The Czech Republic record-level vaccine data are devastating to the “safe and effective” narrative, says Steve Kirsch, as he provides a new overview that explains why. Here’s the introduction.
Executive summary
I’ve written about the Czech Republic record level data earlier.
The reasons these data are so important include:
- Large, gold-standard official Government database.
- Simple methodology (one-year mortality rate after the shots).
- Huge safety signal for Moderna is easily found (at least a 30% increase in all-cause mortality).
- Confirmation from seven other data analyses showing Moderna is the more deadly vaccine.
- Lack of a viable explanation of the Czech data other than the Moderna shot increased the recipients’ all-cause mortality by 30%.
- Huge regulatory failure: no regulator on Earth bothered to look for any post-marketing safety signals.
- The epic failure in safety monitoring suggests other vaccines are similarly unsafe.
- These data demonstrate yet again the value of making public health data public worldwide. Yet today, not a single public official is calling for data transparency. The public should demand that lawmakers answer the question: “How many more people have to die before we have data transparency of record-level public health data?”
Bottom line: Keeping record-level public health data secret for all vaccines likely resulted in well over 10 million deaths worldwide from these shots. That’s right: governments worldwide killed their own citizens due to their failure to look at the data they collected post-rollout.
The public should demand that the record-level data be made publicly available for all vaccines in all countries and states so this can never happen again. Otherwise, it will.
- Unimpeachable public health data. These are gold-standard Government data obtained under FOIA. It doesn’t get any better than this. This is ground truth data that have never been publicly revealed before for any vaccine ever. Privacy was assured because the date of birth was not disclosed.
- Simple unbiased methodology. We simply calculated the mortality rate for each five-year age range for each brand from the time of the shot. If the shots were safe, the mortality rates over one year for people who got their shots in the same period of time who were born in the same five-year age range should be nearly identical. We calculate a mortality rate ratio of MR of Moderna divided by MR of Pfizer. The result is 1.3 over a wide range of ages and time periods investigated.
- Clear results: Moderna increases all-cause mortality by 30%. The data showed very clearly that the Moderna vaccine increases the recipients’ all-cause mortality by at least 30% above Pfizer (the control). This happens for deaths that happened in both Covid and non-Covid periods. Even if we assume Pfizer doesn’t increase all-cause mortality (ACM) at all (even though we know it does from other research, but this is the most conservative assumption), then Moderna is a kill shot. It’s clear from these data that the Moderna shot is unsafe and should be stopped immediately.
- No viable alternative hypothesis that explains the data. Nobody can make a credible argument for anything other than the conclusions in #2. All the attempts to debunk the analysis fail. You’d have to believe that despite any evidence of a systemic bias, that pretty much everyone over 40 who was injected was assigned the Moderna brand whenever they were exactly 30% more likely to die within 12 months. If you flipped a coin 110 times and got heads every time, most people would conclude it’s an unfair coin. You can make an argument that it’s a fair coin and you just got unlucky, but that hypothesis is unlikely. This is the situation here. There were 110 different data points with sufficient counts to make a determination of the Mortality Rate Ratio (MRR) and Moderna was more deadly in 110 out of 110 opportunities.
- Epic fail of the regulators worldwide to detect huge safety signals. The regulators, public health authorities and medical community all had access to their own data and could have easily examined it and found the signal. It took me less than two days to find the signal. Yet all these experts chose not to look at their own data.
- The regulators didn’t notice such a huge safety signal for Moderna. This opens up the very real possibility that Pfizer is unsafe too and that other vaccines are unsafe as well. This research has exposed a huge flaw in vaccine safety monitoring. We have to re-examine how so many scientific studies could miss such a huge safety signal and adopt a methodology that reliably reports safety information.
- Accountability. There needs to be accountability so this never happens again. Moderna should be taken off the market and required to compensate people who have been harmed or killed. The CDC and FDA regulators in charge should be replaced by doctors and experts who correctly called out the vaccines as being unsafe. Instead of taking away their licence to practice medicine, we should be promoting these people to positions of responsibility in the regulatory agencies.
- Head in the sand mentality. Even after I pointed out the data and what it showed, only one public health official in the world is now examining their data using the methods I pointed out to confirm the safety signal. All the rest are ignoring the signal.
So in short, we have at least one very deadly vaccine with a huge signal that is impossible to miss and a level of incompetence for safety monitoring by regulators that is unprecedented.
Furthermore, the medical community isn’t upset by:
- the lack of data transparency (all countries and states should publish the public health data)
- the lack of safety analysis posted by regulators and health authorities.
They aren’t asking any questions, and they aren’t demanding any changes (such as data transparency for public health data). This is a serious problem that lawmakers worldwide should investigate.
Worth reading in full.
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Excellent article; thanks.
“ Yet today, not a single public official is calling for data transparency.”
One man has…Andrew Bridgen, and we all know what happened to him.
Even if it did get better public attention, it would be a Post Office job “not my fault, listened to the experts”…..There needs to be a Nuremberg 2 for everyone involved, including the people who applied the injections into arms.
And yet, nothing will happen anywhere! None of them can admit to it, because then they are ALL culpable, and they know it (then and now). This is just so huge, it has no precedence in history, including the Nuremberg trials.
Even if this does come out, most will avoid any prosecution, because they will (rightly) claim that people agreed to the injections, and they were not forced! Only those who were somehow “mandated” will have any chance of a claim, but unlikely the corrupt courts will support them!
“This is a serious problem that lawmakers worldwide should investigate”
Isn’t that like putting Hitler in charge of international relations!
As the realities of the deadly injections hit the general population, what will that do to people’s mentalities and long-term outlooks? A former coworker in his 40s said that he planned to take social security early because “you just never know.” I found why he had such a pessimistic attitude: He had taken two Moderna jabs to keep his job. He mentioned that every week at work there had been one or two death notices, whereas before 2021 we had remembered just a couple a year. He said the notices had stopped but he suspected they just weren’t being sent out any longer. A neighbor of his had a pilot brother-in-law in his 40s just die the week before. Yeah, he was pessimistic. Will people stop saving or planning for the future? Isn’t that the complaint against the Keynesian “In the long run, we’ll be dead” or the childless cat ladies who have no long-term stake in the future?
Well done. I’m glad that I said no, wait and see (more or less) back in 2021. The more I see, the less I like about it and the way it was promoted. It has, unfortunately, led to a loss of confidence in many things in that trade.
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. –
Thomas Sowell.
Hmm … MPs?
Great quote.
But our geniuses went one better. Decisions put in the hands of people who had a direct financial incentive to be wrong.
Vallence, Farrar, Fauci, the list goes on.
Working on the basis that this was “an unfortunate mistake” and not deliberate, whenever there is a “negligence” medical scandal, the Authorities usually cover it up for decades – it allows the guilty men/women to escape justice and reduces the compensation bill.
That’s why Andrew Bridgen was told by a Conservative Party Grandee that no-one wants to listen to him and it will probably be 20 years before anyone does …. when he will probably be proved right.
I suspect it will be a great deal longer than 20 years.
Imagine the compensation bill if the Government admitted now that thousands have been killed and millions injured by the poorly tested jabs they claimed were “safe and effective” and coerced people to take.
They can’t keep the lid on the scandal. The information is now out there and in the last couple of days alone, I’ve had three people who “signed up to the lunacy” have either told me that they won’t be having any more jabs or they know of people killed and injured by them.
Those of us who didn’t take it dodged a bullet. Pity those that did, that were forced into it.
Incredible on way way to golf yesterday I saw a man driving alone with a mask on. We still have a long way to go.