We’re publishing a guest post by an academic economist about why Boris, who used to be a borderline climate change sceptic, has passionately embraced a ‘Net Zero’ agenda. Could it be because he wants to curry favour with Joe Biden?
Many of his supporters are dismayed that Boris Johnson seems to be buying in so deeply to the hardcore green agenda. This is doubly so when we consider how this agenda might overlap with the powers the Government has accrued over the course of repeated lockdowns. You need not be a full-throated believer in the coming Great Reset to see that green activists are angling to leverage these new powers to impose their radical program on the population.
Those that are dismayed by this latest evolution of Johnson’s politics have been scrambling for an answer. Johnson does not personally seem like an enthusiast for hard green policies. Yes, he used to bike around London as mayor – but this hardly indicated that he was interested in the more totalitarian aspects of the green agenda.
Some have turned to the influence of Johnson’s latest wife: Carrie Symonds. The profile fits. Symonds seems like a squishy ‘right-thinking’ London liberal with an instinct finely-tuned to get as close to power as possible. Sorry Boris, but she probably did not marry you for your looks or your dependability.
In what follows I am not dismissing this personal dimension but think that it needs to be viewed in a broader context. Johnson may bend to Carrie’s will behind closed doors, but this cannot explain why the whole Tory Party has painted itself green.
The real explanation for this turn lies across the Atlantic. To understand this, you need to get into the minds of the post-Trump American liberal establishment. Trump drove these people crazy – literally, crazy. He challenged their power, which they thought unchallengeable. He also did it in a way designed to get under their skin. It drove them around the bend.
By the time that Joe Biden was elected, this entire class of people had formed an echo chamber rife with conspiracies both foreign and domestic. Calling the atmosphere in the contemporary American liberal elite ‘paranoid’ is an understatement. And so, after Biden was elected these people turned their rage outwards in search of targets.
The American elite are infamous for their lack of familiarity with the rest of the world. Never before has the world seen an imperial power so blasé and disconnected from the cultures of other countries. This blindspot has led the American elite on a feckless witch hunt for Trump-like movements and politicians that they vie to exterminate. But being so myopic the Americans are in turn easy to fool.
This is where Johnson comes in. By cosying up to Trump – not to mention by being, well, Boris – Johnson made a name for himself in American liberal political circles as a Trumpist and a populist. They really started not to like him. They also convinced themselves that Brexit was simply a Trumpist movement in disguise. So, when Biden entered the Oval Office, relations between the White House and Downing Street were frosty at best.
The American liberals were serious about this too. Drunk on the power of controlling the most powerful nation in the world, the American liberals started to lash out in ways that seemed to violate geopolitical norms. Take Poland for example. In American foreign policy, Poland is an enormously important NATO ally. It is extremely reliable, set right on the Eastern front and doesn’t have an insignificant army. Yet Biden went out of his way to insult the Poles by calling them totalitarians due to having a right-wing government. If you are au fait with Polish history, you will know well how insulting – not to mention downright stupid – this insult was.
You can bet the British Government and her diplomats were paying attention. They needed a strategy to cool relations between the White House and Downing Street. The offensive started with a puff piece on Johnson in the American liberal magazine the Atlantic. The piece is a fine example of public relations done right. Its goal is clear if you read behind the lines: Johnson is signalling to the American liberals that, whatever he is, he is not Trump; British post-Brexit populism is, he tries to convey, a different beast entirely.
When the Atlantic journalist asks Johnson about the relationship between his politics and Trumpism, the Prime Minister does not miss a beat.
“Well, how ignorant can they be?” he said.
I ventured that the curse of international politics is that each country looks at others through its own national prism.
“They do, they do”, he admitted, before continuing: “I’m laboriously trying to convey to an American audience that this is a category error that has been repeatedly made. The point I’m trying to get over to you and your readers is that you mustn’t mistake this Government for being some sort of bunch of xenophobes,” he added, “or autarkic economic nationalists.” (Here even Johnson’s critics would have to concede one difference: Donald Trump is unlikely to have ever used the word autarkic in conversation.)
