being listed as such?
I know of three specific instances and one NHS administrator who confirm it, all early in lockdown.
They cert are. Have you wondered where the ‘deaths from flu’, for example have gone? They’ve been re-branded as ‘covid’
That tells us absolutely nothing about how widespread the issue is.
There was a a huge excess death bulge already apparent in early April – only a week after lockdown. You need to explain that.
What criteria are you using?
Please consider the following scenario:
Joe Bloggs, 72, is admitted into A&E with shortness of breath.
He has a history of asthma and is on regular inhalers, he has had one admission into ITU for his asthma 10 years ago.
On examination he is found to have a temperature of 37.8
oxygen saturations are 89%
respiration rate 28
His chest sounds congested.
A chest x-ray shows a broken glass like anomaly.
A blood test shows he has a raised CRP and white cell count
An RT-PCR test shows positive.
With his history he is admitted into ITU
he is placed on oxygen delivered through a CPAP and his saturations are 96%
he is also given steroids.
After 3 days intensive treatment he is transferred onto a ward, still with CPAP.
His x-ray is showing a marked improvement
He is less breathless and after another 4 days he is taken off CPAP and manages with 2 litres of oxygen.
It is planned that he is discharged as soon as he can manage 24 hours without oxygen.
However, overnight his saturations drop, he experiences chest pain and despite the best efforts Joe dies after having a pulmonary embolism.
The PE arose because he had developed a clotting disorder due to his immune system overreacting to the original disease.
Was his death from CoViD19 or with CoViD19?
I do not focus on individuals but on the distinctive pattern of Covid-19 deaths – particularly the Male: Female ratio.
I think the starting point has to be the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. There are up to four fields (Ia, Ib, Ic and II) where Covid-19 can be ‘mentioned’. The critical point is that “the disease or condition thought to be the underlying cause should appear in the lowest completed line of part I.”
See: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/877302/guidance-for-doctors-completing-medical-certificates-of-cause-of-death-covid-19.pdf
There is no explicit concept of “with” or “of” on the Certificate itself. So, the question should probably be: in how many instances where Covid-19 is ‘mentioned’ on the Certificate, did it appear in the “lowest completed line of part I.” I think this would give a good indication of those dying “of” Covid-19.
I submitted an FOI request to the ONS in August as follows:
“I would be grateful if you could provide a breakdown of the 51,210 registered deaths involving COVID-19 in England and Wales for Week 11 to Week 31 as follows:
(i) The number of deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned as Cause of Death in section I(a) of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) with no entries in Section I(b), I(c) or II.
(ii) The number of deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned as Cause of Death in section I(b) of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) with no entries in Section I(c) or II.
(iii) The number of deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned as Cause of Death in section I(c) of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) with no entry in Section II.
(iv) The number of deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned in Section II of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) (‘Other significant conditions contributing to death but not related to the disease or condition causing it’)”
I have not had a reply as yet.
I think the starting point has to be the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.
Not if we’re just interested in analysing the scale of the issue.
Latest offering by Ivor Cummins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq3AaceihtI&t=209s
My son wears an ‘Im Awake, are you’? Black tee shirt
Good for him
He hates that meme
Hi folks, does anyone have any advice about registering for Simon’s site, KBF & the forums there? have been trying to sign up, tried 2 different email addresses but just get a message saying ‘validation error’ and it won’t let me register. I see there’s an option to log in with facebook but I don’t use that. I can’t see any obvious ‘contact us’ links. thanks in advance.
took a quick look at the Recovery website. Unfortunately I don’t think I can sign up at the moment. Their pictures of ‘ordinary people’ is doing the standard woke bigotry: someone’s clearly chosen ‘one of each’ – white woman, black man, black woman… etc. And they’ve left out the group they most dislike – white men.
removing this poisonous cultural woke nonsense is as important to me as liberty from covid and while it could just be coincidence, I have seen the pattern too many times: a simplistic view of people through the lens of gender or race and then ranking which groups you most or least favour. (And then claiming you are anti-racist, despite being hyper- obsessed with the skin colour of people you show on your website).
That is disappointing and would put me right off, also.
I cant find ‘Recovery’ in a general search. Have you got their full website?
Can’t find it at the moment, I will keep looking. It was brand new , I think someone linked it on here.
How can you give a critique of a site that you can’t even find?
There may be an element of that at work with the pictures. I couldn’t find anything else of that type and found much that was good. They are on our side. I would urge people to support it.
Those pictures might have come from stock, or from some web agency – “find us some pictures of ordinary people” and that’s probably what those kinds of places supply now, by default. To think that the Recovery steering committee sat around and decided they would exclude white men seems far fetched. They have Karol Sikora and Lord Sumption on board – both white men.
Yes, it’s just a shame that someone decided to go the diversity route with the pictures, if that is what has happened. My husband often feels he is an example of the least liked beings on the planet; white, middle aged, middle class, heterosexual male from a Christian background.
I’m sure the movers behind Recovery are freer thinkers than that though.
Please put a link to the page on the website with these photos!
What pictures are you all talking about? There are mostly just cartoons on https://timeforrecovery.org/ The two photos I saw had white people in them.
It’s bad enough spending my days living in a country where people are half-mad about a virus. Then I come here and people are talking about “woke” photos that don’t seem to exist.
Are you looking at https://timeforrecovery.org/?
There are no photos on the site that I can see. Some cartoonised people on the home page, but since they’re all blue, race is not discernible.
Anyone reading the post I’m responding to, please look at the site yourself and make your own judgement.
On the first “rest day” of the Vuelta, approximately seven hundred people were tested for the virus. Not one of the tests was positive. I am wondering how this could be? Does anyone know?
Tests weren’t processed in the UK Lighthouse Labs.
If the race organisers know how to get rid of the false positive problem, surely they would share the solution with the rest of us?
Would be nice wouldn’t it.
Sandra Bullock was in a film about that wasn’t she?
I am currently compiling statistics for those who have died with athletes foot since March
It appears that the dictatorship does not record numbers
Why would they not keep figures for people dying with an infection that is generally not fatal?
If anyone has the figures would they please let me have them
Do we know the R rate for that?
Probably around 15 to 20
Fergusons just run the forecast…you’re not going to like it.
Being called Achilles, surely you would know about feet, no?
According to SAGE, the figures are grim for Athletes foot sufferers.
Somewhere in the region of 67 billion* with 90 billion people expected to die from it in the next 4 weeks!!
*not actual figures, Just made up off the top of my head…like SAGE do.
Excellent article by Tomas Galen on Hector Drummond website, about herd immunity. Needs spreading , the article that is.
I like the Hunger Games theme. We’re being divided into districts now, so could be very appropriate.
Should of been in reply to the 3 finger salute comment below..dunno what happened there?
I like it! Might need a few takers before I randomly walk around holding up 3 fingers and whistling though
“…using a three fingered salute from the Hunger Games…”
Yes! Brilliant! this must become “a thing” at the next Lockdown Protest March.
Please stop with the “second wave” propaganda- there was no “first wave.” There was a manufactured event in which the spike you see in deaths was caused by the acceleration of death of the elderly and infirmed. These deaths were compressed into a shorter time frame by administrative malfeasance (the generous account) that resulted in administrative euthanasia.
There was NO unique killer virus that landed from Venus and produced some mythical epidemiological event aka “first wave.” This is a lie- stop perpetuating this lie.
By continuing with the “first” or “second” wave canard you are de facto providing cover for what were crimes.
On the 30th of December alarms bells were raised about a supposed “new SARS virus.” Then New Years Eve comes and in China they begin to look for reagents.
On New Years Day Drosten is developing a PCR for this “new virus”, and develops the PCR test parameters, before the results from China can be verified and proven and before the Chinese results were even made public.
Amazingly Drosten’s PCR design appeared in a day- during the New Years holiday no less- with no material yet available from which to design his test.
How does that work?
The constellation of non-stop coincidences over the last 9 months is staggering. You have to be in complete denial (and be ignorant of the history of 2009 and swine flu hoax) to not understand what has been happening over these last 9 months and to simply write it off as some “mistake” or “panic” or fill in the blank.
As for Qui Bono?
Profits on Wall Street reached $27.6 billion in the first six months of the year, an 82% increase over the same period in 2019 and nearly equal to all of 2019’s pre-tax earnings of $28.1 billion.
I got a letter from my GP surgery inviting me for my asthma review. It would, of course, since I’m a dangerous bio-hazard, be a telephone appointment. I duly phoned only to be told that there are no appointments until mid-November as the ‘slots’ are only released in 2-week batches and there are none available. I will need to phone back next week.
Assuming I actually get an appointment (which I need as any respiratory infection this winter will be bad news so I’ll need a prescription for my medication) a telephone asthma review will be a farce. No Peak Flow test i.e. the one where you blow hard down a tube, no weigh-in, no blood pressure check. I will be able to tell the practice nurse any crap I like. How will she know that I haven’t put on 3 stones in lock-down or that I’m not drinking like a fish (oh hang on….) or that I’m not terminally depressed? I am not ill but, knowing several people personally who are suffering and who are being denied care, this is unacceptable.
And that’s before you get to dire situations like the terrible account in that brilliant letter to Kwarteng in Toby’s post. MW
But I thought the NHS was open and ready for business? At least that’s what the advert I keep seeing is telling me.
Any other asthmatics here find their doctors are rationing inhalers? Mine will only allow one blue a month.
So ‘fuck of and die you asthmatics’, signed the N.’H’.S. Maybe I’ll find out in the next month or so. . . . MW
May I make a suggestion? Go onto “Patient Access” and log in (make an account if necessary, but you will need a letter from your GP practice), then order repeat prescriptions online, for collection or delivery.
Brilliant system; it takes a couple of days to get the repeat prescription authorised, so you are allowed to order a week in advance. If you collect immediately, you therefore get you meds three days in advance. Repeat, and repeat every time, ordering a week in advance.
After a few months, you will have a spare inhaler in case the system collapses.
Many thanks for this, Richard. I tried it and it worked. Apart from the fact that it can’t make up its mind whether my prescription will be at the chemist’s in 2 or 3 days, it seems I’ll be getting an inhaler. (I still need the appointment though because I’ll need a prescription for the ‘preventer’ inhaler. I don’t like using them but I was so ill with bronchitis last year that I am inclined to use it along with the vitamin D, C etc we’re both now taking.) MW
Max Ingram another rare dissenting voice in Australia (banned from YouTube for questioning Melbourne Dictator Dan Andrews) has posted another videos including suggestions to end the tyranny. He has called things correctly since March. https://www.bitchute.com/video/j45U0lQG54Ai/
Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD
If @BorisJohnson locks down on the basis of Neil Ferguson’s latest (conflicted) scaremongering, the pair of them should be held criminally responsible, when the public inquiry is held, for the death and destruction they will cause.”
Also: “Dear @bbchealth
This headline is incorrect:
There may be nearly 100,000 positive tests each day. A significant number will be false positives and many (most?) people will have no symptoms and thus, arguably, no disease.”
The pair of them should be held criminally responsible regardless – for the first lockdown and attendant consequences. Wancock too.
They will be.
Goering and Co.. never thought justice would catch up with them, but it did.
Hancock must not, under any circumstances, escape the full rigour of the reckoning.
He is only obeying orders. He therefore agrees with them. He therefore is in the dock with the rest, under the concept of “joint enterprise”, under which a criminal gang would all be hanged if one of them pulled a trigger.
Listening to the news on BBC radio. All the voxpops are along the lines of how selfish people are and that “we” need a lockdown to teach us all self control. This is a pretty shameful indictment of the herd mentality and the success of the most relentless propaganda campaign since Goebbles.
Aaahhh…the BBC, who are an impartial broadcaster……NOT!! I complained to them last month about their bias & scaremongering regarding the shite that they put out as news.
I got the reply back from them the other day there, surprise surprise, they said that they are an impartial broadcaster & that they follow government guidelines etc.
So now, I actively avoid the BBC as they are just the government’s propaganda machine.
Vanessa Phelps interviewed Maureen from Barnsley the other day on the Jeremy Vine show.
She read several listeners responses starting with three straight karens who all used the word ‘selfish’ but what followed was more than a dozen or so evenly balanced views including one very well informed young man on the phone who was allowed to put over many of the points that we know so well.
Avoid like the plague and try and get others to do likewise. MW
Harm of masks.
A neighbour who attends the renal clinic for dialysis was told by his asthma specialist to ‘Saturate your oxygen’ and then wear the mask for ten minutes.
Normal is apparently 100, his Saturated is 90 (not good).
After 10 minutes his was 85.
Neither he nor I know of the technicalities but obviously he declares ‘exempt’.
How selfish of him!
I had an argument with Mrs leggy about this last night. She’s adamant that masks have no bearing on oxygenation levels. I beg to differ.
They do – my Mum is in a similar situation to Karenovirus’ neighbour. My Mum even has it officially stated on her GP record that she must not wear a mask, because of the instant & detrimental effect it has on her. My Mum also says it is up to her to chose what she does with her life.
How do we know that ‘tested c19 positive in last 28 days’ deaths arn’t flu/pneumonia deaths?
we don’t
or any other kind of death…
Many, I suspect, are people already in hospital who are pretty ill/terminally ill, and are moved into ICU having already been tested, then die a few days later. Until Heneghan’s team or such can peruse the death certificates as they did for the July and August deaths (which showed at least 10% overstatement) we will not know. The powers that be know what they are doing, and so do we. The ‘cases’ are flattening out, ‘long covid’ is not gaining enough traction, so now we are moving to the over-inflated death figures.
Frédéric Leroy
“The cover of @TIME
: the #GreatReset is coming. Swallow the pill, folks, for your own good. The #Davos aristocracy at @wef
wants the best for you & is so kind to reset your lives in 2021. No need for democratic consultation, which would but slow down the process of your salvation.”
Time Magazine:
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.”
Latest edition of Time magazine, but we’re just conspiracy theorists when we mention the Great Reset.
“Also on EAT’s advisory board: the founder of Rethinkx, a UK think tank promoting ‘precision fermentation protein’ to bring the meat and dairy industries to ‘#collapse’ by 2030.
New Report: Major disruption in food and agriculture in next decade — RethinkX
RethinkX projects collapse of dairy & cattle industries by 2030 as animal meat is replaced by cheaper, higher quality food made from precision fermentation protein.
How likely is Shwab’s plan to succeed though? I reserve hope that their own inflated egos will be their downfall
One of the most outlandish video ever(if that is possible)about C-19.Oregon’s Public Health Official reporting serious C-19 statistics incl. deaths dressed as a clown make up. Unbelievable.
Oh dear
Oregon is the second most lunatic state in the Union (behind California).
Whenever there is a ridiculous story published in the USA, it’s almost always one of those two.
Yikes, I hate clowns … who decided that was a rational thing to do?
Is that real? Surely not?
She’ll get makeup on her mask!
Imagine if the world had micro managed the spread of all previous respiratory infections. Where would we be now?
Now consider what the future might be like when they attempt to micro manage all future infections.
In all the coronavirus responses, the only one that is sensible is wash hands, but why would anyone need the government to tell them?
It is a well accepted fact that the two biggest advances in medical science EVER are washing hands and anti biotics.
anyone else notice that this appears to still be the guidance from the government regarding COVID?
Carl Heneghan also posted this yesterday, which is equally as important, the way I see it.
I was intrigued to learn that in writing 1984, Orwell was not predicting the future, but was instead describing what he had just experienced in London during the second world war.
I can find no clearer example of doublethink than when I contrast this statement from the above guidance:
“As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.”
…with the government’s non-stop outpouring of terror-inducing statements.
I guess there’s nothing new under the sun.
“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”
When I was a kid and somebody we knew or in the public eye died, I used to ask my dad, what did he or she die of and the reply was always : “A shortage of breath”
Strikes me that you could apply that to 99% of all deaths
Government, experts and advisors; take note.
I was told that death happens officially when the brain stops.
If that’s true, a lot of dead people are walking around right now
As “conspiracy ” theories are coming back into fashion, this is not one. It’s a statement of fact with some dots joined up that I shared here back in July:-
I’ve failed to see how/why the government can show such incompetence, so transparently, so completely in the face of Covid-19. Can they really underperform so badly that a team of six-year olds would have fared better?
I’ve wavered between looking for conspiracy theories and believing they really knew something we didn’t about how deadly Covid-19 is. Perhaps the answer is both conspiracy and them knowing something we don’t?
Have you explored the following logical thread?
The GPMB (Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, a UN/WHO/WBG organisation) report “A World At Risk – Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies” states on page 10 of the Exec Summary that a progress indicator by September 2020 is:
“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.” (My emphasis.)
The simulation exercise was Event 201 in October 2019.
Could it be that Covid-19 is the “deliberate release of a lethal respiratory”?
How can we corroborate that? Well, perhaps in this recent Mike Pompeo press conference where he talks about China not sharing information when “we are in a live exercise” with Trump to his right saying, “they should have let us know.”
Perhaps the seemingly unlikely second wave is very likely given that is it part of the overall project plan? Who knows?
I can continue joining the dots with conspiracy on conspiracy but if we stick with the basic facts, it seems that a coordinated global exercise has killed hundreds of thousands of people – deliberately. Is that not a humanitarian crime?
I would love to hear your thoughts. My vestige of remaining faith in the Establishment would very much like for the logical thread to be disproved.
Links to docs are as follows:
GPMB report – https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf
Event 201 ‘corporate video’ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-FQbhkWYuY
The Pompeo press conference – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUzonZxejVI
Incompetence vs conspiracy is a false dichotomy IMO
They panicked (mixture of incompetence and cowardice) and are now “conspiring” with eachother to cover up the blunder and avoid admitting they were wrong, and are still worried about being blamed for deaths – which they absolutely would be if they “let it rip”, just as people attack the Swedes/
Hydrochloroquine had been available over the counter in France for more than 60 years.
On January 13th 2020 it was made precription-only.
How does that your thesis?
Was that a blunder?
It was sugested right from day one of lockdown in March that things would nevr be the same again.
Was that a blunder?
Fair point. Had Trump advocated it at that point? Political? Or they feared people would buy it up and they would run out, or they feared people would think it protected them when it didn’t?
Nearly 100,000 people are catching coronavirus every day in England, a major analysis suggests.
The study, by Imperial College London, says the pace of the epidemic is accelerating and estimates the number of people infected is now doubling every nine days.
In that case, in 67 Days we will all be doomed, seems like I have only two months to complete my bucket list, can we have Christmas on the 25 November?
It also means the IFR is about a fraction of a part of a percent. Pandemic over then, let’s go!
They still want it both ways; millions have caught it and the IFR is > 1%.
Exactly. It’s so contagious that normal life needs to stop, but at the same time we are in big trouble because hardly anyone has been exposed yet despite the fact that we’ve all been so naughty and breaking the rules, so that means at least 90% of the population are still vulnerable, so we’re nowhere near herd immunity but of course herd immunity isn’t a real thing anyway so, er, lockdown.
Just listened to its author, Professor Steven Riley, interviewed on Sky. He is an Oxford Physics undergraduate, who then migrated into computational biology with his MPhil and DPhil also at Oxford. Interestingly, he has almost exactly the same CV, and at the same time and places, as Neil Ferguson. Plays further into that axis of animosity between Roy Anderson and his acolytes vs Oxford and especially Gupta (see the defamation case from the early 2000s that led to Anderson and his team leaving Oxford to set up at ICL). There needs to be a full-scale inquiry into ICL and their political and funding links.
ICL are very plugged into the media.
Often in the biblical sense.
Where are they getting this number from? A model I assume, but what are the parameters? What’s it actually based on?
Halloween costume is sorted at least!
No sweeties for him!!
Uncle Fester lives.
Being an avid watcher of UK column news I am struck by just how professional, talented, and clever these people really are. And they are all imbued with a dogged determination to get to the truth on this whole scamdemic. The team consists of Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson, David Scott and the incomparable Patrick Heningsen.
When you compare the brilliant efforts of these truly independent and dogged pursuers of truth, to the shallow, made up (the only qualification seems to be white teeth and tidy hair!) cardboard cut outs that pass for newsreaders on the BBC, ITV and SKY it’s a bit like comparing the football team Barcelona with that of Fleetwood town—and that’s probably an insult to Fleetwood town!
So if you haven’t yet watched these seriously investigative journalists in action I urge you to do so. Some months ago you might have thought they were talking all conspiracy theories but now they’re right on the button.
Out walking our dog this morning I found myself bursting into tears,I felt bit of a prat and god knows what anyone made of the sight of a six foot man in his fifties crying as he walked a dog !,but I’d just had enough this morning.
We’d been out recently with our friends,I’ll call them Liz and Michael (not their real names) and I came extremely close to losing a valued friendship.
At the start of this Michael was worried because of serious underlying health conditions he has but over the summer seeing the reality of what was going on and listening to what I have learnt from LS he had become about 95% sceptic,Liz has been pretty sceptic all along.
Michael said he was getting very worried again due to all the ‘cases’ and the fact that an area only a few miles from where they live is now tier 3,I said not to worry because it was all smoke and mirrors,well with that he snapped at me angrily and said he didn’t want to hear anything I had to say about Covid anymore,he’s never done that before and I was taken aback,my blood rose and I was about to let go with both barrels when I saw how shocked Liz and my wife were at his outburst and how Liz was looking at me with an apologetic look pleading me not to respond,so I said nothing.
At that moment I realised that Michael was now a member of the covid cult created by the government and media by the use of fear and that if someone as intelligent and worldy wise as him could be drawn into it anyone could.He now unwilling to engage in any conversation that questions the cult narrative.It is one thing when it is someone you meet on the street or in a shop is a cult member but it is a real shock when it is a person you know well.The success of the psychological warfare unleashed on the people of the world is unbelievable.
Liz told me,when Michael was not present,that he spending far too much time watching the msm news now and wishes he wouldn’t and that she is very pissed off because Michael is becoming reclusive and doesn’t want to do much anymore,including seeing their family due to the virus risk,he was also snappy with Liz,not something I have seen before.
I am not going to fall out with Michael,our friendship is not going to be another of the un-countable casualties of this deliberate madness,but I am very worried for both of them.
Today I cannot find the words to adequately describe my sheer,deep down hate and loathing for all the politicians,media and everyone else that are destroying every last thing that matters to us all,to use the American description,I could now very readily ‘go postal’.
I said to my wife last night that if I had a genie in a bottle that said I can grant one of two wishes for you,firstly,I guarantee you thirty more years of life with no illness and no problems at all with the only proviso being that the world will always be as it is now or you could have only ten more years with the world as it was pre 2020,with all it’s ups and downs,without a doubt it would be the second choice.
We are heading for merely existing,living without life,where’s the point ?.
Incidentally,before anyone says it,I’m not being defeatist and I am most certainly not giving in.
The problem always with persuading people is that you only get access to them occasionally, whereas they are continually exposed to the deluge of propaganda from the lockdowners, from government, from social media zealots, from the mainstream media and big tech outlets.
That means they will almost always slip backwards when you aren’t there, if they haven’t completely broken free of the narrative.
I have found this with a friend of mine. Reinfection may not be a problem with COVID, but it certainly is with COVID propaganda.
You don’t sound defeatist to me, Paul. You are just highlighting exactly why we can’t give up. The only way I could imagine not taking the 10 years option was if I had young children.
I very much empathise. It’s one thing to remain calm and resolute in the face of the propaganda on TV but when it comes from the mouth of someone close to you it’s really upsetting. Last week my uncle ranted at me on the phone about how I was likely to die if I left the house and that I was furthermore selfishly putting other people at risk of dying by going out: it was truly terrible to hear things like that from a close relative.
It’s good to hear that your wife is managing to keep her head, despite the relentless ‘second wave’ discourse.
I think many of us here have been in similar situations and got upset for the same reasons you do. Thankfully most of my friends and family are of similar thinking to me, but my MIL is full on sucked in by it all, not wanting us and the kids to visit…..
Its very upsetting on various levels. To see people you know to be of decent intelligence be wrapped up in it is baffling.
Lots of hugs your way x
Michael needs a hug. From a stranger. I am mentally ill I think. I will cuddle Michael. I will make him better. I will hug him and stroke him and call him George Monbiot.
nice bugs bunny reference there
Of mice and men… then Bugs..
oh yes of mice and men, our dogs called George because of the bugs abominable snow man episode. Forgot about of mice and men, even though i studied it for GCSE
Michael’s outburst comes from the knowledge that, deep down, he knows this isn’t right, but he is just too frightened to admit this to himself.
There’s always a point to living.If you burst into tears as you say, it’s because you know there’s a point to living. and you go on knowing that however grim the circumstances.
Be strong.And if you’re ever in Tenby, please come and look down on our snivelling rector from your six foot five and tell him what an a…….e he is. That would make a point. And then come on a glorious coastal walk with us and the dogs. There’s plenty of point to that.
Thankyou Annie,a coastal walk with dogs and good company is just our cup of tea !.
What is truly shocking is the energy many put into glaring, tutting and shaming. It’s as if they have some sort of moral high ground. It makes me want to cry watching the very elderly shuffling around wearing these vile muzzles when we know they’ve all lived through equally bad outbreaks of flu without being terrified into submission. If this is some sort of ‘reset’ and not just total incompetence and corruption to milk us for money, I wish they’d just be open and inform us instead of being slowly throttled to death. No medical treatment, no dental treatment and a constant ‘tutting’ and ‘pointing’ when you dare to go out unmuzzled. The hysteria led idiots are actually enjoying their Stasi role.
We are now in a situation that, if by some miracle, the government said it was all safe now we would still have a good % of the population hiding and only venturing out for absolute necessities and with face masks. Some of them would no doubt beg the government to keep the restrictions going. The fear deliberately created can not be easily dispersed. Sad times.
I have family members who want this to carry on pretty much indefinitely. It’s very hard.
Good luck to them if they want to do that. It will be less crowded for the rest of us.
Not a kind thing to say I know, but like many of us on here I am seriously struggling this week.
I have a lot of empathy with your position Paul. Your description of Michael could just as well be describing my wife. She snapped at me two weeks ago and I mean properly snapped and shouted COVID DENIER at me. Accusing me of being “too aggressive” in promoting my sceptical thoughts. As you can imagine life was difficult for a couple of days and now we just don’t talk about our differing positions.
I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s put you in a horrible situation.
I feel lucky that I am completely alone, the last living member of my immediate family. My ex-husband ended our marriage years ago. I’m completely isolated socially as well. I never dreamt that I would be one of the lucky ones.
I e-mailed my photo of the empty testing station to a few friends and one responded. His wife works at the local hospital and he tells me that the testing done there is showing more cases. I asked if this meant these people were presenting to hospital with other problems and they just happen to have Covid. Which means they’re not dying from Covid but with it, perhaps?
So far the silence has been deafening.
Join the Going Postal blog:
Great comment and your not alone, it’s very similar for most of us I would say.
I dare say many readers of this site will have come across Dr John Campbell, the medical establishment’s everyman whose videos YouTube is very keen for lockdown sceptics to watch. Well, here’s a turn up for the books: in his latest video he makes a case that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus will likely confer long-term immunity to Covid-19 – and, get this, he even condemns the scare stories about short-term immunity now doing the rounds. That is not the message that the authors of the ICL REACT study wanted to convey. Will we now see the censors at YouTube blacklist John Campbell? I’d laugh if they did. Seriously, though, it is becoming increasingly apparent that some members of staff at ICL are operating to an agenda. It’s a dangerous game they are playing.
People don’t like him because he has a big sign behind him saying wear a mask when doing his videos. There are people who think this is just about masks.
He had a video on immunity months ago so he’s well on board with the research there.
He’s also bigged up Vitamin D and HCQ
Please note that the Dr in the channel name refers to the fact he has a PhD and is not the honorary title Dr afforded to medical practitioners (although not surgeons here in the U.K.).
This fact cannot be repeated too many times.
Yes, indeed, he’s a former nurse. I thought it amusing that a man so beloved of YouTube and the medical establishment is starting to go off-piste. Maybe the tide is turning!
The Wild High Peak, Thursday: Wild it is. ‘Raining heavily throughout half-term (poor kids!) and getting colder.
In a small town, yesterday: Fewer zombies than formerly in the street. 5 or 6 of us bare-faced, some with lanyards, in the supermarket. An elderly gent serving in a shop with no mask. Even better, as we yomped home with our rucksacks full of shopping, a cheery voice called out to us from a van. It was a former ‘dandelion’ who delivers for a shop offering to take our bags home for us so we could walk without them. She was smiley and relaxed, no nappy, and we gratefully accepted.
Today, breakfast in a cafe: The woman serving was masked and we had a gentle go, saying how we hated it that she couldn’t show her face. Well, it turns out that she is a full-on sceptic, and took the mask off as much as she could while avoiding any risk of ‘snitchers’ (how we detest that!!!) We had a fascinating conversation with her. She lives ‘off-grid’, insists on paying cash, and is totally up with what’s going on and told us some interesting stuff. No offence to people on here but it felt like a great relief finally to have such a conversation with someone a bit more ‘like us’ i.e. libertarian from a different place than most people on here.
We have not run a car for 20 years and we’ve avoided flying for decades. We have had issues with MSM for years and have never wanted to go near social media. We believe that western lifestyles were unsustainable and lived at the expense of ‘the many’ but we would never support this so-called and unacceptable ‘solution’. We were never against small businesses.
The gap between rich and poor (the 0.01% v the rest) is accelerating and you really don’t have to believe any ‘conspiracies’ to see what’s going on as wealth is being transferred at an eye-watering rate to big-money. The cull of the poor, sick and elderly continues apace. And it’s all cheered on by so many brainwashed morons in just about every country.
Take the airports going bust: people are quite right to say that flying will quickly become a luxury only for the very rich in private jets – we suspected this would eventually happen and, despite our views, we don’t support it. Whatever is going on is not green, it is not fair and it is truly a totalitarian nightmare which hasn’t even got going yet. We like Delingpole and Yeadon’s Convergent opportunism and Concatenation of interests and Foucault’s non-subjective intentionality. Just because there may not be a Blofeld or a Dr Strangelove behind it all does not mean that several dodgy agendas are not being served, bankrolled by some nasty psychotic characters and served by squads of narcissistic mediocrities allegedly leading governments.
Anyway, we spotted one of our very elderly sceptical friends battling through the rain with her 2 dogs. She has cancer and muscular problems but she soldiers on. The woman in the shop across the road was taking in a big delivery from a chap in a van – neither with nappies on.
But then a young man, muzzled, came in to the cafe. He could barely communicate with staff and would make no eye-contact with us. He went out, muzzled, and came back with his two tiny children – what a sad arsehole. We saw a child of about 8 across the road with a muzzle. Going down the street, we saw 2 people walking 100s of yards from anyone else, both muzzled.
Thank God that we bumped into another elderly sceptical friend with her 2 dogs. We both suddenly had the feeling that P, L, L and us are somehow part of a different species, walking through some kind of zombie film-set. We have made a leaflet which we’re going to try and distribute as best we can to ‘any bugger as’ll listen’. And, after all, four sceptics in one morning (we know of more) is not a bad score for a Derbyshire village!
And do you know what? Anti-war as we are, we are going to put on our (white) poppies and bloody well stand at the War Memorial on 11th November and keep the 2 minutes silence. We can do no less for our family members and all the others who believed that they fought for our freedom. MW
White poppies? They are an insult to those who gave their lives for this country in two world wars.
Really? I choose a red one but I think white has its place. I understand that it shows you are a pacifist but honour the sacrifice.
Thanks, Steph. I knew this would happen if I mentioned white poppies on this site but I will stick by it and I’m not prepared to lie to appease people.
One of the people I have most respected in my life was a war hero who fought with the French Resistance and who afterwards became a pacifist. He wore a white poppy on Remembrance Day and if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for anyone.
Also, AlanG’s grandfather was killed in WW1 and his father was so fucked-up by his experiences in Normandy that he committed suicide when Alan was 7.
So, no it is NOT an insult otherwise we would not wear them. More info at:
A friend of mine, lifelong pacifist (Quaker) wears a red poppy and a white poppy. For the record, his family were either field nurses or Army medics in both world wars.
Anyone seen the official rules for the new French lockdown. I’ve seen it suggested on Farcebook that people are now supposed to wear facemasks in their own homes. Can anyone confirm or deny?
Apparently it is ‘only’ recommended, not mandatory.
The only thing that I can confirm is that if anyone ever tries to force me to wear a face nappy—anywhere and at any time—I will take great pleasure in shoving it up their ar*e!
Making sure they can’t get hold of the loops!
It’s the same in California. Masks indoors only to be removed between bites. We knew this was the road of travel when the policy is based on bad science
If cases go up, masks work surely, so it’s more masks on more people in more places, more often. Then it must be the type of mask. Then it must be the way people are wearing them.
Soon they’ll be arresting you because your government mandated mask is being worn for more than an hour.
California Dreamin -er I don’t think so
Not true. Anyway there is no legal way for that to be imposed.
I can’t find anything about that.
100% with you. Its mass hysteria
El Presidente Sturgeon has announced her “new 5 tier” restriction area’s.
Mine is in level……3!!
She also said that “if the cases numbers go up, she could (read will) go for a full lockdown”
Arsehole that she is.
She is drawing inspiration from the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Victoria.
Hasn’t she been arrested for murdering old people yet?
She didn’t know about it, apparently. That is despite her being asked about it during the summer when she thought eradicating Covid was more important than answering for that at that time.
So who did? It’s inconceivable that nobody in her regime knew this was happening.
No, she said yesterday, something along the lines of, ‘there are no statistics to support this’.
Oh, that’s okay then
I’m not sure that appeasing the so-called “conspiracy theorists” is a good thing, Toby.
They “know” they’re “right” so any attempt at debate or disagreement with their position is not allowed.
You’ll either be attacked directly or smeared. It’s pure paranoia, and I find it very difficult to debate them.
Their paranoia means that attempts to disagree with their positions is met with accusations of being on the side of the “enemy”.
In fact Mike Yeadon specifically said (and James Delingpole agreed) that the possibility of global conspiracy was ridiculous.
Your letter writer has been very selective in respect of the discussion between Dr Yeadon and James Delingpole and I think is very wrong in trying to suggest that he agrees with her.
The fact that organisations can and will take advantage in situations such as this is not evidence of global conspiracy. Nor is government propaganda.
It’s a very difficult situation, but in these situations, with so much chaos and uncertainty, the paranoia probably inevitable and ultimately is simply a product of human nature.
It isn’t a dichotomy between conspiracy or not conspiracy. It is actually something in between. Nobody has the power and ability to orchestrate all this. But many have the power, ability and motivation to take advantage of the situation and manipulate things to their benefit at the expense of our freedom, our well being etc.
People are conspiring to produce a vaccine that is imposed on all of us.
People are conspiring to impose immunity passports.
People are conspiring to impose a system of permanent health surveillance.
People are conspiring to eliminate cash and impose a world with only digital money.
People are conspiring to introduce social credit systems.
These aren’t delusions, these are plain facts.
If pointing them out doesn’t make me a conspiracy theorist. It makes me a conspiracy spotter.
Anyone in the alternative media will know this. They will actually warn you of the real conspiracy stuff to avoid, demonic cabal type stuff. There is enough on the surface to fight.
The alternative media are sometimes among the worst offenders, I’m sorry to say.
It isn’t a dichotomy, and I took Toby’s comment to be a joke.
I think the issue is that as soon as you talk about these things, people have a vision of the PM taking orders from Dr No or some committee of Dr Nos speaking from some secret hideout. I know people are idiots, but that’s how their minds work. Best avoid motives altogether as a distraction, or for now just accept that our leaders are weak people who are knowingly doing the wrong thing to cover their weakness.
The issue is that these things are presented as a done deal. A theory presented as fact, rather than pure speculation. That’s where you start to lose people. For example:
The vaccine for Covid is being rushed, and shortcuts are being taken (True), so people should refuse to take it (Probably wise)
So far so good, but the conspiracy continues:
BUT the government are going to make it mandatory (Possibly, but speculative), and it will have other stuff in it that will change you from being a human (Ridiculous speculation), or will have nano chips to track you (Tech that doesn’t exist).
This is where you lose people, or else gull the gullible.
Yes, but there is a difference between recognising that these groups with an agenda to push are pushing that agenda, and believing that everything is already a done deal and this is EXACTLY what is about to happen. Or even that these people are behind the hijack of democracy and rights.
(I’m not saying this is you, btw, just pointing out the difference)
Are devotees of the Globally Synchronised Cockup Theory™ also worried about catching Covid Toe? Because they’re both equally fantastical.
I don’t know which devotees you are talking about. Politicians copy eachother, because they are all human and face similar issues, and this issue has global presence. It’s not cockup, it’s cowardice, vanity and political expediency.
