The “incredibly high” excess death rate in 2022 should be urgently investigated by the Government, Australia’s top actuarial body has said.
According to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, there were 15,400 excess deaths during the first eight months of the year, with around one third having no link to Covid.
This is 13% higher than expected, which is an “incredibly high number for mortality” according to Karen Cutter, spokeswoman for the institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group. It is “not clear” what is driving the increase, she said. “Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1-2%, so 13% is way higher than normal level.”
“I’m not aware [of anything comparable] in the recent past but I haven’t gone back and looked [historically]. They talk about the flu season of 2017 being really bad, and the mortality there was 1% higher than normal. So it’s well outside the range of normal.”
According to the raw data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were 128,797 deaths from January 1st to August 31st, which was 18,671 or 17% higher than the historical average. Of those, 7,727 or 41% were attributed to Covid, leaving 10,944 non-Covid excess deaths.
The reason for the difference between the raw ABS data and the actuary figures is that, unlike with ONS data in the U.K. which use a five-year average baseline, the actuaries use a modelled baseline for calculating excess deaths. This aims to take into account trends like an ageing and growing population and improving health outcomes. The actuaries acknowledge that, compared to using the 2015-19 baseline, this results in a higher baseline and thus fewer excess deaths.
The Actuaries Institute found that around 8,200 deaths, or just over half the excess, were due to Covid as underlying cause and a further 2,100 deaths were ‘with’ Covid as a contributory cause. They added the two together to give their final figure for non-Covid excess of 5,100, or around one third. Why they chose to include deaths where the underlying cause was not COVID-19 in the ‘Covid deaths’, and exclude them from the analysis of excess non-Covid deaths is not clear. Between that and the potentially mistaken raising of the baseline via modelling and the total number of excess deaths may be considerably and artificially diminished. The effect is to cut the proportion of excess deaths that are non-Covid almost in half, from 59% in the raw data to 33% in the actuaries’ analysis.
In any case, whatever the merits of these methods, the actuaries’ breakdown by cause of death is illuminating. According to the Actuaries Institute, 3,110 of the 8,010 non-Covid excess deaths were from “other unspecified” causes, which is 11% above the expected number, and 1,490 were from ischaemic heart disease, which is 17% above the expected number. Cerebrovascular disease (stroke) contributed 490 deaths, 8% above expected. Other cardiovascular causes were unfortunately not stated either by the actuaries or ABS, but were presumably included in the “other unspecified diseases”.
The actuaries state that deaths from respiratory disease other than COVID-19 have been significantly lower than expected throughout the pandemic (presumably owing to displacement by COVID-19). Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke as a group have been the largest contributor to non-Covid excess deaths in 2021 and 2022, they state.
The high levels of excess deaths were seen across the country, with all states and territories having significant excess mortality in 2022. The exception was Northern Territory. Northern Territory has a population of just 250,000, and it is much younger than other states – the median age is six years lower, and just 5.6% are over 65, compared to 17.7% in New South Wales.
Excess deaths were seen in almost all age bands, though the percentage was higher in older groups. Karen Cutter said while the numbers of deaths in the 0-44 and 45-64 age bands were small, they were significantly higher than expected, particularly for females.
Ms. Cutter said it was “not clear what might be driving this” extreme increase in mortality, but partly it may be explained by the ‘dry tinder’ effect resulting from “less people dying from respiratory illness early on [compared with] what would have been pre-pandemic normal”.
She also suggested the deaths from diabetes, heart disease and stroke, were “highly related to Covid”, citing unspecified research.
She noted they are seeing “higher non-Covid deaths when there are Covid deaths”, such as in January and July, and suggested this could mean it is due to lack of access to healthcare or “more undiagnosed Covid than we know about”.
Vaccines blamed
The increase in heart and stroke deaths in particular has led many to suggest the Covid vaccines may be to blame. Earlier in the year, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) countered this claim, telling ABC Fact Check that it was “false and unscientific to automatically conclude that vaccines caused these deaths. There is no credible evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines have contributed to excess deaths in Australia or overseas.”
This is untrue, of course: there is plenty of evidence from autopsies and other sources that the vaccines can kill, including silently and suddenly by triggering auto-immune attacks on the heart that can only be identified at autopsy. Their role thus cannot be ruled out without proper investigation.
Ms. Cutter even admitted that she “cannot prove” the vaccines are not involved, albeit as part of a denial that they are: “There is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned, but I cannot prove it.”