What immediately stands out if you read the article is the focus on internationalism, especially as it is related to the green agenda. Read between the lines and you realise that this is the Johnson Government’s wedge issue to normalise relations with the Biden administration. The Johnson Government has figured out that this is a core issue they can use to reach across the Atlantic and keep the Biden administration on board.
Now look at the pictures over the weekend from the absurd climate get together in Glasgow. They all make sense. This is a political operation. Boris likely could not give a tinker’s cuss about climate change – although a bonus point if pretending to care keeps the wife happy. Instead, Johnson is wholly focusing on keeping Biden sufficiently well-buttered.
Do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to give Johnson a free pass on their green agenda. I fully agree with those who say that a cocktail of green politics and lockdown powers is the political equivalent of a ‘speedball’. But there is little point in misleading ourselves as to why the position is being adopted. If enterprising journalists and political activists think that taking Symonds down a notch and highlighting her impact in Government is going to roll back the Great Green Reset – or whatever you want to call it – they are only kidding themselves.
Stop Press: A clue that Boris isn’t as committed to ‘Net Zero’ as his rhetoric implies is that he flew back to London from COP26 yesterday evening by private jet, not so he could attend a Cobra meeting or anything like that but because he was a guest at a Garrick Club dinner for Telegraph journalists. The Times has more.
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This is the way to Build Back Better …
Johnson is a knave and a charlatan.
And an intellectual thug; all he cares about is self aggrandisement and brownie points from the WEF and their oligarch cronies. He has sold our country and its people down the river to big Pharma and the global capitalists.
And his soul to the devil.
The entire global political class are given to this chant which is predicated on having taken a wrecking ball to society and the economy first – its criminal.
Carrie didn’t marry Toad cos she’s keen on power. She was born into a one parent family and she had the classic reaction of the girl without a father central to her life – she was overwhelmingly attracted to an older man apparently powerful father figure who reminded her of her father.
She’s not Lady Macbeth.
Nah – she really IS Lady Macbeth!
Or she was recruited by the deep state/elite, to seduce a fat old tosser who couldn’t keep it in his pants. It wouldn’t have worked against Theresa May would it?
No she is not Lady Macbeth. She is Lucretia Borger. Her long history with the Clintons shows a narcissistic personality.
Perhaps simply the words ”self-interested, manipulative slapper” might be more appropriate. Lady Macbeth or Lucretia Borgia had far too much class for this little person to be compared to them.
Wow. So you claim Boris’ new found eco-lunacy is actually some 4d Chess to curry favour with the Biden’s handlers? But if so, why is Boris actually implementing economy-wrecking policies – from banning boilers, cars and flights to crashing the grid with unreliable wind to freezing granny with sky-high energy prices? Occam’s razor says Boris actually is an ecoloon, and his previous positions were just an act to get into power.
Yes, Toby Young keeps giving Kim Jong Johnson undeserved passes.
Exactly. Johnson had to portray himself as a populist like Farage to keep the Tory Party together and get people to vote them back in. Once this job was done, he reverted back to his true globalist self again.
The Tories are the oldest political party in Europe. One reason only has kept the. In power snd that’s their ability to steal policies, crush parties and keep the Party in power. It has nothing to do with people or individuals but everything to do with control.
Or he’s actually a useful idiot, perhaps?
I see that so called “homes” will only let the so called fully jabbed in this winter. Going to be a further hit to the economy when women give jobs to care for the elderly at home.
Social workers going to be jabbed or jobless next.
Teachers after that, I guess.
”A further hit to the economy”. Working like a charm, then. You can’t build back better until you’ve knocked down everything.
Boris was waffling about BBB before Biden was elected in November last year.
Does he know something we don’t?
They all take their cue from Klaus Schwab – what Boris is into – and Stanley before him – a is their own personal entitlement. Both have at least six children but there are far too many other people who get in the way. People mistake jovial affability for being a jolly good chap but more likely he is just a ruthless opportunist.
When Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Prince Charles set the example – give all their wealth and assets away – then they’ll own nothing… and we’ll see just how happy they truly are…
Maybe then we’ll think about it?
Meanwhile this is what the NEW NORMAL really means for the 99%
“Build Back Better” comes from the World Economic Forum, and proxied to national governments via global public-private partnerships.
If you picture Boris as Duke Igthorn, our friend Toby’s role here is Toadie.
“mustn’t mistake this Government for being some sort of bunch of xenophobes,” he added, “or autarkic economic nationalists.””
LOL! If only!
At last then they’d have a chance of erring on the correct side of an issue now and then, instead of consistently pushing in the wrong directions.
Economic nationalism is fully consistent with green ideology.
Not really. Why would an economic nationalist trash his nation’s economy to supposedly save some islands on the other side of the world from supposed rising sea levels? An economic nationalist would follow China’s practice, of saying: “you guys pontificate all you like, but we’re doing what’s right for us”.
Green ideology, at root is gaia worship, and fundamentally globalist.
An economic nationalist wants the results of economic nationalism.
Having earlier been central to Hitlers idea of Greater Germany, Autarkic nationalism is currently best exemplified by N.Korea with results for all to see.
At the other end of the Autarky spectrum is Singapore, a country with no natural resources whatsoever, it doesn’t even have its own water supply.
Where would you rather live?
From his posts generally, I suspect Moist was making that point to attack both green ideology and economic nationalism.
My own position is not that either genuine autarky or complete economic nationalism (or extreme xenophobia for that matter) would be a good idea (all three would be self-evidently absurd for Britain), just that our society would benefit hugely from moving a little in those directions.
No, thise positions are balderdash, socialism masquerading as the solution to socialism.
“these positions are balderdash, socialism masquerading as the solution to socialism“
That is not inconsistent with my suggestion, that our society would benefit hugely from moving a little in those directions.
I’m all for self sufficiency in a ‘going down the allotment luv’ kind of way but other than that Britain depends entirely upon trading with as much of the rest of the world as possible.
I understand the theory that leads to that conclusion, but the results for the nation are not necessarily optimal, when it’s implemented too enthusiastically, especially combined with grossly unfair operating conditions in favour of huge corporations and high levels of taxation and other parasitic governmental intrusions that hinder competitiveness.
There needs to be some balance on this, imo. As far as we can we should be pushing export, but having some protection against imports, and sustaining some degree of self sufficiency for security reasons, such as in food production.
It is worth remembering that Hitler was anti-industrial, green ideology is also brown (shirt) ideology.
Have just been entertaining myself watching some of this (v. long) video:
Hitler’s Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments
I’m not saying I agree with everything he says, but he makes some very good points and he’s clearly correct at base.
I tend to come at the issue from a slightly different direction these days (conservative/radical, rather than socialist/capitalist). Still it’s amusing to see how much his truths annoy some of the kinds of people who most need to be annoyed, and how characteristically they respond with abuse and threats.
TIK knows his stuff though can be time absorbing but, as you say, he is not afraid of annoying people.
I’ve not seen his channel before. Looks like a huge time-sink for someone (like myself) who finds these things interesting.
I’ve already enjoyed his videos on “Was Hitler right to build the super-heavy tanks of WW2?” and “Could Sweden have withstood a German Blitzkrieg in WW2?“, mostly because I’ve skipped some activities for the past couple of days with a cold.
I was wondering who he is, though. That’s a Manchester accent I think. I’d definitely buy him a drink in Manchester some time.
I only know what he shows on his channel. He does his own research Most of his vids are quite lengthy and he has a bit of an obsession with Battle of Stalingrad.
He has some good vids on Hitlers implementing Autarky that we touched on yesterday and in particular oil or his lack of it. He seems to think that saying the German push to the Caucasian mountains to get that oil is an original idea but my dad was telling me that in the 1970s
It was through TIK that I found that fairly early in WW2 some German mechanised brigades had to demechanise in favour of horses for that reason.
