Tory voters switching to Reform cost the Conservatives the by-election seats of Mid Bedfordshire and Tamworth, data suggest, as the amount of votes picked up by Richard Tice’s centre-Right party was bigger than the Labour majority in either constituency. The Telegraph has the story.
This means that if Reform voters had either stayed at home or chosen to back the Tories, Labour could have been denied one or both of its victories.
Reform won 1,373 votes (5.4%) in Tamworth and 1,487 (3.7%) in Mid Bedfordshire, while the Labour majorities in the two seats were 1,316 and 1,192 respectively.
In a post on Twitter, Mr. Tice, wrote: “Twice in the same night have Reform ensured [that the] Tories lost their seat with this by-election result.
“This despite a huge squeeze – pressure from Tories to voters, saying ‘do not vote Reform’.”
On Thursday, the Conservatives released a Facebook advert targeted at Tamworth residents which read: “Reform can’t win. Every vote for them makes a Labour victory more likely.”
Luke Tryl, the U.K. Director of the More In Common think tank, said: “The Tories will have a new worry after tonight – the emergence of a split on the Right, which saw the Reform U.K. vote larger than the Labour majority in Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire.
“It suggests that Rishi Sunak may now be losing support on two fronts – on the Left to Labour and the Liberal Democrats, and on the Right to Reform U.K.
“Expect to see more hand wringing on splits on the Right in the weeks to come.”
It came as turnout plummeted in both by-elections, with 40,720 votes cast in Mid Bedfordshire, down by 29.6% on the 2019 general election, while 25,586 ballots in Tamworth represented a decrease of 28.4%.
Senior Tory figures were quick to note that many of their own voters had appeared to stay at home, as Labour actually increased its share of the vote in Tamworth, from 10,908 to 11,719.
Lord Hayward, a Tory peer and election expert, told the Telegraph: “They’ve not voted for the Government, but turnout is down and down markedly. My assessment would be that normally a by-election is viewed as a protest vote. In this case, it’s a protest ‘non-vote’.
“They’re just sitting on their hands. There’s no question, it’s a very good result for Labour. In Tamworth there was always the latent Labour support, but it’s non-voters that win the day, basically.
“Under these circumstances, people are not voting, or if they do vote, they are voting against the Government because of the events of the last two years – exhaustion with the saga of 2020, 2021 and 2022. So what you have to do is prove you’re competent, and hope that works.”
Worth reading in full.
Could it be that voters are sick of a not-so-Conservative Party that pushes forward with ruinous policies like Net Zero, brings in endless illiberal measures like the Online Safety Bill, has failed utterly to stop illegal immigration while legal migration has hit record levels, shows no sign of being able to control public spending or manage the public finances having massively over-reacted to a flu-like virus, gives no indication of opposing the creeping global health totalitarianism represented by the WHO’s new pandemic treaty and has never seen a pleasure it didn’t want to ban or a liberty it didn’t want to curtail for ‘safety’ reasons?
Is it any wonder voters who care about freedom and the future of the country are looking elsewhere?
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The Tories are disgusting fetid Marxist inspired lock down & net zero imposing clowns. I’m supposed to show up for them to keep even worse Labour and mental Keir out?
Haha, spot on. I’ll second that, with nobs on!![😮](
Also, I’d like to know which MP is going to do something about this…Remember that lady who was arrested for praying in her head?? Where the chuff were the police with this lot the other day in London?
I just got off the phone from trying to wake my father up. Bless him he’s 82 and still a dyed in the wool Tory. I point out his grand kids will have miserable lives under a dictatorship, it just doesn’t sink in. Ppl arent waking up.
I agree Mogs. That has to be one of the most disgraceful public displays ever seen on the streets of Britain and it was clearly sanctioned at the highest level. I suppose only to be expected with an unelected foreigner as Prime Minister.
