Our WEF overlords may want us to ‘eat ze bugs’ and be happy, but Italians are having none of it, as their Government has banned the use of insect flour in pizza and pasta. The Times has more:
The growing use in cooking of flour made from crickets, locusts and insect larvae has met fierce opposition in Italy, where the Government is to ban its use in pizza and pasta and segregate it on supermarket shelves.
In a sign of fear that insects might be associated with Italian cuisine, three Government ministers called a press conference in Rome to announce four decrees aimed at a crackdown. “It’s fundamental that these flours are not confused with food made in Italy,” Francesco Lollobrigida, the agriculture minister, said.
Packed with vitamins, proteins and minerals, flour made from crickets is increasingly seen as an ecological way to obtain nutrients, and the market is forecast to reach $3.5 billion by 2029. The EU has already authorised foods made from crickets, locusts and the darkling beetle larva. In January mealworm larvae was added to the list.
All four insects are cited in the Italian decrees, which will require any products containing them to be labelled with large lettering and displayed separately from other foods.
“Whoever wants to eat these products can, but those who don’t, and I imagine that will be most Italians, will be able to choose,” Lollobrigida said.
When historians look back and wonder what thwarted the Great Reset, perhaps the Italian refusal to ruin their beloved pasta and pizza will be seen as the catalyst.
Worth reading in full.
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Good! Now all governments follow suit!
I bet the uk doesn’t..
Well I’ve done this subject to death so I’ll avoid going off on one but suffice to say this is great news to hear from Italy. Result for sanity!! I’m still scrutinizing labels here in the NL but I’m also still suspecting they’ll either not label the crud at all or it’ll be hidden behind another E number. We don’t buy many processed foods but even bread has E numbers, but they all say what they are on the label.
Just as a memo though, if you want to avoid eating insects anywhere avoid anything pink. E120 is the number to be on the lookout for. Carmine is a common food colourant made from crushed beetles/lice.
Cochineal is another one! Red in food colour ings. Acheta domesticus is the house cricket and Tenebrio molitor is the mealworm larvae, just so we all know what not to wolf down us!
There are many countries, especially in Asia, where insects do legitimately form part of the daily diet. But just like eating dogs and horses, we in the west find it abhorrent to our tastes. Nutritionally, there is no reason not to, but culturally there is every reason. My own feeling is that it is a stupid solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. We produce way too much food for our population in the west. ‘Everyone’ is 30lbs overweight, and swapping beef for crickets was never going to be an easy sell however they tried. Its not what we do, and trying to make us do it is bound to to generate push-back.
To underline it. This is the ration for one person in the 1950’s. Thats for ONE Week, even though it looks like one good breakfast! You could add as much vegetable as you wished and there was bread too, but essentially this was it.
……and then there was the thriving black market for all manner of foods.
They eat horses in the West. Belgium it is commonplace, also Germany. Horse meat is also sold here in the Netherlands in the supermarket and I’m sure people can comment on other countries. I’m not a fan tbh as horses are too much like companion animals to me so would never be on the menu, especially as beef, pork, chicken and lamb etc is abundant.
That’s fair. It wasn’t the best example. I have eaten horse myself in Belgium and enjoyed it. I wouldn’t eat cats or rats or dogs in the normal course of events. Its just totally foreign to us. As you say, we have a huge agricultural tradition around beef, sheep, pork and chicken and the capability to fulfill the demand comfortably. This push away from meat is often made due to the amount of food the animals eat, but the animals eat things that are inedible to humans, along with the byproducts of other food production, from hay and straw to corn husks, and this is never taken into consideration by the bug munchers.
Horse is actually popular in Italy, and also Donkey. I’ve enjoyed both, in both Lombardy and Sardinia recently.
I must admit that the restaurant waiter chuckled to see an Englishman eating it!
To be seen very often in Italian food markets. But these are animals bred for the table.
In both World Wars, horse meat was sold from the Knackers, where horses that had literally been worked to death. There will be a difference in palatability.
Horse is readily available in the UK, as are other unusual meats such as kangaroo.
Meanwhile France is on fire. But not to worry about that!
Its a shame it has come to this but I do admire the French, if only we had some of their passion.
Well done Italy. One in the eye for Cockroach Klaus. How long before we start labelling foods as bug-free, I wonder? We’ll have to keep an eye on the WEF goons in parliament in case they try to put this detritus in our food without telling us on the label.
Meanwhile, the UK has slipped this in :-
You will have mRNA one way or another.
Utter Bastards.
Parliamentary scrutiny. Lol.
Food Minister Mark Spencer said:
“The Genetic Technology Act is fantastic news for British consumers and farmers. Precision Breeding technologies are the future of food production not just at home, but around the world, and this Act will put our nation at the forefront of this revolution.
Some 40% of crops globally are lost every year to floods, pests and other external events, and this new law will unlock our agri-biotech industry to support resilient food production for decades to come.”
Somebody is taking the P.- Food Minister Mr Mark Spencer???
Seriously, this is going to be disastrous for farming and health. Playing with nature is asking for trouble.
Also keep in mind that insects can cause severe allergic reaction. People with seafood allergy are also susceptible. So avoiding insect-infused foods is just not for the “ick” factor. If you’ve ever been to an insectarium, found at some zoos or botanical gardens, there is always a helpful exhibit showing the allowable amounts of insect parts in processed foods. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29731166/ https://studyfinds.org/eating-crickets-shellfish-allergy/
To be fair, I’m a big fan of removing all warnings (including safety warnings on things like fireworks) and letting nature take its course
It’s a great start, I have little hope our craven EU fanatics in the HoC will demonstrate similar good sense. Meanwhile the WEF will simply use the Trump gambit; sit it out until the next election then ensure that Meloni does not get re-elected.
Does anyone on here know what’s happening with this? I will obviously be avoiding bug flour like herpes but does anyone have a list of companies or products that are due sneak this in? I’ve managed to discover that Cricket One Asia are the EUs suppliers and that they have a distribution hub in Macclesfield for the UK called Willows Ingredients.
We need to compile a definitive list of companies and products that are planning on using this so we can distribute this as widely as possible.
“compile a definitive list of companies”
Absolutely first class idea.
I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to ingredient lists so if I spot anything I will post on here. Fortunately / unfortunately we eat very little processed food.
Great, cheers. Yes us too, we also cook a lot but if they start sneaking this stuff into ordinary everyday flours, breads, biscuits, sausages, stock cubes, cereals etc then I want to know about it and I will be taking direct action.
Even though this was 2019, it has put me right off Roberts bread.
Be wary of gluten free breads
gryllus assimilis flour
Of course, vitamins, proteins and minerals can be extracted from (literal) bullshit.
That will be the next proposal, if Billy Gates has managed to kill off all the bulls. (Except for those producing his best Wagyu steaks, of course.)
“Eat Ze Bugs”???.———– There is a hint of Mark Steyn in that remark, maybe you better look over your shoulder for OFCOM coming after you. ———But on a more serious note. I will NEVER eat insects. This is one of the many reasons why the GREEN SUSTAINABLE NET ZERO garbage must be rejected. Everything these people say is either FALSE or a SMIDEGOON OF ZE TRUTH.
Good. So buy Italian pasta then.