As someone with a lifelong interest in politics and in military history (pointless to investigate one without the other imo), my recollection was that it was always understood that the turn south in 1942 was to get the oil. I didn’t think it was even controversial, though many people argued that it was a mistake and it would have been better (for the Germans) to go for the political victory in Moscow.
Hitler smothered industry with swathes of regulations and state control to rival Stalin. Each company was issued with permits ( which had to be waited for) to acquire parts and raw materials based not on economic criteria but on how some random clerk thought it might contribute to the war effort.
Hitler was also a non smoking teetotal vegetarian and was said to kind to children in his immediate vicinity.
It is quite amazing how many people you thought you might have understood before, but now turn out to be closet greens. According to Liz, even Phil was a green! Although you have to make allowances for her age, your hearing does go believe me. I think when he said “I am just going out to shoot some wildlife dear” she misheard the word ‘shoot’ as ‘save’.
“Stop Press: A clue that Boris isn’t as committed to ‘Net Zero’ as his rhetoric implies is that he flew back to London from COP26 yesterday evening by private jet, not so he could attend a Cobra meeting or anything like that but because he was a guest at a Garrick Club dinner for Telegraph journalists. The Times has more.”
This isn’t really a clue to anything, though. Such glaring hypocrisy has become routine on elite virtue signalling issues such as climate and covid alarmism, and has not prevented any of the hypocritical scum from imposing their radical totalitarian crap by brute force.
How is it even Stop Press? That bozo was flying home in a private jet was a lead article here at DS a couple of days ago. The Garrick Club is a Luvvie downing house is it not?
o/t Did COP26 end with a glowing public statement to try and hide its miserable failure to achieve anything even on it’s own terms? If so I missed it.
Based on that, none of the oligarchs that are running the world are committed to ‘Net Zero’ because they all swan around in their private jets all the time.
It’s a ridiculous argument.
Why is TY so committed to rehabilitating Boris Johnson’s image among those who previously supported him?
Coal keeps lights on at COP26 as low wind strikes again – Net Zero Watch
“The UK’s failing renewable strategy is a national embarrassment. Critically low wind power, for nearly the whole of yesterday, resulted in extremely high prices, with the two remaining coal units at Drax offering to saving the day at £4,000/MWh, nearly 100 times the wholesale price normal before the current crisis started, with many other fossil fuel generators also riding to the rescue at staggering prices”
I was hoping someone would cut off the energy supplies to the COP and let them get cold and hungry, and then after a few hours offer to re-connect them provided they pledge that they are OK with coal-fired generation.
Give THEM a taste of things to come if we have their agenda imposed on us. It’s all very well so long as it doesn’t affect THEM.
As was widely foretold in the preceding decades; that advice was ignored and will shortly become ‘hate-speech’ under the new ‘Online Safety Act’ because it might hurt someone’s feelings.
No, Toby Young, Kim Jong Johnson is a great fat communist fraud, his Branch Covidian lockdown enthusiasm and green policies are fully consistent with each other.
Do not pretend otherwise.
“Do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to give Johnson a free pass on their green agenda. I fully agree with those who say that a cocktail of green politics and lockdown powers is the political equivalent of a ‘speedball’.”
Well put!
“But there is little point in misleading ourselves as to why the position is being adopted. If enterprising journalists and political activists think that taking Symonds down a notch and highlighting her impact in Government is going to roll back the Great Green Reset – or whatever you want to call it – they are only kidding themselves.“
Especially because it’s far more likely that, rather than cunning international diplomacy, this is just another reflection of the fact that we live in a world (or at any rate a large part of it – the US sphere) with a shared elite culture, and shared elite ideology, and that elite supercedes party political divisions. Said elite imposes its dogmas upon the ordinary folk they despise using all the usual methods, and its members have far more respect for fellow true believers than for unbeliever deplorables they happen to share a nationality with.
The need is for a general populist uprising against elite misrule, not merely removing one nouveau riche Marie Antoinette figure.
