Our political parties raced to make Britain a “climate leader”, says Iain Martin in the Times. But they failed to plan for the bumps in the road and we’re all paying the price. Here’s how he starts.
Get ready to be bribed with your own money. The political parties are competing to show who can offer the biggest bailout to get through this winter’s energy shock. But do not be deceived about who really pays for the failure of Britain’s energy policy. We all do.
The old observation by Margaret Thatcher that the government does not have any money of its own to dispense is as true now as it was then. It only has what it collects from us in taxes and borrows on our behalf. Higher borrowing generally means higher taxes later.
I make this point not to suggest energy bailouts shouldn’t happen. They must. Without tens of billions in immediate assistance, many citizens will face distress and penury this winter. The winner of the Tory leadership race has no option other than to spend more on this to avoid social unrest.
But amid the clamour there is a game of distraction and blame-dodging going on. The main parties, all of them, and every arm of the state have a shared interest in avoiding a proper accounting for what went wrong. They all designed and cheered on Britain’s too aggressive race to net zero. With voters angry as the bills land, no one wants to admit their culpability.
Since the 2008 Climate Change Act, successive governments, urged on by the opposition – and the SNP and the Lib Dems – bet the house on getting to net zero quicker than anyone else. They gambled on Britain becoming a global leader in killing off carbon use and howled down anyone expressing concerns. And look where it has landed us.
Worth reading in full.
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It’s all nonsense anyway… transferring everything to China and pretending that you’ve cut your carbon footprint, is like cooking your supper next door and pretending you don’t use gas… to try doing that while telling your neighbour they have to get rid of their gas cooker is just bonkers.
Of course it’s China that benefits, but WHO are their whores – the ones that believe they’ll escape to their Beijing bungalow when all of this shakes out? That, naturally, is all dependent upon it working out their way.
It might be worth a look at this: https://www.ons.gov.uk/news/statementsandletters/classificationreviewoftheenergybillssupportscheme They have not decided what to do with the effect on CPI by the forthcoming “grant” to us (quite likely funded by us in the first place, as you indicate). Is it possible that they can artificially reduce inflation via the grant? That could be back-door fraud, depending on how they do the sums.
It would only be worth reading in full (behind the Times paywall?) if it discussed what to do about it.
There is a time for pitchforks. The people must wrest back control.
I ditched my subscription 6-7 years ago when The Times started morphing into The Guardian.
What is the long term plan? Let’s say we did manage to get to net zero worldwide.
At some point the climate will change regardless. Are we tying all future lives to fluctuations in the environment and expecting instant reactions?
Like a global game of Simon says, temperatures a bit high? Simon says everyone stop using electricity for 6 months.
The cabinet and Whitehall are staffed by many economists who should be relatively numerate.
None of the net zero polices that affect energy, transport and agriculture will have been devised without the presentation and consideration of extensive cost benefit analyses.
Much like the wider harms of lockdown, we are expected to believe that all subsequent harms of these polices were unforeseen and unintentional.
I would argue the polar opposite and suggest that the net zero policies have been enacted despite the wider harms being ‘war-gamed’ and that the goal of government is to freeze, impoverish, anger and starve the public into acceptance of their Digital ID, CBDC and social credit system.
The Satanic cabal’s plans are well advanced.
I agree with you, I think they want to totally ‘break’ everything (we are half way there as regards health and crime. Banks failing next.) so that people are in despair, then they will offer the ‘carrot’, much like they did with the alleged vaccine (‘we’ll end restrictions and you can go on holiday – if you are all vaccinated’). A blind beggar could surely see what’s coming, and I really don’t believe that people in the government are that stupid, whatever it may actually look like. I have become so suspicious…I am wondering why my bank is sending me a new (environmentally friendly, ha ha) debit card when my current one is nowhere near expiry. Is it because it may have the ability to count carbon credits in its chip?
When I was loading my car at the supermarket the other day, I wondered how long it will be before people are actually robbed of their shopping at knife point. Far fetched? I don’t think so.
Agree totally.
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Sri Lanka:
Problem – fuel shortages / high prices.
Reaction – riots and government overthrown.
Solution – introduction of digital ID in order to obtain fuel.
