Design Your Own Face Mask

You can design your own face mask here. My suggestion above, courtesy of my daughter Sasha who came up with the prototype. We were using it in our merch store but I’ve now closed that because I actually lost money in the first month of trading.
If you cannot bear the thought of wearing a face covering of any kind, even one you’ve designed yourself, here’s a handy solution:

These lanyards are available from Amazon for the very reasonable price of £4.95. Purchase here. According to this piece in Edinburgh Live, you can also get “Hidden Disability” lanyards from eBay. One seller has already clocked up £300.
Get them now while stocks last.
Lidl Won’t Enforce Mask Compliance in Wales (and Neither Will the Police)
Encouraging email from a reader in Wales;
I’ve double checked by ringing Lidl and they confirm that, though they have to recommend masks, they will not be stopping entry or accosting anyone. Our local branch staff are always very laid back and cheerful and have been throughout The Madness. Claps all round for them! Incidentally, to my knowledge not one of them has been ill since early March.
My stepson is a sergeant in the local police and they say they’re not getting involved in the mask business – there aren’t enough of them and they have a considerable increase in mental health problems and domestic abuse calls to deal with.
Why No-One Can Ever Recover From COVID-19 in England

There’s an excellent post on the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine blog by Yoon K Loke and Carl Heneghan pointing out that, due to the way statistics are recorded by Public Health England (PHE), it’s impossible for a patient to recover from COVID-19. Here’s the key passage:
It seems that PHE regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not. PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the Covid test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community. Anyone who has tested Covid positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE Covid death figures.
By this PHE definition, no one with Covid in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a Covid death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.
This is one reason the daily PHE Covid death tolls include so many people who died weeks, sometimes months, ago – they include people who had COVID-19, made a complete recovery, then died of a completely unrelated illness.
Loke and Heneghan conclude:
It’s time to fix this statistical flaw that leads to an over-exaggeration of Covid-associated deaths. One reasonable approach would be to define community Covid-related deaths as those that occurred within 21 days of a Covid positive test result.
In summary, PHE’s definition of the daily death figures means that everyone who has ever had Covid at any time must die with Covid too. So, the Covid death toll in Britain up to July 2020 will eventually exceed 290k, if the follow-up of every test-positive patient is of long enough duration.
Worth reading in full.
Mask-Up, Granny Killer
Laura Dodsworth, the artist who’s started an ‘Art Under Lockdown‘ project, has written an excellent squib for Lockdown Sceptics about the absurdity of the mask edict. Here’s a taster:
According to Michael Gove, wearing masks is good manners. Nicola Sturgeon says they are a sign of ‘solidarity’. Matt Hancock has admitted they are to ‘give people more confidence to shop safely’. The emotionally manipulative and coercive language around masks focuses on what they represent – showing you care. Who wants to be impolite? Who wants to be derided for not caring? While very few people are wearing masks on the high street, online mask shaming is in your face. Covidiot. Selfish. Get over it. Mask up. Granny killer.
Worth reading in full.
No Cost-Benefit Analysis

The FT published a long investigation yesterday into the mistakes the Government has made in its handling of the coronavirus crisis, focusing on the week leading up to lockdown. Unfortunately, the crack investigative team simply take it for granted that we should have locked down earlier – a week earlier, to be precise – and concentrate their fire on exposing the series of blunders and missteps that meant we didn’t lock down until March 23rd.
This trope is now so firmly embedded in the mainstream media, it’s going to take a lot to dislodge it. And it received more support yesterday from Sir Patrick Vallance who told the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee that SAGE urged the Cabinet to lock down a week earlier. He said he couldn’t remember whether it was at the meeting on March 16th or 18th, but whichever it was the advice was that “the remainder of the [lockdown] measures should be introduced as soon as possible”.
One small problem with that claim, Sir Patrick: it isn’t in the minutes of the SAGE meetings for March 16th and 18th – at least, not those released so far. As readers will recall, I parsed those minutes and found no evidence that any of the Government’s scientific advisors were arguing for a full lockdown before March 23rd, let alone the Chief Scientific Advisor. Here’s what I wrote on June 11th:
At no point did SAGE discuss anything resembling a full lockdown. Indeed, SAGE noted at a meeting on March 10th that banning public gatherings would have little effect since most viral transmission occurred in confined spaces, such as within households.
The last SAGE meeting before the lockdown was on March 18th where it was noted that the impact of the social distancing measures introduced thus far would not be known for two or three weeks. The attendees did not at that stage know whether those measures would be sufficient to prevent the NHS’s critical care capacity being overwhelmed and in the absence of more data could not offer any advice on whether additional measures – such as closing bars, restaurants and entertainment centres, and limiting use of indoor workplaces – would be necessary. The only further measure SAGE recommended at that meeting was closing schools.
“SAGE advises that the measures already announced should have a significant effect, provided compliance rates are good and in line with the assumptions. Additional measures will be needed if compliance rates are low.” – Minutes of the 17th SAGE meeting on COVID-19, March 18th 2020
Is this really what we’ve got to look forward to in the forthcoming public inquiry? A forensic investigation of why the Government didn’t lock down a week earlier, with all the protagonists in the drama frantically trying to dodge the blame for the delay, rather than questioning whether we should have locked down at all?
Wake me up when it’s over.
But there is one hidden gem in the FT’s investigation. It’s in the section focusing on March 23rd, when the decision to lockdown was “finally” taken.
Later that day, a plan to lockdown the UK simultaneously finally took shape, an approach backed by leaders in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
On that fateful Friday, Cobra was chaired by Michael Gove, cabinet office minister, not Johnson. Khan says: “I went to that meeting expecting it to be London only.” Gove proposed that the pubs should close on Saturday lunchtime, but Khan and Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, argued that this was a disastrous idea and that Friday night would see mayhem. “There would have been an end of days party,” says one participant.
Gove agreed — Cummings had also come to the same conclusion — and a message was hastily relayed to Johnson, preparing for the 5pm press conference, that Cobra had agreed that the closure of pubs and restaurants should take immediate effect on Friday night. Only Jesse Norman, a Treasury minister, raised any doubts, asking whether there had been any cost-benefit analysis of the economic and health impacts of lockdown or consideration of less onerous alternatives. Around the room there were blank looks: the decision had been taken.
So there you have it folks. Only one person at that critical meeting on March 23rd asked whether any cost-benefit analysis of the impact of the lockdown had been done – Jesse Norman MP. And his question was answered with blank looks. Clearly, no such analysis had been done. When the Government took the decision to lock down the country, it was flying blind.
I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised, but I have to confess to a moment of shock when I read that. My position has always been that if the state is going to curtail our liberty, it needs a very good reason for doing so. My understanding was that when the decision was taken to place the entire population under virtual house arrest, the Government had calculated that it would do more good than harm – that it would have a net public health benefit. I was always sceptical about the claim that it would, but at least the Government had an arguable case – or so I thought. Turns out, they didn’t. They hadn’t made any calculations. They literally had no idea whether such a draconian act would do more good than harm. From the sound of it, it didn’t even occur to anyone in the Cabinet to ask the question. They just went ahead and removed our liberty anyway.
Graham Brady MP: No Fan of Masks

A reader has passed on the reply of her local MP – Sir Graham Brady – after she wrote to him setting out her objections to face masks. It makes for interesting reading:
Thank you for your email.
A number of constituents have written to me with their concerns of this new regulation, with reasonable questions regarding how long we may have this in place and whether this will again be extended to office and work spaces. I am pleased at least that the Government has made it clear that this requirement will not extend to offices.
Other countries such as Germany, Italy and Spain have taken a similar step to try to halt the spread of COVID-19 as their economies begin to open up. The evidence in relation to the efficacy of face masks outside a clinical setting is however, finely balanced, one local specialist said to me that if there is a benefit, it is more likely because a mask makes it less likely that the wearer will touch his face than because of any effect in preventing airborne transmission. I do not think that a compelling case has been made for something of such uncertain value to be made compulsory, but this decision has been made under emergency powers and was not debated or voted on in the House of Commons.
It is important that this regulation, along with other emergency COVID-19 legislation, should only be temporary. My biggest concern is that the government has not set out the criteria on which the decision to introduce compulsion was made, and that we remain therefore in the dark as to when it will end.
These laws sit very uncomfortably with our traditions of liberty and I shall be working to ensure that they do not continue for any longer than is strictly necessary.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Graham Brady
Sad News From Ireland

A reader called Clive Buckley has been in touch to tell me about the news from Ireland. It was good. Now it’s bad.
I’m fortunate enough to have a second home in Waterford County in the Republic of Ireland where I also have an ongoing project. Converting a cowshed in to an events venue. When lockdown started I was in the UK. Managed to return to Ireland end of May and was expecting strict protocols. However, to my delight I found a healthy disregard to the regs as only the Irish know how. No queues at supermarkets, no face nappies. No pubs open, but people meeting on beaches and in each others gardens for beer and company and using their common sense. At one of these BBQs I was informed by a member of the emergency services that the total number of cases in the whole of Waterford County was 166, no deaths and I had more chance of being killed by a cow. The Government were accelerating easing of restrictions. Hotels and gastro pubs, hair salons, beauty parlours would all reopen on July 10th with full reopening of all pubs on July 20th. Happy days. They even came up with a brilliant new slogan: “Take Responsibility, Use Your Common Sense.” Why hadn’t Mr Johnson thought that one up?
Went back to the UK and returned to Ireland yesterday to continue my project now three months behind schedule, looking forward to the re-opening on July 20th and that pint of proper Draught Guinness as only the Irish know how. Then the news arrived.
Listening to Matt Cooper on Today fm it was announced the Irish Government were putting the breaks on re-opening and were going back to plan A due to an increase in infections. A massive rise in infections amongst the young taking the R number above 1. The usual rhetoric about it being cruel and indiscriminate. Numbers? Fourteen new cases and two deaths. I haven’t crunched the numbers but that looks like the virus has all but disappeared. They then wheeled out Professor Gerard Killean from the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental science to justify the new stance. Again the usual rhetoric, but when asked why is it OK for gastro pubs, hair salons, etc. to be open he agreed with the question and stated that they should never have been opened. Nothing should have opened. Not until the infection rate hits zero like New Zealand. What is it with these scientists?
So to get that pint of Guinness I have to book a table in a Gastro Pub, order a substantial order of food to a minimum of €9 (who thought that one up?) and leave after 90 mins. Back to Draught in cans.
Sue Denim Weighs in on Academy of Medical Sciences Report

Longtime Lockdown Sceptics contributor “Sue Denim” – the pseudonymous ex-Google engineer who drew attention to the shortcomings of the code underpinning Imperial’s notorious Report No. 9 – has taken a look at the Academy of Medical Sciences report that predicts 119,000 people will die in hospitals this winter if we don’t wear face coverings, etc. I wrote about it for the Telegraph on Monday (and the Times, rather oddly, wrote about it yesterday). As you’ll recall, the 37 “experts” who compiled that report relied on Imperial’s shonky computer model to come up with the apocalyptic scenario.
I took a look and noticed the following.
Why is a “researcher in atmosphere, oceans and climate” credited as a source of “additional expertise”? Why is one of the contributors from the Met Office? The only parts of the report that address the weather speak in generalities anyone could have said, things like respiratory viruses spread better in winter, or air pollution may exacerbate Covid. You don’t need to be a weather expert to know that people catch such viruses in winter.
Especially odd because the report states transmission is “dominated by indoor pathways”. So why care so much about conditions outside?
Annex 1 is bizarrely out of place for what purports to be a medical document. It’s titled “People’s Perspective” but defines people to mean patients with long-term illnesses, and BAME minorities. What about the people who don’t have long term illness? What about white people? Their perspectives don’t matter and they aren’t “involved in the decisions made about our lives”, as they put it.
It has “not been subject to formal peer review” and they “accept no legal liability for decisions made based on this evidence”.
They say that their IFR estimate is “at the time of writing” estimated to be 1.1%. As you already noted, this is far too high when compared with actual measurements. Why does their number differ so much from current information?
They provide three citations for this value, citations 37-39. Each citation is problematic.
Citation 37 dates from June 11th and is a letter that comes from Professor Ferguson’s team. It argues that herd immunity isn’t reached because number of recorded deaths varies significantly by country, so that means only different lockdowns can explain the inter-country differences.
Citation 38 is a website showing the output of a continuously updated Cambridge model. It estimates IFR at 1.3%. It’s unclear why they conclude such a different IFR from others, but one issue might be that their only sero-survey is based exclusively on NHS blood transfusion donors. Are blood donors really statistically representative of the entire UK population? How have people been donating blood in recent weeks given the lockdowns? Given Ioannidis et al were criticised quite heavily for recruiting people via Facebook, on the grounds that this may have led to an unrepresentative sample, it would appear this methodology may have far worse biases.
Citation 39 is again a paper from Neil Ferguson’s team (credited as Verity et al), which beyond being another model based analysis, dates from March 30th and it thus hopelessly out of date.
There are over 300 citations in this 78 page report. “At the time of writing” isn’t defined anywhere, but it seems likely they’ve been writing it for so long that their conclusions were based on obsolete sources by the time of publication but they didn’t want to revisit and rewrite their conclusions.
At any rate, to support their core figure they give what look like multiple citations, but in reality they’re citing the same people saying the same things in different forums. It looks more robust than it really is.
They now accept that exposure to sunlight is good for stopping Covid and prolonged indoor contact spreads it – so why did they previously recommend everyone be locked indoors and why has this prior failure not reduced their self confidence?
Interestingly, they say 10% of all excess winter deaths are caused by fuel poverty, not influenza. Attributing all excess winter deaths to influenza is a pretty typical way to guesstimate how many people it kills.
“Removing the many practical and financial disincentives/barriers to infection control measures (e.g. loss of income/employment) would improve adherence and mitigate wider health effects”
They mention remdesivir and dexamethasone as potential treatments, but not hydroxychloroquine. What a shock.
Although they observe that lockdown hurts mental health in the first section, by the time they’re discussing what to do this winter they’re only interested in protecting the mental health of NHS workers.
The survey in Annex 3 is interesting.
Oddly, it appears awareness of the NHS backlog is zero amongst the general public (section 3.3, “there did not appear to be an awareness of the backlog among participants in our public dialogue sessions”).
“Participants were aware that many regular health check-ups and appointments have been cancelled… however this combination of local experiences did not translate in the group into a picture of a national backlog”.
Perhaps a way to create more lockdown skepticism is by pointing out that the NHS is now hopelessly overloaded and with no obvious way to ever catch up except by people who need treatment dying (as it’s at max capacity in normal conditions). They estimate the backlog will reach 10 million by the end of the year.
Also, people who know more about the pandemic trust scientists less:
“There was a common perception that a single scientific truth exists around the pandemic and that scientists are the ones promoting and defending it, while politicians are more focussed on protecting the economy.
“But those who were more interested in the pandemic and knew more about it were also more likely to question the mortality and infection figures, wondering whether they are being massaged or underreported. Among this group, those who distrusted the government transferred this distrust to the scientists leading the response, whose position was seen to be politicised.”
The UK May Have Achieved Herd Immunity Already, Say Oxford Scientists
I was ridiculed for making this argument in the Telegraph last Saturday, so it’s nice to get some back up from a team of distinguished Oxford scientists. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Epidemiology at Oxford and long-standing rival of Neil Ferguson, has a preprint out in which she and her team argue that “sufficient herd-immunity may already be in place to substantially mitigate a potential second wave”. How come? T cell mediated immunity.
The Herd Immunity Threshold… may be greatly reduced if a fraction of the population is unable to transmit the virus due to innate resistance or cross-protection from exposure to seasonal coronaviruses.
Worth reading in full (although it’s quite technical).
Care Home Death Mystery

A probate lawyer has emailed me to tell me about a care home death that strikes him as suspicious.
I recently dealt with an Estate where the person died in a nursing home in April and where the Death Certificate, which was issued two days after death, gives the sole cause of death as “COVID-19 (confirmed)”. The speed with which the Death Certificate was issued is, in itself, suspicious, as I know from other clients whose relatives died around that time that it was taking at least a couple of weeks to get the Death Certificate as Registrars had cancelled all face-to-face meetings.
However, apart from the fact that the deceased was nearly 94 and could therefore quite easily have died at any time just from old age, I have a friend who works in that nursing home and who tells me that the staff there have not been made aware of even a single case of COVID-19 amongst the residents, let alone any deaths.
This suggests to me that either the doctor deliberately falsified the Death Certificate (which surely must be a criminal offence), or that the management of the home has not given the staff information which is crucial for them to protect themselves and the other residents (which is likely to be a serious breach of Health & Safety legislation).
Sadly there is no way of knowing, because the funeral has taken place and even if the family were to challenge the cause of death, no doubt they would be told that the test samples (if there were any, which I doubt) have been lost or destroyed.
I no longer believe anything this Government tells me about COVID-19 and it never ceases to amaze me how many people do seem to trust them (over things such as face masks), when those same people would normally not believe anything the Government (especially Boris) tells them!
He makes a very good point and it reminded me of the late David Crowe’s analysis for Lockdown Sceptics of why Sweden has suffered so many deaths in care homes. Could it be that the real reason for the high death toll in care homes during the lockdown is not that COVID-19 ripped through them, killing elderly residents, but because, for a variety reasons, those residents were badly neglected? Managers were distracted by the need to obtain PPE and put social distancing protocols in place, staff went off sick, relatives weren’t able to visit to make sure their loved ones were okay, and as a result tens of thousands of people died. However, rather than admit it was due to negligence, the care home managers simply told the doctors that the residents in question had died of coronavirus and the doctors were happy to put that on the death certificate.
And on to the round-up of all the stories I’ve noticed, or which have been been brought to my attention, in the last 24 hours:
- ‘The Government has lost control‘ – Good piece in Spiked by Ben Pile
- ‘With all these confusing mask messages, I’ve forgotten how to be human‘ – Strong piece by Judith Woods in the Telegraph
- ‘Wales BANS public transport users from talking on mobile phones, reading newspapers, eating food or running for the bus in new Covid rules‘ – I wonder how many train services in Wales will still be running in a year’s time?
- ‘The lost boys: the white working class is being left behind‘ – Excellent cover story by Christopher Snowdon in this week’s Spectator
- ‘Millionaires for Humanity‘ – No, it’s not the Onion or the Bablyon Bee, although it might as well be
- ‘The COVID-19 Panic Shows Us Why Science Needs Skeptics‘ – Good piece by Peter St. Onge for the Mises Institute blog
- ‘Back to School? “No Thanks” Say Millions of New Homeschooling Parents‘ – That’s the response of millions of Americans after the closure of schools. Will millions of British parents react the same way?
- ‘Why Sweden Succeeded in “Flattening the Curve” and New York Failed‘ – Good analysis for the Foundation for Economic Education blog. Tl;dr: New York did less to protect its elderly and vulnerable population. Lots of graph porn
- ‘If this is the best argument Matt Hancock’s got, the public inquiry will be a horrorshow‘ – Michael Deacon, the Telegraph‘s Parliamentary sketch writer, on a bad day at the office for Matt Hancock
- ‘The Royal Society of Medicine in conversation with Lord Sumption‘ – Lord Gumption interviewed by the Royal Society of Medicine. You tell em, m’lud
- ‘Pizza Express to close dozens of restaurants‘ – Too sad. A Young family favourite. Mrs Young worked as a waitress in Pizza Express aged 20 and I’m partial to the Quattro Formaggi with extra ham
- ‘Corona: The Simple Truth in Six Minutes‘ – Excellent video summing up all the myths about coronavirus and everything we now know to be true. Show it to your mask-wearing, Covid Nazi children
Theme Tune Suggestions By Readers
Only one today: “The Masquerade” by George Benson.
Small Businesses That Have Re-Opened
A few weeks ago, Lockdown Sceptics launched a searchable directory of open businesses across the UK. The idea is to celebrate those retail and hospitality businesses that have re-opened, as well as help people find out what has opened in their area. But we need your help to build it, so we’ve created a form you can fill out to tell us about those businesses that have opened near you. Now that non-essential shops have re-opened – or most of them, anyway – we’re now focusing on pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants, as well as other social venues. As of July 4th, many of them have re-opened too, but not all. Please visit the page and let us know about those brave folk who are doing their bit to get our country back on its feet – particularly if they’re not insisting on face masks! Don’t worry if your entries don’t show up immediately – we need to approve them once you’ve entered the data.
Note to the Good Folks Below the Line
I enjoy reading all your comments and I’m glad I’ve created a “safe space” for lockdown sceptics to share their frustrations and keep each other’s spirits up. But please don’t copy and paste whole articles from papers that are behind paywalls in the comments. I work for some of those papers and if they don’t charge for premium content they won’t survive.
I know it becomes difficult to navigate the comment threads after 24 hours. One alternative to continuing to post below my updates is to move to our new Lockdown Sceptics Forums, which webmaster Ian Rons has just created. You’ll need to verify your email address before you can start posting, but they should be relatively easy to navigate. Apologies for not creating them sooner. Any problems, email Ian here. Or just email him to thank him for creating such a great website.
Shameless Begging Bit
Thanks as always to those of you who made a donation in the last 48 hours to pay for the upkeep of this site. It usually takes me several hours to do these updates, which doesn’t leave much time for other work. If you feel like donating, however small the amount, please click here. And if you want to flag up any stories or links I should include in future updates, email me here.
Gone Fishing
I’m off to Italy today, back next Friday. Hoping to do my bit for the Italian economy, which is facing a “disaster” due to the lack of tourism, according to the Telegraph. I’m heading to Venice with the family for three nights, followed by four nights in the Dolomites. I will try and get at least one update done from the mountains, but cannot promise it will be very long as I need a bit of a break. Hopefully, the new Lockdown Sceptics Forums will sustain you all until my return.
Spectator Column

In this week’s Spectator I’ve written about the misfortunate of having my name included in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book”.
The column begins:
Every time Jeffrey Epstein is in the news, I start getting calls from strangers wanting to scream abuse at me. This happened a lot when the billionaire financier was found dead in his jail cell last year after being arrested on sex trafficking charges, and it has started again following the arrest of his ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell a couple of weeks ago. The reason is that my contact details were in Epstein’s “little black book”, and whenever his name pops up some kindly soul takes it upon themselves to post a picture of the relevant page, which shows my mobile phone number, on Twitter. I may have to change my number, so frequent have the calls become.
I then make a protestation of innocence that won’t convince the peado-hunters:
I can honestly say, hand on heart, I’ve no idea how I ended up in Epstein’s address book. I never met him and never set foot in any of his houses, let alone on his private island. Not that anyone believes me when I say this. Ever since the contents of the book were published on a gossip website in 2015, the people in it have been frantically protesting their innocence. Charles Finch, the film producer, told the New York Times he had no idea why his name was there, as did Vanessa von Bismarck, the founder of a PR company. Joan Juliet Buck, the former editor of French Vogue, said: “As far as I know, I never met Epstein. I never went to any of those famous parties at the biggest house in New York City.” To the conspiracy theorists piecing together the web-like connections between the dramatis personae, these denials might as well be admissions of guilt.
My theory is that, in reality, the address book belonged to Ghislaine Maxwell (and I’m 99.9% sure I’m right):
My best guess is that, in reality, the address book belonged to Ghislaine, whom I do know slightly. When I lived in New York between 1995 and 2000, I bumped into her occasionally at parties and the London address listed as mine dates back to that period. (I sometimes worry about a mob of enraged paedo-hunters turning up outside my old Shepherd’s Bush bedsit and demanding justice.) Rather unhelpfully, the Daily Mail recently ran a picture spread showing Ghislaine out and about “in society” and including a photo of me saying something funny to her in a nightclub, making her howl with laughter. Ever since, that picture has been posted dozens of times on Twitter, alongside the relevant page in the “little black book”, as if it were proof that I was a member of Epstein’s inner circle. It’s guilt by association, although as I point out to the screamers on the other end of the phone, Ghislaine hasn’t actually been found guilty of anything. Needless to say, the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t cut much ice with them.
Worth reading in full.
Salem 2.0
I thought I’d give my readers something to chew on while I’m on a break: Salem 2.0: The Return of the Religious Police to the Public Square. This is a book about cancel culture that I’ve been working on for a while now, but which took a back seat during the coronavirus crisis. Hoping to get back to it as the crisis recess – although that’s happening more slowly than I hoped. It’s a work in progress, so don’t expect too much. The shape of it should be pretty clear, however.
To join in with the discussion please make a donation to The Daily Sceptic.
Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban.
Vive la resistance!!!
I enjoyed a convivial evening with some friends from (our lockdown sceptic) church last night. Good food, squashing together around the keyboard, playing silly games, conversing over a shared interest.
I say this not to show off or make people jealous or whatever, but because I highly recommend getting together with other people, whether an official anti-lockdown group, or friends with a shared interest, be it church, tiddly winks or simply people you know who do not consent. This is the best tonic to the blues that many of us are feeling, this is what makes us human.
We must keep old normal life, real life going in any way we can so that there is something left to salvage when all this is over Keep going, stay strong, support each other!
If this is a war, we are the resistance, and defeat is not an option.
Hear, hear! Good start to the day, Hugh.
The Great Reopen UK businesses are asked to open – please share
30th January there is a call for British pubs, restaurants, hospitality to reopen. Just like Italian restaurant and bars are doing
Who’s prepared to fight for their livelihood?
More importantly who’s going to get off their backsides & support them?
You want your pubs back, your social lives…take them!!!
#Reopen #Pubs #restaurants #
Do you want to defeat Johnson & Hancock? Here’s how, in 70 seconds.
Google is ‘holding a gun to our head’ by threatening the removal of the search engine in Australia
Sky News Australia
There is another way forward, DuckDuckGo.
Biden Invites China Into US Energy Sector
Mahyar Tousi
I have been using it. It’s easy to use.
Ivermectin success is being suppressed by the vermin since January 3rd
Please ask all you know to forward these links and even print flyers to place in any sane businesses.
The question needs to be asked ; why is the UK refusing to use a proven medication with NO side effects that has been safely used for many years, but continue to push a vaccine that has had NO reliable testing and has already caused deaths and incapacitations ?
Now even the US has approved ivermectin
It should be noted that even India is now far ahead of the UK in treatment of the mythical COVID ( aka flu ..) virus
And the definitive opinion that should be followed;
The scamdemic was over the minute the governors and mayors and other politicians in charge encouraged the riots back in May
Joe Biden Takes the Throne – Trump Is Finished!
1.68M subscribers
First They Came For The Conservatives
FACEBOOK shuts down Socialist Workers Party in Britain
Tony Heller
98.5K subscribers
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
– Winston Churchill
Wannabee Dictator
Yes, we need all pub, cafe and restaurant owners to come together and open up. We are ready to take a table and to stand by the resistance needed to oust the this bs. If Italy can do it so can we.
good evening – Katie Hopkins – Gyms PROTECT the NHS
15,424 views•23 Jan 2021
Katie Hopkins. Full interview to follow. My love to gym owners and gym bunnies
In the U.K. they are all locked down
The reason gyms and hairdressers are closed is because Boris doesn’t go to either of them
Couldn’t agree with you more! We’ve got friends coming over to snowshoe on Sunday. Being outdoors with them is legal, but once we invite them inside we become law breakers. We’ve got no neighbours so there’s not any risk of getting caught, but it just feels good to socialize and give the government the middle finger. So yes, stick with like-minded people and family members who aren’t nuts and stay human. Normal is the only way I’m willing to behave. Stay strong and socialize whenever you can!
Snowshoe? Sounds lovely, though I guess it could describe quite a lot of places in Canada! Then again, parts of the UK have been a bit “Canadian” just recently – brrrr….
I’ll tell you what triggered my latest rant though. I was so upset to read Poppy’s post and what her BF has been going through. So many victims, so much hurt, we need to resist however we can. The victims of lockdowns are in my thoughts (and prayers).
Mine too. I have a meeting with my MP this week and I am going to read out to her some of Poppy’s post from here.
Good luck with that.
Fake news about Covid-19 – History Debunked
The British government has been rebuked by the Advertising Standards Authority for spreading fake news about the Covid epidemic.
More cracks appearing. Great!
My blood boils when I read the stories of suffering. I said to my husband last night that I’m ashamed of our generation (we are in our mid-50s) — we’ve left our parents to rot in LTC facilities and screwed over our kids. By “we” I of course mean those in our generation who are pulling the strings — I don’t mean to disparage those of us who are middle-aged sceptics. We’d go back to normal in a heartbeat if given the opportunity and would never have implemented this insanity.
If you’re Canadian, you have to find ways to embrace winter! We’ve cut trails on our property and the snowshoeing is amazing. It’s invigorating and it’s great for both mind and body. When we can lure people to come over and make it a social event, it’s even better.
We did this last weekend with friends… just sat around a kitchen table for a few hours. We have “zoom fatigue”. We literally cannot look at friends and loved ones on screens anymore. The human connection has revived us. We are now house hunting on Saturdays for human connection. Most estate agents will remove masks when we explain we find it hard to understand masked faces. It’s literally saving us!
I’ve never actually used zoom.
Perhaps I should try house hunting. Maybe in Westmorland…
You have never zoomed… that’s why you are able to stay human. It is dehumanising! Terrifying that all school children are now placed in front of a screen all day every day. Absolutely chilling! While the teachers unions have enabled teachers (I’m sure many are furious) to sit at home on furlough or teach to a camera while babysitting a classroom of children also glued to screens and plugged into headphones. We have to save humanity!!
These things really shouldn’t be a part of teaching.
I am a teacher and I absolutely agree. I hate all of the technology.
Everybody looks ugly on zoom, even people I like such as Neil Oliver.
That’s exactly what a zoom call is, dehumanising. My 12 year old grandson loves playing football, he is in the local team. As most forms of excersise is now banned in Scotland his team leaders trying to keep in contact with the young players set up a regular zoom meeting.
I set him up on my tablet and left him alone. When I checked in on him, he was playing on his phone while some players and team leaders struggled to keep conversation going. The following week I made excuses for him, I couldn’t put him through that torture again.
Yesterday a couple of lads from his team were in the play park next to my house, he went off to see them and as I watched these children play, laugh and run about, what struck me the most was my grandson smiling and talking, this doesn’t seem much but he’s such a deep wee soul and doesn’t smile much anymore but this proved to me, how very important this physical interaction is to him and zoom calls just lead to him going deeper into himself and being with his peers physically brings him out of his shell.
I am so happy for you and him we have to keep this going
I truly hate zoom. I make all manner of excuses to get out of zoom church activities. It just feels all wrong. Yes, it’s fine to chat people who live far away, but in the same town you could see in person, no way.
I loathe Zoom with a passion. Ditto the other alternatives. We do (I organise) no church Zoom activities – never have. We meet on the Lord’s Day, and on Wednesday – it’s surprising how many who turn up with masks will then break the law by hanging around afterwards….
Imago Dei – it shouldn’t be hidden, and neither should it be pretended that pixels are the same.
I have never used Zoom or Skype, refuse to. Face to face contact is the way to go. I now just ignore all these silly rules.
Same. I just cannot do zoom or any other replacement activity our evil government has given us to let them off the hook for destroying human interaction.
Until early last year you had child experts and educators bemoaning about the amount of time children spent in front of screens. Now where are they?
Happy to sacrifice child development on the altar of Covid and the Church of the NHS I suspect.
We’re going to Essex next week househunting
I would love to sit round a table with friends like in the days before the PTB decided to destroy our way of life to make way for their own warped ideological purposes. Unfortunately, old friends are fully signed up to Lockdown and won’t hear of it, and family is too far away.
Excellent that sounds great
Dead right we have the kids and partners around a few times a week for dinner, still visit relatives and have done since day one. Just common sense if anyone is unwell don’t come if fine your welcome.
Hugh, good to hear. I have just sent a private message to you. I would be very grateful if you respond; many thanks in advance!
excuse my ignorance but how do you use PM on here please?
I mentioned ‘tiddly winks’ to a lady I met walking by the river. She came round, we got tiddly and then had forty winks together. Almost felt human again.
Haha love it
Well done. We have consistently ignored the command to salute with the arm at 45 degrees, and have always welcomed anyone in.
The main inhibition is those who – for the best of reasons – wish to be cautious for our sake.
As I’ve said before, we are told to cough into our elbow and then we are also told to bump elbows. Strange…
Thank you for posting, Hugh. Important court hearing on Monday for a judicial review regarding restrictions on worship in England and Wales.
But England churches can all open?
Well done. We must stay alive by whatever means and keep our friends alive too despite what the state is trying to do to us!!!
Sounds wonderful thanks for sharing.
I long to meet Christians who are not hard core Covidians. All churches closed for safety. When and if we get out of this safety dystopia, it will take me a long time to forgive the Church.
I am thinking about setting up a network of Christians for mutual support
We have a small prayer group. Sadly, it has to be on beastly zoom because we are far apart geographically, but we are together in our concern for the victims of the current lunacy and our rejection of Church cowardice.
Great idea. I’m grateful to whomever provided the link to the irreverends podcast which has been on my headphones when I go for a walk. I’d never have found it otherwise.
Lockdown Stories: I contemplated suicide | 20-Jan-21
A talkRADIO listener has said she contemplated suicide because of the stress the lockdown.
Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer, Sarah Banks from Derbyshire said: “When Boris first announced the lockdown I went into a panic state. I have childhood trauma, and anything that makes me feel out of control triggers that.
“In the first few weeks we muddled through. Things started to get worse for me. I was spiralling out of control to the point where I walked out of the house with the full intention of taking my life and not coming home.”
Ms Banks said her children were happy to return to school but her eldest child struggled after two pupils tested positive in her school bubble, meaning she had to isolate.
She added her family have only seen her mother-in-law through a window since March: “We bought her an iPad but the home haven’t been able to find the time to connect that to the Wi-Fi.”
Time to get over the trauma then.
Awareness of mental health issues is great, but the idea is that you then take time to fix them. Or you make changes to avoid that issue affecting others. Not expect the rest of the world to change to fit around you.
You don’t “get over” trauma. You can learn to manage the damage but it takes a long time. Suggesting that someone “gets over” trauma usually comes from someone who has such deeply buried trauma, they are terrified of being made to face it. They have buried their trauma so they want others to bury theirs. We see a lot of these people in positions of power, because power gives them the false sense they have “overcome” the trauma. Hitler was famously bullied by his father. How different the world might be today if he’d had help confronting and managing his pain rather than trying to “get over” it by gaining the power to inflict pain on others…
“Not expect the rest of the world to change to fit around you.”
As with masks and lockdown????
That’s a major mental illness.
“Not expect the rest of the world to change to fit around you.” You mean like peope who think the rest of the world should lockdown to deal with their fears.
On a separate matter, if there was an award for the most insensitive post on LS, you would win outright.
Lucan has to be 77th Brigade.
You make a valid point, perhaps it didn’t come across as intended, for that I think you may have been harshly judged.
You are right, no one has the right to expect everyone else to surrender their freedoms to pander to their fears. Or indulge others by facilitating their fantasies.
I note the majority of sceptics are socially conservative, their old normal was hell for some more naturally introverted people, yet before cv19 socially conservative people imposed their social rituals on society and ostracised those who felt uncomfortable with them! Touche.
As a libertarian with a introverted personality, I have no issue with some of cv19 mitigation measures, some are common sense, eg large social gatherings etc. & i feel some sceptic complaints border on trivial, sometimes you have to make compromises at exceptional times, whatever your opinion on cv19, it was an unexpected event that required some urgent intervention.
WHAT I OBJECT TOO IS ANY FORM OF COMPULSORY ENFORCEMENT, COERCION OR MANDATORY GOVERNMENT DIKTAT. This medical problem became a political crisis the moment government interfered allowing technocrats to take our freedom for their safety! Any mitigation should have been advisory with government increasing capacity. Now this mild medical issue has opened a pandoras box of political opportunism that will shake all our lives forever.
Is 40 down arrows a record? Should I congratulate you for most unpopular comment.
Probably what he wants.
Time to go off duty corporal.
“Havent found the time” – how shocking – what is that Home trying to hide?
Furious MP SLAMS “Failed Lockdown” Destroying Great Britain
I love Desmond Swayne MP
If only we had 360 Desmond Swaynes instead of the current dross in Parliament.
China’s Takeover Of The UN
Mahyar Tousi
I think it’s time to stop whining about the PRC. Their role is of interest, but this has been a western foot-shooting exercise.
China never twisted any arms, what this highlights is the wests drift into dictatorship, would politicians of the 50s 60 or 70s followed chinas lead?
The Clown Show Begins
Tony Heller
Excellent video, thanks!
Most people haven’t a clue about how percentages work. The only message they’re capable of getting at the moment is ‘just go on being terrified, it’s always a good reason when it’s got “per cent” tagged on to it.’
As I never listen to government propaganda, I didn’t know that they were trying to stigmatise us dog-walkers.
But it makes sense. Joggers project an image of aspiring healthiness, which the medico-Fascists obviously loathe. But joggers don’t stop to talk. Of all groups, dog walkers are the likeliest to stop and chat, both with other dog walkers and with people at large. We carry the deadly bacillus of sanity.
Bouncy energetic dogs must help in this spreading of happiness, I mean the virus, too.
When we had our two spaniels taking them walkies always took 10 times longer than it should have because of all the dog owners we would meet on the way. Those were happy dayz!
Always happy to talk to a happy dog and owner when out walking. I had no idea how these simple pleasures are so important to me.
‘aspiring healthiness’ – yes, they are determined to keep on breathing!
I had no idea about the ads but have noticed a lot more dog walkers the last few days. We all chat to each other and all unmasked and old. The only masked one is my 30 year old neighbour.
Of all the mad things we hear now, and have got used to hearing, to a degree, this was amongst the most stupid and actually made me laugh. And I’m not doing too much laughing these days.
Just back from walking my three dogs…..
There was a horrific quote from a Government advisor on the BBC website about ‘ we need to reduce mobility’. It made me think of old people losing the ability to walk, people developing claustrophobia and people shut in their houses contemplating suicide. That is what not getting out and about does and that’s not including things like obesity and heart disease. You’d think they wanted to kill us all.
The best thing all of us can do to “reduce pressure on the NHS” is to keep up our physical and mental health. This cannot be done by staying at home.
Call just went out from No 10 for more pooper scooper snoopers…
Straight away you see the agenda.
The new variant is more deadly and more transmissible…fatality could be 1.3% as the original variant is 1% deadly (already disproven is it not).
The answer? More lockdown ofcourse. Now even more strict.
This is what they want
The answer is always more lockdown….just like with an abuser where the answer is always more punches in the face.
You are absolutely right! The brain washing techniques used by the government are exactly the same as a coercive/abusive relationship. there is a name for it; Neural Linguistic Programming. That’s why there are behavioural psychologists like the Marxist Susan Mitchie on the SAGE group.
Parliament made coercive control a criminal offence, but not when it is perpetrated by organisations. Why the exemption?
Let’s get some sanity back into our lives. So many are suffering from misery, depression, unemployment, kids’ education being ruined, financial troubles, boredom, undiagnosed cancer, basically the loss of nearly a year of meaningful life. 67,000,000 meaningful life years lost, and that’s just in the UK
And for what ? Why are the sheep volunteering for slaughter ?
Over the course of 2020, there were 54,000 excess deaths in total from 14th March to 1st January according to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and that includes the effects of lockdown and people being terrified of using the NHS because of the scare campaign by the government. So 54,000 people, under 0.1% of the population, died more than would have if there were no COVID and no lockdown.
Of these, around 20% or 10,000 were under 75, that’s around 0.02% of the people of this age. So we locked 60,172,000 under 75s in their houses to avoid 10,000 deaths, which happened anyway ? What were the government thinking ?
And we stopped millions of children going to school, when the ONS tells us that 20 people under 20 died of COVID in the whole year.
They say it would have been worse if we’d had no lockdown, well look at the graphs comparing Sweden to the UK, France and Italy, or comparing Peru to Brazil. Look at the difference between states in the US that had lockdown and those that didn’t – no difference.
Why was lockdown imposed on London in January 2021 when the infection rate per the King’s College Zoe app was going down from 28 December ? Why are the graphs for the different regions on the Zoe app all different and none show a sudden change at the date of lockdown being imposed or at a given interval after it ? Why have the deaths involving flu and pneumonia been around the same in 2020 compared to the previous 5 years (other than in the pandemic spike around April when they were worse) if lockdown has any effect ?
In short, there is no evidence lockdown achieved anything and there’s a simple explanation for the government line and their friendly statisticians so beloved of the BBC, and doctors like Fauci in the US with his new found importance (and longstanding self-importance !): they’re either lying or ignorant (wilfully or otherwise).
But these people have nice comfortable jobs, they can work comfortably from home, they earn reasonable money: they’re middle class, middle age, middle/ high income. They’re not living in a council block having been laid off or furloughed with their kids at home with no school and having their and their kids’ prospects being destroyed.
Why did only 14 people die on the Diamond Princess of 3,700 in total, when the age profile was very old and it was referred to as a ‘petri dish at sea’ or in today’s terms a 2 week superspreader event followed by a 2 week ineffective quarantine ?
And of the figure of 54,000 deaths, nearly all were in the last week of March to the first week of May. In the so-called ‘second wave’, excess deaths have been running at about 1,100 per week. That’s around 200 per week of the under 75s – this is no reason to shut pubs, restaurants, travel, let alone schools. The second ‘wave’ is a ripple.
And we’re worried about the NHS – well please tell me which major city other than London of 9 million people, capital of a major world economy, try to run itself on 1,000 critical care beds, 1 per 9,000 people.
Please, someone, tell me what’s going on ?!
It’s as if the whole world with few exceptions has forgotten any sensible concept of risk assessment, that they can’t add up, aided and encouraged by innumerate but possibly well meaning doctors and scientists like Whitty and Vallance.
These politicians and ‘scientists’ are destroying our lives, our jobs, our children’s education – taking away everything it means to be human, and for what – the loss of 200 lives per week for the under 75s.
The insanity must stop, the world must go back to normal immediately. WAKE UP – we’re frogs being slowly boiled to death.
Superb post as ever Laurence. This says it all.
Thank you, very much appreciated.
Do you want to defeat Johnson & Hancock? Here’s how, in 70 seconds.
Please send this to your MP. OK, s/he is almost certainly a useless, brainless, spineless sheep, but even so…
All politicians should have to live in a council block. And send their children to the sort of schools that they propose to impose on others.
I suspect that what we are seeing is the power of group think. And of patronage.
We are seeing the use of induced Fear as a propaganda weapon.
Yes that is exactly so. We are in a war being waged upon ourselves by our own government.
Thank you very much for taking the time to do the analysis and put this study together. I shall be making use of the results.
Excellent succinct post.
Thank you very much.
What’s it about? Follow the money – the imminent collapse of the dollar now bolstered by more money from outside the US flowing their way through zoom, Amazon, Uber, Netflix and most of the vaccine suppliers that might have gone to local businesses without the virus (see Offguardian). The end of the financial year might just mean the end of covid19 unless it didn’t work in which case we’ll get covid21 caused by the adverse reactions to the vaccines .. we’re just pawns in a game and of no real consequence to the players.
I totally agree but my view is that this is a world takeover by Bill Gates and his cronies. Bojo and other governments are getting instructions from him
They’re clearly getting their instructions from someone. Gates is implicated up to his neck but is also too obvious. The real puppetmasters have the power to stay invisible.
Digging further… Average UK life expectancy = 80 years / 4160 weeks. The equivalent of 16,105 individual lifetimes are thus condemned to be lived without basic freedoms, rights, pleasures, security, health assurances and /civil liberties per WEEK of lockdown.
Or, put another way.
The UK government is sanctioning over 2.000 equivalent lifetimes EVERY DAY to be lived deprived of those same basic liberties we previously took for granted.
Absolutely superb.Spot on.
I hate to admit it, but I am starting to buy this conspiracy
theorystuff. The great reset, or some version of it… folks like James Delingpole seems to have gone off the deep end and now swim exclusively in those conspiratorial waters. Toby and us sceptics occasionally dip our toe in, but most remain in the shallow end. At which point should we start looking elsewhere for explanations? Or perhaps it will be too late by that point..As Ivor Cummins repeatedly says in his videos: Why are they doing this?
To die of Covid is, by and large, to die of old age.
GREAT post. That sums it up very well. A key part of the psy-op is to make people think the only way to think is how the government tells people how to think and that NOBODY thinks any differently.
I think in reality many people are now being forced to question their reality and are confused and conflicted because what they thought about the world is being massively challenged.
The Corona Project is a long standing plan, to use a naturally occurring virus to trigger a fake global pandemic in order to be a catalyst for massive social change. To enable a global transition into a new economic and political system. All the rest of who benefits is obvious, they knew the corona bomb was falling and got ready.
