The Free Speech Union chalked up another victory yesterday after the Employment Tribinal ruled that Simon Isherwood, a rail conductor, had been unfairly dismissed by West Midlands Trains (WMT). His sin was to question the premise of an online diversity course he’d just taken on ‘white privilege’. After the course concluded, he forgot to disconnect from Teams and turned to his wife and said: “I couldn’t be arsed because I thought, ‘You know what, I’ll just get f***ing angry.’ You know what I really wanted to ask? … and I wish I had, ‘Do they have black privilege in other countries? So, if you’re in Ghana? …’”
Some of Mr Isherwood’s colleagues complained and he was suspended later that day. He was then subject to a disciplinary investigation and eventually fired for gross misconduct. But WMT hadn’t reckoned on the fact that Mr Isherwood is a member of the Free Speech Union. We found him a top human rights lawyer in the form of Paul Diamond, brought a claim for unfair dismissal in the Employment Tribunal and paid all his legal expenses. Yesterday, the judge ruled in his favour, saying,
Freedom of expression, including a qualified right to offend when expressing views and beliefs (in this case on social issues), is a fundamental right in a democratic society and one that is protected by the Convention rights under the Human Rights Act 1998. In this instance however there is the added significance that these views were being expressed in the privacy of the claimant’s home to his wife. They were never intended to be heard by those who attended or ran the course… Whilst undoubtedly contentious, the remarks he expressed (albeit in an unguarded fashion because they were made to his wife) were akin to expressions of views not infrequently heard on radio and television or read in some newspapers. A significant section of society may of course disagree with those views, consider them narrow minded and may also take offence at them but undoubtedly there will be another section of society who hold a contrary view.
Next time an employer is urged to dismiss someone by woke activists for challenging their progressive dogma, I hope they’ll think twice. Mr Isherwood is now due for a five-figure payout.
You can read more about this landmark free speech victory in MailOnline.
And if you think there’s a risk your employer may come after you for exercising your lawful right to free speech, you can join the FSU here. Membership fees start at £2.49 a month for students, retirees and veterans.
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Wow. That’s cosmic.
They hadn’t reckoned on Mr Isherwood being a member of the Free Speech Union.
Hope this sets a president
Absolutely has (set a precedent, that is
Spread the word!
Thank you. Need all the help I can get with spelling. Was rubbish at English but excelled at maths.
You are forgiven. Like French, English is a crazy language. On the other hand, languages like Spanish, once you know the rules, are a lot easier to spell, being entirely phonetic and almost 100% predictable.
Well done
An organisation worth supporting
Well done, FSU. Case Law will spell the beginning of the end for the race hustlers. Can’t imagine the payouts will be less than what big companies pay their “Diversity Consultants” who trot out all this useless, offensive tripe. All the black folk I know hate all this white privilege stuff; they want to be measured on their merit alone.
These slimeballs have been getting away with this nonsense unchallenged for far too long.
Why is this undoubtedly contentious? Assuming that societies are inherently organized in such a way that members of the dominant ethnic group will be favoured over others, it’s perfectly sensible to assume that black privilege must exist in countries where this dominant ethnic group is black. At least insofar one accepts this US simpleton theory of the people of the world being naturally grouped into whites and non-whites. In reality, a real lot of different peoples subdivided into different tribes are living in Africa and they don’t exactly love each other just because woketards don’t want to be bothered with such insignificant (to them) distinctions.
The reaction of the employer is also noteworthy. That’s
We respect the decision of the Tribunal. West Midlands Trains is an inclusive employer and there is no place for discriminatory behaviour within the rail industry.
my understanding of that is The company has money enough and can as well pay up for unfortunate tribunal decisions like this one. We’ll do it again on the next opportunity.
They may think they have enough (of other people’s) money. But once the floodgates open…
‘We respect the decision of the Tribunal. West Midlands Trains is an inclusive employer and there is no place for discriminatory behaviour within the rail industry.’
Sure, you are an inclusive employer but not if a person has differing opinions to the wokeacracy.
This is code language for We are operating based on the tenets of critical race theory and the theory that wrongspeak is harmful to others. In other words, that’s basically an assertion that – regardless of the decision of the employment tribunal – questioning the concept of white privilege implies and intends victimization of members of oppressed groups. Isherwood was removed for his harmful, racist behaviour and WMT will do that again in future, regards of which court says what about this.
It’s basically a committment to keep breaking the law in the name of a cause that’s deemed more important. Very similar to the Halifax customer services guy.
This is how things work nowadays. We are all inclusive if you agree with us, otherwise we’re not. It’s a return to tribalism.
There is something seriously wrong with this society when somebody can lose their job for something said, not to a work colleague, or in their place of work, but for a comment made to a spouse in the privacy of your own home.
By God we have sunk to awful depths. Actually I am not sure we will ever climb out of this mess.
And from a managerial angle why didn’t the manager who took the initial complaint wag his finger at rhe complainant and say:
OK sonny, private comments between a man and wife have nothing to do with us. Now Foxtrot Oscar and don’t mither managers again with woke rubbish.
Some hope I suppose.
The reasoning behind this is presumably that Isherwood accidentally imposed himself as disgusting and dangerous racist hell-bent on coming after members of oppressed groups. Presumably, the manager was happy that this happened before he came to work with L7A2 GPMG and opened fire on wrong-coloured colleagues, something which was bound to happen sooner or later.
The privacy angle is unfortunate. He should be able to say that in public without fear of the sack.
Well done to Toby for setting up the FSU; Mr Isherwood for standing up for himself and the FSU for beating the woke bullies.
As someone who has travelled extensively around the world for both work and leisure I can answer his question…yes black privilege does exist in other countries. Brazil, Mauritius, Kuwait are three places I can think of immediately where being white was definitely a disadvantage.