Back in those far-off days when colour TV was still brand-new and expensive, my grandfather saw a newspaper advert for a series of special screens which, if you only placed them over the top of your usual TV, the spiel said would immediately and miraculously render the image in full Technicolor for a fraction of the price of a new machine. Sending off for it, he was disappointed to receive a packet full of flimsy rectangles of various-coloured cellophane which you were supposed to stick to the set so that it looked like everything on it was suddenly being viewed through the prism of a single different hue of the rainbow. If he had only thought to pin the brown one up over an early 1950s BBC Jane Austen adaptation, he could have invented Bridgerton seven decades early.
Granddad didn’t learn his lesson. Several years later, gypsies pushed an equally misleading printed flyer through his door, promising “fresh” and “cheap” manure for his garden. He called the listed number and took them up on the offer. The dung was indeed freshly laid – by the gypsies themselves, straight into a canvas sack, not by their caravan-pulling horses, as he had naturally presumed. Not wanting to waste his money, he still sluiced it onto the roses nonetheless. They died.
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Surely at some point there will be an almighty clash between the gay buses and rainbow vans and militant Islam?
Not really. It’s difficult to throw a bus off a tall building.
I suspect that one day, perhaps in the not too distant future, once Islam reaches a certain critical mass, the rainbow coloured flags will suddenly disappear and it won’t be quite such a career-enhancing move to flaunt your LGBT credentials.
Khan is a Muslim in a business suit doing the work of Islam. He’s not one of us.
One day we will rise up and the state will not have the resources to stop it.
Londoners do need to rise up, i.e. get out on polling day, lift up a PEN and VOTE him out.
Khan is one of the worst thing to happen to London in its history. His relationship with Starmer is going to make matters worse in the months ahead.
I disagree. Londoners should have known what they were voting for in 2024. Mr Khan had won the contest twice before. If the majority of them didn’t approve of or expect what they got then more fool them.
For the avoidance of doubt I consider that everyone who voted for Khan is a fool. There is no reason to vote for the least-worst candidate in a mayoral election.
From that most reliable of sources, Wikipedia:
Totally agree
London is an Arab city now. Arabs, and useful, white idiots, voted for that Muslim infiltrator.
Many years ago it was a sign used by Christian youth. There’s only one way up.
Right on time to participate in ‘Islamophobia Awareness Month’, or whatever the crock is called, and benefit from all the protection that particular label offers you. Included in those numbers is that Afghan lunatic with a permanent marker doodle on his face, who declared he wants to kill Nigel Farage and marry his sister, and was escorted over by the French Navy, so that’s nice. He’s detained somewhere though but no doubt will have sympathy shown to him due to his obvious mental health issues and it’d surely be a violation of his human rights to boot him out back to France, so how much you betting the UK traitors will take him in?
”The Home Office said 230 people crossed the English Channel in small boats on Thursday.
During October 5,417 people made the crossing, the highest monthly figure since October 2022.
It means the total for 2024 so far stands at 30,661.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We all want to end dangerous small boat crossings, which threaten lives and undermine our border security.”
October 2024’s total is the highest since October 2022, when 6,900 people crossed, part of an annual total of 45,774, according to the Home Office.”
Here’s Nigel with more;
‘The French Navy this morning, have been escorting somebody across to our 12-mile line, who’s threatened to kill a British Member of Parliament.’
The migrant who threatened Nigel Farage’s life, appears to have arrived in the UK.”
If London has diverse communities they must be divided. Otherwise they would be united.
This is the marriage of convenience between marxo-fascism and islamo-fascism. If the kind and very wonderful islamo-fascists get the upper hand – which seems likely at the moment – then the marxo-fascists will get flying lessons from the kind and very wonderful islamo-fascists. And did i mention how kind and very wonderful the islamo-fascists are?
And if the marxo-fascists were just a little bit more intelligent then they would remember what happened in Iran where a similar marriage of convenience ended in a bitter divorce after the islamo-fascists gained power.
But they are not very intelligent and, besides, they have a secret death wish, so I guess they will have their flying lessons too.
“We really could do with laws specifically prohibiting the politicisation of the public sphere, like trains, streets and buses, with activist advertising of any kind, Left- or Right-wing in its nature”
The problem is, everything seems to have become politicised now. There is literally nothing left to feature in an advert that wouldn’t be taken badly by someone, somewhere, and denounced as left or (more usually) right wing.
One final note: Khan is an utter prat.
The only way to fix this is a good old-fashioned civil war.
The sides are too entrenched to compromise. Islam and their useful-idiots on one side and the rest of the country on the other.
Get ready.
“Nutrient profiling model” … death is too good for them.
I wonder if objection might be taken to an advert showing a nice white schoolgirl with her 9th birthday cake?
London does not belong to Sadiq Khan. Neither does it belong only to those who live there. It’s the UK’s capital city. It is the UK’s centre of governance and its character reflects on everyone the world over. London belongs to all of the people of the UK. If the mayoral system is not working to the liking of UK voters as a whole then cancelling it or radically reforming it could be be a vote winner for those living outside the M25.
Disgusting Arab shite in our country. Bring back Richard the Lion heart. Draw your swords, crusaders.
Ghengis has this suzerainty for life, the geniuses who planned the majoral system did not put a limit on the number of times one person can stand, and with his 20% tribal guaranteed vote, don’t hope for any relief. He began his dicatorship by banning lingerie adverts on London Transport, claiming feminist support but more likely sharia.