On January 3rd 2024, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo called for a halt in the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after U.S. health agencies failed to adequately address his concerns about DNA contamination in the products.
In a statement on X, Ladapo accused the FDA and CDC of always playing it “fast and loose” with COVID-19 safety, but their failure to test whether DNA fragments in the vaccine could integrate into a person’s genome was “intolerable”.
As I and others have pointed out on numerous occasions, the FDA’s own guidance on regulatory limits for residual DNA in vaccines states “there are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic [cause cancer], including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration”.
In a letter, Ladapo had also asked the two agencies if they’d carried out any risk assessment regarding the presence of the “SV40 promoter” in the vaccines, which is thought to enhance DNA integration into host cells.
But the FDA’s top vaccine official Peter Marks responded to Ladapo’s demand for answers with intransigence and obfuscation.
Similar to how the FDA shut down my previous enquiries into this matter, the agency failed to provide Ladapo with any evidence that it had even conducted tests to address the risk of genomic integration.
In fact, Marks had the temerity to imply that ongoing discussion about this topic was perpetuating misinformation “which results in vaccine hesitancy that lowers vaccine uptake”.
Ladapo explained:
DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.
He also recommended that providers concerned about health risks of COVID-19 should prioritise patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.
Quick to dismiss Ladapo’s concerns was Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Centre at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who serves on the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee.
Offit hit back in a video published on MedPage Today saying, “It is hard to believe that Dr. Ladapo actually issued that statement… [DNA fragments] can’t possibly do harm. So scaring people unnecessarily like this has been hard to watch.”
Unfortunately, Offit’s video contains a series of erroneous statements that exposes his fundamental misunderstanding of the manufacturing and regulation of Covid vaccines.
For example, Offit says it’s unlikely that DNA fragments enter the cytoplasm of cells, or survive, once they’re inside.
“Our cytoplasm hates foreign DNA and it has a variety of mechanisms, including innate immunological mechanisms and enzymes, to destroy foreign DNA,” says Offit.
“That DNA, which would never survive the cytoplasm, would have to then cross the nuclear membrane into the nucleus, which would require a nuclear access signal that these DNA fragments don’t have… So the chance that DNA could affect your DNA is zero,” he adds.
But this statement is disingenuous on multiple fronts.
Offit talked about DNA fragments as if they were not encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, which specifically ferry the genetic material into the cell cytoplasm. Indeed, without the lipid nanoparticles, the vaccines would never have made it to market.
A recent publication in Nature found that within hours, around 7% of cells are integrated when mixed with a transfection solution containing linear pieces of DNA.
Offit also said that DNA wouldn’t cross into the cell’s nucleus, but scientists have known that foreign DNA can be delivered into mammalian cells to modify a host cell’s genetic makeup in a process called “DNA transfection”.
It also ignores the fact that the DNA fragments contain the “SV40 promoter” which includes a nuclear targeting signal (NTS) to aid its entry into the nucleus.
A full critique of Offit’s commentary was recently published by Dr. Robert Malone who pioneered some of the early work into mRNA technology.
Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert and Professor at the University of South Carolina, has confirmed the presence of DNA fragments in the vaccines after replicating the work of McKernan et al.
Buckhaults has welcomed Ladapo’s announcement.
“I’m glad Dr. Ladapo is taking a firm leadership stance to protect the people under his care. I think he is taking a lot of heat over genuinely looking out for others. I think he is acting in good faith and that is to be respected,” says Buckhaults.
He also believes that Ladapo’s stance on the mRNA vaccines is “based on solid scientific reasoning” because the long-term genomic safety has not been demonstrated for fragments of DNA that are encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles.
However, rather than completely halting the vaccines, Buckhaults says he would err on the side of caution and still “recommend the vaccine to select populations who are at high risk for death from [COVID-19]”.
Buckhaults hopes that Ladapo can use his authority to compel the FDA to request an extra “cheap and easy step” in the processing of the vaccines to remove the vast majority of DNA from upcoming batches.
“Then we would not even need to have this argument about DNA anymore. The risk of the DNA would be essentially gone and the crisis in confidence in leadership would be addressed,” he says.
Buckhaults has testified before a South Carolina Senate hearing about his alarm over the “very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell”.
