- “Cinema & Co” – Raise funds for Cinema and Co (whose owners refused to comply with the Welsh Parliament’s vaccine passport scheme) due to loss of business for 28 days after being closed by trading standards.
- “Covid: Stormont ministers vote for Covid passports” – All ministers apart from the DUP’s backed the plan, which is due to be enforced from mid-December, reports BBC News.
- “Covid vaccine passports ‘will hurt businesses in Scotland without cutting transmission’” – “A significant number of businesses will be hit by the expansion of vaccine passports while there is little evidence they cut transmission or convince people to get jabbed, the Scottish Government has admitted,” reports the Times.
- “Authoritarian Europe’s slide back into lockdown vindicates the U.K. embrace of freedom” – We were denounced as ‘Plague Island’, but our relatively high vaccination rate has allowed us to learn to live with Covid, argues Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph.
- “Durham Cathedral demands Covid passports for Christmas worship” – “Durham Cathedral is the only cathedral in England (so far) to make attendance at a public act of Christmas worship contingent on the production of an NHS Covid pass,” reports Archbishop Cranmer.
- “Devi Sridhar: gets it wrong. Again!” – Devi Sridhar, member of the Scottish Government’s Covid advisory group, has repeatedly made false and misleading claims about Germany’s handling of the pandemic to argue for vaccine passports, says Citizen Journalist, who fact-check some of her statements.
- “Austria will come to regret mandatory vaccinations” – “So, Austria’s experiment to persuade more people to get vaccinated by placing the unvaccinated in lockdown didn’t last long. A week, to be precise. From Monday, the entire country will be placed under stay at home orders and other restrictions,” writes Ross Clark in the Spectator.
- “Just how rare are ‘rare’ vaccine injuries?” – “If health professionals are going above and beyond to not link the vaccine with adverse events, how can we be expected to believe that serious adverse reactions are as ‘extremely rare’ as is claimed?” asks Harry Dougherty in TCW.
- “The Covid cash cow!” –”There is probably much that we will never get to the bottom of related to the pandemic. But one thing is clear, we now know why so many people simply do not want it to end,” writes Roger Watson, who argues that Covid has enabled bad-faith actors to profit from other people’s misery in Unity News Network.
- “Number of corpses found rotting at home skyrockets during pandemic” – Study examining post-mortems found cases of markedly decomposed bodies increased by 70% after U.K. went into lockdown, reports the Telegraph.
- “Labour demands to know why Covid procurement rules still in place” – “Labour has written to the Government to query why emergency Covid procurement rules, under which companies were given contracts worth tens or hundreds of millions of pounds without the usual scrutiny or competition, have still not been reversed,” reports the Guardian.
- “Florida’s DeSantis travels to Brandon to sign bills restricting Covid mandates” – “Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis has signed legislation barring private employers in the state from imposing Covid vaccine mandates on their workers unless generous opt-out provisions are offered,” reports RT.
- “Bavaria gets tough on Covid with cancellation of Christmas markets” – “Bavaria is to introduce sweeping measures to curb the spread of Covid, including cancelling all Christmas markets and placing limits on household mixing,” reports the Guardian.
- “Punishments set for U.S. troops who refuse vaccination” – “The U.S. Army has threatened repercussions for soldiers who decline to receive Covid vaccinations, saying that insubordinate troops will be barred from promotions, reenlistment, and a number of special military services,” reports RT.
- “Covid ‘patient zero’ was Wuhan market vendor, claims new study” – U.S. scientist finds that an influential World Health Organization inquiry had likely misidentified the first known case of Covid, reports the Telegraph.
- “Another Governor courts unvaccinated cops with relocation offer” – “Tennessee’s Republican Governor is calling on police officers across the U.S. to join the state’s highway patrol to skirt vaccine mandates elsewhere in the country, even offering to assist with moving expenses,” reports RT.
- “Jordan Peterson: the West has no right to cut poor countries’ pollution” – Academic criticises Government’s ‘potential deceit’ over HS2 on the BBC’s Question Time, reports the Telegraph.
- “In defence of defending empire” – “Debate, often heated, has for centuries been the way we have advanced knowledge and reached agreed position: thesis, antithesis, synthesis,” writes Robert Tombs in UnHerd.
- “Imperial War Museum bosses say sorry for woke rap against Churchill” – “According to witnesses, members of the public walked out in disgust during the performance by a youth music group funded by the Arts Council in the Museum’s foyer on November 11th,” reports MailOnline.
