There have been over 8,750 more deaths than usual from causes other than COVID-19 in England and Wales in the past 10 weeks, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics show.
In the week ending July 1st, the most recent week for which figures are available, there were 10,357 deaths registered, which is 1,128 or 12.2% above the five-year average. Of these, 332 were registered with Covid as a contributory cause and 212 were registered as due to Covid as underlying cause. This leaves 916 excess deaths from an underlying cause other than COVID-19, bringing the total non-Covid excess deaths in the 10 weeks since the recent spike began in late April to 8,756 deaths.

Health experts have called for an urgent investigation of this alarming trend, though the Government has yet to signal it intends to do this or to offer any explanation of the high rate of deaths.
Looking at deaths by date of occurrence, if we compare them to the rollout of vaccine doses in the spring booster campaign among over-75s in England we can see what appears to be a correlation, meaning a possible connection should be investigated. The sharp drop in the most recent week may be an indication that the wave is easing, though with the crisis in ambulance services and hospital capacity ongoing that remains to be seen.

Breaking the data down by age, the proportion of non-Covid excess deaths in the over-75s is back up again to 74% this week, after briefly dropping to 64% last week.
Looking at deaths by cause, we can see that cardiovascular deaths (related to the heart and blood vessels) of different kinds have been running high during the period (the dotted purple line is the expected number of deaths). Note that these graphs relate to any cause mentioned on a death certificate, not just the underlying cause, meaning each person’s death may appear on multiple charts, once for each cause of death recorded.

Diabetes, diseases of the urinary system and diseases of the liver have also been running high.

On the other hand, cancers are not running particularly high. This is somewhat surprising given the withdrawal of healthcare over the past two and a half years. It suggest that something else is going on besides lack of healthcare access.

Respiratory deaths are also not running high, underlining the small role being played by COVID-19 and similar viruses in the trend.

Is the Government at any point going to acknowledge this problem and investigate it?
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It must be the heatwave, quick declare a climate emergency!
Wait for the week 29 figures. They prefer inanimate objects to blame for any negative effects.
In response to the final question……. No.
You don’t acknowledge a problem and investigate something if you’d rather people didn’t know about. Move along …… nothing to see.
Who could possibly have predicted back in March 2020 that locking everyone in their homes, turning the NHS into the National Covid Service and injecting everyone with an experimental drug that had by passed the normal safety protocols could possibly lead to problems?
When will we hear the first PM candidate contestant talk about anything on this stupidity and not about cutting taxes?
The government has yet to signal it intends to investigate and explain a prolonged period of excess deaths … Yeah, the question sort of answers itself – why won’t they investigate? Because they already have investigated and they know the answer.
On 21 April 2021 the UK government put out a tender for 8 specialist centres to treat the “very rare TTP”. So rare, that at that time there were only 2 specialist centres, to which the UK government wished to add another 8. It became a lot less rare all of sudden, coincidentally a few months after the UK’s vaxx roll-out started. The real kicker is when you read the tender description, it says the services will be procured for up to 4 years – suggesting, I suppose, that TTP will go back to its previous ‘rare’ status in 2025.
They have investigated, they know. I would suggest that any politican on the make needs to get ahead of this and start demanding investigations and halting of vaxxing if they wish to retain and move forward in their political career. Anyone at this point still supporting the vaxx will be blamed, and rightly so.
Similar to the point I made further down – they were advertising for AI experts to process large numbers of vaccine injuries before they rolled them out. All so diabolical and begs the question: if it was all about Digital ID and vaxxpasses, why didn’t they administer harmless shots, which would make this all so much easier? Points to something very dark indeed, I believe now we all need to be able to countenance the very worst.
Can I have clue please? What’s TTP?
Fortunately I am able to self manage my diabetes and am happy to modify my medication without seeing either my GP or the diabetic specialist nurse. Some people are not so fortunate but can’t see the people they need to see in a timely manner. Also if a person with diabetes, particularly type 1, becomes unwell with an infection then they can develop diabetic keto acidosis which can be fatal if not treated in time (that would appear in part 1 of the death certificate alongside the infection, and diabetes would appear in part 2). When ambulances are having to wait to offload then patients will deteriorate. Cancer patients being diagnosed late, so what was a treatable stage 1 cancer has become an untreatable stage 4 cancer. It also depends on the type of cancer.
Also, not being able to access a dentist may account for some of the cardiac problems, poor dental hygiene can lead to endocarditis. Dentists can also check for oral cancers.
Sorry, I may have misread the graphs, but the diabetes graph doesn’t appear to say what is assumed.
The number of deaths attributed to diabetes, the dark grey appears to be fairly constant, with the light grey, other underlying conditions being the variable. Whereas cancer does appear to be running high.
These graphs need to be extended to cover from 2001 until now.
I received an email early morning to say that, apparently, vaccine safety is now going to be discussed in parliament – on 19th September. Another whitewash expected of course.
An interesting question is whether governments have themselves been duped by the pharmaceutical shysters. However I remember a government job vacancy being shared before the roll out for AI experts to manage large numbers of vaccine injuries, so probably not. Befehl ist Befehl seems more appropriate.
To some extent they were probably duped by big P. I do think most people believe that ‘vaccines’ are a good thing and by and large harmless. They probably also believe that big P would not put profits over health (hahahahaha) in the sense that they would roll out a drug that has very serious health implications. It wouldn’t have been that hard to convince politicians, anymore than it was to convince everyone else, that yes, there might be some AEs, even serious ones, but that, for example, if 50 AEs or even deaths prevented 1000 ICU admissions/deaths, it was worth it. I do think a lot of people believed that crap, the problem I have is that they still do now – or choose to, at this point it is wilful and grossly negligent if not outright criminal to continue injecting the poison.
Plus a lot of them will have taken the poison too, I believe that as well. People who took it do not want to think they did something very damaging to themselves. They need to understand that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem
Now, of course, both government and opposition face the problem of admitting they got it wrong – no one will win from this unless they took a solid ‘this is wrong’ stance very early on. If Labour tried to spin this to their advantage, we all know they would have gone even further than the Tories. If one of the Tory frontrunners tried to use it, it would be pointed out that each and every one of them backed and voted for the Tory line, so obviously they’re going to keep quiet and hope no one brings it up.
Just to point out that the 75+ age group could have had their pneumococcal and shingles vaccination at the same time as the CoViD19.
What would be useful would be the numbers with sepsis or septicaemia on the certificate. A person may have a urinary tract infection, but are likely to die from sepsis, an overreaction of the immune system.
I said “When will we hear the first PM candidate contestant talk about anything on this stupidity and not about cutting taxes?”
Ah – someone has spoken.
Kemi Badenoch.
Should we not try to help her campaign as she is the only Sceptic in the bunch?
She did vote for vaccine passports & mandatory NHS staff injections…. She could have abstained so as not to resign from cabinet.
She is the least woke of the lot. Do wonder whether Gove backing her is a ruse to prevent her from getting the job….
But excess deaths aren’t contagious so they don’t matter right?