The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has warned that Covid is “evolving rapidly,” adding that measures should remain in place indefinitely to be able to “ramp things up again” if needed. The Express has more.
Sir Patrick was speaking to the Science and Technology Committee this morning following a steep rise in Covid cases. Quizzed on the Government’s “Living With Covid” plan, Sir Patrick was asked how important advice from SAGE was in the proposals. The expert confirmed that SAGE “clearly” played a big part, before adding his own remarks on the current situation.
He said: “This virus has not gone away. It’s not going to go away. It’s going to be a circulating human virus for as long as we can see forward. And it hasn’t stopped evolving. It’s been quite an unstable period, so the virus is changing very rapidly, and it’s got quite a lot of space to evolve into. It’s not a foregone conclusion that evolution to increase growth and transmission – which is what the virus does, wants to do – necessarily is associated with reduced severity.”
Sir Vallance also noted that three things were essential to adopting a living-with-Covid approach: being able to monitor how it evolves; to protect the vulnerable both physically and through vaccines and antivirals; and having the capacity to be “able operationally to ramp things up again if you need to — [this] is crucially important.”
He added: “That in a sense, is also a lesson from the very beginning of the pandemic where the underfunding of Public Health England for many years had caused a diminution in capacity.”
However, the scientist added: “I think the numbers of infections are beginning to turn so we may be quite close to, or at the peak, and it may start coming down shortly. But I expect to see further hospitalisations because of the lag time and further deaths with this. So, that is the consequence of the high levels of infection rates. We should also be aware that there may well be long term problems with Covid infection – Long Covid is still being studied. It’s not a sort of a completely stable situation and it’s not a risk-free situation to run very high levels of infection.”
Hasn’t SAGE been stepped down? When will they leave us alone?
I wonder if the Government has considered finding a less alarmist Chief Scientist.
Worth reading in full.
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It’s intriguing what might be happening behind the scenes in all these supposedly failing governments (the five eyes countries, funnily enough) each with their respective ‘cost of living crisis’ brought about by the ‘Covid crisis’. Are the WEF stooges nominally leading them being thrown under a bus, or are the stooges carrying out their orders, knowing that their own political careers will be sacrificed? They must all have known that they were bankrupting their countries with their lunatic covid capers, or are they all so stupid as to believe they would come out as national heroes? Who are these people?
And may we live to see them clapped in irons declaring “I’m just a patsy.”
If I were so inclined to think this way, I would say that their work is done. They can now be freed from daily responsibility to tour the globe giving speeches for $500k a time.
Excellent questions to ask.
My wife, a Kiwi, says she will not go back till that ***ch is gone.
And another mass murderer gets to walks away free and on to the next money making opportunity. The WEF perhaps, or the UN , possibly the Gates foundation. What is the point of being a decent human being when these people show by example that cruelty, greed, and misanthropy pay much better.
When oh when is justice going to come?
Incredible isn’t it that such a cackling evil witch with a ‘communications degree’ and her corrupt coterie of globalists can usurp everything from natural law rights (god-given), to secular rights, constitutional rights and the Nuremberg codes (another useless piece of paper, which was tossed into the wood stove).
And barely 20% of NZ’s pop opposed her. For an IFR of 0.03%, which apparently is not ‘rare’ unlike the dead and injured from the stabbinations (all very ‘rare’ and of little concern), most of NZ like everywhere, complied, diapered, shot up the poisoned juice, ask no questions and with bulging eyes partook in the new cult.
Justice will come from the LORD.
“It’s not the number of votes that counts, it’s who’s counting the votes”
Funny how elections in the US in key senate races now drag on for days with the winner declared shortly after the Democrat overtakes the Republican after overhauling a big polling day lead.
Indeed. After whining fr 5 years about the 2016 result, you might imagine with any political party who was serious about voter fraud to come straight in with investment in a system that is undeniably true and correct. But alas, it appears that this isn’t in the Democrats plans, because they would have to think of more creative ways to cheat. 25% of the US Voters believe the vote is rigged, but they are the ones ‘questioning democracy’, aren’t they..?
Hey, Republicans cheat too! Probably even more so. That’s how come in 2016 the USA, after imposing the same on so many other countries via the CIA for decades, we finally got our very own corporate sponsored dictator made in the USA, from Russia, with love.
Would you cheer if ” Sloth” Fetterman was announced as a pilot on your next flight?
The next step will be when she, or any other NZ politician for that matter, develops osterism and starts talking of an “amnesty”.