And panic, precisely the situation we were in back in March.
She selected the best bits – either that or we listened to a different discussion.
And what about Yeadon insisting that Vallance is lying? Isn’t that a ‘conspiracy’ theory? You are making the mistake of confusing facts with theory. The facts get plainer by the day but of course you can feel free to nurse your cock-up theory – and it is a theory not a fact.
We are delighted that James Delingpole and Toby Young are now willing to see that this is a lot more than panic and incompetence. We need clear sight to fight this. MW
No, that is an accusation. And Yeadon is challenging Vallance to sue him. Go digging into most conspiracy theories and most of what they claim to be “fact” is bullshit.
Thanks so much for explaining that to me. MW
I’m not sure that appeasing the so-called “lockdown zealots” is a good thing, Toby.
They “know” they’re “right” so any attempt at debate or disagreement with their position is not allowed.
You’ll either be attacked directly or smeared. It’s pure paranoia, and I find it very difficult to debate them.
Their paranoia means that attempts to disagree with their positions is met with accusations of being on the side of the “enemy”.
Yeadon stated that Vallance was lying.but wouldn’t be drawn on the reasons.Remember lying not incompetence.
As for believing in incompetence I think that is more of a theory than believing there is an orchestrated design behind this.
Each day brings more proof.It is inconceivable that the leaders of France and Germany haven’t conversed in private before coming to the decision to lock down both their countries on the same day.
This is what tends to happen. I’ll be conducting a thorough dig into the WEF and the “Great Reset” in the near future, though I have another project to finish off first. I suppose this means wasting some money and, worse, life reading Schwab’s books (yuk). We’ll see what I find.
But I’m afraid that lockdown scepticism will attract those who do want or need to find a reason why. It’s not too surprising some are led down the CT route.
I’ll be conducting a thorough dig into the WEF and the “Great Reset” in the near future, though I have another project to finish off first.
Good to hear. I’ve been trying to find time to do that and have been gathering some material as well. I’m happy to email it all over to you/discuss. I want to condense it down to a leaflet.
If you want to get in touch please do so via my website. I posted some comments on LS yesterday and should have copied them.
Shall we work together on this?
Here’s my site https://www.beautyandthebeastlytruth.com/contact-us
I found a couple of things that look to me very significant.
The term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ is a distraction fallacy and a cancelling hypothesis
Its a distraction tactic of the accuser
Accuser being the person who calls the other a CTist
Conspiracies have always existed.
So why not theorise or hypothesise about them, as pertains to the current situation?
There is nothing ‘crazy’ about doing that…
It’s this binary; ‘you either are or you aren’t’, that is both irrational and divisive.
People here are very receptive to debate. Why not try it?
We ask ourselves; ‘Can they all be that stupid?
And frankly, some of them; yes. But not all of them…
But we can choose for ourselves as to whether we think there are just almighty policy blunders, or bits of self-interest (contracts for the boys) and maybe little local conspiracies going on here and there, or a real concatanation of powerful global interests bent on something much more dangerous and sinister..
People can or will be able to see the personal consequences as things unfold.
A job loss, a suicide in the family, a relative you cannot visit or even see, an untreated serious illness etc etc.
So that’s the first realisation that needs to be reached. That Govt policies are bringing this about. And these policies should therefore be protested against (in whichever way).
As to the wider scenario; I would suggest that the events that are currently unfolding are increasingly turning ‘conspiracy theories’ into undeniable realities.
Paranoia is irrational fear. If you were talking about the direct threat from the virus, then I would agree with you.
But fears about the ‘response’, are clearly not paranoia.
Part of why Yeadon and Delingpole said the idea of a global conspiracy is the number of people that would need to be involved, and all of them needing to keep their mouths shut.
However, none of this mouth-shutting malarkey was needed. It was openly and publicly shown to be planned at Event 201.
The WEF has been talking about the Fourth Industrial Revolution since around 2017. Openly.
How much longer before catching “covid” and dying starts becoming an attractive option?
You need to be +80 and abandoned by your family for that to happen.
I don’t know. Fancy living inthe following world:
Everyday, before leaving the house you have to test yourself and pass the test. If you don’t pass the “health” test or you don’t even take it and leave the house, a signal is sent to the police to arrest you.
You can’t leave your house without being traced because you have a microchip that is constantly emitting a signal.
Every three months you have to report to a medical centre to get a series of “immunity boosting” vaccimations. Failure to report will result in arrest.
Criticism of the system means you lose social access points. If you lose all your social access points you are confined to your house and through confinement and completion of re-education courses you can rebuild your social credit.
Don’t know you but dying of covid is more appealing than all that to me. And I’d say that is the direction of travel at the moment.
I’m a long, long way from giving up. But I’ve got 37 years to go until I reach 80 and I won’t want to spend them all like this, or in any of the dystopic futures that we fear might emerge.
It appears to me that the Nobel Prize classifications are no longer adequate and that additional categories are now needed. When, for instance, can we expect to see a prize for Vandalism? Or Onanism? Or Cold-Blooded Murder? I nominate Mark Drakefold, he of the duck-filled platitude, for the first of these and Wet Handcock for the second. Fungus the Bogeyman must be a strong contender for the third.The prizes themselves will be penitentiary rather than pecuniary, further categories and nominations are invited. Perhaps an entirely fresh branding should be considered to run in parallel with the original – the Ignoble Prize?
The Ig Nobel Prize already exists:
Shucks, they beat me to it, no prizes for me then
Is this a sensible analogy and argument?
Flu = red squirrels, covid = grey squirrels, humans = trees.
Grey squirrels were introduced to the UK from the Americas in the late 19th century. They adapted well to a range of habitats and are now dominant throughout the UK, apart from some remote places and islands where native red squirrels are still found.
Both flu and covid can be present in a human, but covid will develop more readily, hence the current situation in which flu seems to be largely absent and covid more prevalent. The two ailments have many symptoms and outcomes in common. The effect is exaggerated by the flawed use of PCR tests (“seek and ye shall find”).
The dominance of grey squirrels developed over decades. Timescales are much shorter (months) at the microbiological level.
Well, it’s not entirely nuts.. greys are certainly more virulent and damaging, I live in open farmland and shoot the little bastards whenever I can (without a PCR test).
I hope you eat them too. Quite tasty so I’ve heard.
Prefer rabbit personally
Taste like rat, apparently.
No, but the foxes do!
For those here (hopefully the overall majority) still willing to listen to informed debate, here is a link to an excellent discussion between Neil Oliver and Richard Madeley on Talk Radio from yesterday:
Both are outspoken but thoughtful lockdown sceptics. Madeley really brought the best out of Neil Oliver. I hope that they will give him a full time job on Talk Radio.
I listened to it the other day, thought it was very good also!
It was brilliant Janice. In fact, I’m going to listen to it again.
I might actually do that as well! Although admittedly it has reignited a guilty crush I had on Richard Madley from when I was a teenager.
Neil Oliver is excellent he makes fantastic points throughout.
Thanks, we’ll give it a listen. This conversation between the Telegraph cartoonist, Bob Moran and Alex McCarron is long but fascinating:
I first came across Neil Oliver in the “Coast” TV series. Nowadays he keeps popping up in programmes about Vikings, Scottish clans etc etc which I don’t watch but see the trailers for. Obviously there’s no chance the BBC would allow him to say anything anti-lockdown on their channels. All credit to him for being so passionate and finding other media outlets.
What a shame he wears a mask. MW
How do we register our support, financial or otherwise for the “Recovery” group, is it too early to expect details?
on their website
Thanks Maggie!
So “Covid Toe” turns the pinkies purple? What about Covid Brain, which not only ages the grey matter ten years but drops the IQ an average of 8.5 points?
Are Johnners and Cackhand not exemplars of this unfortunate outcome?
I thought Covid toe was a joke until I saw a headline on it today. I am speechless
First laugh today!
I have been less sceptical about this. In March I had mild symptoms that we are told go with covid (peristent cough, fever) and felt a smidgeon under the weather for a week or so. Thought nothing of that, but at the same time developed what seemed to be very painful chilblains for the first time in my life, without my feet ever getting unduly cold. They took weeks to heal and have left my tootsies scarred. That made me wonder if I had had the lurgy when I saw associated reports a few weeks later.
No reason why some type of rash wouldn’t accompany a virus, I suppose. I’m willing to consider that covid toes could be a ‘thing’, but why should we care? does anyone really want an untested vaccine to protect against purple toes?
I suddenly developed finger chilblains out of nowhere a couple of years ago. They start in September and go on until around May. Wouldn’t even have occurred to me that it might be caused by a virus. GPs don’t care, just one of those things. If I’d developed it after having covid however, it would be listed as a long term effect and I’d be getting sympathy and support. It’s just too inconsistent for me.
That sounds very unpleasant. I’m sorry to hear that. I certainly wasn’t looking for sympathy, in fact I’ve never mentioned my strange toes to anyone previously and consider them a non-issue. If they come back this winter I will stick sudocreme on them, wear two layers of socks and carry on. It’s extremely unlikely that I will be submitting to a pcr test either way!
I wasn’t having a go at you, more railing against the avid attention given by the media to any symptoms deemed to be Long Covid whilst everything else is ignored.
Its as well I didnt read that before lunch!
Reminds me of the old saying: Men go out of this world as they came in: no hair,no teeth and a little c××k.
Just the 8.5??
Isabel Oakeshott reporting that Simon Dolan has been banned from Twitter for 12 hours for “spreading misleading/potentially harmful information about Covid”.
Just seen that, too much suppression going on now.
Potentially harmful to whose interests?!
The social media giants have had a policy of banning people who they believe are contradicting the WHO. This has been going on for several months now, and has affected hundreds of You Tube/ Facebook /Twitter users.
Convenient with the court case today
Oh dear, not another cock-up?
Two snippets from this morning.
Youth in the street, nowhere near shops, black cloth mask and a T-shirt saying “FEARLESS”. He probably thinks he looks “hard”. Going unmasked is “harder” nowadays.
In Aldi, person in front of me paid by cash but didn’t have enough (over £50). Tried to pay the rest by card, but either there wasn’t enough money in the account, or there were technical difficulties with the card or reader. Tried to do something with a phone but no success there either. Eventually handed back a few items to bring the cost within the cash amount. When it was my turn the assistant apologised for the delay, but I said it was fine and made a point of being friendly as he, another assistant and myself were the only free faces in the store.
I tried Viagra eye drops once. Did nothing for my sex life but did make me look hard.
Something not right about that article allegedly from a dissident civil servant. Firstly, the whole tone of the piece is suspicious- to me, anyway. Secondly, how senior is this alleged civil servant if s/he doesn’t know the diiference betwwen “there” and “their”, and doesn’t know how to use the genitive case ( the great leaders decisions)?
If you want to understand the Civil Service response to this crisis clearly use this comparison of instruction.
“how high?”
That’s it. There is no challenge. There is no critical thinking going on (especially so at higher levels) no voice is given to more junior staff who propose a challenge. They are actively shut down by the senior levels who foresee their promotion and route to the top to be dependant on how high they jump on instruction.
When I was 25 I underwent the rather gruelling, 5 hour IQ test which then formed the first stage of appointment to a Civil Service executive officer post (or some such thing, basically fast-track to higher level.) When I went to stage 2 – interview – I was told that I had performed extremely well in the written test. I am thankful and proud to say that following my interview (and I used to be very good at interviews) I was turned down for a post. I put it down to the fact that they gleaned from my responses that I had my own mind.
Why do you automatically assume a civil servant has to be intelligent?
Top echelons, back in the day when a ‘first’ meant something, needed a first from a top university.
The civil service examinations had a fearsome reputation – I recall (1984) I was at a top college in a top university and mention of these exams caused a sharp intake of breath.
High IQ was definitely required.
Incidentally, a few decades earlier and the entrance standard to the Indian Civil Service was even higher.
One of my uncles was in the Civil Service and he was truly intelligent and dedicated and honest, and so was another.
On the other hand, I know someone in it, and knew him when he was young, questioning and highly highly independent and intelligent, and he seems to me to be none of those things now.
TBF I’ve worked with some pretty dim senior civil servants.
Does anyone else follow Rachel Elnaugh or seen any of her clips on Youtube? She is very good. A lot of reporting that test centres are empty.
So glad I don’t live in a country like Iran or Saudi Arabia where people (mainly women) are forced to wear certain clothing items or face public hostility. It’s so liberating not to have rules over what has to be worn in public.
Now that’s sarcasm (apologies to father Ted)….
Did you watch John Simpson ‘s programme on the Berlin Wall? He made some comments about the lack of freedom, repression, Stasi surveillance etc – there’s not an inch of difference between that and what we have here in the Hotel California Tiers 2 and 3. And why do we start at Level Medium? Surely we should have a Level Normal?,
It’s my birthday tomorrow. Better half has bought me a nice new hat. Apparently it’s called a ‘bucket poacher hat’. It’s really nice and I love it—-especially now that I’ve attached my favourite badge to it! Thanks two six!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Enjoy the hat. Go out without a mask and stand near someone to celebrate.!!
Your wish is my command Anne—will do soon enough. Thank you.
Happy birthday, Harry.
Much appreciated Philip.
Penblwydd Hapus!
I love Wales. Will visit again when this nonsense is over. Thanks Mr Dee
Mine too, Harry. Happy birthday!
And mine!
It seems to me that us Scorpios are over represented in Lock down sceptics!
We always did have a sting in our tail—All the best Contrarian!
Thanks you too!
I think being “stubborn” is a Scorpio trait isn’t it?
Congratulations Margaret—Scorpios together!
Thanks Northumbrian—my home county. A better coastline exists nowhere!
Happy Birthday Harry!. Nice hat and that badge really sets it off very well.
How much longer do fellow sceptics think it will be before Lockdown sceptics is classed as a prescribed terrorist organisation?
Another week or so? Plenty of terror on the TV and radio
Yes – this is worrying me a bit – we all get too much from this site to lose it – is there a contingency plan?
Me too. Don’t think I’d cope without it.
As fas as I know nobody ever talked about pandemics – at least in the West -during the 50s, 60s, 70s,80s,90s. – the time I was growing up and getting older. There were of course flu waves. They were basically regarded as belonging to the background of life.
This starts to change in the early 2000s with Sars.Thereafter, the idea of the ‘pandemic’ becomes a durable cultural meme, hovering over us, with films like ‘Contagion’ We had:bird flu, swine flu, MERS and Ebola in 2014.
Over the same – less than two decades time – period we see an extremely heavy mainstream push against people criticising vaccinations for whatever reason.Vaccinations had been encouraged before, I have had plenty myself and they have definitely been a plus for the human race, but the aggressive hounding of ‘anti-vaxxers’ has been at a whole new level. It is almost as if those who critique vaccinations have committed some kind of theological crime.
Global vaccination programs seem to have become an obsession of those who claim to help the world’s poor and yet things just don’t add up. Every year 800,000 children die of pneumonia worldwide.Many of these could be saved merely by mobilizing cheap vaccinations against pneumonia which already exist. This would cost a pittance in comparison to developing a vaccination against covid19. More lives could be saved more quickly at much less cost.
It’s as if somevaccinations are more equal than others.
So, yes, over the last 20 years, the idea of the ‘pandemic has become a prominent cultural meme, while vaccination has almost been elevated to the status ofa sacrement, but inconsistently so.
Absolutely correct.
Well said and good analysis of smearing – and agree with most of it – the thing that improves lives the most is not medicine but engineering though, sanitation and clean water.
“I blame the internet.”
Influenza has been with us for years and pandemics were a thing. When I was younger I didn’t think about them either
The emergence of SARS, in particular, was an eye-opener as it has such high mortality. MERS even higher but much less transmissible (don’t snog camels). Ebola has the potential for considerable mortality. All four are new pathogens, not previously identified by virologists, who do go out looking for these things as part of their research.
Nobody thought about pandemics in western countries from say 1955 to 2002.
This is a meme which has taken off since then.
At the start of this I commented that the WHO need to make a big deal of things to justify their existence.
Pretty much constant rain, now, and snow before long. It’ll be fun to watch the mask idiots waterboarding themselves.
What to do when your nappy freezes to your lips…
Looking forward to it.
Where be ‘ee? I be up North and it be lashing down here.
Brendan O’Neil interview:
Very anti lockdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4bT7gMrlgs&t=1844s
Ivor Cummings and David Kurten on the Richie Allen Show yesterday. Worth a listen. Excellent stuff.
As someone has already noted, Dr John Campbell seems to be rubbishing the idea that immunity from reinfection depends solely on antibodies in the blood. He is clearly moving his readership towards acceptance of natural herd immunity (hallelujah!) although he has recently decried the GBD (not sure why, could not bear to watch the video).
I found the following interesting comment on his latest video. By the spelling I imagine that it has been left by a US contributor. This might be helpful in shaping a good explanation for natural herd immunity to those who don’t accept it:-
Allowing the infection to pass through the general healthy population, that effectively have almost a zero percent chance of serious infection and or long term effects. This is the Only way to completely neutralize the viral virulence. Prolonged isolation of the elderly or people in care homes is nothing less than inhumane and should be considered crimes against humanity.
The strangest phenomenon to be witnessed in this century at such a colossal scale, is “Science Denialisim”. (refusal to accept and ultimately deny, /even in the science community/ established fundamental, empirical science and facts.) Bluntly stated: ignorance perpetuates irrational fear, fueled primarily by the hyper hysterics of this internet era.
Naturally acquired Herd immunity is not an objective opinion or hypothesis, a theory, a strategy or a debate, it is biological law, like gravity or the laws of thermodynamics. Empirical biological law such as herd immunity is the absolute truth, it never changes, alters, wavers or is effected by political human agenda, or monetary gain, it exists and occurs whether anyone believes in it or not!
For simplicity of explanation, there are basically two (type) classifications of pathogenic virus. First (type) High virulence/low infectious virus ( ie EBOLA, AIDS, Rabies etc.) 85-99% death rate regardless of age or health status, but very low level infectious rate. (relatively very difficult to contract). Second (type) Low virulence/high infectious virus (ie influenza, Corona ) ubiquitous, (very common) extremely high infectious rate, but very low level virulence. Essentially almost a zero percent chance of death among the general healthy population with normal functioning immune systems.
There has never in history been an effective Cor/virus vaccine, caused by two fundamental factors, antigenic shift (mutation, generating virulence dilution) and acquired antibody immunity, that occurs far more rapidly than any vaccine can be developed, tested and globally distributed. In other words, any vaccines that are being developed right now as we speak, are already dated and ineffective.
The high case counts with low casualty numbers are a normal predictable pattern of all Corona viral outbreaks. The virus has drastically weakened virulence from T-Cell antibody immune response to massive population infection spread and saturation, to the extent it becomes, to the vast majority, nothing more than another common cold like annoyance.
Because the SARS-COV-2 virus is now at the epidemiological low level virulence classification, what is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase. (viral stasis) All future focus should be towards (MPIE) mass population immunization by exposure, (herd immunity) from the healthy population, at as normal a rate as possible, in order to protect the most vulnerable health population.
Any deviation from this narrative from the scientific community will only prolong the suffering and cost more lives to be lost. Instead of trying desperately to prove to the world that they were right, it is long overdue time for all scientists to admit consensus and follow the exact public health protocol that has been unspokenly used for every pandemic in modern history, whereas naturally acquired population immunity (herd immunity) is the principal driving force and Not in refute.
Here’s one for those who love a conspiracy:
Why do people still use this twitter bollocks. We complain yet we still contribute.
Just move to mastodon
Shocking! KBF can give updates on behalf of Simon, however they only have 22.9k followers whilst Simon has 77k. Hopefully other influencers will tweet about this: Toby, Laurence Fox, etc
Everyone on Twitter please re-tweet above tweet
This should give you pause re Covid vaccine
On the day the Brazilian doctor died the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a statement in a foreward to its draft landscape on COVID-19 vaccines. It includes this disclaimer not ostensibly connected with the doctor’s death.
WHO […] disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
what did he die from?
This is what was said :
On 19th October 2020 a doctor died in Brazil. He was 28 years old and died of Covid-19-related complications after taking part in vaccine trials. The BBC stated, according to hearsay, “the doctor had worked with infected patients,” but this was not confirmed by the Brazilian Health Authority, Anvisa.
They also reported that he had received the placebo option, not the vaccine.
Indeed – 28 year olds succumb all the time right?
28 year olds do indeed die.
Odd thing though the trial protocol doesn’t mention a placebo group.
An oversight I’m sure
The placebo is the licensed meningitis vaccine (Men ACWY). Definitely mentioned all over the shop. The AZ protocol is here https://s3.amazonaws.com/ctr-med-7111/D8110C00001/52bec400-80f6-4c1b-8791-0483923d0867/c8070a4e-6a9d-46f9-8c32-cece903592b9/D8110C00001_CSP-v2.pdf
Using other vaccines as a placebo is normally done to make it look as if the vaccine that is tested has few side effects because the so called placebo group also experience side effects.
A placebo should be inert/inactive to get the true picture of side effects
In this instance would death not be the particular side-effect of concern?
THe last few months have seen an astonishing spread of counter-narrative information on this issue, of which this site is a distinguished part.
I actually think we are winning the argument. The percentage of people who are covid-sceptics grows each single day.
Combine this with new lockdowns and the retention of existing measures, and I would say that within six months, if nothing substantial changes, that we are looking at a crisis of legitimacy for our institutions.
Whether one subscribes to cockup or to conpiracy or to some combination thereof,I would suggest that by April at the lastest either the authorities will have produced some new deveopment of the crisis in order to justify their actions, or that other dramatic events draw attention away from covid.
look at the comments sections of The Telegraph, Mail and Sun for eg any Government idiot can see that public opinion is now bordering non-compliance . However if you go to the Guardian it is all lock down forever !
Bordering? I’ve been non-compliant since May!!
Just hope you are right.
I’m an ex – guardian guy – but the views there are representative of a minority elite more than anything – and people working in the public sector who are now working from a pleasant home with no reduction of income are unlikely to be the most sceptical. I do think that the Mail in particular has the most representative comments – it seemed to on the brexit issues anyway, with a small majority in favour – my non scientific estimates puts the comments section at around 80% sceptical/ 20% branch covidians – which i think represents the true mood of the country now.
Do stop all this divisive, brainless public v.private sector hobby-horse shit. It plays straight into the hands of government-spawned divisiveness.
The Guardian is simply a paper that sold its soul about a dozen years ago, when the Scott Trust became a limited company and it became a conduit for establishment propaganda – after the Snowden affair, when it broke its tradition and signed up to the D-Notice committee.
I avoid it a lot these days, but then I checked on our local news page on Facebook this morning, there are a lot more sceptical comments. More than half for sure. People are getting really fed up now and had enough of not seeing their family or friends, losing their jobs etc.
Jeez I just wish people would realize that they can’t control us en masse. It’s this “I better follow the rules like everyone else” mentality that has allowed this garbage to escalate once again.
“if nothing substantial changes … we are looking at a crisis of legitimacy for our institutions.”
It’s already here.
Exactly. It’s pure Gramsci and the Long March through the Institutions aka Cultural Marxism, where Marxism wins by gaining control, not over production, but over the transmission of our culture.
And talking of Twitter…
Regarding Twitter’s ability to influence.
It’s time something was done to curb Twitter and Facebooks bias. We either have freedom of speech or we don’t.
Muzzles fro six year olds in French schools https://www.france24.com/en/france/20201029-france-braces-for-new-covid-19-lockdown-rules-to-be-detailed-by-pm-castex
“Under the new measures, French schools will require all students aged six and over to wear face masks in class, Castex said Thursday ahead of a new Covid-19 lockdown starting at midnight.
Until now masks were mandatory only for students 11 and older, but Castex told lawmakers in parliament that new efforts were needed “to protect all our children, teachers and parents.”
What is the mentality of anyone who thinks that this is a reasonable course of action ? And yet approved by 399-27. Six year olds? Children don’t suffer from Covid.
When the initial insanity doesn’t work…double down on the insanity.
Insanity aka psychopathy. MW
Agree. The more tyranny they get away with the more they will impose. Absolute psychopaths.
They are testing peoples line in the sand – sadly most people would crawl around on their knees if told to do so by a person in authority.
Crimes against humanity.
People in France, Scotland and elsewhere should send this video to head teachers. They can’t hide behind ‘just following orders’
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s – Crimes Against HumanityFor 26 years, Dr Reiner Fuellmich has been a lawyer in Germany and California. He’s one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. On October 3rd, 2020, he describes how there is no legal doubt about the possibility of a class-action lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns.
Video & transcript https://theanp.co.uk/page-1075459
Again with the number 6
Child abuse – pure and simple.
I have often wondered why children here are exempt under a certain age. I doubt there’s much science to it – it’s probably more politics
Its the politics for now, but I have no doubt that we will fall into line with the rest of the EU eventually. The” masksforall” mob/organisation is determined on this (money to be made and lots of it)
So against WHO now. Not with WHO. Keep up. Keep up.
Can I direct people to the alleged Telegraph Poll in today’s issue. It is supposed to give an opportunity to comment on the govt lockdown decisions and actions. Rubbing my hands with glee, I dived in. What I found was clearly an instrument that had been compiled by someone with close govt ties, as the poll directs your answers to ostensibly say that the govt actions are making the right decisions. Frankly, I was disgusted. I posted a comment on another thread at the Telegraph telling people to carefully read it before filling it in.
Most polls are like that which is why we need to commission our own, professionally designed and delivered
Recovery are planning to do polling
I used the comments boxes to make my views known.
The following has just been posted on a BBC News webpage
“Nearly 100,000 people are catching coronavirus every day in England, a major analysis suggests.
The study, by Imperial College London, says the pace of the epidemic is accelerating and estimates the number of people infected is now doubling every nine days.”
I’m going to do a Whitty and Valance on this
Today:- 100,000
7th Nov. 200,000 >>>>running total>>>> 300,000
16th Nov. 400,000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 700,000
25th Nov. 800,000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,500,000
4th Dec. 1,600,000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3,100,000
13th Dec. 3,200,000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6,300,000
22nd Dec. 6,400,000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12,700,000
31st Dec 12,800,000>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 25,500,000
9th Jan 25,300,000. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50,800,000
So all over by the New Year perhaps? We’ll either be dead or immune.
Probably both.
3 or 4 times over…
The same ‘study’ was used by Micron to support French lockdown.
Imperial group is totally bankrolled by Gates.
AS someone pointed out yesterday – have a look at the Euromomo graphs (far from perfect – but much used) and scratch your head at what is being proposed – actually across Europe.
You might get the dangerous idea that governments are now effectively dispensing with the need for even fake evidence in order to institute their police states.
I think it was me. EuroMomo has consistently been a good place to see if there is/was ever a real epidemic. I am not that keen on their Z charts for individual countries. But the overall all causes excess deaths ( all ages) is a graph that just can’t be fiddled with. And it tells the real story, never at any time was this an epidemic and it is now not even an excess death situation.
Its completely ‘man made’ crisis. Or perhaps that should be computer generated crisis, just like another one I could mention.
If 100,000 are catching it now how many were catching it in March? When Vallance showed the models at the recent dog and pony show, this was my first thought. Is the penny going to drop that maybe a hell of a lot more people came in contact with this virus in the last 6 months?
‘Contagion’ was a 2011 movie lead produced by Michael Shamberg. Shamberg, born in 1945 seems to have been involved in the 60s counter-culture, before later becoming a correspondent for Time-LIfe.
“In the 1960s and 1970s, counter-culture video collectives extended the role of the underground press to new communication technologies. In 1970, Shamberg co-founded a video collective called Raindance Corporation, which published a newspaper-magazine called Radical Software. Raindance Corporation later became TVTV, or Top Value Television. Shamberg and his first wife Megan Williams were founding members of TVTV.[2] The collective believed new technology could effect social change. An example was Shamberg’s work on In Hiding: A Conversation with Abbie Hoffman, broadcast on Public-access television station WNET/13 in May 1975.[2]”
“The collective believed new technology could effect social change”
Good spot. That film is what popularised the whole lockdown, social distancing terminology. The American Institute for Economic Research include this issue in one of their early reports, with specific mention of the film. The writer was Jeffrey Tucker if you want to track this further.
Once again, this is an old tried-and-tested technique that’s been used for ‘climate change’ . Psychological manipulation that’s so ruthless it amounts to coercion.
‘Raindance’ rings a bell, I’ve a feeling they are one of the lying groups that destroy wildlife while claiming to be environmentalists, but don’t quote me on that.
Mr CGL is in the middle of reading Bill Bryson’s book ‘The Body – a Guide for Occupants’.
He came across the following section in the chapter called ‘The Immune System’, the day after the media anti-bodies fearmongering this week:-
“T-cells subdivide into two further categories: helper T-cells and killer T-cells. Killer T-cells, as the name suggests, kill cells that have been invaded by pathogens. Helper T-cells help other immune cells act, including helping B-cells produce antibodies. Memory T-cells remember the details of earlier invaders, and are therefore able to coordinate a swift response if the same pathogen shows up again – what is known as adaptive immunity.
Memory T-cells are extraordinarily vigilant. I don’t get mumps because somewhere inside me are memory T-cells that have been protecting me from a second attack for more than sixty years. When they identify an invader, they instruct B-cells to produce proteins known as antibodies, and these attack the invading organisms. Anti-bodies are clever things because they recognize and fight off previous invaders quickly if they dare to come back. That’s why so many diseases only make you sick once. It is also the process at the heart of vaccination. Vaccination is really a way of inducing the body to produce useful antibodies against a particular scourge without having to be unwell in the first place.”
(I will forgive his ‘z’ in recognize, as he is a very nice chap)
Anyone else think perhaps he ought to do a talk for the SAGE committee, so they can learn something about the subject?
Fauci was on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday and he asserted that the only way a person could be immune was by vaccine. Marr’s response was reminiscent of those dogs that used to grace the back shelves of so many cars.
Vaccines don’t generally give life long immunity. Need boosters.
Yes – it was more in relation to them not seeming to know that T-cells exist, just antibodies.
This appears to be lost knowledge nowadays.
Well I didn’t know about the Oxford z – you learn something
new every day!
I think we have nearly all of his excellent books – a very interesting and funny bloke.
I think he covers this in his book “Mother Tongue”. It’s years since I read it but I recall he describes the period when America was deciding on its primary language – they came very close to settling on German. So we wouldn’t be complaining about US English, but then English would be very much a marginalised language and German the world’s lingua franca.
That’s correct. A vote which was cast came within a couple of votes for German.
Concerns are growing for the effectiveness of Covid safety measures in ski resorts as crowds flocked to the slopes in Cervinia, just a day before the Government forces it to close.
The Italian ski resort of Cervinia reopened on Saturday, before being swiftly shut down again after images of overcrowding went viral and the Italian Government imposed strict new rules.
The resort, which has been operating throughout the summer for skiing and snowboarding on its high-altitude glacier, was one of the first in Europe to kick off the winter ski season at the weekend.
Cervinia, along with all other Italian resorts, was forced to announce it would be closing until further notice following an Emergency Decree from the Government.
Air doesn’t get much fresher than in the mountains!! The effort and expense these resorts will have made to open only to be shut down until 24th November at the earliest. They were clearly about to have fun, quick shut it down. Interesting that it is the scourge of social media that caused it. Had the pictures not gone viral, no-one would have noticed.
Now – here’s some questions for the alert and well-informed :
What has Starmer’s suspension of Jeremy Corbyn got to do with the wider shit-show that hides behind Covid.? What are the dots, and how do you join them up?
No prizes except the satisfaction of knowing which way is up.
Only a guess….but perhaps something to do with Piers’ brave stand against Lockdown? Piers being Jeremy’s older brother.
No … it’s not primarily that. It’s even more insidious – and not about individuals per se.
It’s got nothing to do with it, it’s more than adequately explained by the Blairite versus Corbynite civil war within the left and the Labour Party. The Blairites now have control of both main parties, and they want to keep it that way.
Both Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn were full on coronapanic zealots.
I suppose you could claim that the control of both main parties by the social leftist Blairites is a major part of the rottenness of our political class as a whole, but there’s absolutely no reason to suppose a Corbyn government wouldn’t have been at least as fanatically pro-lockdown as the “Conservatives”, and most likely even more enthusiastically so..
‘social leftist Blairites’.
You do keep trying to stuff your political underwear into a virtual bag that’s far too small.
Still nul points.
Still trying to pretend that a government and party that openly worships state socialist healthcare, and is perfectly happy whatever it pretends with ongoing mass immigration, political correctness, “hate speech” repression, anti-white “positive” discrimination, unlimited government spending and senior police and other figures “taking the knee” to leftist radical thugs, isn’t about as social leftist and Blairite as they come?
You seem to be about 30 years behind political reality. Perhaps the trauma of the Thatcher years permanently damaged your ability to see reason on left/right politics.
Oh dear, Mark. I guess simplicities save the pain of rational thought, but here’s the thing :
The halfway point of the ‘Overton Window’ isn’t marked by Trump’s bum crack, any more than Mr Toad and friends (and their police state) is other than a natural creature of the Thatcherite/Hayekian right.
The endorsement of all this by Blair and Starmer is a natural corollary.
You do understand that the Overton Window is something that shifts around according to the dominant ideologies?
I get the impression that your political awareness ossified around the mere details covered by the Thatcherite defeat of state socialist control of industry, perhaps out of traumatic grief, and you’ve just failed to notice all the other changes that have been occurring over the past 30 years.
I don’t think you’ve even got to the page with the dots on, Mark.
Nul points.
Top of the news today in Northern Ireland is the death of a 17 year old lad with CV-19. His father was on the midday TV news and my heart is breaking for the man thinking of how much joy my own son brings to my life. I live in the town and there has been a lot of chat about this.
These are the facts now:
> suffered from Cushing Syndrome
> died of heart failure while awaiting surgery in the coming weeks. The family only found out about his CV-19 diagnosis after the initial cause of death was communicated to them.
> positive test for SARS-CoV-2 a few weeks ago, then tested negative a week ago. No symptoms.
Died within 28 days of his + despite his subsequent – and is now the only person in Northern Ireland under 40 to die as a CV-19 death.
This is everything that is wrong with our data. Indefensible.
Absolutely heartbreaking. I am glad the father spoke out. Unfortunate that this poor soul will still be counted as a C19 stat.
Wicked. Absolutely wicked.
More utter nonsense and negligence from the “open
for business” NHS.
I have a repeat prescription, been on the same drug for 10 years now. Every 6 months I have a telephone review. This year… nothing. I notice from my prescription receipt that it has automatically been renewed for the next 6 months with no request to speak to me. So they are happy to let me go a whole year without even speaking to a doctor – presumably even telephone consultations are now deemed to be too risky and time consuming in these unprecedented times.
They also appear to have implemented a ridiculous new policy of not authorising the repeat unless you request it within an appropriate window of time. They didn’t bother telling me this of course, I’ve had to work it out for myself. I always order a week in advance to ensure I don’t run out. They usually encourage people not to leave it until the last minute. Twice now on visiting the pharmacy the prescription hasn’t been ready. Somehow I’m supposed to know or guess the correct day on which to order it. If I don’t, no pills and no phone call to explain why. Thank you NHS.
Exactly what happened with my script, review date jumped from June 2020 to June 2021.
Suspect they thought a blood test would be unsafe.
I switched to pharmacy2u to avoid the horrors of both the surgery and the pharmacy a few months back. Works a treat.
I don’t even need a blood test. Just a chat would do. And they can’t even be bothered to do that.
One reason I come on this site it to marshall my thoughts and then see if I feel brave enough to make a few comments on twitter. From twitter feedback I do feel that the whole atmosphere around covid has got more devisive and more febrile and whilst to be fair i do get some positive feedbavck from twitter when i get negative feedback it can be quite vitriolic.
I have recently put out on Twitter that I think it is quite possile and acheivable to have an effective voluntary sheilding scheme for any elderly and vulnerable who would like such protection, I would not want such protection for myself but i feel it should be available to the many who would be keen. I feel this could be delivered on a local community basis and would need the Government to give guidelines, strategy, support and resources to enable it to deliver effectively. We certainly do nor want any sheilding scheme to be centralised and based on laws, rules and dictats.
In my view this is the sort of approach we need in order to live with this virus which is clearly with us for a while and not going away anytime soon, lockdown or no lockdown. Obviously in a tweet i had to abbreviate my arguments but while some liked the thought some were quite the opposite.
Just wondered what others here thought about this subject of protecting the eldely and vulnerable, on a voluntary basis of course.
Yep it is called proper targeting of resources, so far too sensible for Doris and his gang.
