Elon Musk has again trotted out his famous bon mot “Prosecute/Fauci”, though it remains unclear what for exactly. Since, however, Musk tweeted this iteration of “Prosecute/Fauci” in combination with a retweet of a New York Post headline accusing the former NIAID director of having lied before the U.S. Congress, one can suppose perjury to start with.
More generally, of course, the thrust of the accusations is that Fauci funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan which may have – or, according to Elon Musk, quite simply did! – give rise to SARS-CoV-2 and that in early 2020 he attempted to cover-up this fact by orchestrating a campaign to discredit the “lab leak” hypothesis.
Never mind that the actual evidence cited by Congress shows, on the contrary, that Fauci was entirely open to the “lab leak” hypothesis, not only suggesting that the FBI get involved but even encouraging Kristian Andersen to write a paper demonstrating why he thought that the virus had been genetically engineered. (See here, p.9 and passim.) Spurred on by Fauci, Andersen and a group of like-minded Anglosphere scientists would set out to do just that.
The exact same evidence – though, curiously, this aspect appears to have been largely ignored by Congress – shows that if pressure was put on Andersen and his colleagues to recant, it came not from Fauci but rather from a trio of European virologists led by none other than the designer of the “gold standard” SARS-CoV-2 PCR protocol, Christian Drosten.
It was Germany’s “star virologist” Drosten and his Dutch colleagues Ron Fouchier and Marion Koopmans who would attempt to roughly talk some sense into Andersen and his Anglosphere colleagues on the famous February 1st, 2020 conference call organised by Jeremy Farrar. (Another German virologist, Stefan Pöhlmann, was also on the call, but he appears not to have said much.)
“[T]he arguments from Ron Fouchier and Christian Drosten are presented with more forcefulness than necessary,” Fauci’s boss, then NIH director Francis Collins, daintily noted in an e-mail to Farrar the next day. (See below and for all the “Farrar-Fauci” e-mails here). Nonetheless, Collins allowed that he too was “coming around to the view that a natural origin is more likely” – yet further proof that virtually the entire American or, more generally, Anglosphere side of the conversation had been leaning towards a lab origin. Collins agreed with Farrar’s suggestion of turning the matter over to the WHO, in order, he said to preserve “international harmony” – another apparent nod to how adamant the Europeans were.

When, however, Andersen and his colleagues persisted in their pursuit of the “lab leak” hypothesis even after their upbraiding, this would provoke a remarkably pissy e-mail from none other than Christian Drosten (see below), who wondered, in effect, why the Anglosphere scientists were even giving the lab origin hypothesis the time of day. “Didn’t we congregate to challenge a certain theory [i.e. ‘lab leak’], and, if we could, drop it?” Drosten asked imperiously, “…Are we working on debunking our own conspiracy theory?”

So, as I have asked repeatedly since Elon Musk first posted his bon mot, why not “Prosecute/Drosten”? Drosten clearly led the efforts to suppress the lab origin hypothesis. Fouchier appears to have been, so to say, the intellectual “muscle”: providing the bulk of the arguments against a lab origin both in the conference call and in a long e-mail which he sent to other participants two days later.
Drosten’s and Fouchier’s conduct in the matter is also described in the anonymous “whistleblower” e-mail to Jon Cohen of Science magazine, which is reproduced here. They are undoubtedly the two “world-class” coronavirus experts to whom the whistleblower refers, one of whom – namely, Drosten – told Andersen and his colleagues that their suspicions were “nonsense” and then got off the call.
Furthermore, why would Drosten have been so irate about “dropping” the lab origin hypothesis if he did not have something to hide or at least know there was something to hide? This is not a matter of molecular biology; it is simply a matter of human psychology.
As I have shown, Christian Drosten had far more and more substantial ties to virology research in Wuhan – and undoubtedly a greater understanding of what could have or was going on there – than Anthony Fauci. As both the e-mails and testimony to congressional investigators make clear, Fauci appears to have been clueless about the substance of the discussions and to have contributed very little. He “certainly didn’t add anything of substance to the scientific discussions”, Andersen told investigators (p.15).
As for perjury, while Fauci may have perjured himself, in light of the above e-mail – which, n.b., only came to light thanks to an American FOIA request – it appears certain that Christian Drosten did. Thus, having already been accused by the German physicist Roland Wiesendanger of having participated in efforts to cover up a possible lab origin of SARS-CoV-2, in March 2022, Drosten submitted a sworn statement to a Berlin court in which, among other things, he affirmed:
I have no interest in steering the suspicion about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a certain direction. In particular, I had and I have no personal interest in ruling out the so-called laboratory thesis…
The full statement is available in German here.
No interest in steering the suspicion about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 in a certain direction? No personal interest in ruling out the laboratory thesis? How is that compatible with “Didn’t we congregate to challenge a certain theory, and, if we could, drop it?”
Why is Christian Drosten not being prosecuted for perjury? Why is Elon Musk not calling for him to be so?
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“Why is Christian Drosten not being prosecuted for perjury? Why is Elon Musk not calling for him to be so?”
Perhaps because he is less well known?