‘let them burn coke’
I think its far simpler –
I suspect/hope that the masses are awakening to the con …
The climate change cult, led by Greta & The Greens, jumped aboard the bandwagon of Lockdown ideology provided by Pantsdown “can we can get away with it” Ferguson; bozo had no idea what he was unleashing when imposing and extending lockdown in response to the supine obedience of the great British public.
On a lighter note.
Pale blue anti-covid mouth muzzles are an ideal final buffering cloth to bring out that final sheen on polished leather.
Decades of indoctrination in green ideology paved the way for lockdown. A mediaeval superstition and an ideology dedicated to returning mankind to the mediaeval era are entirely complimentary.
For younger generations quite possibly; after decades being frightened at school and on BBCteenies with tales of inevitable doom caused by humanity itself, the idea that all will be well if they just stay home, wear a mask and take a vaccine now and then might be quite reassuring.
Yes. Exactly. Quite a lot of his core voters must be feeling extremely queasy, and will return to voting Reform. If there is another vote.
Climate change is a code word for energy decline. Look at the natural curve of any oil field, past peak it goes one way. We aren’t making oil out of tar sands because it’s easy or as energy efficient as pulling it out the ground 100 years ago…
Tell the truth.
It’s not about running out, it’s about the rate of supply. It is used for everything. It can’t be replaced, all the electric cars use oil based resins and tyres. It’s a joke. Fertiliser, oil, pesticide, oil. Tractor, oil. Transport. Oil. Food packaging. Oil.
North Sea depleted.
German military did a study 10 years ago. Supply chain breakdown. Civil unrest and wars for the last resources.
If climate change were a real concern, would O”bomb”a buy a beachfront property? Why is sandbanks still so expensive it’s it is going to be underwater in no time at all.
The world has apparently been at it’s “last chance” for the past 20 years.
Toby, so it’s still “just a cock up”?
Don’t forget medicines the vast majority being a product of the petrochemical industry.
‘Peak oil’ has been a fallacy for decades.
A while back I was chatting to a North Sea oil techie who was explaining that as a result of new technology the industry was getting more oil out of previously abandoned ‘pumped dry’ oilfields than the first time and would probably be good for a third bite of the cherry.
Is why they haven’t even really tried to replicate Hitlers quite successful efforts to produce man made substitute oil during WW2.
Fossil fuels as perpetual energy? Sure they get more efficient but the source is still finite.
Well in fairness there is a sense in which finite resources can be infinite provided you have a genuine free market. Increased scarcity/demand increases price, thereby reducing demand.
The issue is really whether there’s any risk of oil/coal/gas “running out” before our technology has evolved beyond the need for them, which it is reasonable to assume will not be long. Indeed, you could argue that we are already there, since nuclear and other sources could provide enough energy to survive on if it were genuinely necessary to rely upon them.
Agreed, at which time innovative technology will provide a real alternative, energy from thin air most likely.
In a film, The Kingdom I believe, an heir to the Saudi throne is telling an American oilman that
‘you Americans will never escape from your dependence on our oil’
To which Matt Damon(?) Responds
‘that’s what they used to say about coal’.
Exit crestfallen Sheik.
You are basing your long term view of climate on a former presidents ownership of a seafront house?
Al Gore bought his seashore palace in Malibu on the profits of his MMGW alarmist mockumentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ almost twenty years ago.
The link below is excellent. Its helped me prod a few people into questioning the change the weather cult.
The lecture linked below explains that even if you think the following are true (I don’t!)
The plans that they have in place cannot work from an engineering perspective.
Some years ago I asked the Daily Telegraphs then Chief Environment correspondent whether,
“if MMGW is a reality, is ‘so what?’ a valid response”.
He agreed, privately, that it was but then he would be out of a job.
I’m Sorry I don’t buy this explanation.
The same Biden administration that removed Churchill’s statue from the Oval Office, refuses us a trade deal, then gives zero notice on the Afghanistan exit?
Biden’s IRA sympathies means he hates Britain, same as his old boss Obama.
Johnson has a different agenda, better explained by Bill Gates’ visit before COP26.
It’s called the Reset, the chance to redesign global society to create a 1000 year oligarchal dynasty, and for his efforts presumably has been promised a piece of the pie.