There is no chance of getting a real debate with such people unless they accept :
1. This is not the plague
2. Its not killing more people than 15+ other causes right now
3. Long Covid is not an argument for lockdown
4. Immunity exists without a vax
So that’s why it’s devisive. Lockdown zealots and the government do not agree with any of those 4 points. It’s not a level debate when it comes to solutions.
Most of the ‘elderly’ and ‘vulnerable’ don’t need ‘protecting‘, any more than they have through all the worse outbreaks of infection that have happened. We can continue to make our own risk assessment and protect ourselves as and when.
What those of us want who haven’t gone ga-ga, through watching or listening to mainstream news, is the abandonment of police-state repression and the freeing-up of the the population to also grow up and behave as normal.
Leave the rest to judgment about a no-so-very worrying virus of no ‘high consequence’.
Exactly. Let people make their own risk assessments, whilst allowing them to access non sensationalised information
I take your point absolutely, Rick H. However, I don’t think Steve’s suggestion of a voluntary shielding scheme undermines that point. On the contrary, it offers an answer to the slander that lockdown sceptics just want to ‘let the virus rip’ or are prepared to ‘kill their grannies’ and it does so without forcing anybody to do anything they don’t want to do. It would allow older people to make their own risk assessments and give those who did choose to shield themselves the help and resources to do so, e.g. help with shopping or grocery deliveries plus other forms of social and/or health support.
I would be in favour of promoting such a voluntary scheme alongside other practical measures, such as:
1) Setting up proper isolation wards or even fever hospitals for Covid sufferers
2) Diverting resources away from the pointless T&T scheme to increasing the number of ICU and other beds to enable the NHS to deal with any seasonal rise in respiratory diseases.
3) Investing as much, if not more money into treatments as is currently being spaffed away on some magical vaccine.
Those are just off the top of my head but Steve’s suggestion seems to me precisely the sort of practical alternative we should be promoting to the currently dominant lockdown + wait for magical solution (vaccine and/or constant tracking). Alternative or additional suggestions warmly welcomed…
I guess, Gavroche, my point is that the current situation warrants no exceptional measures beyond those that we’ve always employed.
Yes – most may not need protection but the first question should always be – do they WANT protection
Skin cancer can be a killer, but can also be treated if spotted early enough. Obviously, over exposure to the sunlight, which is also good for you in other ways, is the culprit here.
So do we enforce the wearing of head to toe coverings and being outside between 10-3? Do we ban any kind of activity which involves exposed flesh? Or do we choose how we want to live and take a few precautions, as and when we think it’s sensible?
I’d love to know if over-exposure to sunshine is the real reason – or if in fact the real reason is over exposure to sunscreen.
Just from knowing many old people when I was young who were out in the sun all day, never wore sunscreen, I’d never heard of skin cancer.
While today people who look as if they never go out get it.
The more important thing is to try to get zealots to think for themselves, which your tweets are doing, so well done and keep going!
I’m completely in favour of ensuring that anyone who wishes to shield due to increased vulnerability is supported with food and medicine delivery etc. No skin off my nose and I’m happy to help with the delivering.
I can’t find a link to RECOVERY.
Have they launched a website yet?
They’re taking GoFundMe donations. Just put in a fiver. Total donations less than £3000, so they need more donations.
Thanks for the link. Donated.
I’ve donated too.
Thanks, joined and donated
Toby’s latest piece in the Spectator (paywall):
There’s nothing neutral about Wikipedia
“A couple of weeks ago Newsweek ran an article attacking Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, for engaging in a friendly Twitter exchange with me about the coronavirus pandemic. According to the article, I was a ‘eugenics advocate’. How could the apparently respectable industrial designer sully himself in this way? Didn’t he realise I was Britain’s answer to Dr Mengele?
The claim that I’m a ‘eugenics advocate’ isn’t true, obviously. It’s based on a deliberate misreading of an article…”
Of course, smearing people with opinions they dislike by associating them with demonised opinions, from “racism” to”homophobia”, is the stock in trade of the modern (late C20th/early C21st) left. But it’s worth bearing in mind that willfully stupid or dishonest allegations of “eugenics” were also applied to a rational herd immunity response to this covid pandemic by coronapanic zealot Jeremy Corbyn. And not just in March, when he helped to howl down the idea of a Swedish-style response in the UK, but as late as August, when there really was no excuse not to have a better grasp of reality.
Jeremy Corbyn: Ministers had herd immunity strategy for coronavirus
Back to Toby’s piece:
“I was initially puzzled by this, because Wikipedia’s ‘verifiability’ policy requires that all content on the site be based on ‘reliable, independent, published sources with a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy’. But as the two academics point out, of the 36 sources which have been ‘deprecated’, which means contributors aren’t allowed to use them, only one is left-of-centre, while 16 are right-of-centre, including the Mail. Wikipedia’s administrators make no secret of their left-wing leanings. In a personal essay on the site, one announced that ‘believing that Trump is a good president indicates that you are probably not competent to edit Wikipedia’ and later said about Black Lives Matter: ‘You can be one of three things: ally, enemy, or collaborator. Be an ally.’ In expressing that view, he is aligned with the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organisation that runs Wikipedia. It published a statement in June endorsing the goals of BLM: ‘On these issues, there is no neutral stance. To stay silent is to endorse the violence of history and power; yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It is well past time for racial justice in America and beyond.’
The academics have analysed disputes between Wikipedia contributors in several politically charged areas and found that in every case the administrators have more often ruled in favour of left-wing editors than right-wing ones. In the case of disagreements between pro- and anti-Trump contributors the powers that be found in favour of the latter by a ratio of six to one. So much for the encyclopaedia’s ‘neutral point of view’.”
As Toby often puts it: well worth a read.
And as a reminder that the gross leftist bias on Wikipedia also directly impacts coronapanic propaganda, consider this, from back in March:
Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate
If you don’t think that the big tech’s politically and culturally partisan censorship and propagandising of information and opinion is a problem, even if you yourself are of the left, then you aren’t properly understanding how either knowledge or democracy work. Cancel culture and “hate speech” repression are merely the most obvious, ugliest facets of this intolerant political bigotry, the parts of the iceberg visible above the surface.
Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate
Exactly the same type of data re-writing goes on with ‘global warming’ . There are people who track it on that topic. The rate of information loss is terrifying, and it’s the same with history books and the like being politically corrected/made in line with Woke.
Download, save and file, and track it.
Another prediction from 1984.
Into the memory hole.
Who controls the past controls the future.Who controls the present controls the past
great post.
wikipedia is not reliable.
I do the occasional edit on Wikipedia but am very aware that if you don’t toe the line you soon get put in your place. It has been long known that they are very pro climate change and anything controversial gets edited out. Some years ago I attended one of their local lunchtime meetings over a pub lunch. Very much a clique and I really felt I was an intruder – at the time I edited some religious articles, they seemed somewhat shocked ‘nobody believes that stuff’ as if religion shouldn’t even be mentioned in an encyclopedia! I did once donate in their annual appeal but firmly refuse now.
I see what you did there, Toby.
A few weeks ago the NHS changed the way it defined people being diagnosed as a ‘covid’ patient in a hospital. Before it was pretty clear, there were
Since March about 84% of all hospitalisations were of people who were already in hospital when diagnosed. Below is the new nomenclature & attached is a graph of the data. Does anyone have a clue what it all means? I understand number 5.
1. Total reported admissions to hospital and diagnoses in hospital
Shows the number of patients admitted in previous 24 hours where patient known to have COVID-19 plus patients diagnosed in hospital with COVID-19 in previous 24 hours.
2. Estimated new hospital cases
Shows the number of patients admitted in previous 24 hours for the first time with COVID-19 plus the number of patients diagnosed in hospital in previous 24 hours.
3. Estimated new admissions to hospital from the community
Shows the number of patients admitted in previous 24 hours for the first time with COVID-19 plus the number of patients diagnosed in hospital in previous 24 hours where the test was within 7 days of admission.
4. Estimated new hospital admissions from the community with 3-7 day lagging
Shows the number of patients admitted in previous 24 hours for the first time with COVID-19 plus the number of patients diagnosed in hospital in previous 24 hours where the test was within 48 hours of admission plus the number of patients diagnosed in hospital in previous 24 hours where the test was 3-7 days after admission (lagged by 5 days)
Note that the last 5 days of this time series may be an underestimate as they do not include diagnosed patients where the test was taken within 3-7 days of admission as that data element is not yet available. These figures will be revised as the data becomes available.
5. Total reported hospital admissions and diagnoses from a care home
Shows the number of patients admitted in the previous 24 hours with COVID-19 or diagnosed with COVID-19 in the previous 24 hours where admitted from Care Homes
Deliberately obtuse, and they change data series at random intervals so it is almost impossible to create a consistent trend.
Of course its also useless without a record of discharged patients at the same time. Its significant this is not reported.
Of course, the whole pantomime is undermined by the distortion of the term ‘diagnosed’ which simply means PCR +, not illness.
Carl Heneghan and his team are looking into this, Nick.
I’ve also got a post somewhere lower down that points to a previous post of mine (made on October 14) and to an article that Toby’s NHS senior doctor made on October 15 (after seeing my post) that explains the ‘fiddle’.
From UK Column, the demise of the RF who have morphed. Wonder if ‘Proper Charlie’ meant this when he joined and promoted the Great Reset
Whilst the attention of the British public has, since 2016, been distracted by both Brexit and COVID-19 scaremongering, the British establishment, including the Royal family, has transformed the Commonwealth into both a propaganda division of world government and a training ground for leaders of the post-democratic era.
Not one of the inhabitants of its 52 member nations can cast a vote to elect the Commonwealth’s senior officers, nor to approve its future plans and programs.
The governance of Commonwealth member nations “according to their respective laws and customs” has been sacrificed on the globalist altar of ‘sustainable development’.
A Surrendered Crown and a Commonwealth Betrayed
A good article
Interesting seeing as according to Michael O’Bernicia, the EU withdrawal act section 38 essentially deposed the monarch, so how are the Royals able to have any influence? Or did they wish it to be so, in order to carry out this plan?
Just back from a weekly shop with Mrs vargas who is reluctant to commit fully to going out sans muzzle. Tesco – no issue from anyone on me not being masked. Noticed a couple of others without masks, many more wearing them half heartedly and plenty of kids about without them as well. Same in M&S. Then to the independent butcher – no problems here either. On to the garden centre where most were masked but again a couple of people without and quite a lot with them under their noses. It does kind of feel that the tide is slowly turning and I believe that the majority of people are just wearing them to conform. The more of us that are out there without a mask on the more will pluck up the courage to follow. Mrs v has said she will go out with her exemption lanyard on next time. Hurrah!
Wearing a mask saves you from a fine, or that’s what most people believe.
It doesn’t save anybody from anything else.
If you’re a self-righteous selfish zombie swine, it also confers the right to abuse and persecute anybody not as nappied as you are,
I remember learning in primary school that the Inuit in Alaska have fridges to keep their food from freezing and don’t tend to get colds because it is too cold. (It’s funny some of the things you can remember from your childhood).
So I was interested to see what the death toll for this virus is in Alaska. To date in a population of around 730k, 14,097 cases and 71 deaths.
Just thought I’d post this more out of interest than anything.
Did they have a voluntary lockdown too?
Small nations are very interesting. Faroe Islands test more people more often than anywhere else in the world. And that has not stopped rising cases. Moonshot should pay particular attention to them
They’re probably not that densely populated, it’s quite a large land mass.
I was only prompted to look when I saw a news report today about worries at ski resorts due to lack of distancing and it triggered some thoughts on how cold temperatures might affect this virus.
Melanie Phillips has lost the plot.
The title strikes me as ironic.
I have huge problems with her even engaging Sumptions position. Because she wants to talk about his claim of a slide towards authoritarianism but they are so far apart it’s like trying to argue with ISIS that their dislike of American pop music is misplaced. It’s utterly irrelevant if she starts on this premise:
“It’s certainly reasonable to criticise the way in which both the Coronavirus Act and the subsequent slew of regulations were introduced without adequate parliamentary scrutiny. Nevertheless, it remains the case that parliament passed the laws which gave ministers the power to make these regulations.
“One can condemn this lack of adequate scrutiny as unsatisfactory or even highly undesirable. But it was the product of panic and chaos; at worst, the fear that MPs might delay or derail measures deemed vital to tackle the crisis immediately.”
So she believes, even with hindsight, that the situation then was enough to justify the response. That this is the plague, that Long Covid will impact everyone who gets a + PCR test and that bodies in the street would have happened without lockdown.
“But it was the product of panic and chaos; at worst, the fear that MPs might delay or derail measures deemed vital to tackle the crisis immediately.””
Granted I haven’t seen the rest of the article for context, but it she really so blinkered or dishonest that she doesn’t see that what she describes as “MPs delaying or derailing measures” is precisely what parliamentary scrutiny and oversight means?
I mean I’ve always known that Philips is obnoxiously authoritarian, which is why I’ve never really warmed to her despite agreeing on some issues, but I generally respected her basic intellect. I would have hoped she could do better than that, at least…
Phillips never grasped the plot! She’s always been one of the cap and bells crew
I read it and went away thinking what exactly was the point of the article.
Has missed the point. Perhaps because it’s Sumption. He’s anti-Brexit and seen as left-wing. Not her type really.
Funny he wouldnt be my type normally then either – just goes to show again that politics has nothing to do with how you value liberty and humanity
Reply to Nick Rose
I’ll be conducting a thorough dig into the WEF and the “Great Reset” in the near future, though I have another project to finish off first.
Good to hear. I’ve been trying to find time to do that and have been gathering some material as well. I’m happy to email it all over to you/discuss. I want to condense it down to a leaflet.
If you want to get in touch please do so via my website. I posted some comments on LS yesterday and should have copied them.
Shall we work together on this?
Here’s my site https://www.beautyandthebeastlytruth.com/contact-us
I found a couple of things that look to me very significant. I find it very hard to be organised and keep of track of everything I’m trying to work on, so it would be good to cooperate/conspire on this topic.
Are you pro conspiracy or anti conspiracy? I’m anti myself, but good if you are pro, because we can bounce off each other that way. Better than being an echo chamber. It’s not drastic though!! But would love to work with someone else on it.
I know someone who works at Queens hospital Romford and they know it’s all bullshit there is no 2nd wave Johnson Hancock Witty vallance cummins ferguson and SAGE must be removed from public life held accountable and imprisoned
My brother is a nurse in the North East of England, he says the same. Hospital is slightly busier than dead. As far as I’m concerned Johnson et al should be in court for crimes against humanity. They are killing tens of thousands of people with these kick then can down the road lockdowns.
Another group formed to fight lockdown.
Emma Kenny the video
Link to Twitter account of the group @T4Recovery
Any news on Dolan hearing
Not heard a thing, sorry.
Just seen he has been locked out of his Twitter feed for spreading Covid disinformation… interesting timing, thinking of the case…
Another meme attempt:
It is madness.
Are the BBC having a laugh regards Scotland restrictions:-
“Level zero – Almost like normal life. However, no area has been placed in this level.”
Level zero is maximum 8 people from three households can meet indoors. Maximum 15 people from 5 households can meet outdoors.
I must have an awfully wild imagination when I reminisce about what I thought normal used to be like…
When are the people going to wake up and rise up
I think we are a long way from it. Furlough has provided a parachute, businesses have just about survived until now and people have blind faith that things will return to normal. I expect resistance to pick up March/ April with mass unemployment/ insolvencies and a realisation after c.12 months that we’ve given away normality.
More BBC propaganda: How long between increases worldwide.
No mention, of course, of the mass increase in testing that started around the 30 million mark.
My local area to be Tier 2 from Saturday. 6 deaths reported at our hospital for October according to the council.
Is that Oxford? If not, Oxford also going tier 2 as of Saturday. They pushed for county but there was resistance but I doubt it will be long.
Telford & Wrekin. It’s all joining up, as we knew was inevitable.
Those poor poor kids! I would like to think if that were brought in here there would be uproar.
I doubt it
not judging by the number of child abusing parents I saw in town today. Shocking!
I watched some chap making his little son put one on yesterday – my OH came out of the shop soon after and I said very loudly that the little boy was way less than 11 and shouldn’t be wearing one (not that anyone should be obviously!) Child abuse it is.
Child abuse pure and simple.
I have just received a mail from The Bernician which states that the government has admitted that the Coronavirus does not exist. Read more here:
Michael further states: ‘Moreover, since the UK government has confessed that they have no record of the existence of the cause of the supposedly deadly virus, upon which the validity of Parliament’s COVID-1984 policies is entirely dependent, no MP is capable of successfully pleading not guilty to our allegations of pandemic fraud.’
Oooh, I hope Simon Dolan’s lawyers have seen this!
I’m excited at the idea of house arrest for Boris, Hancock, Valance, Whitty and co!
Top Tip:
For those still unaware, you can eat and drink together for business purposes under tier 2 rules. Wink
Only in Westminster
So since I work from home and have a home office does this mean that I can have people round for dinner to discuss business?
This is my first post, but I’ve just travelled to Heathrow on the tube and for the first time in a long time I took notice of the announcements and posters and it made me wonder how on earth did the human race become the dominant species when we’re clearly afraid of everything…
There are posters to keep your distance, wear a mask, not smoke (one of the few I actually agree with), don’t hold the doors open, be kind (not all disabilities are visible) and announcements on how to stay hydrated (whilst wearing a mask), not slip on the floor in wet weather, mind the gap…
When did we become so pathetic that we cannot even take a simple tube journey without being constantly told how dangerous life is?
Am I the only one getting frustrated at LS’s inconsistent engagement with the ‘cases’ scam? In every article that references them it should be made clear that:
Everything being done is being justified by the government on the basis of the three flawed ideas in the general public’s head that a ‘case’ is someone about to die of covid, and that every hospital admission is someone being admitted only because of covid, and that every death is solely because of covid of an otherwise healthy person.
All three of these things are orders of magnitude inaccurate as a consequence of the PCR test and methodology of testing everyone who goes to hospital.
It frustrates me that even LS helps to perpetuate this fraud.
Or perhaps I should say, LS doesn’t sufficiently address this when talking about ‘cases’.
Very well put
Very clear and correct from our reading of the figures. It seems this needs repeating daily, even for LS! It probably shows the strength of the relentless propaganda that even people above and below the line here can doubt their own judgement at times. The Guardian front page yesterday was screaming that 60.000 people had died in the of Covid and rising. No wonder the general population is so addled.
BTW, is it right to assume that, given the emptiness of many testing stations, that most testing is going on in institutions i.e. hospitals, care settings and educational establishments? I also find it hard to believe that even those 17 People under 40 who apparently died ‘of’ CV19 were otherwise healthy. How do we know they weren’t sick with other things or even died of injuries? MW
My reading of it is that testing is mostly institutional rather than in outdoor test centres. If at hospital, then I’m assuming (I know, dangerous to assume) they have presented with problems other than Covid.
Not an assumption. Both my wife and me were made to take test for her planned c-section. We both came back negative, but if she’d got a positive test (whether false or not) she’d have been a covid admission.
Thanks for that :o))
I never call them cases. I always refer to them a positive cases. BUT, I admit, it’s a pain and cases is easier. It’s an insight of how the world works – we prefer easy but wrong over harder but right.
It is wise to refrain from using the term ‘case’, which subliminally always suggests a medical condition.
I use the term ‘Test’ or ‘PCR’ ‘positive’ or simply ‘+’.
Let’s not play the game by their definitions.
As someone else suggested few days back – I like the term PTR (Positive Test Results). PCR gives PTR, whether it is True +/- or False +/-
A few observations this week.
In a restaurant we were pleased to see another couple enter barefaced and another lady with her daughter walk to their table half halfheartedly holding a muzzle over her mouth,she complained ‘why do I have to use this bloody thing ?,the daughter replied ‘it’s only until we get to the table’,to which mum retorted ‘well how bloody ridiculous is that !’,well said,my type of woman !.
Another woman went to the toilet and when she returned she made a big thing of smearing her hands with sanitiser,surely,and I hope so,she would have washed her hands with soap and water after using the toilet ?,more virtue signalling for the dining audience ?.
Another woman got up to go to the toilet and as she crossed the room a voice from another table chirped ‘don’t forget your mask’,the lady stopped in her tracks gave a dismissive swipe of her hand and carried on !.
In town today,high numbers of masked ghouls out on the streets,in the heavy rain with soaking rags stuck to their faces and also a lot or quite young children muzzled,something that makes me really angry.
I noticed a chap loitering outside of the bank,eventually he removed his mask and went in !.The opposite of the image of a prospective robber waiting outside,building up courage before covering up and going inside tooled up with his ‘shooter’.
why do I have to use this bloody thing ?
Just don’t fucking wear it, so ridiculous that even the question as to how it is ridiculous is ridiculous.
Fucking ridiculous.
Yes,although to be fair to the woman it was the daughter that pretty much shoved it in her face and was creating a scene,the woman was a bit taken back and basically held it on her chin !,at the table she shoved it straight back at the daughter and never touched it again.The daughter would have been in her early twenties.
The youngsters love them don’t they, why can’t they just wear VW signs around their necks or grolsch bottle tops on their shoes.
They really are dim as they will be wearing them forever……
“The youngsters love them don’t they”
No they f.ing don’t – any more than any other generalized group – like ‘shop assistants’ or ‘nurses’ … or whatever.
I can’t see how an opposite form of self-righteous preaching (than that of the mask-wearers) helps.
I have never understood why they have sanitisers outside the loos, presumably to use after you have touched the door handle on the way out. But most of the places leave the door wide open anyway…. which in itself is very confusing as you cannot see the big gents sign on the door and once had an embarrassing moment when I nearly went in the wrong one.
Exactly my experience when I worked in a coffeeshop located in a council building in a shopping center. sanitiser use before going to the toilet and after. I always thought, hopefully you washed your hands, so why sanitize them again? And… do you wash your hands AT HOME BEFORE you go to the loo?
Just signed our business up for the Kickstart. Got the details, its all handled by independent recruitment companies. Scammers paradise! Looked for a local number so the money stays in the area. We want to hire a youngster and help them develop and hopefully give them permanent employment at the end of the six months. We have worked before with the council and put 4 underprivileged or care leaving kids into full time work for good money. Fully controlled, monitored and audited by the council.
What I have just signed is a recipe for disaster for the country and a beanfeast for scammers. The can buy a dormant company with a few years since it started, say you will hire say 20 kids. Get them on board doing what ever. You get £1,500 per kid so once that’s in the bank shut the co. sack the kids and your good to go. 15K richer. There will be hundreds doing it. The co we are going with had a turn over of abut 100K last year and told me they have hundreds of applicants, no need to worry they can do the onboarding for you too and some training for 500-750 for a day. Plus the government pays them for processing the paper work..
Wow, we were contacted by the DWP to take part, and expected them to be involved. All they do is advertise the job and send the CV to the agency who then sends it to us. Why do they need agencies to do this when it is part of the job centres work to handle all of this? Cos there is unaudited money to be made that why! This scam gets bigger by the minute
Shed full more money for Tory MP’s and Tory party donors
(Other bent political parties are available)
“We have morals. If you don’t like them, we can have others.”
Marx Brothers.
Easier to have none. Ask any first or prime minister.
I looked at this the other day and thought the same thing. The way I understood it, the onboarders get the opportunity of a split of the 1500 on each kid for just filling in a few forms!
exactly. they run training how to do a cv, apply for a job ec, they will already have one if they get to that stage. I have hired not far short of a thousand kids under 24 in my life and given them all a great chance to become something. I am very proud to say most of them did. We will keep the 1,500 onboarding as we will teach them awhole lot more than some sshark ina suit in an employment agency.
Talking of youngsters, not seen Poppy on here for a while – have I missed her posts or has she disappeared?
My husband’s nephew wanted funding for a venture. Used Kickstarter. We refused to help through this channel because of their support for BLM.
not the same thing that’s in the USA we are in UK and its government programme
From the same regime that wanted to ban face coverings previously
Suicides on the Rise due to Lockdown
The launch of Recovery For Hope For Balance – Emma Kenny ITV This Morning Psychologist & Presenter
Are you sure the Simon Dolan case started to-day?. I only ask as there is no mention of it on the BBC
You might have a fault. Try throwing your TV out the window, that should help.
This. A bloody disgrace. What about Free Speech?
Outrageous! But would explain the lack of updates..
Which of his posts was supposedly spreading misinformation ?
Jack Dorsey seems to be ‘celebrating’ his subpoena ‘performance’ yesterday by mass banning people…
He might be banned himself very soon.
Updates on Keep Britain Free.
I believe there are instructions as to how to long in live on Francis Hoar’s Twitter page, but I’m guessing it will have finished for the day by now..
Pure evil
So, “urgent action is needed to prevent England going into Tier 2 lockdown by Christmas, says a scientist.”
How about Revolutionary Action and the abolition of all Covid restrictions, in toto and everywhere, with immediate effect?
Come on, Johnners. Destiny beckons.
Another article on mask dangers to disseminate. For what it’s worth. (Sigh).
If it just stops one person from wearing a mask, it’s worth it…
Then there’s this. The video is meant to help educate people how to breathe while wearing a mask. I see it as a reason never to wear one. I’m feeling breathless just watching it!
“Improper breathing while wearing surgical or cloth masks have been shown to create anxiety, headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness and fatigue. The respiratory health experts at PN Medical have developed the guidelines for better breathing.”
I mean … what did I just watch? Effing clown effing planet.
Stick your ‘inspiratory and expiratory resistance trainer’ up your arse, mate.
I was born
I started breathing.
I’ve been breathing ever since.
It sort of comes naturally.
Just to demonstrate the pathetic bunch we have for leaders locally here in Northern Ireland.
Small business grants due to Covid were paid into political party accounts. Some had informed the scheme of the mistake. Others kept it resting in their accounts and have been found out.
Sure, it was resting an awfully long time, Ted.
Down with this sort of thing.
Welcome to school in Ontario. All kids, even in kindergarten, have to wear masks at school. Our government recommendation was grades 4 and up, but the school board in Toronto (not sure about other parts of the province) decided it would be “safer” if all kids were masked. A parent group I know of is trying to put together a class action suit against the Toronto school board.
Kindergarten???? I want to cry
Kids 6 and over have been having to wear them in Spain, all day, in school, for 2 months already.
In short, Trump could announce next Wednesday that Covid is all bs, he is sacking the fool Fauci and he is ditching the mask. Boris might then want to take note and act.
Hope you’re right!
I think he will win , just but the tsunami of hate/ recount nonsense from the democrats will be off the scale. They will be all about obfuscate and hamstring him doing anything.
bit like the last four years then !
The size of the Trump rallies is incredible!
In contrast almost no one is turning up at the Biden ones.. Either the Dems are supremely confident he has already won, or they are fixing it through fraud, it would seem..
I thought Scott Atlas was in charge now, not Fauci?
He’s on the Covid advisory board. Among others.
The problem is the result won’t be confirmed until after weeks of lawsuits and riots. The Democrats has always openly stated they won’t accept defeat.
One ‘interesting’ thing – Trump was recently photographed with Pence and (I think) Pompeo, in front of a picture of the only previous President to be re-elected unopposed, James Monroe…
Make of that what you will, but with what is happening with Biden right now (with regard to his being compromised by the links to the CCP), you have to wonder if Biden may not be on the ballot by next week…
Of course, fixing elections is something the Republicans have never done!
(Remember Florida?)
… and no I don’t rate either choice,
Of course they have. But this time is going to be worse.
Unfortunately, I believe he does not have the power to fire Fauci. Need a US citizen to confirm this. Calling Fauci a fool is far to kind.
Come on guys – there’s got to be a conspiracy going on here, hasn’t there???!
They trot out daily terror, threats of police state, fraudulent use of statistics, blatant silencing of legitimate and informed concerns, this CAN’T just be incompetence.
Unless this thing is on a par with Ebola, then the response is obviously completely disproportionate.
Pizza Express to shed 1,300 jobs.
Just gets better and better don’t it?
as long as it saves just one life !!
Absolutely, pizza parlours are a breeding ground for C-19.
Probably end 101 lives.
In March/April/May there were many deaths in the North West and North East with c19 mentioned on the death certificates. So we know the bug ‘ripped through” these areas at that time, if not to full saturation.
600,000 peeps die each year in the UK because its ‘end of life’ time. Even if my robust immune system can fight nasties of at the moment with ease, it is not unreasonable that in (many) decades my immune system will be old and frail and no longer capable to protect me, and something that once did me no harm might well kill me.
Are we making a huge fuss about another nasty that finishes off those who are simply at the end anyway? If it wasn’t c19 it would be something else?
(I am sure there is an unlucky ‘healthy’ few that sucumb to c19 for what ever reason – as some do to all nasties – but this is rare)
Are the majority of those dying now with c19 mentioned on their death certificates not just those who, in the last 6 months, had moved that bit closer to ‘end of life’ frailty – and are part of the 600000 anual deaths that are expected?
We can look at Sweden and see that this years mortality will be in line with previous years.
Strangely there are people who try to claim that Sweden failed by having a regular year for mortality. If at the end of this year other countries end up with relatively regular years in terms of mortality will they look back and think it was worth the cost?
Current deaths here in Sweden still seem to be of older people, as you would expect. So much for the ‘more lethal second wave’ that the UK ‘experts’ are predicting….
This October is one of the lowest for deaths EVER here!
Right.. off to the shops! Wearing an old Army Jacket.. if or when challenged I will look haunted and give the Vietnam excuse.
Don’t forget your Rambo headband!
‘Don’t Push it. Don’t push it, or I’ll give you war you won’t believe. Let it go’
You weren’t there man, you weren’t there!
I hope it’s a full metal one.
For more than forty years (1946 to 1989) the British state tried to find vaccines for the common cold. Needless to say, the programme was not successful. Yet, we are supposed to believe that within a matter of months a vaccine can be found for a novel coronavirus.
Jesus Christ.. the callers on TalkRadio.. Jesus fucking Christ…
No wonder there are so many nappy wearers.
Just received a text, same number as the GP’s number, saying that Oxford is going into tier 2 on Saturday. I am intrigued as it says that I can’t socialise with anyone from outside my household – what about that coffee at lunchtime with a couple of friends in the staff room? What a load of bllx!
Did you freely give the GP your mobile number? If not are they breaking GDPR rules here?
I think it was on my patient record – trying to work out how to remove it – perhaps it is easier just to block the number.
Medical Errors Responsible for Most COVID-19 Deaths in US
“We also need to remember that a large portion of those who died from COVID-19 were in fact victims of medical errors. As I reported in “Nurse on the Frontlines of COVID-19 Shares Her Experience” and “Frontline Nurse Speaks Out About Lethal Protocols,” Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, New York — which was “the epicenter of the epicenter” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. — grossly mistreated COVID-19 patients, causing their death.
According to retired Army Sgt. Erin Olszewski, a nurse who worked at Elmhurst during the height of the pandemic, hospital administrators and doctors made a long list of errors, most egregious of which was to place all COVID-19 patients, including those merely suspected of having COVID-19, on mechanical ventilation rather than less invasive oxygen administration.
During her time there, most patients who entered the hospital wound up being treated for COVID-19, whether they tested positive or not, and only one patient survived. The hospital also failed to segregate COVID-positive and COVID-negative patients, thereby ensuring maximum spread of the disease among noninfected patients coming in with other health problems.
By ventilating COVID-19-negative patients, the hospital artificially inflated the case load and death rate. Disturbingly, financial incentives appear to have been at play. According to Olszewski, the hospital received $29,000 extra for a COVID-19 patient receiving ventilation, over and above other treatments. In August 2020, CDC director Robert Redfield admitted that hospital incentives likely elevated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics around the country.”
Tragic and criminal
I’m trying to remember where the advice to artificially ventilate patients first came from? Who recommended it? Surely by the time the pandemic hit the UK it had been discovered that this did not work…?
I early March the S Koreans reported to everyone that they advised NOT to use mechanical ventilation , just use oxygen masks. They found that the intrusive ventilation made the situation much worse, it helped kill. It was ignored by UK/US health authorities. As a consequence they killed people.
That’s kind of what I suspected might have happened…
And what of our massive spend on ventilators then? Absolutely mental
Does anyone have a link to a site which gives advise if you refuse to accept a covid fixed penalty notice? Thanks
Will this help?
Thanks Mr Dee.
And please spread the word about the Fight the Fines site. The more who know about it, the better. The only way we can stop this is clogging up the courts. I’m donating to them a small amount each month now.
I do think that people are more scared of the fines than the virus. For example, there was barely any mask wearing in Wales until the mandate in September. Then there was almost total compliance.
If we take away the fear of fines, I sense victory.
I’ve never had a PCN (for anything not related to cars) and I really couldn’t afford to do it anyway (for criminal record reasons, more than financial reasons) but I think these things need to hit the courts.
Have you had one Jim?
No not yet, I just want to know my options. The legislation behind the FPN seems extremely dubious and needs to be challenged. If just a few of us go to court then the police and courts would be swamped.
They’ll seriously delay any cases of significance. The CPS might do selective case dropping as well.
FYI, yesterday’s figures show that the number FPNs issued is still very low:
“258 FPNs were issued between 15 June and 19 October for breaches of the Face Coverings Regulations across England and Wales.
The vast majority will be BTP. They are not proper police and have nothing to most of the time
Play the long game, they will all be cancelled eventually
Thats what I was thinking cheers
Dr Mike Yeadon Former CSO & VP Allergy Respiratory Research Pfizer Global R&D 29th Oct 2020
explain there are not excess deaths – the pandemic is over
Hope Simon Dolan’s lawyers have seen that – will help his case, proving that the measures are out of all proportion to the threat now….
Anyone heard how the case has gone today? I’ve not had time to follow it online…
Simon’s been banned from Twitter for 12 hours for “spreading misleading/potentially harmful information” about covid. Strange that
Not strange at all, as we know
Is there an update anywhere else?
Banned by whom?
But the Keep Britain Free Twitter feed has a few highlights from today’s hearing..
Love this comment
Don’t forget this “Virus” is so deadly that the government advice is to send your sample in a cardboard box through the post alongside millions of other mail
Hadn’t thought of that! Maybe something for Julia H-B to take up with ministers in her interviews?
What is the death rate among postal workers? Surely many must have died…??!!
My postie is fit as a butchers dog and my colleague’s husband is a postman and he has been working throughout, no cases at his sorting office.
Fucking scam ain’t it
3 posties round my way, all unmasked.
My main postie is one of us; thinks it’s all bollocks; doesn’t know any colleagues who have had it; doesn’t know of any of his ‘customers’ who have died.
As you say, S; “Fucking scam…”
My postie said they worked cheek by jowl in the sorting office and not one person became ill. Only one person allowed in each van though!
Such a good observation!
It’s a bit like the theatre. As long as they are visible in public – as in a van – they have to pretend.
When they are in a sorting office they are backstage so to speak.
Follow the money
Asset and share prices etc at very low prices
Testing company and vaccine shares at high prices
We are awaiting the result of the American election.
Forgone conclusion my view
Trump re-elected. Stops the Corona bollocks. Our dictator follows suit
Short big pharma and testing companies
Buy distressed shares and fixed assets
Those in the know will make a fortune and the taxpayers pick up the bill
Look at how the US economy is right now too – huge boost, almost back to pre-pandemic!
Our fat idiot is hedging his bets right now
Fat idiot will do as he is told once Trump is re elected!
Not convinced big pharma will lose should Trump be re-elected.
Would be amazed if the script is Trump wins and everything goes back to normal in a few months. I get the impression the past few months are just the warm up for the main event they have planned for us post 3rd November – another level of tyranny and dystopia.
I hope you are correct!
Big pharma will win whoever’s elected.
Two party democracy is purely theatre.
Agree, politics is theatre. The military complex and big multinational are sadly where the real power lies in the US, it is far from the land of the free.
It just seems like all those vaccines aren’t going away.
My borough is going into tier 2 from 1 minute past midnight on Saturday, another university town so the students are getting the blame.
m in tier two and am off to my old mum
s for sunday dinner !Ignoring Tier 2 won’t be much more hardship than ignoring Tier 1.
You’re right. It’s a full time job trying to keep up with all the regulations we need to ignore.
Yes, I’m torn. Is it better to pay absolutely no attention to the rotten mad totalitarian laws, and carry on with a kind of superb oblivious disdain, or to have them fully mastered so that one can actually plan one’s life around breaking as many of them as possible?
Here too (if not the same place). just dropped into Aldi on the way home and there was plenty of horrified chatter about it at the checkouts. All about how terrible and dangerous the situation was – nothing about the assault on our freedoms. I’m afraid I just wanted to escape and did not stop to fight our corner.
Is this Oxford (just recently had a text about this – going into tier 2 on Saturday)?
