- “Health Care Workers Who Sued Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Win $10 Million Settlement” – A group of health care workers who sued their hospital over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate are slated to receive $10 million, according to the Epoch Times
- “GB News faces Ofcom investigation over host’s Covid booster claims” – Ofcom is investigating GB News, the Guardian reports, after Mark Steyn “wrongly alleged that having the extra dose was killing Britons”
- “AstraZeneca’s new Covid treatment stops virus mutating” – AstraZeneca says its new drug slashes the risk of new variants emerging, according to the Telegraph. No doses have been ordered yet
- “Shocking photos show animals tangled in face masks and gloves” – MailOnline publishes images collected by researchers from Dalhousie University in Canada showing animals tangled up in masks and gloves, with a significant majority involving birds
- “The WHO’s Reckless Disregard for Truth” – Writing for the Brownstone Institute, David Bell takes aim at the WHO over the latest update to its global COVID-19 vaccination strategy
- “Now We Know What It’s like To Live Among Lunatics” – “The hardest part of the past 28 months,” writes Mark Oshinskie at the Brownstone Institute, “has been being surrounded by so many people so deeply out of touch with reality”
- “L.A. County narrowly avoided a mask mandate. Can we keep BA.5 in check?” – The Los Angeles Times reports the city has escaped a renewed indoor mask mandate, as case number decline
- “LA’s largest hospital only treating five Covid patients as county weighs new mask mandates” – The Los Angeles County and University of Southern California Medical Centre has announced that they have a total of five patients hospitalised for Covid, according to the Post Millennial
- “Working in No 10 was ‘like being Boris’s nanny’ says former aide” – Cleo Watson, a former aide to Boris Johnson has spilled some beans on her life inside No 10, MailOnline reports. Apparently, Boris had a “dubious attitude to handwashing and acted like a schoolboy when she checked his temperature as a warning he might have the virus”
- “How Wikipedia defames and delegitimises anybody raising concerns against the WHO narrative on Covid” – Professor Norman Fenton describes how his Wikipedia entry was hacked with “blatant lies and defamation”
- “The climate scaremongers: Was it really an unprecedented heatwave?” – “How exceptional were those temperatures?” asks Paul Homewood in TCW Defending Freedom
- “U.K. heatwave: Weather forecasters report unprecedented trolling” – The BBC reports that its weather team “received hundreds of abusive tweets or emails questioning their reports and telling them to ‘get a grip’”
- “The Great Climate Hoax?” – Climate change sceptics come in for a bit of teasing in Alistair Miller’s latest piece in the Salisbury Review
- “Climate Emergency Update” – Global hurricane activity and U.S. Tornado numbers well below average, Paul Homewood reports on Not A Lot of People Know That
- “Does the Associated Press expect journalists to lie?” – The new AP style guide on trans issues elevates gender ideology over the truth, says Jo Bartosch in Spiked
- “My son’s innocent teenage fumblings saw him branded a rapist” – An anonymous mother describes how her son’s immature flirtations led to his being labelled a sexual predator and suspended from his school
- “The rise and fall of Stonewall” – The Charity’s decline now appears to be rapid and terminal, writes Miriam Cates, rather optimistically, in the Telegraph
- “Russia facing ‘economic oblivion’ and losing financial war with West” – A new study looking at Russian consumer and trade data has found that the country “has no way out of economic oblivion”, MailOnline reports
- “Dutch farmers touch off a worldwide revolt” – Writing for Spectator World, Samuel Dutschmann looks at how farmers around the world are coming out in solidarity with the Dutch protest
- “Europe’s energy crisis deepens as more countries try to save power” – Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish PM has urged all public sector workers to ditch the neck-wear to stay cool instead of using air con, MailOnline says
- “Could U.K. be forced to turn off the lights like Germany to save energy?” – Once again, the lamps appear to be going out all over Europe, according to MailOnline
- “We are finally winning the battle against wokery” – Recent victories for common sense highlight the need to fight boldly on all fronts of the culture war, says David Abulafia in the Telegraph
- “Rishi Sunak seeks to revive faltering No 10 bid by attacking ‘woke nonsense’” – Rishi Sunak is “wading in to a series of so-called culture war issues”, the Guardian says, in a bid to revive his flagging leadership campaign
- “Police commissioner criticises own force over social media arrest” – Donna Jones, a Police and Crime Commissioner, has criticised her force for sending officers to arrest a man for an offensive social media post, the Evening Standard reports
- “Fact check: Scientists at CERN are not opening a ‘portal to hell’” – USA Today facts checks the TikTok video, claiming that scientists at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research are using their particle accelerator to open a doorway for demons
- “Wikipedia just changed the definition of recession” – The Ministry of Truth is rewriting everything in front of your eyes, says Dr. Eli David
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What happened to the rebuttal to Ian Rons ?
