Conservative culture warriors have stumbled across the perfect question to ask left-wing politicians: Can a woman have a penis? If they say ‘No’, that’s guaranteed to get them into hot water with their woke activist base, but if they say ‘Yes’ that’s guaranteed to antagonise vast swathes of the electorate, including most women. The career-destroying effectiveness of this killer question was demonstrated by Nick Ferrari when Labour leader Keir Starmer appeared on his show for his regular phone-in slot. MailOnline has more.
Starmer, appearing LBC radio for his regular phone-in, was asked about trans athletes and the success of Lia Thomas, a trans woman who won the 500-yard freestyle title at the women’s NCAA championships.
The victory has sparked a debate around trans athletes taking part in competitive sport, with critics claiming they may have an advantage over other participants.
But Starmer said it is for ‘sporting bodies to decide for themselves’ who can and cannot be included in events.
Asked if a woman can have a penis, Starmer said: “I’m not… I don’t think we can conduct this debate with… I don’t think that discussing this issue in this way helps anyone in the long run.”
Worth reading in full.
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God save us from these pathetic, spineless morons!
I suggest a slightly different question: Do you think a tom cat can give birth to kittens? and then following up with How do humans differ from other mammals in this respect? because this whole stupid story is nothing but the old, Christian human is god-like crown and master of the creation concept, as it’s based on denying that we’re just another animal species.
No, it’s not, and this is a very strange misunderstanding of the concept that God created humans in his image and gave them dominion over the rest of creation, which has nothing whatsoever to do with being able to change sex. Scripture clearly states that we were created with two biological sexes and nowhere indicates this can be altered: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
“Yer a wizard, Harry” (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)
If the ‘Garden of Eden’ bit can be treated as allegorical, why not the ‘male and female’ bit?
(Asking for a gender-uncertain neighbour.)
It’s not except that it is! a weird kind of argument. The Christian notion is that man, due to being god-like, has been placed above mere animals. And that’s also the woke notion: Humans are obviously not animals, this is to be taken for granted because I learned it in Sunday school when I was 6. Ergo: Humans don’t have biologically determined properties. Like sex. (this is an imaginary paraphrase and not a statement about me).
It’s nonsense in both cases: Humans are animals. specifically, a species of Mammalia. They can no more change their sex than cats or dogs can. An illusion of that can be created with the help of plastic surgery. And then, there all kinds of ultimatively decadent phantasies or delusions the bored species trying to supplant meaning with (loads of) causal sex comes up with in order to relieve it’s boredom for a while.
Christianity does not teach that a man or a woman can change their sex. I’m happy to debate Christianity with you, but batting away strawman arguments gets to be a little boring after a while. And neither does it teach that man is God-like, quiet the opposite.
That man might become like God was the bait of the serpent in Genesis 3 1:5.
3 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
“Knowing good and evil” means to decide for oneself what is morally right and what is morally wrong. The thing is, man is not God, he is a fallen being and as such he is not the paradigm of goodness – his judgements will always be flawed.
Now you say that man is no different from the animals so I guess what an animal does without censure is also permitted to you?
Have you ever studied Christian Theology? I ask because your level of understanding is really quite embarrassing.
I’d be embarrassed if I’d put significant time into studying any invisible sky pixie cult.
“…sky pixie cult.” It’s obvious you’ve put no time at all into any serious study, yet you’re not embarrassed to admit it. Bit like Johnson and SARS CoV2.
So almost all human beings were stupid until last week when the holy atheist light dawned, right?
You won’t persuade anyone by using terms such as “invisible sky pixie cult”, and I’m wondering whether you believe it was cool hard logic alone that got you to the view that you hold. (It wasn’t. It wasn’t for any of us.)
Well it was for me. I remember being encouraged to sing religious songs in school assembly and thinking this is all a load of claptrap for those who can’t think for themselves, and realising it was a way to control people. I refused to sing about Jesus and God, and felt there was something ‘suspect’ about our Religious Studies teacher.
It’s curious how so many claim to see ‘Covid’ as a gigantic fraud but can’t see religion as a massive scam.
‘Religion is the opium of the masses’. Up there with ‘astrology’. And ‘Covidmania’.
Got any other Marxist slogans you want to chant, Ruby Fox?
Wondering why being unconvinced by the claims of various religions means one might favour Marxism? There’s possibly a middle ground (although subject to scathing remarks by both sides).
Emerald (Red?) Fox quoted Karl Marx in support of his position, which is the reason I said what I did.
Engels referred to translating one’s ignorance into Greek and calling it agnosticism – which works any way you want.
I wondered whether RW might be Rowan Williams trolling the Sceptic…
Could be, RW’s understanding of Christianity is about the same as Rowan Williams’.
I didn’t write anything about Christianity, just abou the obviously Christian roots of woke US-culture.
Obvious to you, perhaps, based on a less than adequate knowledge of Christianity.
You’re leven of misunderstanding of what I wrote ought to embarras you seriously.
“You’re [sic] leven [sic] of misunderstanding of what I wrote ought to embarras [sic] you seriously.”