It’s a global script. A business plan. This is why it looks so stupid and ridiculous, this is why it is so damaging, this is why the one-size-fits all approach is being used. The script was written by people who are really bad at writing scripts.
People are just starting to see this scam with their own eyes, despite the constant barrage saying there is only one way to see what you see, OUR way. The two pictures just do not match. There is only one way this can go. Their edifice of bullshit will collapse, the amount of effort in sustaining it is just not, to use their term, “sustainable”.
“The second ‘wave’ is a ripple.”
Which is why I am disturbed when I see the term used here (and ‘cases’ and ‘infections’ as substitutes for ‘PCR+’)
“possibly well meaning doctors and scientists like Whitty and Vallance.”
I find it difficult to accept that Messr’s Witty & Vallence should be described as well meaning. Both men are well qualified both professionally and intellectually to know that when they stand up at the press briefings they are pedalling bullshit and snake oil.
Whitty’s body language often makes it clear that he’s lying and uncomfortable about it.
He’s often distanced himself from Vallance’s assertions too.
Vallance seems to use the same botox as Hamcock.
It’s the PCR test stupid
The PCR test is just one of the means.
If this is the dreaded ‘second wave’ then what wave number for colds or flus are we on?
What wave number of death from cancer are we on?
It’s a ridiculous wording designed to keep you scared. And guess what? It’s working!
I’ll grant them the second season. Wave is just silly.
Each day a new spin on the lies, throwing the public off the scent. You can see what they’re doing! When sceptics start digging up the truth and putting it out there, the ‘convenient’ scientists throw out some new data and fear mongering for us to latch our jaws into and start chewing away at. It’s almost like we’re all being played.
I hope it is not my tax £ that is paying for the “security” for the likes of ferguson, whitless and valance,
You’ll be glad to know it isn’t. Your tax doesn’t pay for anything and hasn’t since at least the 1930s – probably before.
Taxes for Revenue is an obsolete concept in a modern financial system. That at least should be clear from the last years activities.
The security firm went doing anything else. So we either pay them to do nothing, or pay them to do something.
With luck, not for much longer
So let me get this right…
The UK is said to be the most compliant with govt over reach also the first country to offer a vaccine, and vaccinate so many, yet the virus mutated more here…
Hmmm if only there was some link…
“A SAGE warning revealing that scientists are only 50% sure the Kent strain of coronavirus could be more deadly was handed to ministers just hours before last night’s ‘scare-mongering’ press conference, it has been revealed.”
This reminds me of the weather forecasts that the Met Office used to put out when they didn’t have a clue what the weather was going to be like tomorrow. There will be a 50% chance of rain, translated as, it may rain, but there again it may not.
File under totally useless information.
If I toss a coin, I am fifty percent certain it will land heads.
“Believe me madam, there’s no hurricane coming tonight.” Michael Fish, October 1987.
“…believe it kills 30-91%| of people”?! Surely not, even given that some people’s numeracy is abysmal.
Or “the science”.
Someone really does need to tell them there’s no such thing.
Chilling how our language has been completely infiltrated. Before 2020 there was no article before “science”… it was just “science”… an evolving, ongoing study of the world that should – by definition – be regularly reviewed. Now it is “the science”. They once burnt people at the stake for denying “God’s truth”… it’s scary!
That isn’t true. The way Covid is discussed in public is exactly the same as climate change.
There is such a thing. But it’s not an immutable body of knowledge – it’s a process of rational thought that has a serious evidence-based methodology.
I think the problem is with the word ‘the’ – there is only ‘science’ not THE science: it’s not a monolith
Or the 1/3 people don’t have any symptoms advert.Very misleading.
It should say 1/3 people who have Covid don’t display any symptoms which is very questionable anyway.
… or 1/3 of people claimed to have ‘Covid’ actually don’t.
Clearly the scaremongering wasn’t working and they needed to up the ante.
It’s got to the stage now where they are not even pretending they are doing anything other than reading the tea leaves.
Vitamin D might protect against the virus. No we can’t issue it to everybody as a precaution even though it is cheap to do that.
Slight variant in virus may hurt some more people – in winter in the cold and dark after being depressed for months. Maximum precaution and panic!
It’s not even emotionally consistent now, never mind logically.
This pathetic ‘government’ does absolutely nothing to help the public. The only thing they know is how to lie.
I do remember reading that they were actually going to issue vitamin D supplements to the vulnerable. Sadly, it was only a pathetic 400iu.
Gaurdian helping the GReset with:
Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption
According to zap map there are 60 individual charging points in the city of Edinburgh in total. Six zero. 550,000 people live in the city of edinburgh.
The council voted to ban fossil fuel vehicles from the city centre area prior to covid84. The council has delayed that city change until 2022 because of covid84. There is not an inner ring road around the city, there is not an outer ring road around half the city.
So electricity is made by magic, without harming the environment?
Academics, yes Them, suggest five cars can be charged from each lamp post. Not a joke but a proposal.
Alternatively your electric car can be kept at Park and Rides at the edge of the city, you take the bus from your city centre home to the outskirts to pick up your car. Again, not a joke, a proposal.
This is where those plastic cones and painted lines of covid pavement widening in every town is leading.
Do the five cars at the lampost have to be stacked on top of each other?
And cobalt batteries are ever so environmentally friendly too lol.
Powered by the same magic that keeps Santa going all night.
Absolutely. We get ours directly from the outlets

I observed earlier this week that in the Derby Arena lower car park there were about 30 cars, but all of the 5 or 6 electric charging points were unoccupied.
So Neil O’Brien MP, the smug, odious c**t who has been using his Twitter platform to attack lockdown sceptics or “Covid sceptics/deniers” as he likes to call them. Can nobody see the game here?
An absolute no-mark of an MP (I never knew he existed) clearly given a small team of tech archaeologists to trawl through the past tweets of people like Clare Craig, Toby Young and Julia Hartley Brewer, using these tame “gotcha” attempts to destroy their credibility in public. These attacks are becoming more unhinged, personal and threatening, and its all intentional.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been given access to 77th Brigade operations as he is a focal part of the asinine trolling that most of us social media users have had to endure. What I am accusing Neil O’Brien MP and the government of is simple – this man has been given a specific mission to attack prominent sceptics online. He is not “high profile” so as such, he and the government feel that he can act with impunity and get away with these cowardly tirades. He is an attack dog, nothing more.
I wonder how faithful he will be to this role when the lawsuits start mounting up?
I suspect, along with the 77th Brigade, he is also involved with the Integrity Initiative.
Have you heard Neil O’Brien in his interviews on radio. He really loses it calling presenters stupid. When you are losing the argument resort to these tactics. I’ve had the same with climate change for years. I’ve watched the enormous amounts of money wasted on lame projects, usually paid to friends in high places. I stopped getting involved. Brexit was another story I got challenged on. Again if you look into the background of MPs and associates that were remainers, often you find the reason.
He sounds like a self absorbed politician (even by their standards) but unfortunately with a large majority so he is safe.
Another PPE degree so no doubt well versed in science.
Probably doesn’t think he’s essentially promoting censorship.
If you have to censor people then you’ve already lost the argument.
Bob Ward of Grantham Institute is an excellent example. Grantham who funds it made his pile selling US wood pellets to Drax.
Things I know for absolute certain, no matter what ANY politician, doctor, journalist, friend says:
1 human beings need constant connection with other human beings in order to survive and thrive
2 putting anything over your mouth and nose inhibits your ability to breathe normally
3 natural immunity to a virus is always better than artificially induced immunity
4 no healthy human being should ever be incarcerated for 14 days against their will if they have committed no crime
5 if someone is not displaying any symptoms of a disease, they are a healthy individual and no test in the world should be used to suggest otherwise
6 children have a fundamental right to play with each other, especially outdoors when weather permits
7 anyone who disagrees with the above points should ask themselves whether they GENUINELY disagree or have been LED to disagree.
Let me know if you disagree… and why.
hear hear
So, as a matter of policy, lockdown care homes. Deny the residents access to their relatives; indeed anyone except minimal support from staff for essentials. And when they die of isolation, loneliness and depression call it Covid 19.
I know… I have a family member in one. Agoraphobic so would not even consent to being brought outside when outside visits were briefly allowed in the summer. A brainwashed friend has a mother locked down in a home… furious that “rule breakers” and “vaccine refusers” are the reason for mother’s decline in health. Those of us who understand MUST survive this no matter what it takes, we have to live to tell the tale of what was done.
I understand that some Nazi concentration camp victims survived because of their burning desire to tell the world what had been done to them.
Our bodies are not threatened, but our souls are. We are surrounded by zombies with dead souls, spiritual Musulmänner.
Keep that burning desire.
I understand their logic if that’s the case – but I’m just not convinced the majority of people will do anything other than turn their faces to the wall and just look blankly at us for explaining to them that not everyone is “having a good War” and the vast majority of us are having a darn awful war and it’s worse for some than others. The comfortable/unthinking Covid believers don’t want anything upsetting the mental state of selfish little them. Some of them will do their darndest to tell us to shut up/to block their ears/etc in order not to listen to us telling it like it is.
The problem for them is that there will be no evidence to support their faith.
Yes we must. We are war now
ah, I see you’ve read ‘If This is a Man’ too! – strange, I’ve been interested in the accounts of concentration camp survivors, survivors of totalitarian regimes, all my life, now I wonder – is it this lifelong study which enables me to recognise it when I see it, or perhaps am I just a person with a hammer to whom everything looks like a nail?
The death camps were surely the stripped-down essence of totalitarianism, which has nothing to offer anybody except death, or the power to inflict death on others.
What we have now is a grotesque new version, in which bodies are secure and well-fed, but souls are systematically starved and killed. Obviously you’d have to be insane to prefer the concentration camp version, but the new version is, in its way, just as corrosive of civilisation. Both versions demonstrate that there is no limit to human corruptibility, which is what totalitarianism both feeds and feeds on.
One reason why I try to be a Christian is that Christianity acknowledges the infinite corruptibility of Man, but insists that it is redeemable by the infinite goodness if God. Non-Christians will find other approaches.
It seems my mother in law has taken to the bottle. She gets an endless supply of Baileys which she puts in her coffee, but she’s been overdoing it and they have had to take her bottle of Baileys away from her which I think is a damned cheek. She’s 97 FGS isolated from her friends and family that’s the only joy she’s got left!
I cannot even begin to comprehend any moral justification for this deprivation.
How can anybody here disagree? We’re human. We’re sane.
I know WE are, Annie. But we are outnumbered and I’m scared! They are taking bigger and bigger lies to ensure that anyone challenging them is vilified. Prominent people must be too scared to challenge… it gets worse and worse!
Eventually the lies will be so gross that even the zombies will notice. Hang on in there.
Thanks Annie, every time I feel hopeless I come here. This community has literally saved me from losing my mind. So grateful! We must have a big LS party when this is over.
Yes I like that idea
Lies such as the Kent variant, for example?
The Kent variant has veracity. Unfortunately it came from a lab testing a dying patient (kept alive with family agreement for the purpose) creating a mutation by using vaccines on their ineffective immune system. The information is all traceable online. It seems journalists are simply not interested.
There are thousands of variants. Mutate is what viruses do – and Sarscov2 has had over a year to get on with it.
I agree. The lies are already so ridiculous that people are seeing through them.
I feel the same. I try to remain positive as I don’t want ‘them’ to win and take that away from me too. I will admit though, I am scared of where they will take this and if in the very near future, it will become ever impossible for me to see my grown up daughter who lives 120 miles away. Of course I will do everything in my power to continue to see her, but I think, it is this thought that really terrifies me
same here. my grown up children live 200 miles away. it has crossed my mind that I will be plotting a back route which I will cycle by night, spending the days sleeping in the woods….
That sounds like a nice thing to do. Well worth doing even if there was a covid meltdown.
Well done friend – a simple list often helps.
100% agree. How could any sane person not?
The Covidiots ie zealots are not sane are they?
No they are certainly not!
They have literally been scared witless.
Spot on!
couldn’t agree more my friend. ironic isn’t it that a year ago nobody in their right mind would have predicted that they would ever hold any other view!
The horrific lessons of the Romanian orphanages, has obviously been forgotten or ignored. These children were so damaged from emotional/physical neglect, the majority would never make it to adulthood. A newborn baby, not shown any physical affection or nurture, will not survive much past their 6th month! Damage from Loneliness is equivalent to smoking 60 cigarettes a day!
No one here will disagree. But how can we convince the majority out there otherwise? I have had constant clashes with friends, family and supermarket guards over masks, PCR testing, lockdowns and vaccine efficacy (not against in principle, but serious doubts how effective this one is). Any ideas how we can loosen the grip the MSM and government have over the vast swathe of ordinary people in the UK and beyond?
We can’t give up. Double down on the ethics. Just keep saying, “I can’t support something that is so unethical.” When they trot out the propaganda about all the covid deaths, look at them, puzzled, and say, “But destroying the lives of healthy people is MUCH MORE unethical, wouldn’t you agree?” We have to reach them through these chains of brainwashing madness…
Seven hundred upticks if I could do it.
Do it over an extended period of time and you habituate shallow breathing even when you don’t wear a mask. After all, the mask exemplifies the fear of breathing in and out properly.
Reading this last night. Written in 1889. Very prescient. (No prizes for identifying it :-).
Let’s get on with it.
“We are creatures of the sun, we men and women. We love light and life. That is why we crowd into the towns and cities, and the country grows more and more deserted every year. In the sunlight – in the daytime, when Nature is alive and busy all around us, we like the open hillsides and the deep woods well enough: but in the night, when our Mother Earth has gone to sleep, and left us waking, oh! the world seems so lonesome, and we get frightened, like children in a silent house. Then we sit and sob, and long for the gas-lit streets, and the sound of human voices, and the answering throb of human life. We feel so helpless and so little in the great stillness, when the dark trees rustle in the night-wind. There are so many ghosts about, and their silent sighs make us feel so sad. Let us gather together in the great cities, and light huge bonfires of a million gas-jets, and shout and ring together and feel brave.”
From one of my all-time favourite books.
Nature for me. They can stuff their gasjets.
I don’t want a prize but would like to know. It might get me to start reading, an occupation Einstein said was overrated.
Clue: JKJ afloat
Imagine Blobjo, Shitty and Valium together all paddling madly to keep their sinking, cobbled-together raft of lies and hyperbole afloat….
Please, don’t even mention them alongside J, George and Harris, whom I love like brothers.
If you haven’t yet read ‘3 Men in a Boat’, you have a real treat in store (‘3 Men on The Bummel’ is not too shabby either!).
And never confuse your cushions with your Kusses.
More project fear.
Takes me back to the immediate post 9/11 where each day was another elevation of the danger level from “possible” danger to “imminent” to “help help there’s a bearded man eating hummus looking at me”.
Only difference then was the level of dissent and rational protest. The anti-war movement. Investigative journalism. A small but influential group of refusenik MPs. Huge swathes of the young, the students, the old militant 60s demographic, all challenging the narrative.
Now? Silence.
Judging by the replies to Peston’s tweet, the only people in the entire country who trust Neil Ferguson are the complicit media and the people who make the rules.
What a shambles.
Generally avoid Peston. Did catch him the other week in a powerfully incisive interview with Vallance where he asked him the question we have all been wanting to know. “What do you do to relax and unwind in the evenings?
By the way, the answer was TV box sets. My money had been on drowning kittens in a sack, but there you go, it’s why Peston gets the big bucks.
Exactly – it’s nothing to do with the virus, it’s about control. Having cut carbon emissions by 7% in 2020 by ruining foreign holidays and destroying small businesses already, they need to do it again in 2021 – shut down aviation altogether? I hope not.
I saw a headline a couple of days ago saying we will not meet our emissions target for 2030! I say fxxk the emissions target I’m not staying at home so Bozo and his elitist mates can brag that we met them!
cutting carbon emissions is also a lie. the global warming hoax was a precursor to the global killer virus hoax. it’s not about any of those things, you have to scrape away the veneer of lies before you get any kind of glimpse into what’s really going on
Yep just change virus for terrorism for climate change. These three things are totally interchangeable as key drivers for social control. All of them, deep state holograms used to terrify humanity into compliance, bit by bit.
The Totalitarian Tip-Toe, Problem-Reaction-Solution.
The planet is greening up nicely with the extra carbon. A bit more and some of the deserts might begin to disappear.
7% cut in carbon = 150m at risk of death because of extreme food poverty.
It’s almost reminiscent of the scene from The Hunt For Red October where Jack Ryan is trying to figure out the conundrum “How do you make people want to get off a nuclear submarine?”
The massive increase in air travel is blamed by most climate zealots for playing a considerable role in the so called “climate emergency” (yes, I am a sceptic). When the Icelandic ash cloud hit Europe in 2010, the six days when almost all air traffic was grounded, the skies cleared considerably, which is what they would love to replicate. You can almost see those in the WEF asking themselves a similar question.
“How do you make people NOT want to fly anywhere any more?”
I believe that they found their answer.
These podium corona briefings from the Prime Muppett and his henchmen would be laughable if it wasn’t for the deadly seriuosness of their consequences.
Can anyone really believe what is being said?
Even Bojo didn’t sound convinced by what he was saying and I am willing to bet “the Science” will not be validated viz. this new variant lethality; they even couched what they said with caveats about it.
Blatant scaremongering and so irresponsible in tax payer funded functionaries but sadly likely to be taken in by the majority.
My wife saw bits of it on the news.
Whilst I railed at the tv set and what was said she felt differently.
She said something along the lines of: “It makes me afraid not to believe what they say” and it would make her more anxious to live otherwise than in accordance to government diktat, I suppose.
Clearly, I have failed as a sceptic in convincing my own household of the justice and correct basis of our cause!
She, with my daughter, wants me to be vaccinated. I am holding out on a “wait and see” basis but will still probably decline it.
By the way, can anybody point me to a link or source where someone taking methotrexate died in the Pfizer trial?
Since I take methotrexate, I will probably receive an earlier slot for vaccination than my wife – Sod’s Law.
Doesn’t your wife recall seeing on the news Whitty and Valance telling us that there would be four thousand coronavirus deaths per day by November of last year?
Is she not aware that when the government changed its position on face masks, Whitty had to admit to a Select Committee that there was no evidence for the change of policy?
Does she not know that the same committee was told that scientific evidence for the two metre social distancing rule was “the precautionary principle” ie, there is no evidence?
Has she not noticed that each lockdown has been introduced after the number of so called cases have already started to decline?
Is she not aware that the so called vaccines are still in the trial stage and have not been licensed? That the manufacturers do not even claim that they confer immunity? That they have side effects, including (judging by the experience of Norway) a more than a one in a thousand risk of death?
Does she not realise that the so called the science is in fact nothing other than pseudoscience?
Thanks for your reply.
She knows most of what you rightly reference from me.
Just to no avail.
This deliberate fearmongering evokes a visceral response rather than a reasoned analysis in most people.
My wife is an intelligent person (she did marry me,after all!) but her anxiety is too much for her.
I have to add that the fearmongering evokes a visceral response in me too but one of instinctive disbelief and distrust.
I really cannot understand the fear! The evidence that this is a sham is all around us yet people choose not to see it.
Between March and June last year the whole population was subjected to mind control and brainwashing techniques.Deprived of normal human contact this is the result.
I’ve seen the result with family and friends.They know something is not right with the official line but they always revert back to the comfort blanket of official propaganda.
I always assumed it was because with a 1 in 100 or 1 in 400 or 1 in 10,000 risk of death (delete according to your individual risk profile) from the virus, was enough of a risk to induce fear in many people.
For me, a virus would have to kill about 5pct of healthy 48 year olds before I got scared. Mostly because I never get sick. Never had flu, mumps, German measles etc.
Though it brings little comfort, Plato’s Cave perfectly encapsulates the difficulties we face as LD opponents.
I haven’t watched one! There is an upside to not watching live TV.
If you are pushed into vaccination a prescription will have to be given as the vaccine is unlicensed except for emergency use. Point out to the vaccinator that you are on methotrexate and get them to sign indemnity against damage. I bet they won’t.
No reason why Methotrexate should be a contra indication to having the “vaccine” but it may impair its efficacy- Mrs M is on similar and has been told this by her specialist nurse, anyway.
There has been NO contra indication testing done for ANY medication. Be careful.
Neil O’Brien MP strikes me as thoroughly modern and fashionable. He asserts that facts he does not like are disinformation. He thinks that asserting something is false is a refutation. He believes casting aspersions on a person’s motives demonstrates the falsity of any evidence they have presented. He thinks rhetorical appeals to his moral superiority trumps evidence and reason. He assumes accusation is proof of guilt. He believes he has the right to censor. He assumes his sensibilities are superior to sense. For Mr O’Brien is always right and anyone who holds a differing opinion is mad, bad and dangerous, a threat to society, and should be stripped of their rights.
interesting – because I think he’s a kind of grotesque distorted mirror image of the RIGHT position, the TRUE position. (ie- my position
It is not ALWAYS right to give the other side the courtesy of listening to their point of view, debating it like a gentleman; it is not ALWAYS right to give them the courtesy of assuming they are acting in good faith – sometimes that is misplaced trust, sometimes that is to give them too much credit. There ARE circs when they should just be shot down, without any courtesy at all – would you have listened to Hitler’s point of view about the gas chambers, would you have politely debated with him about it? – this is a battle between good and evil, it is not a scholarly debating society
Hitler never publicly acknowledged the existence of the gas chambers.
He is just a good reminder to any previous Tory voters never vote for the shitty party again ever…..he is the kind of person you get. They really are filth.
Perhaps the electorate or the local party would care to express their views?
And more importantly offers not one item of evidence to back his claim up. All disinformation and smears. This is using SJW methods this is how they cancel people. Keep punching the same story and eventually its somehow believed?
He has a website devoted to disinformation and smears:
Unsurprisingly he’s a PPE graduate – couldn’t hack the medicine degree he started. Never had a proper job in his life. Too fucking many of them in parliament like this I’m afraid.
Using the figures that Boris based his 30% on he could have said it decreases the chances of survival from 99% to 98.7%. Wonder why he didn’t…
You are correct but looking at survivl rates, the other side of the coin of covid statistics doesn’t inspire the righteous fear that this government of ours seeks to engender in it’s public.
Yes he should be honest but be isn’t and never has been over this whole shit show. I bet he didn’t even have COVID when he said he had it!
That miracle of miracles, dying on Good Friday, miraculously recovered Easter Sunday. The unholiest resurrection. And he wasn’t shoved straight onto a ventilator, like all the other poor bastards who were being admitted for Convid, 9/10 of whom did not survive, the protocol still being used by the No Health Service
They make you think everyone is on a ventilator, but being in a “ventilator bed” doesn’t mean a ventilator is being used – in my hospital only about 1 in 6 in those beds are actually ventilated, and not for very long. Most will be on CPAP or just oxygen. Most deaths are the very elderly or unwell who are too sick to be ventilated – and as everyone on here knows, ventilation is no walk in the park and can kill a fragile body. So frustrating to see the stats put out, and it scares people and puts them off coming for their appointments for other conditions. And wastes appointments that other people could have used, as they often decide not to attend on the day, after seeing the latest nonsense spewing out. Our hospital was in a TV report, and next day 125 people rang to cancel outpatient appointments as they were scared they might “catch it”. However, interestingly there’s no sign that anyone is worried about distancing when they’re queueing up for they vaccines!
They must know the wheels are coming off this thing. They must be absolutely terrified. They can’t back peddle now. So the only way forward is keep on lying, let the lies get bigger – so big that anyone disputing them will be crucified as a “denier” (we are denying the LIES not the virus/disease) and this is how religion takes hold. Every time!
I’m denying the virus. The virus is at the centre of the lie. I’m denying it all: I don’t see any baby to extract from the bathwater, it’s ALL bathwater, with no baby in there at all: just pull the plug on it
My baby is the fruit of an asymptomatic pregnancy and you just flushed it down the drainpipe! You have asymptomatic blood on your hands! Waaah!
Perhaps we can join Creepy Joe’s new wars to take people’s minds off this monstrous cock up.
The cracks are showing
For once, I feel slightly optimistic that cracks are appearing in the polit bureau of Johnson, Hancock, Vallance et al.
“The new variant is 30% more deadly” said the clown, intending to scare people into more lockdown, knowingly speaking utter bullshit. “No evidence,” chorused SAGE, “but please press project fear.” “Right, we’ll cut you off,” said the rest of the world, adding a further cruise missile under the economy.
“The vaccine won’t work against Variant South Africa,” Hancock spluttered. “Shut the f**K up,” said Vallance, worried he would spill the beans. The cracks are showing: the exit strategy won’t work. We have to live with the virus; vaccination might help but I think they know it is not going to deliver what they want.
Meanwhile the next crack needs to come from Rishi Sunak or a treasury leak. Lockdown (and future government debt repayments from it) costs EACH taxpayer about £130 PER DAY of lockdown (that’s my estimate). That might motivate a few more Tory MPs to consider joining the recovery group.
I thought it was originally 70% more deadly?
70% longer lasting, no, wait, that was fairy liquid.
Fairy Liquid: Hands, Face, Soft.
Those hands that do dishes are as soft as your face!! Aaah great advert
Oooh! Stepford Wives flash back.
Mutant strain? My arse!
Jim Royle
”…mutation is a humdrum aspect of life for an RNA virus. Because these viruses employ an intrinsically error-prone RNA polymerase for replication, their genomes will accumulate mutations during every copying cycle. Moreover, these cycles can occur on the order of hours, ensuring that a diverse virus population will be generated within a single infected host. While this amazing capacity to mutate fuels the engine of evolutionary change, most mutations adversely impact some aspect of virus function and are removed by natural selection. Hence, although a mutation that changes how a virus is transmitted or its virulence may readily appear in a virus population,”
The Major General strikes again:
They are the SAGE committee, they know all about the Virus,
And they have a hundred thousand tricks, with terror to inspire us:
They imprison us at home and tell us coffee cups will kill us,
And a thousand other lies they spout and with them gaily fill us.
They’ve reduced the hoi polloi to herds of meekly bleating sheeple,
They have stigmatised the attitudes of sane and decent people;
They convinced the brainless masses that they’d save us with their vaccine,
But now we’ve got the snake oil, there’s no sign of SAGE relaxing.
They love to see their puppets on their jerking strings a-dancing,
And the war against the sceptics they are every day advancing.
In short, their total lack of all humanity and pity
Makes them the very model of a Fascist SAGE committee.
Now their latest trick is mutants, and they have them by the million:
There’s one that comes from Kent and there’s another that’s Brazilian,
There’s one that’s from South Africa and one that comes from Singapore,
And one from the Antarctic that was never on the wing afore.
There’s one from Windward Islands which is carried on bananas,
And one from Sleepy Hollow that you catch from your pyjamas.
In fact, the bug’s mutating like there won’t be a tomorrow,
And the way that things are going there will not be, to our sorrow.
For their criminal conspiracy these variants aren’t dispensable,
And they are fully proof against suggestions that are sensible:
In short, their total lack of all humanity and pity
Makes them the very model of a Fascist SAGE committee.
And yet, if they knew what is meant by ‘sense’ and ‘moderation’,
If they had the slightest interest in our children’s education,
If they gave a thought to all the harm their lunacies are causing,
If for some calm reflection we should ever see them pausing,
If they ever lent an ear to someone’s dissident opinions,
If they stopped feeding the poison to their ministerial minions,
In fact, if they showed traces of quite elementary sanity,
We might see a mitigation of their monumental vanity.
But their devastating arrogance shows no signs of decreasing
And they will not stop tormenting us with miseries unceasing:
In short, their total lack of all humanity and pity
Makes them the very model of a Fascist SAGE committee.
Genius – thank you! Our very own G&S poet laureate, take a bow!
Utterly brilliant – please get Toby to reprint so all can see!
Hear hear!
That advert must have been a doozy for my wife to mention something to me (as she knows how enraged all this stuff gets me) after hearing it during a walk she took on Thursday.
Morning all!
Gives a new meaning to cough up extra cash!
This could be a post, then again, it might not be, but possibly it is, but perhaps not, the evidence, or lack of evidence comes to a possible positive-negative conclusion, that maybe certain factors, if confirmed will demonstrate this to be true-false.
Every morning I feel like I’m watching some kind of distorted pantomime after seeing the headlines. Complete bunch of incompetent lunatics running this country.
This Kent variant bullshit doesn’t appear to be washing with many so I hope it backfires on them. Until the next time.
They will start messaging about the Scottish Jacobin variant next, sweeping in from the north, scything and slicing and destroying. Anything to keep the fear mongering alive. Variant of the week.
Scything and slicing sounds more like the Boadicea variant. At least they won’t have to go far for the photo op.
TheTurdgeon variant. You get it from dry cleaning without an appointment.
The Dungford variant. You get it from buying tampons.
The Merkel variant.You get it from cloth face nappies.
The Macron variant. You get it after 6pm.
And so ad infinitum.
Maybe its what we deserve when we delegate the direction of our lives to snake oil salesmen. We could take responsibility for ourselves take some risks & not surrender our freedom for a false sense of security, but will we ever! History suggests not.
Kent variant is the same as mexico flu in 2009 and Spanish flu in 1918. Invented name to get people to think in terms they want.
Watch the must see video posted here a two days ago. 19 mins. Jonathon Van Tam is in the audience learning how to concoct a pandemic in the minds of the people. Spoiler -alarm overentirely normal death rates. Naming the variant Kent is precisely the learning from the EU/Chatham House lecture on the link.
Correct. Most infectious diseases suffer from the same – they simply disappear the existing disease into a new one. CV 19 will disappear too (we did it the idiots will chant, we did it!, we killed the CV 19..) then the next year it is CV 19 relabelled as Budweiser 21. Bud and CV are the same. Just a different name. Usual game.
I watched that video with interest particularly as I believe that meeting/seminar was held in 2019.
May was in Downing street as the room makes arrogant smirks about various world leaders. It is essential viewing imo.
it’s demonic
It was, January 2019.
I’m finding that the more we lockdown sceptics come under fire from Covid moral busybodies, the more sceptical I become.
nothing like a witch-hunt to make a martyr, is there
Yes I am much the same but conversely, at the same time, the covid zealots become more entrenched in their position and so, like dug in armies, we face each other with apparently no means of breaking the impasses? I find I do not need any more articles, graphs or data presentations to convince me that this is all totally mad what I cannot see is how to break the deadlock and make any sort of progress back to sanity?
”There must be some way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There’s too much confusion
I can’t get no relief”
Maybe we just have to wait a few weeks until the figures look less scary and the spring weather starts to come through? Anybody got any good ideas?
So true! I’ve decided I am not prepared to put up with this bollox any longer and if I get fined for breaking any restriction, I’m not paying it. The only way forward to to start saying No!
Excellent I think we all need to be doing this
Absolutely! Which is why I have family coming round this morning (who also have a healthy disregard for lockdown). We will hug, share food and sit together on the sofa. Blimey, who’d have thought that something so innocent could feel so subversive?!
The boys at Triggernometry (a Youtue duo) said recently once the vulnerable and higher age groups have all been vaccinated, that they’re going to stop following all the restrictions. I’m thinking of doing the same – not that I go out or do much as it is. There is a cut off point for the lockdown, and it’s up to us, not the government, to decide when that is.
Proves we have traction.
village pond for you.
Sorry, can’t come out, I’m self-isolating.
From a researcher in a discussion group I belong to:
I’m getting some interesting information from some colleagues that have been working on the transmissibility of new variant COVID. It seems to be disappearing as quickly as it arrived. The rapid reduction in R has taken a lot of people by surprise considering new variant should have an R of 2.6 to 3.8. Also, it’s caught the attention of some incredibly bright people in virology and also some very, very hardcore mathematicians.
Why did new variant only peak at about 1.8? It’s not lockdown that’s the answer here because they are arguing new variant was here from *August*.
Essentially, it looks as if the new variant took hold in areas where old variant had not infected… as such, these people are arguing, it was not *more* transmissible, it was that the population were more susceptible. If new variant was that infectious, these people are struggling to understand is why there were not *more* cases.
In other words, something happened from transmission from South to North to render new variant less effective.
The garbage from SAGE/Imperial is actually the kicker here…. they can only isolate 8% of cases of new variant. Yet, it should be dominant by now – as SAGE said it would be.
Only it isn’t that dominant. We have the PCR test that detect it, so either ONS has ballsed it up (very doubtful), or, something happened to the virus. This is puzzling the hell out of the analysts. In plain English, it’s not taken hold for some reason and travelled up through the country as SAGE said it would.
One of the NERVTAG guys has broken cover… it’s very hard to read (I have no idea how he got the data but I recognise it) and I cannot argue with his charts.
Also, it explains why NERVTAG have gone all Fourth Horsemen on COVID… because they went early and tried to scare the bejessus out of people. They are doing the same now with the Saffer variant. In short, Imperial drew the wrong conclusion, new variant came and went for some reason.
At the same time the Government have no idea how to run an effective balanced Public Health policy, no ability to manage a project and step back and evaluate data and information from a longer term strategic perspective. and so they are;
” infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. ”
They jump around like scalded cats at every bit of scientific tittle-tattle with no idea how to run a sensible public health policy. How do we end this cycle of dancing to the nonsense of all the scary predictions?
You would think the government is weak and letting all these vainglorious scientists take the lead with massive leaks from different meetings coming into journalists. They have succeeded again having all the flak and criticism directed to a bunch of diverse vain scientists glorifying themselves in media attention. Every time there is good news, government is in command, every time bad news with a massacre in our nursing homes, suddenly we have this “control” over to the scientists. Let us face the facts. This country with the most brilliant scientists, tradition in public health and science driven government policy has had the worst pandemic outcome in the world with the highest death. This with one of the highest GDP fall in the world. It is remarkable that the public still has not realized that they have spent more on the NHS during one year for a pandemic result which is one of the worst in the world. And the price of deaths from collateral damage with increase in cancer deaths etc will just increase. The government is in charge, not the scientists
That’s a very interesting post for me.
Thank you very much.
Could you perhaps keep us informed if you hear more whichever way it turns out?
Will do
This region was not particularly hard hit in March April so ‘should’ have had a worse second spike. Despite Kent Covid being detected a month ago ‘cases’ have been going down for a week when Lockdown .3 is 50% complete at most.
Who is the NERVTAG guy that has broken cover so I can try to find what he’s said? I agree the latest spike is just that rather than the shape of the previous curves. My area was very low went very high and has halved in two weeks, incidence was negligible until November lockdown.
The amateur day traders are reacting to all the random fluctuations in the data.
That’s how I like to describe what is happening.
Its a curious coincidence prof lockdown whose made a career out of being badly wrong resurfaced with the new “deadlier” mutant. Is he the
foolfall guy?Brilliant post! Thank you.
The updates above the line only now rarely feature a restatement of the basic case against lockdowns
Someone landing here for the first time would find mainly links to wishy washy or worse mainstream press articles with some barbed comments. Truly sceptical articles seem to be much rarer now than they were a few months ago
If the target audience above the line is at least in part those new to scepticism, I’m not sure they are getting the ideal message
It seems a good idea to follow this policy at the moment. Basic indisputable facts rather than speculation. Gives less ammunition I think.
Right… pantsdown revised down his IFR in the light of real data, what the rest of us know as reality, but, worried that he might have overdone it again, is revising it up again….
His model seems a bit like that board game ‘Battleships’; he is making what, in gunnery terms, is known as a ‘bold correction’….and so the new strain is computed as both more infectious and considerably more deadly than the previous strain. Has he played Battleships with the other 10,000 strains yet? So much fun……
But then some spoilsport called ‘Hospital Admissions’…this is the equivalent of the ‘Spy’ in another board game, a maverick piece capable of killing all the other pieces except the most lowly (which we call the ‘General Public’, although, of course, in reality, hospital admissions…..)….goes down rather than up.
So we are invited to believe that a really infectious, really deadly mutant virus stalks the land, the ‘Kent covid’, while decreasing numbers of people are admitted to hospital?
Hang on…..we do, do we not, have some recent hard data from Kent when this deadly mutant first appeared, 15,560 lorry drivers mingling whilst munching Yorkie bars and swapping tall tales over all day breakfasts in a lorry park previously known as the M20…..and they were all tested….36 positives.
The ‘Battleships’ code appears to have a bit of a major glitch
Maybe try modelling something a bit simpler……perhaps ‘Happy Families’ a jolly nice card game that makes families happy while they go about their everyday lives, free as birds in a famously liberal democracy…..except that isn’t very realistic now either, is it?
The only thing that is realistic is that the prospect of May elections is putting the fear of God into this government, so they are, bless ’em, once more trying to put the fear of God into us to give them an excuse for another delay.
The longer they leave it before letting the voters have a word, the less they will like what the voters have to say……
Things that used to be mentioned here often that are no longer mentioned often:
David Icke
Piers Corbyn
The Bernician
Street protests in the UK against lockdown
And on the other side:
Flatten the curve
Shop for your elderly neighbour
People have been dehumanised.
So the ASA has taken exception to the Governments advert on joggers and doggers (sorry thinking Peter Kaye) and they have acted swiftly to stop the advert – next week. With a multi million pound firm behind this do you really think they got the rules wrong? The fact this will have run for several days and planted a seed is actually the point they clearly wanted another nudge. The advertising equivalent of telling a jury to forget a point they have just heard.
I was concerned about the delay!
I do object to being called a “lockdown SCEPTIC” when I stand unequivocally AGAINST lockdowns. Have been since DAY ONE. They are a cruel, anti-human shoehorn into authoritarian and anyone supporting them is either a true facist or brainwashed… no excuses now, the evidence mounts up day by day.
I’m not skeptical at all.Im totally against them.The government do not have the right to deprive me of liberty and livelihood to protect a failing state institution.
I am a Lockdown Rationalist. I know they don’t work and that they have killed circa 50K people in the UK.
I am a Covid Rationalist. I had it, know it is severe and know that vitamins, sunlight, UVc, exercise, water, and common sense can kill it. No need for vaxx’s for the vast majority, no need for fake tests to fuel hysteria.
I am Diaper Rationalist. I know they don’t work, make people ill from their own bacteria and Co2 and are religious symbols of obedience.
I refuse to submit to the Religion of the Covidiots. This is not scepticism alone, but a mixture of science and realism. We are science.
Same here
I oppose the LD, it’s illogical to have any skepticism towards this policy at all. LD itself, is completely illogical to anyone sane!
I agree. It’s like being called “vaccine hesitant” when you knew before they were rolled out that you wouldn’t ever have it.
LS Saturday, same format: negative article making us all feel suicidal, followed by graphs talking about ‘Covid cases’ for which there is no test; a small gem from Claire Craig; an attack on ‘lefties’ and a request for money. Can you please get some editorial control which concentrates on 1 thing, Lockdown Scepticism, please!!!
There should never be any attacks on ‘lefties’ and I am certainly not one myself. I now find people like Melanie Phillips to be my sworn enemy and Lord Sumption to be my friend. All other political issues are frankly irrelevant compared to this. It has redrawn the political map totally. Until lockdowns are gone forever I have no interest at all in any other issues. As Laura Perrins said who cares about the shape of the coffee cups when the coffee shop is closed.
Yes, no traditional left or right anymore.
Those recognisable divisions were probably ended at least when Blair became PM.
The animals that are “more equal than other animals” have just changed their stripe.
Lockdown, like Brexit creates alliances between people who would not have been, perhaps, the most natural of friends.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Sainsburys. Essential food shops and delivery must remain open.
Be warned if sainsburys make a mistake in their delivery to you they won’t correct it and leave you without food.
Hearing of an experience from a friend. They bought food to be delivered by sainsburys. They are organised and so buy ingredients to use together to create meals. Y’know, they cook.
They are not so mobile and do not like the atmosphere in shops nowadays. The forecast being for snow they tried, and now regret, using sainsburys.
They booked the earliest delivery slot five days away, a bit of a wait but acceptable – there’s a plague on etc..
When finally delivered many items were missing from the delivery. Paid for but not delivered. The sainsburys call centre could not have been more helpful – a refund of money or nothing. Since the next delivery slot was five days further away my friend had to get food elsewhere to complete recipes.
Who ever heard of an essential to life food delivery service saying – well, we had a go at delivering your food but we didn’t quite manage it, sorry, have your money back better luck next time.
We’ve tried the main four and in order of “best” (because they all make errors):
May this nightmare be over soon.
I’m trying to persuade my wife to let me do the shopping in person now – Lidl is pretty good.
We’ve been using Tesco Click and Collect, we have to book a slot about 5 to 6 days before as its quite popular but I have to say we haven’t had any real problems with our order, other than a couple of niggles, but nothing major.
I have to book three weeks ahead, and as early in the morning as possible when the new slots come up. Still worth it. The local cc man is now quite an old friend.
Wow 3 weeks ahead! It must be very difficult to gauge what it is you’d need by then!
You can revise your order any time. I just grab the slot and order enough random items to confirm it. It’s nerve-racking, because you can never be certain you’ll get a slot, and nothing on this earth would get me to set foot in Zombie hell.
Good ‘charts’ thanks! Yes Lidl have been good.
Absolutely fine to make errors. Expected, given the variables within the system and the pressure. It is astonishing the option was to have a refund. A system ought to accommodate errors and be capable of correction.
Personally, I just get up very early and use Tesco before the crowds arrive. I want to see and pick my own fresh produce.
My friend has been shopping for 84 years (give or take time in pram I suppose), she’s unable to in icy conditions.
I either go 30 minutes after store opening or the final hour before closure although with the latter, the fresh food options are more limited.
All food delivery services can have substitutions or omissions. It’s very frustrating but has been like that for the last 20 years with the 3 different services I use. I don’t see the reasoning behind it other than poor stock control systems; they certainly should not let you order something they don’t have.
In these days of not wanting to visit the dystopia which is the local superstore, I am ordering more options than I need and freezing or storing ingredients that are left over, if there are any.
Today’s delivery has just been announced to me as having no missing items which sound great until the driver has to withhold something too damaged to be useable.
As I tried to relate. The issue was there was no rectification.
What about a B team that corrects errors as it’s routine task.
If food is essential I would expect a matching responsible professionalism.
I still go live shopping daily but I only visit small supermarkets for those few items that my lovely local convenience store does not stock.
This is my route too. Independents where possible/affordable.
I book Tesco 4 weeks ahead with delivery saver with 2 deliveries a week. They’re normally pretty good but every now and again they don’t deliver something weird like a loaf of bread. The computer said there wasn’t a suitable alternative so didn’t get a substitution. I refuse to believe there wasnt any bread in Tesco at 0700 on a Sunday when they picked it.
I’ve normally got enough of everything else to last till the next delivery, but I now keep a frozen loaf and 2pt semi frozen for when the system falls down.
We make sure our freezers (we now have 2 smallish ones) are always full.
Same here added small freezer in garage for home produce. Also easy enough to pick up bulk onions/spuds etc locally. All in all Tesco have done well for us, I worked in food retail for seven years so understand the problems. OK for us in the sticks bigger problem in cities.
They never have the right cat litter, as my cats refuse to use a wood type. I know it’s not as bad as being without food by a long chalk but a headache if you have indoor cats and can’t get out to shops.
Petshops do mail order. There’s Pets at Home for example.
Or check out Zooplus. They have a huge range of brands.
I get my Swedish and German catfood from them. Much better quality than the mainstream UK stuff – though they do that too.
Bitiba is similar.
Good Morning, good people. Yes, Yes, I know some of you say it’s futile to send letters to our MPs. However, I was so incensed, appalled and distressed by Poppy’s boyfriend’s plight (yesterday’s comments) that I winged off a letter (below). My MP is an Eton-Oxford crony of BJ. I wonder if I will get any reply at all?
Here below I list the suppressions the Government has imposed on its people during the past year with the intention to contain a new seasonal virus which has not yet proven to be any more dangerous than the 1957 ‘Asian’ or the 1968 ‘Hong Kong’ influenza pandemics:
Surely these points alone must make you question the wisdom of keeping us locked up indefinitely or even intermittently?
Although my MP is next to ‘useless’ I continue to send her lots of emails because I don’t want her to think her silence can stop me!
I stopped emailing my spineless MP a couple of months ago.
I then realised why he voted with the government when the location of the G7 summit was announced…….
Yes; there is only a limited number of times one can bash one’s head against a brick wall before the pain becomes unbearable!
Maybe even Peter Hitchens can see that now.
Good we all need to be doing this
I email mine every time there’s a new bit of bollocks.
I’ve made it clear to him that I dont want a reply – I’m contacting him so that when the reckoning comes he cannot claim ignorance of the harms and alternatives or say that he was acting with the approval of his constituents.
Well done, Rose, we have to keep plugging away.
