The near vertiginous rise in the growth of coral over the last five years across Australia’s Great Barrier Reef should put the tin hat on the ubiquitous Armageddon predictions of the imminent collapse of the reef – at least for the time being. According to the latest survey by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AMS), coral cover rose by 27% in the northern reef. Massive growth of 26% and 39% were recorded in the central and southern areas respectively.
As late as October 2020, the BBC was telling stories about the Reef losing half its coral and citing a study that said it was due to “warmer seas driven by climate change”. No doubt the recent heartening news of recovery will delight Extinction Rebellion supporter and Guardian activist George Monbiot. He was one of the first to start the coral doomsday ball rolling by telling his readers in 1999 that the “imminent total destruction of the world’s coral reefs is not a scare story”. Forecasting that most of the coral in the Indian Ocean will die by 2000, he suggested that one of the world’s great ecosystems “is now on the point of total collapse”.
Tropical coral thrives in waters between 24°C and 32°C. It is highly adaptable but seems to dislike sudden changes in temperature, often caused by natural weather oscillations such as El Niño events. Under such conditions it can die back and bleach, but as recent evidence shows, it quickly recovers when normal localised conditions return. Global warming started to run out of steam a couple of decades ago and there has been a standstill for at least seven years. However, minor long term temperature changes are unlikely to cause many problems for highly resilient coral. The resilience is clearly shown below in the latest AMS figures for the northern Reef.

The recovery was just as dramatic in the central part of the reef.

AMS data for the northern and central Reef, where water temperature is higher, show that there were very rapid increases in the coral cover. This was helped by few ‘disturbances’, of which the most significant was a recent absence of crown-of-thorns starfish attacks. It is also noted that most of the recent increase is due to the fast-growing Acropora coral – which of course accounts for a lot of the routine die backs when conditions turn less benign. All of this looks like natural processes, although the AMS is still wedded to the notion that human-caused climate change is a major culprit. The Reef remains exposed to “the predicted consequences of climate change”. The observed recovery “can be reversed in a short amount of time”, it says.
Significant research into the Reef only got going in the mid 1970s. Before that, the area was largely unobserved and few records about bleaching and temperature changes were made. Last Monday, the Daily Sceptic reported that a treasure trove of 1871 sea temperatures taken on board a scientific mission travelling the length of the Great Barrier Reef had recently been compared to current measurements logged at the same areas. No differences were found by research scientist Dr. Bill Johnson, leading him to conclude that: “Alarming claims that the East Australian Current have warmed due to global warming are therefore without foundation”.
The dataset has been know about for a few months but largely ignored, presumably because the findings disturb the current political agenda. A common dismissive trope was that the measurements were likely to be inaccurate. However, it seems unlikely that a group of scientists in 1871, on a scientific mission travelling to view a total solar eclipse off Cape York, were unable to correctly use a thermometer. The readings may have flaws and be open to other interpretations, but they undoubtedly offer an interesting insight into the history of the Reef. Certainly, such rare data should not be dismissed out of hand.
The lack of vintage temperature data is a big problem in the climate world. The main surface temperature database used by the IPCC and scientists around the world is HadCRUT, run by the U.K. Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. A recent PhD student John McLean found that the database was started in 1850, but after five years just three stations were reporting data from the whole of the southern hemisphere. It wasn’t until 1950 that 50% of the area was covered.
Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see if the Reef’s dramatic recent recovery affects the huge funds and grants that have poured into the area over the last 25 years. Biologist and long time observer of Reef politics, Jennifer Marohasy has documented the growth of the finance involved since 1998. This was when the World Wildlife Fund launched its campaign focused on the Reef, and saw its Federal Government grant increase seven-fold over four years to A$3.5 million. She notes that Reef temperatures are now monitored by the AMS at 80 sites, “and do not show a long term warming trend”. Furthermore, says Marohasy, there are no studies showing either a deterioration in coral cover or water quality. But still the headlines suggest a problem, she reports.
In January this year, the Australian Government announced A$1 billion to save the Reef. In Marohasy’s view, “This is really protection money to be paid to the Reef Mafia; not really to protect the Reef”. There will be a rush to get the money, she continued, “and then it will be taken out into the pockets of the many who will continue the myth of the dying Great Barrier Reef”.
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Demand is overwhelming the vaccination teams is it? In other news, I have a bridge to sell you.
Slow rollout due to overwhelming demand, makes perfect sense in la-la land. The vaccinators are so swarmed by teenagers screaming to get jabbed that they are unable to work, basically.
A bridge, you say? Where do I sign?
It’s almost like the propaganda was written in advance.
Demand is so overwhelming that they have had to leave early if you believe what PRAVDA are telling us
Unsuccessful may goods news, but it’s not unsuccessful enough
Headlines designed to frighten women into having the jab
Wokingham Stand in the Park
Make friends – keep sane – talk freedom and have a laugh
Howard Palmer Gardens RG40 2HD Sundays 10am
Has the bridge been fully vaccinated?
