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3 March 2025
The Energy Transition is Dead
2 March 2025
by Tilak Doshi
A startling new survey conducted by the Free Speech Union reveals that nearly two-thirds of employees feel compelled to hide their true opinions during diversity training for fear of job jeopardy.
Local councils will be told to cut back on diversity training and expensive office away days if they want to put up council tax, Esther McVey the 'Common Sense Minister' has said.
In another victory for the Free speech Union, the Employment Tribunal has upheld a claim of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination on behalf of Carl Borg-Neal, an employee of Lloyds Bank.
A new survey by Pew Research finds that most Americans, including a large percentage of Republicans, support "diversity, inclusion and equity" in the workplace. However, there are reasons for scepticism.
In the latest Weekly Sceptic podcast the talking points are Donald Trump's forthcoming arrest, the British police's preference for wokery over free speech and the glorious implosion of the SNP.
Western universities have become political monocultures where anyone with Right-of-centre views has learned to go through the progressive motions and keep their forbidden thoughts to themselves, says Prof. James Allan.
No doubt being asked 'where are you from?' can be annoying, says Amber Muhinyi, and sometimes even racist – but the real danger is the imposition of a divisive ideological agenda of 'diversity'.
Simon Isherwood, the rail conductor sacked for asking whether there's such a thing as 'black privilege' in Ghana, has given an interview to the Mail in which he describes how devastating it is to be cancelled.
White civil servants are being told that Britain is racist and they should never contradict members of ethnic minorities in a woke diversity training video.
In a landmark victory for free speech, an Employment Tribunal has ruled in favour of a West Midlands Trains conductor who was dismissed for asking whether indigenous populations in African countries had 'black privilege'.
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