Well I don’t know if their mosque was getting refurbished or it was something to do with the Israel-Gaza conflict but either way, they’re making a show and rubbing our noses in the fact their numbers are growing, as is easily displayed when you see them en masse for various occasions in cities and towns across Britain. I’m pretty sure Yousaf in Scotland would be cool with it all though. Can we have a Christian gathering please, just to even up the score and remember that they do still exist? Well, presumably..
No no it doesn’t work like that, there is religious freedom for everyone except Christians.
And Jews, evidently. Seeing this everywhere; across London, US, Canada…they’re so triggered. How on earth can anyone not be moved by the plight of kidnapped kids being held hostage by terrorists? Religion shouldn’t even come into it. You either have emotions like compassion and empathy or you’re a complete psychopath. It’s one or the other, and these scum are showing which group they belong to;
Then those who identify as Christians who feel marginalised should get of their jacksy and be as pro active as the other lot. No one can complain if they are not pro active. The other lot understand the rules of the game I.e those who shout the loudest and make their elected representatives lives hell win. Or something like that anyway.
“clowns” is way too polite.
And Labour has exactly the same policies.
And this result is without Tice having the charisma of a Nigel.
We need Nigel back in frontline politics that’s for sure.
He has forecast that he will be Conservative leader within a couple of years. It was not clear if he meant the current Tory party or another one!
We do need another one.
Nigel has not left and although is not an MP, exposed the debanking scandal especially for businesses taking cash. Despite the Tory outcry re the debanking they have done nothing to put any measures in place to prevent it. Yet Nigel is going to bring a group action against the banks. Who would you rather vote for, someone who gets things done or someone who does nothing.
There is a silver lining to a Labour win. In opposition, Conservatives spokesmen will suddenly be transformed into actual Conservatives voicing support for free speech and individual personal liberty. They won’t mean it, of course, but hopefully for a while our views will be aired in the msm. But we must not be fooled. The Conservative Party must be wholly replaced by a new party to the right of the Overton window.
I agree, the Conservative party needs to be hollowed out completely. I suspect they want to lose the next election, look at the mess the country is in, all under their making, they haven’t the first clue as to how to sort, so life will be easier heckling from the sidelines. Labour will just continue the Conservative clown world madness.
What is needed is a new Party one that actually believes in a small state, and freedom of the individual, and sanctity of borders, and the culture of the countries indigenous citizens taking precedence.
This is delusional. The iron rule of British politics is that no matter how bad the Tories, Labour is worse. The second iron rule is that the damage Labour does is rarely if ever undone. The third point is that with demographic transformation, if you let Labour in now you are simply bringing the disaster forward. And finally, Corbyn may be gone but they’re still Corbynites – including that basket, Starmer. Many who are itching to kick the totally inadequate Tories comfort themselves with piffle about “realignments” and “rebellions” – as if the aging cohort of right wing voters is in a position to riot! Well, go ahead – make bad even worse by joining the one and a half thousand Tamworth tin hats in support of trite little Tice. You will thereby bring the final end of real education by helping to trash private schools; you will reinstate the closed shop and wild cat strikes; you will push Britain under an even worse regime of censorship and thought control. OK, the Tories are flatulence; but Labour is your actual lump of shyte. And like that ugly substance it is toxic to the system which should expel it. The right did this once before, you’ll recall – in 97. How did that work out? Eh? Eh? Why not learn from experience, and accept that we are prisoners of our historic circumstances; then you might manage them better. But preaching good sense to the angry is itself foolish. Perhaps some wavering reader might be converted, however…
The Tories are bringing the same death as Labour, only more slowly. Same with the US Republicans. Not even Trump managed to turn them round.
Europe is almost certainly going to be finished and unsaveable in the next X years where X is some number between 10 and 100. I think it will take an event of extraordinary magnitude to wake people up now – the deaths of hundreds of thousands of us in some atrocity. Oh, hold on…..”vaccines”. We’re done.