Climate change is debatable. The coming electricity cuts, now, are almost inevitable, Biden or No Joe Biden. No oil, no fracking, no coal, no nuclear, just total dependence on wind power and solar – what a joke!
You will recall that some brown nosing multinational provided COP26 with a large fleet of electro cars to whisk the 20,000 delegates from function to dinner and to hotels.
Then they discovered that Glasgow has insufficient charging stations so had to bring in umpteen modified diesel generators to do the job.
Imagine that on a national scale.
“You need not be a full-throated believer in the coming Great Reset to see that green activists are angling to leverage these new powers to impose their radical program on the population.”
It’s almost like all this was planned in advance >.>
Even if so, it and he is still an indefensible disaster.
Your efforts of whitewashing him are becoming more and more desperate and pathetic.
The green agenda endorsement is actually quite simple:
In all other countries, the green movement has developed from and thrived at the expense of the left and it is driven by the young urbanites.
Hence, if the Tories embrace green policies before and more visibly than Labour, they can also solve their well known looming demographic challenge, that’s their and Johnson’s main if not sole original motivation here.
The corporatism now also behind it, the US angle, the desire to be liked and therefore go with the flow, his preference for grandstanding and such projects, his inability to do details, the ability and taste for authoritarianism and spending and his pathological nihilism are just supporting factors.
US Corporations ignored or belittled greenery until Al Gore showed them there was money to be made from it.
I was under the impression that, in England at least, Labour and Greenism were more or less synonymous which is why they don’t really challenge the Green member for Brighton since she’s just a spare socialist.
That’s the speech of a genuine freedom loving libertarian and true statesman, Toby.
Vaclav Klaus a month ago.
His friend Roger Scruton would have agreed.
The umpeenth load of apologist bollocks.
DS seems desperate to believe “Boris” is still saveable.
Currying favour with Biden? Who knows, who cares? He’s a spineless narcissist, probably with his brains in his dick half the time. Neither a conservative nor a liberal nor a libertarian. Just a power-mad politician, and the worst PM in history, who has waged war on his own people without losing a wink of sleep.
It took him less than a year to become the worst PM by an order of magnitude in our history.
Ten times worse than Harold “concentric circles” Macmillan and Anthony “Suez” Eden? That’s a tall order.
Is there something about the Tory party?
But I grant you that neither of those two “greats” were so up themselves as to carry out a prorogation that soon got smacked back in their face, nor to tear up the verdict on a bribetaking MP which reality then put back together again Mary Poppins-style as soon as the smoke rose from the Number 10 chimney.
A few scandals down the line, if Johnson tries to cling on to the doorframe his exit could be spectacular.
Before that happens, perhaps he could get together with Jeremy Corbyn who promised to create “a million climate-change jobs”.
“Is there something about the Tory party?”
Well I’m no fan of the Tories but you’re forgetting Blair.
What Johnson has done is indeed ten times worse than any PM I know anything about.
Yes OK – good point about Blair. In terms of the numbers of lives lost, the criminal wars against Iraq and Afghanistan were orders of magnitude worse than Suez.
Backing down to American pressure over Suez was something of a nadir.
Eisenhower later said that his policy on the Suez question was the worst mistake of his entire administration.
… surpassed by the nadir of getting into the debacle in the first place.
They, the Tories, produced Churchill who, had he won the postwar election, would have sacrificed a great deal to deny India its independence. He believed the future of Britain somehow depended upon it.
I was born some ten years later by which time everyone had forgotten about India because it didn’t really matter at all.
Wrong. He was that way before he crossed the threshold of No.10. At least to those who were awake.
What’s the opposite to damning with faint praise? Worshipping with faint criticism?
That green is necessarily globalist is no great revelation or new insight. Sorry, Mr Academi Economist.
Also this is unlikely to be about “right-thinking liberal” Carrie or some guy in front of the cameras in the US White House. I would pay attention to the coming change of monarch in Britain, though.
Be careful, or I will tell you where “People, Planet, Profit” comes from. (And I don’t just mean John Elkington.)
