Early this week, America celebrated National Margarita Day, a joyous occasion marked by a headline in CNN that ran, ‘Why the climate crisis might be coming for your Margarita.’ Of course, this intelligence-insulting story was some made-up scare about the weather affecting ingredients that went into tequila. Welcome to the Heartland climate conference in Orlando, where debunking this kind of nonsense is the order of the day. Introducing the conference, Heartland president James Taylor noted that since 1995, tequila production had increased six-fold, and since 2018 it had doubled.
James Taylor had earlier set the tone for the conference in ‘freedom-loving’ Florida by noting that climate extremists sought a costly and catastrophic transformation of society, justified under the guise of a so-called existential climate crisis. In the name of fighting climate change, activists are driving critically endangered whales to extinction – a major concern in the North Atlantic and blamed on the activities of offshore wind farms, slicing millions of birds and bats each year to death in mid-flight, and blanketing thousands of square miles of pristine lands and shorelines with solar panels and industrial wind farms.
In addition, he drew attention to “sending children of colour to deadly and environmentally devastating rare-earth mining pits, spurring skyrocketing energy costs, taking away gas stoves and other basic household goods, all while surrendering American energy sovereignty to China, Venezuela and rogue regimes in the Middle East”.
The Margarita theme ran throughout the day. “The world’s gone crazy. They saying things I don’t know how,” said Dr. Patrick Moore, the noted ecologist and one of the founders of Greenpeace. Moore left Greenpeace when it became, in his own words, the enemy of civilisation, “and they started peddling junk science for donations”. Moore noted that the Earth had spent the last 500 million years taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. In large parts of the paleoclimate record, when CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were much higher, there was no link between the gas and rising or cooling temperatures. During the last three interglacial periods over 300,000 years, temperature change preceded CO2 rise by 8,000 years. “Every molecule the Earth puts into the atmosphere, it took out in the first place,” he added.
The Australian geologist Dr. Ian Plimer is another big fan of the life-giving properties of CO2. He suggested that you could count on the hand of a sawmill worker the number of geologists who believe in human-caused climate change. Plimer takes the long view and notes that we are living in boring climatic times. “Climate change is very normal, most of the time it has been warmer and sea levels have been higher,” he added. Over time, the planet’s atmospheric CO2 level has been declining. “It is not a climate crisis, it is a crisis of common sense.” We need more CO2 in the atmosphere, not less, he argued. Life on Earth is expanding, he continued, and we are gaining more species than we are losing. We are not in an extinction event, rather a period of normal species turnover.
Emeritus Professor Richard Lindzen looks to ‘polar amplification’ to provide many of the answers to natural climate change. This involves heat transfers from the tropics, where temperatures remain relatively stable, to the polar regions which show large gains over time. His work leads him to conclude that greenhouse gas warming past certain levels,“remains largely irrelevant”. Lindzen asks how a small change in temperature can imply major climate change? Every aspect of the warming narrative is “faulty”. Alarmists control the budget and provide a simple narrative. “Simplicity is a source of comfort to the scientifically illiterate,” he observes. Activists have learnt from Joseph Goebbels, he says, that a big enough lie becomes the truth.
In the climate activist world, inconsistency does not matter, he continued. The Boston Globe recently reported that a number of local hospitals had broken iced pipes, leading the newspaper to conclude that climate change was affecting health care. Lindzen observed that stupidity seemed to affect the best educated, quoting George Orwell’s famous quote about “some ideas so stupid that only an intellectual believes in them”.
Marc Morano is a well known American broadcaster and author and has recently written a book titled The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown, a title he noted could be changed to The Great Resist. To Morano, the world changed in March 2020 when democracy was brushed aside in the interest of tackling the Covid pandemic. The Left and climate activists were very impressed, says Morano, as to how much could be done by declaring an emergency. He suggests that the climate debate is no longer in the democratic realm, quoting the World Economic Forum assertion, since deleted, that “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy”, along with the claim that meat will be a “treat”, not a staple.