And it precisely that “more slowly” which is the point. You admit that the only alternative is some sort of apocalypse – events of extraordinary magnitude in ten or one hundred years time. You accept that the process will involve many deaths. And you even allow that the vaccine scandals have failed to “wake people up”. Is it not frivolous to invite a futile catastrophe in this way? It is certainly a gamble – and a gamble with millions of lives. Does it have any compensating chance of success? Of course it does not – as you yourself appear to concede, and as others would understand had they the slightest awareness of human history. Think of any society subjected to upheaval. Russia, with a surging population, abundant agriculture, advancing industry and a culture beyond compare was reduced to an ashen lump of communist misery after 1917 and it has not recovered yet. France remained stricken throughout the nineteenth century by the poisonous results of 1789. And so on. Can’t you see that in playing the role assigned to you by the extreme left – the angry squireen turning to fringe parties in a fit of pique – you are bringing on their preferred environment of chaos and destruction? But I cannot help concluding that in some way you wish for such things. And I can only presume that the motive is to punish the west. If so, how is such fanaticism to be distinguished from the cruel folly of “woke”? To say “we’re done” and then invite the ugliest forms of death is madness. Death takes many forms, most of them appalling unless they are carefully and expertly managed. And that management, if carried out with due care can morph into an attempted cure. I have said elsewhere on these threads that the underlying motive of many “Reform” voters is a careless wish to kick something born of sheer despair. You appear to have confirmed my diagnosis.
None of what you have said applies to me.
I think there’s marginally more chance of avoiding the probably inevitable collapse by trying to get a proper conservative political force either into power or frightening the Tories enough for them to be become one. This was achieved with Brexit.
Your argument may have applied up to 1992. Since then, the development of uni party politics has grown apace. Cameron told us he was the heir to Blair, May went one better than Brown signing up to Net Zero, she also signed up to the Global compact on migration, two thirds of the Tory Party sought to scuttle Brexit, Tory grandees swoon off to Davos, crony capitalism is rife, the Tories put their heads in the sands as statues are toppled, primary children are treated to prancing transgenders and wokery prospers in every public sector. My family always told us children that the Tories managed the states economy better than Labour- well, even that alleged competence is long gone. Blair set out to change the face of Britain wanting to the Tories nose in diversity. The Tories went one better and rubbed their own voters, activists and supporters nose in diversity. I don’t buy your argument in the least – there isn’t a fag paper to put between them.
Much that you say is true but, with respect, your whole argument remains mistaken. To offer an analogy, you’re fighting like the Germans in both world wars – with a list of tactical victories as long as your arm, but taking place within a vast, geostrategic mistake.
Your mistake is to assume I don’t know that the Tories are awful and that I’m arguing from some supposed, final adherence on their part to the principles which true Liberals and authentic conservatives must cherish.
But no – my points are simply and essentially that Labour is even worse; that there is no further alternative and that therefore we must choose between diarrhoea and dysentery.
As Transmission, above, allows the point turns on the question of delay.
What use is that? Well, as embodied beings caught up in Time’s Arrow we might regret the loss of five last years of semi-normality. Second, there is no likely rescue on the horizon. Even Tice has limited his ambitions to hurting the Blues. And the wider demographic, economic and civilisational trends confirm the bleak picture – don’t they?
So, since we’re dealing with a mortally ill patient, the doctors are incompetent or malign to varying degrees and no real medic is available, we might as well opt for the least horrible. And there is more than a cigarette paper between them – witness Starmer’s plans to re-empower militant union leaders. That by itself should be enough to force us to stop him with a reluctant but unavoidable Tory vote.
Over to you…
Most Western democratic establishment parties once elected to power, ignore manifesto promises and follow the agendas set by unelected global bodies (WHO, UN, WEF,EU) corporations, hugely rich people, politicised foundations and think tanks. Thus, Labour may spout some progressive Left claptrap to keep their voters onside and keep the money pouring in from the unions but that doesn’t mean they will deliver this. Remember, Tony Blair, an important WEF adviser is guiding Starmer who, after a visit to Davos, has already acknowledged that the real agenda is in Davos not Westminster! Similarly, the Tories have promised their credulous voters they will control migration in 2010, 2015, 2017, and 2019 knowing full well they can’t deliver on that pledge because their pupppet masters to whom they serve, won’t allow it. Just look what happened to Truss when she wandered off script!
