Sudden, unexpected deaths exploded in Germany after the Covid vaccine rollout began in 2021, newly released insurance data for 72 million people show.
The number of sudden deaths more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zone website.

The data based on the insurance records of 72 million Germans come from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), which German parliamentarian Martin Sichert and data analyst Tom Lausen forced to be released. The reason that the German Government’s medicines regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), has not analysed and published these data before now is unclear. The German government in 2020 standardised the use of insurance data to monitor possible vaccination injury, but this law does not appear to have been followed.
Sichert and Lausen made their shocking findings public at a press conference on Monday.
Professor Stefan Homburg, former Director of the Institute of Public Finance at the University of Hannover, tweeted: “Since vaccination began in early 2021, ‘sudden and unexpected’ deaths have exploded. This is shown by the new KBV data of the 72 million insured persons.”
The data by themselves cannot show whether the vaccines are involved in the spike in unexpected deaths. However, the data are consistent with earlier reports from German insurance data released under Freedom of Information requests that showed the number of billed cases of vaccine-related adverse effects needing medical treatment skyrocketed more than 30-fold in 2021 compared with 2019 and 2020.
The Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physician Care has responded to the claims in the press conference saying they are “completely unfounded” and that the increase is an illusion of data analysis resulting from the “cohort effect”. Martin Sichert responded to these points here. At the present time the quality and meaning of the data is in dispute. The ‘Midwestern Doctor’ has done an analysis here.
This post has been updated to include the response from the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physician Care.
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The data by itself cannot show whether the vaccines are involved in the spike in unexpected deaths.
What? Oh Right. It was the climate-thingy, tarding wot dun it. Not the vials of poisoned shit.
Or maybe too many schnitzels.
Anything but the safely effectives and let’s not map the German data to everywhere else in the G20 that went on the Nazi-stabbination spree, that shows the same correlation. And don’t go back to Dec 2020 and map the excess dead to the stabbathons and see spikes and correlation. And don’t analyse countries that did nothing that have no such spikes.
Nuremberg Codes were signed for laughs and a photo op. Let’s not take that too seriously folks.
I take issue with what you say:
It’s not possible to have too much schnitzel
Otherwise you bang on the money I say.
With noodles? Those are a few of my favourite things…as for apple strudels…
Raindrops on roses?
You’re not cynical enough. My guess would be the official stance is that these are classified as inexplainable deaths and that that’s perfectly fine: The people are just dying. Some of them always do that. Move on, nothing to see here.
Totally agree, but, what’s a schnitzel?

Sooner have meat and two veg or a plate of fish and chips, not all that foreign muck!
It is worth pointing out that these are the ‘sudden/unexpected’ deaths, not all deaths.
They are probably consistent with the excess death data in the UK, which includes all deaths.
The German data shows about a threefold rise in these unexpected deaths. The UK has about a 15% death excess — but most deaths aren’t sudden/unexpected, so this is 15% over and above the usual death rates which will be dominated by individuals with significant morbidities (plus suicide, road accidents, etc). Given the low rates of ‘sudden/unexpected’ deaths this suggests that even the UK data shows substantial increase in the risk of ‘sudden/unexpected’ death in those individuals who appear to be healthy. It would be useful if the UK authorities explored this aspect of the data, but for some reason they appear to be hesitant to do this.
“for some reason they appear to be hesitant to do this”
We know the reason. It’s called a cover-up. They are covering up what might well amount to a crime with another crime. Doubly heinous, like murdering witnesses.
I’m not sure hesitant is the right word. I can’t think of what could induce them to look into it as they are in this up to their necks and no good will come to them because of it. IMO it’s a sure sign that they know they are guilty. If they were truly mystified by these deaths they would look into it.
They called us vaccine-hesitant. Perhaps they’re jail-hesitant?
The UK data does show excess deaths from heart attacks and strokes. I guess there will be some overlap with ‘sudden/unexpected’ deaths, especially for younger age groups.
On a related topic, I was informed last month that our company private medical plan premiums would rise by 28% next year due to increased volume of claims. We have about 750 UK employees.
Would be interested to know if any other commenters have had anything similar with a company funded private scheme or perhaps my colleagues are just jibby jab fanatics.
On the plus side your pension contributions should come down at some point.