Anything Covid can do, the activists decided, they could do better. In fact, both parties learnt from each other, with the climate experience providing valuable lessons for virus fanatics. Cancelling climate scientists was replicated during the pandemic, with scientists who challenged the pandemic response being cancelled. NASA’s chief scientist Gavin Schmidt called climate sceptics “sociopaths” – dissenting voices over Covid were similarly smeared. Both climate and Covid activists follow ‘the Science’, which of course is ‘settled’ at any point in time according to the approved version du jour. Both climate and lockdown and vaccine enthusiasts cherry pick data to suit the prepared narrative. Both use models, of course, with Professor Neil Ferguson’s spreadsheet even more hopeless than climate crystal balls. But models spread fear, and both sets of scientists/activists want you to panic. In both cases, restrictions on movement, rationing, along with a billionaire-bought mainstream media peddling the only source of ‘truth’, are all good things.
Another seminal date for Morano was 2016, with the game-changing election of Donald Trump to the U.S. Presidency. Noted Morano, Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media decided that such a thing could not happen again. Weaponising Covid and the weather installs a permanent crisis, and such narratives help secure “complete control”.
Watch this space for more conference reporting. Keen readers can live stream here.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.
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Freedom and Democracy
Died (circa) 2023
i think we’ve only had it by default since WW2 ! If you’ve lived in the Western World during this period you have experienced the best time to be human since Man first drew breath , right up to March 2020 ! It’s all changed now , technology has given the same type of people who historically have always driven their hardline ideals into persecution of the live & let live types, namely US
I think the rot had set in long before Covid- Covid just made TPTB in rich world democracies realise how far they could push things.
The idea that we’ve ever lived in a democracy is a bit of a fantasy.
We’ve always lived in a world dominated and run by a few punctuated by moments of disorder that if you squinted your eyes enough could be seen as some form of democracy. But basically it was the breakdown and loss of control of an order and the recomposition of power in another order that might have early on thrown.
Right now, we live in an a technocratic dictatorship.
It certainly has many aspects of a technocratic dictatorship, but it’s a long way from the pervasive dictatorships we’ve seen and continue to see – there are legal and more importantly practical limits on state power. We’re rapidly moving in the wrong direction.
I agree that the main thing stopping unbridled tyranny are practical limits. Those practical limits are expressed in what is left of the self-restraint of the ruling powers, tempered by customs that are fast disappearing.
So it’s a soft dictatorship. But just consider any public policy that is being implemented and ask yourself where it has come from?
Climate change policies? Technocrats whose models say the world is at risk from excess carbon in the air (basically want us to stop using hydro-carbons, for reasons one can only speculate on).
Anything covid related with all its huge ramifications? Health technocrats.
Censorship laws and practices? Big tech and state bureaucrats.
Digital money, cashless society? Banks, state bureaucrats.
And on and on.
Tell me when were you even asked whether you wanted any of these things? I haven’t been. The vote for either Team A or Team B every 4 years doesn’t count, because they’re both committed to the techno agenda.
Yes indeed
The practical limit is also what they can get away with without substantial pushback from enough people and as we’ve seen with Covid that has not been forthcoming- we are too complacent and resigned, parent company excepted
Not 2020?
Another great article! Thank you.
And all too true.
The ‘precautionary principle’ that justified the Pantsdown/Gumby Brothers hospital clearances, lockdowns, mask mandates, responsible for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of early deaths amongst the aged and infirm, derives straight from environmentalism in Germany, introduced into this country via the EU and, of course, Blair/Brown:
‘Vorsorgeprinzip’….incorporated into German legislation for maintaining clean air in the 1960s and 1970s, first appeared in English-language documents in 1982, which referred to taking a precautionary approach or precautionary measures, or more formally as the Precautionary Principle.
The principle features in international documents such as the Rio Declaration and in many pieces of EU legislation relating to topics as diverse as genetically modified organisms, food safety, the safety of toys, and invasion of alien species of animals, plants, fungi, or microorganisms.
The Pantsdown/Gumby Brothers hospital clearances, lockdowns, mask mandates, etc. were actually the turning of the original precautionary principle on its head. Here, all of the aforementioned actions taken were KNOWN to be harmful, but were claimed to be justified based on mere speculation (which turned out to be utterly false) that not doing so somehow might be worse, because reasons.
And this applies *a fortiori* to the jabs.