It does help to remind them they work for the people, not the other way around. I think this problem has been compounded by years and years of nanny state interference, big government and increasing levels of powers and control. But the people hold the power, not them. European (and British) aristocrats learned this lesson once before – it seems we will have to teach it to them again.
At the end of October, when the November lockdown was about to start, I emailed my MP to say that I no longer considered that we lived in a parliamentary democracy, but instead in a dictatorship ruled by decree. Therefore she no longer represented me in any sense and I would not be communicating again for the foreseeable future.
I thought this an excellent idea!
Wow that’s is fantastic
Nothing new!
Sophie Hill has documented all the cronyism here:
Four weeks after Christmas mingling and the outbreak of Kent Covid “which has a 50% chance of being 30% more deadly” deaths at the major regional hospital are still ticking over at between 0-1-2 per day just as they were in the autumn despite covids being shipped in from elsewhere in the country.
I see the government stats show testing now around 4 million a week. But so called cases down 25 percent over the last 7 days. You would think that with testing still going up and cases down the media would be full of good news!? Obviously not, let’s keep the fear going with the new strain bull.
With 30,000 to 60,000 so called called cases every day for months, you would think even the thickest of the public would twig that the story doesn’t add up.
But…..the buffoon, handjob and his merry bunch of morons just keep the show rolling.
No surprise really, our useless leaders wasted three years over brexit, putting their own over inflated opinions ahead of the British people’s wishes, imagine they can keep this covid farce going for years as well.
Have a great day sceptics. My life goes on as much as normal as it can, kids visits, visiting parents, just common sense rules followed and trying to ignore the morons.
Once the total accumulated number of cases exceeds the population size, I wonder if the MSM will just keep going as normal? LOL.
64,303,048 as of yesterday, by the end of next week it will be over 70 mil. I’d like to see the proof of that many kits being used/issued.
Fyi. This happened to us:
Day 1: daughter 24 yo not entirely well (a bit tired and a headache) and found she had been in contact with a person who got ill with Covid.9
Day 5: did a test
Day 6: came home to us. Usual hugs (I am 58, husband 67), sharing cars, doing things together
Day 10: daughters test came back positive (Christmas Eve).
Day 13 (so day 5 after initial contact with daughter) we did a Covid test as did her flat mates and their families.
All negative….
Day 30: I did an antibody test (Roche) and so did my daughter. Being a scientist I was interested.
Daughter very high antibody level ( so her test most likely a true positive test)
I did not have any, so most likely did not get infected despite close contact.
The study by scientists in Florida University found that out of 77,000 cases of individuals self isolating within family groups, where the person developed symptoms, the infection was passed on to non spousal family members only 18% of the time (30% for spouses).
So you pretty well had only a 1 in 5 chance of getting it from her.
Bless those T-cells!
Prof Balloux has no time for Drosten
Maybe one good thing that will come out of this is that people have started to see the propaganda of the mainstream media for what it is and even those still watching the briefings find the whole thing more boring than fearful.
I was thinking that there’s always the appeal to national pride:
So how does it feel being stupider than a Swede? Or that a developing country in the middle of Africa is a lot smarter than the so-called “best in the world” scientists of the UK?
That a poorer colder country in Eastern Europe so badly affected by nuclear disasters is head and shoulders above Cambridge and Oxford when it comes to common sense.
Stupid UK. Idiots United.
We can take pride in being “world beating” stupid.
Stupider Than a Swede
Barmier Than a Belarussian
Sillier Than a South Dakotan
South Dakotans not so silly based on the Governor.
Surely that was the point?
What I still have trouble understanding is how ‘high IQ’ countries in Asia like South Korea and Japan still go along with this BS after all this time, and after all the real-world data has come to light. I look at discussion groups from there and they’re still acting like it’s March 2020. They must have the same data we do. Now it’s true they don’t have any lockdowns or harsh restrictions, but the media is still creating hysteria over a few hundred cases and there seems to be virtually NO public opposition at all! All I see is a mass of masked sheep. As a former long-term resident I once thought highly of these nations as being world leaders in science subjects…
I think it’s a delusion of importance. We are smart as a nation so we must be right. And once we say we are right we cannot backtrack.
YES! I think that’s definitely it. Plus heaps of praise from the West to reaffirm that ego.
The woke have captured the academy. Cambridge has more science (i.e. hard) Nobel prizes than any country apart from USA, UK (obviously) and Germany and yet it’s fully committed to thermageddon too. I’ve told them not to expect anything in my will!
Last night I asked for thoughts about the supposed supply issues causing the ‘pause’ between medical interventions of gene therapy one and two (vaccines).
People were kind enough to share their thoughts which, reduced down for brevity, amount to 1) there is no reason to trust what we are told 2) it is a delay tactic to extend economic devastation 3) it is really rather fishy.
Has anyone further thoughs about the ‘pause’ and it’s reason.
I am purely speculating but it feels the pause may well have been designed into the vaccination programme long before the pause was alegedly arrived at.
What are the medical consequences for delaying between doses, these vaccines were not intended to have the delay afterall.
Thanks to commenters last night. This has me puzzled and curious.
My wife and I were talking about this as doctors in her unit said the same thing. Why the change in dosage when clearly the working instructions are not to do it. They are worried about efficacy and liabilty. It doesn’t fill them with confidence.
I think the pause is due to logistics. They can’t get the vaccines out fast enough and have realised that lags and long-lead times are appearing. So they think it’s okay to delay rather than realise that it nullifies their use.
The same thing happened with smart motorways. The trial had safe places to stop every half a mile (I believe) but then it was implemented elsewhere with 1.5 mile stopping places which completely changes the traffic dynamics.
Like I’ve said: Stupid UK
I just recalled a great comment from last night.
By not dosing in the correvt time manufacturer liability is totally gone – we know that has already been waived.
Separately posted was this article which is sort relevant to this pioneer Medicine By Madness.
Helsinki Committee from Israel has declared the Pfizer vaccine is little more than unauthorised human experimentation.
My view is that it is now known/suspected that adverse reactions are likely to be more severe after the second dose. The Government is still playing the card that even one dose is highly effective but they can avoid/delay giving a second dose which might trigger suspicions when so many people die or fall seriously ill.
By delaying the second dose, it provides an opportunity for other countries to fall foul of the anticipated problem and lead to a worldwide change to the vaccination protocol. The UK Government can then avoid any litigation claims and the roll out protocol can be changed to one dose only. It would be a win/win for the UK Government.
Yes, exactly my thoughts too…
Surely the other countries aren’t more stupid than the UK. Why would they fall for it?
Morning all
I veer between some cautious optimism (eg when I see people living their lives), and dystopian nightmare.
I work closely with GPs, in the field of mental health.
Yesterday we had a meeting at a GP practice to discuss cases. The surgery was closed for a couple of hours and we sat in the large and spacious waiting room, far apart from one another. Most of the GPs moved between wearing their masks, and not. I don’t wear one.
At one point came a knock on one of the glass panels of the waiting room. It was a policewoman (? police person in what looked like a female body), dressed in ordinary clothes (off duty?). She held her police badge up, and pointed to our faces intimating we should put our masks on.
My colleagues scrabbled to put masks on, they handed me one (which stayed on the chair next to me, thankyouverymuch) and the police person/power-trip-freak moved on.
My colleagues seemed able to return to our conversation quickly, most removed their masks again when the police person turned the corner.
I was left feeling very disturbed.
It’s the experience of the police state. Utterly chilling. I won’t be bullied in this way.
I dissent!
no words for this madness! Did your colleagues not think this was an over-reach of the plod?
Yes, they did, but they also sort of laughed it off, and that was also disturbing. I thought ‘how have we got to a place where you’re swallowing this shit so easily?’
Shame we can’t set the Advertising Standards Authority on the whole Daily Briefing lie fest.
The latest from Dr Reiner Fuellmich (via Howard Steen)
BTW a great video. Good to hear from someone in Israel, a lawyer who is also a sceptic explaining what is happening in his country. I particularly liked how he explained people like him being the light in the darkness!
Interesting comments thread on the reddit Covid-19 site, under an official post by the ONS regarding the New Variant:
Several commentators make the point that there must be a dominant variant anywhere, simply by chance, not necessarily due to its being more infectious.
BBC good news propaganda bit is about a severely over weight young couple with covid getting engaged in hospital. Shouldn’t the message be – take care of yourself to avoid complications of covid or indeed any lifestyle induced disease.
Stay thin. Protect the NHS. Stave your own life.
The Great Big Fat Covviwedding!
From what I saw, “severely overweight” is an understatement. As it seems with all these featured ‘cases’ we were told that, shortly after, the bloke’s condition deterioriated and he had to be placed on a ventilator. Even if true, there are ‘ventilators’ and there are ‘ventilators’. In some cases it just means an external automated mechanism for providing a more fortified oxygen supply. In the worst cases it involves placing the patient in a coma and using a tracheostomy tube to provide a fully automated breathing function, and an oesophageal feeding tube (that is if the nursing staff succeed in avoiding placing this in the lungs and drowning the patient). I am sure that fearful viewers will always see the second type of ventilator in their mind’s eye and the media does nothing to provide reassurance.
Today I’m more depressed and stressed than I have been for a while. The lies just keep on coming, bigger and bigger and people swallow them – are eager for them almost. Even things that might be broadly true are exaggerated out of all proportion.
I’m reminded of that adage “A lie is halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes”. Genies don’t go back in bottles, people believe what they are told because it’s scientists and the PM behind a podium with a catchy slogan.
I know some of you say we are close to tipping point but I just don’t see it. The time is long passed for some ministers with integrity to resign and give a roasting resignation speech. None of them have any integrity or at best are as thick as pigsh*t and I can’t forgive in either case.
I now don’t believe a single word uttered by anybody in government or PHE. If Hands on Cock told me the sun rose in the east I’d struggle to believe him.
Try not to dwell on “them” and focus on living as freely as you can for yourself.
I’m living on hope of a huge turn in public opinion come April. If not, I will be an eternal pessimist.
We’ve been living on that ever-retreating hope for months. I think it will be more like the crack in the damn: first a trickle, then a stream, then a torrent, then a crumbling collapse.
Keep on hoping.
“A lie is halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes”
But in order to stay ahead of the Truth the liars have to tell bigger and bigger lies, until eventually the whole thing topples over. That’s what they are doing now, and topple over it will.
This reminds me of Billy Connellys joke. If you want to know how someone feels, try walking a mile in his shoes. And then if you disagree who fucking cares, you are a mile away and you have his shoes!!
Spot on feel exactly the same
But the lies are now so big and blatant that they are now unsustainable. The ASA have made them withdraw at least one advert, and Doctors openly challenging the delay in the second vaccination. The government propaganda has exhausted credibility
I’ve also noticed the radio ads are getting less and those left are shorter
I’ve been that way since the Graph of Doom which actually made me laugh out loud in its perposterousness. I would go out and check the sun just to make sure.
We all have bad days. I don’t want to go all hippy on you but I have found i was getting into arguments on YouTube about lockdown and then struggled to sleep and waking up in a real fug. I then read about how Buddhist deal with stuff. The main two points I took away were.
1: Why get angry about things you cannot control. If a car cuts you up screaming and shouting at a driver who cannot hear you and has no effect on them. Shouting at the TV because a politician has made a decision you don’t agree with is illogical. What can I do to change this? Nothing, so why waste anger on it? Only care about things YOU can control and have influence on.
2. Carrying Anger around inside is like Carrying a burning hot coal in your hand with a view to throw it at someone who has made you angry. There is only one person getting burned.
I found this calmed me down, also being able to share views on here really helped, thanks all if you.
The change in WHO guidance around PCR and the recommended return to the basics of diagnosis requiring medical history, symptoms and a test to arrive at a diagnosis seems to have gone very quiet. This is probably our most valuable tool as overnight the number of “cases” would drop significantly, collectively I think this is the agenda that needs to be questioned, challenged and pushed as it is the antidote to the narrative.
Absolutely, I was expecting (hoping for) a lot of fallout from that. First year clinical medicine student would be ashamed to be making a diagnosis the way it is currently being done for COVID. If you are well you are not ill basically.
How I wish I could have breakfast in your cafe! Bit of a long trip from down here though …
I hope you have a busy day (with customers rather than police pretended to do police work).
Did anyone see the interview with Devi Shridhar yesterday afternoon?
20 mins in at 16:51 she says lockdowns are “the most crude and destructive mechanism we could be using to suppress this virus”.
Has she become a Lockdown Sceptic?
Has she woken up to the concept of “CYA”?
I fucking HATE this Opinionated know nothing Birch!!
I am quite chipper this morning. O’Brien’s interventions are increasingly looking like desperation and even the absurd Ferguson knows his latest predictions are complete nonsense. The Zoe app, ONS and the hospital data are clearly showing the outbreak from the Sheppy prisons is on the wane and, on top of all the data, I only have to look out of my window at all the traffic to know that the virus is virusing and the lockdown has the square root of f’ck all to do with controlling it; and many, many more people know that lockdown is not being observed.
Via someone who works in those prisons it was all balls anyway. Invented scare story.
I just noticed something about this new claim that the new variant may be more deadly.
It seems that they are saying it’s only in men aged over 60 years old.
If this is the case then all they’ve done is look at the data and found a specific group that it appears to be more deadly for to support their new narrative.
Needs a closer look but if it is more deadly then it should show across all deaths not just one particular subset.
There confidence in the claim that it may be more lethal is fifty percent (or less), which is no better than my confidence that if I toss a coin it will land heads.
Surely the statement “could” be more infectious is binary. Either it’s more infectious or otherwise isn’t. So then to state that they only have 50% confidence in their statement is nigh on to saying it is definitely more infectious or it’s less infectious.
So stating the bloody obvious or in fact saying nothing.
Still they’ve frightened enough people so that’s OK.
They expect the majority to listen to the headline/soundbite, and to not notice any detail.
This talk of confidence levels comes across as bluster and misdirection to me.
It’s pretty clear they’re spinning a yarn and are a bit short on thread.
and they haven’t factored in false positives from PCR which will ultimately impact the “death for any reason with covid test”
My chances went from 10 in 10,000 to 13 in 10,000 apparently. I’m really frightened now.
I have just seen the new advert “Look them into the eyes”.
Was it mainly black men needing oxygen?
As reading Lockdown with tv on in the background, only paid attention half way through.
BAMEs have more sense than to go for the “vaccine” so they’re now being targeted bigtime.
I have great respect for you, kh – keep going, you’re one of the people who will help stop this lockdown.
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the new advert mentioned in today’s update. Notice the instruction to “look into his eyes” – those striking, photoshopped eyes which are intended to immediately draw the attention and hold the reader’s gaze. Then follows the guilt trip – this man is suffering, how dare you downplay the risks? How dare you start to relax when our most vulnerable are dropping like flies, overloading our precious NHS?
Next we are treated to the pseudoscience – people without symptoms can spread it, so lock yourselves away unless you want to be responsible for more Tonys. Confusion is introduced as a psychological weapon to unsettle the reader, “are you absolutely positive you’re not one of them?” Also – the word “positive” is inserted intentionally to subconsciously encourage the reader to think of “positive test” or “Covid positive.” It’s clear manipulation of a highly suggestible populace.
Finally, the short, snappy solution to this problem – obey the rules at all times, don’t think outside the box (that’s dangerous), in fact don’t think at all – just follow the path we have carved out for you over months of conditioning and brutal psychological assaults, and all will be well.
My verdict – this Goebbelsian propaganda has no place in civilised society. It’s evil, it’s manipulative, it’s proof that the government is openly engaging in terrorism against its own citizens. Adverts such as these must be documented as evidence when these bastards are eventually hauled before the courts for their crimes against humanity.
Agree. This is all propaganda and smacks of desperation. Is it because more and more people are getting fed up and have stopped believing them?
This is large scale Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and the NHS should be prosecuted for false advertising and abuse.
Plus given their constant begging for money, why then do they have the funds to put out misleading and emotionally manipulative adverts like this?
Julius Streicher was found guilty of crimes against humanity by the Nuremberg Tribunal. The prosecution had accused him of propaganda; he claimed he had produced journalism. They hanged him for his words, anyway.
He was a horrid, foul-mouthed, foul-minded thug. Not a bit like our lot.
Was he now?
He was a school teacher, a military officer, a journalist/editor and a multi-millionaire.
Not like that nice Paul Dacre- no profanity ever passed his lips.
In design terms this visual is a fail. It does not connect, it does not help public health. It does attack the public mind in that it produces conscious thoughts of who the fuck is giving that message. The bloke in the picture is being used, you are looking at a puppets/actors eyes – this is a disaster for the intention of the campaign.
Gut reaction is to sense it is contrived andmanipulative. All the things great design is not.
Junk. From the ad agency of more money than any of us including mrs poorly in his mask can ever dream of. Perhaps the ad agency might like to reduce fees so more nhs PPE, vulnerable people can be vaccined or even so children may not go hungry. Take the money and run ad agency goons. Yes to trial for them and the committee signing this rancid pap off.
Trouble is, it did connect to me – for the wrong reasons. It brought back very painfully, my guilt at my family and I having abandoned our elderly mother back in March, because we obeyed the instruction to ‘stay home’ rather than travel and continue to provide the care she needed. It has made my grief all the more painful this morning.
Most people (including me) are probably more susceptible to advertising than they like to think. But I agree, that picture is absolute rubbish as advertising, a blatantly obvious attempt at manipulation. Likewise the “scary mutant variant” stuff suggests cheap science fiction not to be taken seriously
Documented? It’ll take decades just to sort through the damning evidence.
At first glance, I thought it was duct tape. That image needs hijacking to highlight the abuse and murder of our frail and elderly
This advert came up on our TV this morning on an ad break and me and wife just sat there pointing and chanting “lies, lies,lies, bullshit, lies”. We do this every time one of these pathetic fear porn ads comes on. They are so over the top now its obvious that its all bollocks.
In a real pandemic these kind of adverts wouldn’t not be necessary if there was clear evidence of a dangerous disease around. A real pandemic doesn’t need a marketing campaign.
When they announced the new strain last month, I was thinking to myself that maybe this is because of a fall in ‘compliance’ and they need to scare people some more, get more people onboard with the vaccine, etc. Now with the new “more deadly strain” message, I’m even more suspicious that this is again because of a fall in compliance. More people are fed up with this BS than ever. They’ve either done the research (at last) and started to question the narrative, or they’re just tired of the fear-porn and want to get on with their lives. Either way, I think this ‘flak is heaviest over the target’ saying might be ringing true here. Assuming there is a way out of this, we can assume that things are going to get really brutal before it’s over. Watch out for flak, but stay true and hit your targets!
Governments are trapped.
How to admit at this stage that we can get on with life, that the risks aren’t really that big?
They can’t. They’re trapped.
The Swedes predicted it. Lockdowns are a strategy with mo exit.
By constantly ramping up the different Teenage Mutant Ninja Virus versions they’re hoping that people will be scared into compliance.
I seriously doubt this is working but the fact that the government are doing this and refusing to name an exit date, they’re desperate and setting themselves up for trouble.
I said on New Year’s Day that things will get ugly from 1 January. And I still stand by that, I think now that lockdown will end by force.
The wildcard in all of this is the sentiment of the people.
We know what the politicians are going to be doing – they’re not changing course.
But will the public continue to succumb to the constant ratcheting up of pressure and of fear? Hard to tell. What is more likely to happen a revolt or the total crushing of the human spirit? There are instances of both in history.
My sense is that the government has enough tools at its disposal to release pressure when needed without fundamentally changing anything. But what do I know.
Everyone I have spoken to have woken up and said this is now just blatant scaremongering. Many don’t believe it anymore, myself included. Plus no one I know is obeying the lockdown. Boris and his chums are getting desperate.
I think it was around September that I decided it was no longer my role in life to unstupid people
I have developed a number of coping strategies (as the babblers of physco might say) to deploy during my encounters with Covidians
Each day I take an 8 mile walk from the village to the local town centre and back
The mime
Yesterday the mime was deployed before I had even left the village
Obviously the object of the exercise is not to speak. Based loosely on the late great Marcel; I carry a red carnation but consider going full white face cultural appropriation
This routine is reserved for the timid Covidians. I can spot them coming from 200 yards away. Heads bowed they shuffle their feet. Their life is a drudge because their leader has told them it must be so
For some reason the drudges all wear green parka coats and Velcro fastened shoes ordered from the Mills and Boon catalogue. The drudges coat hoods are always up, even when the sun is shining.
I put on my sad face. I’m asked how I am. I open my mouth and then fan it with my hand as though I just consumed a really hot chilli
The tears well in my eyes and this is reciprocated by the Covidian
“You look sad, did someone die?”
I nod manically
“Of covid? Is that who the flower is for?
I nod manically again, I clutch my clothing at the chest and place my other arm around an imaginary small person
“A child?”
At this point I start crying hysterically (with a little hint of a Mandy smile) and the Covidian joins in
I walk on
The full snot
(Stick with it I’ve got nothing else better to do and neither have you)
This is only ever deployed in the semi crowded town centre
I empty the contents of my nose on the pavement
I do it al la rugby player, one finger is pressed against a nostril whilst the contents of the other nostril is expelled
I think one is supposed to lean forward as one does this in order to avoid getting snot down the front of ones fleece
I tend to go 70/30. 70% (ah percentages again) on the pavement and 30% on my fleece
It’s great being Radioactive Man for a day
He died/She died
On my return to the village I sit in the bus stop
It is usually around 20 minutes before the first Coronabusybody appears
The CB’s are all female and younger than the drudges
Although none of the CB’s live more than 300 yards from the bus stop they are permanently dressed in thousands of pounds of designer all weather mountain gear
None of the CB’s have never even seen a mountain let alone been up one. If it wasn’t for the fact we are only 100 meters above sea level they would be carrying ice axes
Anyway, I tell CB1 that Mrs Miggins has died
“Yes she developed a cough at midday yesterday, dead by 3pm”
As soon as they have the news they can’t get away quick enough, the word must be spread
When CB2 turns up I tell them of another equally fictitious covid deceasement
I can knock out about 10 of these stories a day
The OH and I are running a book on how long it takes for the news of the these ficticious deaths to be relayed back to us by a sombre faced Covidian. They are running at an average of three and a half days at the moment
Anyway, Stay safe, I’m off to the pub
My favourite is to ask a fellow shopper if an item I’ve picked up from the shelf (banana, candle, whatever) smells alright, as I lost my sense of smell when I started coughing.
all very humorous and i hope fictitious. if true then all you are doing is extending the twitter and facebook myths about people dying . all these people that you speak to and all the people they then speak to believe that these deaths have occurred and so it reinforces their perception that covid is killing everyone and the government must crack down harder
Just seen a HCW talk about a possible “postcode lottery” arising from the different quality of facemasks people may be using.
So before any old rag was better than nothing but now we’re being told that they should be proper masks it’s become a lottery of risk.
I can’t help laughing at how ridiculous it’s all becoming.
More like crying in my case!
The optimism of the vaccine didn’t last long.
Now that our idiotic governments have discovered that it won’t actually solve anything, they are even more trapped, and even more aggressively defending their position and ever more dangerous.
A cornered a rat will go for your throat.
I don’t know if true of the genus Rattus.
They don’t. They jump for the nearest bit of free air and often miss and use their teeth as an anchor. Rats use their teeth and tail in smart ways since their teeth are super strong.
Addiction is a serious problem. It can lead to irrational behaviour, inability to think critically, unable to see whats right in front of you – and it can take you a lifetime to figure out you’ve got a problem. These politicians and advisers may be addicted to covid, they’ve got the kind of tunnel vision that causes pilots to fly planes into the ground at full speed because they’re obsessively looking at the instruments instead of looking out the window. We’re in a danger zone here.
It is not a vaccine but a prophylactic. The success rate is in doubt. What is the point of giving to frontline workers as it will not protect them from transmitting the virus. What is the point of giving to the frail elderly who could be taken at any moment by flu/pneumonia. In any event it is more important to ensure their quality of life rather than quantity. In addition as you get older your body cannot cope with large quantities of medication. If there is any truth in report on these pages yesterday that 20 out of a total of 60 residents at a care home in the UK passed away within weeks of receiving their jabs, we must stop the program for them as they have done in Sweden and Norway.
Hancocks home – the red room. Scene of his lunatic zoom interviews. Appears to have no door.
We can only dream
Is he sitting on the toilet in the red room?
Counting his money?
Follow the money as ever – both Bank of America and Goldman’s now calling the end of the pandemic….shock horror Goldman’s even managed to call the curve of hospital admissions a month ago.
Off Guardian recently ran a piece theorising that this whole situation is to do with the collapse of the US dollar and the US empire, an interesting read but leaves many unanswered questions:
Fascinating that this occured the moment Trump left office. One would almost think that the two items were severely-related…
Richard I feel sure this could only be a coincidence
They better tell 46 then… after saying he could easily “crush the… uhm.. thingy.. what is it now? oh yeah virus, that’s it, isn’t it?…” now he says, “nothing we can do” about it!
Sorry this comment has triggered the life out of me from Lucan Grey. It’s in response to lady on talk radio who contemplated suicide as lockdown brought back childhood trauma:-
“Time to get over the trauma then.
Awareness of mental health issues is great, but the idea is that you then take time to fix them. Or you make changes to avoid that issue affecting others. Not expect the rest of the world to change to fit around you.”
What an odious vile individual you are. You have absolutely no idea what took place in her childhood. She may well have been ‘over it’ until this completely unprecedented issue of lockdown took place. The problem she had was the rest of the world did change at the drop of a hat.
You are absolutely vile and I hope you see this.
Step away from that watering can! Put it on the ground! Slowly raise your hands!
I suppose they are too damp to burn? Just a thought ….
Reversing the propaganda:
Very good.
However, as I posted above, we need to complain to the ASA about the ads. They are an insult to those of us who are grieving because we did stay home and let someone die unnecessarily.
Magnificent, Paulus.
Not mine, just thought it was easier for folks to see Basileus’s post. Agree complaints need to be raised with the ASA for those grieving, those ill and those suffering with their mental health, the govs approach is dangerous
Perfectly turned around
Brilliant, but needs to be even harder hitting. The second and third panel are a bit vague.
Maybe something like this.
And tell her she can’t say goodbye
Nice to see some more reverse propaganda! This is the stuff we need right now. Boy I wish I owned a printing factory..
I hope this is attached to the deadly vector of disease near your cafe
I think someone needs to replace the signs on the bench near you with signs bearing these words.
If only we could get rid of Ferguson and his models. They’re opening new Labs soon and want investment. He’s already ruined too much of the UK
My 76 year old father is v happy to be heading for his “jab” today. It`s when they start going for primary school age children for vaccinations (as they will) then we need to resist this global eugenics experiment but i fear resistance is now just whistling in the wind.
Next stop,gates puppet johnson and his two ronnies to announce that all over 70 year olds to gather at train stations at 3am. Will never forgive these political, establishment and esp Tory scum.
Just steer clear of the shower block.
(Sorry Nick, couldn’t help but add to your black humour)
Every time the hopelessness sets in I come on here and listen to all you reasonable folks. I seem to be surrounded by idiots controlled by the media, sucking it all in like it’s nectar of the gods. No body seems to be able to see, are we are special breed of people for being able to see the lies? Or is everyone else so far down the rabbit hole they have no idea that they are even in there?
Basically there are now two breeds of humans – us and Homo Non Sapiens. Perhaps it was always thus.
it has been shown that the neanderthal did not go extinct . rather they were absorbed into and bred with homo sapiens.
Clearly there is now some reverse osmosis taking place and neanderthals are appearing again
Its almost like evolution is now in reverse.
Interesting topic. I am more intelligent (in the traditional sense) than at least 98%, perhaps 99%+ of the population. I am normally modest enough not to say that, but it is nonetheless true. I don’t doubt that most readers here are likely the same. What is inexplicable to me is that many other intelligent people have bought into the lies and even actively promulgate them. I keep re-evaluating myself and I am sure I am sane. The logical conclusion is that almost everyone else is insane. My arm-chair psychological analysis is that for the majority of people, their sub-conscious mind is actually in charge. Scare them a bit and their animal defenses override rational thought. It doesn’t work that way for me.
Exactly how I feel, well said!
Same here, especially the bit about re-evaluating myself and concluding that I am still sane. As I said recently, I am the same person as I was last February and (to take one example) it’s the behaviour of the police which has changed. Hence, when I was walking home from the shops this morning, a police car passed with blue lights on and masked officer at the wheel, and my instinctive reaction was to mouth “fuck off”. Hopefully it wasn’t captured on their dashcam.
On England has shown a sharp rise recently, unlike Wales or Scotland. It’s above Jan. 2018 levels.
Well, they shouldn’t have cried wolf all autumn long. By December there was a worsening and I didn’t believe them.
Perhaps you could do a Fawlty Towers and rearrange the letters on those signs they put up yesterday. From Stay At Home you can get Meaty Oaths!
I intend to complain about the new government ad, about looking covid patients in the eyes etc.
I’m going to complain on the grounds that it is distressing – not for the reasons intended, but because it is making my grief worse. My 96 year old mother died last summer from a heart attack brought on by the stress of being abandoned in a care home because her family (myself included) felt it was more important to ‘stay home’ than to continue to care for her. I am strugglingly with my moral failure last spring and it is making my grief much more difficult to bear. This ad is like a further punch in the stomach for me.
I’m sure there are plenty of other people who could say the same – the mother who stayed at home instead of having a cancer check up and is now dead, the father who ignored a heart problem and stayed at home and is now dead. Even the person who brought covid home and killed an elderly relative even though they were just doing their job. Every one of them is being reminded of their failure and how they were complicit in their death and it makes their grief more complicated.
Don’t blame yourself. It’s only grumpy old gits like me who disbelieved the bollox from the start.
You are enlightened now. There is more joy in heaven over one person like you than a hundred gits like me. To honour your mother’s memory, stay strong now.
Bless you.
We are all grumpy old gits on here then, and the one’s who aren’t, should be
Sorry for your loss, complain and don’t stop, complicated grief is the worst, I know from personal experience. I want to know why, if masks work people couldn’t visit their elderly relatives, how they can even make an argument for masks when this goes on. How they can stand on their podiums and still justify any of this is mind boggling imo.
I have to say that the claims of the new variant being more deadly ranging from 1.35 to 1.91 come across as bollocks to me.
I could go back through overall mortality from all years past and make equally weak arguments that the start of certain years brought about more deadly forms of death resulting in more people dying.
There’s some evidence to show that complete bollocks, has been overtaken by complete and utter bollocks and is rising at an alarming rate.
Especially in Westminster
“He has also revealed concerns at the number of Londoners in public places because the lockdown rules were not tight enough and has apparently stopped walking his dog in the park because it so busy.”
I never knew the Mayor of London owned a dog. I’m quite surprised by this news.
Basically, London should be locked down harder so the Mayor feels safer walking his dog.
Is this because he’s scared of getting rona or scared of getting lynched?
Muslims don’t own dogs as they are unclean. Mohammed was a cat lover.
Yet he has a dog!
Yes. He certainly loved his pussy!
By the way, those of us who say that the latest scaremongering is an attempt by the government to prepare the ground for a delay to May elections are not simply vapouring.
Local election officials have received letters informing them that no decision on whether the May elections will proceed has yet been taken.
That means that those elections are on hold for the time being.
Of course, the Prime Minister has recently said that they will go ahead………
Loving the humour……..
Charles Walker, Sir Desmond Swayne are the sort of men this country needs now, we haven’t tried integrity for a long time.
PHE chief admits it’s not ‘absolutely clear’ if Kent strain is more deadly amid concern at ‘scaremongering’ press conference after SAGE warning handed to ministers said scientists were only 50% sure of increased mortality
Fifty percent confidence – one might as well toss a coin.
As the top rated comment on the article says “Totally irresponsible for a PM to suggest what he did without scientific knowledge. Surely now valance and whitty have to go. Show some balls Boris and do the right thing.”
Even that pair of morally-devoid mad psuedo-scientists were using slippery language and trying to caveat everything. They know they are incriminating themselves. I tend to think they were likely coerced into it by the fat pig. Hoping for the pig to do the right thing is deluded.
I agree they looked lacking in any confidence in whaat they were saying although I suspect it will be because they expect to be attacked after the weekend by informed scientific opinion.
Damage done,though,to the minds of the public and that was probably someone’s intent.
There are two arguments against lockdowns. Both important and not mutually exclusive.
The first is scepticism. There is a standard of evidence which must be met, which shows that the reduction in deaths relative to other options is greater than the destruction caused by lockdown.
The second is a moral argument. If a terrorist knows information that might save lives, you cannot torture him to death to try to extract it- even if you have a clear idea of the greater good.
I started with the first, thinking that in principle – there is just not enough evidence. As this has gone on, I am now favour the second.
I don’t know how torture is legally defined, but in the dictionary it is this:
“the act of causing great physical or mental pain in order to persuade someone to do something or to give information, or to be cruel to a person or animal”
Covidians would say I was being ridiculous to make this comparison. But isn’t that what is happening? Inflicting mental trauma on a population? Threatening them, manipulating them, villifying any descent, not acknowledging the scale of thenon-covid suffering?
I now think that even if we were reducing deaths from Covid, or helping ‘our NHS’ cope, it wouldn’t matter. It doesn’t mean that something akin to torture is justified. It isn’t just that other options should have been considered, it is that this shouldn’t even have been an option. In anycase not all lockdowns are equal. Some restrictions could have been introduced which considered our dignity and basic human needs.
Lots of cruelty over the years has been justified by the greater good. :
” The U.K. has a COVID SUICIDE pandemic that no one will talk about.
Rich, poor, successful, not, old and the very young. Last week a 12 year old child called time on his little life.
We will not be silenced. The lockdown dead will have a voice. Here. Through us all xx “
If this is true, it is a tragedy of the highest order. I cannot begin to understand what might have been going through the child’s mind, how can such dark thoughts even be formed in one so young. I am genuinely weeping as I write this.
Wonder if they were referring to this poor little boy. Family were raising money for his funeral. They must be absolutely broken.
At the end of this the uber slime bag Peston should be jailed for a very long time
A modern day Lord Haw Haw
Morgan is Lord Haw Haw.Peston is almost part of the regime
Yes, a bullet in Morgan’s ample backside would be fitting too.
My daughter has anorexia and has been told that there just not enough resources now because they are actually overrun with cases. So the government is prioritising old people over young people whether they realise it or not. Maybe young people not voting is an issue for them?
You are right that it’s all about votes and power. NHS/Moloch demands child sacrifices and the politicians oblige to satisfy their own lust for power. All the best to both of you. She has you fighting for her at least.
My complaint to the ASA yesterday
“Government advert “If you are shopping in a supermarket you are highly likely to meet someone with Covid” . What is the evidence for this ?
“Cover your mouth and nose” What is the evidence that this has any effect? Why no mention of exemptions?
“Bend the rules and people will die” . What is the the evidence? ]
“1 in 3 people who have the virus will not know they have it and spread it ” Where is the evidence for asymptotic spread?
These are mere assertions intended to frighten the public.”
Took about 5mins
There are other similar ads.
If anyone wishes to complain , suggest you use slightly different wording and go across the various ads .
Its ScIeNcE
Well done! I must admit I never thought of complaining to them but we should all do it. Staying silent never gets you anywhere. We have a voice (and fingers) so lets use them.
I have, several times. You have to be specific about which ad., when broadcast, what is wrong – no going off on one! Short and sweet.
I must be doing a good job of ignoring things, as Ive totally missed this new campaign.
Any links for the death by jogger/dogwalker one?
BBC headline
‘Wuhan marks its anniversary with triumph and denial’
(Our country is only doing denial)
kh, I am awestruck!
“In defence of lockdown sceptics” Sorry, much too defensive. We should ALWAYS be on the attack. We have NOTHING to defend ourselves over. The pro-lockdown people have had their way for a year, results are: No evidence lives are saved, huge damage
Lockdowns, masks, mass testing are UNORTHODOX, UNTRIED (until this year) and AGAINST ALL PREVIOUS WHO GUIDANCE
The lockdown advocates need to prove their case, not the other way round
Our case will only get stronger the more time passes and destruction piles up.
Very, very well-said Julian.
One example might be the ongoing Mike Graham/Peter Hitchens debate. When it started, Mike Graham (clearly not an unopinionated sort of bloke!) was adamantly opposed to Hitchens point of view.
As the months wore on, slowly but surely he started to come around based not just on Hitchens arguments of course, but what he saw with his own eyes.
The zero-covid zealots will never change their mind I’m sure, but if the aim of the game is to persuade the majority that the solution is worse than the problem then I think there is hope as the ramifications start to bite.
do you have a watering can?
US baseball legend and civil rights icon Hank Aaron dies | Baseball News | Al Jazeera
“Getting vaccinated “makes me feel wonderful”, Aaron said at the time. “I don’t have any qualms about it at all, you know. I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this … It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.”
I don’t want to mock somebody’s death but this highlights one of the many absurdities arising from all of this.
There are people who are willing to sacrific everything in order to avoid death by covid. So should they happier when they die of something else? Are their relatives glad they went to so much trouble just so their loved one could die alone from something other than covid?
I know people who had relatives die before lockdowns began. They are glad that it happened before because at least they didn’t die alone.
There are people so bought into the establishment narrative that they trust everything they are told. No scepticism whatsoever infact they are an extension of the propoganda. It is quite incredible.
I’m absolutely convinced that a big part of the problem in this country is the BBC – there are so many that still believe every word that their precious “Auntie Beeb” broadcasts.
Sickening when you consider all the disgusting scandals that have been uncovered in recent years that there are still those here that believe them.
They are still trusted outside the UK too, for some bizarre reason.
I find that incredible too…I can only assume with the older generations they remember the ‘old’ BBC before it turned into Pravda. Strange they haven’t noticed the changes though but I suppose most people are just not interested enough to notice.
Sounds like another vaccine death
in baseball you get three strikes, with the vaccine only two and yerrrrr out.
And if my death can save one life…
Huge snowball fight erupts in Leeds park as people flout coronavirus lockdown rules (
So sad that kids having fun is now news and feels like a moment of resistance.. what has this country become..
Did make me smile though and good on them!
Spot on and great to see….just sorry the police where not pelted with snowballs too…and some covid marshall nazis to boot.
It’s a tragedy but the spirit of youth is strong!
Good morning skeptics..
A quick update on my Charles Clifford dental appointment didn’t have the heart to unleash the WW2 on them(plus I wanted my teeth sorting)so decided on Blackout special if I encountered problems, please to report staff could not have been more friendly no muzzle issues what so ever.. Same on Sheffield tram no problems.. Myself and the Bro’s are visiting the KFC drive thru later today WW2,full face helmets,muffle scarfs, the whole shebang intend to hold up the traffic for as long as possible cause havoc not my favorite food but worth it to make our point.. don’t forget skeptics take the piss out of there Fucked up diktats..
I heard the radio ad that’s been pulled the other week while driving. I honestly thought I’d misheard – my jaw actually dropped open, which is unusual for me. I searched for it when I got home and could find no trace of it and I haven’t heard it since. Honestly, how dare they broadcast such rubbish while insinuating that we’re the ones spreading misinformation?
I’ve already reported their new campaign not in my name RCN
If sceptics are granny killers are zealots child abusers and killers?
somehow this variant has been forgotten:
It wouldn’t fit the fable.
“Prof Neil Ferguson, who sits on the Government’s NERVTAG advisory committee, said the latest evidence from university researchers suggests around 30% more people die of the new variant of Covid.”
Given Ferguson’s track record, everybody can relax.
His track record of influencing government policy is pretty frightening.
I can only think that it must be because of his ‘tie in’ with Gates. It can’t be because of his past record.
A useful idiot.
Useless to us.
The sort of garbage being put out (or Ferguson’s woeful ignorance – or both) encapsulated in two figures :
Probability : <50%
Sample : 8% – opportunity acquired
Ferguson is The Gimp in Pulp Fiction. Whenever the government need to scare the public with modelling they “bring out The Gimp”.
I seem to remember that The Gimp got hanged in Pulp Fiction. I hope life imitates fiction.
Ferguson is a bit like the BBC, you take everything he says with a large pinch of salt too.
Speaking of ‘pinch’ where is Ferguson’s greatest fan lately?
And a daily 4000 IU dose of Vitamin D.
Is he still illegally shagging his mistress?
Adding insult to immorality, of course.
This is just a random thought but I wonder if tonsils play much of a part in our defences against diseases.
There’s a good chance that many older people who have died may well have had their tonsils removed.
Maybe nothing but it’s an interesting thought.
“The tonsils are immunocompetent organs which serve as the immune system‘s first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens”
and in the old days they would whip your adenoids (part of the same lymphatic defence system) out at the same time even though there was no problem with them
Not just the old days, my lad had his tonsils & adenoids out just a couple of years back.
I had mine taken out as a child because I constantly suffered with tonsilitis. However I was told they stopped doing it as tonsils were known to grow back again. I don’t know if this is in fact true.
You could find any number of ‘potential’ causes for a higher Covid severity on older people.
For example, most people over the age of 65 get the annual flu jab. To add support to this ‘hypothesis’ uptake of the flu vaccine is higher in the UK than in any other European country.
But, there’s almost certainly no connection. Over 65s who have underlying conditions are more likely to take the vaccine.
This is true. My thought process was more along the lines of unintended consequences. But given that general life expectancy has increased over time it’s unlikely to have any significant effect.
I was one of the last for whom the solution to a chest or throat infection was
“If in doubt, whip ’em (tonsils) out”.
They later decided that tonsils were meant to get infected to stop the contagion going deeper into the body.
Rverybody in my class was de-tonsilled except me. My mum thought tonsils were useful germ traps.
I’ve often thought that the mass removal of every child’s tonsils, the first line of defence against infection, was a criminal offence and the NHS should be made to pay everyone compensation
When I was a kid I went into hospital to have grommets fitted to my eardrums. They didn’t do that, but they did remove my tonsils. Go figure.
I had mine out at about 14, what a TRAUMA that was. Nightmare.
And we all know what happens when “scientists” get fashionable ideas in their tiny heads, don’t we?
Always bear in mind these important government guidelines people:
(a privileged life, a Swiss bank account and a 6 figure pension)
(but I’m in the shallow end)
Boris Kemal Bunter and his teenage Rockerfella girlfriend and Rockerfella Father are still in control of the Conmunist Party and country.. no shagging unless married.. no standing near anyone.. no visitors.. no work.. wear your hajib…
Saturday 30 January:
January 30
Lets hope people go through with it, we’ll be having a meal out if they are!
Heard about a teacher friend. Long moan about zoom lessons, half the kids don’t have their cameras on, so no idea if they are there, or just logged on and left the room (can’t make them turn the camera on, privacy issues apparently) and none of the other children responded to being asked if they understood or had any questions. Teacher found talking to her laptop for an hour and a half “very stressful”
Reopen the schools now to all children!
I had that from a university lecturer. He thought no one was listening, No one asking any questions. . He was upset, wasting his time. I told him that that wasn’t what they’d signed up for and paid money for. They’d been captured with lies about how uni life was going back to normal. I hoped that non of them would pay for this excuse of further educaton next year.
And the snow forecast for tomorrow might change the situation a bit… (actually will seriously reduce your footfall).
The lying and news management is beyond cynical it is downright criminal
The super death was announced at 5pm yesterday. Announced in time for the evening news and to be the newspaper headlines this morning
The PHE rebuttal appeared this morning. The rebuttal was announced at exactly the ‘wrong’ time in the news cycle so it will not appear in the MSM
This allows to Pig Dictator to announce the new killer death and deny it’s existence at the same time
Link to the PHE statement?
Undoubtedly, as time has gone on and evidence has accumulated, it has become more and more difficult to sustain a simple incompetence/cock-up theory about this shit-show.
The recent urge to seize on the ‘ninja virus’ ploy on the scantiest of evidence has almost completely ruled it out. There is just too much focused malignity in the narrative now.
And because of that, more people are smelling the rat and waking up. Theyr’e pushing it too far now.
Is the announcement of the possibly more deadly UK strain a means to further drive vaccine uptake? Just look at the immediate impact in Israel. There are increasing signs that Israel is intending to vaccinate children. Will the same happen elsewhere? Excerpt from article (my emphasis):
Herd immunity in IsraelAsked about the report, a top Israeli expert said that the UK variant will make it much more difficult for the country to reach herd immunity.
Noting it was “much more contagious,” Prof. Gili Regev of the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv told Channel 12 that instead of being able to achieve herd immunity after vaccinating between 60 to 75% of the population, Israel would now possibly have to vaccinate more than 75% and possibly even 90%.
“This means it will take a lot longer, particularly as we are not vaccinating children,” she said.
