The BBC is to investigate potential “groupthink” in its storylines during a review of how it portrays ethnic minorities and class. The Telegraph has the story.
The corporation has appointed two media experts to probe how accurately and authentically the broadcaster portrays different groups and communities across the U.K.
Anne Morrison, the former Bafta chairman, and Chris Banatvala, an independent media consultant, are to lead the review, which is to begin “in the coming days”, the BBC said.
It will cover television, radio and online content, as well as output from the Nations and English regions. The assessment is expected to consider whether “storylines represent a sufficiently broad and authentic range of perspectives or if there is evidence of groupthink”, the corporation said.
It will also attempt “where any imbalances in portrayal and representation are identified, to determine what causes them and how they might be addressed”.
The BBC has faced fierce backlash over impartiality issues, most notably after presenter Gary Lineker tweeted fierce criticism of the Government’s Rwanda policy. It has also come under fire for its reporting of the war in Gaza.
As part of the midterm review of the BBC’s charter, the board was ordered to tackle the corporation’s “groupthink” and ensure that its coverage represents all political views. …
The review will also examine results from the 2021/22 census, to establish how the portrayal and representation of the U.K. “reflects current reality in terms of the make-up of communities around the country and what the major changes have been over time”.
Worth reading in full.
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Oh good, more programmes about hunting, polo and shooting, which have been notably absent of late…
If the same people that push out all the ‘diverse’ BBC content are reviewing whether they suffer from group think then we can be sure that the programmes about hunting, polo and shooting will portray whitey as a racist toff wishing for the return of the Empire.
That’s a yes from me.
With an emphasis on attracting the BAME community no doubt.
Nah, golf. Where I live the local white working class men (most reviled group) are often great golf enthusiasts.
Golf gets at least some coverage (although the BBC has probably lost all the big events because it couldn’t find £5m out of its £5Bn budget to buy the TV rights). The minority activities that I am talking about, and the people who take part jn them, either get zero coverage, or the BBC believes that it can cast them in a negative light with impunity. But I didn’t really expect the BBC to redress the balance – they are stone deaf to anything outside their ‘minorities’ echo chamber
Good point
I remember fishing but not the others, apart from Jack Hargreaves catching rabbits which I watch on YouTube – most of the Out of Town and Old Country episodes are there (and I see that the excellent Talking Pictures channel is now showing them).
As Global Majority is the new Ethnic Minority this should mean that Britains are ethnic minorities?
You’d definitely think so from the TV adverts
“The BBC is to investigate potential “groupthink” in its storylines during a review of how it portrays ethnic minorities and class.”.
And while they’re at it, could someone ensure that the brief of this Groupthink Examination Board be widened, to include some experts familiar with the belief frameworks of some additional minorities? After all, the Holy Grail of our current bunch of wannabe politicians, reflected in much of the content of BBC ‘news’ ‘science’ and ‘medicine’, is utterly reliant on an absolute religious belief in inclusivity, which by definition, should be inclusive of all who hold sincere beliefs in recognised Codes of Ethics. Scientists and medics are distinct groups that come immediately to mind as being improperly excluded from this latest antic.
Or are such inconvenient Codes now excluded on the grounds that they are incompatible with the Codes of the political class and the State? The semi-religious pseudo-science and inverted medical beliefs of the BBC surely constitute one of the most fruitful opportunities for an in-depth inquiry into ‘groupthink’ of this century.
All these lies that were utilised by the influencers to intimidate the masses require brave men and women to push back . It is a difficult response when all around are singing the Sirens Song , but without push back , we are condemned to everlasting stupidity .
We has such a richness of culture in this country for such a small land. All of the different accents and each of those accents represents an entity that chose to come to these islands and became the spirit of the region. There is no way that you can argue that Scousers aren’t driven by their own particular daemon. Of course Liverpool is a very occult city. The Norse influence on Geordie for example. I remember attending a lecture given by an expert in Yorkshire dialect and visiting Norwegian students understood him far better than English people. This is just one example. You shouldn’t throw it away for the sake of money or cheap labour. Maybe it feels good to have cheap nannies or cheap pizza but such things are costly and irreversible.
The BBC is an ultra leftist propaganda machine and is beyond redemption. Anyone who funds it by paying the TV license is part of the problem.
Yes, how do devoutly committed groupthinkers get out of their groupthink and evaluate their attitudes objectively?
Maybe electric shock treatment would help, but after a whole century of thinking that they are the fount of all wisdom and oracle of the ages, the BBC really is beyond redemption. Abolition is the only remedy for this anachronistic and self-regarding institution.
The bloody fools who still pay the TV tax ARE a problem. They, too, are groupthinkers desperately clinging to memories of ‘Auntie Beeb’ as a cosy apple-cheeked old lady, when in fact she morphed into a Marxist Medusa Monster quite a while ago.
Somewhere in the bowels of the BBC building, new job applicants are told to find their way to an interview room down a series of corridors that fork left and right with no signs as to direction. Those that consistently choose to go left arrive in a room with ‘Welcome!’ on the door. Those who choose to go right open a door to the smelly outside bin area and the door automatically locks behind them.
i’m waiting for the occasional letter that gets sent to those who ‘no longer require’ a TV licence asking whether I still don’t need one. I rather enjoy constructing my appropriate reply!
Don’t let it fall apart there is still a chance to pull together as a country.
Tiniest bit of digging into the two ‘media experts’ to lead the ‘review’…
The BBC commented “The group has agreed that groupthink may be a problem within the group, and has therefore appointed two experts on groupthink who the group expects will agree with the groups concern about groupthink. It is very encouraging that the groupthink experts already agree with the group on all matters.”
I don’t watch the BBC, but I’d be interested to know when they decide to present Eastenders as it really is with the former East End white population effectively driven out and stabbings and shootings regularly carried out by various ethnic “minority” gang members.
I very much doubt if it is going to happen any time soon.
“and ensure that its coverage represents all political views” ————-ha ha ha ha ha ha jeez. ———–I nearly spat out my cornflakes and fell off the breakfast bar stool. This is like a leopard promising never to kill an antelope again. Or Farage joining the Green Party. So when does the brainwashing stop? Please do not hold your breath people