Compiled by independent researchers Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova.
Last updated: February 4th 2025
Executive Summary
The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim: Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.
The Dossier contains information regarding the military and intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefence response in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. For some countries we have extensively documented information. For others, we have some documentation of military and intelligence involvement, but not all the details. For as many countries as possible, we list: the military and intelligence agencies in charge of their country’s Covid response; dates on which emergency declarations were made in each country; military and intelligence-related agencies and bodies in charge of censorship and propaganda; and top people with military and intelligence jobs who were known or reported to hold leadership positions in the response. We also list connections to global governing bodies, including the EU, UN and WHO, through which the response was coordinated. In the final section, we provide a list of military, intelligence and biodefence alliances and agreements that provide multinational frameworks for responding to a bioterror or bioweapons attack.
By providing all of this information in one place, we hope to dispel the notion that Covid was a public health event, managed independently by each country’s public health agencies, with some limited, logistically focused military involvement. We also hope to drive home the shocking realisation that not only were military and intelligence agencies in charge of Covid in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO.
This should be the subject of frontpage news everywhere.
We are calling on investigators, whistleblowers and anyone with information related to this topic to contact us or publish the information so that we can continue to construct the full picture of what happened to the world starting in early 2020 and continuing to this day.
How it Started: Five Years Ago Today
Exactly five years ago, on February 4th 2020, two things happened that almost nobody knows about but which played an important role in the course of recent world history:
1) Two declarations for CBRN (weapons of mass destruction) emergencies – EUA and PREP Act – made by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services were registered on this date. [ref][ref]
EUA stands for Emergency Use Authorisation. Legally, EUA powers are intended for situations of grave, immediate emergencies involving weapons of mass destruction. They allow for the use of countermeasures against CBRN (chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological) agents without the regulatory oversight intended to ensure safety and efficacy, because the immediate threat of a CBRN attack is deemed so much greater than any potential risks caused by the countermeasures [ref]. The PREP Act is the legal indemnity granted to anyone involved in using an EUA countermeasure, because if a weapon of mass destruction is involved, the risk of the CBRN attack is so great that no one should face legal consequences for potential collateral damage caused by using unregulated countermeasures.
In order to activate EUA, the law requires: “A determination by the Secretary of HHS that there is a public health emergency… that involves a CBRN agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent(s).” [ref] So when the EUA was officially activated on February 4th 2020, it was in essence a declaration of a state of emergency involving a weapon of mass destruction.
The Covid PREP Act Public Health Emergency declaration has been repeatedly renewed and is currently in effect through December 31st 2029.
2) A pharmaceutical executive was caught on tape saying that the US Department of Defence called to inform him “that the newly discovered SARS-2 virus posed a national security threat”. [ref]
It is important to note that on February 4th 2020, there were fewer than a dozen confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (later called COVID-19) in the US, and zero deaths. Worldwide, the death count was fewer than 500. There was nothing about the virus, at least as it was presented publicly, that would make anyone believe it posed a threat to national security.
These two events are remarkable for several reasons:
- They indicate that the beginnings of Covid were rooted in national security machinations, not public health considerations.
- They also strongly suggest that the deployment of the EUA “medical countermeasures” under Public Health Emergency declaration was officially launched at a time when an emergency, much less a national or a global one, could not possibly be determined. No public health parameters justifying that a novel virus posed a “threat to national security” existed at the time of the EUA and PREP Act declarations.
Thus, on this day five years ago, a military CBRN countermeasure deployment campaign was officially launched against a poorly defined illness that was alleged to have killed a few hundred people worldwide.
Within six weeks of this date, in order to ensure a market for the countermeasures (among other aims), the lockdown-until-vaccine response – which is a military and counterterrorism plan and has nothing to do with public health [ref] – went into effect all over the world.
