New Health Secretary Sajid Javid appears not to have got the memo about the ‘new normal’ and perpetuating restrictions on flimsy pretexts as in his first full day in office he has said he wants the country to “return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible”. The Telegraph has more.
Sajid Javid has said his “most immediate priority” will be getting the country through the coronavirus pandemic, as he took up the job of Health Secretary.
Speaking to the media for the first time since he took over from Matt Hancock on Saturday, Mr Javid said he recognised the “huge responsibility” which faced him.
And he pledged to “do everything I can to make sure that I deliver for this great country”.
This comes amid Mr Hancock’s shocking departure from his role as Health Secretary after he faced mounting pressure to quit for breaching his own social distancing guidelines in early May.
Mr Hancock was pressured into resigning after CCTV footage emerged showing him kissing his close aide, Gina Coladangelo, in his ministerial office.
Mr Javid said on Sunday that he wants the country to “return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible”, leaving the new Health Secretary with a tight deadline to deliver on England’s July 19th ‘freedom day’.
The lockdown zealots on SAGE won’t be happy and are presumably already plotting how to bring him round to more correct ways of thinking.
If Javid really wants to make his mark and show he is serious he could start by ensuring the country reopens on July 5th rather than July 19th. But either way, dropping the mask mandate and ending social distancing – including as guidance, which can be no less hampering for businesses and organisations for whom guidance is practically mandatory once insurers and lawyers get involved – must be a priority for any return to normality.
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The last politician I saw giving a thumbs up was Macron.
Nice misspelling.
It’s ‘MacWrong’.
Wring again.
“Wring again”.
Anyway, it’s “Manual Chevron” for me (admittedly the others are better.
Still wrong, it’s Dickbag Shitface.
Mr Javid said on Sunday that he wants the country to “return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible”
Didn’t take him long to state his first big lie.
Quite so – they have all being saying this right from time zero. If Will Jones is happy to take Javid at his word, he must be a bigger fool than I thought!
How long before he says Build Back better?
“return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible” (and it own’t be possible until 2031)
Bill Gates’s stranglehold on the MSM: Part 1
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday 10am meet fellow lockdown sceptics
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Sajid Javid is former Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, and has a long history with them. If Reiner Fuellmich’s previous giant legal battles are anything to go by, Javid is squarely in the camp of the corrupt lot.
He could also get rid of this ridiculous quarantine system for international travel which is modified at a whim and with little notice. The hotel quarantine in particular, if still insisted on needs to be substantially cheaper, with quality meals and conditions + excercise.
No point in quarantining people over an affliction that doesn’t exist.
And even if it did exist, it’s ridiculous to attempt to stop the spread – this is futile and it’s better if they spread so our God-designed immune systems can do what they were designed for.
The problem is not the whims or the notice or the price or the food. It’s the notion that covid is some kind of special emergency that requires measures never before used on this scale. It simply isn’t, but sadly people believe it is. Until the planet realises that, life will be pointlessly disrupted and there will be more lockdowns and vaccine madness for covid and whatever other viruses come along, and maybe for flu as well when covid stops delivering the goods for the loonies.
Flu Julian?’Have you not heard? Flu no longer exists.
I think, first, he will announce that Germany, whose incidence number is now 6/100k, will only be put on the green list when that number is at minus 50.
Sarcasm off.
“New Health Secretary Sajid Javid appears not to have got the memo about a new normal and perpetuating restrictions on flimsy pretexts as in his first full day in office he has said he wants the country to “return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible”. The Telegraph has more.
Well, sorry, but he has contradicted you. “Coronavirus pandemic”…what pandemic? “Getting the country through it”…NO, stop pretending govts can control viruses. “Huge responsiblity”… well, yes but that’s not what he means. He means he has to DO lots of stuff, whereas generally what we need the govt to do is LESS. Unless he is talking about proper infection control in hospitals, and ivermectin etc etc. “Do everything I can”…a better approach would be to do very little. At least there would be less damage that way.
Indeed. The best public officials are rhe ones who get out of the way, do very little and let people get on with it.
