Civilisation in France is unravelling amid widespread violence, the spread of conspiracy theories and the influence of radical Left-wingers dreaming of a new revolution, President Macron has said. The Times has the story.
Ministers are concerned about a breakdown in law and order since a spate of attacks on elected representatives plus incidents such as the deaths of three police officers in an accident caused by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol and the stabbing of a nurse by a psychiatric patient. …
“No violence is legitimate, whether verbal or against people,” Macron told the weekly cabinet meeting, according to an official summary. “We have to work in depth to counter this process of decivilisation.”
Presidential advisers said the term was a reference to Norbert Elias, the 20th century German sociologist who described how self-restraint and social inhibitions had civilised Europe, first in royal courts and then among the rest of the population, in his book The Civilising Process.
Macron is said to believe the process has gone into reverse in what one adviser called a “Trumpisation of minds and a denial of reality”.
“Taboos are falling one after the other. There is no more restraint,” one minister said, attributing the trend to social media. “People are getting used to comments that are more and more violent, to mud-slinging and to accusations that are more or less brutal.”
Macron is said to believe that the trend is present throughout the West but that in France it is driven not so much by the populist Right as by the radical Left. He has blamed followers of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the France Unbowed party, who one minister said wanted to bring back the Reign of Terror, the period of the French Revolution marked by massacres in 1793 and 1794.
There have been weeks of violent protests against Macron’s pension reforms, including an attack on the great-nephew of Brigitte Macron, Macron’s wife.
Macron has been criticised for using the term ‘decivilisation’ because it is the title of a book by Renaud Camus, the author behind the ‘great replacement’ theory, which holds that white Europeans are being deliberately replaced by migrants in a plot hatched by capitalists in the search for cheap labour. A totally ludicrous suggestion, obviously…
To be fair, ‘capitalists’ – the Left-wing term for business leaders and investors – do seem to have an insatiable demand for importing cheap labour, and governments have put up too little resistance to this despite its social and economic costs. And the woke do seem to hate the sight of white people and want to ‘diversify’ them wherever they see them in any kind of numbers. But the idea that these two distinct agendas – cheap labour and woke anti-white animus – combine in some kind of global plot driven by business leaders and investors acting in concert to replace white people is, well, a fanciful Left-wing conspiracy theory.
Clutches of malign and self-interested agendas do not a conspiracy make.
Macron doesn’t seem to mean this though. He just means Left-wing activists have become more violent. But this is France.
Worth reading in full.
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It is the WEF and their puppets, such as Macron, who threaten civilisation. There’s been plenty of violence meted out by police on his orders.
I just wrote thatgreat minds….
Macron is a friend of the Soros clan. He’s part of the snobbish, paternalist, technocratic elite that has caused all our problems by disenfranchising the electorate. They’re reaping the whirlwind.
True, but we also need to be realistic and be clear if “the whirlwind” sweeps the likes of Macron and Sunak away, it is unlikely to be going the way Daily Sceptic readers would like, either in France or here in the U.K. None of the political alternatives are, IMO, any good. Richard Tice was doing reasonably well until he destroyed every ounce of support I would have placed with him through his disgraceful smears against Andew Bridgen and his statement that he would never let him join Reform U.K. Poof!, with one mindset revealing statement Reform went up in a puff of smoke and Tice has ruled himself out from all future votes from me.
We urgently need a Ron DeSantis or RFK Jr type figure in British politics. There was only one. Nigel Farage, but he is now staying out of the fray.
Yes. I’m afraid the UK is beyond saving. Really, Britons who are sick of what has happened to this place need to look at an escape route. I don’t think there’s any point fighting now. It’s too late.
At least in France they actually riot. They riot so well that the police back off.
The whirlwind won’t be selective – it will blow away the whole ghastly, political elite.
Yes, dangerous
Correct. And it’s going to get worse ….. but that will just give Macron (and others) the justification they need to become even more authoritarian and ramp up State violence against the people they’ve terrorised for the past 3 years.
Is this the same Macron who wanted to drag unvaccinated people through the shit in order to make them see the error of their ways? That was certainly a very civilized agenda and absolutely not brutal at all.
Macron’s the typical corrupt French autocrat. France really needs to abolish the Fifth Republic and start a Sixth Republic. The Fifth Republic was created to give de Gaulle sweeping autocratic powers. Trouble is, every leader since has been a charlatan and/or a crook.
Micron is a massive hypocrite just like Turdeau and the evidence is all over the internet from the last few years. Are they deluded or just arrogant in that they think they can re-write recent history and the public is so thick we can’t come up with proof of their lies through a few clicks of our devices? What planet are these imbeciles on? Too many countries have WEF, globalist muppets in charge of them which leaves the citizenry vulnerable to further abuse. The problem many of us have is who is a viable alternative that would see us better off?