Why This Information is Crucial
It is crucially important to understand that Covid was a globally coordinated response, based on legal frameworks intended for biodefence and biowarfare situations. The ‘attack’ that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented – regardless of the trigger, the lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm originated in the military and intelligence biodefence playbook, not in any scientifically based or epidemiologically established public health plan. [ref]
This means that nothing about the response – masking, distancing, lockdowns, vaccines – was part of a public health plan to respond to a disease outbreak. Rather, every aspect of the response was intended to induce public panic in order to gain compliance with biodefence operations, culminating with the injection of unregulated mRNA products, which were legally treated as biodefence military countermeasures (MCMs), into billions of human beings.
Who ordered and directed these operations? Who benefited from them? Who was and still is covering them up? We have been investigating these questions for the last several years, and we hope many who read this will join us moving forward.
Call to Action
Most journalists in both corporate and alternative spaces are either unaware or unwilling to cover the military/intelligence/biodefence/global coordination aspects of Covid. We need to change that.
Please help us shift the conversation to focus on the true nature of the Covid response and the existential questions raised by it.
To learn more, you’ll find extensive research and analysis on our Substacks: Sasha; Debbie.
Top-level summaries of our understanding of the Covid response can be found in these articles:
- The Catastrophic Covid Convergence – Revisited
- The Catastrophic Covid Convergence – Revisited (Part 2)
- Summary of Everything and Quick Links
Covid Dossier: US
Military and intelligence agencies in charge of pandemic response
- National Security Council (NSC) [ref]
- FEMA/Department of Homeland Security (DHS) [ref]
- Department of Defense (DOD) [ref]
Dates when those agencies were known to be in charge
- Mid-January 2020: NSC classified Covid meetings “starting mid-January” [ref]
- March 13th 2020: NSC officially in charge of pandemic policy in Pandemic Crisis Action Plan-Adapted – the U.S. Government’s Covid response plan [ref]
- March 18th 2020: FEMA/DHS takes over as Lead Federal Agency, replacing HHS [ref]
Dates, types and names of unprecedented emergency declarations
- February 4th 2020 EUA declaration [ref]
- February 4th 2020 [retroactive from March 17th 2020] PREP Act declaration [ref]
- March 13th 2020 Stafford Act in all states simultaneously (1st time in history) [ref]
Military and intelligence agencies involved in public communications, propaganda and censorship:
- Government Task Force, coordinated by NSC, controls all pandemic messaging starting February 27th 2020 [ref][ref]
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) [ref]
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) [ref]
- Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) (crossover US/UK) [ref]
Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, UN/WHO:
- Deborah Birx [ref][ref][ref][ref]
- Michael Callahan[ref] [See also PsyWar by Robert Malone MD MS, Kindle version p. 237]
- Richard Danzig [ref][ref]
- Richard Hatchett [ref][ref][ref][ref]
- Matt Hepburn [ref][ref][ref][ref]
- Robert Kadlec [ref][ref][ref]
- Carter Mecher [ref]
- Matt Pottinger [ref]
- Mike Ryan [ref][ref]
Covid Dossier: UK
Military and intelligence agencies in charge of pandemic response:
- Ministry of Defence (MOD) “Operation Rescript” [ref]
- Covid Support Force (MOD Report – ref)
- Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) [ref][ref][ref]
Dates those agencies were publicly known to be in charge:
- March 18th 2020: Covid Support Force (20,000 military personnel) [ref]
- May 2020: (at the latest) JBC [ref][ Wikipedia: “it’s existence was announced”]
Dates, types and names of unprecedented emergency declarations:
Military/IC-affiliated groups involved in messaging/propaganda/censorship:
- Ministry of Defence team [ref]
- iSAGE [ref]
- 77th Brigade [ref]
- Nudge Unit [ref from March 11th 2020] / Behavioural Insights Team – now “fully owned by Nesta” (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) [ref]
- RAF analysts [ref]
- Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) (crossover US/UK)[ref]
Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, UN/WHO:
- Roy Anderson [ref]
- Dominic Cummings [ref][ref]
- Jeremy Farrar [ref] [ref][ref]
