The number of people who have died from Covid in the U.K. during the pandemic is impossible to determine because of the inconsistent definitions of what is meant by a coronavirus death, researchers at Oxford University have concluded. The Telegraph has the story.
Experts from Oxford University discovered that public health and statistics organisations across the U.K. are operating under 14 different definitions to classify a death from Covid.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, collated for a new report published on Saturday, show that many people who died in the first wave never tested positive for the virus, particularly older people who died in care homes.
Instead, their deaths were registered as Covid simply based on a statement of the care home provider, and because coronavirus was rife at the time.
In some care homes, more than half of the Covid deaths were registered in people without pre-existing conditions, which the report authors said was “implausible” for people who needed residential care.
The authors also point out that it is unlikely that a Covid infection on its own could cause death in the absence of contributing factors, such as other illness, or the infection leading to a more deadly condition such as pneumonia.
The report also found that in some trusts, up to 95% of Covid deaths were in people with Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.
The team said the confusion meant they were unable to separate deaths caused by Covid from those triggered by the pandemic response, and called for a proportion of deaths to be verified by post-mortem in future pandemics to determine the true reason.
Worth reading in full and find the report here.
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Better late than never, Daily Telegraph, with what we at the DS knew way back in the spring of 2020.
No, because the delay is itself the problem. Everyone knew back in spring 2020, except, you know, your family members, because they are ridiculous fools bloated with self-importance who ‘do their own research’, and the entire governing class, because they are evil and insane. And now they are pretending they only just figured all this out, because they are rubbing our noses in it. So, no, not better late than never, that is the playbook of the despicable maniacs who have been running this shitshow.
If you say so. Though describing my family members as “ridiculous fools bloated with self-importance who do their own research” is wide of the mark. None of my family members did any research at all and none assumed they were better informed than the ‘scientists’ paraded by the PM and the BBC. That was the problem.
Fair call. To be honest, it was my family members I was putting forward as a representative sample but sure, your mileage may vary.
If they wear a face nappy because a politician tells them to, then they are just as likely to wear black serge with silver piping and shoot people if told to.
Absolutely right they all knew from day 1 and have all lied and caused great harm. They must not get away with it. The likes of the DT are likely simply acting and trying to protect their backsides for all the lying garbage and propaganda they have churned out.
Yes. More cowardly ‘experts’ who lacked the courage to speak out during the real crisis but meekly calling foul now that questioning the narrative is less likely to get them sacked.
Cowardly experts??? Carl Heneghan’s message has been consistent throughout. This is just his latest research. With great respect to you Mishmash, he can hardly examine data which doesn’t yet exist, can he???
The same Carl Heneghan who said: “You need to get the second dose of the vaccine because that boosts your immunity.”
I respect a genuine humanitarian and critic of the pandemic, Heneghan is not one of them. The definition of a ‘covid death’ has been contested since the beginning of the scamdemic and many were aware of it.
You obviously were not paying attention at the time
Vax regret?
Voice/instruction from on high?
Obfuscation and simply not looking for meaningful has been a key part of the strategy on the part of those pushing the narrative.
Policy based evidence making/suppression.
“n some care homes, more than half of the Covid deaths were registered in people without pre-existing conditions, which the report authors said was “implausible” for people who needed residential care.”
So that 17-18 thousand figure may be incorrect then?
I imagine so… anecdotally, I’m aware of two deaths that were registered as Covid, despite the fact they not only had no pre-existing conditions but also tested negative at the time of death.
If it comes from Westminster/Whitehall then it will be what TPTB want it to be, and it won’t be for your benefit.
They aren’t there for us.
How much of the first wave was actually a result of closing the sainted NHS to in-patients and the liberal use of midazolam for those abandoned to their fate? Whilst the staff made tick tick videos and the clapping seals provided the encouragement. We will never know for sure but I sure know what I think.
I wonder whether a lack of access to the NHS actually saved lives. The third leading cause of mortality is the pill your doctor gave you
“The third leading cause of mortality is the pill your doctor gave you”
Cardiologist Asseem Malhotra said precisely that on the GB News Mark Dolan show last Sunday night. He cited French research which showed of some large number of medications over 500 of them were known to cause patients more harms than good.
I have seen several references to medical malfeasance being the leading cause of death in the USA.
