Israeli Eurovision singer Eden Golan was ordered to stay in her hotel room by her country’s national security agency as thousands of pro-Palestine protesters including Greta Thunberg demonstrated in Malmo, calling for her to be excluded from the competition. The Mail has more.
Greta Thunberg joined the thousands of protesters in the southern Swedish city demonstrating against Israel competing in the famous song contest.
The climate activist, 21, was at the Stop Israel demonstration in the centre of the city on Thursday ahead of the young Israeli-Russian singer’s performance at the second semi-final of the competition later this evening.
It was reported earlier that Israel’s national security agency Shin Bet had warned Golan not to leave her hotel room except for performances because Malmo was anticipating the wave of pro- Palestinian demonstrations.
The prediction was correct, with as many as 5,000 people taking to the city’s streets today, including the young Swede – who was pictured wearing a keffiyeh, a black and white shawl commonly used to show support for Palestine, around her body in the centre of the crowd within a sea of Palestinian flags.
“Young people are leading the way and showing the world how we should react to this,” Thunberg told Reuters news agency. She refused to comment on why she had joined the protest, only saying it was “good” as the march took place.
During the demonstrations, smoke canisters in the colours of the Palestinian flag were set off and protesters, some of whom have dogs, young children and bicycles with them, were carrying signs displaying images of Gaza civilians who have been injured amid the Hamas-Israel conflict.
Other banners displayed messages including “welcome to Genocide song contest” and “stop using Eurovision to whitewash Israeli crimes”.

Worth reading in full.
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It’s a majority Islamic city, run by Islamists, full of Islamists. What did you expect?
Don’t know about “majority”, but otherwise it seems you are correct, alas.
Well the Home Office is full of people with a migrant background and traitorous Useful Idiots who hate the West, so this comes as no surprise, and London hasn’t looked British for decades now. Then you look at who you’ve got for a Mayor and all bets are off. Londonistan it is. Hopping over the Channel to the neighbours, France is looking especially unappealing and un-French nowadays too. I’m sure as Micron tidies up Paris ready for the Olympics you guys can expect more of his rejects arriving at your shores;
”January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.
The first question in the survey was about Jews. 17% of French Muslims admit that they hate Jews. 39% say they have a bad, or very bad, opinion of Judaism.
France is the only country in 21st-century Europe where Jews regularly have been murdered simply because they are Jews. Since the kidnapping, torture and murder of Ilan Halimi in January 2006, all Jews murdered in France have been killed by Muslims. Sammy Ghozlan, the president of the National Office for Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA), which lists anti-Semitic acts and helps their victims, has emphasized year after year, for more than twenty years, that almost all violent anti-Semitic acts committed in France are committed by Muslims.
When it comes to Israel, the results are even more disturbing. Feelings go beyond hatred. 45% of French Muslims say they want the total destruction of Israel.
France also happens to be the country in Europe with the largest number of “no-go zones”. There are at least 751 designated Zones Urbaines Sensibles (“sensitive urban zones”), where Muslim gangs and radical imams are in charge. Non-Muslims can still live there, on the condition that they accept the status of dhimmi (tolerated second-class citizen), bow their heads, and admit that they live in a territory ruled by Islam. Members of Muslim gangs no longer respect the police. If an incident between a police officer and a member of a gang breaks out, riots follow, and the police receive orders that if the situation risks escalation, they are not to arrest anyone.
France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim. According to reports, the crime rate among the Muslim population is high.”
Bloody hell.
You regularly report well on this issue. ——-You are however fighting a losing battle. It reminds me of when Albert Speer told the Fuhrer “The war is lost”. —-Hitler loved his favourite architect and if anyone else had just said what Speer said then he would surely have been shot. Instead Hitler said to Speer “Tell me if you hope the war can still be won and give me your answer in 24 hours”————–I also hope the war can still be won but I fear it is LOST. The war I am talking about is the War on the West.
War being waged on the West by… The West.
Mogs : France is not Paris
Yes, by traitors that pander to the UN and WEF rather than to their own voters. They are guilty of cultural vandalism.
I do hope the family have photo-copied the de-faced document.
It should not be difficult to determine who was responsible for the vandalism but positively confirming the perp will be nigh on impossible. However, I believe we can all confidently predict that the likely outcome will be…
‘Lessons will be learned.’
This confirms the rank failure of the Civil Service where their own code maintains that in carrying out duties civil servants must remain neutral. Of course this doesn’t happen. In my time amongst them being surrounded on a daily basis by ultra-leftwing woketards was simply a cross to bear.
Clearly some valiant pro Hamas jihadist felt that scribbling across a birth certificate and ripping it was tantamount to striking a blow for the bruvvers. What a brave, little anonymous hero.
Every single one of the people who had access to this document need pulling in for a stern reminder that they are civil servants and they will abide by the CS code – or else, and to be told that their wages are paid by British taxpayers and if they won’t behave they must F O.
Given that the offices are probably in London I am certain that ethnic Brits will be a minority sub-group amongst the office population with 95% of the staff being non-British and sun-tanned “minorities.”
The state of Britain.
Yet two people give you the red thumbs down. So this means that they think it is acceptable for government employees to act in this way. The father of the child whose document was defaced is therefore completely right to be fearful of living in a country who has imported this sectarian clutter and we must not criticise that or we are all RACISTS.
Thanks varmint.
The two downticks probably belong to my daily trolls and if not they are worrying, a couple of lost causes.
There’s a picture of it in the article.
Whoops. Seen it now. Thanks
Sue them.
Enough is enough.