So yes, a choice of diarrhoea or dysentery for those who choose to play Buggins turn, musical chair establishment party voting.
With respect, could it be argued that those who continue to play this rigged game are in effect, sustaining the corruption at the heart of government?
It is no surprise therefore, in view of the treachery of all establishment parties, that increasing numbers of people feel they now have nothing left to lose by supporting, joining and voting for centre right challenger parties.
I agree that Farage and Tice do appear to have limited ambitions regarding hurting the Tories. Yet, who knows, if enough people start backing them they may become bolder.
We have a new Party called Reform UK. But will you have the courage to go out and vote for them?
Can anyone afford not to do so?
That’s not going to happen.
The Tories will start looking for new candidates to replace those defeated and the specification will be to be as much like their opponents as possible. They will not conclude they should adopt policies of freedom and liberty.
I think it is likely Sunak will hang around and blame others. Him and Hunt will take the Tories further left.
Lord Hayward, “In this case, it’s a protest ‘non-vote’.”
And it is very easy to see why. Many people are clearly asking “what’s the point?”
The Tories are a disgrace to this country and taken at face value ie not allowing for the fact that the country is being run from elsewhere and by others, utterly incompetent and worse devoid of ideas. Labour promise only a harder form of fascism with further assaults on human rights and the Lib Dims are just that – completely away with the fairies. Reform suffer in the way of all new parties – untested so the electorate concludes, pho#k it!
Any pretence at democracy was eviscerated by Bozo on March 20th 2020 when he effectively sold the country to the Davos Deviants and became Bliar’s accomplice as the second most evil man to hold a British passport.
As I posted yesterday in response to Neil Oliver’s article this country needs a reset but that will require an awful lot of destruction before it can begin. Or possibly the only reset we can expect is that of the Davos Deviants in which case God help us all. It certainly appears as if the sheeple are voting – Liebour for crying out loud – for their own annihilation.
Current Conservative Party will cluelessly somehow fool themselves that ‘next time it will be different’ i.e. that in the general election that previous and loyal conservative voters will return and keep out Labour. Wrong!
Out here in the real world we can see that conservative (as it currently is) is not and does not have the Tory values that the majority wish to see implemented and are just a facsimile of Labour/Lib Dem wishy-washy ‘go with the latest cultural and political fad that other countries/blocs follow’.
No. No. No.
We understand that if you keep doing what you have always done you keep getting what you have always got.
Conservatives are ‘too far gone’ to return to traditional (and demonstrably popular) conservative values.
Reform hold and espouse those values so they get that vote that should be the Tories.
Conservatives had a window of opportunity to turn things around when Sunak was annointed but he is/was the wrong choice. Voters are resigned to Labour gaining power and it is then up to the Conservative Party to choose a leader who has the values and the backbone to follow through on them that Britains majority wish to vote for.
I feel they have the one Labour term to reboot. Labour will obviously be every bit as poor as the Tories have been, and then some.
If the Tories don’t do what they should (as above) then a vacuum forms and….
Could it be that voters are sick of the current band of politicians, and the fact that we are ruled over by a Uniparty operated by people from DAVOS and other countries.
‘Could it be that voters are sick of a not-so-Conservative Party?’
It could and it is.
I’m coming to the conclusion that voting for any of the current parties is worse than not voting at all. Sure, Reform would be an improvement on any of the other clown clubs, but pro-jab Tice does not inspire me much. The system is totally corrupt and broken and needs replacing.
Wrong. If there’s no party to vote for, then say so by spoiling the ballot paper. By not voting, you’re allowing the uniparty to claim that you’re happy with the status quo.