Medical malfeasance – flip it over and you get FauciPharmaPI’s
Was it pure pure coincidence that SIDS declined in the USA during the first lockdown as health officials expressed their concern over missed infant vaccinations?
good point
Here’s a revolutionary idea. Why don’t we stick to Number of deaths where COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate and leave the hybrid/composite cases out of official COVID-19 figures (at least until these cases are definitively resolved) by virtue of the fact that it is notoriously diffucult to ascertain cause of death in these cases?
(Bold original)
Probably they missed something else in the vast majority of these 6k or so.
The oxford report ‘confirms’ that there never was a coronavirus pandemic, epidemic or in fact nothing out of the ordinary at all. Remove the spring numbers and there is no excess death rate.
The only dreadful thing to happen is that old people were killed by official diktat. And they doubled down through the injections in Jan 2021 to the same group.
No-one cares enough for anyone to be held responsible, ‘they were going to die anyway’.
The treatment of the aged in need of care is abominable across much of the world. They are treated as ex-humans.
Just like Westminster regards the rest of us outside the bubble.
As one of those who “got away with it (I was 80 last January) not being muzzled or inoculated, I can only assume I am lucky to have not visited a doctor’s surgery(chance would be a fine thing!) or a hospital.
Apart from choosing my parents very carefully I can only explain my(our) good health to a self administered high protein diet plus sensible supplements.
Hopefully we can avoid becoming a statistic for a while more.
For completeness, here is the original response from the ONS to the FOI request:
I’ve ‘liked’ your post because you’re a good egg, but my post is ‘complete’ in that the link you provide has already been provided in the link I initially provided. So, providing people are happy with the link I initially provided, which provides a link to the link which you later provided, I’d say we’re all tickety boo.
Oh, only to say that you didn’t need to provide the link you provided, which, as we have seen, was already provided in the link I had previously provided.
Now, providing everyone is happy, I’m going to pass out.
Yes minister!
It does have a Sir Humphrey ring to it, doesn’t it!
Since the covid virus has never been positively identified- like the decades long search for a cure for the common cold, which is what it really is – how can a death ‘from covid’ be positively identified?
And, remembering Dr. Kelly of Iraqi WMD fame being labelled a suicide, aren’t all coroners political appointments?
To the contrary, Covid deaths are easy to calculate. Total: 0. No novel virus. No novel disease. Reclassification of deaths from nothing new under the Sun.
Imagine my surprise!
In other words – state mandated murder in amny cases.
Absolutely no question on this.
Otherwise known as “mass murder.”
I do wonder how many of those in care homes died due to neglect. No requirement for a post mortem, no family to hold the home accountable or encourage their relatives to eat and drink, carers on minimum wage who have been told they’re in the midst of the worlds deadliest pandemic – one that doesn’t discriminate! Increased loneliness and confusion among the residents…
If they can’t calculate the covid deaths I don’t rate their chances of calculating the vaccine ones. Isn’t that convenient.
The DNR aspect is simply despicable. With the amount of coercion or underhand issuing of these, it’s probable that people were involuntarily euthanased; otherwise called “murdered”. Shipman and Bodkin Adams would appreciate the depths to which “care”, the “NHS” and medicine generally have sunk.
What a coincidence, I also used 14 different methods of assessing the number of UK covid deaths and thereby the risk to me. All 14 came up with deaths in four figures only and the risk factor as infinitesimal.
Statistical information is almost impossible to read even for an intelligent person who is familiar with black magic techniques that are overlaid and underlaid with this information. Throwing statistics at normal everyday people is grossly irresponsible and of course they know that. You must never forget that this is a very malicious and sadistic force. They don’t look as bad as a machete wielding maniac attacking you on the street but the animus behind them is far far worse.
Probably both cases are impelled by the same causes alcohol and drugs, both know to be widely used in Westminster and Whitehall.
Ultimately and when you break it all down the last two years for humanity has all been about three things: murder, manslaughter and euthanasia. Expect those responsible to try to muddy the waters and obfuscate in trying to hide their crimes.
For these reasons it is imperative that those responsible should face trial and justice.
A little bit more creeps out every day. But just about fully ignored by the msm.
Pfizer have had to release their data under pressure from court order – the data they wanted to be kept under seal for 75 years.