You nailed it. Or at least, the conference speakers nailed it.
Next look into where these ideas came from and who is promoting them.
The “Progressives” may be more pervasive than I thought:
Progressives – from the USSR viewpoint in the 5000 word note written by George Kennan in 1946;
(f) It must be borne in mind that capitalist world is not all bad. In addition to hopelessly reactionary and bourgeois elements, it includes (1) certain wholly enlightened and positive elements united in acceptable communistic parties and (2) certain other elements (now described for tactical reasons as progressive or democratic) whose reactions, aspirations and activities happen to be “objectively” favorable to interests of USSR These last must be encouraged and utilized for Soviet purposes.
The 5000 word diplomatic note was an analysis of the USSR intentions.
I bring it up because I am at a loss as to why so many people seem to be pushing the climate doom story in the face of ever more evidence that there isn’t a climate emergency.
I didn’t realise that the word “progressive” had such old and political significance until I recently read the Kennan telegram the text of which is now available: https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/coldwar/documents/episode-1/kennan.htm
It seems I am turning into a conspiracy theorist – there is so much left wing bias in climate reporting – BBC/ Guardian/Times when science should be politically neutral.
The strategy followed is from 1966:
The WHO pandemic treaty also plays a big role in it.
It is even more far reaching than discussed sofar. https://earlking56.family.blog/2023/02/24/whos-pandemic-accord-will-give-it-control-over-u-s-livestock-and-food-supply/
They don’t give a fig.
It’s fascism. Pure and simple. https://kurtnimmo.substack.com/p/the-lesson-of-east-palestine
Climate activists which is a club ever increasing in size, including government funded data adjusters (often referred to as scientists), progressive politicians, the UN, the WEF, rent seeking governments of small countries and pacific islands seeking millions from the west in climate reparations, the mainstream media like BBC who will never question any of the official science masquerading as ultimate truth, or SKY who until recently had their “Daily Climate Show” at 6 pm every night with the little mock up digital thermometer behind the presenter ticking up slowly to let the viewers see the alleged warming right there in front of them. It also includes major companies trying to out GREEN each other that their product will save the planet harder and faster than all other products ——- In science you question EVERYTING because that is how knowledge is gathered. In climate science you question NOTHING or you are removed from your position, whether that be in a University where funding for climate science keeps the place running, or in politics where you will be labelled with the infantile term “Denier”.——- When you are not allowed to ask questions or point out discrepancies then we are no longer dealing in science. Science is not decided by a show of hands. You don’t see people ridiculed and name called for their view on eg black holes. —–WHY? Because black holes and astrophysics isn’t politicised. No one is trying to reorganise the global economy and control all human activity based on what might be true about black holes. But that is entirely what they are trying to do based on what they decide is true about climate change, and as Richard Lindzen pointed out “It seems peculiar to base policy on something for which there is no evidence”——–We are told “All scientists agree”. But do they? It is hard to get someone to disagree with something when their salary depends on agreeing. But I recall Einstein being presented with a petition where 100 scientists disagreed with his theory of relativity. —–Einstein thought for a second and then said “Why One Hundred? If I am wrong one would suffice”. ———Back in the seventies when global cooling was considered an issue, the solution was exactly the same as in today’s global warming “emergency” —-More government regulation, central planning and LESS FREEDOM. Because politicians and bureaucrats never want to let a good crisis go to waste, and any excuse to establish more power and control is seized upon. ——-Today climate change is the issue that is being seized upon. It is the biggest pseudo scientific fraud ever perpetrated.
The Times censored me for saying they had once had an article saying a new ice age was on the way. When I found it in their own archive they banned me completely.
The article was on 1st December 1976 – and you can see a copy of the front page at the bottom of this website: https://www.juststopnetzero.com/
There is also a screenshot from the NASA website in 2010 – saying something similar too.
That is quite interesting what you say happened there. The incredible bias on an issue like this that at the very least is not one that is black and white. It is NOT the case that there either is climate change or there isn’t. There are many aspects to it. It is not a purely scientific issue. It is an economic, social and political one also. So the idea that the Times or any publication or outlet would ban you for pointing out something that appeared in their own newspaper only confirms what many of us have known for some time. —This issue is POLITICS masquerading as science. It is a manufactured crisis and those who are advocates for it when they really should be investigative journalists do not want any light shed on the issue for fear of it be exposed as the fraud that it is.
