News Round-Up
6 January 2025
Musk Says Farage “Doesn’t Have What It Takes” to Lead Reform
5 January 2025
The reason a woman cannot beat a man in the boxing ring is because of testosterone. Why, then, do we blame women's under-representation in other competitive fields – business, politics, chess – on the patriarchy?
After the shock acquittal of the climate activists who committed £500k worth of damage to HSBC's HQ, one ex-juror says it is easy to see how a vocal jury member can volunteer as foreman and push for the verdict he wants.
Memories of 2020 are now fading, meaning it can be easy to forget how on that Remembrance Sunday some bravely defied the lockdown to gather at war memorials. But we must not forget, as the tyranny must not be repeated.
The NHS Covid app was a typical government IT project – it cost the taxpayer billions and didn't work properly. The evidence it saved any lives is threadbare, but it did catastrophic damage to the British economy.
Read the heartbreaking and shocking story of a user of NHS mental health services, whose request not to wear a mask because they cause her panic attacks was refused, leaving her cut off from her support and suicidal.
A teacher explains in the Daily Sceptic how to teach children about climate change without scaring the bejesus out of them.
A member of the committee that first came up with a weekly alcohol limit admitted afterwards that they couldn’t find any scientific evidence to justify the limit and had just “plucked the figure out of the air”.
Many airlines are still insisting on negative PCR tests as a condition of travel, even though the countries they’re flying to have dropped this requirement. Why?
Contrary to reports, the success of the English wine industry is not due to climate change. The grapes grown here are only suited for cold climates like ours and England has been producing sparking wine since the 1750s.
The BBC recently broadcast the series "Big Oil vs The World" alleging that the oil and gas industry deliberately disseminated climate misinformation. But in three hours not a shred of evidence was presented.
A teacher writes that she has quit, saying the lockdowns, masks and testing were bad enough, but the final straw was being told to hide a child's 'gender change' from their parents.
When Hindus are offended, the BBC describes what's offended them. When Christians are offended it does the same. But when Muslims are offended, it doesn't and the reader is left in the dark. Why the double standard?
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