That rather assumes that the pension providers are honest, straight-dealers…
“Why PEI has not analysed and published there data before now is unclear”.
Not at all, they just can’t see the data ‘coz there’s a big giant elephant stood right in front of the data. They have to tackle the elephant before they can tackle the data, and they’re way too scared to take on the elephant in the room.
First I felt like we were living in Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, with most of the world gleefully turning into covidnazis, now I feel like we’re living in his play La Cantatrice Chauve – What, you know 10 people who died suddenly in the last 4 months? How curious, how bizarre, what a coincidence – so do I! I wonder what could be causing all these sudden deaths? Perhaps it’s hotter summers, the colder winters, the stress caused by anti-vaxxers, shaking out your duvet, a referee blowing a whistle? I am going for booster 110, how about you? I hope it’s not as bad as last time, I was in ICU for a week – but fortunately, when I did catch corona for the 13th time, it was a little milder than before, I was only in bed for 3 weeks this time. Just think if I had not had my most recent, updated, mouse-approved booster!
What gets me is that they keep on handing out boosters, even though that will surely only amplify the signal. It will narrow down the sudden deaths to the age groups still getting boosters. At this point it looks to me like they are trying to find out how many doses of LNP poison a person can take before they croak, all still part of the trial – with the blessing of health authorities and governments across the world.
I think you’re only supposed have 1 LNP shot. Certainly not 5.
I ain’t no scientist, but at this point I’d say the number of LNP shots a person (or a mouse, for that matter) is supposed to have is 0
But yes, I’ve read more than once that the reason they started using this technology for what they call a vaccine is because it was deemed too toxic to use as a treatment and vaccines (at least, real ones) usually only require 1 or 2 shots.
Well I certainly don’t want one. They thought they could use it in cancer treatment where the risk benefit ratio made it acceptable. But knowing how well researched people are on here I guess we know that anyway. It’s bonkers to think they put toxic spike protein producing mRNA in a toxic LNP, I mean what could go wrong two for the price of one. The Highwire was interesting viewing this week with Dr Ryan Cole.
The rise can’t be due to the restrictions and their fallout, as that would have been mirrored in H2 20.
Same for Covid and Long Covid- AND the due to=with Covid IC code was expressively excluded anyway.
Which did not hinder the head of the KBV to come out with an assessment that there is nothing to see here, as this was just due to Covid….
Pure desperation.
Which leaves as explanations: climate change anxiety, Merkel grief, Putin hatred, World Cup anxiety, gender confusion, Reichsbuerger fear or: the big elephant in the room….
But who cares: the MSM did not show up and did not pen a line about it anyway.
And most Germans are absolutely fine with it and would rather have their masks and a vaxx mandate back.
As Mrs Bee always says: Unf*ckingfassbar!
“Which leaves as explanations: climate change anxiety, Merkel grief, Putin hatred, World Cup anxiety, gender confusion, Reichsbuerger fear”
You forgot racism , brexit, colonialism, Trump, far-right extremism and January 6th.
“Implausible Deniability” is the name of the game for health regulatory authorities around the world. Just stick your fingers in your ears and sing “la la la..”. And they will go on doing it until they have not a shred of credibility left. Then the back-stabbing will start and things will get really interesting. That won’t be of much help to the vast number of people injured or killed by the “safe and effective” jabs, though at least they may finally get the justice and compensation they deserve.
The translation of the German tweet is wrong. Correct would be Since vaccination began in early 2021, the number of people dying out of the blue has been exploding. Plötzlich und unerwartet is a category or rather, a standard phrase used in German death notices to indicate that a seemingly healthy person suddenly died and that the relatives don’t understand why.
Another remark for people unfamiliar with German affairs: You really can’t quote the AfD. These people are evil extreme right-wing nazi terrorists and whoever listens to them or supports or even votes for them is subhuman scum (an actual quote from a German democrat, the original wording was Abschaum, der nichts Menschliches an sich hat).
Am I right in thinking that the AfD were the only party with a parliamentary presence to speak in opposition to the covid restrictions?
At least the only party where this was an official party position and not only something some party members sometimes advocated for, yes. But the real reason for this impressive string of qualifications is that the AfD – while being 110% establishment in every other respect – believes that existing immigration and asylum laws should actually apply in practice, ie, for instance, that rejected asylum seekers should eventually be deported instead of (as is current practice) simply allowed to stay indefinitely nevertheless.