Dropped down the memory hole. We were always at war with Eurasia.
It’s been removed for your protection and the harm it may cause to Ian Rons’ feelings.
There were too many documented verifiable facts in the rebuttal, hence it was memory holed in a style we’ve become all too familiar with.
It’s almost as if the Grauniad fake fact checkers are censoring on the DS as well.
In Defence of Jacques Baud.
Who was the author ?
Suzie Halewood. Team Tobey: why was this piece killed?
Also where is Mark?
“The vote for the freedom friendly parties was about half what was anticipated. This can be explained to some degree by their messages being swamped by the majors’ well-funded advertising campaigns, but there was another factor at play too. I handed out how to vote cards for the Liberal Democrats on Saturday; I was the sole party representative at my booth. Labor, Greens, and the Liberals had teams – paid or unpaid, I don’t know, but they had a presence. The FFPs simply couldn’t match it. The major parties reinforced their ads with people at the front line on election day. This show of strength was seemingly enough to sway voters who were disgruntled with the majors but uncertain about the FFPs.”
In some local authorities the votes weren’t even verified until the day after voting, meaning that ballot boxes were stored unsupervised overnight. Add to that the effect of postal votes, in which votes are opened and stored in a cupboard for more than a week before polling day. The voting system in the UK is wide open to fraud and corruption, and it surprises me that nobody is speaking up about this. I doubt we’ve had fair voting since Tony Blair’s reforms of the early 2000s.
Postal voting has become very popular here. A Labor vol told me that 40% of the local electorate voted in advance.
That’s a very accurate statistic Greg. Did the vol tell you before or after the election?
That was on the day itself, hp.
Londo, I can vouch for the suspected fraud. I have been an agent in the last three UK elections.
Nuland-Pyatt tape removed from Youtube after eight years.
This looks a little like George W Bush’s Freudian slip.
Perhaps the person who uploaded the video removed it.
Perhaps YouTube removed it as they realised it was an extremely boring video and no-one ever watched it.
Perhaps you live and work in San Bruno, California, not Finland. Perhaps you are a YouTube functionary rather than a sceptic.
Finland ‘s most famous next Tuesday warrior.
Toby has decided the WHO power grab isn’t a variant of concern….
”As part of this plan, the WHO has contracted German-based Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems to develop a global vaccine passport system, with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.
This system will be universal, mandatory, trans-national, and operated by unelected bureaucrats in a captured NGO who already bungled the covid pandemic response.”
“It can also be used as part of future vaccination campaigns and home-based records.”
We clearly didn’t need previous vaccination campaigns and unless there are future malicious releases of viruses we won’t need them in the future.
Do they? Trust from whom? I’m sure that most of us on here would regard such a system in the hands of government as being something definitely not to be trusted.
And as regards being ‘tamper-proof’, how many weeks or even days would it take for someone to work out a way of faking it? Not many, I would think.
Trust. Government.
Nah, it’s very poor English to believe those two words could ever sit comfortably in the same sentence
People behind Online Harms Bill only want control, says Mark Steyn
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Shrewd comment in Unherd:
“For 2 1/2 years it’s been drilled into us that every single life is precious – no matter how old or unhealthy – and notions like freedom and liberty or functioning democratic institutions like parliament can never justify the loss of life. Now the very same people have turned the equation on its head – the loss of freedom and democracy for Ukrainians must not be tolerated, no matter the cost in lives and destruction.”
