As part of the London Tube system’s long-running ‘Poems on the Underground’ initiative, a series of politically approved Left-wing compositions appeared in large, unmissable type above the windows in carriages this last summer – one of which caused controversy amongst certain commuters, as it appeared to be celebrating the ethnic cleansing of white Englishmen from their own capital city:

The poem Colonisation in Reverse came from a 1966 collection by black Jamaican poet Louise Bennett, and was displayed to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the docking of the SS Empire Windrush, carrying what is often claimed to have been the first meaningful number of non-white Caribbean immigrants to settle in the UK back in 1948 – the exceedingly exaggerated founding fairy-tale of British multiculturalism. Yet as Bennett’s poem featured deliberately misspelled patois lines like “Jamaica people colonizin/Englan in reverse”, something gloatingly billed as being “joyful news”, some dissenting sceptics interpreted the poem’s display as nothing more than woke anti-white race-baiting, pure and simple, funded from the public purse.
Misreading the Riot Act
I thought of this poem when considering once again November 2023’s anti-immigration riots over in Dublin, sparked by the horrific stabbing of several small children by an Algerian-born knifeman, in particular the subsequent public words (in an actual council meeting!) of a Muslim Fianna Fáil councillor with the traditional Auld Oirish name of Azad Talukder to the effect that the primitive white protesters should be dealt with in the following sharia-style manner: “I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die.” Whoever thought it would be a good idea to invite the modern reincarnation of Oliver Cromwell back into Ireland? The present Irish Government, evidently.
Disturbing recent video of cult-like Irish parliamentarians ritually condemning “straight, white, middle-class, able-bodied men” and apologising for their inherent “white privilege” even whilst being colonised and genocidally slaughtered by the real Oliver Cromwell in centuries gone by, made Elon Musk’s sarcastic tweet that the Irish political class and their smug globalist PM Leo Varadkar “hates the Irish people” sound alarmingly accurate.
Indeed, sadistically forcing the children of white Irish people to reflect on their allegedly privileged status is soon slated to be placed on Ireland’s National Curriculum. Catholic schools in Ireland once taught their students about the doctrine of Original Sin: now this same idea has been secularised and remade along spurious racial lines.
Throwing a Paddy (Out of His Own Country)
I recently noted elsewhere on the Daily Sceptic the curious coincidence that, a few days after the Dublin riots, Britain’s leading literary award, the Booker Prize 2023, was handed to the Irish author Paul Lynch for his propagandistic Left-wing novel Prophet Song, set in a dystopian near-future far-Right Ireland, from which poor liberal folk like himself now have to flee under the dubious protection of people-smugglers.
Such is the fate of literature in our modern woke world: to become little more than barely-disguised agitprop, a Leftist instrument of the Leftist state, as with Louise Bennett’s unreadable London Underground doggerel. Just as such poems are used to subliminally habituate native white ethnic populations to their actual demographic ‘Colonisation in Reverse’, so I would not be surprised to see Lynch’s novel pop up on Irish school curricula in years to come, so as to further re-educate the constitutionally shame-ridden Irish youth of tomorrow as to what constitutes right-think and wrong-think on such matters. Indeed, Colonisation in Reverse is already on the syllabus of one U.K. exam board, OCR, alongside some other equally worthless racial bile, displacing formerly examined verse by sickeningly white (but far more talented) indigenous males like Hardy, Larkin, Blake and Northern Ireland’s very own Seamus Heaney.
Then, some fine day, once brainwashing woke pseudo-literature has been wholly drummed into England and Ireland’s helpless schoolkids like this, the outmoded attitudes of neanderthal figures like Niall McConnell, leader of the purportedly ‘far-Right’ Irish Nationalist Catholic Party – I know next to nothing about this organisation, but the mainstream media helpfully tell me it simply must be a fascist organisation, as it features the words ‘Nationalist’ and ‘Catholic’ in its name – could never arise again within the thoroughly cleansed minds of the next generation.
“The [white] Irish are being racially discriminated against,” McConnell told online outlet Euronews in March 2023, following an earlier round of Ireland-wide anti-immigration protests. The blatantly varying treatment of Conor McGregor, the Irish MMA fighter who was threatened with prosecution for supporting anti-immigrant protests online, and Azad Talukder, who was apparently not threatened with any similar such measures after calling for protestors to be summarily shot in the head in a chamber of public politics, would seem to prove him right.
Yet, the predictably negative tone of Euronews’s angle on McConnell and his ilk can be seen even from its headline: ‘Keep Ireland Irish: Say hello to Ireland’s growing far-Right’, whilst subeditors were sure to illustrate the piece with a large photo of McConnell’s men brandishing an anti-abortion banner – how shocking that a Catholic organisation should be against this specific procedure! To ensure its reporting was ideologically biased in the correct PC direction, Euronews even assigned the piece to a reporter named Joshua Askew – true nominative determinism in action.
