Wings Over Scotland describes itself as a “Scottish media political digest and monitor” which has been variously bombarded by praise and vitriol. In a page posted the other day, the website tackles the knotty issue of the Sandie Peggie vs NHS Fife story that has been popping up almost daily in the mainstream press recently.
The page called ‘The thickness of blood‘ is an entertaining and informative summary of the self-inflicted car crash to date:
Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is Sandie Peggie vs NHS Fife.
The tribunal has now overrun the time allotted to it, and will reconvene for another 10 days in the second half of July, ramping up the already considerable costs incurred by NHS Fife, which is in the middle of a huge financial crisis.
According to legal experts, there is little doubt about the law surrounding the dispute. NHS Fife is clearly and unambiguously in the wrong – Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male, and had no lawful entitlement to be in a female changing room. The authority also appears to be in very considerable potential trouble over failing to disclose key documents and evidence when ordered by the original judge.
So it seems remarkable that the board of NHS Fife is allowing the case to continue rather than immediately conceding to save money and any more public humiliation of both itself and its staff, like the hapless nurse manager Esther Davidson who endured a very uncomfortable two days in the witness box this week, and the clearly manifestly incompetent Equality And Human Rights Lead Officer, Isla Bumba, who yesterday deleted her LinkedIn page after being identified as the person who gave Davidson incorrect and unlawful guidance.
(Bumba is a 29-year-old immunology graduate and former bartender who ditched the challenging and gruelling field of vaccine development for a rather cushier number in pronoun-policing for £40–47,000 a year, somewhat more than the £31,000 average wage on offer to staff nurses like Sandie Peggie, who’s been a nurse for longer than Bumba has been alive.)
Readers may reasonably wonder if the makeup of the board might offer some clues.
From thereon the page goes into that NHS Fife board in colourful detail, speculating that “it’s highly likely that misguided sympathy for friends and family members is a major part of how the [trans] ideology has managed to secure such a strong foothold so fast”.
Worth reading in full if only to wonder just how long it’ll be before the NHS collapses under its own woke wastefulness and ineptitude.
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“Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male”
Er sorry but there is no way to “be male” other than “biologically”. “Male” is a biological definition. I don’t recognise the validity of the term “legally male” other than in the sense that if you are a man, the law recognises you as such in case they need to make some distinction in how you are treated based on sex.
If we’re saying that women can be “legally male” what we really mean is that there are now laws that confer rights and/restrictions on certain women that were previously reserved for males only. I don’t know what to call these certain women, but they are not male in any sense, in the same way that an elephant is not a man just because someone issues a certificate to say otherwise. A car is not a lorry. Maybe some lorries get to be treated the same as cars for certain purposes, but they are still lorries.
It’s like when they say “cis”! Seriously, WTF is “cis”???
Also, I just keep seeing nonsensical, made up words, basically code for “mental illness” everywhere. I’d never even heard of the term “non-binary” a few years ago. It’s like woke jargon has hijacked the English language, such is the insidious creep factor of this dratted toxic cult. Honestly, they can do away with all of this vocabulary because it’s surplus to requirements. People who say they’re “trans” or “non-binary” are mentally ill, confused because they’re still young and growing or gay but don’t want to admit they’re gay;
Indeed. I was talking to my Mrs about this. She doesn’t mind being treated by a male doctor but not keen on a bloke who pretending to be a woman. Did his patients all know? My main concern would be to avoid being treated by a loony. Mind you, most of them recommended “covid vaccines” too so that’s a bit of a turnoff as well.
Well the NHS, being completely captured by the woke mind virus, apparently advises women to have prostate exams and men to have smear tests, which I can totally expect the dude above to be fully on-board with. It’s all just one big immersive role play performance and the main characters must be indulged and appeased by their co-stars or else;
And men can get pregnant, men can give birth! It’s absurd, but they pretend because if they admit that men cannot become pregnant, that men cannot give birth, it means that trans men are not actually men, because trans men can become pregnant, trans men can give birth. So they prefer to be absurd and claim that men can become pregnant, that men can give birth, rather than back down and admit that trans men are not men – and equally trans women are not women – they never thought it through, so without the humility to admit they were wrong, they end up being ridiculous.
Cis- is Latin and the opposite to trans- also Latin – which mean respectively, “over here/this side of” v “over there/other side of”.
Thus cis Alpine Gaul was northern Italy; trans Alpine Gaul was territory north of the Alps.
Cisgender, transgender are just meaningless nonsense words for low grade thinkers with weak intellects who parrot slogans, absent any original.thoughts in their heads who should get brain scans and consult a psychiatrist.
“They/them” pronouns for “non-binary” people will never catch on for the simple reason that it makes speaking too awkward, it’s very unnatural to speak like that, it’s too confusing, sentences become absurd, it require too big an effort to speak like that for long, a few woke people might attempt it, but even they will trip up, and the vast majority of ordinary people will not wish to sound so ludicrous.
“They/them” pronouns will never catch on because the vast majority of people know that “non-binary” is a lifestyle choice/form of virtue signalling and anyone who claims to be non-binary is either male or female meaning that there’s perfectly good pronouns that can be used without pandering to a tiny minority of woke/deluded people.
Man and woman aren’t titles the state may bestow onto people as politicians see fit. I’m a man because I was born male. No politician can change that and certainly, no politician should have a right to even try.
WoS is a good read in the main, while they may be Indy supporters (which is a valid opinion), they’re realistic and know the score re. issues like this, and they are extremely, and often very comically, critical of the SNP.
Perhaps women should identify as men when confronted by men identifying as women and start swinging their prosthetic tackle in front of the trans women to shame them into leaving their private space? Just an idea.
Not a trans woman, its a Man if we all speak the truth instead of lies compelled by tyrannical and Marxist elites it will go away, they rule us through fear, time to stand up and frankly say 2 plus 2 is 4 not 5 because these few in positions of power say so.
If he is biologically and legally a man, then he’s a man …. and a transvestite, not a trans-woman.
It’s telling to translate these terms into English: Transvestite is originally Latin for crossdresser, ie, someone who dresses up as the other sex. This means transwoman would be crosswoman. This has no real meaning at all as the Latin word for cross, trans, was just hijacked and tacked onto then English woman. It could be understood as someone who crosswomans but woman is a state and not an activity.
Could we perhaps be told who the person in the headline photo is? It may be obvious, but not to me. Thank you.
It is Dr Upton. It is he!