Good government and good public officials should be boring. We shouldn’t even notice they exist while our lives are getting incrementally better. Bad governments and poor public officials are always seeking public attention and media publicity because while they are making our lives worse they need to create distractions.
exactly before March 2020 I had no idea who Matt Hancock was…and I wish I never knew
Same with Mini Wrinkly Stalin Dungford in Wales.
Before Covid, a sordid little nobody.
With Covid, a sordid, hypeinflated puffing bully.
After Covid … he wants to ensure it never comes.
Correct, my Old Man always used to say that about referees and umpires. Really good ones keep out of the way and let the game flow. Bad ones are always attention seeking and interrupting the game Ideally you shouldn’t even be aware they are there. Same with Governments.
And HOC Speakers…
Indeed. ‘Get out of the way, Prime Minister. Get out of the way!’ (Said in a sixteen year old William Hague voice).
““Coronavirus pandemic”…what pandemic?”
You got there before me, Julian.
Anyone who thinks that Baldy is a breath of something new is letting wild hope overtake experience – to put it politely.
Unless strategy has changed dramatically, and they’re reckoning that there may be more kudos in conning the goldfish into putting the last disastrous year into a memory hole.
I am willing to believe he might be less of a gimlet-eyed fanatic than Hancock, but to think he will suddenly come over all sceptical is fanciful. The best we can hope for is that gradual pressure from an increasingly disillusioned public combined with running out of people dying will lead them to slowly back away, over a period of years, leaving doubtless a legacy of corona and general health bollocks that is annoying but just about tolerable. To think we will return to 2019 is unrealistic.
But aren’t the vaccines meant to insure they Won’t run out of people dying?
Our only hope lies in his raging ambition to become Prime Minister. He may be positioning himself as someone who believes in Science, but believes that the nation has taken all it can. He may argue at all times against lockdowns, and leak this constantly to the media to gain a personal following, further undermining Toad.
Then he positions himself as the economic safe pair of hands, untouched by all Toad and crew’s bad decisions as the economy tanks.
To do this effectively he would have to take on Sage, however, questioning their graphs, asking for context.
We’ll soon see.
I admit this is a very very slight hope.
Very true, well said.
Mr Johnson refused to acknowledge covid for a while…….
A ploy, making the ‘urgency’ all the greater, when justification was needed.
Sajid Javid – yet another staunch political Zionist. Why do we have to have a political system full of people that worship at the altar of a country with possibly the worst human rights record of any country on Earth? This is from a Muslim-centric article that came out in 2018:
What can the Muslim community expect from Sajid Javid?
His political views from the viewpoint of the Muslim community are considered even more extreme than his personal views. Javid has been described as a “treasured” and “loyal” friend to the global Jewish community by the President of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), Ronald Lauder, mainly due to the very pro-Israel positions he has taken. Speaking at the WJC, Javid stressed that Britain would never apologise for the Balfour Declaration. He further reiterated, his personal support for the Zionist State and his opposition to the BDS movement. Further to this at a Conservative Friends of Israel lunch in 2012, The Jewish Chronicle reported Javid as stating that “if he had to leave Britain to live in the Middle East, then he would choose Israel as home. Only there, he said, would his children feel the ‘warm embrace of freedom and liberty,”[2]. Hence many in the Muslim community feel that Sajid Javid has a greater affinity with the Zionist community than with Muslims or Islam.
Israel, according to you, has a worse human rights record than any Islamic theocracy.
Look at recent form and find me an Islamic country that has done something more obscene to its own people during this horrendous episode than Israel – the government of which has served Israelis up as DESIGNATED LABRATS for Pfizer’s unlicenced untested mRNA injection experiment – for LEAKY vaccines THAT DO NOT EVEN WORK BY DEFINITION. Pfizer is one of if not the most toxic criminal company in history. The flagrant disregard for human rights and highly significantly – The Nuremberg Code – is undeniable and indefensible, especially so with Israel, given the whole basis for the formulation of the country. It is an inversion of EPIC proportions that the people of Israel, taking into account the history which we all have at least a basic understanding of, would be served up as labrats to arguably the most criminal company ever for a needless injection experiment for a virus that 99.85% of people survive NATURALLY and when they do survive it they have lifelong complete immunity which is WAY superior to the specific antibodies created by the vaxxs which can DESTROY the innate immune system. It’s sick and evil. The population of Israel is now being studied to see how bad the harms from the vaxxs are. How disgusting and antihuman is that? The UK isn’t far behind and this is NO COINCIDENCE.