Reporters summarised McConnell’s dissenting views as follows:
The self-described ‘Irish Patriot’ told Euronews immigration risked another “plantation“, in reference to England’s colonisation of Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries, where land was seized and settlers were brought in [or ‘planted’] to ‘anglicise’ the local population. “History is repeating itself,” he said. “The blood of our holy martyrs seeps the Irish soil. The indigenous Irish will continue in our ancestors’ footsteps. We will oppose this new plantation as they did in the past. God save Ireland.”
Is this really ‘far Right’? It seems to me these would simply have been considered normal attitudes for patriotic Irishmen to have held up until exceedingly recently, before the traditional influence of bodies like the Catholic Church were finally broken and woke transnationalism truly began to take hold in the country. The Irish fought hard for many years to throw off London’s colonial yoke and create and adopt a coherent national identity of their own. Is this now all to be thrown away on the globalist altar of uncontrolled mass immigration, just because the political and media classes say so?
Alien Nation
One aspect of British colonialism often decried by key ‘decolonial’ writers taught in our universities today like Frantz Fanon was England’s tendency to demoralise local populations by imposing alien outside values upon them to make them feel like lost outsiders in their own homelands – by making them read Dickens and Shakespeare in schools, for example, instead of their own native writers. According to this viewpoint, such a process of deliberate deracination would break the native population’s will so making them easier to dominate from far-off proto-globalist outposts like London.
Ironically, this very same process now seems to be being pursued against the English themselves by vengeful former subject-peoples posing as ‘anti-racists’, in cahoots with their subaltern, self-hating, local white allies. Here is one such online critic’s explanation of the evident anti-colonial political utility of placing Louise Bennett’s patois propaganda poem on Sadiq Khan’s Tube trains:
The reverse colonisation of England is expressed in the widespread adoption of the Jamaican language… Turning the native into an alien in his/her own country was one of the deliberate consequences of British imperialism across the globe. Reverse colonisation through language most appropriately makes [native white] bigots [who object to being reverse-colonised feel like] … aliens in England.
The formerly colonised are the colonisers in Great Britain now and, if you only bother to seek out unashamed statements to this effect, some quite openly and proudly admit the fact. Is something similar now taking place in Ireland too, despite the fact she was only ever a colony and never actually a coloniser at all? Recent events would tend to suggest so.
Ireland of Lost Souls
As in England, calls are now being made by academics, activists, students and others for Ireland’s literature curriculum (and all other aspects of teaching besides) to become far more ‘diversified’ – i.e., denuded of much of its prior authentically Irish content. In truth, this has already happened. Here is an extract from one 2012 academic investigation into the content of the Irish primary school curriculum in terms of History and Geography – neither of which apparently now truly exist, at least not in locally specific terms:

In other words: you’re fungible citizens of the world, now, kids, not Irish ones anymore, and don’t you ever forget it.
In the past, around about the time Ireland gained her independence from the British Empire, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Irish poets, politicians, historians, folklorists, playwrights and philologists like W.B. Yeats, Douglas Hyde, Sean O’Casey and Lady Augusta Gregory worked hard to lend Ireland a cohesive national identity all of her own, so as to distinguish Eire from the former imperial ‘mother country’ which had done so much to erase any such thing from the souls of the Irish people, so as to make the culturally disinherited populace easier to rule from afar. Back then, decolonising Ireland meant reclaiming it from deracinated globalism by conjuring up its own native culture; now, decolonising Ireland means destroying that very same conjured native culture in the name of a new kind of deracinated globalism instead. How wonderful ‘progress’ is.
It would appear to me that Niall McConnell is right: a new forcible ‘plantation’ of alien peoples and their culture is indeed currently ongoing right the way across Ireland. Doesn’t the IRA have something to say about that? Well, if you do indeed consider Sinn Féin to be the terrorist body’s old political wing, as was often alleged in the past (lawyers tell me to phrase it this way), then they’re actually in on this whole sad process of colonisation in reverse too. Suddenly woke to their core, even the supposed Irish nationalists of Sinn Féin now push the whole self-defeating agendas of mass immigration, diversity, ideologically transnationalist government and propaganda in schools too.
That’s how far this whole process of mental reverse-colonisation has now gone. If even the former self-styled freedom fighters (or ‘murdering terrorists’, as some might prefer) are now actively arguing for their people’s own future slavery, then what hope do the Irish actually have left?
Steven Tucker is a journalist and the author of over 10 books, the latest being Hitler’s & Stalin’s Misuse of Science: When Science Fiction Was Turned Into Science Fact by the Nazis and the Soviets (Pen & Sword/Frontline), which is out now.
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