- Clare Gardiner [ref]
- Richard Hatchett (crossover US/UK) [ref][ref][ref][ref]
- Tom Hurd [ref] [ref]
- Thomas Waite [ref]
- Simon Manley (UK Director-General COVID-19) [ref]
Covid Dossier: Australia
Military and intelligence agencies and special committees involved in response:
- National Cabinet “exempt from freedom of information laws” [ref]
- National Security Committee of Cabinet [ref]
- Australian Defense Force COVID-19 Task Force [ref]
- National COVID-19 Commission Advisory Board (NCC) [ref]
Dates those agencies and committees were publicly known to be in charge:
- March 9th 2020: Australian Defence Force COVID-19 Task Force [ref]
- March 13th 2020: National Cabinet established [ref]
- March 25th: NCC [ref]
Dates, types and names of unprecedented emergency declarations:
- March 5th 2020 National Coordination Mechanism activated [ref]
- March 13th 2020 National Partnership on COVID-19 Response [ref]
- March 18th 2020 Human Biosecurity Emergency Declaration (first in history) [ref]
Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, UN/WHO:
Covid Dossier: Canada
Military and intelligence agencies and special committees involved in response:
- Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Operation LASER 24,000-person response force [ref]
- CAF Operation VECTOR (vaccine planning and distribution)[ref]
- Cabinet Committee on COVID-19 [ref]
Dates those agencies and committees were publicly known to be in charge:
- January 23rd 2020: first Operation LASER planning meeting [ref]
- March 2nd 2020: Operation LASER officially launched
- March 4th 2020: Cabinet Committee officially announced [ref]
Dates, types and names of unprecedented emergency declarations:
In Canada, the emergency declarations were made by the provinces, as follows [ref]:
- March 13th 2020 Quebec provincial public health emergency
- March 16th 2020 Prince Edward Island public health emergency
- March 17th 2020 British Columbia (BC) public health emergency
- March 17th 2020 Alberta provincial public health emergency
- March 17th 2020 Ontario provincial state of emergency
- March 18th 2020 BC state of emergency under Emergency Program Act
- March 18th 2020 Saskatchewan provincial state of emergency
- March 18th 2020 Yukon public health emergency
- March 19th 2020 Northwest Territories public health emergency
- March 19th 2020 Nunavut public health emergency
- March 20th 2020 Manitoba provincial state of emergency
- March 22nd 2020 Nova Scotia provincial state of emergency
Military and intelligence-affiliated groups involved in messaging, propaganda and censorship:
- CAF began to gather intelligence on pandemic disinformation in January 2020 [ref]
- Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) [ref]
- Canadian military intelligence unit – Precision Information Team (PiT)[ref][ref]
Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, UN/WHO:
Covid Dossier: Netherlands
Military and intelligence agencies and alliances involved in response:
Dates, types and names of unprecedented emergency declarations:
- March 15th 2020: “new additional measures to combat the COVID-19 outbreak” (closure of schools, restaurants, sports/fitness facilities)[ref]
- March 23rd 2020: “intelligent lockdown” announcement [ref]
Military and intelligence-affiliated groups involved in messaging, propaganda and censorship:
- Ministry of Defence Land Information Manoeuvre Centre (LIMC) [ref][ref][ref][ref]
- National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV)[ref]
- National Core Team Crisis Communication (NKC) (led by the NCTV)[ref]
- Interdepartmental Working Group on Disinformation (includes Defence, Foreign Affairs and Justice Departments, among others) [ref]
Key figures in Covid response linked to military, IC, NATO, EU:
Covid Dossier: Germany
Military and intelligence agencies, committees, and groups involved in response and dates they were announced:
- February 27th-28th: Corona Crisis Team (Corona-Krisenstab) [ref] led by Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Interior (equivalent of DHS and DOJ) [ref]
- November 2021: new Crisis Team for vaccines (led by military)[ref]
- NATO [ref][ref]
Key figures in Covid Response linked to NATO, UN/WHO, military, IC:
- Major General Carsten Breuer[ref][ref][ref]
- General Hans-Ulrich Holtherm[ref][ref]
- Christian Drosten [ref][ref]
- Heiko Rottman-Grossner [ref]
- Bernhard Schwartländer [ref]
Covid Dossier: Italy
Although we do not yet have the full list of Italian agencies, dates, emergency declarations etc., we do have compelling evidence that NATO was involved in coordinating the Covid response in Italy.