I don’t think the Israelis will stand for anything close to experimentation on their children. And I say that as someone who lived in the country for six months.
If the Israelis find something disproportionately wrong with the vaccine as their vaccination programme moves onward, with many watching to note adverse effects and deaths, I suspect they won’t take it lying down.
Agreed. Losing millions to “medical experiments”, slavery and outright starvation means they won’t tolerate the crap we’ve put up with, if anything starts to go wrong.
Does anyone else find it strange that Israel are so keen to vaccinate their whole population? Is it just me thinking about forced medication and how it hasn’t gone so well in the past?
Are the ultra-religious Orthodox going along with this? Israel is basically an atheistic, secular state.
No, they’re not. The Haredim refuse most dodgy medicines unless their Rabbinical authorities declare the vaccines to be kosher, and very few vaccines are kosher.
I, too, lived there (as a foreign citizen on a working visa) for a year, and they look after other Jews a lot better than our authorities look after our “fellow” Christians. They also keep their mouths shut (what goes on in the Jewish Community stays in the Jewish Community), so that’s how they (normally) get away with massive weddings.
(What rules? Go along with what some goy police say? Enough already! Send out the invitations, Miriam.)
The Helsinki committee, a Israeli govt body?, said the agreement between the state and Pfizer is a human medicine trial as Israel agreed to give personal details to Pfizer. Therefor in legalese it needs to be approved by the ethics committee and gives participants more rights.
Then they retracted their statement.
Just reading The Sun (seriously i get it on a saturday for the weekly tv listings).
So here are some items that you might miss but which the sheeple will read.
“Arg from TOWIE needs gastric band as his weight has shot up to 26 stones after he stopped exercising and replaced drink and drugs with fast food BECAUSE OF LOCKDOWN”
“police called by woman because Mcdonalds had stopped selling breakfast muffin at 11.01” police get into twitter pun fight. she should have said they were unmasked.. a transit would have been sent
“primary school teacher absences for covid six times higher than their pupils” skivers
“800 combat medics supporting NHS frontline .. this is in addition to the 1600 military medics already working for NHS”
“SAGE say children may have to be vaccinated”
“a teaching assistant too scared of covid to visit the dentist with abscess accidentally overdosed and died on pain killers ”
amazing stuff .
Amazing stuff in The Soaraway Sun. LOL.
SAGE are saying children now have to be vaccinated? What is this now?
Anger levels raging now
I just saw a Christian social media account refer to “Build Babylon Better.” That made me laugh – kind of.
Meanwhile, a report here of an Orthodox Jewish wedding party of 400 people being broken up by London gestapo. I noted from the behaviour of similar communities in New York that they have a strong sense of community solidarity which enables them to stand up better to the Covid totalitarianism than are other, atomised, individualised western groups.
Told you they’d come for the dogs.
Oh to cheer you up. You don’t know how lucky you are to even have a sign outside on which to advertise your trade.
Here, the council banned all pavement advertising (except their own). Even if you are a shop up a side street from the main drag and rely on the sign for your livelihood it had to go.
On the morning of the grand banning cctv vans with periscope cameras out of the roof drove the entire road network with the camera trained at the pavement. Footage was reviewed and penalty notices sent out for offending boards.
You don’t know how lucky you are!
If they need an advertising campaign to persuade people of the risk then we have won. Unfortunately the end game has a long way to play out as world leaders have bet the farm on this followed by every single professional, academic, medical and scientific body. So we wait for the next generation.
I wonder if the chief epidemiologist of WHO (spit) has retracted her opinion that ”new strains” are more transmissible but less harmful. Anyone know?
It shows you the folly of government in something must be done. Action, no matter how irrelevant, is essential.
I’ve only just braced myself to look at the headlines.
I hear Johnson is saying the ”new strain” (as if we don’t know there are constantly ”new strains”) is ”deadlier”. This scare-mongering tripe only confirms to me that he (or rather his handlers) feel they’re losing control and have to ramp it up.
Well – it’s not going to make any difference to me. I’m going to spend some time with my family today and sod these self-serving politicians.
2: In an interview with Spiegel, epidemiologist Christian Drosten details his concerns about the “British variant”, and says that he is worried about the Summer.
Having read the above Spiegel interview of Christian Dorsten I see he is in favour of a zero covid strategy! That would seem to be where the problem lies. Would it be fair to say that if Germany is dominant with this then they will push this on the EU?
You would hope that the UK would wish to assert its new found sovereignty by rejecting such an absurd policy.
I would so hope so but the world has gone bonkers!!
Sorry to state the obvious that many have known for a long time – all that Brexit stuff was an irrelevant distraction in the first place. It was just about creating opportunities for sections of the finance ‘industry’.
I suspect millions of people voted Leave for reasons that had nothing to do with promoting the interests of finance capitalists.
On her way out, Merkel is trying her best to impose severe lockdown and border restrictions on all of schengen/EU countries. She is showing her old ‘east german’ colours.
Drosten keeps changing his mind according which direction the wind blows.
Some gimp will be wheeled out 5pm to tell us that it’s not that bad after all
Sunday “Oh yes it is”
Monday “Oh no it’s not”
Tuesday “Oh yes it is”
Government by Pantomime
That is exactly what is going on. Creating as much insecurity and confusion as possible. If we were in an actual pandemic the government wouldn’t begin to countenance such tactics; but then, no “tactics” would be needed if we were in the middle of an actual pandemic.
Yes I agree
It’s classic destabilisation – a tactic of narcissists and Marxists.
And coercive controllers. It is interesting that my step sister, who was a victim of terrible coercive control in one of her, I kid you not, five marriages has fallen for this bollocks hook, line and sinker.
I think some people are more susceptible to falling for things than other. My sister fell for one of those Mormon pyramid selling scams the other year, spent every waking moment pushing their products to her friends, selling £1000`s worth of their products just to get a few quid commission.
They actually taught her that anyone who questions or doubts what she is doing is just jealous, is trying to put her down and she should ignore them.
Which of course is similar to what the media are pushing with their propaganda. Anyone who doesnt believe the story is a crank.
My sister also has fallen for the current narrative, and refuses to believe anything other then the BBC / MSM.
My mother used to tell me that if you’re too honest people can and will take advantage of it. Not an absolute but true to some extent.
Honest people also tend to be more gullible because they expect everyone else to be just as honest.
One of lifes little quirks.
Don’t give them ideas … covid21 was always in the plan..
The fat pig dictator already looks like a panto dame!
Thanks to Jim Davidson’s rude panto for these gems.
Oooh whats that perfume your wearing? Its called come to me!. Mmm doesn’t smell like come to me!!
Oh no I have a mouth as dry as a parrots cage. Not surprised you have had a Cocatoo in there.
“Look them in the eyes and tell them you’re doing all you can to stop the spread of COVID-19. Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.”
I’d look them in the eyes and say that we are doing more than enough and that in fact the restrictions themselves may have actually caused or contributed to their demise.
I’d ask the SAGE tossers, Handcock and the PM to look all the mental health suffers, cancer patients, those who have lost their jobs and livelihoods and the myriad of other poor souls suffering as a direct result of these restrictions in the eyes and say that
” your suffering and ever increasing misery isn’t my concern, because I’m enjoying the feeling of power and pretending that saving people from SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 is far more important than anything else in the entire world”.
They are pushing me to the limit and if I were to end things, I would do it in front of them. My loathing and hatred towards these arseholes grows each day, as does my despair and quality of life.
Keep going, we will get through this. We all need each other. Please don’t give up. Turn off their news programmes, don’t look at their adverts or carry a spray paint can for discrete alterations. I feel our government hate it’s people.
Thank you Wendy. I don’t watch the news at all now. My only source of what’s going on are the daily updates on this website. Life was pretty horrendous for me before all this nonsense, but now…. I just want to punch the living daylights out of Hancock, Ferguson et al.
I turned it all off in October, no broadcast tv or radio and just listen to podcasts and Spotify and watch Netflix etc of an evening for a couple of hours. It made me much happier.
I’m reminded of The Simpsons Halloween episode when the advertising logos come to life and start destroying the town. The advice to defeat them from Lisa and Paul Anker was to ‘Just don’t look’ – wise words!
Each new poster campaign creates 10,000 new sceptics. Keep the faith.
I’ll look them in the eyes and ask how they contracted it the first place if the ‘rules’ are so effective.
I’ve written to my MP more than once saying just these things. I try to be measured and courteous, but I usually have to edit my first attempt to achieve a balanced end product! She does reply – but with the usual tosh ”Your comments are noted… etc”
Like you, my loathing for them all is growing – and the more of them that drivel on about ”an exit strategy” as if they’re not the ones who got us into this – the more furious I become.
So – stick with us. This is one of the few pools of sanity and as Wendy below says – we need each other and every one of us counts.
Thank you and I agree that this site is a life saver and source of sanity. I just need my treatments to start again, but as I posted here a few days ago, even telling my GP, by e-mail because I can’t use a phone, who I have seen for over 6 years monthly (up until last March), of my increasing desperation only seemed to warrant a casual, I’m sorry about that John, but this is all necessary. FFS.
Someone already created this.
Don’t give up – stick with us, and keep posting. I know it’s difficult right now, but we’re here for you.
Thank you. You may have noticed that I am posting more than I used to. Admittedly angry and sad posts, but I need to vent my frustrations with people that understand. I’ve been here since day 1. I live alone. You are my friends.
There are more comments here now, Jasa. Perhaps that means our numbers are growing. There’s strength in numbers, and every one matters.
I’m sorry to hear about your medical problems. My Best Beloved just finished a course of treatment, which ran for six week. I felt desperately sorry for those people who were right in the middle of it. It makes me wonder what on earth all those specialist nurses and doctors who carry out these treatments are actually DOING now. They’re hardly going to go around emptying bedpans to fill their time, are they?
Keep posting. Always a pleasure to hear from friends!
What would be nice is if we could all meet up one this shitty show is over.
Yes, indeedy! If we all say which county we’re in, and find out about ”freedom hubs”.
I’m in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
So many of us are alone – and have been all through this. It’s good to come here everyday and spend time amongst friends – I appreciate all of you and your comments.
Bad Liar – Imagine Dragons
So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams
I wish I could escape
I don’t wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it
Make your heart believe
But I’m a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know
Now you know
I’m a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, you’re free to go (go)
Stay alive, it’ll annoy the buggers far more.
From a later comment:
OMG my wife just bought home the DM. Best story. A guy threw a zoom birthday party for his girlfriend in London. So normal right? No he went full genius by getting cardboard cutouts with their friends faces on, got a dj behind plexiglass, light display and get the party on. I bet you can’t guess what happened next.
A number of members of the Stasi reported a party and OVER 10 POLICE OFFICERS turned up to break it up. Happy Birthday darling. So what did the idiots fuzz do? Did they apologise. No as the party was in an office they searched every room to check for hidden guests. They went away without apology then sneaked back later in the night to check again.
What a bunch of Cunts! Its on the DM website, sorry I don’t know how to post a hyperlink from my phone.
Nice to see Plod making good use of taxpayers money.
Looking on the bright side, whilst police were wasting their time doing that they weren’t harassing anybody else for some perfectly innocent activity.
Perhaps the message is that we should all find similar ways of distracting and diverting the police till they get thoroughly fed up.
Eating donuts mostly from the look of them.
When I read these stories, I wonder how many of them are staged setups.
How about this for a ray of sunshine. My sceptic sis sent me this from Twatter. One to follow, I’d say! If they’re hugely successful, then perhaps their neighbours will follow suit. This could be where the fightback begins, in the holiday industry.
”We don’t comply with any of the Covid Lockdown restrictions.
If you’re a brain dead Zombie; save us the trouble of arguing and book somewhere else. Cheers.”
Any conspiracy theory deniers out there?
If so maybe you should try this.
Open the web page right click the page and select ‘view page source’ (firefox instructions, may be different on other browsers). You will see this:
OK, it doesn’t prove anything much but just shows that the terminology is real enough so the intent may be also.
NB. The technique used here is know as an ‘Easter Egg’ where little games, puzzles or in this case job adverts are hidden in places where they are not easy to find and therefore only the ‘right sort’ will find them and apply. That doesn’t include me obviously I just read it somewhere else and repeat it here for interest.
I don’t think there’s much in that. is Biden’s campaign website, so nothing hidden.
However, you might raise an eyebrow when you look at where redirects.
Personally I don’t think the claim is that they’re trying to hide it. Rather that the ubiquity of the message suggests a high level of political coordination at an international level (Canada, UK, UN etc. use the same slogan), and this highlights a massive democratic deficit and concerning levels of groupthink.
Interesting. A digital government.
So Biden & Harris are “tackling our nation’s challenges” are they? what a grand job they are doing…
Putting a stop to the Keystone pipeline for ‘the environment’. except the same oil will be delivered, only now via a more expensive & time consuming route, benefiting people (like billionaire Democrat donors) who own & control transport infrastructure being used, killing thousands of American jobs related to the pipeline & infrastructure, & meaning thousands more will face spiraling costs and be financially hit trying to heat their homes in the winter.
Biden wants to immediately end deportations of criminal illegal aliens – Texas
Attorney General have said it is a complete abdication of commitment to legal immigration law, and so they are suing him…
He’s sent a massive convoy of US troops to Syria (& stoking tensions with Iran) which Russia are reportedly moving to intercept…China have been making aggressive moves & sending up military planes into Taiwan airpace…
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed articles of Impeachment against Biden, accusing him of (among other things) abusing the office of the VP; using his son to influence the direct policy of foreign Governments & selling out US interests to do it; accused him of a massive cover up re: Burisma & the Ukraine; & claiming he peddled direct influence with China CCP & Russian obligarchs.
It’s been quite a busy few days…
Anyone else noticed a marked increase in propaganda trying to guilt trip people into having the experimental jab?
Front page headline in my local paper today…
Northamptonshire public health officials have warned those who refuse to have the coronavirus vaccine are endangering not only themselves but also those around them.
Chief Executive of the local hospital said….
….some of the myths she had heard about the vaccine included it containing meat and alcohol as well as it affecting fertility – all of which is nonsense.
“Everybody has a right to refuse, of course they do, and if I wanted to refuse, it’s not just about my personal safety, it’s about the personal safety of my loved ones and people I come in contact with,”
Which interestingly is exactly the same line they used with the masks of course – its not about protecting yourself, its about protecting those around you. If you don’t wear a mask you will kill all your loved ones. No mention of the actual survival facts if you get the virus etc. or facts about how effective the vaccine is compared to your natural immune system.
The article goes on to try and claim anyone who has doubts about the vaccine must think the whole covid thing is a big hoax.
Freedom is selfishness. Which means the end of freedom. Goebbels would be pleased.
Except there is no evidence the prophylactics actually stop transmission.
I’ve been explaining to my daughter that the (say) 500 years of data from studying 1000 people for 6 months post vaccination doesn’t give the same results as 100 people for five years.
I can’t get people with medical and scientific qualifications to understand that. I quote the narcolepsy issue with the swine flu vaccination as an example. They are all thoroughly bought into it and I care about some of them very much but they won’t be deflected.
Also if you hug your granny or she hugs you. The attempted destruction of the family and human socialising continues.
A vaccine confers immunity from the disease on the vaccinated individual, regardless of whether or not anyone else is. Vaccination is not a public health measure; it is a clinical treatment.
Yes – that’s how it should be. But we’re told it doesn’t confer immunity. And if even the dimwitted thought about it, they just MIGHT get a gleam of understanding….
But as it seems to be more of a tool of control, I don’t suppose that sort of common sense will be listened to.
Insofar as herd immunity may be attainable from less than 100 per cent uptake of a vaccine, it’s a public-health measure.
The fact they say it affecting fertility is a myth makes statement invalidated as the company making the vaccine put out a disclaimer saying they couldn’t say it didn’t.
No one knows if it affects fertility of not because there is no long term data.That is a fact and proof that our leaders are lying.
How on earth do they make people believe that not accepting the vaccine is ”endangering the people around you”?
It doesn’t seem to occur to the dimwitted thralls that if the vaccine were effective then they need not be concerned about ”passing it on” because they wouldn’t get it anyway. And if people were ”selfish” enough NOT to have it, why should they care?
“Stop Press 2: In his latest piece for Breitbart, James Delingpole takes issue with Boris Johnson’s recent assertion that there is nothing wrong with being woke.”
Delingpole is correct, though you could debate whether “Almost everything wrong with the world today can be laid at the door of the ‘woke’ ideology” understates the problems caused by the related but distinct safetyism at the root of the coronapanic, and the lockdown response that stems from that combined with the totalitarian instincts at the root of wokeness.
Woke is fundamentally leftist, both in its philosophical roots in the ideology of transforming the world to conform with “clever” people’s ideas of what is better, and in its political power base amongst identity lobby groups fighting to overthrow the existing order in order to gain power and money for themselves. These objectives, as always of course, are covered over with a thin layer of pretended altruism and a thick layer of manipulative sentimentality and sanctimony, that gives it support and protection amongst the weak-minded and ignorant.
Is wokeness more damaging than the (related, as I said) coronapanic and lockdown response? I’d say the latter is the immediate problem, but the former is the more fundamental and the more dangerous in the long term. Wokeness is the kind of radical fanaticism that does not compromise – dissent is not merely wrong, but evil. That attitude leads to either its victory, and the “reeducation” and death camps of China and Cambodia, or its defeat, probably only after a Spanish- or Chinese-style civil war and a stern defensive dictatorship. Neither prospect is remotely attractive, but these kinds of fanatics will not stop pushing until they utterly destroy what they hate, or are themselves defeated and removed from influence. The US is arguably further down this route than we are (or it is more apparent there than here because in this country there is no effective organised political resistance), with the big money manipulation of politics there, to ensure victory for the left in the Presidential election and the big tech and big money driven demonisation of resistance to wokeness, moving, as Glenn Greenwald recently highlighted, towards a “war on terror” style crackdown upon said resistance. This will see resistance characterised as violent “white supremacy”, as the recent political protests were dishonestly characterised as “insurrection”, and the kinds of propaganda used by the establishment to push the coronapanic used to manufacture pretexts for cracking down harder on dissent. And of course the process of cracking down will generate real resistance that will fuel the propaganda drive for more crackdown. The bought victory for Biden is a big step towards civil disorder and ultimately, if the left does not back down, civil war.
Trump’s victory in 2016 (also in the face of massive big money spending in favour of the Democrat side) was in large part a backlash against the dominance of the woke left, as even some leftist analysts recognised at the time, and such a backlash had been predicted for decades but pooh poohed by the advocates of woke-style measures. When it came, of course, they just characterised it as “racist”, “white supremacist” evil that justified pushing even harder. The same will happen again now, but at a higher level of intensity.
The notion that Joe Biden is left is beyond absurd.
Yes – the absurd Trump arse-kissing that leads to such distortions could come straight out of 77th Brigade as a means of ridiculing scepticism.
Only if you follow one of the two key fallacies that commonly distort perception on this issue – that “left = nice” or that “rich is not left”. Nor of course does one have to be personally ideologically committed to leftism to promote it.
In fact Biden is the corrupt figurehead and implementer for the left in the US as Blair was here. In neither case is it necessary for them to “believe” in the cause they further, for them to be “of it” in practice.
And of course the Blairite/Bidenite left is not “not left” merely because it is opposed to the “Corbynite” or “Sanders” left, as far too many misled by those groups assume. That contest is an internal one within the left.
The most woke of people I know are teachers. Especially 25 to 35. It’s a good point to make that it’s about the attempt to rebuild society in line with what clever people think is best.
I think they waste energy on easy targets
You could say easy targets, or you could say symbols of dissent. Destroy one symbol, intimidate a thousand potential dissenters.
That’s what the mass, establishment encouraged BLM etc mob marches are about – intimidating potential dissenters into silence. Shows of force.
indoctrination in teacher training colleges has been going on for years.. It takes the teachers a good 15- 20 years to realise it was all bullshit
It was rampant in 1987 when I did a PGCE but I realised it was all horse shit while I was still on the course.
Just seen advert on tv for RSPCA begging for money. they are one of the most bloated charities. Anyway like most other similar appeals they are blaming the covid pandemic (or covid emergency) .
Until these charities start blaming “lockdown” they can go take a hike.
Funnily enough , most of RSPCA income comes from legacies. Given the way that covid has gone through their main donating demographic i would have thought they would be rolling in cash now
The rspca are past masters in intimidation and bullying. Ask any farmer.
0ne thing has always puzzled me about Britain
Why do we have a Royal society for preventing cruelty to animals but only a National society for the prevention of cruelty to children?? – do Bretons care more about animals than children?
given the history of how the royal family treat their children, one can understand why the royal patronage was not granted
Laws forbidding cruelty to horses in particular and animals in general, were made in mid-19th century. Laws forbidding cruelty to women and children, was brought in around 50 years later, about the turn of the 20th century, so to answer your question, yes.
Perhaps it indicates that you don’t need royal patronage to get most people to treat their children well.
If the RSPCA goes bust it will be the only good thing to have come out of lockdown. A truly hateful bunch of hypocrites.
That honour, IMO, belongs to Save the Children.
Age Concern.
Most charities these days are simply tax-free Big Business and/or transnational QUANGOs. I know- am acquainted with- someone very high up in a very high-profile charity. You wouldn’t believe the lifestyle. Like a lot of you, I’m very selective who I give to.
Just give to small local animal welfare set ups. Stuff the big charities they are all corrupt and no different to big business.
I recall tweeting them shortly after the Skripal affair, asking for the local plod to be prosecuted for animal cruelty for sealing up their house with the animals still inside, resulting in the animals’ death. They did respond to me but declined to prosecute.
If there would be a top ten of the biggest crimes against humanity, the covid crime would be up to par with the dropping of two atomic bombs on a nation that had practically already surrendered.
It would also be par to millions of lives destroyed with ruthless impunity by Pol Pot. Hitler, Stalin, Mao et al – they all had their reasons to unleash crimes against humanity.
This time around, the complicity of the majority of ‘leaders’ in the crime stands out as the height of depravity. It can not be explained with the misguided belief that something is worse than it effectively is.
At all times, there were natural causes that created great harm among all life on Earth. The catastrophic consequences of the 2011 earthquake in Japan being the most recent example for damages that see no end to it. Radiation lasts longer than it took humanity to evolve from Australopithecus to the present version of Homo Sapiens.
The use of Depleted Uranium is also a crime against humanity, as its devastating effects are extending into the unforeseeable future with birth defects and miscarriages. The covid crime originates from the same likes of people that dropped the two nukes on already finished Japan. The same likes of people that find great satisfaction in causing immeasurable harm to humanity. Constant wars for profit, destruction of the biome via aerolsolized fumigation in order to only have genetically manipulated crops grow in factually dead soil that prevents anything else to grow.
The covid crime is not only an attack on consciousness, it is a wholesale assault on humanity aiming at the drastic reduction of the many for the benefit of the few. While the work to out the lies of the loudspeakers for the real perpetrators – politicians/unelected officicials the world over – is to be lauded, it it remisinscent to demonstrations against the Iraq war, of which the majority of mankind was convinced to be based on lies and propaganda.
The covid crimes against humanity are similarily progressing as did the war against Iraq – voices of opposition are smeared, denounced and silenced. It is important to understand that all of humanity is now Iraq. The goals are set and no matter what – the stringpullers and perpetrators are pulling through their crime with the help of humans, of which a majority swore an oath to protect the integrity of their respective populations.
The covid crime against humanity is also an organized crime by all available definitions. The organization is as tight as a Mafia, or Yakuza – although with the honor of these organizations. The Mafia has a code of honor after all – the stringpullers and perpetrators of the covid crime have none. With the impunity of psychopaths, they are forcing the implementation of policies that are aimed at nothing less than the present and previous iterations of Homo Sapiens. Sick in the head psychopaths who play God and draw pleasure from the destruction of life on Earth.
Discussing and refuting, uncovering and making public of the lies spewed by the perpetrators is attempting to stop the war – similar to the Iraqi armed forces attempting to repell the assault on their nation by the same stringpullers.
In all this tragedy and devastation, one must be reminded of a science fiction/fantasy comedy titled “The Fifth Element”, in which at a crucial point the main character explains, that, if the leader of the band of thugs is eliminated – the band of thugs will be rendered incapable, unable to proceed.
The biggest crime against humanity with the goal of removing the majority of the human population cannot be stopped from the bottom up. Footage of ruthless violence by ‘law enforcement’ against peaceful protesters makes that undeniably clear. This crime can only be stopped by eliminating the stringpullers. Without doing that, the crime will progress unabated, unstoppable.
And yes, the only reason I have not taken my own no longer existing ‘Life’ are my Felines – whom I cannot leave behind without the Love they receive from me. I am fully aware that I am considered a useless eater, a deplorable dissenter of the greatest crime ever against Life on Earth. Existing between fighting lymphoma to not leave my Felines without the Love and care they receive – and waiting for them to follow their two siblings that died because of the Uruguayan ‘culture’.
Last but not least, I don’t value my own life as being superior to the lives of innocent women and children/humans in the Middle East that are murdered and maimed for profit by the same people that control the covid crime against humanity.
I am out of words now.
There are some who argue that the war would not have ended had the US not nuked Japan.
I have not doubt that there will be some who argue this virus cannot be defeated without the devastation already caused with more to come.
No they don’t, they say that the war would have continued with great slaughter on both sides. Compulsory mass suicides (shudan jiketsu) of Okinawan residents were just a hint of what would have been.
That’s what I said. Granted I used a double negative in my sentence so may not have come across clearly.
“They say” means “wikipedia says”. The truth is undeterred fromthe lies of the Western establishment. Next thing is that certain U.S. establishment figures did not prep up Hitler financially and with resources like gasoline to fight the Bolsheviks.
The great reset is courtesy of the same people that lie about the history as it really happened.
The same “some” are downplaying, or outright denying that the Soviet Union defeated Japan conventionally. Quite disturbing to not mention the Soviet forces who were ready to land in Hokkaido. As if the U.S. did it all alone. Japan and the legal follow up of the Soviet Union – RF – still have no peace agreement. There are reasons for that. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen and peanuts in comparison what the Japanese and Nais did to the Soviet Union. Period. A day in infamy like January 6th, 2021. Right.
‘Practically already surrendered’ is complete balls. My father was in Rangoon harbour loading his 5th Indian Division Signals troop on to a liberty ship ready to take back Malaya when news of the Japanese surrender came through. That would have been a hard fight as the 1000 miles back through Burma had been. Japanese would not surrender until Hirohito finally caved “the war situation …”. They left their wounded behind tied to trees as snipers or sitting in a concealed hole in the road with an artillery shell and a rock. Despite disease, hunger, lack of supplies or air cover they kept on to the end. Some hid in the jungle for years afterwards, killing occasionally. I’m a great admirer of Japan and the Japanese but that is simply ahistorical rubbish.
There’s a historical counterfactual novel in which the bomb is not dropped and the Americans have to fight for every inch of ground. In the end they find they are being attacked by a suicide army of conscript children.
Anybody remmember the author/title?
Don’t know what that book’s called but I’d be surprised if it was as good as The Man In The High Castle.
Sure. The Americans were far from setting foot on the Japanese mainland when the Soviet Union was ready to land in Hokkaido. Wikipedia is a Liepedia and one of their establishment stooge editors was sentenced to pay Euro 8000 for manipulation of facts:
Usually they offer German articles/videos also in English after they have been translated. It also shows that the blog who first published the story about wikipedia being fake Western establishment propaganda was smeared and canceled by google/youtube. It is now all in the open and shows the filth that is Western media/wikipedia manipulation.
agreed . the japanese were never going to surrender. the allies estimated that a conventional invasion would cost half million allied lives and more than five millions japanese.
so the allies try to force surrender by conventional bombing. The firebombing of Tokyo killed over 100,000 . That still did not bring the Japanese to the negotiation table.
The atomic bombs each caused less deaths than the Tokyo bombing. But as an act of persuasion it worked.
Tell me where the Soviet forces were in spring of 1945. This U.S. centric fairy tale about both the defeat of Germany and Japan is pathetic. The U.S. losses paled in comparison to the losses of the Soviet Union at both their Western and far Eastern frontlines. It was the Soviet Union who defeated Japan without atomic bombs.
Just like the Nazis in the West, Soviet forces crushed Japan in the East. The Japanese were done for, as were the Nazis.
The two atomic bombs were dropped to intimidate the Soviet Union. Wikipedia is fake history.
The Soviet Union had already defeated Japan coming from the Northwest. They were ready to land on Hokkaido – the worst outcome for Japan was to be occupied by Soviet forces. In a chess game, this is when the King is dropped.
But I am sure that wikipedia has a different story about that. Like the United States defeating Nazi Germany. Plus, anybody that knows what happened to Dresden, also knows that it was not necessary to drop the atomic bombs. Especially not two of them.
Really sad that the truth gets twisted like that. Truman/the U.S. wanted to show the Soviet Union who is the boss now. This was common history knowledge – at least outside the U.S. until wikipedia came along.
“Anybody else want to negotiate ?”
““There will be no ‘second spike’ – not now, and not in the autumn either.” Young has since graciously admitted that this summer prediction was mistaken.”
… which was a moment of profound weakness.
Indeed there was no autumn ‘spike’. The rise of mortality in the autumn was well within historical limits. And it wasn’t a ‘spike’ like the April surge – you just need eyesight to see that.
It wasn’t a ‘gracious admission’ – it was a moment of weakness.
I agree with you, RichH, but I do think it was a mistake for Lockdown sceptics to say there would be no second wave. It left the movement as a hostage to fortune because it was so easy for a government as shameless as this, allied to corrupt advisers, to manufacture a “second wave”. It would have been more sensible to quote Sunetra Gupta who said the lockdown was likely to create more problems in the autumn. I said back in April that I thought we would see less of a “second wave” than Europe in the autumn/ winter because we locked down later; I actually think that is what we are about to see transpire on mainland Europe, although not in Sweden which is even closer to seasonal endemic equilibrium than the UK but we aren’t far behind.
Do respiratory viruses do waves? Are they not just seasonal? In that case I disagree that it was a mistake for TY to say that, and agree he should not have admitted a mistake for no mistake was made. It would have been enough to say that virsues don’t do waves, they are seasonal, and that mortality was currently within normal parameters.
I agree with you Julian but you have to reason that the zealots are shameless liars and will manipulate any data to suit the narrative. If TY had made it clear that any “second wave” ( really a seasonal blip) was because of the overly long summer lockdown, he would have been managing the narrative ahead of time. It might not be a pure, scientific argument, but it would have been a lot harder for the zealots to undermine.
As I said above. If you get into such a conversation ask them about PCR and how they’ve corrected got that? It’s impossible
But if PCR is misattributing much of the all cause mortality, with a lot of those lockdown deaths, where does that leave your second wave?
You cannot make sense of this without understanding that PCR positive has killed any rational analysis. There was no second wave. The hospitals are overwhelmed mainly due to Covid measures leading to less beds and staff shortages. Again PCR at its core.
And because the NHS known the test is not fit for purpose, unless that purpose is to ramp up fear, they’ve going to slowly lower the CT threshold to slide themselves out of this mess.
You can ignore PCR test results completely and still see this winter is worse than average for deaths.
The excesses above baseline aren’t all covid-19 deaths of course, but a sizable proportion are. As many correctly argued at the time of the first lockdown, NPIs probably reduced a lot of overshoot beyond the herd immunity threshold during the first wave i.e. there were still pockets of high susceptibility to be exploited.
if you adjust for population growth and ageing population it most definitely is NOT worse than average.
Over what period? I’m probably talking shorter term than you, so we’re probably talking across each other rather than disagreeing.
“You can ignore PCR test results completely and still see this winter is worse than average for deaths.”
Sorry – 180 degrees wrong.
On a 27-year meaningful baseline, the period to the end of 2020 had median (or lower) mortality – well within maximum/minimum limits for the period.
As to the ‘Covid’ proportion. We’ll never know – but it can’t be particularly significant, given the invariables.
“Sorry, wrong” isn’t the nicest way to make your case. “Meaningful” is a highly subjective term, so the foundation for your refutation is weak.
Who decides 27 years is the correct period from which to take your baseline? That completely ignores the population adjusted downward trend towards 2010 and the slight upward trend since then, and for that reason, I’m out.
My conclusion is reached by applying this sort of thinking to the UK figures:
You’d need to do better than extrapolating a wide tolerance band from a 27 year window to convince me I’m afraid.
A sizeable portion are? What if it’s actually flu + lockdown deaths + normal deaths + much reduced Covid-19? Cancer deaths are down, dementia deaths ate down, heart disease down. Has Covid cured these?
More deaths only in England. Scotland, NI and Wales have seen much less excess and in line with normal winters. Does CV-19 respect invisible borders? Why has Sweden seen normal ranges with their approach to all this?
Sorry, PCR has distorted everything. See the Spanish serology studies on patients during their ‘second wave’. It doesn’t reflect the kind of CV19 numbers that it should, dramatically so. Swedenborg on here has posted excellent summaries on that.
You really need to question your position here. PCR is a disaster for rational analysis
I don’t feel I need to question my position here because you’re interpreting me wrong. I’m not claiming PCR testing is highly accurate or that we have anything major to worry about. Some years are slightly higher, some are slightly lower, that’s how averages work.
Cancer, dementia and heart disease aren’t down – those deaths are being hidden in covid numbers – I think you might be arguing with a straw man.
“PCR positive has killed any rational analysis.”
Only in terms of direct attribution to SARS-CoV-2.
All-cause mortality (given the time-lag) does indicate whether anything unusual is happening.
I think we do need to be precise in our language, Will – which is where we can outdo the liars every time.
So – it would have been more accurate to say :
” A ‘second spike’ is highly unlikely. It is not a general feature of viral outbreaks”.
I did actually back that up by making a prediction of the level of deaths in December – as an illustration of how wild were the forecasts coming from SAGE.
The accuracy was : Mine : -3.5% SAGE : +150%. I claim no Mystic Meg wisdom – just numerate sanity – and I think that’s what we need to stick with. But not concession to those who have been so consistently (and badly) wrong as government.
I couldn’t agree more with this. Toby Y lost his nerve – on the BBC for God’s sake!
Anyway, here is Michael Yeadon sticking to his guns on Twatter on 19 January (all emphases are mine):
I was first drawn into this mess when I met up by chance with a senior manager in NHS England. He’d noticed that, despite ITU beds emptying out late spring & into summer, elective surgery was at an historically low ebb. I’d asked why & he showed me slides from a recent internal meeting.
The #1 priority was not, as I’d expected, “Get the NHS back on its feet & start helping those who’d not been seen during the crisis”. No, it was “Run the NHS as lightly loaded as possible, so as to be prepared for the 2nd wave”. I told him viruses didn’t do waves & this led to my first, touchingly naive piece in Lockdown Sceptics.
It’s a macabre thought that this might not merely have been a misunderstanding of the (un)reliability of Ferguson’s forecasts. By the way, that group at Imperial still haven’t published their model on 2nd wave, or revealed the literature upon which they’d built their predictions.
In case you think they were right, what we’ve had is predictable winter resurgence in areas which didn’t reach herd immunity in spring before warmer weather killed transmission, resurgences which have been self-limiting, as were spring outbreaks. Recall how overwhelmed Liverpool hospitals were in October? Meanwhile, there wasn’t a resurgence of excess deaths at all in London, which reached herd immunity most rapidly in spring.
Thousands of deaths attributed to covid19, but no excess deaths. Some apologists have claimed lockdown reduced deaths from all other causes. Astonishingly, this claimed life saving impact of lockdowns have not been uncovered anywhere else in the world. It never ceases to amaze me the intellectual contortions that otherwise clever people go to to explain really unlikely claims, when there is an explanation that’s wholly consistent with all the observations: that you’ve been lied to.
I suppose it’s self-preservation. You cannot let that thought in, because the illusion that our govt & it’s scientific advisors haven’t been doing their best to help, but to damage us, is just too much to bear. I’m hoping that someone from SAGE will sue me, but they won’t, because then there’d be contested narratives & they’d lose.’ MW
I told him viruses didn’t do waves & this led to my first, touchingly naive piece in Lockdown Sceptics.
He’s clearly wrong on this. Whether or not it is defined as a wave is academic. There has been a significant increase in Covid cases – and I mean symptomatic Cases.
I live in an area which experienced very little exposure to the virus in the spring. I knew Yeadon was talking twaddle back then when he asserted that the epidemic was over. It wasn’t over. It had been interrupted by the summer season In the last few weeks dozens of people I now – some close family members – have been very unwell with Covid-19. These individuals are in their 20s, 30s & 40s.
Yeadon has seriously damaged the anti-lockdown cause.
“Yeadon has seriously damaged the anti-lockdown cause.“
This statement disregards the degree to which Yeadon has personally promoted the sceptical cause. I personally know a lot of people who were persuaded by the points he made, because he was qualified to make them. He’s not alone, but he was one of a relatively few such people active last summer. I’ve said repeatedly (and at the time) that I felt he was sometimes over-certain in his pronunciations, but he has earned the right to do that in his area of expertise.
Fwiw, I don’t hold with the description of this as a “second wave” either – it’s a winter upsurge combined with a filling in of the gaps from the epidemic wave – arguably in part an “interrupted first wave”.
I understand the argument made by Will and others that it might with hindsight have been more effective to argue that a winter upsurge would be in part due to lockdown (and that was part of the early case against lockdowns). But it’s only possible to make that case because the government has been surprisingly and disappointingly effective at whipping up panic over not particularly alarming numbers (helped by “new variant” propaganda). And it forgets that at the time the priority was ending the then ongoing lockdown by defusing the already created panic, in a situation in which the virus was suppressed by summer.
And regardless, I agree with Miriam, Rick and Julian above, that this was a tactical error by Toby. It was perfectly possible to sustain an argument against the idea that the sceptical predictions were wrong, as Yeadon does perfectly well. The argument that this would have been damaging in the face of the success of the government scaremongering fails to recognise the degree of lasting damage that apology has done and will continue to do. In general, “never apologise” is a good principle in politics (unless you are an unprincipled self-promoter facing a woke witch-hunt and all you care about is trying to save your personal future prosperity, but that’s a different situation).
We should adopt the same techniques as the government:
Rule 1. Never admit you made a mistake.
Rule 2. Never apologise.
Rule 3. Never tell the truth.
Outdoor mask wearing looks to have peaked in my town – mainly worried looking people, one or two virtue signalling looking types
Lots of people chatting to friends, dog walkers, stupid cones and tape put around the fountain in the market square have been moved so people can sit on it
No sign of cops or covid wombles
Small consolation
Did you do any quick calculation, Julian? Yesterday I reckoned between 10% and 15% wearing masks outdoors on the basis of one reasonable sample.
Yes, that tallies with my experience, in a small county town
I see more in London but that’s because I drive down high streets with shops so people are most likely wearing them between one shop and the next so IMO it doesn’t count
Perhaps it’s a start, though.
I didn’t notice anyone in our village wearing a muzzle yesterday, except our next door neighbour (though it was a light scarf). She’s never done this before and seemed really worried. She seemed quite put out that I was was wearing a lanyard (which I use for the village shop, as a matter of form for their sake) and said ”if we all wore one we’d all get IT”. I didn’t argue (or say the flimsy scarf does nothing at all) but she didn’t seem to know that you can’t get an ”exemption” from a doctor and seemed quite put out that you could print your own from the internet.
She was always so relaxed in the summer, with deck party gatherings and hugs (and I think she had IT back in the spring, was poorly for a few days, as was her husband). Now, suddenly….. But she’s not the brightest button in the box, nice though she is, so perhaps someone’s scared her besides Johnson, and of course she’s not alone, probably representing a whole swathe of uninformed non-thinkers. How weak people are.
I can’t really figure out the outdoor mask wearing pattern where I live. In my town, the number of people wearing masks outdoors is low, except for on the high street when people are going into shops
However, if I drive to the next town, about 4 miles down the road, about half are wearing them outside. I can’t figure out why it’s so different.
I must say I have only seen one FN on a DPD driver. Everybody who has walked past my house so far today has been bare faced.
I feel as if we sceptics are in a pool of sanity, surrounded by people who want to wipe us out. Like frogs in a pond that’s drying up. So it’s either going to rain so that we can get stronger and multiply, or we need to evolve so that we can get out and fight back.
Not sure how, but I suppose it’ll become clearer as people are coerced and restricted more and more with the arrival of spring, when even the most loyal thrall wants to plan its summer getaway.
I’m appalled by how many people seem to think (despite what has been told them) that this poisonous vaccine will bring them freedom! And that taking the poison themselves doesn’t make them safe unless everyone around them has it too! I must say, it never really occurred to me before just how shallow, ignorant and narrow-minded most people are.
Daily Mail: JOHN HUMPHRYS: Let’s not kid ourselves. The NHS puts a price on ALL our lives.
It’s odd recognising that the pompous Humphrys has said something sensible.
Pity that Jonathan Sumption uncharacteristically phrased his statement so poorly.
Indeed. He made the mistake of assuming people would understand what he was saying. In fact they probably did understand but they purposely chose to jump on the phraseology rather than the actual context.
A part of me being able to physically and mentally withstand lockdown so far has been my environment. I have a warm house and the roof doesn’t leak. I have a small garden and pleasant neighbours, and a patch of woodland at the back.
I think back less than 20 years ago, when I lived in a cramped fourth-floor flat on a huge council estate, with a baby and a toddler who both refused to sleep and two older stepchildren, one of whom was quite disturbed in his behaviour.
It was bloody difficult even with a rewarding and interesting job to go to. This may shock and horrify some people, but I honestly believe that if I’d have been in that situation under present conditions and unable to work, I would have killed myself and possibly the children.
Your point is a vital one. This is bad enough for those of us who have a fairly comfortable environment and a reasonable regular income.
But not to have any such is a horrendous prospect.
No it’s not a shocking thing to say Jo. Our government have no idea how many people live. Who of them have spent time in inner city areas? I feel our government completely distrust the population seeing them as against them. Why else would they have treated people like criminals
Just been reading the DT comments on the latest more deadly mutant virus. Have read hundreds of comments – 99% are rejecting the story and calling out the DT for poor & scaremongering journalism. Our numbers grow daily!
I read the DT most are like me again st lockdowns,you will find that most who read the mirror and the sun are pro lockdown .what can 1 deduce from that.
Anyone that has been visiting this site from Lockdown 1 reading comments on the DT like “Guys, look at this, the inventor of the PCR said it should be used for mass testing!”
And just kind of realise we so far from home. Only now some people are thinking “Hey, all this testing business is a bit of a lark ain’t it? Why are so many I know testing positive when going into hospital for a broken arm?”
New propaganda format incoming…
Apparently half of ethnic minority populations are refusing the “vaccine”. Creating patronising ethnic music propaganda is the solution. Strange, I thought singing was verboten.
On the positive side, I’m sure the future product of this should generate some spectacular ridicule.
I can just imagine the lunatic who thought that up. Complete with BLM T shirt while burbling “they have a wonderful sense of rhythm don’t they?”
I wonder if the Govt and the BBC (the latter being the true Govt) have considered the vaccine reluctance of the Asian community in the context of the proposed vaccine travel passport.
Those of us who worked alongside asian colleagues are well aware of the constant travel to and fro of families here and relatives in the Indian subcontent. They will not accept a ban on air travel without vaccine documentation and they are an increasingly influential sector of the population, a welcome important brake on the headlong rush to social and economic disaster.
As the lunatics are running the country the madness of the clowns continues, do they really think quoting this % here and that % there will work, this morning I have seen 30%, 40%, 50% and 90% death rates bandied about. At the rate of infections 30% would mean over 1 Million deaths.
Can we send in the men with white coats for these nutters?
Not everyone is happy with Boris’ pronouncement
They not only think quoting percentages works, they know it does.
This benighted land is now full of people who believe that their chance of dying of (sic) COVID has leapt from, say, 1% to 31% rather than to1.3%
It’s not difficult (even for a semi-numerate linguist such as I) but it seems to be beyond the wit of so many to understand the relative percentages.
(I’m not really sure Johnson himself understands it, TBH).
Can we do a crowd funding campaign to start putting out adverts ourselves with an alternative, fact based message? Can the ASA stop us?
Here’s an idea for one! As I understand it, when covid gets into your cells it starts instructing them to make many more coronaviruses which get released into, let’s face it, usually hospitals.
Luckily the immune system has many lines of defence to stop covid from ever even reaching your cells, but these can be compromised if you’re e.g. unhealthy or overweight.
So how about,
“Every Pie You Eat Means Trillions More Coronaviruses. Lose some Weight, Fatty.”
Picking up on the theme of using emotional tactics back on them, came across this brilliant poster on the LS section of Twitter. Hit them where it hurts – Blood on their hands
… this time with it attached.
