French No 1 Gael Monfils has revealed his withdrawal from recent tournaments is due to a probable adverse reaction to his third dose of coronavirus vaccine. MailOnline has more.
The Frenchman has not played since a one-sided loss to Swede Mikael Ymer in Montpellier three weeks ago and will not represent his country in Davis Cup next week.
Monfils, 35, is hoping he will be able to return for the Masters tournaments in Indian Wells and Miami next month.
Writing on Twitter, Monfils said: “Hello everyone, I wanted to give you some news following my recent withdrawals from tournaments. I suffered a small health glitch (probably following my third dose of vaccine).
“On the advice of my doctor, I decided to take some time to rest. So unfortunately I will not be able to play the Davis Cup next week. I hope to be able to return in the United States.”
He is the second French player to be forced off court after a suspected adverse reaction to a coronavirus vaccine.
Jeremy Chardy, now ranked 138, has not played a match since the U.S. Open last summer.
Novak Djokovic, who is playing his first tournament of the season in Dubai this week, is the only unvaccinated player in the men’s top 100.
Maybe Djoko isn’t such a loon after all.
Worth reading in full.
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‘Love-40, Pfizer’.
Wonder if he will play the 4th point…
Novak was right then.
IMHO definitely YES he wad right
But it’s still 100% safe and effective. For Big Pharma, that is: 100% safe from prosecution and 100% effective at racking up huge profits.
Lol too true!
Everyone needs to send this to Fergus Walsh, BBC Health editor, after his question aimed at Novak Djokavic, “What more does he want to know?”
His article last week was particularly patronising and was similar to ones about footballers implying that they are ‘hesitant’ because of reading some ‘misinformation’ or ‘conspiracy theories’ online.
I’ve said this on here before but these guys will have all sorts of doctors etc working with them and it is entirely possible that if they are doing their jobs properly they will have advised against ‘vaccination’
Why you even bother reading BBC articles on Covid is beyond me. They are beyond redemption as a propaganda organisation, they now rival TASS in the 1970s in the Soviet Union…..
Perhaps it would be better to send a copy of RFK Jnr’s book to him to make him realise the absolutely indescribable mountain of knowledge that he clearly has absolutely no knowledge of whatsoever….?
Peer group pressure from the likes of the bitter Andy Murray – wisely telling Djokovic to get jabbed by this poisonous shit. What a loser – literally and otherwise. Or maybe he’s just plain stupid.
Its amazing that athletes who are drug tested and careful about ‘what goes into their bodies’ accept this jab without question, something the manufacturers will accept no responsiblity for.
I don’t understand these people… even if we knew these “vaccines” were actually safe and effective, I wouldn’t be going around telling people to get them, especially if I was such a public person as Andy Murray. Who the hell is he to give medical advice to someone?
Multimillionaires quite often think that the money brings massive expertise in all sorts of areas in which they have done next to no training at all. The Duke of Sussex is a prime example of this ailment. Most of us will have suffered from these people at some stage or other.
“Duke of Sussex” who he?
Yes our “Local Hero” here in Soviet Skotland – Murray – got humped (again) today by some unknown
Where were they when Djokovic was incarcerated and scapegoated in Australia? Why did they not come to his defence? Sorry, no sympathy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Safe and effective.
Yes and adverse effects are soooo rare!
Met up with a friend a few days ago after 2 years apart. She was asking me how the last few years had been. I said pretty crap as we’d had 5 deaths in the family. She gasped and asked “covid related?”. I said no, most were cancer, another liver failure, and one had actually been caused by the jab and that another family member also nearly died from it (both blood clots on the brain). Both jab victims relatives are/were in their early 30’s with young children. She paused and looked at me like a deer in the headlights. I thought I was about to get called a liar. Then she said “the jab hurt my Dad too”. Her Dad became paralysed from the waist down the day after his first jab. She and her family insist the jab caused it and have asked doctors for advice. Apparently the doctors say it’s just sciatica and refuse to discuss any connection to the jab. She seemed so relieved that she could talk to someone about it. Why does it have to be such a taboo to talk about these jab injuries? I hope that these people with a higher profile, such as Monfils, do start speaking out more so this whole thing starts to unravel a lot faster and people start to get taken seriously.
You think doctors care about sick people these days?
No. The doctors in our neck of the woods have always treated people with disdain. You first have to get past the haggard receptionists who getting an appointment out of is like trying to get blood out of a stone. If the receptionist gives you an appointment it’s a 2 week or more wait. First, you get to see the nurse who is usually morbidly obese and lectures you about your lifestyle choices or asks you to self diagnose and ridicules what you’ve said. If you finally get seen by a doctor, they look you up and down like a piece of dog dirt and then you get fobbed off with a prescription which often isn’t relevant to your illness.
I suspect this is how the NHS ‘builds capacity’ – by keeping the public away.
A casual look at my surgery’s website contains prominent warnings about Covid symptoms, details how to get vaccinated, statements like ” we’re working hard, just differently..” (I take that to mean: ‘by making sure no filthy diseased human organism enters the building and puts us at risk’)
Instructions not to enter without a face covering, and your online or phone appointment is the only one you will be offered.