Of course. Plus 6 boosters. It’s also triple masked and sanitised every 5 seconds via a special inbuilt QuikSan (TM) system that can also be upgraded to decontaminate bridge users QuikSanPlebs (TM). There is a red green traffic light system to limit users to one at a time, and 30 second spaced loudspeaker announcements to “stay safe”. It’s really quite state of the art.
“Professor Kevin McConway, an Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics at the Open University, said the latest [Covid test] results in secondary school-age children were “concerning”. “However you look at it, this is a huge increase, and it clearly follows from schools having reopened and, crucially, from vaccination rates of children in that age group still being low,” he said.”
What a wanker. This is gratuitous fear-mongering for attention seeking purposes of the worst kind. He has no stake in this. Pure evil.
Old fart feeling no longer important, craving the bygone days when people had to listen to him.
Over 5,200 doctors and scientists have recently signed a declaration stating that Covid policies may constitute ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
As the European Parliament resumed on Monday 13 September 2021, their first order of business was a debate over health and disease prevention. A letter of Notice of Liability for harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines was served on all members of the European Parliament and sent to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency by a large international group of hundreds of doctors. The notice was accompanied by a summary of the latest scientific evidence regarding vaccine-immune interactions, and a letter from Holocaust survivors demanding a halt to the vaccination program and an end to unlawful medical coercion. The notice included this: ‘The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence-base.’ The notice alleges gross negligence in the authorisation process, support of crimes against humanity and for actively or tacitly paving the way to the second holocaust of mankind. It ends with ‘The gravity of your deeds is now laid out before the world. For the sake of yourselves and your families, rise and respond. Or go down in the history books in indelible shame and disgrace’. You can read it here, together with the fully referenced scientific support:
all from the new bible of vaccine safety…
ignore this, thought it was deleted
As the European Parliament resumed on Monday 13 September 2021, their first order of business was a debate over health and disease prevention. A letter of Notice of Liability for harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines was served on all members of the European Parliament and sent to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency by a large international group of hundreds of doctors. The notice was accompanied by a summary of the latest scientific evidence regarding vaccine-immune interactions, and a letter from Holocaust survivors demanding a halt to the vaccination program and an end to unlawful medical coercion. The notice included this: ‘The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence-base.’ The notice alleges gross negligence in the authorisation process, support of crimes against humanity and for actively or tacitly paving the way to the second holocaust of mankind. It ends with ‘The gravity of your deeds is now laid out before the world. For the sake of yourselves and your families, rise and respond. Or go down in the history books in indelible shame and disgrace’. You can read it here, together with the fully referenced scientific support:
from the new bible of vaccine sefety…
Many eminent highly knowledgeable and respected doctors and scientists, most of whom are proponents of vaccines (and indeed initially recommended the Covid injections), two of whom are well known vaccine developers, and two Nobel Prize winners have been calling for the Covid shots to be halted immediately on safety grounds. These views are not being aired via UK mainstream media (MSM) or major platforms such as Facebook and YouTube and are, instead, actively suppressed. Over 5,200 doctors and scientists have recently signed a declaration stating that Covid policies may constitute ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
from the new bible of vaccine safety…
This is wholly without precedent in the UK. ONS data shows that there has been a 47% rise in all cause deaths amongst teenagers aged 15-19 since vaccination of this age group commenced, compared with the same period in 2020, the rise also coinciding precisely with the start of vaccination. The rise in deaths for teenage boys is 63%.
from the new bible of vaccine safety…
This claim you are uncritically promoting is unsourced (to the original data), unexplained, and on checking appears to be very likely false and definitely misleading.
See here for more detailled explanation:
And apparently ignorant. Has no idea that the jabs don’t stop infection or transmission.
Why does LS print this stuff? It doesn’t have to. It could report its own version of these stories.
Exactly. And why is The Guardian quoting the opinion of a ‘Professor of Applied Statistics’?!
The Guardian (along with much of the rest of the MSM) will quote anyone who says something which supports the agenda!
Emeritus = retired
Why should the latest COVID test result in school age children be ‘concerning’, Mr ‘Expert’ McConway?
Those at clinically risk have already been vaccinated, and possibly already had a booster, and the rest -aside from perhaps a handful (literally) are not as risk of serious illness or death from COVID, but they, especially boys, ARE at risk from life-altering or threatening complications FROM the jab – significantly higher.
Are they implying that the young are to be used as guinea pig ‘human shields’ for older/more clinically vulnerable but who are both already fully jabbed and where the different in rates of infecting others is minimal between those jabbed and thos not.
He IMHO apparently isn’t much of an expert. Maybe he could find some beans to count when – like many of his fellow ‘expert professionals’ – aren’t taking time out from their day jobs to grandstand in the media to gain notariety and hopefully £££ in ‘grants’ to boost their income. To me, they are now mostly no better than bumb-a$$ ac-tor luvvies.
Dec 2020 … the headlines were 15m jabs to freedom – once the most vulnerable groups were vaccinated we can go back to normal again.
Well , ten months later not only have the vulnerable been double and triple jabbed but also most of the healthy adult population have now been double jabbed too and now they’re finally coming for your kids aged 12-15 years old.
Once 12-15 year olds have been jabbed you know whats coming next don’t you?
This will not end until we say it does.