Looking at the stats, on the BBC show 2 more “cases” in the last week (202 “cases” w/e 26/10 or 132/100k) and 78 deaths in total (presumably since March). (Don’t usually use the BBC, but someone mentioned Carl Heneghan had spoken on Radio 4 this morning – but can’t find it).
Hardly anything to get excited about.
More blame it on the kids, as if they haven’t been crapped on enough
“The future for all of us depends on a balanced response to COVID-19 and a proper public debate that ensures we pursue the best policies. That’s why I started Recovery.”
Jon Dobinson
Mike Yeadon says covid-19 is over.
I agree with Yeadon. where is the evidence that it is continuing?
Show me!
Balanced response to covid-19 = advise public of (minimal for most) risks, make sure critical care capacity is used wisely, look for better treatments, advise on prevention, otherwise get back to normal.
I think you have to break it gently to people that it’s over.
There is no good evidence which indicates that Covid-19 is over. The data from Europe provides no support whatsoever that it might near the end.
I agree with him too. Anyway – how can we tell now that they’re adding flu figures to the covid figures (can’t recall the link) – which would explain why there aren’t many flu cases (REAL ”cases”) showing up.
I suspect it’s because they are not mandated to test for flu. Covid has priority and resources are short (as per that paper on covid and flu from the Northern Ireland lockdown info)
And companies are incentivised to test for Covid.
It’s a fucking scam.
I think a bit of care needs to be taken with the excess death figures. If the direct effects of lockdown haven’t been showing up here ( Heneghan making the case they are ), they will soon. We know how they’re classing tests as cases, so any uptick in excess could be used by the zealots to say they were right.
That’s why we need to focus on respiratory illness deaths now. I’m looking for an updated version of this one. We know deaths and hospitalisations will go up over winter. We know the media and government will give no context and use the figures to terrorise people further. This is the tool that will help us to make people lose the fear.
It comes from CEBM
Maybe they are updating it regularly?
‘All queries should be directed to the Centre’s primary contact person Ruth Davis, CEBM Operations & Centre Manager (ruth.davis@phc.ox.ac.uk)’
There will be a lag. If there is a second large wave the deaths won’t be apparent for a number of weeks. The point is the current trend is indicating a Spring like surge in about 6 weeks. I made this point in an earlier comment which you might have replied to.
A number of those who responded completely missed the main point of my comment.
Another carol for the jolly season of Covvitide.
As sheeples stood in flocks one night
All watching BBC,
An expert from the SAGE came down:
A lyng git was he.
‘Fear lots’, said he – and mighty dread
Seized on what they called their mind:
‘Dread tidings of a plague I bring
To kill all humankind.
So you will get locked down this day
And hide under the bed
And all you’ll get from MSM
Will be a count of dead.’
Thus spake the expert, and forthwith
Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok!
A troupe of nurses, who got clapped
On Thursdays, eight o’clock.
All glory be to C19
And on the earth be hell,
While evil and vile tyranny
Are doing very well.
Excellent! Great job with the scanning and rhyming too! Just my cup of tea…. (though I think a G&T might be in order right now, sun over the yardarm and all that…..)
Inspired, Annie! As ever
author! author!
fantastic! I shall get my girls singing it. They love to sing loudly as we walk
Apropos of something someone said earlier, about our having ”A SIGN” to show we’re LDSs – I thought more about this ”blue scarf” thing. I don’t wear a muzzle under ANY circumstances – but I do wear a blue scarf just in case I have to approach one of the Terminally Terrified. I pull it up a bit, just to show willing (reluctantly). I find it more of a protest than not wearing one at all.
How about we all wear Blue Scarves? See me in Worcester.
A gentle humming of the William Tell overture or a quick Heigh-Ho Silver. Who is that unmasked man/woman?.
a gentle humming of the WT overture, adorable! You’ll hear me coming for sure.
How about just ignore the whole charade and carry on as before. Virus’s don’t exist so how could anybody catch one
I know some people think all of this madness is just incompetence and others think it is a global plan.If it is just sheer incompetence why are so many countries from all parts of the globe acting in the same way and acting in step ?,for my whole life all I have seen is how countries always take advantage of another’s misfortune to better their own outcomes.With most major western nations deliberately destroying their economies and societies how is it none of the usual anti-western nations,perhaps excepting China,are using this to their advantage ?,it seems they are doing the same thing to themselves instead.How is it,with so many countries that hate each others guts,it appears nowhere has there been any major attempt to gain territory by military force ? and the terrorists ?,what’s happened to them ?,are they scared of the rona ?,for twenty years or more we’ve been told to be scared to death of the terror attack that was going to happen at any time,anywhere,Has CV eradicated terrorism aswell as Influenza ?.I have long expected a major terror attack this year,surely the best time to hit your enenmy,when they are down ?.
I just found out that my sister in Montreal is having another month in lockdown, ie whole of November. The Province of Quebec has hardly had any cases or deaths.
There was a terror attack in France today.
perhaps for some its TREASON for others they were always part of the plan.
No big events. City centres quiet.
Because fear and panic is a stronger motivator. Everybody has copied China, so the truly cynical might suggest (probably erroneously, but you never know), that China nudged the rest. If these countries had all acted in true lockstep, every single lockdown would have been exactly the same, with exactly the same rules. This has not been the case.
Incompetence explains why many politicians rushed into lockdown, being seen to be doing something gives the impression that the leaders are doing something. The arse-covering since has been to make that something they did appear worthwhile. The action now is to try and find a way out without losing face.
Normal service, of trying to play each other against each other, will resume immediately after the damage limitation exercise.
PS Lockdown in China lasted four weeks.
They knew within 3 weeks that this wasn’t the threat that we were led to believe.If they had opened up then,there would have been no consequences.Why the continual doubling down?
And the measures they are taking although not identical are pretty similar.Too similar and too stupid for nations to copy each other
I’m just reading Michael O’Bernicia’s latest thread on his website and almost shaking:
‘While preparing the court papers for the Private Criminal Prosecution of MPs for pandemic fraud, we have discovered that the office of the secretary of state for mandatory vaccinations has now admitted in a Freedom of Information Request [FOI] that they have no records which show that the cause of the COVID 19 virus has ever been proven to exist.
Yes, you did read that correctly.
Admission of GuiltTo put this in perspective, this is akin to the UK banks admitting that they never lend any money, when we started alleging that against them more than a decade ago.
It therefore doesn’t take much effort to work out that the pressure the Private Criminal Prosecution has placed upon every serving MP has catalysed the beginning of the end for this treacherous Parliament. One way or another.
Moreover, since the UK government has confessed that they have no record of the existence of the cause of the supposedly deadly virus, upon which the validity of Parliament’s COVID-1984 policies is entirely dependent, no MP is capable of successfully pleading not guilty to our allegations of pandemic fraud.
DHSC HOLDS NO INFORMATION ON ISOLATION OF SARS-CoV-2 [THE ALLEGED CAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC]Nevertheless, here lies the very heart of the dishonesty, which all COVID-1984 policies continue to be predicated upon:
Criminal law treats such evidence as proof of intent to commit fraud, for material gain.
Especially when the secretary of state in question, who has corporate interests in Big Pharma, as PSC of Porton Biopharma Limited, is knowingly pushing the mandatory vaccination agenda, for a virus that doesn’t exist.
The Smoking Gun of the COVID-1984 MassacrePlease read the Freedom of Information request for yourself below. It represents the nearest we can get to a smoking gun in the COVID-1984 massacre, by fraudulent, treasonous and genocidal government policy.
Shock horror – hand sanitisers are not stopping the spread of COVID19.
Given the low level of “infection” in those of school going age, that this hand sanitiser hasn’t been proven to have the effect it claimed would appear to be an irrelevance. As such, this move by the (Irish) Department of Education is a pure ass covering exercise.
To the cost of millions.
Oh it will be to the benefit of a friend of government
Excellent. Let’s hope masks get the boot soon as well.
I understand that with sanitizers they must contain at least 60% alcohol. I wonder how much alcohol was in these sanitizers.
Removed for safety reasons:
RTE: https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/1029/1174742-schools-covid-19/
The Department of Education has written to schools recalling more sanitising products, including hand sanitisers, wipes, detergents, and hand soaps.
It has advised schools of “further safety concerns related to the items, which were all previously recommended for use on departmental procurement documents”.
The department said the items “cannot be considered fully safe“.
It has ordered “their full withdrawal and replacement before Monday morning”.
The list of items contains more than 50 products supplied to schools by nine different companies.
Is that just Ireland or all of the UK?
The Republic of Ireland.
Someone further down mentioned that only one postal worker is allowed per postal van, whereas in the sorting office the workers are cheek by jowl.
I compared this to the theatre – sorting office is backstage, in the van (public) is on the stage.
This whole thing is now one enormous charade, where we are all expected to play our roles and wear our costumes.
Out and about today, chatted to quite a few shop staff, car dealership staff, workers etc and not one person thought what is going on at the moment is anything other than “total bollocks” as most of then actually said once they saw my not brainwashed badge.
Put some staff right bout when they can take off their masks – biggest one being when talking to someone like me who relies on facial expressions and clear speech to understand them. Amazing how quick the masks came off as soon as they one this.
I get the feeling that once the dam starts to burst the edifice will all collapse very quickly as most people just waiting for others to kick off so they can join in.
Pointed out this website to the most sceptic, especially the younger ones, so if any of you from the Shrewsbury van dealers have come to read “welcome and enjoy”.
I have a day dream so vivid that the first time it actually made me cry. I’m on campus, about to teach an UG seminar. I go in (unmasked as usual, exemption lanyard on), sit down, greet my students (all masked, as usual), take the register, ask if there are any questions before we begin our discussion – and then, one by one, every student takes off his or her mask. It’s wordless and quite quick. I don’t have long to reflect on what to do; I just take off my lanyard.
And don’t wear a muzzle. Wear a blue scarf.
Imagine an office party, where all the participants get drunk and behave in ways they would never normally do with each other.
Next day at the office nobody mentions what happened the night before. Everyone just pretends it all never happened.
Will that be the case when (if) this comes to an end.
Will the hysterics look each other in the eye?
We will all I guess struggle to find some collective justification.
No. It’s going to take years at the least for many to get over this. They’ll be suffering from PTSD.
Can you get PTSD from a Christmas Party?
Do you have it mixed up with STD?
I’ll bet a lot of people would jump at the chance of picking up an STD or two right now.
It’ll be the usual, in the MSM, on social media, and the general public who all fell for it: “I knew it was a scam/bollocks all the time.” or “I never believed any of it!”
Think about Blair.Dont know anyone now, who voted for him
LOL! So true.
Think how it might have been in Vichy France once the war had been ended….
2 linked charts.
The 1st shows all cause mortality for this year against the average for the last 5 years. It’s just nudged over the mean line but considering the NHS went AWOL for about half the population this isn’t entirely surpring.
I’ve also shown this years flu & Covid as a stacked bar chart against the average flu deaths for the past 10 years flanked by the weekly high and low for flu deaths over those 10 years.
Considering how many dementia, COPD & other cause deaths must have been dragged into the Covid deaths by dodgy PCR tests it isn’t surprising that it’s just nudged ahead.
Hope you find them of interest.
Nice, Nick.
To get an idea of all cause mortality in Europe, check out the graphs at Euromomo: https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps#z-scores-by-country
France (new lockdown), Germany (new lockdown), and all four countries of the UK (3 in lockdown) make for interesting viewing.
Yes – they’re absolutely fascinating. when you consider how much was made of Euromomo graphs in April. Suddenly, they’re not relevant.
Yes, funny that.
Malcolm Kendrick, in his interview with Zac Cox talked about the Euromomo data. He was amazed that some countries showed no increases at all, even in the spring ‘first wave’. Almost as if some places were making numbers up.
”Making numbers up”….. Oh SURELY not! They couldn’t possibly giving us some made-up numbers, could they? Just to scare us?
Nick – it’s even more interesting if you take a longer time frame, since the last ten years has been a period of remarkably low mortality in historical terms – i.e. we have seen much worse over the last 50-75 years – and not blinked.
In terms of the 27 years that I have tracked, despite a rise, current running mortality is still in the lower half of the range for the period (quite near the minimum = 2011) when tracked in a parallel way to your first graph.
I think the arrival of 1m young East Europeans has skewed the numbers since the early 2020s. From 1950 to 1970 50% of the years had excess winter deaths of over 60,000 in a poulation 30% smaller than today’s.
Think a letter is coming on next week to these guys asking them to explain why councils have no evidence:
Can’t do it this weekend, “business meeting” with dinner this weekend with an old friend I’ve not seen in a while and for the first time in about 8 years we are in the same country at the same time so too much beer, homemade fajitas with all the trimmings and a bullshit overload will be happening.
This government turning me into a deliberate law breaker, conscientious objector, resistance fighter as I’ve lost all respect (what little I had) for authority and the law.
So I’ll be quiet for a few days – thank fuck for that and a big sigh of relief I can hear is it?
Awkward Git – I’m pleased to see you here because I’ve been thinking about these letters and duty of care. Been trying to find answers. Back in a minute
I’ve been feeling frustrated by the fact that we seem not to have any legal bods here on these pages (where are you all) and so took my questions to the Daily Telegraph readers. Only one answer so far, but I think this must be an avenue worth exploring, even if a simple reminder of duties and responsibilities gives nothing more than pause for thought, but I think it must go further than that.
I wonder if we are missing something important…..
29 Oct 2020 4:28PM
I’ve a question for commenters here….
Example 1
Many people write letters to local bodies, MPs, asking about what data their policies are based on. The replies are always to the effect that they are following government guidance/laws. Surely they can’t get away with this? Don’t they have a personal duty of care? And do they have a personal responsibility to tell the truth?
Example 2
This is a remark today by a teacher in America:
“I teach 7th graders. One of the rare times they are allowed to go mask free is while they are eating lunch. A girl had taken off her mask and laid it next to her on the table. It was so filthy that I thought she had taken out her shoe insert and laid it next to her! I can’t that she is breathing that in for hours a day. 7th graders as a whole consider it all a big joke.”
Reply 1 : “Come on. Take a picture of that soiled rag and send that to the head. Child welfare anyone?
You don’t need to be the anti mask person. Just point out that there is a clear lack of hygiene with use”
Teacher: “The response would be to come up with rules about washing face masks. The fear of the adults is real.”
I commented that It’s happening on school premises. I presume the head has a general duty of care and should be reminded. These individuals need to realise that they have a responsibility and can’t say that they were merely following government guidance, the more these people, who have local power and influence, will start to (a) ask questions and (b) take responsibility. (and got no response)
Comments please! It seems to me that people who are writing letters of ( – but this isn’t a question specifically about masks but about duty of care and responsibility of individuals in positions of power, such as local authorities, teachers and head teachers.
I’m utterly opposed to masks as unhealthy in every way and inhuman, but given that the school is imposing them, then they surely have a duty to change them every two hours (or 20 minutes, or 4 hours – I’ve seen these all as ‘official’ figures).
A related question is this:
If an official person tells me that “there is an extremely dangerous global pandemic on” which is a false statement and easily shown to be such – is that official person culpable in some way for misleading me in their official capacity?
First answer:
They’re obliged to conform to Government advice – but Government advice is ignorant of scientific knowledge.
What can you do?!
My reply:
I was following the rules sir isn’t a defence.
I don’t envy their position, but surely they still have a personal duty of care and part of the pushback against all this should be reminding them of that fact.
Anyone with knowledge of the law in this area here please?
Second reply from Tom Archer:
Hi Rosie,
Duty of care is (I think) the oldest and shortest law still current law on the statute books, dating (IIRC) from the reign of Henry VIII.
It simply states that every citizen shall have a duty of care to his neighbour (neighbour being taken in the broader of context of anyone you happen to encounter in your daily life)
To give a very basic example, if someone is about to get run over by a bus, and you do nothing to help or warn them, but instead wait for the strawberry jam effect, you are failing in your duty of care..
In legal practice it tends to get invoked in scores of different ways when more specific laws do not apply, and has been interpreted countless times by the courts.
My reply: Given the overwhelming evidence for damage to health from masks, do you have any insight into why schools, universities etc are imposing them?
Can you enlighten me as to why I’ve seen no pushback along these lines?
MPs don’t have any duty of care, it is up to them how they handle the relationship with there constituents. There are no “rules”.
They also do not fall under the FOI regulations.
As to their behaviour – the above and ignoring constituents do not come under Parliamentary Standards so a complaint cannot be made. This only applies to how they act and treat Parliament. I know this as I’ve asked the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner as she will not start an investigation no matter what even when I told her what standards MPs are breaking and she’s not interested.
As to schools – the big chink is risk assessments. This sit here you can drive a wedge into their idiocy.
These must be evidence based but all anyone (including companies like Tesco) is doing is copying and pasting government guidelines which as we know have no scientific proof to support them so this is where schools etc can be challenged but as they can set there own rules like pub and shop owners etc they can make masks a condition of using their property blah blah blah.
Something happens on their premises following these risk assessments then if they are in court under HS+E charges and failings they will be ripped to shreds due to inadequately researched risk assessments with no evidence to support their mitigations.
Look at Notices of Conditional Agreement – mentioned in the comments on here over the past 2 or 3 days, worth reading as these put the onus on the company etc to prove their mask edicts are safe.
You just got to keep banging your head against the wall and making a nuisance of yourself until something cracks.
It sounds to me as if all these companies and the schools need a letter that sets out the evidence and reminds them of their responsibilities.
Anyone here want to get a team together? and get in touch with UsForThem to see what they are doing already along these lines.
don’t tell me to do it myself – I’m already super-busy with ‘climate change’ and trying to keep my website up to date, and trying to collate information of various types and helping create leaflets.
Someone please volunteer! We are running out of time.
By the way, Toby sent me an email at 1.30am, just to give you an idea of how hard he is working!
Have a great time, but be back asap!
Have a great break AG.
Didn’t know there is such a thing as too much beer … Must get out more.
‘a deliberate law breaker, conscientious objector, resistance fighter as I’ve lost all respect (what little I had) for authority and the law’
A respectable enough CV for the times, all the same. On and up!
It’s a Covid Christmas!!!!
Jingle bells, fear sells
Covid all the way
Oh, what fun it is to hide
And let life slip away
Hey, jingle bells, papers sell
Fear porn all the day
Terrify the people
MPs on extra pay
Jingle bells, this is Hell
Protests not allowed
Don’t kill poor old Granny
Don’t gather in a crowd
Hey, jingle bells, feeling proud
Of masking in my car
No more than 6 for Xmas
They’re pushing us too far
Brilliant! Need the 12 tiers of christmas next lol!
I’m working on it.
Been working on it since the weekend feel free to add or swap verses
On the first tier of Christmas Boris sent to me, a virus and a face nappy…
On the second tier of Christmas Boris sent to me 2metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 3rd tier of Christmas Boris sent to me 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 4th tier of Christmas Boris sent to me 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 5th tier of Christmas Boris sent to me Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 6th tier of Christmas Boris sent to me rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 7th day of Christmas Boris sent to me 7 test and tracers rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 8th day of Christmas Boris sent to me 8 nasal swabs 7 test and tracers rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 9th day of Christmas Boris sent to me 9 Covid Marshall’s 8 nasal swabs 7 test and tracers rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 10th Day of Christmas Boris sent to me 10pm Curfew 9 Covid Marshall’s 8 nasal swabs 7 test and tracers rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 11th day of Christmas Boris sent to me 11 Welsh fire breaks 10 pm curfew 9 Covid Marshall’s 8 nasal swabs 7 test and tracers rule of 6 friends 5 Matt Hancock 4 lying Profs 3 week Lockdown 2 metre distance and a virus and a face nappy
On the 12th day of Christmas Boris said to me it’s Christmas for me and not for thee
Excellent! and true.
I think 11 local lockdowns would fit better than welsh fire breaks.
‘Second Wave’ Has Claimed Lives of Just 17 People Under 40
Apologies Toby but fake news. I’m a big fan but:
There is no scientific evidence that it ‘claimed’ any of these lives
All the evidence suggests a PCR false positive return of 90%+
I know I’m repeating myself, however:
‘Mr A gets run over by a bus. He is tested in casualty and returns a positive or false positive PCR test.
Mr ‘A’ is a covid admission (1st time)
Mr ‘A’ is transferred to a general ward (covid admission for the second time)
On the general ward Mr ‘A’ takes a turn for the worse and is transferred to ICU (third covid admission)
In ICU he sadly dies from his injuries caused by the bus
One positive covid test
Three hospital covid admissions
One covid death
There is only one statistic that can be relied upon and that is total deaths from all causes in a year
Why? because it’s the only one that’s provable.
They are either dead or they ain’t
If we get to the end of the year and the total deaths are similar to previous years then how do they explain that?
Lockdown itself has already killed thousands, those excess deaths will themselves be used as proof that we needed to be locked down because, hey, look at all the excess deaths.
I believe there is an account of the very sad death of the youngest victim, a 17 year old waiting for an urgent operation who died after contracting and then testing negative for Covid.
Halloween Special…
Sorry for the delay in getting it to you…enjoy!
HooRah! Sobering the lads up?
It takes more and more time everyweek!
What the fuck is a support bubble
A single adult household can join with one other household to create a bubble so you can socialise with them , stop over and go in each other’s houses with out social distancing.
A bubble that will listen to you when you are feeling down
one of those big inflatable things people use for – is it yoga? Pilates? forgive my ignorance. Also I believe women bounce on them hopefully when overdue to give birth.
What it is not is an adequate substitute for a normal life in society
Just one of a long list of phrases I wish I’d never heard.
I’m just developing a thought here, so bear with me and/or feel free to ignore.
Regardless of motivation, the fundamental problem here is that the idea has taken root that the government can and should take responsibility for managing every situation and that it’s power to do this can be unlimited. It’s a natural extension of the “something must be done!” attitude that has dominated the British political conversation for at least 23 years (I’m inclined to trace it back to Blair, but that may just be my age and my prejudices talking; it could go back further than that).
There’s also the – basically laudable – philosophy that we are each of us responsible for all of those around us and we all have a duty to make sure that society continues to function and to do what we can not to harm others. Love thy neighbour as thyself, and all that. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But when it’s combined with the idea that the government gets to decide, in detail, how we do that, it becomes a snitch’s charter and a wannabe Blockleiter’s wet dream.
It’s so completely the opposite of my worldview that I struggle to even understand it, let alone to agree with it. But I also think that, if you’d asked almost anybody on the street, even as recently as a year ago “do you think that there are circumstances under which it would be OK for the government to regulate everything about your life, including where you go and who you see and to insist that you leave an official record of every place you visit, at all times?” I’m willing to bet that the answer would have been no.
One question is, how did we get here so quickly? Manufactured fear is part of it, obviously. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t just sneering or making a rhetorical point when he talked about the trade-off between security and liberty; he was speaking from observed experience. I’m sure that some of it is a human tendency to love power, even if it’s only the imagined power of the Facebook mask warrior. Maybe people don’t actually want to think for themselves and are relieved when they don’t have to.
I think a bigger question is: how do we get out? Imagine a world in 6 months’, 12 months’ time when all of these restrictions have gone away and we’re back to actual normal. Not meaning to debate whether that’s going to happen, just a hypothetical scenario. As of now, we will live with the risk forever that a government – any government – can take all of it away again for any reason at all, as long as it can make the perception of threat immediate enough and – more importantly – people will welcome it.
Back in the summer, when things looked like they were opening up again and I hadn’t yet realised that the light at the end of the tunnel was a train coming towards us, I said (here and elsewhere) that the courts were vital, because the real danger was the constitutional precedent that there were circumstances under which a government could incarcerate the population. That’s no less true now, but the chances of the courts striking this down seem to be fizzling and dying. So where do we go? If the judiciary won’t or can’t make this unlawful, then it has to be an act of Parliament. Which seems unlikely. And then, the only real option is to change the attitude of society, so that they respect their own freedoms and value agency over instruction.
Thank you Matt, and you’ve put words to my gut feeling that I’ve been sying here for a few days – that we need very urgently to get out onto the street and talk to people – that our focus of attention needs to be, not what Simon Dolan is doing (extremely important though that is) but mass pushback by us against the indoctrination that is taking hold within ordinary people like us.
That surely is the only method by which Nazism could historically have been stopped, had there been mass pushback in the 1930s.
I feel this so urgently!
The learned helplessness and leaving it to other people, as you say It’s a natural extension of the “something must be done!” attitude that has dominated the British political conversation for at least 23 years (I’m inclined to trace it back to Blair) but also getting free healthcare, I know it reduces me to a fraction of my general intelligence/maturity, we expect someone else to do things but must realise that now it’s our turn. If not us, who?
There’s a long comment from me a few down page along similar lines. What do you think?
To be frank Rosie, the Nazi situation comes AFTER the depression as it did in Germany. The years of fun and excess disappeared with the crash and hyperinflation. A leader who was talking about a resurgent nation eventually came to power only by direct acts of sabotage and force. It was the complacency of people that led to that situation and then the coercion that lead to the rise of the Nazis.
We have seen the creep of something more akin to Communism in Russia. Where it was all about banding to together against a great despair to help the nation.
Changing public opinion is fundamenal, and the only route out of this
There’s more chance of us all succumbing to Covid Toe.
Without a doubt!
It has already changed since March and continues to do so. What’s your take on what to do to speed up the process of getting out of this mess?
Where is the plan to do that?
It is already happening bit by bit in myriad ways. Slowly. But gathering momentum.
Have you seen The Bernician today? The government have admitted in an FOI that they have no proof Covid 19 exists!!!!!
I copied part of the article here earlier…
If that’s true then all coronavirus legislation is invalid as it specifically states an exact type of coronavirus that it all applies to.
“Coronavirus” means the virus known as “Wuhan novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)”;
Michael O’Bernicia is planning to serve MPs with summonses next week; he also wants the cabinet and others under house arrest until court cases, in order to prevent them doing more damage!!!
‘ that we need very urgently to get out onto the street and talk to people ‘.
This is definitely a thing. See standupX for local weekly meets. Good to have such a meet in every village square, town, borough and so on. It is so good to immerse in a crowd, all mask free,and all with that mindset we like!
Good post. We’re supposed to have all this human rights legislation, but none of it seems to apply. Our governments (plural of course, due to devolution) seem to do what is popular, rather than what is right. I guess that started with Blair, as you say.
And not having any human rights is popular.
Not with me it bloody isn’t.
Err, yep. Especially agree re the struggling to understand people who want their government to behave like rabid baboons.
“As of now, we will live with the risk forever that a government – any government – can take all of it away again for any reason at all, as long as it can make the perception of threat immediate enough and – more importantly – people will welcome it.“
This has been my concern for some time. Although ending the current panic is the first priority, right behind that is somehow ensuring that it doesn’t end in a way that leaves this open as a policy response again.
That’s not easy, because as you say this is merely the logical conclusion of a cultural trend that has been dominant for decades. I would point to such changes as the imposition of seatbelt wearing by coercion as an early indicator of the direction of travel. In general the willingness to exchange liberty for supposed safety has been very apparent for a century now, starting slow and building speed rapidly in the last few decades.
Publicly funded healthcare has been a driver, along with numerous other social changes and trends.
As you say, it seems unlikely the courts will rule against these powers. I hold out little hope for coming out of this with a genuine recognition of how gratuitously disastrous it has been, and proper recriminations against those responsible. More likely we will see a cover up claiming the measures “averted disaster”, until some half assed vaccine came along to “save us”, and investigations and inquiries will be whitewashes. We saw with Iraq that when the entire establishment is complicit, there is little chance of honest and genuine truth-finding at the official level
The way I see it, once the emergency is temporarily over, there will need to be a campaign to shift the culture and prepare cultural, institutional and legal defences against panic measures, for the next time. It will have to be very well funded, and that means wealthy individuals and businesses will have to be persuaded to back it, in their own interests. And there will have to be something like the “long march through the institutions” by the left that got us where we are today, but with liberty-minded people instead.
“the imposition of seatbelt wearing”
Not at all a parallel, since that was about the physical, common public sphere, and proportionate – not infringement of a meaningful liberty – no different from having a rule about which side of the road to drive on. Jeremy Clarkson might object, I guess – but that confirms the sense of it.
You couldn’t be more wrong, Rick. Seat belts were an intrusion into the private sphere, and like all state interventions, led to unintended consequences.
Various contemporary studies around their efficacy were supressed, because they conclusively showed that harm to pedestrians and other vulnerable road users increased, due to increased driver complacency.
Whether a driver lives or dies is a private matter for the driver. Indeed, drivers were made safer by seatbelts, but “risk compensation”, as the behavioural theory terms it, made them drive less safely.
I believe we see the same psychology at play with modern driver assistance systems, which will hopefully be compensated for by the efficacy of these systems.
That’s the usual behaviour and mindset of the majority of the people. It’s just like those that drink alcohol until a coma state is reached because they feel safe that the emergency services will rescue them.
Fascinating. Today’s lesson!
You’re quite right, Alexei… risk compensation a.k.a. risk homeostasis, as documented in the book “Risk” by John Adams, originally published in 1995. It has cites oodles of academic sources.
The theory says that each individual has a natural level of risk they are comfortable with. Doesn’t matter whether it’s culturally, hormonally or genetically driven. When you add or take away a risk that a person perceives, the individual will subliminally start to behave differently, in a way that brings their risk level back to the natural level for that person. So when outside factors remove risk from the individual, they will begin to behave in a more reckless or careless way.
Just as studies have been done on causal links between adoption of seatbelts and increases of injuries to those outside of vehicles, there have also been studies on motorcyclists in Denmark where the law used to say you didn’t have to wear a crash helmet, but if you come off and crack your skull, it’s on you. It gave a really useful field in which to inquire whether riders with helmets had more accidents or fewer.
Guess what they found…
when seatbelts were coming in (we had a minivan) my wife complained that I drove 10 mph faster when I wore a belt.
The principle is the same. It’s just that it’s not a big deal to put the seatbelt on so most of us don’t mind. How would you feel if they said we had to wear racing helmets inside our cars? Big heavy sweaty things that steamed up our glasses, made it hard to breathe and gave us sore necks.
You don’t really even need a law against driving on the wrong side of the road because nobody is stupid enough to do it. This is also why cycle lanes do not need be compulsory. If they’re any good people will use them anyway. If something has a clear benefit why do you need compulsion? Of course this also applies to vaccines.
“not infringement of a meaningful liberty“
Amusing that you can write that with (presumably) a straight face, even in the midst of your strong objections to the imposition of face masks. “Just wear the damned mask, what’s to object to”?
I hate the imposition of seatbelts by law, at least as much as you do facemasks, and for a similar reason – it represents an outrageous intrusion of government into what should be personal decisions.
And the other point I was making was that it was rationalised as justified by the fact that personal decisions on health and safety are no longer personal because “we all pay for their healthcare”. That’s not open to dispute by you – it’s invariably the argument trotted out to justify it. Complying with the law represents de facto acceptance of that principle, willy nilly.
And you aren’t really stupid enough not to see the fundamental difference between seatbelt tyranny and rules about which side of the road to drive on, so I’ll charitably assume you had a momentary brainfart.
Erroneous apostrophe in the first para. Apple’s fault, not mine.
If I could give two upticks, I would. This has always been, and still is, my primary concern. There are no checks and balances left in this country: constitutional, institutional nor generational.
The patrician elite have given way to the technocratic elite, and they too will cede ground to a fascistic millennial elite.
I run a business (being crushed YoY, outlook grim) and I’m lucky my boy is too young to know what’s going on. The only thing I can’t shield him from are masked gimps in Tesco.
But on both counts, it is intolerable to me that this happens again. Obviously we’ll have to see how things shake out, but at this point we are now making medium-term plans to move to the US. I hope we will see federal and state legal pushback continue, to the extent that future lockdowns are ruled out in some or all states.
I honestly see no way out but to leave, for suitably risk-averse, foresighted folks. Very sad.
It may be that free societies only exist as brief interglacials between ice ages of authoritarianism as they seem to rely on the whim of the ruling elite. Musk is already planning for Mars to be free even if Earth isn’t. He said something the other day about how Earth Law will not necessarily apply, presumably anticipating some kind of Great Reset type unpleasantness. But he naively wants a “direct democracy” (referendums on everything basically). The trouble is democracy is not really any guarantee of anything.
I would like to try sortition as a system of government. Perhaps I should suggest it to Musk.
Of course any Martians will be killed by SARS-COV-2 as they won’
t have encountered it before and will not be immune. (“The war of the worlds” scenario)
There is actually a bed-wetting school of thought that worries about whether we would all die of novel Martian viruses if we went to live there. Robert Zubrin gives the idea the short shrift it deserves in his books.
But certainly when we do have a Mars colony they may get behind on their immunity compared to Earth. It takes so long to get to Mars that anyone going there is effectively quarantined. If you were born on Mars and then went back to Earth in your 30s it could be a big problem.
Excellent post.
Move to a different country, or start one. I start to understand why people went to America.
I think Western Christian civilisation/empire is in terminal decline, as happens to all empires.
It is still a good time to be alive in many ways, but a terrible shame it has been accelerated by this latest madness.
Keep buggering on and enjoy life, do what you can. But I don’t think the direction of travel as Mark puts it can be changed. I would settle for some kind of return to normality in the next year or so.
That’s what happens when millions of modern moron slaves want to be and embrace IRRESPONSIBILITY, which manifests itself via…
I would like to know how many recent heart attack or stroke victims were enthusiastic mask wearers.
I watched a very good video today, in German, about risks of mask wearing.
it was 90minutes in total, but there are plans to cut it down and hopefully translate it.
Bittel tv.
Silke, you are German, nicht wahr? Can you update us on anything you may have read about the 3 German children that died from wearing masks?
That is now Classified Information!
As far as I know for all three children the cause of death is not known.
Theories are sudden death syndrome, and wearing a face covering would have contributed to a misfunction of the bodies systems.
I saw footage of Dr Bodo Schiffmann (sp?) speaking about one of the deaths, he was sure that it was a death caused by mask wearing
Please could you share a link for us German speakers? many thanks
Dude… That’s what laziness looks like!
Love the name Recovery and the logo, like the Phoenix from the ashes of the twin towers also very slitty serpent eye. Recovery is 66 in numerology (33 33) nice and Masonic/Satanic. There are no heroes people these sick bastards are all controlled opposition. Why the F*ck would you believe some jumped up prick called Lord Sumption, anyone heard of the illness Con sumption, I rest my case. Careful in whom you place your trust. The solution to this travesty will be worse than the travesty, just sayin
I’m assuming you think “controlled opposition” won’t get us out of this. So what will? Interested in plausible ways forward.
IMO changing mainstream public opinion is the only game in town, and that has to be done with a broad church movement that is hard to attack.
Small reminder to those sending of FOIs to hospital trusts. I know most of the guys here know this already; Awkward Git has taught us well.
If you are asking about Covid-19 patient numbers, make sure you don’t just ask “How many Covid-19 patients do you have in the hospital/trust?”
Make sure you ask (as a supplementary question), “How many of those patients are being treated primarily for Covid-19?”
I mention this because I have it on good authority that a main London hospital trust currently has 19 inpatients who have tested positive for the virus, but none of them are being treated for the virus.
Make sure in your FOI you get them to distinguish between the two.
I asked specifically the following questions, on a per week basis
a)The number of patients admitted who tested positive for SARS-COV-2
b)The number of patients admitted who tested positive for SARS AND who showed signs and symptoms of CoViD19
c)The number of patients admitted into ITU with serious signs and symptoms of CoViD19, e.g. ARDS, abnormal clotting, other inflammatory symptoms including gastrointestinal and cardiac.
d) a breakdown of a – c on a week by week basis as well as total numbers
e) The number of patients attending the emergency department (both adults and children) for whatever reason for each week since <date1>.
Even better; thank you.
Great request. And I will be so interested in the response.
(It remains a hypothesis of mine that the hyperinflammatory cytokine storm leading to organ failure is simply no longer happening.
My rationale for that being that genomic deletions occur after just two months of the virus circulating in any given population, leading to an attenuated phenotype with greatly reduced intra-host viral replication, due to the ‘don’t burn the house down’ selection principle, rendering the virus relatively harmless, and confining it to a background endemic role.
Just like in SARS-1..
And probably in MERS.
And possibly also in Ebola.)
Anyone got a link to the actual legislation that applies in tier 3 lockdowned places, please ? I’m mainly looking for stuff about what is legislation and what is guidance in commercial/offices/business premises.
Guidance (not legislation) is here, John.
Legislation (Statutory Instrument) is here (pdf):
Great, thanks Ceriain.
Hang on a minute – postal testing? This pathogen is so deadly that we’re sending used swabs through the post? Are posties and sorting office workers not dropping like flies?