The Italian CTS (Commissione Tecnico Scientifica, or Technical Scientific Committee) was established on February 5th 2020 “with consultancy and support competence for coordination activities to overcome the epidemiological emergency due to the spread of Coronavirus”. [ref]
Note the date as it relates to the events of February 4th 2020 (described in the Executive Summary above). Remember that on February 5th 2020 nobody in Italy had been diagnosed with or died from the coronavirus. In the entire world, a few hundred deaths had been attributed to the virus.
Minutes of a CTS meeting held on March 5th 2020, obtained through FOIA [ref], include statements by General Bonfiglio (for whom no biographical or background information is available on the internet, as far as we can tell), identified as belonging to the “NATO UEO point of the DPC”. [ref]
Below is a screenshot of the minutes in Italian, followed by English translation:

Gen. Bonfiglio, NATO WEU Point of the Department of Civil Defence, is invited and reminds of the commitments regarding the handling of confidential documentation that must be subject to the rules of restricted external communication and dissemination.
Gen. Bonfiglio recalls Law 124/2007 emphasising that the transmission of documents produced in CTS (Scientific Technical Committee) will henceforth be done through the NATO WEU Point of the Department of Civil Defence and the Ministry of Health.
Covid Dossier: Military, Intelligence and Biodefence Plans and Alliances
The following plans and alliances provide frameworks for responding to a bioterror or bioweapons attack. The information provided in this Dossier suggests they may have been invoked in the global Covid response.
- US Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Response (September 9th 2016): This publication provides joint doctrine for military domestic or international response to minimise the effects of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident. [ref]
- Medical Countermeasures Consortium: A four-nation partnership involving the Defence and Health Departments of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. [ref]
- Quadripartite Medical Intelligence Committee (QMIC): The health equivalent of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance. [ref]
- NATO – Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence. [ref]
- EU – Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). [ref]
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Has the purpose been determined? I am wondering if the whole thing was a matter of blind panic.
A desk-top exercise was held in September 2019 with a scenario based almost exactly on what became the Covid Tyranny.
I believe they then orchestrated “a practice run” to test the assumptions and “learning” from the desk-top exercise, not least the amount of push-back they would get and the willingness of the population to submit to the experimental gene therapy.
Once Jay Bhattacharya supports this theory, then I might take it seriously….but, at the moment, I must say it sounds rather far fetched, if not completely dotty.
What happened to the world with “covid” was far fetched and dotty.
The military exercise theory always seemed like one of the more plausible to me. Still does.
Wasn’t a Danish MP admitting that NATO played a part, I’m sure the video is out there, also as footage on one of Neil Oliver’s videos. From what I remember, she was explaining why it was hard to get information on decision makers.
I don’t remember that but it would make sense
It would be plausible if it was evidenced.
It is not evidenced here….and certainly not evidenced by the British Forces Broadcasting Service, quotations from whose evening offerings, episodes of ‘Wind in the Willows’, often proved, as later in 2020, singularly apt;
Ratty: ‘This whole affair has been a complete disaster from start to finish and that’s a fact and no mistake’
‘Defence plans for, and maintains capability to, respond to a broad range of threats and disruptive challenges the UK faces, however, it is the civil authorities who lead planning for, and responding to, most domestic emergencies.’
‘It has, however, equipment, personnel, expertise and knowledge to be able to effectively assist the civil authorities in a wide range of scenarios. This includes a pandemic where the roles and capabilities Defence might be asked to fulfil are not significantly different to those for any other emergency.’
Militaty Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) has been going on in this country since forever and a day: ‘Green Goddess’ military fire engines memorably rescuing cats from trees and then running them over whenever the Fire Service went on strike.