Because you can’t start a social credit system with only 15m jabbed. Just like a drug dealer, if you get them young, they’re hooked for life and by hooked, I mean, in the system, otherwise, you’re going to ned another pandemic at some point to coerce people again to get jabbed and bring in vax passes, which won’t be so easy (though, we seem to have country full of fuckwits so who knows).
Fuck me – that needed some full stops and sentences (and the edit button disappeared before I could).
I like the way your ideas came out in that post. No punctuation necessary. That’s how we think after all. Very scary.
At least they’re “kind” enough to tell us their plans in advance. People can’t say, “I didn’t see this coming”.
Going to have to get jabbed to go abroad. Can anyone recommend which vaccine has least possible side effects please?
I’d recommend the TB jab. Nasty scab, granted, but no sign of blood clots or myocarditis or Guillan-Barre disease afterwards. And, importantly, no sign of tuberculosis either.
Very amusing!
Tetanus is pretty good too, if you hang around dogs a lot. Typhoid is ok, especially the new one, the old one used to make you feel a bit crook for a day or too.
And then of course if you want an actual vaccine passport that shows you are no threat to public health, there’s the yellow fever one.
You beat me to it.
I’m not going overseas until this clownshow is over.
Mask? No thank you
Hand sanitiser? No thank you
‘Vaccine’? Fuck right off
And the tests are all on 2 yr EAs only. With a bit of luck/spine at the authorities, that particular farce and impediment might have run its course by next Spring.
Go to the Government’s online Yellow Card Scheme….and see for yourself.
I didn’t think there were any countries that insisted on a jab. The US maybe, Malta?
Antigua does
You don’t HAVE to.
The one containing a placebo.
Resist! That’s what I’m doing.
Nope – for the simple reason such miracles exist only in the imagination.
And in the considerable armoury of big pharma!
To self.
Forgot about tetanus.
One cannot really get herd immunity re this because it, err kills very efficiently. Thus no opportunity of ever achieving herd immunity.
Doesn’t matter which one.
They all damage bodies in some or other way and can’t be detoxed from the system. The short, medium and long term effects are unknown – the covid ‘vaccine’ trials only conclude in 2023
There’s so much wrong in that sentence it’s hard to know where to start.
Yes to all your points. The only way his statement makes any sense is if we are aiming for zero covid! It seems we can’t shake off the zero covid folks.
‘False positives’? Every single PCR test is false, positive or negative. It cannot detect infectious SARS-COV-2 at all.
There’s – in fact – nothing to suggest that there is a rise in cases. There’s a rise in detected infections due to twice weekly forced testing of pupils attending school. But these pupils weren’t all in hibernation in bunkers on the other side of the moon or something like that prior to schools reopening. They were freely mixing with their peers and the general population in their spare time, presumably more so, as they weren’t isolated among themselves in classrooms.
The quoted statement is based on the implied assumption that society was in transmission-preventing lockdown before schools reopened after the summer holidays but it wasn’t.
I thought there was unprecedented demand?
Oh but supply can’t meet demand it’s so unprecedented!!!!
Walk right in, little girl, and be injected with a useless, potentially dangerous, experimental drug. Don’t bother to ask mummy first.
But don’t take a Teaco’s cold cure tablet unless mummy says it’s safe.
Valneva jab that U.K. ditched has stronger immune response than the Astra Zeneca jab.
Typical. Like you, I could have been persuaded to have that one to get the stasi off my back.
Yellow Card Reporting Data as of 6th Oct 2021
1719 extremely rare adverse reactions.
If this chart is any guide, the teenager vaccines and the boosters for the “most vulnerable” haven’t resulted in a dramatic rise in the number of daily vaccinations…
This article turns my stomach. I hope Guardian employees (and other Trusted News Initiative collaborators) understand that they will be held accountable for the harm caused by their propaganda and encouragement of the population – including children – to have these bioweapons injected into them. I’m convinced the adverse effect levee will burst, at which point millions of angry people will turn on the propagandists, looking in particular at where their funding comes from.
From 10 December 2020:
Less than a year later, and vaccines are indeed linked to “freedom and individual liberties”.
So it wasn’t disinformation was it, BBC? It was what we citizen journalists like to call “news” or even “investigative journalism”. You know, the sort of thing BBC Panorama used to do in the old days.
The criminality is so flagrant. Who the hell are these people? What have they been told? And do they really want to live in the world they’ve helped create? I look forward to their criminal trials.
We, the general,public, haven’t been able to see a GP for well over a year, but now clinics are going to be opened so teens who do not want this vaxx have easier access. Meanwhile the number of people dying due to lack of access to doctors, hospital medical procedures and operations, continues to rise.
Why do I have this vision of miscreants in dirty raincoats standing outside the injection centres, extending their arms, unfurling and pointing a finger, beckoning to the young and inviting them in with the words ‘Come with me, I have something for you…’
perhaps the worst vision is that of a smiling nurse or doctor stood outside the injection centre, inviting the young into the lair…
We’re looking at something like the classic ‘hype graph’ (look up the term). Nothing to do with real public health, but attempts to sell junk to large numbers of potential customers..