A new study published in the Lancet and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on the “Global Burden of Disease” has laid bare the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.
Published on April 3rd, the study included global age standardised mortality data during the pandemic. This Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, as the name suggests, is a massive global disease impact assessment. The report includes age-stratified mortality data from the first two years of the pandemic and therefore provides an indication of the global effectiveness of the measures implemented. The methods used for determining pandemic mortality incorporate excess death data combined with infection rates and COVID-19 specific deaths. The data within this report paint a concerning picture and demonstrate a substantial increase in global mortality across all age groups between 2020 and 2021.
Here is a plot of the data from that study comparing 2020 and 2021 COVID-19 mortality for different age bands (Fig 1):

These plots illustrate the exponential rise in risk of death with age and the substantial increased mortality comparing 2020 to 2021. This is a plot of percentage mortality rate for different age bands from this GBD study (Fig 2):

We were continually misled by Government bodies, respected scientific journals and the media about the age-related risk. The universal message was that everyone was at risk. The above chart indicates that on a global basis everyone below the age of 60 had a less than a 0.1% chance of dying and this does not even consider your individual health risk. The vaccines were portrayed as initially being effective against transmission and then, when that bubble burst, they were highly effective against mortality. The impact on mortality is sadly not supported by this report where one of the key differences between 2020 and 2021 was the unprecedented global health intervention of 11.3 billion vaccinations. This lack of beneficial (and possible detrimental) impact does not even get a mention in this report which, nonetheless, continually emphasises the supposed severity of the pandemic and need for well-informed global interventions.
If we examine these percentage differences specific to each of the individual age groups we get the following chart (Fig 3):

The above chart demonstrates a remarkably consistent (145% to 174%) rise in global COVID-19 deaths in all age groups peaking at 35 to 39 years. Since the risk to COVID-19 increases exponentially up to the age 80 (see Fig 1) one would expect any successful intervention to have the greatest impact in the older age groups. Higher age and risk groups were also prioritised for vaccination. In addition, there must have been a degree of natural immunity acquired after 2020 which would have had a beneficial impact in 2021. Yet mortality increased significantly across all age groups. There is also the carry-over effect of the 2020 excess deaths (mortality displacement), as you can only die once, so this should also have had a positive influence.
Worrying excess mortality data has also been reported by the U.K. Office for National Statistics and by the World Health Organisation. Data in the WHO report indicate an even more alarming increase in excess deaths of 131% between 2020 and 2021 and a temporal correlation with the vaccine rollout, which I have added to the chart below:

We have a significant number of the most ‘respectable’ bodies and journals reporting consistent and significant increases in mortality between 2020 to 2021 and beyond using a series of different methods and metrics. These reports should form the basis of an in-depth investigation into the root causes of these concerning rises in mortality. The official story is that the new variants that appeared from autumn 2020 onwards (beginning with the Alpha or Kent variant) led to larger and more deadly waves of Covid. But is that the full story? And why did the lockdowns and vaccines that were ubiquitous in 2021 not reduce deaths, as they were claimed to? Given the severity of the situation the investigation should be conducted by independent teams that have unbridled access to relevant sources of data.
Will this ever happen? A pig has just flown past my window.
This was another ‘too big to fail’ global project.
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