This is the 35th of the round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 34th one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with the Daily Sceptic‘s other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This was done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr. Tess Lawrie in June 2021 wrote an open letter to Dr. June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been ‘fact checked’ here.) Boris Johnson said in October 2021 that being double vaccinated “doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on”. We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- A CDC study in the Lancet discusses negative outcomes related to myocarditis 90 days after Covid vaccination in adolescents and young people.
- Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s two-part study highlights the lack of informed consent for the Covid vaccines.
- Large numbers of papers are now being published describing adverse outcomes from COVID-19 vaccines:
- A case of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated anterior uveitis after receiving the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.
- A case of acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) in a 23-year-old Caucasian female after a COVID-19 vaccination (Vaxzevria/AstraZeneca).
- Adverse ocular (eye) events following COVID‑19 vaccination.
- A discussion of a year of evidence of ocular complications following vaccination for COVID-19.
- A case of first episode psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination.
- An autopsy report on a case of multifocal necrotising encephalitis and myocarditis after Pfizer vaccination.
- Menstrual cycle disturbances.
- Study shows mRNA from COVID-19 vaccinations can be detected in breast milk.
- The U.S. CDC is conducting surveys of patients (or their parents or guardians) and healthcare providers to gather information about myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.
- The Children’s Health Defense reports on CDC data showing more than 1,000 adverse events after COVD-19 vaccination in children aged five and younger.
- Study states that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should be classified as pharmaceutical drugs to allow them to be properly evaluated and used.
- Discussion of two studies showing the value of natural immunity versus vaccine-induced immunity.
- Analysis of the flaws in the studies and reporting on Long Covid.
- Swiss study finds evidence of cardiac injury across all mRNA vaccinated people.
- Eudravigilance – the European version of the Yellow Card Reporting system – as of October 22nd has reported 5,041,420 reactions from 2,097,531 reports of which 2,243,744 were deemed as serious. 48,537 fatal reactions were reported with an approximate actual number of deaths being 14,768. This is due to a 3.29 reporting rate in fatalities across multiple reactions.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – as of October 7th reports a total of 1,437,273 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 31,470 deaths and 263,909 serious injuries. For children up to the age of 17 there have been 56,925 reports, of which 5,248 were deemed serious and 162 fatalities.
- DAEN Australia – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system – has logged (up to October 9th) 136,289 reports of adverse events, including 941 deaths.
- Children (Under 18) Adverse Events U.K. – up to September 28th, the MHRA reports a total of 4,459 adverse event reports, comprising 4,121 Pfizer, 266 AstraZeneca, 37 Moderna and 35 unspecified from 4,213,700 children vaccinated with 7,326,900 doses. This includes 83 reported cases with Pfizer of myocarditis/pericarditis, suggesting a current reported risk of 12 cases per million first doses and 9 per million second doses for this age group.
- Booster Doses – 52,615 adverse events have been reported across all vaccines up to October 7th from 40,453,549 people vaccinated.
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report, as of September 28th the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,517,540 events based on 464,072 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 2,272.
Reported adverse events are not necessarily caused by the vaccine and further investigation is required to establish causality. The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures. Note that sometimes in Yellow Card reporting, the numbers of adverse events (including fatalities) will be lower than the previous week. The Yellow Card system is a passive reporting system, so in theory this should not happen as all reports should be cumulative. However, the MHRA says it analyses the data prior to publication, with deaths and pregnancy conditions being notably investigated. It does not state criteria by which reports would be removed and to date has not clarified why these data vary. It is therefore unclear how many reported adverse events have been removed from the reports since reporting began in February 2021.
- Blood Disorders = 27,901
- Anaphylaxis = 1,659
- Acute Cardiac = 29,332
- Eye Disorders = 25,199
- Blindness = 554
- Deafness = 823
- Infections = 36,956
- Spontaneous Abortions = 821 miscarriages
- Gastrointestinal Disorders = 137,427
- Nervous System Disorders = 290,511
- Headaches & Migrainesm= 141,320
- Nausea & Vomitingm= 74,433
- Paralysis = 1,592
- Seizures = 3,622
- Tremor = 13,129
- Respiratory Disorders = 57,674
- Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 3,363
- Psychiatric Disorders = 32,095
- Skin Disorders = 103,340
- Reproductive/Breast Disorders = 58,171
- Vascular Disorders = 23,505
Further analysis can be found via the U.K. Freedom Project.

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Maybe the heading should be “Vaccine Hazard Update”!
100% safe and effective.
The vaccine is 100% safe and effective.. against scrutiny.
And yet I heard an ad on the radio this morning encouraging pregnant women to be vaccinated against covid, even if they have already had it because the vaccine gives you ‘better protection’. Unbelievable.