See posts on this a bit earlier in this thread
There aren’t enough armoured trucks for transportation!
The funniest one was this one:
It wasn’t a monkey, it was Wancock. Easy mistake to make.
Just doing a bit of research on the number of cold viruses and webmd says this:
There are more than 200 that can lay you low.
It’s likely that someday you’ll have a close encounter with one of these types:
There are also a lot of viruses that doctors haven’t identified. About 20%-30% of colds in adults are caused by these “unknown” bugs.
So up to 30% of these are unknown bugs. The PCR test is only looking for a small segment of the genome so they really don’t know if another unidentified virus is sharing this.
On top of which Transport for London have found noneall year, so they can’t survive being out in the open for long.
These are the usual ones they look for (and usually they don’t look for all)…
OPERATION COVID is running according to plan/training (EVENT201), and we are clearly not upset!
A couple of interesting related things. One that I recall from an interview of Wodarg back in April or so, iirc, was that he suggested that coronaviruses typically get up to around 20%, iirc, seasonally and then fade away.
Another is a study finding evidence of viral interactions:
Virus–virus interactions impact the population dynamics of influenza and the common cold
Can you clarify what the 20% relates to?
It was just the observed (approximate – he wasn’t speaking with precision) seasonal prevalence peak for coronaviruses. I’ll see if I can dig out the video ref to where he mentioned it (Wodarg got it from talking to Wittkowski, iirc). It struck me at the time because it seemed like plausible support for much lower herd immunity levels than the 50-80% everyone was talking about at the time.
20% of all cold/flu virus is circulation at a given Winter season
Here it is (early May, not April), with my own transcript at the time:
39:14 Wodarg: “Mr Wittkowski, he was speaking about this “herd immunity”… you know the coronavirus never gets in herd immunity more that 20, perhaps 30%. Never…. In the whole history in Africa and everywhere the coronavirus doesn’t need this.
Interviewer [with ironic smile]: We all know now since a few weeks, because we are all educated, we need 70% herd immunity to be safe –“
Wodarg: “No, no, no. You will never have this. You will have this with rhinovirus, yes….just have a look on the Glasgow … picture we have where we observe those viruses. You see the rhinovirus is going up to 80% every season. And the coronavirus is something on the slope, but only just a small thing. And influenza too does not have 80%, never. They don’t need it.”
They’re looking for big enough pieces that it would be very unlikely to find them in another genome just by accident.
The bits they’re looking for are about 20 nucleotides long and there is a choice of four for each one. So I make that about a trillion attempts to find one at random. But a virus genome is only about 30,000 nucteolotides long. So you’d need about 36 million unknown viruses for one of them to match.
There is a much higher chance of a match with an unknown but related coronavirus. But if there was one we would have found it by now as SARS2 has been fully sequenced about 50,000 times.
Just watched Mike Yeadon on Anna Brees’ channel. The stark thing he said about a specialist working in the NHS who told him that a lot of people dying in hospital now are in their 30s and 40s. But it isn’t Covid that is killing them. It’s heart disease and other things including cancer, a lot of which has been made worse BECAUSE of the lockdown.
And because of the PCR tests they are being labelled as Covid deaths. Just like we said here some months ago. A self-replicating virus of idiocy and scam.
And yet all-cause mortality is average for the year. Which the BBC will not show.
The heart disease will be partly mask wearing (oxygen deprivation) partly stress (lockdown, fear, sleeplessness) partly lack of medical care and also lack of exercise, healthy food etc.
My blood pressure went up scarily high because of all the stress.
“They are between 45 and 65, they are men and women equally, and Covid kills more men than women, and they are not dying from respiratory disease. They may well have had a positive test result, which may be a false positive.”
Mike Yeadon. Not verbatim but near enough. Roughly 10 minutes into the interview.
Richard Pinch was asking for data source for Sweden earlier. I use this one – some translation from Swedish required but not too hard
Carrie may have better sources that give access to raw data rather than graphs
It is updated Tues-Fri 14.00 Swedish time
Positive tests going up (not sure where to find testing volumes so not sure how significant this is) but ICU and deaths pretty flat
Correct. There are deaths, but not unexpected for the season. Remember it is now cold up here!
I’m in the town that has had extra precautions suggested (though if you believe the British MSM we are in lockdown – haha) and there have been a number of deaths here in the last week, not unexpectedly of elderly in care homes. According to an article in our local newspaper though, the regional director for care homes is reluctant to close the homes for visitors again, because the average resident does not live there very long anyway and they think it more important that they have quality of life, with visits from loved ones…
The same newspaper reported that only 4% of people infected believe they caught the virus on public transport, even though the latest recommendation (until 3rd Nov thus far) is to, if possible, avoid or minimise bus travel, and travel outside of the busy times (when the school kids are travelling). It’s half term this week though, so buses are almost empty!
I’ll post the testing stats separately…
This is the latest weekly report from the Swedish Public Health authority, published today:
An increasing spread of infection is now seen in most regions of the country and in all age groups. The increasing spread of infection has led to stricter general guidelines now in force since October 20 (week 43) and Skåne since October 27 (week 44), and in Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Östergötland since October 29 (week 44). The local general guidelines apply for a limited time to further slow down the spread of covid-19. In other parts of the country, the same advice and recommendations have applied since 22 October for risk groups and people aged 70 and older as for everyone else.
Everyone is encouraged to continue working from home if possible, keep their distance from others both indoors and outdoors, stay home at the slightest symptom and get tested if showing symptoms.
During week 43, 9,165 laboratory-confirmed cases of covid-19 were reported in Sweden, which is an increase of 63 percent in the last week and the highest number of cases reported so far in one week. Despite this, the spread of infection is at a lower level than in the spring, as testing is now several times higher than it was in the spring.
A total of 164,742 individuals were tested during week 43. Of these individuals, 5.6 percent were positive for covid-19, which is higher than the previous week and clearly reflects the increasing spread of infection.
Adults aged 20-49 are still tested the most, in terms of the number of inhabitants in the age groups. The proportion of tested individuals who were positive was highest among people aged 18-19 and 15-17, where about 10 percent of those sampled received a positive laboratory diagnosis.
The number of newly-admitted patients in intensive care increased further and so far 27 new intensive care patients with confirmed covid-19 have been reported from eleven regions for week 43. The number of cases in nursing homes increased by more than half from week 42 (78 cases) to week 43 (120 cases).
The number of confirmed deaths per week was slightly more in week 41 (21 deaths) than in previous weeks, but at the national level a mortality rate was seen just below the normal range for the season.
This is a disease where the latitude is important. Russia, Sweden same latitude. Look at Sweden
The cases started to increase 1st Sept after a continued fall since June. If you look at Russia
exactly the same date 1st Sept the continued fall from May ends and the curve goes up.
Most cases here at the moment are in younger people. I was wondering if they might put universities back onto distance learning? However, at the moment in some areas they are asking people to minimise time spent in shops – no mention of changes to universities. If footfall in shopping centres drops, like it did in the Spring, then shops may again reduce their opening hours slightly (open one hour later and close one hour earlier).
I’m interested in this change in policy, ie to minimise shopping, rather than putting universities back into online teaching (which would be easier). Do they want more younger people to get the virus now?? Or are they copying other countries?
Deaths where I live are (as expected) still in older people at the moment….
Sweden has its seasonal wave and they have not yet reached herd immunity. But they might be in a better position than other European countries although ICU use has also increased in Sweden. But ICU use per million much better. Compare the lightly affected first wave countries like Austria and Germany they have both 4 times more in ICU beds than Sweden. In hard lockdown France and Spain they have both 8-10 times more in ICU. Hard lockdown Belgium worst has 16 times more than Sweden.
It’s just a pandemic of snort!
Went to the Trafford Centre in Manchester today, all v depressing. Including myself there were less than a dozen un-muzzeled people in the 3 hrs we were there. Constant tannoy announcements about how we need to ‘do our part’, marshal’s asking all the time to put one on, ‘STILL exempt’ my reply, getting snappier & snappier with them, obviously not abiding by the law about challenging people.
Whilst waiting for my wife to buy her make up feeling somewhat down, I re-read the James Delingpole article from the 25th & that re-vitalised my resolve to stand firm in the face of this dystopia nightmare.
One of the worst thing is seeing older people who really shouldn’t be wearing a mask struggling along. There was an incident where a screen was placed around somebody, couldn’t help wonder what had caused that & reading some of today’s comments can’t help but think a mask had something to do with it.
Next time you can take a few leaflets with you, if you have a printer. PDF coming up soon.
I made it quite mild so as hopefully not to trigger Conspiracy Theory! reactions.
I really do not like people/shop assistants asking me if I have a face covering.
I am aware of the guidelines, I have not lived under a rock for 3 months; if I enter a shop showing my smile, I do so because I am exempting myself!
Someone sent me a silly poem about smiling a few days ago on FB. My reply was rather caustic.
It’s really funny how this [fake] special pneumonia can’t even beat the old and normal pneumonia… And this happens everywhere!

Except for the Offical Spring Hunting Season (aka lockdowns) for old age slaves, it can’t beat normal pneumonia even once.
Ivor’s latest yet still the crap continues……
I think we can all agree now that a lockdown is justified after all…
I mean, who wants purple toes for a few months?
If it saves just one toe, its worth it……
and it must be serious, because the FIVE MONTHS is capitalized….
I just don’t BELIEVE it…
But will the MSM report this…? (it’s from The Bernician)
COVID-1984 FOI Request | UK Government Admits Virus Doesn’t ExistWhile preparing the court papers for the Private Criminal Prosecution of MPs for pandemic fraud, we have discovered that the office of the secretary of state for mandatory vaccinations has now admitted in a Freedom of Information Request [FOI] that they have no records which show that the cause of the COVID 19 virus has ever been proven to exist.
Yes, you did read that correctly.
Admission of GuiltTo put this in perspective, this is akin to the UK banks admitting that they never lend any money, when we started alleging that against them more than a decade ago.
It therefore doesn’t take much effort to work out that the pressure the Private Criminal Prosecution has placed upon every serving MP has catalysed the beginning of the end for this treacherous Parliament. One way or another.
Moreover, since the UK government has confessed that they have no record of the existence of the cause of the supposedly deadly virus, upon which the validity of Parliament’s COVID-1984 policies is entirely dependent, no MP is capable of successfully pleading not guilty to our allegations of pandemic fraud.
Nevertheless, here lies the very heart of the dishonesty, which all COVID-1984 policies continue to be predicated upon:
Criminal law treats such evidence as proof of intent to commit fraud, for material gain.
Especially when the secretary of state in question, who has corporate interests in Big Pharma, as PSC of Porton Biopharma Limited, is knowingly pushing the mandatory vaccination agenda, for a virus that doesn’t exist.
The Smoking Gun of the COVID-1984 MassacrePlease read the Freedom of Information request for yourself below. It represents the nearest we can get to a smoking gun in the COVID-1984 massacre, by fraudulent, treasonous and genocidal government policy.
In case you don’t scroll down to see previous posts and replies:
If that’s true then all coronavirus legislation is invalid as it specifically states an exact type of coronavirus that it all applies to.
“Coronavirus” means the virus known as “Wuhan novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)”;
Exactly – watch this space…
These are also interesting, in the light of The Bernician’s post today:
‘Latest numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting pts who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID
> 51K pts who actually died from heart attacks & thousands more from other illnesses
Dems “Cares Act” was used to pay off Hospitals for false reporting’
‘We no longer have the flu’
LOL! Top comment.
Took the Telegraph survey someone posted earlier – really let rip, hahaha.
Plus saw someone mention the Ignoble Awards.
I forgot this year’s winners and been announced. Again a great batch of classics (some brilliant one over the years):
The bumbling buffon and coronavirus got an award amongst others, wonder if he will go to the awards ceremony:
Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, Narendra Modi of India, Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Donald Trump of the USA, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow of Turkmenistan, for using the Covid-19 viral pandemic to teach the world that politicians can have a more immediate effect on life and death than scientists and doctors can.
REFERENCE: Numerous news reports.
NOTE: This is the second Ig Nobel Prize awarded to Alexander Lukashenko. In the year 2013, the Ig Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Alexander Lukashenko, for making it illegal to applaud in public, AND to the Belarus State Police, for arresting a one-armed man for applauding.”
Doubtless the zig Nobel awards are sponsored by Bill Gates
Thats not really fair to Lukashenko.
Krankie has long surpassed him in the petty dictator stakes.
After all at least all the pubs are open in Belarus, you don’t need to wear a stupid muzzle and 1000 oyher petty restrictions don’t exist.
Loved the Telegraph survey:
Question: Thinking about Rishi Sunak and Matt Hancock only, do you have any further comments regarding their handling of the pandemic?
My answer: Matt Hancock should be shot.
Where is Matt Hancock. Has he been seen in public lately (“since the non-mask in a car” incident)?
Probably preparing a load of new SIs to inflict on the country…
Wow, I enjoyed filling in that survey.
Don’t miss it.
This is us isn’t it? I certainly feel this way most days.
Someone needs to add blue masks to all the saluters in that image!
Quick and dirty job
Yep, that hits home. This is just how it felt on those miserable Thursday evenings, when it became clear a frightening mass psychosis had taken hold.
In my area it was mostly just people with young kids who did the clapping thing.
lovely. Yes!
C’mon!!! It’s just a face mask!
I talked about this…
That’s why we have to be refuseniks. Imagine if the future historians couldn’t say that there were any?
A year or so ago I attended a talk on Nazi Germany by a young German woman. She began with this photo.
That imperial wretch paul elliot sage just appeared on skynews in live interview. No sound so no idea what he said but he is one miserable soul at his core.
ITV News just showing Farage at Trump’s rally in Florida.
he’s getting round.
I’m amazed at Trump’s energy – he’s been doing several rallies a day – whilst ‘sleepy Joe’ is in his bunker….
I’m staring to feel glimmers of hope for a Trump win. The polls are tightening, and there seems no good reason to believe the “shy conservative” effect is not in effect as usual.
If you look on Twitter (no need for an account) you can see the sheer size of the Trump rallies – I find it very hard to believe that the polls are right (ie that Biden is leading). Trump should win by a landslide if attendance at his rallies is anything to go by..
More than glimmers he has a great chance. Florida looks good. Most good non MSM judges think Pennsylvania will decide it but Trump will need to win well to prevail there. A lot of dubious practise expected in that state.
Try @Barnes_Law, he made about $500k in 2016 betting on Trump (in UK and Ireland as illegal in US). He’s betting on Trump again. Biden’s corruption is astonishing not to mention obvious dementia/Parkinson’s.
Yes – at 74 years of age.Seems to have recovered nicely from that cold he had a xouple of weeks back.
Do give over on celebrating the Big Orange Fart – there’s serious business going on with Covid.
This is a site for adult discussion. CBeeBies opens at 06.00.
I know you don’t like him and can see why in some ways but don’t you think a Trump victory is way better for scepticism than a Biden one?
It’s not that I ‘don’t like him’, Julian. It’s that I know that he is a fraud who has managed to survive financially by playing the bankruptcy game, and is also dangerously stupid.(i did read up on Trump before he became president)
His ‘scepticism’ on Covid is, in my opinion, purely a posture, triggered by the Democrats’ own limited political horizons. He just took up the opposite position – there’s no analysis or principle involved.
We are in desperate times, with a mirror image of the US situation – total political corruption – mirrored in the UK with, with a lack of real opposition and the the use of corrupt manipulation to silence alternative voices – as we’ve just seen again with the Labour Party (again – as with Covid – you have to know the factual detail in order to see what is going on).
I don’t really get the Trump saviour thing with Covid – he openly talks about the military distributing the vaccine and gave billions to GAVI. He had the power to sack / demote lying / corrupt Fauci but didn’t. Also he could have told republican states not to lock down but didn’t.
Also been silent on the many human rights violations and physical attacks on non mask wearers. Have a feeling both ‘political sides’ are in on the fraud.
I thought Scott Atlas was advising Trump instead of Fauci?
Yes, only took over recently though, and Fauci still lurches in the background, should have got rid of him months ago. He has a massive financial interest in pushing vaccines and is far too close to Dr Bill Gates.
‘Dr’ Bill Gates – exactly – he has zero medical qualifications.. And I believe he also has Aspergers, so why are we taking his views seriously?
Anything is better than Biden. God help us if the Democrats get in power, they seem to think it is a good idea wearing masks in your home. Completely bonkers they would have a lockdown that makes Melbourne look free given the chance.
Are you wilfully ignorant of the serious damage done to business by the wholly unnecessary reaction to the less than deadly coronavirus?
Guardian is that a way ——-
As is charm school…..
Linus Pauling,the Nobel Prize winner experienced both the Asiatic flu and Hong Kong flu,published a book 1970 stating that Vitamin C had effect on common cold. This was mostly regarded as a crank opinion and forgotten.
In the below article describing a RCT trial in China with very severe cases in China where half was injected with saline and the other half injected with high dose Vitamin C with clear positive effect of Vitamin C.5 of 26 died in Vitamin C and 10 of 38 died in the placebo group. The trial is too small for statistics but there is an addendum to this. The Wuhan trial needed 140 patients to be sufficiently ”powered” for the statistics but they ran out of COVID cases during March, a month after 50 tons of vitamin C, which is 50 million one gram doses, was shipped into Wuhan and given to hospitalised patients and also hospital workers. New admissions into Intensive Care Units (ICUs) plummeted. Professor Peng ended up with a third as many as the trial was designed to include. But, even though the resulting overall statistic showing almost half as many deaths was not significant, the results from the SOFA oxygenation score and other markers were significant.These results are especially important when case reports in American ICUs using 12,000 mg of vitamin C show almost no deaths in anyone without a pre-existing end stage disease already and also over 85,and a British ICU using 2,000 mg of vitamin C have reported the lowest mortality of all ICUs in the UK, cutting deaths by a quarter.
http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n50.shtmlVitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds
I’m embarrassed to say that I had to wear a mask today. I’ve just returned to work with a non-UK company, who are very keen on masks, after being furloughed for a long time. I’m still in my probationary period, as I only joined them just before the original lockdown, so I have very little choice but to mostly go along with it at work. There are very few vacancies in my industry at the moment, mostly redundancies.
I felt very bad about this after disregarding mandatory masks since they were brought in. I felt very powerless, as I need this job to keep my house and to keep my kids fed. No idea why, but I had to post my feelings on this matter here.
If they are paying you to wear a muzzle it’s different
It’s one way of looking at it
But I feel much more outraged on behalf of those who are forced to by employers than I do for myself or others who just have to face the issue when visiting certain places for limited periods (all of which I am boycotting anyway until things return to normal)
I’m as opposed to mask wearing as almost anybody, and have managed to avoid it completely so far, but I sympathise with doing so when required by an employer, especially where you don’t have any job security.
In the end, the requirement to earn a living, especially if you have responsibilities, must take precedence. It won’t do the cause any good if everyone gets sacked.
Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want or like to for the sake of the bigger picture, keeping a roof over your head and feeding the kids is your number one priority regardless of what is going on, let others fight those battles for you we will do it with renewed vigour. Its no embarrassment either, its the exact opposite!
Have you explored saying you’re exempt, asked them for risk assessment etc? Appreciate you may not want to seem difficult. Any of your bosses closet sceptics? My boss is a raving sceptic but is guarded in what he says to staff so for all they know he might have very different views.
Replying to Julian here, but thanks all for your kind words. You’re quite right, adding unemployment to the list of current difficulties could only make everything worse.
I’m not quite sure what my boss thinks just yet, today was just a day with HR to complete the formalities of my return to work. I’m an aircraft engineer at a foreign airline, so my job requires me to board aircraft that are subject to different national regulations, which don’t take exemptions into account. I could certainly move through the airport claiming exemption, but when I board the aircraft I’d have to abide by the national regulation of the carrier, and we deal with various carriers. It’s quite tricky, because if I claim exemption throughout the airport, but then I’m totally fine on the aircraft, questions would be asked about why I consider myself ‘exempt’, and why it’s such a difficulty.
So, fellow sceptics, if you see people wearing pointless masks at the airport, go easy on us. Identify us by the fact that we will not be wearing them outside when you look out of the aircraft window!
Even in the draconian province in which I live employees can go mask-free if they are able to keep 2 metre distance from others. I don’t know what the law is where you are or whether your job allows for enough distance, but it might be worth looking into. There’s the same stupidity about donning the mask when walking to the bathroom or through “public” spaces, but perhaps you can lose the mask for some part of your workday?
Obviously up to you if you push it or not. But you’re exempt (no quotes) under UK law, but not under (some ?) other nations’ laws.
I’d settle in and feel the lay of the land first.
Hi Julian! Just wondering, on your recent flights, if you wore a mask and if not, whether airlines accept a lanyard exemption without a medical certificate?
I’ve booked to come to the UK with BA and don’t think I can mentally or physically cope with wearing a mask… Arlanda airport seem to allow no exceptions but I am hoping BA will accept a lanyard…
Carrie, Arlanda only recommends masks, and BA will certainly accept a lanyard. My wife works for them and I worked for them for 10 years.
Bring one in case of a difficult crew member, because arguments in aviation can be more severe than in other environments, but I’m sure you’ll be just fine with your lanyard.
Good to know – thanks – the language on Arlanda’s website currently invites compliance (‘we want you to wear a face mask’) and I can find nothing about any exceptions…
So far in Sweden very few people wear them, so I have not as yet been put in a position of being forced..
Bendy straw cut to perfect length so it barely pokes out the side for your intake air.
Don’t be ashamed, you evidently have huge responsibilities to take care of.
Interesting – how do you make that work – stick the straw to the mask somehow?
House and feeding kids trump most things, LL. Don’t beat yourself up.
Don’t be too hard on yourself LL, I would do exactly what you did if in your shoes I’m sure.
House and keeping kids fed obviously comes first.
And yet I am getting hammered on BB because I pointed out teachers cannot refuse to teach asylum seeker pupils who are claiming to be, but are obviously not, under 18 years old; we have mortgages and kids too!
We all have to do it some times. I had a medical a few weeks ago and had to do it. I’m off to Sweden tomorrow and will do it too (for Mrs leggy’s sake really, if I was travelling on my own I’d go exempt). Do what you need to do, sometimes it’s best to blend in. As long as you don’t start believing in it
Hope you enjoy yourself Leggy, let us know how it goes.
Are you flying to Arlanda leggy? I cannot find anywhere on their website that they allow exemptions in the terminal building…
Your kids and family have to come first of course.
A pox on the bastards who muzzle our faces. It’s a symbol of everything wrong and diseased in our society at the moment.
Sad to hear, but it’s completely understandable.
You can buy masks with the word ‘HOAX’ on them.
Sorry to hear that. Could you not fabricate some condition and claim exemption?
Commiserations. But you gotta do what you gotta do. It’s different if you have a choice.
I think the only way to wake up the majority of the public and celebrities who still think lockdowns are a good idea, is to do a lockdown that would be utterly unbearable for them so that they would never demand one again.
Everything shuts. Absolutely everything. All shops including supermarkets. No online orders of anything. You get a food parcel delivered every few days with basic rations. Internet is turned off. Electricity limited to an hour an day or maybe off completely. Water limited. You can’t leave your house for any reason.
Take an opinion poll after 3 weeks of that. 95% don’t think restrictions have gone far enough………..
But… but… muh Netflix!
Rations would be good. Limit it to a tin of spam, a block of butter and one loaf of bread per week. Then they’d have something to moan about in their £12million mansions.
Spam focaccia, yum yum
If you’ve a £12 million mansion, you’ve also got rooms full of food, several chest freezers, and a wine/beer cellar.
All the best houses have a walk-in freezer.
Give it a couple of weeks
Celebrities wouldn’t be able to survive without the oxygen of exposure.
Yeah as they won’t be able to post inanities and muzzled selfies on their antisocial media accounts.
I’m ahead of the game on this one, I’ve stocked up on tinned sardines and mackerel. Might get a bit boring after a few days.
salmon/tuna/pilchards …
Agreed – it has to get worse before it gets better.
That would be a better way to do targeted lockdowns – level 4 right?
They could get the addresses from those smug I’malrightjacks that comment in the DT and the Spectator websites.
Most of the Grad commenters too – though they’d have to omit any intrepid sceptics trying to spread dissent on there.
Two weeks later, they could target anyone who wears a designer face nappy, followed by those who wear those ghastly black things.
What an excellent letter to MP, Kwasi Kwarteng.
Can anyone tell me if pillars 3 and 4 (serology/antibody testing) are included in the daily case count please? Government site is a bit coy about it. Pillars 4 tests processed seem to have increased a lot in recent days – almost double the number 7 days ago. Very misleading to count these as positive PCR tests if they do.
I believe what the MSM put out is only pillar 1 and 2.
Pillar 3 has had some very strange up and down the last week.
Jesus f*cking Christ – this is an actual quote from a BBC diary from some hysterical Doctor:
‘Bonfire night and Halloween have come early in Bradford. The hospital is on fire and things are getting scary as more and more wards are engulfed.’
Also: ‘Since early September numbers have started to go up but it’s become exponential.’
If I was still working there and a reporter handed me this piece, I would have thrown it back to them and asked they had more training. That is just raving fear-mongering.
Interestingly, no figures or context at all in the piece.
Though here’s some: from their own website in 2017:
Challenges- Unprecedented demand for acute care admissions was overwhelming resources for inpatient services, and this was predicted to increase.
– the occupation of acute Hospital beds by patients with sub-acute illness whilst awaiting social care enablement had become a major obstacle to efficient patient flow.
– the local population is ageing and, consequently, the number of people living with age-related chronic conditions and Frailty is markedly increasing.
Also from 2018, in an article titled: “Shock photos show patients waiting on hospital floor” we have According to NHS winter pressure figures, 1,325 patients have faced waits of half an hour or more in ambulances outside Bradford Royal Infirmary’s A&E so far this winter, with 464 of them being held up for over an hour during a 42-day period between November 20 and New Year’s Eve.
So how was the hospital then? On fire? Raging inferno? A horror movie from the depths of Hell? Dr Hyperbole should let us know
That Doctor is certifiable
Was it really a doctor, lot of people writing rubbish to keep up the pro covid rhetoric
This sort of hysterical shroud waving is standard, Covid or not. The NHS has developed an unhealthy tendency towards professional martyrdom..
A relatively factual account of Recovery by the Guardian no less.
Perhaps because ‘Recovery’ from what I can tell accepts too much of the official narrative.
https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/29/these-12-graphs-show-mask-mandates-do-nothing-to-stop-covid/#.X5sLxOGQMWY.twitter A good article about masks and useful graphs showing mask mandate and cases in Europe and the US
1) This article states that Imperial College modelling (no less) shows many Scottish council areas would move down one or more levels at the next review.
Taking into account current positive cases and relative population size, Imperial College modelling has suggested that;
Imperial College modellers set a percentage confidence level against the forecasts. To find out more go to the Scottish government website
2) Yet just over the border in England, over 100,000 people are catching the virus every day – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54723962
Also according to Imperial College.
Something doesn’t add up – there’s more info below on their modelling for Scotland. I’m not going to pretend to understand it.
You could try asking Devi Sridhar, she understands absolutely everything and simply adores pretension, but you might wish you hadn’t.
Slide 4 Number of cases per 100,000 people- they are not cases they are (false) positive tests!!!
Utter wank
Slide 6 test positivity rate – 10096* positive result. This is more than number of cases 9081 in slide 4. Oh it’s because of the double counting.
*This is the number of positive tests, so includes repeat positive results whereas the number in A is the number of individuals
testing positive for the first time.
By continually counting the number of positive tests Mugabe is never going to let us out to play!
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.28.20221176v1.full.pdf The unexpected spectacular 2020 October COVID-19 boost in European countries correlated with the latitude, but not with the temperature.
“The present study shows no correlation between the country COVID-19 boost date and its 2 weeks preceding temperature, but shows an impressive correlation with the country latitude. As the daily UV insolation earlier decreases in autumn for higher latitudes, this is an additional observation supporting the impact of low vitamin blood D level on the respiratory impairment in COVID-19 disease.”
Interesting, I wonder if the reduced sterilising property of the UV on external surfaces is also a factor.
Interesting to see what happens in New Zealand, Chile and Argentina as they enter their summer.
Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the Southern US states are less affected as their sunlight varies less over the year.than the mid latitudes.
This is probably a repost as it was on Talk Radio yesterday – Richard Madeley speaking with Neil Oliver (TV Presenter – have very much enjoyed his work) on the situation. Well worth checking if you missed it.
I feel the need to publicly declare I had Mr. Oliver down as a typical simpering BBC homogenised liberal.
I was wrong.
In fact the lad speaks the Word.
Very pleased to learn that he is one of the good guys.
I think after this he will only be seen on the BBC in repeats.
I think his career may last longer than the BBC to be honest
He was effectively forced out of his position as Chairman of the National Trust of Scotland for daring to question the SNP’s woke shibboleths.
The government has cancelled Remembrance day. They have asked the public not to gather at the Cenotaph. The self-declared ‘elite’ (royals/gov) will hold a service behind closed doors.
“… in line with latest scientific and medical advice” says the statement from HM Gov.
No national Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. The 100th year.
Janerick MP
Oliver Dowden MP
Ben Wallace MP
Jonny Mercer MP
Signed off on this announcement.
It has only come out in the past few days. Veterans are deciding how they will hold remembrance themselves.
Support the veterans, our relatives fought in wars against the same fascism we see about us today. Remebrance has never been more important.
Shameful, the more so as this is an outside service
Shameful. Little surprised that Tobias Elwood’s name is not on that list of MPs that signed off on the announcement, given his background…
Another way of looking at it : a Remembrance would be a hypocritical insult this year.
A remembrance I have is of Johnson staggering around last year at the Cenotaph.
Hi all, thanks for all your support yesterday afternoon, I greatly appreciate it. It was definitely a very low point for me and I had the rest of the day off from this site. I am a little better today- not that it was a high bar to reach.
Good news: I spoke to a family friend this afternoon, who like me begrudgingly accepted the first lockdown but now agrees it’s all gone on for long enough and stinks of corruption, we just need to accept it will always be around and killing someone, just like any other cold and the flu.
Bad news: University pushing propaganda again, this time urging the importance of muzzle wearing on campus because “most transmission occurs in community settings when we let our guard down or breach the rule of six.” Where’s your fucking proof? Oh yeah, you just know everything.
Oh and the thing with the civil serpents is depressingly relatable. Much of my anger is chronic disappointment.
Glad you’re having a better day. I find that connecting with people who are on the same page is extremely helpful. I feel for you on the university nonsense. The propaganda is everywhere, unfortunately, thus very difficult to escape. I had to return to Toronto today and my blood pressure starts to rise as soon as we get on the highway close to the city and the stupid signage keeps reminding me to stay 2 meters apart, to quarantine if I’ve been out of the country, etc. I just yell, “Bugger off” in the car.
Thank you Lisa. If there’s any silver lining, its that they’re needing to throw more because it’s not sticking as easily, at least not in the UK.
Went to the Liberal Club in my W Yorks village tonight – it’s just been announced here that we will be in T3 from Monday – and the level of anger was high, including from people who had formerly been compliant.
Keep on keeping on.
This story would suggest that lockdown-related FPNs are being heard in court.https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/drivers-fined-lockdown-trips-including-19188751
?????????? Who was the victim?
Mark Drakeford.
No SARS-COV-2 was kidnapped
Please use his correct title: turtlehead.
Carmarthenshire Magistrates – add them to the list.
As a comment points out, where did the extra £811 come from?
This isn’t rocket science.
At some point the medics have to say “this is endemic, not pandemic, call off the dogs!”
If only they had to. Unfortunately it is a choice
LDs just as the “wave” crests…sounds very familiar.
This timing only works to save careers..theirs.
The other question is ‘What does this indicate?’ – given the question of the loose relationship between PCR + results and actual infection and illness.
… and answers aren’t hard to divine, given the timing.
Stop taking the PCR nonsense at face value.
An awful lot does seem to depend on how many doctors are paid-up common purpose satanists, and how many are honest, caring professionals.
West Yorkshire in tier 3 and why “Meanwhile West Yorkshire is set to enter Tier 3 on Monday, following Nottinghamshire which will come under the most severe restrictions tomorrow. The move follows a modelling paper published by Imperial College showed that cases are doubling every nine days, with close to 100,000 new infections each day in England.” How come Imperial get the gig with their track record?
Common sponsorship probably.
Great news – we will soon at herd immunity levels. Thanks Imperial. These mini lockdowns and mandatory masks must be speeding up the spread.
Interesting comment in today’s Wall Street Journal from Dr Joseph Ladapo, a Harvard-trained medic – behind a paywall but you can get the gist:
ZeroHedge quotes from the article:
Dr. Lapado writes: “By paying outsize and scientifically unjustified attention to masking, mask mandates have the unintended consequence of delaying public acceptance of the unavoidable truth. In countries with active community transmission and no herd immunity, nothing short of inhumane lockdowns can stop the spread of Covid-19, so the most sensible and sustainable path forward is to learn to live with the virus.”
Since there is now no pandemic and widespread herd immunity has been achieved, that is no biggie-
Had another mask mouth today, adult this time. Wears the same mask for 14 hours a day and came in with sore mouth/sore throat, possibly thrush. Advised to change to a new mask every 4-6 hours.
I thought it was supposed to be changed out much more often than that. My daughter is a soon-to-be-teacher and is in the classroom, with a mask, two days a week. She’s on her third sickness in three months. It’s likely just a regular cold, but since she’s in a classroom she has to get a Covid test today. She taught most of the day on Tuesday and had to practically yell so the kids could hear her through the mask and had to ask them to repeat themselves quite often as it was so hard to make out what they were saying. It makes me crazy when she tell me these things!
No medical exemptions available, Lisa ?
Technically yes, practically no. Kids who go to school without a mask are physically separated from all the other kids and not allowed to interact with them. There is also the option for online school, but that’s a problem for parents who can’t be there due to work obligations. Teachers can teach online vs. in the classroom but there were no placements available for student teachers other than in-classroom placements and she must get her hours in order to graduate. She’s in year 6 of 6 and she needs to graduate this year! What’s really maddening is that kids below grade 4 weren’t supposed to wear masks and she’s in a grade 2/3 split, so if the school board would have followed government guidance the kids would have been mask free, but I’m not sure it would have applied to teachers.
I remember my managers constantly reminding my colleagues to do this but no-one does. At the moment we’re working at a semi-outdoor area so my colleagues have not been wearing them all the time however it will get worse once our other site reopens in December.
That said some colleagues have been complaining about muzzles causing rashes on their skin, breathing problems and even heartbeat counts!
Can you not advise them that exemptions apply?
In addition, it is vital for employees to self assess their own health and safety while wearing one, this should be done on a dynamic basis. Remember that covering your face is dangerous.
Maybe recommend they watch that little youtube film from Spain showing what grows on masks after only a few hours…?
Sorry – joining the discussion late – any news on Dolan hearing, day 1 today?
No tweets that I have seen
I understand from a separate comment that he has been censored by Twiier
I’ve just sent this to the Royal Academy of Arts. A bit formal and wordy but there it is.
Cancellation of direct debit and Friend status
I have instructed my bank to terminate my direct debit arrangement with yourselves. Likewise I am hereby instructing Friends of the Royal Academy to terminate the arrangement from now. The next payment was due in November 2020 but will not be made.
Under government instructions you currently have restrictions on visitor numbers, requirements for pre-booking, and mandatory use of face coverings. These restrictions look set to be in place indefinitely, and may even be intensified including the possibility of another period of closure. I assume that you recognise exemptions from the face coverings requirement, but even so a visit to your galleries would not be the pleasant experience that it used to be. As I stated in an exchange of messages in early July, I have no wish to visit the galleries until the experience returns to normal, if that ever happens.
Quite right. Hitting them in the pocket might make them reconsider all this nonsense.
Well said. I read somewhere that they’re already in big trouble so much so that it’s rumoured that they’re planning to sell a Michelangelo in their collection.
Strangely enough, the current issue of Private Eye has on page 19 an article about the various organisations in the Burlington House buildings and says “The Royal Academy is still relatively flush with cash” but the other organisations are in trouble.
I have a problem with the current Private Eye – picture of Johnson on the front and an advert on the back for an auction of works by that pretentious one-trick pony Banksy. Problem partly solved by putting another magazine on top.
That’s interesting given the reason why the Michelangelo is being sold is to inject some cash and avoid redundancies. Everytime I walk past the RA, its pretty much a ghost town.
Oh gawd… Bansky. Never understood the appeal.