Indeed. I expect I’d be tempted to vote them were I in Germany, and to vote for Le Pen in France and Meloni in Italy. Having read a lot of their policies and heard their speeches, I struggle to detect the “far right” in them.
“Far right” is a Lefty, Woke insult for anybody talking middle of the road common sense.
I’m not even sure what it could possibly mean any more. Far right to me means rounding up your enemies and putting them in camps.
Far right is now Elon Musk, JFK, John Major, Helmut Kohl and me.
And me
Some loony somewhere posted something I saw the other day about the Sunak government being one of the most right wing in recent times
I’ve just read through the complete, current party program and technically, there’s nothing far right in there. Minus details, this could have been a CDU program from the pre-Merkel era. But they’re oppression- and gender- and climate-denialists, want to support families with children instead relying on mass immigration to plug the holes left by a decreasing birth rate, consider EU and NATO organizations which exist for a purpose and not as ends in themselves which might therefore need to be changed or even disbanded if they’re not fit for their purpose, want the German official standing in the UN match its financial contributions (3rd largest), argue for a positive identification of Germans as belonging to a German cultural and historical nation transcending the 12 years from 1933 – 1945 and expect that prospective immigrants actually want to become German and not only gain access to the German welfare state.
This is all stuff people unused to the German situation might consider pretty ordinary but in Germany, it’s a matter of VERY BIG TABOO.
Very big taboo here too these days among the chattering classes.
They have a few wackos, like Hoecke.
Objectively not worse than the wackos the Left or Greens have.
Christ, even the FDP has ‘nuke em’ Strack-Zimmermann, who is arguably the most crazy and dangerous of them all.
It’s imprudent to judge people solely based on what their political enemies publish about them, especially if their enemies are woke. I don’t really have the motivation to spend a lot of time on this as I don’t believe in representative democracy, anyway, and don’t think there is one in Germany but I’m going to describe one Wacko Höcke scandal (2020/03/16).
First the headline: Höcke schockiert mit Auschwitz-Wortspiel! (Höcke makes shocking Auschwitz-joke!)
What did he actually say (paraphrase): He expressed his hopes that people endangering unity (of the AfD, presumably) would eventually be sweated out. As in sweating out a cold, something everyone should be capable of understanding. In German, that’s werden allmählich ausgeschwitzt, almost literally the same. This caused all the usual suspects in politics, society and media to go completely beserk because ausgeschwitzt contains AUSgeSCHWITZt. They actually spelled it that way in order to make the point they wanted to make: NAZI DOG WHISTLE BY AFD NAZI!!!! WAEEEEEHHHHH!!!!!
If I’d be calling someone a wacko because of this, it wouldn’t be Höcke.
They supported the first lockdown. RIP.
Yeah. And in reality, they are a bit to the left of the Tories.
Didn’t someone important in German Insurance Industry get fired for publishing something this a while ago?
Yes, right back in March….
Andreas Schöfbeck, the head of BKK Pro Vita…..
We’ve all dodged a bullet there I think.
Obviously one cannot immediately draw conclusions on single cases, but at least one coroner in the UK has declared that the sudden death of a healthy young male was a direct result of the vaccine, rather than poor diagnostic procedures, which were a confounding issue. Of course, this doesn’t stop proceedings against the hospital as contributing to the death. Is there any research into whether coroners tend more to cover up or to expose causes of death which might be construed as being caused by poor decision-making by central government, local authorities, or NHS doctors?
This “sudden death” phenomenon, whether genuine or an artefact of counting and attribution, is going to be with us for years.
Behold, the smoking gun….
As far as I’m concerned, they’re not unexplained deaths. If you inject millions of people with a poorly tested, experimental substance with little to no adverse effects data there’s a pretty good chance that it will kill some of them.
And now there’s a mRNA based vaccine being developed against cancer! which no doubt will be “safe and effective” for babies and upward, cancer diagnosed or not! everyone should have it, everyone must have it!
Has anyone else seen “I am legend”?
An in-depth analysis and assessment of the quality of the data and the lies now spread around and surrounding it.
The desperate tries to explain it away and the farce about the provision and correctness of the data goes on.
Meanwhile, additionally released insurance data also shows a doubling of cancer rates.
Fürther supported by this