The Irrationality of the Lockdowns
by Glen Bishop Much has been said on Lockdown Sceptics about how poor the SPI-M modelling has been – the naivety of the assumptions, how demonstrably ridiculous the projections were and are when compared to Florida, South Dakota and elsewhere, and how far we currently are below their most optimistic scenarios for deaths and hospitalisations. This is certainly true yet is merely semantics because imposing lockdowns and restrictions would still be irrational even if they were correct. Assuming the counterfactual to be true, i.e., Ferguson’s famous 500,000 deaths prediction in the 'do nothing' scenario, I will lay the case below as to why our Covid response has not been reasonable but hysterical, financially and in terms of cost to life, even if the Ferguson prediction were the reality that had been avoided. Firstly, as of July 19th, the new prospective date for lockdowns end, the citizens of our glorious ‘free country’ will have been under house arrest or had to endure harsh restrictions for 483 days. What then is the gain from such a sacrifice? According to the Ferguson estimate, if 500,000 people would have died from Covid had these measures not been imposed, then a total of (500,000-128,000) 372,000 lives have been saved. Actuarial tables estimate an average number of years of life lost to a Covid death...