Last September, Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, assured the public that ‘we will develop our product, develop our vaccine, using the highest ethical standards’. And the NHS has assured us of the same rigorous standards. So let’s take a look Pfizer’s history of ‘ethical standards’.
Pfizer Corporate Full Rap Sheet
School COVID-19 cases spur Israeli parents to vaccinate kids
A weak link in Israel’s world-beating COVID-19 vaccination rollout until now, adolescents have found themselves on the front line of the campaign with fears of the Delta variant prompting reluctant parents to get their children vaccinated.
About three-quarters of Israelis in eligible age groups have received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. But that includes just 2-4% of 12-15-year-olds since they were made eligible this month, according to Health Ministry data.
With infections falling from more than 10,000 daily cases in January to single digits, Israel has dropped nearly all social distancing. It hopes to admit vaccinated tourists as of July.
But after daily cases more than doubled to 125 on Monday after outbreaks at two schools attributed to the more infectious Delta variant, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced that border clampdowns could be extended as part of new precautions.
“Vaccinate your children,” he urged in televised remarks, warning that currently allotted doses would expire on July 9.
These ranting lunatics never let basic things like facts get in the way of a good anti-semitic rant though.
The guy is a full on swivel-eyed loon.
Or China. North Korea.
No, I’ve just read the stuff about stabbing the children. Israel just as bad. I apologise to FCF.
Don’t know about anyone else – but the whole mask thing is now just habit for people I believe. Everywhere I go in now, including all of London yesterday, never wore a mask, never got asked or stopped or anyone say anything. Tube, shops, food outlets – the lot.
People are doing the governments work for them.
That has also been my experience (in Oxford) – barbers, shopkeepers don’t notice and don’t seem to care if you don’t wear a face covering.
We did plenty of W and SW London shop and restaurant visits over the weekend in all price ranges: no one even dared to ask why we are unmuzzled, neither for theT&T QR sh*t.
I crossed the path of 3 different coppers in London yesterday whilst maskless indoors and didn’t get nicked. I thought my luck had run out in M&S trying to find the toilets but he looked straight at me and then looked away lol.
Maybe they’ve given up enforcing it at a personal level now or maybe there were just to many of us on Saturday?
The problem is that despite us on this list decrying the nanny state, the majority out there, those that don’t read columns like this seem to actually want nanny to sort everything out for them, and if wearing a mask is the price for that to happen then so be it.
Don’t expect anything good to come from this latest stooge sent to trick the British people out of their freedom by ushering in a Satanic technocratic “New Normal”, which is all this guy will be about. Go to his twitter page and the first thing you will see is him retweeting Nadhim Zahawi’s evil:
Sajid Javid Retweeted
Nadhim Zahawi
Fantastic news – half of all adults under 30 in England have received their first vaccine dose since it opened up to them just three weeks ago
Wonderful to see so many young people doing their bit to protect themselves and their loved ones – let’s keep up the great work
The whole premise of this tweet is fake and evil. These injections don’t stop any spread of any virus and they do nothing to protect other people. Conversely, some scientists of high distinction argue very strongly that they breed new variants and potentially worse variants. Here is one such perspective from a genuine expert Dr Geert Vanden Bossche:
The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or A Huge Mistake?
Javid is little more than another stooge doing the dirty work of the wire pullers. We need a revolution and we need to bring this rotten system down, plain and simple. These people care not one jot about the British people, it’s all about protecting the furtherance of the system and not a lot else
You’re right, they have no interest in or concern for the British people. Their only loyalty is to the international financial and industrial interests driving the Covid programme. They are all under orders. Hancock was replaceable, Javid will be replaceable. Whatever the next phase of the programme is, there will be no shortage of servile political instruments ready to carry it out. Revolution is indeed the only solution.