I worked front-line in Outpatients for over 20 years and was expected to ‘squeeze in’ patients without appointments in my windowless, handbasin-less room whatever their state of health. These requests came from nursing staff.
How things change.
I suspect that due to the NHS keeping people away is the reason why the recent drop in mortality. They haven’t had to chance to kill people off like they normally do
Reminds me of a report I read a couple of years ago that when health practitioners went on a ‘work to rule’ in the US with consequential delays in giving babies/toddlers vaccines, there was something like a 50% drop in cases of ‘unexplained’ Sudden Infant Deaths.
Ah…the British GP system, the front line of our “world beating” NHS.
Bleeding comedy central.
I had to go into my GP surgery first thing for a blood test. It was deserted as usual, receptionists weren’t wearing masks, hurray, then I clocked one of the GP’s coming out of his, I assume, empty surgery wearing a flipping mask!!! He headed into the practice managers office then back into his empty office with his mask on
I wouldn’t trust my doctor, or the NHS in general. I really would have to be at death’s door before I accepted anything from them. I saw my doc last week – he said he hadn’t seen me for a while. I said, ‘I know, I’ve been ill.’
He said he’d do a blood test. I said would it hurt? He said no, I’d just feel a bit of a prick. I said ‘nothing new there then.’
You sound like Tommy Cooper – great post!
Completely off topic but does anyone else remember the days when a jab in the arm with a needle would be referred to, legitimately from a linguistic point of view, as ‘a slight prick’? Nobody gave it a second thought. It struck me a few years ago that this had been changed to ‘a slight scratch’ without explanation. I am sure that anyone on the receiving end would not truly be in a frame of mind to make much of a joke about it. I’ve always thought that ‘scratch’ is not by definition the correct description of the sensation experienced from a needle, but ‘prick’ is the accurate term.
So that’s one doctor you definitely do NOT ever need a consultation with.
In the last two years I’ve lost a cousin, a schoolmate and 3 colleagues. Two to cancer, one to stroke, one long-term pancreatic condition and the last was a climbing accident.
I know no-one who’s had covid bad enough to need medical treatment.
I lost my father last year, as well as two other family members and a friend. None of the deaths were covid-related. All were lockdown related.
An elderly friend (farmer aged 80) is very slowly recovering from a heart attack. The day before it happened he had queued outside a ‘vaccination’ centre for two hours in very poor weather conditions. He blames the long wait in the cold for his heart attack rather than the jab itself. Without disrespecting him he probably wouldn’t have a clue about the yellow card reporting scheme so it would be up to his doctor to follow this up……highly unlikely to happen I fear….
I believe that you do not need to be a doctor to submit a Yellow Card report. Have you told this person that she can put in a report herself?
There’s signs on the green BT box outside our ASDA, I think anyone can do it!
Yes you can DIY either on line or ask s pharmacy for the paper form
It has intentionally been made a taboo in society by the behavioural insights team in Government. Ostensibly to tackle vaccine “hesitancy.” It will take a few years for the truth to come out but it’s already becoming clear that we are only hearing about the tip of the iceberg when it comes to injuries from these vaccines.
Yes that dam is going to burst, it’s already happening in the states, Europe will follow. Where will this lead? We could see the mother of all legal disputes; the manufacturers could lose their indemnity because their trials were fraudulent, leading to their collapse, governments could collapse.. what a mess!
I don’t think the public will tolerate indemnity for big pharma because it’s been proven beyond reasonable doubt that different batches were ‘adulterated’ and have had ridiculously different levels of adverse outcomes/deaths. That means that the companies broke the times of their authorisation agreements and thus indemnity will be null and void.
If they try to challenge that, I suspect a few very rich pharma executives and a few billionaire investors may end up taking a sky dive without a parachute….
This may have been posted elsewhere, but looks as though it confirms what most of us expected:
CDC Hiding Data Because It Might Be ‘Misinterpreted’ to Show Vaccines Are Ineffective (
I lament that so many have not heeded the warnings, including some in my own family. It appears to mirror almost exactly what happened with the MRNA vaccines for cats and dogs, i.e. short term boost to immunity at cost of medium and long term diminishment of immunity. It was hence well known as a possibility/probability, from the very start.
His choice.
At least Djoko is alive. Lots of other athletes aren’t so lucky….
Alive because he was bright enough to do some research.
Dr Tess Lawrie who has been one of a handful of true warriors from the professional class in the UK and colleague Dr Rob Verkerk present hard evidence that the shots are full of graphene and other stuff that shouldnt be in there. Another massively important subject which DS will not touch. Plunging nanotech into grandmas arm is not a small issue and to quote Ry Dawson from his groundbreaking 911 documentary War By Deception – it deserves open scrutiny.
