The U.K.’s new Chief Scientific Adviser pushed hard for lockdown during Covid, describing Rishi Sunak as “Dr. Death” for seeking to get the country back to normal with his Eat Out to Help Out scheme, it emerged Thursday at the Covid Inquiry. The Mail has more.
Dame Angela McLean, who this year succeeded Sir Patrick Vallance as No. 10’s Chief Scientific Adviser, sent the WhatsApp message to a fellow Government adviser in a crunch meeting with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and then-Chancellor Mr. Sunak.
At the time of the September 2020 meeting, the Rule of Six was in place following Mr. Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme and Mr. Johnson had confirmed that the U.K. was “now seeing a second wave coming in”.
Government advisers were urging Mr Johnson to impose a circuit-breaker lockdown but Mr. Sunak was concerned about the impact on the economy.
During the same meeting, Dame Angela, who was then Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Defence, also called one of the scientists arguing against a shutdown a “f***wit”.
Professor John Edmunds, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told the inquiry today that he attended the meeting on Sunday September 20th, along with officials including Mr. Johnson, Mr. Sunak and Sir Patrick.
Email exchanges between Sir Patrick and Professor Edmunds state that the meeting was so Mr. Johnson could hear a “range of views on the forward look” from the “let it rip brigade”.
Professor Edmunds told the inquiry that this referred to “vocal people who took the view that we shouldn’t have locked down in the first place and that we shouldn’t be considering that again”.
This included Oxford University professors Sunetra Gupta and Carl Heneghan, and Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s leading epidemiologist, whose advice shaped the nation’s controversial decision to avoid a blanket lockdown.
The scientists were each given 15 minutes to argue a lockdown was unnecessary at that point, Professor Gupta later revealed.
In an email to Professor Edmunds, shown to the inquiry today, Sir Patrick said “we have tried to put together a balanced group across views and so I think what he needs is your view on future direction of the epidemic”.
The inquiry was shown WhatsApp exchanges between Professor Edmunds and Dame Angela during the meeting, in which she referred to “Dr. Death the Chancellor”.
Lead Counsel Hugo Keith KC asked Professor Edmunds: “Did you understand those were references to the eat out to help out campaign of which you’d spoken about?”
Professor Edmunds said: “Honestly, it’s so long ago I don’t know but it could well be.”
The brief WhatsApp exchange was introduced after Professor Edmunds criticised the Eat Out scheme, which was introduced in August 2020. It provided a 50% discount on food and non-alcoholic drinks to customers who ate inside at participating restaurants.
Professor Edmunds, who sat on nearly 100 SAGE meetings during the pandemic, told the inquiry: “To be honest, it (the scheme) made me angry and I’m still angry about it.
“It was one thing taking your foot off the brake which is what we’ve been doing by easing the restrictions, but to put the foot on the accelerator, it seemed to me perverse.
“To spend public money to do that, when 45,000 people had just died… the optics of it were terrible. This was a scheme to encourage people to take an epidemiological risk.”
Worth reading in full.
So, the Government’s new Chief Scientific Adviser was a lockdown fanatic, formerly at the Ministry of Defence, who pushed hard behind the scenes to promote restrictions and discredit opposition to lockdown. And we’re supposed to believe lockdown won’t happen again? The same people are still in charge.
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I wonder if Sunak signed off on this appointment and if he was/is aware of what she said?
Probably. Look at the idiot that was appointed to the CDC, still trying to get people to take the poison, all the way down to children. They are appointing these morons who either genuinely worship lockdowns and vaxx mandates or would pump granny full of poison and leave her in despair and loneliness for the last years of her life just for a nice bank balance. Either way, it seems clear that ‘lockdown hardliners’ are being put in place for future use.
Cohen, I think this is her name. She is about 12 years old. She is another safe and effective gal.
Wo coloured me shocked he appointed a low grade woke Marxist.
Letter currently being sent to parents of schoolchildren telling them: “Covid-19 vaccination has a proven safety record. It gives better protection than any immunity from a previous infection.”
Dr Nikita Kanani MBE
St John’s Medical Director of Clinical Integration,
NHS England Deputy SRO,
NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, University of Sunderland
Wording about safe and effective Covid injections is in an email from the same evil woman [IMHO] sent recently to all over 65s.
Compare to what Andrew Bridgen said in Parliament yesterday about the people still being killed by these injections:
Watch the debate here:
I thought it was only being offered to the “vulnerable”
Schoolchildren are vulnerable …..