Basic stuff.
Yeah, the BFBS and other military people would always tell the whole truth and would never withhold any information.
The readings, quotes from ‘Wind in the Willows’ were verbatim, to my certain knowledge.
Jay Bhattacharya believes there was a worldwide respiratory virus named SARS-CoV-2 causing a novel disease COVID-19, ignoring the fact that no country suffered unusually high deaths prior to the declaration of a pandemic by WHO mid March 2020, that deaths from respiratory illnesses never peak as late as April in the northern hemisphere (and certainly never peak in April in the southern hemisphere), that the virus refused to cross borders (e.g. France having 65% more deaths than usual at the end of March 2020, whereas Germany had only a 10% increase), indicating that national treatments/reactions to the ‘pandemic’ were the primary cause of increased mortality.
Jay Bhattacharya did have the courage to speak out against many of the more idiotic extremes of the reactions to the ‘pandemic’.
Yes because he was sticking to ‘established’ pandemic responses that have been compiled over many years, not following the CCP in Lockdowns pushed by a compliant and paid for media. Remember that blood & stool samples show that ‘Covid’ was already in much of Europe in late 2019.
COVID-19 existence is ‘proven’ solely on the basis of a PCR ‘test’. The inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique, Kary Mullis, was a highly intelligent individual who was awarded a Nobel prize for this manufacturing process. Kary Mullis repeatedly stated that his PCR method is totally unsuitable to diagnose illness but this key fact is completely ignored by hospital doctors and laboratories reaping lucrative sums of money from PCR ‘tests’.
And what are the PCR ‘tests’ anyway looking for, or comparing biological samples with, to claim a test result is positive (i.e. there is COVID-19) or negative (there is not)? They are checking a sample against partial genetic sequences defined in the paper ‘Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR’ written by Corman, Drosten, et al, publicized by the WHO already on 17th January 2020, and published in Eurosurveillance on 23rd January 2020.
And were these genetic sequences taken from an isolated SARS-CoV-2 (then known as ‘2019-nCoV’) virus? No, they were not. The introduction to this paper openly states (bold text is my emphasis):
We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.
Or, put simply, the sequence was determined by playing around with a computer in an office.
The whole ‘pandemic’ was a fraud.
I got it in early November 2019.
If you read Paula Jardine’s articles on the origins of Covid-19 that can be found on The Conservative Woman website then you might change your mind about this article.
It’s all tied together, it all makes sense, it was driven by some crazy ex-US-military people who wanted to have a cure for any illness available in 60 days and latched onto mRNA gene therapy as the means to do it, with the disastrous consequences we are seeing now.
I’ve read Ms Jardine’s articles. I don’t find them convincing.
The virus may or may not be man made. I certainly would not rule out it having escaped from a laboratory.
But all the rest is classic novel virus epidemic stuff with bungled public health responses encouraged by Farrar, Whitty, Drosten, Vallance and Ferguson.
Farrar et al believed that their successful Ebola lockdown episode was pertinent.
It was not.
We know what actually happened from Coronavirus experts in China at the time of the outbreak.
‘At this stage it’s a really bad cold which can cause problems in people. People are talking about the “lethal virus” but seasonal influenza can cause deaths in elderly but we don’t call that “the lethal influenza”
people are far more aware of the virus so it won’t be as epidemic as it was early on. There’s far more awareness and controlled environment and changes in social behaviour. Which I’m not sure is taken into account in the models. So it should spread far less outside of Wuhan.
People are saying a 2.2 to 2.4% fatality rate total. However recent information is very worthy – if you look at the cases outside of China the mortality rate is <1%. [Only 2 fatalities outside of mainland China]. 2 potential reasons 1) either china’s healthcare isn’t as good – that’s probably not the case 2) What is probably right is that just as with SARS there’s probably much stricter guidelines in mainland China for a case to be considered positive. So the 20,000 cases in China is probably only the severe cases; the folks that actually went to the hospital and got tested. The Chinese healthcare system is very overwhelmed with all the tests going through. So my thinking is this is actually not as severe a disease as is being suggested. The fatality rate is probably only 0.8%-1%. There’s a vast underreporting of cases in China. Compared to Sars and Mers we are talking about a coronavirus that has a mortality rate of 8 to 10 times less deadly to Sars to Mers. So a correct comparison is not Sars or Mers but a severe cold. Basically this is a severe form of the cold.
right now you also have influenza going around so what you want is to be able to rule out influenza so you can treat the patients correctly for coronavirus.’