Not as much as you’ve embarrassed your English teacher.
Your logical step expressed with the word “as” doesn’t work.
But your follow-up question is good. To hold their ground, the loony we are imagining we are arguing with would have to tie themselves up in knots. They would have to say they want culture to change human nature. They probably wouldn’t say “everything is a story”, although they might as well.
Those who have an imaginary friend as an adult aren’t open to reason.
Ah well, there’s the dividing line for the next election….. assuming the Tories can answer “No, women can’t have a penis.” But will they? I’m not sure, if they don’t it kills the issue & it’s further proof they’re all controled opposition.
Definitions are SO white supremacist… and the definition of a white supremacist is…
Whoever disagrees with the current MSM narrative
Perhaps Mr. Starmer might like to open his (her?) trouser fly, and tell us whether he be man or woman? Depending, of course, on what he may find there. If it’s like his head, it could be empty space.
Or we could ask him whether he thinks he is a man and why.
The real question is: Does Keir Starmer have M or F in his British Passport?
In the interests of even-handedness, could I just point out that it’s unlikely they teach this sort of thing at lawyer-school, and there’s nobody in the Labour Party ready to tell Sir Kneel the answer to the conundrum.
I wonder if he thinks him mum was a woman?
This reminds me of the Douglas Adams quote about someone who proved God didn’t exist , that Black was White and that White was Black, and then was killed on a Zebra Crossing ! …
Another which would suggest itself would be When men were still men, women still women and small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri still small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri
instead of mutually reassigning their gender identities based on the dice roll of the day.
And when they try and wriggle out with a “it’s nuanced” non-answer, please feel free to remind them that their job is to legislate, and that every clause of every statute boils down to a binary situation and decision. Verdicts are not on a spectrum.
The dingbat need only say yes, by surgical procedure.
He’s a complete cock if he thinks this will win votes.
Indeed. They don’t understand that at least 90% of the population are sick and tired of this ‘woke’ nonsense – it’s getting too tedious even to laugh at now – and while the elites, politicians, celebs etc are getting their knickers in a twist, most of us are still living normal lives despite them, and trying to avoid and to ignore these mental defectives.
Does Keir Starmer have balls?
What a lump.
What a plonker
Perhaps the problem lies with the wording. Consider the difference between ‘trans woman’ and ‘a man who has transitioned’.
“Fleemwobbler” and “horkspangle”, for all the meaning those nonsense terms have.
I’m confident that Vladimir Putin would have given an unequivocal answer to such a question.
I seem to remember him making the extraordinarily controversial pronouncement recently that mothers are women and fathers are men. He gets my vote.
Well, he’d get it anyway, but the sentiment would be appreciated.
Yes I suppose he’s been taking lessons from Joe Biden in that respect.
Vladimir Putin: expert practitioner of cancel culture
Yes, he’s clearly a keen observer of Western European cultural trends.
All of these trends have been to his benefit.
Woke law #1:
Mindless arguments always descend into semantic drivel.
“Starmer told the Guardian in December: “My dad was a toolmaker …“
He should know a bit about the subject matter.
Alas, his dad’s son is just a tool.
“They’re called breasts and everybody has them”
This bit from the film Personal Services came to mind…
What a great film that is!
Maybe we should ask the MailOnline journalist the same question since they too see it fit to call a man a woman.
Ah.. finally!
The Big Pharma – Big Tech industrial complex and its Deep State psychopathic minions want to inject us and our children with a weaponised artificial pathogen .. but now we can finally confront the big questions around existence.
And who to tackle them other than the ‘Telegram is an app for extremists’ bought-and-paid-for lamentable excuse of a public figure, ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer.
Some females are born with genital deformities. Their existence should not be used to score cheap debating points.
The presence or absence of Y chromosomes will tell you whether a person of any age is male. Present means male, absent means female.
“Can a woman have testicles?” is a much better question than “Can a woman have a penis?” Testicles are where sperm are made. Women can’t make sperm. Similarly, men can’t make eggs or get pregnant. We can’t have ovaries or wombs. Anyone who makes sperm is male. Anyone who makes eggs or gets pregnant is female.
That IS gender. Gender is about generation.
Other better questions are “Can a man get pregnant?” (no) and “Is gender a choice?” (no).
Labour’s PR team will come up with something… It wouldn’t be pretty to watch the party fall to sub-10% because it can’t recognise that a 6ft bearded bloke with a full set of chopper and tads who suffers from the mental illness of gender dysphoria is in fact a woman because he says so.
Thank God for sanity. Yes. People can have all sorts of ideas about what “gender” represents and what is suitable for a gender with regard to behaviour, occupation, etc.
But a bloke who’d like to wear prettier clothes and make-up and be called Doreen (or a bloke who wants to win swimming races whichever way he can), is still a bloke.
There’s all kinds of men, and all kinds of women. Reasonable people have understood that for a long time.
We shall fight for your right to have babies brother..sorry, sister!
Symbolic of his struggle against reality…
Spookily prophetic. I wonder if today’s students would watch it and say “I don’t get the joke.”