We know the civil service are a problem but it is currently an assumption that it is a Muslim and not simply a bored employee or a Zionist looking to encourage Israel to go to Israel or something even more mundane.
He did not want to reveal his surname but no such qualms in the Israeli media.
Isn’t this reading a bit much into a piece of paper getting accidentally torn and someone carelessly using it to get a ballpen to work? The home office obviously shouldn’t have sent it out in this state¹ but shoddy work reportedly happens. And why on earth is scribbling over the place of birth of the father (Israel) but not the mother (also Israel) discriminating against the daughter?
¹ Assuming these certificates cost money, this can’t be an attempt to get a replacement for free after the guy accidentally damaged it himself, can it?
“scribbling over the place of birth of the father but not the mother”
The fathers name was also “Israel” so who knows what someone thought when they saw what appeared to be a duplicate. It may have been malicious or complete inexperience and incompetence.
I too believe there is a distinct possibility that this is a case of incompetence.
The tear might be an accident. The scribbling out of ‘Iseael’ was not. There is no reason at all why an official public document should be altered. If it was done by “accident” the procedure dictates that the operative initials their error.
Agreed that’s the process but an incompetent wouldn’t know that.
I am undecided between malice (whatever they might have wanted to trigger) and incompetence. If it’s a case of the latter, we’ll find out soon enough. If it goes quiet, we’ll know it’s the former.
Have I betrayed how little faith I have in the modern version of “British Justice”?!
To me, this looks like someone trying a biro which is starting to get a bit old and doesn’t work reliably anymore. It’s usually possible to get it to work by scribbling, possibly after moistening the ball with spit, this being done using some piece of paper which happens to be available. I’m also not aware of any obvious ‘political message’ in scribbling over one of several instances of the word Israel on some page. I’m also not convinced that this wasn’t the guy himself or someone at his household accidentally ‘manhandling’ the certificate.
Going via the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism was only going to result in it being weaponised publicly before the department had an opportunity to investigate and respond.
For someone concerned with safety, he doesn’t seem to have a problem with increasing his visibility, including that of his wife.
In the great scheme of things, the civil service involvement in lockdowns, mandates, coercion etc. should really be the focus. Fix that and perhaps people will find their documentation treated with respect (assuming they are responsible in this instance).
Let me be blunt – utter nonsense.
Now where can I warm up my biro?
I’ll scribble and scribble on Israel until my biro starts working.
That’s some part of a piece of paper which is roughly in the middle of it and that the person who did this can read fluently enough to decipher Israel without a conscience effort to do so would need to be proven. Many people can’t.
I’m wondering whether someone got confused…the father’s name is Israel. Perhaps when they saw the father’s name they thought a mistake had been made re place of birth? As others are pointing out? This ‘story’ is a bit odd…
Probably the office cat.
Is this supposed to be a joke? A guy receives a slightly messed up birth certificate and, instead of just sending it back and getting a replacement, claims to the whole world he feels unsafe and has his ‘story’ sympathetically printed in the Daily Mail, under the usual headline of “Anti-Semitism”.
So the next time the postman delivers me a torn letter, I can also complain to the Daily Mail and say I no longer feel safe?
How about printing some stories on the atrocities performed by the Israelis against Palestinians? They have now killed 30 times the number of their losses on 7th October, surely there is more than one Palestinian fearing for his life whose story you could tell?
Scott Ritter accuses Israel here of murder, genocide, war crimes, human depravity, evil:
He goes on to say “the Israelis are in the business of killing innocent civilians for the purpose of driving 1.6 million people out of Gaza into the Sinai desert, depopulating Gaza, so that they can terminate Gaza as a Palestinian entity. This is not war. Israel will say we are going after four Hamas battalions that are in Rafah. Well, why do you drop bombs on civilian tent cities because you know there are civilians there? By the way, the civilian tent cities that you dropped leaflets saying go build a tent city in Rafah, that is a safe place, you’ll be safe there. So 1.6 million people did so, they’re there, then you starve them out, you deny them humanitarian goods, deny them food, medicine, horrific living conditions, but they stay there nonetheless, and then you drop bombs on them, you kill them, you slaughter them, you murder them. … This is ripping bodies apart, bodies of children, bodies of women, bodies of pregnant women, bodies of old men, innocent people, their bodies are being torn asunder, ripped into tiny little pieces, by the Israelis for the sole purpose of terrorizing, intimidating 1.6 million people into fleeing for their lives. Israel is trying to create the conditions where they say you have no choice: if you stay in Rafah you will die, and here we’ll kill 150 more of you tonight just to prove it. And the world is doing nothing – nothing. Silence.”
So, come on, DS, break the silence, please!
Huge bias from the editors here.
Only limp wristed stories of “terrible” acts of antisemitism and feelings getting hurt for this rebellious bastion of reporting.
It would not surprise me to learn the whole story was a fabrication, as here:
Well, so what? Swap Rafah for Dresden or Pforzheim and everybody’s going to cheer about it. And it least some everybodys will claim that infants and mothers and OAPs in either place brought this unto themselves because they’re just guilty having been born as members of the wrong …. well, let’s get into that in more detail, members of The Wrong™ is definite enough.
Imagine the impoverished civilian, bombed out of his house with half of his family dead or maimed. He has been going hungry for weeks on end, without clean water or medical aid for his shrapnel wounds. He finds no refuge. He is tired but cannot sleep.
He dodges a hail of bullets to scrabble through the rubble that was once his house. And then it happens: the last straw. He comes across an important piece of family documentation that has been deliberately defaced. Oh, the horrendous pain! How can he ever feel safe again?
IF the Home Office finds out who did this, they should be sacked immediately and lose their CS pension.