Was there last week – attendance really low – to be fair to them on the mask issue was challenged said had an exemption and was fine – although they did ask me to wear wrist band to stop other staff from asking again. Could you argue that wasn’t completely necessary but wasn’t the end of the world – I was with my family so wasn’t full sceptic mode. But they must be in real trouble – Hardly anyone there though so yes must be In trouble. Content of the exhibition also seemed more political than previous years and there was one weird exhibit that was a map of london overlaid with pollution / flood and couple of risks essentially representing all the areas that needed to change – which the collapse of the zone 1 / 2 economy seems to have fulfilled.
That would be the delayed Summer Exhibition? I’ve been there for the past three years and there’s always been a bit of lefty stuff, but I don’t mind as it’s a manifestation of artistic freedom and the wide variety of material on display is part of the attraction. (Though I don’t expect anything in overt praise of capitalism would be chosen for display – a bit ironic since the exhibition is an example of a market bringing sellers and buyers together).
Gone woke then.
The BEST TOOL we, the herd of modern moron slaves, have to fight back is to STOP CONSUMING NON ESSENTIAL services and goods.
Anything else will have a very marginal effect.
Well said.
The lunacy of Track & Trace, when the lurgy is, or virtually is, endemic, and 75-80% of the positives are asymptomatic, beggers belief.
I’m sure some other worthy has already mentioned this, but it can’t be said enough.
Bonkers and Bloody expensive Bonkers at that.
Track an Trace us probably the greatest waste of public money ever.
Nope… the biggest waste is paying a “royal” gang of scoundrels and politicians to screw you over!
We are a newly-free and independent sovereign state, thanks to Brexit, and should not therefore abjectly follow those Continentals into further catastrophic lockdown.
The time is now. Singapore-on-Thames won’t be built in a day.
Newly free to pursue folly
Freedom is only worth anything if you know what to do with it
When you see our armed forces wearing EU defence union badges on their arms, I am not convinced we are an independent sovereign state in the traditional sense. Might be a case of out the EU / into the NWO.
Exactly. What is the benefit of Brexit if global reset happens and we are ruled by an NWO? For ages people have been saying that the military were still going to end up under EU control and wondering why this was – now we know. Am becoming more and more convinced that this has all been planned for quite some time…
UK Column have some a lot about our continuing ties with European military policy.
I know
I just choose not to ramp up my own anxiety levels by listening to UK column too often..
“We are a newly-free and independent sovereign state, thanks to Brexit”
The naivety and reality denial is almost touching.
The wardens of the prison are not determined by narrow nationalism. Brexit is a total diversion – a hoax for the gullible predecessors of Covid devotion.
The wardens of the prison are not determined by narrow nationalism.
Yes, good point, to the Davos elite types, they really view the world as them the technocratic elite and the masses to socially engineering and manage. I have a feeling they have deliberately created divisions in society so we cull each other.
Someone mentioned West Yorks about to go into Tier 3.
Maybe they want to show Tier 3 makes a difference, looks like the 4 areas of West Yorks peaked at least a week ago.
Man the barricades, a couple of verses from Les Miserables, summon the spirit of Scargill.
That was me -is there a web link to that data so that I can send it to my MP who can then tell me that he is assured that cases are still on the rise.
Data straight from the .gov website where they bury it in 150,000 row csv. We just present it in a digestible form.
Friend & I went to the British Museum to see the Arctic exhibition. Was dreading visiting as I’ve had problems with their security staff in the past.
However there was no problem this time – they were courteous & friendly. I suppose it helped that the museum was a ghost town by BM standards. I was never questioned once why I wasn’t wearing a muzzle either by staff or other visitors.
The downsides were the awful one way system which is baffling and really unfriendly towards especially those with mobility issues and seeing many staff and visitors struggling with their muzzles. I shudder to think especially with the staff how long they have to wear them.
Dystopian rating: 5/10
Interesting/disturbing(?) bit of information.
61 of London’s 186 deaths* in October have come from one trust: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
*Deaths within 28 days of positive test by date of death, of course; so not necessarily of Covid.
Is anyone aware of anything about that area that could cause that? Or, are we looking at another ‘in hospital’ outbreak?
Take that 61 out of London’s figures and it looks more and more like London has herd immunity.
Source: https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/10/COVID-19-total-announced-deaths-29-October-2020.xlsx
Large Moslem population which needs to bury their dead within 24hours so agree to Covid on the death certificate in order to enable quick release of the body?
Yes, I think that does likely explain it. There was a poster on here a couple of months ago from one of the Moslem communities in the NW, and she said families were effectively being blackmailed into accepting Covid on the death certificates to get the body released. Disgraceful. We know they are manipulating death certificates now to get the deaths up to the Vallance/SAGE/ICL modeling.
I read, didn’t I, a few days ago that flu figures were going to be lumped together with the covid ones? It’s not surprising, then, that it’s being said there are not so many flu cases this autumn!
Ivor Cummins, as ever, presents the statistics very clearly.
Thanks, bluemoon & Tigress.
Seems I should have just asked my wife; she’s just said what you guys did.
Heard that before – seems likely. Saw on Twitter how much doctors in the US were paid for declaring deaths as being due to Covid so Covid death numbers quoted there are not reliable..
All positives from same contaminated or sloppy testing/processing lab?
‘The Darkest Winter’ – Interesting short video on pandemic simulations. They matter because these people tend to follow the script. Listen to the language used in the exercises and what is said now, we have been warned. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHFlfdgJd5NH/
Thanks, I’ll tale a listen to that. I’ve been wondering about that phrase.
The brainwashing for this lockdown began with the film Contagion, deliberately and specifically (2008 iIrc)
No need to waste time watching that video!
You just need to see the videos about the Training for OPERATION COVID… aka EVENT201!
Any links please?
The 2019 season! Do enjoy…
Yikes! Thanks.
Yes, Event 201 pretty much seems like the script for what is going on, but there are other events people should also be aware of.
They desperately want to provoke social unrest as illustrated in Event 201 so they can have marshal law – I bet November 3rd will be the start. Completely planned and a scam, they even tell us what they are going to do.
Great comment from’Maxwell’ at OffG:
“There was no “pandemic”, there was a manufactured event in which the spike we see in deaths was caused by the acceleration of death of the elderly and infirmed. These deaths were compressed into a shorter time frame by administrative malfeasance (the generous account) that resulted in administrative euthanasia.
There was NO unique killer virus that landed from Venus and produced some mythical epidemiological event aka “first wave.” This is a lie- anyone perpetuating this lie is providing cover for these administrative crimes that were committed by various politicians, health officials and academics.
On the 30th of December alarms bells were raised about a supposed “new SARS virus.” Then New Years Eve comes and in China they begin to look for reagents.
On New Years Day Drosten is developing a PCR for this “new virus”, and develops the PCR test parameters, before the results from China can be verified and proven and before the Chinese results were even made public.
Amazingly Drosten’s PCR design appeared in a day- during the New Years holiday no less- with no material yet available from which to design his test.
How does that work?
The constellation of non-stop coincidences over the last 9 months is staggering. You have to be in complete denial (and be ignorant of the history of 2009 and swine flu hoax) to not understand what has been happening over these last 9 months and to simply write it off as some “mistake” or “panic” or fill in the blank.”
Silly conspiracism which won’t get out of lockdowns and masks.
What will get us out of lockdownx and masks?
Not that !
Why do you say that? This is being investigated meticulously by German investigative committees.
In GERMANY, there are two main organisations campaigning against govt policy.
One is Stiftung Corona Aussschuss https://corona-ausschuss.de/
composed of lawyers and judges.
It has countless hours of hearings. i.e. interviews of expert witnesses on many subjects.
A video summarizing where they are in German, 1 October 2020
With Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (who looks so tired). About one hour. Plans to bring various establishment players to court in the USA, Canada and Germany on charges of fraud (like Volkswagen, but obviously much bigger). Plans to prosecute German politicians at The Hague for crimes against humanity.
In English Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s – Crimes Against Humanity
For 26 years, Dr Reiner Fuellmich has been a lawyer in Germany and California. He’s one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. On October 3 (or 12) 2020, he describes how there is no legal doubt about the possibility of a class-action lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns. Even more damning is evidence produced by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich of the German Corona investigative committee. Reiner says the Rothschild family patented fake positive result Covid-19 tests years ago. Dr. Reiner is now preparing one of the largest damage lawsuits in history against the perpetrators of this fraud. Video & transcript.
The other major organisation in Germany is
Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss
ACU2020 https://acu2020.org/
which is composed of medical doctors and scientists. The ACU speakers (Schöning, Schiffmann, Haditsch) invite the experts and witnesses to public evidence.
“Better Normal, not New Normal”
The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss) . There is – or was – a video of Dr Heiko Schöning, medical doctor in Hamburg, being seized by stormtroop-like police (TSG = Territorial Support Group) at Speakers’ Corner, Hyde Park, to be held incommunicado 22 hours and have his laptop, smartphone and a book confiscated. He refused to let them take his marriage ring! Some key videos etc. are being suppressed.
There was a not dissimilar incident Markus Haintz – German Lawyer arrested with appalling police overkill at Alexanderplatz Berlin Sunday 25 October. He was walking along hand-in-hand with his girlfriend, who was also mistreated and arrested.
World Doctors Alliance
‘initiated October 10, 2020 when Dr. Heiko Schoning of ACU2020 (along with Drs. Bodo Schiffmann, Martin Haditsch and lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich) launched the World Doctors Alliance, plus Prof. Dolores Cahill from Ireland and Dr. Mohammad Adil from England. They also have a banker on board, a former Goldman Sachs employee.’
Sounded pretty believable to me – which bit is silly, OKUK ?
See the government’s admission in response to Micheal O’Bernicia’s FOI – they have no evidence for Covid 19…
Delia Smith calling for fans to be allowed back into stadiums:
I’m unsure how smaller clubs will survive. The Premier League will be fine as the majority of their revenue is from elsewhere anyway, but how are the lower league clubs who survive on ticket revenue going to last?
That’s a good question and of course even sponsorship is in doubt as many of them rely on local businesses? How can they survive when these businesses themselves are in danger of going bust?
They don’t survive, they are bust
I genuinely don’t know what make of this. I’m almost speechless. What sort of sick in the head humans say “yeah, let’s make a film about Covid-23!”?! Probably best not to watch if you are of a nervous disposition. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you “Songbird”:
‘Massive Traffic Jams’ Across Paris As People Flee Ahead Of Second COVID Lockdown
Mass displacement of people… perfect way to contain viral spread.
And to think they were so mad a few months back due to a single fuel tax… Gilets Jaunes!
I guess this is not as bad as a fuel tax!
Cyprus going on quarantine list with 0400 deadline on Sunday is beyond a joke. It was one of the last destinations that families could escape the hell of the U.K. it is the end of half term, why not make it 0400 on Monday so 10s of thousands of children could go to school? Studies have shown there is no increased risk from travelling and Cyprus had 121 ‘cases’ yesterday.
Disgusting and shows complete lack of concern for children’s education.
They don’t give a damn about either the travel industry or kids’ education.
Nope. I will soldier on as long as possible but the future looks written.
Same here. All my eggs are in the ‘getting aircraft into the sky’ basket.
It’s worse than that.Active destruction of both
So with Nottinghamshire now in tier 3, the council has added extra restrictions forcing other business’s to close. Does anyone know if they actually have the power for this?
I have a business in one of the industries that are being forced to close and am concerned that Newcastle might go this route.
I suggest you examine Lord Sumption’s opinion
and find out how the gyms managed to force the government’s hand
and contact Freshfields to see if they will give you free guidance – not impossible considering the hellhole we are in.
Took my car in yesterday as I was experiencing problems with the gearbox. Went to pick it up today – no masks in the offices, went for a test drive with the technician – NO MASKS!
Thoughts and prayers. You are surely typing that from beyond the grave
I took a look at the BBC coronavirus stats. It’s like they write the story backwards, starting with “cases” then working their way through hospital admissions and ICU treatment before getting to deaths and, more pertinently excess deaths, and – even more pertinently – the current level of excess deaths. There may be a reason for doing it that way since current excess deaths look insignificant or non-existent.
A sane narrative now would be “Despite rise in positive tests, little or no excess deaths. This wave looks harmless. “
You are probably correct in your assessment. Start with the answer and work backwards to the explanation. It’s precisely what they do with global warming. The planet isn’t warming, the greenhouse gas explanation is bollox, but that’s the required answer and the paid shills come up with the data and ‘the science’. Exactly the same playbook.
Copy & paste and change a few of the words.
The planet isn’t warming, the greenhouse gas explanation is bollox,
The planet is warming and CO2 probably explains most of the increase.
The only uncertainty concerns feedbacks which it’s claimed amplifies the warming. Perhaps.
So warming doesn’t cause release of CO2 dissolved in the ocean. Care to explain that mechanism.
Heh, you’re wrong on everything. Which footie team do you support ?
Eh no Mayo. You need to have a precise temperature record to be able to check the supposition of Co2 warming. It states 0.1 degrees per decade so you need to have at least 0.02 error for signal to noise. But of course they don’t have this because temperature sensors were built for weather not for a level of temperature measurement almost impossible to obtain in a controlled environment let alone out in the wild.
So they assume that each temperature sensor magically has a Gaussian distribution of errors and hence you can use the CLT to reduce the overall average (root N).
Problem is that the CLT requires measurements to be identically distributed which itself requires you to be able to see the distribution. Noise alone makes this impossible.
So the real world temperatures can only realistically be stated to +/- 0.5 degrees C at best.
In theoretical land you can use the CLT. Which is fine. But it doesn’t mean anything in the real world.
And don’t get me started on the naive theory of CO2 controlling a complete atmospheric system. Fallacy of composition at work again. Taking astrophysics principles and trying to apply them to atmospheres without knowing what all the parts do.
Daft theory. But dangerous when applied to the real world
The adverb “probably” denotes uncertainty.
You are defeating your own argument here Mayo!
If they stopped testing, there wouldn’t be a bloody “wave”.
Again and again we hear from the “experts” that only a small proportion of the population has been exposed to the virus (ten or twenty percent say). This is clearly nonsense as it was around and moving freely through us for at least the first quarter of the year before we took any action to restrict it. They say it is so contagious – well they are contradicting themselves.
Agreed Bill. It is clearly nonsensical. If it is true that only 10% have been ‘exposed’ to the virus, where the f is this deadly pathogen hiding? What is the point of all the ‘measures’ if so few people ever encounter it? It is all utter rubbish. They are trying to argue it both ways to justify the whole response. Trouble is, even this clear contradiction in the so called ‘reasoning’is not even questioned. Ludicrous.
I ‘ve always maintained that large swathes of the county have little or no exposure to the virus. That is gradually changing but there are still plenty of susceptible individuals in the population.
We’ve got a fair way to go yet.
We were told back in March that ‘the virus was circulating in every part of Wales’.
Don’t know if it stopped short at the English border.
Large swathes? Really? Like to suggest a few?
Coventry. A few cases now but very little in the spring & summer. I still don’t know anyone personally who has had Covid-19 or has tested positive for the virus. My grown up kids don’t know anyone other than friends of friends type connections.
South West has had very few cases. Even in locations that have experienced large outbreaks these have tended to be in clusters while nearby locations have pretty much escaped.
I could say exactly the same for my immediate area but we’re going into Tier 3 this weekend nevertheless.
It’s nothing to do with viral exposure. It’s about testing, fake statistics and politics.
Not surprising for a virus that’s so mild, you have to have a dodgy test to show that you might have been exposed to it
Several family members have tested positive for virus or antibodies and I strongly suspect several coworkers racked by persistent coughs in early March. Heaven knows how I dodged it..
Yeah. You must feel it closing in on you.
I have to say that I’m not really sure why you come on here. You have every right of course, but it seems the equivalent of me reading the guardian and commenting on the latest woke article. I don’t read any msm sites at the moment because I can’t stomach all the crap, surely they are better bed fellows for you.
Rubbish. Plenty of evidence it’s pervasive. You seem to come out with a lot of Imperial College crap…are you from there? presumably you think 95% are still “susceptible” because they haven’t got relevant antibodies as claimed by IC propagandists (no longer scientusts) the other day.
They blather on about the ”figures” after February – but no mention at all about people, as you say, in the first quarter of the year, who probably had a bit of ”flu” and took to their beds for a day or so. Think how many of THOSE there must have been, not even included in the so-called official figures!
My entire family!
Two DiLs had coughs for a couple of weeks, one son assumed he was detoxing from Christmas, the other son decided he’d had a bit of a cold and I felt a bit inexplicably tired for a couple of days.
Well I came back this evening on the Victoria line, and at Victoria the Brixton train was unexpectedly terminated and everyone was turfed off. Lots of British Transport Police walking purposefully down the carriage, a medic, Underground staff holding a sort of conclave with the coppers next to me at the end of the platform, and nobody batted an eyelid about me being the only one without a mask. I can only assume they actually had a genuine emergency to worry about, for a change.
Sounds like they had much bigger fish to fry- must have been unnerving at first though!
No, because almost all the coppers and Underground staff were maskless too. Only the passengers were mostly complying.
sounds like a typical night on the Victoria line!
Maybe they just ran out of money and couldn’t run the service any more. It’s the kind of thing that will become more and more common.
To change the public’s view, you need to turn the big influencers – the BBC, Sky, ITV, C4, the tabloids etc. Most important of these probably the BBC.
Since they won’t, it’s down to you and me…. or it will never happen.
For inspiration please refer to the Lord of the Rings.
Small hands do the important jobs because they must.
6 weeks into my BBC boycott. Fantastic stuff.
5 months off for me. Best thing I ever did!
OK one of the best things ….
This is not an election. If they were for turning it would have happened, but no. They are reporting the death of a 17 year old boy today as a Covid death against the wishes of his family. A boy dying of heart failure following a negative test no less. All because he tested positive weeks ago with no symptoms of CV-19.
It’s as clear as day.
These people are complicit now. They need to be held accountable
It appears to me they are under the indirect control of the security services and it will be impossible to turn them. The best hope to my thought is to turn some of the individuals. Jeremy Vine has had a bad press on here but his TV show approach is increasingly lockdown sceptic. He’s away at the moment and I’ll be interested to see his approach when he comes back.
Just dreaming here but if we do somehow manage to win this and get back to real normal, I wouldn’t mind dedicating my life to setting the record straight about all this and ensure it never happens again. I’d help other sceptical reporters, historians, economists etc. to ensure that everything ever excused to the “pandemic” is remembered as a product of the panic it always was.
Yes, I can have rare optimistic moments.
Michael O’Bernicia’s case look promising if Simon does not get his judicial review…
Possible good news story
Thank you. I’ve been asking all day about the duty of care under the Common Law.
There will be a colossal academic industry analysing the catastrophe.
In a year’s time, about, it will be high treason to say anything favourable about policies such as lockdown. Denial of the evil will be illegal, like Holocaust denial.
All academics will have been sceptics from the outset.
And the BBC will do a series of documentaries fearlessly exposing the scandals, to which it did not, of course, contribute in any way.
Let’s hope you’re right Annie.
This is a good point. There will come a point, probably in 18-24 months, where the BBC decides that it must turn its attention to ensuring that Starmer wins the next general election. When it does, it will use every trick in the book to discredit Johnson, including a total volte face on lockdown: lockdown will go from having being “necessary to save lives” to “the cruel act of a madman intent on wrecking more lives than it saved”. The fact that Starmer actually pushed for tighter restrictions will be totally forgotten. He’ll be the visionary, holding the government to account for the whole farrago.
I couldn’t care less. I want both the fuckers to hang.
Can you imagine a more insane point in the year to force “non essential” retail to close, even for a day, than Christmas season ? Can you imagine a more insane point in the whole sorry saga to shut down hospitality than Christmas season.
Nor can I. And to make it worse, suggestions today that Easter is gone now too and that next Christmas won’t be “normal”.
That’s around 672,000 people who’s last normal Christmas was 2019.
This shit matters to people, they have taken everything they can take and then some more.
I looked at Christmas ice skating for my girls today. No chance. Covid.
A theatre trip – laughs
A Christmas market – yeah ok.
Maybe a nice historic church and a carol service – laugh some more.
It’s already all gone.
Can’t want for China to release another more meaningful virus. Then we really will need to lockdown. LOCKDOWN. the worst normalised phrase known to man.
How about playing them at their own game
Great idea – might get my family to do the same
Smart. But I am not even going to go to the trouble. I don’t give a shit about their rules.
From the retailer perspective I’m having to check and assess the rumours and leaks via the press (generally relying on Telegraph & Mail) to know whether and when product should be ordered. Sorting out a very big but very low cost order at the moment so hopefully that will be able to come in and be put out for sale. The nightmare is a pallet being on its way but the shop being forcibly closed so can’t be received. There was a very significant trade show in March which we decided not to attend and were latterly advised was dead. That decision was ‘fortunate’ as in previous years we would have gone and placed several substantial orders probaby none of which would have come in before the hard lockdown.
The other issue to mention is that shops, at least our shop, is frequently packed during much of the Christmas period. My feeling is this year things won’t be left to the last minute like they’ve been done in many previous years. But as a shop with no customer limits, one way system or different entry/exit we will likely be very busy at times. At the moment muzzle compliance is extremely high and anti-social distancing compliance extremely low. With no complaints or observations at my unmuzzled status or the amount of people in the shop hopefully that will continue. But Covid Stasi have been taken on in my locale & seen nearby so trouble could easily come.
Excellent post. Makes me so angry how politicians think they can just close down and repoen things whenever they like. The reality of pallets, orders, trade shows, they have no idea. The “essential” retailers have got Governments out of jail this year with no thanks at all.
Can anyone show me the pictures of a isolated SARS-CoV-1 SARS-CoV-2 and a common cold coronavirus? Like a spot the difference challenge!
There aren’t any…
It is all just a BIG SCAM.
And all these so called “doctors”, “virologists” and so on, go along with it because they keep their jobs and receive EXTRA money for more waste, or “studies/papers” like these scoundrels call them!
For those that know and are familiar with the SCAM “HIV”/AIDS, this is just a déjà-vu!
Michael O’Bernicia’s FOI would agree with you..
You’re building your whole conspiracy nonsense on the back of one unremarkable factual statement? Pathetic.
See The Bernician website today
Judy Mikovits:
So much background information and a warning towards the end about masks leading to activation of our virus loads. Extremely relevant and possibly why the thugs in control are mandating masks.
Many many reports that masks make us ill in multiple ways – pretty obvious really.
Just watched Mike Yeadon on the Anna Brees channel very interesting as usual also she has a video for the new Recovery anti lockdown group on there .It’s by Emma Kenny I T V presenter from This Morning show its very passionate . Glad to see things moving forward and lets hope this can make are views much more mainstream .I believe that if we can prove the P C R tests are way out then the whole government narrative will come crumbling down .Lets hope there are more attacks on this weak spot .
That’s been the goal since the start of all this. You want to lock anyone down prove they are a danger! Oh, so PCR is your proof?
Ivor Cummings was speculating today that the Irish government are quietly changing their test protocols by using lower CT values. Without open publication of it. Expect the same here.
However, lower CT values is only one aspect to this. It could be outright fraud a foot.
I’d have thought Michael O’Bernicia’s FOI would be of interest to them – the government admit they have no proof the cause of the Covid 19 virus exists..
Just found this, from the CDC, which says pretty much the same thing: https://twitter.com/Cagsil/status/1321927060022042625/photo/1
And I believe Reiner Fuellmich is of the same opinion?
This whole thread is interesting: https://twitter.com/Cagsil/status/1321102364166758407
I’m not sure i understand the first bit ,i guess it’s a spelling mistake .But for the record i don’t want to lock anyone down and have been against lockdown from day one . What i’m saying is what Ivor Cummins and Mike Yeadon are both saying ,The tests are not accurate and is the reason for deaths going up .Also like them and others it makes sense to attack the tests and force the government to prove they work .
Well, now, here is something unpleasant for you to consider.
It’s an email purported to have been sent in Canada on 10 October, where people who thought they were elected members of a committee were told what will be happening next.
That’s just 19 days ago.
How much of this has/is already happening, and how much of the future predictions do you think will come to pass?
Genuine email or not, do you think?
The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:
– Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.
– Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.
– Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.
– Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 – early January 2021
– Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.
– Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.
– Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.
– Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.
– Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.
– Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.
– Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.
Been debunked already, Rosie.
It can only be debunked in several months time should these events not have happened.
I am sure that most people here, if they had been told in advance of the events of 2020 would also have been dismissive.
I consider the presented scenario to be quite plausible given the events of 2020 and given the state of the financial system.
Of course the circumstances surrounding the email might be nonsense.
Tweeted by Tobias Ellwood in May – fits perfectly.
“GOVERNMENT is entering the most complex phase of biggest emergency since WW2. ”
…I can’t get into Twitter (not a techie person and Idk what I’m doing wrong) please what does it say?
“GOVERNMENT is entering the most complex phase of biggest emergency since WW2. But the ship is being blown off course. Time for a FORMAL ADDRESS from the Captain offering firm leadership, command & control to resolve setbacks, re-unite collective resolve & rebuild mission focus.”
Tobias Ellwood 24h May.
I wouln’t call a heavy flu season the biggest emergency since WW2. would you?
No. Especially when there’s been upwards of two dozen worse in that period.
Bear in mind that Ellwood tweeted this at the end of May after the perios of excess deaths was over – and he still refers to the ‘government entering’ – present tense.
‘We no longer have the flu’
Well, flu is old hat -it needed rebranding
You do not need to have Twitter to read posts – just click on the link!
It’s the circumstances that to me sound most convincing, it’s what one would expect were it to be real.
Here’s the link to see it in full
Question 1 – how reliable is the Canadian Report?
2 – why is the leaker anonymous? If it were as serious as this, the leaker would have nothing to lose by going public.
3 – 30per cent of the committee members at the meeting are unhappy with this plan. Where are the other voices of dissent? Why are 70 per cent of members happy with the plan? Are they psychopaths?
4 – we’re close to some of the goal posts of this plan. Eg increase in covid deaths by end of November. Is this evident in the current stats for Canada?
5 – what’s the point of the pmo holding this meeting if the plan is going to be implemented whether committee members agree or not. There are bound to be dissenting voices who will leak the details and scupper the plan. Why the big reveal to a select few, many of whom the pmo must know will dissent.
So far I’m not convinced.
Question everything.
These are good questions. The other 70% could be adherents to the new Green religion. IDK if Common Purpose is active in Canada but seems likely.
Stay anonymous – just as many here do. Because it wouldn’t be safe. Because their brains are in a mess. (these are my suggestions!)
Holding the meeting because they now have so much power they can say ‘this will happen’. Arrogance is one of the reasons Bletchley Park was such a success – the Axis powers did not believe their codes could be broken.
I’m not convinced, but tend to accept it as valid because it’s a hunch and I’ve learned to take my hunches very seriously.
The other point here is that this is a valid opportunity to use the ‘Precautionary Principle’ to heed the warning and take steps in case it turn is in fact valid.
I don’t find the circumstabes if the alleged leak plausible either.
What I find plausible are the contents.
Perhaps a pseudo-leak to accustom us to what’s coming?
Now, that’s a very plausible theory, calchas …. nudging. Good spot
While I can’t prove it has been debunked, Rebel News has said there isn’t anything to it and Rebel News is no friend of the government and is by no meant a MSM outlet. There’s just enough in there to be plausible, which is why I think it’s been spread around so much, but much of it seems far-fetched even for our government. I’m a member of the group who is suing the various levels of government for their Covid response and if there is something to it this group would be talking about it. So, I don’t think it’s a real leak but I’m certainly keeping up with what’s happening here in Canada and will keep an eye out for any confirmation that it’s legit.
Thanks for that insight, Lisa (a big huzzah for rebel news by the way).
Sky news had a big article about UBI today.
By whom. can you give me any reasoning?
I’m asking because it part of it is already happening, and the rest is compliant with Agenda 21 which has been around for decades.
It’s certainly been denied.
You’ll no doubt say that’s not the same as evidence, but then I’d need to ask where’s the evidence that says that document is true.
Well, if Trudeau is denying it, that’s like expecting me to believe Ferguson!
Denying is not debunking.
There’s no method to positively prove it true, so instead we have to have to turn to one’s reasoning and intuition, both of which suggest to me that it’s genuine.
Supply chain disruption is being reported in the Daily Telegraph, and sooner than that.
Anyway, this link also looks genuine to me – what do you think of this report?
: https://guyboulianne.com/2020/10/16/revelations-choc-le-parti-communiste-chinois-deploie-les-troupes-de-larmee-populaire-de-liberation-apl-en-colombie-britannique
I can’t read it; it’s in French.
Why the anger towards me, Rosie? I only said it had been debunked/denied. I never said it wasn’t true.
I can’t prove it’s not true; you can’t prove it is. So ease up with the attitude, please; we’re all supposed to be on the same side.
Please accept my apologies if you read my comments as angry toward you. It’s definitely not intended as anything other than a discussion.
In my discussions with my friends we tend to be blunt and concise, and try to worm out together as much as we can of truth and logic …. and it’s late too – so thanks for discussing it with me despite how my comments are coming over.
I found the automatic translation of the french adequate.
It’s okay, Rosie. I apologise to you, too, for lashing out.
We are all on the same side, and we are all angry.
Let’s just keep teaming up and beat these bastards.
Right – let’s do so
Listening to the video on the CBC link, Trudeau doesn’t deny it at all.
He simply disregards the issue.
A ‘spokesperson’ is quoted as saying that such camps aren’t being built.
If Trudeau continues to not specifically deny it, then I will assume there is at least an element of truth in the story.
I’ve heard several times that this has been debunked. Could you show a link please, out of interest. Not been able to locate the source of the debunking. Thanks!
Been denied by the government, which is hardly the same thing as debunking…See below
Where? By who? I want to believe you, but some of this is already happening..
Yes, basically the events described ae a continuation of the present course.
Not some kind of radical departure.
Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory
This is already rumoured to be in progress in NZ, Scotland and Wales …. I think those rumours are facts, aren’t they?
Not in Wales to my knowledge. I try to follow Welsh events closely.
On Twitter I saw many films people have made of empty Covid testing centres.
The thought occurred to me that they are merely a temporary use of areas that are already designated for transformation into either mass vaccination centres or holding camps (or both)…
Can we use FOIs to find out if the land has been bought or rented, and how long any contracts are for, if there is planning permission (eg for an isolation camp) etc?
Maybe a job for Awkward Git?!
Hmmm, scary thought, Carrie.
Two days ago more than one person reported that the staff have 18 month contracts, and yesterday someone reported a two-year contract.
Here’s the film:
The staff did not seem keen on being filmed, although there were no patients to be seen (so no confidentiality issues); also the people filming were not actually on the property (ie in the testing stations) so were not breaking any law.
If any building is going to be started it would make sense that they would not want it to be filmed…
The contracts you mention would fit with the Canadian plan as written – scary…
I had proper flu back in 2014. It was awful. If someone said I had a £50 note outside on my patio I would not have been able to get out of bed to collect it.
But Covid is so bad that you can hop into your car, drive yourself to the testing centre and have a trainee take a swab from your inner nose and then you are able to drive all the way home again and wait.
Yeah. Ok.
Yep a virus so serious you have to be told you have it
They not in progress in New Zealand – they are already here. Jacinda Ardern spoke about locking away people indefinitely if they refused to be tested (and had a smile on her face whilst talking about it). It isn’t a conspiracy, the clips are still found on the heavily censored YouTube.
Not quite sure why some people consider an idea debunked just because a Facebook or Gates funded ‘fact’ checker says so. I certainly wouldn’t rule out anything, these people are psychopaths, just look at Dan Andrews.
She did, and it was quite disgusting. Hideous woman.
Can’t believe she seems to be hero worshiped in New Zealand and in the so called ‘liberal’ media. New Zealand seems to be the model New World Order country – would have liked to have visited it before it fell. Not a chance in hell of getting in without having the Covid vaccine and a health passport now.
It’s bullshit.
Please will you explain to me why you say that? Where’s the evidence?
How do you know Annie?
It could be an attempt to discredit the opposition by planting disinformation.
Interesting point on the mutation. Ivor cummins @FatEmperor retweeted a statement from @RuairiTraderIRL about a mutation of the S1/S4 G .
And some think this whole thing is not planned.
We’re going to be locked up again as from tomorrow because we’ve been bad. Schools are to stay open but from now on children in primary schools, from age six, must wear a mask in class all day. Six years olds in masks. I can’t believe it and yet it’s going to happen. All I can say is, luckily my kids are not at school any more.
So sorry for you and desperate for the children. Is there any resistance? anyone saying ‘no’? What are the medics and lawyers doing – this is abuse, serious child abuse.
What has happened to the French? They used to be out demonstrating on the streets if things were not to their liking.
Harder to demonstrate if you are locked down… see Australia..
Resistance is very difficult in a concentration camp. The camps are designed and carefully administered to control dissent.
Stay sane. Resist where you can and how you can. And we are here for you. Hugs.
I wonder if we can expect a statement from ‘them’ when their much-vaunted (and hoped for) ”second wave” doesn’t materialise.
Lockdown will have saved us obviously.
Luckily they’ve already discovered where the second wave began…uuuuugh!
If that’s true, it will bugger up the vaccine won’t it?
Possibly, but T cells will still work
It’ll be only from the vaccines though.
As far as they’re concerned it has indeed materialised and we are slap bang in the middle of it right now.
Yes but they are very disappointed that the second wave has produced few if any excess deaths.
Low to no excess according to euromomo, apart from the Netherlands at medium. Yet they shackle us tighter…
The Truman Show was a 1998 film about a man who unknowingly lives a life that is viewed by the world as part of a TV show. When he finds out he gets a bit pissed off and understandably goes a bit mad.
Now imagine living in a world where you’re aware somebody might be watching you but you’re never really sure if they are. Imagine always being on edge wondering if what you’re doing is allowed. Think about what living under a microscope might do to people who are relatively fragile mentally.
Well in a COVID world we are all Truman Burbank.
The Truman Show (1998)
My comment would be he didn’t go mad, he acted accordingly and screwed their system. I think he acted naturally. Other than that good call there are similarities. Science medicine politics and media are conspiring to create a false reality around the population.
And the moon dosen’t look spherical to me so maybe Ed Harris is up there in a beret.
Panopticon: you never know when they are watching. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon
More paranoia?
Also more than a little like living in the DDR but without the job security.
Watch to the end. The 2 security guards reaction is probably what will happen when this is all over
One of my favourites. We have all escaped a similar Platonic cave.
Seen it twice. It’s certainly surreal. Looking forward to the end.
Have not followed this link. The simple tweet is all I need to see.
Congratulations Prof. @devisridhar, our first 2020 winner of the Fletcher of Saltoun Award for Contribution to Science!
https://youtu.be/wDyd1bVCrJw @EdinburghUni @GlobalHealthGP #FletcherOfSaltoun2020
Can you imagine a more devious little recipient – contribution to science… really? Causing the entire industry/sector to be untrusted by the population – it’s hardly work to be proud of. Very little if any scientific study happens with sridhar. Spin and pr is more her effort.
If encouraging Kim-Jong Nik to impose ever harsher restrictions (and the gradual prohibition of alcohol) is a contribution to science then she’s a worthy recipient of the award.
Regrettably, I suspect that we’ll be seeing more of this kind of thing – it’s all part of the attempt by those responsible for the immense collateral damage of ‘lockdown’ to evade responsibility. Clearly, ‘lockdown’ was a such a good idea that Devi deserves an award!
I’m sure Boris has already added Ferguson, Whitty and Vallance to the New Year Honours list…
Yes sealing the deal as it were. Only gongs are now actually a badge of subservience to gates and schwab. Makes the reckoning task easier.
There a LS article whos idea was lockdown? A 14/16 year old girl in america seems to have come up with the idea for a high school project. Devi just did the mouth piece bit, the selling done by others much higher up the chain.
Seek out the lockdownsceptics article it’s quite something.
For all those saying that covid camps are a myth, they are absolutely not, at least in New Zealand. They have been announced in New Zealand and Mrs Ardern says that those who refuse to be tested will be detained indefinitely.
Well, yes, according to Fox news. However, I found this.
The question is, which version of reality is right?
Out of the mouth of Ashley Bloomfield a NZ public health official. https://twitter.com/berniespofforth/status/1320860041910591489
Currently the site is offline is the message I get when trying to access the Critical Thinking section.
Is there any news today about the MPs being servered by the Bernician?
Due to happen after the weekend.
Today’s news is the reply he got to the FOI he sent in – the government have admitted they have no proof of the existence of the virus causing Covid 19!!!
I copied the post earlier in this thread..
It is real enough. But the threat is massively exaggerated.
John. Thats your opinion. It might be correct. But what the FOI official reply says is they have no proof. This is what Carrie wrote.
If you can’t appreciate how important that is from a national emergency measures point of view then I don’t know what.