He has also discussed with me at length the potential harms to people’s health caused by DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines. Last year, Buckhaults notified the FDA of his concerns via email but never received a response.
First published on the author’s Substack and also by the Brownstone Institute. Subscribe to Dr. Demasi’s Substack page here.
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My knowledge of science and scientific processes is poor so I understand this on a basic level only but what I do know and understand is that these injections are dangerous junk. They are of no benefit to man nor beast and were developed to be so. The reality in my view is that probably three types of the gunk were engineered – a placebo, a kill within two years and a slower developing type designed to maim and kill within ten years. I feel sure Billy and his cohorts will be monitoring the results.
Billy has promised a new “pandemic” and that means new junk injections. The C1984 was a trial run. The kill process next time will undoubtedly be more efficient but suitably covered up.
The current crop of cancer inducing and heart stopping injections provide no protection to anyone. They stop neither infection or transmission and anyway Ivermectin is cheap and readily available.
The C1984 injections are bio-weapons which explains how they have escaped proper regulatory oversight. Their use should be ended immediately and any product still in existence should be destroyed. The perps should of course be on trial for their lives. Some hope.
As usual a couple of thumbs down with my thumbs up. Cancers and fertility are a good slow burn depopulation tool.
They were experimental. It stands to reason that various concoctions were made to be trialled on different cohorts of the population so their “efficacy” could be assessed.
And that would explain why some batches were far, far more lethal than others.
In my view exposing the whole ‘vaccine’ atrocity is by far the biggest risk to the incumbent political class worldwide. I believe the success or failure of this battle will be the seminal factor in the immediate and medium term future of free societies around the world.
The contemporary state of affairs the political class enjoy and exploit surely cannot survive a general awakening by populations of the crimes commited against them. Run-of-the mill average drama about the post office has generated rage and results overnight.
Once a tipping point has passed and realisation sets in to the majority that their politicians have effectively poisoned them then the fallout will be many, many orders of magnitude greater. This is where relentless and unforgiving pressure should be concentrated.
To avoid dystopia, destruction of the political status-quo together with visible ruination of those responsible is required.
Rona, Pharma-ment, the stabs, the DNA changing quackcines – 200 years of injury, death and carnage from the poisons. All part of the NWO. The fun will begin again in May 2024 when the new WHO Scamdemic treaty is signed. Pharma owns the institutions around us. That was obvious during the plandemic. Transhumanism and all that gibberish. The US’ lust for WW3 with Russia may however interrupt their timelines.
Hard to know who is right about that very specific point about DNA contamination. It brings to mind that quote about the danger of a society so complex that most people don’t understand it.
What I do know is that so called experts can’t be trusted, What I do trust are my own eyes and my reason in seeing firstly that these jabs are as unnecessary as a jab against the common cold or the flu and secondly that they’ve hurt people I know and I can’t say that of any other jab.
I rely on that more than on anything the Florida surgeon general says, good as his intentions may be.
Professor Buckhaults puts it this way:
’20 Greek soldiers wandering around outside the walls of Troy are not a big deal.
20 Greek soldiers packed inside a large wooden horse are a different matter.’
The health effects hypothesised are:
‘Susceptible individuals would then expectedly have an increased risk of DNA damage, chronic autoinflammation, autoimmunity and cancer.’
Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: A hypothesis Jan 2023
This battle is and will continue to be intense because, like most wars, it will spill into other areas including, potentially, the influenza vaccination programme (which may very well be causing an increase in dementia incidence created by steroid use to treat flu vaccine side effects like Giant Cell Arteritis).
And that strikes at some very big earnings throughout the public health industry…….
The Surgeon General of Florida is an absolute legend, supported by his outstanding governor, in one of the very few parts of what is left of the free world.
You got a Downtick
Florida is probably the only place left of the world we knew !
I was hoping parts of Texas and South Dakota, maybe parts of Alaska, might be okay?
Here’s the reference for my above remark re Influenza Vaccines (IV):
‘Conclusion: Post-IV onset of GCA/PMR is not an exceptional occurrence and may be part of the spectrum of the autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). IV can trigger GCA or PMR…….Unlike PMR, GCA can be a serious complication of IV.’
Giant cell arteritis or polymyalgia rheumatica after influenza vaccination: A study of 12 patients and a literature review, Feb 2021