Covid vaccination is compulsory for children in France along with 11 other vaccinations.
That’s civilisation.
How horrible.
In the USA, a film has been made of ALL the politicians, journalists, actors, government health agency heads, Biden etc who told America it was the unvaxxed who were the danger, they should be turned away from hospitals, they were responsible for covid deaths of others etc etc. we have the receipts. It was all untrue and yet there has not been ONE apology from anyone of these, not even Joe Biden.
‘Far Left’ ? WTH does that term mean? ‘Far Right’ means nothing, just a pejorative.
Macron is right but misses a few reasons, not only the violence of Communists and socialists, but open borders, the Musulman cult, endless replacement of Whites, the deconstruction of Churches and related mores and boundaries, gender mental illness, fake new$, endless wars by the criminal US deep state, the absolute corruption of $cience and technocracy, and endless government including the UN/WHO who via the criminal US control wish to rule the entire globe.
Yes Macron is right, but needs to extend his horizon of reasons, and might well find himself in the frame as part of the problem.
Left, right, who cares.
I know one thing for sure, though. It’s never the little guy making problems.
Les rois du monde se battent entre eux
C’est qu’y a de la place, mais pour un pas pour deux
Et nous en bas leur guerre on la fera pas
On sait même pas pourquoi tout ça c’est jeux de rois
Interesting that he chose to label his opponents as “radical left” rather than “far right” which seems more de rigeur these days. Perhaps “radical left” plays better with his intended audience in France.
Hard to take this lockdown and vaccine fanatic seriously. He seems to me part of the problem, not the solution.
France isn’t a two-party state (like the USA or the UK) and it also isn’t one where the (more-or-less) radical left sits in so many governments that it cannot be declared the enemy anymore (like Germany). Macron has political opponents on both ends of the political spectrum. The yellow vest protestors were more of a FN crowd and hence, far right. This here goes against so-called pension reforms (make people work longer and receive less retirement money in plain English) and hence, it’s oposed by the unions and by the socialists and communists.
New 8min clip of Dr McCullough’s testimony regarding the death jabs. Thread includes more testimonies by other experts we’re all familiar with.
An absolutely damning indictment for not just these Covid products but all of the future mRNA injectables that many factories have been set up to produce across the world. They’re intention is to poison us, simple as that.
”McCullough—who’s previously said the COVID-19 injections are an “abject failure” and are causing myocarditis that’s “far more widespread than we could ever imagine”******—notes that “We now have over 3,400 papers in the peer-reviewed literature describing fatal and non-fatal vaccine injury syndromes.” The cardiologist, who has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with more than 1,000 publications and 500-plus citations in the National Library of Medicine*******, even says that the spike protein encoded by the mRNA injections “may be the most dangerous protein in human medicine.”
“In [the] Pfizer vaccines, these DNA plasmids are found to be present in one-third of the shot material, so this is not a slight contamination in the least,” Lindsay says. She notes that “These DNA plasmids can infect the E. Coli in your gut and make your gut a perpetual spike factory.”
Lindsay also says that the COVID injections “have a human promoter from the SV40 virus**… [which] is a cancer-causing promoter that allows these plasmids to also infect our human cells.” The toxicologist adds that “the promoter also has a localization signal that allows it to go to the nucleus of cells making it more likely that there will be a genomic integration of that from these shots” and that “this most often results in cancers.”
Provoke people, then when they react, accuse them of being a problem.
That’s what they want ….. to justify even more authoritarian State action.
Macron – sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
The climate of all entities whether a company, organisation, society is determined by those at the top.
They don’t threaten civilisation they threaten to bring civlisation hence why he is frightened as well he should be. This man is a monster when you look at how he talked about the unvaccinated. If I met him I would brook no quarter or explanation.
A lexical aside: the phrase “brook no quarter” has a fine ring to it, even if it’s unlikely to be in the average person’s vocabulary, and its etymology is interesting. It’s a phrase I’m aware of, but the Word Detective ( … then down the page a bit) complains that the term is “idiomatically a bit off” and should really be “grant no quarter“. Not sure if that’s a difference between AE and BE, acceptance in BE by constant use, or what.
Macron is the biggest threat to France. Everyone knows that. Similar to all the countries run by WEF globalist puppets.
The other day I saw an article somewhere about some cretinous young goon who was tearing pages out of library books and other assorted anti social behaviours and posting the videos online. He said it isn’t his fault if UK laws are weak. ——I thought that this moron basically sums up the Liberal Progressive shambles the left have created. Discipline and Punishment have become dirty words as their absurd Social Justice Crusade has left us like a latter version of “Lord of the Flies”.
Conspiracy theories, oh how scary.
I guess the WEF puppet Macron isn’t going to admit how many of those “conspiracy theories” are being proven right …. sometimes only a few months after they start circulating.