They can’t lose what they didn’t have.
No it hasn’t. I understand that the unborn (who are alive) have been killed in even greater numbers than usual, that getting unborn children killed was exemptedfrom lockdowns, unlike churches. Shows us just where we stand…
Now let me try to understand this. The gubmint are contemplating a windfall tax on the obscene profits made by the big energy companies, so that our nice, clever Mr Sunak will be able to provide a big fat state cash handout to all of us impoverished householders. Which handout is specifically designed to enable us to pay our bloated gas and electricity bills, which will of course all go back into the pockets of…the big energy companies.
Am I missing something here?
You can do your own sums, but we are already paying a slice of extra tax via VAT – 5% VAT on domestic power, and 20% on road fuel (and EV charging away from home). E.g. yesterday’s petrol price was around 34% higher than a year ago, and the utility firm has jacked up it’s prices as well.’Merry go round’ taxation, in effect.
The £400 lump sum made the headlines, but not the increase in revenue to the Treasury.
You can do your own sums…
Childish, economic jibberish, designed to fool the masses while insulting people with any intelligence.
Sadly, there do not seem to be many people with intelligence left in this country.
The lunatic scheme has been comprehensively gutted for economic and historical illiteracy by El Gato;
” one of the oldest, longstanding plays in the fascist/socialist playbook:
and here we go again. again.”
Or he could just permanently cancel the Green Levy charged via our fuel bills.
It would kill the fake renewables but at least the truth would be out and we would be saving our own money.
The disappearance of the article “In Defence of Jacques Baud” without explanation is a very worrying development from your organisation. I am considering the disappearance of my financial support pending a satisfactory clarification.
It’s a very odd business. Smacks a little too much of Team Tobey pulling editorial muscle to drown out Team Delingpole after his interview with Jacques Baud. At least it looks that way right now until there is an explanation. Are we seeing a purging of any content which goes against the government narrative of Ukraine good Russia bad? Anyone know how to get in touch with the Free Speech Union, perhaps they might be interested. And where’s Mark?
Welcome to the Daily Not Sceptical At All.
Still viewable via the wayback machine for those who didn’t see it –
That is not the point, though.
Maybe DS has received a D Notice? I remember reading on Peter Hitchens blog a few weeks ago the below and it shocked me at the time.
Wow. Yes, that sounds right. Hitchens comment is fascinating: obviously with a D notice you can’t actually tell people that you’ve got the D notice, or why. But look what he does. Makes the statement, then segues straight into a piece about Ukraine. So, yep. That does slightly blow my mind, to think DS is monitored, and an article like that can be pinged. Does Delingpole read this? Someone needs to convey this to him. And where’s Mark? By far the most interesting, intelligent and incisive commenter here, now suddenly absent. Have his comments earned him the wrath of the D notice also? Mark, call home.
A corrupt “so called” government led by a proven compulsive,opportunist liar leading a bunch of incompetents comprising the 3 witches (Patel,Truss and Dorris), a later day Lord Snooty (Rees-Mogg) and a ragbag of ex “barra boys” and “Hooray Henries and Henriettas”
A collective opposition of Labour, Lib Dems, Greens and Nationalists who in the words of Rick from Casa Blanca:don’t amount to a hill of beans”
Cromwell (latter day), where are you?
Never mind Cromwell, where the hell is Guy Fawkes?
Does it really matter if Labour win the next election Toby? We really now have a US type Uniparty. The only real arguments are semantics, general policy is pretty much the same.
Would Labour have ignored SAGE advice to keep locking down after Christmas 2021/Jan 2022?
They’d have locked down undoubtedly – but Johnson only refused because of back-bench pressure.
Yes. Some of the Tory backbenches and a few Cabinet members made the difference. Some of them might be vaguely conservative.
”… according to the Telegraph, as hysteria builds….”