Pregnant women aren’t really this stupid are they? Don’t eat brie or soft boiled eggs, but do have a dangerous untested cocktail injected into you.
Unrelated, but made me smile…
Unfortunately they are. First hand experience.
“The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation.”
The trials cannot now be completed because the control group has been vaccinated. Just another cockup. If anyone thinks that these trials are an honest attempt to establish the truth, I have a bridge to sell them.
Reading the book, ‘Turtles all the way down’
Not a single study by the ‘authorities’ and ‘THE science’ on:
-Stabbed vs Unstabbed and injuries, death or transmission of mainline quacksines
-Ingestion of multi-quacksines (some children are given 10 at once) and their effects either short term or long term vs unquacksinated control groups
-Long term health effects of total stabbinations (26 in most places), using the unpoisoned as a long term control group (ie The Amish have almost no autism, because their stab rates are quite low)
The above is true for 60 yrs. Why would Rona Nazism be any different?
As the book asks at the end of various chapters, ‘Ask Your Doctor if there any studies on…..’ Dr Idiot, Dr Baffled, Dr Pfizer Money, won’t have an answer except to repeat the lie that ‘there are no ill effects from the quacksines’, like say autism, asthma, myocarditis, ADHD, cancer, leukemia, encephaly….etc etc. None at all. Most of these issues were unheard of pre 1960 and the lie is now ‘well we diagnose better, we understand better…’ Oh please do flock off.
In summary. No, they’re still not safe.
And they’re getting steadily more dangerous, the more you have.
Excellent work, Will and the team, number 35… wow.
Perhaps add something to the usual preamble in italics about mRNA and its differences from traditional vaccines?
Reported adverse events are not necessarily caused by the vaccine and further investigation is required to establish causality.
There have been no investigations. So this point is, well, pointless.
Just a reminder….that vaccines, whether ‘safe’ or not were absolutely never needed for the vast majority of people!
This is a table I never thought would see the light of day being a count of deaths by age band and gender in England & Wales over the period Feb 2020 – Dec 2021 for all those cases where COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. We may note this came about because of a FOI request to the Office For National Statistics (ONS), with release on 17th Jan 2022. I’ve added a total column plus an accumulated total column so folk can quickly answer questions like how many deaths under 20 years of age? (Answer = 3).
In all 6,183 deaths….more than half of which were in people over 80 years of age….!!
Never a ‘pandemic’ and ‘experimental vaccines’ should never have been used at all….and were never required for the whole population….
This is a bit strange. A couple of days ago there was an alert in Switzerland due to bubbles being found in the vials of Pfizer’s bivalent booster. The regulator has since investigated and apparently the stuff has been deemed to be safe to use anyway.
Wonder if any other batches elsewhere have been reported as having bubbles. No mention of what it could be but I wouldn’t be wanting bubbly stuff injected into my muscle. Surely one doesn’t need a PhD in chemistry or pharmacology to know that a solution should be of uniform, liquid consistency before you go administering it to the unsuspecting public.
Sorry to be flippant but the only bubbles I want are in my beer and champagne.
Aero bubbles are ok too.
Thousands of Safe & Effective Deaths
Yellow Freedom Boards – next event
Monday 7th November 11am to 12pm
Yellow Boards
Junction B3430 Nine Mile Ride &
New Wokingham Road,
Wokingham RG40 3BA
Stand in the Park Sundays 10.30am to 11.30am – make friends & keep sane
Howard Palmer Gardens Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
South Hill Park, Rear Lawn, RG12 7PA
In Western Australia the authoritarian Premier has passed a new law allowing police to forcibly enter any private residence as well as force people to take whatever treatment the government decrees, including banishing them into quarantine facilities!
A word of advice- don’t go to WA.
Another reason I won’t be visiting my sister-in-law in Perth… The other one being she has turned from being an aged hippie into a fully fledged Covidian and I’d have no idea what to say to her. I’m still a bit shocked at her personality change to be honest. I keep out the way when she Face-times my husband, her brother as I find it hard to avoid talking about the elephant in the room.
Thank you so much for this update.
I am astounded that people are still being encouraged to take these experimental jabs, but in cult covidian land the faithful are lapping it up.
Sad innit?
A friend (female, early 60s) has been very ill this summer. Two operations required to sort it out, including 2 pints of blood since it appears she haemorrhaged during the second op and was also found to have blood clots. Triple jabbed, she’s had Covid twice this year; once a couple of months before the ops and again last week. She told me this week she’s fed up with constantly feeling ill and in the next breath said “I must get my booster arranged.”
I had previously sent her information about adverse effects, but there’s no getting through to people who don’t want to know.
That’s so very sad to hear. I am afraid there is no hope for some people.