Yes, agree with you. Spoilt papers are counted. If there is not an Independent or a centre right party candidate to vote for this is what I have been doing since the fake Tory Party signed the Maastrict Treaty in 1992
Tice doesn’t inspire me much, but he is a “don’t frighten the horses leader.” Nigel does inspire me and he’s working hard behind the scenes.
If only this pair would do more to dispel the widespread view that they seek to reform the Tory Party not replace it. Activists don’t want to be marched up the hill only to be marched down again as Farage has done twice.
His lack of support for Russell Brand or Julian Assange raises suspicions of becoming, or actually being, controlled opposition just like those butch boys on Talk TV. Was watching The Woke That Was and they have a laugh on a Saturday night and I wouldn’t begrudge that but as soon as one of the callers mentioned the Middle East and “oil” being the main motivator, she was soon off the line. Much safer to talk s@@t. I did ask him why his boss sacked Tucker Carlson but no surprise he didn’t read that out.
What do you think Uncle Klaus is doing! Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride![😱](
A no show or no vote is not a wasted vote, it is a vote of no confidence. A low turn out is not voter apathy, it is a massive vote of no confidence, of the government and the state. There will be calls to reach out to those who did not vote, and the subsequent measures that will be introduced to reach out to those who did not vote will only incur more losses.
There will be calls to reach out to those who did not vote, and the subsequent measures that will be introduced to reach out to those who did not vote will only incur more losses.
Not really, because all people who don’t support the system are just Nazis, anyway. There’ll be calls to extend the franchise to people who presently don’t have a right to vote such as asylum seekers. This has already happened in Germany. Will be more difficult to implement in Britain, though, as pretty much only Europeans – out of all people on this world – don’t have a right to vote in the UK already and the Brexels will doubtlessly go ballistic should someone try to change this. No rights for other-white people! Rather be ruled by Hindus and Jamaicans!
Wrong. If there’s no party to vote for, then say so by spoiling the ballot paper. By not voting, you’re allowing the uniparty to claim that you’re happy with the status quo.
The spoiling of a ballot paper is the better option, and whilst the uni-party would claim a no show to be a vote of confidence, They have to do so or loose face, or more than they have already.
Historically it was accepted that a sovereign government would potentially twist the truth occasionally to support their actions, this has now become the operational standard of anyone working within the government or state, the holier than thou superiority, of those who could do no wrong. On the occasions when things do go wrong, the truth is twisted to blame others.
What ever the actual reasons are for no votes or systematic mess up, they the omniscient who leave a shower to take a p**s will never admit being less than perfect.
That you call facts (reduced turnout) wrong and misinterpret not partaking in the meaningless games as somehow being in favour of it are two absurd statements.
We don’t know that those Reform voters would have voted Tory, they might have just stayed home instead.
Quite right. The big old parties have for years assumed freehold rights over voters, and the voters don’t like it.
A small party to the right of the Conservatives will never have hope of gaining power directly whilst we have first past the post.
Whilst 5% may be enough to make the Conservatives fearful, 20% would be better, and for that we need Nigel – the UK’s most known politician. Tice has zero appeal outside of the golf club crowd.
Maybe if Reform get to 20% in the polls that would be enough for the Tories to leave the ECHR and elect Kemi or Suella leader, just in time for the election.
Of course, a large portion of the Tories might then defect to Labour and save their bacon that way. Lots of them belong there anyway.
And they urgently need to change the name of the party. ‘Common sense party’ is bland and to the point enough to get the ‘red wall’ vote whilst not alienating the countryside soft libertarians that form the backbone of Reform’s support.
Why on earth would I vote for a hostile Thirdworlder to be PM?
I’d rather vote for a “thirdworlder” who shared some of my values than for a firstworlder intent on destroying our civilisation.
What evidence is there that either of the 2 foreigners subscribe to Western values?
Whenever I’ve heard either of them speak they talk less bollocks than a lot of their colleagues. That’s a pretty low bar, I know.
Of the realistic candidates for PM, they seem the least bad, though I think they were both pretty covidian.