Now, I wonder who’s ”building the hysteria”. What a load of unmitigated tripe. No doubt the media are still fulfilling an extended contract with the government from Spring 2020:
And as they said in Ukcolumn at the time:
”So news media have a commercial interest in providing a propaganda service to the UK government. Indeed, it has been noticed that the government is becoming the UK media’s most important client.”
“We’ll all pay the price for Rishi Sunak’s handouts”
What’s come over The Speccie? Bozo yesterday and Sunni today?
Very strange.
Matthew Lynn nails the problem in the Spectator: “The harsh reality about the current bout of inflation is this: we locked down much of the global economy for a year, and printed money to pay for it. On top of that the Ukraine war has taken out a huge chunk of productive capacity as well. The result? We are poorer than we were.”
Well no shit Sherlock! It’s a shame that those of us who in March 2020 pointed out the lunacy of destroying our economy, liberty and children’s futures over a virus which 99.8% of people make a full recovery (and most of those who would die were not long for this world anyway) from were hysterically accused of been granny murdering b*****ds. The lunacy is now continuing with prolonging a pointless war in Ukraine (and risking nuclear annihilation in the process). We are living in a mad house!
More like a kiddy’s play house.Smithey. They are all playing their children’s games with toytown money whilst the grown-ups are out.
Sadly, it seems that all the grown-ups have left and don’t plan to come back.
And the war is not pointless to Russia and the non-western nations. They are busy establishing an alternative world order whilst the West disappears up its own green fundament, dragging us poor (and getting poorer) saps with it.
I was worried earlier in the year when my son announced he was planning to apply for residence in Russia, now I think I envy him. Especially given that Putin has just announced that, due to increased energy tax revenues and a stabilisation of Russian interest rates at last year’s level, he is increasing the state pension there.
DS has a choice to continue playing along with this fraud or start reporting the plethora of proof that this latest fictional ‘outbreak’ was once again planned to bring in mass public manipulation.
We’re right at the start of this thing, it must be confronted vociferously before it is allowed to manifest into a false reality, pathing way for WHO to come in with their crushing communist rules.
We BTL have shown the evidence – you can try to ignore that it exists but the truth will out.
How are the UK Government going to fine global companies like Facebook 10% of their total profits?
“We’ll all pay the price for Rishi Sunak’s handouts” – Matthew Lynn nails the problem in the Spectator: “The harsh reality about…
For the last two decades ‘Government’ (both Parties) has deliberately driven up the price of energy and deliberately made it more difficult for suppliers to supply it by removing sustainable supply fossil fuel generation from the mix.
This restriction of supply in itself pushes up prices, but on top of that carbon tax, other green levies, subsidies to the unsustainable supply companies (wind, solar) and a price cap which discourages investment to increase supply in an industry which has volatile input costs and therefore likely poor return on capital.
Successive Governments have successfully persuaded a gullible public (not difficult) that increased energy prices are the fault of ‘greedy’ companies taking ‘excess’ profits.
But it is policy to drive prices up to discourage use of energy. Initially to drive up the price of fossil fuel generated electricity to the level of and then above the more expensive wind/solar so the latter would in time seem cheaper.
But as it has now dawned on the half-wits, wind/solar can never provide sustainable, continuous supply nor can it be dispatched as needed, so a move to EV and all electric heating will mean it will be impossible to meet future demand over the next decade, or distribute the increased load, therefore the aim now is to substantially reduce electricity use irrespective of how it is generated… ‘green’ or not.
And consider. After 2030 the proposal is for the UK to have only a single energy source – electricity – for everything. And that electricity supply will be from generation dependent on the vagaries of the British weather during a period of alleged climate change.
But there is a more sinister element: it means Government can control us literally by the flick of a switch. We shall only be able to cook, light and heat our homes, use the Internet, charge our EVs and travel as the Government allows.
“So what explains its unprecedented rise across the world?”
Vaxx => spike protein damages your immune system => epidemics of viral poxes.
‘Pet hamsters belonging to monkeypox patients should be isolated or killed, say health chiefs‘
‘Health chiefs should be isolated or killed, say hamsters‘
#I Am A Hamster