Well said
“some ideas so stupid that only an intellectual believes in them”.
Put it another way:
“Intellectuals ideas are always stupid because they are not based on real life experiences.”
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Ferguson and Michie are already advising the UK Government about Avian Flu, so as soon as the Pandemic Treaty is signed into international law, expect the WHO to declare an Avian Flu pandemic. This time, governments can shrug their shoulders and say ‘Not my decision, guv!’ when lockdowns, face masking and and mRNA injections are declared compulsory by the WHO.
The climate scam is clear to anyone who looks at the real data rationally. When I was ten years old in the mid-1980s, we were told that Devon and Cornwall in the winter would be like a summer day in the tropics by 2000. It’s still miserable and cold here, as I sit at my laptop by our log fire!!
As I’ve said under another article here: strictly, the human race is in the best state it’s been in its history right now. We’ve cured most of the worst diseases that have haunted us through history. We have abundant resources, loads of coal, gas and oil available with more being located all the time, ample space to build apartment blocks upwards in our town and city centres to house millions of people without having to build much more on England’s green and pleasant land. We should be amidst a native population boom, the engineering innovation industry should be exploding, as the West is the greatest centre of creativity and business strategy in human history. People should be content.
But our ‘leaders’ are refusing to use these resources, demolishing power stations, replacing them with useless ‘green’ technology (how turbines surrounded by the mashed, rotting corpses of birds and insects can be green is beyond me!) creating food scarcity by stopping farmers from growing food and breeding animals, and allowing a small cadre of building companies to sit on land deliberately in order to drive up property prices. This is orchestrated scarcity. On top of that fears of disease and apocalypse are being forced on the population, particularly our children, to create an atmosphere of dread. Every day, there is the fear of climate collapse and lockdowns for diseases.
Any outside observer would look at the strange stagnation of a civilisation such as that in the West and reach the conclusion that it is being deliberately held back.
“deliberately held back.”
Not quite. Deliberately destroyed more like.
If a motor vehicle is being revved and the accelerator is being pressed, but it’s been tied to a concrete building, what happens? It tears itself apart. I thought that was implicit in what I was saying.
I think so-called governments around the world will be ignored by the people following their profligate, reckless reaction, during the Covid hoax , who is going to enforce it, the Keystone Cops? Just look at the Nicola Bulley debacle.
Many thanks for your report. The location of the meeting in Orlando is apposite. The rubbish spouted by the climate and covid hysterics has as much to do with reality as thinking you actually are riding on the back of a Banshee in the ‘Flight of the Avatar’ ride at Disney’s Animal Kingdom down the road.
Protests against ULEZ is a small fight back step. Protests against the migrant hotels are increasing due to general frustration of government incompetence. Yet the same government is pushing more restrictions on liberty. Viz. digital ID. Can we vote these elites out?
It isn’t incompetence. It is lack of political will. It is pandering to the UN and the WEF rather than to the people who vote for them.
One of the biggest problems with Climate Alarmists is the vast majority of them refuse to embrace clean, safe, modern, fully secured NUCLEAR power as the solution to replacing fossil fuels. They’re fixated on wind and solar power. Just ask the oxygen-depleting nut jobs at Just Stop Oil…and the BBC.
Someone might want to tell these donkeys that to build enough wind turbines and solar fields to provide all of the energy needs of the U.K. would cost almost FOUR TRILLION pounds or about £48,000 for every man, woman and child in the UK. Wind and Solar fixated climate alarmists are such dumb people.
(the FOUR TRILLION pounds doesn’t include hydrogen conversion plants, retrofitting ships, aircraft and road vehicles for hydrogen use, retrofitting all gas and oil and coal heated houses, offices and industrial plants for electric heading and building new hydrogen power stations. All of that would cost “a bit” more).
It’;s because climate alarmism is intimately tied to anticapitalist movements.
The high priests of the climate change religion and industry do not want ‘false’ gods to contradict their ‘settled’ ideology.
You must trust them based upon faith.