“Never mind that the actual evidence cited by Congress shows, on the contrary, that Fauci was entirely open to the “lab leak” hypothesis”
Perhaps he was just smarter than Drosten at not showing his hand?
Fauci spent most of his time denying that they were doing GOF research, obscuring the definitions of the meaning of the research. He seems pretty guilty to me, plus all of the mandates that he pushed. He was part of the psyop, and wearing three masks is a prime example.
I would not trust him an inch.
These are front men.
The people behind them are the ones you want.
But we will all be in slavery and a social credit system before that happens.
Happy dictatorship to you all.
It is just around the corner.
Who knows, maybe combined with population reduction?
I have no doubt Drosten needs to be held fully to account. He has ducked and weaved over the past four years and his time is overdue.
However I not sure why Toby is trying to provide Fauci with a lifeboat. There has been enough coverage of his u-turns on masks, Lockdowns, ‘vaccines’ etc etc to fill a library. He has harmed millions of Americans and deserves solitary for the rest of his days. To get a full measure of the man read the Real Anthony Fauci by R Kennedy. How he is still allowed to walk the street is quite incredible. (Shocking the Royal Society debased themselves even further by recently awarding him a trinket).
Let’s also recall that Drosten is responsible for the PCR sequence that generated such large numbers of ‘cases’. If I remember correctly, he received this sequence digitally from China. There was also a suspiciously quick peer review of his publication on the subject.
It’s a while since I read this, and I don’t have a link to hand, but I believe it was doctors for COVID ethics who critiqued the peer review of that paper.
Which led to gross overreaction and opportunism in many branches of bureaucracy and dodgy trade, and false education for us all.
And the inventor of the PCR who warned that it should not be used alone, and is not proof of disease, died in 2019. Nothing suspicious I’m sure!
Yes, it would have been interesting to have Kary Mullis’s views on this whole debacle. By all accounts he was certainly no fan of Fauci; his untimely death robbed us of an important voice.
Fauci, Drosten, Vallance and many others are guilty as hell and should be hanged.
“Who is to blame? Eichmann, or Kaltenbrunner? Himmler? Goering or Hess? Jodl? Goebbels?”
They will never even face trial. Any attempt to bring a private prosecution will be squashed by being “legally adopted” by the national prosecution agency of any country, and then quietly dropped. At least, that is the standard procedure in the UK. The most we can expect is a public inquiry after twenty years at which any surviving perpetrators are paraded on television and told to shed tears for the cameras. It’ll be historians in the 2200s who will be arguing over this scandal and how their ancestors let it happen, and whether there should be reparations from whoever is occupying what bit of land by then.
They can go to the Blair institute of acting he’s very good at shedding false tears.
Or Hand Cock!
Just prosecute the whole lot of them.
What planet has the author been on for the last 4 years? Fauci was not in the slightest open to the idea. When he was approached about it, the email chain is available online, he called a meeting. The whistle blower suddenly drops his entirely legitimate evidence of the Furin Site.
Is Drosten guilty of conspiracy to murder? Sure as hell he is but to deny Fauci was funding it and covered it up is ludicrous to say the least.
I love “the actual evidence cited by Congress shows” nonsense: what does the UK whitewash Covid Non-Inquiry show? Many of you know what it does not show. According to the “Inquiry” it was Boris Johnson’s Cake What Did It Guvna.
Fauci funded Gain of Function with American Government money, just the same as Drosten was involved. What did anyone expect a Government Inquiry to say? “It was the American Government”?
We are up against a difficult barrier which is the resistance of those who took the shot and maybe now have nagging doubts – for them to be exposed to the total horror will make many of them turn away. You can understand it. You got injected with something the consequences of which could fill libraries full of medfical textbooks, even according to Pfizer’s own admissions. And some of these effects are very nasty in all sorts of ways. Fibrous structures growing in the body, destruction of the human body’s ability to fight cancer etc. Klaus Schwab wasn’t joking when he said that this wave of technology would change what it is to be human. Or put another way it could remove you from the human species forever. People are very comfortable and complacent in their lives in western countries and that worked well for a while like it worked well for the turkey up until the 25th December.
They were pushing at an open door. I remember an academic talking about how there was a yearning for fascism in Germany long before the fascism appeared. There is a yearning for pandemic, lockdown, quietness, reset, disengagement. It wasn’t assuaged by 2020 in fact it was fattened. What exactly are they yearning for? I would say that they have discerned that our culture is slow death and they are asking for the most painless method possible. Maybe you can rouse them back to life. I bet I would hear very few people saying they could.With every day that goes by it is more and more like talking to the dead.
No one is going to get arrested because most people still agree with it. If you are looking for medical gangsters or war leaders to be arrested then yiou are living in a wildly optimistic land.There will be no arrests or charges. There might be the request that you join their COVID or wartime effort soon. It is up to you if you comply.
Why either or?
Fauci as the head of public health was instrumental in the pandemic policies. He did not follow science, he made things up on the hoof (social distance as one example) and lied when questioned under oath.
So he is big fish and prosecuting him would hopefully deter the next one from trying again.
Why not prosecute them both …. and all the others who were involved in the Gain of Function research and then trying to cover up their “little mistake.”