Toby – you’ve heard of Daniel Dunlop
Maybe you can tell them…
Bozo, blink one time for each offspring’s head they have at gun point.
We’ll come rescue you, if you don’t stroke out first.
Johnson is a self absorbed, opportunistic lying b*stard. Everything else follows from this.
BJ’s father is also an eco loon so seems more likely he was one all along and his alleged libertarianism and other stances were just a means to get access where he needed it (e.g. past iterations of the tory party, the telegraph, spectator, post referendum tory party, etc).
The yanks are not imposing the same insane policies on their country as the British government is so why would BJ go this far purely for the purposes of sucking up to creepy Joe?
BJ is a total **** and I won’t be voting tory again.
“The yanks are not imposing the same insane policies on their country as the British government is “
Maybe not the exact same lunacies, but the Biden regime has been doing some pretty loony stuff. For instance, suppressing domestic oil production and then begging for more foreign production:
Joe Biden Wants OPEC to Drill
“We thought we’d seen everything, but there it was Wednesday morning in black and white on the White House website: Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, imploring the cartel of oil exporting nations to pump more oil. Talk about a political climate change. This is the same Biden Administration that has spent six months doing everything it can to crush U.S. oil production.”
Bozos dad is also a promoter of eugenics having written books on it.
How about
Boris Has Gone Gaga
American philanthropist Bill Gates has warned of a bioterrorist smallpox pandemic which could arise if we don’t learn valuable lessons from Covid-19.
Note the smiles.
Because he’s a politician & as such a liar with no principles who will sell out to the highest bidder, eg. Bill Gates et.al. The Johnson isn’t & never was a libertarian or a leader, just a psychopathic liberal hypocrite.
Let’s go Brandon.
Joe Biden is not in charge of anything. No, it’s because every politician in the world that has been bought or blackmailed with Epstein “Brownstone operation” pedo stuff is promoting it.
If this is the claptrap this site is now resorting to, it’s time to jump ship. Start living in the real world Toby. An Israeli cabinet member was pathologically against these vaxxes, one of her aides was murdered and she literally did a 180 overnight. Multiple African leaders, plus the President of Haiti have been murdered or attempted-murdered for going against the narrative.
The President of Belarus kept his country open, despite attempts by the IMF to bribe him into locking down and suffered two Soros “colour revolution” coup attempts as a result.
Wake the fuck up, this is embarrassing. This is all absolute fact. My African business partner personally knew two of the African leaders who were assassinated and knows the gory details. The Western press says they “died of Covid”. This is an insult to anyone with a brain.
This is a massive mafioso racketeering scandal and nothing more. The Guardian had two pieces calling for the overthrow of two of these African leaders – both “died” within a month. Both pieces were sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and this is a matter of public record.
I will say one last time: wake up. You deserve credit for creating this website but aside from that, for a “sceptic”, you are very much fast asleep.
A finger on the true pulse of world politics. Good to see. But in all fairness, I think Toby is playing a safe line in a difficult sea to navigate. Get too close to the truth and you end up like the aide you mention, having an unfortunate yachting accident, etc.
Max Hastings and Simon Heffer, both of whom know Alex Johnson very well and have worked with him, both took the unusual step of making public denunciations of him, presumably in the hope of dissuading the Tory top brass from installing him at the helm. All in all, it appears Mr Johnson is a selfish, lazy, incompetent, rude, aggressive, bullying, drunk who stands for nothing except his own personal aggrandizement.
He was installed because the puppet-masters knew he had no beliefs or ethics and that they could pull his strings on the green crap. Given his personality and behaviour, I wouldn’t be totally taken aback if the SIS had done dirt on him, too, but then that’s just speculation.
He also doesn’t have very much money, yet.
And if the follows the Blair Playbook on How To Get Stinking Rich Using My Number Ten Contacts File, the emphasis is on the word “yet”.
Having just read the Comments on this article, I would recommend Toby Young to do likewise.
It’s heartening that so many Daily Sceptic posters understand what is really going on, even if pundits spouting irrelevant and diversionary nonsense clearly do not.