Professor John Nicholls, Univ of Hong Kong 06 Feb 2020
Jay Bhattacharya and others then confirmed all of that with their own seroprevalence studies, as shown in quotes from him above.
This is what Jay Bhattacharya believes, evidenced.
‘So H1N1 goes from a 5% mortality, 4% mortality, which is what the World Health Organization was saying at the time to a 0.01% mortality on that order, disease.
So it is on the top of my mind when I saw the World Health Organization in 2020 say that we have a 3% mortality rate. They were very cagey about what they meant, but I knew what they meant. They meant that three out of 100 people that had been identified with COVID died from it. And they were looking at Chinese data, they were looking at Italian data. And the first thought I had was, well, maybe this is like H1…
So we did two (studies), actually. We did one in Los Angeles County and we did one in Santa Clara County, which is where Stanford is. We learned that in both LA County and Santa Clara County, there were 40 or 50 infections per case identified. 40 or 50 per case identified.
it’s more deadly than H1N1. So instead of something like a 0.01, 0.02% infection fatality rate, the numbers we got were that it was 0.2%. So two out of 1,000 mortality rate.
a whole bunch of these seroprevalence studies have been done that replicate from around the world what we found. The typical finding in these seroprevalence studies is that for people that are under the age of 70, there’s a 0.05% mortality risk. So 99.95% survival after infection for people under 70. For people over 70 it’s 5% mortality. So 95% mortality, 95% survival, a huge difference. It essentially changes smoothly with age. So roughly speaking, I’m 53, my infection fatality rate from these studies is something like 0.2%, 99.8% survival if I get infected.
COVID’s gone away because enough people are infected. COVID is a coronavirus. The other coronaviruses that are in common circulation in human populations produce colds. And they’re controlled by herd immunity. They’re not always increasing exponentially so that everyone gets it. What happens is they rise and fall with the season. Enough people get it and what herd immunity means is when one person has the infection, they spread it to one or fewer additional people.
When it’s out of season, you can have a relatively few people with immunity and you won’t see it growing. So herd immunity is not a synonym for zero COVID. I think Hancock, I think, that’s the mistake he made there. The other thing about herd immunity with these disease is, it was clear in October of that year of 2020, and even more clear now that if you are infected, you actually gain substantial protection against re-infection. So there was a study that was just released actually recently, but verifies a whole long line of studies. At one year… This is out of Italy. At one year after infection, 0.3% are reinfected. So you’re infected, you recover from COVID and within the context of the full year, three out of 1,000 get reinfected. And almost always, it’s less severe than the first time, because your body still remembers how to fight it off.
80% of the deaths in the United States are people over 60. 80% of the deaths are people over 60. We did not protect the vulnerable because we didn’t even attempt to protect the vulnerable. Just to give you some sense of how backward it was, we sent people in the early days of the epidemic that were infected with COVID back into nursing homes who then infected a large number of vulnerable people, instead of realizing who the vulnerable were and seeking to protect them, that was the scarce resource. We thought hospital beds with a scarce resource. Most parts of the country in March, April 2020 were empty hospital beds.
we spent the last two decades or more developing systems of trade and globalization that effectively were promises to poor countries that changed their economies to rely on these systems. And overnight, we violated those promises. So it’s not surprising that the greatest harms of the lockdowns have happened in poor countries around the world. I mean, I’ll just give you another statistic about children. In March of this past year, the UN estimated, put out a report report saying that nearly 250,000 children had died of starvation as a consequence of the economic dislocation from lockdowns in south Asia alone. The harm to children is incalculable from this.