……. to this gross dishonesty from these NHS jab fanatics like [IMHO] Dr ‘Nikki’ ‘Death’ Kanani.
And of course also vulnerable to myocarditis etc and death from these injections. Coming soon to a school near you.
So are the over 65s.
Doesn’t the nhs have 7 million people on waiting lists for hip, knees, shoulder replacement, cataract surgery, hernia repair, mris, x-rays, skin cancer treatment and on and on.
Why does the nhs continue to publish disinformation?
Because they are dishonest and in the pockets of the drug industry courtesy of senior civil servants in Whitehall and a corrupt medical establishment which takes loads of cash from the drug industry in sponsorships, grants to medical societies, research grants to universities, payments to medical schools which are heavily reliant on drug industry money and so on and so forth.
We are being farmed for our health – for profit.
From the frying pan into the fire? There needs to be push back like no other. After all, people respond best to strong emotional messages rather than evidence. He or she that shouts loudest often wins the argument- that is human nature. However, the shady charachters in the background will just back off if we push back. The problem is that there is more than one front to pushback on, if you include climate change.
“He or she that shouts loudest often wins the argument,,,” – it’s not clear to me which one it is.
The irony. Someone resembling the Grim Reaper calls Sunak “Dr. Death”. Nothing surprises me anymore, just got to try to see the funny side.
Rosa Klebb.
looks quite blokey to me, is it a trans?
I have to agree. While not normally commenting on someone’s outward appearance, I did think that her career has been remarkably hard on her from a Dorian Gray perspective and her comments on Sunak to the loathsome ‘vaccinate everyone’ John Edmunds are childishly spiteful. I assume her ill-judged comment about Carl Heneghan was because he, as well as Professor Sunetra Gupta were part of the opposition at University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
We have a problem – the UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser believes, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that lockdowns work. This woman is clearly NOT a scientist. Anything issuing from this McLean woman’s mouth must be ignored. At best she is clueless and at worst she is one of Klaus’s little helpers.
How about Edmunds? Putting the foot on the accelerator – because yeah, hiding indoors has always stopped a respiratory virus from spreading. I read studies that said it didn’t, but then I’m not big-time edumacated like wot he is.
When is the question going to get asked as to why the infection and death numbers have remained pretty much unaltered for 3 years, regardless of whatever nonsense intervention was or was not applied? The only intervention that has made a real difference is the vaxx – but not in a good way.
She’s an expert in mathematical modelling!
Wasn’t there a quite thorough article (I think by Rosemary Frei in Off-Guardian, but can’t remember for def) about John Edmunds and his wife’s ties to (shares in?) GSK, which in 2020 was in the running for producing a covid vaxx? He would be on the side of saying the entire world was going to die without lockdown while awaiting a vaxx, wouldn’t he? The only inquiry he should be at is one where he’s in the dock, along with all the other $cientists who assisted in the wholesale violation of human rights and constitutions for monetary gain.
As for the dame – why would someone who uses childish names and insults in job-related communications be deemed worthy of such a high position? A genuine scientist and professional knows how to conduct themselves in matters relating to the office they hold. ‘Dr Death’ – can we expect her to behave like the CDC’s Walensky and start crying at the thought of winter coming and people getting a cold? Hyperbole and hysteria, just what one wants in a person with such far-reaching authority.
Here you go Jane. You were correct.
Carl Heneghan’s responses to McLean crude utterances were classic understated put-downs.
Apologies for the dump but this is worrying.
Well they need to creat another major war to distract from the damage they inflicted during Covid and the chickens coming home to roost on the killer injections.
Nothing is ever as it appears
Of course.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired of the government and the state bureaucracy, their experts and their advisers.
We never used to know or care who these people were because they were basically irrelevant to our lives.
Now we need to care only because the state is dictating ever more parts of our day to day lives.
The way it works is that the leader of a party who nobody in the country elected appoints people we know nothing about to dictate aspects of our lives.
And they wonder why democracy is in crisis.
Democracy is a hindrance to them.
And a leaky bulwark for the rest of us.
She should be sacked immediately.
I can’t fault that conclusion.
Together with Edmunds and also Hugo Keith KC.
And most importantly, also the “Civil Servants” who proposed or supported them being selected for their posts.
Note that Government “Scientific Advisors” have a long history of the same nonsense in the “Climate Crisis (or Global Warming) scam.
