Denmark has banned the use of COVID-19 vaccines for people under 50 years of age, explaining that the ban is because widespread immunity and low risk from Covid mean the benefits from vaccination are too low.
People aged under 50 are generally not at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19. In addition, younger people aged under 50 are well protected against becoming severely ill from COVID-19, as a very large number of them have already been vaccinated and have previously been infected with COVID-19, and there is consequently good immunity among this part of the population.
Therefore, the general public under the age of 50 cannot get the vaccines, only those considered in high-risk groups or those who work with people in high-risk groups. Apart from that, they are banned.
Minimal benefit is of course a good enough reason for not recommending vaccination. But it is not reason enough to ban it. No product is banned simply because it isn’t useful. Products are banned only because they’re considered harmful.
As several studies have already shown, the risk of serious adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccines is higher than their benefits for younger people. This is of course the most probable reason Denmark has banned them.
But the question remains, why do health officials not simply say so? Indeed, in their advice they state the vaccines are “very safe” and the only severe side-effects they mention are rare allergic reactions.
All vaccines cause side effects, including the COVID-19 vaccines. In general, the side-effects are mild and transient, and we consider the vaccines to be very safe and highly documented…
In rare cases, severe immediate allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) may occur, which may be caused by, for example, allergy to the additives in the vaccine. If you have previously had a severe allergic reaction immediately after being vaccinated or after being injected with a medicinal product, you should contact your doctor before being vaccinated against COVID-19. If you have a known allergy to macrogols/PEG/polyethylene glycol, you should not be vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines.
Heroin is banned because it is highly addictive and damages your health. Drunk driving is banned because it causes accidents. And nobody hesitates to explain the reasons why a substance like heroin or behaviour like drunk driving are banned.
“They don’t want to pay for something they don’t consider necessary,” someone might say. But this is not a valid reason. They could simply let those who really want the vaccines pay for them by themselves. But they don’t.
So, why do the Danish health authorities not simply explain in a straightforward manner why most younger people are not only recommended not to have the vaccines, but forbidden to do so?
Why do they hide the truth?
What are they so afraid of?
Thorsteinn Siglaugsson is an economist, consultant and writer based in Iceland. You can subscribe to his Substack newsletter here.
Postscript: Flora Teoh, the Science Editor of a fact-checking website called Health Feedback has checked this article, alongside a video by Clay Travis, and found them to be “inaccurate“. Or, as Thorsteinn Siglausson points out in his response to her piece, she has found the headline on the video and the tweet promoting the article to be “inaccurate” because they don’t make it clear that COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters haven’t been banned for all people under 50, just the vast majority. But if you watch Clay Travis’s video or read the above article, that is made clear. Is it fair to ‘fact check’ headlines and tweets drawing attention to longer pieces, which will inevitably simplify and exaggerate, while ignoring the more nuanced content of those pieces?
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“As several studies have already shown” is a bit generous. Real world records show (e.g. Yellow Card reports etc) show….
However, a cynic might say that they are covering their a**e, rather than telling the whole truth. A good article.
Speculation about the last question: Legal action in some form (although the manufacturer appears to be immune financially), or loss of reputation, loss of business with other products. It could be a long list in the future.
In a similar move Denmark also banned dogs from defecating in streets and parks. Not because it’s unhealthy and dangerous to citizens, certainly not – because it’s FINE obviously but because the benefits are a little on the low side.
Sorry. Crap analogy.
Or is it more like realising the seafood risotto is off, stinks and may kill you but then remember you’re dining at a restaurant owned by a psychotic Mafia outfit. Most diners are pretending to bolt it down, but you invent a pitiful excuse and try to leave?
No that’s not it either.
It’s more like you’re a teacher and you’ve taken your students into a mob owned cafeteria. But two died on the last visit but it’s a bit embarrassing making a fuss so you make some shit up?
It’s early…
Well, until recently. The ivermectin ban wasn’t because it was harmful.