That is essentially a public health malpractice to assume that the thing you’re doing has no harm, that the thing you’re guarding against has enormous harm. You end up in a situation where you take actions that end up with the kinds of consequences we’re talking about. Without actually stopping the disease, you have catastrophic harm to the population at large, from the lockdowns.
The other thing I’d say is that the fear of the disease itself was part of the public health strategy. It was essentially a inducement of panic, so that if anyone said anything that suggests that, well, for children, maybe the disease is not so harmful. You get jumped on.
once you adjust for that fact, once you say, okay, well, let’s look at people who are over 85, for instance. Well, there’s fewer 85-year-olds per capita that died in Florida than in California. Well, what about 75 to 84? Fewer old people, 75 to 84 per capita that died in Florida than in California. What about 65 to 74? The same thing, fewer deaths in Florida than in California.
You don’t not talk down to people. You treat them like equals, you treat them like intelligent people and you give them information and you trust them to make good choices.’
I recommend you (and Jay Bhattacharya) read the works of Denis Rancourt (
He and his team analysed mortality data from 125 countries around the world to clearly prove there was no “spreading contagion of any novel virus or its postulated variants”.
Furthermore, “This Covid-period pandemic of mortality was caused by the coordinated and large-scale mandates, measures, so-called responses, and medical assaults including testing, diagnostic bias, isolation, denial of treatment (especially antibiotics for pneumonia), mechanical ventilation, sedation, experimental and improper treatments, and vaccination.”
His work indicates up to 2023 there were 31 million excess deaths world-wide from this “assault”, of which 17 million were due to the toxic ‘vaccines’.
Yes saw this on substack. Thanks for posting. CIA-DoD-NATO project – just another conspiracy truth…..
Why? Many reasons. Make sure Tronald did not win in 2020 was one obvious goal. 30 million vote fraud or do you really believe that a criminal imbecile like Biden won 81 mn votes? The vote fraud in Kamalalarama’s 74 million is at least 10-15 million.
Why else? Profits, money of course. And the mRNA platform. Now linked to AI. Cancer will be ‘cured’ by AI-mRNA pace the J–ish Billionaire who founded Oracle with CIA money – Larry Ellison.
Other reasons: Accelerate Digital IDs, CBDCs. Acclimate the sheeple to diapers, lockdowns, stabs. Deploy ridiculous propaganda about ‘viruses’ which magically escape from a bat or whatever and fly around the world, killing and maiming – but only within certain parameters of course. Like in spring 2020 when the only people who died from Rona were old people behind closed doors given fake PCR tests….+ midazolam, morphine.
Lots of reasons why Rona was rolled out in 2020.
What’s in a name? Should never have been called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- CoV-2 in the first place. Lethality by nomenclature. The movie Contagion has a lot to answer for.
Should have been called Marked Acute Respiratory Syndrome (MARS) and regarded as the threat to the elderly and vulnerable it only ever was. Just let it take its course. The NHS could save itself.
The Chinese Government over-reacted. The WHO over-reacted. Uncle Sam over-reacted. Defence wonks got it into their heads it was a bio-weapon.
Follow the Science – made-up science with made-up numbers, made-up asymptomatic spread and made-up diagnostic tests. Keep the cycle numbers flying.
Follow the money – Drosten’s diagnostic dross, personal protective entanglement, Monsieur Bancel’s stock options.
Or a cryptic like notation like HKU1,229E, OC43 etc – all caused by coronaviruses that affect us humans.
I have long suspected that the reason for the coordinated exaggerated response was because they knew from the outset this was a manipulated virus from GOF project and it was assumed it would be fast spreading and lethal.
They then needed to cover their tracks, and it just drifted alo g in a self sustaining fantasy world until TPTB decided they couldn’t keep it up any longer.
But a useful crisis nonetheless. For them.
This might be the most plausible explanation I have ever read for the whole covid nonsense…
“Ministry of Defence team”….I read somewhere, probably UKC that the Signals played a part too. We have all heard on the 77TH Brigade.