How can they have quantified a threat?
It is a separate thing to where it exists or not. The government ought to have put a cool billion into finding the proof, no?
Setting aside the issue of whether this is an official FOI reply for a moment as you suggest. (I somehow doubt that. Or if it is then it has been taken out of context). I have this to ask –
Is everything the government tells you true now? If it suits you?
As someone who has scientific training I find these sorts of assertions to be really annoying. I recognise that there are plenty of charlatans around at the moment. Many of them employed by Imperial College and the government but scientific enquiry is much better than that.
There is masses of data – good hard scientific data – about this virus. To suggest it doesn’t exist is just exasperating and wrong.
If people here want to be taken seriously outside of the bubble of opinion on these threads then, I’m sorry, but they must live in reality!
So mr john declares its real enough without evidence and in his next breath suggests the FOI that doesn’t happen to fit his world view is like fake – without citing evidence.
It’s clear you are a bright chap but really your only arguement is what you believe to be true at the point.
Please bring in a link for the isolated viron. Please set down the evidence for the FOI to likely be a fabrixation.
Until you do you are simply setting down opinion. I set down my opinions about things too. I somehow don’t expect my ooinions to be taken as an argument of fact.
Okay, you know full well what I was saying Ms Basics.
First of all. The government department that was asked may indeed themselves not have “proof” (because they are a government department) but that does not mean that “proof” does not exist.
Second. Had they replied and said they did have proof then some would still have said that they were lying.
Third. You want proof. There are dozens of scientific papers on the subject on the internet. Here is a selection:
Plenty there. Knock yourself out! (Presumably you’ll try to say it’s all made up!)
Try that john. Show a little respect to the work others are putting in. This guy is really putting himself out there. Consider what the otherside might choose to do as he upsets the cult. He is doing a hell of a lot. You suggest its a fake a fabrication? Give the man some respect.
I see three things here that I think need distinguishing.
1) There is a virus that has been sequenced and named SARS-COV-2. This virus was fairly novel from the point of view of our database of viruses and it has been found to be quite common in the population.
2) There is a set of symptoms which result from a presumed distinct illness named COVID-19.
3) It is claimed that COVID-19 is the result of being infected with SARS-COV-2.
What is it exactly that is being claimed to be without evidence?
From what I can see while 1 seems pretty straightforward and the fact that similar DNA has been sequenced at different locations by different people seems to make this much look reasonable.
I do not know much about how doctors decide there is a new illness with a new cause that requires a new name and how the illness COVID-19 came about. The question does this unique illness exist at all seems quite reasonable particularly as it seems to become ever more vague and all encompassing.
It does also seem quite reasonable to claim that there was and is little evidence that COVID-19 is caused by SARS-COV-2.
The miraculous disappearance of Flu now adds to this picture in my view. We have an unisolated virus. DNA sequenced but not viron isolated. Therefore causation of symtoms cannot be linked to virial matter. The pcr test for the virus appears to have been worked upon the day after a chinese statement said they have 7 patients with a new virus, the next day the pcr test was complete – done using rumour and speculation.
It’s hardly bomber is it.
I would say there is a set of symptoms being experienced by people, that is being ‘blamed’ on a virus, using a test which is neither appropriate nor reliable.
The government is being forced to admit that no virus has been isolated, and to ‘debunk’ the idea of Koch’s postulates, now that a number of court cases are being based on this. They will be convicted of fraud otherwise.
I am beginning to suspect that the symptoms of ‘Covid 19’ are being caused by something other than a virus, that some people have a ‘normal’ mutation of flu, but that others are suffering from symptoms caused by something else related to the global reset, that all governments wish to hide… Think about their plans for mass surveillance – what is needed for that???
Nothing will come of this . why would the government pretend something exists and then when someone sends them a freedom of information request suddenly come out and admit they were lying ?. Do you not see how ridiculous this all sounds .Someone asked for a F O I and we forgot to lie and let the cat out of the bag ,come on . At a time when we are really moving forward and getting more and more mainstream people involved ,when we have the new recovery group launched and Heneghan can question the P C R tests and even get heard on the BBC you and your mates want to waste time on this .
Thanks Carrie. Good and super fast update.
Ps is social distancing an official thing in Sweden? I have a reason to ask.
What do you mean by ‘official’? Social distancing is recommended, but does not have legal force. Swedes have always had a reasonable respect for peoples’ personal space anyway, but the nearest to ‘enforcement’ you will see is lines or spots to queue in shops and other public buildings where queuing is normally expected anyway. And occasionally some fellow citizen might politely remind you of that (there are no officials doing so), if you get ‘too close’ in a queue.
That said, Sweden has a long tradition of ticketing for queues, where you press a button on a machine to get a number and then hang about in the vicinity of a counter waiting for your number to show. In such places there is no need for lines on the floor.
A few places with confined amounts of space are making people wait outside and only letting a certain number of people in at a time (my local job centre, for example, where they ask what you need help with and occasionally direct you to the website, if they think you can get an answer without going in). But this is only a very few places – at the moment, anyway…
Here you are
Thanks bebop. I have added the full FOI reply text and link to the FOI thread above
Statistical anomalies:
France has had more ‘cases’ in the last 2 days or so than China in 10 months, although allegedly it was spreading for weeks in China before anybody even knew anything about it, abd despite millions of people leaving Wuhan before January 20th.
Just think about that.
The UK has had more ‘cases’ since the weekend than China has had in 10 months.
Plausible to you?
Cambodia, visited by literally millions of Chinese last December and January, has not had a single covid death.
Doesn’t add up does it?
No it doesn’t, but the PCR test – as has been said over and over again – which was not designed as a diagnostic tool – is producing a very large percentage of false positives.
I am sure that this is very convenient for a government that does not want to be accused of wrecking the country for nothing.
I hope you are not suggesting a conspiracy by the government
4634 covid deaths in China and about 85000 cases.
More than 80% of these in Wuhan and the surrounding province.
Less than 900 deaths in the rest of China with 1.35 billion people, despite unrestricted travel out of Wuhan for probably the first 2 months of the pandemic.
Doesn’t add up, does it?
It could be that the Chinese have realised its impossible to stop and have given up testing, all of the theatrical stuff having served its purpose
The theatre could have been for internal consumption initially – they need to appear in control- and then they realised it had done a great job of screwing up the rest of the industrialised world
I can’t see how their stats are believable
Well it kind of does if they have huge cross immunity. But the Chinese have a strong interest in dislodging Trump so maybe they saw an opportunity in using the virus ju jitsu style to spread global panic with the help of its WHO appointee and the help of their friends in the media,
Maybe the Pharma and PCR industry is just not interested in countries like Cambodia, as no-one can afford their products. No tests, no “cases”.
‘cases’ ok but deaths are somehing else.
If this were a real pandemic, then I suggest we should be seeing a teensy-weensy bit of death in Canbodia, but no, not a single known mortaliy.
Cambodia still has Flu. Unlike the rest of the world – WHO data.
I am starting to get the feeling that you can have flu or covid but not both.
THe Cambodians obviously prefer flu.
And in Wales (as noted in an warlier discussion here), Dungford lauded Vietnam because it had only ever ‘had’ 35 cases.
Only ever reported 35 cases, you stupid Stalinist fart.
Dr. Berg giving the best (short) breakdown of testing and infection rates I’ve seen so far….this is gold. Take note of the British stats, it is startling (if not unexpected). This is one I’m going to send to friends and family as a quick slap round the chops with a bit of sanity. Probably won’t do a great deal other than make me feel better….but at this point thats all that counts!!
Great video! One could argue that the only upside of the huge increase in testing is that it lowers the IFR. Even though we know so many of the positives are false, they still are counted as cases and these mostly healthy people all “recover.” This would be a game changer in a world where facts mattered; unfortunately, that’s not the world in which we live at the moment.
I like this one
I got around to discussing corona with a friend of mine. He said he’d never thought about it until recently but lately he felt it was suspect. I explained how it was complete nonsense and he said he thinks it is serious. I rebuffed every point he made and he agreed and I thought that was that. He then asked why I thought it was happening and I explained how they want to rebuild society and I went into The Great Reset. He now thinks I’m a lunatic! Yet he clings to the theory that every government in the world is wildly and ridiculously incompetent!
I just don’t understand how believing every leader of every government in every country in the world is incompetent is easier to believe than perhaps maybe, this is being done purposely for the benefit of some powerful people.
I suppose it can be a lot to take in all at once, but I don’t really know how to soften the “why”.
It depends on experience. When you have worked in multiple sectors, in roles where you regularly interact with senior levels, drowning in stupidity, it becomes more feasible. When you have had to educate finance directors on basic arithmetic to highlight a business-killing historic miscalculation, and they look at you blankly, it become more feasible. When you find that the most obviously incompetent specimens are all common porpoises, selected and promoted for being unthinking followers then it becomes more feasible.
This is Alina Chan who wants an independent investigation into the origin of SARS-Cov2 and wants the non proliferation org. protocol to be used in this process. Dr Chan herself has many objection to the pangolin origin of the virus and is also concerned that the investigation of the origin of SarsCov2 is done by a funder and associate with the Wuhan Virology lab
Seems this is making traction in a number of areas. Hurts my brain
Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1243364
Thank you for your request dated 25 July 2020 in which you asked the Department of Health and
Social Care (DHSC):
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Full, accurate and complete disclosure of SARS-
COV-2 virus records
Please provide a full, accurate and complete list of records held within your office, and or
under your authority, describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly taken from a
symptomatic patient of COVID-19 where the sample was not first combined with any other
source of genetic material (not limited but by way of example monkey kidney cells, aka vero
cells, liver cancer cells) thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source
of sampling.
Please note isolation is used in the normally understood meaning of the word – the act of
separating a thing from another. I am not referring, and hence not requesting, to isolation
meaning the culture of something else, the performance of an amplification test (eg PCR
test which only detect mRNA or DNA) or the sequencing of “something”.
If any records match the above description and are available to the public elsewhere, please
provide enough information so that I may identify and access each record with certainty
(i.e. title, author(s), date, journal, and weblink or location where the public may access it).
I remind you full, accurate and complete disclosure is required.
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
DHSC does not hold information on the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus.
However, outside of the scope of the FOIA, and on a discretionary basis, the following information
has been advised to us, which may be of interest. Most infectious diseases are caused by viruses,
bacteria or fungi. Some bacteria or fungi have the capacity to grow on their own in isolation, for
example in colonies on a petri dish. Viruses are different in that they are what we call “obligate
pathogens” – that is, they cannot survive or reproduce without infecting a host. An explainer of
these different types of pathogen (disease causing agents) can be found from BMC Biology here:
For some diseases, it is possible to establish causation between a microorganism and a disease
by isolating the pathogen from a patient, growing it in pure culture and reintroducing it to a healthy
organism. These are known as “Koch’s postulates” and were developed in 1884. However, as our
understanding of disease and different disease-causing agents has advanced, these are no longer
the method for determining disease causation. It has long been known that viral diseases cannot
be identified in this way as viruses cannot be grown in ‘pure culture’. When a patient is tested for a
viral illness, this is normally done by looking for the presence of antigens, or viral genetic code in a
host with molecular biology techniques.
If you have any queries in relation to the above discretionary information, we suggest that you may
wish to contact the Government Office for Science (Go-Science). FOI requests may be submitted
to Go-Science at xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx.
If you are not satisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to appeal by asking for
an internal review. This should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter and sent to
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx, or to the address at the top of this letter.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communication.
If you are not content with the outcome of your internal review, you may complain directly to the
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you
have already appealed our original response and received our internal review decision. You should
raise your concerns with the ICO within three months of your last meaningful contact with us.
The ICO can be contacted at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Crowe
Freedom of Information Officer
So is this designed to refute Reiner Fuellmich’s argument about Covid never having been isolated due to Koch’s Postulates (because the idea of Koch’s Postulates has been ‘debunked’ by ‘the science’, and thereby nullify his court case?
Seems that way. I’ve seen on Off Guardian a lot of discussion about this. It always comes down to whether the Koch postulates hold or not.
However, if the new science is saying it is not isolation which is used but a pathegon, is that why the PCR is testing for a DNR sequence which Dr Kauffman said can be fou DIN chromosome 8?
This is the FOI request in full
The final FOI outcome is not in the bidy of the page but supplied as a PDF which can be viewed in HTML.
Just saw this BBC fact check of some sceptical stuff Rocco Forte said.
Apparently it’s a fact that the lockdown saved 100,000s of lives. Oh, well that’s a relief then.
BBC is just going to rewrite history like it has done with other events – it is essentially the Ministry of Propaganda. The sooner people stop watching and listening to it the better.
Wonder what the BBC fact checkers make of World Trade Centre Building 7 being announced as having fallen 20 minutes before it did on the BBC?
Yes that was a classic from my 9/11 research. I won’t even go there but I’m sure most people don’t even know about it
They say that the reporting of the event twenty minutes early was a mistake.
MOPs aren’t allowed in Wales, so it should be banned there shouldn’t it?
I asked this morning whether the BBC would go after Recovery using all the tools at its disposal including its fake Reality Check… I didn’t really need to ask, did I?
You cannot prove a negative.
Oh, and I’m a hero, because every day I don’t drive my car into pedestrians and kill them. I’ve saved thousands of lives in my time. Medal, please.
The Chinese love gambling and so Macau with its casinos has been a massive recipient of Chinese tourists.
Last Winter Covid-19 allegedly began in November and was detected at the end of December. Travel out of Wuhan was shut down on January 23rd, so for at least six weeks many, many tourists must have gone to Macau (population 650 000)
…and yet Macau has only recorded 46 cases in more than 10 months and not one single death from Covid19.
Doesn’t add up, does it?
No it doesn’t. The whole thing stinks.
Nothing about China’s numbers add up. 3 deaths per million??? 81,000 recovered vs. almost 6 million in the US? Approx. 111,000 tests per million vs. 427,000 in the US. — so they’re definitely doing less testing, but the numbers still don’t add up. If I’m being generous, I’d have to conclude that the population has a far higher degree of t-cell immunity based on previous exposures to other coronaviruses like SARS. If I’m being a sceptic, I call bullshit on everything to do with China and their “reporting.”
I think the more likely explanation is that the statistics are entirely driven by testing policy and lab procedures. Differing numbers of tests is one obvious thing but I think more important is the actual nature of the tests and quality of the labs doing them, which are completely unstandardised. Mike Yeadon’s stuff speaks to this a lot. Because if you don’t believe any of the measures work in general, how else do you explain Norway vs Sweden, Germany vs France, Italy vs Greece? These are almost as hard to explain as China vs rest of the world.
Well….it kind of does add up if you add in Japan, Hong Kong, both also with very low incidences of infection
‘In conducting contact investigation, the high background BCG vaccination coverage in Macau could have resulted in a high TST positivity rate…’
‘Concurrent Outbreaks of Tuberculosis in a School and the Wider Community in Macau’ 2014
Japan and Hong Kong both also have extensive BCG vaccination coverage….also Canadian Inuit (no covid 19), referenced in my other comment above.
There is a big trial (Murdoch/Gates funded) ongoing into antiviral efficacy of BCG vaccination
A highly critical comment on PCR with Ct35-40 by Dr Binder,Switzerland similar to Michael YeadonWorth a read of 10 twitters
https://twitter.com/tlowdon/status/1321907878622580738 “If the virus is reaching the most vulnerable populations, regardless of the state in which they reside, that suggests that NPIs – masks, school closings, crowd size limitations, business restrictions, etc. – are not effective.”
This could also be true in Europe.UK with semi lockdown have outbreaks in care homes.Sweden in non lockdown but SD also care home outbreaks.I think the same problem in France and Belgium. This is not a critique against GBD.It just shows the virus is unstoppable as some suspected from the beginning. All measures are useless.Difficult to digest for the politicians.
They don’t even seem to be trying to help the vulnerable with simple things like grocery deliveries. I’m very lucky Ocado gave me slots as I told them years ago I’m disabled. A friend collects medicines for me. I fear for people who are not internet savvy. Then what about transport to medical appointments assuming you can get one? No one is advising the vulnerable what vitamins and so on might help. I’ve read of vulnerable people such as MS sufferers having to go out and shop and catching the virus.
I agree Cheshire. We have the worst of all worlds now. Rather than spend billions to properly supporting the vulnerable we are flushing it down the loo on test and trace and supporting the lockdowns through furlough funding etc.
People who wish to shield should be receiving properly sanitised and quarantined shopping loads. They should all be getting, if they wish, full online nursing and social/psychological support. They should have the option of regular visits from support staff known to have strong immunity. Why not have a dedicated radio station for “shielders” so they can swap tips and feel less isolated. With billions saved on lockdown all these things become easily affordable.
The measures are not effective.
The proven collateral damage from the measures is colossal.
Scrap the measures.
Rocket science eh?
So we’re using a non-specific test to prove a false hypothesis about a moderate respiratory pathogen whose full sequence has never been successfully isolated in an infected individual, do I have that right? Is there anything else I should know?!
That pretty much covers it.
“whose full sequence has never been successfully isolated in an infected individual“
Do you believe this is the real situation?
It is said here quite regularly, but guy153 here, I recall, posted electron microscope pics of the virus, and numerous credible opponents of lockdown nonsense who should know, such as Mike Yeadon, Carl Heneghan, and many others, seem to have no doubts.
Tbh, I’d take a lot of convincing to believe they are all lying, or deceived.
An electron microscope picture does not reveal very much.
Here are the pictures, they reveal a lot. I guess nothing we didn’t know but it’s cool to actually see it, especially the apoptosing human cells:
It’s really not as crazy as it might initially seem. The best article I’m aware of covering this is https://samueleckert.net/wie-eine-einzige-fehlinterpretation-am-10-01-2020-die-ganze-welt-in-die-irre-fuehrte/
You will need to run it through google translate if you don’t read German.
What if some people were suffering from a ‘normal’ mutation of flu, but that some peoples’ symptoms were being caused by something else entirely, that the government wanted to keep quiet about?
It would be very hard to fool the entire world with a completely fictional virus. If I was Ernst Stavro Blofeld and I wanted to hide the fact I was zapping everyone with 5G death rays (say) I would actually just get a virus out of a bat, adapt it to infect humans and let it rip. It’s not like real viruses are hard to find.
But if you control the media you can can control the pubic perception. If you then control the government you can lie about it all, imprison people in their own homes, make them wear masks to deplete their immune systems and get sick and then say “I told you so”.
Did you know that the disease Covid-19 was identified before the pathogen was identified? In China a new and different pneumonia emerged last winter based on clinical signs not virus identification. Nothing like influenza.
That’s how medicine works – see a different clinical signal and see whether you can find something that caused it.
It still seems pretty crazy to me. These are people who think that no viruses exist as it says in there, which is a bit far out.
While early attempts to construct a PCR test and sequence the virus probably were done in a bit of a hurry, it’s since been sequenced around another 50,000 times:
“Our analysis of 48,635 SARS-CoV-2 highlights a total of 353,341 mutation events compared to the NC_045512.2 Wuhan reference genome“
And they all found basically the same genome, to the point where those guys are able to find the mutation events (there are 353,341 of them but they are very small).
I honestly don’t know, there seems to be considerable doubt in some quarters. I am not implying that SARS-Cov2 doesn’t exist, but that it hasn’t been isolated in so-called infected individuals, not the same thing.
I know he’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but David Ike came to this exact conclusion before his banishment from Youtube back in April.
You can still follow him on Brand New Tube, along with Vernon Coleman and others
I would say there is a set of symptoms being experienced by people, that is being ‘blamed’ on a virus, using a test which is neither appropriate nor reliable.
The government is being forced to admit /via reply to an FOI) that no virus has been isolated, and to ‘debunk’ the idea of Koch’s postulates, now that a number of court cases are being based on this. They will be convicted of fraud otherwise.
I am beginning to suspect that the symptoms of ‘Covid 19’ are being caused by something other than a virus, that some people have a ‘normal’ mutation of flu, but that others are suffering from symptoms caused by something else related to the global reset, that all governments wish to hide… Think about their plans for mass surveillance – what is needed for that???
Lots of background.
Mask dangers of immune depletion and viral replication. 35 -37 mins in.
Sorry but this is just nonsense. Virologists routinely do whole genome sequencing of viral isolates from patients. The genome is compared with all others to look for regions where the virus may have changed and track spread of individual clades.
You are confusing a test for infection, with genotyping isolates to track clonal spread.
Putin just imposed a national mask mandate.One more in herd stupidity
His many billions of gags is China now selling every day?
I expect that this has been posted already, but this from Mike Yeadon and Anna Brees I agree with 100%:
Talking to be banned next in Wales. The scold’s bridle to be reintroduced by Public Health Wales for everyone in the fight against Covid.
Unbelievable … and that is saying something in light of the dross that we are subjected to on a daily basis. He actually criticises our urge to talk to each other – well why not just shoot us all now, as clearly our basic human compulsions are now to be deemed as wrong doing.
Just when you think things couldn’t get worse, along comes this:
“Dr Chris Williams, of Public Health Wales, has warned that a rise in cases before the firebreak lockdown in Wales was mostly caused by people chatting indoors, in their homes, pubs and restaurants.”
How long before someone realizes that we spread this by breathing, and that we can rid the world of the virus by banning breathing completely. This is the sensible approach, as it would only require a 5 minute lockdown….
In one of the recent press conferences Johnson said “the virus spreads by human contact ………we need to stop that”
This is the mindset we are up against.
Speaking to people is something we find very hard not to do,” he said.
“I think that’s part of the problem because we don’t see that as a bad activity.”
My God.My God. My God.
Hang on. In saying that he’s probably infected the interviewer. The murderous hypocrite!
The crime is life.
It’s now really gone well past the “you couldn’t make this up” stage.
Ah let’s just get it over with and do a Jonestown across the globe. Get your plastic bag full head coverings ready all!!
Cyanide in Jonestown.
No,no,no, before that, I’ll take out as many collaborators as I can.
Witchcraft passed off as science
Public Health does seem to be a repository for amazing Cupid Stunts.
And it’s all done in the worst possible taste.
They could always adopt British Sign Language but conversations would be very stilted if carried out in Welsh. Imagine signing Llanfair PG in full at a railway station. In fact is speaking Welsh more dangerous than speaking English?
Getting rid of a rogue authoritarian Government is every Britons duty also RIP to the rancid Labour party https://www.remove-the-tory-government.org
So this is pretty simple. If the government is right we can expect, over the next few weeks, a steep rise in excess deaths figures for respiratory diseases together with a large rise in deaths associated with Covid. If Dr Yeadon is right, that pattern will not emerge. I think Yeadon will be proved right because we’ve seen no general increase in excess deaths so far in the “second wave” which has been going on a while now.
If the numbers go up, they were right and we need more draconian restrictions; if the numbers go down, they were right and it is because of their draconian restrictions. Whatever the evidence, they will assert they are right. It is pseudoscience.
“pseudoscience” – No, it’s fraud.
‘pseudoscience’ – a nice conflation of Greek and Latin.
That is presuming that the cause of the symptoms of Covid is a virus – what is it was caused by something else?
This does assume that the figures aren’t manipulated of course
If they lock us all down before that we will never know. Lockdown will have worked again. If not, it will be because of the “local” restrictions, so they must stay in place. Or if they keep going up, it will be because we didn’t obey the local restrictions, so they will be tightened.
Vallance got round his 50,000 a day prediction being wrong by telling us that his model says that 100,000 are now being infected every day, so there.
This is the big problem, the machinery is now in place to justify endless lockdowns. The population can now be treated like convicts, with special privileges granted (eg, ‘Boris saves Christmas’). But it’s all based on lies and manipulation of statistics. The only hope is if public perception of those statistics changes, which is why we need to constantly challenge the official narrative.
1000+ upticks, mate.
You speak with far too much clarity and reason for this time of the night!
Aye good point there. I hear this every winter when people come back to work after a day and a half away “I had the flu”
Uh, no you didn’t or you’d still be in bed sweating it off for a few more days
Like I’ve said before:” I’ve only had flu twice in my 71 years and that was 3 times too many”
Had flu more than five times, including 2009, and COVID19 once. I’ll take the flu please! Flu is a serious respiratory disease, but in some people, COVID19 is an even more serious disease. There is apparently no obvious reason for who will be badly affected.
There is a very obvious reason. If you have had colds every winter and certainly if you have had the real flu more than once, you are almost certainly extremely low in vitamin D3 levels. Get tested by your GP, if you can find one that’s still working.
They are having a problem with the “just flu” meme now because they are wanting to push flu jabs and that requires them to say that flu isn’t just flu. The official covid narrative has more twists than a Bertie Wooster novel.
Plus we have Spode and his Blackshorts in government!
Dr Mike Yeadon Former CSO & VP Allergy Respiratory Research Pfizer Global R&D 29th Oct 2020
He explain there are no excess deaths – the pandemic is over – the PCR test aren’t accurate
Psychologist calls to lobby government to end restrictions
“I would be advocating us all to lobby the government to end restrictions.”
Psychologist Emma Kenny thinks current Covid legislation needs to be questioned, debated, and changed to allow people to regain their freedoms.
London Ambulance Service on twitter
Sadly, the number of suicide and attempted suicide incidents we attend are increasing.
Our crews now attend an average of 37 suicides or attempted suicides per day, compared to 22 in 2019 and 17 five years ago.
Oct 29th Crucial Viral Update: European Focus BUT Principles Universal!
Ivor Cummins
143K subscribers
The title says it all – just the data and science, as always – and understandable by laypeople. That’s what we need right now – right?
The Great Reset.. the Project for a New Prison Normal Rockerfeller Carbon Credit and Chinese Century and Social Credit System continues…
Ugly dimwit and adulterer Boris is about to impose another full lockdown.. but the UK isn’t France i.e. a desert outside of Paris.. how will the plod police another national Lockdown now that even the nappy wearing masses are against lockdowns? The thickos and ignorant are wearing masks but they will resist another lockdown….
I pray you are right.
“ Lockdown now that even the nappy wearing masses are against lockdowns? The thickos and ignorant are wearing masks but they will resist another lockdown….”
But will they though? They have demonstrated sufficient sheep like docility and compliance that I’m not so sure that they would reject another lockdown.
Just fuming at a blog post from Germany, some stupid woman raging how dare they keep churches open and the worshippers all deserved to die of covid! I replied what use was living if you could not participate in any activity you enjoyed and no one was forcing her to go to church.These covid cult devotees want everyone to do as they want, mini dictators the lot of them!
We have them in Wales too. They commented obn the brave church that tried to hold a service last Sunday.
Their reward will be in Hell.
Indeed. I’ve just unfriended and blocked the blogger after giving her a lecture about we have to keep on living and there are places I dislike such as pubs but respect others freedom to enjoy them. Even my consultant said it was fine to go to church. It seems all the would be dictators are crawling out of their bunkers worldwide.
First of all remember it’s a cult
The video of the police in the church was repugnant
It will be shown for many years to come as an example of what happens when people are living under a dictatorship in a police state
It would be fantastic if next Sunday the local residents including the non believers formed a cordon around the church to prevent the police disrupting the service
I wrote to my Bishop yesterday, urging him to ask Cardiff to let us reopen the churches. But he doesn’t think churches should be a “special case” (unlike Morrison’s?) and online worship is the way forward. My reply was Christ defied the authorities shame he can’t follow his example.
Well said.
But the bishops are the horriblest set of cowards, traitors and quitters that ever disgraced an institution.
Safe under their beds, they worship the Golden Covvievirus.
The same thing happened in the USSR and Nazi Germany. The church split into those who tacitly supported the regime (or at least did not openly criticise it) and those who were opposed. The former were permitted to continue to exist, albeit under strict control; the latter were driven underground.
Where I live in Ireland, in rural locationss you’ll find many examples of mass rocks. Where Catholic priests carried our services at safe spots in the open air for fear of persecution.
Religious Freedom and by extension freedom of belief, of thought, is the most fundamental of all.
We keep saying that covid is a ‘bad flu’. But it doesn’t appear to even be that. Average mortality this year and last appear to be no diffrerent.
The parallels between the then communist East Germany and the BBC are uncanny
Nobody believes in it anymore
Nobody wants to pay for it anymore
It crushes dissent
It is undemocratic
It pumps out propaganda and falsehoods
It cynically says it cares about the people
It demands total unswerving loyalty
The population is forced to pay for it on pain of imprisonment
It deploys bullying and lies against critics
I’m sure you can think of a few more
“Nobody believes in it anymore”
Sadly, that’s not the case.
Nunavut (northern Canada, Inuit) has zero coronavirus.
No TV?
Yes, very remote and isolated from the incessant propaganda and they secured their borders.
Amish people don’t have access to televisions or computers, meaning they may not be aware of the current rules in place to slow the spread of coronavirus, experts fear.
I get the feeling the Amish are already immune especially if they carry on as normal.
There seems to be a pattern. Communities characterised by a faith in God and lots of rules appear to be immune to the Covid cult. I think that tells us something about what the Covid cult offers to people, what attracts them.
Evangelicals often talk about people having a ‘God shaped hole.’ Maybe what they really have is a desire to live their lives by lots of pernickety rules.
Or maybe what makes the difference is that these communities are used to being different from the ‘mainstream,’ and as they already have a faith they don’t need a new god. The problem with that is that so many religious people have gone full corona, so there does seem to be more to it.
There is a clinic near where I live that practises a form of traditional non-western physical therapy. (The staff are European and north and south American.) There, normality reigns. Nobody wears a mask, neither practitioners nor patients. There isn’t a single sign pertaining to The Events. My sense is that because they already had a complex theory of physical and emotional health they were immune to the revolutionary cult.
The hardcore religious are far less susceptible than most for a competing faith. Which The Science basically is.
Don’t follow the rules
Don’t get the lurgy.
Aren’t they all dead then?
Right. I’m off there. Sounds perfect. Byeeeee!
You appear to have missed the bit about them securing their borders: they aren’t letting anyone in (except returning Inuit, who have to quarantine for two weeks).
More evidence of the anti viral effectiveness of BCG vaccination?
‘The BCG vaccine was first introduced for use in Canadian Indigenous communities between the 1930s and 1950s’
‘….in 2006 by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization that routine BCG vaccination be discontinued among First Nations and Inuit communities. Routine BCG vaccination was instead to be replaced by targeted vaccination in communities…’
‘….in terms of vaccine safety, given the generally low incidence of serious adverse events associated with BCG vaccination reported by the included studies, the vaccine can be considered generally safe for use in immune-competent hosts.’
It’s very easy to have no coronavirus. China hasn’t had a single death since April. The trick is to ignore it. All that happens is more old people than usual die of natural causes in the winter.
Inspired by this from the BBC.
Zombies would take it straight. Never underestimate zombie stupidity.
Our rector already gets hysterical when his masked muppets linger to exchange a few remarks after a church service.
I agree. Swift’s modest proposal released these days would be such a hit it would probably spawn a best selling cookbook!
I was thinking of Swift just now, as you do when you wake up. These experts are akin to this fellow:
‘The first man I saw was of a meagre aspect, with sooty hands and face, his hair and beard long, ragged, and singed in several places. His clothes, shirt, and skin, were all of the same colour. He has been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, which were to be put in phials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw inclement summers. He told me, he did not doubt, that, in eight years more, he should be able to supply the governor’s gardens with sunshine, at a reasonable rate: but he complained that his stock was low, and entreated me “to give him something as an encouragement to ingenuity, especially since this had been a very dear season for cucumbers.” I made him a small present, for my lord had furnished me with money on purpose, because he knew their practice of begging from all who go to see them.’
Boris as Epicure Mammon with his “unctuous paps” of flesh. Love it.
I used fo teach a WEA course on ‘Why people believe impossible things.’ It included a session on alchemy, among other absurdities. The aim was to encourage critical thinking.
If I did that now, even on zoom, I’d be arrested and burned at the stake for heresy.
Swifts pamphlet on why the Irish should eat their babies is a favourite of mine
A great send-up of spreadsheet mentality decision-making, three centuries before spreadsheets.
The Crucible for me.
I admire you going to church. I would like to go, but I refuse to attend anywhere where masks are compulsory.
I love this
Excellent. Mrs Ll-Rex loved it too.
Don’t give the government more ideas!
the quotes come from some government health person in Wales.
I apologise for the dire quality of government officials in my country. This issue will be dealt with when I seize back my ancestral title from Charlie-boy.
Dr Chris Williams must be some bizarre sort of psychopath…
Absolutely correct.
A good description of common cold coronaviruses within this reference:
‘Severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) is an important cause of hospitalization and mortality worldwide, especially among children, adults with more than 65 years, and patients with underlying conditions such as cardiopathy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and immunosupression.1 The main respiratory viruses associated with disease severity are influenza A and B viruses (IAV and IBV), parainfluenza (hPIV1–4), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and adenovirus (HAdV). Other respiratory viruses, like metapneumovirus (hMPV), bocavirus (HBoV), rhinovirus, and coronavirus (HCoV) 229E, NL63, HKU1, and OC43 are usually associated with mild disease; nonetheless, individuals infected with these viruses may also present SARI.‘
Ask them why the government banned the use of HCQ treatments for early stage intervention. They are 80% effective.
Sky News are going to be doing a piece on “why some face masks don’t offer as much protection as you think.”
Blimey….that must give them headaches! Why don’t they report on Dolan…if it was an EU remain court case it’d ba ALL OVER THE PAPERS!
They are just reporting on the Which? tests. But even they say face masks don’t stop virus particles.
“It should be noted that coronavirus particles can be much smaller (as little as 0.1 micrometre in diameter), so what we are measuring is not the face covering’s ability to protect against coronavirus, per se.
Face coverings are not medical devices and aren’t designed to block all particles down to these ultra-fine particles, like a higher-grade medical respirator mask would.
Like basic disposable surgical masks, they are intended to help block larger droplets and aerosols emitting from the wearer, who may be asymptomatic, helping to create community protection by minimising exhalation of virus particles.”
Like basic disposable surgical masks, they are intended to help block larger droplets and aerosols emitting from the wearer
Deary me, basic error there surely!
They stop the droplets by converting it to an aerosol, which then (a) is breathed out over the over person and (b) breathed in by the wearer, making both ill!
So ‘community protection’ exists in the context of gimp gags, but not in that of immunity which ‘does not exist.’
Exactly what I was thinking.
Halloween Special…
Sorry for the delay in getting it to you…enjoy!
I’ve been missing out on these – got a backlog to catch up with. Great stuff. Favourite fact of the month – It’s more dangerous to be Scottish than have Coronavirus.
“I could accept the idea of another lockdown if a vaccine was just around the corner,” said Prof Heneghan, “but all we are doing is kicking the can down the road”.
From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54712917
From Heneghan….please he mustn’t fall as well!
I think (hope) he’s just highlighting the futility.
As he ever anti vax? Not all sceptics see this as a battle against vaccines
I think a lot of sceptics are like me – I think vaccines have their place when properly tested and not rushed, where the benefits outweigh the risks, and when voluntary.
Well, they haven’t been properly tested. No long-term testing at all. We don’t know the risk of disease enhancement on subsequent viral exposure. They haven’t been tested at all in subjects with pre-existing morbidities, who will be among the first to be offered the vaccine. They are being rushed.
I can’t see any benefit over the human immune system. I can see considerable risks. They will be de facto mandatory, and consent won’t be informed. They will be two shot and likely annual thereafter
They will usher in immunity passports, which will have to kept up to date if you want to function in society.
I would suggest that Dr Tenpenny knows her stuff:-
The search for a vaccine is a symptom of a panic, I think of it as Glaxo searching for the Holy Grail.
It’s times like this when I wonder whether we’re existing in some twisted Cosmic joke.
What is Boris Johnson an anagram of?
Doesn’t quite fit. Bother.
Can you do Mark Drakeford?
If that don’t work, try Dungford instead.
Pig Dictator
You’re the most amazing human being I’ve ever encountered. You should be bottled for posterity.
Johnson must go now his Government has no legitimacy any longer they have trodden on Our lives and laws https://www.remove-the-tory-government.org
too perfect
Quote from Michael Levitt:
“In a word, masks. One of the major reasons the South Asian countries did well was wearing masks. Western countries would rather face economic ruin than wear masks”.
Aaaagh! Earlier he was saying how the pandemic always follows a curve whatever you try to do, and that Sweden are fine. I just don’t understand some people. I could go along with everything he said until that point. It’s as though reasoning faculties can desert anyone – even Nobel Laureates.
What is he on about, mask compliance is very high in many parts of the west.
What? Cornwall?
I’ve never actually been there but I bet it is!
Sadly it is.
Maybe they have better immunity from their previous years of SARs and other viruses. How can he isolate one factor and fall down the hole of correlaion equals causation; you could equally say that denser populations equate to a better response, their dietary habits equate to a better response, or maybe it is because on average they are shorter, as we were told previously tall people are more likely to spread it.