Russ Brown who is hosting the video writes:
This is being censored everywhere
The scientists involved thought it was just a conspiracy theory
Now the fact checkers must be closed down and the MSM disbanded
Censored by so called opposition sites like DS. If we are to beat this evil, we have to be prepared to tackle controversial issues like this. Its so important. The evidence is strong and backed up by hardcore professionals, like Pathologist Professor Arne Burkhardt who initially blew the whistle on finding nanotech in the vials to the mainstream world. Come on DS, dont be servants of the criminals wrecking your life, destroying your freedom and health and robbing your kids of a future worth living in.
Dr Rob Verkerk Scientists Lab Results – Graphene Nano Is In All Covid Vaccines
Also very important on the issue of PentaG and graphene:
That is a superb video – thank you
Horrifying discovery … but is it in all the Indian and Chinese ‘conventional’ vaccines or just in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AZ and Sputnik? NB I think the last is also GM.
Its amazing how so many people who have pontificated on being so careful about ‘what goes into their body’ have been eager to have this jab which the manufacturers will accept no liablity and know very little about as its still in the experimental stages. The only thing to say is that the input of their reactions will be of interest to those still tweaking the jab contents
The manufacturers know exactly what is in the injections and know exactly what results they will produce. These products were made to a recipe. That is why Pfizer are fighting tooth and nail not to release their “vaccine” files.
It will blow the hole shit show to kingdom come.
They are all caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Either they (the manufacturers and those who licensed, mandated and administered their products) knew what the injections contained – which makes them criminals on an enormous scale; or they did not – which makes them criminally incompetent, on a scale just as big.
“opened up further about his announcement after receiving hateful comments calling him an anti-vaxxer – despite receiving three doses of the mRNA vaccine.”
guardian readers’ keyboards must be on fire
Vaccine injuries are a badge of honour in those circles. Because they accept as gospel the tenet that covid is an exceptional and existential threat, collateral damage is to be expected and even if it happens to them, can be written off as ‘rare’. We’re going to see some unbelievable mental contortions in these people over the coming months. In a worse case scenario, they’ll shortly begin testing themselves for HIV and then convince themselves that they contracted it from a trolley handle in Tescos, or something! We’ll just need to hang back and try to be as compassionate as possible.
And let’s not forget that collateral damage suffered by injection recipients is proof that the “vaccines” are working.
In Australia, country towns are holding meetings to have themselves declared “pro-choice” (ie anti-mandates). They’re happening at the behest of the sort of people who belong to civic organisations and like everybody to get along.
I think the middle ground is shifting.
I wonder why these “side effects” are happening.
Will his assertion gain greater credence because he’s a “person of colour”? Over to you, woke NWO msm gob shites!
I think you’ll find he will be ‘othered’ as a ‘coconut’.
MiniTruth approved vocab update, “short illness” now ungood, “small health glitch” plusgood.
“Would be worse if I hadn’t had the jab” doubleplusgood.
“Would have been better if my neighbour had been jabbed.”
Pure coincidence.
We are constantly told that the vax is “safe and effective”, and as our rulers never lie, what else can it be but coincidence?
On one hand I feel sad and upset for all sports people who felt compelled to take these injections, on the other hand, when your livelihood and your future is dependent on good health the failure to undertake even a minimum of research is not really forgiveable.
I noticed couple more ‘died unexpectedly’ deaths this week:
As with the apparently debunked 108 footballer death by ‘vaccine’ list, will the fact checkers also race to deny this man’s claim he got ill because of the jab?
Jab-jab away, jab-jab away, jab-jab away…
An FDNY union leader wants the department to investigate whether three recent firefighter deaths resulted from city-mandated COVID-19 jabs.
The request from Uniformed Fire Officers Association President James McCarthy comes after the line-of-duty deaths of Lt. Joseph Maiello, 53, who was found dead in a Staten Island firehouse after a Christmas shift, and Firefighter Jesse Gerhard, 33, who died at his firehouse in Far Rockaway, Queens, after a medical episode Wednesday.
McCarthy wants the FDNY to include in its vaccine probe the death of Probationary Firefighter Vincent Malveaux, 31, who died Dec. 2 at the FDNY Training Academy on Randalls Island after suffering a medical episode believed to be a seizure. (US VPN might be needed).
Must be climate change, building fires are especially warm I understand.
It begs the obvious question as to why the fittest and most healthy humans on the planet need a vaccination against a virus that in all probability will do absolutely nothing to them? And even if it does, treatment with ivermectin and/or other well-known cheap medicines are almost certainly going to completely eliminate symptoms in pretty short order….
-50 social credits
The sad thing about this is that Djokavic is the only one in the top 100 who a) had enough faith in his super-fit body to cope with a virus b) had enough guts to stand up to the authorities and take all the nonsense thrown at him by ignorant people. Maybe we can see now why he is world number 1.
It is the few like Djokavic who keep any faith I have in human nature going.
Of course Djokovic is right.
Djoko isn’t a loon at all. Those who believe the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ the loons.
Your conclusion is slightly off. Instead it should say, it looks like Novak made the absolute correct choice and we admire him for doing so.