- “Starmer to say it will take 10 years to rebuild Britain” – Keir Starmer will warn it will take a decade to rebuild Britain, amid accusations he’s laying the groundwork for Rachel Reeves to announce major tax hikes in the upcoming Budget, reports the Mail.
- “Rachel Reeves is about to hoodwink Britain with a disastrous tax raid” – In the Telegraph, Adam Smith explains how Thatcher’s chancellor could be the unlikely inspiration for Labour’s capital gains tax.
- “Violent offenders let off if they say sorry” – Police are increasingly letting knife and sex offenders escape prosecution if they say sorry, reveals the Telegraph.
- “Shattered illusions” – The authorities’ record contradicts denials of two-tier policing, says Alex Story in the Critic, writing about the grooming gangs.
- “‘No whites’ graffiti investigated by police in Birmingham” – Anti-white graffiti has sprung up across three different locations in Birmingham, reports GB News.
- “The immigration debate is over” – When the crimes, costs, and cultural decay caused by mass immigration are so obvious, why relitigate its non-existent merits instead of acting? asks Connor Tomlinson in the European Conservative.
- “Met says it’s ‘tired of seeing crime’ at Notting Hill Carnival after mother is stabbed” – The Metropolitan Police says it is “tired of seeing crime scenes” at the Notting Hill Carnival after three people, including a mother, were stabbed, according to the Standard.
- “We need more anger about Islamist terrorism, not less” – After Solingen, it’s time for a fightback against both the Islamo-fascists and our complacent elites, says Brendan O’Neill in Spiked.
- “Labour’s outrageous attack on academic free speech” – The recent cascade of disastrous decisions emanating from the DfE has shown all too clearly how the application of crude ideology is a source of danger to all of us, writes David Abulafia in the Spectator.
- “Oxford’s outside bets for chancellor: from anti-woke reverend to hand surgeon” – Fringe contenders are throwing their hats in the ring for the Oxford chancellorship this year, including a banned academic, a plastic surgeon and an anti-establishment lawyer, says the Times.
- “The arrest of Pavel Durov raises awkward questions” – Do the French authorities believe that paedophiles, fascists and Islamists will somehow cease to communicate if the founder of Telegram is put in jail? wonders Owen Matthews in the Spectator.
- “The outrageous arrest of Telegram’s Pavel Durov” – Criminalising social-media executives for user-generated content could set a chilling precedent, warns Fraser Myers in Spiked.
- “New Zealand’s Net Zero green energy disaster is a terrible warning” – The Ardern Government’s eco obsession has left NZ facing blackouts, says Bryan Leyland in the Telegraph.
- “Covid bad behaviour wave set to hit classrooms” – Experts warn that schools should brace for a wave of bad behaviour as children affected by Covid reach their difficult teenage years, reports the Telegraph.
- “Lucy Letby’s conviction leaves nurses ‘terrified’ to continue working for NHS” – Nurses have written to Keir Starmer, warning that the Lucy Letby case has left them “terrified” to work in the NHS for fear of being wrongly blamed for patient deaths, says the Telegraph.
- “Roxanne Tickle proves that trans rights now trump women’s rights” – A landmark discrimination case in Australia has found for a trans woman banned from a women-only chat forum – this fake liberalism is a smokescreen, writes Suzanna Moore in the Telegraph.
- “‘We live in such bizarre times’” – On GB News, Andrew Doyle speaks to Sall Grover, CEO of Giggle, who has been found by an Australian court to have discriminated against a trans-identified male for barring him from her women-only app.
- “Doctors quit over review into gender identity services for children” – Doctors are quitting the British Medical Association in revolt at its opposition to banning puberty blockers, reports the Mail.
- “‘Racist’ libraries” – Welsh libraries should focus on providing better services rather than pursuing a divisive anti-racist agenda, says Peter Harris in the New Conservative.
- “Robin DiAngelo plagiarised minority scholars, complaint alleges” – White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo, who believes white people should always give credit to minorities when relying on their work, is now facing a complaint for failing to credit several scholars – two of whom are minorities – in her Ph.D. thesis, reports Aaron Sibarium in the Washington Free Beacon.
- “Darts to bring back walk-on girls on BBC for first time since 2018” – Six-and-a-half years after they were controversially axed, darts’ walk-on girls are set to return to TV screens, says the Daily Star.
- “Ship over troubled waters” – On Substack, Jack Watson gives his take on the sinking of the Bayesian yacht.
- “Kamala Harris and the myth of the glass ceiling” – A female candidate can only break the glass ceiling if she conforms to various Leftist shibboleths, notes Douglas Murray in the Spectator.
- “How a beloved TV star became liberal Hollywood’s public enemy number one” – Cheryl Hines played Larry David’s wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm. But her real-life marriage – to Trump supporter RFK Jr. – is proving less funny, says Alexander Larman in the Telegraph.
