Are cracks beginning to appear in the mainstream Covid vaccine narrative?
Virology Journal has published a letter from a cardiovascular surgeon, Kenji Yamamoto, setting out the case for ceasing all Covid vaccine booster programmes on safety grounds, calling Covid vaccines a “major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients”. His own cardiovascular surgery department at Okamura Memorial Hospital, Japan, has seen numerous complications in vaccinated patients, including some deaths, he says.
Dr. Yamamoto’s major concern is the damaging impact of Covid vaccines on the immune system. He notes that a Lancet study from Sweden found negative vaccine effectiveness (“lower immune function”) eight months after inoculation. He offers reasons that this would be the case.
The decrease in immunity is caused by several factors. First, N1-methylpseudouridine is used as a substitute for uracil in the genetic code. The modified protein may induce the activation of regulatory T cells, resulting in decreased cellular immunity. Thereby, the spike proteins do not immediately decay following the administration of mRNA vaccines. The spike proteins present on exosomes circulate throughout the body for more than four months. In addition, in vivo studies have shown that lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) accumulate in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries, and that LNP-encapsulated mRNA is highly inflammatory. Newly generated antibodies of the spike protein damage the cells and tissues that are primed to produce spike proteins, and vascular endothelial cells are damaged by spike proteins in the bloodstream; this may damage the immune system organs such as the adrenal gland. Additionally, antibody-dependent enhancement may occur, wherein infection-enhancing antibodies attenuate the effect of neutralising antibodies in preventing infection. The original antigenic sin, that is, the residual immune memory of the Wuhan-type vaccine may prevent the vaccine from being sufficiently effective against variant strains. These mechanisms may also be involved in the exacerbation of COVID-19. Some studies suggest a link between COVID-19 vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles. This condition is sometimes referred to as vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Dr. Yamamoto’s department has encountered many cases of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), a blood-clotting autoimmune condition, he says, which have occurred in waves, and also an unusually high number of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia cases.
As a safety measure, “further booster vaccinations should be discontinued”, he insists. He also proposes that the date of vaccination and the time since the last vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients, since it “may need to be considered when invasive procedures are required”. He suggests a number of practical measures that vaccinees can take to prevent a vaccine-induced decrease in their immunity.
Besides the impact on immunity, Dr. Yamamoto raises other safety worries which he says are likely to become increasingly apparent: “It has been hypothesised that there will be an increase in cardiovascular diseases, especially acute coronary syndromes, caused by the spike proteins in genetic vaccines.” There is also a possible more general risk of “unknown organ damage caused by the vaccine that has remained hidden without apparent clinical presentations, mainly in the circulatory system”, he adds.
He concludes with a call for “careful risk assessments prior to surgery and invasive medical procedures”, saying COVID-19 vaccination is a “major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients”. Further studies are need to confirm his clinical observations, he says.
Will other medics, scientists and journals raise these issues so that the public and political leaders can be properly informed about the risks and benefits of the medical interventions they are being asked to endorse and accept?
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Four, little letters:
That this shyte is still being referred to as “vaccination” by governments, politicians, media organisations and all manner of “experts” is nothing short of CRIMINAL.
Anthony Fauci should be in prison, along with Imperial College’s Professor Neil Ferguson.
But I am not holding my breath. That would be silly.
There’s far too much political capital tied up with vaccines for any government to admit it was a mistake. This will never be a top down movement but sadly it seems unlikely to be a bottom up one either. Individuals hate admitting they were fools.
And not just any government, but the developers themselves in the pharmaceutical trade. If they had been more accurate about the names allocated to the products, rather than manipulating the definition of “vaccine”, they would have been required to go through a slower, more complex, and expensive protocol to market a brand new drug. Getting away with calling them “vaccines” and having been granted Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA), and financial immunity as well probably looked like winning the lottery. That’s where we are, for now.
“Are cracks beginning to appear in the mainstream Covid vaccine narrative?”
According to this refreshing article, Yes. Definitely. This is very encouraging to read. Maybe it will embolden other physicians to write their own articles where they report what they are actually seeing in patients.
I hope so, and that they are bold enough to publish their opinions, rather than worrying about being “struck off” for not following the club in power.
Prof Bhakdi predicted all this when the jabs were first being rolled out. The consequences of this mass human experimentation are going to be appalling.
Professor Sarah Gilbert, who led the University of Oxford team that developed the Astrazeneca jab given to millions of Brits was given a standing ovation at last years Wimbledon Did anyone else notice how nervous she looked with her ” not me gov” look.
Then there is this :-
You don’t have to be an immunologist to understand the gist of it.
It is mind blowing and shreds any argument that the gene based jabs are safe and effective.
Please send to others, especially to those of any influence in these matters .Lol.
And, we’re still encouraging the jabbing of kids – especially the NHS, or rather the criminal morons in charge of it.
The criminal morons in the NHS have added the covid 19 bioweapon injection into the routine paediatric vaccination programme! The clinical trial doesn’t conclude until 2023!!!
“are cracks beginning to appear in the mainstream Covid vaccine narrative?”. That’s what we’re all waiting on right – an acknowledgement from MSM that there is a problem with this muck? We know there’s a problem, they know there’s a problem, but nothing has been mentioned. Not a dicky bird. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. And they have said nothing because they know, regardless of the condemning evidence, that if they all close ranks they can do a number on the brainless masses and hold on to a collective safety through a well-orchestrated Orwellian ‘truth’ machine. But I do sense the ground shifting a little. Why? Well, there now is fringe MSM talking about it – I’m thinking of GB News here – and MSM will be, without a shadow of a doubt, getting twitchy. They are now in a quandary, do they stick to their guns and hope all others do the same, or do they break ranks and be the first to raise doubt, thereby guaranteeing their own survival by appearing to be the outlet that saved the world? As soon as one topples the rest will fall like dominos – that is an absolute certainty. They’ll be as twitchy as a cat on a hot tin roof at the moment, all wondering who’s going to break first.
These traitors of the people deserve every single single sleepless night they’ll be enduring. As far as I’m concerned they are all complicit in murder, including the murder of children, and must be held accountable. Our line held, will theirs?
I think a lot of expert opinion would be more than entitled to say “we told you so” but of course they are too polite and dignified. Unlike the majority who have been maligning, bullying and ridiculing them since this shite show began or just staying quiet – SHAME ON THEM.
This call to action from the World Council for Health Website.
“Next week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will convene to consider the approval of the Covid-19 vaccine for children aged six months to four years old. In the lead up to this meeting, the FDA has opened the floor for comments from the public.
We urge parents, healthcare providers, teachers, grandparents, and aunts and uncles around the world to voice their opinion to the US FDA using their online tool. (
The comment period closes tonight, June 7 at 11:59 pm EDT.
Late submissions will be accepted until June 13 2022.
There is no Covid emergency for children but there is a growing emergency as children and adults alike continue to suffer adverse events as a result of the experimental Covid-19 injections.”
I realise that given the investment and collusion that the chances of preventing it are not that high, but if we don’t try, are we not also accomplices?
Please try and find a bit of time to send feedback.
Surely we owe it to the children?
Well, I made a comment. Now they definitely know who I am and where to find me. So I am a little nervous. You are right. We all know this won’t make a difference.