It would be great if we could get that on some big bill boards.
No. No chance of big billboards. Bus-shelters and places like that, though. Done overnight- lookout posted, watch for CCTV- wear big bobble-hat and face covering anyway. Only use sellotape- anything any stronger and you could find yourself being charged with criminal damage. Vietcong tactics, not B52 bombers. Think asymmetric warfare. This would be easily doable. The poster above is spot-on; not logical arguments, just hard-hitting emotionalism like wot our enemy uses.
I’m no expert on the law, but I recall a story a few years ago now, in my local area about someone who’s driveway was constantly blocked in by another car [passer by, not known to the household] several times said car even parked literally on the actual driveway, uninvited! Anyway one day the house owner had enough, and plastered some large signs on the car windows with varying messages on (not front windscreen, so view was not impeded) with some kind of extra strong adhesive which caused lots of sticker & paper residue on the window, when they were pulled off. Car owner got Police involved, claiming the householder had caused criminal damage to the car; the police indicated then, that putting things on the window did not impede the necessary visual to drive the car, & that the actual damage occurred when the things were ripped off – ergo it was not the house owner’s fault.
I’ve seen another one with a child, …”and tell him his education doesn’t matter”. All very powerful.
What are those horrible things below their eyes where the mask should be?
As the Fascists would say, never look a gift horse in the mouth.
A while back Recovery projected images onto hospitals.
Time for a rerun, using these images? That would be a poke-in-the-eye double-plus.
Good idea, absolutely. Could add some other choice quotes to the proceedings, such as Van Tam spending weeks in front of a Downing St podium last year, claiming that 15 years of pandemic research have assured everyone that masks are ineffective… or perhaps Whitty’s comments from May 11th (I believe) and other occasions before that, saying that the ‘vast majority’ of people will not get the virus, & only a very very small minority overall will have a severe illness from it.
Very good, poor old bugger in middle looks alarmingly like me only he’s smartened himself up for the photo.
Here’s another one, child abuse (the adult even has her mask on incorrectly, under nose). This picture is one of the sickest I have seen.
I think if they renamed the latest James Bond movie as “No Time to Live” it might be more appropriate for the times.
Female Bond now right? And movies made with approval of CCP.. Pass.
It’s like a vegetarian sausage.
Make your own shapes!
Black Lesbian female Bond contemplating sex change.
how can you assume that the lesbian is female … that statement is genderphobic and a hate crime…..
Does Klaus Schwab play the villain in it? All he needs is a Persian cat.
I have visions of him stroking Boris’s bonnett between his legs.
Please kill me now.
I posted this on yesterday’s comments page, but it was about 1:30am this morning, so for everyone who has not seen this, Here is El Presidente being torn a new arsehole from Andrew Neil.
This is from November 2019, but, it is well worth a watch as she is extremely flustered.
It touches on the NHS also.
Check this out…it’s brilliant.
Sticky Nurgeon looks ill. **Expletives deleted**
Headline:Vaccinations for over 70s may be delayed – Taoiseach
In other words, lockdowns in Ireland will continue.
Just had a bell from one of the Bro’s, blackout special in Asda, milked it with paramedics called, manager, staff in panic..Bro calling out for his mother, security guard on receiving end of two customers anger over disgraceful treatment of bro, were winning skeptics..
lol, they reap what they sow
Was he challenged by public/staff/security guard about a lack of muzzle?
Yes indeed, security guard insisting one must be worn, manager apologizing to Bro that security guard had miss understood guidance, and would never happen late damage done..
Hahaha Legend!
The article ATL about India suggests that traditional methods of dealing with disease can be effective.
Who’d have thought.
Dopamine – let’s talk about that.
So many of you are depressed right now – many of you are, or have been, on the brink of despair and worse. Please stay with us, don’t give up – keep posting, and let’s support each other.
Dopamine is a feel-good chemical, and we need it. We do a lot for it. We get it from human contact (go and see Granny if you want to!). We get it from a good cup of coffee. We get it from a bunch of flowers. We get it from time spent in nature. We get it from many sources.
Try to find the sources which help you most. Make a plan, get every drop of dopamine you can from your day. It will help.
Most of all, as I have said to people from the beginning – do what is best for YOU. The consequences of lockdown are YOURS – the government will not roll back the harm they have done, they can’t. Only you can do what supports you best.
WHY Doesn’t someone kill all those sage cunts
well they probably wont take the vaccine which may have achieved part of that goal
As I have said before.. I was a researcher at Imperial. Security there is non-existent. Just saying.
The questions on the YouGov surveys I receive get more weird by the day.
And another
Yet another
Sorry for the repetition. One question asked which way you face when in the shower!
I too did this poll this morning. The shower question is totally bizarre, I can’t think of any point to it.
So why did you do it?
I registered with YouGov a couple of weeks ago partly to find out how it works and partly to slightly influence the results.
I do it to try and challenge them. I also love the ‘any comments’ at the end of each survey. I am surprised I haven’t been arrested as I don’t pull any punches. I also love to put the answers they don’t want to hear.
Amazing! Maybe it’s to identify patterns and weed out automated bots or people clicking without thinking? You’d hope there aren’t many “Don’t know” responses to this one.
I like the idea that there’s an equivalent bath question… “When you have a bath, do you face up or down?”
[edit] Turns out some people are “spinners” –
“[edit] Turns out some people are “spinners” –”
File under “people looking for issues to fill their print quota/time”, imo.
I found the article remarkable , but only for the way it highlights the tendency of people to take a circumstance where people make essentially arbitrary choices and tend to form habits, and blow it up into a supposedly significant issue.
My sceptical mind is thinking that they may be collecting fully auditable data and then changing the questions later on the get the data they need. A simple database change to make the question “do you support jail terms for non mask compliance”. Then they have a BBC ready headline that X percent support it. I am serious about this. Creating fake statistical data that passes forensic tests is hard. Better to get real data and change the question. This is just a theory, but if it is true then we are in an even darker place than we suspect.
They’re having fun, and its not government related in any way, despite the name
They send the results to Professor Feargoeson, he completes another of his famous models, it proves those that face towards the shower are 66% more likely to die from covid, government employs 10,000 ‘shower marshals’.
I like the answer ‘Nah, I never have a shower’ best.
They are probably trying to formulate a new emerging science consensus, face the wall when you shower or you will spread aerosols of covid everywhere as the shower “blows” them around your bathroom. Absolute bastards.
Dance in the shower?
how the f…. can “dont know” be an answer . ?????
If you face away from the shower, you are a COVID spreader.
I got that question in the survey they sent me today. They used to keep asking me how many houses or how many cars I owned with a ‘don’t know’ option!
The most popular politicians & political figures in the UK | Politics | YouGov Ratings
this rating poll must be satire
how come they sent you the Prime Minister version of the survey?
No sex please we’re British. No hugging either. Or going outside.
Ha. Since we’re meming I’ll put this here.
America is the place to watch they no longer need COVID now to damage the people in power, if the Americans turn down the cycle count get numbers down can open up say vaccines work numbers show massive growth, other countries will soon follow I think.
Johnson follows the science with impunity, rather like Blair with the F&M. The similarities in the approach to F&M and Covid are disturbing, and scientists are not called Mad for nothing.
Guardian journalists have had the time their lives during this political crisis. So often do we read the words: ‘A crisis can often be an opportunity’ within the subversive text of their bolshie rag.
Yesterday they argued that we should abolish jury trials because there’s a huge backlog due to lockdown (no mention of the fact most of this is entirely due to innocent people being dished out crippling fines for trying to live normal lives).
They argue that the law system is very ‘conservative’ therefore a bad thing.
Yes, we could get Neil Feargoeson to model the likelihood of guilt or innocence. After all, it’s ThE scIENce!
“their bolshie rag”
FFS – The Guardian hasn’t been ‘bolshie’ in the usual sense of the word for ages. That should be obvious.
Thus the ironic epithet ‘The House Journal of MI6’ – i.e. the route for establishment propaganda targeted its audience, who live under the illusion that it is still the independent paper that it once was.
That framework ceased when the Scott Trust became a limited company – over ten years ago, and was marked by some of the best journalists getting the boot. The history is there if you want to look.
(see : Nick Davies – Flat Earth News)
The comical thing is that the point made by J4mes directly refutes your claim that the Guardian is not still a “bolshie rag”.
Your problem is that the Guardian, like the BBC, adheres to the other left faction from yours.
It’s famously always been the case that factions among the hard left hate each other more than they hate the enemy, as lampooned by Monty Python (“splitters“), though that related to an earlier and rather different period.
It’s an excellent read for sure
I’ll continue calling the Guardian a ‘Bolshie rag’ for as long as they behave like a Bolshie Rag, thanks.
Same with the Times and the Daily Telegraph- bought wholesale and hollowed out. Both now conduits for state propaganda compiled by tame courtiers.
At the risk of not reading the article,did they make any reference to the Diplock courts in Northern Ireland during “The Troubles”?
Not everyone liked them and it rides a coach and horses through the notion of being tried by twelve people as opposed to a judge where many now see the judiciary as part of an increasingly overbearing Establishment.
TC I honestly just skim-read it. My skin crawls just being witness to such evil persuasion.
when are we going to lock down the fucking guardian? I think they’re pretty non-essential
Just returned from a truly miserable experience at Sainsburys in Kidderminster.
At the entrance there are notices with the words “Please shop alone if possible”; well being as my wife and myself have to shop for 3 households (ourselves, my 95 year old mother in law and our younger son who works unsocial hours and does not drive), I foolishly thought “no, it’s not possible for either of us to shop alone” and so, in we went.
Within a minute, along comes the “security guard” with the words “Can one of you wait outside while the other one does the shopping?”
Now bear in mind that we are both 72 and we could have played the “age card”.
“IS IT THE LAW THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO SHOP ALONE, THEN”, I asked him, ” No” he replied “It’s advisory”.
“Well, consider us advised then” I replied and carried on.
What really depressed me though was the nearby “sheep” cowering at how an bald old git could possibly question the “new” religion.
But I have decided to do what FS’s have said and go in separately and meet up inside.
““IS IT THE LAW THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO SHOP ALONE, THEN”, I asked him, ” No” he replied “It’s advisory”.
“Well, consider us advised then” I replied and carried on.“
Excellent response.
LS of the day award goes to Philip !
Come on, mj, you will have me blushing.
I wonder if the Bozzer and his merry band of loathsome experts and advisers ever blush?
Well done for not kicking the lousy bugger where it hurts most.
We’re with you both! We appreciate what you do.
Thank you Annie, we both appreciate your support.
The sensible ones amongst us will already be making contingency plans for the very real chance (I actually regard it as certain) that it will become increasingly difficult to buy provisions before the end of this year. The government has predictably continued to turn the screw since the beginning of this tyranny, each time with more confidence it can push us harder towards total subservience.
We’re looking at our savings/pensions being plundered when our celebrity chancellor has finally blown the last penny on SEISS, corporate bailouts and mass extreme propaganda.
This at the same time stocks in shops get choked off due to borders being shut down (Brexit being blamed, so continuing the divisiveness) and the shops themselves becoming more strict, less convenient and harder to approach.
It’s already overdue we begin to think outside the box.
Number of my elderly customers have come in today, beaming because they’ve either had the jab or are getting it later on. I asked one lady who had just had hers “was it the Pfizer vaccine?” The answer came back “oh, I don’t know.”
Unbelievable. They don’t even know which vaccine they’re taking let alone what’s in it!!
Which by proxy means there’s zero chance they’ve provided informed consent.
well of course they don’t know, the average UK joe is as thick as pig shit. More clueless that a box of cluedo with the cards missing. Absolute dribbling morons.
and so 50% must therefore be thicker that that
sadly, that extends to a sizeable proportion of the so-called ‘educated’ – the doctors, journalists, scientists – the very elites themselves are so often just not very bright
They should have been given a little card telling them which one they had..
it’s pathetic and sad, the levels of naivety and gullibility, the complete docility with which the authorities are trusted and believed
In deciding whether to lockdown or not, the government should have performed a cost benefit analysis (but didn’t). This would have looked at predicted QALYs saved from lockdown to QALYs lost from lockdown.
QALYs lost include the suicides, recession leading to less money for health services in future etc. I have read papers giving values like 3 months per individual for a 2008 style recession – this gives 15 million life years (QALYs) lost in comparison to the 5 million saved through lockdown (a massive overestimate in any case).
I am interested in the QALYs lost through the restrictions alone in directly reducing our quality of life. How much has each of us lost just due to our lives being of lower quality than when we are free?
One method is the Time Trade Off. Ask someone how long they would trade for perfect health (or to be free) over being in poor health (or unfree).
So, given that we have lived under various restrictions since 23rd March last year, sometimes worse, sometimes better – and these may carry on for years…I will call these ‘restrictions’.
If you had 10 years left to live under ‘restrictions’, how many of those total years of life would you trade to live without restrictions? Would you rather live 8 years free rather than 10 years under restrictions? If yes, you would trade 2 years. Would you rather die free tomorrow than live 10 years under restrictions? If yes, you would trade 10 years.
What would you trade?
They sort of did – the analysis said it could be really bad but that it was very hard to predict and then they mostly ignored it.
At the Coronavirus Daily Update of 10 April 2020 Matt Hancock admitted that the government had not made any attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of the government’s lockdown measures. He promised to look into it as a matter of urgency and inform us of the result. He has not done so. Indeed, even as the SI for lockdown version three was placed before MPs this year, it clearly stated: no impact assessment.
I think this is the core of how they fucked up and what should see them prosecuted for it
The failure demonstrates that the government adopted an irrational, irresponsible and incompetent approach to policy-making on the coronavirus issue. That is, assuming their professed motivation is true.
….which it’s not. none of this is about a virus, or a public health policy, I think we need to just move on from that idea now, forget about all these graphs showing deaths and infections and hospital beds and all the other nonsense, and concentrate on what’s REALLY going on here
In my view they did the analysis and ignored it, but I’m not trying to argue the case as I don’t have much more to say on it ha. Here’s one of the reports:
Yes I have read it. Here is something of interest. It is dated 15 July 2020. The lockdown was introduced 23 March 2020. A rational, responsible, competent policy-maker assesses the costs and benefits prior to making a policy decision.
They could have asked this guy
who published very early on that lockdown would kill more than it saves if recession is worse than 2008
“5 million saved through lockdown”.
I’m not arguing with your general point Steve but it cannot be proven that lockdown has lengthened anyone’s life by one second.
BTW I’d trade the rest of eternity for one day of freedom again, to answer your question.
the 5 million is a Ferguson estimate. I believe it to be zero. I’m only including to show that ‘even on their terms, lockdown is provably the worst course of action’
Sorry mate, my misunderstanding.
Another factor might be that some rights are simply inviolable in a democratic society.
I agree – I think those rights ‘should’ be inviolable – but they unfortunately aren’t. I think its a conversation society needs to have with itself
Once they locked down it was already too late.
Any cost/benefit analysis would show they’d made a huge mistake. The longer it’s gone on the worse it would appear. This is why we’ll never see one.
Today it’s revealed that the government have decided to ditch plans to decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee.
So here we are, once again, witnessing the Tories breaking their promise to deal with the BBC. The explanation for this is so very straight forward: the government and the BBC are intrinsic. The government (under which ever colour/label) use the BBC to drive their policies. It’s unthinkable that they ever abandon it.
Entirely unsurprising.
You can argue that it’s just a quid pro quo for the BBC’s usefulness spreading panic in the current useful “emergency”, but the wider reality is that “Conservatives” have talked a great fight against the BBC when out of office for decades, only to do nothing about it when in office. Just like they do on other key issues such as mass immigration. It’s because they are liars, saying things to get votes that they do not themselves believe in.
The State’s never going to relinquish control of the State Broadcaster, any more than the Soviet Politburo would have sold off Radio Moscow. Never going to happen. Same with the- sorry, “our”- NHS.
Indeed, but you would think “Conservatives” who complain when out of office about the gross BBC bias against them and their supposed causes, which contributed significantly to keeping them out of office for 13 years after 1997, would understand that if they do nothing about it when in office it will still be there kicking them and indoctrinating the population against their supposed causes once they are out of office again.
The explanation for this seeming conundrum is simply that “Conservatives” do not have any personal problem with the gross and systematic BBC bias against conservatism because they are not themselves conservative.
The issue has also been complicated recently by the BBC commitment to the Blairite left, rather than the other left faction, which more than ever means the “Conservative” Party hierarchy (themselves Blairites) share the fundamental attitudes of the BBC. All that is left is a kind of nominal partisan bias, which is easily overcome when really important issues are at stake, as seen with the BBC turn to grudging support for the “Conservatives” when the hated Corbynite faction temporarily had nominal control of the Labour Party.
I often say the only thing the Tories conserve is the steady drive of ‘progressive’ politics. And when we talk about ‘progressive’, it must be understood that, like everything with Marxist inspired politics, progressivism should be translated as degressive.
War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.
I’ve said for years that Westminster is a theatre with puppets and actors. Like WWE wrestling (please bear with me!) where the fake fighters pull punches and perform stunts to fool the audience. You have the commentators excitedly adding to the narrative and flashy graphics to hypnotise the public.
In stead of wrestling we have debate. If the commentators (BBC et al) are in on the act, it becomes very hard for the public to detach themselves from the narrative – and like a real life soap opera, they feel apart of it and compelled to join in – hence the pot bangers on Thursday nights.
It’s a full-blown psychological warfare.
That’s the reality.
It’s always been part of the reality about the BBC – but the recent years have seen much more direct and indirect political control of the Corporation, so that we now have News and Current Affairs becoming in many aspects just propaganda.
The Tories, BTW, have never been in favour of uncontrolled media – as we see now, they are quite happy if it reflects their narrow perspective. The art is getting a separation from direct political control. The latest Director General has funded the Party.
Ditching the BBC is largely beside the point – it’s the control structures that are the issue, and mega commercial corporations aren’t going to solve the problem.
Yep. Lord Reith telegrammed Stanley Baldwin during the 1926 General Strike to advise him he could rest assured that the BBC wouldn’t be truly impartial (or words very close to that effect), although he allowed a superficial narrative of dispute with HMG about the BBC’s obligation to report events impartially to be disseminated. ‘Twas ever thus, etc, contd. p. 94.
That was before the long march through the institutions, of course.
The Tories break all promises…..never ever trust them they are scum of the earth.
1 million pensioners who have been forced now to pay haven’t. Good for them – support them entirely. If you still have a license give some thought to what you are paying for. Is the BBC proaganda? Is it a purveyor of fear and/or terror? Why fund that?
yes, I’d sooner give money to ISIS
Careful JaneHarry, that’s a whole other can’o’worms!
Well, the Ministry of Truth has to be funded somehow however distorted it’s output.
I remember years ago of the PRC charging the cost of the executioner’s bullet to the family of the executed criminal.
Let the proles pay for their own misinformation.
‘Covid’ is about transitioning the world’s financial system. Full Stop.
Splendid article at OffG. Agree with a lot.
This comment from ‘Maxwell’ is also outstanding:
Excerpt from comment:
“The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.”
If someone truly believes this then there is a killing to be made if they put their money in the right place
Indeed. I suspect the insiders are in position.
brilliant: this makes sense to me, I had a vague sense it would something like this behind it; all the ‘Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, NWO’ itself had the feel of some fantasy, something lifted from a sci-fi movie, no less than the deadly plague itself. the truth was always going to be more banal.
Yes, something about Bill Gates and especially Klaus Schwab, smells of Central Casting, doesn’t it?
There’s no way almost every country in the world has destroyed themselves to prop up America. That article reads like a perfect way to get scepticsl people to take their eyes off of the ball re: compulsory vaccinations, further surveillance and the changing of the fabric of our society.
The haven’t destroyed themselves because they know the end for the current order is coming anyway.
The priority for them now is to institute the social controls they think they need in order to control the chaos of the transition.
Notice how the countries with the most vicious lockdowns, outside of the American blue states, are the other Five Eyes countries plus the most indebted countries of the Eurozone.
The further one gets from the epicentre of financial crisis, the less seriously ‘covid’ is taken – see Russia, Belarus, Brazil, China, India.
Sweden – why is Sweden the outlier in Europe?
Never a member of NATO. Late to join the EU. Did not join the Euro.
Belongs to the less indebted countries in Europe.
Which countries in Europe have the most debt?
Exactly the same countries which have the hardest lockdowns.
Why is the UK government – and others – so unconcerned about throwing huge amounts of money around?
Because they know hyperinflation will destroy the real value of debt – and paper assets.
Oh, I don’t doubt the ultimate end of this is one entwined with a shifted economic paradigm, I just don’t think America are running the show.
No- I’d say the U.S. Deep State is balls-deep in it, but not in supreme command, as it were.
I agree.
That’s where I disagree with the article too.
I think it is being done with international consensus.
Zoe update
just carrying on as before – latest R=0.77 (lower than last summers 0.85)
Predicted hasn’t changed – total symptomatic in society to have halved by end Jan
Is last summer’s 0.85 a zoe calculation, or from the govt? Or your own calculation? Just curious.
It was from a Royal Society publication
Zoe doesn’t allow me to see data that far back and I wasn’t writing it down then
page 49
you can see lockdown does the square root of fuck all
The 7-day moving average for ‘covid deaths’ in the UK is now 1241
This is about 19 per million per day
The 7-day moving average for ‘covid deaths’ in Sweden is now 19
THis is less than 1.9 per million per day
Bottom line:
The UK with masks and lockdowns has a current ‘covid death rate’ ten times as high as Sweden.
We know that can’t be true – it’s not possible. The figures are wrong – they are being skewed to get the effect they want. The plan is to destroy the UK.
The term ‘hoist with own petard’ comes to mind. The vastly exaggerated figure comes directly out of the nonsense way of defining ‘Covid’ deaths.
Swedish people don’t die in the same way as British people. They’re still alive when they die, that’s why the figures are so low, but don’t worry, they still died, and definitely of covid.
I was talking with a mate recently. He’s one of those ‘Just go along with it, it can do no harm’ types. You know the sort. Believes masks work, believes lockdowns work, hasn’t bothered to properly look into either, just goes along with his instinct, because masks *must* work, right? It’s just logical, because people’s faces are ‘covered’ and thus they ‘protect’ (which of course only begs the question), and lockdowns *must* work, right? It’s just logical, because it must ‘stop’ the spread of the virus (which is horrendously naive).
What does one do with a mate like this? He’s not a lockdown zealot. He’s a good lad, one of my best mates, yet trying to get him to take the time and investigate these things is like trying to get Chelsea to forget the money, bring the old Stamford Bridge back, complete with Shed End and Benches, and settle in a lower division away from the poncy limelight. Never gonna happen. He thinks it’ll all be over soon. I ask him where he gets this idea. He says, ‘Well it has to be, doesn’t it? Gotta end sometime, Dan!’ Does my nut in. Government constantly gives itself further excuses to keep this nightmare going, such as its disturbing new fetish for new variants and its overdramatising the matter, and people like my mate think it’ll all be over soon!
How many people are like this, too ignorant and bone idle to do the proper legwork required before jumping on board with such unprecedented and bizarre measures? It’s depressing. I don’t go too hard on him for obvious reasons, but I’ve told him straight. He needs to pull his finger out and start looking into things. Falls on deaf ears. Yeah alright, Dan! I want to knock him out. I think these types are just as culpable as the zealots. They have stood by and not even bothered to ask the most basic, fundamental questions.
I know exactly the type you mean. And if I do make any progress with them they go quiet, look troubled, and then suddenly remember that their grandad/auntie Maggie/uncle Dave is “vulnerable” and contentment settles across their faces…
I bet he “doesn’t do poltitics”, wants to please everyone
Only idiots ‘do politics’; football for the ‘intellectuals’.
That would be fine if the ones who “do politics” would keep their noses out of other folk’s damned business, but the reality is that the politics doers are coming for you regardless how much you ignore it and them. If nothing else, this panic lockdown should have hammered that lesson home beyond contradiction for everyone. Elect people who are ideologically committed to minding their own business (if you can find them), or get something like lockdown inflicted upon you as soon as a pretext arises.
Defensive politics.
It’s a bit like the response to pacifists who argue for beating our swords into plowshares – in the end, in the real world, those who beat their swords into ploughshares will plow for those who keep their swords, whether the swords and the ploughing are real or metaphorical.
But of course politics is what you do.
Remain patient, keep persisting, he will turn. The real zealots – who I consider to be a very small but unfortunately loud and powerful minority – are extremists who never want to see things back to normal. Once your pal realises this, he will turn.
For a lot of people it will hopefully start when they’re told the vaccines are not enough to allow normality to resume.
That said, as we know this is a seasonal virus, so once the “cases” and “covid deaths” start falling naturally as the flu season ends, will the protagonists use this as political cover to justify their disastrous policies? Or have the extremists really taken over and will find a way to keep it going? Time will tell.
It is far, far easier to persuade someone to believe pseudoscientific nonsense than to get them to examine and evaluate the relevant evidence.
Cooke/Hudson/Osgood/Hutchinson/Houseman ;_) Think about that forward line for half an hour and forget about your mate while you’re doing it: you’ll feel a lot happier.
Vintage Big Match on ITV 4 has been a Godsend the last few months.
ill raise you a Lorimer Clarke Jones Giles Gray .. Good times
Dirty team. Cloughie was right.
Ha ha. Can of worms or what!
Great shout! I feel better already. Those boys were before my time, and when I was first going down Chelsea (mid 80s) they and other legends were brought out at half-time at home games and given the respect they deserved. The roar which greeted legends like Osgood and Harris was unbelievable.
I’ll still take Kerry Dixon over any of those boys
I know far too many of this type. They are NPCs (non playing characters). they are the background in a computer game. They will never wake up.
Great description!
Good afternoon John,
I really appreciated you writing this and also agree in many ways they are as equally culpable as the zealots, albeit by lacking any critical thinking skills.
I find myself in a similar situation with many of my friends (to the point where I had to leave our collective WhatsApp group for my own sanity – up till last March the arguments were all centred around VAR). I still keep in contact separately with the few saner members. It’s very sad as we have known each other since school but it is what it is.
Not sure what your pal does for a living or his personal situation, but it strikes some that the longer things don’t return to normal, even someone so incurious might start to smell a rat. Perhaps when he is financially affected or something like that.
If the tide turns and the media start to change their tune, you know for sure that his type will be the first to suddenly do a 180, like that character on The Fast Show.
Best regards
Indecisive Dave, possibly Paul Whitehouse’s finest creation.
Hello Simon. Call me Danny or Dan.
I’m sorry that some of your friendships are suffering. I see this a lot. With families too. I think this issue has been more divisive than ‘Brexit,’ if that is possible!
No, my mate has not been impacted financially, but then I have friends who *have* been hit in the pocket, hard, and yet are falling over themselves to obey Government diktats. They’re fully on board the Covid bandwagon. They’re strapped in tight. So I’ve no reason to believe that if he became affected financially he’d start thinking. And of course, needless to say, I don’t want him to take a financial hit. I just want the wally to use his brain.
All the best, my friend.
Cheers Danny.
I think Brexit would be a walk in the park compared to this, to be honest! The only solace is that my wife is very much of the same bent as me (she grew up in Caracas so has never had any trust in governments).
On a lighter note. Funny you mentioned Stamford Bridge in the 80’s. One of my mates is a Chelsea fan, and his dad used to take a group of us up to games where we sat in the lower tier of the main stand. I always remember the terrace opposite was fenced off- pretty sure we saw them play both Liverpool and Spurs. Obvioulsy Dixon was the main man of course, but I think his favourite player was ‘Jukebox’ Durie.
This sounds mad to say now, but years later he snuck in the ground when it was being renovated and took various photos of him and a pal on the pitch, posing next to various bits of broken-down roofs/stands etc… Not sure health & safety was all that strict back then!
Best regards
Ha ha. Marvellous stuff. Those were great days.
‘…we sat in the lower tier of the main stand. I always remember the terrace opposite was fenced off- pretty sure we saw them play both Liverpool and Spurs. Obvioulsy Dixon was the main man of course, but I think his favourite player was ‘Jukebox’ Durie.’
Ah, the East Stand. My lot used to stand in the Shed or sit in the Benches/West Stand next to the North Stand/away end. Other than my time with my son, they were the best days of my life.
Yes, Durie went from Jukebox to Judas, unfortunately. He was such a good player and a great foil for Dixon. And Nevin was dynamite.
Mind how you go, my friend, and don’t let the bastards grind you down.
The problem for a lot of people is it is even scarier to consider that the government is lying.
Sad to say, most people are intellectually idle. Doesn’t necessarily make them bad people of course. But longer term if too many people in a society are like this it is incompatible with freedom …
(Good to see ‘beg the question’ used correctly!)
‘But longer term if too many people in a society are [intellectually idle] it is incompatible with freedom…’
Exactly right. Very well put.
The Great Reopen UK businesses are asked to open
30th January there is a call for British pubs, restaurants, hospitality to reopen. Just like Italian restaurant and bars are doing
Who’s prepared to fight for their livelihood?
More importantly who’s going to get off their backsides & support them?
You want your pubs back, your social lives…take them!!!
#Reopen #Pubs #restaurants #
“Ok people, we have a problem. The people are getting seriously fed up with our BS. They’re getting tired of policing eachother, and the carrot of freedom we’ve been dangling in front of their noses for the past year is not working any more. What can we do?”
“Well… if only we could get them scared again… like… What if we make them believe the virus is more dangerous?”
“Yes! Yes! And it spreads faster!”
“That would be great, but we can’t say we haven’t noticed it doing that. That would make us look like the incompetents we are.”
“Well… what if we make it a new strain, then?”
“Great idea! And then we just need to do more tests to show increased numbers.”
“No, i have a better solution. Instead of running after people to test them, let’s give the people 500 quid if they get a positive test. That will make everyone flock to test centers.”
“Brilliant idea! Everyone will be scared of this new strain, and they’ll be so eager to get a test and inflate their numbers and scare themselves even more!”
Or, at least, that’s how the story goes in my mind.
My local newspaper reported yesterday that within 10 days my market town will have a LFT centre especially for asymptomatic people.
Intended for key workers and people who cannot work from home or who have contact to vulnerable people. Appointment needed.
I am thinking of staging a protest/info outside.
Could do with some help what to put on my poster.
I like: a positive test means more Lockdown.
“Well, why not, as you wouldn’t pass your 11+s !”
-test + testosterone
Muppets !
I’d rather be in the pub !
Treat cancer/heart/mental patients instead !
Fuck Johnson.
Read the LFT packaging first !
Oh look what was quietly retracted during the week:
Right on time for Beijing Biden to approve it’s use and save the world from “covid” and for the CD to start using 30 or lower Ct cycles for the PCR test as theyw ere laying teh groundwork for last week.
This was retracted quite a while ago no?
Unless this is another
This is what they said and then it got retracted:
Centre page of the current ‘The Light’ newspaper. Awesome collection of information.
(computer-hesitants, ‘save image as’ onto your device, then use magnifying tool.).
Great thanks.
Or click on this link and read the whole newspaper
Watch close – where does he go to? Matrix glitch? Film error?
Is anything on TV real anymore?
That does look mighty suspicious, especially to those of us who use backgrounds on Teams/Zoom etc. However in reality it looks like a genuine digital artifact – a small horizontal row of the image (around the height of Obama’s forehead) got repeated down the whole image. So I think this is innocent – but there is lots of other stuff about inauguration that was not innocent!
he seems to be temporarily replaced by a giant sausage. (to paraphrase JFK – Ich bin ein Frankfurter ). maybe he is an alien and the hologram that he projects to look human had a glitch
Let’s go shopping!!
The Great Reopen UK businesses are asked to open
30th January there is a call for British pubs, restaurants, hospitality to reopen. Just like Italian restaurant and bars are doing
Who’s prepared to fight for their livelihood?
More importantly who’s going to get off their backsides & support them?
You want your pubs back, your social lives…take them!!!
#Reopen #Pubs #restaurants #
Me definitely but do you know where to go to find out who is opening?
I cannot see any of our local pubs or restaurants opening up. Not round here. WAY TOO brainwashed.
I think it’s unlikely around here. We’ll take a walk and see if anything is happening. I’d buy a drink if the pub was open but around here it’s highly populated with bedwetters. Sorry not even going to bother trying to not insult them now.
Worrying findings in the Imperial React study of the latest Covid19 wave, including that the odds of infection have increased markedly for black people ..
Hmmm. What a coincidence!
… it is now the case that BAME people are singled out for their non-compliance with vaccine orthodoxy: only 55% of the Asian community would take up the vaccine, they say…
This is getting ridiculous now.
If I walk through a doorway the odds of me having walked through that doorway are markedly higher than had I not walked through it. 100 people walking through that same doorway could be described in the same way. Had they chosen not to walk through that doorway I could just as easily say the odds of them walking through it were zero.
That has nothing to do with risk but purely an observation of an event after the fact and trying to describe it with maths.
According to Spectator TV (Thursday night – Fraser Nelson on Andrew Neil show) the React study used a data set from the end of Nov and then one from the beginning of January – completely ignoring the Dec increases in between and thereby rendering any comparisons irrelevant.
Indeed. The first two weeks of January definitely had more ‘cases’ than the last two of November, so technically they are correct. Except that it has peaked in between and is now well on the return path.
Are they trying to say that black people are breaking the rules more than white people, without actually saying so because that would be racist, innit?
It would be awful if some unknown person or persons, doubtless rendered distraught and emotional by the ongoing crisis, were to vandalise or remove such signs. Especially since if they do it at night and wearing masks it’s unlikely the cameras undoubtedly monitoring the area could identify them and catch the rascals…
That Goon is a very sad person…but with a jobsworth’s power to be a PITA.
How far is it from Saffron Walden to Tenby?
That would be an egregious act of civic irresponsibility which none of us could possibly condone out loud. Eh?
Glad to see the result of that trial in Germany. Maybe this is a sign that the tide is changing. Hopefully, one day, we will be able to put these insane despots on trial, and see them off to jail for the devastation they caused.
Triumph of hope over expectation though!
Sadly it does not seem to make much waves even in the sceptical media.
If I had a buck for every time I read on these threads the phrase “the tide is turning”…
Now, correct me if i’m wrong… but if everyone is looking at a poster of three monkeys and sees three monkeys, but you look at it and you see black people… wouldn’t that make you the racist?
A racist is someone who sees our species as being divided into separate races and those races as being hierarchically ordered. Whose behaviour is described by this definition?
That’s one definition.
In the broadest sense, a racist is someone who recognises the biological reality of race and the fact that it has potential significance, albeit the degree of such said significance is open to question. Or, in other words, a normal person whose opinions have not been warped away from reality by ideological indoctrination.
When you introduce the idea of there being some kind of “hierarchical ordering” into the definition, you begin to confine the definition to only (arguably) “bad” people.
Originally “racist” meant someone who promotes or engages in active, harmful discrimination on the basis of race – a more extreme form of your “hierachical ordering” demonisation.
Of course the definition shifts according to the convenience of those seeking to exploit the term. The reality, as with all such smear terms, is that either it is a very bad thing and almost nobody is one, or almost everyone is one and it’s not a bad thing at all. Or any point in between, according to the political needs of the moment.
What does the monkey see?
Personally I think it’s only racist if you see it as a bad thing.
Otherwise everything you look at could be deemed racist just by virtue of you having looked at it.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: 22 January 2021
The percentage of people with new variant compatible positives has decreased in London, the South East and the East of England in the week ending 16 January 2021; in other regions, increases in new variant compatible positives have generally levelled off
Not sure what they mean by that, but is that saying the mutant variant that we were told spreads more quickly than other versions, isn’t spreading more quickly now? Genuine question as the wording does confuse me and they might not be saying something that implies that.
Has anybody seen any recent expert thoughts on this?
Yes, I think that is exactly what they are saying.
Hence it suddenly becoming more “deadly” as of last night, despite the fact that we aren’t seeing more people in hospitals or more hospital deaths related to it, which makes no sort of sense whatsoever.
It’s funny how anything that is put on the TV is swallowed whole by everyone without question if repeated enough.
Everyone talks about new variants being more infectious as a given. How do they know? Because they’ve heard it enough times to make it true.
I’ve just received a summons for jury service in March. On my online rely I indicated that I was mask exempt for psychological reasons but am happy to attend if not forced to wear a face covering. Let’s see how that pans out.
I suspect you will be excused jury duty.
I thought us oldies were exempt but it seems not, but those over 70 can ask to be exempted. Mum did it many years ago, seem to have escaped here though.
Be interesting to hear the result, as I would probably give the same response (but physical rather than psychological).
Best go with the psychological- far harder from them to prove or disprove. Bruce Reynolds And His Brotherhood seem to be the go-to experts in that respect!
Having had part of a lung removed for cancer, I’m pretty confident in the physical side…
The only positive of sitting on a jury is that you discover what a farce jury trials are. Half the jury will not understand the evidence; 40% will be certain the accused is guilty before the trial begins (why else would the case have been brought?); and 25% will swoon over the young policeman giving evidence and hence trust him implicitly.
The only thing less impressive and convincing is our political class!
OTOH the only time I did jury service there were two wholly anti-police types who would not convict on any grounds. Everyone else got fed up and wanted to get home for tea so the guys walked. It really isn’t the greatest system but I can’t think of anything better to replace it.
Indeed Fiona. And anyone who is capable of thinking more than average, in my view, has a DUTY to attend if called. I was called before Christmas (eventually cancelled due to…!) and felt that I should attend (albeit there is the obligation anyway!).
Please post the response. UsuallyJS would be a welcome relief but no point in travelling when you can’t fit in any shopping or drinking.
I will but suspect it won’t be received soon. I’m more than happy to serve but I would likely do a Bruce if forced to mask up as the whole thing makes me unwell after 5 minutes or so.
waa nightmare! I really hope I never get asked to do jury service. If I do, I will submit a statement that I cannot trust in any of the process of law, I have no faith in the legal system and there is no way I would want to participate in supporting a system that I see as totally corrupt. I also will NEVER wear FN.
One of my family had to do it last autumn. Simple cases were dragging on forever because they emptied the court room and disinfected it between witnesses. Bonkers!
Can a man who’s warm understand one who’s freezing? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
There speaks a true Gulag veteran.
I heard yesterday that a friend had been admitted to hospital with covid and is currently in ICU.
Following surgery to place a stent, and having made a recovery she was discharged home. About five days later she was re-admitted with breathing difficulties and ended up in ICU. Where I am told she is making progress.
It appears a covid patient was placed on her recovery ward after her op. Yet another hospital acquired infection.
No wonder people are terrified of even setting foot in a hospital.
That’s the reality of hospitals and always has been. It’s a place where you have a high risk of catching something, especially if you are weak. Could be covid, could be a flu, could be one of those very scary anti-biotic resistant infections.
I recommend this thought provoking article which puts an entirely different slant on Covid and the extreme over reaction to it and the real reason for the Big Reset.
Yes – this explains why virtually all countries are on board, and also why virtually all western politicians are onside.
They have all been told that this is an issue of vast overriding importance.
The course is now set – with Biden – for hyperinflation of the dollar, which is the main means of payment for international trade, which will come to a halt in the absence of such a means of payment.
I think the Euro was intended to replace the dollar in this regard, but I am not sure that will work.
I think all fiat will go into hyperinflation.
Whatever happens we face at least a couple of months where global trade is virtually at a standstill. What this means in a tightly integrated, just-in-time economy, is that there will be shortages of all sorts of stuff everywhere, at least for a while.
This is the reason for the ‘covid measures’.
Holy shit. Everyone needs to read this before it gets disappeared. It seems quite believable. I need some time to process it as the implications are profound. I’m not worrying so much about the scamdemic today.
I read it and printed it off last night, definitely a ring of truth there!
Lots of good stuff in OffGuardian….I picked it up on a link here in December….
This seems very convincing. I’m afraid I know very little about economic matters, so I’m not sure what conclusions to draw from this about the future. One conclusion could be that our governments are trying to prevent a greater evil (hyperinflation) by perpetuating the lesser one (authoritarian measures).
I’d be grateful to anyone with knowledge of these matters to post something about possible outcomes, time scales, etc.
For such bold critics of the Chinese regime, Mssrs Neil O’Brien MP and Dominic Lawson MP seem remarkably enthusiastic for the regime’s lockdown and censorship measures. One wonders where their loyalties and interests really lie.
Don’t get lost in the noise people, all of this madness still boils down to one simple question:
Do Covid measures cause more harm than the disease ever could itself?
I believe there is overwhelming evidence to already prove this, before even considering the devastating medium- and long-term effects.
This question should be directed at anybody who is still happy to comply with this lunacy.
And steer them away from the parochial “protect the NHS” garbage, and remind them that a global recession leads to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in the developing world. Hundreds of thousands. We’re not talking about elderly people on their last legs here, this is young people and children we’re talking about.
Sceptics have blood on their hands? No, we’re not the ones supporting measures that create a form of indirect genocide.
Our core argument remains solid.
Absolutely- there are so many parts of the world less ‘developed’ soto speak who rely massively on the income relatively well off tourists bring. Which is getting little publicity from the MSM
And they’re going to go on suffering if certain travel companies begin with the coercion methods. See what ”Saga” says – they expect all their customers to have had the vaccine at least two weeks before travelling with them.
I do hope they lose thousands of customers. If people who’ve taken the vaccine believe in it, then they will believe it makes them immune, and go on holiday without a care. So why should anyone have it who doesn’t want it? Surely it’s up to them to insure themselves.
Not hundreds of thousands but millions.
Hear hear! You are absolutely right of course.
I would go further and say that even if lockdowns did cause less harm than the disease, that still wouldn’t make them moral or proportionate.
An action can be immoral and completely wrong, but still be effective.
Desmond Swayne sounding depressingly enthusiastic about the vaccine as the “new normal.”
The troglodyte analogy is spot on though.
The blatant arse-covering about upholding the law, interjected by JHB, shows the eggshells these people are now being forced to walk on.
I suspect that she does otherwise as most do, but at these times you can’t go round broadcasting it. She has been on fire lately especially about education and young people. Three cheers for her. No one else seems to be doing other than Allison Pearson.
Indeed. Janet Daley seems to have been got at.
Well I wouldn’t knock DS too much -he speaks out about the need to get rid of muzzles and open up.
Some interesting graphs from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre reproduced in this article tell a story:
The troughs shown for ICU occupancy with various potentially lethal conditions during April last year (and the current similar development) strongly suggest the operation of either (a) a treacherous policy of denying ICU treatment to these classes of patient or (b) a mendacious policy of misrepresenting their illnesses as something else ‘for the record’ (wonder what that could be).
Oh dear, could this be a conspiracy hypothesis?
Was looking at those just yesterday, AG. Those three graphs, for Stroke, Myocardial Infarction and Trauma all have the same shape, with that characteristic ‘V’ coinciding with the April peak. They really give the game away, don’t they?
Recommended viewing.
They need to listen to the real experts
Why are you l=inking to a month old video? The guy knows his stuff but things may have moved on.
Do you agree with him on vaccines, by the way?
Does it matter that it’s 4 weeks old? The virus is doing what the virus does. The point I was making was that this person is an expert on viruses, not an epidemiologist or computer modeller but someone who has an understanding of the pathogen itself and how they behave. There are over 2000 variants, why is this one different? It may be more contagious but is it more virulent? With regards to the vaccine I have a high threshold of scepticism, both on the efficacy and the data supplied by the creators/manufacturers.
Things may have moved on? Una month? If this stuff is so fast moving, and I agree it is, then why the hell are government stooges jumping on it in daily addresses to the nation to ramp up anxiety among the population? If its just speculation based on fast moving data???
If you are not a shill, you are scared of the big bad virus. In either case, you are on the wrong forum. Try Facebook.
On a separate point in relation to the ONS Infection Survey..
I’ve just noticed that the excel data spreadsheet that attaches to the Infection Survey seems to show cycle thresholds for positive tests (mean, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentile).
There has been lots of talk about PCR positives at high cycle thresholds representing the test merely identifying viral fragments from people who clearly aren’t/aren’t any longer infectious, but that cycle thresholds are being kept secret.
Is this ONS information actually quite useful information at least in relation to positives from the ONS survey? Can anybody with expertise comment on this?
Just as a guide – these are the approximate estimated percentages of true positives (as a percentage of PCR+ results) at different Cts :
Ct %
20 87
25 69
30 30
35 3
It illustrates the PCR issue. Only below ~Ct 25 is the likelihood of a true positive above 50%
So the median CT threshold for English positives for latest week (week starting 11th January) is 30.4 from the table, so perhaps only 30% of those at that median level are true positives?
Where did you get those true positive percentages from?