- “An expat’s life in Singapore” – Singapore is the only nation on earth designed to be rid of bottom-feeders at every level of society, writes an anonymous resident for the Pimlico Journal on Substack.
- “‘I struggle to find any way in which this is not a racist policy’” – On GB News, historian and broadcaster David Oldroyd-Bolt says that asking teachers to “challenge whiteness” in schools is effectively saying there is “something sinful and wrong about being white”.
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“The foundation is a registered charity”
Presumably the Jo Cox Foundation is a registered charity because its aims are sufficient to warrant charitable status which I assume includes free speech. As it is no longer meeting the requirements under which charitable status was granted charitable status must be immediately rescinded. I do not see any problems in this.
Far too many so-called charities in this country are abusing their tax exempt status and thus basically ripping off ordinary taxpayers. The colonial cousins and eco nutters seem to be particularly adept at this malarkey. It has to stop.
And don’t get started on the RNLI!
Talking of ”respectful politics”, of all the disappointing remarks I’ve heard Farage say regarding Tommy Robinson, this is the lowest and most defamatory. I didn’t see him say it so I don’t know the context but it’s obvious Tommy isn’t even able to defend himself right now, so it’s open season on his reputation for character assassination, seemingly, so his ex-wife is defending him here instead;
”This is a statement from Tommy’s ex-wife after hearing about @Nigel_Farage
‘s lie on LBC – that Tommy has convictions for ‘violence against women’:
It has been really upsetting to hear Nigel Farage has accused my ex husband Stephen Lennon of perpetrating violence against women. Having to sit down and talk to my children about these false allegations which are all over social media is not something any mother should have to do.
I have never ever been assaulted or abused by Stephen (Tommy) ever in my life. There has never ever been a call to the police about violence towards me or any other woman for that matter. Stephen (Tommy) has never ever been charged or accused of violence towards me or any other woman. These lies have to stop. Our children don’t deserve to have these allegations thrown in their faces by their peers or questioned about it in their friendship groups.
Who the hell does Nigel Farage think he is? What gives him the right to spread lies and misinformation about my ex-husband? What gives him the right to upset my children with his false allegations?
I am so sick of hearing absolute lies spread about Stephen which affects our children.
Stephen isn’t a perfect man, hes never claimed to be a perfect man. We have had our challenges as a family because of his activism and his journalism, that goes without saying, but I cannot, and will not have a high profile politician like Farage spread fake news about my children’s dad.
The lies have to stop, they have to stop now. Nigel must apologise for what he has said. My children have endured enough lies and misrepresentations about their dad to last them a lifetime.”
I don’t know who Camilla Tominey is but she’s another one that has ‘SoFem’ written all over her;
Camilla Tominey calls @TRobinsonNewEra
a white supremacist live on TV.
Not only is this scandalous, it is also libellous. Hope you can back it up Camilla(you cant by the way)”
Camilla Tominey is a journalist who writes for The Torygraph and has a GB News programme. She’s ‘ish.
She must be one of Nigel’s “team players” but who is the team that Nigel refers to, as Steyn put it. I suggest you read his latest on that regarding Farage and GBN. He has a way with words.
“The foundation is a registered charity…”
Every good cause will become a business and then turn into a racket.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND POLICY MANAGER (LONELINESS) £35,000 per annum, 27 days annual leave (plus bank holidays), pension contribution.
Also on the staff are: Evaluation and Impact Manager; Communities Manager; Civility Commission Manager; Operations and Projects Manager; Head of Community Programmes… among others.
Non-jobs. Producing no wealth but consuming plenty.
Time was when people in charities worked for charity in their spare time not for remuneration, or as a career, and most of the money went to the cause not on salaries, expenses, offices, pensions, self-promotion.
Or as I tend to say of charidees…
Donations to charities are simply secondary taxation for the gullible.
Don’t forget the street chuggers, they can be annoying when you’re just trying to go about your business.
Be interested to see where their income comes from. Is it the usual scum? And us taxpayers too?
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/10392667/THE-JO-COX-FOUNDATION/financialsKey Financials
Sign Up Today to unlock this company’s full accounts
Accounts 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash £140,511.00 £233,499.00 £239,219.00 £249,201.00 £281,381.00
Net Worth £132,551.00 £232,927.00 £224,615.00 £262,641.00 £267,401.00
Total Current Assets £150,745.00 £241,942.00 £284,339.00 £278,380.00 £298,264.00
Total Current Liabilities £19,151.00 £9,363.00 £60,944.00 £18,927.00 £34,047.00
Net Worth
Total Current Assets
Total Current Liabilities
View Full Accounts
With nine Directors.
Currently sat on a quarter of a mill in cash.
Speaking of charities, has the British Heart Foundation got on top of these heart related excess deaths. Such a great job they did keeping the public informed in any new treatments that can effect the heart and circulatory system.