This probably also explains Johnson’s reluctance to crack down on the absurd but dangerous ‘trans’ lobby, and their desire to erase biological sex as a legal concept. This is the hill that both he and Biden could die on; Virginia is only the start.
W.E.F. overlords. Depopulation. Money. Power. Need I go on?
Johnson is a chancer who craves power, once he has it he is open to the latest fad or influencer who will fill his empty head with all sorts of tripe – also his current wife is another entitled privileged narcissist (I wonder who Johnson’s new mistress is ? )
If Johnson really is proposing to drive the economy off the green cliff in order to appease that senile old fool in the White House, then he’s even less suitable to be Prime Minister than I already thought.
“Buying influence” ….. also know as arse-licking ….. with the taxes and savings of millions of Brits who can’t afford the Green Lunacy, is utterly disgusting.
Perhaps Toby could enlighten us ……. is Johnson’s utter failure to stem the slo-mo invasion across the channel also so he can curry favour with Biden, who has a similar invasion going on from Latin America?
“Build Back Better” is a global agenda, the latest incarnation of Agenda 21, signed up to in 1992 by almost every country in the world. It’s plan is for huge changes in society, greater control over individual freedoms, and ultimately world government.
All the details are available online to see e.g at the WEF or under it’s other names, Agenda 2030, & The Great Reset. ID 2020 is also a part of this great global plan.
Most people I imagine are unaware of this road that their governments are taking them down.
This video gives a taster :-
The only threat that we as a nation face is the actions of the total scumbag Boris Johnson.
Let’s just face the fact that this government doesn’t run this country and it’s the World Economic Forum that does.
I think this piece started well and no doubt its all about Trump but also protecting your backside. The liberals in US fantasize about European socialism and Davos grants them a get out of jail card where they maintain their life style and wealth whilst middle class competitors are strangled and forced to pay for everything. Its Clintons’ trickle down economics on steroids. Socialism for the plebs, which they think is good for them, but grants them a role to help rebuild everything whilst keeping their wealth. And a nice clean empty planet to fly around in your private jet exempt from green surcharges.
Boris is as always in it for Boris. He sucks up to Davos but then drops them in it with the Kermit the frog and James Bond Blofeld analogies. Flying around in private jets is no blunder. The UK state drives the one world government forming and as per Hancock are desperate to leap onboard the new power grab. But first they have to crush Davos and EU which i believe is already in play via Fed and economic collapse of the euro.
Based on what is happening in America right now,it is abundantly clear that what this country urgently needs is a relatively unknown racing driver with a surname like ‘Johnstone’
One problem with the so-called ‘green agenda’ is it’s anything but green. Scientific justification for the ‘green agenda’ is predicated on egregious falsification of historic climate data (see Tony Heller’s videos), together with a wilful ignoring of the huge environmental costs of ‘green technologies’. This ‘green agenda’ is a smokescreen for the World Economic Forum’s ‘great reset’ plot to impoverish, digitally enslave, and genocide humanity.
I don’t understand why people think this is just mere politics. Obviously an agenda is at play. Agreements made in the dark if you know what I mean. Everything no matter what way you vote ends up in the same direction; more state control. Tyranny.
Did you say Boris has gone Gaga? Most would agree. Just wondering what amount of cash is involved to get all these country buffoons to sing the same hymn?
It is the fact that none of this climate tripe loomed exactly large in the Conservatives’ manifesto that galls me. If it had, I most certainly would NOT have voted for them, or rather him. He is truly a man of straw.
In fairness, all the current climate shite is built on decades of climate agreements, structures put in place, policies set, dogmas reinforced and propagandised. For the past eleven years, all under supposedly “Conservative” Prime Ministers.
It’s hardly really surprising, except in its sheer blatancy this time round.
”Trump is unlikely to have ever used the word autarkic in conversation…..
Perhaps the reason for that is because he’s not a patronising tosser.
Because he’s sold his soul to Klaus
who are they?
the american elite.
do they have names?