If the Japanese Government stumped up £100 billion to build the world’s biggest funfair in Hiroshima, people would still primarily know the place for having had a rather large atom bomb dropped on it, not its brand new Big Dipper. Likewise, the northern English town of Rotherham today is known for one thing, and one thing only: the area’s many Pakistani Muslim rape-gangs, who are estimated to have abused at least 1,400 local mostly white girls, many of them underage.
So what was the point, back in 2022-23, of the then-Conservative Government generously deciding to hand over £1.8 million of your tax-money to Rotherham Borough Council to supposedly help rebrand and transform the place into the country’s first ever ‘Children’s Capital of Culture’ for 2025? Councillors also got £76,000 in National Lottery grants, with which to hold a series of events to “empower children and young people”.
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“Charlie Cornish, Chief Executive of Manchester Airports Group which operates Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands airports, said the changes to the travel traffic light system will make “little difference” to the recovery of the travel industry and called on the Government to “overhaul” it.”
Never mind “overhaul it”, you useless apparatchik! It’s literally stupid and pointless having travel restrictions related to covid. End them. All. Now.
These people just don’t get it, do they? How many times have we seen calls from assorted industry bodies for tweaks and changes to the arbitrary rules? Hardly ever do any of them just ask for all the rules to be ended.
Unfortunately the blinkered Covidian cultist new normals, the proles that are blindly following the dictates simply haven’t twigged the rules around the ‘virus’ are nothing to do with their personal health. Those airlines in public mass transport, the irony is their executives too in fact are colluding with the enemy…and their guaranteeing their own downfall?!?
The BUILD BACK BETTER five eye govts know exactly what the agenda is and are fully on track – ZERO COVID = ZERO CARBON
The plan my fellow skeptikcs is to kill off dirty kerosene burning mass jet travel ASAP.
Think XR shenanigans aren’t being financed by globalists? PMSL
No of these ‘restrictions’ apply to private jet travel which is booming. Those airstrips serving them [Biggin hill/Farnborough will remain fully functional…. That is until the pitchforks come out.
[Just kidding]
Only 15% of Brits are actually awake to what’s going down, that’s not enough to shut this GREAT RESET crap down for good.
Wakey wakey the remaining 85% if it doesn’t happen soon the 99% are collectively fuxd.
Ringway airport
Oh and effectively banning some people from travelling to these countries (it used to be about 20 quid one way for some flights, no strings attached) is causing a huge amount of distress and suffering to some of these people and their loved ones. Cruel, unusual, inhumane, criminal.
I’d love a trip to the Swiss Alps, but no, only for the jabbed.
A sheep dog’s primary job is to *confuse* the sheep. It makes them easier to control. FIGHT. BACK. BETTER. – updated useful information, resources and links: https://www.LCAHub.org/
When 4 out of every 1,000 travellers who return to the Uk are Covid positive, what is really going on? You are being lied to people. A friend post Covid vaccine developed a heart and lung problem. One ecg, lung ct scan and two chest X-rays and a visit to a pulmonary consultant, she will now be scheduled for a bronchoscopy. It will be very interesting to see if she drinks the Covid booster koolaid coming up.
It’s so simple really. They just don’t want us to travel. This traffic light system is just a lot of bs.
they’ve simply dropped a few hoops…a little less for the intrepid/stupid traveller to jump through…
And planted a few extra mines for future detonation!
The moron(s) who dreamt up these ‘rules’ are clueless about the wider world and the tremendous impact they have on the developing world.
Here in Thailand we have ‘The Sandboxes’. Highly regulated way to get tourists back to some of the islands. It was slowly working and helping to restore a little of the local economy.
I cannot see any Brits coming here now.
I thought that the jabby wabby were supposed to release everyone and allow travel to return?
Oh stupid me, that was nevr the intention was it?
Oz and NZ’s Zero-Covid Humpty Dumpty has well and truly fallen off the wall.
Their leaders know this. Their 18 months of denial of this predictable and predicted reality are over. They are now angrily lashing out, trying to find scapegoats.
What have they done over 18 months to prepare for this inevitability?
What have they done to learn from the errors of Europe and America to ensure residents of residential care facilities will have superior protection?
What have they done to ensure stocks of anti-viral medications?
What have they done other than shift blame and point fingers?
Greetings all
Canada is dead…we are debating on a new name for our once proud and overly friendly country.
My pick is Union of Sanctimonious Socialist Provinces or USSP for short.
Our leader is a budding young Castro and the majority of people are happy to give up their true freedom in exchange for the security and care provided by the State. Vaxx passes are being celebrated and the un-vaxxed…well, you know where that’s all going.
Stay away!
No reason whatsoever for Colombia to remain on the Red List. With a population of 50 million the country is at the bottom of its curve, posting under 2000 new cases yesterday.
All these ever-changing rules remind me of the old Tommy Cooper joke
“Doctor, I broke my arm in three places”
“Don’t go to those places!”
There mught also be some appropriate Milliganisms
Frankly my dear……
Look until they stop these bloody stupid restrictions that are unnecessary, illegal, coercive and just plain wrong who gives a f..k? I can’t travel anyway refusing to take the EGTT and their invasive debunked useless “tests”. JUST STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME!!