She argued that even if the 947 deaths in the TGA’s most recent safety report were confirmed to be linked to the vaccine (the TGA has to date only confirmed 14 as linked), it would only be a fraction of the total excess deaths. This doesn’t allow for under-reporting of vaccine injuries, though, of course.
She also claimed the timing of the excess deaths “doesn’t match with the vaccine rollout, and the age profile of people dying does not match with people who’ve been vaccinated”.
“Hardly any young people are dying,” she said. She also said there was no excess mortality in Western Australia in January and they were “just as vaccinated as the rest of the country”.
However, this doesn’t allow for people dying some weeks or months after their injection, perhaps due to an auto-immune attack triggered by a new challenge from the virus. It also doesn’t allow that vaccine deaths may be concentrated in older people with related co-morbidities. In addition, it overlooks that there are indeed excess deaths in younger people, as Ms. Cutter has acknowledged.
Zachary Stieber at Epoch Times has compiled a useful list of autopsy evidence from post-vaccine deaths.
In 2021, U.S. researchers reported two adults developed myocarditis within two weeks of COVID-19 vaccination, and they were unable to find causes other than vaccination.
In 2021, South Korea researchers reported that after examining the death of a 22-year-old man who died five days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, they determined the primary cause was “myocarditis, causally-associated” with the vaccine.
In January, New Zealand researchers reported that the Pfizer vaccine was probably responsible for sudden myocarditis that led to the death of a 57-year-old woman, writing that “other causes have been discounted with reasonable certainty”.
In February, researchers in several U.S. states reported that two teenage boys who died shortly after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine experienced heart inflammation and that the inflammation was the primary cause of death.
In May, CDC researchers reported that a young boy died after experiencing post-vaccination heart inflammation, with myocarditis being pegged as the cause of death.
In September, a German researcher reported that a 55-year-old who died four months after receiving the Pfizer vaccine died of myocarditis and said “these findings indicate that myocarditis, as well as thrombo-embolic events following injection of spike-inducing gene-based vaccines, are causally associated with a[n] injurious immunological response to the encoded agent.”
And just recently, Japanese researchers reported on results from a 27-year-old man who died 28 days after admission following vaccination.
In addition, a German case report of an autopsy conducted on a 76-year-old man who died three weeks after receiving his third COVID-19 vaccination found the presence of spike protein but not the nucleocapsid protein in the deceased man’s brain and heart, proving that the vaccine (which unlike the virus only produces the spike protein) was the cause of the deadly inflammation.
More recently, a report on a series of German autopsies found the vaccine was likely responsible for three deaths from myocarditis and possibly responsible for two others. A further 20 deaths from cardiovascular causes were not determined one way or the other.
Many countries around the world are reporting high excess deaths during 2022 from mainly cardiovascular and unknown causes which remain unexplained. In Ireland, leading politician Peadar Tóibín has called for an investigation into excess deaths after they hit 17% over the summer.
The latest data from England and Wales show that there have now been 25,918 excess non-Covid deaths since April. In the week ending November 25th, the most recent week for which figures are available, there were 11,483 deaths, which is 778 or 7.3% above the five-year average, according to figures from the ONS. Of these, 215 are due to Covid (as underlying cause) leaving 563 from an underlying cause other than COVID-19. A possible link with the vaccine booster campaigns may be observed in the charts below, which show booster vaccinations and deaths by date of occurrence.

As the weight of evidence that the vaccines can kill, suddenly and silently – even weeks and months after administration – accumulates, the blanket denials that they are playing any role in the global trend of excess deaths ring increasingly hollow. The need for a proper investigation remains as urgent as ever.
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Here’s Ed Dowd and Josh Sterling presenting data on excess deaths in this short clip;
Well, we protected you from covid, (“We saved millions of lives(unprovable)”)but we don’t care what you die of now because its not being counted on a daily list in the media anymore! (Dust hands together)
Job done, now move on!
I trust the inquiry will take account of the fact that Australia did not have the same drastic healthcare disruption as most other countries and that covid was virtually none existent prior to the jabs – ie therefore can’t lay the blame on covid or long covid.( Clare Craig pointed this out someweeks ago – doubt I’d have thought of it).
Can’t wait for the results of the investigation.
“… it’s not clear what is driving the [13%] increase…”
It’s a mystery, I agree. Very mysterious indeed. A total mystery.