But of course, the whole reason these creatures are selected is to give some cod “Scientific” credibility to the obscene and nonsensical schemes dreamed up by Arts Grad pollies and their gaffers in the WEF etc. An ability to speak balderdash whilst not grinning is the primary requirement.
And, oh yes! Whilst mentioning GSK in 2020, don’t forget that Vallance held £600,000 worth (then!) of GSK shares. But of course, he didn’t have to declare an interest, because he didn’t personally pick which tentacle of BigPharma would have most power and wealth in its grasp.
I can’t imagine how someone so obviously devoid of critical thinking abilities can be appointed to this position.
We all know that everything that was said and done during the “pandemic” era was ill thought out and wrong, anyone associated with that should be publicly recanting and apologising to those that have been forced to foot the bill.
Disgusting and unacceptable choice.
Edmunds will be remembered as one of the idiots who called for all schoolchildren to be jabbed before schools could reopen.
Just think about that. Did he mean that only jabbed kids should be allowed to return to school or that schools could only reopen when and if ALL kids were jabbed.
Christ, to think that people such as him and Angela McLean seemingly have have so much influence.
Forgot to add that he and his ilk are advocates of using kids as human shields.
Covid practically zero risk to them – so why the jabs?
He has all the credentials to be a success under the current Government.
Chief Scientific Adviser – one of so many pointless overpaid jobs in the Civil Service
Good point. What is the point of a Chief Scientific Advisor?
The only one I can think of is to rubber stamp policy as based on “The” science.
There are so many true experts out there that a Chief Scientific Advisor simply cannot compete so why have one?
Plus there are of course all the true experts out there who will give whatever opinion whoever pays them wants.
A guy called Ferguson it seems to me might fit that category,
And of course all those other people at Imperial College that Citizen Khan hired to rubber stamp ULEZ.
Chief Mathematical Modelling Officer. Let’s call it what it is.
One can only hope she lives to deeply regret what she did and to suffer as a result. I have zero pity or empathy for any of these well cushioned misanthropes.
Imperial college is offering a data science workshop. Should not their own professors enrole?
They already know how to fiddle the data if Professor Pants Down is anything to go by IMHO.
In my book McLean is not really a scientist but yet another a mathematical modeller. Interestingly, looking up her credentials, she was part of the establishment’s academic tribe and was a protege of Roy Anderson at Imperial College. Anderson was a preferssor and chair of a panel at Oxford that reviewed Sunetra Gupta’s application for readership and he was forced to reign after falsely attempting to smear her for some reason.
“After Professor Gupta applied for a readership, the panel granted it to her by six votes to two, but Sir Roy is said to have suggested she was being assisted by her head of department and accused her of having a relationship with him, an assertion he later admitted was false.
He made a full apology to Professor Gupta, who was married, nine months later and paid her a settlement which she donated to charity, but he was suspended by the university. He later returned and was edged out by his own colleagues.
Sir Roy left for Imperial College where he created a mathematical modelling team and joined forces with Professor Ferguson, advising the Government on public health and disease control. ”
The Mail has more –
One might wonder why she was previously Chief Scientist to the MoD and why they might have needed her narrow specialism.
Given that the jab is a genocidal bioweapon, her appointment seems to make perfect sense….
‘Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Defence’ – there’s a clue it was never about healthcare. Maybe she could tell us what really happened to David Kelly all those years ago.
Thanks Will.
That would explain why she never replied to me when I suggested she review recent papers by Happer, Lindzen and Van Wijgaarden and declare the so-called climate crisis over and net zero no longer needed.
When the facts change, etc.
And it looks like she might be a Somerville high table pal of Dame June Raine (MHRA) – first medical regulator in history to grant emergency approval for a modified RNA vaccine.
Huh. Used to a good college, back in the day.
Another wizzened old Harridan , there must be a Witches school of B1tches where the lovely new WHO appointee Susan Michie the B1tchie earned her stripes !..
Blimey, DS is becoming a Who’s Who about dodgy misinformationists and abusers of scientific knowledge infesting government.
Count them up just in the comments here.
I’m getting dizzy.
Not one of the tyrants who imposed the Lockdowns on us will be properly held to account.
They have all been rewarded by the Government with gongs and promotions; by the WHO and Big Pharma with lucrative jobs.
I will never pay any attention to the “advice” of the creature above – or any Government which listens to her.