In further proof of the futility of restrictions in suppressing an infectious respiratory virus, reported Covid infections in Shanghai continue to rise amidst one of the world’s strictest lockdowns. Jared T. Nelson reports on Twitter from the city.
Day 35 of our Shanghai Covid lockdown. Unbelievably, the newly identified Covid cases in Shanghai increased yesterday.
Adding to that trend, friends in several areas reported new cases in apartment buildings and communities that have been under strict lockdown for weeks.

We have the strictest imaginable lockdown conditions in Shanghai, and still have this massive setback of a rise in new Covid cases.
How can the virus, in these conditions, continue to survive and spread?
And if it can, in these conditions, how can our hope continue to survive? Social media in Shanghai has been flooded this weekend with despair, sorrow, and anger…
35 days of Covid lockdown in Shanghai with countless consecutive negative tests. Still not allowed to leave our front door. Still frustrated by food and water deliveries not returning to normal. Still with no idea of when this will end. Still very angry.
The one good development has been that some areas of the city seem to be doing better with fewer cases and less restrictions.
A key thing to remember about our city is that it is huge and the situation is different everywhere – I am only sharing our situation where I live.
There are a number of reasons lockdowns don’t stop the spread of a highly contagious virus like SARS-CoV-2, mostly to do with the fact that the virus spreads through the air (and possibly also via the orofecal route), and people can’t stop interacting entirely – essential work must be done and people must get supplies, medical treatment and so on. Add to that that people will often conceal early symptoms, particularly if they don’t want to be sent to a quarantine facility, and most protective equipment is ineffective, and it becomes almost impossible to prevent transmission.
How long until the Chinese Government admits defeat and joins the rest of the world in switching to ‘living with Covid’?
Read Jared’s full Twitter thread here.
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