In the words of Toyah:
“It’s a mystery, it’s a mystery
I’m still searching for a clue
It’s a mystery to me
A shot in the dark
The big question mark in history
Is it a mystery to you?”
Climate change, maybe? Trump colluding with the Russians?
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Is there any money to be made? if not, then the chances are slim that it will be properly investigated. An idea to the big pharma though: If it’s looking likely that the excess deaths are connected to the ‘safe and effective’, accept that the jabs have side effects, but announce that to counter them, another patented drug(s) needs to be administered (‘what a lucky coincidence, we’ve just patented another safe and effective miracle potion’) double the profits. that’s how the whole corporate healthcare system works anyway
A good question. Actuaries are often associated with working out the sums for pension schemes, ranging from calculating planned retirement ages, and the level of contributions, requirements for investment performance etc. Logically, if life expectancy goes down, they should not be delaying payment or jacking up contributions, but I’ll leave that question for the cynics!
I have always compared weekly deaths with the average of 2010-2019 adjusted to 2019 population levels. This puts a baseline outside the goings-on from 2020 onwards. On a timeline with salient dates, it is abundantly clear to see what is going on. See here.
Since 1st April 2022, with the spring booster, deaths are up 11.1% above the 2010-2019 average (those years adjusted for population). January to March was normal.
At the beginning of 2021, with jabs rolled out to the elderly, there was a peak. This was not the normal annual peak but two weeks later, clearly the jab. (Note: there was a coincidental two-week unplanned delay in jab rollout) After these old people died, there was an apparent reduction. They said the jab saved lives. Not so! These people just died a few months earlier because of the jab.
Now look from July 2021 onwards. There is a steady increase in deaths as the jab is rolled out to the general public.
Back to 2020, the peak in April-May were elderly folk at above average age of death due to midazolam etc. From June to October 2020, nothing to be seen. No pandemic.
These are the accumulated weekly deaths by age group, compared to ave/min/max of 2010-2019. This counts from 1st April, where this year’s increases seem to start.
This is all ONS data that I have been collecting and analysing weekly for the last two and a half years.
Norman Fenton retweeted this (from England). They will not be able to hide this for much longer, the floodgates will surely break soon.
This is a good way to present it – very eye-catching. (The reds are, of course, a favourite colour of climate alarmists.)
The rise in deaths around the time of the spring booster – across the board – is obvious.
Yes, red is the colour that screams ‘urgent!’. The Dutch public health authority uses it in graphs for hospital/ICU admission for the unvaxxed – 3rd, 4th and 5th shot are all dark colours that are difficult to distinguish in the graph. Fortunately that red pops so nicely at the bottom of the chart, making it clear that the unvaxxed are not a big part of the admissions, contrary to the 3x and 4x jabbed.
Deaths have been consistently higher than expected here since March 2022, 3 months after jab 3 for most people, 2 weeks after jab 4 for people over 60. For most of the period March to December, there has been excess mortality. It started dipping down in September, only to shoot up literally the week after they started jabbing again on September 19. The most frightening thing is not only that the deaths stay elevated, but that there seems to be a clear indication that the vaxx can kill weeks to months later. The autumn jab was offered to everyone over 12, only the over 70s accepted the offer, over 60% – still a good deal less than the initial 90%. Under 60s it drops sharply, with under 50s barely touching the poison. Most of the excess deaths are in the elderly. And the Dutch government just okayed this poison for 6 month olds to 5 years old with health issues…
Thanks. It is good to know what’s going on in other countries in more detail (I lived in Amsterdam for 3 years).I have added a table of deaths by age for England and Wales above.
It would help understanding if they simply included vaccine status on the list as well. I am sure the data must be available.
Hasn’t it been under investigation on this site and others for nearly two years?
We know the cause. What more investigation is required? We are past investigations and need to start criminal proceedings.
Must be due to climate change. It can’t possibly be due to the “safe and effective” jabs, right?
Actuarial tables calculate risk and premiums based on multiple factors.
I wonder if “Covid vaccine status” will become a risk factor and increase insurance premiums, or that the power of Big Pharma is so great that even basic maths can be corrupted.
Then again, in our post -modern world, there is no “truth”, just individual “truths”.
Overall mortality by age group is very useful as a check on hysteria. Sweden’s mortality does not seem at all bad by historical standards, even in 2020 without the miraculous vaccines. As with other contributors, I have used red for ‘bad’ and green for ‘good’.