Indeed, it seems really out of character for him to offer such a simplistic and generalised explanation. A weak one too, I can’t imagine that a few of us on here not wearing masks in Tesco are responsible for our high “case” numbers. Disappointing.
not the first time. A couple of months ago he made a prediction that US deaths would peak at a certain figure which was subsequently surpassed. He did an interview in which he apologised and said he should have gone for a range not a specific figure.
its clear they have immunity. all far east countries have negligible covid deaths but different political systems, age structures etc
not many people wearing masks in Africa and their deaths to date is around 40k
You would think people would look at how effective masks have been and then look at every single bit of scientific research done before May this year and conclude that all those studies were right and masks are utterly useless.
But apparently not
Masks aren’t a barrier to virus transmission, they are a membership badge and article of faith.
Science has been memory holed and replaced by “The Science ™”.
A new mass religion. Hence why the most religious have been amongst the most immune.
Was Levitt just controlled opposition? With it planned that he would ‘turn’ and accept the official narrative at a pre-determined time?
These are all possibilities –
could be controlled opposition or could be that he’s succumbed to the psychological strategies being used against us.
Talking to my friends, they are losing their friends fast to the madness, and specifically to masking.
I make sense of this as follows: the inhumanity of covering human faces is off the scale appalling. Acknowledging this fact is ‘painful’ as we all know. It makes us mad with rage, burst into tears, stay awake at night …..
for an individual, if they lie down and accept masks as rational and a good thing, all that nasty distress goes away.
Michael Levitt is a Sinophile,His wife is Chinese and he has lots of contacts in China.Indeed,his first impulses to start researching about it was alarming calls from friends in China.He accept statistics from China as reliable. This does not detract him from highlighting things from Chinese figures which showed a low mortality in the young which was not in Imperial College Models. Many of his graphs of the epidemic has been useful but many of his prognosis has been wrong. His stance against lockdown is laudable but he is not an epidemiologist and you cannot swallow everything he says.
Agreed. I have generally avoided touting Levitt in general, although I agree with much of what he says, for this very reason. There are some places where he is clearly wrong.
Gut feeling, no. Can’t explain this latest comment on masks but don’t think he’s controlled opposition. He’d have been given much more mainstream air time to have been knocked down at a later date.
So, why didn’t masks help the Peruvians Mr Levitt?
For me, the truth is this: I don’t care if masks make a difference to the transmission of the novel coronavirus. I WILL NEVER MASK MY FACE.
He has always been a bit on the fence on masks. It is out of character.
Sure helped in Spain didn’t they?
But then of course we know that the majority of transmissions have been in close domestic environments, where it is inconceivable that people should wear masks and within these domestic circumstances NO FAR EAST PEOPLE WEAR MASKS. It’s just obvious that he has not thought this one through.
What’s he mean “western countries”. From what I can tell mandated masks are everywhere, so who’s this Western Country that won’t wear them ? Does he mean the people of the western country ? Because that’s not true either. Is Western country code for Alan down the chip shop who went out on Tuesday for some chips and did not wear a mask ?
Broad stroke brush.
Morning all is the pig still dictating?
(no I don’t mean is someone taking down a letter for him)
still snuffling
Still breathing.
Morning. We’ve discovered that talking kills grandma now, so shhhhhhhhhhhh.
London Ambulance Service data…average suicide cases per day in London have increased over last year by 15 per day.
This is about the same as total deaths per day in London from CV19.
What on earth is going on?
Morning all. I have just encountered my first new bit of criminal insanity of the day.
“the technical changes to the NHS app – now downloaded by more than 19 million people, approximately 40 per cent of those with eligible phones – could send significantly enhanced numbers into de facto lockdown with no ministerial announcement”
“On top of improvements to the app’s ability to judge proximity, officials have lowered the risk threshold which determines whether an alert is sent from a score of 900 to one of 120.”
It seems they have decided that not enough people are coming forward for testing??????
Judging by the footage put up by Martin Daubney about how empty all the testing centres are, that’s probably right.
Just can’t put my finger on why that could be. Technology will fix it!
Oh and apparently the improved system takes into account how infectious someone was at the time of contact based on onset of symptoms. What jeffing symptoms??? I really need to go and hit my head off a wall for 5 minutes.
Experts say that some face nappies only keep out 7% of airborne particles: SO?
Some? And as much as 7%?
As you know, they are just a badge of subservience.
Yep – the best ones!
But they do keep in 100% of the ethylene oxide that a third world factory has coated them in. All the best to the wearer. They will wish they were coughing up Covid in 10-15 years when they are coughing up lung cancer.
Dolan’s JR. Therefore more propaganda.
So who is getting tested?
The drive in centres have had no victims for many weeks now
That suggests an endless cycle of testing of NHS patients, NHS staff, care home residents, and care home staff is taking place
Ah!!, so the hospitals and care homes are the epi centres of infection during the winter
Who knew?
I think there are a lot of people using private test centres. Many can’t travel without a negative test for example
You can get them in the post, quite a few students I know have got them that way because most don’t have cars.
Exactly. Who are all these people getting tested? Even if it is mainly hospital patients, care home residents and NHS & care staff is there enough of them to be hitting the figures quoted by government? I appreciate that some employers will be making staff get tested, teachers etc. but again is it enough to hit the figures quoted? We all know the vast majority of the general public are idiots but even so, the penny must be starting to drop – DON’T GET TESTED.
It is possible that many asymptomatic university students are being tested.
For example, the University of Northumbria have reported that:
“As of Friday 2 October, we can confirm that we are aware of 770 Northumbria University students who have tested positive for Covid-19 of whom 78 are symptomatic.”
These related to the period 17 September and 1 October at Northumbria’s Newcastle campuses. See: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/covid19/latest-information/
Generally, the government instructs that only symptomatic persons should be tested:
“You can only get a free NHS test if at least one of the following applies:
See: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
If most of those University of Northumbria students were asymptomatic, it must mean that either they had been “asked to by a local council” or were “taking part in a government pilot project.” Under FOI, I have asked Newcastle City Council if they had asked those students to be tested.
There are around 2.4 million students in the UK.
problem was that poster campaign in August -Lets get back to normal, Lets get tested. This prompted a lot of people without symptoms to get tested.
Derriford hospital in Plymouth was reported to have closed 200 (20%) of beds on Tuesday after 2 patients were found to be covid+ in non covid wards.
So up to a 1,000 to be tested, how often?
Turns out 130 of those beds were only closed to new entrants until deep cleaned.
The case/test result figures seem about as dodgy as a nine pound note. I am far from convinced that each supposed case is a separate person I suspect some cases = the same person tested several times or re-tests done in the lab.
To be at all accurate there would need to be a National Registry of people test +ve for Covid but that does not exist and so case data is thrown around like confetti at a wedding.
The idea of running Public Health policy on test results is, I think, unprecedented and is proving a disaster. We should only run Public Health policy on hospital situation and registered deaths.
Hospital data is only marginally better than the cases data, whilst registered death data so far says nothing going on.
The way the Politicians have been bamboozled into running public policy on dodgy ‘cases’ data is an indication of our politicians absolute failure to know how to work with scientific/medical data
Why do you presume that other measures are not being used for health policy? The number of people being ventilated is a pretty hard number, for example. That’s irrespective of Covid test, btw.
Fair comment but my frustration is that it is case/test numbers that are predominantly used to determine this present round of lock-downs, and the movement between these different tiers. The idea that London could move from Tier 2 to Tier 3 seems to be entirely based on case/test numbers as London hospitals in particular are far from overwhelmed and deaths in London seem normal for the time of year.
Irrespective of covid test? So if lots of people are being ventilated after car accidents for example, it triggers harder policy on covid? Hope I’m misunderstanding this!
How do we know how many actual Covid primary pathology patients are being invasively mechanically vented? How many are just occupying a ventilator-equipped bedspace. How many are receiving some form of low-pressure non-invasive ventilation, such as a simple oxygen mask or nasal canula?
I have a vision of many individuals turning up at A and E due to any sort of cough or breathlessness, being welcomed in and ‘admitted for observation’ overnight.
And the overnight becomes several days ‘for further observation’…
With low pressure ventilation always used.
Nicely showing that we are not all going to die
Another day deeper into hell.
I have just watched something posted by leggy last night: what appears to be a trailer for a film called ‘Songbird’ – glossy Hollywood thriller about the virus, set in (I think) 2023. The virus has mutated and now attacks brain tissue. Horror, calamity etc
As leggy put in her post, not a watch for sensitive types… But please do watch it and tell me what you think. I don’t know what to make of it. Is it:
a) the most expensive piece of fear porn yet confected, or
b) a satire of the fear porn to which we have all been subjected already?
I was watching something else posted here earlier ..real life foreshadowings of the long “dark winter” of 2020/1 that lies ahead of us ALL. Same old same old!
Just watched. I think it’s just cashing in on the situation. People like to be scared in the cinema (when that was a thing). Same producer as a Quiet Place and The Purge. Horror works well when people find it somewhat believable.
Closing line in trailer “stay safe, stay sane, stay sanitised”.
Thanks, just watched the trailer. A must see for people who like to be perpetually worried.
It attacks brain tissue that makes it really dangerous it could spread through 90% of the population and no one would even notice !
R4 going big on “new version of the virus brought back from Spain”. No questioning of how could that be possible if the extreme mask wearing and other strict regulations over there actually do anything.
Nor of the fact that if we just cut the crap, natural selection would favour the least destructive strains of the Rona. If you wanted the worst possible ‘second wave,’ you would do as our regime has done. It is a testament to Rona’s tameness that in spite of government policy these waves are so weak.
Jackanape Johnners is under pressure to impose pre- and post-Christmas lockdowns, reports the Telegraph.
Poor chap. The Poundland Churchill cracked long ago.
The Poundland Churchill… you’ve made my day
Not even Poundland Chamberlain now.
A failed Petain, without the glorious past.
I’m sorry I have to take issue with your comment. Poundland, within its own limitations and parameters, is a useful shop.
My wife was in Asda yesterday, maskless of course. A young lad who she thinks must have been about 7 or 8 saw her and ran off to hide behind his Mum screaming, “Mum she’s not wearing a mask, what’s gonna happen to me?!”.
Poor kid has been psychologically tortured. This will take years to undo.
I just invented a vaccine for covid19. I’m calling it covid19. No or mild symptoms and stops you getting covid19 later.
Great idea. It would make sense for it to be released as an aerosol in supermarkets given the huge unbearable pressure on the NHS.
95%+ effective too. Just proves the “vaccines” are an absolute folly.
Just had a scan of the DM articles and comments – if you are feeling a bit glum today I advise avoiding the msm. Full fear porn in the DM, hospital beds could run out, if so, why no criticism of the NHS and Hancock for not having used the 8 months to have the so called Nightingales up and running. 85,000 could die and so on. Comments more depressing, unless the 77th brigade are in full flow. Most pushing for lockdown, demonizing those concerned about the economy, and quite a few advocating mask wearing by children!
Those idiots who think the economy is not important need to visit poverty stricken countries, or alternatively look at some old photos of the UK when there was real poverty. I despair at people’s ignorance – but then I guess that’s what daily diets of strictly, bake off, big brother etc., does. Sorry, rant over …
It’s too late I’ve already had a look!
Going backwards again…
It’s so strange how people can lurch between sceptiscm and fear at the drop of a headline.
I agree the articles are nonsense, but the comments underneath are quite heartening. Overwhelmingly sceptic.
I think the traitorous SS (77th) are always in evidence. Generally they are too quick to answer and usually in a fatuous manner in the hope of wasting your time.
Shanghai and MerthyrTydfil don’t often get compared, so now’s the time.
Shanhai is China’s commercial capital and hub with a population of 24 million.
Covid-19 allegedly started spreading in Wuhan at the beginning of December, whereas Shanghai only announced the first C-19 restructions on around January 23rd.So, in the six weeks prior probably hundreds of thousands of people travelled between Wuhan and Shanghai.
Merthyr Tydfil has around 43 00 people, and as a decaying post-industrial wasteland in the Welsh valleys is hardly visited by anybody. For the last seven months it has experienced various degrees of lockdown with enforced social distancing and mask-wearing.
So, how do these two compare on the covid scale?
Merthyr Tydfil’s official Covid-19 death toll is 78.
Shanghai has suffered a grand total of 7 deaths from covid-19.
One of these things is not like the other.
You have to laugh.
It. Does. Not. Add. Up.
Merthyr Tydfil – pop. 43 000
Shanghai – pop- 24 million
China must be laughing their heads off at the West’s perpetual panic.
Innate immunity in the Chinese population may be a large part of the answer, and unreliable figures another large part.
In my opinion at some point in February China realized it was all bullshit, said ‘Fuck this for a game of soldiers”. declared victory and went home.
They had another lockdown in the North East IIRC in May. Since then it’s all gone quiet.
Then vastly exaggerated the danger of the disease leaving Ferguson and the WHO to do the rest…. the CCP must be pissing themselves that it was so, so easy to ruin the democratic world.
In Wales, if you get drugged during a night out in the pub and wake up in the bowels of a frigate of Her Majesty’s Navy, deep in the Atlantic, we call that getting Merthyred.
Well, I think in some incidences it is culture isn’t it? It is the extent to which people are prepared to follow to the letter rules that government lay down. I have a feeling that there is a very different reaction in Wales to the non-sale of non-essential goods than there would have been in Shanghai. Because Shanghai is a society in which the government sets the rules and people stick by them. It is a different sort of society with a good deal more freedom and we expect, I think quite rightly, to live our lives without interference as much as possible and that brings risks with it but that also brings huge rewards.
The point calchas is making is that it would have spread in China prior to any restrictions being put in place.
The Chinese stats are probably utterly false, or done on a completely different basis to ours.
On that link, check out the answer to this question:
Vietnam, a country of 93 million, has had 35 deaths in 2020. Wales has had 37 deaths announced just today. Why have some countries performed so much better than us?
Blackburn and Darwen still has the highest number of ‘cases’ in the country despite having been locked up for over 2 months. Does that prove anything? There is a population of 250K. The infection rate per 100k is over 1000, so at that rate well over 100k people should have been infected by now, effectively that means everyone, every single family almost has had it. Need some more research to start seeing how that can possibly be true and the ‘case’ rate stay so high.
In 2008 a production company floated the idea of a new TV series set in Merthyr ‘Crime Scene Investigators Wales’
They has to shelve the plans when they discovered that there were no dental records and everybody in the town had the same DNA
Sounds like Rhosllanyrchrugog, up here in Wrexham.
I write to my MP, I have a go on Twitter, I pass links to my family about the reality of the situation. Is there anything else we can do?
I listen to Julia HB on talk Radio and read what Peter Hitchens has to say and influential as they are they seem as frustrated and cross as I am.
Is there anything we can do?
No one seems to be listening Steve, it’s become a never-ending nightmare.
Don’t wear a mask, and don’t underestimate how much increasing numbers of people doing lots of small things makes a difference. And keep having a laugh.
Does Cox ever reply to you?
I keep writing to my MP who just tows the party line -extract from response “One of the burdens of public office is, however, knowing when the right time is to overcome some of those political positions in the interests of those we serve. I have seen far too many letters and been on far too many phone calls with constituents who have lost loved ones to the virus and whilst it is clear that the virus is most dangerous to the elderly and vulnerable, it has been obvious that it is those of us in the rest of the population that have been carrying it to them”
I can’t make a tier 3 wet pub reopen, I can’t go round ripping muzzles off people .
I share your frustration.
So he bases the destruction of a nation on distressed phone calls? Unfit to govern.
Remember it’s a cult
Cults eventually destroy themselves
Sit back and enjoy the ride
It’s everything else it destroys first though. And we don’t know how long it will go on for…
Not really other than not give up. The majority of governments are clearly not going to budge on the issue and are relentlessly continuiing with their lockdown / supression policies. If this virus behaves like all others it will eventually peter out naturally but what will happen is that governments will claim and justify that this happened because of their actions despite actually prolonging the situation. The resulting devestation will just be brushed off as collateral damage caused by the ‘pandamic’ rather than their distasterous reaction to it. The worrying thing is that even when the virus diminishes we will be left with a whole host of measures that won’t be removed under the banner of “safety’.
Putting the issue on the footsteps of MP’s will help. It can be constructive and does not have to involve aggression. But take the fight to their constituency office on a Friday. Get an appointment by zoom etc. Say what you have to say. It does work.
There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary government restriction. Income tax, for example, was a temporary measure brought in to pay for the Napoleonic Wars. Wartime identity cards were still compulsory in the UK until 1952, and were only scrapped because there was a test case in which a man ordered to produce one by a police constable in Finchley, London N12, refused to do so.
Not much really. You could also go on protests/marches. I’m not saying it will do any good but it is nice to meet up with people who are not brainwashed/muzzled.
When you write to your MP. Ensure you copy in other relevant bodies, for example if Tory, copy in Graham Brady. Copy in your local representatives. Maybe even things like your local Business Improvement Or mayor. Try to be specific in your points so that all the audience can see. This way instead of just the eyes of the MP’s intern seeing it, they all see it. You could reasonably also ask your MP to print your email, sign it to show it has been read in full and ask for that to be scanned back to you. And you could also arrange a 1 to 1 / zoom call with them or picket their office on a Friday. There are actually things we are doing that we could all do better. That’s good news. All the best and don’t give up.
Write emails to anyone in public life who displays even the most mild scepticism, showing your support. Be sure to summarise your argument in one line in the header, such as ‘I fully support your scepticism about Covid’. This way even if they delete it without reading it they cannot avoid seeing this.
I don’t know why I torture myself every morning by reading the broadsheets (sweep from left (the guardian) to right (the telegraph)) because they all engage in the same scaremongering shite. Just done a few calcs on the ONS data to 16th October and of the 54319 people who’ve died since the start of the situation in the UK, 42% were over 85 and 32% were over 75. So three quarters of the deaths were in the 75+ age groups. In comparison 0.01% were under 44. Add into this the fact that people over 75 are those most likely to die in any given year anyway (who the fuck knew that eh!) then it really beggars belief that nearly the whole of the Western world is shutting down because they believe it is more important to save the lives of elderly people with underlying health conditions (which according to the research are those most at risk from dying of covid) than to protect the lives and livelihoods of the healthy. If they don’t stop this, we’re all at risk – and not from covid!
I have to tell you about this mad dream I had last night. An oaf, the product of an unhappy union, saw his mother beaten, father a pleb-hating adulterer who persuaded the young au pairs/nannies to walk around naked, went to Eton then Oxford studying subjects no use to an economy or a people.. never known hardship.. has never lived amongst real people… has no real friends… became an adulterer himself..
Child no.6 or 7 with a eco-warrior girlfriend not much older than his eldest daughter.. children from his marriage don’t talk to him..
I had a dream this guy became PM, moved his unmarried and pregnant bit into no.10.. and then started to enact the wishes of Davos Rockerfeller et al. Made everyone wear masks and destroyed the economy with a view to resetting finance, controlling the plebs. stopped people saying goodbye to elderly loved ones.. made funerals and weddings a Kafkaesque Logan’s Run dystopia.. . talked of powering the country entirely with wind..
What a mad dream. What do you think it means?
I had a strange dream about Johnson the other night.We were having a conversation and he asked what people thought about him.I replied everyone thinks you are a c***.His feelings were hurt and I then told him it was pitchfork time and he ran off.
I wish I could have 5 real minutes with Johnson.
I am with my Dad and we enter the foyer of the hospital, we are greeted, temperature taken, masks on and we proceed to one of the inner zones of the hospital, on this occasion the X ray department. Fairly quiet walking down the corridor and then we turn left and walk into the empty waiting area of the X ray department. I think back to my last visit when not a seat was to be found. I pull my mask down to speak to the receptionist and then we wait for a few minutes. I tell my Dad to pull his mask down if he can’t breath which he does for a minute. We are soon met by a lovely masked radiography in training I think. She takes my Dad in his 80,s into a cubicle to help him change – lucky him, some brief distraction from his pain! I reflect, no way would a mask protect anyone in that cubicle. A man in a trolley is wheeled in with his mask under his nose and then another with a mask under his nose. I join them and that made all three of us! Then I noticed a man with no mask, chatting to a member of staff. After about 20 minutes we make our way out of the hospital, back to quiet but masked activity. We move outside, a guy having a fag and then we make our way home.
Covid travel restrictions ‘place 174m travel and tourism jobs at risk’
IMO the aim is to get travel back to how it was in the 60s/70s. Global jet travel will be possible only for an elite of the super-rich, politicians, sports people and environmentalists. The rest of us will have to make do with a week huddled in a rain shelter on Blackpool promenade, or if we’re lucky, a ferry and coach trip to somewhere like Calais or Dieppe.
Wuhan, Summer 2019
“On suffocating summer nights in Wuhan city, China, the smell of burning garbage drifts through the air, so acrid that people close their windows and complain they cannot get to sleep. And when local authorities recently tried to rush through a waste-to-energy plant to incinerate garbage, they provoked days of furious protests, in a nation where authorities are swift to crush dissent.
Protesters stayed on the streets for days, according to social media.”
This is Wuhan.
So, when in December 2019 some guy turns up at the doc’s with a respiratory disease, does anybody think it might have something to do with air quality?
Of course not -it has to be a new virus – right?
I would love to know the chain of events leading up to the discovery of this new virus.After all, millions of Chinese die from respiratory diseases every year. Just what was it that caused a doctor to think that it might be a virus.
Take a look at that picture of Wuhan again.
Yeah guy’s coughing. Got to be a new virus.
Wuhan picture can be found here.
Those “Corona virus” lockdowns certainly put an end to those air quality protests in Wuhan.
And then there was the Wuhan theatrics, the pressure on the WHO, the vested interests and all of a sudden the entire western world’s GDP is through the floor and we’re living in serfdom.
If I was wearing tin foil I would say that the ruse succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of the CCP assisted by top notch foot shooting by the West.
Northern Italy also has fairly poor air quality. The kind of air quality you unfortunately have when you make stuff. Unlike the UK – who gave away virtually all of its making – Italy has dozens and dozens of world class manufacturing in areas such as cars and trucks and mopeds, mountain bike parts, clothing, luxury items, steel production, agriculture e.g. Fiat, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Vespa, Formula, Iveco, Berreta, Luchinni, Barilla, Luxotica, Diadora, etc etc etc etc it’s the Taiwan of Europe only with more designer brands and minus the motherboards. Also has a huge population of Chinese people, maybe 400,000. Impressive production for a country with virtually no natural resources.
Give the great reset enough time and Italy will be like us. Online shops, fast food delivery.. sky high unemployment.. and a maker of nothing but with cleaner air to make the likes of Carrie and Prince Charlie happy.
Something stinks to high heaven about what occurred in Wuhan (and the rest of China). There were all these ludicrous videos of people just walking along and suddenly dropping dead. Strangely this sort of thing has not happened anywhere else in the world. People generally are not well enough to be walking along one minute and then drop dead the next.
In German… lizard plays out corona crisis with ducks
I went out for dinner with a friend last night (I’m her “support bubble”) who is terrified of catching covid. I asked her if she knew what the death rate is compared with the flu, she didn’t. I asked her if she knew what the hospitalisation rates were, and she didn’t. Same for the difference of drying of or with covid. She knew none of these things, and you know what? She wasn’t interested. I could literally see her eyes glaze over as she parroted about not overwhelming the NHS and other MSM driven crap that she’s clearly fed on a daily basis. She works in hospitality and is at risk of losing her job if we go into another lockdown. I tried and tried and nothing got through, it’s like speaking to a brick wall. Same situation with a lot of people, and that’s what really scares me about this. It’s literally brainwashed behaviour.
Yep – unfortunately!
Ceratin things that happened in history, which for many of us until now were almost incomprehensible, are now all too believable.
My father said coronavirus is as bad as the black death. I couldn’t believe this.
My family can be like that, some are complete BBC believers.
I’ve encountered exactly the same, head-in-the-sand attitude, Chloe. It’s worrying, frustrating and upsetting, in equal measure. I have family members who think this way as well as friends. It’s as if they simply don’t want to hear anything the flies in the face of the accepted narrative. Trust in the government and the MSM appears to remain at a high level, despite all the privation. The majority have accepted the situation and seem perfectly resigned to whatever the authorities decide the throw at them.
This is one of the (many) things that are so depressing about this situation – the total unquestioning acceptance of all of this by the majority of the populace. They simply believe everything the government and msm say (same thing really) and have no interest or motivation to seek out alternative sources of information.
That’s true but there do seem to be an increasing number of sceptical comments on social media, although these are still in the minority.
I think I could have handed her irrefutable evidence and she still wouldn’t have cared. Not just in denial, not interested. Absolute madness!
Some folk just won’t engage with stats and figures. Sink to the medias lowly depths and guilt treat them. Such as 150M additional people sunk into extreme poverty due to COVID response:-
10K additional child deaths monthly:-
Stop letting them use 83 year old grannie as an excuse.
Someone here earlier sounded sceptical ..suggesting, dare I say it… a conspiracy theory.
The strange morphing of a company producing hard and software for monitoring offenders into a health tech company involved with the UK Government Healthtech Advisory Committee and their GovTech Summit 2020 on its new CommonPass to monitor us. What could possibly go wrong?
Panopticon Technologies limited (copied from defunct web site)
“A new, ethical, tech-enabled UK security company”
Panopticon now replaced by infant company PUBLIC.o.i.
latest DHSC FOI answer, an appeal coming to rip them o shreds I think:
part 1
I can confirm that the Department holds information relevant to your request.
1 – based on the above statements, how can a positive PCR tests be termed as a “case” medically by the DHSC?
The assay only picks up SARS-CoV-2 RNA. It does not cross react with SARS, MERS or the commonly circulating 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1 human coronaviruses. Because the assay has 3 gene targets it is a reasonable assumption that it does not cross react with the other 4,500 odd bat coronaviruses – although as not all have yet been sequenced, this is a best guess. However, none of the latter have, as yet, been shown to infect man.
The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA indicates active viral replication, thus its detection indicates a ‘case’ of SARS CoV 2 infection.
The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a nasopharyngeal aspirate correlates with virus infectivity in the week before to, on average, seven to eight days after the appearance of symptoms. Virus infectivity is then neutralised by the immune response and viral RNA production will be progressively reduced.
As most individuals will come forward for a test because they have been exposed to infection or they have symptoms of infection, most individuals who test positive will be excreting infectious virus and should therefore take measures to prevent transmission of infection (self-isolation).
As SARS-CoV-2 RNA production can continue for some time post infection, current advice is not to re-test for a period of 90 days after a positive test. Thus, the numbers of SARS-CoV-2 RNA test positive individuals who are not infectious has been reduced dramatically, and the vast majority of individuals who test positive are infectious.
2 – based on the above statements, how can positive PCR tests be used as a justification for national and/or local lockdowns and other general restrictions?
As explained above, the vast majority of individuals who test positive are infectious.
3 – based on the above statement, how can positive PCR tests be used as a justification for enforced self-isolation of individuals tested “positive”?
As explained above, the vast majority of individuals who test positive are infectious and capable of transmitting the infection.
4 – based on the above statement, how can a positive PCR test be used as a justification for quarantining travellers on their return to the country?
To reduce the potential for SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19 infection) re-infection within the UK, the UK Government has a policy that travellers must self-isolate (quarantine) on return to the UK for a period of 14 days, if they return from pre-specified countries with higher incidences of COVID-19.
The basis for this regulation can be seen in the chart below, which shows the level of transmission risk over time from the point of infection/the detectability of the virus from the point of infection:
If a traveller becomes infected on the day on which they travel to the UK then, on average, it will be a week before any virus can be detected in that person.
During the next week, the amount of virus present within the individual will increase (illustrated by the blue curve in the figure) and will come to a maximum at the time that symptoms begin to appear.
During the following week, the amount of virus produced by that individual will continue to be high and will then begin to decline. During this first week, after the appearance of symptoms, the person will continue to pose a risk of transmission of the virus. After this first week, the risk of transmission will rapidly decline.
The 14-day quarantine (self-isolation) period is to ensure that anyone infected by the virus before, or at, the time of travel to the UK will develop symptoms, which will indicate further self-isolation for a period of seven days is necessary to prevent transmission of the virus.
Quarantine is a means of reducing the risk of virus transmission, but it does not eliminate this possibility. This is because up to 40 per cent of individuals who are infected with the virus never develop symptoms. It is possible, however, that asymptomatically infected individuals are less likely to transmit the virus than symptomatic individuals.
Part 2:
5 – please supply the official document(s) and guidance that DHSC has supplied to local councils etc that justify local lockdowns and isolation of segments of the population based on an unreliable test that does not mean the person is infected with anything, that has high false positive rates and no independent verification the results are correct.
The assumption of high false positive test rates and no independent verification of results is incorrect. Repetition of tests in a second test is performed on low positive test results and a proportion of all positive results to guard against generation of false positive test results. The results of tests are independently verified by mandatory participation in independent external quality assurance programmes which monitor both the sensitivity and specificity of testing in each laboratory. Further, the results of testing for SARS-CoV-2 are monitored by both Public Health
England (as SARS-CoV-2 infection is a notifiable disease under the Public Health Act 1984) and by the Office for National Statistics.
6 – please supply the official document(s) and guidance that DHSC has that allow the PCR tests to be used as a diagnostic tool/test that is outwith its intended use by its inventors.
Diagnostic tests used in laboratories must comply with Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices and are certified for their use in the UK for medical diagnosis by the Medicines & Healthcare products.
Regulatory Agency: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/medicines-and-healthcare-products-regulatory-agency Finally, outside of the FOIA and on a discretionary basis, in response to using tests that are “unreliable”, the SARSC-CoV-2 RNA assays used in the Lighthouse Laboratories have gone through analytical sensitivity testing, concordance testing with NHS laboratories, every plate has run controls, IQA and External Quality Assessment schemes. In response to high false positive rates, even during an era of low prevalence (where the effect of high false positivity rate is high), ONS work indicated that there could be 1 in 245000 probably false positive rate. This is lower than NHS laboratories. In response to no independent verification, External Quality Assessment schemes are in place (which are run externally by QCMD, Glasgow). All positive sample extracts are sent to Sanger Institute which sequences the virus independent of Lighthouse Laboratories. All the lighthouse laboratories have NHS/University seconded clinical advisors who are all FRCPath-passed registered medical or clinical scientists working as Consultant Virologists or Microbiologists.
Research and job for next week.
Any input from anyone for my appeal refuting their answers?
If that is the case then all testing regimes to enter countries are a farce. Dubai requires a negative test taken within 96hrs of travel or you can take one on arrival. St Lucia requires a negative test within 7 days of travel.
Letter in the Telegraph ” With many European countries going back into lockdown, the pressure on Boris Johnson to follow their lead is only going to increase.
Will he hold his nerve or cave in? I think we all know the answer.”
On that basis we would have surrendered to Hitler as everyone else was doing it
Churchill my arse
Doris probably would and then just become an occupation stooge.
So we are told that “infections” are at 100000 per day and the rate doubling every 9 days as it stands now (with all the Tiers in operation).
So lets do some crude maths.
After 9 days 900000 infections.
After 18 days 2.7 million infections.
After 27 days 6.3 million infections
After 36 days 13.5 million infections
After 45 days 27.9 million infections
After 54 days 56.7 million infections
After 63 days the whole country has been infected and is immune.
All over by the New year!
If community immunity is reached at 70% (top estimate) then it will be all over by Xmas!.
Is this the plan?

No, because that would involve admitting that any degree of naturally acquired immunity exists.
Fauci said (on Sunday on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show) that immunity is only possible by vaccine.
But what about the babies to be born over the next 100,000 years. Don’t be selfish. You need to wreck your life and the life of all your family members and friends to protect everyone else for reasons.
I’ve had the same thought. But we know it won’t happen. The more get infected the harder it will be for the virus to reach new victims. And I’m not a scientist.
But it could be a winning policy statement don’t you think? All over by Xmas…….! FFS
I’m sure I’ve heard it used somewhere before…oh yes, it was to get Britain involved in the most catastrophic war in history.
Yesterday, my brother was in conversation with another lockdown sceptic and they got round to the subject of masks. My brother said that he has never worn one but the other sceptic then said, ‘but you should, because everyone else is wearing them’. I’m not sure where you go with this. Clearly there is herd behaviour going on that is not of the immunity kind.
If your brother was to go, say, somewhere like Egypt, would he insist on wearing a kaftan for the same reason?
Wow what a feeling when I’m dancing on the ceiling
Had to pop into the office today, goon on the door wearing a fucking mask (huge building with about 6 people in it) name and number, follow the protocols…pffft said I.
Met the 2 people I had come to see, no gimpage (thank god, Mugabe has decreed that everyone should be wearing a mask in communal areas). Nice chat, no sd bollocks, had a nice chat about how rude the goon on the door is, agreed due to lack of oxygen. Chatting to my other colleague, don’t work really close but we chew the fat normally.
Very semi sceptic conversation, is he one of us I thought, both agreed will last forever, he did trot out a few lines but I told him PCR test crap and will be over when sage say it is. Both agreed.
Bumped in to him at the photocopier 20 minutes later.
‘Alright Jim’
‘its crazy, big plan for moneyless society, kill off the old folk, normal is gone, masks are shit and disgusting’ it all just spilled out of him, a tsunami.
Fuck me, we didn’t know whether to cry or hug each other. His elderly parents are brainwashed, he has had sceptic posts deleted from FB he has been nervous about going to holyrood (mainly due to employer finding out) convinced him to go, gave him my home made leaflet (freshly photocopied) advised to read up on great reset, Vernon Coleman videos, Richie Allen show and this site. He thanked me, told him we must fight back. He agreed big thumbs up!
Phew…..finally someone who thinks like me. Wonderful.
“he has been nervous about going to holyrood (mainly due to employer finding out”
That’s no problem.We live in a free society where not only is everbody entitled to express their opinion, but dissent is actively welcomed in the marketplace of opinions and ideas.
The employer would be delighted with such freedom of thought if he found out.
I can’t imagine the employer would be delighted. If I happened to be huckled by an overzealous police officer with batons I expect I would be reprimanded if found out.
Indeed, exactly what I told him
What a good day! Great.
I find hugging is the appropriate reaction!!
I have made this poster. I know it isn’t a very polished attempt and could be improved. All suggestions and comments welcome.
I imagine many of the war memorials we have in our towns and cities might have some interesting posters on them come the 11th…
I know our’s will…
(and the brilliant thing is, no one would dare remove them in case they are riddled with Covid!!)
How do I print it off?
Left click, view image, right click save to somewhere e.g. desktop… open that file and print.
Hold your horses! Just found a spare s …mistake! Will repost when back from work later
Well done Rose .It looks great and will make people think with remembrance day upon us .Hope you get out as many as possible ,these are the things that really help the movement.
Massive push this year on the flu vaccine?! I usually get texts telling me I should have one each year which I ignore.. this year, multiple texts and a letter from the NHS…
But they just got through telling us “just flu”.
That and they expect us to believe it’s been confidently eradicated. Think we’re fucking idiots!
Matt Hancock’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattHancock?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
It’s a hoot, complete with cute dogs sniffing out the nasty virus, tales of doom from ICL, and heroic Hancock, saving us all. It is an epic for our times.
Yesterday someone put up a 15 minute video on a small shop learning how to use the Common Law to see of the mask enforcers/finers.
Be grateful if someone would post it again, or similar information. Thanks
Once again “saving the NHS” is more important than saving the economy. The £200bn of additional government spending up to November 2020 could have built ALL AND MORE extra hospitals to care for all the people who become seriously ill from the virus and require hospital treatment. The money could have been spent on all the vulnerable people at a heightened risk of suffering badly from the virus. £20,000 per head on 10m – enough to feed and house each one for at least a year.
Our economy will be destroyed now. That means not enough money for the NHS. Look forward to those over 80 requiring medical support to being given the option of 3 months in a hospice with cheerful flower pictures and a fatal injection OR the old person will be thrown out of the NHS system and will have to look after themselves. Also look forward to dying earlier from your diseases and in greater pain and discomfort.
Nothing comes up in Google for this Recovery group , nothing at all…You would have thought that something would pop up but no.
It’s time for the people to take the government to court. Really!
Boris is a straight face liar, he probably has shares in this vaccine and as we are now in so much debt, this is his poker hand. Be sure that he will resign by March, as he leaves the country with a USA trade deal and no safety net for food or pesticide coming from there. He cares nothing about the long term affect. Business is going under, mental health is at an all time low. Education is all over the place and on top of all this we are heading for a no deal Brexit. Are you kidding me?