Indeed, it’s only a matter of time. A request for “amnesty” is basically a tacit offer of conditional surrender. That is of course a sign of knowing and tacitly admitting that one is on the wrong side of history.
But we know if THEIR side had somehow won instead, they would be giving us NO AMNESTY and NO QUARTER, and demanding unconditional surrender from us.
They clearly didn’t lock down hard or fast enough otherwise the wouldn’t be having all these problems.
Too right. If the population isn’t completely broken, demoralised and utterly subservient like the Chinese, and there remains a faint glow of life in them that they still dare ask some questions about her suitability, then she hasn’t really given it her all.
Uncle Klaus will not be happy.
“Zis is not how ve bild zer public-private partnership!”
Were the indigenous NZers, whom she apparently prioritizes, given a soft ride during the COVID madness? I seem to recall that travel to their regions was forbidden but does the witch’s apparent popularity extend to the First Nation?
Clearly the aliens have always been among us just waiting for the beep to unleash their tyranny (Schwarzenegger/P.Morgan/E.Curry/E.Rantzen/A.Neil/Trudeau/former friends and acquaintances, others too numerous to mention…) and are never again to be trusted.
I hope she never has a moment’s peace of mind ever again. Maybe she needs a spell in the jungle but she would no doubt wheedle the crocs onto her side; she seems to have managed it with most of the kiwis.
Arden is in contention for the next UN General Secretary and I doubt if she could both jobs at the same time. It just would not look right, sorry woke.
Yawn… who cares.
As if the problem is Arden.
Arden is obviously a pathological busybody who gets off on telling others how to live their lives.
But she’ll just be replaced by another politician, with authoritarian tendencies, just like her operating at the behest of the powers that run the world.
I don’t know how the global tendency towards collectivist authoritarianism is reversed, but I’m pretty sure the solution isn’t going to come from a general election in New Zealand.
Salvation will not arrive via the ballot box, as I like to keep mentioning on here.
People who disapprove of your lack of faith in the ballot box just don’t get it.
My guess is that they simply can’t see that the system is so completely rigged that it is a dead end to bringing about any meaningful change.
After a lifetime of believing we live in a free, democratic society, it’s very hard to accept we don’t. It’s probably like losing one’s faith in god; a long, painful process full of anguish, disappointment and above all fear.
Thanks Stewart.
Anytime. If you’re looking to paint a grim picture of complete desperation, I’m your man.
“If you’re looking to paint a grim picture of complete desperation I’m your man.”
Blimey. I tended to think you had a slightly brighter outlook than me Stewart.
‘Must try harder.’
Trump and Brexit happened because the corrupt voting stations didn’t see it coming and the postal ballots were never printed.
Brexit happened because they asked the wrong question.
Trump happened because the Democrats underestimated his popularity – they hadn’t rigged enough votes.
Meet the new WEF puppet, same as the old WEF puppet.
It won’t be reveresed. There will be a global government and a global monetary system and a global religion – the leader of which you will have to worship and take his mark if you want to buy or sell anything (Revelation – the Bible). God tells the end from the beginning. He will destroy that one world leader.
Long live the fallen idols
All moths into the flame
You’re chasing your own shadows
Are you not entertained?
— Five Finger Death Punch
Why anyone would downvote a Five Finger Death Punch quote is beyond me!
In any case, horseface is indeed a fallen idol. To paraphrase another 5FDP song, it’s stranger than fiction, how she’s decayed….
I am always pleased to see poetry quoted here.
Without wishing to sound snobbish I find poetry enormously civilising.
True, but her replacement may very well be, “Meet the new WEF puppet, same as the old WEF puppet”.
Jacinda Ardern NZ’s tooth fairy tyrant
Yellow Freedom Boards – next event
Wednesday 16th November 11am to 12pm
Yellow Boards
between Cox Green Rd &
Junction A404(M) Shoppenhangers Road
Maidenhead SL6 2RB
Stand in the Park Sundays 10.30am to 11.30am – make friends & keep sane
Howard Palmer Gardens Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
South Hill Park, Rear Lawn, RG12 7PA
I always thought they shoot old horses…
Fit for the knackers, lol
…don’t they?
On a personal note I hope to God this is true..I find this woman utterly frightening, a bit like a female Hitler, but on steroids…..seriously…I would be happy to see the back of her….
“I would be happy to see the back of her….”
Now now ebg.
She was really enjoying her pride before the fall too….
Still, it was nice that Shergars teeth were put to good use.
Her foolish policies are finally being shown for what they are.
Unfortunately she will just be off to a well-paid position at the UN or WEF.