The Energy Transition is Dead
2 March 2025
by Tilak Doshi
When Did our Era of National Demoralisation Begin?
1 March 2025
by Joanna Gray
Governments don't stay in power if they make people cold and poor, but that's a lesson Britain's recent and present administrations don't seem to have learned, as green ideology pushes freezing Britain into fuel poverty.
Ed Miliband picked a bad week to trumpet wind power becoming Britain's "biggest source of electricity", says Ben Pile, as a cold snap sent costs spiralling and brought gas-starved Britain to the brink of deadly blackouts.
Households paid the equivalent of £2 million an hour to gas power stations today after low wind power output and freezing temperatures left electricity grid bosses scrambling to keep the lights on.
In 2020 anyone claiming Covid was like influenza was branded a conspiracy theorist. Yet now we hear demands for masks and social distancing for flu. But asymptomatic spread is a myth for flu as well, says Dr Clare Craig.
NHS hospitals are telling patients, visitors and staff to wear face masks due to rising levels of winter bugs and low vaccine take-up, despite the lack of good evidence that they work.
The Government has cancelled the Winter Fuel Payment for millions of pensioners but still plans to splurge £12bn on international 'climate aid'. And that's not even the half of it, says Ben Pile.
Owners of electric cars have been warned to keep them charged overnight and warm them before use to avoid getting caught short in the freezing temperatures, as unchargeable Teslas were abandoned in icy Chicago.
The dramatic recovery in Arctic sea ice is continuing into the New Year, with it standing as of January 8th at its highest level in 21 years, defying the alarmist narrative.
The Spanish region of Valencia has brought back the mandatory use of masks in health centres due to the rise in respiratory infections.
Since Covid, journalists have picked up an unhealthy new pastime, says Eugyppius: feverishly reporting on the incidence of normal winter viruses as though they are something alarming when they are no such thing.
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