Reform (or not Conservative) should be polling 20% plus by now
They are doing something badly wrong
And need to work out what
For me Tice comes across as a nice guy
But not a leader
Too much time spent bickering at the others
Concentrate on your agenda
Alex Philips or Oakshott be interesting as leader
It is all about the MSM they never have him on there. They lie by omission and just don’t invite people they can’t humiliate.
That is why Tice, Farage and Tices’s partner are all building a media profile on GB and Talk because the other media will not allow them a voice. By not allowing them a voice, they are already admitting they are a danger and the next move will be banning their rallies which is what they did to the TBP. All you need is the courage to turn out and vote for them. It is not like previous generations who gave their lives on the battlefields all we ask is a short walk to a polling station.
UKIP did well because they were a single-issue party exclusively offering something that none of the other parties were offering, on a topic people care deeply about, that was unequivocal. The single issue was even embodied in the party name. If you asked people what UKIP stood for most people would have said “leaving the EU”. Ask people what Reform stand for I think the picture will be vaguer. They should call themselves “stop immigration and net zero”.
You are so confident about the ease with which a new party can bound up the rankings in our electoral system and with thenpolitical class and MSM united against it, you really should do it yourself: Prime Minister Thornton would sound great.
This means that if Reform voters had either stayed at home or chosen to back the Tories, Labour could have been denied one or both of its victories.
If they had stayed at home then Labour would still have won.
I think that this is the very first comment you’ve ever made that I can agree with.
Yawn. Do you have any actual important points to make, or any actual opinions?
“Splits on the Right”
It’s utterly absurd to decribe either party as “on the Right”.
The tories are NOT on the right though. If Sunak thought he could play his “halt the 2030 boiler and petrol car ” card and an 80 seat majority would suddenly reappear, then he is a very poor poker player.
Given the current state of affairs, the only thing so-called voters can really do is deny the system the claim of being democratically legitimized by not voting. People who vote believe in the participation lie and do a box-ticking exercise in order to document their support for it. That’s the only effect their vote has: Fishi Rishi and Barmy Starmy can claim to rule on behalf of the people despite they absolutely don’t. It’s also not going to get worse under Labour because it really doesn’t matter if everything goes to hell in a handcart in 10 years or 10 ½ years.
Wrong. If there’s no party to vote for, then say so by spoiling the ballot paper. By not voting, you’re allowing the uniparty to claim that you’re happy with the status quo.
That’s exactly the opposite: By not turning up, turnout is reduced and that’s the only of these number which (sort-of) really matters. The system claims to be democratic because people keep voting despite they don’t have any qualitative choices, just quantitative ones – Vote to Tory to get screwed in slow motion! – and something of a choice how the public face of the inevitable execution will look like.
The UNWHOWEFCOPBILLIONAIREYADDAYADDATHEPLANET! faction will at least have to come up with a new justifcation if enough people don’t play ball anymore.
You may be right, but I shall spoil my ballot paper as I don’t want to be mistaken as just not having bothered to turn out to vote.
If you prefer to be taken as an imbecile who didn’t even understand what to do with a ballot paper, that’s your call.
I refuse to descend to being rude!
It’s not me who’ll be thinking about you like this but people like Mrs You’re all f**kwits! aka Dame Angela McLean. She’s probably already convinced of that, anyway, though. Why not show up and politely tell the people manning the voting station that you have no intent to participate and just came there to tell them this? That’s a message (of somewhat limited reach) which cannot be misinterpreted. Otherwise, it becomes Wanted to vote but didn’t do it correctly for some reason.
I really don’t care what people think of me (up to a point). But I have no intention of making it seem like I’ve made a mistake – of course not! I shall cross it out and write ‘None of the above’.
Neil Oliver writing for TCW with an abridged version of the piece in yesterday’s DS.
All those MPs who did not turn up for their job this afternoon when Andrew Bridgen opened a debate about excess deaths in the UK.
The pitiful turn out evidences they don’t care about us
So my MP has just lost my vote.