- “Cambridge college makes U-turn over how to define racism” – Downing College forced to rewrite anti-discrimination guidance over concerns it would lead to culture of fear and is racist to white people, reports the Telegraph.
- “Why the double standards?” – A caller speaks to talkRadio about the mainstream media ignoring cricketer Azeem Rafiq’s past anti-Semitic comments: “You won’t hear that story on the BBC. The mainstream media are so biased and don’t pick up on all sides of racism.”
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So according to environmentalists it would seem that coastal erosion didn’t exist until atmospheric CO2 reached a certain level. That would have come as a surprise to the former inhabitants of Dunwich (now somewhere off the Suffolk coast).
A little further north the BBC used Happisburgh as an example of sea level rise a few monthes ago .Again very soft cliffs and the odd storm take large chunks out of East Anglia every winter.Been going on for centuries .No link to CO2 ever ..More BBC bollocks !!
Those submerged Welsh counties in Cardigan Bay…
They do not teach basic arithmetic in politics, journalism and sociology courses just as the amount of economics on a PPE is small and only Keynsian.
Ah. I had wondered how all those PPE MPs could come out with such rubbish. I know economics has been called the dismal science, but that’s ridiculous.
Isn’t the other key missing piece “Which coastal castles are affected”. I don’t know all the castles in the UK but are any actually by the side of the sea ie within 1 metre of current sea level- if anyone knows….
I have paddled past Caernarfon Castle in a sea kayak, splendid site but it appeared quite safe and sound and under no great threat from the sea.
Hundreds of years old too. Like those irrigation channels to make gardens in the desert. Better uses of money than inevitably futile attempts to engineer a more profitable climate (which in reality are attempts to produce a greater role for the United Nations).
I have read David Craig’s book and highly recommend it. From my own observations (and I am sure many others make similar observations) the amount of sea rise level where I live is negligible. For 30 years I have been watching the tides in the Severn Estuary, and there has been no change in the height of the highest tides, which one would expect if alarmist predictions were correct. As is usual, some years the tides are good (exciting and high) some years indifferent – important if you are one of these hardy souls who likes surfing the Severn Bore!
Currently in Campania, Italy, specifically the towns of Amalfi, Atrani, Praiano, Positano. Sea levels are obviously quite unchanged for at least hundreds of years.
I seem to remember a report about subduction in (I think) Tuvalu leading to a perception of sea level rise. Anyhow, I have long felt that putting money into flood defences, irrigation and reversing desertification would be a better use of resources than any net zero carbon nonsense and related rubbish such as importing American wood to Drax instead of using locally available coal.
The BBC is a left-wing political campaign organisation pretending to be a broadcaster.
Always have been apparently. I know they were taking a partisan view on issues back in the 1960s.
Which is exactly why they shouldn’t be funded by a tax on TV users.
Not sure it’s even so much the left they pander to any more. They’re as much stooges for the establishment as they’ve always been, which is neither right nor left but entirely self-serving.
In this respect, nothing much has changed bar the fact this establishment enjoy total control of and protection from the media, who also act in feedback to enhance the reality distortion field in which they exist. Free of scrutiny, it is entirely lacking in honesty or integrity.
Towards the end of the UK’s summer of 1976, BBC2’s Horizon – a reasonably serious science-based series – caved in to the lunatic doom-monger fringe and broadcast a silly episode warning us of an imminent threat of the UK turning to desert. I sensed then that a milestone had been reached and soon lost interest in watching what had turned into a junk entertainment programme. Even the recent summer, 46 years later, was a mere shadow of the 100 day Mediterranean one of 76.
I remember the late, great Christopher Booker reporting on how Owen Paterson MP endeavoured to find the real causes of the flooding on the Somerset levels some years back and took effective action to do something about it. It seems they came for him alright. I rather suspect that the BBC (who have decided that it’s alright for them to be biased on the climate scare) told a different story to Mr. Booker.
Can we stop confusing coastal erosion with inundation.
Gravity sort of ensures that a dense liquid like water maintains the same relative level around the planet (or across the flatness if you are a Green). Unless the same relative rise is noted around the world, local variations are obviously due to the land moving, not the water.
President Obama on crisis of rising sea levels. 2013
President Obama purchases multi million dollar Martha’s Vinyard island home 2021