(the distribution is skewed so you can’t say it’s 30% overall of the positives, need to give that some thought before suggesting a figure)
That’s about right, I reckon, although the reduction in real positives isn’t linear – it falls off quite rapidly.
I got the chart from which this is taken from a link posted here – but I didn’t reference it when I saved it, unfortunately. I tend to keep useful analyses – but, ironically, do usually make sure I know where they come from.All I can say is that this was the best breakdown of Ct values that I’ve come across. Perhaps someone else can recall the graphic – which is quite detailed?
All I can find at the moment is this twitter thread I saved from a while back.
Which forks off to this paper at one point
Rick, where did you get the data from please? (Sorry, just seen your comment further below!)
Thank you for the above link to the Advertising Standards complaint form — the government’s scary ads have been bothering me for weeks so I’ve submitted the complaint below – if anyone else feels the same do please send one in as they’re more likely to pay attention if they get a lot of people complaining. (
“The billboard says in big letters ‘ANYONE CAN SPREAD IT’ (referring to coronavirus). It continues ‘IF YOU GO OUT, YOU CAN SPREAD IT. PEOPLE WILL DIE.’
This is not factually true: you can only spread it if you’ve actually got it. And even if you do have it there is no certainty that anyone will die if you go out (transmission in particular outdoors is extremely rare, and the recovery rate from Covid is over 99%).
The government, like any other advertiser, must not present highly unlikely possible scenarios as certainty (can you imagine permitting an advertiser to claim, ‘TAKE OUR PILLS AND YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT’ if in their study less than one in 100 people had done so?) — and particularly not with the deliberate intention of scaring the public.”
Just like the National Lottery when they claimed “It could be you”
It’s exactly the same.Only one in a trillion win a fabulous prize, but that one MIGHT be me, so I gotta buy a ticket. Only one in a trillion die of Covvie, but that one MIGHT be me, waah waah, hide under bed.
Very good point Jayjay
Censorship and repression pose a threat too
My letter in BMJ On-line today. Wardle and Singerman are from an organisation call First Draft News. According to Wiki: “ First Draft News is a project “to fight mis- and disinformation online” founded in 2015 by nine organizations brought together by the Google News Lab. It includes Facebook, Twitter, the Open Society Foundations and several philanthropic organizations.”
Censorship and repression pose a threat tooRe: Too little, too late: social media companies’ failure to tackle vaccine misinformation poses a real threat Claire Wardle, Eric Singerman. 372:doi 10.1136/bmj.n26
Dear Editor
I have commented often in these columns about the concept of “misinformation”. Claire Wardle and Eric Singerman [1] do not seem to be in any doubt that we are talking about not so much information which is false (which would be a different category) as information which is inconvenient to policy. But what right do they have to deprive the public of it, and where might it end? Surely, if there are negative aspects to a policy the public have a right to know about it, otherwise we are could be into the bad cycle described, for instance, in the Cumberlege report.
[1] Claire Wardle and Eric Singerman , ‘ Too little, too late: social media companies’ failure to tackle vaccine misinformation poses a real threat’, BMJ 2021; 372 doi: (Published 21 January 2021)
[2] Helen Haskell, ‘Cumberlege review exposes stubborn and dangerous flaws in healthcare’, BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 06 August 2020)
Competing interests:, an on-line daily journal, concerns itself with the potential environmental sources for the proliferation of autism, neurological impairment, immune dysfunction and chronic disease. I receive no payment as UK Editor. I also moderate comments for the on-line journal ‘The Defender’ for which I am paid. I am also a member of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance
More propoganda from Sky News. Currently showing a piece branding care home staff selfish for refusing to be vaccinated.
No mention that we don’t even know if the vaccine stops the spread of the virus. If it doesn’t then it makes little difference whether or not they are vaccinated.
The misinformation here is making care home residents believe that others taking the vaccine will definitely protect them.
This prophylactic protects no one from transmission or infection. Not preventing increase in virus in UAE or Israel.
It is preventing disease. Early data was never going to show the full benefit of the vaccine.
sources please
The converse must also be true. Potential negative effects of the vaccine would also not show until later.
Mayo, when even Pfizer itself says that the ‘vaccine’ doesn’t prevent catching the disease, it only reduces symptoms, how can you write ‘It is preventing disease’?
You’re not 77th Brigade by any chance are you?
I was wondering the same thing David!
Evidence please.
Not according to Pfizer.
It kills the most old and frail and doesn’t prevent it spreading. What is the point? Still, if it makes some more people wake up, then I’m all for it.
I don’t blame them refusing to take it. It’s their choice whether to have it anyway
“What is the point?” What a horrible question to keep hearing. But I’m still yet to see a good answer.
I’m 27 with a secure job, some great friends and no health concerns. But I am struggling. How old am I going to be when this is over? The prime years of my life are being stolen from me and I will never get them back.
I’m struggling to find the words to describe how I’m feeling. If I was to pick three, they would be anger, hopelessness and exasperation.
But how can I feel like this? How I can feel as I do when my situation is trivial in comparison to so many out there?
Those people that have seen their livelihoods be destroyed. Those that have missed life saving cancer treatment. Those that have had their education ruined.
I passionately hate every single person who supports current lockdown policy. But this includes my friends.
What a fucking mess.
There is a point. The rotten institutions that are meant to serve us are still being run by Boomers/Gen X, and this farce has shown them up to be two of the most selfish generations to have ever lived (generalisation I know, there are exceptions, especially on this site).
But soon it will be our generation’s turn to run the show, and it is our job to learn from how we have been utterly shafted during this, build a better world and make sure that something like this never, ever happens again.
That’s the spirit, Poppy.
Willie – be assured your feelings are not unusual but are a natural reaction to the lack of control any of us have over this situation.. I’m somewhat older than you (59), but have experienced all of these feelings you describe for months now. I also am lucky enough to have a business that hasn’t really been affected (at least financially), but I think what we are feeling is a sort of “survivor’s guilt” on behalf of all those less fortunate than us but whom we are powerless to help. this is exacerbated when we see others who are also comfortably off who show so little understanding of the situation or empathy for the less fortunate that it triggers such anger in us.
I don’t feel survivors guilt.
I’m angry that all our freedom has been stripped away.
House arrest, forced masking, forced testing.
We haven’t survived shit. We have become slaves of the state and the real fear is that it’s not temporary but permanent.
I know. We have to continue fighting.
Out and about in Hampstead in Belsize Park this morning. So many more people wearing masks than previously. Why? I want to scream? We need a no mask civil disobedience day urgently.
Talking to some colonials from NZ. They feel NZ has been turned into a prison camp. Apparently when you are in quarantine there the hotels guarded by the military. WTF like N Korea.
Had a long natter and we are of the same mind that this is just one huge great scam. I am a colonial too from another part of the world.
Recreating the NZ gulag is now official UK government policy.
Covid positive right now.
Sweden seasonal bump already over, without the criminal lock-down of course:
Oh dear, it appears the SWP thought they were immune to being muzzled:
Brilliant! I’ve always believed that extreme Left parties should be illegal, just like extreme Right.
Who defines extremism?No parties should be banned if you live in a democracy
Too right!
or left
or what ever.
I’m a libertarian who believes free speech is sacred & means just that, you can say anything, but i’m starting to think farcebook, twatter & all other social media should be outlawed for the good of humanity LOL.
Or just do what I do don’t use it.
Do you want to defeat Johnson & Hancock? Here’s how, in 70 seconds.
"Coronavirus Scotland: Leading doctor warns long Covid could be worse for children
"Despite the belief that the virus does little harm to children, research has shown many may[*]be experiencing so-called long Covid"
* EdinburghLive get-out weasel wording
"More children than expected could be experiencing 'long Covid', and an Edinburgh expert has warned the longer term effects could be worse for kids.
"Professor Debby Bogaert, a paediatric infectious disease expert at Edinburgh University, pointed to new data which showed 13 per cent of kids aged two to 11 across the UK were still experiencing symptoms five weeks later.
"This then increased to 15 per cent amongst young people aged 12-16, with Prof Bogaert arguing there was a need to examine the impact Covid has on children closely.
"She said the argument that Covid does very little harm to children may now be weaker as argued against focusing solely on children's role in spreading the virus to more vulnerable people."
Read on at Edinburgh Live
Who is Debby Bogaert? She is Scotland's go to for Long Covid. Orgiginally from the Netherlands she now is the face of Long Covid in Scotland.
Debby is well placed since she is a sufferer of Long Covid herself. Here in the BMJ she signed an open letter attrubuted to a group of clinicians who all are diagnosed as suffering from the Long Covid.
Here Debby writes in the Guardian June 2020
"During the early stages of the outbreak, I came down with mild Covid-19-like symptoms. Though I was slightly worried this would hinder my ability to contribute to the immediate professional battle against this virus, I also anticipated I would be back in business within a week or two. How wrong I was – I became what we now call a Covid-19 “long-hauler” – a patient with initially mild symptoms of likely Covid-19, who would go on to experience a range of sometimes severe symptoms for a prolonged period of time."
That is fast work to have caught the virus and be declared a long hauler by June 2020 just two months(?) after we began with covid, perhaps she caught it as early as March we don't know, she doesn't say.
She goes on to write herself into a hero though.
"Though physically I still struggle with lung problems, as a doctor and a scientist I struggle mostly with the lack of knowledge about this condition. We currently have no understanding at all of the biological mechanisms causing these prolonged symptoms."
Towards the end of her guardian article Debby talks about Kawasaki disease in relation to children. Was Debby stoking fear in the population by bringing such a rare and now seemingly irrelevant connection into the nation press?
Not three hours ago Debby retweeted out the following –
" Pfizer says its #covid19 vaccine trial in kids ages 12-15 is fully enrolled w 2,259 participants as of yesterday"
Debby is pethaps hiding from the news that in Israel the Helsinki Committee has declared the Pfizer vaccine is little more than unauthorised human experimentation.
This is certainly an area of the world Debby knows about since she seems to be following pfizer in Israel closely retweeting:
" reassuring Israeli data on efficacy of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine days 13-23 after first dose ~ 60% percent reduction in coronavirus infections in those > 60 y green line vaccinated, blue line controls"
Finally I noted a concern on Debby's twitter page that there are so mang sick notes being signed with Long Covid that a doctor is questioning however will the economy recover.
You cannot make this stuff up!
I, I, I, I, I. Me me me me me me.
One gets the feeling Debby is the star of her own psychodrama every minute of the day.
This anti-vax focus is a dead end. The Pfizer jab looks to be very effective. As more data becomes available opposition to the vaccines will fall away.
Shouldn’t there be enough data to make sound conclusions from before you start injecting people? And I’d love for you to produce this data that demonstrates the Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy.
Yes – the data should be available before a vaccine is widely used. However, in some circumstances drugs or vaccines are deemed safe enough to be used in an emergency.
Israel’s 33% efficacy claim is based on data from just 14 days following the first vaccines. That’s actually pretty good. It implies more protection at 21 days (60%??) and even more following the second jab.
Lockdown sceptics continue to make rushed conclusions before all the data is available.
what emergency?
And there you have our objection. As you point out, the data isn’t available and yet off they go vaccinating en masse.
It may well be that it turns out that the vaccines are not particularly harmful and possibly even useful in reducing covid symptoms as per the initial trials.
But EVEN THEN, our objection is the precedent set. We are setting ourselves up for future medical tyranny.
Bottom line, many of us our hoping the vaccine is a total flop, because (a) the virus doesn’t frighten us and (b) if it works, we are headed for more vaccine hell down the road.
All the data won’t be available for about 10 years.Covid doesn’t justify an emergency vaccine.
The Israel with soaring ‘cases’ and deaths, that is your evidence?
I hope the hypocrisy of you accusing ‘lockdown sceptics’ of rushing to conclusions in the same post that you take an assumed level of protection after 14 days and conclude that it will increase with time and a further dose is not lost on the people reading.
Do you know what the ‘33% efficacy’ claim actually means?
How can it be possible to make such an appraisal after 14 days?
It’s bunkum.
Go away Matt.
You think injecting 2000 children with gene therapy that critics in the profession are naming as human experimentation is effective? I feel sorry for you.
Fuck off you gibbering moron.
(Lest anyone at all take you seriously).
Well Said JohnB
Rather depends whether there are negative consequences to the vaccine beyond the ability of the propaganda machine to cover up for them or over-ride them with covid scaremongering, obviously.
Two incontrovertible facts:
1 There have been cases of vaccines approved and used extensively before being withdrawn because they had unforeseen negative consequences
2 The kinds of consequences that might occur can inherently be longer term than the duration of the coronapanic so far, so that the possibility of their existence cannot by definition be ruled out as a result of any testing so far carried out.
The consequence of 1 &and 2 is that your confident assertion goes beyond what you can legitimately claim with supposed certainty.
I wouldn’t go the other way with any certainty, either. Imo the only honest position is that we don’t know enough yet to have any confidence on the outcomes.
A whole system of government reaction based on an extremely narrow version of ‘the precautionary principle’ but when it comes to vaccines, ‘throw all caution to wind, suck it up’? seems consistent with government policy but inconsistent with reason, rationality, the scientific principles and human ln experience bestowed to us as a gift.
It’s a very selective version of ant precautionary principle – a modest rational version of which would be to ignore any under-tested vaccine.
“The Pfizer jab looks to be very effective.”
Don’t be daft. There isn’t enough data – by definition – for that assertion.
There’s certainly not enough data to claim that it’s not effective. The 33% figure was limited to data from the first 14 days after vaccination. That’s a pretty good start since the efficacy is likely to improve significantly over the following week.
The precautionary principle.
Look it up. Then start celebrating the injecting of mRNA into other peoples children. Those children are people who cannot be expected to make an informed consent about the procedure being done to them.
There is enough data to conclude this far that the only thing the Pfizer vaccine has been proven to do is reduce the number of PCR positives since that it all it measured in the trials. The 3000 people excluded from the trial make the efficacy claims even less veracious than they already are.
What data do you have now to support this claim?
Presumably symptoms include anything that might be caused by being cooped up for months on end too.
I’m pretty damn sluggish and low on energy myself. Probably because I’ve had bugger all to do and no opportunity for love or joy for months on end.
Nah, must be long Covid.
Considering that we now know children very rarely contract it, and those ”vulnerable” ones may become ill, doesn’t it follow that effects may be longer lasting BECAUSE they’re not A1?
Bogaert by name, …
One fears a lifetime of snide abuse may have turned her into a humanity-hater. V sad.
Harry Potter fans know that boggarts work by turning into what you most fear.The solution is to laugh at them, riddikulus!
Another member of Sturgeon’s coven?
I feel less devi-like this one seems more out and out UK national comentating. She doesnt have her meat hooks into sturgeon as obviously. More that she is called upon not string pulling.
Am I naive, or is someone, who decides that the three wise monkeys might offend ethnic minorities, being rather blatantly racist by implication?
No, and yes!
Monkeys have feelings too you know!
I hate being called a monkey, when I’m actually an ape, it’s so discriminatory. And them monkeys is thick as pig shit, innit.
Just because you self identify as an ape doesn’t mean we’re not all one big happy family.
I’ve noticed the WHO PCR updated guidance is being ignored by the zealots. Too much fog for them to hide behind. “It’s just telling them to follow the instructions, I am sure the labs are doing that” sort of response.
However, the Weimar Court response is very difficult for them to pass off. They’ve little concern for individual autonomy or the base for the rule of law, but their lack of awareness matters not. The facts simply do not support their position at the most important level. To support lockdowns is to support the end of Enlightenment values and democracy
Also remember the Portuguese court.
“Long Covid” is going to be the new “bad back” for those seeking sick notes (if there are any jobs to skive off from anyway).
Children are suffering too (Whately told me) will no one think of the teeechers!
The entire argument for lockdown seems to me to consist solely of: “Of course it works, stands to reason dunnit?”
That’s it. The entirety of the science is “stands to reason dunnit?”
University of The Bleeding Obvious.
JASA – I seem to have lost the thread now. Re all here meeting up one day.
Have you looked at
You might find contact with like-minded people that way too.
Perhaps if we all said which county we live in, one day we may meet up at hubs even if we do get ”cancelled” in the meantime for being revolutionaries!
KBF website lists local groups and people too.
(I’ve heard from a friend that several run ‘mental health support groups’. Others hold ‘business meetings. No pubs on board yet sadly.).
Worth looking out for, isn’t it?
I think we should take over a campsite in the summer.
I’me in.
80-something year old FIL was jabbed early this morning, with the Pfizer concoction. He is what I consider to be an armchair sceptic, not on board with the govt fearmongering but also not willing to make a fuss. He and MIL happily come round to visit us and grandchild indoors although I’m still not convinced that they quite understand or believe that it could possibly be illegal.
Apparently the only words spoken to him during the entire process (which, of course, involved lots of elderly and vulnerable people being corralled close together in a queue) were to inform him that should he still feel unwell more than 2 weeks after the jabbing, then he should (like all good citizens) report for a covid test.
Absolutely no explanation of the experimental nature of the vaccine, of course, or the fact that he is essentially taking part in a Phase 3 trial…
… or, should he feel unwell, it can’t possibly be covvie cos he’s had the magic snake oil?
The 90+ year old lady I help went for her ‘jab’ (half-heartedly as she’s not entirely convinced). She had to queue up with other seniors, outside, no seating, cold, wet, and then they were told there’d been an ”incident” (Iet’s guess, shall we?) so they were kept even longer. Very soon she began to wobble, so they took her inside, thank goodness.
How many other seniors are being treated in this way?
(She wasn’t told anything about it either. She felt unwell for a couple of days, but seems okay now. How easy for them to say, if she snuffed it – ”Well, she had other medical problems, didn’t she?”)
I can only wish them both well. Round here, we have been asked, ‘Have you had your vaccine yet?’ I think you can guess our answer to that one!
We know of a few people who have had one of the vaccines, so far none of them seem to have experienced immediate adverse reactions but that doesn’t automatically bode well for them. The main beef seems to be that there’s no sign of the second one!
Nobody we’ve spoken to who has had or is in line for the jab has any clue of the reality. I agree, these poor souls have no idea that they are lab rats. Some have stared at us in amazement when we point out that the Govt has made it clear that it’s not going to make them immune. The fear-porn seems to get through all right but not anything that might dampen their faith in the Holy Vaccine. There are a few Astra Zeneca employees round here and they are dutifully putting it about that their vaccine is totally safe and properly tested, including for reactions with other jobs. Our understanding is that has not been done to any extent.
Del Bigtree’s ‘Highwire’ programmes are very good for vaccine information, especially for anyone who only follows MSM. Despite massive censorship, reports of adverse reactions, some extreme, are getting out there. We are also watching with interest the number of ‘Covid’ outbreaks in places like care homes where they’ve jabbed all the old buggers.
On a happier note, loads of people are out-and-about in the High Peak. Some swerving going on but not much al fresco nappy-wearing and a lot of people happy to stop and chat within less than 2 metres.
Anyway, this is my favourite local anecdote: It seems some idiot went into his work in a residential home for people with learning disabilities, ‘coughing and spluttering’. He wasn’t ill, of course, because he ‘hadn’t had a test’. Eventually he tested positive for the Rona and then lots of the inmates followed suit. I asked my informant if anyone was actually ill. Apparently not.
Doncha just love This ‘New Normal’? If you are feeling ill with symptoms you need a test to tell you that you are or else you’re well. If you are well with no symptoms, the same test will tell you that you’re ill and a danger to everyone. Common sense left the building, sometime in March 2020. MW
Reminds me of that old Weetabix advert, “Have you had your daily wheat?”
Presumably no questions asked about past medical history, previous reactions to other vaccines or allergies then.
Doubt it!
In Germany the patients have to sign a consent sheet which details side effects, what a mRNA Vaccine is. Of course it does not go into detail of potential long term effects and that it is not fully licensed.
And how many elderly in care homes gave consent not understanding what they sign, or their relatives or their appointed person?
Every person should be asked about medication they are taking, if they are allergic, if they have had adverse effects before etc.
Nothing asked at all? Unbelievable!
He certainly didn’t mention signing something, but he doesn’t always give the most accurate reports!
My elderly and ill parents are due their jab in February.
They both want it – not stopping them as it’s their decision – but I have given them the info about it being unlicensed, contains 2 ingredients that have never been used in human vaccines before, they should be fully informed of all possibe problems etc etc.
Not been mentioned by them since my Mum said she was reading thoroughly what I sent her.
Just seen an advert on TV for WaterAid. Apparently the highest risk to inhabitants of African countries without enough clean water is…….coronavirus! Listed 1st ahead of pneumonia & Ebola. No mention at all of dysentery or typhoid or indeed any other infection that would be far more dangerous than Covid.
Yes…but…JME…you don’t understand. Coronaviruses have never, EVER, existed in the whole history of man. Coronaviruses have never, EVER, contributed to respiratory diseases before. Coronaviruses have come from NOWHERE to KILL US ALL!!
(/Sarc off)
Yes – I saw an appeal about the Yemen focusing on Covid – as if it was the main problem. I was speechless.
Unbelievable! Problem is people will actually believe it!
Tatical nukes are a much bigger problem to the people of Yemen than covid.
Shows how people jump onto bandwagons for personal benefit. Not because they necessary believe it.
Is it the one with Julia Sawahla or what’s her name?
Yup, that’s the one!
Nadia Sawalha.
Cynical bastards- typical transnational charity. Any lies as long as they generate money.
So the fat fuck is also a lying fuck. Who knew?
Good News Saturday
Fake news about Covid-19 – History Debunked
The British government has been rebuked by the Advertising Standards Authority for spreading fake news about the Covid epidemic.
I have submitted an FOI to my local trust asking which test they use for SARS-CoV-2 and if RT-PCR then how many cycles are used.
Well done. Let us know, won’t you? I think I’ll do the same.
Ask separately about patients and clinicians. I wouldn’t rule out some trusts really taking the p*** and choosing a test to give the results they want.
The hospital near me uses LF for doctors & nurses. I plan to ask a friend to find out about the tests on patients.
Good luck, I asked Whately (Minister of State for Social Care and my MP) that on 5 November, still no answer.
Other than the fact that she looks good in a leather jacket, what purpose does that woman serve? Not so much a waste of space as a hole in the air.
She did reply to an email of mine from 22 December a few minutes later (predictable boiler plate and fear porn) but I’ve a feeling her minions are lurkers!
Interested to hear your response. Kent CCG according to my FOIA have absolutely no idea of how many cycles are used, in addition to having absolutely no idea of any operational false positive rate. Good to know they’re on the ball.
PHE specified to use 45 to the to use test kit manufacturers.
I am still amazed that so many people have been taken in by the hysteria. One of my long time friends I have only seen a couple of times in the last 10 months. His wife is even more paranoid. Before the pandemic they were cruising all over the world. But now they have followed the rules to the letter. He just told me (phone) that he passed the end of my road this morning, taking an early walk – doing it early as it is maniac trying to avoid people later. I walk similar routes to him but I have never sensed so many people about to call it ‘manic’. But I don’t follow 3m ‘social distancing…
Further to my mention last night of the chap coming to sort out my roof. He clearly has issues with his appointments. Supposed to turn up at 10am I rang the office at 11am and the girl said he was definitely coming. Still no sign at 1420 so shall go on a lovely exercise walk…
Via arsebook my wife is hearing worrying stories of Joggers at risk of being hit by vehicles when jogging down country lanes so as to avoid busier streets as walkers have been told that joggers are spreaders of the virus and are scared of them. More unintended consequences of fear porn public health messages?
Yesterday I saw something for the first time: a higher wearing a face mask.
Coming to a Tesco near you. That’s an order!
Perhaps you could do something similar and go and stick it on the glass next to this, in the dead of night.
Something about shopping without orders from a supermarket chain on how to conduct your life.
Nice one! It’s bad enough getting orders from our esteemed (sarcasm) government about how to live our lives, but from a supermarket it’s taking it too far. Mind you, to prevent physical interactions, the next thing will be adverts from bed manufacturers advising us to sleep alone and the government banning the use of double beds!
Morrison’s has a new large “no mask no entry” poster outside, but no goon on sentry duty. I wandered in as usual.
I tried, but they keep letting other customers in
It allows them to significantly increase the number of “active” shoppers, whilst maintaining the restriction on total numbers within. Bastards! Don’t shop there, and email their CEO telling him what you think.
And another thing; if you have to shop in one of these restrictive stores – Tesco, Sainsbury’s or wherever – make sure at the checkout you take forever to pack your bags, and tell them you find it difficult without help.
Just ask em if it’s the law to make people shop alone? and watch the “does not compute” look appear on their faces.
So what the fuck are single parents meant to do, tie their children to a lamp post outside with the rockville
So, nearly 24 hours after the government announces that the new strain is ‘30%’ more lethal…
Streets heaving with pedestrians out for weekend walk – lots of families, barely any masks. Roads full of cars. Supermarket car parks full.
No-one is listening to the government anymore. The silent majority are not shitting themselves at home in fear as the MSM would have us believe. We are winning.
Well said, Poppy!
I wish I could find the words of the WHO’s (spit) chief epidemiologist who said that viruses mutate to something more transmissible but far less harmful – for example, the common cold.
Sad to say that wasn’t my experience today. Masks everywhere. Call it regional variation I suppose.
Many people can see through it all now. Keep going!
The usual suspects
Wot?! No Greta Thunderbox?
Threta Glumburgh
They replaced her on her 18th birthday.
Just like the US rolled more troops into Syria during Potato Joe’s inaugural.
Life’s short!
Indeed. She was just a useful idiot. No longer useful, but no less of an idiot.
what a shower of bastards.
What the hell are Grant Shapps and Khan doing there? Don’t we pay these people to represent us, not to go off on jollies learning how to control us even more effectively, and how to steal our money?
Won’t they kill granny if they go?
World governance already exists.
“The people in charge.”
I’m sure they’re only there for the canapes.
Sadiq Khan? i’m speechless, And Gates should be in an asylum, he has never looked right in the head & proven to be a danger to the general public, if you watch clips of him throughout his life its clear he’s a psychopath he seems incapable of empathy.
Some Branch covidian fanatic (the ghastly O’ Brien maybe?) has compared scepticism to switching on your lights during the blackout. So here’s a question.
Did the wartime blackout save one life? Did it stop one German bomb from falling on any British city? They didn’t seem to have any trouble finding any of their targets.
Because it certainly killed thousands. After it was introduced in 1939, the number of people killed in road accidents immediately doubled.
“The king’s surgeon, Wilfred Trotter, wrote an article for the British Medical Journal where he pointed out that by “frightening the nation into blackout regulations, the Luftwaffe was able to kill 600 British citizens a month without ever taking to the air, at a cost to itself of exactly nothing.”
…The Daily Telegraph reported in October, 1939: “Road deaths in Great Britain have more than doubled since the introduction of the black-out, it was revealed by the Ministry of Transport accident figures for September, issued yesterday. Last month 1,130 people were killed, compared with 617 in August and 554 in September last year. Of these, 633 were pedestrians.””
The hysteria also saw absurd prosecutions:
“On 22nd November 1940, a Naval Reserve officer was fined at Yarmouth for striking matches in a telephone kiosk so that a woman could see the dial. Ernest Walls from Eastbourne was fined for striking a match to light his pipe. In another case a man was arrested because his cigar glowed alternately brighter and dimmer, so that he might be signalling to a German aircraft. A young mother was prosecuted for running into a room, where the baby was having a fit, and turning on the light without first securing the blackout curtains.”
Worth a quick look.
Most of these wartime comparisons are pointless. The suggestion would be that the virus actively seeks out sceptics because they turned the lights on.
Sticking with the blackout analogy the counter equivalence would be people staying in their homes all through the war and contributing nothing to the war effort. No production of gear or ammunition for the troops.
Oh I absolutely loathe Johnson’s blitz analogies, just thought the similarity with extreme measures of dubious benefit and obvious harm was apt.
Well, it helps him (he thinks) to keep up the image of him being Churchillian.
Well, be fair, Bozo is at least as obese as Churchill.
Perhaps he could try to emulate WSC’s heroic booze intake and give us all a break for a while.
Indeed. Not only were there deaths caused by blackout regulations, the chances of a bomber at 20,000 feet spotting the chink of light or the lit end of your cigarette, enabling them to bring their bombs with pinpoint accuracy onto your home, were negligible.
Didn’t stop the ARP (think Hodges from Dad’s army) from grassing you up or challenging people from allowing any light to escape. Just like today’s Covid marshals!
Maybe Johnson wants us locked up/down until June and the G7 in Cornwall, to keep Cornwall clear of holiday plebs
They are gonna turn Cornwall into Disneyland
Sounds about their level.
By that I meant the politicians, not the Cornish people!!
If the government believes its
propagandapublic information, surely it would cancel this super spreader event?Indeed, as apparently they have quite a few outings planned and are spread out in different areas.
Nope: not until June; rather it is until forever. It seems to me that this is about hollowing out the wretched, aspirational middle classes who think they have a right to enjoy freedom, democracy and progress whilst messing up the place for the fully entitled, rich, elite. Time to get back to a proper World order where the people are split into the have-nots and the have-yachts!
And the WEF ‘recommendations’to the UN which will come out of Lucerne in May.
Dolores: 1600 “cases” sequenced
I suppose that fully answers the question “why did the flu disappear?”
Does anyone have the wording of the statement that the vaccines don’t prevent you from contracting Covid or passing it on? I’d like to point out to a couple of people I know that the boot isn’t coming off their necks any time soon.
The clear implication is that the vaccines have been through all the clinical trials and have been licensed. But this is false and the NHS must know it is false.
Yes, there’s this deliberate obfuscation between ”approved” and ”licensed”.
Yes indeed; there would be simply no need for an EUA, if ‘all the clinical trials and safety checks’ had been undertaken and the findings reported. They would have been granted regular approval if the findings warranted it. And then NICE would have been obligated to undertake a full cost/benefit analysis using partition state analysis and a full QALY analysis just like any other novel expensive drug to decide whether the NHS should fund!
I have doubts that the MHRA had even read the Pfizer Trial protocol else they might have noticed that anyone with previous history of allergies was specifically excluded from the trial.
Two nurses had severe reactions on Day1. It was only then that the MHRA issued a recommendation for patients with allergies.
Probably written by young Frogmella as part of her work experience day.
Who else thinks that is it for Sweden and the virus is going to just burn itself out in the next month?
Ferguson’s model applied to Sweden was so laughably, comically wrong it defies description, and there doesn’t seem to be anything remotely unusual about all cause mortality so far this month.
it was 10 times too high – which is good for him
On what do you base this opinion?
They haven’t bothered with any stricter measures, their schools, bars etc are all open and the numbers are disappearing. I don’t think the CCP locked down the virus in Wuhan, they completely locked down the province and just left it to burn itself out which it did in the spring after first appearing the previous autumn.
Inference from the usual pattern that we see for betacoronaviruses, and the fact that they were clearly near the herd immunity threshold previously in key heavily populated areas. But “burn itself out” for me means “go down to lower levels in accordance with usual seasonal patterns”, not eradication.
Odds are you’re right
In the basis of the data ie c. 90k deaths v 9K death(of we are being kind to your argument). Ergo ridiculous, ludicrous, mendacious model. Thankfully dispensed with by the Swedes early doors as being based on woefully poor inputs. Does that help?
To be fair to Mayo, he/ she has, recently, sort to engage rather than engage in passive aggressive criticism.
In other words, a slow learner.
pretty much done.
Sweden’s numbers are not dissimilar to the rest of Europe. They have also stayed a free society – its hard to put a price on that. Makes up a bit for WW2
The rest of Europe isn’t finished yet….
Good to see some resistance. This policy is inhuman. You don’t do this to your citizens. Ever.
the youth are performing a public service in trying to get the virus and shield the vulnerable
Good news, but also interesting that no arrests were made. Could it be plod were worried that Mummy or Daddy might have some top legal friends?
I’m about to put yesterday’s Metro down in the kitchen as a place to put my (sometimes) muddy boots on. Should I put them on the back page with the government coronavirus advert, or on the front page with the headline “Covid thugs target our 999 heroes”? Or use Thursday’s issue with the picture of old Biden?
Decisions decisions….ok then the back page (I absolutely hate hate hate those ads.)
OK, back page it is, by a majority of 1.
Yes your dilemma has really taken over the discussion this afternoon hasn’t it?
Sorry E, just realised my comments read like a put down. Really they weren’t meant to!
Amongst all the uncertainty it is notable that various members of SAGE are keen to talk up the possibility that the new variants may be more deadly, but at the same time they are keen to play down the possibility that these new variants may be better at dodging the vaccines. People will draw their own conclusions from that fact.
Members of Sage need to confirm how many of the 4000+ variants identified in the UK are nothing to worry about.
The words ”possibility” and ”may” are the important ones there.
I wish I could find the words of the WHO’s chief epidemiologist who said that mutant strains are more transmissible but less harmful.
With the majority only hearing “more deadly”, as they are meant to do.
BBC news is up for a BAFTA for best fictional drama series of 2020.
Is there a special award for horror movies?
I’d have thought a Razzie would be more up their street!
I dunno why you torture yourself watching it.
I don’t. Haven’t watched the news for years or anything even remotely associated with this shit show.
I can’t believe people watch it and actually believe it.
Bring it on Johnson me and the Bro’s are ready.
You’re not coming on here again. BBC question time is really taken aback by Luke Johnson.
The video is a bit tricky to watch sounds levels are all over. The video is just clips of great reason and logic without discussion context. It looks like he did really well.
I admit laughing at Sridhar looking for all the world like a bug-eyed big brother!
Full video of the discussion
Thank you. I am not certain if I want to go BBC just nkw, it’s been such a lovely day. Great to have the option. Lukes performance does have me a little intrigued.
The Devil Sridhar – probably the most dangerous and demented woman in the UK
There’s stiff competition for that prize North of the Border, though.
Just returned from a walk and saw a group of about a dozen young men (late teens) chatting and having a good laugh. Selfish granny killing bastards or is it because I’m jealous as I’m no longer young and no longer meet up with my mates?
Why does Hamcock always look as if he’s had tons of botox?
“An Act Abolishing Diversity in Opinions”
The Act of Six Articles, 1539
Check all the other acts at the bottom of the page
Sea level rise is fake news. It’s a plot to depopulate human populations along the coastal areas.
So as to clear prime real estate and let the rich take over, as they have on most coasts of the US.
Quite – they really spoil the coast for the rich elite!
Latest government covid propaganda song
We will we will rock you?
I propose ‘We got to get out of this place’ by Eric Burdon and the Animals as a counter covid propaganda song.
Lockdown Logic
Zealot: We must do everything we can to control the spread of this virus, you are causing people to die
Sceptic: Let’s do what China do and weld people shut in their homes
Zealot: There are limits, I just want less people to die than you
To many zealots there are no limits. Welding people in there homes would be a prefectly reasonable tactic to them
Does anybody know if the Italian restaurant are still open or have the owners been rounded up and sent to extermination camps.
From three hours ago
Alex Belfield
Amusing typographical error on Montreal Weather this morning:
TOP STORY It’s going to be a nosy spring in parts of the U.S. as TRILLIONS of cicadas are set to emerge from the underground.
fascinating thing to see.. This is the Brood X (Great Eastern Brood) 17 year cicada, which is the biggest of the broods. they live underground for 17 years, then all pupate and fly at the same time, mate, lay eggs and die, and the progeny don’t appear for another 17 years. It is an anti predatory strategy. which results in the streets being covered in dead cicadas
This seems like some kind of metaphor. Seeking to avoid the (more or less severe) depredations of covid, our societies are looking to withdraw ‘underground’, in a strange state of suspended animation – not dead, but not fully alive – in hopes of – what? Of outfoxing the virus by voluntarily playing dead or vacating the public sphere for an unthinkably extended period?
So is that how this plays out… we’ll all emerge, mate rampantly, lay eggs, then drop dead in the streets.
Back from a very pleasant walk in our local woods. Plenty of others out with their dogs. Got talking to one chap (very friendly dog) who seemed interested for a chat. But it seems a friend had gone into hospital for a heart issue, caught covid there, then discharged where he spread it to all the rest of his family one of which had died. He was clearly upset about that and you can’t blame him for thinking the virus is awful. But when I tried to point out the problems with lockdown and how much harm that is doing I couldn’t convince him. He didn’t call me a liar but we left on perhaps not as good terms as I would have liked (but still a friendly cheerio from the dog…).
As a sceptic I admit to not being someone able to argue our case very well. Unfortunately if we all hide our light under a bushel nothing will happen. I wish I could get the message across better.
You could have just asked him if he thought lockdown helped in that particular case.
Yes – it is difficult when people have been vaccinated … with unreasoning terror.
It is really hard to argue with a feeling. If someone feels really scared and don’t feel safe, they will revert to authority or hide.
You did really well to do it. I also tried to discuss lockdowns with a Covidian this week. They really thought this was the disease that could wipe out the human race.
Keep trying. Awareness of the misery and destruction caused by lockdowns is low or at least not acknowledged. I start there usually.
Fear could wipe out the human race.
Jerries begin rolling out the sleeping pods of the future:
Sleep in the pod!
Eat the bugs!
Own nothing!
Be happy!
ahh can only use it on cold winter nights – why not every night?
Then they wouldnt have control over who claims it as a home!
There is something seriously wrong with society if they feel this is an acceptable solution for homeless people in winter.
Hmm yes i saw that article, for some of us, that is actually to cosy, some people enjoy sleeping out with minimal comfort, its called wild camping LOL there’s plenty of it on Utube.
As a rather eccentric, libertarian, naturalist, I advocate appreciation of nature & sleeping under the stars & theres much to be said for a minimalist way of life it is liberating to throw away the shackles of owning stuff, often materialistic stuff ends up owning you.
That said it should be a your own choice not forced on you because neo-liberals have stolen it & imagine the fights in the park each night with drunk tramps claiming rights to that coffin! A bench might be safer & more comfortable.
Based on my ventures outside today, yesterday’s propaganda sadly seems to be working. The number of people wearing masks and swerving en plein air is truly depressing.
My neighbour always used to be relaxed, but yesterday she appeared swathed to the eyeballs in the open air. I asked her what good it did if it was making her specs steam up. I’m so disappointed. She’s not the brightest, but I always believed she was pragmatic and sensible.
I see that Larry King has died of Covid at the tender age of 87. He has had lung cancer and early last year had a stroke that put him in a coma for weeks, he was also awaiting angioplasty surgery. Will this terrible killer disease not go away, if only everybody followed the rules Larry would been alive for at least another week.
He was also addicted to wedding cake as he was married 8 times.
Sad when they go so young. If only he’d worn a mask he’d be fine now.
Remember the fisherman bitten in half in Jaws? You know..
He died of covid. With shark bite.
I just read the news and was thinking the exact same thing! That man was at death’s door constantly, but of course he’s just one more Covid death. He exceeded the average age of death and had more underlying conditions than he had wives. Sad, but not a tragedy.
I read that he recently had the jab, but I can’t verify if that’s true.
like baseball legend Hank Aaron Died thursday aged 86 in his sleep. cause of death has not been revealed but covid vaccination 2 weeks ago
Did used to enjoy his show quite often, he is something of a legend. I have noticed that generally when someone prominent dies, they usually fall over themselves to avoid mentioning covid – Archie Lyndhurst, Peter Alliss, Des O’Connor, Brian Dennehy, Eddie Van Halen – presumably they know they will get bad press if family & friends make an issue and challenge it; so it’s possible that King had the virus. But yes, he’s had highly publicized health issues for years.
So, I finally managed to sign up to Gab. Who should I be following?
simon dolan
Has anyone thought about life or health insurance companies and the vaccine? If it is shown that many people suffer and perhaps even die from it, then won’t they be cagey about offering insurance, even introducing some sort of disclaimer? Maybe we could garner some information by watching them.
Perhaps it’s worth making an application to see if there are any questions asked. Anyone had any experiences?
My health insurance company have excluded all covid referrals. I made an inquiry after my infection and it was denied. Now awaiting an nhs consultation. My infection was in April. It will be a year before I will have seen someone.
“If you’ve spotted any Government adverts about the virus you think are a bit dodgy, the Advertising Standards Authority has an online form through which it receives complaints about misleading, harmful or irresponsible claims about the current COVID-19 situation.”
That’s all of them, isn’t it? Every single one is egregious anxiety inducing propaganda.
Yes. These ads should all be challenged.
ASA is always super quick in hounding natural health practitioners – god forbid that we can actually assist people to be healthier – but if it is the government then they are super slow –>
Why so slow ASA?
Sad to advise that my regular Morrison’s has fallen. Until this week, we were free to buy whatever we wanted. Now all “non essential” items are either closed off (like the clothing) or have posters emploring that we all only purchase essentials.
No doubt somebody got to them.
BOYCOTT them?…I am starting to boycott all these businesses…….
All very well to say that, but we still have to eat and supermarkets are the only places to purchase a lot of things.
To be honest, it makes not an iota of difference to myself in real terms. I don’t buy clothes in surpermarkets anyway. It was just the feeling that another little turn of the screw by Drakeford and his incompents has been felt.
Who needs to buy clothes anymore anyway.
We don’t go anywhere.
We can just sit at home in any old gear – nobody sees us.
Eleven months since I had a frickin haircut.
Right. I have enough clothes to last me the next 10 years. I work from home half the week in an old sweat suit with no makeup either.
Apologies if this has been mentioned
on last nights Big Three Conference, Whitty was asked if someone who had had the vaccine could meet up with someone else (friends or family) who had had the vaccine?…..
he basically said ‘no’?…that the vaccine wont make a difference (until THEY decide otherwise) and we are all still ‘potential carriers’ and social distancing masks etc will continue?
SO….what is the point in the vaccine if we cant go back to NORMAL?
How long will it be until the vaccinated wake up?…..a year?…two years?
Never if furlough continues for a year or two..
What can you say but something like “Stupid wanker”?
Anyway … that knocks out even the one pragmatic reason for taking the snake-oil.
When a large number have had it and they still say no things will move in our favour as people are going to ask why? They can’t bullshit everbody forever with their lies and false promises. Something will eventually have to give.
when do you think the turning point will be?…..because there will be a turning point?….
I think Johnson is going to try and keep this going for 4 years…until the next election…..
Reply from Whately to email of 22 December. She knows better than Joel Smalley and Marie Oldfield (In particular that ‘Interventions didn’t save any lives, but probably caused the death of at least 20k already.) because her parents were doctors. Keep up the pressure chaps!
Thanks for the update Nigel. I’m not a million miles away, she is only 1-2 constituencies away, my Lab MP isn’t a whole deal better mind you… not sure if you’ve seen the page on Parliament where people have asked (and answered) questions, this choice quote from Whately (amongst several things that she has answered) stands out: ““We have made no assessment of the proportion of people who test positive who may be infectious at the time they are tested.” now I didn’t go to no medical school, but this sounds kind of important!
This was part of my reply relating my experience in October and December driving a friend to various hospitals for surgery and radiation treatments and noting the almost complete lack of ambulance movements at the various A&Es in Kent.
Fortunately her prognosis seems excellent. A friend with whom we sailed on TB Orinoco in August 2019 was not so fortunate. He had his cancer treatment stopped in 2020 and died.
I inserted the excellent ‘Eyes’ poster seen here earlier.
This is really a fantastic judgement and should be distributed wide and far
Weimar Court: Germany’s Lockdown Restrictions Are Unconstitutional
I think it is huge. I really hope other judges now have the courage to speak truth to this horrendous destruction of human decency and undermining of law.
Our friend Hugh wrote a marvellous comment this morning. Cheered me up no end. I smiled (remember the smile?). You must see it. It sits among the top comments. His opening reads like this:
‘I enjoyed a convivial evening with some friends from (our lockdown sceptic) church last night.’
The true Christian should immediately see where I’m going. *Every* church, every human claiming to be in the body of Christ should by definition be a lockdown sceptic/anti-lockdown. ‘Church leaders’ everywhere have been an utter disgrace during all of this.
The first post of the day and 164 likes so far
COULDN’T agree more. This was the greatest opportunity since WW1 for the churches to proclaim the Gospel, and instead they ran and hid in a hole.
I think that’s the end for many of them, including Jellybaby’s creche of cowards.
I’m an ex-Catholic going on 30 years and even I could see this. Belief in a higher power as a beacon of your faith, the faith that carries you in the worst times when you think it has abandonned you. That you look after yourself but still give a nod to God that ultimately it’s in his hands. Momento mori.
The church has ignored all that for fear. As a scientist I’m fully aware of the deeper the knowledge the less you know (as the Tao Te Ching points out a good few millenia ago).
And hence you must trust that your path and conviction are all you have.
You don’t cower to a respiratory disease or super deadly virus if in the end you’ll go when you go. You get out and go the church more, you sing more and celebrate more.