You’re making the mistake of assuming that ‘doing their job’ means they’re working for you.
My Labour MP (who said she was far too busy looking after her constituents to attend) doesn’t care if she loses my vote as she is so safely entrenched! It’s MPs of all parties that didn’t turn up (or actually left).
It is also of note that Britain First came 4th in the Tamworth by-election, garnering more votes than the greens or the lib dems, although the MSM seem keen to airbrush them out of any reporting. They may have an appalling heritage and you may need to hold your nose to mention them but you cannot accuse them of sitting on the fence! It is a strange party mired in a bad history but at the local level it seems to attract some very ordinary low key people who are scared witless at what they see being enacted before them.
“Could it be that voters are sick of a not-so-Conservative Party that pushes forward with ruinous policies like Net Zero, brings in endless illiberal measures like the Online Safety Bill, has failed utterly to stop illegal immigration while legal migration has hit record levels, shows no sign of being able to control public spending or manage the public finances having massively over-reacted to a flu-like virus, gives no indication of opposing the creeping global health totalitarianism represented by the WHO’s new pandemic treaty and has never seen a pleasure it didn’t want to ban or a liberty it didn’t want to curtail for ‘safety’ reasons?”
This exactly!
I would also add – foisting an unpopular PM and chancellor on the party who are more interested in keeping the WEF happy than they are looking after the best interests of the population.
I’ll be accused of being a conspiracy theorist (of course), but do you not think this could have been done on purpose to bring about a Labour win next time? We are always being very successfully manipulated and this is simply another instance of manipulation. No sensible person could think that the whole Johnson/Truss/Sunak&Hunt episode was anything but choreographed!
Judging by the last local election results, even the number of deliberately spoiled ballot papers are obscured by lumping them together with other votes claimed to be “invalid” for some reason.
I will still spoil my paper unless a candidate, almost any candidate not from the Uniparty, puts themself forward.
I’m not sure it helps, (witness the dire recent Australian Governments) but feel that turning up to vote should be mandatory.
But another worry is that all except the useless Tories apparently want to include 16 year olds in the ballot. Disastrous.
I would restrict the franchise to those aged over 21 who pay income tax.
There certainly should be a “None of the Above” box on every ballot paper.
It would be necessary to include those who pay Council Tax but not Income Tax (eg poor pensioners) in the franchise. But, so far as possible, it should be designed to ensure that those wishing to cost the Country Trillions but who contribute nothing to Society, should not be enabled to promote their evil and incompetent schemes by the ballot box.
Voters may very well be sick of the Conservatives, but if you care about freedom and the future of our country I suggest you look elsewhere than to Keir Starmer and Labour. Keir Starmer, who wanted earlier, harsher and longer lockdowns? That man? Keir Starmer of the Trilateral Commission – him? What craziness! Does anyone really think that our freedom and the future of our country will be in better hands with him? And with the likes of Ed Milliband in control of getting us to Net Zero as quickly as possible? I am surprised at Will Jones. I, for one, shall not vote for Reform who I do not think are much better than anyone else (I mistrust them); instead I see no alternative but to spoil my ballot paper, saying ‘None of the above’.
“Is it any wonder voters who care about freedom and the future of the country are looking elsewhere?”
Well they sure as hell won’t be getting it from Labour or the LibDems either.
It is definitely the fact that voters are sick of a ‘not so Conservative Party’. Perhaps the Conservatives should look to Reform to see some of the policies that the ‘man on the Clapham omnibus’ might actually choose to vote for instead of warning us not to vote for Reform.
The Conservatives should look and listen, look and learn from potential voters not kowtow to the globalist cabal that appear to be pulling the strings of all the major parties.
Frankly it’s almost irrelevant whether we have a globalist-dictated Labour,Conservative, Lib Dem or coalition government. They’re all equally out of touch with voters.
I thought we still lived in a democracy, but I appear to be mistaken.
There’s no way I will be voting Tory at the next election. I’m not a fan if Tice either. I think I’ll just watch from the sidelines.