Israeli Eurovision singer Eden Golan was ordered to stay in her hotel room by her country’s national security agency as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters including Greta Thunberg demonstrated in Malmo, calling for her to be excluded from the competition. The Mail has more.
Greta Thunberg joined the thousands of protesters in the southern Swedish city demonstrating against Israel competing in the famous song contest.
The climate activist, 21, was at the Stop Israel demonstration in the centre of the city on Thursday ahead of the young Israeli-Russian singer’s performance at the second semi-final of the competition later this evening.
It was reported earlier that Israel’s national security agency Shin Bet had warned Golan not to leave her hotel room except for performances because Malmo was anticipating the wave of pro- Palestinian demonstrations.
The prediction was correct, with as many as 5,000 people taking to the city’s streets today, including the young Swede – who was pictured wearing a keffiyeh, a black and white shawl commonly used to show support for Palestine, around her body in the centre of the crowd within a sea of Palestinian flags.
“Young people are leading the way and showing the world how we should react to this,” Thunberg told Reuters news agency. She refused to comment on why she had joined the protest, only saying it was “good” as the march took place.
During the demonstrations, smoke canisters in the colours of the Palestinian flag were set off and protesters, some of whom have dogs, young children and bicycles with them, were carrying signs displaying images of Gaza civilians who have been injured amid the Hamas-Israel conflict.
Other banners displayed messages including “welcome to Genocide song contest” and “stop using Eurovision to whitewash Israeli crimes”.

Worth reading in full.
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No one should have their freedom prohibited even in the face of a worldwide consensus. You could argue that a pro-Israeli perspective is simply morally impossible but still you have to allow it. There is nothing to be gained by silencing it.
I agree. I didn’t agree with excluding Russian artists and athletes because of the actions of Putin and I don’t think Israelis should be similarly discriminated against.
If they exclude her I hope they cancel the whole damn thing.
By knowing a person’s stance on ‘current thing “a”‘, we have an excellent chance of predicting their views on current things “b” to “z”
Show me a person with purple hair and I won’t even need the initial prompt.
What does the doom goblin know about Israel? About as much as she knows about climate. From where does she get her income?
Useful idiots the lot of them. Prosecute the funders.
As I recall reading she made a couple of million in about 18 months of first appearing on the scene in her Weird Snarl of Hate speech. The talk circuit is worth a fortune, ask BoJo.
As ever the useful idiot Thunberg is there trying to promote leftist collective punishments.
I wonder how much she is getting paid for this appearance, she has banked 8 mill to date. Not so thick that Thunberg,
She clearly has powerful people pulling her strings and pushing her earnings ever upwards!
I don’t know about anyone else but I have never voted in Eurovision before. Actually I have not even watched it since about mid-1970’s as a kid. I’ll be voting for Israel this time, and, if this insane hatred and blindness of these fools continues, I’ll be voting next year as well.
Does it not occur to the poison dwarf and her cohort that they would actually be amongst the first victims if groups like Hamas had their way? Indeed, as a well-known female, she would be subject to all manner of atrocities. I guess the problem is always going to be the same: the Left never, ever think and abhor the truth.
Thank you . I was unaware that the public could vote but will be definitely registering my personal preference!
“Does it not occur to the poison dwarf…..”
Yep, the same way that the ”Just Stop Oil” dopes and “Net Zero” fetichists don’t seem to understand that they will suffer just as much as everyone else when we plunge back into the dark ages because of their stupidity.
I find anti semitism absolutely deplorable and do not regard Greta Thunberg a credible spokesperson on the complexity of this issue, or indeed any issue, including climate change.
i would commend the article on Israel at 76 for an in depth view of the Israelophobia that has taken over on the international stage and in particular the concerns it raises for western society.
I am not an Israeli or a Jew and feel ashamed of the ignorance that underlies the current international protests.
I find the woketurds absolutely deplorable and this includes anyone copying their methods, eg, the “Jab ’em harder!” government of Israel and its international legions of supporters. I don’t care what allegiances people trying to ophobia their political opponents claim, to me, they’re all the same lot and their internal power struggles about who precisely gets to define the ophobia of the day, don’t matter to me.
Alle in eene Sack gesteckt. Knübbl druff. Trift de Richtiche.
leftists all support each others protests. You will see climate idiots waving Palestinian flags, trans rights people demanding we all save the planet, Trump haters wearing tango wigs, BLM supporters hauling down their hated statues dressed in green and black. Anti capitalists screaming for social and climate justice etc etc etc. They are a kind of leftist coalition of pretend to save the planet commies and phony revolutionaries that swap mobile numbers and attend each others protest marches. They are a pincer movement of cretinous goons
Now we know Thunbergs little octopus was meant to represent an anti-Jewish sentiment and not simply a comforting toy for neurodivergent people.
Please avoid all stories about Greta thorn In my side, anything woke, anything DEI, anything on personal pronouns, anything trans, climate change. Please JUST STOP writing about any of this nonsense. It is too noisy.
Smirking for the camera, yet again. It seems the Greta “Vegan-diet-stunted-my-growth” Thunberg realises that the public are tired of Net Zero, so she’s switched to the Gaza shriekers to feed her craving for publicity.