Even Christ had his doubts but he still endured.
Yes. This is why the orthodox Jewry celebrated a wedding with 400 people present, because they know they are part of something bigger than the squalid little materialistic world of Whitty et al.
I find it staggering that many churches, including my own parish church, have voluntarily closed – not because of government diktat, which has allowed them to stay open, but because of their own decision to do so – in a world where many Christians are persecuted or even killed if found meeting for worship, even in private.
I will be sending a private message to you (and to mhcp) shortly. It would be great to hear from you.
In case you don’t know private messages are found in the Forums.
What Forums are these?
Found ’em!
Yes- the religious impulse itself is inherently-communal.
A long-time friend and colleague posted me this today in an e-mail :
“X died of Covid last Saturday.He was 87years but very fit and well”
I wanted to shout : “Covid? You mean of old age tested with PCR?”
… but, of course I didn’t. A lot of people are fit and well at that sort of age – and then drop off their perch. I would count myself lucky.
I love the way people point out to me someone they know who’s died of COVID like they’re proving me wrong. Completely missing the point that I’m lockdown sceptic not COVID denier. Call me bad but I can’t help responding to them –
‘so sad and what a shame lockdown didn’t save them, rather proves my point?’
Yes. I think we should be more aggressive on the logic front and more forgiving of those who have been frightened into irrationality.
So – load on the sarcasm about failed lockdowns and masks and the persistent wrongness of SAGE about almost everything, whilst going easy on the ‘idiot’ charges.
An interesting additional fact about the friend I quote – and the deceased – is that they are both practising RCs who might be expected to look a bit more on the bright side re. the inevitability of death. But I’ve never quite got my head around that often observed fundamental contradiction in the religious.
And the masking didn’t help either!
That’s quite true.
A number of residents at my mum’s care home have died when they’d seemed relatively healthy, i.e. not bed-bound, or were particularly old. This was in pre-CV19 days.
But in woke world nobody dies except from covid. I am absolutely sure that my 125 year old nan is still alive, she just hasn’t been answering the phone lately.
Like everyone else here I have been dismayed by the attacks on leading lockdown sceptics in the media, scientific and medical fields in recent weeks. Many have been keeen to point out that they are lockdown sceptics and not covid sceptics.
However, I think I might describe myself these days as a covid sceptic as well as a lockdown sceptic.
I have become increasingly mistrustful of government claims regarding covid, particularly since they started talking about the “new variant”. In my considered opinion the “new variant” narrative is nothing more than a device to maintain high levels of anxiety in the minds of members of the public. In short I think we are being lied to about it.
I should just point out that I still do not believe that this was all planned well in advance as some sort of scheme to destroy our way of life. I do not believe that this is a “plandemic”.
But I do think that the claims that are now being made about this virus by the government are largely false.
The so-called “first wave” I now think may even have been largely caused by the lockdown itself, though I remain open to the possibility that some of the deaths may have been caused by the virus.
In view of what was happening in the world way back in March it was probably sensible to put in place some protection measures for vulnerable persons as per the Great Barrington Declaration.
But now there is a huge question to be asked about what has happened to the flu and why flu related deaths are now so low. This has to be explained! Either the covid virus (I get tired of referring to it as “SARS-CoV-2”, you know what I mean) is out-competing the flu virus, or the deaths are being misdiagnosed as covid when they are flu.
I do not accept that this is a “second wave”. Respiratory infections are largely seasonal and more elderly and at-risk people die in winter. Every single year!
So while I am not “covid sceptic” to the extent of believing that the virus does not exist – I’m sure it does. I AM covid sceptic to the extent of greatly doubting what we are now being told about the virus. I don’t think that is anything to be ashamed of and I make no apologies about it.
No apologies needed. I’m certainly of the same mind that the government seem to be throwing everything and anything at perpetuating this COVID show for many and various reasons.
“Either the covid virus (I get tired of referring to it as “SARS-CoV-2”, you know what I mean) is out-competing the flu virus,” – This is the view put forward by Ivor Cummins in a recent video.
Except that the number of deaths attributed to ‘Covid’ is highly suspicious.
I fear that it is too late to untangle this data mess.
Fully agree Rick. I sent a mail to someone earlier today pointing out that the true measure of what’s been causing deaths (including suicides, delayed or cancelled treatments etc etc) is now totally corrupted by Covid ‘test’ cases’. Who really knows now what the collateral death count is?
I think the only way would be to start auditing now properly with the starting position being that we’ve been totally out of whack with the Covid numbers, do proper serology testing and autopsies, the extrapolate that sample. Try and disprove the theory. You’d have a rough idea no? I could be way out with such a suggestion though.
I think it could be described as convergent opportunism, i.e. the CV19 virus provided a good cover to do in a few months what governments have signed up under climate change agreements to do over a number of years.
One example: during the first lockdown, with road travel massively reduced, and many people out on bikes to get exercise on relatively empty roads, the government, i.e., Grant Schapps, took the opportunity to provide £millions to councils to put in cycle lanes everywhere, because when things went back to “normal” more people would be working from home and others would take up cycling to work permanently.
Or: when everyone was locked down, Boris gave a rousing speech about climate change and wind turbines, while people’s businesses, built up over years, were going up in smoke.
Won’t make any difference.
Jevons Paradox will make sure that oil consumption will not fall as long as supply is available.
e-g Air travel within China still rising year on year.
Nothing to do with supply, it’s about how economical it is to dig it out of the ground. Marginal costs are key.
Exactly oil extraction becomes more expensive as readily available sources dry up, at some point it will just become to uneconomical to extract, long before supply runs out.
It’s not meant to.Climate change policy has always been about control
The use of public transport has nosedived. This doesn’t mean people have stopped going to work. The roads are still busy and also, lined with rubbish.
Time to call it the Great Greenwash, as that’s what it is.
Yes, I don’t buy the ‘plandemic’ idea because this would necessitate every world leader and quite a few senior government figures (plus bankers, lawyers, military etc) in EVERY country being in on the conspiracy, with not a single one breaking ranks or talking about it to anyone.
‘Convergent opportunism’ is a great phrase. I think what we are seeing is a coming together of various strands of global corruption and blackmail, banksterism, environmental fanaticism, scientism/health fascism and ‘safetyism’. Combine this with a dying mainstream media desperate for click bait, and you have the current chaos.
read the off=guardian article represented above, it provides a plausible explanation of why everyone was on board with it, that accounts for the specific behaviour of various national leaders
Yes, it seems very plausible. My question is, what is the outcome going to be for ordinary people? Is extreme pessimism justified?
Nah it wouldn’t. Convergent opportunism is bollocks for one reason. Someone had to instigate this, the deep state (security services) would be all over this like stink on a goat, if they weren’t part of it. This isn’t petty corruption there was state collusion.
I’m not saying covid19 doesn’t exist, i’m saying it was their perfect excuse to implement the 4th industrial revolution in much the same way as the The Inclosure Acts from 1604. Its a combination of fixing the financial disaster of 2008 & advancing the climate change agenda.
The official covid19 narrative is shaky as hell, riddled with holes, but the corrupt system is holding it together. The deep state are part of this!
Ffs – they’re not even hiding it so how can you not believe it? The WEF are proud of their great reset and have even said ‘You’ll own nothing and be happy.’ So who will own whatever small amount of stuff we have compared to the Davos elite when they start asset-stripping us all? But don’t say you don’t believe it without reading or listening to what they themselves are saying..
UK column have always maintained that the surge in deaths in April was caused by lockdown policies,not the virus.According to the sewage samples Covid was present in the population since December 2019.
If anyone here on LS hasn’t seen the UK Column programmes (still on YouTube although they are diversifying to Bitchute as well) I urge them to do so.
The last 2 programmes simply regurgitated stuff we’ve already seen. In fact 70% of their content consists of twitter output with a few MSM headlines. There’s precious little original research.
Well may be so, but some things are worth repeating. We could say something similar about LS news items, but best we let that pass.
I think you’re covers blown, maybe reinvent yourself & come back with a new strategy.
It has always puzzled me, but if they can detect Covid in human sewage then surely it can be detected in bullshit as well? And if that, then maybe the converse too – the bullshit could surely be detected in the Covid crap shat out on a daily basis.
Pretty sure they would detect masses of bulls if they looked for it.
Viruses mutate or produce variants. That’s what they do. What makes me so angry is the hysteria that the governement and BBC play on the general puiblic’s unawareness and ignorance of basic virology.
Its a scam dude!
The deaths are a mixture, mostly from what you expect of a normal respiratory season, flu, corona/rhino viruses, pneumonia etc etc maybe a small amount of cv19 infections.
In April i suspect most excess deaths were lockdown related, viruses don’t do waves they aint Mexicans. Modern society has been plagued with seasonal viral epidemics for centuries (caused by our way of life) which is what we are seeing now in January with a few avoidable cv19 deaths because of April lockdown.
I really try hard not to accept it was a planned event but the hard evidence really does suggest it was a brilliantly executed fraud. The evidence is to damning for a chain of incompetent coincidence, it all starts with a test that measure nothing & a vaccine that offers no immunity, it smells rancid.
What ever covid19 was or is its enabled political opportunism that has taken many healthy innocent lives & rocked civilization, there
shouldmust be new Nuremberg style trials!I think the idea that it was used to hide the collapse of financial markets that was coming is not a silly one. All of a sudden it appeared to be financially correct to do massive injections of debt and then sustain an economy on more debt. Hyperinflation is closer.
If the idea is for all sovereign debt to be wiped out and the monetary system to be reset then good luck with your savings.
I don’t think that the consequences were thought through. Having a financial collapse decreases the blast radius for those responsible. What we have seen here is Nuremberg level and the idiots don’t realise it.
I don’t understand or trust crypto, anything digital can be corrupt by the deep state.
Gold is a racket too. More claims than there are gold assets. Massive paper fraud. You better own it if you’re into it
If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it. I’ve invested a bit in physical gold and silver, but mainly as an emergency hedge to preserve a small amount of savings if we get hyperinflation.
Exactly if you have modest savings gold is the best security, in times of negative interest.
Government has to find where you buried it to confiscate it
Like wot that All-American hero FDR did, you mean?
Yes that is true. Not worth looking at any investments that aren’t backed by physical gold. Only problem with owning precious metals, as Dr Vernon Coleman has pointed out, the possibility (probability??) of Governments coming looking for it via confiscation orders. OK you’ll get compensated, but full market value? prob not..
You gotta hold it to own it.
if anyone asks me if I’m into Crypto I tell them I’m heavily invested in the Snowflake
See Dr Thomas Cowan on his explanation of the Covid ” new Variants ” and how they come up with them . You may find his theories a bit too out there but then again could anything really be that far out now ? , especially when consider the dystopian madness we have been plunged into . – read this, already posted on here earlier, but it’s impossible to get through ALL the posts, so worth re=posting in case you didn’t see it before. It provides the most plausible explanation of what’s REALLY going on that I’ve seen so far. of course covid is a lie: whether there really is such a virus or not isn’t that material to the issue – I think there probably isn’t, but even if there is, it’s not what the narrative says it is, and there’s nothing much to distinguish it from all the other respiratory viruses which have been sickening and even killing some of us forever. so it’s all a BIG FAT LIE.
Latest from Time for Recovery. Well worth a read!
One of the best pieces yet on the criminal iniquity of lockdowns and terror porn.
Disgusting Government fear campaign advert “Look them in the eyes and tell them you’re doing all you can to stop the spread of COVID-19. Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.” –
Here’s an alternative found on twitter.
Anyone got the “and tell him his education doesn’t matter ” one, please?
saw this one:
and this one:
Jesus. It’s all the people’s fault. This is psychological warfare
Total psychological abuse.
Is there a collection of these somewhere? Or shall we ask if they can be included in an update?
I’m going to send this to my useless MP. He’s already had 2 shitty emails from me, his 2nd reply little more than a cut and paste of his 1st. Perhaps he might understand visuals, rather than words.
I think I will do the same
If this bunch of shit kickers looked after the poor bastards with mental issues, those commiting/contemplating suicide,and those dying in agony with cancer as much as all of those supposed covid victims then Fuck me we’d have a health service to be proud of.. And how about a police force that instead of nicking inocent joe’s for sitting to close on park benches, actually got off it’s fucking arse and kicked shit out of child abusers and rapists.. Fuck this shit show.
Can I buy you a beer Bruce?……I will toast your health in the meantime
Any time never say no free Guinness, come the better weather we’ll sink some pints.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure than buying you and every one on here a drink………
Thank you sir would love to meet this band of brothers when this shit is over..
Me too
We have been talking about meeting each other for so long now – I really thought we would have already had our celebratory LDS party by this time.
Something to look forward to anyway.
I concur. I’m sure I speak for many Bruce, when I say you lift a lot of people’s spirits. I’d second what the above said & buy you a Guinness.. bet you’ve had quite the life. with the train robbin’ & now all the mask adventures & all…..!
Thank you my friend that’s a nice compliment and I will certainly take up your offer regarding the Guinness.
Eloquently put!
No Etonian bullshit here a Borstal education teaches you to speak eloquently..
Aw, you people with a privileged education always have to boast about it…
It’s hard to be humble Annie..
Google is ‘holding a gun to our head’ by threatening the removal of the search engine in Australia
Sky News Australia
This is an opportunity, not a disaster, just stop using google!
As said before, DuckDuckGo works fine.
Yes, Dissenter browser seems fine too (blocked 17,489 ads and trackers in the last 13 days).
Certainly does. DDG search engine/ Brave browser. Can’t beat it with a stick.
Loads of other search engines as good as Google and most of them won’t be tracking your browsing and handing details of it on to the CIA.
Don’t like Australia, Google?
Guess you’d better go build your own Australia then.
I’m fairly sure a large portion of the population are unaware of alternative search engines.
Next to Twitter’s New Uganda. Slartibartfast’s new gig perhaps?
he did a wonderful job with Norway
He won an award I believe! (not a Nobel prize though)
Au revoir Google! And don’t come back.
Twenty plus years ago I discovered Google and praised its search engine capabilities to my friends and acquaitances. Over time, they got too big for their britches, hitched a ride on Chinese Communist Party bandwagon and have been heading downhill ever since. Are there any hackers here? Just wondering if we could siphon off some of Google’s server power and harvest it. Like they want to do with us.
Yes when it first appeared it seemed like a gift from God compared to Lycos and Altavista and Yahoo etc. Now people are doing the reverse and turning back to the little guy.
China doesnt like Australia at the moment either … coincidence?
Recommend drinking some good Aussie wine in solidarity.
Here in the US I’ve found one called Ring-bolt that is superb.
Hello Puddleglum!
Keep up the good work
Being here keeps us marshwiggles sane.
Hey, we have two Puddleglums? Or is it 59?
You can never have too many Puddleglums. His defence of faith is one of the noblest speeches in literature, IMO. May the marsh wiggle for ever!
You wouldn’t believe the competition in getting Puddleglum as a moniker. I’m Puddleglumish in a number of places but managed to get in here first!
It is, a beautiful, moving speech, makes the heart leap and soar.
No idea what either of you are referring to!
Not 77 then?
Oh, The Silver Chair. One of my favourites, and I have a daughter named after Jill Pole
Oh my. This brings back memories. My ingrates of children never got into CS Lewis. I want to re-read now
Bonfire of the Yuppies
The book is better than the film. They usually are. Example: Dune.
Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five was one of the few exceptions.
I preferred the book! Slaughterhouse-Five, I mean.
Jogger advert pulled by ASA. Up yours government scum. Hugo talks.
Apologies if posted already.
So, I’m guessing, Hugo talks, bullshit walks? Splendid.
The propaganda is in full swing.5 o clock news had a segment asking/telling people to visit only their local parks.One woman described joggers as terrifying ,spewing and spreading their germs.Khan again called for outdoor mask wearing as its scary walking his dog.
When will people say enough is enough.
I’m thinking of taking up running just to add a spice of danger to passer bys’ bleak,grey Covid restricted lives.
Then again, the exercise might kill me.
My local Tesco have been pretty good particularly maybe because this a ‘covidian area’. I have been challenged twice since July – once since the ‘clampdown’ but had no problems flashing my exempt card.
Interestingly this week feeling in a low mood I headed off in the afternoon when I normally shop when its quiet. There was no challenge which I thought must be the result of people writing in.
Today there was no challenge either but they now have a sign attached to the board outside ‘no mask no entry’. I carried on walking awaiting the challenge from the woman handing out the hand sanitiser but nothing came.
The experience inside is getting more and more surreal. I don’t mind the confrontation but the experience is becoming sterile. The looks from the mask wearers is more pronounced. I guess many feel emboldened.
I’m not sure if there is an alternative as we have only Sainsbury’s left – if you discount Lidl. And Waitrose is another level from my experience shopping there last year in Bath.
The shop girl said she ‘wanted it to be over’ but complained the shop is a ‘covid catchment area’. I explained that through March and April last year at the height of things that Tesco couldn’t tell if any staff had suffered and were off in our branch. Thats how prevalent it was / is. But she was young and probably believing it all.
A strange day in strange times…
I suspect many of those stink eye stares are of envy you have the balls to go as nature intended. I think most people wear masks for a quiet life, not because they are covidians.
Perhaps but I think anyone who has studied things would come to the same conclusion.
I see the ‘starers’ as are part of the process that is psychologically enforcing this. If what you say is true then the cognitive dissonance must be difficult.
Sodding slow Android phone…
Yes when the supermarkets joined PHE the other week a target was very much placed on our backs. I went to the local market again this morning to get provisions and at the fruit and veg stall out of 4 queues of 5 or 6 people I was the only one without a face nappy. Outdoors! None of the stallholders wore them. Got more sense. Now I’m 230 miles further north (just as many swervers and muzzloids normally though no masks at all on all those interviewed on the local news tonight) I will try out the Coop as this seems ok re exemptions.
Tulsi Gabbard: Proposed domestic terrorism laws ‘directly undermine’ freedom
Why doesn’t this woman just jump ship, join the republicans & run for president 2024 save us from more trump & demoncrat nightmares.
I agree, I like her. But if Sniffer Joe can only get a dozen people on socially distanced deckchairs to a Presidential campaign event, yet get 11 or 12 million more votes than Obama, do you think anybody other than an approved Democrat will ever win anything in the US, ever again?!
Well………………………no, but we have to have some hope no matter how improbable.
She’s the one

Just had a form from my local council to ask if I want to register for a postal vote for the forthcoming mayoral elections in London which I have had confirmed are going ahead on May 6th. Definitely going to go for a postal vote because I don’t want to be masked up to vote and it’s also time to get rid of Khan.
Why not follow the example of the USA, and ask to register ten people?
Apparently Brian Rose is the one to follow – he goes out on a “battlebus”, apparently and he wants everyone back to work, my partner says.
He’s a (hmm, my personal opinion of him, without any supporting evidence) con-man. Brian Rose is about enriching Brian Rose, nothing genuine about him.
I must admit there’s something I don’t like about him, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. He’s got that rather dead look behind the eyes – a bit like Alex Belfield – so that although I agree with most of what he says I don’t warm to him as a person. Maybe I’m too concerned about ‘da feelz’!
Agreed. There’s something very self-serving about him. Used to get bombarded with emails from him, promoting his business and campaign to become the next Mayor. Had to block them.
A London friend of mine is still awaiting a reply from a complaint made to the Assembly re: Khan, — specifically w.r.t. BLM, John Sullivan was arrested for the [so-called] “insurrection” at Capitol hill, Jan 6th. Mainstream press over here carried details of the arrest & made it clear the guy is a BLM activist, FBI arrest report said he “lead” the crowd into the Capitol. it’s been asked if it remains appropriate for Khan to publicize the group, seeing as the Dem’s are still hell bent on calling it an “insurrection” & using it as an excuse for Impeachment II.
Who can you vote FOR though (I am just outside the Greater London boundary so can’t vote). I would have said Shaun Bailey, but I have no idea where he stands on lockdown, he certainly hasn’t been a vociferous critic. I like him, but not convinced. He is certainly better than Khan, but that is a ridiculously low bar. Are there any genuinely anti-lockdown candidates standing?
To add to my recent post. In that post I said the following:
“In my considered opinion the “new variant” narrative is nothing more than a device to maintain high levels of anxiety in the minds of members of the public. In short I think we are being lied to about it.”
I didn’t say why I thought they were doing that. I think the answer is twofold.
1) A frightened populace is more likely to obey the rules.
SAGE. I think it fair to say that they, along with the three amigos, are really running the show here. The rudderless and clueless blond clown who squats in 10 Downing Street thinks that leadership is listening to what SAGE says and never questioning them.
The “high priests” of SAGE need to maintain in their own minds the illusion of control over the populace, because no-one has all the answers. SAGE members feel safer (more in control) when the public are anxious (feeling less in control). A confident populace might stand up to SAGE and properly challenge the claims that they make. While the public are scared they pose no threat to the “holy” wisdom of “the science” as defined by SAGE.
Maybe that sounds a bit paranoid, and I think I could have perhaps put that better, but that’s broadly what I think is happening in this perverse situation.
2) A frightened populace is more likely to want a cure.
High levels of anxiety they hope may result in a greater uptake of the vaccine.
on 2) the high levels of anxiety won’t dissipate once the vaccine is taken and lockdown remains in place.
The “so called” death toll is nearing 100,000 and even by my B stream secondary modern school maths education 1960-64, I reckon that if the total population is 70,000000; that means that one in every 70 people have died with Covid.
Now you would think that somebody somewhere amongst our friends, associates and family would have heard of at least one person who has died of this virus, wouldn’t you? but no, not a single one.
I suppose that we don’t have the right friends, associates and family.
Strange, ain’t it
PS: All figures are approximate.
70,000,000 / 100,000 = 700
So the rate is 1 in 700
1 in 70 is very approximate!
Thanks for the correction, Andy.
Like I say; B stream education from almost 60 years ago but that’s no excuse, I should have used my calculator.
You simply applied the Ferguson factor.
70,000,000 / 100,000 = 700. Sorry – but back to class for you.
Ever felt stupid?
I try to do that at least once a day!
very approximate ..!!!!! but point taken
You get to 100,000 by simply labelling virtually every death as Covid. Since this all started death certificates have only to be signed by one doctor, the dodgy PCR test has increased the numbers plus 22,000 being shipped back 8nto care homes has lead to probably c.30,000 additional deaths.
I am 52, and have a reasonably wide circle of friends, current and former work colleagues, parents of my two children of school age (16 and 11), parents of my son’s rugby club, parents of my daughter’s climbing club, friends and family of my wife, add to that my brothers family and friends and assorted other individuals i know thorough football, golf etc and I reckon we are talking several hundred people. I don’t know anybody who has been hospitalised, let alone died ‘with’ Covid. Odd?
I don’t think we have been anywhere near angry enough about what has been done to us. We have been passive and they have trampled all over us. Time to fight back. We are entitled to act in self defence of ourselves and our families
Johnson, Hancock, Ferguson, Whitty, Vallance, The police, the MP’s who voted to lock us up all deserve anything that comes to them
I hope they rot in hell
It’d be great if a good number of business get behind the Great Reopening on 30th Jan, show the gov we’ve had enough of our economy and livelihoods being destroyed.
Yeah. I think many wnat something tangible to grab onto. A leader or event not tainted so much by the Covid denier slur or 5g placard. Just something which shows we have sacrificed enough now. That the 3 weeks to flatten is almost at its 1 year stage and we cannot continue to be lied to when we know lockdowns don’t work. The experiments have failed. The vaccine looks like another lead balloon.
Remember the European Elections?….the Brexit Party had an avalanche?…the Tories got one/two seats?….Brexit Party 29/30 seats?… WILL happen again if we are allowed to vote!!!
Does Sh×t rot?, I know that it doesn’t burn.
It makes great compost – though I wouldn’t risk putting the remains of these characters on my veg patch.
oh yes it does. one of the main fuels for cooking in africa is dried dung.
but point taken
I stand corrected.
The apathy of the typical Briton is both a blessing and a curse. It is probably what spared this country from the religious and political extremism that cursed Europe for most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and what prevented fascism and/or communism from taking root in an overt way.
The average Briton is basically Jim Royle from The Royle Family. As long as he has his tea on the table, his central heating and his telly on, he will happily sit out lockdown on his DFS sofa, passively consuming junk food and TV propaganda. Pay him to stay at home rather than work, and he will be even happier.
The apathy will end when the money ends, the TV ends and the junk food ends. It all depends now on whether the government can transition the country into totalitarianism without Jim Royle noticing.
Its worse than that, the average Briton is becoming an indoctrinated liberal leftist!
Globalist scientism worshippers embracing technocracy, manipulation on an unimaginable scale. Brain washed corporate serfs with no concept of nature or natural process.
All the work of psychologists, carefully orchestrated implementation to remove what little freedoms & rights we had left, a slow ratcheting up of authoritarianism, the “boiling frog effect”!
Note in the coming months more & more debate about ‘informed consent’ & compulsory vaccination, a reshaping of human rights, freedom of expression lost, what happens to your body is no longer your choice!
Its not the 1930s/40s, who’s going to save us from faux-communist/socialist globalists. The human rights lawyers are all leftist surrender monkeys, there’s no conservative/libertarians left in power to declare to war on neo-liberal globalists!
The future is depressing.
They will.
Rot in hell? They will. The devil’s spawn will go to the devil’s home.
When some honest pub or restaurant or other businessperson recounts their woes, I always say, ‘Why aren’t you angry?’ and ‘why don’t you get together with others and resist?’.
Usually no response, but you’ve got to try.
Cecil, if everyone felt like us on here, this nonsense would have been over months ago. There are plenty of people moaning about it, but are too apathetic to fight back. Other than that, there are too many of the brainwashed and brain dead who are unwilling to resist.
In all seriousness, it will have to mean Nuremberg type trials – and I suspect they know this – and that prospect is what makes them follow the velvet gloved scorched earth polices.
The legal standard is clear: you can’t lock up a healthy population as a health measure and you can’t inflict coercion in mass mass vaccination. I am satisfied that Johnson won’t escape a jail sentence of 15 or 20 years. We’re not ‘savages’ and we want him and his com-padres to receive justice but they crossed the Rubicon not the people they allegedly serve.
Been a busy week so been quiet on here and next week will be the same but here’s a few updates:
All in all a fun week.
Sounds like Covid is a smokescreen and its all about the Money, after all.
Brilliant update. Hope you have another fun week!
2 million lost dental appointments…there will no longer be NHS dentistry at the end of this.
Screening services for cancer and other issues abandoned.
I’m still cc’d into my Local Dental Committee’s emails, and they seem resigned to the idea that many dental practices- both NHS and private- will not survive.
From what the son told me Manchester Airport may be in trouble financially:
Mrs Awkward also telling me that whatever websites she browses (don’t know what one) are reporting people with rotting teeth and mouths and skin that is basically infected and giving lower facial skin problems, infected spots and acne and hair follicles.
Told her us sceptics highlighted this last July as possible complications due to mask wearing and look up meth mouth – it’s the same as mask mouth.
It’s my understanding that some adverts on the radio have been taken off air.
1.A dog Walker could have covid.
2.A cyclist could have covid.
3.Going for a takeaway coffee could harm others.
I did a Zoom chat with a couple of friends last night.
The total niveatity of them is staggering.
I told them to forget about standing in a bar again forget about buying your season ticket for Chelsea and no more normal xmas.
Not just ‘could’ have Covid. ‘Is likely to’.
Translate: is likely not to be a gibbering zombie who thinks talking to another human being brings instant death.
God confound the fear-porn merchants.
At the beginning of the week the proportion of 2nd vaccinated to 1st vaccinated was 1:10.
Looking at the figures today the 1st doses have gone from 100k to just under 500k whereas the 2nd vaccination has dropped from 20k down to about 1800 a day.
I guess we could be waiting a long time for lockdown to be lifted.
If I’m reading it rightly there are about 5,400,000 who’ve had a first dose of the experimental vaccine but not a second dose.
And if they are injecting about 2,000 a day with the second dose of the experimental vaccine, then at that rate it would take about 7 years to give everyone who has currently had the first dose their second dose.
In practice everyone in the priority groups who wants the first dose of the experimental vaccine will presumably at this rate of progress have been vaccinated in the next few months, so they could then go on to give them the second dose? I think they are claiming they will give second jabs within 12 weeks of the first.
Anyone else wondering why Drosten got into the stop press ATL?
Have his court case and cheating been mentioned ATL at all? (I can’t remember)
Why would he be given any credibility here?
I presumed it was a comparison to the Ferguson situation. They’re obviously both cut from the same cloth.
Badges available for purchase from Smiles matter, see this Ivor Cummins tweet. I’ve just ordered some.
Will wear mine on my hat
That’s great. I have just ordered 2
Me too. A clutch, in fact.
Nothing at all on the death of Hank Aaron two weeks after Moderna vaccine anywhere on the BBC news page. My parents (late 70s) won’t take any notice of me if I mention it unless its on the BBC sadly
Mrs M (six-zero) is exactly the same. If it’s not on the BBC, it either hasn’t happened or it’s a lie.
Taken from chapter one of Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation:
“[Civilisation] is actually quite fragile. It can be destroyed. What are its enemies? Well, first of all fear – fear of war, fear of invasion, fear of plague and famine, that makes it simply not worthwhile constructing things, or planting trees or even planning next year’s crops. And fear of the supernatural, which means that you daren’t question anything or change anything. The late antique world was full of meaningless rituals, mystery religions, that destroyed self-confidence. And then exhaustion, the feeling of hopelessness which can overtake people even with a high degree of material prosperity.”
“Fear of plague” (stay home?); “you daren’t question anything” (how dare people read THIS site?); “meaningless rituals” (repeated hand washing, distancing, mask wearing?); “mystery religions” (clap for the NHS?).
Thankfully some are not feeling hopeless; crops are still being planted, trees planted, construction work going on. But why do the Government and their advisors and hangers-on persist in their desire to fill people with more and more fear?
Good quote.
Yes, why bother continuing the elements of civilization?
Why bother studying?
Why bother starting a business?
Why bother starting a family – who wants to bring a child into this?
Why bother?
The future being planned for us is not worth living in.
Even the fictional machines in the Matrix films understood that the human organism needs to live, not merely exist.
Just man’s inhumanity to his fellow man I suppose.
Splendid quote. Prophetic, in fact.
History and prophecy often merge, don’t they?
Planted a disease resistant elm out on the green in November. Somewhere for my grandchildren to scatter my ashes.
Wannabee Dictator Fauci
O’biden rolling out martial law in the US by signing a flurry of Covid-based executive orders:
As always, I hate this timeline.
And this:
Well well well, preparing for it all to “end”?
Yes, even Governor Botox of Michigan has had a miraculous conversion to the benefits of opening restaurants since she got her DNC vice chair gig from Creepy Joe. Not enough to make then viable businesses of course but it’s a start.
This will be difficult for the Guardianistas to ignore, given the trumpeting that occurred when Biden was declared POTUS…
Just back from a walk with fellow lockdown sceptic Gill. Was delighted to learn that the path crossed the main drive of the Prime Minister’s weekend retreat Chequers.
Noticed the security camera had its beady glass eye fixed in my direction and could not resist. Had no choice but to flick it two fingers and mouth “Fuck off Boris” at it.
Childish I know, but by God, I enjoyed it. Even better, the camera swivelled to follow every move we made after.
Small resistance I know, but done my bit today.
Haha that’s great Nick, that really made me laugh
You could make a notice and hold it up to the camera next time:
“Seasonal bump in Sweden is OVER”
Good one! Nice walk that.
It is. Muddy though. Thankfully the farm shop was open for a bacon butty. We ate those in front of another camera. I think they were hoping I was parked there. Unlucky you, Thames Valley Police!
Also went past the Boer War Monument, so quite a long walk.
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow , good work !
Excellent, I’m very envious! My disobedience for today only amounted to a gathering of 10 or so (open air though, doing animal-related stuff), and an unmasked visit to two shops.
Every little counts! And I’m from Wales, so insulting the PM is not the only rule I’ve broken today
I think you may just win the gold star for disobedience today, Nick. Well done!
I’ve done some illegal household mixing. And my friends cousins were there too, so actually 3 households hahahahaha. COME GET ME, BORIS!
We drank tea and chatted. So criminal of me.
Well if johnson is abiding by his rules then I assume he will be “staying home” in number 10 surely?! Would be hypocritical to go to chequers, but as we all know it’s one rule for me and one rule for thee! Glad you had a nice walk!
I thought ventilators exacerbated the problem
I’ve seen the look into their eyes advert, it’s appalling.
How much tax money is the government spending on its
terrorpublic information campaign?No one cares about tax money anymore.
It’s MMT now, until it no longer buys anything anymore.
At least civil servants&co will thereafter be decimated and in the poorhouse again, for a generation.
See Germany 1945-1975.
It’s a fucking disgrace

Winter seasonal bump in Sweden is over. Publicize far and wide!
The figure of 11,000 Rona deaths in Sweden is complete bollocks. All cause mortality for the year is about 5,000 up on what you’d expect and most of that was in April.
Correct. And that was and is mainly due to the ‘dry tinder’ due to below average Mortality in the years before.
And largely caused by the same ‘policy decision’ we had here, to remove elderly patients from hospitals back to care homes to free up beds for the anticipated ‘surge’ of community infected patients that never arrived. Excess deaths were caused almost entirely by this boneheaded decision. The difference is that Sweden at least admitted their error and didn’t destroy everything in a bid to hide it.
Here in the SNPeoples’ Republic hospital patients who had tested positive for Covid were discharged to care homes anyway, along with several thousand who simply weren’t tested. Bizarrely, the media still present the Dear Leader as having handled the pandemic better than Boris…
The Swedish second wave is just as large as the German one, and far smaller than the British, let alone Austrian or Czech ones.
Lockdowns, masks and all other NPIs make zero difference.
As it, Ioannidis and the comparison between North Dakota and South Dakota also prove.
Not even canceling mass events makes a difference, as Belarus and Sturgis proved.
Correct. Early on I was surprised that there was no signal at all from the Cheltenham festival. 250,000 people descending on a town of about 80,000 for a week or so. Pubs, restaurants, hotels full, cabs ferrying people everywhere. No masks, no SD, nothing. At the point where the whole thing was taking off. That is when I started to realise that what they were telling us was utter bollocks.
Yes & a Stereophonics concert , friend of mine went to Cheltenham with 70 others in a coach ! I kept asking him in the months that followed but all was quiet !?
This is long but a good comprehensive summary of the scamdemic :-
There seems to be a load of new converts to the cause here recently, so for those needing revision/catch-up material please see the link. BTY good info/articles at on many relevant subjects.
Excellent resource! Good for existing sceptics too :o))
There’s a good one at off guardian today, blaming mainly the FED for the plandemic and some good comments extending that.
Basically, the financial system was very close to collapsing last year, and that’s why they are taking the plandemic, MMT route everywhere now.
Ivor Cummings tweeted the Spanish mortality figures for 2020. Guess how deadly it was?
That’s quite something if it’s for the full year, and makes the uk figures really stick out by comparison. Has anybody seen full year figures for Norway/Finland/Denmark? Had a look but couldn’t find anything. I’d be interested to compare with Sweden given how frequently people compare their covid numbers to their neighbours. Ultimately it doesn’t matter much how you label it if overall numbers are nothing special.
Just been to my local Tesco (Dublin) and they have a big sign inside the door mandating facemasks with a small asterix beside this and in very small writing at the foot of the sign, noting that exemptions apply.
Thankfully I wasn’t challenged as I strode around the store maskless.
I used to like Craig Charles/Trevor Nelson until all this BLM/Marxist bullshit came along…didnt have a problem with them at all…but I feel ‘tainted’ now….him and Gambaccini/Tarbuck etc…I just dont seem to ‘like’ them anymore?….and they got rid of Colin Young’s Trunk of Funk on a friday night in the Midlands which was fantastic……feel like I have moved to another country to be honest………….
Just mention of the BBC makes me feel violated
Yes. I’m finally cancelling my tv licence this evening.
take the survey too and let them know what you think
Already have, iansn.
Five years ‘clean’ here. You won’t regret it. Most of the good old stuff from the BBC is available free on Youtube anyway.
I can’t fund their propaganda any longer.
Used to have 6music on a lot but somehow it changed. All the shows started seeming oddly the same and clearly a diversity filter was imposed so that the proportions of men and women and white and ethnic minorities had to be some precise proportion within each show, no doubt offices full of people counting. It just started to lose its shine. DJs all started to get a bit cardboard stereotyped or even slightly stilted in what were saying. Slowly stopped bothering.
same on Radio 3
Me too , don’t have my van radio on now , even Steve Wright towing the line , regularly took the piss out of Trump !
Alright peasants i trust everyone is doing just fucking dandy, i know i am. Sure my old dear is dying in front of my eyes, some cunt stole one of my bikes and my son announced he thinks he might want to be a policeman but apart from that i can breathe and inhale smoke, i can still open a can of beer and i still haven’t had the killer virus. I’ve been avoiding all the bollocks and am just assuming now that the world wide military fuckers have got rid of Trump in the most corrupt election this side of the kind favoured by despots and chinky dictators things will go back to normal. We’ll all be back in our tents and caravans partying like a school fucking disco before you know it. I cannie fucking wait. Who knew all it would take would a fucking old pedophile fuck like Joe Biden to sniff some kids and drop some bombs on the sand niggers to make the world feel right again. Ally fucking ach baa baby, whatever gets you thru the night. I’m considering taking the vaccine but only if they dry that fucker out and chop it into a few lines. I’m sure i’ll have some more pish to say and i’ll say it with all the style and grace you cunts can only dream of. Oh and cheer up for fucks sake. Ignore the restrictions, break the fucking law and Old Boris can stick his tiny prick right up a horses ass for all i care about him and his ilk.
Very eloquently said, Biker! All dandy here, ignored restrictions today and had family over. Felt normal for the first time in a while, bloody brilliant!
Classic Biker! Welcome back, have missed ye.
Quite. Sorry to hear you had one of your bikes nicked x
Good to hear from you again, keep up the good fight.
No horse rape by request.
Cheers mate.
The only bloke on here with any balls
Will buy you a pint or 9 one day
Here’s a hero.
Israeli lawyer, Tamir Turgal :
Passion, courage and integrity. Beautiful message.
Excellently written, hard-hitting summary of what’s happened in the last year and the likely future, from Jon Dobinson, one of the main people on the “Time for recovery” campaign. As they like to write above the line, worth reading in full, and a great precis to send anyone who you think may turn to scepticism:
Take Junction 3 off the road to Hell? That’s the choice ahead on lockdowns
In news which will surprise no-one, the Staatsanwaltschaft (public prosecutor’s office) in Erfurt has begun proceedings to try and overturn the Weimar decision. Still, at least the verdict has ruffled a few feathers, and is being reported in the MSM in Germany:
What’s the German for they don’t like it up them?
Or similar.
My german is a gift that keeps on giving.
The language used in this news magazine is shocking.
The article is actually just stating facts, so ok.
I guess that the issue even came to court is a success already. Essentially it is about a fine of Euro200, so most state prosecutors would not have bothered? Now they have to carry all the costs.
This surely backfired for the state!
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Finally managed to log back in on my phone!
His trunk of punk was top banana on Christmas Eve
Biden Invites China Into US Energy Sector
Mahyar Tousi
He cancelled Trump’s order banning Chinese companies from doing business with the utilities that maintain the US power grid.
Obvious prep for dropping the US grid later this year.
Joe Biden Takes the Throne – Trump Is Finished!
1.68M subscribers
Can I suggest ‘Live and Let Die’ by Wings as a theme tune please?
Bolsonaro to tried for crimes against humanity?
I don’t know much about him but like Trump he may be somewhat odious in parts, but (like Trump) he has coglioni
What you need when you are overhwhelmed with simpering cowards who are afraid to say the Emperor is naked is someone who DGAF
As per last weekend, York city centre was very busy this afternoon considering only ‘essential’ shops and takeaways are open combined with the cold and the flooding. Loads of people out and about with their takeaway coffees (the horror!!!). Evidently the new variant propaganda has been ignored.
Excellent that gives me hope
People walking about and socialising with takeaway coffee is definitely a thing.
I was called a “covid denier” today for the first time. (By my boss of all people). I haven’t once mentioned that covid doesn’t exist or the pandemic is made up.
I actually find it grossly offensive to be called a denier. Questioning the lockdowns is not the same as denying that covid exists. How can these people not see this? Why are people so blind to the damage that lockdowns will cause over the next 10+ years?
Oh I know why – because the media are good little sheep and just follow the governmental narrative. We’re fighting a losing battle and its just going to get worse I fear.
I think the consequences of lockdown are the least of our worries for the future!
I’ve been increasingly alarmed over the last 15 years about the direction of civilisation. The loss of freedoms & human rights, corporate corruption of politics & science, i’m also terrified of whats being done to the natural world & our relationship with nature by all sides left, right & centre. There just seems to be something in my spirit that stops me giving up despite it seeming hopeless.
My wife and I have just spent a day working in the local woods in glorious early spring sunshine, buzzards and ravens soaring overhead, snowdrops emerging, wild garlic starting to stir from its winter slumber and the songs birds singing a little louder. I realise that the world around us is going mad but for me the natural world helps me to stay rooted in hope and reality.
Nature is the go to place for inspiration (appreciation of freedom) & objective truth.
Very true. I always feel a million times better after a walk in the country. Sadly doesn’t take long back in London for the reality to set back in.
That’s your humanity. Don’t lose it!
Yes it is hard but we have to keep fighting our corner
Your boss sounds like a wanker. I am a boss, and much as I despair about how asleep some of the people who work for me seem to be, I would NEVER make such a remark to them – at least not unless they were also personal friends. Sadly for me I think bosses need to stay away from politics. My boss’s boss tried to foist some BLM nonsense on us and my boss, who has balls, resisted. It’s a minefield.
I suggest you stop despairing and spend some time watching the whole of the Tamil Turgal video linked just above by Anti_socialist.
Some one posted this link further down but can’t find it to credit shim, but a profound point about human rights is made at 19.55
Israeli lawyer Tamir Turgal questions impact of #Pfizer #Biontech #vaccines on #vaccinees in #Israel
To answer questions from earlier.
Yes he does. December 2019:
She’s called Luna
That doesn’t look like a very diverse dog, it could at least be a black lab.
Perhaps she ‘identifies as black’. We need to ask what her pronouns are.
Feel sorry for the dog !
Is it his dog? it looks sorry for itself sitting next to him.
Katie Hopkins – Gyms PROTECT the NHS
15,424 views•23 Jan 2021
Katie Hopkins. Full interview to follow. My love to gym owners and gym bunnies
In the U.K. they are all locked down
The reason gyms and hairdressers are closed is because Boris doesn’t go to either of them
More people speaking up why politicians all have such nice hair.
Boris Reitschuster, the only journalist asking proper questions in German Bundestag, today asked for hairdressers to come forward and judge politicians haircuts.
Yes. My hair hasn’t been cut since August. I had an appointment on 20 Dec and then Boris fucked it all up. I look like I am wearing a birdsnest
Bird’s nest style for me too, Sophie!
Apart from tentatively snipping bits off my fringe, mine hasn’t been cut since this time last year!
First They Came For The Conservatives
FACEBOOK shuts down Socialist Workers Party in Britain
Tony Heller
98.5K subscribers
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
– Winston Churchill
The left are the useful idiots in all this.
Because the coup is dressed in woke and green clothing they have gone along with it.
Useful idiots indeed. Drunk on the feeling that finally the government are listening to them. Until they don’t of course
Anyone remember the scientists on ‘Big Train’? This is the only sketch I can find:
Hahaha yes that’s how they are. My company employs lots of research scientists. My colleague and I went to have a look round our R&D site and they were all out playing table tennis in the sunshine. Long lunch breaks.
Meanwhile, back at head office, we are doing 12 hour days trying to make the numbers add up.
The below is an extraordinary chart, These are different states in the US and hospitalisations for C-19. These states have different LD styles, some heavy, some light and different mask mandate. They are also in different geographically areas. But they turn the curve exactly at the same time. Two weeks earlier cases peaked.
Perhaps the earth’s annual trip around the sun?
Betacoronavirus usually peak Dec-Jan. The C-19 was introduced later in 2020 in a new, not immune population and had its first peak in April. It has now become our seasonal 5th coronavirus. Current immunisation will have no effect now but everybody hopes it will help in Dec. But coronavirus will not disappear and will circulate in millions of people in the tropics. It would be foolish not to expect that it will mutate like influenza virus making the vaccines not very effective in Dec.
And we think border closure, screening, vaccinations will stop that?
We could stop all SD distancing tomorrow and it will follow the usual trajectory. We have done the only possible human intervention, quickly introduced vaccine which will have no effect now and have placed all our hope it will work in Dec.