Jess Phillips looked really haggard in TV clips of her sitting whilst Yvette ‘Allo Allo’ Cooper was making her ’emergency statement’ about the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in Parliament.
On the one hand no one in politics should be exposed to threats to their safety but on the other she has brought on herself public opprobrium by supporting left-wing policies which encourage Pakistani Muslim rape gangs to carry on with impunity.
It is no good her banging on about how she has dedicated her political life to fighting violence against women when she has clearly failed when it comes to extremely young white working class schoolgirls.
So how come the Jo Cox Foundation supports supporters of Pakistani Muslim rape gangs?
I just don’t get it.
How low can the current crop of left nutters go? There seems not limit to this.
And I am still waiting for Starmer to identify who the “Far Right” are that he keeps banging on about.
Who are they? I have neither seen nor heard nor read anything by anyone who is ‘Far Right’. Where is it all being written said broadcast etc?
And the concept of the Home Secretary having to make an ’emergency statement’ about a problem which has been going on for over two decades is bizarre.
What is the emergency? It wasn’t an emergency for her the day before nor for over two decades before.
She and Jess Phillips should hang their heads in shame.
Although by the sounds of things it seems from the nature of the threats being made others want to hang their heads for them – which is not acceptable but illustrates the sheer scale of public anger.
So the ’emergency’ in reality is people are making threats of serious harm against Labour politicians.
Is that the only way Starmer’s loony left can be forced to effect political change?
Clearly it is what happens when politicians go deaf to what is right and continue with what is wrong.
So it is not a case of ‘Far Right’ but a case of ‘Far Wrong’.
Two decades? I clearly remember an attempt by a Pakistani to groom me in 1961 by sending friendly letters and taking me out to tea. He was a mature man and I was a pre-teen girl. Fortunately, wise adults and family around me swiftly got wind of it and sent him packing. I never saw him again, but it still makes me shudder. This has been going on for over sixty years!
It is clear there is a problem with the attitude of Muslims to “infidels” which of course is anyone non-Muslim. Now I should qualify this by saying ‘some Muslims’. The problem with doing so is that how can any tell one kind of Muslim apart from another? And what Muslims will say when in a minority, albeit sizeable, in the UK might not reflect what they really think.
We have the evidence before us of Pakistani Muslim men preying in gangs on vulnerable extremely young white working-class girls. That shows there is a problem. We do not know how extensive that problem is because it is not investigated and we also know it is not investigated because of political interference of the loony left with wokism, DEI and all that goes with it.
I was surprised to learn from a friend that the attitudes of Muslims to Hindus and Sikhs is of superiority to them as if the latter are sub-human. This condescension appears severe and is not reported in the academic literature I can find.
This may be because academics want to downplay religious intolerance and are subject to adverse career progression if they do not present a view of a harmonious multicultural society.
But we cannot avoid the evidence emerging before our eyes that there is a problem with Muslims and their attitudes to non-Muslims as illustrated by the rape gangs operating throughout the UK with impunity over decades.
It also seems those rape gangs are still operating and that it is not a thing of the past but very must still a thing of the present.
In short we have an extremely toxic combination of loony left dogma and seeming Muslim attitudes of superiority towards non-Muslims.
Is this limited to just Pakistani Muslims and only some but not all? I do not know. But we can look to the Taliban in Afghanistan and the evidence of their superior attitudes to their own mothers, sisters and daughters, let alone to non-Muslims.
So there is a problem and it is not just Pakistani Muslims.
And we have to ask what was the problem the Serbs had with Muslims in Kosovo and why did the Serbs want the Muslims eradicated by genocide?
What of the problems of Muslim repression of other religious groups in other parts of the world?
These are issues we need to see addressed and researched to know precisely what threat or benefit Muslims are to the supposed multi-cultural Britain. And if some Muslims present a threat what can we do about it to prevent future conflicts with a rapidly increasing Muslim population which looks like it might become a majority in the UK in as little as two decades because of the high birth rate compared to low birth rates amongst non-Muslims.
These issues need to be addressed now. We cannot wait for a problem and serious conflict to emerge as the years pass.
Everyone in this country needs to know and understand what the issues are and we cannot find out if free speech and discussion on these topics are criminalised by a dogma driven political party currently headed by a man I consider to be completely off his trolley and out to lunch, namely Sir Keir “Far Wrong” Starmer whose answer to every problem is the “Far Right”. It of course used to be the Jews under his national socialist anti-semitic party colleague Jeremy Corbyn.
Presumably when it is shown the “Far Right” are a complete fiction they will go back to blaming the Jews. Hopefully by that time there will have been an electoral wipeout of their kind.
Instead of bleating here, why don’t you report this supposed ‘charity’ to the Charity Commission for its blatant political bias?