Sajid Javid is ex Managing Director at Deutsche Bank. He’s as planted of a politician as they get.
There are plenty of Libertarians after a plandemic.
Sadly, not enough.
The farce in schools need sorting. Cases rise and kids are being sent home for 10 days to protect who? My daughters school has 2 years off and today we got the email, her year is now off until a week on Tuesday. The worst part is the Whatsapp group of parents, no one seems bothered they are off. The 3 kids who have tested positive are all fine and show no symptoms at all. They were doing the LFT tests, so basically the parents have tested all our kids into 10 days at home (of which I will not be keeping her at home, we will go out and about as she is perfectly healthy and fine).
This bullshit needs to end now. Kids being sent home to stop the spread of a virus that is endemic and spreading as we try and open up, to protect who exactly?
Schools have never properly reopened, and universities have hardly opened at all.
And it’s not just schools because those with school age children then get the jitters and test themselves, self-isolate etc etc.
Exactly what’s happening now, some of the parents are off doing LFD tests and flapping. It’s a never ending circle.
Not to mention something that I read in the Telegraph about pupils using self testing and soft drink to bunk off school (YouTube videos show how apparently) … surely not!
Lazy and selfish teachers.
Why? This has been over for some time now – one of the reasons the restrictions have carried on beyond 21 June is Hancock’s wilful witholding of information that may have given a different outcome last week’s “freedom day”.
Surely the first thing that Javid needs to do tomorrow is lift all remaining restrictions.
I put lemonade in a LFT yesterday as my daughters nursery wants a test done as she had a temp 38.1C on fri. When i said well she has diarhear and so is a tummy bug they said we have to follow gov regulations (orders). This is a private nursery.
Test showed negative….not void…negative…
Test was made in China…
Testing is a lie…
They test the same people 2 or 3 times a week and that is the stats…
And they aint testing my girls ever…
If Sajid is reading this (heh!) Please Sajid, get the science adviser, CMO and DCMOs together with some of the senior experts from Hartgroup and Barrington into a meeting asap. Sit them down, get them comfy and then give them 10mins each to present EVIDENCE for masks, for testing the asymptomatic and for lockdowns. Make it clear you mean actual real life evidence and not the mystic meg stuff of modelling that has been so badly wrong.
There is now buckets of evidence (from populations worldwide and from peer reviewed data) that masks and lockdowns are useless, even harmful. Ridding us of them will restore hope to us all.
“There is now buckets of evidence ” The evidence has been there for the last year or more. Why would they take any notice now? They are getting away with it. What politician would stop?
If Javid has ambitions (heehee, silly thought for any politician!), he might see how to change the direction of travel whilst exposing the idiocy/lies of his predecessor along with Bozo, Witless et al! Could be his best chance of reaching No 10 – doubt he will take it though!
Sorry, but him saying “I want the country to return to normal as soon as possible” means nothing. I have heard the government say the same thing over and over for the past year. He might be saying “I want the country to return to normal as soon as possible… therefore we must vaccinate everyone no matter what, 3 doses twice a year”.
What would be more encouraging would be hearing him say: “We must end all restrictions now.”
Better still “We ARE ending all restrictions now”.
Goldman Sachs in charge of the Health Dept. What could possibly go wrong ?!?!?
Rishi Sunak is from Goldman Sachs. Sajid Javid is ex Managing Director at Deutsche Bank.
“…return to normal asap…”
That is a euphemism for ‘back to the day before Wancock’s demise.’
It would be naiive in the extreme to assume Javid could have any influence on the Globalists’ agenda. One order taker has been replaced by another. Before next weekend we will be lamenting that Javid has changed nothing – as if that would ever be news.
He will also within the week have shown himself to be as much a genocidal maniac as the rest of the gang and maybe worse.