Forgot where I saw it, but there was a claim that NATO was involved in COVID responses. Exhibit A: Sweden (not a NATO member) diverged. I believe there was more to it than just that.
‘They’ knew it was a product of bio-weapon research.
They thought it would be very deadly – national security stuff.
They were disappointed that they were duped into revealing their bio-weapon response plan.
“Lockdown until vaccine” is not public health but a military biodefense tactic. The whole operation was planned to get us to take the vaccine. Moderna took out a vaccine patent 2 years BEFORE the pandemic saying investors will follow the demand. As well as the largest upwards transfer of wealth in history (Amazon won over Mom and Pop shop) patent expert Dr David Martin and finance expert Catherine Austen Fitts claim depopulation was the motive. Medicare and Medicaid are due to be illiquid by 2030 so no money for Granny’s pension or benefits. Is this why mostly over 65s died off ? We already know the elite are eugenicists who see us as cattle (their words) who why not cull us? Gates is on record saying he wants a 90% reduction in global population. (Oh and avoid Bovaer in milk which is the latest slow kill tactic. It’s active ingredient is in antifreeze)
Hmmm. Could it just be that the US Department of Defense knew the new virus was a gain of function creation, that it already knew it was dangerous, and that it had leaked from the Wuhan lab? That it would later mutate to a less virulent form was not, then, on the agenda. A scientist might expect that to happen, but would not be able to predict when.
I concluded that the Covid Tyranny was being coordinated by the American Military when the 5 Eyes went all-in for lockdowns, along with NATO countries.
But Sweden didn’t. In the EU, it was the only major country which carried on more or less as normal. Why? Because although it was in the EU, at the time it wasn’t in NATO. Now it is …. so next time it will also conform.
“Who ordered and directed these operations? Who benefited from them? Who was and still is covering them up?”
Unless I am missing it, I don’t see you answering those questions.
Related, if there indeed was a “they” who did coordinate all of this and got one over nearly the entire world, why aren’t there government officials who were duped / used / abused of their power at the time complaining and / or trying to raise hell about it?
Governments around the world (and of every political stripe) are filled with narcissists who don’t take kindly to others usurping their power. Trump was in charge when this happened. Even if he was tricked (or whatever) at the time, are you trying to claim that someone like Trump would remain silent about it now if he later discovered the truth (or even just suspected it? Or are you maybe saying that he was in on it? Or that if he was tricked etc that he has decided that it is in his own interest to remain silent now?
That is quite a powerful “they”.
RFK Jr. Stated in his book that covid and the response was a bioweapon run by the military intelligence groups. The pharmaceuticals and Gates and Faucy are integrated and involved in “protecting” western countries from a bioweapons attack. It is stated that these agencies, as far back as the late 1990s considered bioweapons based on enhanced function diseases were a much bigger threat than the proliferation of nuclear weapons. I wonder what will come from RFK being head of HHS? To me, there was absolutely no need for this h8ghly destructive exercise. Who needs enemies when we have these kinds of agencies working for us. More groupthink!
Absolutely outstanding work. Tracing through all these documents that provide evidence for what many of us had already concluded was the truth about the whole disaster.
This is why addressing the origin of the virus is so important. The truth needs to come out publicly about this, so that any State bioweapon research programmes can be properly controlled and those involved held accountable for any problems.
Just a couple more things to add: Sweden notoriously was an exception to the madness, and there the public health people really did run their COVID response. And oh look – Sweden is one of the few Western countries that did not belong to NATO. (It does now.)
Also, this may be of interest. It was reported in the Telegraph but not widely reported in the mainstream media:
This is very badly titled. It should refer to the ‘Covid-19 Response’ to make it clear that the escape of covid-19 was not a deliberate act of bio-warfare but just an accident from either the WIV with a poor reputation for bio-security, or the Chinese-German lab also in Wuhan. There are enough nutjobs who think it was deliberate without feeding them more.