And BANG! The gates are shut.
This is just what is being gamed for here.
Subsidising economically retarded renewable energy schemes through tax payers’ money while watching energy bills skyrocket and pretending that somehow you’re ‘nurturing’ the economy with ‘green jobs’ is like drinking your own piss to survive on a life raft.
Net Zero will either be written on the global elite’s grave or ours. It’s up to us which one.
It will be ours unless something changes very quickly.
It would appear that the deliberate shifting of focus to climate change away from industrial pollution suited the major corporations and various countries and was manipulated by them. That billionaire influencers and corporations control government decisions has been made crystal clear over the past couple of years. It is now undeniable.
Clearly they knew they could rely on the general ignorance of governments and populations. Ask anyone about the Medieval Warming Period that saw a massive rise in food production and also population and they will shake their heads in disbelief. Tell them that period was followed by a mini ice age that saw crops rotting in the ground due to such heavy rainfall in the years 1315-17 and they almost put their hands over their ears. Fact is, those crop failures led to mass starvation across Britain and Europe resulting in the deaths of between 5 and 12% of populations. The way governments are handling the Climate Emergency scare is horribly reminiscent of China’s Great Leap Forward – that initiative led to the death of some 30m Chinese people. I am extremely disturbed by what we are all currently witnessing, where will it lead us? How do we begin to try to discuss and debate when such a strongly indoctrinated consensus has been nurtured over recent years?
Ooh look, Times muppets calling out net zero muppets!
And well done to The Daily Sceptic for following my lead in calling out muppets (though to be fair, the first edition of LS featuured a clown)!
Could you explain what point you’re making here, please?
Some months back a Times editor dismissed commenters on this forum as “anti-vaxxers”. Since then, I have frequently referred to that paper in posts as “Times muppets”, and not least because they employ a former Independent journalist (Oliver Wright) who wrote on big pharma corruption some years ago (including AZ and Pfizer – see links), but who has been strangely silent on their (possible) corruption relating to experimental “covid” medication, presumably because of the Times’s muppet editors. Now, a TDS piece featuring a Times article shows a picture of muppets!
I hope this helps.
Revealed: Big Pharma’s hidden links to NHS policy, with senior MPs saying medical industry uses ‘wealth to influence government’ | The Independent | The Independent
Big Pharma lobbyists exploit patients and doctors — Health & Wellness — Sott.net
Great Britain….bought and paid for like the EU states. Really screwed themselves. When the globalists have trillions does anyone really think we are getting out of this alive. Don’t think so.
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The fact that “electric” vehicles are 60% powered by non-renewables says it all. Smug, virtue-signalling Tesla drivers are running on 40% gas, at least. It’s all hot air, at the end of the day…
Anybody who now thinks the government and bureaucrats are anything but incompetent & poorly informed after this covid fiasco that will end up killing more people and destroying more lives and who will now allow them to implement this cult like Net Zero, deserves all of the hardship & destruction it will bring. Only a country of fools would even consider the staggering ineptitude of this policy.
More mad than King Mad of Madopolis in Madonia. Net Zero is a religion as if it’s going to lead us all to the promised land…just a few more years, just a lot more tears, just another decade, just a few more months, a few more years, just around the corner, almost there… Meanwhile, we’ve given up our cars, our agriculture, been forced out of the countryside into Smart (not so smart) cities where we live on government hand-outs that depend on vaccination status and…well you know the drill by now. For politicians it’s the magical bullet that will enable them to stay in power or take power because of all the posturing to the masses through the bought-and-paid-for media plus it’s part of an agenda plus they might get kick-backs from their corporate buddies who will rake in the cash (probably digital at that stage, so, rake in the digits…). Utter corruption at a global level and so big and large a crime against ordinary human beings that there are few who can actually see it. Most go along with it…’cos itz science, innit? But for those of us who can see, it’s a cult just like Covid. It’s insane. I don’t have any answers apart from resisting and trying to find like-minded souls with whom to build a new type of world that allows freedom, health, and is inspirational.
The Groupthink is the method of gaining compliance.
The real objective is depopulation and decline into a neo-feudalism where the carbon they will be trying to get rid of is you.