Wancock is also in very deep doo dooh because he knows too much and if he doesn’t practice back-watching might find himself in front of a T. Bliar court and facing a David Kelly moment.
Never trust politicians who have done the Westminster revolving door. They are all Career oriented. When did ANY politician put service to the country before their own selfish ideals. We voted for freedom and a future made for our grandchildren. Instead we exchanged the tyranny of Brussels for the tyranny of the big investment banks and globalisation of capital. The same politicians, the same advisers and the same corrupt civil service.
Until our Institutions are swept clean and disinfected, we will not be free. It is time we took back our country ourselves and stopped electing corrupt and dangerous globalists.
We need a clean-out a bit like Erdogan’s response to that ‘coup’ (set-up?) a few years back, with tens of thousands of bureaucrats losing their positions, all in the space of a day or two.
Nothing will change unless we ALL start saying “NO, GO AWAY AND LEAVE US ALONE!” PERIOD.
Good. Then Mr Javid can remove all restrictions immediately. It worked for Texas and Florida. There is no need for a gradual ‘return to normal’ unless the gov. is worried about it looking like all of this was for nothing?
Yes, and they’ve had the chance to do that since May 2020 and chose not to, so there’s not much hope they’ll do it now.
We are still getting the placed comments in the media, even people JHB interviews at times, talking as if Covid is a uniquely dangerous disease and we are still in a pandemic. It was an exceptional disease and the exceptional challenge it presented was to isolate the very elderly and those with certain illnesses that made them vulnerable. The Govt did the opposite. And then kept the infections and deaths going, by having hopeless infection control in hospitals. Infection control teams have gone back in now, they were ‘working from home’ during the pandemic. And then there are the lockdown deaths. So, mainly the problem was Govt, via Chris Whitty and SAGE.
You can have any government you like as long as it is Rockerfeller Sachs.
Is the Women’s Economic Forum the same thing as the Davos lot?
Javid has one chance to make a difference, and he is ideally placed to do it as he has not been an insider during collapse of the practice of following the scientific method by government.
Since when has the entire medical establishment from top to bottom followed ‘guidance’ that has no greater standing than what is in the interests of rich shareholders in drug companies, and that at every turn has been exposed as lying to patients as they have died and lying to the voting public as they have their grasping hands in our purses and wallets.
Javid must start by listening to the BIRD group of professionals not in the pockets of big Pharma and turn the NHS back into a Public Health Service from a milch cow channelling our taxes into the pockets of shysters liars and charlatans.
It’s a fear-porn mindset that now pervades the majority. I’m just back from a stroll along the prom here on the Costa Azahar. 5km, one hour, and I encountered 37 mask wearers. (Two were cyclists). Masks here in Spain were binned outdoors on saturday 26th.
I’m 72 and had an ‘armful’ of everything in my service career in UK. I don’t intend going anywhere near the mRNA concoction anytime soon.
Out of interest, what percentage of the people you saw along that 5km were NOT wearing masks?
Pretty much equal numbers. Sad isn’t it?
All it needs is for the cabinet to consider a proper cost-benefit analysis. Is that really too much to ask?
The last 16 months say yes, it is too much to ask.
Bill Gates’s stranglehold on the MSM: Part 1
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday 10am meet fellow lockdown sceptics
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Oh guys, are we that gullible? “return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible” – really, how much ambiguity is built into those words? How many times have we heard that sort of rhetoric?
Still, I too live in hope that the change of minister will allow Wancock to be used as a scapegoat and allow us to move forward [for a couple of months]. I’m just not holding my breathe.
I have a bridge to sell you if you believe this.
But the mans a dick
Coulda-woulda-shoulda. If he seriously wanted the country to get back to normal as soon as possible he would have announced all Covid restrictions over by midnight yesterday.
Doesn’t Hancock’s behaviour merely confirm that members of our totalitarian government don’t believe any of the nonsense about masks and social distancing that they have managed to brainwash whole swathes of the population with.
We should all ignore masks and social distancing and if we are challenged just say ‘It’s a private matter’.