The data is shocking – shows that they not only knew that the jab didn’t do what they told the FDA it would do when they made their EUA application, but also the pages and pages and pages of side effects and the fact that the batches are so non-standardised that they vary in toxicity in some cases by a multiplier of 30.
The final nail in the coffin (no pun intended) is that deaths in the vaccine arm of their study were greater than in the placebo arm. Ordinarily, if that was the case, the vaccine would not be released onto the market and would be pulled.
And yet the MSM a) still has not covered any of this – if they did there would be a huge outcry and possibly people all over the world beginning to cop on that they have been harmed and b) still touts the product as being “safe and effective” – which Pfizer’s own data demonstrates is a downright lie as it is neither of those things.
In former times when the “Panama papers” were released, showing who had dodgy wealth stashed in offshore bank accounts, including some senior politicians and their relatives, the MSM were all over them like a rash and they generated about a week’s worth of daily coverage.
The Pfizer papers are the modern day equivalent of the Panama papers and yet total silence from the MSM. Says it all really.
It’s not the MSM that’s the problem here, it’s the justice system.
Police and prosecutors are all too willing to predate on the little people to justify their bloated salaries, but prosecuting things like government sponsored mass murder is not in their interest.
RHS, there was a time when I would have scoffed at the use of “mass murder”…..not any longer, and for some considerable time “in my defence”.
“The final nail in the coffin (no pun intended) is that deaths in the vaccine arm of their study were greater than in the placebo arm. Ordinarily, if that was the case, the vaccine would not be released onto the market and would be pulled.”
Dr Peter McCullough – for one – has stated that his experience on drug trial review boards is such that as liitle 5 deaths – willing to be corrected on that number – in the non placebo meant the drug never saw the light of day in the drugstores. So this one stat means the FDA/CDC/NIAID/MHRA/EMA are flat out guilty of genocide – and the MSM sits on its increasingly dirty hands – and Fauci/Farrar/Wellcome/Daszak/Vallance/Baric/Gates/Gavi/WHO et al are accessories.
Ok that last bit is hardly revelatory and old news – but I am increasingly staggered – battered a better term – that there is now so much data, split between damning pre EUA and de facto evidence of criminal behaviour post EUA – it is too much, too bewildering and almost beyond the ability of one “authority” to take overall charge of investigating – “They” are all “in it”.
“I’m a human being, get me out of here”
Naturally, the calculations for Covid deaths were deliberately faked to achieve the desired result of panic and fear mongering, it worked very well too. However I doubt if it will work quite so well a second time.
Oh it’ll work a second, third, fourth etc etc time. People have been too indoctrinated to the PTBs shite and will fall for it time and time again.
Especially those who proudly and dutifully wear their face nappies in bed as well as the bath.
I’m surprised they didn’t re-label the casualties on the 6th June 1944 as early Covid deaths.
The report also found that in some trusts, up to 95% of Covid deaths were in people with Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.
disgrace that, DNR orders have been grossly over used and in many cases without patient or family consent. Makes one wonder why the telegraph are reporting this now, as afterall its a state establishment paper.
My husband died several years ago but even back then he had a DNR placed on him without our knowledge or any discussion. So the deception is nothing new.
“We can’t really know how many people died from covid, so let’s just forget any of this ever happened. Move on, people.”
Coming soon to an MP or public health official near you.
A real question to put up for the Hallett enquiry.
Surely if the numbers of funerals/cremations across the country are added up and taken away from the average number of total deaths over the last five years, the excess deaths remaining can be assumed to be ”from/with covid” – can’t they?
That’s if there was indeed a ”pandemic” and not just a cull of the elderly in care homes.
Or am I being naively simplistic?
It’s too late….. the nation are zombified now; they’ll do exactly what experts say or even hint at. Frightened of their own shadows with “virtue signalling” engrained through them like Blackpool rock.
I have noticed lately those following msm are becoming more and more confused about covid, masks, lockdowns, jabs. Mission accomplished.
The government had a well funded psyops program to inflate the fear so that people would follow their arbitrary and baseless covid rules. Exaggeration of the actual deaths from covid was just part of that operation. This also allows the public health officials & politicians to hide from any consequences of their actions.
The so called experts have so muddied the waters that we will probably never get the honest data. Thus they will claim that their undoubtedly inflated “project fear” figures were correct and the tyranny they imposed was justified. I don’t buy their lies