But point taken.
It’s been notable that where Denmark and Scandinavian countries lead on the ‘vaccines’ we eventually follow. Is an outright ban coming here? And how long before Denmark, followed by the UK, ban the stabs for all age groups?
And how long before the legal actions start?
These so-named ‘vaccines’ have been an unspeakable crime. Let the recriminations begin.
What are they so afraid of?
The backlash from millions of people who were coerced into having a dangerous, poorly-tested concoction they didn’t need.
AND the Globalists who created the scamdemic.
‘As several studies have already shown, the risk of serious adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccines is higher than their benefits for younger people’. Surely if this is the case with younger healthier people it must be even more so with those older and much older than 50
I think that’s an important point.
Older people are less able to sustain the side effects. But the side effects are well hidden by the vicissitudes of old age. That’s the next tragi-scandal waiting to come out.
Maybe for a working vaccine the rick/benefit ratio does change somewhat in older people – as older people are at some risk from covid, unlike youngers in which the ratio essentially becomes a divide by zero. Trouble is, this ‘vaccine’ doesn’t work, and therefore in older people the numerator is essentially zero.
Any way you look at it, these ‘vaccines’ should be banned in their entirety.
If I remember Footballer Christian Eriksen is Danish …… ! Maybe his misfortune started started a discussion
Firstly, this is great news regardless….but it needs to go further…
According to the Danish Health Authority…
“The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination.
Therefore people at the highest risk of becoming seriously will be offered booster vaccination.”
This seems to confirm to me two things that A…they know and are admitting that the vaccine doesn’t stop infection…!…..and B that people under 50 who do get infected are not at high risk, (if any)….and this is so plainly obvious and proven that they can’t keep the scam going in this respect…..
It could also be that the excess deaths in many highly vaccinated countries (in the younger cohort) are now becoming difficult to hide or explain?
Personally I would extrapolate this to generally healthy people of any age…but it’s a start.
“They” probably always knew that (in the UK at least). At least, the manufacturers and competent medics seemed to, as shown in the clip of the leaflet that came to me and others in the older group in March 21 (attached). The sales people, as it were, did something else.
..unfortunately the message going over the airwaves 24/7 was that it did stop infection, and that even if you were healthy you were ‘a-symptomatic’, and infecting everyone around you….remember the add…act like you’ve got it?
Of course the reality is that they knew, just as they knew that natural immunity was not only good enough, but preferable..
The UK has yet to approve vaccines for the under 50’s, the Danes have just been a bit more explicit.
As far as I am aware, no covid “vaccine” has been “approved” for anyone in the UK. Are they all still not licensed under the “emergency” use authorisation? I don’t think they can be “approved” until the trials finish next year.
There are no trials finishing next year. Shortly after the ‘trials” began even the placebo groups were injected. Any so-called results will be as mythological as ‘safe and effective’ “vaccines.”
I think that’s just the boosters that aren’t being pushed for under 50s in the uK. I bet nobody is rocking up now for a first jab, but I don’t think you can get one any more in Denmark while in theory you can still in the UK.
I wonder if that’s true? If I rock up now and ask for a first dose, under 50, perfectly healthy, having had covid twice already….how on EARTH could anyone possibly think it would make medical sense to do such a thing?! Mind you…lots of thickos in NHS
Very interesting development, and a good article exploring the implications and asking good questions.
The word “ban” gave me pause, though. The language on the cited Danish government ( doesn’t have this tone at all: though of course, the decision does amount to “if you’re under 50, and not in [insert list of various subgroups], you can’t get a COVID booster” (because it’s no use to you).
Siglaugsson’s use of this word “ban” does make sense in a context where millions of people (or are they bots?), driven half-insane by the COVID propaganda, assume onging, eternal access to every latest COVID product Pfizer pumps out as a basic inalienable human right, without which they will definitely die a horrible death. But is that the Danish context? I know it is part of the UK COVID-“culture”, and even more in the US: but in Denmark?