Dear Swedenborg
SAGE may have a collective IQ of 1 million and more PHDs than I have had hot dinners but your analysis of where we stand knocks them out of the park
Sack SAGE now and replace them with Swedenborg!
Presumably our clowns know about charts such as these. What the hell is going through their minds?
Either – “Did I bury the bodies deep enough?” or kerrrching!
Couldn’t agree more. Many of us have suggested that the reason we have a ‘second wave’ is because we’re in winter now & that’s why some hospitals are overwhelmed, but we’re told that’s nonsense by the zealots.
I think a heavy psychological assault via an ad campaign was probably missing from their suite of measures. One with the dark eyes of potential covid victims
Sir Kenneth Branagh will play Prime Minister Boris Johnson in an upcoming Sky drama based on the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, it has been announced.
The drama will trace the impact on Britain from this once in a generation pandemic, and the response of scientists, nurses, and doctors as they worked tirelessly and heroically to contain and overcome the virus.
One to avoid at all costs by the sound of it.
It feels wrong to thumbs up such depressing (if informative) post.
Ah, this cheered me up tonight.
Shame , I always quite like Kenneth Branagh.
He’s very good at playing Kenneth Branagh.
haha lol……..
You noticed?!
I suppose it could make for a decent drinking game. For every “for fucks sake” or facepalm etc you have to down a specified quantity.
“Once in a generation pandemic” my arse
Once in a generation overreaction and suicidal overreach, more like,
Perfect description in two lines, Sophie!
You’re joking…are you?Please say you are.
Afraid not Annie!
I hope Emma Thompson is in it as well…I love her…she is one of my favourite actresses of all time….
Emma may be a good actress but she’s one hypocritical arse – when ER were having their jamboree in london she flew over 1st class from LAX to get her nozzle in the media.
She’s playing handjob
That actually comes across ruder than intended
wonder if they will put up a warning at the start to make it clear that it is fiction .
Haha like it
Definitely can you imagine all the propaganda it will have???
The Comic Strip Presents.. (possible paywall – limited number of free articles)
Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland takes Ryanair to task over its “jab and go” ad.
The complaint was upheld due to concerns that it was making fun of vaccination campaigns and that there was no guarantee that flights would be able to operate in the period they were advertising.
Edited to correct spelling error
Petrol fueled vehicles good, electrically powered cars better? Listen to Dr Vernon Coleman tear apart the fallacy of EVs being more GREEN than what we drive now. Has anyone considered how many electric car charging stations will have to be installed to service everybody? And what is going to supply these electric charging stations? Most likely coal, nuclear and fossil fuels. Certainly not wind or solar energy. So what’s the point of it all? There is no point. It’s just a pipe dream that is devoid of logic and realism. Like the Global Action Plan, it’ll never work.
Take a look at this. It’s Rowan Dean of Sky News Australia talking about a possible future with electric cars. Very funny – but chilling nonetheless!
Edinburgh has 60 (sixty) EV charge units. The council declared no fossil fuel vehicles in the city centre from 2021, they covid-postponed that to 2022.
Repeating my self but who cares? The press are all for it.
Pop 550,000 – but not all of them have a car, and there is no ring road, said that before too.
also there isnt enough rare earth metals in the world to create all the batteries that will be required… and China controls a large percentage — so no potential supply problem there then !
Essential services vehicles only and perhaps special categories of essential workers will be allowed to have a personal car. Then it’s easy..
I think that the list of ‘essential services vehicles’ will cover pretty much everything except the cars of private sector workers…
They will be able to control your power use instead of you controlling it.
That’s what I used to think but the plan is we won’t own cars anymore.
Self driving vehicles that you order off an app are to take the place of personal transport.Remember you will own nothing but be happy.
I don’t think you or Vern get it.
They don’t intend everyone to own an electric car, they don’t intend many to own a car.
The point of it is that in the future technocracy they dream of they will always be able to track you wherever you are (and there’s no escape
No, the Gaia-cultists have not considered the infrastructure or material inputs required to convert to all electric vehicles, and I’m not sure they care.
Most of us won’t have cars anymore ! That’s the plan
I posted this earlier (forwarded to me) but I think it bears repeating. This is the kind of holiday offer we need. Let’s hope they do REALLY well. Unlike ”Saga” who deserve to struggle.
Good luck to them. Rosedale is a beautiful part of the country too.
That’s good news for us
Brilliant thanks for that I’m definitely getting in touch
“Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right…
here I am stuck in the middle with you…..”
RIP Gerry Rafferty
Florida vs California. Virtually identical end result but Florida at a much lower cost in terms of collateral damage.
How would a rational and impartial person report this? They’d probably question the value of lockdowns/tighter restrictions.
How does the Mail report it? – “Two states, two VERY different COVID tactics…. but the same depressing result”
They’re even using charts with different scales to hide the fact that California is so much worse off. Disgraceful.
It’s rather hard to compare the two. Florida has an even older population than the UK.
If California has as many deaths per capita, it must be doing really badly.
Lockdowns actually increase the death rate from respiratory diseases.
More stress, less fresh air, less natural sunlight and less of that undiscovered element that benefits us as a result of human contact.
Florida has enormous retirement complexes like, “The Village,” and there have been no reports of bodies stacked like cordwood.
I just looked at the German news magazine “Focus”.
They had a short article how the “Killer mutant virus from Britain” is rampant in Berlin Hospital!
They initially had 2 patients, but then discovered that – despite all hygiene and isolation procedures – 20 patients and staff have the mutant virus.
“Some infected staff did not know they have the variant, and went home to family and kids, went shopping. THEY COULD HAVE GIVEN IT TO HALF OF BERLIN!
You think Boris & co tried to scare us, the Germans are going shit ape crazy!
‘despite all hygiene and isolation procedures’ –
and yet a bit of dirty rag in the supermarket works a treat.
You can take the German out of Nazi-ism…
Out for a lovely walk in the sunshine this afternoon, and we happened across (no we really did honestly!) a work colleague of Mr CGL – out on his bike with a friend. The friend is a doctor of medicine, who has just had his first Pfizer jab.
So, as he’s a doctor, I asked how he could rationalise having the 2 doses too far apart and against the manufacturers instructions. He shrugged and said, and I quote “I don’t know – I just go to work”
What hope do we stand, if this is how our medical folk think? (or don’t think I suppose)
Trust me I’m a doctor – no fucking way!!!
I know it’s strange isn’t. I also know of a Dr who had taken it and was very surprised by that. I mean do they not research what is in these damn things??
I think that’s a pretty standard attitude in most professions. I always try to stay abreast of new information in my field, lots of people I’ve worked with do not. They just go through the motions and do the bare minimum required to collect their salary each month.
I’ve no reason to think that medical doctors would be any different as a group, unfortunately.
It’s shocking – am on a what’s app group of old uni mates – one of whom is a GP – who described eat out to help out as a “massacre” last week…
Sky News have been reporting on Lebanon all day. Is it because people can’t get enough News about what’s going on in Lebanon?
Actually, no. It’s apparently because they celebrated Christmas and New Year and now hospitals are full. No mention of any mutant variants though so that’s a positive I guess.
It’s funny because according to Mark Austin on Twitter they only report the facts. But only the facts they want you to see of course.
Sky is shit?……
“Know thy enemy” as said by Sun Tzu is something I try to stick to.
Another response to the look into the my eyes campaign.
Good one. And lower down in the thread, a reminder about 30th January.
That particular campaign is already backfiring spectacularly. It’s almost as it the people who put it together didn’t realise there was another side that could be put to it. Because they were living in a self perpetuating vacuum or something.
It was a coff that carried him off
Heard today of a neighbour who died recently in hospital. He’d been very ill for a year and his death certificate showed heart disease, renal disease, bowel disease, COPD… but most importantly, the deadly COVID!!!! Which he caught in hospital.
Will the death toll from this terrible killer virus never end?!?!
Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
Thread ‘I’ve changed my mind’
I’m a 55 yr old middle class white guy,
The financial collapse will kill us all,
Your pension (state or otherwise) will not save you
Burn it all the fuck down.
your first sentence has three black marks. Hang on, can we still say black mark?
Only if you capitalize the B in black. But that’s only if black refers to a particular person who identifies as Black, not when you refer to black as just a colour. This identitarian stuff is so natural we need to training to understand it.
Even if you’re lucky enough to be holding put options when they crash the markets to zero the exchanges will refuse to pay out.
Oh I’ve already decided that if and when this pushes me to the point that I have nothing left to live for I will be taking as many of the fuckers as I can with me when I go. You can count on that
It is a natural survival instinct to think of death in the abstract. Apart from those who are close to you there is no reason to care about the death of strangers.
If we did then we would spend every moment of every day grieving people we’ve never even met. Just think how that would affect people mentally.
It’s concerning therefore that the government have chosen to push an advertising campaign to do the opposite of what comes naturally and inflict mental harm on the masses.
What an interesting point.
So true.
very true….excellent post
easy explanation = socialism
It’s more like totalitarian fascism at the moment because it’s being driven by big private corporations and the banks.
How do you form compliance & consensus? Pseudo socialism. a.k.a corporate socialism, its a shame so many people have a corrupt definition of socialism i.e. marxist ideology, but that’s part of the great neo-liberal scam.
Do you not find it odd how despite socialists & neo-liberal globalists claim to be sworn enemies, they both advocate the same distractions, migration, identity politics, lgbqtyminoplkfdh+, only black lives matter, transgenderism etc etc. Its not a coincidence!
Compliance and consensus, in any totalitarian regime, is formed through propaganda and fear.
Isn’t that what i said? I just used the abbreviation, i.e. ‘socialism’, socialism is just fear & false promises.
Thats right, its why true libertarians believe in self reliance! Society has been so profoundly indoctrinated into governance they can’t imagine self rule without leadership from someone who considers themselves entitled elite, its a sad state our species finds itself in, we have evolved such socialistic dependencies.
The left and their various hobby horses are being used by the forces of state and global capital to divide and scatter the population to prevent its uniting and rising up.
Anitifa and BLM are funded by George Soros and corporate money.Extinction Rebellion are obviously controlled opposition.
Our survival also depends upon young people perpetuating the species, so it’s also very unnatural to sacrifice the young for the very old. This whole insane experiment is fundamentally anti-human.
This is precisely why I realized the corona-cult is satanic.
Well said, now smoke this
Alan Watts | Consider death now [NL. ondertiteld] – YouTube
I was saying something like this to Mrs 2-6, that really in truth, unless it is somebody you know really well or a family member who sadlidied in all honesty, yes it’s nasty but well, you get over it and in reality people go, phew at least it wasn’t me, or somebody really close to me..
We are being told to grieve over all the numbers of deaths every day of the thousand of people we don’t know. It’s just totally un-natural. I don’t think they can keep this up for much longer as most people will just go back to not really giving a toss about anybody but themselves and their nearest and dearest.
New range of toys… We’ve got the annoying baby Yoda, a fat blonde white girl with the paedo symbol of the butterfly on her clothes, and a black girl dressed as a nurse wearing a Covid-19 mask.
All boxes ticked.
I will stick stick to Hot Wheels for my son and the same for my daughter…….she doesnt care much for dolls.
Had a great day working in the local woods, came back and thought I would check the latest NHS/Gov dashboard figures………not very good.
Then I thought, what madness is this? I never used to come home and start checking public health data. My life and freedom never used to be determined by how many people were in hospital and how many had died as determined by some dodgy assessment process. Throughout my lifetime Public Health has been a bit of a sideline matter but suddenly it is now the dominant driver for all human activity and policy. Why has this happened? probably a PHd study area!
But if this is truly a Public Health issue then where are we?
If my analysis is correct? then why is the Government not taking this approach? are they stupid? inept? incompetent? completely bamboozled by deranged scientists or is there something bigger or more sinister going on? Certainly if they continue down the current route in the face of all the evidence then it is hard to avoid the conclusion that there is something weird going on
Sinister is a good description.
Maybe you should have come home and had a cup of cocoa and read a good book and then you would have had an even better day. Always another day to look at those pesky numbers.
Have you read this?
So the local police have posted this on Facebook
“We have been made aware of anti lockdown posters being placed around ___ Town Centre.
Police have been on foot patrol in the town today. The signs that were put up overnight have been removed with the help of the mall security team.
Signs of this nature will not be tolerated and any persons that are identified as responsible for putting up these signs will be dealt with.
CCTV is being monitored in the town and we will continue to patrol the town daily to ensure covid guildlines are being followed.”
Comments are lapping it up, literally asking the police to arrest the people who put up the posters. We’re very far from this being over.
perhaps some posters are needed with a slightly twisted meaning. “have a jab, have a go”
or “Boris rules OK”
or here’s a good one “Do you know where you are going on holiday this summer?”
“Do you know when the cycle of lockdowns will end?”
Lockdown will end
on February 25that the end of Marchin Julyin Septembersometime after Christmas
(if you’re lucky)
Christmas 2035.
So soon?
Or maybe one like this with a lovely picture of Whitty and alter the phrase to say,’Sage is truly your friend’
I’m almost starting to feel sorry for Whitty. He isn’t the main villain in all this but seems to be carrying the biggest can right now.
Meanwhile, the nudge unit works its evil largely incognito.
Note, I said almost!
Was worried you’d been kidnapped & replaced by the 77th for a sec.
Why,no one is forcing him to go on National Tv and lie.He could end this tomorrow by giving a press conference and telling the truth.
They are all guilty.The entire government,Parliament the media and the courts with a few honourable exceptions.
Oh I agree. He’s the one who looks the most uncomfortable while he’s delivering his scripted lies. Blackmail or some form of coercion?
He looks like a kiddie fiddler so probably blackmail.
Back in May he did try to tell the truth but no one listened.
‘Compromised’ is the polite term.
Putting up anti lockdown posters while being monitored by CCTV would be the only valid use of a mask. Just make sure it totally obscures your features. Add goggles for extra protection or go full hazmat. Anything to stay “safe” (from prying eyes).
Goggles are a must.
Clothing should be all black or grey with zero logos or identifying features.
A cheap grey hoodie and sweatpants from the local big box are good, paying cash for a slightly used getup at the second hand is perfect.
Little piece of advice, which you may not need, but anyway…
During the anti-terrorist wars in Rhodesia, they prepared for the first “externals” (attacks on terrorist bases outside Rhodesia) by going round the clothing manufacturers (clothing was v expensive due to sanctions) and asked the manufacturers for “unsaleable seconds”; stuff which was serviceable but unsaleable due to errors in the stitching or decorations. The plimsoll sellers were asked for the same.
They made a “firewalk” of embers outside until a path of glowing embers was hot but not too deep. The soldiers then put on the tatty, unsaleable clothes with new but damaged, unsaleable plimsolls. They looked like a rag-tag group of hobos. They then walked down the ember path to remove all the trademarking from the soles of their gym shoes and walked into the bush.
At the final RV just outside the terr camp, they picked up their weapons [leaflets] which had been put into a cache and carried out the attack. After the attack, they abandoned all spare weapons [leaflets] and ran out again into the bush, running or jogging five miles from the attack point so that no-one could possibly know that they had been involved in the attack. At the escape RV five miles away, they changed into Rhodesian Army uniform, and marched back to their pickup point.
I hope this gives leafleteers some pointers… [I will repeat this post tomorrow]
Burkas are useful in this situation.
Yes, who’d have thought! The French police saying you mustn’t cover your face (with Burkinis in this instance), and now saying, actually you must cover your face after all
So it’s illegal to put up posters in Dystopia, is it?
What about posting them through people’s letterboxes, I wonder…
post some through the letterbox of the police station!
All those forms of antisocial behaviour, sometimes with lethal consequences (and I think of the disabled man taunted by local youths who eventually died of a heart attack as I recall) which the police fail to tackle. Give them a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it.
So what exactly is the crime?
having an opinion opposing official government policy?
The comments are crying out that its fly-posting.
One happy commenter suggested they should be arrested for misinformation “just like jude law at the end of Contagion”
That would be interesting, then there’d have to be a trial investigating the government narrative.
just carry a Black Lives Matter banner or Extinction Rebellion?…seems to work?
If you see a Sweden flag above a flyover in the near future, it wasn’t me
Fascists. In our town, Extinction Rebellion posters were stuck up in the market place on some board over a boarded up shop and they were there for months. They are the right kind of fly posting aren’t they.
I enjoy taking down all the pro lockdown stuff…..its the only time I wear a mask lol!
Daily Mail: Conservative MP Sir Desmond Swayne says Britons will not tolerate another ‘absurd’ lockdown.
Unfortunately I think they will. The public have shown themselves to be totally spineless and have shown a complete lack of critical thinking.
I agree. Apparently they wouldn’t tolerate another after the first one, yet here we are.
Serious troll infestation in the comments!
tide is turning in his favour
Sadly i think SIR Des is out of touch or just being a politician a.k.a liar. I trust none of em specially not a tory libertarian who accepted a knight hood, true libertarians just don’t do monarchy.
I’m a libertarian and I do. In fact a constitutional monarchy is ideal for libertarians. The last thing I want is for there to be an elected head of state. That would immediately involve executive power concentrated in an individual, my worst nightmare. A token, tourist attraction head of state with no power is my ideal. President Blair? Jesus, that raises my heart rate dangerously just thinking about it.
Yes, the elective dictatorship is working wonders right now.
Hmm whats your definition of libertarian again?
Being a true libertarian isn’t a multiple choice test. You either hold your freedom as paramount or not, serving royalty isn’t freedom! If you believe in royalty or constitution you aren’t a true libertarian.
But no one serves them. That’s the point. They are decoration. No power. No service. The perfect leaders – utterly emasculated and unnecessary. I don’t consider myself their servant – in fact I see them as mine. Which they are. Far more than anyone in government and infinitely more than an elected president would be. A leader who is symbolic but has no power? I’ll take that.
Even the police pledge allegiance to the queen, if you don’t mind me saying you’ve got a mixed up idea of liberty.
Fauci has thus joined the large and growing list of people who have suffered serious harm from the injections that he and other government officials have been encouraging Americans to take.
I don’t believe that he had it at all. Smells like a double bluff.
Anything that sows seeds of doubt works for me right now.
But can we believe he actually had it. It could all just be a stunt!
He’ll make a miraculous recovery proving it is indeed safe.
Not that safe if he was ‘incapacitated.’ Trump recovered from the damn thing so it’s not that deadly either. They can’t have it both ways. (Well they can, but they look stupid. But, hell, so did the Nazis.)
I have noticed people being rather pleased if they feel all wimbley-wembley after the vaccine; they assume that a strong reaction to the jab means they would have had a bad attack of Covid, had they but caught it.
I’ve also seen people who have been bedridden for days after a flu jab assert that they will still have the Covid jab ‘because it’s the right thing to do’.
People talk utter shit
No, but if it’s finite, I’d like to know what limits it.
These dumb dumbs just can’t get their heads round the possibility that the bad reactions to the jab is the recipient’s body telling them they have been injected with poison and that their body is desperately trying to reject it .
I’m not an anti-vaxxer (anti vaccer?) but I do agree with your comment.
You don’t have to be anti vax not to want to be coerced / forced into taking a rushed and experimental medication . The Mrs would never hold any countenance advice that maybe she doesn’t really need the flu jab every year till recently , she had a terrible reaction to the flu jab last autumn , she has now sworn that she will never have another.
I don’t believe it but if he died that would be beautiful
As they say, ‘he would say that’
Just shows how thick fauci is! Knew how dangerous the vaccine was but still took it.
PCR Inventor Kary Mullis On Anthony Fauci
Very good and great to see video of Kary Mullis (RIP).
Psyop. (‘It knocked me out, but only for 24hrs’.)
“Replying to @BBCNewsnight and @devisridhar
“The year of the variant” & we can only survive if we roll out ever-new vaccines “fast enough and get them into peoples’ arms” ??
“Sorry, but Dr. Devi is insane.
“Why is no one in Media calling her balderdash out?
“She’s not even a qualified medical Dr or biological scientist”
Patrick Henningsen
Dr Nigel Kellow @NigelKellow
It must be nice to have a job where you have a guaranteed income, where you can stay at home, grow a large social media following, be on-call for TV companies, tell us how to manage the pandemic, and talk about medical topics when you aren’t even a medical doctor.
Quote Tweet
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
· 22h
“Even if we suppress it here… it could be circulating somewhere else in the world.”
Professor of global public health @devisridhar tells #Newsnight we could have travel restrictions for the next year or two due to the increased transmissibility of the new coronavirus variant
See a short clip of insanity by sridhar on link. Or choose not to.
Everything is potentially circulating somewhere else always so how can you possibly eliminate a bug and keep it out except by living in a fortress with nothing coming in, nothing going out ever again. No commerce. These people are deranged. They don’t seem to have a plausible intellectual basis for their policies and can’t seem to understand the impossibility of the state those policies purport to aim at. Bizarre. I think we are already overwhelmed by the post-rationalists. It is only a question of time before we fall before the wokery. No more facts, just oppression and safe spaces.
How does the human race survive if we spend all our time hiding from nature?
Because if we do it for this virus then the “go early, go hard” mantra will ensure that we never face any future threats head on.
Devi currently writing her own warrant. These zealots should be being picked off very shortly.
It’s been increasingly deranged as the week has gone on. Sounds like she wants the whole economy tilted towards vaccine production, roll out and lockdowns. Dangerous individual.
She’s right about one thing. Once you have your mRNA lipid nanoparticle delivery system up and running, you can update your payload in double quick time. Especially if it’s already on the shelf..
And you can put any type of nano particles in the lipid.
Lots of trojan horse potential. With therapeutic intent, or, ermm, other intent.
Here for example:-
Moderna, Fauci et al, have been at this for several years.
This is Gates Microsoft’business model transferred to public health.
Buy his software and continually but his anti virus software every year.
I’ve been reading Chesterton this evening. This has been quoted in other contexts but it’s never seemed more appropriate than now.
They have given us into the hands of the new unhappy lords,
Lords without anger and honour, who dare not carry their swords.
They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
Their doors are shut in the evenings; and they know no songs.
We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.
One answer to anyone trying to blackmail, coerce, bully for the vaccine. Thalidomide.
Check out the Netflix/Harold Evans documentary.
Look up vaxxed on bitchute, research bill gates record in India, see if you can find out about a vaccine in US in 70s (think it was a strain of swine flu) lookup the last sars virus vaccine, history is littered with dangerous recalled/banned vaccines, moderna have NEVER made a vaccine before, now they’ve come out with a form of vaccine that hasn’t been properly tested, Pfizer are criminals recently been fined for some kind of fraud or other.
I’m not anti-vax in principle, but it should be personal choice, informed consent. But they wont give you uncensored information, vaccines contain adjuvants to purposely provoke an immune system reaction, they don’t record or investigate adverse reactions after 28 days, regulators allow big pharma to basically regulate themselves, big pharma don’t pay scientists to prove vaccines don’t work or are dangerous.
Professional liars a.k.a politicians are snake oil sells-men, they don care who dies, they wont be in office by the time any scandal is uncovered, the state backed compensation scheme is rigged against claimants even then £125k for life changing disabilities.
Duck Duck Go > Pfizer > Nigeria
Infighting in Nervtag.Prof Dingwall don’t agree on more deadly strain as stated in pres conference
TBF, He’s been sceptical from the outset.
The Prof here is just Covering himself – they (the Johnson regime) are doing twice as many tests as just before Xmas and their precious case numbers are broadly the same as back then. Oops. So zero growth. I swear, as a chemist with lab experience, that it is 99% probable that cases went up because all the experienced staff took a break at Xmas. Inexperienced staff were covering. Mistakes were made. Any mistakes were never discovered or were covered up. Either way who cares.
The experienced staff are back now so cases are falling as tests are more accurate again. If anyone can disprove this I would really love to see it. Anyone who belittles this never studied Chemistry after GCSE O Level. Just my humble opinion.
Reading between the lines I got the impression from Prof Dingwall that there are some on SAGE and the subgroups that have done quite well out of this crisis.
Katharine Gun – Wikipedia Official Secrets (film) – Wikipedia
This lady was brave, are you ?
Did you know you have to sign the OSAct if you work for forestry commission? Seriously if you plant trees you can be convicted of breach of OSAct!
My Dad had to sign the damn thing to make weedkiller (ICI).
My brother is on her facebook group – she is amazing.
Good film , Dr Kelly ? Alastair , any idea ??
There’s me and Chaos busily updating ‘the list’ and these silly bedwetting cunts are writing their own…
That’s shocking cancel culture mixed with 1984 media blackout smear campaign. All sorts of suppressive tones.
So if we are worried about the effect of lockdown on people’s mental health and are subsequently against lockdowns, we are ‘weaponising’ it? Are these charities going to tell their people seeking support to stop blaming lockdowns for their deteriorating mental health? What the hell is this madness?
‘Weaponising’ is code for arguing a point to very good effect. Heaven forfend we fight them on their own terms (health) and come out on top. That’s before you broaden the argument out to include wellbeing, where lockdown sceptics have always been on very solid territory.
Take heart, we are chipping away at these fuckers.
They use the term “weaponising” because it’s what they do, they are projecting. It’s called accusing others of what you do yourself.
I only read a little of it, as it appears in such small print, but I agree with their point that the expression “mental health issues” has been trivialised.
But this has been happening for years.
Feeling sad, blue, a little bit down as it is winter, we are “depressed”.
No, we are sad, blue, a little bit down.
After August, if we have 16C, it is “freezing”. No, freezing is 0C.
People, please be aware of your words.
It’s not the sceptics who are trivialising the mental health crisis; it’s the lockdown zealots who, by their actions are effectively disregarding it and denying its unprecedented scale.
Fucking evil, evil people. They have no shame.
The CS Lewis quote rings in my head when I read this stuff:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
CS Lewis thou shouldst be living at this hour. Here’s another of his:
“But there’s one more thing to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things-trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we’re leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that’s a small loss if the world’s as dull a place as you say.”
That is powerful.
He must have had a good dealer.
A few pints of Henley’s special was probably enough to do it. ..
It’s from “The Silver Chair”.
it states “nhs staff are seeing larger numbers of severely ill patients with no underlying health conditions and who are relatively young” . really? this following the usual government type description of an nhs in crisis.
Anyway, check out Natasha’s wiki . a political activist with a history of issues and with no actual qualification in the subject (but down with the yoof and a tv pundit).
There’s a long list of people named who it isn’t at all clear have fully endorsed the views contained in the letter – just named as individuals connected to the charity.
Pure doublethink
I didn’t realise mental health was owned by a group of individuals. It seems as if they’re saying anyone talking about mental health assumed to be representing them purely based on the subject matter.
That’s quite a remarable claim.
Hitchens in apocalyptic gloom tonight, probably his best since it started.
Wow, you weren’t joking.
Glad he mentioned Bhakdi. He’s a lockdown hero for sure. His measured but apocalyptic warnings have kept me up nights, no joke. His book is a must.
My copy arrived today will start it tomorrow.
It was released rapid fire too. These people are immersed in the world of virology and immunology. And from the get go, people like Bhakdi were saying this is a coup of the human spirit, that we are being lied to. Putting it all on the line, having made a career of the best quality from this stuff.
Did you see him on triggernometry? its been taken down by Utube now but when asked about the vaccine his immediate response was “its dangerous“.
It’ll be on Bitchute.
I seen his recent Planet Lockdown interview, very similar. However, he’s especially angry, in his mellow tone, but worried, very worried. He is out of words almost, because for him it is clear as day that this is not science. Everything he has used to direct his being over his career is now considered some kind of quackery by the public and their political masters.
I’m disenchanted with Hitchens.
Here’s a man who has gone against the trend for the last 30 years.
Here’s a man able to walk along an Oxford Street with apparent nonchalance while pursued by a baying, rabid leftist rabble.
And yet here’s a man not prepared to lead a march of tens of thousands of decent citizens against the wanton destruction of everything we hold dear from family life, through jobs, education and health to culture and sport.
I call that a failure of nerve. He seems happier to be a Poundland CS Lewis whose values the PC media can caricature as belonging to the 1950s and not the current era.
I think Mr Hitchens is top dog but that is fair criticism.
I do admire him (doesn’t mean I agree with everything he says, eg his worship of the train over the car…OK for Peter who doesn’t have to worry about the taxi fare from the station to wherever he’s going). But I heard him on Talk Radio and felt he was just going through the motions in his role as the “controversial conservative columnist”. Surely he realises this is the crisis. Lord Sumption makes it clear the assault on our liberties is in an unprecedent scale – I’d say something not seen for something like 400 years. I was hoping Hitchens would do something more than scribble in response
He has to walk a very fine line. Say the ‘wrong’ thing and he’ll be taken down leaving no mainstream point of contact.
Yes, but that wouldn’t be a financial calamity for him as it would be for an ordinary Joe or Jane. He must earn at least £100k a year, probably a lot more , and he doesn’t appear a man of extravagant tastes, so I would hazard he is totally financially secure .
Hitchens has failed us and I think in his heart of hearts he will know he has.
Point is, if he is taken down, he will no longer be able to reach these audiences. Better perhaps if he doesn’t push it too far thus being deprived of his platform.
He is past retirement age anyway so why does he still need to work? As if he needs the money. I like him in many ways but he has disappointed me recently. He clearly fears mass civil disobediance more than he fears lockdown. His idea of people writing to their MP was a pathetic damp squib.
He also refuses to think our rulers are governed by anything other than good intentions. I am afraid I do not see it that way…I see them as the enemy who I would be willing to fight to the death if necessary.
I don’t think these criticisms are fair – he’s a writer and broadcaster, not a political leader or activist. A writer’s job is to speak his own truth, and that he has done admirably – if only there were more like him. to say that he’s useless because he doesn’t do anything more than speak or write is like saying that you hate Freddy Mercury because he never did any good rap music- it’s your problem, not his, you’re looking in the wrong place, go and look for a rap artist if that’s what you’re into! in this case, if you want to see a leader, an activist, an organiser, then look no further than Dolores Cahill
He’s an introvert loner, not march leader material.
Someone with a national profile needs to step forward.There is massive discontent but how can we fight back.At the moment the resistance consists of a Takeaway coffee and a walk in the park.
Totally agree. We are looking for some sort of figurehead who already has a good bank balance and a support network, for whom even a short jail sentence would not be a personal tragedy.
It took till September I think before a single MP spoke up against Lockdownism!!! Well done Desmond Swayne. Since then a few others have joined in but with uncertain blasts on the trumpet.
People like Hitchens may occasionally peruse this site so I think it’s important we send the message: now is the time for action not words. We need someone to lift the banner of freedom and reason and take on the lockdown lunatics.
Desmond Swayne AND Charles Walker. Sir Charles is genuinely passionate in his condemnation of lockdown. How his emotion packed speeches in the HoC haven’t moved the lockdown debate in our direction I have no idea.
Charles Walker has made some fine speeches and he did at least make an intervention when he saw a lone anti-lockdown protestor outside being unjustly handled by the Police. However I am slightly suspicious because it took him so long to find his principled opposition to lockdownism – a good month after Swayne I think, so about seven months after the first assault on our liberty in March). I do hope he’s genuine but I think he is part of the Mayist faction whose prime motivation to remove Johnson so I remain a little sceptical about his real objectives.
Agreed. All talk and not much action.
I feel the same.
However, for sure his time is coming, as it is for all of us.
We will all have to pick a side and sacrifice for what we believe to be true this year.
Probably better keeping him safe to comment on proceedings ! He’s a wise old General
Great response to attacks on him by the now cretinous Private Eye .
i agree however we need Hitchens and or some other prominent figures to lead a protest march .
Lets see how our cowardly police and MSM media respond.
So I have seen some encouraging scepticism on Mumsnet recently. After an NHS/Education Union worshipping few months, it seems that nearly a year of childrens lives messed up is really starting to piss our nations Mummies off!! Unfortunately, MNHQ is also censoring debate – yesterday a thread posing the question ‘How long are we all going to put up with this?’, which was started at 11am was closed with the last comment around 5pm the same day, because a few posters were having a robust exchange of opinions. It seems threads with dissenting views are offending the faithful and they are reporting them, like nosey neighbours reporting people leaving their houses more than once a day. Quite extraordinary, given that MN is well known for frank, and quite personal airing of opinions on just about any topic!!
Good. It just foments dissent even more. I’ve had it on a thread (not Mumsnet) asking ‘How worried are you about C-19?’
My response; ‘not worried at all’ – removed. What is the point in speaking to such people? I just take a back seat now and watch the next person get cancelled and annoyed. And the next, and the next. This is how scepticism grows.
‘not worried at all’
Haha, they know your type Tom
Flagged as provocative apparently.
only correct opinions
Do you go by the same username on the Daily Mail, GrannySlayer?
Ah, ok
Only asked because I used to enjoy the comments from certain people on there. Given it up now though; made my blood boil too hot.
FAO Stephanos
Could you (or anyone else for that matter) possibly tell me how one uses PM on here?
you need to log in to the forum
I’ve done the log in I need to do to post messages, is there something I need to do after that, and where abouts on the site is that, please?
It is confusing, Hugh. Are you wanting to send a PM to someone who usually comments here, or on the Forum? I rarely see any names from the forum on this particular page.
Stephanos said he had PM’d me and I want to reply. I’ve never actually been able to find the function for PM-ing
Not used it myself but you need to be looking at the forums here (link is at the top of the page too):
Ah, found it, many thanks!
If you go to your control panel thing, you get privatemessages, there you can read your inbox and send messages. I think it you just start typing the user name of who you want to message thats will find who you want to send it to.
I must admit I don’t really use it so I can’t say exactly how it works, I can barely figure it out myself.
You will have no opposition and will be happy. The new abnormal – Starma chameleon.
What a sad yet evil man, a plague on humanity, justice and society.
Just think, this absurd specimen almost makes Johnson look good! Only Labour could achieve such a feat.
Can’t argue with that, sausage.
Chunt !
Crimson and Clover:
I can’t quite articulate why I’m posting this. It’s before my time but this song always resonated with me. It’s beautiful in its own, unique way. We need beauty more than ever given the current climate.
I like the Joan Jett version.
Sorry mate, I’m not having it. The sound is good, but I can’t get on the firm with a woman singing about a ‘her’. It just doesn’t go, you know?
No worries. The original is great
No worries, Liam. Great stuff. The sound in that version is tip-top. Don’t get me wrong. I’m just not on the firm with a female on the vocals for that song.
I’ve always had a soft spot for that song as well, JD.
You know the Bobby Moore, DM.
FFS – I can’t get my head around the fact that so many healthy people are getting sick with this thing. It’s tragic.
(Barely) mobile heart attack.
He/she won’t be doing much mobiling
Naughty but funny!
As Mr CGL would say – morbidly jolly
Chronic obesity, is that?
Yes, there’s no 2 ways about it, it’s not good for you. Invitable consequence though of the destruction of family life and of communities, of poor diet pushed by Big Food, of poor health outcomes pushed by Big Pharma…
Or an inevitable consequence of stuffing your face and not exercising.
as a coping mechanism for the above.
Save it for the Fatties Anonymous group.
I don’t agree.
Firstly, there’s plenty of public health messaging about good dieting and healthy foods.
And secondly, she’s an adult. She should be capable of thinking for herself.
The fact she has ended up like that is her own fault.
Oh there’s absolutely personal responsibility. That still doesn’t let Big Pharma, Big Food, and those responsible for destroying family life and communities off the hook. I know two brothers, one who has become obese, the other who is relatively slim. People react in different ways to what life throws at them, and people do have the agency to produce different outcomes for themselves if they make the decision to do so. But the people and forces who put them in a difficult position in the first place still have questions to answer. I think of the science which suggested that people with certain genes were likely to turn out really bad – and some scientist (or something) found out that he had these genes – and yet because of the strong support of a loving family and good upbringing (or whatever) he had turned out alright.
People can always make a decision to do right or wrong and use help that is available to them, but it’s still not enough to say, “there are workhouses, hospitals” (or whatever the quote is in A Christmas Carol) and leave them to get on with it.
(Peking Bidden?)
No , this lady is worth three of him / her /them / it.
Dearie me, BBC – always use the wedding photo from 20 years ago when they were 7stone lighter. If ITV can do it, it can’t be that difficult can it? Duh!
What scares me is the fact that my dose of vaccine would be identical to hers.
(Not that I’ve any intention of getting one voluntarily!)
whats gonna kill this one more? covids or doughnuts?
Fuckety balls, that’s big.
the answer of course is not to take responsibility for managing your own obesity, but to shut down other people’s lives and freedoms. yeh, makes perfect sense.
Finally got round to watching Luke Johnson’s performance on QT that i’d heard about. This is HIGHLY recommended viewing for any sceptic:
I couldn’t face watching the whole program, especially as the The Devil Sridhar was on, but trust me, just skip to the bits with Luke and you’ll be inspired.
Devi with her sad little face….awww poooo, what would you say to the families of those 360 who died??????
*sad face pouty lips”
Yer it was good, the QT panel were gobsmacked. Truth stun grenades. Good job to that guy L Johnson, good job indeed.
She’s one of the Sturgeon coven, hopefully gone soon……
Aren’t they delaying the elections in Bonnie Scotland?
Devious Sridhar: “Containment is good for public health and it is good for the economy”.
I’d like to see proof of that!
Luke Johnson is given a lot more speaking time than he would be nowadays – if he’d be allowed on at all!
Hard to believe this bit was said almost a year ago:
If the problem didn’t exist then we wouldn’t have to spend time and resources dealing with it. That’s basically what she’s arguing.
It’s pure ideology. If we could turn back time we could have taken action at the right time and we’d not be where we are now. That’s another nice an idea but neither are realistic options.
Belarus must be an economic catastrophe then!
Of course it could be, but if so, it’ll have more to do with Russia – though I suspect they will continue to give them relatively favourable terms whilst their man is in power in Minsk.
Lockdown won’t be affecting her generous salary which will be a drop in the ocean compared to the many millions the SG has spent on trying to destroy and jail Alex Salmond!
She’s an anti alcohol campaigner too, this is all right up her street!
I talked to my parents today, they are very much more scared now than they were before Operation scare the population silly MK3 .
It’s still almost impossible to talk to them about “The Situation”. They love the BBC. As far as they are concerned everything on the internet is fake news. At least Dad is getting better at listening to me and not fighting back and getting all grumpy. As far as he is concerned, if he gets it “It’s 50%-50%”..
Anyway, it turns out that some friends of theirs (early 70’s) were coming to visit before their son flew out to California to live with his new wife. The son needed a test, so they got a notifiction that son had tested +ve, and that they had to all get tested. They tested positive too!
They told my Dad “Not to tell anybody” like they had AIDS! lol
So they all felt a bit shit for about a week and got better. Terrifying!
Dad also relayed a story about a bloke he knew who knew a bloke in Exeter he got it and sadlidied, no it wasn’t his dicky ticker, nope not cos he was 65, nope it was the covids….it is dangerous son…..
I told him about the guy near Glastonbury who was 49 who got it at the Cheltenham Festival horse races and died of it. This guy is a local ledgend! About 5 locals told me of this guy when we were down that way in the summer
I watched BBC News for about half an hour the other day and in that short time decided it is far worse than Sky.
They don’t have sky, perhaps they watch CH4 and think they are getting a balanced view…I dunno. I can’t tell them a thing, they just don’t want to hear that it’s a massive scam. They get all updet and angry, how dare I say it’s a scam and the government are lying….pfffff it’s insane.
Just know that you are not alone. It’s truly like we have a second sight that the majority (even our loved ones) neither have nor want to believe us over the god of truth – the BBC
Let’s start with what we know. Belarus (less excess deaths than the UK), Sweden (ditto), Oresund region (similar deaths, different restrictions).
Now if they want to say this is wrong, it is incumbent on them to come up with strong evidence for this. If they can not, then they really do need to understand that their intransigence is (so far as I can see) pretty much on the same level as superstition or prejudice. The truth is the truth, no matter people’s personal preferences.
I send Dad a link to Ivor talking about the “Dry Tinder” effect, that went down OK, I just sent him the NHS occupancy graph the UKC did, the circular chart of deaths for the last five years, the chart that shows this year as the tenth deadliest year since about 1997.
I am making some head-way but Mum is just no able to talk about it at all sensibly with me.
Oh, and the age standardised mortality graph going back to 1971..sowing nothing exceptional about this year, in face we are doing very well indeed compared to the old days.
Instead of telling, perhaps you could try asking. Take the vaccine for example. You could ask if it is safe and effective? You know the answer, but they will only know what The BBC has told them, so you would have a massive advantage. When they say, Yes, you could ask, When did the trials finish? They won’t know, but you do. You could ask, When were the vaccines licensed? You could ask, Has anyone died shortly after being injected? Is there any danger? You know the answers, they don’t. Telling people things they do not want to hear often elicits defensive responses. Asking questions is less likely to do so.
Just heard of a third lockdown suicide today, still don’t know of anyone who’s died of this mysterious virus, in spite of a wide circle of contacts both inside and outside the rail industry……is anyone keeping a graph of the suicides???
Yer I have heard of more people who have done themselves in than have died of covids in that “talking to a random person kind of a way”.
Way way more actually. like about 15 people now who have killed themselves V one or two reports of reasonably close contacts of random people who have died of covids.
I totally agree about the BBC, and other channels, I get the same approach from certain family members, and it’s split our household right down the middle!
I remember reading about how suicide statistics had to be suppressed by the authorities in the German Democratic Republic (Communist era Germany for anyone who doesn’t remember the 80’s) because they were too embarrassing. Whether something similar will be attempted here I don’t know. I’ll guarantee though that more people will die from lockdown suicides than children will from Covid
I enquired on here a couple of weeks ago about national suicide stats. I was told that they are compiled annually from November to November but not actually published for a further six months, which means we should get them in May.
Also, a good post and useful link from LS contributor Leggy on 7th Jan is quoted below (hope he/she doesn’t mind me re-posting):
Just about the only thing released in any official capacity regarding suicides, at least that I’ve seen, is this tweet from London Ambulance Service:
Thanks Steve.
It’s bizarre but true. This iteration of project fear has been far more successful than any previous attempt. The boy who cried wolf turned upside down.
How can it make sense? I suppose the sadistic abuse has worked. People’s minds have been fried.
Have you tried asking them what happened in 1958/1968? A few times I have asked some family/friends who are 65 or older what they remember about the 2-4 million deaths during the 1958 and 1968 pandemics. Those were similar figures for a world population just under half what it is today (assuming C19 keeps running for 2 years and maybe hits 4 million ‘with Covid’ deaths). They were both pandemic ‘level 2’ severity with IFR around 0.1 to 0.2% (C19 last I checked was 0.23%)
Out of around 10 people I asked over the past few months, of course zero remember anything but knew of the pandemic, and most didn’t even know those happened. Most were only 5-15 years old at the time, and almost zero media coverage. So they are all now too old to remember, and everyone else 50 and under has experienced nothing like this. But even in the cases of 58/68, they isolated the sick, let the healthy get on with life, some masks, gatherings cancelled. Zero questions today about doing the opposite – isolating all the healthy, exposing the vulnerable.
Not sure how old the phrase is – ‘let it pass through the healthy so that it passes over the vulnerable. By doing the opposite we are guaranteeing it will find the vulnerable.
I remember the really bad flu outbreak in 68. I was 14 and my mum had it as did some friends and neighbours. I don’t recall anyone wearing masks or gatherings cancelled, it didn’t seem to affect everyday life in any way whatsoever.
Agreed, can’t even remember much newspaper coverage…..
” If You Get The COVID Vaccine You Will Go To Your Doom ” Says Medical Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi.
Guardian “journalist” (I use the word with caution) Nick Cohen has been on the booze again:
“Toby Young, Julia Hartley Brewer and the rest of the gang call themselves “lockdown sceptics” and imply they are a cut above deranged Anti-Vaxxers. But both deal in ignorance and both promote ideas that can kill.”
Cohen really is a prick. It’s always worth remembering what this premier league dickhead is like when he’s had a few too many :
Ignorance of what exactly?
And if he ever tries to take on heavyweights such as Professor Heneghan or Professor Gupta in a free and fair debate, can I watch? Will I have a long weight?
Seems he’s just as deranged as many of the Twits on this Twitter thread.
He must think that doctors asking for the time between jabs to be reduced must be dealing in ignorance and promoting ideas that can kill too.
I admit I’m hard on the media but only because I want more balanced reporting. The linked Twitter thread shows even the media aren’t safe when they do actually try to go against the grain.
Oh dear
He was no different about Brexit, and spent four years writing the same article over and over again in the Spectator, bemoaning how big a mistake it was, and the plebs were too stupid to know what they were doing.
What’s the detail on the sneaky July 17th extension to this clusterfuck ??..