To be a successful politician you need to master the skill of speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
I recall Obama when he was candidate to the presidency being asked about abortion and in the same reply he said he was in favour of it and against it. It was something to marvel at.
It generally works because ultimately people decide whether they like someone or not and then hear what they want. The main thing is to be likeable.
Well, that’s Sir Keir done for, then.
Not before time.
I was making much the same observation about Jolyon Maugham QC, who’s never met a case that he couldn’t lose through sheer force of anti-personality.
The world is speeding towards ww3 and objective reporting and presenting both sides of the story is as important as it can be! guess what DS is publishing? pathetic.
I’m genuinely sorry for you that you’re so terrified that you’re unable to focus on any other issue.
There’s been a lot of that going around, as I understand it.
I have noticed that Ukraine is dealt with rather sparingly at the DS but it might be that foreign policy stuff just gets much less interest form punters. They have a business to run, after all.
Slightly off topic, but I’ve noticed that GOV.UK is running a series of ads on the radio about “calling out” the abuse of women. The ads give examples “Telling her what she can and can not wear. Telling her where she can and can not go. Threatening her”. The Government’s lack of self-awareness is staggering.
The regime hates women more than the worst misogynist, which is why they use them as pawns like this simply to further erode society and create distrust between the sexes.
From a legal point of view, is it correct to say that it is for sporting bodies themselves to decide who can take part in events?
For example if a bloke claims to be a woman and applies to compete in a women’s competition, will the sporting body be safe under criminal and civil law if they tell him they’re rejecting his application on the grounds he is a man – even if he’s had all his state paperwork changed to say he’s female?
The only answer to all this is a total clear-out of the entire political elite. Nothing else can save Britain at this point.
400 illegal immigrants arriving on the southern beaches every day. Mostly women.
Labour leader 1940s: ex-infantry captain who fought at Gallipoli and created national health service.
Labour leader 2020s: lawyer who gets on his knees to worship a black drug-dealing crack addict and thinks women have penises.
Labour leader 2040s: Just imagine it.
Creating the NHS wasn’t a virtue. Atlee also extended rationing after World War Two and it lasted five years longer than in West Germany.
The entire political elite must go. They are rotten to the core and their views are repugnant and reflect in no way those held by the many millions who toil across the land every day.
In the last few years this small group of people have destroyed our churches, broken apart our families, abused our children with depraved filth in schools, turned our constabularies into pro-regime Gestapo units, imprisoned dissidents who object, including journalists, sometimes without trial, wrecked our economy with their insane ecology policies, terminated our rights to freedom of speech and protest, murdered thousands of people including children with state-coerced cell therapies and now they stir up war with China and Russia in which we will be invited to die for them.
They number only in the low thousands. Think about that.
There does come a point when media prostitutes who ‘cancel’ those who express the views of the silent majority need to either resign, be sacked, or have their workplace ransacked and be physically removed from the workplace.
There does come a time when trans warriors who try to impose their minority views through cancel culture should be tacked more robustly.
Mr Young may demand peace and reasonableness on this site, but when that brings you cancellation, history tells you that more robust approaches become necessary.
Most of the women that Starmer has ever slept with have had a penis so perhaps he is genuinely confused?
He is a member of the ruling elite after all.
Just take Diane ‘Buffalo’ Abbott as an example, don’t try and tell me that she isn’t packing some hefty junk.
A bit nitpicky but it’s not a question that has been ‘stumbled across’ – it’s obvious, rational and entirely in keeping with a conservative outlook.
If you can’t or won’t answer this simple question you are not the right person to run this country, or anything else for that matter.
This is a problem for me. With this leading to to no viable opposition to the current Gov, they can do whatever they like pretty much.
So bye bye freedoms and free speech effectively.
All politicians when asked about issues like this, come out with the standard ‘we need a debate about this,’ and as soon as you try to debate it, they just say the same thing – ‘we need to debate this.’ They never actually get round to debating it!
are you saying the political classes are just Mass debaters?
The best definition of a man and a woman was that offered by Heather Heying on a recent Dark Horse livestream: If you have or have ever had the ability to produce motile gametes (sperm) you’re a man; if you have or have ever had the ability to produce sessile gametes (eggs) you’re a woman. End of. Thank you Heather, evolutionary biologist extraordinaire.
How did Starmzy ever get the reputation of being ‘forensic’?
If anything, he’s less convincing than Corbyn was.
Great. Now ask Boris.
How do people like kier, Brandon, bojo, Justin, jacinda reach the dizzying heights of political theatre? People vote for them. Then when they are in office, we cannot wait to get rid of them. Politics and politicians never seem to change. Although a few seem to think they will make a difference. In my brief time in the world, 71 years, I can name only one politician I respect.
“Keir Starmer Refuses to Say Whether a Woman Can Have a Penis”
Put Keir Starmer and Penis in the same sentence and the phrase “it takes one to know one comes to mind.”
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They should have asked his wife. She’s got a prick. She’s married to him.
It’s because he probably doesn’t have any Balls!