And using that hysteria as a context for the argument (or rather rhetoric) seems, to me, to be arguing a bit too much in the opponent’s terms, matching exaggeration with opposing exaggeration. Siglaugsson’s point would still stand – and it’s a strong point! – if put in terms like “The Danish government can’t be bothered to pay for boosters for U50s, because it sees no point”.
I can explain why. They cannot possibly stop vaccination for all age groups, so they’ve chosen an age group which will raise the fewest questions – the over 50s. The flu vaccine is highly recommended for the over 50s and health in general is handled slightly differently for the over 50s. It’s a nice, neat, clean cutoff point. Of course, the risk-benefit analysis would also show that the vast majority of the over 50s also have higher risk from vaccine than virus, but thry can’t say that; saying that would wake up the entire world and start mass riots and removal of governments.
As the UK government and many others ‘allowed’ the ‘vaccines’ for emergency use and accepted liability, once they have ‘approval’ will the pharma companies become liable?
I think the wind blowing from Israel has reached Denmark.
Newsflash! Israel caught hiding Pfizer vaccine-injury data!
Just take it in, if you can, that, in Israel, for the whole of 2021 – that is, for the entire first year of the covid jab rollout in Israel – no adverse-event reporting system was in place in Israel.
Yet Israel was dubbed at that time as ‘the world’s laboratory’ for validating the covid vaccines, and the absence of reported injuries and side-effects from Israel during 2021 was cited at that time by the FDA as proof of the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness.
My cynical suggestion would be that people under 50 have enough of a life left that medium and long term harms of so-called COVID vaccintion to them will eventually become a millstone around someone’s neck.
I’d rather drive donuts round an ice covered lake on a shedload of heroin than get one of these gene jabs, any day of the week.
Poetry Matt. Sheer Poetry.
Senator Rand Paul ROASTS Fauci for Pushing Vaccines on Individuals With Previous
Maurizio “Eh! Why doesn’t-a Rand Paul arresta Fauci?
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Great link to Rand Paul roasting Fauci. He’s just such a beast.
Thanks for another excellent article. ‘Banned’ is a strong word, are you clear that is the case? The Danish Health Ministry web site is slightly ambiguous .
Clear that for under 18s the first and second dose will no longer be available but for healthy 18-49s it seems to be referring to the boosters.
Having said that, Denmark did totally stop the programme in spring 2022 so maybe it does mean there will be no more targeting of the unvaccinated.
In UK this autumn, boosters are only offered to >65s versus >50s for autumn 2021, so a subtle admission that omicron much milder and that natural immunity works. Definitely primary vaccines still available but seems to be less pressure to get them.
But no country has openly acknowledged the harms.
If you look on the FAQs (which are in Danish), you can find this (which I have run through Google Translate):
The Danish Health Authority continues to recommend that persons who have not been vaccinated be vaccinated with the 1st and 2nd shots. This also applies even if they are younger than 50, as there may be a certain risk of serious illness if you are not vaccinated.
The older you are, the risk of a serious course against covid-19 is greater. Therefore, it will mainly be people who are over 40 who will benefit most from vaccination with the 1st and 2nd jab. However, younger people can also benefit, especially if they have risk factors such as chronic disease, severe obesity, etc.
Primary vaccination (1st and 2nd shots) will continue to be given with the original mRNA vaccines.
Children and young people only very rarely get a serious course of covid-19 with the omikron variant-. Therefore, the offer of vaccination with the 1st and 2nd jab for children between 5 and 17 years of age will not be a general offer in future. Children and young people who are at increased risk due to illness or a congenital disorder can be vaccinated if the doctor recommends it
People over the age of 18 will still have the opportunity to get the 3rd injection after three months have passed since the 2nd injection.
Link here:
So they’ll jab you with the old stuff? for the extinct variant? yeah that makes sense.