Psychological therapy may be the only treatment to successfully cure lingering ‘Long Covid’ symptoms, landmark new research in the BMJ has suggested. The Mail has more.
Canadian scientists found talking therapies and physical and mental rehabilitation “probably improve symptoms” among those struck down with the virus.
But there was “no compelling evidence” that certain drugs, dietary supplements or oxygen therapy could effectively treat the phenomenon now better known as Long Covid.
U.S. officials suggest one in 10 people who catch the virus will develop Long Covid, while around two million people in the U.K. are reported to live with the condition, including 112,000 children.
Symptoms have long been thought to be wide-ranging, from fatigue and breathlessness to muscle and joint pain.
In the study, researchers from McMaster University in Ontario assessed the findings of 24 separate trials involving 3,695 patients with the condition.
Writing in the British Medical Journal, they said the evidence “suggests that a programme of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) probably reduces fatigue and improves cognitive function in patients with Long Covid”.
They also found “intermittent” aerobic exercise three to five times a week for four to six weeks, “probably improves physical function” and recovery.
However, they acknowledged that both CBT and physical and mental health rehabilitation “may be challenging”.
This is because patients may “express concerns about the safety and efficacy of these approaches” given it “implies that Long Covid is not ‘real’ but ‘psychological'”.
The scientists, however, acknowledged the study had some limitations including ‘possibly missing eligible trials’.
Worth reading in full.
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I never trust people who wear photochromic glasses.
Very much hope it’s better than last week’s. I used to be more Team James than Team Toby, but, after last week….., if James continues with the constant digs, insults and personal attacks (and, unlike the broadcasts we came to know and love, not in light-hearted vein) I will no longer be listening.
Exactly how I felt. I would add however that Toby exhibits wilful blindness over James’ points sometimes, and does characterise his more far out beliefs as conspiracy theories, rather than attempting to address them.
I think he’s just getting exasperated at the constant attacks from James (and they have, sadly, become attacks now) and starting to hit back a little and give a bit of ‘like for like’. But, sure, perhaps it would be better to say something like ‘That’s an interesting theory. I’ll admit I haven’t looked deeply into it, and if I had any working minutes left after my work for the Daily Sceptic and The Free Speech Union and the journalism necessary to feed my family, I would.’
Sadly, I have given up on these.
I thoroughly enjoyed the early ones, then they got longer and longer. Then when listening to them I began feel that James was starting to sound like a child who thinks shouting “bum” or “poo” will cause his elders to have fit of the vapours.
There is now little reasoned discussion.
I an surprised that Toby continues with them.
I would rather hear him talking with Nick although those are becoming rather long and tedious and could do with some sharper editing.
Have just listened. Thank goodness – it was much better than last week. Just the right touch this time, from both.